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",' . t" _. :: ,. , \.' , - _.' . " , , ,- ' ' 'Vol. .. . Li ;. !!S!: :" j" ,,:' ._, I,: ,f! L. Ii , •. BJ:A)()pwonTQ'''' . "'""'. !', . . 1 .1 Imo'" \ " ,''- ',':::-,:':', '.':::,:>,,-.;, .','" . "}':'" . ,"',.":'<',( . $pl"lngl, New Mixteo, When we L ..... " . ',:' .. ". ,,'.?''''':: . '4' . 5: ! .••...•. ..> .... •..•.• >'> .. ..... porI °te nJ8!ht.'l'horo we little of In· rr.' .' .', .... ..... .".' . produced by Caroline Davis and-Ruby R. Douglas of Hondo. N. M" the ((r,t "'.. y,... we had eov .. it., for the Lincoln County Historical Society, It-ave been on hand to whip ,l ered that many r "" '." .. ' .. this big production into shape. The time is 8 p. m. Sunday night» We dld.t0tl by Gr.."b {or .. ahort . .••... Aurrust 14th and re'presnntatl'vc groups fro'm over the Stu·t'" Qf Ne .... '1 vllit wltll CarrQI Gunderson. He ,.' Q ' . ... ...' " v. ", Jlhoned to GallUp sot u. ... t' .. ' '-'I Mexico and the of Old Lincoln " . J ('""atlan .t the l!n RJ.ncho r···· .1 ;will be on Lions Club To Play" el, . I···. " Tonight IIf.the last rehearsal and . Our next night .plnt at Salt . '1: everyone wUl be cOIJtpmed, the Donkey Baseball .,! hCtottY"oaJ,!td' er oVdeOr •• I .. '. , gun. wl1L be loaded, and the ISd .... 1 -Jl. ... """ I I,: lJaddled to the whole th,,"g At L- -WM not at all t»mfortable but we .} •. " I llf.l realistic ot the by-gone d&.ye 1111' IDCO n' un ay " '. L .\ ;::: l>rland nonaguJdl. . jQb In pt&clng' water barrell every i , eant are true to hlltOry, however, Of Ute nUl(10ff0 Llons Olllb.lI f two or three mil.. and wo laW 1 ! tor the sake of dramatic effect notinced Wednesday that.p;r,.u I . th dOU I'J1I dOlt to' .c.at'II 0 10 1"'0 til" .. , .·','!l p,nd mechanical purposes, certain completed tor -tILe cl1lb f .' e r ,1"1. a rl. . ...- e. Uberties hl1vebeen taken with the to pIA)' In " "Donkcy a bOautttUlclt)' att4 whether one aetlon and actual place. ot teenes. gaxue at Uncoln Sunda'y -«.er- acr-N with tlle KonnQn religion A. "hart resume ot pase.nt noon At 2 lnconJane- OF JilUit Imo." that tholO folloW8: ,. tlon wltb tho uL1Meoln :pa,l• .ariT .. ot that l;.Ith wert 0cene I. "The Horrot Brothe,r.' : ncUvlUes there. ' tnt:rl ,JtMt vulon. A eentu17 . f'l alQ u..." laid the foundation lot . nevenge," In whlcb the notorlau. HAi'lAn WuU.aDl8 wUl eaptafn. a city. .Wldt ttreob wIth beaut... band ot outlaw brother. ",hoot up ono tCAm antI Spencer PoterIOn tu1 )JarkI mfoke It ... moe the tolln." k91lng wnnton1y. tho other. tty- -place. Tried u. .It Ida to take Scene II. "BUly the Kid Hearl of Adtn.J.sslon for the game wlll .. hi Great Salt Lake the Death of BII!! Friend TunllblU", be '11Se fwa adults and 2lS to't but ..he laid 'abe had lo.t 10 much a tragedy which wu the prelUde children lncluc1lDg tho tax. an welsht tM' year _he mlsht to the end ot lIeaceful IMng In Jl'l'OCoOOs from tbls attalr"lU .lnk. Town and tp, the day, and bo divided between tho Muew.m .to_On leavms Salt Lab Olty w. nlgbb ot terror that' were to tol- fund and tho Lion. c1nb• .uaded nortb to travel aero.. the Ipw.· , ot Idaho and mu. the Ye1-.· Scene m. '')(1'1. KcSwetn'. PI· ''W J. Dd" low.tone NJLUonal Park. We had XABY McOLENDON, ROIJEO QUBEN (liaht) ad BELEN ana," In which lcene the ladlet of arrlor a a lXIadt advanc. r ...rvatlon at Old .B4BAlAS. (left) nmner·np tor Thla plctve w.. Ukon Lincoln Town gather to ,ee the To Meet Here Faithful and enjoyed the in on tour advertJljinl Rocleo. miracle of the plano brousht to , mM comforlfblt t1IIht. W.. told =.' ' ", '" the Welt from the EMt by wagon Tho first mccUnlo! the pro· •. c that the tout"" erow'dJI at the park Rep.ort On Rodeo C Of eM' PI train bY Mt, and Hr.. Alexander pOllod Warrior Dad's Olub wUI be wer. 1l'0te1' Uw1 at any time In apa ana ),[cSween. Thl. was the first plano held In tho Homo-Eo. BuUdine Ita w.tory. It \JoUld take too mucb I An FIt •. Dr·v on the Bon1tQ. <> of Ruldo80 Illgh School next to duorlbt lba beauty of a Dounce Y or n enSlve "I e Scene IV. "The Death of Buck- Wednesday ntght Aug. 17 at 8 thla wond.rland. Every clUHn 111 C. Of C. President For Memberships shot Roberta" take. place at mu- o'clock according to an annoUne... th1a nattonaaoutd ... It. Moun- fir'. Mill near Bent, N. JL, In the ment this weok by Oy Leland, I talna. lake1. JOtsU. fall.l and a uThlnga are ,!lot alwaya u they Following a meeting ot the S&n1e old _dobe bulJdlng .tl11 Athletic Director of'" tho 1\uidolO- . tho\lOl1d othlt th!n&. to eomman4 , .. m/' ,aya I4rlan WllUlUD., pres-- Board of Directors of the nuldollOstandlng by the side of the road Stetllon School District. AU lIr... attention. Ident of the Ruidoso Chamber of Chamber of Commerce ),(onday today. when Georse and Frank and proapective member. ot V/I t It Yell aton thro h th Commerce. I'tor in spite ot Ute Coe and others gather to "'get" the RUldollo HiSh atbletic team. and i ..:. tr:veIec1 fact that ....e 10lt on our night of this week funny old man who had already tbelr tathers "fO inYited to at- ! tnu. Ul.ntcht to reach Butte, Fll'1t Annual Frontler Day, Rodeo that an mem seen a lot ot fighting; In hla dliya tend. Doys .whoso (ather. ar6 not I K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers. Ho leaned avaUable are invited to bl'lnC j .. clt,. the mo.! auccelifUI p1&nned ee1e.- business man and 'Woman In nul too much toward the )lurphy fac- 801ne other relative or c1.O" i th, . _ rich.eat mountain in the .... orld. brt.Uon ,w,e have ever put. on In InThto thdlS tlon In the Lincoln County War, trlendto J'ePfClcnt them In the : .. , Ruld ......... He l.urth"r a.y" ""'''''y1 lI'C n UrS ay ng l'Xlp emU'OJr d had t "-A . t A.1I kill d Dad's Clu.b. '. I , th&11 .. bUllon. dollar. of ore ....... ... .,.. a, YY.o 8th, with a klck-off dinner at the an 0 lit' cap urc:u, or e. Lelandtlotnted out that there ; hu hem taken from it. After {Or .lmPJ: ": NaVajo Lodge, Scene V•.. urnlng of the Ke- wJl1 be no does .or a"Nlm,nta 1 1 ... Butte ri drove to Spo- roul crow e S During the past monthll, since Sween Home took place "ht11 tn tbo club. The. .oto putp()teot ; kan.,WaahlllItbn. 'rbI1 fa one ot large u we had the .th of JUly. BUl th Kid and .. group of hlJ q ; the Di-.... beautifUl clUe. I hay. They were all amazed and pleued early spring, the Ruidoso Ch&n1- f U y e hId " I Ut h tho orsanlZation III to Pfilmotea ! ..... wtth th uallt f all d ber of has been co6.· 0 owers 0 e up n e. 0\1.80 closer undcrafandln, of th... acU- I &Yet Mtn.C>ur arrival Uter. ...... eq y 0 our ow. an ductlng the most. InteJUllve adver- and a gun battle unequaled by any 'f1UEi! of the boy. on the part 0& ' rather 6ar11 In the &fternoonand proclafmedthe rodeo to be the tJJllng campaign ever pursued In other had In the streets of Llnco1l1 their fathers.'l'he TarioUl War.. I ". had tim. to drive around. equal of . the big time ahow. of the hJJltory of the town through Town. Six men fell dead as they rIot Dads w111 havo an opport- Slopped at .the El :Rancho Motel Pallast Jft. Worth, and other. radio. new.paper. magatlnes, and sougbt to eacapl! from the one re-- unity to. become aC/luall1ted with j ...ntt<:h fa' ont ot the moat buutUul cltle.!' the literature maned out in an- malnlng room of the" burning tho planS tor the eomln« foot.. , aDd cony.nl.nt to be found any- "Thos& w&o really· fWer to inquiries through theIr of. house. IncIddlng :McSWeen him- ball and ba''ketbaU .euon. and ; "here. Our -"1 in Spokane .... worked. It the .flee. AM a direct relJ111t of this ad" self, the law-abiding, Bible carry- to kIlow the other vlaytlraatltl ; mOlt cl.tltbUuI. of tb. RuldoaoChltnber of Com" verttshlg campaign certain deduc- Ing lawyer, who refused to earry fathers. They wlU algo ha ..e aU I LMvlnl' Spokane quite _ty. we meree 'bad turned out en tnaue to tlon. Mn drawn pertinent to a gun. But Bllty the Kid ellcapM. otlPortunlty to meet '(hent" : headt4 .t!1a .E'1y1:r:i011th to .... ard IUPport ticket .ales, program lat." the future plana ot the organtza. Beene VI. "Governor Wallace SChool • Supedntendent, 1. Be>- ; POrtW1d .wlUl. thean'dit)t '!,f a the QUefn's cont •• t, dd booatoo tlon and vitally Important to ev- ,Appeals to BLUf to lAy Dciwn . ward Yotrl... clJUc1. DrlYin. acrou. mUM. and er trip "e . ",ould have had It ery 'clt1un of Ruidoso. GUM" front ot the Lincoln nefrelhmenltt wlll be er .... 4' mn of 1fhtf,t Jandt w. m"d.,,, he aay.. .' . . County Court HOUle uthe KJd and Leland wUl outline the 114' i at tal p1&C, •• ·ThemoR .ttlter- .. The Chamber ot t not a; -reth tl known comes. rldtng tnto town. Pl"on11, el 8chedute ot athtetlccontetts. tOt : .... ulil'ot "... Pe,aQo., Board· tlf Dltector. at'e pUticUla1"" .. a 0 .... ,lIO or wa e area an of pardon If convlcted do not tbb WarrIor. and wJ1l toll abOut Within ... nry.JtW)Ut* they bvelt ll'A16tll1 for the WonderfUl co- town have to ofter to both tourist« change the mind of the young man the athleUc bUUdt<lUHItclt,. u. leveralUzrl.,· (.Contlnued on »_*6 4) . y:a t -:O;:d :,1" seeking rev.nge by u,klpgthellvel faeJUUes Of nuldolk) lllsh. nut .. ftj •• At 'four o'olock .. , . fln. 8 sa en ac I en of all 'Who had. been Involved .tnlng the summer month. h' lULl w.ard'''' at 1" " 7' H .• proven. ..... . t.he death of hi., friend tor -a lfau., .. ddeh: I. abOuttblrty snlJtj. .:. . '. . tntenslve .. adverthdng throl1gh, SCene VIt. ''Tbe t!:acape of. Ing tleld immedIately North Of down. the. COlumbia Rl,-,t fl:'Om. OA:lUUZO INDIAlf BODIIlO varlou. IIledla II the mOit-tfl.co<BUly '!'he rod" wutrom the bulld"the ltlsh Scbool, :DetaU. ot thf. 3'9* C4 lftUM sotroA:t' . Uve- and 'Way to IMonn Ing now kl'lown uthe Ltncobi 'Ield and otber bn- .11.acl. m .. t -.mt. 1$..14 . pepple of ttulcloiO. .. .' .Oount>" Court Uou_e" In"'X;biC!oln,proventent., a8 ."enas the1t4' It ""q wonderfUl to .... . ., .. ,p '1'0 th" possible .... tableN, U. 1l'rom thatdaY' until .. lb. footban w111. obeayall .. apfn. )tour t!mo,l1'i-b'enti yiU. C'mllllnt' . organization mUMt -be- irtalntatned,dayh...... tr-.pped In ail adobe able Ux nelt edlttOh oPl'., , . . l1( s:::.:r::lrng: New" ." .. '" ' .• '." ." "W " .... bc:Ia:l. t.1i f41f .. ,.,.-tofthe .. ... ' ., .,',... ... of P Ccmnnetce office Ih01( tbat "",1ft Pat Oaffiltt, he" ", ... bunted.· . Qtl.. mtr and J)at\ Clark of 01;0 , oft.Y to &te In 'i-Htltory 'PI.y, no' ·1..'torltt •• Il Xtltou, ill totht'll,uldc)lK) • we .... qUite tlttdaftet ant1tir . DAlfdJllS ·to·ttlort& 1)ut!orth.s>atp recbrd.dted • .of untlincll1nr Airport· Wt<1netday .tttmoon to· ... 11 4aYttir wt .. tup . ... 7 '!'urlh"t .attnounCMl1out concern" .httQlam ILhd bale.. JrJ.'otitl.-r ntAt. ",1tl;. XI'. IUd. ' UIIt ·1otW .JQt .ute .. ttw l3'11tf FoB AL'Ji 'Iog: the plan.- tor Utll m.mIHrJhIp neH. Th. hbtory ot. 014 Llneolll 'Mr., C.d. .. 'IUHtAt •. tRf. w• .... t. up..- .. ... ·'drlve wlll bl'1JiJ1OUD<llClnUt w .. le,· 't6'tm btIObp t<J. j, ·1"um.r'. f. BriUtch. ·ot ". ...... i. ...u ....... · ........ 1", riAtQai:kt. b . .. 'Pill 11.'·11' '. tit:.- .......... ltt_ of man ..... ' ...... _.-ft ..ruw.nruA_ iOi wmllij; .... rm. ..... iri.XIJl 'hoi _ ... ut . _ .. __ #0\1 .... ..... . .." .... u' "",_m. '.' , .tr&M!'1l ....__ ' ,""_. . ,q_ "4' 'A' ".' W ' ,,_ ..... (c.. .... ..-r -liP I)" .! ni';1 'He! J'T":' f imp,' :'s· j ai HttWJ:iO' Wilt bMclUUl put 11)tbtft ftftrtd,lCamt I ) , ) .. ) .. ) ) ;

Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers

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Page 1: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers

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'Vol. '!'lIl~N~:i,j! .. .Li ;. ~ !!S!: "~ :" j " .~ ,,:' ._, I,: ,f! L. Ii

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$pl"lngl, New Mixteo, When we L..... " . ',:' .. ". ,,'.?''''':: . '4' .

5:.~~.:!~~:!~ :~y:!i ! .••...•. ..> .... •..•.• >'> .. ..... porI~~:~~~:~-rh:et.::E;:~.°te ~~~;~h?':Jr.. ~~l:n~~nJ8!ht.'l'horo we ~ery little of In· rr.' .' .',.... ..... ,.,~:::'~ .".' .produced by Caroline Davis and-Ruby R. Douglas of Hondo. N. M"ter~t the ((r,t "'..y,... we had eov.. it., for the Lincoln County Historical Society, It-ave been on hand to whip ,l

ered that temtQ~ many tlm~,. r "" '.".. ' .. this big production into shape. The time is 8 p. m. Sunday night» ,~We dld.t0tl by Gr.."b {or .. ahort . ~,., .••... Aurrust 14th and re'presnntatl'vc groups fro'm over the Stu·t'" Qf Ne.... '1vllit wltll CarrQI Gunderson. He ,.' Q ' . ... ...' " v. ",Jlhoned to GallUp ~ sot u. ... t' ..' '-'I Mexico and the a~a. of Old Lincoln " . J('""atlan .t the l!n RJ.ncho ~ r···· .1 ~~:~t~o:n~a~~~~~r ;will be on Lions Club To Play"el, . I···. " Tonight IIf.the last rehearsal and .Our next night w~ .plnt at Salt ~,' . '1: everyone wUl be cOIJtpmed, the Donkey Baseball G~D.!e .,!

Lv"o~· hCtottY"oaJ,!td'er~:lvmUtahgoVdeOr••~' I .. '. , gun. wl1L be loaded, and the hor~.?8 I S d .... 1-Jl. ... .~~... """ I I,: lJaddled to ~ake the whole th,,"g At L-

-WM not at all t»mfortable but we .} •." I llf.l realistic ot the by-gone d&.ye 1111' IDCO n' un ay " '. ~

~:i,;;,~~n:.Jt~~dO:'a ~~ L .\ ~~~88~~ ~a::~:e~w~:t~~~ ;::: l>rland nonaguJdl. pr:e$1~ .jQb In pt&clng' water barrell every i , eant are true to hlltOry, however, Of Ute nUl(10ff0 Llons Olllb.lI ftwo or three mil.. and wo laW 1 ! tor the sake of dramatic effect notinced Wednesday that.p;r,.u I

. thdOUI'J1I dOlt to'.c.at'II Sal·ttop!~nkg 0101"'0til" .~!'.. , .·','!l p,nd mechanical purposes, certain '~~n completed tor -tILe cl1lb f

.' e r ,1"1. a rl. . ...- e . ~~ • Uberties hl1vebeen taken with the to pIA)' In " "Donkcy ~bal1I'a bOautttUlclt)' att4 whether one aetlon and actual place. ot teenes. gaxue at Uncoln Sunda'y -«.er-acr-N with tlle KonnQn religion A. "hart resume ot ~h. pase.nt noon At 2 o'c1oc~ lnconJane-OF J:l,Qt~~.y JilUit Imo." that tholO folloW8: ,. tlon wltb tho uL1Meoln :pa,l•.ariT ..~n.n., ot that l;.Ith wert 0cene I. "The Horrot Brothe,r.' : ncUvlUes there. 'tnt:rl ~ ,JtMt vulon. A eentu17 . f'lalQ u..." laid the foundation lot . nevenge," In whlcb the notorlau. HAi'lAn WuU.aDl8 wUl eaptafn.a city. .Wldt ttreob wIth beaut... band ot outlaw brother. ",hoot up ono tCAm antI Spencer PoterIOntu1 )JarkI mfoke It ... moe !~trae- • the tolln." k91lng wnnton1y. tho other.tty- -place. Tried u. .It Ida to take Scene II. "BUly the Kid Hearl of Adtn.J.sslon for the game wlll.. ~UPI' hi ~ Great Salt Lake the Death of BII!! Friend TunllblU", be '11Se fwa adults and 2lS to'tbut ..he laid 'abe had lo.t 10 much a tragedy which wu the prelUde children lncluc1lDg tho tax. anwelsht tM' ~t year _he mlsht to the end ot lIeaceful IMng In Jl'l'OCoOOs from tbls attalr"lU.lnk. Ltneol~ Town and tp, the day, and bo divided between tho Muew.m.to_On leavms Salt Lab Olty w. nlgbb ot terror that' were to tol- fund and tho Lion. c1nb•.uaded nortb to travel aero.. the Ipw.· ,8~te ot Idaho and mu. the Ye1-.· Scene m. '')(1'1. KcSwetn'. PI· ''W J. D d "low.tone NJLUonal Park. We had XABY McOLENDON, ROIJEO QUBEN (liaht) ad BELEN ana," In which lcene the ladlet of arrlor a alXIadt advanc. r...rvatlon at Old .B4BAlAS. (left) nmner·np tor !rJtl~. Thla plctve w.. Ukon Lincoln Town gather to ,ee the To Meet HereFaithful~ and enjoyed the in ~b&d on tour advertJljinl Rocleo. miracle of the plano brousht to

, mM comforlfblt t1IIht. W.. told =.' ' • ", '" the Welt from the EMt by wagon Tho first mccUnlo! the pro·•. c that the tout"" erow'dJI at the park Rep.ort On Rodeo C Of eM' PI train bY Mt, and Hr.. Alexander pOllod Warrior Dad's Olub wUI be

wer. 1l'0te1' Uw1 at any time In • • apa ana ),[cSween. Thl. was the first plano held In tho Homo-Eo. BuUdineIta w.tory. It \JoUld take too mucb I An "~~ FIt •. Dr·v on the Bon1tQ. <> of Ruldo80 Illgh School next.~a to duorlbt lba beauty of a Dounce -~. Y or n enSlve "I e Scene IV. "The Death of Buck- Wednesday ntght Aug. 17 at 8thla wond.rland. Every clUHn 111 C. Of C. President For Memberships shot Roberta" take. place at mu- o'clock according to an annoUne...th1a nattonaaoutd ... It. Moun- fir'. Mill near Bent, N. JL, In the ment this weok by Oy Leland, I

talna. lake1. JOtsU. fall.l and a uThlnga are ,!lot alwaya u they Following a meeting ot the S&n1e old _dobe bulJdlng .tl11 Athletic Director of'" tho 1\uidolO- .tho\lOl1d othlt th!n&. to eomman4 , ..m/' ,aya I4rlan WllUlUD., pres-- Board of Directors of the nuldollOstandlng by the side of the road Stetllon School District. AU lIr...attention. Ident of the Ruidoso Chamber of Chamber of Commerce ),(onday today. when Georse and Frank .~nt and proapective member. ot

V/I t It Yell aton thro h th Commerce. I'tor in spite ot Ute Coe and others gather to "'get" the RUldollo HiSh atbletic team. and inQr~ ~t. ..:. tr:veIec1 u~osi fact that ....e 10lt $7~0.20 on our night of this week announcemen~ funny old man who had already tbelr tathers "fO inYited to at- !tnu. Ul.ntcht to reach Butte, Fll'1t Annual Frontler Day, Rodeo ~~.:iad~that an lntenll~e mem seen a lot ot fighting; In hla dliya tend. Doys .whoso (ather. ar6 not I

K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers. Ho leaned avaUable are invited to bl'lnC j..~ clt,. ~t""~.:t.m:rha~~ the mo.! auccelifUI p1&nned ee1e.- business man and 'Woman In nul too much toward the )lurphy fac- 801ne other relative or c1.O" ith,._ rich.eat mountain in the ....orld. brt.Uon ,w,e have ever put. on In ~~glSO InThto thdlS o~~~1!°r ~~l tlon In the Lincoln County War, trlendto J'ePfClcnt them In the :.., Ruld......... He l.urth"r a.y" ""'''''y1 lI'C n UrS ay n g • l'Xlp emU'OJr d had t "-A . t A.1I kill d Dad's Clu.b. '. I ,_O~ th&11 .. bUllon. dollar. of ore ....... ... .,.. a, YY.o 8th, with a klck-off dinner at the an 0 lit' cap urc:u, or e. Lelandtlotnted out that there ;hu hem taken from it. After {Or ~. .lmPJ: ~~~on~:\ ": NaVajo Lodge, Scene V•..~,urnlng of the Ke- wJl1 be no does .or a"Nlm,nta 11...~ Butte ri drove to Spo- roul crow e S During the past monthll, since Sween Home took place "ht11 tn tbo club. The. .oto putp()teot ;kan.,WaahlllItbn. 'rbI1 fa one ot large u we had the .th of JUly. BUl th Kid and .. group of hlJ q ;

the Di-.... beautifUl clUe. I hay. They were all amazed and pleued early spring, the Ruidoso Ch&n1- f Uy

e hId " I Ut h tho orsanlZation III to Pfilmotea !..... wtth th uallt f all d ber of ~erce has been co6.· 0 owers 0 e up n e. 0\1.80 closer undcrafandln, of th... acU- I

&Yet Mtn.C>ur arrival Uter. ...... e q y 0 our ow. an ductlng the most. InteJUllve adver- and a gun battle unequaled by any 'f1UEi! of the boy. on the part 0& 'rather 6ar11 In the &fternoonand proclafmedthe rodeo to be the tJJllng campaign ever pursued In other had In the streets of Llnco1l1 their fathers.'l'he TarioUl War.. I". had tim. to drive around. equal of .the big time ahow. of the hJJltory of the town through Town. Six men fell dead as they rIot Dads w111 havo an opport- ~Slopped at .the El :Rancho Motel Pallast Jft. Worth, and other. radio. new.paper. magatlnes, and sougbt to eacapl! from the one re-- unity to. become aC/luall1ted with j

...ntt<:h fa' ont ot the moat buutUul cltle.!' the literature maned out in an- malnlng room of the" burning tho planS tor the eomln« foot.. ,aDd cony.nl.nt to be found any- "Thos& w&o work~. really· fWer to inquiries through theIr of. house. IncIddlng :McSWeen him- ball and ba''ketbaU .euon. and ;"here. Our -"1 in Spokane .... worked. It the ~ntlrelDembetahlp .flee. AM a direct relJ111t of this ad" self, the law-abiding, Bible carry- to kIlow the other vlaytlraatltl ;mOlt cl.tltbUuI. of tb. RuldoaoChltnber of Com" verttshlg campaign certain deduc- Ing lawyer, who refused to earry fathers. They wlU algo ha..e aU I

LMvlnl' Spokane quite _ty. we meree 'bad turned out en tnaue to tlon. Mn ~ drawn pertinent to a gun. But Bllty the Kid ellcapM. otlPortunlty to meet '(hent" :headt4 .t!1a .E'1y1:r:i011th to....ard IUPport ticket .ales, program lat." the future plana ot the organtza. Beene VI. "Governor Wallace SChool •Supedntendent, 1. Be>- ;POrtW1d .wlUl. thean'dit)t '!,f a the QUefn's cont••t, dd th~ booatoo tlon and vitally Important to ev- ,Appeals to BLUf to lAy Dciwn . ward Yotrl... ~clJUc1. DrlYin. acrou. mUM. and er trip "e .",ould have had It ery 'clt1un of Ruidoso. GUM" ~n front ot the Lincoln nefrelhmenltt wlll be er....4 'mn of 1fhtf,t Jandt w. m>p~ m"d.,,, he aay.. .' . . County Court HOUle uthe KJd and Leland wUl outline the 114' iat tal p1&C,•• ·ThemoR .ttlter- .. The Chamber ot 9Ommerce.~Rhutdut°dlJO~~Stnot a; -rethtl known ~ comes. rldtng tnto town. Pl"on11,el 8chedute ot athtetlccontetts. tOt :....ulil'ot ~.mau "... Pe,aQo., Board· tlf Dltector. at'e pUticUla1"" ,~.. a 0 .... ,lIO or w a e area an of pardon If convlcted do not tbb WarrIor. and wJ1l toll abOutWithin ...nry.JtW)Ut* they bvelt ll'A16tll1 for the WonderfUl co- town have to ofter to both tourist« change the mind of the young man the SD1proYeli1~nt8'1n th~ athleUcbUUdt<lUHItclt,. u. leveralUzrl.,· (.Contlnued on »_*6 4) . ~d"dlttPr~iftectlvu y:at -:O;:d :,1" seeking rev.nge by u,klpgthellvel faeJUUes Of nuldolk) lllsh. nut..ftj •• At 'four o'olock Inth.~.. , . fln. 8 sa en ac I en of all 'Who had. been Involved .tnlng the summer month. h' lULl~rnOO'ri ~w.ard'''' at )lul~otnaJJ. 1" " 7' H • .• proven. ..... . t.he death of hi., friend '.t!ulmalt'.rran~edtor -a newfootballpfl1~lfau., ..ddeh: I. abOuttblrty snlJtj. .:. . '. . tntenslve .. adverthdng throl1gh, SCene VIt. ''Tbe ~t t!:acape of. Ing tleld immedIately North Ofdown. the. COlumbia Rl,-,t fl:'Om. OA:lUUZO INDIAlf BODIIlO varlou. IIledla II the mOit-tfl.co<BUly '!'he rod" wutrom the bulld"the ltlsh Scbool, :DetaU. ot thf.~1fCityot~.3'9* C4 lftUM SATtJBt)'A:~sotroA:t' . Uve- and -dlr~ct. 'Way to IMonn Ing now kl'lown uthe Ltncobi 'Ield and otber ~ulplilent bn-.11.acl. drt~eto,~to m..t ~ -.mt. AttGtT~· 1$..14 . pepple of ttulcloiO. .. .' .Oount>" Court Uou_e" In"'X;biC!oln,proventent., a8 ."enas the1t4'It ""q wonderfUl to .... th.~, . . , .. ,p '1'0 mak~ th" possible ....tableN, U. 1l'rom thatdaY' until .. lb. footban ~h&lule w111. obeayall..apfn. )tour t!mo,l1'i-b'enti yiU. WO~ C'mllllnt' . organization mUMt -be- irtalntatned,dayh...... tr-.pped In ail adobe able Ux nelt ~kI edlttOh oPl'., ,

~~r.~~~Dt~~~.to& ·:'u~ui . . l1(~= .=t~~s:::.:r::lrng: .~n:~t:tu:i :~.o::~:~ f;j.~·'S::t New" ." .. '" '.• '." ." "W " ....

bc:Ia:l. l~tea t.1i f41f.. ,.,.-tofthe .. ~ ...' ., .,',... . . . • ofPCcmnnetce office Ih01( tbat "",1ft Pat Oaffiltt, he" ",... bunted.· . Qtl.. mtr and J)at\ Clark of 01;0 ,oft.Y O'Il.f1YH.C1"~~t.Al~oqb ~OOWBOYStti111' to autd~ &te In 'pro~rUon 'i-Htltory 'PI.y, no' ·1..'torltt••Il Xtltou, 'td~"t1e1'f ill totht'll,uldc)lK) •we ....~ qUite tlttdaftet ant1tir .~U1( DAlfdJllS ·to·ttlort& 1)ut!orth.s>atp recbrd.dted• .of untlincll1nr Airport· Wt<1netday .tttmoon to·...11 4aYttir a.~, wt ..tup ~~.... . ...7 '!'urlh"t .attnounCMl1out concern".httQlam ILhd Jn~(!~lvabl. bale.. ~n4 JrJ.'otitl.-r ntAt. ",1tl;. XI'. IUd. 'UIIt ·1otW .JQt~Pit..ute .. ttw l3'11tf FoB AL'Ji 'Iog: the plan.- tor Utll m.mIHrJhIp neH. Th. hbtory ot. 014 Llneolll 'Mr., C.d. ~.t~,AJ~ .. 'IUHtAt.~ ~t1•.tRf. w• ....t. up..- . . ... • ·'drlve wlll bl'1JiJ1OUD<llClnUt w..le,· 't6'tm btIObp t<J. j, -dr~tlc.ra ·1"um•.r'. f. BriUtch. Sb~ ·ot"....... i....u ....... · ........1", riAtQai:kt. b .~.... . .. 'Pill 11.'·11' '. tit:.-.......... ltt_ of man.....' ...... _.-ft ..ruw.nruA _ iOi wmllij;....rm...... iri.XIJl 'hoi _ ...ut ._ ~.. __ #0\1 .... ~ ..... . ..".... u' "",_m. '.' , .tr&M!'1l ....__ ' ,""_. .,q_ "4' 'A' ".' W ' ,,_.....

(c........-r -liP I)" .! ni';1 'He! J'T":' f imp,' :'s· j ai HttWJ:iO' Wilt bMclUUl~~ (CO~tluut4. put 11)tbtft ftftrtd,lCamt~r•









Page 2: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers









COMPLETE BATHROOMS fL, Ptt.m, 5RdT~V~CIUu f..an1ory :all~ e--, y tri.-ed with claro" .t

I~Ir~ $129.35~P&.lUgF~At Oar Store Are & r.- W"JdI nae..




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Ftr••ad CUuaI"'• ,. '. . .' . ," .,,' .""01·' AU xw.'"" ", ~ ---\ . -

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W.Haye Polio P ......._-~ ~..... R' ....:!..iI' _ ft,· .Ify..,........ ".,~I· fl ... f.

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Page 3: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers

, I


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Uomo-Klde :PutI'Ieeand Jlot B.read

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WABnEN OANT~Hana,eI'-Proteaalon.aJ

Com~u, B~ptnr 86rYJo4tIn Downtown RuldOllO

SE,u'()()DS - DINNEMOIIO;PS _ 81:EAlt8


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5 ne I I


WESTERN. CAFEIn Downtown Rltfdotd


Jii'IJhlt'lre ~ulpJ:Mnt. " .,S~eIJ and SefVloo

'0" 'J ~

Gft\en Tl'ftl\ N. 1\£" :Phone"U,;,

Featurlnr •••UFricd Chlckm in the Baaket"


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J? '. - .'" ...' .,

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• UJvnJ ueI' JtAa'l' SJbTJJ',~.

1t ..... ~WltJa JidYate ,~, MetJll~• tJ1 'J'he .~ ot~...

o:pu nAB 'B()tm1J

• i; •

Dlnlhr Boom Opf!n

8..1mmJnr-lIo~lM&ckChucl£ Waron Suppen

Up Canll.o 01'tlek

"Western~"W~ FrLt Bat. Nlg'~




*5 .,. ." U - 'r M t,



• FARK AND lUNOll SVlTt.ni':S

'. , 'j,



Palo Verde'sBuilders' Supply

r Ruidoso Bakery:HB. .am~ OLAN BOO'.l'T

• ~ I

Gf~.rlC)f • 0 • JIa.r4W"l't1 • ,0 •

nuu~J Suppllet .J'. • Waahlnr~" •• ° RobiN PlumbtnrFixturel •• " l[09V~ V-eu.utd'

CI~era t"


j:===='4===:::,::'==i'" .. "19.'.-


New facllltle.thIt leMJn(lludflocker mm_. " new col~.hopfOOd ~ atld cO¢~l!.10'ClD....li'iW'wa~ . J't'llOC*te4t teet ~creena Improved, Oolf wUl !HItaught by a 1'.0.A. 'Prof~~Any Golfer wm S~nd " Uapn

Vaeallol\ an Jl.uldOM .


. . •'lllZi···...........'lL&iaJIIiJJttaiaIJ.....~~IJJitiIlJIiIlllllB!lllJIJJitiIlJIi..........i:i::Jiiill-alJJitillJli:iilliiz:aiiliJLJll:!i.... " t . ', " ••••• -",,' -- ... ,... .~ .. ,'. ..-

· '.


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': .. '... -,'. .""l·All 'e'~Ol1~.''Wl1PP.''o1\tlfrl;lglQ-'t~r~Jly~t~ra,bllt'WhQ *"re..,nglblt)

.tor _J.'~gl$tX'"ttQI1t "r~\\X'IQ_dtQ' gO .

.th13 b~tQr<t AJ,1~uQt 20th $(). 'tl\ey.

lelmgo to tll6..JlloJla on September~Othto vot,> on tl)(t Ooulltltu.tl.QU~l,AX1}endm~ut~ Qttbf)COlUJtltutlon-ot thQ,StJ\te. o,t NeW M~I(lO.

ne.glatratlon mupt be ~ade at· .C~rJ'l~ozo, New Me:x,lca, the tin..

coIn Coun,tycou.t~ Hou$eunl~s. provls1Qna are made within thenext we.ek COl' a rOJreQentatlvo. to

• beln 'Ruidoso tor one day t~· dothl .. w..,. 8. ~ .

'$ 'n ",,""

." -- " ,--,,-.. .


• :M~hanlc.al Bddr:edUon• Ch1ldrent

• P1ay~• l>6ep W~ll ntll1ldI1r:W~

Any 8~ party A~ocWeaOut tM Alto Bott.4


)1llW)AtJt 0BAJ51CtM.al~


lit 1lttld0I0 U'f......



Apache Villq8Mn. ana MRS. LYNN BvrLEB

%0 Kodmt tJnlta

• . II".'- ....

. ...• 4 RtJID()SO. NEW HmaOO

, t'. 2,

.,' .5


.' If ..

: I :



:: .:


4 I:, :•

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FQwler.~~,~QdeRail(:bOff,rs Varicicl·.:Erttertainm.l'1t··· .,., . ' .

.. " '

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c·', ,


Phone 59·03

" "" ". ,

• 1m a , I t

7. ';7 It

Complete Auto ServiceExpert Mechanics I

2 L •



...... .

•=i Ii

r, .;


We llave Abou~ EYer,thfnrTIa.at a Unman Neec1s

Music andAmusement MachinesCi....eHe Machines":I". "

CallOtSeeroe Reinhardt Phone 45-11, Ruidoso, N•.M


: ;


P,I10Jlfl SUJ·· Box ,:Ru.lbo, .NowJI~

,,.'.'," _.""", .~'.'-'''i7",.t''1''f'''''#f ',' ",,-,,-.-.;. -';,I'r "-3

• "f

0. A. LtJALLtN

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£ntrjesC~ming1n •....FQI'C..,ee Meadows' ... TAt) Cr~;Me"dQw",. QP~n. GI1JJ

Tour,1l.~xn~JitJg,,~rayrlng ,lMre'Jmetmore '~p,trl~liJti'bm prp~alla«nqa,.,.t~\lrjJ ot NQW 1(e~c:oan(l '1'e'l;"',··a.CCOll,uDg -to. Pl'Q-WI1~~el' War",'r~~ .Oal1t2;<lll. C~;Q tre11.., WIlo wa,sin QaeBBa, Mtdls,Ild, L1Jbbac~ ~ndQt:h~r Wmlt T~Q,!l eltlel;le~rly tbl.wee~, reporte4 tlllt tll~ toui~'1llt)ut ),lere ,Aug. 26" 27 And" 28 .wHl ~nclude ·lI.PPfoJ!mately GO·'Pf()te/3s1ppa},Q . 8.J>t41 .(!nOUSA am..-,teUr$ for t1J.ree rUCht.. .. . :

Play for botb classes will bo .64-bole. medal COnlpet1tion, apread .out I,. 1~ hole 1Jl..tc1\~11 QI!llCh 4"'1.More tban U.QOO In caab. PrlJelJwlll be ~v.n..ble fpr thQ threetUghts of ahnon-pUl'eB. Tllere w1l1be five prizes In each of the threedlvla.loM tor the amateurs.'

- i ..... L, ZiHh';O" dO"" '''' i(S: trhl" 81'rln~ 'Word :!lent out that mu.ln bUUdlng and· rlght on the4) i Z .• • J.~. ;Fowler and hi" wife bad taR- ban.k abovo OarrlJ;Q Creek, Is also

. , en o'Lier tho.l>eautltul ~iteot Ca,trl- tho home of the "Olrcle 8 Squarerw Camp fOr .a. DUa., !RAncb. XtDancera," ono of the otl~tan<Ungwasn't long until people eta-ned' dance groups of tbil ar~a. Theytalklpi' am.nlt uFo,."ler',IJ Dude nro on hand for all dances, and are~Qb" at'Jd foB overy, 'WIele pWlsca wl1l1ng for dudes or old hands alikemore and more know ~bout the to join In the tun, Expert Instrue­mcmy features they have to otter. tlon III available for thOle who Ie-~he Ranch cane.ceoPlmodate rlously want to learn.

large grdupa tor any le:pgth of Tho dlnlng1room caters to l~tsotlmebotb with 1I1eoping accommo- Sl'oupa and. can serve special Green T;rc)e, N. If. Phono IIGdatlons and Intl1elt- attractive dln- luncheolUJ. dlnn.r8, or "&ny. other .Ing room run by Jerry l!ellonMd meal ;laequ~telY', The room ibJelf !~=Z:I~:;!!====~===~$~netba Harvey. . carrIes out the tbem_ (If th~ Welt . . ,, , I t

.. The tennla(lourtlJare In. _h"pe with hand painted murn1a In gay i!Zl1(!IS.-.a;:_a z _:_,__2_:_:-.

.•, • horec! are on the grouhds tor colors po1J\tlng up the room. .

~.~Z;;=:I:2I=E:==~:Z==' :1.:I$~ trips to the mountains, or just rid- Mr. and 14ra. Fowler say .,~­i 4 :1; " 0 '; " a: Z 1 • Ing ata11 Urnes, Special ChUck r~~~~"t"s:~~:c;t~~u\~~c:::t~t:,{

Wagon Suppers are pll1nl1ed wIth uFowler's. Pude cRaneb," the onlY"Roy Stewart'" Riding Stnbles tor accommodatlona of tbe kind Incertain evenings, and the ·'c,:owboy t~l. area,camp food" and "real wutern ll1U" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;i;;;~:sefo~h~~~nment are fun 101" PAUL H.DOUGLASS

On Wednesday, FrIday and Sat- Qt.1 Ettat.urday nIghts "Jimmy James and PhoJ::i& u-os 1telJ. .'1Hla Sooner Sons" lIUlke music for Xta l'onOmo. Bl~ Bt1ID()BOt :NEW J:lEXlOOdancing. The guitar, vlolln. drums Bu1~ N __...._ _ "4 M-. W. O. "-1'""".... ".,and steel guttar, plus the singing uOSO, ew.-~ _... v:' .....---, - ..'

•Green. ~, N. J£ ~DO _ ~~~t:~~5~~ C~~~!5H~~h:~:' ~=-:!I=====:z==:.~~. :~'••f.I=·====':;=a=::.==~, •. ,,',. SJ : 41 0",1: •.i .,The other two 1)0)'8 in tho band i. a4' 2: , z••I•••z--_II z_,_:-' ,

ate Cbl;lt )(Msel and Bob ltoberte.Tbe bIg d&nC~ h&U, ol1ttront tho

~:2 ; . ' = : . =


. \'. .

Page 4: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers



'p -



Butane and Propane Appliances

Heating Installation


,"W.... r :WP#"",,,,._ • ttl •• iL; .. =" ' pc" .... •"t .. ; pa, = _p:e. Fo

'" A_I}' Wpal,_..



Thermoseal Deep-Freeze ContainersPlenty of ·aUsizes now.


,"Home of .. KelvUtator Ref~eratort"• ,>,' ·ALL· BtJlLDlNG supplIEs

•......J mzt.i, \ 1&'-_\"., '..,.'rJt( id--'Iari'Ii«' JI')lif.,ca ilil d' ·· "'Ft? f:rizort.'· _

_ - ,'-\ -••1 i __.s.ai ~_; tpt.zj"',ij'yj ',- t to tid'••

'_ '.;d..u 'a ".'. 's&:111 · al'*' iI: '••': Mtj'_11' .

DEEP..F~EZE UNlTS-SDifferentModekFrom $229.95 To $599.50.. .

Why not buy One of th~ deep" £teue units 00. ·our~tp1~ and..v~ ~ugh Oil gto«rl.t8 ~acll month to xMk~ YOUI' md1ltbly.,.~ta?

. .


, .

'- ," .• -" • > ~..., ,. -

C··· ..... ···'S-. . ., '. - . .,

'INS'tE AGENCYFire andCa.uat,,·..,... ··'11 Ie···· d .. . ' .•o Am .

We lI.v. Polio PolicietPhon. aG-1:1·Ruida.Q.N. M.

Breakfast HonorsWedding Party

. >.




(/' Tuesday fnornlD1It. AUJu.t 9th

.nit. Mr. and Mr.. Ezell Clarke were== bOlta tor an 8: 30 brcakf.tt In~ tho!r bOUle tor the wedding pltty 8m sON. waUe in Father" l<iOtt~Pi at Lutheran OJ:-

of JlJY'4!lyn MorrJloJJ and Wayn6 dination tn MinneaPi>U" l&inilter~!on paln ate: At-o . 1tItM••who W(lro married 'lueadaYthur.nd Ralp.h lIelJmt C. G••~ Edward ...."gdabl.i nt.bt, WaldQ and. Waldetnar. E,keber't Carl tar 1 ..\rthur

. '1'11e- .utatll were Icated at one Hotm~rf ired and It&ul Olton. Emcst and Wa1~cr Lack.Ruidoao

Ifr.. Olnko wn as.l.tea wIth· or.· c ·oel II • • CLAYroN BENNE'.t"1""S I ~__"""'o' "'0·' 0 • 0· '0' O.m '.• ' ow _' «"' ' 0 '.' ,.. --IIi ~:)':e~tyJnr by her son. Ceetl Mrt. Ruth Powell of PUtiburr.l .- \ '._, " , "'0' "'dO

· ., •.• '0 -, 0 .'" -. '. ' ••" - •• " ••• 0 0 0 0 =, . _ - .••••• '. ",,0, O' -'

l! "",,,," "" & ",,,,.,==--_........." Pa•• )Uncle Bladen RanuJey. ...... . ."'~

jf .::·1fi·~~b:'~~ :~r~~n~~.~::~ ~;::d ~nl~:~~.~: ~f8J«;msA~e~~ .. '._11'_',-~••••'.••,.'_,-•...--r._' I,............I......... W ••

if tor btmto have nnotber eheckuPln nuldolo 'Illt weekend tor the COMPLETE BATHROOM FIXTURES...··n with the dootota tbere. Ill. health r0400 and Yhdt1n. with wtmamc ' . •!I I. lmprovlnlf. bowe\'or. motMr, !frl. HUd.. wnUlLmJ. 5 tt. Pte3Rd Steel Tub--Vitrtous Chtna Lavatory and compaet Com-i! =t~~iT Mr. and "Mra~~~ Parker ot El mode-Complttdy trltnmed with clttotI1e...." 7

, ) 7

i! Pa.o are !pendtng their 1'ac"~n\,1 with tho Et Puo pl'ltltlng Co. Other PlumbingF~ At Our StOte Are In Line With Thtst., i! n •.'i.' Ifhll tlmo last fear I:U& )'OUtl~! h couplo 'Wcre bore on their ls0neY'''l - moon.

'ij,f., H Nr. and 'M.ri. "Otl. n. JohMonf Ii of Iolercedt\b; T$xu. trust &rowersIf H in the Rio Grande V.lI~Y, are in.'I H Rul(1D'O for theIr vae.Uon. '1'he1! H (ltuno hCf6' foX' the ttfllt tltn6 I ....tl if Bummet' and. tell ·bl It>Vlf with the

In W~~:;o~~«~~~~~.ot th~ '.Ytar.

I. It Mr. and ]In. .c. L. campbellt l' had I" hotl&e«ue8t. I.,t 'W~k.i rf \.:·Mt• • 11(1 lit.. Tom Jo~ of n.t..! ~ P lu*. ~enlj .11d Mr,. Ed Watkln.

Jli ~ .nd ~~~,~~!~~,,~.~!~~~~~.,p~t 1t1

ItA't1S ~A.Xt -- lJHO~. n*~i ~~..;r"""";i\oioI;'_""""I' ."".. TO" ........- ...... ",--..o"'-"!~'" - ........ ,,,'''',, """';;" ':5~,::(o", .. ,

" ~

Page 5: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers






,. ,



.-. " ...'~ .,'

, "

, . -~' .

Complete a~hI..~In nowutown KtddOiO


Self5erveGroe• .,. I. ~::- "


WESTERN CAFEIn Dontown nuldoto


lreAturlnJ' •••fftmi~ ChkkeJt in. tho llaJbt"

- . . ,-.- ,- .

8E4ll'OODS _ nIN1lOOMCIlO~ - 81'£U1$.....Jl'om.,.~e Putrl.

Md HotBrea4



:rrt,c144Jro J;quJpm,out " '"

Sl'IetJW,4 Servlett

Green' 'tj~' l'f.l\l." 'l'bo~••U '

.<; .:' ".'~ ."


.~. "


Casa LomaCabinsx,ot1$ -.4 M'AaY~~


It~~w.tUi~ ):iW.k, .....JU~,~ ,. ft.lJ. ~ti~f~

OPJ;N ne-..wmo:».•

Dinlnr Jtoom ()ptm


(lliuekWqou 8ujlpeta


tTp Camta ~k

HWeatem~"W6d.. Fd., sat. NI.br.


1)ON''r MISS amtnxNGC1u\~'l;ON BlnNNE'.M"S

• ~crmc;1AL stw.l't.mS • DmtnlNG:MA~• GAS At'Pt.tANC)l;S • 'W!'.Sl1NOUOltU;~08

• 1l"AnH ANn lUNml: SVl!1Jt.n::8


BtttnOSO.. nw~oo

Palo Verde'sBuilders $upply

~'" "",... -

... , - .. "- ' -' ,,,,' - -" .... ,.. -_..

r Ruidoso Bakery- .1rm.. a!ld !m8_ OUN BOO'.lT. ~


--, - , -.' . _.' "',

Ruidoso ~rr••1t)t Campanylrit ~()jOD't.....




Apache VillageM& ana :AmS. LY.NN 1JtJn.I!$

20~m Unlt.

• :H6c!bnttal ~nttnUOft• ChUdr«ia .PlantQ~• :Deep Well :D~w.,.

AnI' 81M PIrif A~0date4O\lt~ A1~ ltoAIla~.. :NJl;W JOrItlO()

", .





Phone S9",,0'

..Complete .Auto Service

Expert Mechanics


Music andAmusement Machines

- . .' -'

CigareHe'Machines ~"

,CallOrSee.Jo.lIeU1hardt Phone 45-11. Ruid*..N.M



We :u.vo About ~t'J1'7thtnr

~ • Uuman Nee4t


, '- ..... '•. "'.1't_.-" r Ii.' lilFA •• ';".'. i"I.~:,i"'_.'>Ii sCi 'cidi=:' jl;U(~_6" iI.i-HiII! ...it: ... t lst-.;a,.: z:;; ;;;;.::;;:;;;:;;~.",;.: ••:..;.:;:.~:.:.:' :;~=WjI:~;~,~-;;:;t ::',,;;~~i

... RUIDOSO GRAVEL SERVICE '+ Locaf_ at White, ~.f,i ... DtY~jbt ComPlny'it.r.stt)fR"~..HoIl~ Cut.!)H

~1mO~,"'" .,".• GmtI'Mar-nat f:'cw~m••.,d ~,di• Till."*, 'uif4., Itotk t:ot $III'• kh'tt~'" (;rattI. '

<" ftf~1$ lEASONAltE'lit£StimttJ oft ~loW tW~ftold GrId.' Jy~t MHout

) ....CLOSa, ·Contractor,.. , ~'."".. -', '. " •• ' ..""'-,.' ,.'-' ',>'" ,~~. ...... ••


Page 6: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers



: t


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• t a_ \z


"'''P'tOIlS whtn.l.tt(oa In,. bont

poreh) -JookiJ:la out oyer neat,tr1='~WJt - it j ••t .bow.whit 'foUca ~ aecocnpij.h fortheIr own ~' ....htn tht, worktoqft1l.tt'., Th. Brewtu work withtavern own." i~ tnt Am. 'Wa, intbeIr Stlt..R6tUlt.Uon PrGRram.The1 eoo~u.t. mlteepilJr theirplacel ntaif anc1.prueod up-cut­ting OJ,lt "deac1 'Wood!' and makltli:,u}'fl they .ta,. "ill tho clear.n






JIM'S AUTO SERVICEDowntown Ruidoso

PHONE 91..03

t ... ' = d .. lr ....."1 t, , .. ... Ed .. '

• DryGoods• Hardware

• Gn»C4trles-Meat Market

red •.,


HedgeM ha,e ·bHa .J;tQOtlq __lik<t weeA latel" .10., Hal.Btr,.t. 1htlt\'0' hInted fAto rOIlttalfie h.qrdJ.· Drl,ou at thtomefl couldn't Jte atop Jilbta,41'the approac:hln, cara.

After ono accident and a coupleof nc!rr..milJlcs. the To'Wn Councilclccldcd to hlLvo a hcdgc·tdmmlngbee-cui them aU to !i%e ..t; once.

We hcld the beeOil &tqrtt.l. NoclUe Ittld to come, but :It .e".-ed like(Ivery m.an in tOlfn ... out wiUt"hellrs and clippers. WonteD keptpaJ",ln" out aattdwlthu and coolglaSB~8 of lce.water and beer.

.. . .


. .

Youth Crusade Cata.\1U,-,2rul WH1c fit A.ugu.at. nUb )JUline iI. a...k""'OUf' 8pedal GUt"

t)ttthtl' the entlt6 month ot Aul\Ut..


.r .'" _ ••'~_'. _i'

N.UGl1lut A4vutt.td ~.~. NHI!. "aturl WomtnJ'*l allkl~.'l1c1 CtpU.n I'or

•. pit_At $ftt W()tk-~.~ ·or htl 1'.lmt<- Mitt tnt~

." ctfiUtI, ~. nU14olC>.H.K.

..... ._.~-.' iIiliI-iiiolIiollilllolii.llIilIilIIi"iiliir·--IllIi-..-.''iii.IIil'lIllliIlIIlioiIiiIIIlIIiiIili _ -O- • ·•·•· -~•.• _ ""'"._.~"'""'"'"~~~.~••~"-..~,..~,·t~_..,..---"""";.,L<'.:.L,.-.'-" • .cJo.,', ..-., '_ .• - ,, .•. • '"'~ ,_"s.

Page 7: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers




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with conventional transmission,120 with Dynaflow Drive.

Surely here's a car big as yourfondest am!>ition-yet price-wiseit's right down your alleyl Fit.modest family btidgetl as it fitlmodest-size garages, puf$ Buickin reach of still morc peoplel

So here's really a " mullt see"item! On display now, in threetrim"ln'-tidy body types, it won'tstay long on deaJel'8' floors. Gonow-lee it and ttt tltot order /nl

:0' P

*fa ;

Also" ,Plums &. G..a~' .

.. '. ,By Bushel or Truckload• ••

~. ,CHAMeJON'S ORCHARDI... , ,- _, ','. , \

~ 1 Mile North of Tularosa,N.lL.,'

;, ;



New roominess? Swingope~ thedoors - a thumb- touch docs itt-and gaze on the biggest interi­ors you' can buy for the money,with sofa-wide front seats and noless than 12 more inches in rear-•seat biproom.

Slip behind the wheel. Finger­easy Synchro-Mesh transmissionifyou choose-the sQtinysmooth­ness,of Dynsflow Drive· as < op­tional equipment if you want tbevery latest tbing.

And if power is your meat- .just lift the bonnet and lookon a husky Fireball powerplant ()f 110 horsepower

.OJth1Ul1III utrll e.14


..NEW in 'oolts-NEW in room-NEW in handling-

"IIDd prieetl rigl,t do."", l/ou~alley!



FEAST your. eyes, folks-andreach for your checkbook.

For here, in one stunning, swift..lined bundle, is everything­yes, everything-you.'ve beenhoping for.

New styJ~notePWell, just lookat that brand-new idea in front­end styling. Grille, bumper,bumper-guards and evenparkinglights aU' combined in a single,

,. .turdyasscmbly that means youcan't"lock horns*' withother carsI

New over..all size? We'vetrimmed iNcite! from its over·alllength for handiness in traffic­yet bert's stilt te geqerouswheelbase that $1) I' level­gfiing ride.

.";' ~ ... ,,' ... " --..

flfElflS MORE ROCM roa tHE MONlYill lId' MtxM "'3 "'-door Sidon.


". .IJ~Alflntn ~td II k ,f' ~'" RUlJ)OSO. N. M. ',.., RBBSES ltOGBRS. fltl'l!» a:rr h., d. 1 <#




I' .....

S, Joneo.In Albu-


'" ; ,

JaClt Davidsontrip to VaUGhn

•, . I· f .$ n , _ •• ,. • ;• •. r r. '•. - ,,

• Irrigation'and

• 'Ranch Wells

GEORGE PERRY'~"'t ...·~

.J!tlmf llQ~. 1!Utp. Jack .aWhk1lllU1~- -,... ...

»>BOD ad.·m~•• ""·

«mlt4t~ lif

_;:a = • :; =:ri -r-' . j 3' .- J ! I, -1,.

• _1

Mr. and Mm. Lubo Sharp havea new bnby bQY born Saturday.August 6.

Mr. and Mra. W. A. Mayo andtamlly Were vfolUnrr In Albuquer.que and LM Crucea lcwt weel,. TbeMtl)'lJ ltunlly bave been at MonteVJstq, -0010 0. during the sum..

Aoro. FroMWagon WhMf Motor


',,:,1, = 'T' rIo' r, ''''7

- '

MfO.~ R. L. Roper and ehlldr.::nof Tatum, No M., were vlolUng hermother, Mra. Tom Roper, laotweek. Mra. Tom Roper returnedto Tatum with her daughtero tortl vJliIt.

.-The TrlSWORTH 00.





W.D.HottOD ­--D. Be Snyder


PHONE 62-02 '

. ,Mr. and" Mro.made t\. buslneOaFriday.

•Pontmfotreo!" Mra. R.

was a bUGlnecn vloltorrquerquc last weet:.




, ,




I, I


, •


• • =.:


Mt;1yor Cleve Brown made "'abu5:ineso trip to both RosweJJ ~nd

Albuquerque the paot weett.


l.;--' .r' _' .~'- -. ,. . ",. .'. l' . r.". ",' . . . ." ",. . " -l . '. , " '.' '.'

~." ~rtq~1f·AUJtJJt.1at,1$.t.:l'*,\;J.'~i, iC.o'iii{;!·, ...U'P"";,,OEi.Y"!i .. ''''''.,'ij ':,1"": '''hit];.';. ~,l . .\i;:iLi •.~;C· .A5:'o ,".Vi:': ""A,1)i . . n", " "" ,. 'I

L ,CORON'I,ROUNDUP, m" ~!\~ ~.V~ co~e b~<m td'~Cq~ .J~ck; "~q~ lua.~t~.C."l~~i~,' ,.... ". ....,I.! :" . ~V, ~Cl,~ 'Wft. ";"";"';VV";' na for the. ~QhQol tenn,~l'. UaYJ' and 14r. ana M~. J. 13. $mlth _nd't.,.,.., ~.'<Go ,I;l4 ~~y~... ~6 Mr. Ola.rence. Roper ~~ in .cllUdfen ·;from. C))Udre~~, Texasi~ 1·~M·.,Centn~IN~w')(ut~Q CQOp- tb~ ,~mpl()YJneJ\\ o,t; tbe Vanadium wete,· V1filthl&, b'~fe l~t week'; ,,


.,eraUy~hM .purcb~f$.mQlyd.~·JJQ~MUJfl"'f" N~t'Q"1t4,CoI0r~dQf ~d . . "'" '.', .. ". . '.' . "· r~~e., Jt wID J>e ""e(l cfl$ a. wAl"~l'eturn~('J, to theit work tber~.tbla . !(r, a.nt 1'41:'8•. Ro~t~ A. JQne:'l, . ''. , ' ,, './ bUUJl~tQ'd .8,8. ~ ~e",i~ @d fepaJf w~~. ... ..;... '. b~<l /lome ql~ fde~'4~ •. )4:." and;M:rs. . EXTRA pfi'tT1L'r'A LES &A'LBER:TAS'.1" f?Q.op fo.r ~om:p~l1Y cp....$/:\n4trueklil.· ',' " •. " J.G. A{~l1ut QfW'Ilf$JdllgtQl1., P. c., ....., H' .~:,,-~,~ ...~. ,.' . .••• .' .' '.

i "." • . .. i""" '. . OtberJl ma.kins· tdps to Albu-vIsltlng tJ:u~lXt .U1e ,pll.~t'Week. .;Jr.rhe J:~()J..ona S~l1Jo~ Girl SeolltS. qqetqqe WI$wee'k, were Mr/!. C. C,. . . . ". ,.' : .• \ ll$ oAiot tI1"t~ /iletVl()Ej proJ~t:'It~hClJ'an.' nn~' dauJ?Ater,l'vol)ne•. " Mf~.J. a. Jenkins ot AnlaJ'UlQ.·/,. !lave tInfsned. ~~ ba.u<1age" an~ 14.-.8. Geraldine J;»erklnl:\ Mil chil~ Ir,r~a$~. wal$ :tulretlJ,(,'l p~t. week, .at- .'1 iUled 4l'el!l!lnii for the .An1er!ctll1 dren" and. Mr. LutberKfng.. Ite~(Ung to (lome t>ul!!tl)es~·al1<l vl,l*-

. Cancer SoCiety. . '.. , . " .''~lf' Ql<l, trfen<1a.. . ' •i ..... .' . Mr. ant\ Uta.' V. 0.· WaldQ~ I .......... _.. " .. ,

· Tbe COl'On~ Presbyterian. Auxil- (Dlltcb. Waldcm) hav~""'bQught tll. li -!l'\,J'. Owen, .bookkeeper fQJ' theJaty wJU meet at tbe bome ot Mtl!. Otis Da,vJ.s place. Ur. and Urs. OtbJ R.~.A.. died of a heart s'tt,aek NatL, S, MarImam in Claunch. TllUJ's- Dav.is .jl,r.e;OOQving thIs week to ~tter noon Satu.rday, Aug. 6-day lmd FrJday. ,Augu.st U~ 12, Ev- LOf(l~~Urg, New Me,ucQ. ,1, "'... d M y' R' ;.,. heryone welcome. . . "." ....r.ap. ,. .' rs. ~e oy vwen a.ve

. , • r--., Mr. T. J. SmUll's !o.ther, 1:'. J" bought tbe OlaUd Oa.aey place justMrs. L, Oampan<l 4~Ugbter. De-- S..... from Wagon ,Mound, New north of t}:1e high 8cnoo1 buUding.

ana, .retllrned to Wichita. Falls, Mexlco.and two of his brotb~rfl,! .. I, ''" ...... "" • •

TeXll$ after a montb.'s visit with Mr. and Mr~. L. J. SmUb and /'ion.: £ PA'l"S TAXl - PHONE 41Sbel' motber, Mra. Annie Yancey. . , 0' , • , • '" " ,,': ".' .' ,

• 't ., •

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Qutsenberryand theb' two small daughters arehere vJslUng her parents, Mr. andMrs. I, H, Burgess. Mr. Quisen­berry plans to attend 5chQol at theRoswell BMe. Mrs. Qulaenberryand' <laughters wlU probably r~.

main hi Corona tor about a montb.Mr. nnd MrtJ. Fred Burgc!'ls arrivedthis weelt from Las Cruces. Mr.~urgesB w1l1 tea<:l1 In the Coronaschool. ntI also will his father, Mr.I. H.. Burgess.

Page 8: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers



....' I r-,

..." Ai, , ...


'," '-,' ,


\t 1 U." •L ;« ' •

i I! •: 57 :~


Taxi Service!

Ogden Carron's .'

Phillips "66" Gas

t ...",... ,.". ~ ! ..,.,••••.•••



All Your Favorite Brands•



From Junction To Any PlaceIn Lincoln County

, .

: : !!!F!: :! PlI: :SO!' :::s ! :!!; 2! 7: :_ .. \tbt" , $ \: -'11 • .... ;&1...... W_l!i•• " ..

'i : , b : ' ',1 • ; " : 'i .'. , 4 , '; Vi Ti .


'i I'. ...

: !i?:!';:


WOOD FOR SALEThe Maca1ero Tribal Woo4yatd IUs Por Immediate Ddivery Col-d Wood

- DtUvered At The Agency At The Following Price1J:"

.. Juniptr £1 Oak Pine £1 11kCord lengths. not .pUt $11.00 $lO.OO~d lengths, apJit ."..,.................................. 11.00 10.002..foot lengtJ;ur, Iplit and not ipUt 12.00 " 11.00~tove et1gthat not apUt 13.00 12.00Stove lengthal _pUt ",01 ~If ~.. 16.00 15.00

DeUlI'ety to Ruidoeo and aurroundlng area can be made for $5.00 per load orportion tlaueof. toad avtraftt 2*..3 cordts. '. 4

Otd~nJ•may b.e telephoned to the Agcency through the Ruidoeo Ranger Sta..tion (Via Bradley Bigmouth.) .

, • = 4

,. .... 4·" \' - .-.-: i!!! '!'!: ::: Pi )&!


Spot cotton prices in mld.Junewere only 1/8 cent below the &ea..80n'8 peak but were about 4%c£lnis below 11 )le"r earlier.



RuidolO, New Mexico






Serving Only First Quality Grade A Food,OPBN YEAR' ROUND 11 A. M. to 9 Pit M.



Saturday night, Augu.t 8th, theRuidoso Volunttler Fire Depart­ment he41 their annual benetltdllnce to ralae tundl tor .om.phlUle of Imprefvement tor this 1m.portant depJlrtment. T11h. yeat'..proceeds are aeheduled to go Into "the tund tor a new bUJldlng tor WBlT~ PHONE OIl ~Jm8.O. O. TURNEnthe tire house.

IIA nice crowd was out and we To lkat or I..fott fb:r ~I:al lJ.:ld1YI4uaU~ Cab1n:Icleared $200.00 on our dance. We HOt>MN SlQII..JfODEBNcertainly do thank the people tor !"or .. BM1 8~r Home Fo'?' B«1t by N1Cht, W~ Month or 8MlJoa.thl,. /lUpport," say the Mflmber, ot 2l:/1J)()6(), 'N. II. Phone 47'"

._..; '+::•....., ~.:.:?:::::,.:o,,:;;, ~,~,~.~,=,~.=,:.~~.=! ==~~~:i;~~.~~~.I~.:.~_ ..~_:n1~,:,~~,:.5:.~.~!~~~r-~~.~,3.~.~~_~,=.~=,.:.~~~. ~.t~~.

,._j- : h , '.. ".,.>'5':. t . 4

M .., .CHEVRON Stati n· ,JJ~)J;.UWBm ~'WO,ll.m . _..... organ•. -"-". .•.•..•. -on·1:; ~~::n~::::llJc~~V~:8~~~ Evelyn Mormon, bridHlect ot. c:::';::~~~~ :.~-:::::~:. 2i..U..., Wi~tt ~~~glt$,torlfJe .

.. rom. " case of p~~um()nla. ::~r.~-;:~~:~e~~~~~~;~:~ ,=:'~~i 8t:~:. ::~~e:d ~::. Phon~ 31'""2· 'J)O\VJJ,tc)~_Jtui~ ,'. Mr.. .Wallace Ferguson enter- honoree -at a ~howe.. given Thur,.,.. ametlt ~l1\l tOJ'()'qi.,tr c~r up Jlt) • as; i ; \ 4, i Ii"'" .;; i ,Hi'.!:!!;. ; ;) ;n; ;s;q ;.4

t'it..hu,ld the firemen's Wives and a day night, August 4th, at the ht,)Q)ebadly they had to I leave the' car .• " .... ,." .t' •• , " • •. '" • ""rid -," .' , ., "

I}ew other friends with a bridge economJcs oottage by "¥r,,. M. W. here ~d ¢ouUnue h.ome on the When You "Need Printing-Cal.fThti· N'ews1',J)aJ'ty Tuesday evening. Mr•. noy l4'addox. Mrs. Olan Scott, Mfa. bus.' "' , , • .• ,~ .' " .' ::""::",,: :::,)Morgan won high, Mro. James EuU Olarke. Mra. Oolby D~mney' , . - . ~ ,I, I"ept second high. and Mrs. MOo nd ll'rs W B ett Mr. n. L. SJmpsono! Sundown,a AU. arren arr . T t "'. I tt "'I;idena Glatfelder. low. . • . . eMs. came 0 ... nn e a er ~ sd .. . APp~om:~,"CJr t~even~Y gue~~ two sons wbOWel'Cl vJsitin~ tb.elr'1 Mr. D. O. Murphy a.nd Mayor w,ere nv o. e Bower IW . grllndparf.lnts, Bro. and, Mrs. O. L.l/uramlc plan If;> attend the meet.- the lovely brJde~tQ..be recelvecl Oldham. lie had ~ome veryatart·I,lng or the Board of Dlrectora of beautJt~1 gifts trom her many ling newa tor the bllYS. lie In·Ifthe Otero County Electric Coopera· friends. - tormed them they had a little am-

11' ttve Saturday In Cloudcroft. Every Mrs. Jim Rale. motlier or tbo tel' at home waltlng tor them.1 member that potJnlbJy can uhouJd honoree, and Mrs. E. O. Estes, " 'i·I attend th c c 11 t I mother of the groom-to-be, pre.. Mrs. HJnna Gnrrarrl t~m !Ws--I .t._ co m e ngB 0 tnow nlded at the retreahment table '4ul'.. weU Is in the valley' vhdting Mrs.'iWUIIot .. going on and to help In any'I way P03Dtbio to multo It ll.aauccca8- Ing tho evenIng. The table WM Bert Pfingsten and triends tor a, luI co-op. covered wJth a handBome cloth. teV( days. •

.. Ta.n white tap01"6 In sUver cando· .' -- ,I Kr. and MrfS. Hoy Morgan drove ltlbra were tied with yellow ribbon Mrs. :Frank Titsworth and sis·t to . Alamogordo Sunday to vialt on which the words "Wayne nnd tor, M~. Joo Evans, nnd her two!I r61aUvcl'l. Evelyn, A\lL'1llJt 9th," wero In· du,ughters motored to AbUeno,'( . • ,. tlerlbcd in fdlver. A centerpiece ot Texna and brought Mnrjotre Tits·\/. Mr. Clnd MrlJ. Wll1lnce FC1'guson while nnd yellow dq.loles And little worth home whQ has been visiting') made 0. buslncotl trip to Albuquer· calccs with yollow icJng and white bel' aunt, Mrs. Jack Conley, this. Que Friday. While there they vl~ dalsJeti carded out the color nummcJ'.11ltcd many old trlonda that uucd to /Jchcme and theme. Tiny corlJllgetJ ... . ,

j_be residents ot Lincoln County. ot the aame flowers were g!vlin as The valley 18 vety active getting

CllJdtnn haa had Domo vcry ntce favora. ready tor Bcbool as the now teach-rain8 lately. 'rhoy have really dono SpecJal corsages were presented ersare comIng In. It 1$ very hnrd

. i .omo BOod. But ot eouroe with all by the hostes8 to Evelyn 140l'rl. to find places tor the teachers togoodnc!So there muot bo oome un- 80n.... her mother, Mrs, Hale, Mrs. stay. Mra. Charley FuUer hMplCtlallnlnClltl, It certainly has loft Eulen, MrD. lk~ WIngfJeld, Eve. solved the problem by turningour stroetu 110 woll l1ll aU of the lyn'a mnUlrnaJ grandmother, .qnd 'hell' bunlt house Into a homo for

'I county roudll in a terrible condl' MJss Helen Barajas, who proshled tho }>l,pl1cho tea.chers., Uon. ._.u' _w • at tho gucot book. Ed Nelson IS'"no~ In deep pon..

• .. del' St It Is better to have all thhJThanks For Support rain and fix his 'Watf3r 'pps, or

stop the rain. Seem. tJ1at he Is be·Say Local Firemen 1.ng kept busy tl.xlng water go.ps

all the time.



, ''JIL'. ' " "\ ' nrl •-tI•• f ( .. '" I'


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... " 'r •

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TheFirst Nation,al Bank

Of'RoswelBOSWZLL, nw





, • ..

Page 9: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers



I '


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. .

. -

Mrs. M. P. Gravcs of Ruidosowm bave an aft exhibit at theEducational BuUdlng at the Com­munity Methodist Church toddy.August 12th, trom 2 p. m. to 5

•p. ll1'This talented artist cxpects to

have 24 paintings hung tor the e)\'.­hlblt. Twelve of these wJll show.. .

Mr. "111\(1 Mrs. WaUace GOUld ofNew York City brought "SkIpper"bl!ck wltJI them on tholr vIsit tothe 13Ul Goulda.

, ,

,;', ~_-;,"•.tf;_-~\:;'!l:',t:"'4'i:·":""':;}.\.~' """'''' '~" ,,<,<,~ ".:"":). :".~:~.,~,'" 1I:';;:--,-:~~; r:: . '1 ', '<If "" ., I,'*, )1~, '.' t ' 'Wft.nlth. NlDWS .l»i' ...1' ,,' ji'I''I"ttcl.:r~,4:U,(Q.ltlJ""'.t"",:IIJ,,\(,.,,1. II"'L:i",\ ".'.:.' .!i"I,II,·.. : ;',,1 ,Ii II. ;''l''l'''I':',',t''b, .. ,''.I, .. ,'i'''i,iI ,,11\' ",.,\b€ .• ',,'H, .. V,iI(Ii';'tb IW; ,'.:, ,lit' "iL,.~,all~~,...., '.. , " ' '''''''''''''~'' :1:'

p.,.OatstANroN .. ·!,r.u,l;"~,,•.•d~ ..,.,~~nl~,..Ig''''•.·''~,lgl'l!$,~t,.~t ... lltoD <HONDo: When You Need Printinc-£aU ,n,NeWl II t~~.ret ' ~~ ,~" ~...,.." '4-.".. ,~'", , &+ ~I~GS- n \ S ~1.1 1.'" \ 'I'J'..' ~ "'

• • ........ .".... ' • ' ''''''- ' ' "~,",,,,' "', ' I " I " ' I"", , ", • , , ,,- " r ' ~.~I' . " ..'.' . . " . ',Ml~ N!;\nlll~ ~ll~ CQWJl.rt,i$ iQ- '" "', .. ' ", ' ' , ' " , '" I"

" Pt. BQy:l!:, WbJtQ}t",ad alld tlJ4 l~g bfl.ck tQ ):\Q~ b-elQvo4 Mls~d~~lppl ·J,trlJ.;a: J.Ga.trard. .pen.~"ev.. ; ."0" Sal"'·'e" n..... '·T·' ....a·'d'"e', 'iiwlt~ a.rl'l.vei! Mro"'.\tb.e Q~er daf 8Jl.dller a-0mg wlU ~ t~~t 'by P!,08ter~ day. tltht wtl>k 'V~ltlng .1&J.'JI. . 1'" .' '. .... .' VI: ....• .' .." . "I ft

. B,tter ~ lOJ)g ddv~ fl'om New Yor.l( of tJ)ebOY$ 'in tb/it' ht)f$llJt~ He.r Bert Fflng8t~4. I'l'UIl ()tb~rtden,dll. " ".'. ~~..~d tb~ybQtb .. llk!' tbc' terrifiO ~mUl~g face a.bclillow. QottSOqU\.. 'In tile v",lley.~..... (lfll'l'ard ~-.kell. ,..,.;.FQt ltm«QSO p-..o~. New",~~ J,1,Qme. ebl~.~1''' '.l.chl;J,Jlge .tn; ~U~llte from what tJ::\ey ern (h.·awl will b~ surely ll1I8fl(;d by her hOJne 'in nQeweli. '. " .. OItlC'e ~ ~!>IOI'4(); .-J.f() 8 nlcenJlCltmoo 1m ' ~llaye been ha\"lng tpl' the last s~'V.. all hEll'El. " , • ;.. " .' . ,., . ".' , . '" '. . •. ~ • .t\ralY~al'EI 1:)aQI( ;Inalilt. .' , ..... po Wickyl~h'kt tN>M' )(prga.ntQwn. D. :0. )lQMA:N, It'OXDO$(), N. )I. '

;Mf. And Mt's, .J{el'man S.-nlth h,ad Miss, Patr~ia, J?age has gone to W. VJl,.\ 4l~ent.evera1days VisIting ""_~~ """ ,""",,:, __..vlaltQn 'thls1w.al$t we~k w~en !.r:lrA. Albuquerque fQr a va~at1on Qf the .Tolner ~hU4ren thi8 wee],(, ...' .....,.."...._,..,...,,_..._,...,-,...,...,.....,-....' ........i ...i~--'...., .......,_,.,.."........._"''''''.........., ........,...._'...'...,,-_''....''........_.'.""" ",..........~Sinlth,'~. 3111te:r an4 tam.lly oatne about. two weelts. Wl<*y la a nephew ot Mrs. WalllJ.ce. 'trom. :P~)2;er~ S. ~ , , H(\ll: . •

· . , , Henry . Sanchez, Jr., .and . Milia b I , ..

TIle UcOla1~ , hOnle. i'eBQunged Erma VaIdez pulled a" tast one and lofT:. LfncQln Mc'.l'~fgu{\t f$on otwitb tb~ ]a\Jghter at ehUdrcn when were mlJ.rlied at Las Vegas on Mr. and Utll, J;tred Mot'eigu~. if!.MrlJ. ¥llrk a~Jtb at ;MORl.Iment, N. .JUlY' 9th. FincUng of. ~ nJee little expect~d l10me fm:" a villit thisM., came lor a tih9rt visit to the apartment might have had. some- week. Mr. ;Mc'l'elgue bas b~en In:t?Qrt. thing to do with the speedy at- MexlcQ Ci~ for tbe· last few

, • , .. ' .. faU'. I months wOl'kUi8' with the I)epart-Lt. WlUette E. White, U.S.N.; a...... .. . . ment of Agriculture in the control

rived tor a v4slt with nls tolks be- Mrs. Stemmer, the Misses.......Me- at hoot and mouth dls~as~.:fQre gotng to st. lIouls, Mo., to get Dona~d, Howes and 0st.E"ander are . h" _ h .". •

his wife and children. T6'e bud- planning an a trip to Gallup to see TwQ-thtrdfJ Of farm dwelUngsding admiral Is going to be an In- the ~nnual Indian Tribal" Danct}s. in the United State" do not hlloT6"truct()!' in Naval Science at the. • _.. running 'Wa.ter. while onl1 ••6 perUniversity ot New Me:ldco, Albu- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Coe ex- cent of clty dwelUn88 ate withoutquerque. peet iots ot tolks to be present at It.

=:;% their reoeptlon ~on Saturday, Aug... ~._~.:....=,;~:':..:':.=.:==;::':::..':.:;';..:':.=.=.=..:::'::.':,:1.:':..=:..:;:"';.::;.=~:~:..:;:.:.:'F.:::,.:,:,.:;-:':::;"':;:.:'~:'::-":~:l:":':..'=';:.:r.,;:.:;.",:,\·:.l..:':,:.:""",;~:n;=i-..tMr. nnd ;Mrs. Edward White ta.keust 14th, for Governor and Mr8. v "._4' '" ,q,. q ",. .

pleasure in announcing the en· 'Thomas Mabry.• gagement ot tholr daughter. Eth.. _,,_,_•.---_.__, __

lyn, to Glenn S. ;).gncw, ot Alnmo- G E hOb- Ofgordo. Mr. Agnow il3 the son of raves x J It

" Mr~. CIIlJ:'cnce E. Agnew. Tbe wed- 24 Paintings Todaydtng fs to take place at 7:00 p. .-n.Sunday, September 11th. at theCommunity. Methodist Church inRuidoso. Other MWl3 of this evcntwUl be cnrAfJd In this column soon.








'. ,",,


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",.. ,





T• T


,- .-:

•• ..." F • n I

: \ii in b bis: II ••.


For The Future.

Our Building Serrice Includes. .Planning and Blue Prints

,Bonded Contracb


"THE INK WELL"928 New York Avenue


• Additions • Repairs

• Homes • Cabins

• Business Houses• • •

Can All Be Done

Through Our Store

Let Us Give You

. A ttTurnluy" Job!


.' \ ' .., .•



•.Squash• Beets• Corn..• Gt"een :&ans


From Ruidolo VaDey

• Black Eyed Peas• Cabbage• Radishes .• Lettuce

Office Next Door To

Midway Garage


PHon ISl~ OB u.a


-; , ~..


~r. C.... McVey

, .,.r<:J

....11'01:'.)1 1.,.t',.WJ".r'''- ••J,.'iMl I.f~.l ••dd"'>*. '.IA"' .•,•• 2.'.& 1"&", • - ~ .~. ' .. oS t ( i_ ....., .! 1 - ............ 1If/f ••; • ., , ,.", , \ ..' .... __T' _ ¥


, ',

; 1;

•, ,-,

fr ! ',' , ;! tlitj - j,, 't j-,'J-"ii'(Ji)i1Li. .;in If ( j

We Have .AU Needed MaterialsIncluding Pluitt&ing JJixturet.


, lad- Ttdcly",~BoJUlel1,.r",.., Gat••" Addit~,

'I. W '.. b ';rti"i "j ,- ,-_Obi :-

• •

i"'s" N,•••••••


"" _ -'" ,--,', '" _ ."',' , • , C' -- .',".' -.-- -,' " -,"" ,"

Fox·' M.ercantlle, .

GREEN fUEJS.. ., . .. ."FtiMUlly StOt~"


;' "

, ,

Page 10: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers

.' "

. . ~-.'. '.-." .. -, -; ><' '-';t" ", ...... -,-, .. ,.' ,,'" " "~'"',' ""," • ", .-,..-..._F,·r.r_·'··_'.-.,.· ....~ ~.~~.-.",,, ..,r n~"';7·......... ',.,,..;'--:.,.,..,..,.._.~~·r;"""'-~',.,,T"·lr-,,. __ '''~T·.'''''''':' •. ~,.T. '",' ~"""",:",.,,..-. ,~,. '_T"_",;'~" •"' .., .... ~".' "T."""__ :,,,., -~~,.-1' -, "".- ,- .': m':

I" .. ".,.,



Mr. George Lindley 18 eX]le<ltedI. following week for l\ visit wIth

:ir. rand !Irs. Loyd lJulbtlrt and,. nnd Mrs. Rcd Ramey. Mr.Jndley Is a brother of Mro. Hul~art's nnd an uncle ot Mrs. Ra-­eYa. He Is n rcoldent of J\flzonll.

= ~.•

UrI. SUllie K08llage, bet motbernd lome Irlendo were In Lincolnbl" vast week-end.




,c's:; 'I, ",_ iN



•,:I'bo Ray TuytorlJ Brc tbe proudwnera of n very nice )Ivlng roomufte. Of COUrt.\C, It'l:I or the wcoter.nypo which Is nppropr lnte andretty.

Phone 36-02

Office In Home "Up Travis Canyon"I 0

P. O. Box 54 Ruidoso, New Mexico







• ItI,




:©> @) ". I-

@J .. .1-,.. .

- ,-... -.' ". . ~,- ." .~ ..


.If No harm results when i.nquisiri'Vc littlefutge~tu.rn the switches of an elettt~

range, ~tUe electric <ookiug is flame..tess an.d safe like electric light. 'The wasteof a little eleetridty is about the worstthat can happen.

Electric cooking-is dOt only safe '-itaclean, cool, last, automaticand gives won­derful resulu.. It's ecottorniod, too, be..caU$e the moteelectticlty you use· thecheaper if gets. . .

~tth6 {ull ..MOt}' about eJetttic cook..109'J Many advutages a.nd you, too, willcook e!ecttica11y. !t costs much Ie$$. thanyou thibk! . .

•- ~ -. '. ,. " ,".' .-~. . ..

• •.. .




•, ... -' r ,'.'- _ --. -. . .,



For Coetk'ng that'a­-ClEAN-cool·'ASI• AUlOMAnc• ICONOM.tAL

WI C/.ctucof COlI"".

. '.







• 7 , , •

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-W' ill,..· ' . -' '


ltg-MADe $ANbWICH~



PAT'S 'rAXI - PllONm 4U

Prlc<ltl. on the Bverage, receivedby farmera dropped nenrly twoIwr cent trom MIlY to Junc; ledby dc<,llnC8 In priccs ot truckcroJ)s nUll food grAins. On theother hllDd, V1'tN.'8 paid by farm..OTn. IncludIng Interest and tsLxCI,held alead)' during tho .amapprlod. ,


.: .i¢: ::




To or From £1 Paso

STOPFor a.t....l1m.nlt

: : :,F '




I·JA~ • Bandw'clwwJGood 0011".

, .

::.: : .•:' " tla- _.. • 'J ' 1 ='11' V" " "









Page 11: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers


• •

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Page 12: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers





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..... }lOTa'. AccommoclatwJil· .. _.

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_ " 7' $ _'." 1

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. . - ,. . .•,-- ~., ~ ... ' '.

. ,., .

',j'"'(' -_Orr '-. - -f> ,"."'-'


See OurProof-of.Value Demonstrations, • 0 oil



, -AlaoA.k A\»outtheFiv~ FiEty.Piece. ItU8Y",RED DINNER SETS

To"lIlwl1 To Lucky Customers



, - _. .~_'- _'_ ".~ " • _1__ ••~' ¥_

, "

'., ,.


. '. 'w..tenl Du~~Fnday·&~tu.yNiahtl ., h Au~tS~~~ c'

M\.~'.• .uc by Ra~ Reecl aad HiaBaud .. .

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.... HOY,OOiCK••'.NCl .MM('

-rAX ."VICI .JIM ,. w.......

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Page 13: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers




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,, ,

._. f._


r _ 'r 'F'

. '

,0,"1 _, • .'

FINEST OF FOODSServed In OUr Grill Room

e ree• •


IIH.adquarNrs for Ho....m.n",

T',E'"'D',"." 'd TOMMYan. " ,

wm Play for Dancing Nightly8:30 p." m. to 1:30 a. m.

Now Through August 21st


'7 1


, "'-



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•,.;::;::::::::::::;'.'i:'":::,,~,,:,:::::::"~..... 7.1.",- _.


"'" O~J • betl>petlect~tlou fot,.":"Ito _

,fU:tili~ or gtoUP«J' of UDW1;9 U ',fat~' '

Wrif, 'IfW" B.l1'ti"Vatlo#s1 ~

Page 14: Vol. ,- .. . Ii . I.nco.n,,·· Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · K tan B tte 1 te and Bhow, we feel like thl. wu ~rS p ve to reem ever: with the Texu Rangers



' ..



• t'•



RUIDOSO DRY GOODS"" Kr. aH KnL s .... Ut.ri ' .

-California Styled'-. ,_ 4- .

Casual Wear. lor Women. ..8LA~~raI ~ Cokn-At.l .6IMI

• TMmP~ • ~·CJoUa

• ~- Po1l:lt • ~w..t ..,..BJ'.,()1181l:8-8B1BTS.-

• Peter PM Ba1CG ...~ Ba10a 'rJaS4• PreIIcto PlaItl· (J.f.qu.


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es"8" ., urrs·,», .



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GROCERY·.lit' .'n .A.IB"'ft.~~ .' ~~~~ ~.. ' H..JItxk:o. i' . .... ...... '. ' "

•• ..~lIt4Wlro4il~...I!Jii'·'iIIoI'....M ••· .•'........iii'.'iiI"lJlIl"iI6iI~"I!iI'_iI,IiIIII.......... '''"iUft''!''1 ,,, TV Til sri&!JPJ'lrrri'l:' , if1F1' I. 'OI.Bt'h.·,'t.w ?c.·.aln --r S 111111" '\"1' 1";- 1'31 "j "'<'iI' ,' ..,,' 'I'''' ' "1",'1 ' ". 'w 1'0 ' I 71._~." .., " III! ""_' 1.~;I!II•• '._I... i_•. J, ... : .. -


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