232 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key Answer Key

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232 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Answer Key

| 233

Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 1

Lesson 1 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. continuous 2. focused 3. manuscript 4. quality 5. investing6. contribute 7. performance 8. essential 9. confident 10. fascinatedB/ Using the Right Word1. career 2. quality 3. performance 4. fascinated 5. sponsored6. skills 7. numeracy 8. oral 9. focused 10. confidentC/ Relating Meanings1. d 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. d6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. cD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. career 2. continuous 3. confident 4. oral 5. fascinated6. numeracy 7. essential 8. focused 9. sponsor 10. skillsE/ Comprehension

1. Essential Skills can help people carry out different tasks, provide a starting point forlearning other skills, and help them adjust to change and get better jobs.

2. After she finished upgrading, Anne helped write a historical manuscript about the buildingshe worked in.

3. Anne now works for a major food company.

4. As part of a continuous learning program, Anne completed her GED and obtained acertificate from the American Society for Quality.

5. Anne was given the job because she had experience and was a quick learner.

234 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Unit 1Lesson 2 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings 1. g 2. h 3. i 4. a 5. j 6. f 7. c 8. b 9. e 10. d B/ Using the Right Word 1. urgent 2. option 3. recycle 4. contact 5. business 6. competition 7. quote 8. review 9. facsimile 10. reply C/ Relating Meanings 1. facsimile 2. review 3. comment 4. option 5. business 6. reply 7. obtain 8. urgent 9. contact 10. receive D/ Analyzing and Comparing Words 1. reinvest 2. review 3. refocus 4. recycle 5. reconnect E/ Comprehension

1. There are two pages being sent including the cover sheet.

2. George received a quote from Bob’s competitor.

3. If George wanted an immediate reply he would check mark the Urgent box.

4. The facsimile is being sent to Bob Davis at A Paper Company.

5. George should have check marked Please Review, Please Reply or Please Comment.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 1Lesson 3 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings Mystery Word: Initiative 1. attitude 2. organization 3. professional 4. support 5. gossip 6. mutual 7. dramatics 8. diplomat 9. positive 10. success B/ Using the Right Word 1. key 2. environment 3. reliable 4. positive 5. encourage 6. initiative 7. diplomat 8. attitude 9. mutual 10. support C/ Relating Meanings 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. bD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words 1. gossip 2. organization 3. reliable 4. initiative 5. support 6. attitude 7. key 8. dramatics 9. success 10. mutual E/ Comprehension

1. When you show initiative you act without begin told. You do something that needs to bedone without waiting to be told.

2. Mutual respect is key to a healthy work environment because everyone gets along better and as a result work is completed more effectively and efficiently.

3. If you mentioned any two of the following, your answer is correct: You can be a team player by supporting and encouraging others, being positive, respecting others, never gossiping, being diplomatic, taking initiative, being reliable, or acting professionally.

4. When you are reliable in the workplace, people can count on you to get the job done quickly and correctly.

5. You can be a diplomat in the workplace by being calm and tactful when speaking to thepeople who share your workspace or workplace.


236 Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Unit 1Lesson 4 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings 1. confirm 2. excess 3. available 4. asset 5. reservation 6. orientation 7. statutory 8. fare 9. knowledge 10. fluent B/ Using the Right Word 1. apply 2. available 3. asset 4. knowledge 5. confirm 6. flexible 7. fluent 8. candidate 9. offer 10. orientation C/ Relating Meanings 1. a, c 2. a, b, c 3. a, d 4. a, b, c 5. a, b, c, d 6. a 7. a, b, c 8. a, c 9. a, b, c, d 10. a, b, d D/ Analyzing and Comparing Words 1. organization 2. orientation 3. reservation 4. confirmation 5. application 6. fare 7. asset 8. fare 9. available 10. flexible E/ Comprehension

1. A counter agent must be able to lift 18 kilograms.

2. A high school education is required to be hired as a counter agent with Via Rail.

3. If you mentioned any three of the following, your answer is correct: A Via Rail counter agent is responsible for: 1) storing excess baggage, 2) confirming reservations, 3) applying storage tags, 4) providing train and fare information, 5) offering excellent customer service,6) selling tickets, 7) balancing daily ticket sales.

4. The training program for new employees is five weeks.

5. English and French are the two languages required for a position as a counter agent withVia Rail.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Vocabulary Review: Unit 1



2SP 3C A R 4E E R 5P R O F E S S I O N A LO N O

6C O N F 7I R M 8F O C U S E D N 9CS N O M OO I 10Q U 11S 12D E N 13CR T U R U 14O R I E N T A T I O N 15AE I 16B A L A N C E P T I N VD A L G C L N T A

17C T I E E O U R I18C O N F I D 19E N T S M 20K O I L

M V X Y 21F A S C I N A T E D U B A22O M E C T Y S U B

23U R G E N T 24E S S E N T I A LA N S 25K N O W L E D G EL T S


ACROSS 3. life’s work

5. athlete who plays for money

6. to show to be true

8. centred on a particular purpose

14. information session and/or tour

16. to make sure the financial figuresmatch

18. antonym for “uncertain”

21. enchanted, interested

23. requiring immediate attention

24. crucial; necessary

25. facts, figures or data that have beenlearned

DOWN 1. surroundings

2. supported by a backer

4. to build up someone's confidence

7. self-driven action

9. prolonged for a period of time

10. positive or negative characteristic

11. antonym for “failure”

12. tactful ambassador

13. to supply or donate

15. accessible, ready

17. to give an opinion

19. more than what is needed

20. fundamental; chief, main

22. aloud

238 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Unit 2

Lesson 5 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. h 2. a 3. g 4. i 5. b6. j 7. c 8. d 9. e 10. f B/ Using the Right Word1. maintain 2. description 3. current 4. federal 5. notice6. prompt 7. disregard 8. delay 9. appreciate 10. statement C/ Relating Meanings1. stock 2. statement 3. appreciate 4. delay 5. enquiry6. disregard 7. maintain 8. remittance 9. current 10. prompt D/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. delay 2. current 3. prompt 4. remittance 5. disregard6. enquiry 7. statement 8. maintain 9. back

ordered 10. appreciate

E/ Comprehension

1. The statement date is January 10, 2009.

2. The statement is being sent to the Federal Government.

3. Positive and courteous language is demonstrated by the use of the following words and statements: “Thank you for your business”, “Please disregard…”, “Your prompt paymentis appreciated” and “Please direct all enquiries to…”.

4. The back ordered items are now in stock and will be shipped with the next regular order.

5. The last invoice the customer was sent was dated December 3, 2008.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 2Lesson 6 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. primary 2. institution 3. security 4. vital 5. correctional6. mission 7. diploma 8. offender 9. thrive 10. fulfillment B/ Using the Right Word1. vital 2. society 3. diploma 4. institution 5. fulfillment6. motivation 7. mission 8. in-depth 9. primary 10. thriveC/ Relating Meanings1. d 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. b6. d 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. cD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. repossess

- to take back2. reoffend

- to break thelaw again

3. institution 4. motivation 5. reintegration

6. primary 7. vital 8. motivation 9. offender 10. thriveE/ Comprehension

1. The correctional officer is an offender’s primary contact.

2. The correctional officer’s in-depth knowledge of an offender’s personality and behaviour isvital to the security of the institution.

3. A high school diploma and experience dealing with the public are two job requirementsthat are stated in the job description; belief in the values of the organization, flexibility, teamwork, motivation and ability to thrive in a demanding work environment are also important.

4. Understanding and trust between the correctional officer and offender is essential to thesuccessful reintegration of the offender into society.

5. A secondary school diploma is required to be a correctional officer.

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Unit 2

Lesson 7 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. volume 2. profile 3. collate 4. detailed 5. function6. alternative 7. secondary 8. determine 9. effective 10. efficientB/ Using the Right Word1. function 2. efficient 3. volume 4. photocopy 5. inventory6. detailed 7. collate 8. determine 9. effective 10. instructionsC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, d 2. a, b, c 3. a, c, d 4. a, b, c 5. a, b, c, d6. a, b 7. a, c 8. a, c 9. a, b, c, d 10. a, cD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. secondary 2. efficient 3. collate 4. completion 5. sort6. inventory 7. profile 8. effective 9. instructions 10. alternativeE/ Comprehension

1. The NOC number for a Photocopy Machine Operator is 9471.

2. Any of the following would be an appropriate answer: understand and carry out detailed instructions, handle high volume periods efficiently and effectively, determine inventoryand order supplies, clean machines and sort and collate papers.

3. High volume periods are times when it is really busy and a lot of photocopying is beingdone.

4. It is important to determine inventory because you do not want to run out of supplies.

5. To be a photocopy machine operator, you must have completed at least two years of secondary school; an alternative approved by the Public Service Commission (PSC) is alsoacceptable.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 2Lesson 8 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. attach 2. employment 3. goal 4. document 5. résumé6. applicable 7. continue 8. polite 9. deadline 10. directionsB/ Using the Right Word1. document(s) 2. applicable 3. continue 4. directions 5. information6. attach 7. provide 8. deadline 9. polite 10. goalC/ Relating Meanings1. b, c, d 2. a, b, c 3. a, c 4. b, d 5. a, b, c, d6. a, c, d 7. a, c 8. a, b, c, d 9. a, b, c, d 10. a, b, dD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. employment 2. goal 3. attach 4. deadline 5. applicable6. directions 7. document 8. continue 9. polite 10. provideE/ Comprehension

1. N/A means not applicable. It should be used on forms to show that you have seen thequestion, but it does not apply to you.

2. Someone applying for a job may be asked to provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN).

3. If your application looks messy, you should ask for another one and rewrite yourinformation.

4. Another name for unpaid work is volunteer work. It can help you to get paid employmentby giving you skills, experience, references, and networking contacts.

5. You can follow up with employers by calling to confirm that they have received yourapplication.

242 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Vocabulary Review: Unit 2


2A P P R E C I A T 3EP R M 4DP A P 5I N V E N T O R YL L L N LI 6P 7G O A L V A 8D 9I P L O M AC R Y 10V O Y NA 11S O 12S M 13N O T I C E 14D I S R E G A 15R DB O M T E L C T EL C P A N U E R SE 16I N S T I T U T I 0 N 17V O L U M E U


N 19P R I M A R Y 20P O L I T E21A L T E R N A T I V E




ACROSS 2. to like something and be thankful for


5. merchandise on hand 7. aim or purpose 8. official document proving education 13. written announcement 14. to ignore something or someone 16. prison or school, for example 17. number or amount of something 18. accomplishing something using time

and energy wisely

19. describes something that happens firstor is the main or most important thing

20. showing good manners 21. different possible choice

DOWN 1. central, as in government 2. affecting or relating to something

or someone

3. when someone is paid to work for aperson or company

4. to cause something to take longerthan planned

5. bill for goods or services provided 6. quick and on time 9. detailed information on how to do


10. someone who offers to dosomething

11. people in general, as a largeorganized group

12. formal oral or written message 15. document describing your

education and work experience

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 3Lesson 9 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings Mystery Sentence: A good employee should be punctual.1. degradable 2. chemist 3. experimenting 4. consumers 5. concerned6. production 7. solution 8. issued 9. material 10. landfillB/ Using the Right Word1. patent 2. issued 3. polyethylene 4. chemist 5. decomposes6. plant 7. consumers 8. roughly 9. experimenting 10. solutionC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, c, d 2. a 3. a, c, d 4. b, c 5. a, b, c, d6. b, c 7. a, b, c 8. a, b, c, d 9. a 10. b, dD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. polytechnical 2. polyglot 3. polygraph 4. polygon 5. polyethyleneE/ Comprehension

1. Harry Wasylyk is credited with inventing plastic garbage bags.

2. The first bags were produced in Harry Wasylyk’s kitchen.

3. Union Carbide bought Wasylyk’s business and began producing garbage bags on a largescale.

4. Larry Hanson and Frank Plomp were also working on the invention around the same time.

5. Dr. Guillet developed a kind of plastic that decomposes in direct sunlight.

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Unit 3

Lesson 10 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. i 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. h6. a 7. b 8. d 9. j 10. gB/ Using the Right Word1. receptionist 2. request 3. extremely 4. courteous 5. manner6. schedule 7. financial 8. files 9. management 10. commendedC/ Relating Meanings1. b, c 2. a, b, d 3. a, b, c 4. a, d 5. c6. a, b, c 7. a, b, c, d 8. b, c 9. a, b, c, d 10. a, b, cD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. receptionist 2. dozen 3. commend 4. management 5. rare6. request 7. chairperson 8. pioneer 9. file 10. financialE/ Comprehension

1. The first sentence, “I wish to commend your receptionist,” tells you the purpose of theletter.

2. Mr. Day’s development company is located at 516 West Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

3. Nancy Carver is an asset to ABC Accounting because she handled matters in aprofessional and courteous manner.

4. I would say this is both a “good news” and a “bad news” letter. It is good news because someone is doing her job really well and bad news because someone else is possibly doinga poor job.

5. Mr. Day ends the letter on a positive note by saying that he will continue to do businesswith ABC Accounting Limited in the future.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 3Lesson 11 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a6. a 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. aB/ Using the Right Word1. strengths 2. adventure 3. avoid 4. identify 5. opinion6. situation 7. pride 8. belief 9. opportunity 10. valueC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, c, d 2. a, d 3. c, d 4. a, b, d 5. a, b, c, d6. a, d 7. b, c, d 8. a, b, c 9. b, c 10. a, b, c, dD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words

1a. values b. beliefsc. opinions

2a. opinionb. attitude

3a. weaknessb. limitation

4a. satisfactionb. self-

importancec. self-respect

E/ Comprehension

1. It is important to be on time when meeting a networking contact because that person hasset aside time to talk to you and help you.

2. Attitude is just as important as skills and knowledge when it comes to finding and keepinga job.

3. If you want to have a positive attitude you should avoid using “quick fixes” as solutions toproblems.

4. You know that you have learned from your mistakes when you are faced with a similarsituation and you approach it differently than you did originally.

5. It is important to know your strengths so that you can be confident and able to explainyour strengths to a possible employer.

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Unit 3

Lesson 12 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. implying 2. reporting 3. minimum 4. hospitality 5. attendant6. accreditation 7. communication 8. client 9. guarantee 10. responsibilityB/ Using the Right Word1. period 2. extended 3. responsibility 4. according to 5. guaranteed6. reported 7. communication 8. board 9. hospitality 10. tourismC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, c, d 2. a, b, c, d 3. b, c 4. c, d 5. a, b, c, d6. a, b, c, d 7. a, b, c 8. a, b, c 9. a, c, d 10. a, b, c, dD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. board 2. responsibility 3. board 4. period 5. board6. responsibility 7. board 8. period 9. period 10. boardE/ Comprehension

1. There are no guaranteed hours. You indicate when you are available (on the spare board)and are called in when needed. You must be willing to work various hours: days, nights, evenings, weekends and statutory holidays.

2. You must have a high school diploma. Accreditation from a tourism and hospitalityprogram is an asset.

3. People who use VIA trains are referred to as clients and passengers.

4. If you mentioned any four of the following, your answer is correct: offering great customer service, helping passengers board the train and carry their luggage, servingdrinks and meals, preparing rooms in the sleeper car and performing cleaning duties.

5. Service attendants on VIA trains need to be fluently bilingual in English and French.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Vocabulary Review: Unit 3

1R O U G H L Y2I S S U E

P3M 4I N I M U M 5A 6C O N S U M E R 7R

M V R8P R 9O D U C T I O N T C 10IL P I I 11G 12V A L U E S DY I 13D 14A D V E N T U R E P E

N O G A 15S O L U T I O NI Z R I T

16C O M M E N D A O IN N 17C O M M U N I C A T I O N F

T I18F I L E S

E 19C O U R T E O U S




1. approximately

2. to give something out officially

3. antonym of “maximum”

6. person who buys or uses a product orservice

8. process of making something

12. principles and beliefs a person thinksare important

14. exciting experience or journey

15. answer to a problem

16. to praise or congratulate

17. exchange of information

18. papers in a folder

19. synonym for “polite”


1. giving information about something that has happened

4. to suggest something withoutactually saying it

5. to stay away from something orsomeone

7. employee who greets visitors andanswers the telephone

9. someone's personal view ofsomething or someone

10. synonym for “recognize”

11. promise that the quality of something is very good

13. twelve items

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Unit 4

Lesson 13 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings Mystery Word: Penicillin1. prescription 2. receipt 3. sanitary 4. syringe 5. discount6. narcotic 7. sterile 8. surgical 9. pandemic 10. economyB/ Using the Right Word1. pandemic 2. sterile 3. prescription 4. penicillin 5. quantities6. sanitary 7. method 8. economy 9. disposable 10. receiptC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, c 2. a 3. a 4. a, b, c, d 5. d6. a, b, c, d 7. discount 8. narcotic 9. prescription 10. disposableD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. economical 2. economically 3. economy 4. economics 5. economizeE/ Comprehension

1. The customer on the sales receipt is Gordon Flowers Medical Store at 690 Compton Road,Etobicoke, Ontario, J5P 4N9

2. The name of the company providing the supplies is Central Medical Supply Limited.

3. The date of the sales receipt is March 29, 2009

4. One unit of surgical tape costs $10.00

5. The subtotal is $5399.80.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 4Lesson 14 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. magnet 2. contemporary 3. champion 4. debate 5. bridge6. satisfy 7. affect 8. constituency 9. contribution 10. policyB/ Using the Right Word1. constituency 2. Parliament 3. contemporary 4. debate 5. championed6. array 7. implemented 8. contribution 9. region 10. magnetC/ Relating Meanings1. a, c, d 2. a, b, c, d 3. a, c, d 4. a, d 5. a, b, c, d6. c, d 7. a, b, c, d 8. a, b, d 9. a, b, c 10. a, b, cD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. implement 2. parliament 3. satisfy 4. region 5. cause6. contribution 7. champion 8. array 9. bridge 10. contemporaryE/ Comprehension

1. In the House of Commons Chamber MPs debate current issues that can affect allCanadians.

2. MPs have offices on Parliament Hill and in their constituencies.

3. The main roles of an MP are to debate contemporary issues, meet with people to discussissues, champion causes, develop and implement national policies and help people.

4. To “champion causes” means to help with or support things that you believe are important.

5. The MPs themselves determine whether they are satisfied with their contributions and have made a difference. In addition, by re-electing them or voting them out of office thepeople in their constituencies tell them whether they have done a good job.

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Unit 4

Lesson 15 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. h 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. g6. a 7. f 8. i 9. j 10. cB/ Using the Right Word1. justify 2. persuade 3. modify 4. estimate 5. analysis6. integrate 7. schematic 8. facilitate 9. calculation 10. assemblyC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, d 2. a, b 3. a, b, c, d 4. a, c, d 5. a, b, c, d6. a 7. a, b, c 8. a, b, c, d 9. a, b, c, d 10. a, c, dD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. scan 2. calculation 3. integrate 4. critique 5. justify6. analysis 7. modify 8. attachment 9. persuade 10. facilitateE/ Comprehension

1. You may read to gather information, grasp overall meaning, understand, learn, critique orevaluate.

2. Numeracy is the Essential Skill that includes measuring and estimating.

3. The Essential Skills being used to complete this lesson are reading (to understand), thinking (problem solving, use of memory, finding information) and document use (to fillin the answers on the form). Note: If you are doing this exercise on a computer, you can add computer use.

4. Using multiple sources means looking in more than one place for information. You couldcheck books, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, videos, etc.

5. Thinking is the Essential Skill that includes decision making and organizing.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 4Lesson 16 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. bookkeeping 2. manual 3. ledger 4. payroll 5. entries6. journal 7. requirements 8. utility 9. sector 10. transactionB/ Using the Right Word1. bookkeeping 2. transactions 3. accounts 4. journal 5. payroll6. general 7. ledger 8. reconcile 9. manual 10. statisticalC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, c 2. a, d 3. a, b, c 4. a, c, d 5. b, c, d6. a, b, c 7. a, b, c, d 8. a, b, c 9. a, b, d 10. a, c, dD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. reconcile 2. general 3. bookkeeping 4. manual 5. statistical6. sector 7. utility 8. transaction 9. journal 10. postE/ Comprehension

1. If you mentioned any three of the following, your answer is correct: post journal entries and reconcile accounts; maintain general ledgers and prepare financial statements; calculate and prepare cheques for payrolls and for utility, tax and other bills; complete andsubmit tax forms, workers' compensation forms, pension contribution forms and other government documents; prepare tax returns; prepare other statistical, financial and accounting reports.

2. Bookkeepers are employed throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.

3. The two types of bookkeeping systems referred to are manual and computerizedbookkeeping.

4. The government forms might include tax forms, workers' compensation forms and pensioncontribution forms.

5. A bookkeeper might receive bills for utilities such as water, electricity and natural gas.

252 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Vocabulary Review: Unit 4

1S T A T I 2S T I C A 3L4A N A L Y S 5I S U K E

N B I 6C D7P T T M O G

8S 9A F F E C T O N E10R C N G T 11S 12S A N I T A R Y

13M E T H O D R 14J A Y C E SC E E 15M A N U A L N A MO M M T S T N PN A I E T H OC T C 16I M P L E M E N T RI I F S AL C 17A R R A Y I 18P A Y R O L LE Z



1. kind of information presented usingnumbers

4. detailed study or examination ofsomething

9. to have an influence on

12. extremely clean

13. way of doing something

15. done by hand

16. to put into practice

17. group of things displayed in anattractive way

18. list of employees and how much eachearns


1. amount before the final total

2. to read something very quickly todetermine the subject

3. record books for bookkeepers

5. to become part of a group

6. synonym for “modern”

7. deadly disease or illness thatspreads around the world

8. drawn to show how somethinglooks and works

10. to make agree

11. to combine ideas or informationinto a new whole

12. to read through something quicklyto find a piece of information

14. to give a good reason forsomething

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 5Lesson 17 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. attention 2. depart 3. frequently 4. retrieve 5. cooperation6. in advance 7. prepare 8. accommodate 9. memorandum 10. regardingB/ Using the Right Word1. department 2. retrieve 3. attention 4. clerk 5. advance6. regarding 7. depart 8. prepare 9. cooperation 10. appropriateC/ Relating Meanings1. lawyer 2. escape 3. offer 4. giving orders 5. facts6. difficult 7. reply 8. announce 9. gas attendant 10. contrary toD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. procedure 2. cooperation 3. accommodate 4. memorandum 5. clerk6. depart 7. attention 8. frequently 9. advance 10. retrieveE/ Comprehension

1. The administrative staff is made up of bookkeepers, secretaries and file clerks.

2. The shortened form of the word “memorandum” is “memo”.

3. The memorandum is regarding attendance.

4. Jennifer Waldo is focusing on the clerical department because it has been reported to herthat attendance is becoming an issue.

5. A staff member who needs to leave early must let the team leader know a few days before.

254 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Unit 5Lesson 18 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings 1. briefly 2. c.c. 3. head 4. inbox 5. prioritize 6. addressee 7. humorous 8. discreet 9. develop 10. practice B/ Using the Right Word 1. head 2. practice 3. inbox 4. humorous 5. prioritize 6. forwarded 7. c.c. 8. developed 9. conducted 10. tone C/ Relating Meanings 1. b, c 2. b 3. b, c, d 4. a, b, c, d 5. a, b 6. b, c, d 7. a, b 8. a, c, d 9. b, c, d 10. a, b, d D/ Analyzing and Comparing Words 1. addressee 2. courier 3. practice 4. inbox 5. discreet 6. briefly 7. develop 8. forward 9. humorous 10. head E/ Comprehension

1. Don Director is receiving a copy of this email. (His name is in the “Cc” line.)

2. If you mentioned any two of the following, your answer is correct: Make good use of the subject line, target your message, click on “Reply” instead of “Reply to all”, watch your tone, be discreet, use a full signature block when sending an email to someone outside thecompany.

3. It is important to include your contact information when sending an email so that recipients won't have to look it up if they want to send you something by fax or courier or call you on the phone.

4. To help recipients prioritize, you can briefly state the subject of the email; if the matter isurgent or you need them to take action, you can tell them that as well.

5. You should be careful what you say in emails because you never know who could end upreading them.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 5Lesson 19 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. proficient 2. rigorous 3. official 4. fierce 5. demonstrate6. coveted 7. dedicated 8. discipline 9. expand 10. multipleB/ Using the Right Word1. astronaut 2. multiple 3. aviation 4. fierce 5. rigorous6. proficient 7. coveted 8. dedicated 9. demonstrate 10. selectC/ Relating Meanings1. a, b, c 2. a, b, c, d 3. b 4. a, b, d 5. a, b, c, d6. a, c, d 7. a, b, d 8. a, b, c 9. a, b, c, d 10. a, c, d D/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. aviation 2. degree 3. preferably 4. coveted 5. expand6. rigorous 7. multiple 8. select 9. official 10. proficientE/ Comprehension

1. Degrees in medicine, science and/or engineering are required to become an astronaut.

2. Optional skills include skydiving, scuba diving and piloting aircraft.

3. Astronauts must maintain their physical fitness.

4. The competition is fierce because there are few positions available and many people areinterested in space travel.

5. Astronauts must undergo continuous and rigorous training.

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Unit 5

Lesson 20 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. j 2. e 3. c 4. h 5. g6. i 7. f 8. d 9. a 10. b B/ Using the Right Word1. teller 2. valuables 3. supervise 4. establishments 5. enforce6. patrol 7. vandalism 8. coordinated 9. automated 10. accessC/ Relating Meanings1. a 2. a, b, c 3. c, d 4. a, b, c 5. a, b, c6. a, c, d 7. a, b 8. d 9. a, d 10. cD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. supervise,

manage, S2. industrial,

residential, A3. vandalism,

restoration, A4. access,

admittance, S5. automated,

computerized, S1. automated 2. autograph 3. automobile 4. automatic 5. autobiographyE/ Comprehension

1. The main duties of security guards are guarding property against theft and vandalism, controlling access to establishments, maintaining order and enforcing regulations at publicevents and within establishments.

2. Guards are employed by private security agencies, retail stores, industries, museums andother establishments.

3. They control access to establishments so that people can be checked as they enter or exit.They can restrict people from an area if they don’t have a pass. They can tell visitors where they can or cannot go.

4. They guard against theft, shoplifting, fire and vandalism. They could maintain order anddo security checks at airports.

5. Security guards would supervise and coordinate the activities of other security guards.

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1M2O C C U P A T I O N 3C

L 4C O V E T E D5V 6P R A C T I C E O

7A A I R 8DC L 9P R O D U C E 10D E G R E EC U L I MO A 11A G E N 12C Y N OM B C L 13A A NM L 14S C E S T S

15P R O C E D U R E S 16R E T R I E V E TA D S P S K R RT A E S O AR T R 17I N B O X TO E V A EL I 18F R E Q U E N T L Y


Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Vocabulary Review: Unit 5


2. a person's job

4. desired by many

6. way of doing things

9. to make or manufacture

10. qualification of a university graduate

11. a business that offers a service to aperson or another business

15. series of actions done in a certain orderor manner

16. to get something back

17. place where emails are received

18. often


1. more than one

3. synonym for “organize”

5. items that are worth a lot of money

7. find ways to help

8. synonym for “show”

11. to give someone permission towhat they need

12. an employee who keeps records

13. someone who travels in space

14. to direct and oversee

15. to guard an area

258 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Unit 6

Lesson 21 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. agenda 2. national 3. distribute 4. previous 5. regular6. submit 7. unanimously 8. project 9. minutes 10. approvalB/ Using the Right Word1. distribute 2. unanimously 3. adjournment 4. upgrading 5. agenda6. credit 7. minutes 8. national 9. purchasing 10. previousC/ Relating Meanings1. adjournment 2. upgrading 3. project 4. agenda 5. approval6. previous 7. order 8. distribute 9. regular 10. submitD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. credit 2. national 3. submit 4. adjournment 5. order6. previous 7. upgrading 8. regular 9. distribute 10. agendaE/ Comprehension

1. The next meeting will be held at 10:15 a.m. on January 15, in Halifax.

2. Jennifer Waldo prepared the minutes.

3. The meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. on December 15, in Halifax.

4. Review of purchasing policies is under the heading New Business.

5. The agenda items for the next meeting are Skills Upgrading Project and Orientation of New Employees.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 6Lesson 22 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. g 2. f 3. d 4. c 5. a6. b 7. h 8. e 9. j 10. iB/ Using the Right Word1. basic 2. terms 3. transferring 4. anticipated 5. specify6. pressure 7. permanent 8. clearance 9. exercise 10. switchboardC/ Relating Meanings1. terms 2. clearance 3. specify 4. result 5. pressure6. basic 7. valid 8. capabilities 9. permanent 10. vacantD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. administrative 2. clearance 3. pressure 4. terms 5. transferring6. permanent 7. vacancy 8. valid 9. result 10. switchboardE/ Comprehension

1. For this position the computer applications you need to know are Windows, electronicmail, electronic scheduler, WordPerfect, MS Word, MS Excel and Internet browser.

2. In this position, you need to be able to type 0-40 words per minute.

3. The employer is looking for one to two years of experience for this position.

4. Failure to apply for the position in the manner specified could result in your applicationnot being properly considered for the position.

5. If you mentioned any two of the following, your answer is correct: maintain inventory of office supplies, order supplies and equipment, provide information to staff and the generalpublic, file documents.

260 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Unit 6Lesson 23 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings 1. relation 2. inactive 3. draft 4. worth 5. regulate 6. outstanding 7. approximately 8. prior 9. prescribed 10. represent B/ Using the Right Word 1. certified 2. worth 3. approximately 4. prior 5. unclaimed 6. outstanding 7. negotiable 8. represent 9. in relation to 10. custodian C/ Relating Meanings 1. represent 2. negotiable 3. draft 4. regulated 5. custodian 6. prior 7. unclaimed 8. outstanding 9. approximately 10. inactive D/ Analyzing and Comparing Words 1. custodian 2. inactive 3. approximately 4. worth 5. outstanding 6. regulate 7. relation 8. prior 9. draft 10. prescribed E/ Comprehension

1. Balances under $500 made up 88% of the number of balances.

2. The amendments changed the policy so that the Bank of Canada now holds unclaimed balances for 30 years, once the accounts have been inactive for 10 years. Therefore, balances will now be held for a total of 40 years prior to being considered abandoned once and for all. Only balances of less than $1,000 will be lost forever after the 40-year period.

3. When an account with less than $1,000 has been inactive for 40 years the balance is considered abandoned once and for all. (Balances of $1,000 or more are kept for longer.)

4. Approximately 845,000 unclaimed balances were being held by the Bank of Canada in2006.

5. If you mentioned any three of the following, your answer is correct: deposit account, bankdraft, certified cheque, deposit receipt, money order, GIC, term deposit, credit card balance or traveller’s cheque.

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Unit 6Lesson 24 – Answers

A/ Matching Meanings1. competitive 2. refer 3. formal 4. literacy 5. pursue6. technology 7. ensure 8. challenge 9. enhance 10. achieve B/ Using the Right Word1. globalization 2. respond 3. driven 4. drastically 5. pursue6. technology 7. achieve 8. foundation 9. literacy 10. challengeC/ Relating Meanings1. pursue 2. enhance 3. challenge 4. foundation 5. technology6. drastically 7. achieve 8. respond 9. competitive 10. drivenD/ Analyzing and Comparing Words1. pursue 2. drastically 3. achieve 4. formal 5. respond6. technology 7. foundation 8. enhance 9. globalization 10. drivenE/ Comprehension

1. In this article, literacy refers to the essential skills that people need at work, such as reading, writing and numeracy. It also includes critical thinking and problem solving.

2. Canada's success depends on the ability of its workforce to respond to new challenges.

3. Lifelong learning is key to ensuring that Canada continues to be productive, globallycompetitive and economically secure.

4. Canadians with strong literacy skills have better paying jobs and are less likely to becomeunemployed.

5. Canada is globally competitive, but literacy levels need to improve if we want to maintain that status.

262 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

Vocabulary Review: Unit 6

1C O M 2P E T I T I V EE

3R E F E R 4S 5UM 6R P 7D R I V E N

8N E G O T I A B L E 9E N S U R E A10B N G C 11P N

12R E S P 13O N 14D E U I R IH U R N L 15A F E MA T 16A N T I 17C I P A T E D Y S OL S F U R J S UF T T S O U S

A T 18V U R L19V A C A N C Y O 20A P P R O X I M A T E L Y

D D L N21S U B M I T I I M

N A D 22E N H A N C E23A G E N D A N N


1. antonym for “cooperative”

3. to direct someone to another place

7. having a strong desire to succeed

8. describes a financial document that canbe exchanged for money

9. to make sure something happens

12. to answer; to reply

16. expected to happen

19. unoccupied position

20. antonym for “exactly”

21. synonym for “hand in”

22. to make something better than it was

23. list of items that need to be talked aboutat a meeting

24. to deliver something to a number ofpeople

DOWN 2. antonym for “temporary” 4. to explain something clearly and exactly 5. by all members of a group, with no one


6. happening at a set time or working in anormal way

10. for the benefit of someone else: on their____________

11. responsibility and stress 13. unsettled; not yet paid, solved or done 14. written order for money that is paid by a

bank, usually to another bank

15. pause, rest or delay during a formalmeeting or trial

17. guardian of someone else's assets 18. legal or not expired

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Office of Literacy and Essential Skills

Word List

(The numbers in parentheses refer to the lessons where the words are defined.) ability (11) access (20) accommodate (17) according (12) account (16) accreditation (12) achieve (24) addressee (18) adjournment (21) administrative (22) advance (17) adventure (11) affect (14) agency (20) agenda (21) alternative (7) analysis (15) anticipate (22) applicable (8) apply (4) appreciate (5) appropriate (17) approval (21) approximately (23) armoured (20) array (14) assembly (15) asset (4) assigned (20) astronaut (19) attach (8) attachment (15) attendant (12) attention (17) attitude (3) automated (20) available (4) aviation (19) avoid (11) back ordered (5) balance (4) basic (22)

behalf (23) belief (11) board (12) bookkeeping (16) bridge (14) briefly (18) business (2) calculation (15) candidate (4) capability (22) career (1) cause (14) c.c. (18) certified (23) chairperson (10) challenge (24) champion (14) chemist (9) clearance (22) clerk (17) client (12) collate (7) commend (10) comment (2) communication (12) competition (2) competitive (24) completion (7) concern (9) conduct (18) confident (1) confirm (4) constituency (14) consumer (9) contact (2) contemporary (14) continue (8) continuous (1) contribute (1) contribution (14) cooperation (17) coordinate (20)

correctional (6) courier (18) courteous (10) coveted (19) credit (21) critique (15) current (5) custodian (23) deadline (8) debate (14) decide (11) decompose (9) dedicated (19) degradable (9) degree (19) delay (5) demonstrate (19) depart (17)

description (5) detail (7) determine (7) develop (18) diploma (6) diplomat (3) directions (8) discipline (19) discount (13) discreet (18) disposable (13) disregard (5) distribute (21) document (8) dozen (10) draft (23) dramatics (3) drastically (24) driven (24) economy (13) effective (7) efficient (7) employment (8)

department (17)

264 | Vocabulary Building Workbook: Answer Key

encourage (3) enforce (20) enhance (24) enquiry (5) ensure (24) entry (16) environment (3) essential (1) establishment (20) estimate (15) excess (4) exercise (22) expanding (19) experiment (9) extended (12) extremely (10) facilitate (15) facsimile (2) fare (4) fascinated (1) federal (5) fierce (19) file (10) financial (10) flexible (4) fluent (4) focus (1) form (2) formal (24) forward (18) foundation (24) frequently (17) fulfillment (6) function (7) general (16) globalization (24) goal (8) gossip (3) guarantee (12) head (18) hospitality (12) humorous (18) identify (11) implement (14) imply (12) impression (11)

inactive (23) inbox (18) in-depth (6) industrial (20) information (8) initiative (3) institution (6) instructions (7) integrate (15) inventory (7) invest (1) invoice (5) issue (9) journal (16) justify (15) key (3) knowledge (4) landfill (9) ledger (16) limitation (11) literacy (24) magnet (14) maintain (5) management (10) manner (10) manual (16) manuscript (1) material (9) memorandum (17) method (13) minimum (12) minutes (21) mission (6) modify (15) motivation (6) multiple (19) mutual (3) narcotic (13) national (21) negotiable (23) notice (5) numeracy (1) obtain (2) occupation (20) offender (6) offer (4)

official (19) opinion (11) opportunity (11) option (2) oral (1) order (21) organization (3) orientation (4) outstanding (23) pandemic (13) parliament (14) patent (9) patrol (20) payroll (16) penicillin (13) performance (1) period (12) permanent (22) persuade (15) photocopy (7) pioneer (10) plant (9) policy (14) polite (8) polyethylene (9) positive (3) possess (6) post (18) practice (18) preferably (19) prepare (17) prescribe (23) prescription (13) pressure (22) previous (21) pride (11) primary (6) prior (23) prioritize (18) procedure (17) production (9) professional (3) proficient (19) profile (7) project (21) prompt (5)

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provide (8)purchasing (21)pursue (24)quality (1)quantity (13)quote (2)rare (10)receipt (13)receive (2)receptionist (10)reconcile (16)recycle (2)refer (24)regarding (17)region (14)regular (21)regulate (23)reintegration (6)relation (23)reliable (3)remittance (5)reply (2)reporting (12)represent (23)request (10)requirement (16)reservation (4)respond (24)responsibility (12)result (22)résumé (8)retrieve (17)

review (2)rigorous (19)roughly (9)sanitary (13)satisfy (14)scan (15)schedule (10)schematic (15)secondary (7)secretary (17)sector (16)security (6)select (19)situation (11)skill (1)skim (15)society (6)solution (9)sort (7)specify (22)sponsor (1)statement (5)statistical (16)statutory (4)sterile (13)stock (5)strength (11)submit (21)subtotal (13)success (3)suit (8)supervise (20)

support (3)surgical (13)switchboard (22)synthesize (15)syringe (13)technology (24)teller (20)term (22)thrive (6)title (18)tone (18)tourism (12)trace (10)transaction (16)transfer (22)transmittal (2)unanimously (21)unclaimed (23)unpaid (8)upgrading (21)urgent (2)utility (16)vacancy (22)valid (22)valuables (20)value (11)vandalism (20)vital (6)volume (7)volunteer (8)weakness (11)worth (23)