Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    I N S T R U C T I O N S O R U S Ewww.orphancameras.com

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    i.i:i:.i:it:l:i:i.*ili:lilri'i r,:'::i';::.l : : : :r :lI': :tr.:::ji


    I F ihn speed scqle for DIN rot ings

    2 Lever of operlure ring

    3 Uncoupl ing lever to d isengoge theshut ter speed r ing when set t ingthe f i lm speed

    4 Bqck lock

    5 Lens mount with dis tonce scole

    6 Depth of field scqle

    7 Shutter speed ring

    8 Shutter speed scqle

    I Shutler releqse

    10 Aperture ring

    l l l u s t r o t i o n

    1l Fi lm indicq tor in rewind knob

    12 Honeycomb cell windowof exposu e meter

    13 Contro l window for exposuremete r w h en lo o k in g f r o m o b o v e

    14 Flosh socket

    t5 Cqble releose sockel

    16 Fi lm speed scole for ASA rot ings17 Self-timer lensioning lever

    I8 Fi lm counler with set t ing but ton

    19 Tr ipod bush

    l l l u s t r o t i o n l

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    R ' G H T H E R E

    is the most imporfont piece of odvice in this cqre-fully prepored booklet: pleose reod i t corefullybefore doing onything else. Prqctice mokes or per-fection, so try out the vorious controls without qfilm in t he cqmerq.

    Also reme'mber hot the VITO, though extremelysiurdy, is qn opticol ond mechonicol precision n-strument. t, therefore, needs coreful ond sensiblehond'ling. he cqmero will repoy coreful treotmentwith pe,rfect ictures or mony yeors to come.


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Pogel n d e x : S e t t i n g h e i l m s p e e d . . . . . . . . . 2

    Inser t ing he fi lm 2Setting he fi m counter 3Film indicotor 3Setting he exposure n d operfure 4-sSetting he distonce 6-7Aperture ond depth of field 8Viewfinder re leose ropid winding ever 9Self-timer flqsh shots 10-11Filters close-up hots 12-15Photogrophing goinst he l ight 16Hints or colour shots 17H nts for exposu e reod ng 18-1 9

    Unlooding he comerq 20Chonging ortly exposed ilms 20

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Gelting the Camera Recdy . . . with Every New Film

    Selting he fitm speed: depress he uncoupling ever (3).ond hold it in thispositi6n. Turn he shutter peed ing (7) o the right or left until the speedioting on the red DIN or ASA scole 1 ond 16) corresponding o the speedof the film in the comero, s opposiie he red dot on the shutter peed ing.

    Then releose he uncoupling ever.This ilm speed setting s essentiol, s the correct unciioning of the outo-motic exposure ontrol depends n it.

    Inserting he film: press he locking qiches 4) ogether nd 90.9! he comero.Push hJ film reversing ever 23) o ihe left. The rewind knob (11) prings p;pu l l i t ou t fu l ly (see l lus t ro t ionl l ) .

    Anchor he beginning of the film to the hook (26) by o perforotion hole.Drow the.orsJtte ocross he film trock ond insert n the cossette homber.

    Nowturn the toke-up spool by its lower milled ring until both perforoied

    edges of the film engoge he sprocket f the tronsport hofi,ond push bockrewind nob ul ly (see l lus t ro t ionV) .Shut he comero .

    - 2 -www.orphancameras.com

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Seffing lhe Exposure . . . shutfer Speed ond Aperture

    @ Presel the shutter speedTurn the shutter speed ring (7) until fhe required speed setting clicks ntoposition opposite he triongulor A mork. The exposure imes rom 1/sooo 1hssecond ore outomoticolly imed ofter depressing he shulter eleose 9).At


    setting he shuiter emoins open os long os you keep the releosedepressed.Speeds of from 1/sooto 1/oosecond ore suiloble for monuolly held exposures. For longe'rt ime s , po ' r t i c u lo r ly o t " 8" , ho ld lhe comero f i r mly or moi ln t i t on 'o i r ipod . A coblereleose con be screwed into the socket ( '15).

    @ Align the two pointers in the viewfinder by turning the operture ringlever (2)while pointing he comero ot the subiecf. his s oll: you hqve nowset the correct operture orresponding o the shutter peed.l f t h e tw o poin te r s connot be o l igned in t he v iewf inde r wi th in the ronge of the oper turescole (from fl22 to fi2.8), light conditions ore not suitoble for on exposure with the

    preselected shutler speed. ln this cose seleci o different spe.ed, provided ihis is possiblein ihe c ose o f t he sub ie c t t o be t oke n . - I n unfovouroble l igh t condi t io ns the r e f lec ledimoge of the me te r ndedle moy disoppeor f r om v i e w.

    _ 4 _


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    The o l ignment o f t he po in t e r s i s no r mo l ly mode in t he v i e w f inde r, in o the r w or ds i nthe exposure pos i t i on . "Looking f r om obove" in to the cont ro l window ( '13) s on lyrequi red i f the ope r ture , ond thus the dep th of f ie ld z one , hos f i r s t t o be de te rmined .The olignment of the pointers in ihe viewfinder, however, musl olwoys be checked priorlo exposure ond, if necessory, correcled.

    poinlers not oligned

    r;-l1_"-Jcorrecf olignment

    - 5 -

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Seffing the Distonce on the VITO CL

    The ed symbols f the hree-pointetting re ound n the distonce cole 5)between he distqnces

    o = PORTRAIT: subiect dislonce 4r/tfeet

    V = GROUP: subiect dislonce 1l feetO = LANDSCAPE: ubieci disionce 3 feet '

    Depending on the subiect, either sei the octuql distonce on the scole orsimply "ii t to one of ihe three symbols. his gives you the following depthof field zones, mong others:

    Aper ture o (! t t r tee l ) Y ( 11 f e e t ) O (33 eet)

    f 5.6


    - 6 -

    3rlo to 5 feet

    3./, lo 5rl+ eet3r/t lo 6 feet

    81 /n o 161/zfeet

    71/z o 23 feet6'/, to 40 feet

    161lz eet to oo.|31/u

    feet to oo'10feet to oo


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Setting the Distonceon fhe Y|TO CLR

    You will see he ocusing reo of ihecoupled rongef inder in the fo rm of obr igh t c i rc le in the cen t re o f the v iew-

    f inder. The ou t l ines of the sub iect int h e f o c u s i n g o r e o o r e d u p l i c o t e d o slong os the se t t ing is no t cor rect (seei o p i l l u s t r o t i o n ) .Tu r n t h e l e n s m o u n t ( 5 ) u n i i l t h e d o u b l eo u t l i n e s m e rg e i n t o o n e i n t h e f o c u s -i n g o r e o ( s e e l o w e r i l l u s t r o t i o n ) . T h ecomero is now sei o f the correctd is tqnce .You moy, o f course , se l fhe d is tonceo n t h e d i s t o n c e s c o l e o r w i t h f h e h e l pof the red symbols .

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Aperture and Depth of Field

    The depth of field zone de,pends n the operture etting nd covers hoi pqrtof the subiect reo which, rom froni to bock, s reproduced n the fi lm withodequote horpness. oie thot:

    lorge opertures e. g. ft2.8)-

    yield limited depth of field,small opertures e. g. il16) - yield grealer depth of field.

    Reoding he depth of field: qfter hoving set ihe distonce, old the comeroso thoiyou con reod the opertur e morks on the depth of field scole (6) oswell os ih" ditton.e scole (5) ot the some ime. The depth of field extendsfrom the distonce igure obove the left hond operiure number on the rightof the A mork.

    Beor in mind the depth o f f i e ld w he n odius t ing the ope r ture to mo tc h o pre -

    selected shutter speed. lf your subiect colls for o greoter depth of f ield zonethqn con be obtoined of the correct operture setting, you moy hove to presel

    o longer exposure ime in o rde r to o r r ive o t o smo l l e ' r ope r tu r e .

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Voigtliinder Crystol-Frqme iewfinder\The brilliont eflected rome iewfinder ysiem hows he subiect n octuol

    size. When sighting, herefore, ou cqn keep both eyes open ond still hoveo cleqr view of ihe obiects surrounding he subiect.p le ose no te : w i th sub ie c t s o t o d i s tonc e o f be tween 3r l+ ond 61 /2 e e | , . t h e l imi i s of theiiJta of ulew ore dispioced downwords or sidew.oys dependin.g on whether you ho.ld the

    comero ho r i z on to l ly ' o r upr igh t ) , o s show n by the tw o sho r t l tnes on the c r y s to l Trome '


    o' lwoys ress he releose ently ond smoothly. Do not ierk ii os this wouldproduce blurred pictures.

    Rcpid winding leverofter every exposure ull out the lever os for os it will go. This ensions heshutter, odvonces he fi lm ond moves he film counter. An ouiomotic ockpr"v"nir it from being operoted o second ime befors Y9u have mode on

    exposure. Similorly, he ihutter con only be releosed ofter operoting herop id winding ever.- 9 -

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    . Seff-fimerHoving set lhe exposure (shu t ter speed ond oper ture) ond the d is tqnce ,tens ioned ihe shu t ter, push the smol l red lever(17) s idewoys os for os i t wil lgo . On press ing the re leose , the exposure tokes p loce outomofico l ly of terobout ten seconds . You, therefore , hove t ime to toke your p loce quick ly in

    fronf of the cqmero. However, donol use the self-timer with the shutler

    sel ql "B".

    Synchronized Flash ShofsThe losh unenobles ou notonly o toke excellent,ifelike ictures t nightomid your fomi ly or on socio l ond fes t ive occosions , bu t o lso to g ive por-l ro i t s token ou i o f doors on c loudy doys o lovely

    "sunny" effect , o r lobr igh ten up dork shodows to o cer to in ex ten t .ln the cose of b lock-ond-whi tei lm, the f losh gun con be used on i l s own wi thoutoddi t ionot ioh t inqos wel l os in con iunct ion i th doyl igh tor or l i f ic io ll igh t (e lec t r ic

    bu lbs) .Wher i us i r igdoyl igh t ype.co lo-uri lm.or o r t i f ic io l igh t typg co lour i lm, referio the ins i ruct ionsor use regordrng r lms. Your photogropnlc eo ler wl l l oovlse youin cose of doubt .

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Mounting he flosh gunLight we igh t ond smo l l f l o sh guns , suc h o s the "Voig t lc inde r F lo sh Gun" , co n be inse r tedin the oc c e s so r y shoe provided for th i s pu r pose . Lorge r f losh guns o r lomp holde , r s off lo sh guns (e lec t ron ic f lo sh guns) con be mounted on the s ide of the c qme r o w i th ospec io l b rocke t . T he e l e c t r i c c onne c t ion be tween f lo sh gun ond comero i s e f f e c t e d bythe f lo sh coble which i s p lugged in to t he f l o sh soc ke t ( 14 ) .

    Speed ond operture for flqsh shotsT he f o s t e s t spe e d f o r f l o sh guns w i th type MX - l /P F - l or AG- l bu lbs is 1 / sose c ond . I nihe c ose o f e l e c t r on i c f lo sh guns , spe e ds o f up to 1 / roosecond con be u se d .

    A s f o r o s the ope r ture se t t ing i s c onc e r ne d , you wi l l f ind de to i l s on the pocking mote r io lor pr in ted l i te ro ture o f ihe f losh bulbs o r e lec t ron ic f lo sh guns in the form o f so co l led"guide numbers" . T he ope r tu r e s e t t i ng i s ob to ined by div id ing the re levont gu ide

    number by the d i s tonc e in f e e t be tw e e n the sub ie c t ond the f l o sh gun . T h u s : ope r-tu r e : gu ide number : d i s tonce .

    Exo m p r e : Yyi l" , ' : ? : ! , " : oper rure e t ins .d t s t o n c e d r e e l- l l -

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Voigt l i inde r F i l te r s These ore hord cooted ond hove o 32 mm dio . push onmoun t . , E ve r y f i l t e r , w i th t he e xc e p i ion o f t he u l t r o - v io le l ond sky l igh t f i l t e r , c o l l s f o ro s l i gh i ly lohger e xposu r e o r o c b r r e c t i on o f t he ope r tu r e .

    Ye l low f i l te r G l . 5x S l igh t f i l t e r i ng e f f e c t f o , r ou tdoo r sho t s . lde o l f o r spo r t s ,oc t i on sub je c t s ond p ic tu r e s oke n when the sun i s low in the sky.F i l t e r foc lor ; l .5x or open the lens ope r ture by l l z s top .

    Yellow ilter G 3 x lr"t';::tJ.[i!"i"l"i"lllo;i.1[::.."'dotheroutdoor ubiects;

    F i l t e r f oc io r : 3x o r open the ope r ture by l1 lz s lops .Green f i l t e r G r 4x Br igh tens green lone s in londscopes . Recommended o r o r t i -

    f ic io l l igh t po r t r o i t s ond f o r copying co loured or ig ino ls .F i l i e r f oc to r : 4x o . r open ihe ope r ture by 2 s tops .

    Oronse filter Or 5 x i[:*il o::l:"?lYiJ:rdromotic ffecis' educes tmospheric

    F i l f e r f oc to r :5x or open the lens ope r iure by 2 t / z s tops .Absorbs u l t ro -v io le t rod io t ion in h igh mounto ins o r o t t hese os ide . E l imino te s unpleosont b lue c os t s i n c o lou r sho t s .Requires no increose in exposure.I t s e ffec t cor re sponds to t ho t o f t he u l t r o - v io l e t f i l t e r c om-b ine d w i th o w e ok c onve r s ion i l te r. The u l t ro -v io le t rod io i ionof the l igh t i s f u l l y obso . r be d . Requi re s o inc r e ose n e xposu r e .

    Ultrq-violet filter UV

    SkylighiTlter Sf:

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Cfose-ups with. the VITO C[ Ccl merrr

    The VITO CL comero hos no cou -p led rqngef inder. The PROXIMETER,therefore , connof be used wi th i t .Bu t you con och ieve the iden t i co lp ic tu re effect fo r c lose-ups of lessthon 3r ln teet by us ing FOCAR len-ses ond the PROXIRECT t tochmen tto compensq te for the f inder po-r o l l o x .

    We shol l be p leosed to forwordyou upon reques t o comprehens ivetob le o f se t t i ngs wi th de tq i l s o fp i c fu re sco les , dep th o f f i e ld r o n g eetc .

    - 1 4 -

    F o c q r F o c u s i n g T q b l e

    S c o l e I D i s t o n c e e t w e e n r o n t o f l e n s o n d s u b i e c ts e f t i n g F o c o r l F o c o r 2 f 1 + 2

    t _ t _ _

    il | ilr I rv2' 7rlr' 111h '

    11ullu103/+"101/2"10U2"101h '101/+"1}'9Uz'9rlzu9r/tu9rh"9'83/s'83/t"

    65' | 2' 6tl+'O | 2 ' Srhu23' | 2' 31/2"16' | 2' 3t'13' | 2' 2rlroV | 2' 11/2"l0' | 2' 03/r '8 ' | l ' 11 3 h '61/z ' | 1 ' 101/zus ' 1 1 ' g '41/z ' 1 ' 8 'o | l' 7tl2'4 ' 1 1 ' 7 u31/z ' | 1 ' 6n31h' | 1' 5112'


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    lnstructions or use of focqr lensest F oc us ing : opprooch the subiec t wi th the comero , pre fe rob ly on t r ipod , un t i l you se e

    i t i n the v i e w f inde , r n the des i red s i z e . Then , occord ing to t he d i s tonc e ( se e tob le ,co lumns l l t o lV ) , f i t the oppropr io te Focor l e ns or bo th l e nse s l i n f r on t o f 2 ) ove rthe comero le ns mounf .Meosure the e xoc t d i s tonc e be tween the c e n t r e o f t he lens ond the c e n t r e o f t he

    sub ie c t ond s e t t hel e ns t o the oppropr io te d i s tonc e shown in co lumn I o f t he t ob l e

    cor responding to co lumns l l t o lV.

    oAper lure ond dep th o f f i e ld : io ensure odequote depih o f f i e ld , s e t the ope r turedow n to o f l e o s t f / 5 . 6 or f /8 . W he n copying doc ume t r i s , / l 1 o r f / 16 is r ecommended .

    o Viewf inde r imoge : f i t t h e "Proxi rec t" o t toc hme n t n to lhe oc c e s so r y hoe of the c ome r oso tho t i t i s s i t uo te d in f r on t o f the v ie w f inde r. Then tu r n the f ron t ond r e o r s c o l er ings to t he e xoc t d i s tonc e be tween the lens cen i re ond sub ie c t . You con now se e t hev i e w f inde r imoge f r e e f r om poro l lox . The s l igh t shodow in the c o r ne r s , w h ic h is dueto the c i r c u lo r shope of the P r ox i r e c t o t t oc hme n i , w i l l o f c ou r se not oppeor in t heoc tuo l p ic ture .

    o Exposure : T he Focor l e nse s do no t o f f e c t t he e xposu r e ime . T he f i l t e r s mus t be p loced

    in f r on t of lhe F oc o r l e nse s , o t t he some t ime o l lowing for the inc r e ose of exposurefoctor.

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Photogrophing ogoinsf the Light

    This s one of the most beout i fu l ho togrophic ubiec ts . n le res t ing u t l inesof lighf on people ond obiects, s well os shqdows proiected o the front,g ive the p ic tu re o dep th which t i s imposs ib le o ochieve wi ih ony o therform of l igh t ing .

    When tok ing hese p ic tu res , owever, o not omi t to use the lens shodewhich cleors he woy to the lens only for those roys which ore required obui ld up the p ic tu re , nd e l iminotes ny hormful ide l igh t . he o t ie r, egord-less of whefher t comes rom the sun, the sky, from woler or from onoriificiolsource f light,would be lioble o couse light efleclions r wouldhove he effeci of diminishing horpness nd controsi.

    The lens shode s no t on ly essen t io l hen photogrophing goins t he l igh ior wi th o r t i f ic io l igh t , t i s equol ly usefu lwhen ok ing photogrophs

    n bodweother o protect he lens ogoinst oin or snow.- 1 6 -


  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Hints for Colovr Photogrophs

    Subiects ith lorge coloured oreos, but withoui consideroble ifference nbrightness, oke he best colour pictures. f possible, loce pe_ople goinsto quiet neutrql bockground n order o moke hem stond out. Outdoor por-t ro i t s ore bes t oken n s l igh t ly ozy sunl igh t '

    ln the cose of londscopes, oke sure o get o colourfulond lively oregroundin to the p ic tu re . o r mounto in iews ond o i the seos ide , se he u l l ro -v io le to r sky l igh t i l te r o reduce r e l iminote is tu rb ing lue cos ts .

    Sunl igh t ends o be o ronge n tone n the eor ly morn ing nd lo ie even ing .Subiec ts l luminoted nly by the b lue sky ond not d i rec i ly by ihe sun f re -quent ly oke on o predominont ly lu ish one .

    With doylight photogrophs, hodows con be br ighfened up by meons ofwhite reflecting creens r blue flosh bulbs or electronic losh guns. Mixed

    l igh t ingsuch os , fo r ins tonce , lec t r ic omps n con iunc t ion i th doyl igh t ,resu l t s n co lour d is to r t ion .

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    Meler Reod ings . . . in o Nuishe l l

    gA rel iob le xposure e t t ing s normol lyobtoined by pointing the exposuremeter stroight ot the subiect rom thecomero position. his so colled reflec-ted light meosurement s suitoble oro l l overoge ondi t ions n the obsenceof excessive ontrosts of light ondshode .O ut o f doo r s , po r t i c u lo r ly wi th open v ie w s ,i f i s odv i sob le t o po in t the comero s l igh t lydownwords os the bright sky reflects formore in tense l igh t thon the oc tuo l sub ie c t .Except ions r e in ie res t ing c loud s tud i e s w i thp e o p l e , b u i l d i n g s o r o t h e r l o nd s c o p e e o -

    tures de l ibe ro te ly rendered os s i lhoue l te s ,o lso beoch ond snow sc e ne s .

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    ln some insfonces more occuro tewoy of toking reflected ight reodingsis co l led or, nomely lose-up eodings .This moy orise with bright obiectsogoinst dqrk bockground, n the coseof close-ups with the oid of FocorIenses nd , n pr inc ip le , i th o l l pho to-grophs f people, orticulorly ortroits.

    For o close-up eoding, opprooch hesubiec t n l i lyou only oke n ihe por tsthol octuolly motter. Be coreful not tocost o shodow over the oreo whichyou ore meosur ing .

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    Unlosding the Camero. . . ofter the Lqsl ExposureRewinding nd removing he film: press he reversing ever o the left, eitingthe rewind knob ump up. Turn he rewind knob n the direction of the orro,iun t i l he I or o mork reoppeors n the f i lm counte rwindow. Then open hecomero, ull ouf the rewind knob folly ond remove he cossette.

    Chonging Partly Exposed FilmsWith boih cqmeros ou con olwoys remove o portly exposed ilm betweenexposures nd exchonge t for onother e.g. to switch over from block-ond-whi te o co lour i lm) .Remember or, be f t e r s t i l l , mo .ke o no te of the number of the lo s t e xpose d f rome ondr e w ind the po r t l y exposed f i lm in to i t s c os se t t e . W t ' r " n r r f r " q r e n t iv re loodi r r i f - r i ,t i lm , . p roceed os o l reody desc r ibed up to the po in t of se t t i ng ' t he ' f i lm ior i i i " r. i othe I mor k .Then de p r e s . s . t he e l e ose , l e i go , press dow n ogoin ond hold i t dow n in th i s pos i t i on .K e e p o n p u t t r n g o u t t h e r o p i d w i n d i n g l e v e r o s f o r o s i t w i l l q o u n t i l t h e f i l m ' c o u n t e rI nd r c o t e s once mor e the number of lhe f rome of which you

    hovep r e v ious ly

    mode onote. Now lgt sg gf the reteose, work rhe ropid windins' ieuui-oloi.-"irJ-p'r"ilr iii tJexpose the f i lm in the normol monner.

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  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    C A R E O F T H E C A M E R A A N D ' I . E N SSuccessfulesults nd o long ifetime f your vclu-oble comero depend lorgely on proper core ondcorrect use.

    Therefore, lwoys hondle he comero corefully, everuse orce. Protect he comero ogoinsi shocks ond do

    not drop it. When trovelling by cor, do not keep itin the glove co,mportment here it is exposed o ogreot deol of vibrotion which moy horm he built-inphoto-electric xposure meter n the long run.

    Cleon the lens only with o soft, fluffless cloth.However, irst cqrefully dust off coqrse porticles ofdust (or sond ot the seoside) with o soft brush.Finger morks ond other greose morks on the lens orviewfinder con be removed with o piece of cottonwool-moistened with pure olcohol or ether.

  • 8/13/2019 Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr


    I t


    Rewind knob

    Viewfinder eyepieceFilm trock

    Cqssette chqmber

    Film reversing lever



    l l l u s t r o t i o n l l

    Rqpid winding lever fo r tens ion ingthe shu t ter ond odvqncing the f i lm

    Film lronsport shqft

    Toke-up spool with hook for

    o t toch ing the f i lm leoder

    Any brond of film on the morkel, wherever you mqy buy if, conbe used in the VITO Ct/CtR. The doylight cosselles with the per-

    foroted 35 mm film give 36 resp.20 fromes size 24x36 mm, no molterwhether block-ond-white, colour negotive or colour reversol film(lronsporency).