Vocabulary: Health 1. Underline the most suitable option in each sentence 1. There were ten people waiting in the doctor’s office / surgery / ward 2. After I ate the shellfish, I experienced / fell / happened ill 3. George’s cut arm took over a week to cure / heal / look after. 4. David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle / heel / toe. 5. I’ve been digging the garden and now my back aches / pains / injuries 6. Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt / sick / sore 7. Use this thermometer to take his fever / heat / temperature 8. After I drank a cup of black coffee I felt wide awake / awoken / woken 9. These tablets may make you feel dazed / dozy / drowsy so don’t drive 10. I’ve been working for twelve hours and I feel exhausting / tiresome / worn out. 11. The doctor said I was all in / run down / stale and gave me some vitamins. 12. Bill’s father is impaired / immobile / invalid, and needs a wheelchair to get around. 13. After walking for miles over the mountains, my feet were limp / sore / sprained. 14. Ann needs a holiday. She has been under a lot of depression / pain / stress lately. 15. The authorities are worried about the increase in drug abuse / disuse / misuse. 16. I told the doctor that climbing the stairs left me catching / gasping / panting for breath. 17. Mary spent a week in bed with an attack / a case / an outbreak of rheumatism. 2. Complete each sentence with one suitable word 1. I am afraid she is suffering from an incurable disease 2. I was ………… agony all night with earache 3. I think you’ve put …………… a lot of weight lately 4. The effect of this drug will slowly wear ……… 5. After Jack fainted it was several minutes before he …………. round 6. Harry went ……….. with flu during his holiday 7. Peter was treated ………. minor injuries and shock 8. Don’t worry. I’ll take care ……….. you myself 3. Decide with answer best fits each space

Vocabulary Health No Key

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Vocabulary: Health

1. Underline the most suitable option in each sentence

1. There were ten people waiting in the doctor’s office / surgery / ward2. After I ate the shellfish, I experienced / fell / happened ill3. George’s cut arm took over a week to cure / heal / look after.4. David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle / heel / toe.5. I’ve been digging the garden and now my back aches / pains / injuries6. Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt / sick / sore7. Use this thermometer to take his fever / heat / temperature8. After I drank a cup of black coffee I felt wide awake / awoken / woken9. These tablets may make you feel dazed / dozy / drowsy so don’t drive10. I’ve been working for twelve hours and I feel exhausting / tiresome / worn out.11. The doctor said I was all in / run down / stale and gave me some vitamins.12. Bill’s father is impaired / immobile / invalid, and needs a wheelchair to get around.13. After walking for miles over the mountains, my feet were limp / sore / sprained.14. Ann needs a holiday. She has been under a lot of depression / pain / stress lately.15. The authorities are worried about the increase in drug abuse / disuse / misuse.16. I told the doctor that climbing the stairs left me catching / gasping / panting for breath.17. Mary spent a week in bed with an attack / a case / an outbreak of rheumatism.

2. Complete each sentence with one suitable word

1. I am afraid she is suffering from an incurable disease2. I was ………… agony all night with earache3. I think you’ve put …………… a lot of weight lately4. The effect of this drug will slowly wear ………5. After Jack fainted it was several minutes before he …………. round6. Harry went ……….. with flu during his holiday7. Peter was treated ………. minor injuries and shock8. Don’t worry. I’ll take care ……….. you myself

3. Decide with answer best fits each space

A disastrous holidayThe day Gerald arrived at the Almara Beach Hotel, he fell down/do/with/for the stairs. The manager called a stretcher / a prescription / an ambulance / an emergency, but fortunately Gerald’s leg was not broken. The doctor went / prevented / said / recommended swimming as further medicine / cure / drugs / treatment but gave Gerald a recipe / a paper / a prescription / an order for some tablets in case his leg became painful / pained / painless / pain. The next day Gerald sunbathed by the pool, and then took a deep end / breath / mouthful / water and dived into the water. There was not very much water in the pool, and he hurt / injury / ached / sore one of his arms when he hit the bottom. This time he complained to the hotel manager, who sent a special meal to Gerald’s room. Later that night, Gerald was ill / injured / suffering / damaged from a sunny / sunburnt / sunshine / damaged back, the injuries to his arm and leg, and also had a terrible agony / hurt / heat / stomach ache. He had a high pain / temperature / ache / degree and felt terrible. Luckily he had the tablets the doctor had given him to hold / check / rid / reduce the pain. As he reached for them, he fell out of bed and broke his waist / lips / wrist / throat. He spent the rest of his holiday in bed.

Page 2: Vocabulary Health No Key

4. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete

1. Martin hasn’t quite recovered / got over / looked after / suffered his illness yet.2. Pauline was / put / had / gave birth to a baby girl yesterday afternoon.3. That was a bad fall! Have you harmed / damaged / wounded / hurt yourself?4. Each time I sneezed, everyone said ‘cough /bless/cold/ thank you’5. I had severe toothache and half my face was badly swollen/rounded/exploded/injured

5. Complete each sentence with a word from the box

Chin heel thumb shoulder throatelbow knee neck thigh wrist

1. My left boot is too tight and now I’ve got a blister on my heel2. I can’t talk today because I’ve got a really sore ………..3. Jean twisted her …………. skiing and now she can’t walk4. My arm is in plaster and so I can’t bend my …………..5. Ann can’t use her right hand because she’s sprained her ……………..6. I pulled a muscle in my …………….. when I was running, and now I can’t walk7. Little Jimmy’s mother tried to stop him sucking his …………..8. Tony injured his …………….. by always carrying a heavy bag on a strap9. Peter cut himself badly on the ……………… while shaving10. Pat put both arms round my …………. and gave me a kiss.

6. Six people are talking about their medical experiences. Complete each space with a suitable word. The first letter of each space is given.

1. When I was playing football, I broke my ankle and was carried off the pitch on a stretcher. I was taken to c…………, where the doctor put a p………… cast on my leg. For the next two months I needed c………… to get around with.

2. I’m a hospital p………….. You’ll see me pushing trolleys or wheelchairs, or carrying supplies from one department to another. Typically, I collect people who’ve just come out of s…………, where they’ve had an o…………….., and take them to their w…………….., where they stay and recover

3. I was s…………… on the hand by a wasp, which may sound no big deal, but I’m a………… to such things. The doctor gave me some cream and put my arm in a s…………… She said I should keep the hand exposed to the air rather than put a p………….. on it.

4. I’ve never been fat, but recently I was getting a bit flabby round the waist, and I happened to read an article that said I was 10 kilos o…………….. for my height, age and build. I wish I was 16 again. I had a lovely f………… at that age. Now I really have to be selective about what I eat, although I don’t believe in d………….

5. I’ve been having toothache and imagined I’d need to have a f………… at the dentist’s. But when I went to get it checked out, she said the tooth would have to be e……… Well, after it was all over and the effect of the i……….. had worn off, I was in a……….. for two days and had to have painkillers.

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