Deep Voice Mastery 2 nd Editon By Rudy Haynes

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How to develop your voice

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Page 1: Voice Mastery

Deep Voice Mastery

2nd Editon

By Rudy Haynes

Page 2: Voice Mastery



Table of Contents

1 - About the Author……………………………………………… 2

2 - Introduction……………………………………….…………….6

3 - Anatomy………………………………………….……………….8

4 - Achieving a Deeper Voice…………………………………..10

5 - Training Your Voice…………………………………………..16

6 - Vocal Awareness……………………………………………….19

7 – Voice Care…….…….…………………..……………………....22

8 - Testosterone Buccal…….…………………………………….26

9 - Thyroplasty…….…………………………………………………29

10 - Conclusion…….………………………………………………..32

11 - Resources…….………………………………………..………..33

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1 - About The Author My name is Rudy Haynes. I’m a 32 year old straight male

from Chicago, Illinois. I’m not a doctor or voice specialist…

I’m simply a normal guy who was sick of his pathetic high

pitched voice, but decided to do something about it. And I


I was probably in the exact same situation as your currently

are, and I decided that I wasn’t going to let it ruing my life

any longer. Now I want to share what I learned with you, so

you don’t have to suffer any longer.

I am going to tell you all of the exact techniques I used to

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transform my voice, and am confident that if you follow

them diligently you will be amazed at the results.

Now here is a little more about my story…

Growing up, I was always teased. Perhaps it was the

combination of my scrawny body, or my meager high-

pitched voice. It never really bothered me until I hit puberty,

because I had a couple of good buddies throughout high

school – my problem was with the ladies.

There was this one girl, though, let's call her "Courtney," and

for some wild reason, she took a liking towards me in my

senior year. I don't know if it was because she pitied me for

being the kid in Mr. Czudner's math class who constantly

had spit balls blown at the back of his head with a straw, but

the day Courtney sat behind me, was the day God answered

my prayers. Sort of...

Courtney and I started talking, and eventually she asked me

if I could tutor her in algebra. I really got to know her when

she started periodically calling me whenever her and her

boyfriend were in argument. We'd talk for hours on end.

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When she and her boyfriend broke up during the springtime,

my buddy Carl managed to convince me to work up the

courage to ask her to prom. He used the reasoning that if I

didn't ask, I'd always regret it, and I would never get laid,

which I guess, in retrospect, was pretty good reasoning.

So Courtney said yes, and I thought, "Sweet. Maybe this

chick actually digs me!" Oh, and she liked me, alright – like a

brother. That's probably the worst compliment you can get

from a girl you're crushing on. When I finally grew the guts

to kiss her at the end of the night, she was literally appalled.

But here's the best part: she thought I was gay. Gay. I was

shocked and humiliated. I mustered up the words to ask her

why, and she said something along the lines of, "You sort of

talk like you are... your voice is really high-pitched."

And there it is. My breakthrough. A blessing in disguise. That

summer before I took off for college, I knew I had to make a

change. I wanted a deeper voice.

Someone had suggested performing certain neck and voice

exercises in order to achieve a deeper voice. After a few days

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of exercising my neck muscles, my neck looked noticeably

thicker. I always thought I had a bad case of pencil neck, so a

thicker neck boosted my self-confidence and gave me the

motivation I needed to work on the rest of my body.

After about a week, I woke up to a nice, deep, masculine

voice one morning. My voice felt powerful, and nearly lasted

all day, until my old, squeaky voice crept back throughout

the evening. By day's end, my voice was disappointingly back

to normal. Nevertheless, I kept up the exercises and about

two days later, the deep, crisp voice returned. I was

determined to keep the depth this time, so I used my voice

sparingly. It held.

I was careful at first. I was conscious of my posture, and

talked with a measured response around people until my

deep voice became second nature. I practiced everyday,

morning and night – talking to myself in a deep, loud voice

while shaving, getting dressed, making food, and so on.

Remembering to keep good posture really aided the

transition from my high-pitched, squeaky voice to my new

deep, masculine voice. It was a constant cue in my memory

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to access the low voice that I desired and had perfected

through much practice.

If you can relate to my experience, you too, can have a deeper

voice. There is hope. I can guarantee you that if you do the

exercises outlined in this ebook, drink plenty of water, and

practice, your body will learn to adapt to a deeper voice.

My deep voice gave me the confidence I needed. I went off to

college as a man, not the boy I once was, and let me tell you

– my new found confidence and hard work paid off in the

female department.

2 - Introduction

What defines a man? (Aside from the biological factor –

that’s not much of a secret…)

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In today’s society, being a man can be tough. The web of

stereotypes the media has sewn has clouded society, and the

pressures of the past and present have collided, blurring our

view of masculinity. Nowadays, it is not unusual to have a

man stay at home while his wife goes off to work, or to come

across a man that enjoys being in the kitchen; some

professions are no longer female dominated, such as

teachers and nurses. But with no clear definition of

masculinity, the only characteristics that define a man are

physical attributes – characteristics that not all men are

blessed with due to a little thing we call genetics.

You wish you were a little bit taller. You wish your physique

were more toned and muscular. You wish your voice were

deeper. This is where the media has constructed a physical

fallacy of the “ideal” male. You may not be able to change

your height, or your bone structure, but there is one thing

you can change, and that is your voice. For whatever reason,

whether you’re trying to attract the woman of your dreams,

or impress a boss at work – a deep voice can help you

achieve your goal. Because if you can deliver a deep, clear,

masculine voice, you may not need to worry about all the

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other expectations that are placed on the male gender. If you

can talk the talk, you can walk the walk.

3 - Anatomy

A weak voice is not the result of a small voice box, or tiny

vocal chords. The vocal chords are a muscle group, and like

any other muscle in our body, they have the ability to stretch,

grow and strengthen. The vocal chords are responsible for

the tone and pitch a person speaks. They form the raw

sound, while the mouth and tongue form each specific word.

Conditioning the vocal chords to become relaxed and supple

is the secret to getting the deep, masculine voice that you’ve

always wanted.

If your voice box is stressed, the muscles are too tight –

causing your voice to have a higher pitch. The key is to train

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your vocal chords to be loose and supple, in order to produce

lower and deeper tones.

Try it yourself: Create a humming sound. Notice the sound

change as you tilt your head up, and then tilt it down with

your chin close to your chest.

The results indicate that as you tilt your head up, the

humming has a higher pitch, and once you tilt your head

down, the humming has a much lower sound. The reasoning

is simple: when you tilt your head up, you are stretching the

vocal chords, tightening them. This test proves that if your

vocal chords are tight, they cannot produce a deep, low voice.

KeyPoints:⇒ The vocal chords are a muscle group that is responsible

for the pitch and tone of our voice.

⇒ When vocal chords are tense, they will produce a voice

with a higher pitch.

⇒ In order to produce a deep, low, masculine voice, the

vocal chords must be relaxed and limber.

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4 - How to Achieve a Deep Voice: Step 1

Here’s the meat of it people… what you really want to hear,

so pay close attention.

Here we go…

What happens when we develop and tone a muscle? That’s

right, the muscle itself becomes thicker and enlarged. A

strong muscle is able to do more work with less effort. If we

strengthen our neck muscles, the vocal chords are able to

relax within the toned group of muscles, holding up our neck

and head.

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As an example, a “pot belly” occurs when the abdominal wall

is not strong enough to hold in your stomach. In order to get

rid of it, you have to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Let’s say you did sit-ups everyday for one month – you would

definitely have more defined, toned abs as a result. Even if

you still have a layer of fat covering your abs, and you can’t

see the definition, you will notice when your stomach is

relaxed, that your potbelly is gone. This is because the toned

abdominals are holding their shape, resisting the push of

your organs even when relaxed. The abdominals are thicker,

and you no longer need to consciously tense them.

The sternocleidomastoids are the neck muscles that will

strengthen and enlarge as a result of the following exercises.

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By performing these exercises, you will achieve a deeper

voice in a matter of days.

• On your bed, lay vertically on your back with your

head and shoulders hanging off the edge.

• Tilt your head back and forth, up and down,

tensing your neck muscles with each movement.

• Hold your head in each position for 10 seconds,

and slowly release your head back to its original


• Repeat each of these movements 15 times, or until

you can feel a burn in your neck.

• Switch sides, and repeat.

• Do 3-5 sets 3 times a day.

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⇒ Make sure to really tense your muscles as you perform

each movement.

Below is a chart that outlines the best exercises to help

strengthen the neck muscles:

Exercise Muscles Worked Execution

Neck Lateral Resistance

Works all neck lateral neck muscles Hold one hand against the side of

your head. Use your hand to resist

the movement as you try to touch

your shoulder with your ear. Hold this

posture for a count of 5.

Neck Rotational Resistance

Works all neck muscles Hold one hand against the side of

your head. Use your hand to resist

the movement as you try to rotate

your head to one side until your chin

is lined on top of your shoulder. Hold

this posture for a count of 5.

Neck Forward Resistance

Works all anterior neck muscles Hold both hands against your

forehead. Try to move head forward,

but resist the movement with your

hands. Hold this posture for a count

of 5.

Neck Backward Resistance Works all posterior neck muscles. Place both hands behind your head.

Try to move head backwards, but

resist the movement with your hands.

Don't tip chin. Hold this posture for a

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count of 5.

You will be amazed at how well your muscles respond in size

and tension.

In just a short time, you will have a deeper voice. You will

need to maintain this change in order to make it permanent,

but not as often as at first.


The next step in keeping your voice box supple is to drink

plenty of water – at least 2 liters a day.

Why? Because when your body is dehydrated, your muscles


By day 4 or 5, you will have the necessary muscle tone to

maintain a comfortable posture without your muscles having

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to work. Your muscles will no longer be stressed and tense,

instead, they will begin to loosen up, and you will notice your

voice start to lower.

Step 3: REST You need to expose your vocal chords to an extended period

of rest.

Even people with high-pitched, squeaky voices, will wake up

in the morning with a deeper, raspier voice. The reason

behind this is because the vocal chords were exposed to a

restful night of sleep, whereby they lost the usually present

tension due to inactivity.

Eventually, once your neck muscles have reached a point

that they are strong enough to solely hold your head up, the

vocal chords will be exposed to the same relaxed

environment that a good night’s sleep often gives, because

they will not be working as hard. This will give you a

permanent rasp in your voice.

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KeyPoints:⇒ Do 3-5 sets of exercises at least 3 times a day.

⇒ While performing exercises, keep your neck muscles

tense. This will maximize your muscle’s potential


⇒ Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.

⇒ Make sure to get plenty of rest, so that your muscles are

able to recover and regain strength.

5 - Training Your Voice After a few days of performing the exercises listed above, as

well as drinking a consistent amount of water and getting

plenty of rest, you will be well on your way to having a

deeper voice.

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Now, you have to train yourself to find the right pitch. Just as

singers have to practice and train their voice, you too need to

practice the tone of your voice.

Try it yourself:

• Begin to hum slowly in a low tone.

• Gradually lower and deepen your hum by tilting your

head close to your chest until you are no longer

humming fluidly, but rather your hums are sounding

one increment at a time.

By training your voice, you are essentially creating a memory

in your brain. This is a crucial step, as you will consciously

start to find that tone of voice when speaking socially.

Here is another cool exercise to try, that really works:

http://deepvoicemastery.com/members/?p=71 (you’ll need

your unique username and password that was provided to

you during sign-up).

Eventually, it just becomes a habit that you develop until

your voice begins to respond permanently to the training. A

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new habit takes at least 21 days to form. Practicing the tone

of your voice by performing exercises and speaking aloud in

your own privacy is the way to create the deep voice that you


In my personal experience, I began my practicing with my

humming, in deep, slow, incremental tones. After I found my

the level of deepness that suited me, I started using my voice,

and talking aloud to myself. Now, this may sound ridiculous,

but here’s my tip to you: during your daily morning or

nightly routine, talk aloud to yourself while looking at your

reflection in the mirror. My newfound deep voice increased

my self-image. I began thinking positively, and verbally

reinforced myself in my convincing, deep voice.

Last, comes the unsettling part – making the link to speaking

deeply in a social environment. Here’s what you have to do:

You know that tone that you practiced and perfected while in

the comfort of your own home? That deep, smooth,

masculine voice that sent shivers down your spine and (let’s

be honest) shot your self-esteem up like gas prices?

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Well, what you’ve done with that voice is you’ve created a

“place” in your brain where the memories of your practicing

is stored.

⇒ Now you must learn how to zone in on that “place,” –

that happy memory in your brain, when you’re in a

social or work environment.

Eventually your body will begin to learn to alter your vocal

chords as your brain links the positive memories of your

deep voice with social and work environments.

By learning how to access these new memories you’ve

created through practice in privacy, this “place” in your brain

will naturally dominate when in a social environment.

KeyPoints:⇒ Start your training by humming in low tones and

finding the tone that is right for you.

⇒ Gradually begin talking to yourself aloud in the comfort

of your own home, where you can practice and perfect

your deep voice.

⇒ This creates a memory in your brain that you will focus

on while in social situations.

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⇒ Eventually, a habit is formed, and your brain will learn

to subconsciously zone in on your practiced memory

when speaking in public.

6 – Vocal Awareness Posture is one of the most important factors to bear in my

mind when speaking in public. Posture is directly linked to

voice resonance, physically, but more importantly,


Have you ever noticed a friend's posture when they're in a

bad mood? Often their posture is hunched over - their body

language indicating that they're upset.

Practicing proper posture will act as a catalyst in successfully

developing your deep voice. While practicing, remember to

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stand tall and straight. What this will do is give your body a

cue when you’re in social environment, because your brain

will associate that new posture with your “practice”


Having good posture will also help you decrease any anxiety

you may have when speaking in public. Perhaps you’re trying

to talk to a woman you’ve been lusting after, or you’re

preparing for a presentation at work – in any case, standing

tall and straight will give you an air of confidence, and will

help you breathe deeply, which will in turn relax your vocal

chords and reduce anxiety.

Here are a couple more tips to ensure that your hard practice

pays off:

• The angle of your head should be level when you are

about to speak – neither lowered to your chest, nor

raised, causing the vocal chords to stretch.

• Try talking more quietly and carefully as you adjust to

your new voice. This will keep you relaxed while you

make a conscious effort, and it will also train your body

to access your “practiced” memories during social

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KeyPoints:⇒ Practice good posture. This means standing tall with

your shoulders straight and your head level.

⇒ Proper posture will give you confidence, reduce anxiety,

and relax your vocal chords, maximizing your deep


⇒ Until you are comfortable and confident with your new

voice, make a conscious effort to speak quietly and

carefully, as this will cue your brain to access your

trained voice and the body language that accompanies

this memory.

⇒ Keep in mind that this will take time and repetition in

order to become a natural, subconscious habit.

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7 – Voice Care

When it comes to having a crisp, clear voice, most of us do

not really observe good voice care measures on a daily basis.

In fact, we would not give a second thought to eating certain

foods or taking alcohol or caffeinated drinks regularly.

Below I will outline some important voice care tips, that will

help you maximize the depth and crispness of your voice,

and minimize vocal chord damage that will eventually cause

your voice to deteriorate.

Here are the general guidelines that we can follow to take

care of our voice:

1. Maintain Good Posture and Proper Breathing

Control When Speaking

Maintain an upright neutral position with your entire body,

as well as your head and neck. Make sure you breath


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Be sure to tighten up your abdominals and push the air out

of your mouth with your diaphragm for powerful projection.

Your chin should not be too high, or too low.

2. Regular Exercise & a Healthy Diet

This applies to our voice care and also to our body in general.

Achieving a level of optimal health is very beneficial to

maximizing the potential of your voice. This is because when

our bodies fall ill, we may feel fatigue, experience congestion,

soar throats, or may not even practice proper vocal technique

when speaking. This in turn will cause unnecessary damage

to our voices, and we would do well to keep ourselves healthy

so that our voices will be healthy as well.

3. Keep Your Neck, Jaw & Face Relaxed When


When we speak, we control our breath using the diaphragm

and the other surrounding abdominal and intercostal

muscles. Our voice is controlled with our vocal cords, and

supporting muscles. It’s important not too involve other

muscle groups when we want to maximize the depth of our

voice (such as the neck, jaw and facial muscles). Doing so

will affect the sound of or voice by increasing the amount of

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tension in our throats and in our vocal cords, making the

voice sound higher and less clear.

4. Reduce Speaking Time in Noisy Environments

When we are in extremely noisy environments that cause us

to yell or shout for extended periods of time, we put

unnecessary strain on our voices. This strain will (over time)

actually damage the vocal cords. Simply put, try not to yell

too much as it is very likely to damage your vocal cords and

possibly hinder the sound of your voice.

5. Considerations for Medication

The use of certain medications can affect your voice

negatively. The following meds can cause dryness in our

voice, making us sound crackly and squeaky:

• Anti-histamines

• Decongestants

• Anti-depressants

Also be particularly careful with over-the-counter local

anaesthetic medication for the throat. This medication can

reduce nerve sensitivity in the throat, and create numbness,

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making our voice more susceptible to damage. This is

because we are unable to feel our voice as usual.

*Tip⇒ If you suffer form acid reflux, be sure to take antacids.

If you don’t, the acid can damage the throat tissues

(including the vocal cords) and cause permanent


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8 - Testosterone Buccal

Testosterone Buccal is a method commonly used by men

who do not produce enough testosterone naturally. The

hormone itself is produced by your body and is one of the

main contributing factors when determining the growth and

development levels of certain male characteristics.

You can view a video of a voice before and after testosterone

treatment by following this link to the members area:

http://deepvoicemastery.com/members/?p=98 (you will

have to login to the page using the user name and password

that was provided to you during sign-up).

If you are someone with lower than normal levels of

testosterone (can be determined by a medical doctor), then

you may experience some of the following symptoms:

• High Pitched Voice

• Decreasing Levels of Muscle

• Depression

• Lack of Energy

• Lathargica (sleepy sickness)

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• Low Sex Drive & Functionality

If you feel like the above symptoms describe you, then you

may want to consult your family doctor in regards to possible

Testosterone Buccal systems. However, if your voice is

simply high pitched and you're not experiencing the other

listed symptoms, then the chances are, you just need to train

your voice using our proven system rather than "fixing

something that's not broken".

Testosterone Buccal is a pretty big commitment if you're

going to take it properly. With normal pills or injections you

would take a tablet every so often and forget about it until

your next dose. With Testosterone Buccal however, you must

place the tablet in between your upper gum and lip once,

every 12 hours in most cases. The tablet will not fully dissolve

so therefore, you must be conscious at all times of any

snacking, eating, tobacco chewing, or other activities that

may interfere with the placement of the medication.

Upon doing some research I have discovered the following

most common side effects that can accompany Testosterone


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• Irritation, Redness, Pain, Tenderness, Swelling,

Toughening, or Blistering of Gums

• Stinging of Lips

• Toothache

• Unpleasant or Bitter Taste in Mouth

• Difficulty Tasting Food

• Headache

• Stomach Pain or Cramps

• Acne

• Nervousness

• Swelling of Nose

Through extensive medical research, Testosterone Buccal

tablets have not shown any proof of causing liver damage or

liver cancer because of the way they are absorbed into the

body. However, prolonged use of synthetic Testosterone has

been proven to cause other serious medical issues such as

prostate cancer, therefore, it is highly recommended that you

speak one on one with your doctor before committing to any

sort of drastic hormone treatment.

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9 - Thyroplasty

For more serious cases of a failing masculine voice box,

surgery may be required. If you have extremely weak vocal

chords, or have damaged your vocal chords somehow, then

you might consider looking into this type of surgery.

You can watch a video that explains how the surgery is

performed in the members area. Here is the direct link to

the video: http://deepvoicemastery.com/members/?p=90

(you will need your login information in order to access the


Thyroplasty, also known as Laryngeal Framework Surgery, is

the most becoming type of voice altering surgery, which is

available to anyone willing to spend up to $5,000 USD.

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The name of the surgery is self explanatory – laryngeal

framework. This basically means your larynx cartilage and

vocal folds (vocal chords) are very strategically repositioned

in order to permanently change the sound of your voice.

The surgery itself is performed within approximately 1-2

hours with a 'next day' release. It involves a simple incision

close to your larynx, which allows for a small chunk of

thyroid being removed and then replaced with a small piece

of plastic.

When the surgery is performed, you (the patient) are put

under local anesthetic; however you're never fully asleep

because you need to test the outcome of your voice

throughout the surgery. The piece of plastic is manipulated

until your desired sound is reached.

Post Operation

There are few side effects with the Laryngeal Framework

Surgery. You're not supposed to speak in extreme tones, such

as yelling or whispering after the surgery. Otherwise, the

most common side effects are simply swelling, and

discomfort... oh, and debt!

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Personally, I wasn't even aware of the fact that I could get

voice surgery prior to my natural voice training, but now that

I've reached the results that I set out for, I couldn't be

happier that I didn't wimp out and spend the $5,000 on the


You're probably wondering "why?" and the reason is simple

– the time and effort I spent training my voice was a real

growth experience for me. I gained a little more confidence

in myself with each leap in progress. Even when I was testing

different methods of voice training that didn't work, I didn't

get discouraged, instead, I slowly began to accept myself for

who I am. In the past, I would’ve normally been frustrated or

disappointed with my failed practices, but instead, my

confidence grew, and so did the strength of my voice.

My voice is now stronger and more confident than ever


10 - Conclusion

I’m really confident that if you follow all of the information

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I’ve outlined in this ebook you will see fantastic results just

like I did.

They key is to follow through and be consistent. Big changes

may not happen as quickly for some people, so don’t give up

if you are not noticing your voice getting deeper


I want you to succeed, and if you have any questions I’d be

happy to help. Feel free to shoot me an email anytime, at

[email protected] . I’ll do all I can to help you


Not get off your computer and start the program!

All the best,

10 – Resources

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Here are some products and websites that I recommend that

you checkout. Please let me know if you have any questions

about any of them:

Muscle Building Program – I’ve found that most girls don’t

like ultra muscular guys, but they do like a solid body versus

a flabby one. I’ve found No-Nonsense Muscle Building to be

a rock solid program. Tons of support, and the program is

real and actually works.

Click Here to check No-Nonsense Muscle Building

How to Attract Women – There’s tons of information out

there about how to pickup chicks. If you aren’t familiar, I

recommend that you read some of them, whether they are

ebooks are paperback books. Checkout

SecretLoveStrategy.com. I actually know the guy who made

the program, I he knows his stuff.

Click Here to Checkout Secret Love Strategies

Remember that you are entitled to unlimited updates of my

ebook and members area. As I find more resources that I

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recommend, I’ll add them to the new editions of my ebook.

Thanks again!