References みんなの日本語 Ch.31, 36 < Writing Notations > bold: strong accent (high intonation: musical notes - perfect 5th above) underline: lighter accent (slightly high intonation: musical notes - perfect 4th above) red: devoiced sound (aspired sound with no vowel sound) bold red: devoiced sound with a strong accent [words in brackets]: optional [grey words in brackets]: often omitted or make the sentence more casual Volitional Form Verbs 意思動詞(いし どうし) The volitional form is equivalent to the verb -しょform. It’s more casual and is can be used in 5 main patterns. 1) 来年日本に 行こう !       *らいねん にに いう! Let’s go to Japan next year! next year / Japan / to / let’s go! 2) 今日のお昼はお寿司に しよう Shall we have (decide on) sushi for today’s lunch? きょうの おるは おに しか。 today’s / lunch (T) / sushi / in / shall we do (decide)? NOTE: The casual form (sometimes with more excitement) of the volitional: the ending is replaced with or, かな or, or, っか? in question. This is used for the 1st person topic. 買い物に行こう! 買い物[] 行こっ!・ かいもの[] っ! お寿司にしようか。 お寿司にしよっか?・ しに しっか? 焼き鳥屋に寄ろうか。 焼き鳥屋に寄ろっか?・ とりや [] っか? How To Make Volitional Verbs Verb: Class I vowel sound changes to vowel sound ① 買う (か)     ② 行く (い)     ③ 帰る  (える) 買おう(かう)      行こう(いう)      帰ろう (かえう) Verb: Class II Replace with ① 食べる ・たる    ② 寝る ・ね③ 変える (かえる) 食べよう・たべう     寝よう・ねう       変えよう(かえう) Irregular Verbs: Class III Changes entirely ① す→ し② 来る(る)  → 来よう・こ1 Let’s Volitional Form Verb Alone p. of - Volitional, Request http://LetsGoToJapan-ATX.com/ 1 12

Volitional Form Verbs · PDF fileReferences みんなの日本語 Ch.31, 36 1) [私は] 新しいギターを 買おう と思っています 。 [わたし は] あたらしい ギター

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References みんなの日本語 Ch.31, 36

< Writing Notations >• bold: strong accent (high intonation: musical notes - perfect 5th above)• underline: lighter accent (slightly high intonation: musical notes - perfect 4th above)• red: devoiced sound (aspired sound with no vowel sound)• bold red: devoiced sound with a strong accent• [words in brackets]: optional• [grey words in brackets]: often omitted or make the sentence more casual

Volitional Form Verbs 意思動詞(いし どうし)

The volitional form is equivalent to the verb -ましょう form. It’s more casual and is can be used in 5 main patterns.

1) 来年日本に 行こう !       *らいねん にほん に いこう! Let’s go to Japan next year! next year / Japan / to / let’s go!

2)今日のお昼はお寿司に しよう か 。 Shall we have (decide on) sushi for today’s lunch?

 きょうの おひるは おすし に しよう か。 today’s / lunch (T) / sushi / in / shall we do (decide)?

NOTE: The casual form (sometimes with more excitement) of the volitional: the ending う is replaced with っ or, かな or, と or, っか? in question. This is used for the 1st person topic.買い物に行こう! → 買い物[に] 行こっ!・ かいもの[に] いこっ!お寿司にしようか。 → お寿司にしよっか?・ おすしに しよっか?焼き鳥屋に寄ろうか。 → 焼き鳥屋に寄ろっか?・ やきとりや [に] よろっか?

How To Make Volitional Verbs

う Verb: Class I う vowel sound changes to おう vowel sound

① 買う (かう)     ② 行く (いく)     ③ 帰る  (かえる)  買おう(かおう)      行こう(いこう)      帰ろう (かえろう)

る Verb: Class II Replace る with よう

① 食べる ・たべる    ② 寝る ・ねる      ③ 変える (かえる)  食べよう・たべよう     寝よう・ねよう       変えよう(かえよう)

Irregular Verbs: Class III Changes entirely

① する      → しよう② 来る(くる)  → 来よう・こよう

1 Let’s Volitional Form Verb Alone

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1) [私は] 新しいギターを 買おう と思っています 。 [わたし は] あたらしい ギター を かおう と おもって います。 [ me (T)] / new / guitar (O) / buying about / thinking - am

I’m thinking about buying a new guitar.

< Casual Form of “I will do...” >I think I’ll buy new shoes! (* I will buy new shoes.)

 新しい靴を買おうっと!  * あたらしい くつ を かおうっと!

The Anatomy: In the sentence above 思う is omitted to express the excitement and to express the fact that the speaker’s decision is stronger than just thinking about it.

1) 昨日社長と連絡を取ろうとしたんですけど、取れなかったんですよ。

  きのう しゃちょう と れんらくを とろう としたんですけど、とれなかったんですよ。 yesterday / company president with / contact (O) / make - tried to but, / could not make / (informing)

So, I tried to get in touch with the company president yesterday but I couldn’t.

2) 一昨日社長は自殺しようとしたらしいんですよ!

  おととい  しゃちょう は じさつ しよう と した らしい んです よ 。 2 days ago / president (T) / suicide / try to - did / I hear / (So,) (informing)

The president tried to commit suicide the day before yesterday. (But, he’s still alive!)

3) それで、社長は理由を話そうともしないんですよ 。

  それで、しゃちょう は りゆうを はなそう と も しない んです よ。 And, / president (T) / suicide (O) / speak - try to even / does not / (So,) (informing)

And, so, the president won’t even tell the reason.

2 Think about doing Volitional Form Verb + と思う

新しい靴を 買おう   と思う

        replace with

新しい靴を 買おう  っと

3 Affirmative: try to do (failed attempt) / Negative: won’t (try)

Volitional Form Verb + と する try to (without success)

Volitional Form Verb + と[も] しない won’t (even w/ も)

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1) もう、そろそろ宿題[を] やろう かな 。もう、そろそろ しゅくだい [を] やろう かな。 now (about now) / homework (O) / do - wonder

I wonder if I should do homework now.

2) 今年JLPTを受けようかな。ことし ジェー・エル・ピー・ティー [を] うけよう かな。 this year / JLPT (O) / take - wonder

I wonder if I should take JLPT this year.

1) どう  しよう。 I wonder what to do ? how (to) / do - wonder

2) 週末どこ[に] 行こう かな。 しゅうまつ どこ [に] いこう かな。I wonder where I should go the weekend. weekend / where / to / go - wonder

3) 明後日は誰と 会おう かな。  あさって は  だれと  あおう かな。I wonder who I should meet the day after tomorrow. day after tomorrow (T) / whom / with / meet / wonder

4) どうやってL.A.に 行こう かな。 どうやって エル・エー に いこう かな。I wonder how I should go to Los Angeles. how / L . A. / to / go - wonder

5) 明日のお昼に何を作ろうかな。 あしたの おひる に なに を つくろう かな。I wonder what I should make for tomorrow’s lunch. tomorrow’s / lunch for / what (O) / make - wonder

Go to Practice 1

4 I wonder if I should; I will Volitional Form Verb + [かな]。

5 I wonder (what, when, etc.) to do

Volitional Form Verb + かなと思う (to a listener)

Interrogative (5w’s 1h) Volitional Form Verb + かな

Volitional Form Verb

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Related Expressions: Non-Volitional

1) あいつ、今家にいるかな。ちょっと電話してみます 。  あいつ、いま いえに いる かな。 ちょっと でんわして  みます。 that guy / now / home at / is / wonder / real quick / make a call and / seeI wonder if he’s home now. I will call him (call and see).

2) 新しいジブリの映画が見てみたいなあ 。  あたらしい ジブリの えいが が みて   みたい なあ。

new / Ghibli’s / movie (S) / watch and see - want to try / (thinking aloud)I want to see the new Ghibli movie (to know what it’s like). (*lit. I want to try watching Ghibli’s new movie.)

3) 犬を 呼んでみたけど、来なかった。  いぬ を よんで みた けど、こなかった。

dog (S) / called and saw / but / it didn’t come.I tried calling the dog but it didn’t come. (I did call the dog but it didn’t come.)

4) 友達の車のエンジンを スタートさせて みよう とした けど、駄目だったよ。  ともだちの くるまの エンジンを スタート させて みよう と した けど、 だめ だった よ。

friend’s / car’s / engine (O) / making it start and see / tried to / but, / no use / it was / (I tell you)

(We/I) tried to jump friend’s car’s engine but we couldn’t. (We/I tried to see and try jump-starting friend’s car, but to no avail.)

NOTE: みよう is the volitional form of みる. Volitional とする “try to”

5) クリスがJLPT3は簡単だって言ったから、私も 受けて みよう かな 。  クリス が ジェー・エル・ピー・ティー・スリーは かんたん だって いった から、 Chris (S) / J L P T 3 (T) / easy it is that / said / so  わたし も うけて みよう かな。

I, too, / take and / see / I wonder if I should

I wonder if I should also try taking JLPT 3 because Chris said that it was easy.

1 (attempt w/ success)Try and See; Try Doing

Try doing Verb -て みる Try not doing Verb-ないで みる Not try doing Verb-て みない

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Practice Translate and identify what happened here: with or without success.

1)5年前に買ったズボンを履こうとした。 *ごねんまえに かった ズボンを はこうとした。2)ネコを飼おうとしました。 *ねこを かおうと しました。3)初めてヨーロッパに行ってみました。 *はじめて ヨーロッパに いってみました。4)日本から帰る時、オーストラリアに寄ってから、アメリカに帰ろうかなと思っているんですよ。にほんから かえるとき、オーストラリアに よってから、アメリカに かえろう かなと おもっているんですよ。5)昨日の夜日記を書こうと思っていた。 *きのうのよる にっきを かこうと おもっていた。6)髪を短く切ってみました。 *かみを みじかく きって みました。7)この間初めて納豆を食べてみたんですよ。*このあいだ はじめて なっとうを たべてみたんですよ。8)今年又日本海に行って来ようと思っているんですよ。  *ことし また にほんかいに いって こようと おもっているんですよ。9)高校の時から持っているシャツを着てみた。*こうこうのときから もっている シャツを きてみた。10) 今朝4時半に起きようとした。 *けさ よじはんに おきようとした。11) ダンスクラスを取ってみた。 *ダンスクラスを とってみた。

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< Similar Expressions with ように (Change of State)>Anatomy of ように(様に)”in order to”様・よう noun state, appearance, way, conditionに particle in

In order to; So (that)

Dictionary form Verb 1 ように Verb 2 Verb 2 - in order to - Verb 1

Potential Verb 1 form ように Verb 2 Verb 2 - in order to be able to - Verb 1

Neg. Verb 1 ( -ない form) ように Verb 2 Verb 2 - in order to not - Verb 1

Verb 1 -なくても いい ように Verb 2 Verb 2 - in order to not have to - Verb 1“so I don’t have to”

Verb 1 -て[も] いい ように Verb 2 Verb 2 - so I might - Verb 1*related to V-て[も] いい “might”

いadj.ように Verb Verb as adj

(Adv + Verb)なadj. + な

Make Sure To; Make A Habit of Doing; Try To (regularly)

• Dictionary Verb form ように する future tense - will (try to); decide to; arrange to

• Neg. Verb ( -ない form) ように している present tense, recurrent - make sure to; try to

ように した past tense - in order to; so that; decided to; arranged to

ように していた past customary - used to (make sure to, do as a habit)

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Start Doing; No Longer Do (turn into a new state)

Dictionary form Verb ように なる start doingacquire a new routine/habit

Neg. Verb -ない (いadj) ようになる

no longer dostop doing

(w/ なく often due to natural causes as in “no longer”)

Neg. Verb -なく (くadv)

Potential Verb form ように なる become able toacquire a new skill

Neg. Potential Verb -ない (いadj) ようになる

become unable tobecome no longer able to

(w/ なく often due to natural causes as in “no longer”)

Neg. Potential Verb -なく (くadv)

Be Supposed To (has turned into a current state)

Dictionary form VerbNeg. Verb -ない (いadj) ように なっている

have been arranged/designed to, be supposed to

(w/ なく often due to natural causes as in “no longer”)Neg. Verb -なく (くadv)

(having new) Permission; Obligation; Freedom

Verb -て[も] いい (いadj)ように


have received permission(w/ ように often longer term)(past tense: “NOW I have permission to”)

*related to V-て[も] いい “might”Verb -て[も] よく (くadv)

Verb -ないと いけない (いadj)ように


have become obligated/inevitable/mandatory to(w/ ように often longer term)(past tense: “NOW I have to”)

*related to V-ないと いけない “have to”Verb -ないと いけなく (くadv)

Verb -なくても いい (いadj)ように


become no longer obligated tono longer have to(w/ ように often longer term)(past tense: “NOW I don’t have to”)

*related to V-なくても いい “not have to”

Verb -なくても よく (くadv)

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1) < Present Tense > いつも時間に遅れないようにしています。

いつも じかん に おくれない ように しています。 always / time for / be late - not / ( do ) make a habit of doing

I always try not to be late. (I always make a habit of not being late.)

2) < Future Tense > すいません。これからは時間に遅れないようにします。

すいません。これから は じかん に おくれない ように します。 I’m sorry. / from now on (T) / time for / be late - not / ( will ) make a habit of doing

I’m sorry. I will try not to be late from now on.

3) < Past Customary > 月に一回寄付するようにしていました。

つき に  いっかい きふする ように していました。month in / once / donate / made a habit of doing

I used to donate once a month.

4) < Past > あの人と[は] もう会わないようにしたんですよ。

あの ひと と [は] もう あわない ように したんですよ。 that person with (T) / any more / not meeting / in order to / did / (informing you)

So, I’ve decided to not see that person any more.

5) < In order to > JLPT2 に受かるように頑張って勉強して[い]ます!

ジェー・エル・ピー・ティー・ツー に うかる ように がんばって べんきょうして[い]ます J L P T 2 / pass / in order to / working hard and / study-ing / (I) am

I’m studying hard to pass JLPT2.

6) < become able to > 赤ちゃんはもう話せるようになりましたか。

あかちゃん は もう はなせる ように なりましたか。 baby (T) / already / able to talk / (in the state) / did it become ?

Has the baby already become able to talk?

7) < Start doing > あの2人[は] 最近よく会うようになりましたね。

あの ふたり は さいきん よく あう ように なりましたね。those 2 persons (T) / recently / often / meet / (in the state) / became, huh?

Those two started to see each other often recently, huh?

“Try” with ように

Similar Expressions with ように

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練習1(れんしゅう いち) Practice 1: Let’s; Think about doing; Try to; Wonder if I should< try both regular & casual speech >

1) Let's go to *Hokkaido *at least once *during this year. *少なくても1回・すくなくても いっかい *今年中・ことしじゅう *北海道・ほっかいどう

2) I wonder if I should go to Hokkaido. Or, I wonder if I should go to *Kyuushuu. *九州・きゅうしゅう3) I'm thinking about going to Hokkaido or Kyuushuu *in the near future. *近いうちに・ちかいうちに4) When I tried to make sushi for the first time last night, it ended in a *fiasco. *大失敗・だいしっぱい5) I'm *actually trying to go to *Yamagata, too, this summer. *実は・じつは *山形・やまがた6) Shall we *dance?  *踊る・おどる7) My *aunt’s 13 year old *daughter wouldn’t even *respond even when she was called her name.

*伯母さん・おばさん *娘・むすめ *返事をする・へんじをする / 答える・こたえる8) My *coworker is thinking about buying a new house in the *area close to work. 

*同僚・どうりょう *仕事の近く (の辺り)・しごとのちかく (のあたり)9) I wonder if I should *quit *cigarettes. *止める・やめる *煙草・タバコ10) I think my coworker is buying a new house in the area close to work.11) I wonder where to *get a haircut in Japan.

*散髪・さんぱつする (or, 髪を切ってもらう・かみを きってもらう)12) I’m thinking about *contemplating about my *future a little bit more. *考える・かんがえる *将来・しょうらい13) I wonder if my friend is thinking about changing (his) job.14) I heard that those two people *got engaged but they’d been trying to *break up till *just the other day. 

*婚約する・こんやくする *別れる・わかれる *ついこの間・つい このあいだ15) None of my friends can say,「*今夜は温かかった」so they won’t say it. *こんやは あたたかかった16) What band are you thinking about going to see at SXSW? *サウスバイ・サウスウェスト17) He wouldn’t believe me when I told him that I went to and came back from N.Y. in a day.18) My dog wouldn’t *move when we saw a *bear in the forest the other day. *くま *動く・うごく19) I tried to go to Japan 2 years ago but I couldn’t go then.20) I tried to open this door, but no matter how much I *push (or *pull), this door won’t open so I wonder if

I should *go get someone. *押す・おす うv. push *引く・ひく うv. pull *呼んで来る・よんでくる

21) *Even though I tried to *explain to my *grandmother what happened the other night, she won’t even *listen to me.  *plain verb + のに *説明する・せつめいする *おばあさん *(私の)話を聞く・はなしをきく22) When I was in high school, I always try to ride the 6 o’clock train but I *missed it *more than half of the time.

*見逃す・みのがす *半分以上・はんぶん いじょう23) Did you know that that TV drama’s main character, Ms. Ono tried to commit a suicide last month?

練習2(れんしゅうに) Practice 2: Try and see; Make a habit of doing; in order to; become able to; start doing, no longer do< Try both くadv. & いadj. for “become unable” and “no longer”. Try both regular & casual speech >1) I tried taking pictures with my new camera.2) I try to be kind to people. (I’m trying to kindly do to people.)3) So, I tried not using Facebook for 2 days because I look at it too much.4) I always make a habit of working while listening to quiet music. But, I make sure to not listen to *Metal

when I talk on a *conference call. *メタル *電話会議・でんわかいぎ

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5) I tried cutting my hair short.6) I try not to eat too much sweets.7) I usually try not to drink too much.8) I always try not to text or talk on the phone when I drive a car. (I always make a habit of not texting or ...)9) No matter how much I don’t understand Japanese when I have a conversation, I try not to use English.10) My friend’s 20 year old son started smoking cigarette recently even though his older brother no longer

smokes.11) Because I had to write a *resume in Japanese for the first time, I tried *doing research a little bit *on

the internet. *履歴書・りれきしょ *調べる・しらべる るv. *ネットで

12) You won’t know whether you can get in a Japanese company unless you try *applying. *申し込む・もうしこむ 13) I tried eating *kon-nyaku with my *fiancée for the first time tonight. *こんにゃく *婚約者・こんやくしゃ14) I thought about sleeping and tried *laying down but couldn’t fall asleep. *横になる・よこに なる15) So, I’m thinking about trying going to see Japan Nite tonight. Shall we meet somewhere 4:30?16) I tried renting this *smart phone and tried to use it but I don’t know how to use it. *スマホ 

追加練習(ついか れんしゅう)Additional Practice ように 1) I ate lunch now so that I won’t get hungry later.2) I ate lunch now so that I won’t have to eat later on a bus.3) I have to drink *plenty of water so I won’t get thirsty during the *outdoor concert. *十分・じゅうぶん *野外コンサート・やがいコンサート

4) Those two recently started seeing each other, huh? (Try “stopped seeing each other”)5) This door is supposed to open if you *push it in case of *emergency. *押す・おす *緊急・きんきゅう6) The *smoke detector is designed to *go off when it *detects smoke. *煙・けむり *煙探知機・けむりたんちき *鳴る・なる *探知する・たんちする

7) I’ve been working on a lot of Japanese conversation so that I’ll be able to work for a Japanese company.8) I cut my hair short so it won’t get hot in summer.9) Recently, I’ve been practicing how to make reservations at hotels or restaurants in Japanese so I can

*make reservations by myself. *予約を取る・よやくを とる10) My father started to come home late recently.11) The farmer’s cow no longer *yields *milk. (*natural cause) *in.るv. 出る・でる *乳・ちち12) In 1996 in Austin it became mandatory that people who rode bicycles *wear a *helmet. But, a few

years later *by law we no longer had to. *被る・かぶる *ヘルメット *法律で・ほうりつで 13) We started to use kanji, too, in our Japanese class in *this semester. *今学期・こんがっき14) My girlfriend and I no longer watch TV *these days. *この頃・このごろ (Try “started watching”)15) I started to be able to speak Japanese a little faster *about a year and half ago.

*1年半位前・いちねんはん ぐらいまえ16) My friend still can’t speak very fast yet but I think he’ll be able to speak faster in a while.17) That little girl became unable to speak after her parents *divorced. *離婚する・りこんする18) Let’s head back to the hotel *now so we can *make it to the *last train. 

*もう *間に合う・まにあう *最終電車・さいしゅう でんしゃ19) Q. Has your baby been able to walk already? A. Yes, she already started walking last month and now she can speak a few words already. It’s so fast, right?20) So, recently, I’ve been trying to exercise so I don’t get really fat. I try to run at least 3 times a week.21) I left early to be *on time. *時間に間に合う・じかんにまにあう22) I left early so I wouldn’t *be late. *遅れる・おくれる or, 遅くなる・おそくなる

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References みんなの日本語 Ch.31, 36

23) So, I left work early to not be late, but I (regretfully) got late because of an *accident. *事故・じこ24) Even though I left work early to be not late, I got late because of the *traffic jam. *交通渋滞・こうつうじゅうたい25) I always try to leave work by 4:30 because 360 gets crowded. But, today *for some reason, it was crazy *crowded so I got late. *どういう訳か・どういう わけか *混んでいる・こんでいる26) When I was dating an Columbian girlfriend, I used to study a little bit of Spanish so I could speak to her in Spanish but now I can’t really speak it. 27) I thought I’d be able to get out of work early today but now I have to stay at work till late. (*short term)28) I didn’t think I’d be able to leave work early today but now I don’t have to stay at work till late.29) In the US it was after the *Civil War that it became mandatory that people *pay *taxes. *南北戦争・なんぼくせんそう *払う・はらう *税金・ぜいきん (*long term)

30) After I started watching Sesame Street I started to understand a little bit of English and I also started to like the American culture. (*long term)31) Please speak a little more slowly and clearly so I can understand.32) Recently, in America *homosexual couples became able to *marry *legally. However, *currently, it is not legally *approved in Japan. *同性愛者・どうせいあいしゃ *結婚する・けっこんする *法的に・ほうてきに *現在・げんざい *認める・みとめる 

練習3(れんしゅう さん) See p.10Practice 3: Would you please < Try formal, regular, and casual speech >1) Excuse me. Would you please hurry because I have to catch a shinkansen at 9:40?2) So, I’m thinking about going to Tokyo in Oct. Would you tell me where would be good places to go?3) So, I want to say, “been studying on and off”. Would you tell me how to say that?4) Um, would you show me where the cups are?5) So, I’m not too sure if I’m heading to the right direction. Would you mind checking for me, please?6) Excuse me. Would you mind taking some pictures for us? Thank you, a few more, please. Thank you.7) I’m sorry. Would you please say that again more slowly so that I can understand?8) Excuse me. Would you please tell me how to go to the *Ueno station? *上野・うえの9) When you come back from the outside, would you buy me something to eat? Anything will do.10) Would you please show me how to eat this *shellfish? How should I eat this? I have no idea at all. *貝・かい11) Would you show me that black jacket that’s up there? No, not that one. The one that’s to the left.12) So, I’d like to get a haircut. hairdresser: “Sure. A *cut only?” You: That’s a little too short so would you

not cut it very short? Yes, a little longer. Yes, that’s great. *カット13) I’d like to *add one more to the order. But, is it too late? Would you please add one more?14) Excuse me. I’m sorry. But, would you please move your luggage because my luggage is next to it?

p.� of � - Volitional, Request http://LetsGoToJapan-ATX.com/11 12

References みんなの日本語 Ch.31, 36

Would you please do me the favor of ..., Would you mind doing ... (for me)?

いただきたいのですが。 (not a question) business / most formal





もらえませんか。 daily conversation

V-て form + もらいたいんですけど。(not a question) polite




ください。 (not a question)

もらえない? friends, family,

くれない? younger persons



。 (not a question) most relaxed / casual

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