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University é



I MichiganStatc ‘—

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Benzylation of Pare.Cresol


Submitted to the Faculty of

Michigan State College in partial ful-

fillment of the requirements fit the

degree or Master of Science.

37 ‘7

Wilfred C. LBWIB


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To Dr. R. C. Huston, the author

exPressee his thanks for generous aid and

kindly guidance in accomplishing thie work.


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Table of Contents


Early work with Aromatic compounde,...........

Use of Aluminum Chloride as a catalyst,.......

(Work of Huston and others)

Benzylation of cresols, o.....................

The prOblGM, eeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeebeeeeeeeeeeee

Experimental - Part I

Condensation by the Claieen.method,...........

Preparation of 2-benzyl 4-methyl phenol,...

Preparation of 2-benzyl 4-methyl phenyl


Preparation of 2-benzyl 4-methyl 6-brom

phenol, ...............................¢

Preparation of 2-6 dibenzyl 4-methyl phenol

Preparation of 2-6 dibenzyl 4-methyl phenyl

benzoate) Ooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Part II

Condensation by the Huston Method

Y181d’, eeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeooeeeeeeeeeeeee

Summary, eooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeio










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Part I

Condensation may be defined as, ”A reaction

between two or more molecules of the same or different

substances with or without the elimination of water or

some other inorganic compound". In this work our chief

interest lies in those types of condensations in which

water or a halogen acid are eliminated under the influence

of a catalyst that may also act as a dehydrating agent.

Reaction between Aliphatic or Aromatic alcohols or haliies

and benzene or its derivatives are promoted by a catalyst

of this type. Some of'them.that have been used are: Zn,

ZnCla,,MgClg, SnCl., P205, P015, HCl, I and A101..

A search of the literature discloses many instances

of the use of'Aromatic Alcohols or Halides and benzene or

its derivatives in condensation reactions, and as such, have

a most direct bearing on this problem, a few will be g1! en.

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In 1872 Paterno (Gazz. chim. ital. 2, 20)

prepared benzyl phenol from.benzyl alcohol and phenol,

using zinc as the catalyst.

O. Fischer (Ann. 206, 113-1880) condensed

benzyl alcohol with dimethyl aniline using ZnClg. Lieb-

mann (Ber. 14, 1842) in 1881 prepared benzyl phenol from

benzyl alcohol and phenol using the same catalyst. In

1881 Merz and Wirth (Ber. 14, 187) prepared diphenyl

other from phenol by the use of ZhClg.

Meyer and wurster (Ber. o, 963) in 1873 used

a mixture of 3330. and 01130003 in preparing diphenyl

methane from benzyl alcohol and benzene. Paterno and

Fileti (Gazz. chim. ital. 5, 381) in 1875 used the suns

catalytic mixture in preparing benzyl phenol from benzyl

alcohol and phenol.

Hemiliam.(Ber. 18, 2360) in 1888 used P305 to

form.diphenyl p. xylyl methane from benzhydrol and p.

xylene. Bistryzcki (Ber. 37, 679) in 1904 used SnCl. in

condensing benzhydrol with toluene to florm.diphenyl p.

tolyl methane.

Hahn (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 43, 175) in 1921 «Ju-

densed 4-methyl benzophenone chloride with phenol with

the aid of'P01so

The use of A101. as'a catalyst began with the

work of Friedel and Crafts (Comp. Bend. 84, 1392) in 1878.

They condensed amyl alcohol with various hydrocarbons to

form emyl hydrocarbons. Their work was solely with aliphatic

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compounds and they stated that A101. would not bring

about condensation with Aromatic compounds. Hewever,

subsequent work has disproved this. Merz and Weith

(Ber. 14, 187 - 1881) treated phenol with A101. and

obtained diphenyl ether.

Gustavson (Ber. 15,157 and Bull, Chem. 42,

525 - 1880 and 1884) develOped the theory that the A101.

formed an addition product in the reaction, which prod-

uct subsequently broke down and regenerated the AlCla.

This theory was confirmed by Schliechen and by Buttgenbach

(J. Prokt. Chem. 105, 355 - 1925). '

That the A101. may also act as a dehydrant is

shown by Jaubert (Compt. rend. 152, 184 - 1901) who pre-

pared aniline and p. toluidine from.hydroxy1 amine hydro-

chloride and benzene. '

In 1916 Huston and Friedeman (J. Am. Chem. Soc.

58, 2527) showed that benzyl alcohol when treated with

benzene in the presence of A101. would condense to form

diphsnyl methane as thejprinciple product. Small amounts

of ortho and para dibenzyl benzene and anthracene were

turned at the same time. Two years later they described

(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 40, 785) the condensation.of certain

secondary alcohols with benzene. Methyl phenyl carbinol,

ethyl phamyl carb incl and benzhydrol were used to prepare

diphenyl ethane, diphenyl prOpane and triphenyl methane,

A101. being the catalyst. It was found that the yiehdwas

greatest where the alcohol was entirely aromatic. The

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presence of the alkyl group had a retarding effect upon

the reaction but ethyl decreased the yield more than.methyl.

In 1920 Huston (Science 52, 206-7) condensed

benzyl alcohol and phenol using A101. at comparatively

low temperatures, forming p. benzyl phenol. Aniscl and

phonetol with benzyl alcohol gave better yiehis of the

respective ethers. Again in 1924 (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 46,

2775) Huston has shown that temperature has a marked

effect on the yield of p. benzyl phenol. Also that in-

creasing the amount of A101. above one half mol. did not

increase the yield.

Huston and Sager (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48, 1955-

1926) found that the normal aliphatic alcohols up to anyl

would not condense with benzene in the presence of A101.,

but that allyl alcohol gave a small yield of allyl benzene.

0f the aromatic alcohols, only those in which the hydroxyl

is attached to a carbon atom.adjacent to the ring, will

condense with benzene. The hypothesis was advanced that

tnsaturation increased the activity of the alcoholic hydnaxyl.

In 1926 Huston and Bartlett condensed phenyl

butyl carbinol with phenol using A101. and obtained p. hydroxy

l, 1 diphenyl pentane. Huston and Strickler in 1927 prepared

p. hydroxy l, l diphenyl butane from pr0pyl phenyl carbinol

and phenol by the same method.

Huston, Lewis and Grotemut (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 49,

1565) in 1927 condensed methylphenyl carbinol, ethyl phenyl

carbinol and benzhydrol with phenol, using AlCl., u: farm.

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p. hydroxy 1, 1 diphenyl ethane, p. hydroxy l, l diphenyl

prepane and p. hydroxy triphenyl methane respectively.

Additional evidence was obtained showing that the alkyl

group of the carbinol had a retarding effect on the react-

ion, ethyl having the greater effect, but benzhydroxy1,which is

purely aromatic, gave the largest yield. The tendency of

the phenolic hydrcxyl to direct the entering group to the para

position was noted. Additional evidence of the effect of

unsaturation of carbon adjacent to the alcoholic hydroxyl

upon its activity was obtained.

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Benzylation of Cresols

When introducing benzyl radicals into the cresol

nucleus, a number of possibilities exist. The groups already

substituted in the ring will have a directing influence upon

groups which are subsequently introduced.. According t)

Holleman (Chem. Rev. 1, 202‘ - 1924) the groups which direct to

the para and ortho positions are OH; NH., I, Br, C1, CH.,

arranged in the diminishing order of their activity. The

hydroxyl group of a cresol, then, will have the greater

influence over entering groups and the methyl group practically

none. In the case of ortho cresol, one position, - ortho

to the hydroxyl and the para position,are Open. Hence two

mono benzylated o. creSOls and one dibenzylated o. cresol

are theoretically possible.

6 Huston and Swartout in 1927 carried out the benzylat—

ion of c. crescl by the use of A101. on o. cresol and benzyl

alcohol and obtained mostly 2-methy1, 4-benzyl phenol and a

small amount of 2-methy1, 6-benzyl phenol. About ninetem

percent of theoretical of 2-methyl, 4-6 dibenzyl phenol was

obtained. In order to distinguish between the two isomeric

mono-benzyl derivatives, the investigatdrshenzyla ted o.

cresol by the method of Claisen.

In this process (Ann. 442, 210-1925) the phenol

dissolved in toluene is treated with an equivahit of sodium

which forms the sodium salt of the Phenol. This when treated

with benzyl chloride first forms an addition. compound attach-

ing at the double bond adjacent to the O-Na, the halogen going

to the carbon.atom.holding the O-Na and the benzyl radical

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to the adjacent carbon. This compound then splits off the

sodium.halide and forming a double bond between carbon and

oxygen. Rearrangement then occurs in which the hydrogen on

the carbon atom holding the benzyl group shifts to hydroxyl

position and the double bond is reestablished between carbon

atoms. It is evident that by this means only ortln substitut-

ion products can be formed.

This ring substitution is not what one would ex-

pect, but rather the formation of an Ether. It is found that

when a dissociating medium such as alcohol is used in which

to dissolve the reactants, the Ether is the principle product.

But when a non dissociating medium.such as toluene is used,

"ring alkylation" or anamolous metal substitutionfi,/fi%§%£g,

formation of the ortho substitution product.

Claisen and Tietze (Ber. 588, 275-81, 1925) have

shown that when alkali phenolates in non dissociating media

are treated with unsaturated alkyl halides only ortho alkyl

phenols are Obtained instead of phenol ethers. And also that

the alkyl is attached to the nucleus by the same carbon atom

as it is in Ethers.

Shorigin (Ber. 588, 2028-56; 1925) states that

benzyl ethers such as PhCHgOR under the influence of sodium,

rearrange to form carb inols - PhCH(0H)R, where R is para

tolyl, cyclohexyl and benzyl. But ortho cresyl benzyl ether

gave a Phenol in which the benzyl radieal was substituted in

the side chain. Phenyl and ethyl ethers of ortho cresal are

stable towards sodium,and when heated give the Phenol and

Alcohol as decomposition products. This shows that the

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benzyl group must be present to permit of rearranganent.

Claisen and Tietze (Ann. 449, 81; 1926) treated

2-4 dimethyl phenol with allyl bromide in the presence of

K200. and obtained the allyl ether which when heated gave

almost quantitatively the 2-4 dimethyl 6-a11y1 phenol.

In 1928 Huston and Honk benzylated meta crescl

using A101. as the catalyst. In this Phenol both orth)

positions are open as well as the para. Hence the possib-

ilities for substitution are greater. They secured 5-

methyl, 4-benzyl phenol; 5-methyl 4-6 dibenzyl phenol and

5-methyl 6-benzyl phenol. The compounds were identified by

combustion analysis, and by the preparation and analysis of

branine derivativds and benzoyl esters.

They also benzylated meta crescl by the Claie en

method and 5-methyl 6-benzyl phenol,agreeing in propertl as

with that prepared by the A101. method, was obtained. Also

5-methyl 4-6 dibenzyl phenol which was identical wi th ttat

prepared by the A101. method. And in addition, a 2-6 di-

benzyl 5-methy1 phenol, which was not obtained by the A101.

condensation, as well as 2-benzyl 5-methy1 phenol.

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Benzylation of Para Cresol

This reaction employing A101. as the catalyst

was first carried out by Huston in 1920. The work was

repeated in 1925 by the author. After the publication of

the work of Claisen in 1925, it was deemed necessary

to check the products obtained by the two methods to see

if they were the same. Part of the problem also is t:

prepare bromine and benzoyl derivatives of the condensat-

ion products and determine their properties. Ala: to .

discover the best prOportions of reactants to secure

maximum yields by the A101. method.

Since in para crescl only the ortho positions

to the hydroxyl are Open, the Huston method and the Claism

should both give a mono and a di-benzylated product.

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Experimental - Part I

Condensation of p. crescl with benzyl

chloride. Claisen's method.

54 g. crescl (1/2 mol)

11.5 s sodium (1/2 mol)

64 " benzyl chloride (1/2 mol)

125 " toluene

The finely chipped sodium was suspended in the

toluene and the p. crescl added forming the white solid

salt of the crescl. The flask was heated on an oil bath

for half an hour and cooled. Upon adding the benzyl

chloride much heat was liberated. The mixture was allcw ed

to stand over night and then heated on the oil bath for

five hours at 150 - 160°. After cooling the produst was

washed twice with water to remove the sodium chloride,

separated from the water and the red liquid heated on

the oil bath to remove the toluene. The residue was

dismlved in 250 cc. of Claisen's methyl alcoholic potadi

solution (Ann. 442, 224) and extracted with 200 cc. pet-

roleum ether in 50 cc. portions to remove the small amount

of benzyl crescl ether, the potassium salt of the benzylated

p. crescl not being soluble. This potassium salt was acid-

ified with H01 to liberate the benzylated p. crawl and

washed with water to remove the K01. From this mixture tln

desired product was extracted with 150 cc. of sulfuric ether

in three portions. After removing the other on the stem

bath the residue was fractionally distilled.

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1,. —— CHsCeHB

11:10OONa + 2010H203Hs——->H3000-11


H30 0O-CH2CsHs + NaCl

1st fractionation. (5 mm)

up to 140 8.7 s

The temperature rose rapidly to 170°

170 - 180 (mostly 170-175) 51.4 g

180 - 255 (mostly 225-250) 11.8 g

2nd fractionation (6 mm)

Up to 140 8.0 g

140 - 162 (mostly 160-161) 48.0 g

162 - 24c (mostly 210-220)_ 15.5 g

The second fraction crystallized immedh tely i

when seeded with a crystal of 2-benzy1 4-methyl phenol which

had been prepared by another method.

A second coniensaticn using the same quantities

of'materials gave:

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2nd fractionation (5 m)

up to 140 o g.

140 - 165 (mostly 160-162) 30.0 g.

165 - 240 (mostly 200-220) 2.6 g.

A third condensation using the same quantities

2nd fractionation (5 mm)

Up to 140 3.0 g.

140 - 160 42.0 8.

1‘0 " 280 10.0 80

The three middle fractions were combined and

purified by recrystallization from petroleum ether in th

ice box. The crystals were tramparent prisms and melt ed

at 35 - 56°.

Combustion analysis of 2-benzyl 4-methy1 phmol.

(By Huston) .1508 g. substance gave .0980 g. H20 am

.4695 g. 00.. Calculated for Cl‘Hl‘O; 0 .. 84.8%, H . 7.12%

Found 0 - 64.954, H - 7.274

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Preparation of the Benzoyl Ester

21 g. of the 2-benzyl 4-methyl phenol

6.97 g. KOH

14.82 " benzoyl chloride

The phenol was dissolved in the potassium

hydroxide in about 20 cc. water and the benzoyl chloriie

added. After shaking together for an hour a white oily

liquid was formed which did not crystallize. This was

“cl-with ether and drhd over calcium chloride. After

distilling off the ether the residue on fractionating at

5 mm. practically all came over at 205-206. After stand-

ing at room temperature for about five months, it cry-

stallized. It was purified by recrystallization from

alcohol forming large transparent plates. Melting point

was 42-42.5.

' 0


HsC/\ O - K + CsHsCOCl—>HscOO'C'CQHs 4 4


Combustion analysis of the 2-benzyl 4-methyl phenyl

benzoate -

1.008 g. gave .5056 g. 00. and .0541 3. H20

Calculated for C2IH18°2 : 0 . 85.4%, H a 6.0%

Found 0 - 85.55%, H .. 6.05%

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Preparation of the mono brom derivative:

15 g. 2-benzyl, 4-methyl phenol

12 g. bromine

50 cc . chloroform

The Phenol was dissolved in the chloroform

and the bromine added slowly. A rap id evolution of hydrogen

bromide and much heat was observed. The chloroform was

allowed to evaporate at room temperature and the residue

was fractionally distilled at 10 mm. After two fractionat-

ions a portion boiling at 177-178 was obtained which cry-

stallized after standing more than two months. When cry-

stallized from about 85% alcohol the crystals were a white


silky felt. The melting point was 43-45°. ’


H300 0 - H + Bra—$330< >0 - H + HBr

CH203H5 w,Cflgc3H5

Analysis of 2-benzyl, 4-methyl, 6-brom phenol.

The Parr bomb was used. .1 g. substance gave

.028771 3. Br. Calculated for 014111303r : Br - 28.84%.

Found Br - 28.7'Il%.

In the formation of the 2-benzy1, 4-methyl, 6-

brom phmol, the location of the bromine was assumed t) be

ortho to the hydroxyl. In order to obtain additional

evidence, 6-bran para cresol was prepared by treating p.

cresol in chloroform with the calculated amount of bromine

to produce the mono brom derivative. The temperature was

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kept below 10°.

This was condensed with benzyl chloride accord-

ing to the Ulaisen method as outlined in the first part

of this discussion of the experimentalpart. Using half

molar quantities in two condensations rather poor yields

were obtained of fractions which boiled at 177-1780 (10

mm) and which crystallized immediately when seeded with

a crystal of B-benzyl, 4-methyl, 6-brom.phenol which was

prepared by brominating the 2-benzyl, 4-methyl phenol.

Upon purifying by recrystallization from.alcohol the melt-

ing point was 43-450.


H.011 + Brg———+Hs $03 + am



Ha<‘j >ON8 + Cefiscflch——)Hs OH + No.0].


Preparation of 2-6 dibenzyl, 4-methyl phenol.

In all the preceding condensations a small fract-

ion of'high boiling range was obtained. To secure a sufficient

amount for investigation, three more condensations using half

molar quantities were made. From.the 170-250o fractions

(6-10 mm) there was obtained 15 g. of liquid that boiled

at 256-238° (8 mm). This agrees with the boiling point at

2-6 dibenzyl, 4-msthyl phenol which was prepared by another


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/‘.\ 320e38

Ha Bib-Na + 203H50H201—4Hs€\ H + 2Na01


Combustion analysis of 2-6 dibenzyl, 4-methyl


.1752 g. sample gave .5555 g. 002, and .1068 g.

820. Calculated for 0218200; 0 - 87.45%, H n 6.99%

Found c a 87.41%, H - 6.65%

Preparation of the benzoyl ester of 2-6 dibenzyl,

4-methyl phenol. (By Huston).

It was anticipated that it would be difficult to

form the ester because of steric hindrance of the tw: benzyl

group ortho to the hydroxyl. A sample of 2-6 di benzyl, 4-

methyl phenol was treated with strong potassimn hydroxide

solution. It did not dissolve, but solidified. Wren treat-

ed with the calculated amount of benzoyl chloride heat was

liberated and an oily liquid formed. After extracting with

ether, drying and distilling a viscous yellowish red liquid was

obtained. It did not solidify.



.0a. 0K + 0.350001% -0 - cm. + KCl



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Combustion analysis of the benzoyl ester of 2-6

dibenzyl, 4—methyl phenol. (Lewis).

.250 g. substance gave .72 g. 009 and .1542 g. H20.

Calculated for C H 03; G . 85.67%, H - 6.168%28 24

Found » C I 85.55%, HI- 6.43%

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Experimental - Part II

Condensation of p. cresol with benzyl alcohol.

Huston's method.

108 g. p. cresol ( 1 mol )

54 g. benzyl alcohol ( 1/2 mol )

55 g. alundnum.chloride ( 1]! mol )

75 g. petroleum.ether

The p. cresol and benzyl alcohol were dis solved


in the petroleum.ether and stirred mechanically while adding

the aluminum. chloride in small portions during the course

of one hour. The temperature was kept below 25°. Hydrogen

chloride gas was evolved most freely after about two thirds

of the aluminum.chloride had been added. Stirring was cone

tinned for another hour and the reaction product allowed

to stand over night. The dark red viscous liquid was de-

composed with ice and hydrochloric acid yielding a white

oily liquid which was extracted with sulfuric ether. After

recovering the ether the residue was fractionated.

Preliminary fractionation

Up to 225° without vacuum. 68.0 g.

140 - 190° (10 mm) 45.5 g.

190 - 250° n - 14.0 g.

Residue 9.5 g.

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Second fractionation


Up to 140° (10 mm) 02.0 g.

The temperamure rose rapidly to l67o

167 - 190 (10 mm) 55.0 g.

190 "' 250 n w 15.0 go

Residue 5.0 g.

Third fractionation

Up to 100 (7 - 8 mm) 61.5 g.

165 - 185 " 54.0 8.

185 - 250 ' 85.5 8.

Residue none

The 165-1850 fraction crystallized immediately

when seeded with a crystal of 2-benzyl, 4-methyl phenol,

which had been prepared by Claisen's method, and placed

in the ice box.

With the intention of finding the-best proportions

of reagents to use to obtain.maximum.yield, a second condem-

sation.was made using the ingredients in the ratio of 5 mole

of the Phenol to one mol of the Alcohol.

aluminum chloride was not changed.

162 g. p. cresol

55 3. aluminum chloride

54 g. benzyl alcohol

75 g. petroleum.ether

The anount of

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Fourth fractionation

Up to 100 105.5 8.

150 - 190 65.5 g.

190 - 250 21.5 So

Residue .5 6.

The 150-190 fraction was again distilled. (10


Up to 150 9.0 g.

150 - 180 502x30

180 - 250 .5 6.

Residue .5 3.

The 150 - 1800 fraction crystallized when seeded

and placed in the cold.

A third condensation using the same quantities

as in the first was made.

Third fractionation (8 mm)

Up to 140 57.5 g.

150 - 190 54.5 g.

190 " 250 19.5 8.

The 150 - 190 fraction crystallized when seeded

and placed in the cold.

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The theoretical yield from half a mol of

benzyl alcohol is 99 g. of the mono derivative or 72 g.

of the di derivative.

A101. "

HsC-O-H + oicH.c.H.————. 3.0

First Condensation

54 - 55% of the mono derivative

35 - 56% n " di *

Second Condensation

52 - 55% of the.mono derivative

29 - 50% ” " d1 '

Third Condensation

54 - 55% of the mono derivative

27 f 28% " " d1 "


and 330‘; >O-H + HCl


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Para cresol was benzylated by the methods

of Huston and Claisen. The products Obtained by both

methods were shown to be the same. A bromine derivat-

ive of themono benzylated para cresol was prepared and

identified, as well as the benzoyl ester. The benzoyl

ester ef’di benzylated para cresol was prepared and

identified. It was found that using the Phenol and

Alcohol in the molecular ratio of three to one increased

the yield.

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