© VoulezVouloz.com. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.voulezvouloz.com 0448 271 392 French vocabulary: Cooking Get your French on in the kitchen with this list of cooking words and verbs: French cooking vocabulary le hors d'œuvre, l'entrée* appetiser la soupe, le potage soup le plat principal main course la salade salad le dessert dessert French cooking vocabulary la cuisinière Cooker le four Oven la casserole Saucepan la poêle à frire Frying pan la poêle antiadhésive Non-stick frying-pan la cocotte mijoteuse Slow-cooker la marmite à vapeur Steamer l'autocuiseur (m) Pressure cooker le four à micro-ondes Microwave oven le couvercle Lid le faitout Stew pot French cooking instructions mijoter to stew cuire to cook laisser to leave refroidir to cool sauter to fry

Vocab4 Cooking

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french vocabulary book for the learners

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  • VoulezVouloz.com. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.voulezvouloz.com 0448 271 392

    French vocabulary: Cooking Get your French on in the kitchen with this list of cooking words and verbs:

    French cooking vocabulary le hors d'uvre, l'entre* appetiser

    la soupe, le potage soup

    le plat principal main course

    la salade salad

    le dessert dessert

    French cooking vocabulary

    la cuisinire Cooker

    le four Oven

    la casserole Saucepan

    la pole frire Frying pan

    la pole antiadhsive Non-stick frying-pan

    la cocotte mijoteuse Slow-cooker

    la marmite vapeur Steamer

    l'autocuiseur (m) Pressure cooker

    le four micro-ondes Microwave oven

    le couvercle Lid

    le faitout Stew pot

    French cooking instructions

    mijoter to stew

    cuire to cook

    laisser to leave

    refroidir to cool

    sauter to fry

  • VoulezVouloz.com. All Rights Reserved 2012. www.voulezvouloz.com 0448 271 392

    faire revenir to soften

    couper to cut

    emietter to crumble

    emincer to slice thinly

    eplucher to peal

    hacher to mince

    mixer to blend

    raper to grate

    trancher to slice

    French cooking Ingredients le bouillon stock

    le persil parsley

    l'ail garlic

    l'huile d'olive (f) olive oil

    la mayonnaise mayonnaise

    la moutarde mustard

    le poivre pepper

    le sel salt

    le sucre sugar

    French cooking expressions

    a a l'air bon that looks good

    le savoir-faire know-how

    cest dlicieux. Its delicious