PLAINFiEtb; N. j . , WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1892.' VOL. 1--NO. 101. PBICE TWO CENTS:' THE EIDER D00MB1 Hope of Savin? (lie Uisj Vesst About Abandoned. SHE ISNOW GOINQ TOPIECES Her FrcijvVor Cirried iwaj and Wreck) ' \ r.pginning to Come Anhrre- , Dcr 1-wltf . w™ rtfcr A.I.I, to < I I«I.-» Very 1 ili.l. done—Offlc.y. of THH-1 Will !s..t sj.mn <•( Hi- CHH of >i. i.1. ut I-..ITIII to Refer to tin- 1 Lflsnofi, Feb. a-—Acting, It Is believed nn(ier instructions from the agent* the North German Lloyd Steamship Coi puny, the officers of the Elder to-ds when questioned in regard to the can of their running ashore; refused to gi anil explanation of the disaster furtb tn£o to **r that Sunday night w centlvely foggy and that they wei able to nee a-tiy of the lights on tbi Ji-h coast while making their war n ^""^he tide began to rimthi* ,.w lopes of thmte who -till believed th "thelEldur could be floated began to sin to 11n- lowest ebb. for the water Stead! rose until it overflowed tbeji In fliirliiion, the fresh hiee; nprnn« up early Inthe morntv_ w. oily- fri-tWneil into a gale of wind whte agnin mailed heavy "seas to sweep K.virtTlK inmaritime matters who bav CXunlfted the Elder as she rosta on tl tocts'.ifr Atherfteld, have expressed f. opinion that lipr Wk Inbroken And th; tltere is absolutely no hope | of Bavii JUT! AHthe day wore . on, tills oploii liewwf the lii'in-rnlly accepted one, an It is taken tor granted that the E|de and 1 he cnrgo, the latter W lit tt-ni At n EiJer is valu eluding the upon t t b p , except by the wrecker. tli tftimate. the cftrpo of th lued at about *80,OW, not li e l g |>i-cie which will] be navel the Kitkr herself la valued at about $700 <K«I; 1HI(II thu steamer »nd her cargo nr liv insured. All il hnre now been landed at ibeen se, -luli ' A All m n « rinmber of the crew BShi.re inthe local life-b The Elder's lifeboat l Inum-lii-il itncl are alongside of her, read to takr utt the rpiiminilt-r of itbe ere* Th* -•*« continui'S to break furiously ovi tW unfomiUiiH- .steamer, nnd wreckage frohi Iter i- liffliig washed a»liore. gvMi IJIT ollic.-ra nolonger attempt t dVny HIM stir i* doom«i; th«y now de dim- thiW -lit- is full cif water eicept i the fon-p'Mk. «liifh is lifted up l.y th •It,,, i, -,iii ,,f tin- continued high .is (b;« ((..• Bicnmcr pdsttiou in count! ^Tlliu^n 'out o( tbewdU-r «nc h bh h b Tl|t MH-' - i^LOji'Ti propi'llcr during th B»ST. S. Y.. Feb. 3.—The Stein \u-t,-B rtvra 111at electrical exi wan reported in the Sun. ili*lffow to provide that the v> iav nppuint sucli people as .he like* rcmotilug restrictions to publica • hill WJIH passed and Rent tc .1 :•.•-!•...•:•• (S.iiiiicf I ••(.'>.veil . HZAUETH, N. J. T Feb. 3.—After ]n-r:itf ^irug^W ou'Suuth Brond atreet, i. yimun- mill, (iray uiul Bi.utel of th KaLrtii Atiilt-tic Club, captured an y Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d from renjilruce of Unt. H. P. VanTuyl o Mtne street. «n VanTuyl, who i wat thrown into coiiTiilrionB whei l>iii;i.ir fiiiere.l her room. Me gav DsiiHt H* Tlioicaa Murphy ot Phil«del ii. A({Unutity of jewelry and trinket .- ].,,.i,.l outhe burly prisoner. Etw-KiN, F^b. 3.—An action of tort atptmxt the West End Street railway i wliich John J. Leahy claims $il,(K)0 lUin *-ts for inj-JtiCK received in July, 189U when the wall of the company's powei kotuwiu KH~I. Enmbridge fell upon him -b«D trinl in the Superior Court. ~" plaintiff claims nedllg<-»ce on the pw the tQiupuny, and the defense- Is a genera FHII.A<IE[.IHIA, Feb. 8. —Pennaylvanl TnJlroHil twin ini,. ant emphatic in thel dciiiiil inrelation to the cstnhliHhniei] ot a'jirw express company t-t tbe pttl pose ui competing wi'll and ultinuttel crii-iimn llie Adiimn Expre.-M company Vkv 1 iv-iilcru '1 liuiupwiu luuglit-d at th Idea uutl declared lie kuow ooiuiug of it. Hnun, K. J., Feb. 8.—Scarlet fever him iiivaiWti Vie City Home itt Verona, •tui eUteH fruni bvre. According to the B olviit oilicials, forty-seven o( the •><« Uriekcn. One death hu . oixartvd. The /ever h«« exis lu li» iiiMitjDVion nfiice Thank»j{iving jU»y. 1!n rt are ut present 2iiT boy« and WgiilB In Hie borne. lh-.ll. ..f,, M>ll-i,tiowti Inrantsf. ] CViCAuo, Peb, S . ItLien Silabr Bich- •rdiMin. B wtlt-knuwu lnveDtor, died nt rkii IJOIU. inlVowlUwn lawnight, aged . ]•» ytwr.. AHHJI,K hin invKntiouB W M tbe m«1ui,e no* u««i („ placing pioi in ijw[*r, «hc jweunwaB Lubei ete . faB»!»<, iDdm-ctly i,elp«l to lay the flrtt Atlantic ^eilfinie, fi.urguns. 4,870 ton*, • powrr, Captalu Hon. Blchard toast guards vessel at Kings- ui. ,-, ,s mDublin gay, drown- huus Board of Agriculture an- that Wheat has suffend no *> far. but that il "trai (l oov. limit IN intiui A i.it,*Yii n l>> Hli'iil. lu Mr I- Not In f tin;*. OMAHA, Neb. 3—GOT. JETIKJM E. Tmyd, when inItirmisil of the ilechi-m of tbn Su- preme Court in the Boyd-Thayei said -to a reporter; "I am more than gratified toleni I* \ again tbe Governor of tiili State, WiiOit growth I have wutcticrt with con- widerable gratinaatlou, gnin-ins up a* ] didwlthit. >1 am now its f.ovemor. Of course, L'!•> not know whnt course Thayer will pursue, but I suppose will at once vacate the chair at the S Capitol. As I aaiil before, I cannot l •ay when. I shall go to Lincoln formally bike my seat as Governor. I have beeu in;.iiuur«ted I can serve ; the save in Omitiut for a day or two a* in L,iutoln. Mr. i hniyer cannot now eve] act its Governor. Any papers which hi may^sittn as mtch or appointment* he •nay make would be illegal, tbink that be will attempt to hold office any longer." eroKK ONK or THE SCOWS. But Hj Murnlng Tlmy Wire Gone. LBWEB, Del., Feb. 3, — Tba stflac Sylvia, from Shields, Eng.. hits arrii at the Breakwater for orders. She re- ports having fallun in with one of scows adrift from Naw Ynrk harbor with four men on her. off the cuost ah Sunda] morning last. Tlie Crew o( the iteamei men anil smashwl their boat iu the effort. The steamer laid liy the scow all nigh and ou Monday mo ruing found tbe scow be invn miH^iug, tbtfy havfng oUibly been taken off by so Ml. me other E TH AIM. I) OUT 1111. IIVSAM1TK. Lost liin MUUMB, rroimbirth* Lire «f ^BTRB*.^ Feb. 3.—At Cote St. L- lUttying auburb of Montreal, se* frozeu dynamite cartridges which Dupre had Dhtced on the titore to t exploded, completely wrecking «. Dupre was u-rribly injured. HJa Httle ilauglittrs, one an infant months was fatally burned. third daughter bad her skull fractured and will probably die. .Mr,. Dupre M- ;;ipi-d injury from tbe eiplufion, but ou peeing tbe injuries of her | liu^bnnd and children, became insane and is J now a ravitig maniac uld not join their gang for purp •bery. Four of the gang are no in sou wlii-rf ten others of the sanio Jody have heretofore been, confined for ris criinm. one belnR the murder, list iiiiLs, o( V».ssi«i WalHConce. OS* of nrre«ted Is Autliuny Kopchuoa, real mune i-s given by their Uoiird- uue l>o^.s as Jo.nt lUuiki. He isun |d min-ilerer (mmKuwburg, N. V., where he killed a fellow-couiUryman while working ou a ruilroud grading. ToFlml Out Meiiaiur l'»lni»r". Mr.-.iKiii. CHICAGO, j"eb. 8.—John P. Hopkins, the well kuuwu i*niw.-ratic politician, will leave foi- HI. extemli-d tour through tbe South mid East to-ujiy in tim inltrpol of the variuui* poiiiii-.Al urgHEiiz<itioDs in which he itia lending spirit. Ur- Hop- SHE PLIEDTHE LASH Mrs. OsmaD Horsewhips an Of fenaive Admirer. HEE EUSBAND STOOD BY " ' )rean's, a n V i i e U^ and consult Tammi my before he returns is puj-pose Ui test trie feeling oi be question of the Presiilential nonilna ion, and it is believecl that the tour U undertaken purtJy, at letutt, in tbe in per, a young axemtui of Gatiurau Point, came down from the woods to see hi- ood He l und d .ged Ititlier nnd o IOUHB Jocked up, and ufte irae, coiicludeit tu force e le found hia mother dcml in bed and his e old <• grip « a net I'a., Feb. 3—Oov. tlnon has issued a procUmutioii calliiig " ie vast proportions of the a, recalling the bounty of tbe world sent to the Johnstown flood id advising the citizens the Statv to send contributioun for I >Uef of the Euiwiun peasHiitH to I usaiau Famine Relief Committee •ashiugton^ A Hwl> lit ths Bulnx. PITTBBDRO, Feb. 9.—The remains of alian have been found In the debris SailU &KLI^CTS' fruit store. No. 585 irt- about nvo weeks ago. The nrmein- iloyed a numl>er of Italians, and it in iipjiosed llie bodj is <>ue of them. report had bijen niHtit? of anyone b* k iu£ t)U*A, Feb. .—It is reported that a ton of another victinfof Franc iiit tosalie bclumkler, the monsters who [cred servant giria, has been dlscov- red fn the snow in the Buckberg woml, Dt far from .where tbe other bodies w< . . »untj_ It Is now' vtid that a tiecond trial f the caae U probable. MlnUtrr K**a «>J * h *> BtfugsBa. LOSDOK, Feb. 8. —The Santiago corres- milent of tbe "Time*" asserts that inuter Euan did receive safe-court nets _r refugee* who sought the asylumof b« United State* Legation and that ho ever Informed hi* government of tne Shivl 11 y Ilia BOM. U ..I«U, Ga., Feb. 8.—Da«rid Port*-, •P'uj collector of tbe port, an officer* u the local pout of the O. A. It-. and a rtimiuent U«iJ Fellow, 1* reported to av* been shut and killed by hi* son. orter, minor says, waa beating his wit*. Sylvaatar WIISOB-I BattL IKW YORK, Fob. A^usUc* Patterson the rJuprems Court has fixed ball at ,000 In the caae of Sylvester T. Wilson, manager of Female bMeball team*, ler conviction of abdootton, pwdinK Cun.ol M Ck Bnn, Feb. .8 — Mr. H nk«r of thi* city, ha* been pp C0OM1 lor bwitxerland at Chicago. wur- 111... Sanaa Tin.* . A. I* Otfci Plains stirred Up Otar UM A> WHITS PLAINS, Fab. .—The people of White Plains are still eagerly dlscuasing the particulars of tbe horse whipping which occurred Monday night. Charles Orilnth* wa* horsewhipped by Hr*. Wm (toman. Grifflthu la an Kuglishui painter by trade, and a married but recently ha and his wife s*parat«d and an nowliving apart. Tbe cause of tne separation ia n has it that Mrs. Urifflfhs objected to h husband'* attentions to other wonie She declaral alif Could not endure It ai left him. Mr. Urlffith* Is a neighbor of Mr. ai Mrs. Wm. Usmaik. Ur*. Daman i* a comely woman of attractive fofrm a^rn&Lule manner*. Urirflth* is sa have become, enamored of her. 11* be- cume more than neigliborl; inhis atten annoyed thereby. Desiring publicity, Mrs. Oaxnan concealed he] annoyance at Griffiths' attention* and tried to treat him as pleasantly as poul We, Further details, of the horsewhipping ave Just come out, Urifflth* and tb* iron11* lived next door toeach other on euaico avenue. A partition fence di- Ufa the back yards. Honda; afternoon rs. OsmaQ was in her back yard. Grif .tit want, into hi> back vard and began talking to Mr*. Osman over the back She alleges that the Improper proposals Were then made. Mr. Oilman came home ait that night and hi* wife finally told lira of tho insults Qrlfflths hadput upon ier. It was decided to demand Mtislac- iou from Griffiths. A borsewhip was tructired and Upman and bis wife we:' a Urithtba house andcalled him out. It WHS late in the evening. Griffith. •jitntMiut unii Mr.-*. Osmao demanded JIImediate apology. Whether Uri.ii ttttn^pted to apologize or Hot is inuwn- All were M> eiciwd that the; can Dot recollect. Anfhow, Mrs. Osman seized her horse- whip nnd commence.1 horsewhipping Jritnths with her full strength, osin: ilood by mad looked on. After Ml )M)iuH hadcouclDded that QriUitiis had H-i-n punished enough ami feuli 'rom her exertions, she withdrew with et husband. They went home. Oriffltht lhen be procured hie pistol. He lay i waif for OstiJan. AUiut 11 o'clock sniau went oat to his back yftnL Urilliths immediately went out to his own back janl, abd after rouudly curs- Usman be opened lire on him-. The knesa of tbe uiKtit undoubtedly s*i Osman's life, because Grifflth nred The noise of tbe shooting aroused the ueighborb ood. lirifRths fled Into his house. When Policeman Bogart cami UriUitiis trie<l to escape. Xs Bogart forcrtl open the front door of tne house Uriinths ran ont the back door, climbed the fence and began to rt cross lots. Bogan. -i-on discovered hi It wan an exciting run while it lasted. Across the lota Ujtj t*wo men ran, stumb- ling t>ver rocks and stumps in tbe dark- Finally Bogart took oat his pistol and fired in the air, calling on Griffiths f su>p. Griffiths then gave himself up. Ibe noise of this second nboutin; still further aroused the village, an. though the hour was midnight * crowi gathered to see Griffiths brought in. They followed Bogart and bis prisoner to the County Jaii and looked onwl(i satisfaction as Griffiths was locked up. r COUBT, Bnda tlie Trial HOT HIH§KLf I EASTOH, Fa., Feb. a—Preston 11. Ger net of Bethlehem, a vonng member of tbe Northampton county bar, shot him- self In tbe court house this morning jnst us tbe second day's trial of a salt again* him for embezzling funds coming iut his nands aa attorney was beginning. Hi cannot recover. V* Llbeler* In .lull. REAVER, Pa., Feb. 3.—MeMn. Portal and Mellen, ot the Beavep "Star, 1 ' against whom Senator Matt Qua? obtained a verdict on January ltt, and who were sentenced to pa; the Costs of prosecution, a fine of (500 and undergl imprisonment In Che county jail for sii months, are now locked up in the count] jail to serve their terra. It I* said thai uft,-r » short incarceration an application will be made to the Board of I>ardon*for their release. _ H., Feb. 8.—Willln H. B.-an, who in wanted by the police, U charged with having on Sunday night attempted to poison hi* wife. He tried to force the contents of asmal) bottle of poison down her fbroat, but Mhe Btrng- Hied bravely, krpt her Jaw» closed, and he could not accomplish bl*. pnrpoae. The fluid ran over be face, burning the skin terribly. Bean then fled in a stolen Twvntr La*»« Glna Bin. ST. Jon*, N. B., Feb. .—Fmlerick Qiift, tbe mulatto, sentenced to recefva forty lushes in addition to a term in jail for indecent assialt, had tbe &»t instal- ment of twenty lashes given to himSun- day at the jail here. Tbewhip was one of sii cord". Blood WM drawn, but Graft did sot seem to mind the whipping. . I*b. 8 - I n the m*tt«r of the petition ot member* *>f th* Pro hiliftion party for permission to fil* is tb. Supreme Court a bill la equity at- tacking th* const!tutlonality of th* new at (Jctlj«*or« OB Jim* ». NEW YORK, Feb. a.—Thursday, J a b ; 2, I* the day nzed ror the dedication of "th "Uigh Water Hark" Monument at Of ttjs burg. The President and members of hi Cabinet havs accepted Invitations to preoent, and the Governor* of all State* that hare contributed to mark the field, veterans of the array of tbe Potomac State monument committees, members of Congress and other* of distinction will be Invited. Col. Bachelder, who has the arrange- ments in charge, has reserved single fare rates for the round trip from the Trunk Lines committee for ticket* east Plttsburg and Brie *old on the d*? _ dedication and the day preceding th *am«; and to afford ample facilities " visiting the field, tickets will be good return for two days after the dedication Arrangement* will b* made with »thi MOB. mtnmmm ALBAity, N. Y., Feb. S.—Ur. HUt, o Albany, ha* Introduced In the Ajmerablj a bill designed to aid manager* Ini put- ting children on the stage.and at thesaim time meet the objections of Mr. Slbrfdgi licrry who claimed that tb* bill Intro- duced by Mr. Stein last .week, allowed children to appear la oonaert saloon*. Thi* Utter bill was drawn by >a*uat_. H. P. Houller of Albany, tad in It* last section say*: '"Nothfng In tbi* act shall be constructed to allow any child under ISyear* of age appearing or actln{ as public servant* in any plao* where liquor i* •old. Hull Knoaka Oat Bodes. CHICAGO, Feb. 8.—Jim Hall accom plished a feat Monday night that-Eil ratn, Pempsey and other pngtlists havt attempted in vain, and knocked oat Mike Boden of Philadelphia infour rounds. Boden made no .effort* to fight, bnt trlec to wear out hi* opponent by hnCgtni him, and not succeeding in that he delit srately fouled Hall, and in th* thir ound Boden sank his teeth into Eall 1 - KIOVB, Tbe Australian banrmered the ' ' fellow at will and In tbe fourth id Boden was helpless. Jack King, tbe fishier who recently faced Peter Jackson, then went against Hall an4 wan put to sleep in the thud round. ScKAKToif, Pa., Feb.ft—StephanDea- ynln,,a son of a wealthy Cuban family, [ormerlv general. maater mechanic foi tbe Lackawanna Railroad, in on trial foi trdering his wife last October, ha hav- _j shot her down after having accusec lier of unfaithfulness. District Attorne] ICelly, whose duty mak*a it neceasary for him to prosecute the cas*, was greoms- uan at DeayaU'* wedding. The priaoner ike down when called upon to plead the indictment, andwept pltaously lor a few minutes. Deayala's counsel are ftgbtlng tbe caw stubbornly. Their defence will be Insanity. Butflv*Jurors tw*n secured so far. Oklahoma's Mr.t Oovfroor. OOTBRIE, O. T-, Feb. 3.-At 4 o'clock Monday aft«rnoon Abraham Sear, Asao- Justice of Oklahoma, vacated bJ* on the Supreme Bench, and was ai once sworn in a* Governor ot the Tcrrl f. In tbe evening he had a receptloi ._ Che United States Court room by the Guthrte Board of Trade. Fully 2,000 persons were preseut, including delega. tions from every town in the Territory. After tbe reception un fnaugor*! ball was held at the Opera House, followed >y a banquet at tbe Palace HoteL The Mople of the entire Territory rejoic* .he advent of their first Governor. HiLWicnE, Wis., Feb. 8. -A prom) lent and wealthy member of the Hebrew jircle ot New York, Henry GoldHIM arrived here this morning. He is amen: ber of the Baron Hirsch Fund Commute of New York, and his visit to Wiwomi s for the purpose of making an roVestl gation of the advantages offered by nor- \erii Wisconsin for the establishment of colony for the exiled Russian Jews. mbered lands suitable for farming Lrpoaes in either Lincoln, Taylor, Uara- on or Langled county can be obtained or $1 perjuire. Thm Ljact>*r. ideaUnvd. iu>ios. Tex.,. Feb. 8—Thre« men whe have been identified M havingcom- >osed a party, with another man, who a ew days ago lynched John Shield*; near rimpson, are now under arrest far tbe crime. Anannt ot Shields saw the whole proceeding* without the lypchers being aware of her presence, anil was thus enabled to observe the identity of the four men. Tbe fourth man Ss ex- •ectod to be under arrest soon. Shields u to have inherited some money, and Is believed that he was pot out Of the way on this account. _. r. N. J., Feb. 8.—Prow Joaeph Thompson of this city bis ordered the arrest of Mrs. Ooerga, War- wick, who last Thursday *hot her daugh- ter Laura in the eye, In an attetapt to kill her, and then to exterminate tfa. rest of the family. A* Mrs. Warwicktocan; Ined to her bed ehe is under constant police surveillance, and tbe matted will * Investigated a* soon as she 1* able to eave the bouse,. he fituious coach of Yaia'a boat' some years past, ha* announced that cannot come up to Yale to train the . .wthHyrar. Tbi* U a severe blowto be 'Varsity eight, and the outlook for t at preacnt is d i i ' nhtrua on Trial rsr L Feb. m Deltena Davin, wbowt bod* waa ud in tne Mystic Blrar, December 28, _ i William II. Smith, lUesed NCOMwry are now on trial in MM DUtriot' Jourt. < UnUH to ruit D«troit_ LiETaoiT. Fett. E.-lt i. now-jo^tlvely settled that ex-Prerddent Cleveland will deliver an address at tbeUniversity at Arbor, OB Peb- 23, at Sp. m. X ___a reception will be tendered him in tbe City of Detroit on th* eveof th* 28d. a r r **r R y SBAMDKIK, F*., Fab. *.— Jacob Blo- alii, a Swede miner, wm* found on th. ,k* of Ohaniokln Cnck with hi. skull It is supposed he was mnr- WASHINGTON NEWS ill Important Decision By the Supremo Court AQA1NST A RAILROAD COUPAHT Vudiot for Big DanugM fer Qsotmd from K Tr*Jo«utained- gram to M t a d •11.000. x ill on the I.*s*llo Salsry «*dutl«.n BIIL , Feb. 8.—Decision ha* ju*t been rendered by the United Stat« preme Court In the case of the New York, Lake Brie A Western Railroad Company T*. David T. Wi nters, on ap- peal from the L T ni(«d States Circuit Court for the District of Massachusetts. The case was brought to tbe Snprein Court by tne admioistrator of Whiter* Winters bought a ticket orer Fitchburg ft Kris road from Boston to New York, paring «3 extra for theprfrf lege of stopping over at Olean, N Y. Re stopped over vbera, and on boarding tbe train next day his ticket was refused, on the ground t hut he did not hare a it top- over check He refused to pay additions fare and was ejected from the truiu. re- ceiving some injuries. Winters brought suit against the com- pany. In tbe trial of the case the con duotor who ejected him from the train claimed that he knew Winters' tieke was an unlimited one, but that th*rules of the company required stopover pasnon ger* to produce a stoporer check. Win irs claimed thatbvhad not beenglyeoa opover check hy the conductor of till •aln that brought him totown. The jndge In the case Instructed tb Jnry in favor of the railroad company but the jury brought In a verdict for Winters lor 410,00a The Supreme Court sustain* the v*r diet la its decision. WANTS COKQBRSS TO BEPAT OK. TX« UMMlniMar Swift*. Wll. Span! •»• ; Our U,.i!on In Japan. Feb.ft—Mr*. Swift, wit* of the deceased Minister to Japan, Kin the city, and haaa claim of |12,000 tte- her private Income for imnrovemanta made on the new United States Legation : Toklo, Japan. TLe old United States Legation thi a* such a poor structure, tbwt It waa object of ridicule amoox th* Europ* resident*, and It waa tbronch the rwtttf of the late Minister Swift that an appro- priation wa* made for the erection of a lew Legation. The appropriation was not sufficle complete the structure and Mrs. Swif used $12,000 of ber private funds to I ' it. If the Minister bad lived to complete his term of otlice. nnd thereby enabling the family to enjoy the benefits of the improvements made, no claim for the $12,0011 would have been made, rut, a* the Minister died and his family were compelled to return home, Mrs. Swift thinks that the money should be re funded. Wii.uiM.Tov, Feb. 8.—The President as commuted the sentence of Eoberi udge, of Michigan, to four years ana z months 1 imprisonment. Judge was 'nteuced December 13, 1888, to ten ye#rs 1 the penitentiary and to pay afineol 1,000 for counterfeiting silver cirtifl- itea. He has also commuted tbe two ears' sentence of John K. Nichols, of :icbigan, for violation of tbe postal laws > on'year and three months, but permit* le One imposed of $482.70 to stand. Bill la Reduce lbs IT«W^I'I Salary. WASHINGTON-. Feb.ft—Thebill Intro- duced In the House by Representative Gradr. of North Carolina to reduce " President's saUry to 925,000 a year, turpoees to reduce all other public t lea, wage*, fees and* commutations ilCMJ and less than |1S7 per month | by ton per cent.; ranging from $167 to *8«0 fifteen per cent.; exceeding (360, except n th* case of the President's and other •alaiiea forbidden by law to be reduoed, twenty per cent. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.—The State D«- irtment has received a cablegram from L'ape Town, Africa, announcing tbe death of Lieut Mason A. 8bufeldv of the Navy, retired. Lieut. Snufelut had [one to Africa as a Commissioner of the World's Fair to secure exhibits for the xpowltiou. He was a son of tbe late Admiral Shuftlilt Kwatsr Da noli in K»t«in Hii S*«l WASBIXOTOII. Feb. .—The Contmltt«e on Privileges and Elections, through Mr. litchell, presented to the Senate ita re- port in the oontest made by Mr. CUgget or the Beat now occupied by Fred T. llu- Bois as a Senator from Idaho. The Coro- littee reported in favor of allowing DuBoi* to retain his Mat. WABRMOIOK, Feb. &.—Coinage exeeaMd by United State* miat* during January, as follows: Hold, 76(1,000 pieces s ot 11,360,000; silver, 4,369,- of tbe vain* of $1,165,000; minor coin, 4. T8S,000 pieces of the vslue Jf 90,500; making a total of 10,138,000 - of the value of $2,84.1,000. WAHHIHOTOH, Feb. 8.—The House Cota- ilttee on Election* have postponed until Friday Its decision 00 tb* Stewart-Cnis contested election case from the twentr- ourth Pennsylvania. District, and hare advanced the hearing In the Notes- Rockwell case, twenty-eighth New York District to Tnaeday next. WASHDHTIOM, Feb. 8.—Tbe Tr*a*ury Department 1* Informwi that "Crinvfrj** tal." nn A(rie*n flbr* which is largely ported to tbe United SUUs, U U>* •oduct of oonvict labor. wald, one of ter* I* Pennsylvania, di«l hen Holi- day, agwl about fc«. He was graduated t OeUysbnrg and shortly after entwed he mlnl.tryot that church. In ltNK W f ill hlh it of ill health. Bom, Feb. ft—It is reported, that Slgnor F. CaUlini, at praaent Italia Minister to Copenhagen, will st *n earl day b* transferred to Waahlngton, th* Italian Oo**rnm*nt having detenninM on tbe complete restoration of diplomatl relations with th* Cn(ted Siatea, < Baron Far*, who wa* withdrawn from Washington during the negotiation- cerniDg tK« Sew Orl«an. ma-wcre, It Is said, be appointed to fill the vac " Copenbagwi. . 4 will, BOOTO*, Feb. 8—Mayor Matthew* am the following to tbe Board of Aiders* "Gentlemen—in view of the scandalt- maDner Inwhich the' buslnen* ot th Lonlalana State Lottery company i> ad Tertised in theaUr programme* in Ihi city, I have the honoi to direct jour at- tention to th* expediency of revoking th licenses of atl the theaters taking such CAIHO. Feb. 5.—Tba Marquis d* Seven **«ut de Rouviay,, Fraaoh PoUticat Agent and Consul-general here, haa Invested tb* Khedive with the decora- tion ot th*Grand Cordon of tba li wif* of Albert RothMhlld, Udying caaoar of the bmut ' MKWS OPTilt DAT. WBeer Peter Chandler, ot Baltimore, dying of hydrophobia) Ralph Brockelbankl B leading ship- Owner of Liverpool, is dead. Of the 135 deaths reported to th* New York Board of Health! last night B w. ascribed to grip andIt* complications. The (.rial of Alfred Parks for the znv. der of hi* wif* haa beQan at Newark, N*. J Rev, Dr. Samuel j Antllff, formerly President of the Conference of Primitive Methodist*. 1*dead In London, at an ad ranced age. The announcement a few day* ago o the Minn of the Clidden & Joy VamlsL Company of Cleveland, O., la without foundation. The "Schmidt" bpl, wblcb provide* for local option, with a minimum license of $300 per year, la believed wiA beooma At the meeting of tfa* Illinois Central Railroad Board of Director* the projec -t using electricity a* a nioUn powi ."alni was abandonen 1 . The American School of Arcbtenlogy as been granted by the Greek Govern lent the exclusive rlRht for four yeai -> make excavation* at Sparta. At a meeting of tbe New Hampshire Governor and council Hon. Edwin G Eastman of Exeter -was nominated fo Attorney-General Tice Hon. Danle Franklin, deceased. In a fight, which grew ont of practl__ joke, in a Chicago saloon, Charles Ma lire shot William Tagney and Andrew illagher. Tagney waa killed and. Gallagher, It in be|ieved, 1* mortally -ounded. The war upon the. lottery business 1* :ing vigorously prosecuted In f -jore. President Oilman of the J Hopkins University, will preside u_ _ public meeting called for Sunday next to protest against the eriL Two men, said to beJohn McAllister and William Davenport, of Ronnserfield, Wyoming County, Pa., while Walkingon the track ot the Leatgb Valley Railroad Monday, near Towanda, wenstruck by a -train and Instantly killed. For Butera Sew Fork: H U f l r jutbwutarlr wtndc doudlnast id turning to snow In northern part. For New Jeraer: OontlnueA^rarm scmtberlr inds and Uii, folk.wetf'hr doudloess and w Yo»*: 8H»bOy _ wjutherly winds; lnonasto* cloudlnewand Jl*-ht rain, f&Uowed by colder and fair weataer. Western Penns/lvaiua: Th«ait*nlii« and nln, pml»lilr turn !a» to r ds. ihiftliiK to ooider westerly. For Msn-laiHl and Delaware: Continued Joudii™ *fid nlns; aootberh; winds, fol- hrwed hr fair oolder and w w ber northwe** •r fliTiiiii Ti7^iMM«T ry. fuUOTMB. flH....ll o-slltj*. "Sar > -.r*r.*^.."»«•«. Dreary Wjnter ; MADE CHEERFUL by the ate a . i SPECTHUMIZED WOOD on a grate or in tbe store. All the colon or tbn rainbow are viniblo u oe- Ime. To be had rftt ; John A. Thickstuns CpJkX, &. BLVX BTOKI YAH- Avc, Cor. Third St. - 50 CENTS EMULSION OF GOD LIVER OIL WITH '• j HYPOPHOSPHITES WILLIAMS' PHARMACY, j 80 Wett Front'streeL Oor. Grove Street. HovM-lrr TIER'S ICE CREAM PARLOR! KO. 10 PARK AVEHTJK PtaJnfleld, N. J. " Thin cgtnblisument IB now open 1o the public, who are aaanred tlist no pains will be spared to serve ibem In * [immpt and nHctitivo manner with Tler'a celcbnUed ICE CREAM IN BRICKS and choice CONFECTIONERY if their own manniactrire. BARGAINS EVERYBODY. 0. Schepflin t Co., »re closing the balance of their rtoek pi Winter Clothing CODsistlnff of Men's, Boy«* mni Chtl< r- een'B Suite, Overcoat* and Pants at re- il, at the tuaDnracttirer'B orice for | CASH. Ifyon need anything in thlsjine toil las the opportunity. Alt gocils marked in plain flguro* 70 WKST FRONT STRECT: PARLOR; STOVES FURNACES, WATER. STEAM AND OA8 PIPING. A. M. GRIFFENv 13 BAST FROHT ST. . Latest -:- Styles lats and Gent's Furnishings O. M. DUNHAM'S, M Wot Fnat >bMk A. M. SEGUINE, Laing's Hotel Stables, OB Front M, e»»MlM IrMkMri «vfc Telephone Call No. •«. VOL. 1--NO. 101. THE EIDER miinfkli! Hope of Srtvlne tUo Bie Vessel About Abandoned. Lincoln and «r , _ . , aa Governor. 1 have been lunnitnrhUd 1 can zerve just the aa»« In Omaha for a day or two aa In Lincoln. Mr. Thayer cannot now s»»n act a> Governor. Any papers which ha mayc»ijcn »nrh or appointment* may make won hi ha llleipkl. bo 1 cannot think that be will attempt any longer. " SHE IS NOW GOING TO PIECE*. H«f Propel'or Carried Away and Wrvckigp Eeginnlng to Gome Ashtre- « rnl.los Hourly Ckw| of the HI to all <>a—A Ti (’•no v.rj Likely boo*—oae»n of «fc » Tr.-rl WIU Not Speak mt the Cbsm of »k i Afrlriral Kxrraet to Safer to the Fra [ Low»>». Feb A.—Acting, it fa hrllevwl. nndrr instruction" from tb« agent* of the North German Lloyd Steamship Com- pany. the officer* of the Elder to-day, when questioned in regard to the cause of their running ashore, refused to give any explanation of the dlaaater further than to say that Sunday night waa ex- cessively foggy and that they ware nn- able to see any of the light- on the Eng lidi coaat while making their way op . Iiwe^ tiff* Hegan to rise thli morning, ,.w iopes of tho-e who »t111 believed that the Elder coolJ be floated began to sink to the lowest ebb. for the water steadily ro-c until It overflowed the a/terdsrk. ]n addition, the fresh brees- which eprtiug up early In the morning grad a again nil the Elder. Experts in maritime matter* who have examined the F.lder as ebe res** on tb# rock* off Atherfleld. hare expressed the opinion that her lack is broken and that Montreal, Feb. 8.—At Cole St. Louie, there is abaolutely no hope of saving an outlyiug suburb of Montreal, several her. Ae the .lay wore on, this opinion frozen dynamite cartridges which A. accepted one. and j Dupre hail placed on the store to thaw ploled. completely wrecking the hi.* UKATinr r^r Nirhi Mrs Wi OWABA, Neh. 8 -Gov. Jr.mes E Loyd, when Informal of the decision of the Mn- preme Court In the Boyil-Tbnyer cam, •aid to a reporter: “I am more than gratified to learn that I \ again the Governor of title State, '<i...Mr growth I have watch'd with coo- siderahle gratification, growing qp aa I did with it- 1 am now its Governor. Of course, Ido not know what course Mr. Thayer will pursue, but I suppose PLAINFIELD, N. J., WED SHE PLIED THE LASH Mrs. Osman Horsewhips aa Of- fensive Admirer. HKB HUSBAND STOOD BT. And Later On He ie Shot i Bevnoc* SI’OKK OMK or THE WOW*. Tomr Mts Were Ou liar la Ik- Kvra-lag Hal Hy War-leg T*»y Wtr. OoM. Lkwxa, Del.. Fab A The ateamer Sylvi«, from Shiehla, Eng . b— arrived at the BreakvraU-r fur orders. She re porta baring fallen In wlih one of lb# scow* adrlfi from New York harbor with four men on her. oil the coaat oh Sunday morning la*L Tue crew of the steantsr mad* un.unwHlul attenipta to rescue the men and *maaliad Yhslr boat in the effort. The ntramer laid by tbr vow all night and uo Monday mornlug fouud the scow with the meu mlnsiug. they bavfng proUibly benn Ukvu off by aome other veanel. IIK THAHEU t it Is taken for granted that the Elder w|| ont posed erch All'll sa. and he cargo, the latter £r.~T cast upon the rocks be removed, except by the wrecker*. At a rough v*timate. the cargo of the Eiirr to valued at about $80,000, not In- cluding the specie which will be saved, the Eider herself |* valued at about ITfiO,- <Mf; Ih.cIi the steamer and her cargo arc fully Insured. * I ... . All mail have now been landed and a mini Ur of the crew have been seal aitniirv hi the local life-boat-. The Elder’* life boat* h^ve h*en j lnniM-hrd and tbiril daughter had her skull fractured and will probably die. Mr«. Dupre ea- caprd injury from the explosion, but on •wring toe injurlea of her hu*l>and and ScjujrroN, I'a. Feb. 8.—Joaeph Meg- Polander* jie waa awwtu lied because ht tfcTrel coot• ii'ut*a*to~break"furioualy^over I w0 «“* “«* tor purpoasaof iffulraluirau •»!»-. «..d wrackraa ' •h.r, beraror «“* bitflag wrah.l n.liorw p"*““ "h«4 <" ‘J, ran., m nu lunwr attempt to 1 L “‘» bneutmn cooBo-l lo, . <1.aimed: they uow dr variouacrlmd*. on* bring th- murder, last ia full of water except in Christmas, of Yaa*** v%aisconce, the fore peak, which la lifted up by the dEny i her of!ir rock- up* II « hit'll Hie •tenn»«hlp i* faat Thv i *"li of ilie i oatinued high -eaa * fliat the steamer mwition I* constantly •bdnirinir. .kri.bslly for the worse. Her «>»• ha* r. iii out of the water mid her ‘vfu lias sunk lower beueath the break whirs .leluge her at abort ia- .Albas*. N aJIou.tr: fep Mere In at electrical execu- tion- wiv reported In the .Senate, amended -o a* u. provide that the war- den mar <i;>|>'«4tii such people aa Jie Ilk— restriction* t*» publica- tion-. II w.i* paH-ed and rent to (he r. where'll »-a* concurred in. gw* to the Governor. I li»‘|Hr*U K-kber C-p« wd trxni, N. J.. Feh. S.—After a itv '‘Tuggle on South Broad *treet. those arrnraSfd whose re-1 name 1* giveu by their Ink ing house Inm- aa Jo.ui Kilekl. He I escaped murderer from Newburg. N. Cmicaoo, fe»L 8—John P. Hopkins, the well known l>nm» retie politician. Will leave fur an extended tour through the .Soutli and East to day In the Interest of the varloii* political orgaiiix.ti.Nia in which he tig a leading spirit- Mr Hop. kins will e.ay for some time in New Orleans, and will visit New York city and consult Tammany before he returns. It la hi* purpose ut le»« toe feeling the question of the Preeidential noniii lion, and it i* believed that the toili undertaken partly, at least, In the tcrewt of Senator Palmer. Plata* Stirred Up Wnrrx Pum« Fob. .—The people of White Plains are still eagerly discussing the particulars of the horae-hipping which occurred Monday night. Charles Gri.litha waa horarwhipped by Mr* Wm. US man. Griffith* is an Englishman, a painter by trade, and a married man, but recently he and hU wife separated and are now living apart. Ike cause of Uae separation la not dalinlt#|jr known, but common rumor ha* It that Aire. Griffith* obj^ted to her husband a attentions to other women. She declared she could not endure It and left him. Mr. Griffiths U a neighbor of Mr. and Mr* Wm. Osman. Air* Osman is a comely woman of attractive form and azree-vUle manner* Griffiths la said to have become enamored of her. He be- came more than neighborly la hie alien* tiou , and Mr* Osman wm greatly annoyed thereby. Desiring u> avoid publicity, Mr*. Osman concealed her annoyauce at Griffiths’ attentions and tried to treat bits ae pleasantly as possi- ble. Further detail*, of the horsewhipping have Just come out. Griffiths and the Osmauq Uv«d next door to each other oo Kensico aveuu* A partition fence di- vides the hack yards. Monday afternoon Air* 0*maq was la her back yard. Grif- fith* went into his back yard and began talking to Mr* Osman ov«* the back fence. has alleges that the impr . . r proposals made. Mr. Osman came home late that night and bis wife finally told him of tho lnsulta Griffiths bad put upon her. It was decided to demand salisfac tiou from Griffith* A horsewhip was procured and kjpman and his wife went to Griffith* hou*e and called him out. It was late In the eveiling. Griffiths came out and Mr* Osinau demanded an iiiiiiiuiliaie apology. Whether GrLUth* attempted to apologise or itr>t is not known All were m> excited that they cannot recollect. Anyhow, Mr* Osman seised her horse- whip and commenced horsewhipping Grimthe with her full strength. 1 hum rood by and looked on. After Air* Osman had concluded that Griffith* bad been puulsbvd enough aud feeling > hi. t Ottawa. Out, Feb. 8—Victor Belaq gvr, a young axeman of Gmtiimiu Point, cam* down from the wood- to M hie sited father and mother. He found tbc boil** locked np, and ufter waiting lime, concluded to force an entrance. He found his imnher dead iu bed aud his twVSc. M5M sunt gly burglar who had Ju*l escaped from tbr rreid.-ucc of Air* -11. P- Van 1 uyl oo the same street. Mr* Van Tnyl, who is 111.'wan thrown Into eonvnDions when the iturglar entered her room. He gave bh. biiuii* n- Thomas Murphy of Plilladrl- CA.|'i-ii(il> of Jewelry and trinkets found ou the burly pri*ooer. ‘Boavng. Fah. 8.—A action of tort t the We*t End Street rallwa* in which John J. Leahy claim* iiVKtOdam _ _ > get aaaiatance, the* mother bad died auddenly and did man lived but a few hours after tail- ing the etory. g-v. r*t«u< App'-i" r> . P*. Feb 8 —flov. Pkt- tiikon baa Issued - proclamation calling attention to the va*t proportion* of the famine in Russia, recalling the bounty of the world sent to the Johnstown flood sufferers, and advising the citizens of w _ T _ (be State to amd centributionii for the for injuries received In Joty, relief u f the Russian peasant* » the wall of the company'* power l.ou—in K»-i Fain.bridge fell npon him, to on trial li» the Superior Court. The plaml ill cl—line negligence on th- part of the company, and the defrn*- Ua general -denial l’enn-7 I*m—I— OfllclaU IPe-y lb I'iiii.Ani.iJ’HiA, Feb. 8.—PetiBaylvaula Tallrosd oil.cbiLe are emphatic iu their Relief Committee ii PiTTSPcno, Keb. 8. —The remains » Italian have been found In the dvbi 8allla At Fug-ad*' fruit store. No. 683 IJItorty acreet. which » destrorad by drnini in relation to the esUbli-hment of a'new r*|»rvM company for the pur- Pom- ... coni|K-ttuK wIGi and ultimately cradmig the Adum* Express company. Vic. I ivddrnt 'llctiiipeou lauglied at the ldi-Aand lirciaird he know notolug of it. Hrarlrt Sever lo aa Asylum. Newark. N J , Frh. 8 —Scarlet fever ha* invaded t ,e City Home at Verona, all** u.lUa from bvre. . According to the •vvnotuw official-, forty seven of the ••• stricken. On* drtlb haa ai- yrerfr -re arTv4 The fever baa existed la th. iiatlvovwm since Thauksgivlng *>•) ik.r. are at proscut 2S7 boys and ** kills .11 Il, r home. fire al*>ut five a-cvk* ago. The firuiein iuIht of Ibdlams and It supposed l ne body Is oue of them, report had l>0* ll made of an you* la-lug missing ! CkllCAeo, Feb. 8 .—Ithlcn Hlksby 1 •Rlwia. a neir-known Inventor, dl«d at Lome In Woodlawn last night, aged M jrer. Among hi* In ventloue was the ariuur now u *«l in placing pin fAI-r Um. piirumalic tube, etc. lie also tadirreliy hrlp^ u. I.y the first Atlantic —aa. K-„,„r U»e Cn. Dcslix, Fel,. 8.—A boat belonging to f , K - ^Hrisle. four guns. 4,87li toim, hero- po.er. Captain Hon. Mlnharil Bare, the CMAt guards vessel at ICinge- '• •«‘i*idvrtoi In Dublin Bay. drown- J , rro- a. me twowurj hute Board of Agricultore an .Ini hu mSerad no rr'-f* l»r. bat that coodlUan, b, umaa, fa.urabUta mu* mrr* Another Heheelder VlrtligT Vussa. Feb. —It U reported that ekel.-t.ei of another victlitfof Franc and Rosalie bchnelder, tha mou.Wre who murdered servant girls, ha* hes-n discov- ered fn the suow in the Bucklwrg wood, not far from.where the other bodies were found. It is now said that a seoond trial of the cum la probable. Mia to tor Efts ssd the Bef-geee. 1/ttDOX, Feh. 8. The Santiago corres- pondent of the "Timee” aa*crt* that MluUtrr Egan did receive eafe-couducta for refugees who sought the asylum of tha United States Legation and that ha never informal hie government of the feet ________ eb-t By nu a—• Havana*. On., Feb 8.—David Porter, deputy collector of the port, nn officers In lb* local po«t of th. O. A. R., and * [romio.nt Odd Fellow, I, reported to AT, been shot *ud killed by bie eoa. Poeter, rumor eej, wu baaltac hu BU New Taw. Feb. 8.—Ja.u» Petunaa of the Supreme Cert hoe Used bell at I.O.OWla tb. e»~ of Syleeeter T. IPIIun. tb, tuiumer of Feaele kueb.ll turn,, uad.r eourlotion o. .bdaotka, pwdln M At’P'Wl' ..Hurled’. Cull tm -Me Uk Frit .* Hr. Hotlncu. t b.ak.r of tbl. city, lab Coaeal lor BwllurUnd u Cklu«a. Then he procured hie phaoL He lay in wait for Osman. About 11 o'clock Ounau *eut ont U> hi* back yard. Griffiths immediately waul out to hie back yard, and after roundly cur* Ing (toman h- opened fire on him. Th darkness of the Osman'* life, I clo-e range. NESDA.Y.j FEBRUARY 3, 1892. A Big Tire# AalMysUk at the I -I O-Slysb-rg aa Jumm New Yen*. Fab. 8 —Thureday. Jnj le the day fixed roc the dedication < “High Water Mark*' Md borg. The Freeldeaft end member* of hi. Cabinet here accepted Invitations to preeent, nod the Gorerno** of nil State, that have contributed to mark the field, veterans of the army of the Potomac, Bute monument committees, members Of Congress and other* of dlatinotion will be invited. Col. Bachelder, who has the arraage- menta In charge, has reserved single fare rates for the round trip from tha Trunk U>“ commltu. for ticket, wd Of Pltubarg and Erl, wild on tb. day of dwliclloa ul tbc 4»y pneedht* tbc CMC. »ad ta .Itord uaplc fwJlltlm far rtciuac tbc Odd. ttekrte will be mood ta iwcarn for two dayo .fear th. dwUcOlaa. Arrangomontc will be node with other lines east and weak CIIILDUB* OM TUB ITAOL Legl.lat.re 1- Me-l U.rvr*. OVIseUMe. Albakt, N. Y., Feh. 8—Mr. HIM, of Albany, has Introduced In tha Asesmbly a hill dcsignsd to aid manager* In pot- ting children on the stag*and at th- asm- tlnis mart the objections of Mr. Bbridgo Gerry who claimed that tha bill intro- duced by Mr. bteln last w##k allowed cbllilrvu lo appear In ooncsrt sajooo* This latter bill was drawn by >n-nagsr H. F. rioullsr of Alliany, and Is lU last as public *er v an it la any place whare Cbicaoo, Feh. 8.—Jim Hall aeonm- plished a feat Mooday night tha* JCil- ralo, Dempsey and other pugilists have attempted in vain, and knocked ont Mlks Boden of PhliadslphU in four rounds. Boden mads no efforts to fight, hot trl-d to wsar out his opponent by hugging him. and not succeeding in that be delib- erately fouled Hall, and in the third round Boden sank hU troth Into Ball's giuv* Tbs Australian hammered tha big fellow at will and In tbs fourth round Boden was helplaaa. Jack King, Ibe fighter who recently faced Peter Jaekaou. then want against Hall attd -as put to sleep So the third round. rale,.* sou of a wealthy Cuban family, fonnerlr g-osral master nivchanie for the Lackawanna Railroad, is on trifil for murdering bis wife last October, ha hav- ng shot her down after having aocused her of unfaithfulnew* District Attorney Kelly, whose duty makes It necessary for him to proaeeote the rase, was greoma- th# indictment, and wept pRUoualy for a few minute* DeejaU'e counsel fighting the case stubbornly. Tbel defence will be Ins-oily. But five Jurors have been secured so far. WASHINGTON NEWS ti Important Decision Bj the Sopreme Court AGAINST A BAUXOAD COMP ANT wdiW tor Kg Dcmkgsc fcr qcrtawK from g TraintMtuned Washixotojc. Fsb. 8—Decision has juat been, rendered by the United States Su- preme Court in the case of the New York. Lake Erl- Jk Western Railroad Company re. David T. Wl nter*, on ap- peal from the United States Circuit Court for the District of Massachusetts. Tha peas was brought to tha Supreme Court by tne administrator of Winters' estate. Winters bonght e ticket over tbs FI tab burg A Kris road from B-xton to Nsw York, paying |S axtra for the privi- lege of stopping 0 rer at Olean, N Y Ha stooped over there, and on boarding the train next day his ticket waa refused. <jn the ground that he did aot have a stop- over check He refused m pay addltloual fare and was ejected from tbs train, re- ceiving aome injurie* Winters brought salt against the com- Cy. In the trial of the case the eoh- tor who sjsrted him from tbs irmla, claimed that ha knew Winter*' ticket was an unlimited one, hut that tha rules of th- company required stopover pa**«a-* lo produce a stopover check. Wifi- ter* claimed that be had not been glv-Ua topovwr shock by the oonductor of the train that brought him to town. Tha Jodge In tbs case Instructed tks lury tu favor ef the railroad company, hut the lory Drought la verdict for Winters for $10,000. Tbs Suprsms Court sustains the ver- dict la Its decision. Tbs i neighlwrhood. OUaton. 1 . rim Oovsrro* GtmnUK, O. T., Fsb. 8.^ At 4 o'.eloek Monday afternoon Abraham Seay, Amo . .. .. . dale Justice of Oklahonua. v sc a Lad hi* mulit undoab^dl, m lb . Sapwm. Beocb. .ad ,u . 0,I U °” J lira T.rrl . , , a .. «orV. In the cvsnlng he had a reception ot lira ukootla. uoarad U.. l u . U.H«I Sura. Coart rooa. bj tho .... , Outhri, Board of Tnid,. Full, 2.000 rirnib. flrf la to bi. hoora. When „„„. pra«„,t, Ineladin* dalrart- ”* * tioa, from rrrry Iowa in tb. Ttrriturr. After the reception s a laaugnrel ball was held at the Opera House, followed by a banquet at the Palace HoteL The people of the so Ur* Territory rejetoe at the advent of their first Gov. Xs Bogart forci-d open the front door of the bouse Griffiths ran out the back door, climbed tbe fence and began a lot* Bogart i discovered him It was an exciting run while It lasted Across thv lots Us two men nan, stumb- ling over rocks aud stumps in tbs dark- " Finally Bogart took out his pistol aud firvd In ths air, calling on Griffiths to slop. Griffiths then gave himself up. 1 he noise of this second shooting still further aroused tb- vlll*#., and though the hour waa midnight a crowd gathered to are Griffiths brought In. They followed_Bogart and bis prisoner ' CODXT. (HOT MIM8KLP 1 Aas I Ml Miss F-r F.ASTO*. P*. Feb. 8.—Preston M. Gar- net of B-thlohem, a Young member of the Northampton county bar, shot blip mU in tbs oourt bouse this morning just ns tbs second day's trial of a suit against hint for embezzling funds coming into bis uzn.U mm attorney was beginniug. Hi cannot recover. He.at-r 0nay» Llhelare Beat**. P*. Fsb ft—Mre-re Porter and Mrllm, of the Brave* •‘Star,’ against whom Senator Matt Quay obtained a verdict on January 18. and who were sentenced to pay the coal pruroculiou. a flue of $3UU and undergo Imprisonment in the connty Jail for six month* are now locked up In the county Jail u> serve their Unu. It Is said tha* after a abort incarceration an application Manrrora. N. H., Frh. *.—Wlllto 1L Bean, who is wanted by the polios, is charged with having on Sunday nlgbf stir opted to poison bis wife. Us tried to fores lbs contents of a.mall bottle ol poison down her Diroat. but she strug glvd bravely, kept her Jaws closed, and he could not accomplish hia purpo«* The fluid ran over he face, burning the akin terribly. B-an then fled la a stolen Twe-lr fashes Give- Bbz St Joh*. N. B., Fsb. .—Frederick Gaft, ths mulatto, -eoteaced to receive forty lashes In addltioo to a Mrm la Jail for indecent assault, had the first Instal- ment of twenty lashes give* to him Sun- day at ths Jail her* The whip pgXLADBLruiA, Feh. 8 —In tbe matter of the petition of members Of the Pro h ltd tioa party for penaleeloa to file la tha Beprems Court a bill la sqalty at- Ueking tbe cooatltoUoualftf of tbe new election law of Jaly 19, l«k of which Mil Ike oourt wae asked to take original Jurisdiction, the parities has b-ea refaead Iilwacxxx, Wl*, Feh. 8. —A pro t and wealthy msmbrr of tb* Bpb: circle or New York. Hsory Goldm arrived here this morning, lie U t m her of the Baron Hlrech Fund Committee of Now York, and his visit to Wlasunstn to for the purpose of making an Investi- gation of th* advantages offered by nor- thern Wisconsin for the establishwmt of a vfloor lor th* exiled Kuerten Jew* Timbered lands suitable for farming purposes |b either Liuoola, Taylor, Mara- thua or I angled county can be obtained for $1 per Acre. . _ lynched John Shields Timpeon, are now under arrest ffir the crime. An aunt of Shields saw the whole proceedings without th* lybchvr* being aware of her preernce, sod was thus enabled to observe the Identity of KroelvM) Rxee«Ue# Ctsmenejr. WaemxoTo*. Feh. 8 —Th* Fre-ideot has commuted ths sentence of Robert Judge. t>< Michigan, to four year* and six month*' lmprt*onment. Judge waa senteuced December 18. 1888. to lea years In the penitentiary and to pay a fine of $1,000 for counterfeiting silver clrMfl- cate* He has aim commuted the two eot-uc* of John K. Nichols, of gan, for violation of tbe postal laws to ooe year and three months, but permits tbe fine Imporod of $48*. 76 to stand. Under Police N*rvolllaaeo. ATuimc Citt. N. J., Feh. a—Prose reitor Joseph Thompson of this cljy has ordered th* arrest of Mr* Oosrg* War- wick, who 1—t Thursday shot her daugh- ter Laura la th* eye, in an attempt to kill her, and then to exterminate tb* real of the family. Ae Mr* Warwick b con- fined to her bed abe to under cc*»*tant police surveillance, and tbe msttre will be Investigated aa soon aa she la able to laavs tb* houa*. for some years past, ha* announced that be cannot coma np to Yale to train the crew this year. This Is a severe blow to tbs 'Varsity eight, and ths outlook for It at present la dlaoourngtng. Trial Use Mard-rv Maun, Mass., Fsh. 8-Jamas A. Trefsthao, charged with th* murder of •Vise Dslteua Daria, whose body wm found In tbs Mystic River, December 28. and William H. Smith, alleged scoeaaory are bow on trial la th* District jour* < level—d ta TWU Drlralt Drraorr, Tab. E—It la now vodlively ruled that ax-PrerideB* CtovriaOd wUl an address at tbe Unirsrwlty at Ann Arbor, w Fsh. 22, at $ p. m A public reosprioB will h. tendered him la tb* CHy of Detroit on the *VS of tbo 2$d. Bixxotn, Fa., Fsh. I —Jacob Rio- walla, a8wed#miner, wm found oath# banka of Hhamokia Crrek witk^hto skull WANT* CO.tfiK— TG BKPAT BEE, tot. Minuter a win** WIUSpent *lt.- ooo Ii—pr—vtng Our Upltan In Jap—. WaannrOTOx, Frh. &—Mr* Swift, wife of th* d—ceased Minister to Japan. 141a tha city, and haa a claim of $12,000 bo- fore C'ongreaa for moneys expanded from her private Incom* for improvement* made on th* new United Staten L-gailoo at Toklo, Japan. Ths old United States Lroition thfirc aa such a poor structnra. that It was an object of ridicule among the European reri'tonU, and H waa through th* euergy Of tbr lace Mttilater Swift that an appro- priation waa mads for th* erection of a new Legation. Ths appropriation waa not sufficient to complete the structure and Mr* Swift used $12,000 of her private funds to finlab lb If the Mintater had lived to complete his term of office and thereby enabling the family to enjoy the bear fits of the Improvements made, no claim foe tha $12,000 would have been made, »ot, aa the Minister died and bis family ware compelled to return home, Mrs. Swift thinks that tb* money should b* re funded. = PRICE TWO CENTS Bon, Vrb. E—II b roportod UA ®**°* F. Coullal. U proraal lulu Mlabur aCop«l w win at .. ra.1, —T trmtotorrod tm W^tlomtom. Ua IuIImi IWimul k-'lnz SiisrajR.., Baroa F.ro, who _ darto* U. n. ~"l»* th. Sow Orlwut, It braM. b. .ppol.tad to Saraa., r.t. E-M. r a.M.tUew, U. follow)n. la tha Barad of Aldamrau UrnU.nira—la rlaw of tbo nadalaa. rauara la which hulrara of Ua Laabbo. Slata LotUr? oompooj b wl- rrrtlrad la thraur ptacramara. I. Ihb nty. J bare the honor to direct roar at- tention to th* expediency of revoking th* Been Bp* of sH the theaters taking sock prohibiting tha Caimo, Fsh. 8.—Tb* Marquis da Rerer- aax da Roovrmy, Fromeh PoUtteal Agent and Coosul-Gaosral here, has invested the Khedive with th* dseora- tion ot tbs Grand Gordon of th* Legion One mi th* R-thsehUda IFylag. I^XDOX. Feb. 8.—Bettin* th* daughter uoer of the breast leading ship. K*WB ortHE DAT. Officer Peter Ouindlsr. of Raltlmore, la dying of hydrophobia, Ralph Brocket bank, owner of Liverpool, IE dead. Of th* 1M deaths reported to the New York Board of Health last night fi «* ascribed to grip and it* complication* Th* trial of Alfred Parka foe tha m«_ der of his wtfs has begun at Newark, N. J. R»t. Dr. Samuel Anti iff, formerly Prerideot of 4b# Conference of Primitive MsthodlstA 1* dead lq London, at an *d- vanoed ag* announcement a few days ago of th* failure of the OUWlsn 4k Joy Varnish Ctoveland. a. to without The “Schmidt" hill, which provides •r local option, with a minii of #300 per year, to believed law lo lew* At ths meeting of th* IlHnota Central Railroad Board of Directors the project The American School of Archmology ha* b«sn granted by $$* Greek Govern- ment the exclusive right for t i make excavations at 8part* At a meeting of th* Now Hampshire Governor and ooanril Hon. Rdwla O. Eastman of Exeter waa nominated for Attorney -General Tic# Hon. Daniel Franklin, dccweit fight, which _ Chicago saloon, Charles Ms- Gallagher, It to believed, is mortally wounded. The war upon the. lottery bunt area la bring vigorously prosecuted In Balti- more Prv-ldent Gilman of tbe Johns Hopkins University will preside at a public meeting called for Sunday naxt to protaat again-t ths *WL Two rosn. said to be John McAllister sad William Davenport, of Koanaerfleid, Wyoming County, Pg., while walking oo the track of ths Lehigh Valley Railroad Monday, nrer Towan da, were struck by a A lull I- Kedure th- Froaideal's halary. WaaimroTos, Pel». 8.—Ths bill intro- duced In ths House by ltoprewciaUre Grady of North Carolina to mlaos the President's salary u> $23,000 a y**r, also purpo-re to reduce all other public i rle* wages, fees and*commutations $100 and Ires than $147 per moath ten per cent; ranging from $187 to $840 fifteen per cent.: exceeding $3*0. except la the case of tbe President's and other salaries forbidden by law to be redaoed. Wasmixi/tox, Fsb. 8.—Th# State De- partment has received a cablegram from Cap* Town, Africa, announcing th* death of Lieut. Mason A Bbufsldt of tha Navy, retired. LisuL Rhufeldl had gone to Africa as a Commissioner of th* World's Fair to secure exhibit* for tha exnosltlou. He was a son of tbs lata Admiral HhnfsidL Dreary Winter Nights MADE CHEERFUL bj tbc mo a. SPECTRUMIZED WOOD on . grata or in tha Mora. All tko rolora of th. rainbow an rlMbfe u oa- ««» To be hbl at John A. Thickstun8 COAX, & BLUX BTCNX TXJl- Madlaoa Ara, Oar. TSInl SC ^ 50 CENTS fiL B OTT^E FOxi EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHOSPHITES WILLIAMS’ PHARMACY. #0 Wrat Front ‘street. Oar. drove Street. 's TIER’S ICE CREAM PARLOR t NO. 16 PARK AVXNT7X Plainfield, N. J. ! fi Thit orda I tli aliment is now ont-a to tbe public, who ara assured that no pain* will be spared to erve them In fi nrurnpt and attentive man nor with Tlcr'a celebrated ICE CREAM IN BRICKS. CONFECTIONERY heir own manalactare. d2 Wxsanxmta, Feb Tb# Commltt** Mitchell, presented t port In the contest for tb* seat now o< Roto aa a Senator f re I ties reported by Mr. Claggat d by Fred T. Da- Seaator DuBoi# to retain his of allowing Uael* Sam's Jmmmmry C^amgr. WiMixmm, Fsb 8. —Coinage *xecut«d by United States mlaU during January. lfifiS, was aa fallows: Gold, 790,000 ofera of Iffio value of $1,380,000; stiver, ' (J00 places of ths vala* of $1,168,^-., minor eotn, 4,788,000 pieces of the valu* of $80,800; making a total of I0.l88.p00 pises* of tha Tala* of $8,84*.000. Wzanaovoa, Fob 8.—The House Oom- ml use oo Flections ha vs postponed until Friday Ha ' OB ths BtewartOkalg aas from the twenty- fourth Pennsylvania District, and have advanced tha hearing In the NoTse- Roekwsll case, twenty eighth New York District to Tuesday out Wabdsovo*. Fab $.—Tks Treasury Department to informed that "Cfio(«p> tab"«® Africa* fibre which to largely exported to the United States, to th* product of non’ * Pa, Fsb I—Jonathan Oa* oay, wot W > at (Wyaborg and shortly atlar sntared th* miaistry that ohoreb la Uffif to sf Ut health. BARGAINS —FOB— EVERYBODY. C. Schcpflin 4 Co„ ur rloun; the tral.mr of their tturk or Winter Clothing oon««lne of Mrn't, Boyf .0(1 oklM- ran', Sait. Ovcreou. *n«l l-»ou at rw ul, at tho niuiafKUrar’. ork* for CASH. If Jo« oocd anything In Uil<lina dual gun the opportunity. All gociii marked in plain figure*. 70 WEST FRONT STREW N«it to r«e»1 Ml M PARLOR ' STOVES FURNACES, WATER. STEAM AND QA8 PIPING. A. M. GRIFFHt 13 I AST FRONT ST. J TrtsohoBStA. flofiJm Latest Styles Hats and Gent’s Furnishings O. M. DUNHAM’S, 4S Wrat Fraot Mrrak A. M. SEGUINE, Laing’s Hotel Stables, Oa rraat fiL. *VF«rtto MsMssb Av* Tele»k«M Codl Mb. 99. r& mwamissgimi rauraw, rtrara. ral ra<rara l rarrtrara,«5 trawl,Mara fra

VOL. 1--NO. THE EIDER D00MB1 SHE PLIEDTHE LASH … · y Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d from renjilruce of Unt. H. P . Van Tuyl o Mtne street. «n Van Tuyl, wh o i wat thrown into

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Page 1: VOL. 1--NO. THE EIDER D00MB1 SHE PLIEDTHE LASH … · y Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d from renjilruce of Unt. H. P . Van Tuyl o Mtne street. «n Van Tuyl, wh o i wat thrown into


THE EIDER D00MB1Hope of Savin? (lie Uisj Vesst

About Abandoned.


Her FrcijvVor Cirried i w a j and Wreck)

' \ r.pginning to Come Anhrre- ,

Dcr 1-wltf. w™

rtfcr —

• A.I.I, to < I

I « I . - » Very 1 ili .l . done—Offlc.y. ofTHH-1 Will !s..t sj.mn <•( Hi- C H H of>i. i.1. ut I-..ITIII to Refer to tin- 1

Lflsnofi, Feb. a-—Acting, It Is believednn(ier instructions from the agent*the North German Lloyd Steamship Coipuny, the officers of the Elder to-dswhen questioned in regard to the canof their running ashore; refused to gianil explanation of the disaster furtbtn£o to **r that Sunday night wcentlvely foggy and that they weiable to nee a-tiy of the lights on tbiJi-h coast while making their war n

^""^he tide began to rim thi*,.w lopes of thmte who -till believed th

"thelEldur could be floated began to sinto 11n- lowest ebb. for the water Stead!rose until it overflowed tbejiIn fliirliiion, the fresh hiee;nprnn« up early In the morntv_ w.oily- fri-tWneil into a gale of wind whteagnin mailed heavy "seas to sweep

K.virtTlK in maritime matters who bavCXunlfted the Elder as she rosta on tltocts'.ifr Atherfteld, have expressed f.opinion that lipr W k In broken And th;tltere is absolutely no hope | of BaviiJUT! AH the day wore . on, tills oploiiliewwf the lii'in-rnlly accepted one, anIt is taken tor granted that the E|deand1 he cnrgo, the latter

Wlit tt-ni

At nEiJer is valueluding the

upon tt b

p, except by the wrecker.tli tftimate. the cftrpo of thlued at about *80,OW, not li

e l g |>i-cie which will] be navelthe Kitkr herself la valued at about $700<K«I; 1HI(II thu steamer »nd her cargo nr

liv insured.All il hnre now been landed at

ibeen se,

-luli' AAll m n« rinmber of the crewBShi.re in the local life-b

The Elder's lifeboat lInum-lii-il itncl are alongside of her, readto takr utt the rpiiminilt-r of itbe ere*Th* -•*« continui'S to break furiously ovitW unfomiUiiH- .steamer, nnd wreckagefrohi Iter i- liffliig washed a»liore.

gvMi IJIT ollic.-ra no longer attempt tdVny HIM stir i* doom«i; th«y now dedim- thiW -lit- is full cif water eicept ithe fon-p'Mk. «liifh is lifted up l.y th

•It,,, i, -,iii ,,f tin- continued high.is (b;« ((..• Bicnmcr pdsttiou in count!

^ T l l i u ^ n 'out o( tbewdU-r «nch b h h b

Tl|t MH-'- i LOji'Ti propi'llcr during th

B»ST. S. Y.. Feb. 3.—The Stein\u-t,-B rtvra 111 at electrical exi

wan reported in the Sun.ili*l ffo w to provide that the v>iav nppuint sucli people as .he like*rcmotilug restrictions to publica

• hill WJIH passed and Rent tc

. 1 : • . • - ! • . . . • : • • ( S . i i i i i c f I • • ( . ' > . v e i l .

HZAUETH, N. J.T Feb. 3.—After]n-r:itf ^irug^W ou'Suuth Brond atreet,i. yimun- mill, (iray uiul Bi.utel of thKaLrtii Atiilt-tic Club, captured any Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d fromrenjilruce of Unt. H. P. Van Tuyl oMtne street. « n Van Tuyl, who i

wat thrown into coiiTiilrionB wheil>iii;i.ir fiiiere.l her room. Me gavDsiiHt H* Tlioicaa Murphy o t Phil«del

ii. A ({Unutity of jewelry and trinket.- ].,,.i,.l ou the burly prisoner.

Etw-KiN, F^b. 3.—An action of tortatptmxt the West End Street railway iwliich John J. Leahy claims $il,(K)0 lUin*-ts for inj-JtiCK received in July, 189Uwhen the wall of the company's poweikotuwiu KH~I. Enmbridge fell upon him

-b«D trinl in the Superior Court. ~"plaintiff claims nedllg<-»ce on the pwthe tQiupuny, and the defense- Is a genera

FHII.A<IE[.IHIA, Feb. 8. —PennaylvanlTnJlroHil twin ini,. ant emphatic in theldciiiiil in relation to the cstnhliHhniei]ot a'jirw express company t-t tbe pttlpose ui competing wi'll and ultinuttelcrii-iimn llie Adiimn Expre.-M companyVkv 1 iv-iilcru '1 liuiupwiu luuglit-d at thIdea uutl declared lie kuow ooiuiug of it.

H n u n , K. J., Feb. 8.—Scarlet feverhim iiivaiWti Vie City Home itt Verona,•tui eUteH fruni bvre. According to the

Bolviit oilicials, forty-seven o( the• •><« Uriekcn. One death h u

. oixartvd. The /ever h«« exislu li» iiiMitjDVion nfiice Thank»j{ivingjU»y. 1 !n rt are ut present 2iiT boy« and

• WgiilB In Hie borne.

lh-.ll. ..f,, M>ll-i,tiowti Inrantsf.] CViCAuo, Peb, S . — ItLien Silabr Bich-•rdiMin. B wtlt-knuwu lnveDtor, died nt

rkii IJOIU. in lVowlUwn law night, aged. ]•» ytwr.. AHHJI,K hin invKntiouB WM tbem«1ui,e no* u««i („ placing pioi inijw[*r, «hc jweunwaB L u b e i e t e . faB »!»<,iDdm-ctly i,elp«l to lay the flrtt Atlantic

^eilfinie, fi.urguns. 4,870 ton*,• powrr, Captalu Hon. Blchardtoast guards vessel at Kings-ui. ,-, ,s m Dublin gay, drown-

huus Board of Agriculture an-that Wheat has suffend no*> far. but that i l"trai ( l

o o v . l i m i t IN int iui A i.it,*Yii n

ll>> Hli'iil. lu Mr I- Not In f tin;*.

OMAHA, Neb. 3—GOT. JETIKJM E. Tmyd,when in Itirmisil of the ilechi-m of tbn Su-preme Court in the Boyd-Thayeisaid -to a reporter;

"I am more than gratified toleniI * \ again tbe Governor of tiili State,WiiOit growth I have wutcticrt with con-widerable gratinaatlou, gnin-ins up a* ]didwlthit. >1 am now its f.ovemor. Ofcourse, L '!•> not know whnt courseThayer will pursue, but I supposewill at once vacate the chair at the SCapitol. As I aaiil before, I cannot l•ay when. I shall go to Lincolnformally bike my seat as Governor.I have beeu in;.iiuur«ted I can serve ;the save in Omitiut for a day or two a*in L,iutoln. Mr. i hniyer cannot now eve]act its Governor. Any papers which himay^sittn as mtch or appointment* he•nay make would be illegal,tbink that be will attempt to hold officeany longer."

eroKK ONK o r T H E SCOWS.

But Hj Murnlng Tlmy Wire Gone.LBWEB, Del., Feb. 3, — Tba stflac

Sylvia, from Shields, Eng.. hits arriiat the Breakwater for orders. She re-ports having fallun in with one ofscows adrift from Naw Ynrk harbor withfour men on her. off the cuost ah Sunda]morning last. Tlie Crew o( the iteamei

men anil smashwl their boat iu the effort.The steamer laid liy the scow all nigh

and ou Monday mo ruing found tbe scowbe invn miH iug, tbtfy havfng

oUibly been taken off by soMl.

me other


Lost liin MUUMB, rroimbirth* Lire «f

^BTRB*. Feb. 3.—At Cote St. L-lUttying auburb of Montreal, se*

frozeu dynamite cartridges whichDupre had Dhtced on the titore to t

exploded, completely wrecking«. Dupre was u-rribly injured. HJaHttle ilauglittrs, one an infant

months was fatally burned.third daughter bad her skull fracturedand will probably die. .Mr,. Dupre M-;;ipi-d injury from tbe eiplufion, but oupeeing tbe injuries of her | liu^bnnd andchildren, became insane and isJ now a

ravitig maniac

uld not join their gang for purp•bery. Four of the gang are no insou wlii-rf ten others of the sanio

Jody have heretofore been, confined forris criinm. one belnR the murder, list

iiiiLs, o( V».ssi«i WalHConce. OS* ofnrre«ted Is Autliuny Kopchuoa,real mune i-s given by their Uoiird-uue l>o .s as Jo.nt lUuiki. He isun

| d min-ilerer (mm Kuwburg, N. V.,where he killed a fellow-couiUrymanwhile working ou a ruilroud grading.

ToFlml Out Meiiaiur l'»lni»r". Mr.-.iKiii.CHICAGO, j"eb. 8.—John P. Hopkins,

the well kuuwu i*niw.-ratic politician,will leave foi- HI. extemli-d tour throughtbe South mid East to-ujiy in tim inltrpolof the variuui* poiiiii-.Al urgHEiiz<itioDs inwhich he itia lending spirit. Ur- Hop-

SHE PLIEDTHE LASHMrs. OsmaD Horsewhips an Of

fenaive Admirer.


" ') r e a n ' s , a n V i i e U ^and consult Tam mi my before he returns

is puj-pose Ui test trie feeling oibe question of the Presiilential nonilnaion, and it is believecl that the tour Uundertaken purtJy, at letutt, in tbe in

per, a young axemtui of Gatiurau Point,came down from the woods to see hi-ood

He l undd

.ged Ititlier nnd oIOUHB Jocked up, and ufteirae, coiicludeit tu force ele found hia mother dcml in bed and his

e old <•grip « a net

I'a., Feb. 3—Oov.tlnon has issued a procUmutioii calliiig

" ie vast proportions of thea, recalling the bounty of

tbe world sent to the Johnstown floodid advising the citizens

the Statv to send contributioun for I>Uef of the Euiwiun peasHiitH to Iusaiau Famine Relief Committee•ashiugton^

A Hwl> lit ths Bulnx.PITTBBDRO, Feb. 9.—The remains of

alian have been found In the debris „SailU & KLI^CTS' fruit store. No. 585

irt- about nvo weeks ago. The nrmein-iloyed a numl>er of Italians, and it iniipjiosed llie bodj is <>ue of them.

report had bijen niHtit? of anyone b*kiu£

t)U*A, Feb. .—It is reported that aton of another victinfof Franc iiit

tosalie bclumkler, the monsters who[cred servant giria, has been dlscov-

red fn the snow in the Buckberg woml,Dt far from .where tbe other bodies w< . .»untj_ It Is now' vtid that a tiecond trialf the caae U probable.

MlnUtrr K**a «>J *h*> BtfugsBa.LOSDOK, Feb. 8. —The Santiago corres-milent of tbe "Time*" asserts thatinuter Euan did receive safe-court nets

_r refugee* who sought the asylum ofb« United State* Legation and that hoever Informed hi* government of tne

Shivl 11 y Ilia BOM.U . . I « U , Ga., Feb. 8.—Da«rid Port*-,•P'uj collector of tbe port, an officer*

u the local pout of the O. A. It-. and artimiuent U«iJ Fellow, 1* reported toav* been shut and killed by hi* son.orter, minor says, waa beating his wit*.

Sylvaatar WIISOB-I BattLIKW YORK, Fob. A^usUc* Pattersonthe rJuprems Court has fixed ball at,000 In the caae of Sylvester T. Wilson,manager of Female bMeball team*,

ler conviction of abdootton, pwdinK

Cun.ol M CkB n n , Feb. .8 — Mr. Hnk«r of thi* city, ha* been pp

C0OM1 lor bwitxerland at Chicago.

wur-111... Sanaa Tin.* . A.

I* OtfciPlains stirred Up Otar UM A>WHITS PLAINS, Fab. .—The people of

White Plains are still eagerly dlscuasingthe particulars of tbe horse whippingwhich occurred Monday night. CharlesOrilnth* wa* horsewhipped by Hr*. Wm(toman. Grifflthu la an Kuglishuipainter by trade, and a marriedbut recently ha and his wife s*parat«dand a n now living apart.

Tbe cause of tne separation ia n

has it that Mrs. Urifflfhs objected to hhusband'* attentions to other wonieShe declaral alif Could not endure It aileft him.

Mr. Urlffith* Is a neighbor of Mr. aiMrs. Wm. Usmaik. Ur*. Daman i* acomely woman of attractive fofrma^rn&Lule manner*. Urirflth* is sahave become, enamored of her. 11* be-cume more than neigliborl; in his atten

annoyed thereby. Desiringpublicity, Mrs. Oaxnan concealed he]annoyance at Griffiths' attention* andtried to treat him as pleasantly as poulWe,

Further details, of the horsewhippingave Just come out, Urifflth* and tb*iron11* lived next door to each other oneuaico avenue. A partition fence di-Ufa the back yards. Honda; afternoonrs. OsmaQ was in her back yard. Grif.tit want, into hi> back vard and began

talking to Mr*. Osman over the back

She alleges that the Improper proposalsWere then made. Mr. Oilman came homeait that night and hi* wife finally toldlira of tho insults Qrlfflths had put uponier. It was decided to demand Mtislac-iou from Griffiths. A borsewhip wastructired and Upman and bis wife we:'a Urithtba house and called him out.

It WHS late in the evening. Griffith.•jitntMiut unii Mr.-*. Osmao demandedJIImediate apology. Whether Uri.iittttn^pted to apologize or Hot isinuwn- All were M> eiciwd that the;

can Dot recollect.Anfhow, Mrs. Osman seized her horse-

whip nnd commence.1 horsewhippingJritnths with her full strength, osin:ilood by mad looked on. After Ml)M)iuH had couclDded that QriUitiis hadH-i-n punished enough ami feuli'rom her exertions, she withdrew withet husband. They went home. Oriffltht

lhen be procured hie pistol. He layi waif for OstiJan. AUiut 11 o'clocksniau went oat to his back yftnL

Urilliths immediately went out to hisown back janl, abd after rouudly curs-

Usman be opened lire on him-. Theknesa of tbe uiKtit undoubtedly s*i

Osman's life, because Grifflth nred

The noise of tbe shooting aroused theueighborb ood.

lirifRths fled Into his house. WhenPoliceman Bogart camiUriUitiis trie<l to escape.

Xs Bogart forcrtl open the front doorof tne house Uriinths ran ont the backdoor, climbed the fence and began to rtcross lots. Bogan. -i-on discovered hi

It wan an exciting run while it lasted.Across the lota Ujtj t*wo men ran, stumb-ling t>ver rocks and stumps in tbe dark-

Finally Bogart took oat his pistol andfired in the air, calling on Griffiths fsu>p. Griffiths then gave himself up.

Ibe noise of this second nboutin;still further aroused the village, an.though the hour was midnight * crowigathered to see Griffiths brought in.

They followed Bogart and bis prisonerto the County Jaii and looked on wl(isatisfaction as Griffiths was locked up.


Bnda tlie Trial


EASTOH, Fa., Feb. a—Preston 11. Gernet of Bethlehem, a vonng member oftbe Northampton county bar, shot him-self In tbe court house this morning jnstus tbe second day's trial of a salt again*him for embezzling funds coming iuthis nands aa attorney was beginning. Hicannot recover.

V* Llbeler* In .lull.REAVER, Pa., Feb. 3.—MeMn. Portal

and Mellen, ot the Beavep "Star,1'against whom Senator Matt Qua?obtained a verdict on January ltt, andwho were sentenced to pa; the Costs ofprosecution, a fine of (500 and underglimprisonment In Che county jail for siimonths, are now locked up in the count]jail to serve their terra. It I* said thaiuft,-r » short incarceration an applicationwill be made to the Board of I>ardon* fortheir release.

_ H., Feb. 8.—WilllnH. B.-an, who in wanted by the police,U charged with having on Sunday nightattempted to poison hi* wife. He triedto force the contents of asmal) bottle ofpoison down her fbroat, but Mhe Btrng-Hied bravely, krpt her Jaw» closed, andhe could not accomplish bl*. pnrpoae.The fluid ran over be face, burning theskin terribly. Bean then fled in a stolen

Twvntr La*»« Glna Bin.ST. Jon*, N. B., Feb. .—Fmlerick

Qiift, tbe mulatto, sentenced to recefvaforty lushes in addition to a term in jailfor indecent assialt, had tbe &»t instal-ment of twenty lashes given to him Sun-day at the jail here. Tbe whip was oneof sii cord". Blood WM drawn, butGraft did sot seem to mind the whipping.

. I*b. 8 - I n the m*tt«rof the petition ot member* *>f th* Prohiliftion party for permission to fil* istb. Supreme Court a bill la equity at-tacking th* const!tutlonality of th* new

at (Jctlj«*or« OB Jim* ».NEW YORK, Feb. a.—Thursday, Jab; 2,

I* the day nzed ror the dedication of "th"Uigh Water Hark" Monument at Of ttjsburg.

The President and members of hiCabinet havs accepted Invitations to b«preoent, and the Governor* of all State*that hare contributed to mark the field,veterans of the array of tbe PotomacState monument committees, membersof Congress and other* of distinction willbe Invited.

Col. Bachelder, who has the arrange-ments in charge, has reserved single farerates for the round trip from the TrunkLines committee for ticket* eastPlttsburg and Brie *old on the d*? _dedication and the day preceding th*am«; and to afford ample facilities "visiting the field, tickets will be good „return for two days after the dedication

Arrangement* will b* made with »thi


mtnmmmALBAity, N. Y., Feb. S.—Ur. HUt, o

Albany, ha* Introduced In the Ajmerablja bill designed to aid manager* In i put-ting children on the stage.and at thesaimtime meet the objections of Mr. Slbrfdgilicrry who claimed that tb* bill Intro-duced by Mr. Stein last .week, allowedchildren to appear la oonaert saloon*.

Thi* Utter bill was drawn by >a*uat_.H. P. Houller of Albany, tad in It* lastsection say*: '"Nothfng In tbi* actshall be constructed to allow any childunder IS year* of age appearing or actln{as public servant* in any plao* whereliquor i* •old.

Hull Knoaka Oat Bodes.CHICAGO, Feb. 8.—Jim Hall accom

plished a feat Monday night that-Eilratn, Pempsey and other pngtlists havtattempted in vain, and knocked oat MikeBoden of Philadelphia in four rounds.Boden made no .effort* to fight, bnt trlecto wear out hi* opponent by hnCgtnihim, and not succeeding in that he delitsrately fouled Hall, and in th* thiround Boden sank his teeth into Eall1-

KIOVB, Tbe Australian banrmered the' ' fellow at will and In tbe fourth

id Boden was helpless. Jack King,tbe fishier who recently faced PeterJackson, then went against Hall an4 wanput to sleep in the thud round.

ScKAKToif, Pa., Feb. ft—Stephan Dea-ynln,,a son of a wealthy Cuban family,[ormerlv general. maater mechanic foitbe Lackawanna Railroad, in on trial foi

trdering his wife last October, ha hav-_j shot her down after having accuseclier of unfaithfulness. District Attorne]ICelly, whose duty mak*a it neceasary forhim to prosecute the cas*, was greoms-uan at DeayaU'* wedding. The priaoner

ike down when called upon to pleadthe indictment, and wept pltaously

lor a few minutes. Deayala's counselare ftgbtlng tbe caw stubbornly. Theirdefence will be Insanity. But flv* Jurors

tw*n secured so far.

Oklahoma's Mr.t Oovfroor.OOTBRIE, O. T-, Feb. 3.-At 4 o'clock

Monday aft«rnoon Abraham Sear, Asao-Justice of Oklahoma, vacated bJ*

on the Supreme Bench, and was aionce sworn in a* Governor ot the Tcrrl

f. In tbe evening he had a receptloi._ Che United States Court room by theGuthrte Board of Trade. Fully 2,000persons were preseut, including delega.

tions from every town in the Territory.After tbe reception un fnaugor*! ballwas held at the Opera House, followed>y a banquet at tbe Palace HoteL TheMople of the entire Territory rejoic*.he advent of their first Governor.

HiLWicnE, Wis., Feb. 8. -A prom)lent and wealthy member of the Hebrewjircle ot New York, Henry Gold HIMarrived here this morning. He is amen:ber of the Baron Hirsch Fund Commuteof New York, and his visit to Wiwomis for the purpose of making an roVestl

gation of the advantages offered by nor-\erii Wisconsin for the establishment of

colony for the exiled Russian Jews.mbered lands suitable for farmingLrpoaes in either Lincoln, Taylor, Uara-on or Langled county can be obtained

or $1 perjuire.

Thm Ljact>*r. ideaUnvd.iu>ios. Tex.,. Feb. 8—Thre« men

whe have been identified M having com->osed a party, with another man, who aew days ago lynched John Shield*; nearrimpson, are now under arrest far tbe

crime. An annt ot Shields saw thewhole proceeding* without the lypchersbeing aware of her presence, anil wasthus enabled to observe the identity ofthe four men. Tbe fourth man Ss ex-•ectod to be under arrest soon. Shieldsu to have inherited some money, andIs believed that he was pot out Of the

way on this account.

_. r. N. J., Feb. 8.—ProwJoaeph Thompson of this city bis

ordered the arrest of Mrs. Ooerga, War-wick, who last Thursday *hot her daugh-ter Laura in the eye, In an attetapt tokill her, and then to exterminate tfa. restof the family. A* Mrs. Warwick to can;Ined to her bed ehe is under constant

police surveillance, and tbe matted will* Investigated a* soon as she 1* able toeave the bouse,.

he fituious coach of Yaia'a boat'some years past, ha* announced thatcannot come up to Yale to train the

. .wthHyrar. Tbi* U a severe blow tobe 'Varsity eight, and the outlook fort at preacnt is d i i '

nhtrua on Trial rsrL Feb.

m Deltena Davin, wbowt bod* waaud in tne Mystic Blrar, December 28,

_ i William II. Smith, lUesed NCOMwryare now on trial in MM DUtriot' Jourt.

< U n U H to ruit D«troit_LiETaoiT. Fett. E.-lt i. now-jo^tlvely

settled that ex-Prerddent Cleveland willdeliver an address at tbe University at

Arbor, OB Peb- 23, at S p. m. X___a reception will be tendered him in

tbe City of Detroit on th* eve of th* 28d.

a r r **r R ySBAMDKIK, F*., Fab. *.— Jacob Blo-alii, a Swede miner, wm* found on th.

,k* of Ohaniokln Cnck with hi. skullIt is supposed he was m nr-

WASHINGTON NEWSi l l Important Decision By the

Supremo Court


Vudiot for Big DanugM fer Qsotmdfrom K Tr*Jo«utained-

gram to Mtad •11.000. x

ill on the I.*s*llo

Salsry «*dutl«.n BIIL

, Feb. 8.—Decision ha* ju*tbeen rendered by the United Stat«preme Court In the case of the NewYork, Lake Brie A Western RailroadCompany T*. David T. Wi nters, on ap-peal from the LTni(«d States Circuit Courtfor the District of Massachusetts.

The case was brought to tbe SnpreinCourt by tne admioistrator of Whiter*

Winters bought a ticket orerFitchburg ft Kris road from Boston toNew York, paring «3 extra for theprfrflege of stopping over at Olean, N Y. Restopped over vbera, and on boarding tbetrain next day his ticket was refused, onthe ground t hut he did not hare a it top-over check He refused to pay additionsfare and was ejected from the truiu. re-ceiving some injuries.

Winters brought suit against the com-pany. In tbe trial of the case the conduotor who ejected him from the trainclaimed that he knew Winters' tiekewas an unlimited one, but that th* rulesof the company required stopover pasnonger* to produce a stoporer check. Win

irs claimed thatbvhad not beenglyeoaopover check hy the conductor of till•aln that brought him to town.The jndge In the case Instructed tb

Jnry in favor of the railroad companybut the jury brought In a verdict forWinters lor 410,00a

The Supreme Court sustain* the v*rdiet la its decision.


TX« U M MlniMar Swift*. Wll. Span! • » •; Our U , . i ! o n In Japan.Feb. ft— Mr*. Swift, wit*

of the deceased Minister to Japan, Kinthe city, and haa a claim of |12,000 tte-

her private Income for imnrovemantamade on the new United States Legation

: Toklo, Japan.TLe old United States Legation thia* such a poor structure, tbwt It waa

object of ridicule amoox th* Europ*resident*, and It waa tbronch the rwtttfof the late Minister Swift that an appro-priation wa* made for the erection of alew Legation.

The appropriation was not sufficlecomplete the structure and Mrs. Swifused $12,000 of ber private funds to I 'it. If the Minister bad lived to completehis term of otlice. nnd thereby enablingthe family to enjoy the benefits of theimprovements made, no claim for the$12,0011 would have been made, rut, a*the Minister died and his family werecompelled to return home, Mrs. Swiftthinks that the money should be refunded.

Wii.uiM.Tov, Feb. 8.—The Presidentas commuted the sentence of Eoberiudge, of Michigan, to four years anaz months1 imprisonment. Judge was'nteuced December 13, 1888, to ten ye#rs1 the penitentiary and to pay a fine ol1,000 for counterfeiting silver cirtifl-itea. He has also commuted tbe twoears' sentence of John K. Nichols, of:icbigan, for violation of tbe postal laws> on'year and three months, but permit*le One imposed of $482.70 to stand.

Bill la Reduce lbs I T « W ^ I ' I Salary.WASHINGTON-. Feb. ft—The bill Intro-

duced In the House by RepresentativeGradr. of North Carolina to reduce "President's saUry to 925,000 a year,turpoees to reduce all other public tlea, wage*, fees and* commutationsilCMJ and less than |1S7 per month | byton per cent.; ranging from $167 to *8«0fifteen per cent.; exceeding (360, exceptn th* case of the President's and other•alaiiea forbidden by law to be reduoed,twenty per cent.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.—The State D«-irtment has received a cablegram from

L'ape Town, Africa, announcing tbedeath of Lieut Mason A. 8bufeldv ofthe Navy, retired. Lieut. Snufelut had[one to Africa as a Commissioner of the

World's Fair to secure exhibits for thexpowltiou. He was a son of tbe late

Admiral Shuftlilt

Kwatsr Da noli in K»t«in Hii S*«lWASBIXOTOII. Feb. .—The Contmltt«e

on Privileges and Elections, through Mr.litchell, presented to the Senate ita re-

port in the oontest made by Mr. CUggetor the Beat now occupied by Fred T. llu-Bois as a Senator from Idaho. The Coro-

littee reported in favor of allowingDuBoi* to retain his Mat.

WABRMOIOK, Feb. &.—Coinage exeeaMdby United State* miat* during January,

as follows: Hold, 76(1,000 piecess ot 11,360,000; silver, 4,369,-of tbe vain* of $1,165,000;

minor coin, 4. T8S,000 pieces of the vslue Jf90,500; making a total of 10,138,000

- of the value of $2,84.1,000.

WAHHIHOTOH, Feb. 8.—The House Cota-ilttee on Election* have postponed untilFriday Its decision 00 tb* Stewart-Cnis

contested election case from the twentr-ourth Pennsylvania. District, and hare

advanced the hearing In the Notes-Rockwell case, twenty-eighth New YorkDistrict to Tnaeday next.

WASHDHTIOM, Feb. 8.—Tbe Tr*a*uryDepartment 1* Inform wi that "Crinvfrj**tal." nn A(rie*n flbr* which is largely

ported to tbe United SUUs, U U>*•oduct of oonvict labor.

wald, one ofter* I* Pennsylvania, di«l hen Holi-day, agwl about fc«. He was graduatedt OeUysbnrg and shortly after entwedhe mlnl.tryot that church. In ltNK W

f ill h l hit of ill health.

Bom, Feb. ft—It is reported, thatSlgnor F. CaUlini, at praaent ItaliaMinister to Copenhagen, will st *n earlday b* transferred to Waahlngton, th*Italian Oo**rnm*nt having detenninMon tbe complete restoration of diplomatlrelations with th* Cn(ted Siatea, <

Baron Far*, who wa* withdrawn fromWashington during the negotiation- —cerniDg tK« Sew Orl«an. ma-wcre,It Is said, be appointed to fill the vac" Copenbagwi.

.4 will,

BOOTO*, Feb. 8—Mayor Matthew* amthe following to tbe Board of Aiders*"Gentlemen—in view of the scandalt-maDner In which the' buslnen* ot thLonlalana State Lottery company i> adTertised in theaUr programme* in Ihicity, I have the honoi to direct jour at-tention to th* expediency of revoking thlicenses of atl the theaters taking such

CAIHO. Feb. 5.—Tba Marquis d* Seven**«ut de Rouviay,, Fraaoh PoUticatAgent and Consul-general here, haaInvested tb* Khedive with the decora-tion ot th* Grand Cordon of tba l i

wif* of Albert RothMhlld, U dyingcaaoar of the bmut '

MKWS OP T i l t DAT.

WBeer Peter Chandler, ot Baltimore,dying of hydrophobia)

Ralph Brockelbankl B leading ship-Owner of Liverpool, is dead.

Of the 135 deaths reported to th* NewYork Board of Health! last night B w.ascribed to grip and It* complications.

The (.rial of Alfred Parks for the znv.der of hi* wif* haa beQan at Newark, N*. J

Rev, Dr. Samuel j Antllff, formerlyPresident of the Conference of PrimitiveMethodist*. 1* dead In London, at an adranced age.

The announcement a few day* ago othe Minn of the Clidden & Joy VamlsLCompany of Cleveland, O., la withoutfoundation.

The "Schmidt" bpl, wblcb provide*for local option, with a minimum licenseof $300 per year, la believed wiA beooma

At the meeting of tfa* Illinois CentralRailroad Board of Director* the projec-t using electricity a* a nioUn powi •."alni was abandonen1.The American School of Arcbtenlogy

as been granted by the Greek Governlent the exclusive rlRht for four yeai-> make excavation* at Sparta.At a meeting of tbe New Hampshire

Governor and council Hon. Edwin GEastman of Exeter -was nominated foAttorney-General Tice Hon. DanleFranklin, deceased.

In a fight, which grew ont of practl__joke, in a Chicago saloon, Charles Ma

lire shot William Tagney and Andrewillagher. Tagney waa killed and.

Gallagher, It in be|ieved, 1* mortally-ounded.

The war upon the. lottery business 1*:ing vigorously prosecuted In f

-jore. President Oilman of the JHopkins University, will preside u_ _public meeting called for Sunday next toprotest against the eriL

Two men, said to be John McAllisterand William Davenport, of Ronnserfield,Wyoming County, Pa., while Walking onthe track ot the Leatgb Valley RailroadMonday, near Towanda, wen struck by a-train and Instantly killed.

For Butera Sew Fork: H U f l rjutbwutarlr wtndc doudlnast i d

turning to snow In northern part.For New Jeraer: OontlnueA^rarm scmtberlrinds and Uii, folk.wetf'hr doudloess and

w Yo»*: 8H»bOy _wjutherly winds; lnonasto* cloudlnewand Jl*-htrain, f&Uowed by colder and fair weataer.

Western Penns/lvaiua: Th«ait*nlii«and nln, pml»lilr turn !a» to

r ds. ihiftliiK to ooiderwesterly.

For Msn-laiHl and Delaware: ContinuedJoudii™ *fid nlns; aootberh; winds, fol-

hrwed hr fair oolder and w w ber north we**

•r f l iTi i i i i „ Ti7 iMM«Try. fuUOTMB. flH....ll o-slltj*.

"Sar>-.r*r.*^.."» «•«.

Dreary Wjnter


by the ate a .


WOODon a grate or in tbe store. All thecolon or tbn rainbow are viniblo u oe-Ime. To be had rftt

; John A. ThickstunsCpJkX, &. BLVX BTOKI YAH-

Avc, Cor. Third St. -





WILLIAMS' PHARMACY, j80 Wett Front'streeL

Oor. Grove Street. HovM-lrr



PtaJnfleld, N. J."

Thin cgtnblisument IB now open 1othe public, who are aaanred tlist nopains will be spared to serve ibem In *[immpt and nHctitivo manner withTler'a celcbnUed


C O N F E C T I O N E R Yif their own manniactrire.



0. Schepflin t Co.,»re closing the balance of their rtoek pi

Winter ClothingCODsistlnff of Men's, Boy«* mni Chtl< r-een'B Suite, Overcoat* and Pants at re-

il, at the tuaDnracttirer'B orice for |

CASH.Ifyon need anything in thlsjine toil

las the opportunity.Alt gocils marked in plain flguro*






Latest -:- Styleslats and Gent's Furnishings

O. M. DUNHAM'S,M Wot Fnat >bMk


Laing's Hotel Stables,OB Front M , e»»MlM IrMkMri «vfc

Telephone Call No. • « .

VOL. 1--NO. 101.



Hope of Srtvlne tUo Bie Vessel About Abandoned.

Lincoln and «r , _ . , aa Governor. 1 have been lunnitnrhUd 1 can zerve just the aa»« In Omaha for a day or two aa In Lincoln. Mr. Thayer cannot now s»»n act a> Governor. Any papers which ha mayc»ijcn a» »nrh or appointment* h« may make won hi ha llleipkl. bo 1 cannot think that be will attempt any longer. "

SHE IS NOW GOING TO PIECE*. H«f Propel'or Carried Away and Wrvckigp Eeginnlng to Gome Ashtre- ■ « rnl.los Hourly Ckw|

of the HI to all <>a—A Ti (’•no v.rj Likely boo*—oae»n of «fc » Tr.-rl WIU Not Speak mt the Cbsm of »k i Afrlriral Kxrraet to Safer to the Fra [ Low»>». Feb A.—Acting, it fa hrllevwl. nndrr instruction" from tb« agent* of the North German Lloyd Steamship Com- pany. the officer* of the Elder to-day, when questioned in regard to the cause of their running ashore, refused to give any explanation of the dlaaater further than to say that Sunday night waa ex- cessively foggy and that they ware nn- able to see any of the light- on the Eng lidi coaat while making their way op

. Iiwe^ tiff* Hegan to rise thli morning, ,.w iopes of tho-e who »t111 believed that the Elder coolJ be floated began to sink to the lowest ebb. for the water steadily ro-c until It overflowed the a/terdsrk. ]n addition, the fresh brees- which eprtiug up early In the morning grad a again nil the Elder. „ Experts in maritime matter* who have examined the F.lder as ebe res** on tb# rock* off Atherfleld. hare expressed the opinion that her lack is broken and that Montreal, Feb. 8.—At Cole St. Louie, there is abaolutely no hope of saving an outlyiug suburb of Montreal, several her. Ae the .lay wore on, this opinion frozen dynamite cartridges which A. accepted one. and j Dupre hail placed on the store to thaw ploled. completely wrecking the

hi.* UKATinr r^r Nirhi Mrs Wi

OWABA, Neh. 8 -Gov. Jr.mes E Loyd, when Informal of the decision of the Mn- preme Court In the Boyil-Tbnyer cam, •aid to a reporter: “I am more than gratified to learn that I • \ again the Governor of title State, '<i...Mr growth I have watch'd with coo- siderahle gratification, growing qp aa I did with it- 1 am now its Governor. Of course, Ido not know what course Mr. Thayer will pursue, but I suppose


SHE PLIED THE LASH Mrs. Osman Horsewhips aa Of-

fensive Admirer. HKB HUSBAND STOOD BT. And Later On He ie Shot i


SI’OKK OMK or THE WOW*. Tomr Mts Were Ou liar la Ik- Kvra-lag Hal Hy War-leg T*»y Wtr. OoM. Lkwxa, Del.. Fab A — The ateamer Sylvi«, from Shiehla, Eng . b— arrived at the BreakvraU-r fur orders. She re porta baring fallen In wlih one of lb# scow* adrlfi from New York harbor with four men on her. oil the coaat oh Sunday morning la*L Tue crew of the steantsr mad* un.unwHlul attenipta to rescue the men and *maaliad Yhslr boat in the effort. The ntramer laid by tbr vow all night and uo Monday mornlug fouud the scow with the meu mlnsiug. they bavfng proUibly benn Ukvu off by aome other veanel.


it Is taken for granted that the Elder w|| ont posed erch All'll sa. and he cargo, the latter £r.~T cast upon the rocks be removed, except by the wrecker*. At a rough v*timate. the cargo of the Eiirr to valued at about $80,000, not In- cluding the specie which will be saved, the Eider herself |* valued at about ITfiO,- <Mf; Ih.cIi the steamer and her cargo arc fully Insured. * I ... . All mail have now been landed and a mini Ur of the crew have been seal aitniirv hi the local life-boat-. The Elder’* life boat* h^ve h*en j lnniM-hrd and

tbiril daughter had her skull fractured and will probably die. Mr«. Dupre ea- ■caprd injury from the explosion, but on •wring toe injurlea of her hu*l>and and

ScjujrroN, I'a. Feb. 8.—Joaeph Meg- Polander* jie waa awwtu lied because ht

tfcTrel coot• ii'ut*a*to~break"furioualy^over I w0«“* “«* tor purpoasaof iffulraluirau •»!»-. «..d wrackraa '■■ •h.r, beraror “■ «“* bitflag wrah.l n.liorw p"*““ "h«4 “■ <" ‘J, ran., m nu lunwr attempt to 1 L“‘» bneutmn cooBo-l lo, . <1.aimed: they uow dr variouacrlmd*. on* bring th- murder, last ia full of water except in Christmas, of Yaa*** v% aisconce, the fore peak, which la lifted up by the dEny i her of!ir

rock- up* II « hit'll Hie •tenn»«hlp i* faat Thv i *"li of ilie i oatinued high -eaa * fliat the steamer mwition I* constantly •bdnirinir. .kri.bslly for the worse. Her «>»• ha* r. iii out of the water mid her ‘vfu lias sunk lower beueath the break whirs .leluge her at abort ia-

.Albas*. N aJIou.tr: fep Mere In at electrical execu- tion- wiv reported In the .Senate, amended -o a* u. provide that the war- den mar <i;>|>'«4tii such people aa Jie Ilk— restriction* t*» publica- tion-. II w.i* paH-ed and rent to (he r. where'll »-a* concurred in. gw* to the Governor. I li»‘|Hr*U K-kber C-p« wd trxni, N. J.. Feh. S.—After a itv '‘Tuggle on South Broad *treet.

those arrnraSfd whose re-1 name 1* giveu by their Ink ing house Inm- aa Jo.ui Kilekl. He I escaped murderer from Newburg. N.

Cmicaoo, fe»L 8—John P. Hopkins, the well known l>nm» retie politician. Will leave fur an extended tour through the .Soutli and East to day In the Interest of the varloii* political orgaiiix.ti.Nia in which he tig a leading spirit- Mr Hop. kins will e.ay for some time in New Orleans, and will visit New York city and consult Tam many before he returns. It la hi* purpose ut le»« toe feeling the question of the Preeidential noniii lion, and it i* believed that the toili undertaken partly, at least, In the tcrewt of Senator Palmer.

Plata* Stirred Up Wnrrx Pum« Fob. .—The people of White Plains are still eagerly discussing the particulars of the horae-hipping which occurred Monday night. Charles Gri.litha waa horarwhipped by Mr* Wm. US man. Griffith* is an Englishman, a painter by trade, and a married man, but recently he and hU wife separated and are now living apart. Ike cause of Uae separation la not dalinlt#|jr known, but common rumor ha* It that Aire. Griffith* obj^ted to her husband a attentions to other women. She declared she could not endure It and left him. Mr. Griffiths U a neighbor of Mr. and Mr* Wm. Osman. Air* Osman is a comely woman of attractive form and azree-vUle manner* Griffiths la said to have become enamored of her. He be- came more than neighborly la hie alien* tiou■, and Mr* Osman wm greatly annoyed thereby. Desiring u> avoid publicity, Mr*. Osman concealed her annoyauce at Griffiths’ attentions and tried to treat bits ae pleasantly as possi- ble. Further detail*, of the horsewhipping have Just come out. Griffiths and the Osmauq Uv«d next door to each other oo Kensico aveuu* A partition fence di- vides the hack yards. Monday afternoon Air* 0*maq was la her back yard. Grif- fith* went into his back yard and began talking to Mr* Osman ov«* the back fence. has alleges that the impr . . r proposals made. Mr. Osman came home late that night and bis wife finally told him of tho lnsulta Griffiths bad put upon her. It was decided to demand salisfac tiou from Griffith* A horsewhip was procured and kjpman and his wife went to Griffith* hou*e and called him out. It was late In the eveiling. Griffiths came out and Mr* Osinau demanded an iiiiiiiuiliaie apology. Whether GrLUth* attempted to apologise or itr>t is not known All were m> excited that they cannot recollect. Anyhow, Mr* Osman seised her horse- whip and commenced horsewhipping Grim the with her full strength. 1 hum ■rood by and looked on. After Air* Osman had concluded that Griffith* bad been puulsbvd enough aud feeling

> hi. t

Ottawa. Out, Feb. 8—Victor Belaq gvr, a young axeman of Gmtiimiu Point, cam* down from the wood- to M hie sited father and mother. He found tbc boil** locked np, and ufter waiting lime, concluded to force an entrance. He found his imnher dead iu bed aud his twVSc. M5M sunt gly burglar who had Ju*l escaped from tbr rreid.-ucc of Air* -11. P- Van 1 uyl oo the same street. Mr* Van Tnyl, who is 111.'wan thrown Into eonvnDions when the iturglar entered her room. He gave bh. biiuii* n- Thomas Murphy of Plilladrl- CA .|'i-ii(il> of Jewelry and trinkets found ou the burly pri*ooer.

‘Boavng. Fah. 8.—A action of tort t the We*t End Street rallwa* in which John J. Leahy claim* iiVKtO dam

_ _ > get aaaiatance, the* mother bad died auddenly and did man lived but a few hours after tail- ing the etory. g-v. r*t«u< App'-i" r> . P*. Feb 8 —flov. Pkt- tiikon baa Issued - proclamation calling attention to the va*t proportion* of the famine in Russia, recalling the bounty of the world sent to the Johnstown flood sufferers, and advising the citizens of w _ T_ (be State to amd centributionii for the for injuries received In Joty, relief uf the Russian peasant* » the wall of the company'* power l.ou—in K»-i Fain.bridge fell npon him, to on trial li» the Superior Court. The plaml ill cl—line negligence on th- part of the company, and the defrn*- Ua general -denial

l’enn-7 I*m—I— OfllclaU IPe-y lb I'iiii.Ani.iJ’HiA, Feb. 8.— PetiBaylvaula Tallrosd oil.cbiLe are emphatic iu their

Relief Committee ii

PiTTSPcno, Keb. 8. —The remains » Italian have been found In the dvbi 8allla At Fug-ad*' fruit store. No. 683 IJItorty acreet. which ■» destrorad by drnini in relation to the esUbli-hment of a'new r*|»rvM company for the pur- Pom- ... coni|K-ttuK wIGi and ultimately cradmig the Adum* Express company. Vic. I ivddrnt 'llctiiipeou lauglied at the ldi-A and lirciaird he know notolug of it.

Hrarlrt Sever lo aa Asylum. Newark. N J , Frh. 8 —Scarlet fever ha* invaded t ,e City Home at Verona, all** u.lUa from bvre. . According to the •vvnotuw official-, forty seven of the ••• stricken. On* drtlb haa ai- yrerfr -rearTv4 The fever baa existed la th. iiatlvovwm since Thauksgivlng *>•) ik.r. are at proscut 2S7 boys and ** kills .11 Il,r home.

fire al*>ut five a-cvk* ago. The firuiein iuIht of Ibdlams and It supposed l ne body Is oue of them, report had l>0* ll made of an you* la-lug missing

! CkllCAeo, Feb. 8 .—Ithlcn Hlksby 1 •Rlwia. a neir-known Inventor, dl«d at h» Lome In Woodlawn last night, aged M jrer. Among hi* In ventloue was the ■ariuur now u*«l in placing pin fAI-r Um. piirumalic tube, etc. lie also tadirreliy hrlp^ u. I.y the first Atlantic —aa. K-„,„r U»e Cn.

Dcslix, Fel,. 8.—A boat belonging to f ,K- ^Hrisle. four guns. 4,87li toim, hero- po.er. Captain Hon. Mlnharil Bare, the CMAt guards vessel at ICinge- '• •«‘i*idvrtoi In Dublin Bay. drown-

J , rro- a. — me twowurj • hute Board of Agricultore an .Ini hu mSerad no rr'-f* “ l»r. bat that coodlUan, b, umaa, fa.urabU ta mu* • mrr*

Another Heheelder VlrtligT Vussa. Feb. —It U reported that ekel.-t.ei of another victlitfof Franc and Rosalie bchnelder, tha mou.Wre who murdered servant girls, ha* hes-n discov- ered fn the suow in the Bucklwrg wood, not far from .where the other bodies were found. It is now said that a seoond trial of the cum la probable. Mia to tor Efts ssd the Bef-geee.

1/ttDOX, Feh. 8. — The Santiago corres- pondent of the "Timee” aa*crt* that MluUtrr Egan did receive eafe-couducta for refugees who sought the asylum of tha United States Legation and that ha never informal hie government of the feet ________ eb-t By nu a—• Havana*. On., Feb 8.—David Porter, deputy collector of the port, nn officers In lb* local po«t of th. O. A. R., and * [romio.nt Odd Fellow, I, reported to AT, been shot *ud killed by bie eoa. Poeter, rumor eej, wu baaltac hu BU

New Taw. Feb. 8.—Ja.u» Petunaa of the Supreme Cert hoe Used bell at I.O.OW la tb. e»~ of Syleeeter T. IPIIun. tb, tuiumer of Feaele kueb.ll turn,, uad.r eourlotion o. .bdaotka, pwdlnM At’P'Wl' ..Hurled’. Cull tm -Me Uk Frit .* — Hr. Hotlncu. t b.ak.r of tbl. city, lab Coaeal lor BwllurUnd u Cklu«a.

Then he procured hie phaoL He lay in wait for Osman. About 11 o'clock Ounau *eut ont U> hi* back yard. Griffiths immediately waul out to hie back yard, and after roundly cur* Ing (toman h- opened fire on him. Th darkness of the Osman'* life, I clo-e range.


A Big Tire# AalMysUk at the I -I O-Slysb-rg aa Jumm New Yen*. Fab. 8 —Thureday. Jnj le the day fixed roc the dedication < “High Water Mark*' Md borg. The Freeldeaft end member* of hi. Cabinet here accepted Invitations to b« preeent, nod the Gorerno** of nil State, that have contributed to mark the field, veterans of the army of the Potomac, Bute monument committees, members Of Congress and other* of dlatinotion will be invited. Col. Bachelder, who has the arraage- menta In charge, has reserved single fare rates for the round trip from tha Trunk U>“ commltu. for ticket, wd Of Pltubarg and Erl, wild on tb. day of dwliclloa ul tbc 4»y pneedht* tbc CMC. »ad ta .Itord uaplc fwJlltlm far rtciuac tbc Odd. ttekrte will be mood ta iwcarn for two dayo .fear th. dwUcOlaa. Arrangomontc will be node with other lines east and weak CIIILDUB* OM TUB ITAOL

Legl.lat.re 1- Me-l U.rvr*. OVIseUMe. Albakt, N. Y., Feh. 8—Mr. HIM, of Albany, has Introduced In tha Asesmbly a hill dcsignsd to aid manager* In pot- ting children on the stag*and at th- asm- tlnis mart the objections of Mr. Bbridgo Gerry who claimed that tha bill intro- duced by Mr. bteln last w##k allowed cbllilrvu lo appear In ooncsrt sajooo* This latter bill was drawn by >n-nagsr H. F. rioullsr of Alliany, and Is lU last

as public *er v an it la any place whare

Cbicaoo, Feh. 8.—Jim Hall aeonm- plished a feat Mooday night tha* JCil- ralo, Dempsey and other pugilists have attempted in vain, and knocked ont Mlks Boden of PhliadslphU in four rounds. Boden mads no efforts to fight, hot trl-d to wsar out his opponent by hugging him. and not succeeding in that be delib- erately fouled Hall, and in the third round Boden sank hU troth Into Ball's giuv* Tbs Australian hammered tha big fellow at will and In tbs fourth round Boden was helplaaa. Jack King, Ibe fighter who recently faced Peter Jaekaou. then want against Hall attd -as put to sleep So the third round.

rale,.* sou of a wealthy Cuban family, fonnerlr g-osral master nivchanie for the Lackawanna Railroad, is on trifil for murdering bis wife last October, ha hav- ng shot her down after having aocused her of unfaithfulnew* District Attorney Kelly, whose duty makes It necessary for him to proaeeote the rase, was greoma- th# indictment, and wept pRUoualy for a few minute* DeejaU'e counsel fighting the case stubbornly. Tbel defence will be Ins-oily. But five Jurors have been secured so far.

WASHINGTON NEWS ti Important Decision Bj the

Sopreme Court AGAINST A BAUXOAD COMP ANT ▼wdiW tor Kg Dcmkgsc fcr qcrtawK

from g TraintMtuned

Washixotojc. Fsb. 8—Decision has juat been, rendered by the United States Su- preme Court in the case of the New York. Lake Erl- Jk Western Railroad Company re. David T. Wl nter*, on ap- peal from the United States Circuit Court for the District of Massachusetts. Tha peas was brought to tha Supreme Court by tne administrator of Winters' estate. Winters bonght e ticket over tbs FI tab burg A Kris road from B-xton to Nsw York, paying |S axtra for the privi- lege of stopping 0rer at Olean, N Y Ha stooped over there, and on boarding the train next day his ticket waa refused. <jn the ground that he did aot have a stop- over check He refused m pay addltloual fare and was ejected from tbs train, re- ceiving aome injurie* Winters brought salt against the com- Cy. In the trial of the case the eoh- tor who sjsrted him from tbs irmla, claimed that ha knew Winter*' ticket was an unlimited one, hut that tha rules of th- company required stopover pa**«a-* lo produce a stopover check. Wifi- ter* claimed that be had not been glv-Ua ■topovwr shock by the oonductor of the train that brought him to town. Tha Jodge In tbs case Instructed tks lury tu favor ef the railroad company, hut the lory Drought la • verdict for Winters for $10,000. Tbs Suprsms Court sustains the ver- dict la Its decision.

Tbs i neighlwrhood.

OUaton.1. rim Oovsrro* GtmnUK, O. T., Fsb. 8.^ At 4 o'.eloek Monday afternoon Abraham Seay, Amo . .. .. . dale Justice of Oklahonua. v sc a Lad hi* mulit undoab^dl, m lb. Sapwm. Beocb. .ad ,u . 0,I“U‘ °”J “ lira T.rrl . , , a .. «orV. In the cvsnlng he had a reception ot lira ukootla. uoarad U.. lu. U.H«I Sura. Coart rooa. bj tho .... , Outhri, Board of Tnid,. Full, 2.000 rirnib. flrf la to bi. hoora. When „„„. pra«„,t, Ineladin* dalrart- ”* — — * tioa, from rrrry Iowa in tb. Ttrriturr. After the reception sa laaugnrel ball was held at the Opera House, followed by a banquet at the Palace HoteL The people of the so Ur* Territory rejetoe at the advent of their first Gov. Xs Bogart forci-d open the front door of the bouse Griffiths ran out the back door, climbed tbe fence and began a lot* Bogart i discovered him It was an exciting run while It lasted Across thv lots Us two men nan, stumb- ling over rocks aud stumps in tbs dark-

" Finally Bogart took out his pistol aud firvd In ths air, calling on Griffiths to slop. Griffiths then gave himself up. 1 he noise of this second shooting still further aroused tb- vlll*#., and though the hour waa midnight a crowd gathered to are Griffiths brought In. They followed_Bogart and bis prisoner

' CODXT. (HOT MIM8KLP 1 A as I Ml Miss F-r

F.ASTO*. P*. Feb. 8.— Preston M. Gar- net of B-thlohem, a Young member of the Northampton county bar, shot blip mU in tbs oourt bouse this morning just ns tbs second day's trial of a suit against hint for embezzling funds coming into bis uzn.U mm attorney was beginniug. Hi cannot recover. He.at-r 0nay» Llhelare Beat**. P*. Fsb ft—Mre-re Porter and Mrllm, of the Brave* •‘Star,’ against whom Senator Matt Quay obtained a verdict on January 18. and who were sentenced to pay the coal pruroculiou. a flue of $3UU and undergo Imprisonment in the connty Jail for six month* are now locked up In the county Jail u> serve their Unu. It Is said tha* after a abort incarceration an application

Manrrora. N. H., Frh. *.—Wlllto 1L Bean, who is wanted by the polios, is charged with having on Sunday nlgbf stir opted to poison bis wife. Us tried to fores lbs contents of a.mall bottle ol poison down her Diroat. but she strug glvd bravely, kept her Jaws closed, and he could not accomplish hia purpo«* The fluid ran over he face, burning the akin terribly. B-an then fled la a stolen Twe-lr fashes Give- Bbz St Joh*. N. B., Fsb. .—Frederick Gaft, ths mulatto, -eoteaced to receive forty lashes In addltioo to a Mrm la Jail for indecent assault, had the first Instal- ment of twenty lashes give* to him Sun- day at ths Jail her* The whip

pgXLADBLruiA, Feh. 8 —In tbe matter of the petition of members Of the Pro h ltd tioa party for penaleeloa to file la tha Beprems Court a bill la sqalty at- Ueking tbe cooatltoUoualftf of tbe new election law of Jaly 19, l«k of which Mil Ike oourt wae asked to take original Jurisdiction, the parities has b-ea refaead

Iilwacxxx, Wl*, Feh. 8. —A pro t and wealthy msmbrr of tb* Bpb: circle or New York. Hsory Goldm arrived here this morning, lie U t m her of the Baron Hlrech Fund Committee of Now York, and his visit to Wlasunstn to for the purpose of making an Investi- gation of th* advantages offered by nor- thern Wisconsin for the establishwmt of a vfloor lor th* exiled Kuerten Jew* Timbered lands suitable for farming purposes |b either Liuoola, Taylor, Mara- thua or I angled county can be obtained for $1 per Acre.

. _ lynched John Shields Tim peon, are now under arrest ffir the crime. An aunt of Shields saw the whole proceedings without th* lybchvr* being aware of her preernce, sod was thus enabled to observe the Identity of

KroelvM) Rxee«Ue# Ctsmenejr. WaemxoTo*. Feh. 8 —Th* Fre-ideot has commuted ths sentence of Robert Judge. t>< Michigan, to four year* and six month*' lmprt*onment. Judge waa senteuced December 18. 1888. to lea years In the penitentiary and to pay a fine of $1,000 for counterfeiting silver clrMfl- cate* He has aim commuted the two ■eot-uc* of John K. Nichols, of gan, for violation of tbe postal laws to ooe year and three months, but permits tbe fine Imporod of $48*. 76 to stand.

Under Police N*rvolllaaeo. ATuimc Citt. N. J., Feh. a—Prose reitor Joseph Thompson of this cljy has ordered th* arrest of Mr* Oosrg* War- wick, who 1—t Thursday shot her daugh- ter Laura la th* eye, in an attempt to kill her, and then to exterminate tb* real of the family. Ae Mr* Warwick b con- fined to her bed abe to under cc*»*tant police surveillance, and tbe msttre will be Investigated aa soon aa she la able to laavs tb* houa*.

for some years past, ha* announced that be cannot coma np to Yale to train the crew this year. This Is a severe blow to tbs 'Varsity eight, and ths outlook for It at present la dlaoourngtng. Trial Use Mard-rv Maun, Mass., Fsh. 8-Jamas A. Trefsthao, charged with th* murder of •Vise Dslteua Daria, whose body wm found In tbs Mystic River, December 28. and William H. Smith, alleged scoeaaory are bow on trial la th* District jour*

< level—d ta TWU Drlralt Drraorr, Tab. E—It la now vodlively ruled that ax-PrerideB* CtovriaOd wUl an address at tbe Unirsrwlty at Ann Arbor, w Fsh. 22, at $ p. m A public reosprioB will h. tendered him la tb* CHy of Detroit on the *VS of tbo 2$d. Bixxotn, Fa., Fsh. I —Jacob Rio- walla, a8wed#miner, wm found oath# banka of Hhamokia Crrek witk^hto skull

WANT* CO.tfiK— TG BKPAT BEE, tot. Minuter a win** WIU Spent *lt.- ooo Ii—pr—vtng Our Upltan In Jap—. WaannrOTOx, Frh. &—Mr* Swift, wife of th* d—ceased Minister to Japan. 141a tha city, and haa a claim of $12,000 bo- fore C'ongreaa for moneys expanded from her private Incom* for improvement* made on th* new United Staten L-gailoo at Toklo, Japan. Ths old United States Lroition thfirc aa such a poor structnra. that It was an object of ridicule among the European reri'tonU, and H waa through th* euergy Of tbr lace Mttilater Swift that an appro- priation waa mads for th* erection of a new Legation. Ths appropriation waa not sufficient to complete the structure and Mr* Swift used $12,000 of her private funds to finlab lb If the Mintater had lived to complete his term of office and thereby enabling the family to enjoy the bear fits of the Improvements made, no claim foe tha $12,000 would have been made, »ot, aa the Minister died and bis family ware compelled to return home, Mrs. Swift thinks that tb* money should b* re funded.



Bon, Vrb. E—II b roportod UA ®**°* F. Coullal. U proraal lulu Mlabur aCop«lw win at .. ra.1, —T *» trmtotorrod tm W^tlomtom. Ua IuIImi IWimul k-'lnz SiisrajR.., Baroa F.ro, who _ darto* U. n. ~"l»* th. Sow Orlwut, It braM. b. .ppol.tad to

Saraa., r.t. E-M.ra.M.tUew, U. follow)n. la tha Barad of Aldamrau UrnU.nira—la rlaw of tbo nadalaa. rauara la which U« hulrara of Ua Laabbo. Slata LotUr? oompooj b wl- rrrtlrad la thraur ptacramara. I. Ihb nty. J bare the honor to direct roar at- tention to th* expediency of revoking th* Been Bp* of sH the theaters taking sock prohibiting tha

Caimo, Fsh. 8.—Tb* Marquis da Rerer- aax da Roovrmy, From eh PoUtteal Agent and Coosul-Gaosral here, has invested the Khedive with th* dseora- tion ot tbs Grand Gordon of th* Legion One mi th* R-thsehUda IFylag. I^XDOX. Feb. 8.—Bettin* th* daughter

uoer of the breast

leading ship.

K*WB ortHE DAT. Officer Peter Ouindlsr. of Raltlmore, la dying of hydrophobia, Ralph Brocket bank, owner of Liverpool, IE dead. Of th* 1M deaths reported to the New York Board of Health last night fi «* ascribed to grip and it* complication* Th* trial of Alfred Parka foe tha m«_ der of his wtfs has begun at Newark, N. J. R»t. Dr. Samuel Anti iff, formerly Prerideot of 4b# Conference of Primitive MsthodlstA 1* dead lq London, at an *d- vanoed ag* announcement a few days ago of th* failure of the OUWlsn 4k Joy Varnish Ctoveland. a. to without The “Schmidt" hill, which provides •r local option, with a minii of #300 per year, to believed law lo lew* At ths meeting of th* IlHnota Central Railroad Board of Directors the project The American School of Archmology ha* b«sn granted by $$* Greek Govern- ment the exclusive right for t i make excavations at 8part* At a meeting of th* Now Hampshire Governor and ooanril Hon. Rdwla O. Eastman of Exeter waa nominated for Attorney -General Tic# Hon. Daniel Franklin, dccweit fight, which _ Chicago saloon, Charles Ms-

Gallagher, It to believed, is mortally wounded. The war upon the. lottery bunt area la bring vigorously prosecuted In Balti- more Prv-ldent Gilman of tbe Johns Hopkins University will preside at a public meeting called for Sunday naxt to protaat again-t ths *WL Two rosn. said to be John McAllister sad William Davenport, of Koanaerfleid, Wyoming County, Pg., while walking oo the track of ths Lehigh Valley Railroad Monday, nrer Tow an da, were struck by a

A lull I- Kedure th- Froaideal's halary. WaaimroTos, Pel». 8.—Ths bill intro- duced In ths House by ltoprewciaUre Grady of North Carolina to mlaos the President's salary u> $23,000 a y**r, also purpo-re to reduce all other public i rle* wages, fees and*commutations $100 and Ires than $147 per moath ten per cent; ranging from $187 to $840 fifteen per cent.: exceeding $3*0. except la the case of tbe President's and other salaries forbidden by law to be redaoed.

Wasmixi/tox, Fsb. 8.—Th# State De- partment has received a cablegram from Cap* Town, Africa, announcing th* death of Lieut. Mason A Bbufsldt of tha Navy, retired. LisuL Rhufeldl had gone to Africa as a Commissioner of th* World's Fair to secure exhibit* for tha exnosltlou. He was a son of tbs lata Admiral HhnfsidL

Dreary Winter Nights MADE CHEERFUL

bj tbc mo a. SPECTRUMIZED

WOOD on . grata or in tha Mora. All tko rolora of th. rainbow an rlMbfe u oa- ««» To be hbl at

John A. Thickstun8 COAX, & BLUX BTC NX TXJl-

Madlaoa Ara, Oar. TSInl SC ^ 50 CENTS




#0 Wrat Front ‘street. Oar. drove Street.



NO. 16 PARK AVXNT7X Plainfield, N. J. ! fi

Thit orda I tli aliment is now ont-a to tbe public, who ara assured that no pain* will be spared to ■erve them In fi nrurnpt and attentive man nor with Tlcr'a celebrated ICE CREAM IN BRICKS.

CONFECTIONERY heir own manalactare. d2

Wxsanxmta, Feb Tb# Commltt** Mitchell, presented t port In the contest for tb* seat now o< Roto aa a Senator f re I ties reported

by Mr. Claggat d by Fred T. Da- Seaator DuBoi# to retain his of allowing

Uael* Sam's Jmmmmry C^amgr. WiMixmm, Fsb 8. —Coinage *xecut«d by United States mlaU during January. lfifiS, was aa fallows: Gold, 790,000 ofera of Iffio value of $1,380,000; stiver, ' (J00 places of ths vala* of $1,168,^-., minor eotn, 4,788,000 pieces of the valu* of $80,800; making a total of I0.l88.p00 pises* of tha Tala* of $8,84*.000. Wzanaovoa, Fob 8.—The House Oom- ml use oo Flections ha vs postponed until Friday Ha ' OB ths BtewartOkalg aas from the twenty- fourth Pennsylvania District, and have advanced tha hearing In the NoTse- Roekwsll case, twenty eighth New York District to Tuesday out Wabdsovo*. Fab $.—Tks Treasury Department to informed that "Cfio(«p> tab"«® Africa* fibre which to largely exported to the United States, to th* product of non’ *

Pa, Fsb I—Jonathan Oa* oay, wot W ™ > at (Wyaborg and shortly atlar sntared th* miaistry o« that ohoreb la Uffif to sf Ut health.



C. Schcpflin 4 Co„ ur rloun; the tral.mr of their tturk or

Winter Clothing oon««lne of Mrn't, Boyf .0(1 oklM- ran', Sait. Ovcreou. *n«l l-»ou at rw ul, at tho niuiafKUrar’. ork* for ■

CASH. If Jo« oocd anything In Uil<lina dual gun the opportunity. All gociii marked in plain figure*.

70 WEST FRONT STREW N«it to r«e»1 Ml M




A. M. GRIFFHt 13 I AST FRONT ST. J TrtsohoBStA. flofiJm

Latest Styles

Hats and Gent’s Furnishings

O. M. DUNHAM’S, 4S Wrat Fraot Mrrak


Laing’s Hotel Stables, Oa rraat fiL. *VF«rtto MsMssb Av* Tele»k«M Codl Mb. 99.



rauraw, rtrara. ral ra<rara l rarrtrara,«5 trawl,Mara fra

Page 2: VOL. 1--NO. THE EIDER D00MB1 SHE PLIEDTHE LASH … · y Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d from renjilruce of Unt. H. P . Van Tuyl o Mtne street. «n Van Tuyl, wh o i wat thrown into



U A I L Y , E X C E P T S U N D A Y S .

P. W. llo«j«n. Editor a r t Proprietor.



THE members of the prcseat Councilwi' clearly determined upon one tiling

—ilmt there shall be no "mar chamber"othotla iti voRiie during Vlieir manage- prlvnte secretary, wiio had strict in June-

dea aa a governing principle, a commltwse of fourteen representative etti-nens was appointed to' confer with theCouncil In reference to Uie Mibjcrt ofewerage No. ritatinction was i 1 • • as

to pa r ty affillationa in Hie selection of

iLIzena, l ead ing Democra t s a n d

Republicans being chosen j IThe wisdom of this action e*n Hcai-ee.

y bo ralcnlaUxL Tlib all importantmbject of sewerage shoul.l not be deci-

ffhd Th M o re crnl •puhuca-


hiB action on the part iwhich tlie Council has beenlake.

THAT {150,009,000 baby of Aslor'iwas not registered, as the law requires,and so he couldn't vote. Theslght^ however, can t>e remedied.

lFrthe Chilian people care tt> partleipatelnonr Columbian Exposition thejmight "exhibit" a little leas beltigerenand UaflterAng disnQBi.Ic.., if tliey haveafithing else to display.

THE reception of Mr. Cleveland inthe Crescent City was very flatteiIndeed, it ie a t1at<*nuMry down tiiereand there, isn't a Hill in it. Everythiwas aa sweet as New Orleans molass

THE powers J.liat be at Trenton ftgiving a good deal of attention to t'horse race. They nre also mauilosthsome interest in the human race—cpccialty in the Democratic portion of

ONE Miss .fctdle Ctrarbb, of. CoUHarbor, N. J., has entered a complainagainst her pastor, In whose familyhas been living, for hugging and kissln;her. It 1B usually regarded as apleasant thing to see a pastor devotedly attached to his c bunch.

LAST Sunday Rtv. Henry M. Fieldpreached in Chicago, and during tlsermon gome.sueak-thicf, seeking* gwliciil for his operations, entered tli<dressing-room in the rear of the pulpiand stole the dominie's $75 overcoat.The Scripting teaches that whentakes your coat yon are to give hillyour eloak also. Tlie thief, probablywas not aware of this arrangement, amtherefore did nut wait for the cloak.

ONE thing is shown very plainly bjtlieUanisuiurdertrialjiist concluded be-fore Recorder Smyth it) New York t-ity,ind that is that medicine i ,-cry far

i from being an exact science. WhileBurgery has made such rapid advthat ft man may almost be takpieces and pul together again wldeRtroying Hia usefulness, the st-ieimedicine has been unable to arriv.conscusns of opinion as to the actionand effects of BO old and familiar u tlruj

MAVOR GILJIEKT'S message was fnllpractical suggestiona. It was eompiheiisivc and explicit, and it appealed 1no" uncertain way to the gentlemenCOjnpose tlie Common Council of 1892The seed which was sown at Hie flrsmeeting is already tearing fruit.are to have a street railway, amside corporations are to be askeil lopresent bids for the franchise of opera-ting a system of street railways beforethe next meeting of the Council. Thefield is open, and it ought to [.rove pro-fitable to some company.

could neither natd nor write, b

nt of the city's buatness. With that *jw « £ w^{*

ded in on offhand mann The Mayormd on o y ,

his animal message, recommended

the manager oonseqnenllv ofUn found.hlm.teH ID A Bortooa fix. One day b& wu

papw^ni1Our mi

when his •

Council,prompt to

A glance at the names on theilttee Is a sufficient guarantee thnt

subject of Bcwerage will be handledfin intelligent and, above all, thor-lily conscientloDS way, II is ft sub-

ect which touchca the bealtfa and fta-.ure wtjlfare of U.e city to an extent

Lher subject of import to theity reaches, it-ia ifcvrcfeeu ^IBC chat

ns shoW have a voice in thismatter. The present Council have Uik-

a care that they shall have.It may not be wise to predict whatill be the outcome of the conferencewn to be held in relation to sewerage.

Whatever it is, it is sure to bo wise,conservative and for tlie best iriteresisof the city., We can well rest contiwith our health, our business intern

id the fatrire prosperity of tbe oiijclt hands.!

,iinn«<T wn> ilrt-wlfully perplexed• tin >• ('Jims i'_> sign IIH name.

However, in onler not to expose himself,he | .rf! •.•mled to write, rolled Up the blankpiece of paper ami threw It into tbe hat•long with tbe rent Aft cliuuce would havett, this very pivppr w w ilrawn. Gftieml•stunUbmertt when It w u fun nil to b*blank. Bat B , the low comedian, wbowas present, nskcit to b»™ it abown tohlm,aod when ha had examine. It ore-fully be gravelr •xclajmedr ''That la OnrVnauaffer'a hu ml writing I should know itamong a thousand."—Tburiogei

Let Brotiiarlj Lave d u l lTwo Detroitera are not speaking Co each

other now. Several uigbts ago they hailnine words over a qoiat name limitedifty centa, and one called the other a prtv•aricator. Friends interfered and the Iiiulted man insisted npon MI apoloKj.

"If he says he is BOrry he naiil It U will •,11 right," he explained. .

Thpa tbe friends went alter theoffemli' ."Blank says it will be all right if you M ;

•on are sorry for what you called him,"hey naid-"Whatdid [ call hi-"You Mti<! lie was n ."1H that all*" and he t*K«n U> Ret hot.

'Well, I'm very sorry I called him that. 1• ci.it-; him s d liar and


Ererj Copy if the Cflorler •Worth Two Cent*AlteT Too Have Sead It.

Iii todaj-'n issue of tlio Cornier is>uiili-.j]i'ii a coupon which speaks

for itself. It la worth two cents,nst what you pay for the paper, wheniresenteii al the business houses men-tioned upon it for every cash purchase

mounting,to fifty cents. Tliia tontioi)ill be published every day. Have yourapers, cut out every coupon, and byie end of the week you will limevelve cenis' worth. You pay ten milsweek for the paper, and theroby

sftke twg'cents a week by being a sub-scriber to the Conner. Tlio housesrho have'signed thoir acceptances tohose coupons are first-class, as readersif the Courier well know. They makehis concession in tbe interest anil forlie sake of cash payments.


That was H weekfs so slj.il yet ofbranch.-Detroit Fr

l and theii the olive

Karllne tins knitted a pair of Blockingsfor her frieoU W'.lUelm. who hagjuineil theon tits birthday, with the UBQI.1 congratu-lations.

"Karline." nays thy iispi')' man, aobblng

the oics white stocking!!—I'll—I'll wearthem as long as I live!" — Illustrlrt*Chronilt.




COAL; LUMBERMason's Materials, &c,

Yon will s*ve money by baying I

The Besf Typewriter,WHICH la

The Smith Premier

time afterward*, becautt it will do your work better

o 6o Park avenue.

We are now prepared with our iocrefacilities, (having purch«»ed the exteysrds of Messrs. A. D. Cook & Bro.)promptly fill all orders and solicit your pat-ronage


•' VUi, niiaa, how

tbcome off?11

"My wedding? 1Intention of Betting

"Ab! but when yieelf begin buying HIlo a single packet olway* something IDUacbe Zeltang.


ha vt


i H roar

! not tbe

: 'ladies 1



ike ftnr-i) *heets of now paperunvelopea, there in ai-tiie wludl" -Delletri*-

HUrmges, Birth*, »nd Seithi Has

T h e or tin Suite mpo u|K>

noiuistorS the Jutt of reporting to thproper ».uihorHi<pB all the marriagethey may solemnize, ami upon pliysi

ftiiB the duty ofreporting nil t'.ie birthid deaths oceunnng in tueif pracliee. I

this city tlie proper authority to receivports is ;the Secretary of h

jBoard of lieor recordercity.

'.thj who Is thejf th tal statis

To-Nighfi Bowlert.

The followmgl members of Die Vrvcent League wi|l bowl tc~niglit in U

' MAYOR RASKIN, oi"Elizabeth, is taikudof M a capdidate for Congress from thenew District. A Republican whocan carry Democratic Elizabeth is worthBeriora consideration In this district.The Republicans or Pluinfled will takecare of this end of the county for anyDo'minee, but there lias never been aPlainBelder >n Congress and we thinkthis will be a good year to send onethere.' Elizabeth, poeBess yourself withpatience and give tbe-big Republicanmajority of Flaiufleld, which you alwayscount upon and which has never yetfoiled you, a chance. We have plentyof capable men here whom we would beglad to honor.

.. TUB world is so constituted at presentthat the moBt certain method of securingpeace is to be prepared for w . Largebodies move slowly, and the progress

of society from a state of militancy to

tbe industrial regime is a very gradual

movement, subject to many delays and

Interruptions from outbreaks of Uie old

fewcity. An* so It comes that to be a t

peace we must be ready to flghL Our

recent experience with Chill is an illus-

tration of the fact. There Is no doubt

that the awagger and bravado of that

pet ty republic waa inspired by a convic-

tion that the United States, being utterly

'unprepared for war, would submit to be

bullied to any e x t e n t Had our navy

been fn a state of development com-

mensurate with our wealth and import-

ance as a nation our demand for apol-

ogy and reparation wonld have met

with a much more speedy and deferen-

tial response. When Chill discovered

tha i Uncle Sam would take Do bluffs

a n d ' a a w the wonderful celerity wiih

which th« country threw iuelf into a

fighting attitude, she realized her mis-

take and m a d e the amende honorable.

I t should be a lesson to u not to becaught napping again.


ut handica

First teaArnohl, Adainsi.

field, Moore, Wo

Lyinan, OreeiSecond team—He

,ff, ITallock.

ntir*lTW. J. Arkell; publishe

Frank Leslie's ', Illustrated Newspaperwrites: ' ,

"JudgeCor Fiah Ave. and

N YN e

Building, 1Sixteenth St., Vrk, Jan. H, 1B91 (

lwhileAbout three weeks since,suffering from a severe cold wliieh

ttle'd on my chest, I applied an ACOCK'S Porous Plasters, and in a ah

e obtained relief.Iu my opinion, those plasters wlio

be in every household, for use in cof coughs, colds, sprains, bruises,pains of any kind. 1 know that in mjcase the result* have been entirely salistaclory and beneneiaL"

fa it posaibla tli;it women who knowhow to clothe their babies and little chil-dren sensibly always keep them at home,_wnile thosu who haven't a particle of'sense in tliia mutter insist upon paradingthem in public placrs? It often seems tothe Listener that this is the case* Themajority of little children that one geesupon tbe street are either overclad orundenliul. Sometimes one meeta thetwo citreineo close together. Saturday,atarailroad station, Rie Liatener aaw abait way elderly woman, who looked asif tbe possession of ti child were a newthing to her, who liad in her lap a tinybaby not more than two months old.Tbe child waa weighted down with aflannel skirt deeply embroidered.» whiteekirt benvily trimmed and tttcked, •wnite dress with lace anil tncku, all ftyard loug or more, and over these & longcloak and cape, both embroidered.

The t-flect of the baby'a tiny head,boot as big as »n apple, projecting fromhis great uiass anil length of draperies,would have been irresistibly comical if

had not been for the thought Of theBofFocating burden thai the poor infantwas under. Cltwe by, in the Up of anither woman, waa the antithesis ot this

arningBinent. It w»s a Imby in shortclothes scantily tlad, with abort stock-

3 its "bare le^s were bine withcold. Thfire was no sign that it was ii

tlycladfrpin poverty. Inthelasifew days the Listener baa eeeu WO

w fur capes leading little girlsdressed in thin white dresaea.—BostonTranscript.

» were twenty-fonr starters in theEnglish Cwarewttch, won by Ragi-mnnde, a twenty-five to one shot. JoeThompnon, tl>e Atiatralian bookmaker,paid £40,000 over this Unexpected vic-tory.

A horse remembers only short words,ever say "whoa'* unless you "want yo^T

horse to stop, and when von do, say il init firm tone. Teach him that it menuitop, no matter how fait he is going•ays The Horseman.

The English qneen's favorite tris a bracelet hang with a great imof tiny JockeW, each of which con .the picture- of one of her grandchildren.

General Sbeman's married danghterMrs. E. fi Thitcfeara. who is known as awriter, is aaid W be engaged oa a veryambitious liwraiy work.

Tli* Goldtn Secret of Urns Lft.ep the heuA cool, tbe feet warm, and

bowels oiwn. Aunt fanny's Health ItestVesetable preparation and •«» a» ar

tural laiatl ve, and U the greateot remedydlacovcrcd for the Cure of Dyspepsia. IComplaint, and all Blood. LI vt


Llllia Langtry'i American e g gtaeat will begin -In Hew York on Jan,95, 1692.

Bertha Bicci, tbe singer, was receleft Taluable . property by a rich 1whose daughter «be had once aaateta

Sarah Bern hardt'a latest pet ia an opos-sum. She call* him St. Casilda. Shebought a big St. Bernard dog in Califor-i d "h e ees Osklmde."Ca report p c e Henry Arthn

Jon«e' n«w play. "Tlw Crnsadera," to b«a failurp. Fine acting and beautiful•Uging did not apparently save tt fromunfaT&rable criticism.

b o g gnia and say* "heea n

Cable reports pronou' l Tl

William J. Stephenson

CATERERPastry, Fancy Cako, Ici

Cream.Finger Bolls. Fiee and Biscui


Croese k Blaekwell J«m. Rae ACI.'B Imported OH>urk<*''ii Salad DrewlnK *0c

Stelhen PlckFes 16c

Uiss Ada Behanyeant she has been



SHOESare just the thing Tor this weather. W*

also have a good assortment in

Double Sole Calf-skin Shoes


We sell ihe best at tbe price M

others charge lor tne "DO goods!"

Doane & Van Arsdale,22 West Front St.


•es examined Free. I S P a r k Avenue

JOHN H. SATEES,HtinuFscturcr and Dealer In

arnesH, Ssuldclry, Bl»iHcetnWblp« , B a b e s , Bto .

Kevr Store. HevrOosdaNO. 30 BAST flu i M 9TBBBT.

and quicker than any other.

The Smith Premier Typewriter,391 Broadway, New York.

Arrival and Departure of HaQs.

.. 13.1S, tM. SJW P. >.M- IM. sae and a »•. u.

DfreM mall to Trenton and PhllKleipnla •

,T. T. VAIL.Real Estate and Insurance


Blue Stone Flagging, EtcOct6-lvr.

TO THE PTJBLICIHuvi n o pnrtAavecl from u. & t Urr>wn

Oh, then wastOh. there wa« a smart merchant—Ihire Kill »re> few.Who bought a Smith Premier (peculiar hut trneV

Oh, there wn$!

Please The Eye And EariA

\ \ / I ^

V V I >

AND YOU WILL WIN THE HEART.Please j[oor eye with choice good*.Please your ears with low prices.T y ( yi h r i by honesiy.

k b

er pyuia your heari by h

p thus to react, your p«kWish ybu would call and *ee our bhrgiiMope tWih

y h s i y .r p«ket book.d *ee o bhrgii

Fine Creamery Butter from »8c; Ib. up j be»t tugar-cured lnnx,bacon, 10c; Fletninpoo S>nM£«, in bagi, lac. Try ft, S gaU b

With • ponnd of oar TaJotu 50c. Tea, e'silrcr-plated tea spoons free. FnJTfee, fresh roasted, 30c. 1b,; l/ie Pnde of PUinfieM Baking Powder (bert on !

. Headquarter! Tor Flour of all grades,



red cixiniili laundrr work Isost «pproYcd methods.c«»tl)-rahrlc»«re very often nllned

nper luinderlns- LACvcurUlnsreSn.

ITOT nil |tood» fu ttac city or suburbfree of oaanre.

American Steam Laundry,14 EAi-T FRONT BTBB8T. I




Mo. 4JS W E S T SECOND SI I t i ; i .T ,, N.a.—Oyctt-raon lrnlf nhell. OctB-lrr-

J. FRANK M^NDY.General Aafnt tor Uio

Equitable Life Assurance Society,ISO^Brosdwny. New York.

uld call yoiir attention to the 10 yctrper cent, ffuuanteed

I S D E M M I T Y BONDSuil by tba( Bocletj. Bead for circular t

3 EMt Front Strert.Fl re Insurance. Oct. H-i"

R. J. SHAW, THE PHARMACIST,Keeps a dm-etaM Drugstore and Dispensary. The bent Drags and Medicineshut money can bay. His 2:10 Salve good Tor man and beast, 25c. box.' Shaw'sVino Coca, ?6c per bottle.

*-»rr- F R O ^ T STREET, O P P O S I T E P A R K AVENUE.

A rvt

SEEING OUT *.T COST.S- SNTDBR, - • • No. 10 "West Fourth. Street.

kSalad D w l n KStelihen PlckFe

| ^^^feSr>™.n U t

i'l'tuw JullV, all kind;

" SJSaSSi&v;.-.-.


SO. . . . . . . . .W

Large Var ie ty ol Goods of all K inds .


. NDV.14-IJT. (Oor. Becond Street,)20 Liberty Street

That the imperial Irraped Pinned Paper Patterns, with Flat Duplicates to CutOat by, are the Best in the World,

Our Plat Pattern possesses all the advantages of ordinary flat patterns sold.In addition to this we give yon gratis a Pinned and Draped Design which Is aperfect guide lo work by. 'For sale by


-<a M..pLRlCH,H-Dealer in all kinds of Fi-oeh, Salt a&d Smoked HeaU. Cnrer of the "CrescentBrand" Of

Hams, Shoulders, i Bacon & Beef Tongues.FINE SAUSAGKS A SPECIALTY.

25 West Front Street - : - The Trade Supplied




21 and 23 East Front Street. Stoye open from? a. m. toBp. m. Satnrtays 10p.m.

- "Gold M^dal" is the WordAnd even/bod; has an opportunity to hav« a barrel of this nunoni floor by stringto J. F. Macbooald and paying cub , and receiving a ticket with their purcbue.Bemember we keep onty~«ret-cia« goods awl our prices are as low u the qual-ity can be BOW. ^

J. R MfAC DONALD,Telephone 155. | - 46 & 48 East Front St.


Before purchasing eUewbete, perhaps U will p»j y u to call at

DOANE'S - JEWELRY - STORE)ur assortmenl is large, cur goods are guaranteed^ our prices are right. V>re do rFpakT

W A g e n t for Wanric* CyOet.


Flour, Grain, Feed, Hay, Straw, Fruits?VEGETABLES, ASD ALLCOUNTBY PBODPCE.


TELEPHONE CALL. NO. « : Octt-lr*

jSs.t4.etion Sale at Carey'sF Palace Auction Kuoin, Cor. Front and Grove atreeta,

FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1892,1 p. M. aharp, conatetlng of

Household Furniture, Crockery, Carpets,4c. TERMS CASH.

T. J. CAREY, Auctioneer.


Hardware low,Houserurnishings lower,

Stoves 5k F'u.rna.csiss lo-west.-Ask to See Their Patent Pipe Wrenrt.


FLOUR, FEED, HAY, OAT£81 k 83 Somerset 8L, North PlalnfleM. Telephone r»ll 118. Ort. »-yl

MOY, DRUGGISTPark Ave. and Fourth St., Plain field, N,

Asbestos Fire Proof Lamp Wicks.Indestructable, Non-combustable




MONEY. Tmt membeiw of the present Council

here clearly determined upon one thing —that there nhnll lie no "star chamber' method. In regno tiering their manage- ment of the dty'a baalneee. With Dial idee an a governing prinelide, a com- oilttee of foorteen representative dtl- sen. wee appointed to confer with the Council in reference to 0t« subject of inwerege. No dtaUncttou wan ninth' an to party affiliations lit Hio selection of the cltlxena, lending Democrats and ] Republicans belug cMaeti

The wltnlofu or thin action on scan*, nttrccet- I*) raIcnIatetL Title all Important i ' * anMAet oT aewcrnirc should not be tlecb


Yon will rare money by baying

The Besf Typewriter, Lorn.! liirn A. Tut.

•ubj«ct of sewerage nhooM not bo deci- «,aonUbn»*iit «btn It wu found to bv I dcd Id on offhand manner. The Mayor, blank. Bat B , the low corned i*n. who In UM auuual mtnaage, rwcokiucndcd jSJ.iUTwheu he had ?nmlo«d Ibis action on tHe part of the Council, j folly he grwvrly excUlaicdt “That Is ear which the Council ban been Prompt to take. A giaaec at tho naiuea on tbe ' — committee !• a §utBclcot guarantee that! imt Brotherly t-*. co»u.«- U.c aobject of ..ong. -ill be handled; in an intelligent ami, al>ove author wont* o^r ■ quiet game limited to ougldy conwrlcntlou. way, It in a Mb- fifty cent©. and on. c-lled »!>• oth.rapr^ Which 1011 clue the health and fu- lore welfare of the city to an extent "II he ray. h. la *orrr be raid it It -III ■» ,l,»l no other .abject of Import to the *V,!£V^r£*“w.M .fur the-Tend,-,. city readies. lt ‘S UWCtorc Blue that ••Blank *»y» it will ha all right If you my the citizen* pliffolrt have a vofteo In this | yjm juj^***! for what you called him," matter. Tlie prceeul Council have tuk- «.(vbat did I call blmr* cn care that they shall have. i "Yo«i *al.l l» w*» a p^raHcaior *’ i. ... „ v, ,rt fimlU'i wltui "hi that altr and be l-w«n to get hot. It ma> not he wist to prcakl wiial -Well. Vm very aorry 1 called him that. I will be the outcome of the Conference ought to h*»e on iled him a d- liar and anon to be held In relation to sewerage. b^^auoriunilm on taayy _ , Whatever it in, it i« sure to bo wire, |a ligl) Jet of npr-.ula on tbr ollv© conaerrativo and for the beat inforesis branch -ix-troii Fro. Pe-s. of the city. We can well rest content I cratn.4.. with our health, our badness Interema, Karlin, h*» kniurd . pair of .lockInc. for her friend Wilhelm, who hn.Joined the Imperial Kuarda, ar»l pr»—-nf- tb.ni to him on Hi birthday, with thr tt«a*i e»ngratu- latlona. "Karllue." aay* the happy man. oobhlng on<l»?r deep emotion, "you *ro too kind— t>,r nkm mbit* lWfcIl»-IU-fW Wf*r

Boice, Runyon & Co. The Smith Premier

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY S, 18M. That *150,001*,000 baby of A .tor',

waa not Tvgi.tered, aa the law re<|nire«, and BO bo couldn't vote. The over- night, however, can ho remedied. Ir tho Chilian |>cople care to partici-

pate In ear Colombian Exposition they might "exhibit" a little lose belllgMent and blattering Olsnoelttc:, If they hive iMMng clao to display

The Smith Premier Typewriter. *9« Broadway, Sew York. ,

Mason's Materials, &c.,

Tuk reception of Mr. Cleveland in the Cretecnt Clly waa VC17 flattering. Indmxl, it ii a flat*»»unir> down there, ami there. Isn't a IIill In lu Everything waa as sweet as New Orleans molasses.

We are now prepared with our iacrcawd facilities (h*vi«g parchaaed Ike »tm*ire yard* of Mrtin A. D. Cook A Bro. )> in promptly fill all orders and solicit your pat- roaage. boice, numroii & co.

AND YOV WILL WIN THE HEART. _ Pleaac your eye with choice goods. \ \ / 1 1'lcMe your cm with low price*. \ A / |—1 Try to win your heun by hooe^y. VV \ u Hop* thus to reach your pocket book. ' T *—* Wish yt>a would call and are oar hArgaia. in

Fine Creamery Butter frfwn |A; lb up ; l«V .agar cured hams, lie.; bacon, 10c; Remington Sausage, ui hags, lie. Try It. 5 gala beat ka^B ^,CW^. at our T.mow 50c Tea. 6>l-erpUtcd tea apoaos free. Ftaw fen, fresh roasted, toe. lb.; Cse Pfwie of Plau.beid Baking Powder (best on earth Headquarters Tor Flour of all grades.


IMrref i The (rower* .Unit bo at Trenton aro

giving a good deal of attcnU|»n to lilts horse race. They are also manifesting some interest in the human race—es- pecially in the Democraiie |*ortion of it.

h. porn. p. J. T. VAIL.

Real Els tote and Insurance 5u. H NORTH AVENUE. Srery Copy of tko CoarUr Worth Two Ceata

AltcT Ton Mar. k«ad It. Iii today'* iwue of U10 Conrier is

pubtebed a cou|HHi which *|auk*' for itself. It is worth two ctMits, just what you pay for the {taper, when presented at the business liousca men- tioned u|»oh it for every casli purchase amounting to filly cents. This con|*on will l*c published every day. Have yoar l»ai*erH, cut out every coupon, ami by the end df tlie week you will liate twelve cents' worth. You pay ten cents a week for the pa|*er, ami thereby make twg cents a week by being a sub- scriber to tin* Courier. The liouncs who have signed their acceptance* to these coupons are flrut-cla**, us renders of the Courier well know. They muke this concession in tho imereti and for the sake of cash payment*

C. DICI1SS05, PRACTICAL OPTICUS, <)sn Mlaa .hulks CJioreb, uf Col<l Harbor, N. J., bas cMeratl a complaint a^ainrt ber |«jWor, la wboar fjiml) v ahe baa boon living, for bugging anil kiaalng her. It is uanallj regartleil as a very pk-iaaat filing to see a paafor devofe.1- ly aUar-licl u> litu ebareh.

! Cbronik. __ A Sura sign. I " «Vull. iuIub. bow aaon luma tr> c**ine off?" "My werffllngP 1 bare not tli lotcntloD of grttlng luarriwl." "Abl but wbeu y»uw l«d*u» wlf twain buying !•« ubOTta of 'to m bIukU packat of Kn«rlopo«, wity* oo met blog In Lbe wluilf’ Uache Zfituog-

Blue Stone Flagging, Etc. l<tlug ROGERS’

SEA FOOD MARKET! JOHN H. SAYRES, Mnnafnctiirrr and Dealer In tarncHM, Saddelry. IlUnketa,

Whips, HoUch, Ktc. Zcvr Store. New Goods WO. SB KA0T rUOMT STKBST. OMMW.

AMERICAN STEAM LACWV ISiUFrrearrd lo So all laundry *®»k In tfcr h»wt nud mod aperYWtd m«ho*. Tko wont c«—*Ir fnbrtoa am vary often ruined bjliBpr-n-fl.m^in* Ww .-.irtalnnrHIn. Inhwd rumal to new Mr wa<OtM will r«Al fOT nn4 drdwrr all uouSa fu ihc rttr «*• suburb tawof ekarwe. American Steam Laundry, i« bast ruoirr htkbkt. I


Lt*r Sunday Rev. it vary M. Field preached in Chicago, ood during the sermon some sneak-thief, seeking a good Arid for iiis operations, amend lhi dn*Knlng-ro«>ra in the rear of Ihc pulpit and stole the dominie's $75 overcoat. The Scriptarf teaches that when one take* yoar coat yon are to give Inin your cloak also. Tho thief, probably, was not aware of Hits Annagctacui, and therefore did not wuit for the cloak.

R. J. SHAW, THE PHARMACIST, tore and Dispensary. The beat Drug* and Medicines 2:10 Halve good for man and beast, 25c. tax. Shaw’s William J. Stephenson,

CATERER J, FRANK MyjNDY, FRONT STREET. OPPOSITE PARK AVENUE. Equitable Life Assurance Society, im^moriway. N*w York, Would call your attmtlnu to tkr » yfar 4 per fml. ruarantond INDEMNITY BONDS

law.rid liy that Society. Send for circular to 7 Fast Frwat Street.

Aurtricwil «»*d Biro lsw>nnrc. Oct. S-W

Pastry, Fancy Cako, Ici Cream.

Finger Rolls. Pies and Biscui; 24 SOUTH A.VBSPE.

DOANE’S - JEWELRY - STORE Osk thing is shown very plainly by tlw IIarria murder trial just concluded bo- fore Recorder Htnyih in Now York city, and that i* that DMdkfM Is very far from Irelng an exact science. While surgery has made such raphl udvanctv that a man may almost be taken to piece* and pot together again without destroying hte nsefulnc**, tho seieaco*of, medicine lias been OBiibte to arrive at a couse linn* of ofdnVou as lo the aetioii and effects of so old and funtiliar u drug aa opium.

PLAINFIELD PRODUCE CO. « wbtMdnw. with law -I..I tuck., alia, lUsur'Iad. j»nj iuug or more. «u<l over th««* a lrmg The laws ot this Hute impose upon cloak and rap*, both embroidered. ■aluiMcnJ tb« Jatv of rei*rtmg to Hit J bu'«.‘’iI,

1»ppK PTOjre°ag /n.m ' proper kulhontits all the marriages j ^ utlkM mn,\ i^autn of drajwnea. they may solemnize, and opon pliyai- would h«vw \**n irrrwuatibly comical tf CiaiiSthO duty Ofh.*I»orting all f.ie l»lnht* 1 it bad not brwn for the thought of tha auddoaUiaoaoarriui u tb.lv n—,a ^ tbla city UlC proper authority to receive oth,,r woiu.n, vra. the antltbcri. ot tbla IhCKe re|"trta I. the Secretary of the arrangein^it. It w.. a Wbv in .bort Uoanl of Health, wlio I. the cu«o<llaii dotlira «'»ntUy .dad, with .hort Mock- ing., anti It. Wv leg. were bluo with cold. There wm no «gu that It waa in- aufflcicntlyclail frpui poverty. In the laat f«*w vl*r» th«- Lietec«*r bus oe«n women wbo wear far capos leading Uttle girls drawed ID tbia white dre-sea.—Bcwtoc TranecrijiL

Th. ru were twunty-foor starters In tbs Engliah (V-arrwitch, won by Ragi- mantle, a twenty-fire to one soot J<* Thompson, tbe Anstraltan bookmaker, paid £40,000 over this Unexpected vic- tory. A home remember* only short words. Never say "whoa" uuleee yon want yoar horse to Mop. and when you do. Say tl In a firm tone. Teach him that it means stop, no matter bow fast be is going, says Tbe Horseman.

SEI4I4ING OUT AT COST. i, . . NO. 10 West Fourth Street-

Flour, Grain, Feed, Hay, Straw, .Fruits? VEGETABLES. AND ALL COUNTRY PRODUCE.


Mari tfcmp. i RnralCMSMi •Mi . iVrtdOv Qafirosnia Utwtfui ■V irnB —u» SaxOri Kert a^» We iwwalipiBi _

“b- Heart uf * Wanse. tar; iMt lostforirie Sareiae - ■

noo-. Nf*di a l tkanea) ie»««. ks^rr.

Au-ction Sale at Ce rey's t Palace Auction Ruom, Cor. FVont and Grove MreeU, '

FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1592, 1 Pl m. aharp, conalatlng of

Household Furniture, Crockery, Carpets, Stc. TERMS CASH.

T. J. CAREY, - Auctioneer.

ftwlllw "f Ba*a*» h«oaii assttftssXko-1 Car>n#4 U>ee* Haw Pt. «•— • ••••• e. K-pif* H*vw r Star ±.a} K,u

To-light'i Bowlers. Tho following member* of the Cres- cent I«4*iigin' will bowl I»-iilglit in the individual hundlrap liowliiig KHima-

ment; First team—I.ytnnn, Green, Arnold, Adams, tiecond team—llet- Urg* Varieif


aonic company. Kayos Rufus, ofEllzabcili, la talked of as a candidate for tJongreafi from tire now District. A Republican who

can carvy Democratic Elizabeth i» worth acrioos conaidoration in this district. The Republicans of Plainded will take care of this end ot tho county for any nominee, but there has never been a PlainAclder m Congress ami we think this will be a good year to send one there. ' Elizabeth, poaseaa yourself with patience and give the- big Republican majority of Plalullcld, which yon always count npon and which hua uevor yet tailed you, a chance. Vfc have plenty of ca(iable men here whom we would be glad to honor.

(Cor. Second Street.) JO liberty Street. HRE YOU AWARE That the Imperial Draped Finned Fapcr Patterns, with Fist Duplicates to Cat Out by, are the Best In tbe World, Our Flat Pattern possesses sit tbe sdrantages of ordinary flat patterns sold. In addition to this we gire you gratis a Finned and Draped Design which la a pertect guide lo work by. For sale by Misses A. L. and M. D. GORSUNE, it whit rnoitT trrinirr. plain field, ». J.

Tbs English queen's fsvorite trinket Is e brscvlet hung with « great number of Uny lix’ketm rnrh of which OuuUin* the picture of one of ber grandchildren. Gener.d Sbemutne married dangbtar. Mm. E. S. Thackara. who is known as a writer, is said to be engaged on a vary ambitious literary work.


ULRICH,K- Hardware low,

Housefumishings lower, Dealer in ail kinds of Fresh, Brand" of

Hams, Shoulders, Bacon & Beef Tongues. OUR GRAIN LEATHER _ Tni world is no constituted >t present that the moat certain method of securing peace Is to bo prepared (hr war. large bodies move slowly, and the progress of society from a stale of militancy to the InduMrial regime la a very gradual movement, subject to many delays and Interruptions from outbreaks ot the oM ferocity. An*so It comes that to bo at peace we man be ready to light Oar recent experience with Chill la aa illus- tration of the fact There la no doubt that the swagger and bravado or that petty republic was Inspired by a convic- tion that the Called States, being atteriy 'unprepared for war, would submit to be bullied to any extent Had cur navy been In a Mate of development cgm menaorate with oar wealth and Import- ance aa a nation oar demand for apol- ogy nod reparation would have met with a much more speedy and deferen- tial response. When ChUl discovered

The Trade Supplied Cork sole ONLY 30 DAYS MORE L. HEYNIGER


Liltia Langtry's American engage- ment will begin tn New York on Jan. 96. 1893. Bertha Ricci, the ringer, waa recently left valuable property by a rich man whose daughter she had once aastaed. Sarah Berahartlfa laUet pet It an opoa- xun She calle him St. Carilda She bought a Mg St- Bernard dog In Califor- nia and says Mbeea 0*0*0 eea Oakland©." Cable reporta pronounce Henry Arthur Jootsl naw pUy. The Crnaodera.- to be a fail ore. Floe acting and beautiful staging did not apparently save it from




gl * M Somerset a.. North rUluteM. Telephone raO IIS.

MOY, DRUGGIST Doable Sole Calf-akin Sboea Plainfield, N, J

RUBBERS Asbestos Fire Proof Lamp Wicks.

Indestractable, Non-combuetable

J. F. MAC DONALD, s iss. 40 a 48 East Front

Doane & Van Aradale, aa West Front St. GAVETT’S,

Page 3: VOL. 1--NO. THE EIDER D00MB1 SHE PLIEDTHE LASH … · y Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d from renjilruce of Unt. H. P . Van Tuyl o Mtne street. «n Van Tuyl, wh o i wat thrown into


—The grip seems to be still holdingIts own. I ,

—The ground bog looked tn vain forhis shadow, yesterday.

—Board of Freeholders will. meetnext Thursday afternoon.; . .

t)in- week from next Sunday Willbe St Valentine's Day, February 14.

—Henry M, RagaiiN will deliver hiasecond lecture ID Music Hall tomorrowevening.

—It is thought that there will be alimit demaud Tor houses in this citythis Spring.

- I'roni present appearance the com-j iug base boll season will be an exciting

one in tbircity.) —Queen Gity Lodge, Ho. 226J-1. 0.

-0. P., Initiated nine candidatesMonday evening.

• —There will be a devotional meetingin the W. C. T. U. rooms tomorrow af-ternoon at 3.30 o'clock, i

—The regular February meeting ofthe Borough Council will be held onFriday evening, at eight o'clock.

—The monthly business meetingDie W. C. T. U. will be postponed unti

• the third Thursday in February.—The police will look, quite neat and

natty when they step out in their new"pants," which tlie Council granted themou Monday evening.! —The Rev. L- E. Livermore, or NewMarket, delivered an interesting, ad-dress before the Reform (,'iuh, at titSunday evening meeting.

—Forty three students received in-struction in the Mechanical Drawing andBookkeeptog at the .Y. M. C.rooms, Monday evening.• H you want what are leil of tbe

t-|.ok-e seats in Music ITall,Musin concert of Saturday evening,you must secure them now.

—Tlrcrc will be stereoptlcon'viewsHarriet Beechcr Stowc'a Uncle TomCabinet, at Bethel cliapel, on tlie even-ing of Thursday, February 11. !

Another entertainment similar to• the one given lo nicn In the of. MA, rooms, on Saturday evening, will beheld on Saturday evening next]

—Hammil, lostycor's pitchet for tCrescents, whom Manager Keller iteased a short time ago, it is undistood has Rigned with tlie YTcstlielctteam for the coming season.

—Tlie ice-cutting industry islagain ata stand still, on account, of the mildweather. None of thp dealers have asvet boraed half a crop, and the pros-pect fur u full supply is very poor...

—Tlie Uuv. A. F. Schanffler; D. D.,of Sew York city, will address! ;Sunday

- School teachers and others,! j in theGJjapel of the Crescent Avenue fchuion Monday evening February 15,right o'clock.

—Scandinavians liave still an, oppor-tunity to join the class in .English.tranches (hat meet twice a week at theY. H. C A. rooms. A *2 membershipentitles 'to this and other privilegesofiliu Association.

• —The New Jersey building at theeiikago Fair will cost about $15,000.

*.lt will l>e niuHufaclured of New JerseymuUTial and at the close of the faill>u transported lo Sea Girt, At least,Unit is the rei>ort«ow.

—Tomorrow night the Amoricas olJersey UHy, will play the Westtieldbowlera at the latter's alley. Thisbe very interesting, and tbe followingwill bowl for the Westflejd termMorion, Foster, Jackson, E. Love ant

—The attendance at the CrescentRink last evening was (air and the pologame was watched with much Interest.

—Five of tlie Crescent1 League bowl-ers will roll a gumr "with the Fan wood

am, qt tln> latter place, this evening.—It Is mid that there were 183 ap-

plications, by actual account, tor thetoskion of regular policemen, yet only

one of the number, Frank Conde, fl-oured the'prize. ':••

regular meeting of the VotingLadles' Mission bowl was held in thechapel of tbe Crescent Avenno Church.yesterday afternoon, at futir o'clock.tfrs- Pierson, of Elizabeth, addressed

the meeting.'-—Hrt. Jacob Schneider, of Pmden's

Alley, Is anxious to remove her house-hold effects, and she wants the policeforce to turn in and help her. Mrs.SchneiderTEnsband is In jail, and thelandlord, it is said, has notified her tomove, i

lows Qoaas, of tbis city, who lacharge^ by Gately A Co., of Fniladel-

la, with frand,-appeared in conrt atNew Brunswick, yesterday, and pleadednot iruiliy to the charge, and was heldin the mm of 86,000 bail to await the

etioa br Hie Middlesex "County GrandJury;

—Complaint is made of the wretchedcondition of the sidewalk on tlie Nortb-west side of riixrls street, between Parkand Arlington avenues, w(ierc in placestlie mud is ankle deep. IWcn a singleboard walk would be an impfovemenlon the present condition.•: —The WestBeld Musical Soiiety wilgive tlieir second concert next Tnesda;evening, In the Congregational Churchwith an orchestra of twenty ronaidans,

.and,the following renowned soloistsMiss Marlon Hendrickaon,' sopranoMr. Geo. U\ Campbell, tenor; Dr. CarMartin, basso; Mr. Artbnr 0. Drakeorganist

i —John Mitchell, one of \ thitramps arrested by special Oflicor Kriney, at Evens, on Monday, and Beat

i for thirty days by Judge podington,. | yesterday, is the fellow who sf!i!iln:<l ex

Chief of Police Philip Brejtn in the, ' EliwWli jail a few years ago. Attba

lime he WUH sentenced to State Prison| *. .•(wo;

| -The w,.,tiicid Wheelman held ameeting Monday evaning at the resi-dence of E. J. Wnitehead. Sevipropositions were made and the matterofihe proposed club house was takeiop ma .].•:,;,!<•.! and finally laid on tinn:'|. Tlie club has not decided what

, t<*'!», join tl]« Westfield Athletic Clubi in their plans or build their own.

—A Tiiin.Li.-r of sportsmen of Flem-ingttui urni vicluity have procured overIWfl hundred young qoalls flrom We*tVirginia. They will be turned loose onIk* farms thereabout!) about the middleol Marti!, and they are expected tomultiply s n u BO: afford good hnnUnxnext Fa]]. Abont thirty of Uieseyonngquails are now in the possession of A tbert Pyatt, who ha> given them the

; freedom or a room in hU liyery MkUe,

That distinguished and phenomenalartist, OviUe Musin, who la to make hiafarewell appearance In Hainfield, In

UBIC Hall, Saturday evening, w u born• Liege, Itclgium, in 1894. At the age

of eight he evinced so remarkable atalent, and strong inclination} for mnslcthat his father sent him to -the RoyalConservatory of Liege, where he re-ceived the first prize for violin -playingwhen but a boy of eleven, Meanwhile,his father endeavored to pnrsuade himo abandon music as .a profession, but

this was Impossible. The boy rapidlydeveloped a musical talentborn of genius.

In 1870, Leonard, the celebratediolin player and composer, having

heard Musin, was so well pleased withhim that he tried, and sneeefeded, in per-suading his parents to let him cbooae thecareer of an artist, and frim that timeto the present the progress has been asuccession of tnuropB and <jvaU6ns, boihon the Continent of Enrope and inAmerica.

In Vienna he played in tiie celebratedPhilharmonic concerts under tbe direc-tion of Haus Richter, whoj in the nameof the board, gent him a very handsomeletter complimenting hinj in tbe veryhighest terms. It la geueiilly conceded

PEBS0VAL.CoupBellor Bullock of Fleralngton in

In towt| today looking after his real es.tate interests here.

William Rogers, of the late flmRoger Bros., shoe dealers, left for hishome In. Buffalo, N. Y., last evening.

Rev. Dr. A. Lewis' new book <'Paganism in Christianity" is In press

by tbeiPutnams and will be issued very•on. jManager Charles Schemerhorn, of

the Western Union office, has recoveredfrom an attack of tlie grip and is againat his (tost of duty.

reJ Carmon Parse, whose trip toxvjlle, Tenn., waa last week posU

••d on account of illocss, started forthat place this afternoon, much im-

nwii In health.The: fbneral of the late Leonle A,

Martin, who died at Saranac Lake onMonday, will take place from her late

idence, No. 135 Park avenue, to-morrow afternoon at 2.30.

Airred E. Pearsall, of the Westfieldandard, arrived home in fine shape

from his California tour with the NewYork PresR?.Clnb, on Sunday. He willrelate his delightful experience in theStandard.

itthcw Hughes/ an old resident ofciiy, and a brother of Michael

Hughes, died in Sfc Michael's Hospital,Newark, this morning, age 84 years.Death resulted from old age. Funeral

ices from St. Mary's Church, onFriday morning, at ten o'clock.

At the residence of the bride's mother,o. 2423 Thomas avenue, Philadelphia,t two o'clock tomorrow afternoon will

occur tbe marriage of, Miss Jennie V.Baknr, daughter of the late WilliamBaker, and Harry F. Skiff, the-genialand popnlar manager of the UnitedStates Express Company in this city.The ceremony will be performed by

Dr. Franklia, but on account of•ecent death of the bride's father,nvitationB will be confined Btrictly

to the relatives and < immediate friendsOf the bride and groom. Mr. and Mi-s.Skiff will spend their honeymoon inWashington, V. C, and upon their re-

they will be. "at home" at No. 31Carlton avenue, in the house just fitted

y the groom.

by the best critics that tbe <than ope, or, at the

most, two violinists who could be con-sidered the equal of Musin. Certain itis, that he now overshadows all others

have been seen or heard on the•rt Stage.sin bas received higher prices in

,arge cities than any other virtuoso,and his playing on one Btring Is wellforth the price of admission. He wasecently paid &500 for two solos, andiften receives £300 for himself alone.

His receipts on fifteen concerts in SanFrancisco two years :i, o wii.h his own

ipaoy averaged over (1,200 pernight.

The Crwcnti 0M ot theThe Crescent League team, which

will represent this city in the New Jer-sey Central tour-club league, promisesto be one of tlie strongest aemi-profes-lional team ever organized in thisvicinity. Tlie league schedule does not

in until May 21, fend as only Satur-day games are to be played, the management have mid-week dates open.Managers of athletic teams an-,1 thestrongest of the semi-professionals cansecure dates by communicating with theSecretary, Chariea Reed, of Plaiufield,N. J.

About ten o'clock this morning fitwas discovered in Bowman's boardinghouse on West Front street, bnt fortu-nately the flames were eitlngnished byJ. N. Honeyman and Joseph Krewsonbefore much damage was dona Thefire started In a bedroom on the thirdfloor, and was caused by tbe exploaiiof a kerosene lamp which one of theboardtrs left burning when starting forwork early this morning. A husk mat-tress and' bedstead were burned andthe carpet on the floor was badly dam-aged. No alarm was

H* LO*M taa Waal* Town.Cranbary, a small town In Middlesex

county, is excited over the recentceipt by many young wonifti of letterssigned Jack the Kisser. The postmas-ter counted forty-one letter mailed dur-ng the night A church prayer-raeet-ng w u turned Into a general debate asto what step* should be taken to bringthe culprit lo justice. Tbe ministertook deep Interest into I t Tlie lettersare filled with confession* of love, andend by saying when least expected hewill meet them,

" £•

BTATX aumxtnr us

wli icli Is o

Several members of the StandingCommittee on Almshouscs of lite StateCharities'" Aid AasoclaUoti of Kew Jer-sey, with Mm. Williamson, thejGenersiSecretary of tbe. Association, visited onthe 27th of January the row of house*n I'lainfield known as "Battle Bow*

and rented by the city for the occupa-tion of the poor. ; The row consists ofapBrtmcnU of two rooms each, of which

?r were unoccupied. The gen-eral condition of the buildings waa oneof delapidation; filth and vermin abound-ing. A great deal of this w u owing tothe lack of care of the occupant*, whichwas proved by the (act that the roomsOf an old colored woman (Mrs. Man-ning) were clean and pleasant, but theauthorities a n responsible for the terri-ble condition of the buildings them-selves. The ceilings in tbe upper floorsare so low that proper veutila Jon is Im-possible and in some rooms, the wallsare almost denuded of iriastei. One ofthe great evils of these buililii gs is tbe

idiscriminate hoarding nnde • one roofof men, women and chlldre t withoutany one to place restrictions, os tlieir

ntercourse. It is the opinion of thecommittee that the present! state ofaffairs will continue as long | as thoseunder tbe care of the city arje allowedto live without proper Kiiprrv iaion. Tbeoccupants of "Battle Row" can bedivided into two classes, those who arecapable of self-support and wjho oughtnot to be a charge on the taxpayers and

A Vovel Entsrtunmtat.Notwithstanding the disagreeable

eather last evening, there were aboutiree hundred persons present at the

entertainment given by diaries B.Brown to his Sunday School dags In theFirst Baptist Church. Mr. Brown gavea short history of the class from its

year ago with a membershipof four to tlie present time when it

ibers about eighty. Dr. Yerkes wasthen called upon and made a few re-

.rks ofwelcome, which were thorough-enjoyed. Among those taking partthe programme were: W. E. Mac-

Clymout, piano solo;MasterEllisCurry,Bound Brook, violin solo; Johnrncy, recitation; B. T. Barnes, bass

solo; Miss M. Rocap, reading; Benja-•in Le Vere, cornet soio. After the

above was rendered the following ladiesserved refreshments: Mrs. Caleb Dtek-

Mi.i. Wm. gmalley, and theMisses French, Eudoi

.g, May Closson. 3IW, Jr., took several flash-light pictures

cannot support themselves. The latteriliould be provided for by th

properly appointed altosfaou e, whosediscipline would render tbemspectable, clean and moral

Tne present deplorableaffairs is the necessary eff« ct of the

fact that the most modelhouse without a janitor with \sufficientauthority to enforce certain rules andregulations, will soon degenerate andbe dragged down JO the level of its oc-cupants. There can be but one result'hen person of the class who generallyeople our almhonses an! housed and

supported by the city under the presentarrangement where unrestricted libertymust soon turn Into license.


Gen. Sec. S. C. A. Ass'n of N. J,CAROLINE B. ALEXANDER, .

Ch'm Standing Com. on Almhquses.JEAN E. CAMPBELL,


Members of Com. on Almshbnsep.

if the andience.was that every on

One thing noticeable

Lova and KuTUge in Jipaa.Sir Edwin Arnold, who has been

lying an interesting- trip through the{lulled States, has made a careful studyof the conditions which- govern the

mily in Japan, and embodies his ideasa paper called "Love and MarriageJapan" in the February number or

the Cosmopolitan. The article is illus-trated by the quaintest possible Japan-ese sketehes running down the sidesand across the bottom of each page,

excellent photograph of W. D.rells, serves as a frontispiece, and his

work as a writer of fiction is reviewedin the same number by II. H. Boyesen.The President of Johns Hopkins I Di-versity, gives a most practical paper fo.parents, on "Boys and Boys'Schools,'illustrated by cartoons of Uie famousAttwood Murat llalstead turns backlovingly to his early farm days, andt-clis of tbe "Pets and Sport e of aFarmer Boy." The petroleum industryfully illustrated; An Afghan Story byArchibald Forbes; The story of th<Brazilian Republic by Adams, late Min-ister to tbat country; and The LeadingAmateurs of the United Statesphotograph, are other leading articlesof the month.

JT«w Book! for O* Library.Following is A list of the books added

at tbe Public library during January.Bourne, II. R. F., Sir Philip Sidney;Butterworth, The Christmas Book; Car-son, H.L., Supreme Court of the UnitedStates; Davis, R., Recollections of Miss-issippi; Deane, P. National Flowers:Gnerin, M. de., Journal; Bunt, W.,History of Italy; John Hopkins Univer-sity, Studied, vcL 9; Kinglake, A. W.Eotfaen; Kipling, B., Plain Talk from•.»• Hills; McMaster, G. B., History ofthe United Suites, vol. 3; Norton, C E.,Church Building In the Middle Ages:Putnam, G. A., Question of CopyrightBeddal, H. F., Fact, Fancy and FableRoosevelt, T., New York; Schonlcr, G.,History of the United States, v. s.;Spencer, Herbert; Justice; Stephens,H. M., French Revolution, v-2.; Tyler,H. M., Greek Play and its Presenta-tion; United States Department ofAgricultural, Album of AgriculturalStatistics of the United Sutds. -

- T h e regular meeting of the Me AltAuxiliary was held at the library yes-terday morni ng at eleven o'dock.


C«mnUU*~ Vbatta !

hose who throngh age or,infirmity

TKEXTON, Feb. 3,—The race-trackbills are here and it is expected thatthey will make their appearance In theBouse today. There axe at lea* threebills, representing two methods of deal-Ing with the question. Tbe licensingof tracks by Boards of Freeholders isdealt with, and there is an alternative

rare limiting the racing to thirtydays on each tract Betting is permit-ted. The bills come from Monmouthand a n approved by Gloucester. They

iy be introduced by William T. Park-er, BepabllcM), from Monmonth.

There is no certainty that this Legis-lature wil) enact any race-track law.Dennis HcLanghlin has yet to be pla-cated.

•They say they are going to pass ai," Said a newspaper correspondent

.o him yesterday."DolheyT Well, I'll bet them*Iff,01)0

they don't. Introducing a bill and pass-ig one are tw"o different things."But supposing Mr. McLeughilu Is

mollified and his aid secured. Thatill not help- greatly in the Senate,

where there appears to be a strong anti-track feeling. The representatives ofthe agricultural districts seem to standn awe or their constituents on thisquestion, and Senator Marsh was clettt-

D account of his outspoken -criti-cism of UM tracks.

ii: agents of the trucks have notcanvassed any of the members up todate. They will begin tbat work as

as the bills arc introduced.

lMtil( Of th* Editor*. !ie annual meeting of the | S

Editorial Association took place at theAmerican House, Trenton, on Monday.There were a large number of editorsand. publishers present, drawn togetheriy an anticipated discussion of theitatates governing the publication of

the laws, and the county and legal ad-•ertiSfinenUf.

F. W. Baldwin presided, and Secre-tary Chartes Bechtel offered a report inwhich he Mates there are 318 news-papers published in the State. Herecommended that someaction be takenwith regard to unfair designation gfnewspapers to publish the laws.

1,. a Hyer, of Rabway, read a, paperm the death of Joseph T. Crowell, and

John Babcock on the death of A. E.Gordon, formerly editor or the Newtrnnswick Times.John Cbeesman, jr., of BridgetoD,

-as elected President of the Associa-tion, and B. F. Ladd, of Vlneiand, waschosen first Vlce-PresidenL The otherVice-Presidents are J. L. Mnrphy, T.W. Morrison, J. S. Gibson, J. B. MeDonald, Cbarlee Starr, Ak&anderSchlesainger and H. A, Steel

Charles Bechtel was re-elected Sec-retary and CoL James 8. Yard Treas-

All banqueted at the American Houseat the conclusion of the business.-

fcr tb * C hUdrtn' > Horn t.Following are the Christmas dona-

tions to the Children's Home: WilliamD. Murray,*- *10, Mrs, McDonald, $1,Mrs. W.,* through Miss Everett, 9 ,Charles Pouerr%25, Mrs. Charles Pot-ter, 910, Mrs. R. McDonald, $9,' Dr. 0.L. Jenkins, 955-70, Mrs. E. L. Wait,92, Constance L. Wilhelmina Fatton,95, Mrs. J. W. Murray, 95, Misa KateEmbury, *3, Mrs. W. B. OaboTn, 91,Mr. Henry McGec, 910, Mr. J. F. Ran-dolph, 99, Mrs. II. G. Hunkle, 95,Seventh Day Baptist Sunday School,910, Mrs. George Dopee, 92; HolyCroat Sunday School, $6.60, Mrs.Robert T. Carrie, 92, Mrs. William R.Richards, «5, Mrs. Francis Wood, 95,Mrs. Fred G. Meade, 95, Mrs, KateEmerson; 91, Miss JnHa Bordon,

All other donations for the year willbe acknowledged in the annual report

A »OT.1 W»y ofA* hotel proprietor in Newton aaya he

has discovered the boss way to catchrats and It works like a charm.takes half a barrel of apples and leavesthen in tbe cellar where the rats getat them daring the night Tbe nextnight he poors enough water in to floatthe apples and then when the rats jumpin for the fruit thej are unable to get outanddrown. The" flr»t time be tried It hecaught enongfarau to fill a coalscuttle.


I BAC»-*UCK m i l Fit SIGHT.

" Tkrt *«t QM Win 14m.

C M N B M N M feral laws.George E. Pace, of Somerset coun-

ty, la a member of tbe communionappointed by the last Legislature to re-vise, arrange and codify the law» relat-ing to towns, villages and townships,the other two members being A. l>.Campbell, of Bergen and J. C. Ileu-drickson, oT Burlington. Mr. Pace aaysthat the commission has found the workmore onerous than was expected, andthat, not being able to make a (all re-port to the present session of tbe Leg-islature, they will ask tbat they be con-tinued to npor t to the Legislature of1893.

—A regular meeting of IvanhoeCouncil, American Legion-of Honor,was held at their rooms in Music Hallbuilding last evening.


payment for goods purchased at theStores of any of the merchants named

•low, provided tbe purchase amountso 0O cehts cash for each coupon soreceived. ' ' \


H« MOM Buffer D H U for th. Muder ot HiaSchool -Girl Wife.

[By Wire to the Courier.]YORK, Feb. 3—A pale-feced

yonng man, twenty-three, with lipstightly closed, and a careworn tittle

dressed In black, with tearswelling in her eyes, peered with all thevision their eyes possessed in the dimly-ighted court room of Part 3, GeneralSessions, at 10.50*o'clock last night, astwelve men with solemn faces slowlystepped into tbe room and took tbeirplaces in the jury box.

The young man was Carlyle W. Har-ris and the trembling woman his mot is •

*, who has stood by him so steadfastlyduring bis long and sensational trial for

e murder of hia giri-wHe, Heien PotU.Promptly the clerk of tbe court

asked: "Gentlejnen of the jury, whatyour verdictT"There was a bush as of death,

then the answer came In slow, deliber-ate tones:

'Guilty, guilty of murder In the firstdegree."

There was a dazed silence, and th-Line a cry (Tom the mother's broki

heart: "O my God? he is not guilty!No, he Is not guilty!"

We agree to accept this coupon onthe above conditions, and invite you to

in us when purchasing goods:

O. B. WlUiun*, dninitt, • to WtatFrontSt.St. uid Park ave.SO Liberty street

L. w. Randolph, rtrmwUt, - Jl Vat Front St.C. M. rirlch, im*li tad provisions.*WeK

K. J. ss»». the phamuuibt. Front itnet. opp.Ptrk avenue,ed Tea And Coffee Orowon1

e Cummuiy. 43 Wen Front


Little W»rd Watorbwr Betaraad M BliHem*.

[By Wire to the Courier.!BEBPORD, N Y., Feb. 3.—Wardatiirbury, the boy who was kidnapped

on Monday at Long Ridge, on the NewYork and Connecticut line, was brought

o tbis morning at3o'clock by JohiClow, a friend of the boy's father. [

As Mr. Waterbury opened the dooranswer to the ring Ward sprang in-

to bis father's arms and then into hismother's, who had followed her husbandto the door.

When the excitement become some-what subdued, Mr. Close told how hecame to get Ward.

At two o'clock this morning there wasload knock at hlg Iront door. He

opened the door. A little boy stoodoutBide.

•Who are yon?"'I am Ward Waterbury," answered

the boy, "IIIKI I want to go home."r. Close asked Ward to come in and

he did so. Ward Ihen told Close hiastory. He said a man had brought himto the house on his back and told himto knock on Close's door and then ranaway.

Mr. Close had heard of the abductionof Ward Walerbury, and be decided totake Ward to his parents Immediately.

i. Fut IxpnM Wr«k«d on th. laltfaamudOkU.

By Wire to tbe Courier.)Feb. 3.—A special to the

Cotnmbas Dispatch from North Balti-more says that a fast express train ontbe Baltimore and Ohio jumped thetrack this morning one mile north fromthis station.

Several were killed and wounded.

Tbe livery firm of Roberts AWaldron has been dissolved. Ex-Councilman Roberta will continue thebuaineas at the old stand on North

—There will be a meeting al Spen-cer's Hall, this evening, In tbe lotenrtof the opening of North Broadway, InNorth Piainfleld. Let then be a good


TAMTS Jk$t& O F F E R S .

rpEN Hoam House to Bent from llai1 Location nrM-elnan, Seven mlnnt«a walk

from station. Brut clan order, all improve-ments. Price t£5 par month. Inquire siCourier oBce.

. IjtHinlr A.. liHiiJlM.T (if 11M' lulllie A.. d«n«hter (if the 1>ram b.»rt faEUin-, •.,[!•>

on Thursday, 4th in^r.. at half pai t t i

NOTICE.The books of the Or tnec r of the Poor of

the lownihip of North Plam&eld areopen for public inspection, and inajr be

ie week at my office. No. 14 Harmonystreet. North Plainnctd,

J W. A. BAUKKSACIIS, Overseer.Dated Jan. a* 1891- j«n3<>-4<

Mr. Leal's School for BoysMonday, September 14,1881.

• circular* and Information apply to th

*""* JOHir IJ:AI.,(i-lvr SH««THlFl.re. PLhinpirt. N.

Spend One Dollar


and yon can get two back



Look at

New Embroideries.


Dime Saving InstitutionOr PLAINF1BLD, V. J .

JAHtTABT 1 . 1 8 0 9 .

T w p Bond* 1.000 00


hn W. Miirmv, 'rmaurer, nf the

Dm tita

E u m K. Pnrm.nm and sabtcribed to before in** tfaim



Undertakers and Embalmers.HO. U PARK AVBSL'E.


Insurance, Real Estate.KPI*«™I Ina Old U M Oomnanlca.

inrnct HUiMIHtD is I860 u t f l

WONDERFULWhat it »ill do for Uiowe little <*•{«.

Free From All Oresae I



35 Cents a Bottle.

Obtainable only at

L W. RANDOLPH'SCity Pharmacy,

7est Front SL, Piainfleld, N. J.



IS. -:- COMING -:- AGAIN, -:-Annie Louise Tanner,

Inez Parmater,Emit Senger>

Roger Dupuy, andKdnnrd Schmrf.

Seeon,cL Engagement, andConcert

their departure from this country.

At Music Hall, Saturday Ev'g, Feb. 6.50 and 75c

from 7 o'clock Monday morning,iarmacy, coog, Feb. 1,until all are sold.

IT HE DATE OFTXLT. R.^ga.n's Next L





i DELIVERED.Tickets for the remaining lectures at jl.as and Soe. for 3

Adnlta m l Scholars Respectively. .

LATE TELEGRAPHIC here and there. —The attendance at the Oreacent Rink Ian evcslog waa Mr and the polo game waa watched with mnch Intercat.

—Fire of the Crescent Lcnguo bowl- era wiu roll a game with the Fan wood team, at the latter plane, this evening. —It Is said that there were IBS ap-

pIKatlooa, by actual acroont, tor the position of regular policemen, jret only one of tho number. Frank Condo, se- cured the 'prixe.

—The regular meeting of the Young Ladles’ Mission band waa held In the chapel of the Crearent Avenno Church, yesterday afternoon, at f«*r o'clock. Mm. Pierson, of Bliabeth, addrosed tho meeting.

—Mi*. Jacob Schneider, of Proden s her house-

Spend One Dollar ATPECT8

and yon can get two hark in

satisfaction. Look at

Now Embroideries

—The grip acema to be adU holding | Its Own.

—The ground bog looked In vain Dir , hfat shallow, yesterday.

—Board of Freeholders will meet next Thursday afternoon.

—One week from next Sunday will be sl Yslentine’n liny, February U. —Henri- M. Ragan will dolivur his

second lecture In Music llall tomorrow evening. —It Is thought that them will lie a

great demand for houses In this chy this Spring.

—From present appearance the com- ing banc hall season will be an exciting one In thirdly.

—Queen City Lodge, No. 116, I. O. O F., Initiated nine candidates oil Monday evening.

• —There will be n devotional meeting in the \V. C. T. U. rooms tomorrow af- ternoon at 3.30 o'clock. | i —nie regular Febrnary meeting of the Borough Council will be held on Friday evening, at eight ociork. —Tlie monthly business meeting of

the IV. C. T. V. will be postponed until the third Thursday in February.

—The police will look quite neat and natty when they step out In their new •‘pants," which the Connell granted them on Monday evening.

—The Rev. L. E. Livermore, of New Market, delivered an interesting ad- dress before the Reform Cldb,' at the Sunday evening meeting. —Forty three, students received in- slructlon In the Mechanical lirawing and Bookkeeping at the ,Y. M. C. A.

rooms, Monday evening. • —II yoo want what arc loft of tho choice seats lit Music Hall, .for the

artist, Ortde Mode, who la w make hit fhrowell appearance in PMInAeld; In Music Hall, Saturday evening, waa born In Liege, Belgium, la 1814. At the age of eight he evinced ae remarkable a talent and strung inclination1 for music that his falhor sent him to the Royal Conservatory of Lloga, where be re- ceived the drat prise for rlolln .playing when but a boy of eleven. Meanwhile, his father endeavored to persuade him to abandon music us .a profession, bet this was Imposilile. Tlie boy rapidly developed a musical talent which la oaly horn of genius • ] In 1870, Leonard, thd celebrated violin player and composer, hsving heard Main, was so well pleased with him that be tried, and so winded, la per- suading his pareuU to let him choose the career of an artist, and frirai that time to the present the progres* has been a succession of tnemps and ovations, bolh on the Continent of Europe and In America In Vienna he played In tile celebrated Philharmonic concerts under the direc- tion of Hens Richter, whoi in tho name of the board, tent him a rfiry handoomo lower complimenting hln| Jo ibe very highest terms It Is generally conceded by the beet critics thst the world hss never seen more than ope, or, st the most, two violinists who could bo con- sldored tho equal of Mnslp. Certain It iS that be now overshadows all others who have been seen or heard on the concert stage. Mnsin has received higher prices In large cities than any other virtuoso, anil hla playing on ono string Is well worth the price of admission. He was recently paid $300 for two solos, and often receives $300 for himself akme. His receipts on iifteen concerts In Ban Francisco two yearn ago;with bis own company averaged ovor $1,300 per nlghL

Secretary of the AsodaUon, visited oe tbs 37 Ui of January the row of basset in Plainfield knows ss “BalOe Row" and rested by tbo city for the occupa- tion of the poor. Tlie rev consists of apartments of two rooms sack, of which a number were naooenplod. Tbs gen- eral condition of the hnlldlngn waa oae of dilapidation; filth and vsrmls abound- ing. A great deal of this was owlag to ths lack of cure of the occupants, which waa proved by tbs Ihet that ths rooms of so oM colored woman (Mru Man- ning) were clean and pleasant, hut the authorities are responsible for the terri- ble condition of the buildings them selves. The ceilings In the upper floors are so low that proper ventilation la im- possible arid in some rooms, jibe walls are almost denuded of plastef. On* of

of tracks by Hoards of Freeholdera U dealt with, and therein aa aitereaure measure limiting tbs racing to thirty days oo each track. Betting la permit- ted. The bilb come from Mon month and are approved by Ulonccater. Thoj may be Introduced by William T. Park- er, Republican, from Monmouth.

There b no certainty that Uib Legis- lature will enact aay race-truck law. Dennis McLaughlin has yut to be pla- cated.

"They say they are going to pass a bill," said a newspaper correspondent to him yesterday. "lio they? Well, I'll bet them $l»,0do they don't. Introducing a bill ami pass- ing ono are two different things" Bet supposing Mr. McLaughlin la moulded and his aid secured. That will not help greatly In tlie Senate, where there appears to be a strong anti- track feeling. The representatives of the sgricnhnral districts sccra to stand In awe or their constituents on thb question, and Heustor Marsh was elect ertti-

Dime 8aving Institution OP PLAinniLD. w. i,

JANUARY 1, 1SWS. Alley, b anxious to bold effects, and she trams the police force to torn in and help her. Mrs Schneider's hatband la In Jail, and the landlord, It b said, has notified her to move.

—Moses Qnaas, or this city, who b charge* by Gatoly k 0o., of PlilladH- lila, with fraud, appeared In court at New Hrun*wick. veaterday, and pleaded not gnfity to tlie charge, aud waa held in the |mn of $6,000 bail to await the action of the Middlesex bounty Grand Jury

imllacr!ruinate hoarding unclcf one roof of men, women and children without any oae to place restriction* oo their intercourse. It la the opinion of tho committee that Uie pretent stale of affaire will continue m long at thoac under the care of the city are allowed to lire without proper supervision. The occupants of “Battle Bow" can be divided Into two clasaea, tho#e who are capahlo ofaelf-aupport and who ought not U> be a charge on the taxpayers and thoaa who through age or Infirmity cannot support tiiemaelvea. The latter should be provided for by th« dty In a properly appointed almshouse, whose discipline would render them more re- spectable, clean and moral. The present deplorably slats of affairs la the neemsary effect of the present system. It Is a Well-known bet that the most model\ tenanted boose without a janitor with \sufficient authority to enforce certain rale* sod regulations, will soon degenerate and be dragged down jp the level of its oc- cupant*. There can be bat one result when person of the class who generally people our ahnhouses afd housed and supported by the city under the present arrangement where unrestricted liberty must soon torn Into license. Built E. William**)*,

(ren. See. a C. A. Ass’n of N. J. I‘arouse B. Alsxaxdkr, Ch’m Standing Com. on Almhquses. Jbax E. ('aspbell, . I J. B. Richmond, M. D. Members of Com. on Almshouses.

PBM01AL. Coaaeellor Bollock of Flvwlngtoo is

In town today looking after his real es- tate interests here.

William Rogers, of the Into firm of Roger Bros., shoe dealer* left for hi* home la Buffalo, N. Y., last evening.

Rev. Dr. A. Im*w1»' new book on “Paganism In Cbriatfanlty" is In pres* by tho FuUiams and wiJJ be issued very

In payment for goods purchased at the store* of mnj of the fuerrbasts unmet) below, provided tlie |*arcba»o amounts to OO cehls cash for each coupon so received.

ed on account of his outs|>okci cfaun of the tracks. Tho agent* of the tracks have oot canvswied any of the membara up to date. They will begin that wort as soon as the bills are i/>lrodoc»*J. We agree to accept this coupon oo the above rondiUoas, and Invite you to call on us when purchasing goods: ■AAAIS 18 GUILTY, Manager Charles Schennerhorn, of the Western Union ofBce, bn* recovered from an atiack of the grip and Is again

at his post of doty. Mia. Cannon Parse, whose trip to Knoxville, Tenn., was last week post-

poned pn account of Ulncsa, started for thst place tills afternoon, pinch Im- proved in health. The funeral of the late Lconlo A. Martin, who died at Saranac Lake on Monday, will take place from her late

residence, No. 135 Psrk avenue, to- morrow afternoon at 2.30. Alfred E. Pcarsnll, of Ibe West fold Standard, arrived home lu One shape

from his California tour with the New York PresffCJub, on Sunday. He will relate his delightful experience in ths Standard.

Matthew Hughes, in old resident of this city, and a brother of Michael Hughes, died in SL Michael s Hospital, Newark, thia morning, age 64 year* Death resulted from old age. Funeral services from SL Mary’s Church, on Friday rooming, at tun o’clock.

At the residence of the bride’s mother, No. 2423 Thomas avenue, Philadelphia, at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon will occur the marriage of,Miss Jeuiiie Y. Baker, daughter of the late William Baker, and Harry F. Skiff, tlie-genlal and popular manager of the United SUtos Express Company in thia etty. Tho ccrcmooy will be [*rformed by Rev. Pr. Franklin, but on account of tho recent death of the bride’s father, tlie invitations will be conflued strictly to Hie relatives and immediate friends of the bride aud groom. Mr. and Mrs. Skiff will spend their honeymoon in Washington, D. C., and upon their re- turn they will be “at homo" at No. 31 Carlton avenue, In the house Just fitted up by tlie groom.

H* Mm* HffiT DaatA fcr th. «.,d« .f Hu • SehmeMMil Wlfc. <

[By Wire to the Courier.] NEW Yore, Peb. 3—A palo-fkoed young man, twenty-three, with Ujis

tightly dosed, and a careworn tittle woman dressed In black, with tears welling In her eyes, peered with all the vision their eyes possessed in the dimly- lighted court room of Part 3, General Sessions, at 10.50* o'clock last night, as twelve men with solemn faces slowly stepped iulo ths room and took their (daces in the Jury box.

The young man was Cartyle W. Har- ris and the trembling woman his moth- er, who has stood by him so steadfasUy- daring bis long ami sensational trial for the murdur of bis girl-wife, Helen Pott* Promptly the clerk of the court asked: “Gentlemen of the Jury, what la your verdict?"

There was a hush as of death, and

A lovsl XaUrUiansat- Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather last evening, there were about three hundred persons present at the

entertainment given by Charles B. Brown U» his Sunday School class in the First Baptist Church. Mr. Brown gave a abort history or the class from 'its birth one year ago with a membership of four to the present time when It numbers about eighty. Dr. Yerfccs waa then called upon and {indo a few re- marks of welcome, which were thorough- ly enjoyed. Among those taking part on the programme were: W. E. Msc- Clymont, piano solo; Master Ellis Curry, or Bound Brook, violin solo; John Carney, recitation; B. T. Baniea, boss solo; Miss M. Recap, reading; Benja- min lie Vera, cornet solo. Alter the above was rendered the following ladies served refreshments: Mrs. Caleb Dick- inson. Mrs. Wni. Smalley, and the Misses French, Eudora Grant, May King, May Cloaaon. Mr L. II Big- low, Jr., took several flash-light pictures of the audience. One thing noticeable was that everyone had a good time.

A RTJKYOK k SOK, Undertakers and Embalmerg.

MO. a* PARK AVKMUR. A. rooms, on Saturday evening, will be held on Saturday evening nextJ

—Ilnmmil, last year’s pitcher for tho Crescents, whom Manager Keller re- leused a short time ago. It Ik under- mood has signed with the Westfield team for the coming season.

—The ire-culting industry is again st a stand still, on ureoiinL of the mild weather. None of the dealers have as yet 1 hi used hair a crop, aud the pros- l«cct for u fall supply is very p*Or.

-Tlie Rev. A. F. ScliaofUcr, D. I)., of Sew York ett)’, will address Sunday .School teachers and others, 1 in the Cha|iel of tlie Crescent Avenue Church, on Monday evening February 15, at debt o’clock.

—Scandinavian* have still an oppor- tunity to Join the class In English bram Iks that meet twice a week at the V M. «. A. rooms. A $2 membership entitles to this and other privileges of the Association.

—Tin* New Jersey building at the Chicago Fair will cost about $15,000. Jt wiil Is: manufactured of New Jersey muteriul and al the close of the fair will Is: transported to 8ca Girt. At least, that is the report«ovr.

—Tomorrow night the Americas of Jersey UUy, will play the Westfield bowlers at the latter’s alley. This will Ini very interesting, aud Uie following will l*owl for the Westfield term: Horton, Foster, Jackson, E. Lov« and lieu man.

—Complaint is made of the wretched condition of the sidewalk on the North- west side of Hixth street, between Park and Arlington avenues, where in places the mud is ankle deep. Even a single board walk would bo an improvement

Insurant*, Real Estate.

WONDERFUL What it will do for those little rhapa ■Mtiaf of th* Editor*.

The annual meeting of tho State Editorial Association took plac« at the American House, Trenton, on Monday. There were s large nember of editors and. publishers prescue drawn together by au SBtkAMtod diacuaaiou of Ibe statutes governing the publication of the laws, and the county and legal ad- vertisements.

F. W. Baldwin presided, and Becre lary Charies Bechtel offered a report in which be states there are 318 news- papers published In the State. He recommended that some action bo taken with regard to unfair designation wuw*pa|*ers io publish the law*.

L. A Hyer, of Railway, read a p«|>er on the death of Joseph T. Crowell, ami John Babcock on Uie death of A E Gordon, formerly editor of the New Brunswick Times. John Uheesman, Jr., of Bridgeton, waa elected President of the Associa- tion, and B. P. I-add, of Vineland, waa chosen first Vice-President. The other Vice Presidents are J. L. Morphy, T. W. Morrison, J. A Gibson, J. B. Mr-

Donald, Charles Burr, Alexander Schlesainger and H. A. Steel. Charles Bechtel was re-elected Hec- reury and Col James a Yard Treat-

NOTICE Tbc boAi of the 0*er*eer of the Poor of ir township of North PUioGeU are now pen for public inspection, sad may be tceo >t one week st »» oftcc. No. 34 Harmony reet, Nonh Plainfield. J W. A. Bauuuchi, Ormeer. Dated Jan 39. 189J. 1*11304:


as Cent* a Bottle. Obtainable oolj at

L W. RANDOLPH’S CU, Pharmacy,

»l Wear Front Bt., Plalofield, f

Lov* s»d Ham*!* la Jspaa. 8lr Edwin Arnold, who has been en- joying an interesting crip throogh the Uulted BUIaa, hss made a careful study

of the conditions which govern the family in Jaimu, and embodies bis ideas in a paper called “Love and Marriage In Japan" In tho February number of the Cosmopolitan. The article ta illus- trated by the qoalntest poasihle Ja|«an- ese sketches running down tho sides and acroas the bottom of each pago. An excellent photograph of W. D. Howella, serv es a* a frontispiece, and his work as a writer of fiction is reviewed in the same number by H. H. Boyesen. The President of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, gives a most practical paper for parents, on “Boys and Roys’ Schooto,"

Mr. Leal's School for Boys as-ornwaa Monday, September 14.1891. Pur dmitara and iBturnuUtoa appty to thr

"'"Wl JOHN I.KAI., OrtS-Irr SlWrwfiad Pfcrw. FlamSald. W.

[By Wir* to the Cowiei.l Brdhord, N Y., Feb. 3.—Ward Waujrbury, the boy who waa kidnapped on Monday at Long Ridge, on the New

York and Conn epical line, waa brought homo this morning at 3o’clock by John Close, a friend of Uie boy’s fatlicr. As Mr. Waterbary opened the door In answer to the ring Ward sprang In- to hit father’s arms and then into his mother’s, who had followed her husband to the door. When the excitement become some- what Aibdoed, Mr. Close told how ho came to get Ward. ^ At two o'clock thia morning there was a loud knock at hia Iront door. He

opened the door. A Utile boy stood outside. “Who are you?" “I am Ward Waterbary,” answered the boy, “and I want to go homo.” Mr. Close asked Ward to come in and he did so. Ward then told Clo*« hta story. He said a man had brought bJm to the bouse on Ills bark and told him

to knock on Close’s door and then ran away. Mr. Close had heard of the abdocUoo of Ward Waterbary, and he decided to take Ward to hla parents Immediately.


Annit Louise Tanner, lnet Parmatcr,

Emil Senger, Roger Dupay, and

Eduard Scharf. Second. Engagement, and

Farewell Concert Before their departure from thia coontrjr.

At Music Hall, Saturday Ev’g, Feb. 6. RESERVED SEATS, 50 and 75c.

For role at Central Pharmacy, corner of Front Meet and Part anna* from 7 o'clock Monday morning, Feb, 1, until nil in noM.

AGAIN, AND Till Cnenti On. of IX. 6tr.n«Mtt

Tlie Crencont Longue tenra, which will reffreoent thin city In the New Jor- ney Central toor-clnb league, promlaee to be one of tho strongest semi-profes- sions! team ever organized in this vicinity. The league schedule does not begin until May XI, and as only Satar day games .re to bo played, tho man- agement have mid-week date# open. Managers of athletic teams ssd the strongest of the soml-profcsslonsls eon secure dates by communicating with the Secretory, Chnrlra Reed, of Plainfield, N. J.

SraaOns hr IX. CXtUnm’i Ifam.. Following are the Christmas dona- tions to the Children's Home: IFUlism

D. Murray,' $10, Mra. McDonald, $1, Mra W.,* through Mlm Brerett, $1, Chariot Potter,-$33, Mra. Charts Pot- ter, $10, Mra. R. McDonald, $6, Dr. a L Jenkins, *S5,70, Mrs. K L. Wait, $2, Constance L Wilbelminn Patton, $9, Mra. J. W. Murray, $S, Mis Kate Embury, $9, Mra. W. it. Osborn, $1, Mr. Henry Metiee, $10, Mr. J. F. Ran- dolph, $5, Mra. H. a Rankle, $4, SeTcoth Day Baptist Sandsy School, $10, Mra George I in pee, $3, Holy Cross Sunday School, $6.so, Mra. Robert T. Carrie, $3, Mra. WBliam R. Rlcbarda. $S, Mra. Francta Wood, $i, Mra. Prod a Meade, $S, Mr* Kate Emeraon; $1, Mis JoBa Borden.

AU other doaationa fcr the year wUl be acknowledged la the annaal report.

About ten o’clock thia morning fire nr dlacoTCred la Bowman's boarding house on West Fronl street, but fortu- nately tho flams were extinguished by J. N. noneymsn sml Joseph Krewioo before much damage won done. The fire storied in a bedroom on the third Boor, and was canned by Ibe expiration of a kerosene lamp which one of the hoardera left burning when starting (or work early thin morning. A husk mat- tees and bedstead were burned tnd the carpel on the floor wss badly dam- aged. So alarm wss sent oat.

THE DATE OF A fut Iipr— Wracket <m IX. klMn.

ufi 0X1.. (By Wire to tXe Courier.) Co Leases Feb. 3—A special to the

Coin mhos Dispatch from North Balti- more sys that a Cut expros train on the Baltimore and Ohio jumped the track thin morning one mils north from

iMippi; Detuio, P. National Flowers; ' Guerin, M. do., Journal; Hunt, W., ;

History of Italy; John Hopkins Uniter- 1

slty, Studies, vcL »; Klnglnke, A. W., Eotbcn; Kipling, a. Plain Talk from 1* HUIs; McMnster, G. R, History of the United Staten, rol. J; Norton, a K., Churefa Building in the Middle Ag«; Putnam, 0. A., Qocotlon of Copyright; Reddnl, H. F., Fact, Fancy and Fable; Roosevelt, T., New York; Schooler, G., History of the United Staten, v. «.; Spencer, Herbert, Justice; Stephens, IL M-, Freoeh Revolstion, vJ.; Tyter, H. M , Greek Ptay and lu Prenesta- Uon; United Stats Department of Agricultural, Album of AgrieoKoral Stations of the United Staton

Thursday, February 4}


killed and wonnded. H. lea th. WXols Taws. Cranbory, s small town In Middlesex county, Is excited over tho receot re-

ceipt by many yocng wqmen of letters signed Jack the Kisser. The postmas- ter counted forty-one letter mailed dor- Ing the night A church prayer-meet- ing was tamed into a general debate aa to what Steps should be taken to bring tho culprit to JunUce. The minister look deep Interest Into IL The letters nr* ailed with confeeMoa* of lore, end cod by sytng wbeu leant expected be

A' hotel proprietor bt Newton sya be hen discovered the boss way to catch rate and It forks like n ebam. He taks half s barrel of apples and Isvs them in the cellar where the rate get .1 them darlhg the night The next night he ponn enough water In to float the appts and ths when tho rate Jump bt fcr the Itnk they aw aaahleto get out and drown. TbWflrattlmobe tried It be

The livery Arm of Roberts A Waldron has been dissolved. Ex Councilman Roberta will continue the bonnes at the ’ old stand on North


Tictetm for tbe remaining lecture* at gt.as and toe. for Adult* aud Scholar* Beapeettrely.

Page 4: VOL. 1--NO. THE EIDER D00MB1 SHE PLIEDTHE LASH … · y Uurglur who had just, tscap-.-d from renjilruce of Unt. H. P . Van Tuyl o Mtne street. «n Van Tuyl, wh o i wat thrown into



m m (Aotont nary. Thto » th- feelingmry i iW*. Wir DM long baen ngardedhy Americana u an fclmcMt bnpoaalbtoBontingmioj'. I>I»Unt from tha gytotpowers wbMO jMlooaloa IUIVB kept themIn * aUte Of oonitant agitation, American'have thought that there w u little or ncohanoe lor any nation to attack aa or scto act M to force na to begin host i] it itsDeeming onnelna secure in that belief(or many yean we took no steps lor na-tional defence worthy of the name. Main-taining a small standing army and keepingkSokt the ghost of an obsolete navy, we

' built no guns, armed DO forts, Unncnedno ships Bt to compete With the creationsit other powers.

' P U i u w r o T H E MONITOR iflflrrucKET.The trouble between tbe United States

and Chili to-day is one that might haveborne ten years ago, when we would havebeen absolutely unable to.send to Chilianwater* a single vessel that could have metlucoesifully a second class ship. In 1862there would have been no question of tbeln*B*ting of Valparaiso by the UnitedStates fleet, but rather • possibility ol theChilian fleet threatening San Franciscoor other Paciflo port* in this country.

Fortunately a more liberal policy to-.ward the navy was adopted, and we DantberelCre to. day toot reasonably oafsagainatthe •jtgresriioijB ol any of the third

we might not be able to 'meet some oft h e n powers on equal terms on the high

Whatever, therefore, may be the resultol the present difficulty with Chili, onefeature is very plainly demonstrated: Nonation having; the rnisnn"to build a propernavy can afford to allow that navy to re-

The people of the United States arepeaceably disposed. They have DO desireto g» to war for any purpose. Neverthe-less, there are occasions when war wouldbe s lesser evil than an unsatisfactorypeace.

Indeed, i t might easily happen that thelack of capacity to make war might bring .H on, and the desire to maintain peacemight be the greatest influence to provokeaggression. That nation is most satisfac-torily situated which ifl utile to My:—" Wehate war, but we do not fear it. Withont,Juot cause we will not make war; with justCMUB will not avoid R.»

J u t now at all the navy yards every-th ing is bnsUe and burry. Oar picture isa scene at the Brooklyn Navy Yard wherethey are fitting ont every thing In tbaway of war craft that will float.

"When the original Monitor went downone dismal day oft our treacherous coast,the second product of her wonderful typeWM tbe Nantucket, the little coast d e -fender which now lie* half hidden within'the wall*.of the dry-dock. Now the work-men are busy finishing her np, after aquarter of a oentury without driving s

no peppers, tint I ntjve* come Mfreeling up In my natural lite.

" There waa a young married con pie ult-tln' right in front of me, u d I notice*toe groom a •hivaria1; anally, he ait hexto klM him and she started to do It, whensome one opened the door and frdie theklaarfeht on her lip*. Yes, gentlemen,that poor critter sat there froae as stiff aa•n order to cut pay, with her do*ky facepuckered up Just lik« a boy anokln' hisfirst cigarette. That were the saddestsight 11 ever aee," Mid the old villsin,

rlping a tear from hia eye." The RTiplne seemed to go awful alow

nni! ji:rk> Ilka, and I thought perhat*Timwaa gi-t:.i— ou« ol wood, so I wait ahead.The flrtrcnn «an leanln' agin the I boilerhend, !-->-.• -t:fl. en'! Tim had pulled theengine over to stop and then got chilledthrough.

1 got a drink of pepper whiskey Intoi, ansi then noticed that the engir~> White with toe. , :I couldn't imagine What kept her

agoin" until I thought a mtnoit; Bho waarunnln' by vacuum. The condensationwas so quick that a vacuum waa formedand it waa aackln' the pistons buck andforth.

" When we got in we couldn't blow theheadlight out-the flame was froie-Timent it ont with a hatchet and give it tothe njaster mechanic for a paper w "

"Gentlethent" said the past president.G«ntienien, this is oar annual election.

I do not know the name of the distin-guished artist who bu addressed na, bat

vc that all rales be suspended andhe be eteenaniinouily sleeted by

acclamation as president of thin elnb. IsIt a vote* Curried. Stranger, will youplease take the chair—and—and treat?"—Locomotive Engineer.



Blofcrl:ly %•»*•

A*. Ir. of Muro-ll H . f k . m l r t*Tkosa SaaUnf; Strvag P h y . ! , . , . .

When Is It « t e t o begin training* Thelswer is, when growth is so far complete\ to make toe body able to bear the ex-cme strain put on its reaonrea by theicmssed U'ork it baa to do under traln-

ng . BeWre the age of eighteen (heshat tsof the limb bones are not fully ossified,and It Is not till a. somewhat Inter periodhat the upper and lower portions of these•onee, which develop separately, become

firmly soldered to the shaft. Even afterbat growth still goei on and t h e bony

framework of th« body is not fullyconsolidated ti l l between twenty-flva

thirty years »1 age. Bays BirMorrell Mackenzie. The heart, lungs and

ther organs do not attain their full de-elopment till about the aame period, theeateat progressive growth taking placertween eighteen and twenty- five. From

ese data It may be concluded that n overe conrse of athletic training shoulder be undergone before the age of elgh-:n at leaat, and no prolonged effort re-tiring endurance aa well aa muscular

trength, inch aa rowing In the u nivcrsi typost race or the long marches and otheratiguea of % campaign, should be under-iken before twenty. Even at that age

rapid training for an athletic contest of•severity should n o t be undergone

ont a warranty o l soundness havingfirst been obtained from a medical man.

l i n t Ollmpur of IV.

The first glimpsa I h;«<l ot the Duke atClarence was, one Ui ;i-y day in Londonwhen the qneco was holding a levee. Iwas Roinc through St. Jnuios' when I wasattractsd by a crowd of about 200 Britisheltltens, who wore etandlog loyally In tbemud to assist at s atate function. Thisfunction was tha transit ot the Prince ofWales and his son from Mar I boroughto either tbe Buckingham or St.James, I hove ' forgotten which—at any rate the diatanoe w u aboutaa far as from Truth office to Foariteenth street. After a tedious wait andthe employment of several regiments ofsoldier*, an enormous brans band, aplatoon of police and tbe Life aaard, we

• -weeded in getting tbe PrJnoe oland Pake of Clarence elf to theI dont know why it waa that I

felt the weight of diplomacy and a na-L'S honor testing on my shoulders, bati and so did the other people in theKd. The transit or the prince and tha

duke seemed a tremendous thing at themoment, but it occurred to me afterward:hst it WM aa flat a spectacle as I had everwitnessed In Europe er anywhere else.

There was. a delay of nearly an hour be-irc the gates of the Harlborough housenung open. First came tbe police, then

the soldiers, and finally the l i fe Guards'brass band, all mounted on hones that ap-peared to wish themselves dead, and who

mating their wish, and then followed theswells ot tbe Life Guards themselves.They tripped out solemnly with all tbeclank and gvad of war, and,after they hadpassed by, a tremendous equipage slowlyrumbled oat in their wake. It was a statecarriage and precisely similar in every de-tail to one of Barnum's band wagons. Itwas drawn by sik or eight milk whitehones, covered with dusty velvet robes,which were driven by * targe and corpu-lent personage, who wore a white wig,cocked hat and a generally apoplectic de-


Tke Fit rater's Big Ball .There was onoe a prosperous farmer•hose ambition waa to exhibit at tharmnty lair the biggeet bull, bnt for sev-

eral successive yean his bull had been'Qtweighed and oatsired by a bull showny a farmer from tbe other end ot the

inty; and FO in the early spring he setp and traveled the country over uo til ha

onnd a bull ot enormous frame thatto take on flesh easily, took

his own farm, and turneda luxuriant clover patch

extending from the farmhouse back tobe river, where he fed the bull so

Successfully with mnsh and other fatten-ing feed that in the (all he outweighed byleveral hundred Weight the biggest ani-mal that th* rival farmer had ever exhib-ited. Bnt, as luck would have it, on thoday before tbe fair waa to begin, thunoble buU was token with wind colic, «,malady which often afflicts overfed ballsand babUa, in a form so severe thatthe farmer, almost beside himself withanxiety, caught up the family din-ner horn and thrust1 it deep downthe throat of the distressed animal,whereupon the escape of wind from thecreature's overloaded and inflated stomachcaused tbQ born to give forth a mightyand continued blast, which so frightenedtha bntl that he began to back, and didnot cease until he had backed into theriver, where the water ran into the hornand sank him; and thus the mammothbull was drowned<—N. Y. San.

On the tail end o this coacb were fourgorgeous flunkeys with gold coats, kneebreeches and white, silk stockings. Then-legs were rather scraggy, but otherwisethey seemed all right. There was a bntstof enthusiasm on tbe part of three or fourbootblacks and aa inebriated gentleman,who was resting quietly in tbe gutter atthis point, bnt that wan the only impetu-ous output of patriotism that occured. Inthe middle of the coach 1 suddenly dis-covered the Prince ot Wales and his eldestborn. 1 have eeett the Prince of Walesmany times since, but I shall never fcthe shock upon this particular day! Hewas the funniest looking' little fat manthat I had ever seen, but as small as hawas, his son was smaller. They sat sideby side, nearly choking from the tight-ness ol theiT collars and glittering withdecorations and orders.—Blaiely HaJ'Truth.

Don't- say or writ* Au«tr->-Hungary.The W i writer* prttfer Austria-II unwary.

Do*'t rail th- Chines" - Mongolians." ItIs betii-r to reserve tbe latter D U M lortbe pwopla who live north of Obin*proper.

Dou'i fonr*t that Oriental name* end-ing In "an" hav« the accent almost In-variably on tha last syllable, us T«b*ran,BetoocbleUfl.

Don't speak ol a native of China aa a•ilnaman. Ton would oat »«y you had aa

Ireland man dieirlinr In your xardon. ItIs better to nail John a Chinese.

Don't. pt^aM el.irTt, say ttiat Now Torkcity la located on Manhattan Island. Sucha misuse of the verb " t» locate " la Irylnato th* nerww oT t l* best leilcogrfi phers.tiny New Turk city I* situated on Uaiihat-- in Island.

Dnii't call Bermuda. **a North AmericanIsland," aan writer In a newspaper didths other day. Then are plenty ot North'American Islands, bnt Bermuda Is notoue of tnem- It Is an oceanic, not a oon-

luenUl Island.Don't make the tnlotak* come people do

of thinking the word "alluvium" to I*rnonymnus with "coll." Only lbo*e>tla which art the result ot tho dlepoal-on of eedlrasht by running watsr can•opeHy be oalleil alluvial soils.Don't apeak ot China M our Antipodes.

Our Antipodes la the point on thaottutr•Ide of the world reached by a straightline posF-inc tl rmijrh Ilia place on vrbiebwe stand and tbe centre of the earth. OurAntlpodea Is In tlia ocean southwest ofAustralia.

Don't Imagine that tbe spelling ol g»o>graphical names lu tha newspapers Is

•crasartlr accurate. It la safe to saymt one-half of the place tinmen In Africand Asia, as they appear in owr dallyn>ss, are manirled almost beyond recog-lllon by the cable or tha types. ""»Don't say that the eotnpua point* toM true north, for It <1oe*n't «xe«i.t in•rtalii places. The oompaBB polnta to

the magnetic north, which la at presentconsiderably vest of the North Pole.When Lieutenant Greply waa at LadyFranklin Bay the declination of his needlewaa found to be very great, th* needlepointing toward the magnetic pole in adirection nearly south waft.

Don't b« mystified if on one map In youratlas Hudson Bay seems to be larger thanthe Oulf of liexico. while on anoth«r sheetOf tba sam* alias the Gull of Mexico ap-pears larger than Hudson Bay. Theapparent discrepancy Is doubtless due to

removed from the equator are very mueliexaggerated as t h-y appear on maps olthoMercator prcjecilon.

Don't say 'Thy Smithsonian Inatllute."


Puurir.i .n *(n NKWAHK.UtVC 1'lainH.l.l M «» , cj», «J«. 7

Ijavp Nfws.iL

TJax ».<n. B.VK ir -

! • • ! • .• . | | ' . I ' M •, • l l l <

. l^a'mt^Sr Fl.nilnrlon. T>. L. * W. H.


—For r, .ninirton, Hlirh

T. e name Is the gmiLhtou-Ouldlhwaitf'n alHs-aain

n.Iti'th!< luio^uiclAllcn-

i Chunk. WlUtes

Printers, Carpenters, Butchers,ANYONE WHO WANTS POWE


Gives Von Any Power Yon Need at a Small Cost per Hour.

Call and see my Motor work and get the price.


Btr<pBgth of Wil l and rapac i ty .It has come to light that children i

accidental affection, o! the nostrils which

»rkimI Ul-

OOM If ANDES K. 1). F.V.

A despatch from Oallao announce* theanival t h e n of toe Yorktown under com-mand of " FiRhting Bob " Evans with tberefueeeatbat be brought from Valparaiso.Commander Evans la one of the me 'whom the country baa great hopes inof a naval conflict.

He WM appointed to tha Naval Academyfrom Utah, and received tha title of Act-ing Midshipman Beptember 20, 1860. Hewaa assigned to the old Powbattan, andwhen tbe assault waa made on FortPlaner, the j o u n K man led hU company olmarines. During the engagement he warshot In the leg, and after tbe fort had Bttr<

" sred, was taken to tbe hospital, wherea proposed to amputate tbe woundedbar. At his earotMt entreaties, how-

ever, tbe operation was forgone, and tbeonly result has been a slight lameness. OnOctober 1,1883, he received the rank ofEnsujn; WM made Haater, Hay 10, 1888,and on July 25th, of tbe same year, waspromoted to be Lieutenant. The rank ofUesUnaat-Commander waa given to filmtwo years later, and since the 12th ofJuly, 1878, he has hstd hia peasantmission ot Commander. -

. F o r . while be wsa In charK0 of thst r a i n i n g ^ Lp S a M t o n , and afterward*tba Lighthouse Board. Under SecretWhitney he snperintendad tbe .hell in

construction of tba Maine. HUseadulhave mad* him widely known aa a Unatailor. In which service he '4oaen j e a n , and both on laI H aoquitUd blmaelf with g n a t credit,

- Among hia brother of&oers ha bas madaan enviable reputation, and his Couragehas won for him tba MOM d* pum-s ot

g Bob " Evan..


thM.TWi ir r « i

"Speakln'of snowplows," aaid the «ldtimer, as ha dropped into the Ananiascomer, " speakin' of «now plows, rstnlndama of a coal tpaU we bad whilat I waa onth* MnJoo Central.- - »

'•What! Mid in MVEMOT" asked tho

"Yea, cold, c-o-l-d. Why, yon fallaradon't know Wtutt cold U. When ona oltharo Chlnnooks cornea np from Yucatan,itatarta the bark on th* trees of Haxieo,iteUyou. " '

"Tb* Una I'm tallm1 yon about I w««a^ad-beadtn1 south on Tim Pagan's train,

~ba oarsrbrak-* bett by stoves and the g

k l U ' t t tb_ )vesandtbe fiMMt _ _

•ia k«pl a ro*ri»'nr«, tmt tba storcpip*wsraahaif-lnehdeep In whiU Croat inapiUofblw. I had a buffalo overcoat and

Last Saturday I had the pleasure ofhearing from Tbomas A. Edison his firstacoonnt of his plan for fighting enemiesot the United -Btates by meatu of elec-tricity. His Idea is a very pleasing onelor those who find themselves at the rightend of it. He would pot an alternatingmachine of 20,000 volts into each tort, con-nect i t wi th a powerfnl stream of water,and mow down the approaching enemy by•urning that heavily charged stream uponthem. Mr. Edison also has in mind otherwarlike schemes which he could use ifcalled upon. He amuses himself by con-ooeting such > things, but does not paygreat attention to them or any othersthat do not have an immediate commer-cial v a l n e . - N . Y . World.

IUCOJJ membrane Is enough toihild a dunce. It may be that

enatf bocame the rag'j in Europe towardatire end of tha seventeenth century be-cause i t stimulated this member in thenos«« of auguat. and illustrious persona.Bonaparte, who was a man of keen andquick percuptivin, never chose, if be couldhelp it, a man with a poor nose for aplace of great responsibility. B e had re-marked that wh,.n th.- nose was largeenough l o b s a Rood ventilator to thalungs, elasticity in troublous circum-stances, resourc} and general efficiencymight be lookod for. Tbe man with in -

get into the bines, to lose presence otmind, to have a heavy head and to takebrandy to keep himself up to tbe mark.

Manibal Ney had a poor noee and' aweak character. He was incapable of con-ceiving a plan, and needed the ittmulag ofbattle to clear tbe cobwebs from his brain.UuacDa, tbe most resooreeful ol allBonaparte's marahate, was Urge nosed.3o was Bernadotte, the most clever inIntrigue and the least given to hero-Wor-•hip. Qambatta hadalarge nose and asmall amount of brain.

The same thing may be said of the great-est literary artist that France ever pro-duced—-Renan. Jules Perry is sraall-brained and big-nosed. Jules Simon baas big bruin and a big noae, and is, takennil in all, one of the ablest of livingFrenchmen. The Princes* Clementine,whom I look npon as a woman of greatcapacity, bas the Urge hooked nose of theseventeenth - century Bourbons endCondes.—London Truth.

Hat th* • • n i a a a e , bait Ihr v l r g l n u .There never waa a Confederate ironclad

or any Other lronotad named MerrlmacThe Confederate ram waa the Virginiaalways. She was constructed upon thehulk of an old United States frigate calledthe Merriuiac. Why people should go oncalling tbe Virginia the Merrimac we can-not see. History and fact—not alwayssynonymous-agree in thi» case. To*Confederate ironclad W M the Virginia,

& tL> •» • Norfolk * J _•-

A Pupil of Dalsakit*.Wstraaa—Horafa, how doe* i t happen 1

find jou tdllaa- away your time la thatrocklnx oualrr

DomasUc (with languid ms]e*ty}--l'ninot idling, mem. I am reposing. I'm aDelsarsheao, mem.-CftlejigQ D-uly Tri-

At 7 o'clock on? evening Charles Win-nlger, Who is employed in a furniture fac-tory, was a single man and had no Idea ofgetting married. T v e hours later he wasa n n i b a n d a n d w a s o n hiswayhoma w i t hhis wife. He had finished his work in thefactory rather early In the afternoon, and,oftor eating supper, concluded to take atrip up town. He stopped at the house ottn acquaintance, where he met MaryWrinks. It was a ease of love at t i n ttight, and Winniger lost no tima in pro-posing. Tbe woman waa equally wellpleased with her strange admirer, and shereadily gave her consent. No time waaloot in making arrangements. A carriagewas called and the ooupU drove over toJeffersonvllle, Ind., w h e n Esquire Kelg-win performed thecaremony. Twofrlandaleeompanled them, and npon their re~turn the certificate was exhibited to thepeople in the neighborhood. The marriagela one ol the quickest on record.—ChicagoHerald.

r,... Bail lit

Tbe Boa—S iy, «>t onto my onror*.Ths TraraW (as he «»ptl#t his ra.

volv«r>~<>ood t But bow do you like myUv*h*ou?-Lifs.

Oil memqry's pinion* ItkM uaTo d*»r ()rt*n I I D U U I B days.

A»4 ssams Uks I saw nolbsrLaaa oa th* window Hill

Wh.t ah* knen'U k.ep u .till.


» Emperor William w


In France and Germany horses ara n o *vaccinated for tbe slanders.

Three-quarters of the «n11re manufac-turlna capital of tbe United Sta.Ua, orM. 000.000,000. ie based upon patents in oneway or another.

Tbe Pope haa been compelled toanipendall church regulations u to fas t lo* IntboM countries where tha grip ha> made

The st . Lawmnc* Blver la the only ab-solutely floodlets river la th« world. Itsgreatest variation, o u v W by drought orrain, never exceeds a foot.

A train which makes daily trips out otCblcago la called t h o ' J a a train," fromthe number of people It carries to Keeiey'squack establishment In Dwijtbt.

A Belgian who cannot speak one wordof English waa fined In Indiana tbe otherday lor provoklug a man who oould notunderstand what he waa trying to nay.

Th* higher education of women la mak-ing Bre»t advances In Sweden, where tbanumber ol female students In the univer-sities la large and constantly Increasing.

Th« NtcaragQan Congress h*i orderedtbat ten ronng m«n to be selected fromthe different provinces aljall be Mot toEurope to be educated at tbe expense ofthe State.

A Juror who BO far forgot himself as toappear for duty after having takan toomuch applejack was fined by a ju<iK "New Hampshire and locked up lortempt at court.

An electrical pool table haa been madeIn Which contact buttons are ao arrangedID front-of tbe pockets that when a ballrolls In It strike* them, and tfaa pointu m Is recorded on an enunciator.

M>u>, i: Chunk, TuuiH'iua. 8bnin<ikin.Wllllatni^ I

ZXtt p.a:, Sundavrt—Fur Hiirh Rrldfrc Branch,'

Pi.ttHviii... Ki AdlnfNiiii Hnrr;i>biirff.tjfi n. m. SimtLnvs— Vnr Enpfon. K'Thl hf'Tri.

Allcn^mn. H i u A Cbuuk. lU-sdintt, Harris- I

Leave FlalnDcld al *M, f jK). ll.flw. n. ni - 3.KI\X p. m. Biindaj-, (except Ocean Grove) *J&

!,,•, !-. :ifi Ainb.iv. 3-11. ft.TB, *J(» ll.W a, m^I.0S. •>£, B,Ta. 1M p. OU SunJays. %M. a.nr . 3—U, p. ni.

W. H. ROGERS, Agent,tfo. 42 Central Avenue, ( M r n Fkinfield, New Jersey,

?or AtVaAtlc City, at SJt a. D>J 1.09p, ,n.

S.36.P. m. Bondayn B/12 a. ni.

Leave PlninnHrt fnr Phllarl.-rphln, B.U. »

r.'.u. »,v..|.

i.in. 4.H.' s;u-'. \[. ni" LIT nigK^jMb^-fiJ

Ninth snd Ori-en Mni'ta, J»JO, IIJB.a. m^l.*>•<, '(I". •:••!. ...••-•. r..l .. -.«.'. I'M,, 11.4S. p. Hi.

* nn<5 ClKvitmt—tXn. 11.1 . A. m., M.IK, n.l") p, in. Siiniiays—4JWa t n 3JKC ei» *1«* p iu UA


BeiurnPd traveler—Haw do yon Ao, mylittle dear? la your fntbar alill tha rectorof this church? Little C l r ] -Un, Bo. sir.He's been concentrated a bisbop^-OoodNews.

Bare Sport—Mabel—Have yon overtleod how Polly Wanterla makin*gatDeot joung Mr. Caahly? Maud—If you meanthat she's hunting him—why, yea.—Judira.

"What dror* thla poor man lnsatii..tor?" •• He triad to tignre out ti is wife'sreasons for setting tbe clock aliead w .eu-ever ebe wished to gat up early."—Wash'ID gl on Star.

Vis i tor-Do yon take notes «rb*n you^reaoh, alrT Country Faraon (sighing)—V hen J can ( f t 'em. Bat In this parish

It's moslly garden irucKand a donation.—

iWlier—Why do yon wear men awfully>ud troosers, old faUowT Master—SoiBt I eawu't beah my tailor when be>mes awound to collect the bill, dontcher

know.—Boston Courier._ .nan of orty hae spout 0,000

day*, or nearly twenty years, In sleep.To a elnb man who alta up with pokerthat seeme a n enormous amount of tima

> waste In bed Plcayaoe."Prisoner, you are charged wlthnegleet-ig your t*mUr." "'"

all K


Limbs' wool shoes i n now In good da.land for tboaa who b i t * cold foot.Patent veal shoes hftva plainly com*

Into great favor during tha p u t yaar.Felt and beaver footwear to being in-

dostriously pushed by reUlli-rs .-.sry-whtta at ths present U n a . PalJ Inner-— " sboes are also now being largely

A tot.man, % reUtler lot

moM tfaaa twtnty-flvaj y e a n , a s m It Is afact that ho u now MSI Sue good* morecheaply than evar before, and added:••Th#r*lea»aoe that I have ooldfor «1 In

••—-- • ~"*l|t for qf fft " flhnq

"Oh, yo- .*

*"d ahs went away ao . lad tos t shs

htuiltecarwat Utnmrl BniJ. H. OLUA


The North Avenue PliannacyA. 1>. MALLINSON.

65 North Ave., opp. Depot

Pure Drugs, Medicines,Chemicals & Fancy


Preurintiontt Will Bo fomiiamndi d


Uvfry, Itoanling ami Sak StalilcKo. 9 We*t s\\ih Street,'

First-Class Horses and Cairiagea Constantly on

HandHorse (Upping Dsne at Stable.

Sallxfaclles fc!uar«n(«i d.. p. BTEIXE. ] . 0. KTEIXKOut, B-TI. Ttrkpbonc Call IS*.


OPT IEstabkeliod 16G9.

C I Ai i i i i iri l F r e e

3 Turk


Woolston and Buckle.So. 2S >.ir(|1 Arena*.


Paper Hanging*IS ALL ITS llkAM-HKS.

Will PapCR ami Painters' Supplios.







(foal fe

E. H. HOLMES,Dealer Best Quality

LEHIGH COAL.Dry Kindling Wood

Kept constantly on hand.Office, 27 North Avenue with W. & B.Ynnl, 24 Madison ^.veuoc, opp. Elw-

trie Light station.

John Johnston,COAL,261 South Avenue.

Oct. 5-yl.


0FPIAINFIELD,N.J.is now receiving dgpwlti

I'uy&bio ou demand, wiih

hiterpt at the rate ofthree •*

(3) per rent, per anuiim,



K. J.

A First-Class Family Hotelnent and TtUMent Ouesta,«l itilllardH Attarhed

New Planing Mill!ilnrd Wood FlourinK, M.ml.l-

iuiTH, Window]

Interest Paid on all Deposits.


Laing's Hotel,Teat Front street. Opp Madtaou avenue.

WaUaaj.V. Miller, Prop'r.

A Brst-class family resort.

Special attention paid *otransient guests.


Merchant Tailor,



No. B Park A l a nPlainBcld, • New Jersey.



The Uuiy Cigar Store in Plaint'ieltktho C 1 n R ) l « o f U I T kind s o l d j

W t - m t n u t a o t u r e t h e C l K a n and know the]:HT1' Iniulc r|-i.in I'llTi '[ i-\ :n : ,. , \, , ,• iriiTI] lln\ -

..i-ln«. A I ' u n H n , , , . Ki l ln i-cimliil f"r r,v

StoSB: M. C. UOBB1NS.IH*!!* H. H. BUnJ.m. OISTR, ' P n U '

MARSH, AYERS & CO, •Harejudt HVI-!H,I

10,000 Rolls of Wall Paper,Latnt Ih v I it nil.


Turning t t d tcicU. Sa'v.'ifi

Steam Kiln Dried Kindling Wood.

LEHIGH COAL,Ik4d and ok-Hriott Irum xbaklnc •crtfin.

Lumber anil Mason's Material;

I,. A. Klieaume, A^'t.,H' BKOADWAy. Ocl.I-f

i'vofcssiflual Cavils."\I7 II:[,IAM A. CU

1 • .


J'>«n#«-hint-«l-lJ»*". Masters m Ch- ' •' • f 'T) . | : , - . f l J lH, . ! ! . ,[- HI I- ,,i II

i«l Muwr. MO. Curner Park %t*.•' Hotter to loan.

Oouoa«tor-at-Luv, Muter u d Examlni* la^ nimu'i rj anil Notary PkiliHc.

9aJ£a?r">*iirtE7ILL1AH X. McOLC UK.

p A. RBItl),


F i t * National Bank fin lid I nt.

V P . I>UNH All.

Civil Engineer and Survryor.HO. 1 PAKX ATIN1TE. P U I N r i M , f l , K . J .

Wrtwt p*i Ins, of all ktaa. a ar-olall,.


la • state ol constant sgllatton, tew thought that ttero *u 1IUW of do i lor any telnn to attack ua or ao for many ywn m took no ■tap* lor na- tional defence worthy of tte name. Main- tain log a small standing army and keeping afloat the ghost of an obsolete navy, we built no guns, armed no forts, lsoncimd ■ fit to eompata with tte croaUooa

i MprrtrcxirT. e Foiled Stale rmitHiso rmc mokitob Tte trouble between tte PbJted metre and Chill to-day la on. that might hsv# come fen years .go, when we won Id bare been abac lately unable to send to Chilian wafers a single Teasel that could bare met »J« „ _ there would hare been no qoeatlon of the Inverting of Valparaiso by the United State* fleet, bat rather a possibility of the Chilian fleet threatening San Francisco or other Psclflo port- In this country. Fortunately a more literal policy to- ward the navy was adopted, and we can therefore to-day feel reasonably safe against,the aggression* of any of the third or fourth elaa. naval powers, ere a though wa might not I* able to meet Some of Item powers on equal lermi on the high Whatever, therefore, may be tte remit of tte present difficulty with Chill, on* feature is very plainly damonatrsUd: No nation having tte meana*to build a proper navy can afford to allow that nary to rv-

teve no deal re Nevertbe- hen war would itlafactory night easily happen that the t capacity to make war might bring It on, and the deair* to maintain psaoe might be the greatest influence to provoke aggression. That nation is a

my natural life. “ There wac a young married oouffla ■fe- tin' right la front of me, and I noticed . yad tte door ai kim right on ter llpai Yaa, _ that poor erlttar eat there from aa Stiff aa no order to cut pay, with ter daaky fees puakarad up juat like a boy smokin’ bta first cigarette. That war. th. saddest right f ever aoe," aatd tte old villain, wiping a tear from hia eye. '* The 'nrlsf aeemed to go awfol alow end Jerky lUto, and 1 thought perhaps Tim was gbtt.n* out of wood, so I went htead. Tte fin man mas Wanin’ agin tte boiler head, frogo stiff, andTim bad pulled the englrm over to stop and then got ehilled through. “ I got a drink of pepper whiskey Into him, and then noticed that tte angina was white with too. “I oocfcfnt Imagine whs* kept her •goto’ until 1 thought a mlnuit: 8b* was runnln’ by vacuum. Tte condensation so quick that

A TNIKCB IN AgniCAl ITIS, ■lately Vi.- ■feat Ollayw or the

The find glimpse I had of the Date of CUrtree nt ono fot^ry day In London whan tte qnecn Was holding a levee. I was going tUtvugh W. Jemcm* when I «■*• attracted by a crowd of shout WO British el 11 tens, who were standing loyally In tte

and It v forth. i suckin’ the pistons back and

state function. This function was tb. transit of th* Prince of Wait* and his eon from Marlborough to sitter tbs Dock Ingham or ftt. James, I have forgotten which— formed at “f rate tte distance was about

t1— soldier*, an enormous braes band, a platoon of polios and tte Lit* Guard, w* ail aucoaeded In getting tte Prtoae of •Gent.emeu, this to our i

rote? Carried. _ will you ploaae taka tte chalr--and-and treatT"— Locomotive BIOI1 TUAISISO.

FneUeel Advte* *fMorr«U Maehenale to Thoa* fethlai •cm i-sy.!<,«... When toil saga to begin training? Tte

getting Wale and Dak* of Clarence off to tte levee. I don't know why It was that I faH tte weight of diplomacy and a na- tion’s honor renting on my .boulders, hot I did and so did the other people in the crowd. The transit of th* prince and the tremendous thing at the moment, but It occurred to me afterward that It was as flat a spectacle aa I had ever witnessed in Europe or anywhere else. There tree a delay of nearly an hour be-

Tte teat writers prefer Austria-, Doa’t call th# Cblpca* “ Mongolian*.” It to batter to reserve tte latter name for tte people who live north of Chins proper. Don't forget that Orton 1*1 paras* end- ing In-an" have tte acaaat almost In- variably oo tte tost syllable, aa Teheran, XWoochlstan. Don't apeak of a native of China a* a C ilnauan. You Would not cay you had an Ireland man digging In yO«r garden. It U Uttar to call Jobs a ChUwac. Don't, please don’t, say that Haw York city Is locate on Manhattan Island. Boot? a misuse of the verb * to to*ato ** fa trying to tte nerve* of tte beet lailcograp&cra. Hay New York ally to situated oo Manbat- m Ulead. Don’t 0*11 Bermuda -a Borth American Island,** aa a writer la a newspaper did tte other day. Thera arc plenty of Borth’ American la, a ads. but Bermuda In not oueoftuam. It U an ooreelo. not a Con- tinental Island. Don't make the mfetako some people do of thinking the word ' all avium" to be synonymous brlib ’eolL" Only tho-e soil# which are the result of th* dlapoal-

ivc Damn.-td ti*. *Jh. »>. aj*. aga. c« ttsasssfetre Litf


1 2AP.**’. Buraia* nger. for Newark chance mieth. Pui»n*u» auo loan' Tear* Fla

Kff -

LB |>. hi. Hi.Mbit . sjn. ssk. sj«. am. 'M. tyy. A.K r/a, A.** u.oa o. ra. Furalny 1 •»» jn. mjN. am.! is to. i.ta, i. w.«.«c, a.*tt.«*to. P- PunniLD asii K**to». Isarc Ptatafli M nt M&.7.M. *tr. M JA *X. 'to.*** P. ui.

tlon Of pediment by running wafer ran | properly be eelfol alluvial molle. Don't apeak of China ac our Antipode*. Our AnUpodo* la tbe point oa th# other aide of the world reached by a straight I Ala. a..... — llD.ru.laE ll rooEH II,« ploraOD —bleb 1 ■ ■if-M "J* *.'*S 1£-« we.lend and lb. cwelre ef tbe eertb. Oer ‘S,“p' <• ,D “** •>' Puinu UD t««. Ho.Atcneo. Pklnl.« .11.10. a.a aai.I1— UD Don't IraoslDe tbot tbo opolllo( of «oo- P- Id. . EfApblcAl naiD.a In tbo Dowspepers 1. *do»wadp Odwddcth'.o- CTU-Dlth. Mulbo^Dgh bou. j OMMAOrtlr eworolo. It lo oofo to oer •—“PE open. Fliot cue tbe poUpo. tb«u | “"--1k-'r SS^r’f£S2N>nS^<^2V^£ tbo wldin^,, .Dd flo.il, to. ui. O..M.' *Dd *• Hoy .ppurlo o*ir doll, ^ ^ . biw«o bead, ell moontedon honootbet op- J™ J-■"»« Dlj^ot beyood reoo.- ^■o.-jj^fne B^tno Hlrt I™"- Bruob Printers, Carpenters, Butchers,

Juat cause wa will not make war: with tost can** will mot .»oid it.” Jnat now at all tte navy yards every- thing to bustle and hurry. Our picture to a scene a* the Brooklyn Navy Yard where they are fltling out every thing in tte way of war craft, that will float. "Wten tte original Monitor went down owe dtomal day off our treacherous coast, tte second product of b« wonderful typo wa* tte Nantucket, tte little coul de- fender which now lie* half hidden within' tte walla of tte dry-dock. Now th# work- men are busy finishing her up, after a qnmrUr of a century without driving a

direction nearly southwest. Doa't b# mratified ffogooe map fa your atlas Uodi t» tb. .WL e..d .tu* rzSTlZiHh■ ^ th.1 »ro-lb Mill E<w on »nd Lb. boD, ! t JJh'^.TlT^ frl twnework ol tb. bad, U Dot 1»U, eoneolidated till between twantv-flvu le^P'raona«®» who wore a whit* wig, ST !h^ ^ dT^el ^T. s" “d * -pop'^tlo do

ssssssasjSKT bootbU.b.M.d ad l„M^Ud t.Dtl™J.’ Don't D»r -Tb, 'notltut*.' m SSfSy a' ?.^h~ Wbo WAA rotlDE qai.Uy In tb. E"tter M T

'jzrjttssz I “* o' «“ «“»I .Ddd.nly di.- —SL1^! onv.rad th. Prino. ol Wa1» And U- -Id-t ipMgn, rtocld bo nnd«- | , d.v. too ,ta OI w.p.

anus. Huubarv mi —. Vttp. ut.- Fm Ks-t -n. D. L. * - . i». ll.r^.B.tob.l.rE.r,b.D n I'.l.i

._. ;r: •to p- K«»r ltet«>n. ,1

i>nt>\ir.u rnwin rinr,. ALWAYS READY DAY OR NIGHT AND 18 ECONOMICAL, 70-LB l*BEHFUUK FROM THE . I’l.AINULl.D WATER hL'J'I’LY CO. arias uooaoo ivat s**ma 10 o* larger man -L— p_,, ’ * , , . « th# Oulf of Mcx'co. while on another a licet Jj»u. in. -F«»r Fl«'inlngtnu. iffgti Iiri<lgr of the same alia* the Gulf of Mexloo ap- \ B^mcV Baiu-n. to 'bbtowi, Alkni.«wiU g*. M.uoi. Gives Von Any rower Yon Need nt a Small Coal per Hour. m Call and see my Motor work and get the price.

strength, a In Prauc* and 0#rmauy hor*sa ars now fatigue* of a

; b^-01-1 *- — -is?3=2rt^Js2?j= Cr»t been obtoinod from a medical —» > -

Hdirvlav*—F'w Rn-icn IVriilch Maucb Chunk “ •■•pa ol i Acmnfitn. MJ«.m.#nn«l|,v»-fiir | t Maji.-h rhimk. TMuia<|iia. K

H'nlili»<M.'|ao loclilution. I * , teK —1 - • tap, i BITS 8F WfOBJATKM. [ ftfc

j —Ooldthwait#'* MagatiD*. ?4Bpjr.8*irvtara— F<»r High Brldgi-1 Raeu n. Allcnt.^rn. Mmm S Chunk. T*

i Uhovs. FTV.

The l There w*j ora Wbooa ambition county fair the biggest boll, but for i eral sucocastv* yuan hi# bull hud born outweigh**! ooUlMd by a bull shown by a farmer from tte other rad of tbe I •ty i •« In th# surly spring b« avt

was, his i by. town, but as small as b# n wa# smaller. They sat Bids irly choking from tte tlghl- of their collar# and glittering with Blakely flaii, in

turlng capltul ffl.000.000.000. U bated upon patent*lb ou« way nr anoti Tb* Pope baa been compelled to suspend

I i«TfPuinfeid«t33r. sen. n*.». ■>. »JB i-. m. Honday. (•*«pi Ocrmn Grove) * ‘ ?vpf a",,.,,. IX. A* HD, .. . Ualtud Statsw, or (Jg aJH p. . Hmvtoya. s.ig

W. H. ROGERS. Agent, Plainfield, New Jersey. No. 42 Central Avenue,

^ City, at UI a. DIE IJVp. m a.'fj. *to. Uto. a. m_ Or m. Bundays SJlff a. m.

DOl'ND BBOOK BurTB. j such terrible ravage*. Th* Bt. Lawmnoa Elver to tbe only ! solufely floodieaa river In th* world. Iu L«wvc Plainhrid for Phffedriubl*. is.to, *2*. greafeet variation, caused by drought or ».«. ia«r. a. i.w. aju. j.*v. «*—f* rain, never esoeud* a took. EUI^SjtV* " out and trm^lod tteaaaafey ove, uutllba I •«rvu,.n -r Will Capacity. a train wblob mahas dally trips out ol found a bull of marmom frame that It has come to Il^ht that children with Cblcugn Is called the “Jug tr. prom lard to teke on flcuh cueUy, took aocidente! uffcctioni of tbe noutrilu which , the number of paopla It earrtos tc farm, and turned | grow chronic broom? stupid. An UI- | quack eaUbJtobmoat In Dwight. bran, to enough to , A Belgian wbo cannot speak one word 7i" V nee. It may be that of Esgllsh was fined In Indiana tb* other * 4’ *’V M ' in Europe towards day for provoking a man whooould not BnTrnwiwu-LMvn PniiAOBU uderstand what he was trying lossy. i. NlalA.u^.?'**!! A

The higher edueatloo of women Is mak- 0a*T toff ffreat advance* In Bwrafeo. wlmr* tte llMnfei •nfi number ef female students In tte nnlvar- „ Fro«

nlglil. CCoill Ss c'iaoort.

E. II. HOLMES, DftJFT Bern Gnalliy

H UAH use lu D. IVim. A despatch from Osllao announces tte arrival these of tte Yorktown under com- mand of “ Fighting Bob " Brans with tte rvfngwaethat be brought from Valparatoo. Commander Evans to one of tbe m« whom tte country tea groat hopes In of a naval conflict. He was appointed to tteNaral Academy from Utah, and reoaived tte title of Act- ing Mkiahtpcnau September 30, I860. Be

marine*. During tte engagement he shot la tte leg, and after tte fort ted sur- rendered, was taken to tte boepitel, where It was proponed to amputate tte wounded member. At his. sernaat entreaties, how- over, tte operation was forgone, and tte only result tea bean a slight lamanam. On October 1, IMA, he received tte rank of Ensign; was made Master. May 10, 1MB, and on July 16th, of tte asm* year, was promoted to b* Lieutenant. Tte rank of lieutenant Commander was given to fitoa two yuan later, and alnoa tb* 12th of July, Iff*, hohe# beid hi# present mission of Commander. „ For a white be was In charge of tte train In gsh Ip Saratoga, and afterwards on tte Lighthouse Board. Unde* Secretary ’ - - dUM shell to tte

TALK AMVT COLD. Beoi.Thds IT Ten Csa-Aasals« Iw wfefeu. "said tte old “flpeakin’of snowplows,” Linear, so te dropped Into -spankin’ of snowplows, reminds msofaeool mail wa ted whOrt I waeou tte Iflmricaa OawfeaL” - *• “ What I cold to Mexico?” asked tte *^Y-. DOM, mM Wk7, faux float know whet ooid to. When one of tksm Chlnnooks oomm up from Yucatan, to marts th* bark oo the trees of Mexloo, 1 tall you. ••The Urns I’m tailin’ you about I were flsad-teadto* eooth oo Tim Fagan’s train, wteo tte (lluamk oousa up. Tte ear* wsru tett by stoves sod tte groamr bank- fee kept a roarin' fire, gut tte stovepipe wsro a half-l»ek deep te white frost te spite of him. 1 ted a buffalo ovareoat and a pint flask of native brandy made from

him to hto him Into a luxuriant olover patch working extending from tte farmhouse beck to make a child a di tte river, where te fed the bell so snuff became the rag aoooaaafully with murii and other fatten- the end of Iho acvrnteroth century be- ing feed that in the fall he outweighed by cause It stimulated this member to tte several hundred weight tte biggest .nl- „o«** of august and illustrious persons, mal that tb* rival farmer had ever exhlb- Bonaparte, who was a man of keen and ‘tod. But, as lock would have |t, on the quick pereaMUm, iwv.r choro. If be roald day before tte lair was to begin, this help It, a man with a poor no** for a noble bull was taken with wind oollc, a I place ol grvut rmponalbility. He had ra- malady which often affileU overfed bulls marked that wh-n Ih ? nosa was large and babtoa, in a form ao Severe that , -nough to b* * Rood ventilator to tte tte tmrmm,, almost bcaida hlmaall with lung*, elasticity in troublous elroum- anxiaty, caught up tte family din- ttenmi. rceoum end gvixval efflcfeocy n'r **orn ••** thrust It dwp down might be lookud for. The man with in- the throat of the dtotraased animal, sufficient uose ventilatU.ua wan liable to whereupon tte escape of wind from tbe get Into tb* bloe*. to low. preaoc* of oroaturo’a ovarloadad and inflated stomaoh I mind, to ter«> a hnivy bead and to take caused th# horn to give forth a mighty brandy to keep hi mart f up to th# mark, and continued blast, wbich so frightened Mantel Ncy bad a poor noae and- a tte bull that h* began to back, and did | weak character. H* was incape bin of eon- notecase until he ted backed Into the oelving a plan, and noedod the stimulus of river, wteru tte water ran Into tbe born battle to clear the cobweb* from bis brain.

In.” from l-tom J-K nijri". I»e*UT Brat (jnniliy LEHIGH COAL.

• COMMUTERS! ’by buy your <T*ar- la Ni w Torh «

.IV .

I thus tte mammoth . War Lisa.

hfebrato. Massena, the moat reaoaroeful of aU Danapsrts'l marahala. was large nosed. So was Bernadette, tbe moat clever In Intrigue and tbe least given to hero-wor- ship. Gamb-ttalutd a Urge noae and a ■mall amount of brain. Tbe same thing may be mid of the groat- sat literary artist that France ever pro- duced—Renan. Jules Ferry to ■mail- tearing account of bto plan for flghlibg cnvmkw of tbe United * State* by means of steo- triclty. His Idea la a very pleasing one for thorn who find themselves at tbe right brained and btg-no**d. Jules Simon has and of. it. He would put an alternating • *>1* brain and a big now, end la, taken i.w a of |he ablrot of Mring

The Princites Olemenflaa, irnlns Uut hn.ll,cW|Dt «imD, lipoi b.. the Iatko booked n.—: oTtk. them. Mr. Edison also baa In mind other •"▼entomth - century Bourbons and warlike scheme* which he oould us* if | Condea.-London Truth. called upon, if# amoem himself by eon- | ooetlng such things, but does not pay groat attention to them or any other* that do not have an Immediate commcr- , . - . cial value N. Y. World. "Iff*?. who u vmployvd In a furnituro fefl- i tory, was a single man and had no idra of Nat th* ■•rrlasf, Wat tte Virginia.

jqrrjgr gi.??yy!.h-M u. >-d »»i.Dod 2JJUo- VtaSIt toCt0rT r-lb" “‘T *“ ‘l~ A/torOooO, Ud, Tlx, OoDl«terDta ram wd. tb. Vb(lAilD „„ .opp.,, „„c|narf u, Uk.-

Dry ZbdJiDg Wood | Kept rotutkiitlv oo kud.

Office, 27 North Avenue with W. A H. -m- I. Iw .Dd eobathbU, IboDulDk. W,*®-. S?*-JF’kh .... Tb« NlchTMtUDD Cotitx. b.. ord.rad ul.kt. Vkrtl, 24 Mkiltnob Aveuuc. opn. KkH'- u no- JhsSMMsiaiW'ft'ts-1 trie ljgui suuott. UK llUr.IDOt DCOTlbOM Dbhll t» DODt to i.VD. kRtBIBbTu.. kfi ' " »d it tb. ,imm of itite «. nu,! ira.kM. ia.,Mr. tb. Btate. A Juror wbo ao appear tor duty after torg ertag taken I Hampablro and locked tempt of eourt. AU electrical pool table baa ba#B made la which contact buttons ere ao arranged to front of tte pockets that whan a ball roll# to It atrlkm them, and tba point miih la recorded on an •nunefator.

wears BUtetT.

Ucad ho- Pully Wanter is making gam* of young Mr. Caably? Maud—If you mean that ebe’e hunting kim-why. yaa — Judge- ” What drov# this poor man Inaaaa.doo- torT1 -ua triad to Drur# out bto wife's raaaona for Batting the dock ahead wt #o- evur aha wished to gut up aarty.”—Wash- togtoo 8Ur. Ylaltor—Do you Uk* not** wbao you preach, air? Country Parson (sighing)— When I can get am. But to this parish l»’s mostly garden truck and a dooaOou.- K.Y. Herald. Dasher—Why do you wear auoh awfully loud trouaaro. old laUow? Maahar-Bo that I cawo’t hash my tailor whan he oomtee a wound to collect tte MU, d October lbf„M*7,lmy- -bouM to op WrlSra It ra . ra. .f lore .1 "rat .“”•’*** “f °' calling tte Virginia tte Marrlmac wa nt A000

not tte Msrrlma#—Norfolk Landmark.

_ fifty "ha* tight.ted Winulrer lost no tlm* In rool i i"y*’ twenty years. In sleep, not always po«in» Tb* woman warn equally To * el,,b m*n wbo °P w,u* poker this ease. The Jumrad withiher sironre admfeor Moruowtaoant ofUut l-fin- bCT onbWDt. No^tima** — 10 W“U ,B bvl -Ptoayuo*. lost In making arrangemenfe. "Prisoner, you are charged with neglect.

A FwpU mt O-i— Mistress—Nor ah. bow do** BdU you Idling away your tl rocking chair?

loat in making arrangemenfe. A carriage . — ralKd.Dd tb.~DPU droraTvJrto tolwIranUr.- ’gllStWMlft*—! JeOiDWDivmc, Ina., .bvra Urajulra K.lx- ‘ • It b.t p-ft 1 .Id pralornol th.oraranDD,. T.o frlwid. ( *“ *T*.rT <UT (or • « l» ra~»l»Dlrf tlxiia. ud DBob thutr ra- T~t' seoompanUd . . „ turn tte certificate was exhibited to tte Do meat!# (with languid fea)raty>-l m people to the neighborhood. The marriage Dot liUIbk. tD«m. lora raPM>«. • b od. ot lb. qulckrat oo nDovd.-ChlDuo Manbu, okid.—Obtain D*Ur Tth SHOE STCRt CHAT.

L.mbo' wool .bo. in bow to food do- ra.Dd for tboM wbo kora ram tool. P.U.t Ml .bora Un plklDl, DOM lato rra.1 tint dortDf to. put imi. rwt Dbd bx.„ fMIrxr to UtDD Ira dratrtoorir DiKbod br ratdll-r. —r,- •bora ot Uu pMMot tiara. N| Uurar- « — ao. UUc tor^t,

H.liLHAt;, •IX..P-1. • P. aALOWIJt.i The North Avenue Pharmacy

A. I>. MALLINSON. ©5 North Ave., opp. Depot

Pare Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals & Fancy Articles. Prrarrfpfien* Will Ffe rnm|>atind<4

By none but Kcgtnti-ivd riiarmacisu



Uvrry, Itoanline anil Saif SjaWr. So. » If rat Slxllt SUtpI.

First-Class Horses and Cat riages Constantly on Hand HotM (Upiilag Dob. at StaMra.

frail.tout!.» tuiulkt.


Etramtnnl Froo Edabkiliod Ib09. 3 I’tirk j'l-noi-

. Uu twootr-ara non. ran u I Urat ho to n«w MU„ good, m

wiLUAirs new throne.

Tb. Tnrator |u b. naptlra bto ra- Ulrao-Ooodt But bow do ,1X1 Uko ra;


u kto — Uraora-Brauf VUllDDi Woold tor tot to. ““ «ho ratal, it vrald mm u baud . Unra. uxl oo. It to. ra—ottor ranra. Sttott UU.ptapip.ra bo,wUbttYtot

-Tta-U to looolr.dtar. r- afraid. raid tatortall,. » i* to ,

r* f raralra. i iiiitoiitoli. ,7 - - ■ - ~

Woolston and Buckle. Jlh. *5 Nurlh i venue.


Paper Hangings



FRUITS. ETC. B. D. NEWELL’S, • Brat Brat rarait. PLAlBVniJ). a.

John Johnston,

COAL, 261 South Avenue.


OF PLAINFIELD, N. J. Is now receiving deposits Irtynblo ou dcntooU, wtlh intcn-Ht at the rale ofthroe fe (3) |»cr rent, per ammni. itoyahlc Bemi-anoutlly.

Interest Paid on all Deposits.


Laing’s Hotel, real rrool ■fee*#, Opt» Madlaua avunue.

Wallace* V. Miller, Prop'r. A first-class family resort. Special attention paid »o transient guests.

M. J. COYNE, „ - - rrzr? Merchant Tailor. Kail Papers and Pautrrs' Supplies. •Jalt^aB»illeto«!a «




Plainfield, • New Jersey.

The only Cigar Store in Plainfield. (Ho Clrarotfea of any kind aoM J Wt- manutartur* ibvOrara and hn«w Ihrk an- made from Purr Tobacr». tr*v from «•» • ■ring. A I'un Havana Klll.v i.lailrd f..r fe. Alai r*uriiruys OuM.n Wvptrv anti oIImt No. i Todauxs-. M. C. DOBBINS,

Uppfll* H. K. StaUoo. *(SSCRi%^**‘ MARSH. AYERS & CO., f Hsv# jusl roortrrd 10,000 Rolls of Wall Paper, Latret JteigM. uiT.^SraaDiS,,Ci.,'"“‘'** no. iv bast ruotrr nrltkirr. J0IIS i. BKEBBOM Of. Prop.


FlAlNVnCI.ll, N. J. A First-Class Family Hotel

•ra Pr—iMt.nl TV.MMII Gurato

Now Planing Mill! Hard Wood Flooring', Mould-

lnK«, Window Fnunea. Turning £td teicU tav-Icg.

Steam Kiln Dried KlodUng Wood. LEHIGH COAL.

Beal tad vtanrat forai .b.tliij. Lumber and Mason's Material ' L A. It It u a It lira, Ag-t.. *■ BMOkHWAY. Oft. T-y

A’uotcs&ioual Curds. .ra. la Cburar,. (Atataara—, .r Ixta. tad

ws/crsjsjs JACKmiS A CODDlNOTOn.

2^Zbon BtHTon.

yylLLLAM K. JfcCLOkk. CounerUor-sulaw. fetprvt


OOUNRBLLOm AT LAW. I Vstomal teak Building. rfrtMvr.

Civil Engineer and Survey*. NO. t FANS ATBMUB. FLAXMFIBUI.il. J-