Vocabulary 1. Dulcet (adj) (esp. of sound) Sweet and soothing: "record the dulcet tones of your family and friends". Synonyms: melodious - mellifluous – tuneful 2. Plump (adj) having a full rounded shape, fat Synonyms: chubby - corpulent - stout - fleshy 3. Amiable (adj) Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured Synonyms: sociable; congenial: an amiable gathering. 4. Garrulous (adj) given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative. a garrulous speech. Synonyms: voluble, chatty, verbose 5. Clutter (v) to fill or spread over in a disorderly manner: Boxes cluttered the garage. Synonyms: litter, mess up, strew 6. Flabbergast (v) to cause to be overcome with astonishment: The news really flabbergasted me. Synonyms: stun, dumbfound, amaze, stupefy 7. Unhinged (v) confused; disrupted. He was unhinged by his wife's death. Synonyms: unbalanced, deranged, disturbed 8. Vogue (n) The prevailing fashion, practice….Short shirts were once the vogue. Synonyms: trend, style, craze 9. Fanciful (adj) unreal: a fanciful story. Synonyms: imaginary, unbelievable, invented 10. Reek (n) A strong offensive odor; a terrible reek coming from the garbage can Synonyms: unpleasant smell, a stench 11. Flamboyant (adj) rich in colour; or extravagant; flamboyant clothes. Synonyms: resplendent, showy, flashy, glitzy florid 12. Relish (v) to take keen or zestful pleasure in: relish traveling to new places. Synonyms: savour; enjoy 13. Embellish (v) to make beautiful with ornamentation: a book embellished with colorful illustrations Synonyms: adorn; decorate

Vocabulary Building

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1. Dulcet (adj) (esp. of sound) Sweet and soothing: "record the dulcet tones of your family and friends". Synonyms: melodious - mellifluous tuneful2. Plump (adj) having a full rounded shape, fatSynonyms: chubby - corpulent - stout - fleshy3. Amiable (adj) Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured Synonyms: sociable; congenial:an amiable gathering.4. Garrulous(adj) given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative. a garrulous speech.Synonyms: voluble, chatty, verbose5. Clutter(v) to fill or spread over in a disorderly manner:Boxes cluttered the garage. Synonyms: litter, mess up, strew6. Flabbergast(v) to cause to be overcome with astonishment: The news really flabbergasted me.Synonyms: stun, dumbfound, amaze, stupefy7. Unhinged (v) confused; disrupted. He was unhinged by his wife's death. Synonyms: unbalanced, deranged, disturbed8. Vogue (n) The prevailing fashion, practice.Short shirts were once the vogue. Synonyms: trend, style, craze9. Fanciful (adj) unreal:a fanciful story. Synonyms: imaginary, unbelievable, invented10. Reek (n) A strong offensive odor; a terrible reek coming from the garbage canSynonyms: unpleasant smell, a stench11. Flamboyant (adj) rich in colour; or extravagant; flamboyant clothes.Synonyms: resplendent, showy, flashy, glitzy florid

12. Relish (v) to take keen or zestful pleasure in: relish traveling to new places. Synonyms: savour; enjoy

13. Embellish (v) to make beautiful with ornamentation: a book embellished with colorful illustrationsSynonyms: adorn; decorate

14. Infuriate (v) to make (someone) very angry: She was infuriated by his arroganceSynonyms: furious, enrage; incense, exasperate 15. Distraught (adj) So upset that you are not able to think clearly or behave normally: Distraught relatives Synonyms: distressed; hysterical, flustered16. Acclaim (v) to praise; extol; eulogise

Sentence:A dinner was arranged so the management could acclaim Nancy as the employee of the year.

17. Aggravate (v) worsen; intensify; exacerbate Sentence: Pollution can aggravate asthma.

18. Bedraggled (adj) very untidy; grubby; disheveled Sentence: He combed his bedraggled hair.19. Beguile (v) to cheat, deceive, bamboozle Sentence: The witness saw the woman beguile the elderly man into giving her his savings.

20. Bungle (v) mismanage, mishandle, botch Sentence: The banker was caught trying to bungle the funds.

21. Catastrophe (n) disaster; calamity; cataclysm

Sentence: The tsunami of December 2004 was a catastrophe that affected millions.

22. Counterfeit (adj) fake, imitation, forged

Sentence: He had a counterfeit dollar bill in his pocket.

23. Word: delve Part of Speech: verb

Meaning: search, probe, rummage around

Sentence: He began to delve into the book for quotations to use in his speech.24. Word: eavesdropPart of Speech: verb

Meaning: to listen secretly, pry, snoop

Sentence: The little boy tried to eavesdrop on his friends' conversation.

25. Word: enchanting Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: charming, enthralling, mesmerizing

Sentence: She has an enchanting personality.

26. Word: hilarious Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: extremely funny, comical, mirthful

Sentence: The hilarious situation made everyone laugh.

27. Word: improbable Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: doubtful, dubious, implausible

Sentence: It seems improbable that the current weather conditions will continue.

28. Word: indispensable Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning:necessary, essential, vital,

Sentence: A dictionary is an indispensable possession for any English teacher.

29. Word: industrious Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: hard working, diligent, conscientious

Sentence: The industrious weavers worked hard.

30. Word: venture

Part of Speech:

Meaning: To take a risk; dare, expose to dangerSentence:He ventured the high seas in a small boat.31. Word: jubilation Part of Speech: noun

Meaning: happiness, elation, euphoria

Sentence: There was great jubilation in the family when a baby girl was born after four boys.

32. Word: knack Part of Speech: noun

Meaning: a special skill, flair, whiz

Sentence: He has a knack for solving puzzles.

33. Word: lamentable Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: disappointing, appalling, deplorable

Sentence: The new employee showed a lamentable lack of interest in the work.

34. Word: mystify Part of Speech: verb

Meaning: puzzle, baffle, bewilder

Sentence: The strange events are sure to mystify everyone.

35. Word: obliterate Part of Speech: verb

Meaning:destroy, eradicate, annihilate

Sentence: The horrified boy watched the tidal wave obliterate his fishing village.

36. Word: obnoxious Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: very unpleasant, offensive

Sentence: He is the most obnoxious man I know.

37. Word: overbearing Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: dominant, arrogant, imperious

Sentence: His overbearing attitude was disliked by all.

38. Word: pandemonium Part of Speech: noun

Meaning: chaos, mayhem, racket

Sentence: Pandemonium broke out when the terrible news was announced.

39. Word: bicker Part of Speech: verb

Meaning: quarrel, dispute, squabble

Sentence: I was surprised to see the two friends quarrel with each other.

40. Word: radiant Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: happy, bright, dazzling

Sentence: She looked radiant on her birthday.

41. Word: ramshackle Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: broken down, rickety, dilapidated

Sentence: The ramshackle hut fell down during the storm.

42. Word: tenacious Part of Speech:adjective

Meaning:firm, inflexible, persistent

Sentence: He is the most tenacious politician of South Korea.

43. Word: unscrupulous Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: unprincipled, deceitful, devious

Sentence: His unscrupulous behaviour is shocking.

44. Word: vanquish

Part of Speech: verb

Meaning: to defeat, overpower, subjugate

Sentence: I enjoyed watching the young Spaniard vanquish his opponent in the final of the tennis tournament.

45. Word: Mortify Part of Speech: verbMeaning: embarrass, degrade , humiliateSentence: she was mortified to see her wrinkles in the mirror.46. Word: lividPart of Speech: adjectiveMeaning: furious,angry,infuriated,irateSentence:Her face was livid with shock.47. Word:Sheepish

Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: abashed or embarrassed, esp through looking foolish or being in the wrongSentence:A sheepish grin spilt across her face.48. Word: Procrastinate Part of Speech: verbMeaning: delay,stall,postpone,prolong,put off,deferSentence:He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days.49. Word: CroonPart of Speech: verb

Meaning: sing softly,hum,lilt,carol

Sentence: She was crooning while she was cooking50. Word: AmelioratePart of Speech: verb

Meaning: To make or become better; improve, alleviate,relieve,palliate,assuageSentence: This pill will ameliorate your headaches19. Word: bizarre

Part of Speech: adjective

Meaning: strange, peculiar, eccentric

Sentence: She told us a bizarre storyAcross

5. flashy

6. sweet

7. confused

8. enjoy

9. talkative


1. chubby

2. amaze

3. trend

4. imaginary

10. friendly