Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5L3 web: www.rotarynanaimo.org Serving Our Community Since May 1, 1920 - Charter Number 43 DIRECTORS Doug Cowling Brent Stetar Susie Walker John Shillabeer Chris Pogson Susan Gerrand President Rotary International Sakuji Tanaka, Rotary Club of Yashio, Japan District Governor Assistant Governor Judy Byron, Sidney, BC Barry Sparkes, Lantzville, BC Club Meeting Friday at 12:00 p.m. at the Coast Bastion Inn CLUB OFFICERS 2012-2013 President ....................................................... Joan Ryan Vice President ............................................... Wahid Ali Secretary .........................................................Bob Janes Treasurer .............................................. Gordon Hubley President Elect .................................. Douglas Anderson Immediate Past President ..................... Dave Hammond Rhododendrons of spring 2013. photo - Bruce Gordon

Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 · 2013/5/24  · Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C

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Page 1: Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 · 2013/5/24  · Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C

Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5L3 — web: www.rotarynanaimo.org

Serving Our Community Since

May 1, 1920 - Charter Number 43

DIRECTORS Doug Cowling Brent Stetar Susie Walker

John Shillabeer Chris Pogson Susan Gerrand

President Rotary International Sakuji Tanaka, Rotary Club of Yashio, Japan

District Governor Assistant Governor Judy Byron, Sidney, BC Barry Sparkes, Lantzville, BC

Club Meeting Friday at 12:00 p.m.

at the Coast Bastion Inn


President ....................................................... Joan Ryan

Vice President ............................................... Wahid Ali

Secretary ......................................................... Bob Janes

Treasurer .............................................. Gordon Hubley

President Elect .................................. Douglas Anderson

Immediate Past President ..................... Dave Hammond

Rhododendrons of spring 2013. photo - Bruce Gordon

Page 2: Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 · 2013/5/24  · Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C

Meeting Notes from May 17

By Kathy Smith

President Joan called the meeting

to order and after a rousing rendition

of O Canada, grace was led by John


Norm Myden introduced the

guests: Derik Lewis from Coastal

Community Credit Union was once

again the guest of Lynne Pankratz.

President Joan noted the upcom-

ing birthdays and anniversaries and

then congratulated Ross White on

his upcoming 26th anniversary with


Yvan reported on the health of the

club noting that Pat Weideman,

wife of Marty, recently passed


For the Newfoundland question,

Ian Williams projected a picture

onto the screen. It was a house with

a door to nowhere – no stairs and 20

feet in the air. Bruce Samson won

the coveted tartan bookmark by

knowing that the name of this door is

the “mother-in-law door”.

Bob Fenty then spoke to the club

about the award that he accepted, on

behalf of the club, from the BC Prin-

cipals and Vice Principals Associa-

tion. Diane McGonigle, the princi-

pal at Bayview, sent in an impressive

letter to nominate our club for the

work we do with the schools in this

district. This award was unique in

that we were the only service club to

win such an award in the province.


John Heister-

man, sounding

like a fog horn,

reminded the

club of the up-

coming bowling

night. May 31 at

Brechin Lanes –

bowling, pizza, pop and other good-

ies all for $15 per adult; $5 per child.

Douglas Anderson noted that the

meeting next week is about “us”.

We are the program. Over the next

week, think about what you would

like to discuss.

Dave Hammond talked about the

Golf Tournament

happening at

Winchelsea on May

24. He needs names

by Monday! Golf

will start about 3

pm; dinner about 6:30. Cost is $25

for golf and $25 for dinner.

Wayne Anderson – as spokesper-

son for the Book Sale Committee

announced that the smoothly run

book sale grossed about $45,500!!!!

Ian figured out the volunteer hours

and determined that we made about

$25 per hour! Wayne wanted to

thank all who worked at the sale.

Bob Fenty had many announce-

ments: 1. Huge thanks to Dave Con-

nolly for helping take down the book

sale signs in the pouring rain; 2. He

is proposing a motion to donate

$1000 to the Friends of the Library

who assisted in the book sale; 3.

There will be a Community Services

Committee meeting today; 4. May

25 at Nanaimo North Town Centre,

the Fairway Market will be hosting a

BBQ. We have been asked to man

this event from 11 am – 2 pm – Bob

immediately got enough volunteers.

Funds raised will come back to our

Rotary Club and finally 5. The five

Rotary Clubs in Nanaimo are team-

ing up with the Salvation Army to do

Food Drives on June 15 from 10 – 4

pm at 10 different store locations.

Our club will be responsible for

manning the three Thrifty Foods lo-

cations. We will be asking for food

donations and stores will have bags

with food that people can purchase

while shopping. The Salvation Army

is desperately needing food.

President Joan was proud to men-

tion that the Interact club will be

raising $5000 to donate toward our

speakers equipment needs

Sgt-at-Arms John Heisterman thought that Bob should get a pen for

talking as long as our speakers do;

Bob was fined $1 for having his pic-

ture on the front page of the COGS;

John thought that those who didn’t

help at the book sale should donate

$10 – 20!

Happy bucks: Dave

C. thanked Bob for

his excellent back

seat driving as they

took signs down;

Ross had a celebra-

tory buck for his 26

years in Rotary;

Keith was delighted with the help of

some young blood while doing ta-

bles for the book sale – Ryan is Ian

Williams’ grandson; Al is excited

that they are going on another cruise

and Carey and Annabel are joining

them; Art V. had both sad and happy

bucks – sad that his wife lost her

wallet and happy that it was found,

unfortunately after she had cancelled

all her cards; Barb B. had very

happy gratitude to John H. who

dealt with her bees after they stung

her; Yvan had thanks to everyone

for help with the book sale and

Wayne and thanks to those who

work daily to make the event the

success that it is.

Table stakes were won by Bill

King. Ian Williams tried his luck at

the 50/50 but didn’t pull the winning


Next week it’s all about us! Douglas said.

Page 3: Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 · 2013/5/24  · Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C

Guatemala Experience By Jane K. Currie

Basil Hobbs introduced speaker

Dr. John

Snively, a

dentist and

Rotarian who

has followed

his passion

for humani-

tarian service

in Guatemala.

Dr. Snively

began with a

little personal

background that meshed with the

generational experience of many of

our members – as a young person he

was a hippy at heart and spent many

years “escaping.” After graduating

from U of T dental school in 1971

and beginning practice in Hamilton,

Ontario, in 1974 he and a friend em-

barked on a travel adventure. This

included outfitting a camperized van

that travelled across North America

and south to Central America,

through Guatemala, and then Colom-

bia, where he lived for a year. Later

he worked as a travelling dentist in

the Canadian Arctic, using portable

equipment, but Guatemala drew him

back, where he found colourful na-

tive fabrics that he brought back to

Canada to sell at music festivals.

1980 saw Dr. S. learning about

alternative healing and holistic

health in New Mexico, principles he

incorporated into a new dental prac-

tice in Nelson B.C. In 1998 he re-

tired (again) and moved to Oak Bay,

Victoria (so his son could play soc-

cer year round). He got back into

dental practice and also became in-

troduced to Rotary. In 2006 he re-

tired (again) and accompanied a

friend who was working in Guate-

mala. Visiting in a little village by

the most beautiful Lake Atitlan, he

was shocked at the awful dental

health of adults and children, and

applied his knowledge to help set up

a portable dental clinic.

With support of the Nelson and

Oak Bay Rotary clubs, Dr. Snively

was able to get grant support to buy

portable dental equipment (similar to

that used in the field by the military)

and organize volunteers to help in

Guatemala. He showed photos of

typical patients - young Mayan chil-

dren with completely rotted teeth.

Education is a key part of his prac-

tice there, with volunteer assistance

from a dental hygienist from

Victoria. Together they see about

300 patients over the course of five

weeks, performing surgery, cleaning

and filling. Patients line up for hours

for consultation, and if they can’t be

seen during this annual visit, they

will wait till next year’s return.

Many live with chronic dental infec-

tions that can be fatal. The annual

visits from Dr. Snively and his vol-

unteer assistant are the only opportu-

nity for proper dental care in the re-

mote villages around Lake Atitlan.

This annual dental mission is now in

its fourth year.

Currently Dr. Snively is looking

for $5K in support to purchase of a

portable digital X-ray unit which can

greatly improve diagnosis and treat-

ment. A tax receipt is available for

gifts made online through the regis-

tered Canadian Charity Innovative

Communities Org at http://


Dr. Snively can be reached through

his email [email protected].

He finished with the thoughts, “Let

the beauty we love be

what we do” and

“there are a 100 ways

to kneel and kiss the


Kathy Smith

thanked Dr. Snively,

noting that he had not

lost his passion, but

brought it home in


Dr. Snively works with a volunteer dental assistant on one of the many Guatemala patients.

Dr. John Snively

Children with completely rotted teeth.

Page 4: Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 · 2013/5/24  · Volume 93, Number 40 4,585th Meeting Friday, May 24, 2013 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 405, Nanaimo, B.C

ATTENDANCE Report by Bob Janes

Attendance for May 17th was 64%

We missed these Rotarians:

Ali, Blackmore, Borisenko,

Brand, Corriveau, Cowling, Ger-

rand, L Gosselin, Grice, Hewitt,

Jaggers, Narver, Patrick, Pogson,

Raedler, J Smith, Stetar, Tanner,

Welch, Wilson

Visiting Rotarians:

John Snively from Victoria, who

was our guest speaker


Erin Lee, Derek Lewis

Make ups:

Holzwarth, Forward, Cowling,


Club Anniversaries:

Brenda Grice, May 30, 16 years











“COGS” is the official bulletin of the Rotary Club of Nanaimo, published each

Friday by the Bulletin Committee

Winner of District 5020 Best Bulletin


Bulletin Committee Chair — Lila Tanner Meeting Reporter: Kathy Smith / Program Reporter: Jane Currie / Photos: Ian Williams

Editing & Production: Bruce Gordon / Web Posting: Ian Williams











Friday, May 24th

Wayne Anderson,

Bob Buchanan, Art Vanidour

Bill King

Mike Herold

John Shillabeer

Pres. Joan, PE Douglas Anderson, Wayne Anderson, Bob Buchanan,

Art Vanidour, Brenda Grice

Lynn Pankratz

President Joan


PE Douglas Anderson











Friday, June 7th

Barbara Blinston,

Janeane Coutu, Ross White

Egon Holzwarth

Bruce Samson

Brent Stetar

Pres. Joan, Ross White, Harry Cicconi, Barbara Blinston,

Janeane Coutu, Brent Stetar

Chris Pogson

Ross White



Janeane Coutu

Friday, May 31st

Helen Blackmore,

Dave Connolly, Susie Walker

Bill King

Dave Hammond

Joyce Smith

Pres. Joan, Museum Rep. Basil Hobbs, Keith McFarlane, Helen Blackmore,

Dave Connolly, Susie Walker

Bob Patrick

Basil Hobbs


From Coal to Cruise Ships

John Salem

DATES TO REMEMBER May 25—BBQ at Fairway Market, Nanaimo North Town Centre

May 31– June 2—Rotary District Conference, Sidney-by-the-Sea, BC

May 31 - Food & Fellowship Bowling at Brechin Lanes. Food at 5:45, bowling at

6:15. Adult $15 / under 16 $5 / pizza $10

July 5—Installation Night at the Coast Bastion Inn. No charge to members.

August 11—Rotary Picnic, Huddlestone Park in Lantzville.

Dec. 1st—Rotary Family Christmas Breakfast at Bowen Park Club House.

Dec. 19th—Rotary Christmas Dinner at new Nanaimo Golf Course club house.

‘Huckey” Celebrates Birthday An Honorary Member of our club

and a Past President and Paul Harris

Fellow, Dale Huck celebrated his 84th

birthday with his coffee club friends

on Tuesday at Beefeaters Restaurant.

The jovial pancake flipper was over-

whelmed with the surprise party or-

ganized by his long-time friend Bill


Photo below shows a few familiar

faces at the gathering.