Shows DaUy 3 3:00 - 7:45 - 9:05 Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun May 1 aCILE FRANCOIS &: COMPANY Novelty Creators GEORGE MORTON Entertaining Y01UIpI!r EDITH HANBY >ocket-Edition Comedieclt hby Show Now On. VoIz "or the Prettiest Baby EIJOU-O-GRAPH Motion Pictures lOc--ZOc 's Contests Every Wedaa- 7:00 P. M., l Cuh Prizes 1001 Children's Matiuee lrday 3;00 P. M_ Childm ' er 12, 59' I "rotessors to Grinnell. Lfter,lloon\1nd tomorrow, the ,demy ot science will convene leU. Professor Gilbert 1. If Iowa is the presiding omeer Ical instructors who wl\l al· I meeting are B. Shimek, R. I, S. Calvin, G. F. Kay, F. A. in, Albert Kunz, G. W. Stew. Sleg, C. E. Seashore and H. Macbride. Ie8hman vs. Iowa Cit,', r st year squad of track ath- I meet Iowa City high school .1 meet on Iowa field Satur- 'rnoon at 2 o'clock. A fast exp ec terJ as the local high I have been showing up well. rhere It a merchant in town would not gladly accept lole Agency for; are & Sanborn's Coffee ? They know. the e & Sanborn coffee is est that money can buy. ANDRA1'H e GROCER ICHARDT CONFECTIONER to Chocolates our sped- CaDdies Home-made. !am made in all shapes rnished for Parties and ons. I LATEST DRINKS .. THE DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHED BY T Hf STU DE . r !J r: oS 'J ' t\ T 1' : UNIVERSITY OF IOWA VOL IX SACRED CONC.h:ltT TO·DAY 2:30 P. M. ffSJlVAL IS A SUCCfSS; AITfNDANCf MARK SH MAL FOR THREE OONOERTS BX OEEDS THE' 8000 FIGURE. IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1910 Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra EMIL OBERHOFFER, DIRECTOR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. STAYS FOR SAORED OONOERT TODAY FiDe Pl"ogr..o Arranged for Tb18 At- ....... fa.lnDorJ. By Ipeclal arrangement the Min- aOSf MffT IS LOST TO GOPHfRS 58 TO 54 IOWA MAKES UNEXPEC'J'EDLi" smoNG mOWDfG. - FORT DODGE WINS DEBATE; . OOAOHING ORARGES DROPPEIl Rwnored Protett Oil Part of er did DOt JIIaterIa1J&e. For the third consecutive time, Ft . neapol1s Syphony Orchestra wlll re- Dodge high school won the cham- Number 140 THE ARMORY ADMISSION 75 CENTS TWO GAMfS ARf LOST BY TOURING HAWKfYfS JlADGERS AND ILInn TAKE OON. TESTS FROM IOWA. 1breatening Weather aDd n.a Does llelaDe,'. Teat DUpIaJa QftIM I'onIa W18conlln 6, Iowa J, aDd IlUDota 3, main over In Iowa City this afternoon plonahlp of the atate high 1Ch0oi Not Dampen Ardor of Hule to give a sacred concert. This an- nouncement wI! be welcome to all those who have an opportunity to Iowa's first musical festival was hear this organization in connection ApIJIIt Min .......... nnt Daal Meet 01. 8eMoD. Minnesota defeated 10"'" tn the debating league In the debate ",Ith Sigourney high achool at the new eclence auditorium Friday night. Fort Dodge won by superior debat- Iowa. 0, TeD Deep, DuIt torr Sool")' of '1'\\'0 D .... .... Champa.\gn, m., April SO. (Spec· I great BUCCe81l from every standpoint Beginning with a chamber muaic with the fe&tlval just completed. The dnal meet at Mlnneapolia yeaterday fal to the Dally 10wan)-lIIlnoll de- Ing tactiC', and by general effective- concert Friday afternoon the big !Tent swung through without a slip to the fttting cItmax of the splendid concert will commence at 2: 30 and be held In the armory. afternoon 58 to 54. Captain Engatrom of Iowa made 2:; feet 2 1-2 Inches in the broad The special feature of the program jump and the Minnesota Iprinter felted Jowa 5 to 0 thll aft rnoon In nesa In debate due to excellence In delivery and skillful arrangement of a well pla.yed game. Weak htttln, proved the downfall of the Ha.wk· argument. Sigourney. In upholding rea, only thre hila being regilter- coyered the century In 10 lIat. Hill of will be the alnglng of "Why do the Minneaota won four ftrsta. rendition of Gounod's FaUlt alit Nations Rage" from the MesBlah" b Through the kindness of the Reg- • "ister I1\ld Leader the 101l0wlng lIum- Mr. Arthur Middleton. Another fea- mr.ry Was l18Cured over the long dll- Attendance records for local IDIIlsi- the commlaslon plan of city govern- ed against Buzlck, the IlUnola veteran meat wu unable to ahow how legla- evening. W &t of Iowa pitched a clever rame, latlve and admlnlatratlve functions ture will be a speCial harp 8010, play- tance 'phone at an early hour this cal attractions were completely shat- morning: but Igbt hits and tbree walkl com- could be combined In one body to se- teredo On Friday afternoon 816 peo- tl1 by regueat. T·he following Is the 100 yard dash : Hm (M) Tallman blned with thre errora by hll IUP- cure legislation. It waa on program as arranged: (1) Time .10. pie attended the chamber music con- March of Homage. 220 yard dash: Hm (M), Tallman port tOBsed th game away. Righter this pOint that the real clash In the cert, on Saturday afternoon 1160 (I) .22 2-6. Dass Solo "Why do the Nationa Rage 440 yard dash : Hill (M). J.anll (1) ,ere seated In the armory to listen 62 2 5 from the Messlah.-Arthur Middle-' -. to the MinneapOlis Symphony Orches- Half mile: Hill (M), Campbell (I), ton. tr.\ lnd In the evening approximately Two movements from Symphony the same number was present to hear Pathetlque (No.6) the (horal society. 'l1he total easily a. Allegretto grazloso. 2:03 3-5. One mile: Rathbun (M), Reed (I), 4: 46 2-5. 120 yard hurdle: Harmon (M), Wilson (I). .16. debate came, and In which Fort Dodge showed superior ability, clinching the debate. During the debate a Sigourney aup- porter caused some little commotion In hi. effort to comm.unlcate with Supt. Cap. E. Miller, concerning got a triple and Butzer a double, while Iowa's thre saf tiel were all · Blngles. Iowa's beat chance to acore cam In the ftfth, when Bryant r ach. d first with none gone, but tast neld- ing by the 1Il1nl pr vented runs. The features of the game wer Buzlck's exceeded the 3000 mark. b. Allegro mol to. From the excellent balance of the Soprano Solo Aria. from Madam.e rhamber concert to the popular solos 220 yard hurdle: Wilcox Harmon (M), .27. Two mile: Connelly (M) , (1), 10.17 2-5. (M), what thought wa. coaching on work In the box, Webster's IItop ot Weat'. apparently .. fe drlv In tho Smith the part of Ray Files. the Fort Dodge Butterfiy (One Fine Day)-Lucllle of Mr. Arthur Middleton and Lucille Pole vault: Alderman (I) Stearne (M) tied at 10: 6. trainer. Although a protest of the de- third, and a great catch by WrIght and In lett. Tewksbury. clsion was threatened by Supt. Mil- Tewksbury the festival was a delight to the music lover. The local and out- Intermission. Shot put: Frank (M), (IJ , 40: 6. Alderman Jer of Sigourney, nothing was don ilde talent formed a combination Overture to Mignon. Cello Solo "Meditation Rellgleuse" ,bleh gave a most satisfactory and Hammer throw: Alderman (I), O'- Brien (I), 127:6. Discus: Alderman (1), Frank (M), 120:10. Ilgh class entertainment. The Minneapolis Symphony Orciles- If' re-enforced 'by the reputatllon formed by last year's performance -Carlo Fischer. Valse Frlste. Broact Jump: Engstrom (I), Scrlbbs (M), 23 :2 1-2. Vorsplel to Lohengrln. High jump: Engstrom (I), Wilson Tenor Solo: Naratlve and Swan (I) 6: 4. yesterday, It being alleged that there was not aumol.ent evidence to sub- stantiate the charge of signalling by Mr. F1lee. Fort Dodge, since entering thE' league, has won 19 consecutlv de- bates, three of which were for Score by Inning.: R. H. E. nUnola 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 x-58,! 10". 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 3 3 Battertea: BUllck and Hult; Weat I.1ld Hoot. Iowa Loae8 at Madt80D. Madlaon, Wis., April 29. (Special to the Dally Iowan)- Wlaconsln de- Song from Lohengrln-Davld Duggan here, was a greater drawing card Introduction to Act III and Bridal than on its initial appearance. The Burcessfu] at Grinnell. tea ted Iowa today 6 to 1 In an error- championship. This brilliant record I., Chorus from Lohengrln. Choral society und er the direction ot Harp Solo.-lIenry J. Williams. Conductor Charles R. Fischer far ex- Ml!ssrs. Houser, Shimek, Wylie, Ie s game, which was t aLured by the due In no smalI degree to the et - Calvin, Klay, 13eashore, ficlent coaching of Mr. Ray Ffl s, great pitching of Fuclk and a grand l,ro\\, to the plate by Wright from Macbride, Kunz, Stewart, Sieg and who, as a member of Zetagathia, Hawkeye Out Thursday. Hutchison of the instructional stair made a record as an Inter-colleglat Irganlzation showed the results of Thursday, May 5, has been detl- rf the unIversity returned last even- debater during Ihe long and faithful training under nltely set as the day of dl stribu- Ing from the seventeenth annual seH- Iversity. expectations last evening. This Dr. Fischer. The chamber concert tlon of thE' 1911 Hawkeye. Although slon of the Iowa Academy of Science on Friday given by the faculty and several unforseen he.ve which was held at Grinnell Friday Coo Defeat Leander Olark. deep lett. Both tams put up gr at '1eldlng exhlblUons, but the dllrer- _nce In hlltlng nnd pitching wung the game to Wisconsin. Hanlon ea- cap d for three innings but was ham- Ihe pupUs of the school of music was S b f th '11 r d heavily (I'om that time on, the arisen the managemeut is determined and aturday. In t!1e a sence 0 e Cedar Rapids, la., April 30. (Spec- an appropriate opening for the two flOt to disappoint the students who prestdent, the first vice president, lal to the Dally Jowan)-Coach Bry- Badger. roIling up ten hits, moat of inYl' program. eame In bunches. On the other have been promised the book the first Prof. Gilbert F. Houser, presided at ant's track men walloped Leandel' The festlval was well advertised I h 'l and, Fuclk got a bad atart, but week In May, and has set Thursday the meeting and was honored w t Clark in a dual track meet this atter- IIId the excellent season ticket sys- election to the presidency of the or- .oon settled down and had the Hawk- as the day when the annual will go noon by the overwhelming score or !em employed by Its manager, Lieut. I tl f th i He l' ye h Ipl s after the opening in- on 13a le In all university buildings. gan za on or e en au ng year. 91 to 31. In spite of the heA"Y track lorto n C. Mtmma, insured a finan- will pr side at the next annual meet- ·Ing. St wart cored for Iowa in the The sale will start at 7 a. m. A specl- good records wero made In all the bl success of the undertaking des- ing which w\l1 be held at Cedar Rap- "r when he opened the game with men copy of the book is now on ex- events. the unfavorable weather condi- IIIlns Pi Beta Phi Banquet. hibltlon in the window of send's st udio. Town- leis . Prof. G. F. Kay was re-elected treasurer. The Iowa. branch of the American Chemical society held :;. .Tonel on Executive Committee. At a meeting of the state high Baseball Games. meeting In conjunction with the acad- school debating league yesterday a double, went to thIrd on 'Mericle's sacrlftce and came In on Klelnpell's passed ball. Score by Innings: R. H. E. The PI Beta Phi Sorority held Its ' nu' al founders day banquet last AmerIcan League: Chlcag01,. D.e- emy and several of the InstructorR morning, Mr. Griffith, principal of t It 0 Phil d I hI 4 N Y 1 2 · named were In Grinnell especially for the East Waterloo high school, E. G. WIsconsIn 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 x-6 10 0 Iowa 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 0 Batteries: Wisconsin, Fuclk and KlelnpeIJ; Iowa, Hanlon and HOOk. at t he Burkley Imperial. The ro ; a epa , I ew or { , Boston 5, WashIngton 3; Cleveland v. that session. Many high achool teach- Marshall, of Davenport, and W. E lilt of town guests were Elizabeth George, Shell Rock; Sadie Holiday, ?leverly; Francis Beem, Marengo; St. Louis, tie, 2 to 2 at end of sixth era from over the state were also pres- Jones of the public speakIng depar t- inning. ent. ment were appoInted members cf .18S Tultord, Mason Cfty; Mrs. Welle National League: Chlcago 0, Pitts- burg 1; New York 9, Philadelphia Institution which figured prominent- The Academy ot Sciences Is a state the executive committee for the en- 8priDg Footbal PractJce Monday. Sprtng football practice wlll bE: held Monday, Wednesdays and Fri- da,.. for four weeks according to an aunouncement made yesterday by Cedar Rapid s; Helen Brower, Dav- IliPort. 4; Brooklyn 4, Boston 2. Other games 'rhe program of toasts was as fol- postponed on account of rain. "PI Beta Phi in Real Life" -la. W. O. Raymond; "Living Our George; "Our !\apter Life" Halen E. Struble; "A I't' esldent to 1)cUv('t' SernlOn. Preside nt Georga E. MacLean will tl ellver the ha cal au reate sermon at ly In the state's educational affairs for many years. A volume report of the proceedings of the meetings of the association is published annually under the auspices of the state. GeolGgf Clab. suing year. Madame )facLean Better. Mrs. 'Julla MacLean, mother of Coach John G. GrUJIth. "The firs t Pres . George E. MacLean, Is recm practice will be Monday afternoon at erlng rapldly from tho results or her • o'clock" said Coach Grlmth yester- fall l ast Wednesday which spralne" day. "We are going to give Immedi- The Oeolol1 club will meet tomor- her right arm. She W&9 able to gr ate attention to experimenting In the TOlst to PI Beta Phi" Miss Pen- M r·cAlister college at Winchestel' row at 4:80 In room 108. old ec1ence outside her room yesterday and her new rules and I hope that a large ". June 6. hal. speedy recuperation Is expected. ,.U',bH cf will report."

~vt!v2~U THE DAILY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-05-01.pdf~vt!v2~U Shows DaUy 3 3:00 -7:45 -9:05 Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun ~pri128-29-30, May 1 aCILE FRANCOIS &: COMPANY Novelty

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Page 1: ~vt!v2~U THE DAILY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-05-01.pdf~vt!v2~U Shows DaUy 3 3:00 -7:45 -9:05 Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun ~pri128-29-30, May 1 aCILE FRANCOIS &: COMPANY Novelty

~vt!v2~U Shows DaUy 3 3:00 - 7:45 - 9:05

Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun ~pri128-29-30, May 1


Novelty Creators

GEORGE MORTON ~ Entertaining Y01UIpI!r

EDITH HANBY >ocket-Edition Comedieclt

hby Show Now On. VoIz "or the Prettiest Baby

EIJOU-O-GRAPH ~atest Motion Pictures


's Contests Every Wedaa-7:00 P. M., lCuh Prizes

1001 Children's Matiuee lrday 3;00 P. M_ Childm 'er 12, 59' I

"rotessors to Grinnell.

Lfter,lloon\1nd tomorrow, the

,demy ot science will convene

leU. Professor Gilbert 1.

If Iowa is the presiding omeer

Ical instructors who wl\l al·

I meeting are B. Shimek, R.

I, S. Calvin, G. F. Kay, F. A.

in, Albert Kunz, G. W. Stew.

~. Sleg, C. E. Seashore and

H. Macbride.

Ie8hman vs. Iowa Cit,',

rst year squad of track ath­

I meet Iowa City high school

.1 meet on Iowa field Satur­

'rnoon at 2 o'clock. A fast

expecterJ as the local high

I have been showing up well.

rhere It a merchant in town

would not gladly accept

lole Agency for;

are & Sanborn's Coffee

? They know. th~t the

e & Sanborn coffee is

est that money can buy.



ICHARDT ~ CONFECTIONER to Chocolates our sped­~Jl CaDdies Home-made. !am made in all shapes rnished for Parties and ons.






2:30 P. M.





Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra EMIL OBERHOFFER, DIRECTOR



FiDe Pl"ogr..o Arranged for Tb18 At­

....... fa.lnDorJ.

By Ipeclal arrangement the Min-



smoNG mOWDfG.




Rwnored Protett Oil Part of ~1II'b­

er did DOt JIIaterIa1J&e.

For the third consecutive time, Ft.

neapol1s Syphony Orchestra wlll re- Dodge high school won the cham-

Number 140






1breatening Weather aDd n.a Does llelaDe,'. Teat DUpIaJa QftIM I'onIa W18conlln 6, Iowa J, aDd IlUDota 3, main over In Iowa City this afternoon plonahlp of the atate high 1Ch0oi

Not Dampen Ardor of Hule to give a sacred concert. This an-

nouncement wI! be welcome to all

those who have ~ad an opportunity to Iowa's first musical festival was

hear this organization in connection

ApIJIIt Min .......... nnt Daal Meet 01. 8eMoD.

Minnesota defeated 10"'" tn the

debating league In the debate ",Ith

Sigourney high achool at the new

eclence auditorium Friday night.

Fort Dodge won by superior debat-

Iowa. 0, TeD Deep, DuIt torr Sool")' of '1'\\'0 D .... ~ ....

Champa.\gn, m., April SO. (Spec·

I great BUCCe81l from every standpoint

Beginning with a chamber muaic with the fe&tlval just completed. The

dnal meet at Mlnneapolia yeaterday fal to the Dally 10wan)-lIIlnoll de-Ing tactiC', and by general effective-

concert Friday afternoon the big

!Tent swung through without a slip

to the fttting cItmax of the splendid

concert will commence at 2: 30 and

~iI1 be held In the armory.

afternoon 58 to 54. Captain Engatrom of Iowa made

2:; feet 2 1-2 Inches in the broad The special feature of the program jump and the Minnesota Iprinter

felted Jowa 5 to 0 thll aft rnoon In nesa In debate due to excellence In

delivery and skillful arrangement of a well pla.yed game. Weak htttln,

proved the downfall of the Ha.wk· argument. Sigourney. In upholding

rea, only thre hila being regilter-coyered the century In 10 lIat. Hill of will be the alnglng of "Why do the Minneaota won four ftrsta.

rendition of Gounod's FaUlt alit Nations Rage" from the MesBlah" b Through the kindness of the Reg-• "ister I1\ld Leader the 101l0wlng lIum­

Mr. Arthur Middleton. Another fea- mr.ry Was l18Cured over the long dll­Attendance records for local IDIIlsi-

the commlaslon plan of city govern­ed against Buzlck, the IlUnola veteran

meat wu unable to ahow how legla-evening. W &t of Iowa pitched a clever rame,

latlve and admlnlatratlve functions ture will be a speCial harp 8010, play- tance 'phone at an early hour this

cal attractions were completely shat- morning:

but Igbt hits and tbree walkl com­could be combined In one body to se-

teredo On Friday afternoon 816 peo-tl1 by regueat. T·he following Is the 100 yard dash : Hm (M) Tallman

blned with thre errora by hll IUP­cure Ir~tlve legislation. It waa on

program as arranged: (1) Time .10. pie attended the chamber music con- March of Homage. 220 yard dash: Hm (M), Tallman

port tOBsed th game away. Righter this pOint that the real clash In the

cert, on Saturday afternoon 1160 (I) .22 2-6. Dass Solo "Why do the Nationa Rage 440 yard dash : Hill (M). J.anll (1)

,ere seated In the armory to listen 62 2 5 from the Messlah.-Arthur Middle-' -.

to the MinneapOlis Symphony Orches- Half mile: Hill (M), Campbell (I), ton.

tr.\ lnd In the evening approximately Two movements from Symphony

the same number was present to hear Pathetlque (No.6)

the (horal society. 'l1he total easily a. Allegretto grazloso.

2:03 3-5. One mile: Rathbun (M), Reed (I),

4 : 46 2-5. 120 yard hurdle: Harmon (M),

Wilson (I). .16.

debate came, and In which Fort

Dodge showed superior ability,

clinching the debate.

During the debate a Sigourney aup-

porter caused some little commotion

In hi. effort to comm.unlcate with

Supt. Cap. E. Miller, concerning

got a triple and Butzer a double,

while Iowa's thre saf tiel were all ·

Blngles. Iowa's beat chance to acore

cam In the ftfth, when Bryant r ach.

d first with none gone, but tast neld­

ing by the 1Il1nl pr vented runs. The

features of the game wer Buzlck's exceeded the 3000 mark.

b. Allegro mol to. From the excellent balance of the

Soprano Solo Aria. from Madam.e rhamber concert to the popular solos

220 yard hurdle: Wilcox Harmon (M), .27.

Two mile: Connelly (M) , (1), 10.17 2-5.

(M), what ~e thought wa. coaching on work In the box, Webster's IItop ot Weat'. apparently .. fe drlv In tho

Smith the part of Ray Files. the Fort Dodge

Butterfiy (One Fine Day)-Lucllle of Mr. Arthur Middleton and Lucille Pole vault: Alderman (I)

Stearne (M) tied at 10: 6.

trainer. Although a protest of the de- third, and a great catch by WrIght and In lett.

Tewksbury. clsion was threatened by Supt. Mil-Tewksbury the festival was a delight

to the music lover. The local and out-Intermission. Shot put: Frank (M),

(IJ , 40: 6. Alderman Jer of Sigourney, nothing was don

ilde talent formed a combination Overture to Mignon.

Cello Solo "Meditation Rellgleuse" ,bleh gave a most satisfactory and

Hammer throw: Alderman (I), O'­Brien (I), 127:6.

Discus: Alderman (1), Frank (M), 120:10. Ilgh class entertainment.

The Minneapolis Symphony Orciles-

If' re-enforced 'by the reputatllon

formed by last year's performance

-Carlo Fischer.

Valse Frlste. Broact Jump: Engstrom (I), Scrlbbs (M), 23 :2 1-2. Vorsplel to Lohengrln.

High jump: Engstrom (I), Wilson Tenor Solo: Naratlve and Swan (I) 6: 4.

yesterday, It being alleged that there

was not aumol.ent evidence to sub­

stantiate the charge of signalling by

Mr. F1lee.

Fort Dodge, since entering thE'

league, has won 19 consecutlv de­

bates, three of which were for

Score by Inning.: R. H. E.

nUnola 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 x-58,!

10". 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 3 3

Battertea: BUllck and Hult; Weat

I.1ld Hoot.

Iowa Loae8 at Madt80D.

Madlaon, Wis., April 29. (Special

to the Dally Iowan) - Wlaconsln de-Song from Lohengrln-Davld Duggan here, was a greater drawing card

Introduction to Act III and Bridal than on its initial appearance. The

Burcessfu] ~Jeeting at Grinnell. tea ted Iowa today 6 to 1 In an error­championship. This brilliant record I.,

Chorus from Lohengrln. Choral society under the direction ot

Harp Solo.-lIenry J. Williams. Conductor Charles R. Fischer far ex-

Ml!ssrs. Houser, Shimek, Wylie, Ie s game, which was t aLured by the due In no smalI degree to the et-Calvin, Klay, St~o~too, 13eashore, ficlent coaching of Mr. Ray Ffl s, great pitching of Fuclk and a grand

l,ro\\, to the plate by Wright from Macbride, Kunz, Stewart, Sieg and who, as a member of Zetagathia,

Hawkeye Out Thursday. Hutchison of the instructional stair made a record as an Inter-colleglat Irganlzation showed the results of

Thursday, May 5, has been detl- rf the unIversity returned last even- debater during Ihe long and faithful training under

nltely set as the day of dlstribu- Ing from the seventeenth annual seH- Iversity.

~ded expectations last evening. This

Dr. Fischer. The chamber concert tlon of thE' 1911 Hawkeye. Although slon of the Iowa Academy of Science

on Friday given by the faculty and several unforseen dimcult1~ he.ve which was held at Grinnell Friday Coo Defeat Leander Olark.

deep lett. Both tams put up gr at

'1eldlng exhlblUons, but the dllrer­

_nce In hlltlng nnd pitching wung

the game to Wisconsin. Hanlon ea-cap d for three innings but was ham-

Ihe pupUs of the school of music was S b f th '11 r d heavily (I'om that time on, the arisen the managemeut is determined and aturday. In t!1e a sence 0 e Cedar Rapids, la., April 30. (Spec-

an appropriate opening for the two flOt to disappoint the students who prestdent, the first vice president, lal to the Dally Jowan)-Coach Bry- Badger. roIling up ten hits, moat of inYl' program. ,~hlch eame In bunches. On the other have been promised the book the first Prof. Gilbert F. Houser, presided at ant's track men walloped Leandel'

The festlval was well advertised I h 'l and, Fuclk got a bad atart, but week In May, and has set Thursday the meeting and was honored w t Clark in a dual track meet this atter-

IIId the excellent season ticket sys- election to the presidency of the or- . oon settled down and had the Hawk-as the day when the annual will go noon by the overwhelming score or

!em employed by Its manager, Lieut. I tl f th i He l'ye h Ipl s after the opening in-on 13ale In all university buildings. gan za on or e en au ng year. 91 to 31. In spite of the heA"Y track

lorton C. Mtmma, insured a finan- will pr side at the next annual meet- ·Ing. St wart cored for Iowa in the The sale will start at 7 a. m. A specl- good records wero made In all the bl success of the undertaking des- ing which w\l1 be held at Cedar Rap- "r when he opened the game with

men copy of the book is now on ex- events. ~e the unfavorable weather condi-

IIIlns yesterd~y.

Pi Beta Phi Banquet.

hibltlon in the window of

send's studio.

Town- leis. Prof. G. F. Kay was re-elected

treasurer. The Iowa. branch of the

American Chemical society held :;. .Tonel on Executive Committee.

At a meeting of the state high Baseball Games. meeting In conjunction with the acad- school debating league yesterday

a double, went to thIrd on 'Mericle's

sacrlftce and came In on Klelnpell 's

passed ball.

Score by Innings: R. H. E. The PI Beta Phi Sorority held Its

' nu'al founders day banquet last AmerIcan League: Chlcag01,. D.e- emy and several of the InstructorR morning, Mr. Griffith, principal of

t It 0 Phil d I hI 4 N Y 1 2· named were In Grinnell especially for the East Waterloo high school, E. G.

WIsconsIn 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 x-6 10 0

Iowa 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 0

Batteries: Wisconsin, Fuclk and

KlelnpeIJ; Iowa, Hanlon and HOOk.

~enlng at t he Burkley Imperial. The ro ; a epa , I ew or { , Boston 5, WashIngton 3; Cleveland v. that session. Many high achool teach- Marshall, of Davenport, and W. E

lilt of town guests were Elizabeth

George, Shell Rock; Sadie Holiday,

?leverly; Francis Beem, Marengo;

St. Louis, tie, 2 to 2 at end of sixth era from over the state were also pres- Jones of the public speakIng depart­

inning. ent. ment were appoInted members cf

.18S Tultord, Mason Cfty; Mrs. Welle National League: Chlcago 0, Pitts-burg 1; New York 9, Philadelphia Institution which figured prominent-

The Academy ot Sciences Is a state the executive committee for the en-8priDg Footbal PractJce Monday.

Sprtng football practice wlll bE:

held Monday, Wednesdays and Fri­

da,.. for four weeks according to an

aunouncement made yesterday by

Cedar Rapids; Helen Brower, Dav­

IliPort. 4; Brooklyn 4, Boston 2. Other games

'rhe program of toasts was as fol- postponed on account of rain.

~8: "PI Beta Phi in Real Life"

-la. W. O. Raymond; "Living Our

George; "Our

!\apter Life" Halen E. Struble; "A

I't'esldent to 1)cUv('t' SernlOn.

President Georga E. MacLean will

tlellver the ha cal au reate sermon at

ly In the state's educational affairs

for many years. A volume report of

the proceedings of the meetings of

the association is published annually

under the auspices of the state.

GeolGgf Clab.

suing year.

Madame )facLean Better.

Mrs. 'Julla MacLean, mother o f Coach John G. GrUJIth. "The firs t

Pres. George E. MacLean, Is recm practice will be Monday afternoon at

erlng rapldly from tho results or her • o'clock" said Coach Grlmth yester­

fall last Wednesday which spralne" day. "We are going to give Immedi-

The Oeolol1 club will meet tomor- her right arm. She W&9 able to gr ate attention to experimenting In the TOlst to PI Beta Phi" Miss Pen-

M r·cAlister college at Winchestel' row at 4:80 In room 108. old ec1ence outside her room yesterday and her new rules and I hope that a large

". ~j!'~liiiilii l\Iinn~ota, June 6. hal. speedy recuperation Is expected. ,.U',bH c f candldat~ will report."

Page 2: ~vt!v2~U THE DAILY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-05-01.pdf~vt!v2~U Shows DaUy 3 3:00 -7:45 -9:05 Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun ~pri128-29-30, May 1 aCILE FRANCOIS &: COMPANY Novelty


Every morning and Mondays. ot t eT the torty-lIrst ye 1. Qu11l the elghtee

NO. 140 .

~tor-jIl-Qh1eL H~R'}3ERT M. HARWOOD

p . . Lang and Paul Mather

C. O. Sjulln M. D. Roller

presented, "A Blind Attachment" and

"A Detective in Petticoats." Admls-


{ s.IOU


':,'~: :l~' U:r.: ~~ !g::~:~~w~::~::!~ 1 1

'Mtl:l WAl'dLtlen vteve Xn g!1t. Mrs. I1lb'1lk1:L:1td6«J~ plJ ra~'!

SOl'vant--Clam Fogg.

the best."

DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHING CO., Publishers (Incorporated)

ROBERT B. PIKE, Business Mgr.

J(eglU1ent In pection Over.

Capt. B. T. Simmons left Iowa City

Friday after completing the second

Entered as secontl-clasr. mall Illat· half of the annual Inspection of the ter, November 12, 1903, at the post· omce, at Iowa City, Iowa, un~~r lUI; I !:adot corps. Although no official an-act 01 congress or JIIarch 3, J Ii 1.1 IOllDcement was given out it was un--~. ' ~ ~or Year, 'pale before ]1:0\'. crstood that the army man was well :toer Year, paid aft(:r Nov. 1 5, $ 27:, Per Semester ...... ...... .. 1- I . ~ ;, !'er JIIonth .... I • • ••• • •

I'l3r Single Copy .....•....

Office-23 :2:ast Washlllgtoll RIIt"' l . Both F'1'o(l('S

(iinder Name of lown City (II iZ(c'1I1

--- _._---A ~uo\llll: em(\ntS nn'rJ notlres !'<lInllld

b( In the Iownn otflc~ by Ii o'rloc\( In

\1'»UI't' pu blicutiOll. \,;o,ples for sale anr! sllb~('rlptloJl~

tl t(en nt the Iowan Oml'e. 10wn f100k $tore, Wieneke's A rcarJe book tHor.


SeuiOl' Me(llcs Hltl'e Fine Time.

Exciting races" more exciting ball

'~nmes, songs, plenty of "oats" and a

,;eneral good time marked the first

~ nnual senior picnic of the college of

Jlledicine held at Black Springs park

"John MacVlcar," says George Kib- Thursday. All day the well arranged



We also do cleaning, pressing, 'and repairing

JONNSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Capital .........• ,..... $125,000 Surplus & Undivided Protlts$150,OOO

Travelers' checks tor sale. Good as cash; no identification required.

Four per cent Interest paid 011 tim9


be Turner In an article on "The Amer- program lasted and the event was pro Cew Ranids and Iowa Citv lcan CIty Government" in ~lcClure's nounced a big success by all who at­

fer May, "by unanimous consent, Is tended. O'Brien won the fat man's

the ablest man active in city atralrs race, Brooks captured the bean pole

In Des Moines, and has been tor twen- race and Moon hnd Anderson were

ty years. He Is a strange combln&- viotors in close boat race.

t..JMrUiliClltt.-.:.'. -


r, \ L _ tlon of patriot, theorist and practical ,

politician. ais lIfteen years ot fnces- / snnt pursuit of the public l:1ervice cor- Bl'eWel' Before Libl'lU'f Club. 40 porations, as mayor and councllman Luther A. Brewer, owner ot the

can aSily be reckoned to save the eft Torch Press in Cedar Rapids and

h~ens of Des Moines $100,000 every formerly co-proprietor of the Cedar

year of their llves." MacVlcar will ad- Rapids Republican will address the

dress the aSllembly Wednesday. Ljbrary club Tuesd,lly venlng 'on

Hourly Trains Dailv




!I[I'. IIlacVlcar's work as an expon- "Book Binding and the Maldng of ~

ent of the commission plan of city Book."

government is well known through­

out this state and has recently at­

tracted attention througnout the coun


He has lon g advocaled the n w plan

o!' municipal gOI'ernment and ill fact,

16 one of the pioneers of the idea. Gal

I eston and Des "Ioines hy their early

adoption ot thcse practical refol'Uls

have becclll so well known through­

out the nallon that a commission plan

of government is noll' generally re­

ferred to as either the "Galveston or

Des Moines plan."

Mr. Turner's article Is an exhaust­

jye aud very readable account of

what the reform has accomplished

Dnd he meant to the cily cf Des

)Jolnes. It i3 woil worth the perusal

cf all intcrect<'d in clean, sensible,

~nd pro re 'sile JIlunicipal govern­

n;ent. It wl1l be of especial interest

In vIew of the fact that the university

III to have tho privilege of hearing

tl'ls man who is "doing things." Not

only the capital City, but the state as

well, has renE·on to be prcud of Bue l . a ciUzen.

Hesper'hlll Fre IllIum 1~(\1 Cl'.

Tuesday evening, May 3, the Hes­

perl an IItllrarl' society wlll present

its annual freshman farces at St.

Brendan's hall. Two farces will be

(Continued on page three) IOWA CITY

Iowa '-tit" Bca~em" Pre pare- 'hullents for "tale University I:ine opporcuni l y to m \ke up deficiencies

You must ALDOUS ...... see

'tllIl. H. 'Wl t( lis ~rinctpal

If you want the beautiful and exquisite in FLOWERS. He is a florist of excep­tional knowledae in this particular line and you aet the benefit of this when you order your flowers.


Swigart Bros. Cleaners and Dyer~


lll-213 E. CollfJge ~t. IJeli Ph rme. J 7


c. J. TOMS

IOWA AVENUE New LOcation.' l 0 ---"-


~d the Ar..,·Notch


15t.2 for 25t. Cluctt. Pcabody & Co .. Maker, ARROW CUFfS 25 ceOI8 a pair

For sale lit Coast's and 'Vlllnel"s

'I J:IRs. DEAN & BOILER Practfcr TlmltecL to dlleasea of the

Eye, Ear, NOH and Throat. Both 'phones.

DB. I'RAH L. WVII Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat

Otllce oyer N"vak'. Drul Store Bo~ 'Phon.

DR. W. II. DONOVAN PhJl1clan aDd Surltoa 11? 1-2 S. Dubuque at

Otllce over Wllklnaon'. Grocerr ·Phon .. : BeU 108, J. C. an. NIP!

callI answered trom otlloe.

DR. AUGUSTUS SINNING Dlleases of the Eye, Ear. NOlie aDd

Threat Otllce with Dr. Mullin 12 1-\1 S. <liI.

ton St. Both 'Phonel.

OHARLES S. GRANT, M. D. Office 17 1·2 S. Dubu.que St.

Over Stach's Shoe Store Residence 229 SlIlllDlJt 8t.

Omce 'phones-Bell 380R. J. C. 204 Residence 'phones-Bell 678R. J. O.


DR. W. L BYWATER Di eases of ,

Eye, Ear, Nose and Tbroat No.8 N. Clinton St.


DRS. WASHBURN & WASBBtJru B. E. Washburn,' D. O. Evelyn S. Washburn, D. O.

Omce and residence, 102 S. Linn St., Iowa City, Iowa. Both 'Phones


IOHN VOSS, D. D. 8, The Student's Deutist

16 1-2 South Dubuque at Both 'Phones Iowa City, low.


RALPH LAWTON Teacher of Pi.mo, Organ In'

Thllory of Music. Avallable for Concerts, Recitals and Musicalea. STUDIO 19 1·2 WASHINGTON &T.


Pupil ot Chas. W. Clark and Geo. Hamlin. Concerts, Recitals, Vocal In­struction. StudiO, 114 South ClInUlI St. J. C. Phone 663.


SALE AND RENT:-lJarge lIet 01 city residences, vacant lots. and farms. Also stocks of . mercbandlle.

c. M. RENO 110 1-2 Washington 8t



Our suits are like the a,dvertising Des Mo[nes, Iowa F. W. HOHMANN, Agent,

man saiel about his clrcus-"Every- 528 N. Dubuque St., Iowa mty, IOWL thing nE:'il' but the name.' Our sun"

I1lI'r suits are new in shape, new In CITIZEXS' SAVINGS TRUST CO.

cr. lcrs, and new In stylE:' and pattern BANKERS They begin at $10 and end at $:l~ . Cnplwl ............•. .. t3000I

\ud the prices we ask now wlll he A general bankmg buslneBl tr&JIt' acted.

' Clr:tinuE:'d right through the season; 114 8. OUntOD at. : ere wlll be no discounts to sell af- ~-=---,,:= ______ = __ ==

'IN the fourth of July.

They could not be any cheaper un-

ally for your summer togs. Lots of

plople are picking this week

Noise doesn't count In clothes, hut

quality does.


Coast & Sons

Page 3: ~vt!v2~U THE DAILY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-05-01.pdf~vt!v2~U Shows DaUy 3 3:00 -7:45 -9:05 Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun ~pri128-29-30, May 1 aCILE FRANCOIS &: COMPANY Novelty

w. B. DONOVAN aDd Sur'toa

1-2 B. Dubuque St WllklDlOn'. GI'OeUJ

BeU lOll, J. C. an. NlPt answered trom oflloe.

the Eye, Ear. NOlie and Threat

Dr. Mullfn 12 HI S. CUI· St. Both 'Phones.

8. GRANT, M. D. 17 1-2 8. Dubuque St.

StaCh's Shoe Store 229 SUIDlllit St.

one,B-l:IeJJ 380R. J. C. 204 'phones-Bell 678R. J. O.


&; WASHBU1Ul Washburn, D. O.

S. Washburn, D. O. residence, 102 S. Linn St.,

Iowa. Both 'Phones

VOSS, D. D. 8. Student's DelltIBt South Dubuque St.

Iowa City, Jaw. ' L).L\.j.H. ..... STUDIOS

RENT:-Large lilt 01 ces, vacant lote, and

stocks ot . mercbandlle.

. RENO 110 1-2 Washington St


MOines, Iowa HOHMANN, Agent,

St., Iowa Ctty, low ..


............. .. f/lOOOt banktng bualneB8 traDI'

Get Out Your Microscope! • •

You · Cannot Rind a Fiault With aUf

Typewriting Machines We handle evelT make of typewriter, hence we offer you a chance for a choie&- an opportunity for your se­

lection. BEARIKIOlQ)

that all our rebuilt machines have distinguishing quality marks which put them in a class apart from the usual run of rebuilts. They have that peculiar excellence of construction which makes for perfection of the new type­writer. The materials which replaced the worn or marked parts are one in quality with the parts of a machine fresh from the factory.

JUSTA WORD about our leading NEW model typewriter, the L. C. Smith & Brothers. It is superior to all makes. It will do all your work, regular and special, with fewer operations, consequently quicker, and easier, for it is ball bearing throughout ..

THIS IS A TYPEWRITING ERA if you have not already affiliated yourself with a good up-to-date writing machine, hasten to do so at once. You can not only do your work with more ease and swiftness, but it means ECONOMY, and this is essential. THINK IT OVER! You need not invest a big sum of money in a typewriter. We have them at prices that will suit all. Our terms are convenient-an attraotive installment proposition if you so desire it.

JUST A MINUTE! We want to oall your attention, at this time, to our rental proposition. Each maohine is carefull 'nspec a rl

8,djusted before being sent out-new ribbon, clean type-light action-an excellent typewriter in ev: ry sen e f the. word. For a few days we will have a number of L. · C. Smith machines for rent. Come early and get one. Terms $3.00 per month.

AT THIS TIME !Ve wish also to remind you of the fact that we carry a full line of Ty.pewriter Supplies,-Ribbons, Carbon Papers,' Oil, Brushes, Typewriting Papers, Etc., Etc.

Expert Typewriter Repairing We extend you a cordial invitation to call and look us over.

• Fin

The University Typew-riter Co. 21 East Washington Street


+++-1"1'-1"1111"1'1"1"1"1' '1111111.11111'+ ++++++-lul"IIII"I'-Iulllllll"I"I"I'+ died AprJl 27 at Cedar Falls or heart + + + + fallure. + BUSINESS LOCALS + + COMING EVENTS + + + + + ~-I"'''I l'I"I"I"I"'''I",,,r· ·1"1'!"I"I"!· +1·++++++-1-+ ... ·0&,11 I, { ·!·r,!'1- Starbuck on Judaism. Sunday Afternoon, May 1st, at 2:30. Iowa City State Bank, acroliS street lIIay 4. University assembly. Professor E. D. Starbuck will de- PROGRAM.

from Interurban station. tf lIIay 4. Baseball. Iowa VB. 'ebraBka, liver a lecture on "Judaism" ?tonday

Pbone Murphy's livery for swell Iowa field, 3:40: afternoon at 4:30 at Close hall. 1. March ot Homage

turn-outs. )ray 6. Lecture by Hon. Geo. E. ? Bass Solo "Why do the nations rage" from the l1e slah Handel

Go to the Iowa City State Bank Roberts of the Commercial Nat- Games Po tponed.

with your account. 10nal Bank, Chicago, on "Bank- Owing to the muddy condition ot

Join Graham's Pantorlum club. jng and Currency." Liberal arts as- the diamond, the interdepartment

Cood service. Reasonable prices. sembly hall, 8 p m. and fraternity games scheduled tor

Have your clothes pressed at 0l"1- 1\lay 6. Baseball. Iowa vs. Ames, yesterday were postponed until lat-

kam's pantorium. Iowa lIeld, 3: 45 p. m. er dates. However, the game between

Phi Beta Kappa Keys at Greer' .. May 7. Dual meet with orthwe&t- the laws and Uberal arts will prob-

Students wanting bank accomoda- em, Iowa field, 3: 00 p. m. ably be run off tomorrow.

tlons should go to IOWA CITY May 7. Phi Beta Kappa initiation, The dual track meet between the

STATE BANK, under opera house. 7: 00 p. m. freshmen and the Iowa City hIgh

Phi Bl'ta I{appa J{eys at Gl·ee.l"s.

Profitable Vacation Employment For


WANTED: - tutJents of abiIlty

lld address, with pome age and ex·

oerlence, to handle our latest propo-

school &quads was also postponed. It

:\hs. Sltam\)IIugh Goe Abroad. will probably be held some afternoon

1111' . Benj. F. Shambaugh 1 (t Iowa this weel"

City Friday night for New York City

fro m which place she wllI sail lay 4 WANTED:- tudent walter amt cn the S. . President Grant tor Eu- student dish washer. Iowa

rope. She wlll spend six months in room.


Alumna JUes.

:'11188 Neill Donty, an Iowa alumna


with busln(' men only. 1\'0 ========:::::;::::;::;:::::::::::::::: TEXT BOOKS


Attractive and Complete

Line of

GROCERIES If you apprcdate QUALITY aDd

COURTEOUO TRJMTMENT. we are flosltJve that we C4Il please 10a. Free dcUvcl')' to all parte of the cltJ. Botb 'Phone~. 6 IlIId 8 South Dubuque 8L

Geo. D. Barth

and SUPPLIES for all Colle2'es



ON THE CORNER Waterman Fountain Pena

Posters and Netting for Room Decoration



3. Two Movements from Symphony Pathetlque ( 10. 6) Tschalkowslty

a. Allegretto grazloso b. Allegro molto .

4. Soprano Solo Aria from Madame Butterlly (One Fine Day) Pucclnl



iI . Overture to )Ilgnon ............................. Thomas

6. 110 Solo "Meditation R IIgleuse" ........ .' ...... Massenet


7. Valse Frlste .... . .... ..... ................... . " Sib lIul

8. VorspleJ to Lohengrln ........ ............ ..... .. Wagner

9. Tenor Solo: NarratIle and Swan Song trom Lohengrln, Wagner




11610 va Avenue THE. ALL IOWA HOUSE



WINDSOR PURITY CANDY CO. For we b1: Atbeu 0Ipr 8~ New York BakIaI 00 .. L. W. Porch.


Pmitr 0b0c0Ia&eI, Wbldaor Pure 8qv 8dct, u-Caa·Jllat.Em KJae. WIlld80r Pure B,*- 8eotda,


Page 4: ~vt!v2~U THE DAILY IOWANdailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-05-01.pdf~vt!v2~U Shows DaUy 3 3:00 -7:45 -9:05 Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun ~pri128-29-30, May 1 aCILE FRANCOIS &: COMPANY Novelty

., t t'l 1·1 '. I I I • I I I I I I 1'1 + + -1- PERSONAL and SOCIAL + + +

MlsB Stella Counsell Wiho has been Y. W. O. A. Notice.

TRY A---r--111 In the hospital Is again able to at· Miss Agnes Beach will lead the

tend classes. Sunday morning prayer meeting In

Miss Clouse of Cornell college Is Close hall from 9 to 9: .6. Miss Zoa Bronson Is spending the

week-end at Ames.

Miss Ella Grlseel of Cedar Rapids Is NYAL 'SUNDAE the guest of her aunt, Miss Margaret

Lindsay at Svendl hall.

Mla8 Kathryn Johnston Is spending SJoux IDitlatel!J.

visiting in Iowa City for a few da)'ll. ------""i"------ A T --:~_:__:-..,....___:~__,.-- Sunday at her home In Cedar Rap. The Sioux initiated the following Mrs. Hruska of Cedar Rapids spent Ids. girls Saturday mernlng at 6:30 and

Saturday at the Schaffer house. W I H E T S TON E ' S The Sioux will entertain the Epal. entertained them at a breakfut

Miss Edna Gatten of Carroll, la., Ion Taus at a dance Wednesday eve- spread: Kathryn Johnston, Emma

II; visiting a few daY8 with ,her broth- Good :Soda Fountain ning, Ma, 11. Hensel, Blanche Kensler, Je88lea er, Cecil Gatten, L. A. '11. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Butterworth Strawbridge, Margaret Brown, Kath·

Miss Nellie .Pease of Colfax 1a ... _______________________ chaperoned a dance Friday evening at erlne Aschenbrenner, Mary Masson,

spending the week end with friends Little Dutch Hall. Beryl Hart, Persis Lonsdale .ad

In the university. Miss Anne Gittins la entertaining end at Oaals, vtaitlng hbl grandpar- Miss Madge Gee of Clinton who Beulah Halden.

T,he Hyperlons danced Friday eve-her &later-In-Iaw, Mrs. Ed. Gittins, ents. was In school last year Is expected from Wllllamsburg, for the musicale. I J. L. Chapman is enjoying a visit 'loon to visit Miss LlIllan Minnick. ning In Majestic hall. Mr. and Mrs.

with his mother and father from Mls8 Eatella Parks la entertaining Delta Tau Delta entertained at the

Greenfield. Shrader chaperoned.

Miss Vera Hare, L. A. '12, Is at iller mother from Brighton for the chapter hOuse Friday night. Lieut.

I I f U f symphony cOJl(:erta. I Miss Pearl Montgome"" who Is and Mra. Mummll. ehaperoned. Mercy hGsp ta or an o1.>era on or • J

appendicitis. Arthur Crowe Is spending the week ' teaching In Cedar Rapids Is visiting Sigma Alpha EpslIon entertained

_ _ . _... ...... . I her Sister, Miss Dora Montgomery. last evening at Ma.jestic hall. Miss Gertrude Johnson chaperoned.


One, Two, and Three Strap Slippers, Sandals, and Pumps in Patent Leather, Kid, Demi·GI.ze, aod Gun Met.!.

. '



SprinQ Styles In .

Artistic Footwear The ColleQe Pattern

A combination of Beauty, Excellence and Style at price! you can afford to pay


MORTON'S Corner Clinton and Washin"ton Streets

I Bttention Seniors

Special rates gt".~n to ~ll. Seniors at

Cownstnds Studio

FURNISHINGS are an important item in a man's

spring attire. You cannot miss it if you let us supply your

needs. Our hat and glove department, neckwear, shirts

and lightweight underwear will put you in the way of

comfort for the whole summer.

Miss Rachel Wii1:U1, of Clinton, Is The Wexo club danced last night

visiting Hazel Bock at the Theta Phi :It Little Dutch hall. Mr. and Mrs.

.house for over Sunday. H. D. B. Shaw chaperoned.

TODAY 2:50 P. M.

Sacred Concert BY

The MiDneapolis(~ Symphony Orchestra

Emil Oberhoffer, Conductor Soloiits

Lucille Tewksbury, Soprano Marietta Bagby, Contralto David Duggan, Tenor Arthur Middleton, Bass Richard Czerwonlly, ViolipiSt Carlo Fisher, Cellist

. I . Arthur Middleton will sing, "Why do the Nations

Rage" from the Messiah.

At the Armory •

No Reservations L L L

Without doubt get your meals at the

OlYDlpian Mostly for the fastid­

ious people.

You Are The Season's Victim Regular meals

Only 25 and 30 cents.

3 Shows Daily 3 3:00 - 7:45 - 9:05

Thur·Fri-Sat·Sun April 28-29·30, May 1


Novelty Creators

GEORGE MORTON The Entertaining Youngster

EDITH HANEY Pocket-Edition Comedienne

Baby Show Now On. Vote For the Prettiest Baby

BI]OU·O·GRAPH Latest Motion Pictures


B.oy's Contests Every Wednes­day 7:00 P. M., Cash Prizes

School Children's Matinee Saturday 3:00 P. M. Children Under 12, Sc.

There is not a merchant in town who would not gladly accept

the Sole Agency f<nil

Cluue & Sanborn's CofJee

Why? They know that the

Chase & Sanborn coffee is the best that money can buy.


The GROCE~· But it need not give you grief because you cannot regulate the weather if you

simply take it as it is. You will find our suit man the most able to equip you with a

suit which in weight and style will afford you enjoyment when the days are hot. If t he mercury falls suddenly a topcoat or stylish cravenette will give you comfort and

save doctors' bills. Let us get together onthe Good Clothes Platform.

Unitarian Church ~------



Suits At $15.00-$27.50 Furnishings The Latest



Cor. GUbert aDd Iowa .be.

Rev. S. S. Loring, Miniflter.


Subject, "Hampering Baggage."

Young People Society at .:30

l'nper 011 "Preventative l'rcdldne, its

I Plnce In Evolution," by Dr. Heury



Palmetto Chocolates our specie alty. All Candies HOOle·madt. Ice Cream made in all shapes and furnished for Parties and Receptions.


ad miSSion


rrom the



,rill be un