MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE MONTHLY REPORT MSMR A publication of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch AUGUST 2016 Volume 23 Number 8 PAGE 2 Incidence of abdominal hernias in service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014 Francis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH; Stephen B. Taubman, PhD PAGE 11 Incidence of hiatal hernia in service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014 Francis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH; Stephen B. Taubman, PhD


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A publication of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch


Volume 23Number 8

P A G E 2 Incidence of abdominal hernias in service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014Francis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH; Stephen B. Taubman, PhD

P A G E 1 1 Incidence of hiatal hernia in service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014Francis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH; Stephen B. Taubman, PhD


MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 2

From 1 January 2005 through 31 December 2014, a total of 87,480 incident diagnoses of the five types of abdominal hernia (incidence rate 63.3 cases per 10,000 person-years) were documented in the health records of 72,404 active component service members. The overall incidence rate of inguinal hernias among males was six times the rate among females. However, incidence rates of femoral, ventral/incisional, and umbilical hernias were higher among females than males. During the 10-year interval, annual incidence rates for most of the five types of hernia trended downward, but rates increased for umbilical hernias in both males and females and for ventral/incisional her-nias among females. For most types of hernia, the incidence rates tended to be higher among the older age groups. Health records documented 35,624 surgical procedures whose descriptions corresponded to the types of hernia diagnoses in the service members. Most repair procedures were performed in outpatient settings. The proportion of surgical procedures performed via laparoscopy increased during the period, but the majority of operations were open procedures. The limitations to the generalizability of the findings in this study are discussed.

Incidence of Abdominal Hernias in Service Members, Active Component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014Francis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH (COL, USA, Ret.); Stephen B. Taubman, PhD

An abdominal hernia is an abnor-mal protrusion of an organ or tissue through a defect in the

abdominal wall. Such hernias are diag-nosed most frequently in the inguinal, umbilical, and femoral regions, but another category of relatively common hernias of the anterior abdominal wall includes both ventral and incisional hernias. The latter occur at the sites of previous surgical inci-sions.1 Estimates of the incidence rates of abdominal hernias in the U.S. population suggest a 5% lifetime risk. Even though not all hernias necessitate surgical interven-tion, more than 600,000 surgical repairs of hernias occur annually in the U.S.1–3

Within the population of military ser-vice members, inguinal hernias have been common enough to be among the five most frequent diagnoses of digestive disorders associated with all medical encounters,

with male hospitalizations, and with male outpatient encounters.4–6 Medical accession standards specify that applicants for mili-tary service do not meet entrance standards if they have a current hernia (except for a small or asymptomatic umbilical hernia) of the abdominal wall or if they have a history of open or laparoscopic abdominal surgery during the preceding 6 months.7

This study explored the incidence of documented diagnoses of the five major categories of abdominal hernia among active component service members, exam-ined the distribution of hernias accord-ing to several demographic characteristics, assessed the frequency with which diag-nosed cases underwent reparative surgery while in active service, and estimated the frequencies of laparoscopic and open sur-gical procedures.


The surveillance period was 1 Janu-ary 2005 through 31 December 2014. The surveillance population included all active component service members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps who served at any time during the surveillance period. Records of both inpatient and out-patient health care documented in the data-bases of the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) were searched to ascertain cases of the five types of abdominal hernia categories used in this analysis: inguinal, umbilical, ventral/incisional, femoral, and “other.” A case of any of these hernia types was defined by the presence of an ICD-9 code indicative of the subject hernia in any diagnostic position of the record of an inpa-tient or outpatient encounter (Table 1). The ICD-9 category for “other types” includes the following uncommon types of hernia: ischiatic, ischiorectal, lumbar, obturator, pudendal, retroperitoneal, and sciatic, but these types could not be distinguished from one another in this analysis.

An individual could be considered an incident case for a specific type of hernia just once during the surveillance period. However, individuals could be counted as incident cases of multiple hernia types. For each individual who met the criterion for a case, the date of the first-ever encoun-ter with a diagnosis of that hernia during the surveillance period was considered the incidence date. Individuals who had a case-defining encounter prior to the surveillance period were excluded from the analysis. For all defined incident cases, their health-care records were searched for documen-tation of surgical repair of that type of hernia coincident with, or subsequent to, their incident diagnosis. An instance of surgical repair was defined as an inpatient encounter with a procedure (PR) code for


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 3

the repair in any position or an outpatient encounter with a Current Procedural Ter-minology (CPT) code for the hernia repair in any position (Table 1).

Incidence rates for each type of hernia were compared across several demographic characteristics (sex, race/ethnicity, age group, branch of military service, rank, and military occupational field) for the whole surveillance period. The analysis deter-mined the proportion of cases of each type of hernia that eventually underwent surgi-cal repair during the surveillance period. In the search for records documenting surgi-cal repairs, the follow-up period for each case ran from the incidence date of the her-nia to the end of the surveillance period or to the service member’s departure from active service or death—whichever came first. The specific procedural code had to correspond to the type of hernia. Proce-dural codes that did not match the type of hernia were excluded. The study also exam-ined the relative frequencies of laparoscopic versus open surgical repair and of inpatient versus outpatient surgical repair. Finally, the analysis examined the specific ICD-9 diagnostic codes to determine, as indica-tors of relative seriousness of the diagnoses, the numbers and proportions of incident diagnoses whose codes represented hernias with gangrene, obstruction, or neither gan-grene nor obstruction.


During the 10-year surveillance period, the records of 72,404 active com-ponent service members documented inci-dent diagnoses of at least one of the five types of hernia. Because some affected service members had multiple incident diagnoses of hernias, they accounted for 87,480 incident diagnoses of hernias over-all. The frequencies of diagnoses of more than one type of hernia during the surveil-lance period are depicted in Table 2. The overall incidence rate for diagnoses of all types of hernia was 63.3 cases per 10,000 person-years (p-yrs); the rates for males and females were 67.3 and 39.8 cases per 10,000 p-yrs, respectively (Table 3). The rate of diagnosis of any hernia type by unique individuals was 52.4 per 10,000 p-yrs.

The overall incidence rates of the five types of hernia were highest for inguinal hernias and lowest for femoral hernias. There were notable differences between males and females in overall rates and in trends of annual incidence rates of diag-noses (Table 3, Figures 1–3). For example, the overall incidence rate of inguinal her-nia diagnoses in males was six times the rate among females; also, the rate of “other hernias” was 69% higher among males than females. On the other hand, rates of fem-oral and ventral/incisional hernias were nearly twice as high among females than

males; and for umbilical hernias, the female rate was 28% higher than that of males (Figure 1).

During 2005–2014, among males, annual incidence rates declined for ingui-nal hernias (15%), femoral hernias (39%), and “other hernias” (50%); they increased by 24% for umbilical hernia diagnoses; and they were low and stable for ventral/incisional hernias (Table 3, Figure 2). Among females, annual rates of inguinal, femoral, and “other” hernias fell by 40%, 45%, and 49%, respec-tively; however, rates of umbilical and ven-tral/incisional hernias increased by 57% and 15%, respectively (Table 3, Figure 3).

Compared to other race/ethnicity groups, the overall incidence rate of inguinal

T A B L E 1 . ICD-9 diagnostic codes for the five types of abdominal hernia and ICD-9 and CPT procedure codes for open and laparoscopic repairs in the inpatient and outpatient settings

T A B L E 2 . Number of service members with one or more hernia diagnoses, ac-tive component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

Procedure codes for surgical repair of abdominal hernias

Inpatient ICD-9 codes Outpatient CPT codes

Type of hernia ICD-9 diagnostic codes Open Laparoscopic Open Laparoscopic

Inguinal 550.xx 53.00–53.05, 53.10–53.17 17.11–17.13, 17.21–17.24 49505, 49507, 49520, 49521, 49525 49650, 49651

Femoral 551.0x, 552.0x, 553.0x 53.21, 53.29, 53.31, 53.39 49550, 49553, 49555, 49557

Umbilical 551.1, 552.1, 553.1 53.41, 53.49 53.42, 53.43 49585, 49587

Ventral/incisional, etc. 551.2x, 552.2x, 553.2x 53.51, 53.59,

53.61, 53.69 53.62, 53.63 49560, 49561, 49565, 49566, 49568, 49570, 49572, 49590

49652–49653, 49654–49657

Other types 551.8, 551.9, 552.8, 552.9, 553.8, 553.9 53.90 49540 49659

No. of different types of incident hernia

No. of service members with

the indicated no. of diagnoses

No. of diagnoses

1 58,661 58,661 2 12,484 24,968 3 1,186 3,558 4 72 288 5 1 5

Total 72,404 87,480


MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 4

T A B L E 3 . Counts and incidence rates of abdominal hernia diagnoses, by type and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

Total 2005 2006 2007 2008

Active component No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea


Inguinal hernia 46,700 33.8 5,133 37.3 5,121 37.5 4,765 35.0 4,517 32.9

Femoral hernia 794 0.6 104 0.8 105 0.8 93 0.7 76 0.6

Umbilical hernia 16,574 12.0 1,442 10.5 1,497 11.0 1,514 11.1 1,497 10.9

Ventral/incisional hernia 8,800 6.4 836 6.1 845 6.2 847 6.2 807 5.9

Other hernia 14,612 10.6 2,100 15.3 1,988 14.6 1,582 11.6 1,472 10.7

Total 87,480 63.3 9,615 69.8 9,556 69.9 8,801 64.7 8,369 60.9


Inguinal hernia 45,408 38.5 4,971 42.3 4,956 42.4 4,633 39.8 4,361 37.0

Femoral hernia 601 0.5 75 0.6 79 0.7 68 0.6 57 0.5

Umbilical hernia 13,613 11.5 1,206 10.3 1,276 10.9 1,252 10.7 1,254 10.6

Ventral/incisional hernia 6,582 5.6 639 5.4 642 5.5 651 5.6 614 5.2

Other hernia 13,277 11.2 1,933 16.4 1,823 15.6 1,449 12.4 1,312 11.1

Total 79,481 67.3 8,824 75.1 8,776 75.2 8,053 69.1 7,598 64.4


Inguinal hernia 1,292 6.4 162 8.0 165 8.3 132 6.7 156 8.0

Femoral hernia 193 1.0 29 1.4 26 1.3 25 1.3 19 1.0

Umbilical hernia 2,961 14.7 236 11.7 221 11.1 262 13.4 243 12.4

Ventral/incisional hernia 2,218 11.0 197 9.8 203 10.2 196 10.0 193 9.9

Other hernia 1,335 6.6 167 8.3 165 8.3 133 6.8 160 8.2

Total 7,999 39.8 791 39.3 780 39.3 748 38.2 771 39.4

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Active component No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea


Inguinal hernia 4,841 34.5 4,750 33.5 4,641 32.8 4,521 32.5 4,243 31.0 4,168 31.1

Femoral hernia 78 0.6 80 0.6 82 0.6 64 0.5 52 0.4 60 0.4

Umbilical hernia 1,601 11.4 1,688 11.9 1,879 13.3 1,868 13.4 1,772 12.9 1,816 13.6

Ventral/incisional hernia 915 6.5 913 6.4 954 6.7 941 6.8 879 6.4 863 6.4

Other hernia 1,386 9.9 1,384 9.8 1,324 9.4 1,224 8.8 1,131 8.3 1,021 7.6

Total 8,821 62.9 8,815 62.2 8,880 62.7 8,618 62.0 8,077 58.9 7,928 59.2


Inguinal hernia 4,735 39.4 4,632 38.2 4,537 37.5 4,386 36.9 4,126 35.3 4,071 35.8

Femoral hernia 63 0.5 67 0.6 62 0.5 46 0.4 40 0.3 44 0.4

Umbilical hernia 1,313 10.9 1,401 11.5 1,512 12.5 1,510 12.7 1,444 12.4 1,445 12.7

Ventral/incisional hernia 701 5.8 677 5.6 695 5.7 681 5.7 647 5.5 635 5.6

Other hernia 1,261 10.5 1,265 10.4 1,191 9.8 1,095 9.2 1,013 8.7 935 8.2

Total 8,073 67.1 8,042 66.2 7,997 66.1 7,718 65.0 7,270 62.3 7,130 62.7


Inguinal hernia 106 5.3 118 5.8 104 5.1 135 6.7 117 5.8 97 4.8

Femoral hernia 15 0.7 13 0.6 20 1.0 18 0.9 12 0.6 16 0.8

Umbilical hernia 288 14.4 287 14.1 367 17.9 358 17.6 328 16.1 371 18.4

Ventral/incisional hernia 214 10.7 236 11.6 259 12.6 260 12.8 232 11.4 228 11.3

Other hernia 125 6.2 119 5.8 133 6.5 129 6.4 118 5.8 86 4.3

Total 748 37.4 773 38.0 883 43.1 900 44.4 807 39.7 798 39.5aCases per 10,000 person-years


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 5

for femoral and umbilical hernias in females did not exhibit clear-cut relationships with advancing age (Table 4, Figures 4–8).

Among the services, rates of inguinal hernias were highest among Marine Corps members, whereas rates of umbilical, ven-tral/incisional, “other hernias,” and all types combined were highest among Army sol-diers. Compared to other service members, those in combat-specific occupations had slightly higher rates of inguinal hernias, and healthcare personnel had modestly higher incidence rates for femoral, umbilical, and ventral/incisional hernias (Table 4).

Specific ICD-9 diagnostic codes recorded on medical records indicated that 0.37% of incident hernias were complicated by gangrene, and 3.05% were complicated by obstruction (or incarceration, irreducibility, or strangulation). However, the proportions of cases with complications markedly var-ied across hernia types; for example, records indicate that more than 10% of incident cases of femoral and ventral/incisional hernias were complicated by gangrene or obstruc-tion (Table 5).

For the 87,480 incident diagnoses of hernias of all types, service members’ records documented the performance of 35,624 sur-gical repairs (Table 6). Of the 4,971 diagno-ses of inguinal hernia recorded for males in 2005, a total of 3,038 of the cases (61.1%) underwent inguinal hernia surgery at some point during the rest of the surveillance period. The 46,700 incident diagnoses of inguinal hernia in both sexes were associated with 25,344 contemporaneous or subsequent surgeries (54.3% of cases) identified as spe-cific to inguinal hernia during the surveil-lance period. Although it was expected that the proportions of cases who underwent sur-gery would decrease as the durations of fol-low-up diminished with each successive year in the surveillance period, the proportions did not fall as sharply as might have been expected (Table 6, Figure 9, Figure 10).

Of the 25,344 repair procedures for inguinal hernias during the surveillance period, the recorded procedure codes indi-cated that almost 92% were performed in outpatient settings. High proportions of outpatient procedures were also found for repairs of umbilical (93%), ventral/incisional (78%), and femoral (76%) hernias (data not shown). Because current coding systems do not have some procedural codes for lapa-roscopic repairs of femoral, umbilical, and

F I G U R E 1 . Overall incidence rates for abdominal hernia, by type and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 2 . Annual incidence rates for types of abdominal hernia, male service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 3 . Annual incidence rates for types of abdominal hernia, female service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014












Other hernia Ventral,incisional




es p

er 1


0 pe
















2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


es p

er 1


0 pe




Inguinal hernia

Umbilical hernia

Other hernia

Ventral, incisionalhernia

Femoral hernia

- 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


es p

er 1


0 pe




Umbilical hernia

Ventral, incisionalherniaOther hernia

Inguinal hernia

Femoral hernia

hernias was notably higher among white, non-Hispanic service members, and the rates of umbilical and ventral/incisional her-nias were highest among black, non-His-panic service members. Incidence rates of

each type of hernia and of all types together were lowest among Asian/Pacific Islander service members. For most types of hernia, the incidence rates tended to be higher in the older age groups, although incidence rates

Ventral/ incisional



es p

er 1


0 p-



es p

er 1


0 p-



es p

er 1


0 p-


Ventral/incisional hernia

Ventral/incisional hernia


MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 6

T A B L E 4 . Incident abdominal hernia diagnoses, by type and demographic characteristics, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

Inguinal hernia Femoral Umbilical Ventral/incisional Other hernia All hernia diagnoses

No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Ratea No. Total ratea

Total 46,700 33.8 794 0.57 16,574 12.0 8,800 6.4 14,612 10.6 87,480 63.3


Male 45,408 38.5 601 0.51 13,613 11.5 6,582 5.6 13,277 11.2 79,481 67.3

Female 1,292 6.4 193 0.96 2,961 14.7 2,218 11.0 1,335 6.6 7,999 39.8

Race/ethnicityWhite, non- Hispanic 33,056 38.7 496 0.58 9,954 11.7 5,276 6.2 9,837 11.5 58,619 68.7

Black, non- Hispanic 5,863 25.9 150 0.66 3,839 17.0 2,178 9.6 2,352 10.4 14,382 63.6

Hispanic 4,676 29.1 96 0.60 1,709 10.6 829 5.2 1,456 9.1 8,766 54.6Asian/Pacific Islander 809 15.3 11 0.21 226 4.3 108 2.0 254 4.8 1,408 26.6

American Indian/Alaska Native 303 18.8 7 0.43 105 6.5 59 3.7 99 6.1 573 35.5

Other/unknown 1,993 27.6 34 0.47 741 10.3 350 4.9 614 8.5 3,732 51.8

Age (males)

<20 2,933 39.1 21 0.28 279 3.7 185 2.5 993 13.2 4,411 58.8

20–24 13,108 34.2 164 0.43 2,123 5.5 1,283 3.4 3,560 9.3 20,238 52.9

25–29 9,108 33.1 139 0.51 2,563 9.3 1,324 4.8 2,694 9.8 15,828 57.6

30–34 6,492 36.6 99 0.56 2,356 13.3 1,007 5.7 1,973 11.1 11,927 67.2

35–39 6,077 42.8 75 0.53 2,667 18.8 1,166 8.2 1,915 13.5 11,900 83.9

40–44 4,595 53.7 65 0.76 2,245 26.2 939 11.0 1,285 15.0 9,129 106.7

45+ 3,095 72.4 38 0.89 1,380 32.3 678 15.9 857 20.1 6,048 141.6

Age (females)

<20 101 6.9 20 1.37 73 5.0 25 1.7 67 4.6 286 19.6

20–24 406 6.0 60 0.88 733 10.8 461 6.8 347 5.1 2,007 29.4

25–29 316 6.4 46 0.92 871 17.5 588 11.8 315 6.3 2,136 42.9

30–34 178 6.1 25 0.85 633 21.6 471 16.0 249 8.5 1,556 53.0

35–39 147 7.2 20 0.98 387 18.9 362 17.7 189 9.2 1,105 54.0

40–44 89 7.6 17 1.45 194 16.5 204 17.4 109 9.3 613 52.2

45+ 55 8.2 5 0.74 70 10.4 107 15.9 59 8.8 296 44.0


Army 18,918 35.8 327 0.62 7,335 13.9 3,952 7.5 6,659 12.6 37,191 70.4

Navy 9,337 28.4 162 0.49 3,779 11.5 1,707 5.2 2,481 7.5 17,466 53.1

Air Force 10,849 32.7 211 0.64 3,855 11.6 2,215 6.7 3,104 9.3 20,234 60.9

Marine Corps 7,596 39.5 94 0.49 1,605 8.4 926 4.8 2,368 12.3 12,589 65.5


Enlisted 38,317 33.3 659 0.57 13,545 11.8 7,359 6.4 12,336 10.7 72,216 62.8

Officer 8,383 36.3 135 0.58 3,029 13.1 1,441 6.2 2,276 9.9 15,264 66.1


Combat-specific 7,896 39.2 100 0.50 2,354 11.7 1,190 5.9 2,341 11.6 13,881 68.9Armor/motor transport 1,382 32.9 21 0.50 513 12.2 253 6.0 446 10.6 2,615 62.3

Pilot/air crew 1,831 35.0 25 0.48 574 11.0 226 4.3 428 8.2 3,084 59.0

Repair/engineer 13,589 34.0 212 0.53 4,548 11.4 2,317 5.8 3,886 9.7 24,552 61.4Communications/intelligence 9,036 29.3 187 0.61 3,961 12.8 2,275 7.4 3,148 10.2 18,607 60.4

Health care 3,789 32.1 86 0.73 1,946 16.5 1,091 9.2 1,200 10.2 8,112 68.8

Other/unknown 9,177 35.4 163 0.63 2,678 10.3 1,448 5.6 3,163 12.2 16,629 64.1aCases per 10,000 person-years


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 7

“other” hernias, the frequency of laparoscopy was examined for only inguinal and ventral/incisional hernias (Table 1). Overall, surgery was performed via laparoscopy for 32.8% of inguinal hernia repairs and 13.8% of ven-tral/incisional hernia repairs. From 2005 to 2014, the use of laparoscopy rose from 15.7% to 43.9% of inguinal hernia repairs and from 0.3% to 19.3% of ventral/incisional repairs (data not shown).


This analysis found that, from 2005 to 2014, the annual incidence of diagnoses of all types of hernia decreased slightly in male service members but remained stable among females. However, trends in the annual rates of hernia diagnoses varied by both sex and type of hernia. As expected, the incidence of inguinal hernia was far greater in males than females. Advancing age was associated most clearly with increasing incidence rates of inguinal, umbilical, and ventral/incisional hernias. The frequency of surgical repair of diagnosed hernias varied by type of hernia, ranging from highs of 54.7% of inguinal her-nias in males and 41.6% of umbilical hernias in females to less than 1% of “other types” in both males and females.

This study is based on data that reflect the incidence of diagnoses of abdominal her-nias in a large population for whom most healthcare encounters are reliably captured in the electronic records of care in military treatment facilities and civilian sources of care (reimbursed care). This circumstance differs from much of the published litera-ture about abdominal hernias because those aggregated data are most often based on care provided to individuals who underwent sur-gical treatment or were considered candi-dates for surgery. Usually the demographic characteristics of the civilian populations from which surgical patients come are not well defined, although there are exceptions.3 In contrast, the findings of this study can be described as population based.

Nevertheless, there are limitations to the generalizability of the results because of the unique characteristics of the population of active component service members. Ser-vice members are medically screened at the time of entry into service, so those who meet the physical standards—which include the

F I G U R E 4 . Incidence rates of inguinal hernia, by age and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 5 . Incidence rates of femoral hernia, by age and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 6 . Incidence rates of umbilical hernia, by age and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014










<20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45+


es p

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0 p-


Age group












<20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45+


es p

er 1


0 p-


Age group











<20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45+


es p

er 1


0 p-


Age group




MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 8

F I G U R E 7 . Incidence rates of ventral/incisional hernias, by age and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 8 . Incidence rates of all other hernia types, by age and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

<20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45+


es p

er 1


0 p-


Age group









<20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45+


es p

er 1


0 p-


Age group



T A B L E 5 . Distribution of incident diagnoses of abdominal hernia by ICD-9 coding indicating the presence of gangrene, obstruction, or neither, by type of hernia, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

Inguinal Femoral Umbilical Ventral/incisional Other All types of herniaNo. of cases

% of total

No. of cases

% of total

No. of cases

% of total

No. of cases

% of total

No. of cases

% of total

No. of cases

% of total

Total 46,700 794 16,574 8,800 14,612 87,480

With gangrene 231 0.5% 23 2.9% 20 0.1% 23 0.3% 23 0.2% 320 0.4%

With obstruction 565 1.2% 59 7.4% 842 5.1% 1,020 11.6% 183 1.3% 2,669 3.1%Without gangrene, obstruction 45,904 98.3% 712 89.7% 15,712 94.8% 7,757 88.1% 14,406 98.6% 84,491 96.6%

absence of any hernia except a small umbili-cal hernia—are likely at lower risk of being diagnosed with a significant abdominal her-nia than the general population of the same age distribution. Moreover, the overall age distribution of the military population dif-fers greatly from that of the general U.S.

population. There are no service members younger than 17 years of age and previous reports have documented that 95.9% of male service members and 96.4% of female ser-vice members were younger than 45 years of age. In contrast, 22.4% of the 2011 U.S. civil-ian population was younger than 17 years of

age and the proportions of men and women aged 17–44 years were 38.7% and 36.9%, respectively.8

This study found that advancing age is correlated with increasing incidence rates of several of the types of hernia examined but was unable to document hernia incidence rates associated with the older age groups (50 years and older) among whom the inci-dence of hernias and their complications are reported to be even more common.1 Accord-ingly, the findings of this study that differ from the published literature must be inter-preted in light of the differing characteristics of the population of active component mili-tary service members when compared to the general U.S. population.

Malangoni and Rosen have stated that men are 25 times more likely to have a groin hernia (mostly inguinal hernias) than women and that inguinal hernias are the most common hernias in women.1 In con-trast, this study of relatively young service members found that the rate of inguinal her-nias in males was six times that of females, and that both umbilical and ventral/inci-sional hernias were much more common than inguinal hernias in females. Because the prevalence of hernia is said to increase with age, especially inguinal, umbilical, and fem-oral hernias, the overall lifetime incidence of hernias is only partially described by the findings of this study.

The criteria for performing surgery on abdominal hernias vary according to the type. In general, the occurrence of, or the likelihood of, strangulation is the most clear-cut indication. The risk of strangulation in femoral hernias is said to be sufficiently high to warrant the surgical correction of all fem-oral hernias.1 In this study, more than 10% of initial diagnoses of femoral hernia were


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 9

T A B L E 6 . Numbers of abdominal hernia cases per year, the number of each year’s cases that had subsequent surgery, and the proportion of each year’s cases that had surgery, by hernia type, year of incident diagnosis, and sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

Male 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Inguinal Incident diagnoses in year 4,971 4,956 4,633 4,361 4,735 4,632 4,537 4,386 4,126 4,071 45,408

Subsequent repair (any year) 3,038 2,938 2,604 2,404 2,524 1,945 2,359 2,556 2,372 2,082 24,822

Proportion (%) with repairs 61.1 59.3 56.2 55.1 53.3 42.0 52.0 58.3 57.5 51.1 54.7

Femoral Incident diagnoses in year 75 79 68 57 63 67 62 46 40 44 601

Subsequent repair (any year) 5 4 3 4 2 1 2 - 2 3 26

Proportion (%) with repairs 6.7 5.1 4.4 7.0 3.2 1.5 3.2 - 5.0 6.8 4.3

Umbilical Incident diagnoses in year 1,206 1,276 1,252 1,254 1,313 1,401 1,512 1,510 1,444 1,445 13,613

Subsequent repair (any year) 703 732 699 639 584 483 642 746 724 594 6,546

Proportion (%) with repairs 58.3 57.4 55.8 51.0 44.5 34.5 42.5 49.4 50.1 41.1 48.1Ventral/ incisional Incident diagnoses in year 639 642 651 614 701 677 695 681 647 635 6,582

Subsequent repair (any year) 203 194 192 159 194 144 181 210 225 159 1,861

Proportion (%) with repairs 31.8 30.2 29.5 25.9 27.7 21.3 26.0 30.8 34.8 25.0 28.3

Other Incident diagnoses in year 1,933 1,823 1,449 1,312 1,261 1,265 1,191 1,095 1,013 935 13,277

Subsequent repair (any year) 3 2 3 3 5 2 - 5 1 2 26

Proportion (%) with repairs 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 - 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.2

Female 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Inguinal Incident diagnoses in year 162 165 132 156 106 118 104 135 117 97 1,292

Subsequent repair (any year) 64 77 60 58 45 31 50 53 51 33 522

Proportion (%) with repairs 39.5 46.7 45.5 37.2 42.5 26.3 48.1 39.3 43.6 34.0 40.4

Femoral Incident diagnoses in year 29 26 25 19 15 13 20 18 12 16 193

Subsequent repair (any year) 4 2 1 3 2 1 1 - 1 1 16

Proportion (%) with repairs 13.8 7.7 4.0 15.8 13.3 7.7 5.0 - 8.3 6.3 8.3

Umbilical Incident diagnoses in year 236 221 262 243 288 287 367 358 328 371 2,961

Subsequent repair (any year) 121 91 134 94 109 79 147 164 137 155 1,231

Proportion (%) with repairs 51.3 41.2 51.1 38.7 37.8 27.5 40.1 45.8 41.8 41.8 41.6Ventral/ incisional Incident diagnoses in year 197 203 196 193 214 236 259 260 232 228 2,218

Subsequent repair (any year) 62 64 53 60 45 46 71 61 56 48 566

Proportion (%) with repairs 31.5 31.5 27.0 31.1 21.0 19.5 27.4 23.5 24.1 21.1 25.5

Other Incident diagnoses in year 167 165 133 160 125 119 133 129 118 86 1,335

Subsequent repair (any year) - - 1 - 1 2 1 1 - 2 8

Proportion (%) with repairs - - 0.8 - 0.8 1.7 0.8 0.8 - 2.3 0.6

coded to indicate the presence of either gangrene or obstruction (manifestations of strangulation). Interestingly enough, the health records of fewer than 10% of all service members with diagnoses of femoral hernia contained documentation of surgical repairs. However, the records of nearly another 10% of femoral hernia patients contained docu-mentation of another type of hernia repair. This observation is indicative of the potential for undercounting of corrective surgery pro-cedures for abdominal hernias. The advent of laparoscopic surgery has made it not only

possible, but also advantageous, to treat mul-tiple hernias during a single operative inter-vention. For example, because femoral and inguinal hernias often occur in the same patient, the laparoscopic correction of one type may be combined with additional pro-cedures to repair or prevent the other type. In fact, in some patients, a single laparo-scopic procedure can be employed to correct bilateral inguinal and femoral hernias and a ventral or umbilical hernia. Under such cir-cumstances, the procedure code recorded in the patient’s record may not adequately

document the full scope of the surgery. As a result, the data presented in this report likely underestimate the proportion of abdominal hernias that were surgically repaired. The fact that femoral and umbilical hernias do not have procedure codes for laparoscopic repair would also tend to underrepresent the apparent frequency of such procedures when done in combination with the repair of other types of hernia.

Even though the young adults who enter the military are screened to preclude their entrance with pre-existing abdominal


MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 10

F I G U R E 9 . Proportions of diagnosed cases of the most common, specific abdominal hernias in each year that were associated with subsequent surgical repair, males, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 1 0 . Proportions of diagnosed cases of the most common, specific abdominal her-nias in each year that were associated with subsequent surgical repair, females, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014









2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% o

f cas

es w

ho h

ad s













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

% o

f cas

es w

ho h

ad s






hernias, a sizable proportion of service mem-bers subsequently develop hernias while in uniform. Apart from their potential for seri-ous complications, many hernias cause symp-toms such as pain that may worsen with the passage of time. In service members, pain-ful hernias may interfere with the demands of their military duties and the requirements for meeting standards of physical fitness. Unfortunately, surgical repair of hernias may be associated with subsequent pain and even recurrence of hernia.9 What can be done to decrease the impact of abdominal hernias

on service members and the general popu-lation? In general, hernias occur at anatomi-cal sites where there are defects, presumably congenital, in the integrity of the structures that comprise the abdominal wall. In addi-tion, however, incisional hernias, and some recurrent hernias, occur where previous sur-gery or injury has weakened the abdomi-nal wall. The predisposition to such hernias could be considered acquired rather than congenital. Although there is no preven-tive strategy for congenital predisposition to hernia, the treatment of hernias can entail

some preventive impact. As noted earlier, the presence of a femoral hernia warrants close monitoring and a low threshold for surgical repair, given the frequency of strangulation with femoral hernias. Moreover, the goal of surgery of most abdominal hernias includes the prevention of strangulation as well as the relief of symptoms. Modern laparoscopic surgery has made possible the combination of a less invasive approach to repairing a sin-gle hernia with the pre-emptive treatment of sites of potential future hernias. Malangoni and Rosen discuss some recent data about the surgical technique used to close a mid-line laparotomy and suggest that a higher suture-to-wound-length ratio would reduce the incidence of subsequent incisional her-nia.1 Lastly, the same authors state that ven-tral hernia formation has been linked to the patient-related factors of obesity, older age, male gender, sleep apnea, emphysema, and prostatism. Of these, obesity and emphy-sema are theoretically susceptible to modifi-cations in individual lifestyle.


1. Malangoni MA, Rosen MJ. Hernias. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers M, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 20th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017;1092–1119.2. Flum DR. The asymptomatic hernia: “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” JAMA. 2006;295(3):328–329.3. Zendejas B, Ramirez T, Jones T, et al. Incidence of inguinal hernia repairs in Olmsted County, MN: a population-based study. Ann Surg. 2013;257(3):520–526.4. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch. Absolute and relative morbidity burdens attributable to various illnesses and injuries, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015. MSMR. 2016;23(4):2–7.5. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch. Hospitalizations among members of the active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015. MSMR. 2016;23(4):8–16.6. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch. Ambulatory visits among members of the active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015. MSMR. 2016;23(4):17–25.7. DoD Instruction 6130.03. Medical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Military Services. 28 April 2010. Incorporating Change 1, 13 September 2011.8. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center. Surveillance snapshot: Age and gender distribution of service members, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, compared to the U.S. population, 2011. MSMR. 2013;20(11):16.9. Fitzgibbons RJ, Giobbie-Hurder A, Gibbs JO, et al. Watchful waiting vs repair of inguinal hernia in minimally symptomatic men: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2006;295(3):285–292.


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 11

From 2005 through 2014, a total of 27,276 active component service members had incident diagnoses of hiatal hernia documented in their medical records. The overall incidence rate was 19.7 cases per 10,000 person-years (p-yrs); annual incidence rates ranged from 16.5 to 22.2 cases per 10,000 p-yrs. Rates overall increased monotonically with increasing age and were higher among Air Force and Army members, officers, and healthcare workers than their respective counterparts. During the surveillance period, the 27,276 service members who had incident diagnoses of hiatal hernia accounted for 44,092 hiatal hernia-related encounters overall (1.6 encounters per case). Among all incident cases, 235 (0.86%) had surgical repairs documented during the period. The frequency of surgical treatment of hiatal hernias among mili-tary members mirrored the low frequency in U.S. civilian practice. During 2010–2014, most surgical procedures (79%) were accomplished via laparo-scopic approaches. The incidence rates of hiatal hernia diagnoses reported here likely greatly underestimate the true incidence in U.S. military popula-tions. Reasons for the underestimates and comparisons with other popula-tions are discussed.

Incidence of Hiatal Hernia in Service Members, Active Component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014Francis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH (COL, USA, Ret.); Stephen B. Taubman, PhD

Under normal circumstances, the esophagus passes from the thoracic cavity (above the dia-

phragm) to the stomach (below the diaphragm) through an opening in the dia-phragm (“esophageal hiatus”). If the esoph-ageal hiatus becomes enlarged, abdominal structures (e.g., stomach) can protrude from the abdominal into the thoracic cav-ity; such situations are referred to as hiatal hernias.1,2

Type I hiatal hernia is characterized by migration of the junction of the esoph-agus and stomach to a position above the diaphragm. Published reports estimate that approximately 95% of diagnosed hiatal her-nias are Type I. Most persons with Type I hiatal hernias have no troubling symptoms and may not be aware that they have hia-tal hernias. More serious types of hiatal hernias are characterized by the migration

upward, alongside the esophagus, of the fundus of the stomach (Types II and III) or, more seriously, of other abdominal struc-tures such as portions of the omentum, colon, or small intestine (Type IV).

The most common symptoms associ-ated with hiatal hernias are attributable to reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Over time, the stomach acid can produce inflammation of the esophagus that can cause burning or tightness in the chest, heartburn, and regurgitation of food. When symptoms caused by acid reflux per-sist despite initial treatment measures, the condition is described as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Hiatal hernia is a common risk factor for GERD, but not all cases of GERD are due to hiatal hernias. Types II–IV of hiatal hernia pose the risk of obstruction or strangulation of the herni-ated organ and pre-emptive surgery is often

undertaken to prevent such potentially fatal complications. Unfortunately, the occur-rence of such complications requires surgi-cal treatment, sometimes under emergent conditions. Hiatal hernias increase in prev-alence with older age; prevalence as high as 60% has been estimated among persons aged 50 years and older.3 Obesity is a risk factor for the development of hiatal hernia.

A diagnosis of hiatal hernia is not a disqualifying condition for entrance into military service, although GERD with complications is disqualifying. Surgery of the type commonly used for GERD with hiatal hernia (fundoplication) within the preceding 6 months is considered a basis for delaying entry.4

This study estimated the incidence of hiatal hernia among active component ser-vice members during 2005–2014 and the frequency of surgical procedures for the condition. Although surgery is necessary for only a small fraction of cases of hiatal hernia, such surgery is associated with sig-nificant disability and absence from duty.


The surveillance period was 1 Janu-ary 2005 through 31 December 2014. The surveillance population included all active component service members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps who served at any time during the surveil-lance period. Records of both inpatient and outpatient health care documented in the databases of the Defense Medical Sur-veillance System (DMSS) were searched to ascertain cases of hiatal hernia. A case was defined by the presence of an ICD-9 code for hiatal hernia in any diagnostic position of the record of an inpatient or outpatient encounter (Table 1). For each individual who met the criterion for a case,


MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 12

the date of the first-ever encounter with a hiatal hernia diagnosis during the surveil-lance period was considered the incidence date. Individuals who had a case-defining encounter before the surveillance period were excluded from the analysis. An indi-vidual was considered an incident case just once during the surveillance period, but all subsequent encounters with a diagno-sis of hiatal hernia were captured. For all defined incident cases, their healthcare records were searched for documentation of surgical repair of a hiatal hernia coinci-dent with, or subsequent to, their incident diagnosis. An instance of surgical repair was defined as an inpatient encounter with a procedure (PR) code for the repair in any position or an outpatient encoun-ter with a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for hiatal hernia repair in any position (Table 1). For cases of hiatal her-nia identified during each year of the sur-veillance period, their complete medical records were searched for evidence of sub-sequent surgical repair at any time during the period. Each case’s follow-up continued until the end of the surveillance period or until the service member left active duty, retired, or died. The numbers of such pro-cedures were associated with the year in which the incident diagnoses were made. The proportions of each year’s cases that eventually had documented surgical repair were calculated. Because procedural codes for hiatal hernia repairs changed during the

surveillance period, codes that specified surgical approaches as laparoscopic were not used until late 2008 and were restricted to inpatient procedures. Accordingly, the frequencies of laparoscopic versus open surgical approaches are summarized for the years 2010–2014 only.

Incidence rates for hiatal hernia were compared across several demographic characteristics (sex, race/ethnicity, age group, branch of military service, rank, and military occupational field) and for each year of the surveillance period. The analysis examined the distribution of cases accord-ing to the total number of their healthcare encounters for hiatal hernia and for any possible correlation between numbers of such encounters and the likelihood of sur-gical repair. The study also examined the relative frequencies of laparoscopic versus open surgical repair and of inpatient versus outpatient surgical repair.


During the 10-year surveillance period, the records of 27,276 active component ser-vice members documented first-time diag-noses of hiatal hernias (“incident cases”). Among the incident diagnoses, 13 speci-fied the code for hiatal hernia with gangrene (ICD-9: 551.3); 47 had the code for a her-nia obstructed, strangulated, or irreducible

(ICD-9: 552.3); and all others (n=27,216) had the code 553.3, which simply indicates hiatal hernia with no mention of obstruc-tion or gangrene (data not shown). The over-all incidence rate was 19.7 cases per 10,000 person-years (p-yrs); annual incidence rates ranged from 16.5 to 22.2 cases per 10,000 p-yrs in 2010 and 2005, respectively (Table 2, Figure 1). Overall rates were slightly higher (by 3.5%) among females than males. The most striking association between a demo-graphic characteristic and incidence rate was for age. Rates increased monotonically from the youngest to the oldest age groups examined in this analysis (Figure 2). Com-pared to the rates in their respective coun-terparts, incidence rates were higher among service members who were white, non-His-panic; in the Air Force or Army; officers; and in healthcare occupations (Table 2).

During the surveillance period, the 27,276 incident cases accounted for 44,092 hiatal hernia-associated healthcare encoun-ters. The mean and median numbers of such encounters per case were 1.62 and 2, respectively (data not shown). Most cases (n=19,213; 70.4%) had only one episode of care documented with a hiatal hernia diag-nosis; and nearly all cases (97.3%) had five or fewer hiatal hernia-related encounters (Table 3).

Of the 27,276 service members with incident diagnoses of hiatal hernia, 235 (0.86%) had surgical repairs during the surveillance period that were documented in medical records. The proportions of males and female cases who had such pro-cedures were 0.87% (n=201) and 0.83% (n=34), respectively (Table 4). Although the duration of potential follow-up progres-sively shortened for each year from 2005 forward, the numbers and proportions for each year’s cases fluctuated greatly. Only the decline in the 2014 cases’ numbers and proportions who had surgery suggests the effect of a shortened follow-up period. Service members with five or fewer hiatal hernia-associated encounters accounted for 97.3% of all cases but 60.0% of all surgical procedures; those with six to 10 encounters accounted for 2.4% of cases but 30.6% of surgical procedures; and those with more than 10 encounters accounted for 0.3% of cases but 9.4% of all procedures. Of cases with five or fewer encounters, six to 10

T A B L E 1 . ICD-9 diagnostic codes for hiatal hernia and ICD-9 and CPT procedure codes for open and laparoscopic repairs

Description ICD-9 diagnostic codes

Hiatal hernia with gangrene 551.3Hiatal hernia specified as irreducible, strangulated, or with obstruction


Hiatal hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene 553.3

Hernia repair (inpatient setting) ICD-9 procedure codes

Open 53.7, 53.72, 53.75, 53.8, 53.80, 53.82, 53.84

Laparoscopy 53.71, 53.83

Hernia repair (outpatient setting) CPT procedure codes

Open 39502, 39520, 39530, 39531, 39540, 39541, 43332–43337

Laparoscopy None


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 13

encounters, and more than 10 encounters, 0.5%, 11.1%, and 25.3% underwent sur-gery, respectively (Table 3).

The frequencies of laparoscopic ver-sus open surgical approaches are summa-rized for the years 2010–2014 only. Of the 144 surgical repairs for hiatal hernia during those years, the recorded procedure codes indicated that 114 (79%) were performed via laparoscopy and 30 (21%) via open

approach. All surgical procedures were done in the inpatient setting (data not shown).


Hiatal hernias are considered relatively common conditions among adults, espe-cially those aged 50 years or older. However,

T A B L E 2 . Counts and rates of incident diagnoses of hiatal hernia, by demo-graphic characteristics, active compo-nent, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

T A B L E 3 . Distribution of hiatal hernia cases by numbers of encounters for hiatal hernia, and distribution of surgical procedures according to numbers of encounters

T A B L E 4 . Numbers of incident diagnoses of hiatal hernia, by year, and the numbers and proportions of cases who underwent surgical repair procedures at any time after the incident diagnosis

No. Ratea

Total 27,276 19.7


Male 23,192 19.6

Female 4,084 20.3


White, non-Hispanic 19,260 22.6

Black, non-Hispanic 3,627 16.0

Hispanic 2,343 14.6

Asian/Pacific Islander 592 11.2

American Indian/Alaska Native 193 12.0

Other/unknown 1,261 17.5


<20 318 3.5

20–24 3,718 8.2

25–29 4,913 15.1

30–34 4,447 21.5

35–39 5,129 31.6

40–44 4,931 50.7

45+ 3,820 77.2


Army 11,991 22.7

Navy 5,550 16.9

Air Force 7,604 22.9

Marine Corps 2,131 11.1


Enlisted 20,702 18.0

Officer 6,574 28.5


Combat-specific 3,269 16.2

Armor/motor transport 712 17.0

Pilot/air crew 1,150 22.0

Repair/engineering 7,555 18.9

Communications/intelligence 6,553 21.3

Health care 3,405 28.9

Other/unknown 4,632 17.9aRate per 10,000 person-years

No. of encounters

for hiatal hernia

No. of inci-dent cases

% of all incident cases

No. of encounters

for hiatal hernia

% of all encounters

for hiatal hernia

No. who had surgical proceduresa

% of all surgical


% of cases who underwent


1–5 26,542 97.3 38,200 86.6 141 60.0 0.5

6–10 647 2.4 4,648 10.5 72 30.0 11.1

11+ 87 0.3 1,244 2.8 22 9.4 25.3

Total 27,276 44,092 a235 0.86aSeven service members (all males) underwent two repair procedures, for a total number of 242 procedures.

Total 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Incident diagnoses 3,054 2,849 2,866 2,590 2,672 2,337 2,728 3,038 2,645 2,497 27,276

Subsequent repair (any year) 27 27 25 15 14 21 30 26 35 15 235

Proportion (%) with repairs 0.88 0.95 0.87 0.58 0.52 0.90 1.10 0.86 1.32 0.60 0.86

Male 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Incident diagnoses 2,596 2,453 2,486 2,213 2,274 1,991 2,317 2,530 2,212 2,120 23,192

Subsequent repair (any year) 22 21 23 13 12 20 29 17 31 13 201

Proportion (%) with repairs 0.85 0.86 0.93 0.59 0.53 1.00 1.25 0.67 1.40 0.61 0.87

Female 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Incident diagnoses 458 396 380 377 398 346 411 508 433 377 4,084

Subsequent repair (any year) 5 6 2 2 2 1 1 9 4 2 34

Proportion (%) with repairs 1.09 1.52 0.53 0.53 0.50 0.29 0.24 1.77 0.92 0.53 0.83


MSMR Vol. 23 No. 8 August 2016 Page 14

estimation of the true prevalence of the con-dition is difficult because most hiatal her-nias do not produce symptoms. Moreover, when symptoms do occur, they are typi-cally those of gastroesophageal reflux (GER), a condition that is usually first treated with

medications and lifestyle modifications. When such treatments are effective, further diagnostic evaluations are not undertaken. As a result, diagnoses of hiatal hernias are usually confirmed if symptoms of GER are difficult to manage and further diagnostic

assessments are pursued, or incidentally dur-ing medical evaluations (e.g., imaging pro-cedures such as x-ray, endoscopy) for other conditions.5,6

Because many cases of hiatal hernia are asymptomatic or, when symptomatic, are not specifically diagnosed, the find-ing of an average annual incidence of about 2,700 new diagnoses of hiatal hernias among active component service members signifi-cantly underestimates the true incidence of the condition in the military population. Also, because a relatively small proportion of the active military force is aged 50 years or older, an age range for which the prevalence of hiatal hernia disease is much higher than among the age groups that predominate in the military, it is not surprising that the over-all incidence rate (unadjusted) documented in this study is less than estimates derived from civilian populations. In non-military adult populations, prevalences of hiatal her-nia of 15%–55% have been estimated using radiographic techniques.7

The findings of this analysis were consis-tent with the surgical literature that reports that the incidence and prevalence of diag-noses increase with advancing age and are approximately the same among males and females. The relatively higher incidence rates among officers and those in healthcare occu-pations may reflect the confounding effect of higher average age in these groups and eas-ier access to health care. The crude incidence rate was higher among white, non-Hispanic service members than among other race/eth-nicity groups. It is possible that this finding is affected by other differences between race/ethnicity groups with respect to age, service, rank, and occupation. As a result, the com-parisons between these crude incidence rates may be misleading. However, some older studies in Africa have indicated that hiatal hernias are much less common than has been reported in Europe and the U.S.8 This analysis did not attempt to examine the other diagnoses (e.g., GERD) that were asso-ciated with the 27,276 cases of hiatal her-nia that were identified in service members’ health records.

This study confirmed the general con-sensus that the overwhelming majority of diagnosed cases of hiatal hernia do not require surgery. Surgery is generally believed to be unnecessary for Type I hiatal hernias unless they are complicated by GERD that is

F I G U R E 1 . Annual incidence rates of hiatal hernia diagnoses for all cases and for each sex, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014

F I G U R E 2 . Incidence rates of hiatal hernia diagnoses, by age group, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2005–2014








2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014




es p

er 1


0 p-


FemaleTotalMale10-year overall rate










<20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45+




es p

er 1


0 p-


Age group


August 2016 Vol. 23 No. 8 MSMR Page 15

relatively severe and not successfully treated with nonsurgical measures.2 This analysis did not allow differentiation of Types II–IV hia-tal hernias (said to represent 5% of all cases) from Type I cases, so it was not possible to discern what proportion of the surgical cases were associated with the higher-risk types of hiatal hernia. The observation that the likeli-hood of surgery increased with the numbers of encounters for hiatal hernia is compat-ible with the usual practice of avoiding sur-gical treatment unless more conservative treatment approaches have failed to relieve severe symptoms or one of the complications of Types II–IV hiatal hernia has occurred. Another limitation in the estimation of sur-gical repairs is the possibility that some sur-gical patients, especially those whose surgery was for one of the serious complications of hiatal hernia, may have undergone surgical procedures whose description and proce-dural codes are not specific to the repair of hiatal hernias and thus were not searched for in cases’ medical records. Fewer than 1% of all hiatal hernia cases identified in this study

ever had surgery during the surveillance period. Another limitation of this estimate of the long-term likelihood of surgery is the varying lengths of follow-up due to service members’ death, departure from active ser-vice, or the end of the study period. There were undoubtedly additional cases of hiatal hernia who eventually underwent correc-tive surgery but such individuals were not identified in this study because their surgery took place following their military service or after 2014.

The frequency of surgery for hiatal her-nia in this study may also have been lower than estimates in civilian populations due to active component service members’ rela-tive youth, lower prevalence of obesity, and overall fitness and health status. The inabil-ity to capture diagnoses and surgical proce-dures among service members in the years after they left military service would result in underestimates of incidence because age-related risk factors for both asymptomatic and symptomatic disease would become more prevalent.


1. Yates RB, Oelschlager BK, Pellegrini CA. Gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers M, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 20th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017;1043–1064.2. Kohn GP, Price RR, Demeester SR, et al. Guidelines for the management of hiatal hernia. Surg Endosc. 2013;27(12):4409–4428.3. Goyal RK. Diseases of the esophagus. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, et al., eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 14th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1998;1589–1596.4. DoD Instruction 6130.03. Medical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Military Services. 28 April 2010. Incorporating Change 1, 13 September 2011.5. Hyun JJ, Bak YT. Clinical significance of hiatal hernia. Gut Liver. 2011;5(3):267–277. 6. Stilson WJ, Sanders I, Gardiner GA, Gorman HC, Lodge DF. Hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux. A clinicoradiological analysis of more than 1,000 cases. Radiology. 1969;93(6):1323–1327. 7. Dyer NH, Pridie RB. Incidence of hiatus hernia in asymptomatic subjects. Gut. 1968;9(6):696–699.8. Bassey OO, Eyo EE, Akinhanmi GA. Incidence of hiatus hernia and gastro-oesophageal reflux in 1030 prospective barium meal examinations in adult Nigerians. Thorax. 1977;32(3):356–359

MSMR’s Invitation to ReadersMedical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR) invites readers to submit topics for consideration as the basis for future MSMR reports. The

MSMR editorial staff will review suggested topics for feasibility and compatibility with the journal’s health surveillance goals. As is the case with most of the analyses and reports produced by Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch staff, studies that would take advantage of the healthcare and personnel data contained in the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) would be the most plausible types. For each promising topic, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch staff members will design and carry out the data analysis, interpret the results, and write a manuscript to report on the study. This invitation represents a willingness to consider good ideas from anyone who shares the MSMR’s objective to publish evidence-based reports on subjects relevant to the health, safety, and well-being of military service members and other beneficiaries of the Military Health System (MHS).

In addition, MSMR encourages the submission for publication of reports on evidence-based estimates of the incidence, distribution, impact, or trends of illness and injuries among members of the U.S. Armed Forces and other beneficiaries of the MHS. Information about manuscript submissions is available at www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Armed-Forces-Health-Surveillance-Branch/Reports-and-Publications/Medical-Surveillance-Monthly-Report/Instructions-for-Authors.

Please email your article ideas and suggestions to the MSMR editorial staff at: [email protected].


Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR)Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch11800 Tech Road, Suite 220 (MCAF-CS) Silver Spring, MD 20904

MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE MONTHLY REPORT (MSMR), in continuous publication since 1995, is produced by the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB). The MSMR provides evidence-based estimates of the incidence, distribution, impact and trends of illness and injuries among United States military members and associated populations. Most reports in the MSMR are based on summaries of medical administrative data that are routinely provided to the AFHSB and integrated into the Defense Medical Surveillance System for health surveillance purposes.

Archive: Past issues of the MSMR are available at www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Armed-Forces-Health-Surveillance-Branch/Reports-and-Publications/Medical-Surveillance-Monthly-Report/View-Past-Reports.

Subscriptions (electronic and hard copy): Submit subscription requests online at www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Armed-Forces-Health-Surveillance-Branch/Reports-and-Publications/Medical-Surveillance-Monthly-Report/Subscribe-to-the-MSMR.

Editorial inquiries: Call (301) 319-3240 or send email to: [email protected].

Instructions for authors: Information about article submissions is provided at www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Armed-Forces-Health-Surveillance-Branch/Reports-and-Publications/Medical-Surveillance-Monthly-Report/Instructions-for-Authors.

All material in the MSMR is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission. Citation formats are available at www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Armed-Forces-Health-Surveillance-Branch/Reports-and-Publications/Medical-Surveillance-Monthly-Report.

Opinions and assertions expressed in the MSMR should not be construed as reflecting official views, policies, or positions of the Department of Defense or the United States Government.

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ISSN 2158-0111 (print) ISSN 2152-8217 (online)

Chief, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch COL Douglas A. Badzik, MD, MPH (USA)

EditorFrancis L. O’Donnell, MD, MPH

Contributing Editors John F. Brundage, MD, MPH Leslie L. Clark, PhD, MS

Writer/EditorValerie F. Williams, MA, MS

Managing/Production EditorElizabeth J. Lohr, MA

Layout/DesignDarrell Olson

Data AnalysisStephen B. Taubman, PhD

Editorial OversightCol Dana J. Dane, DVM, MPH (USAF) LTC(P) P. Ann Loveless, MD, MS (USA)Joel C. Gaydos, MD, MPH Mark V. Rubertone, MD, MPH