W ONDER the beginning, the middle, and the beginning again

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  • W ONDER the beginning, the middle, and the beginning again
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  • wonder 1. to think or speculate curiously: to wonder about the origin of the solar system. 2. to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel (often followed by at ): He wondered at her composure in such a crisis. www.dictionary.com
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  • W HY W ONDER ?
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  • W HY W ONDER Wonder at reality demands the humility to sit at the foot of a dandelion. The proud are so full of themselves that there is little room to marvel at anything else. Saints are typically awestruck at an insect, a flower, a star because they are burning with love and rooted in a perceiving honesty. That is, they are humble It is not accidental that some astronomers and biologists who deal from morning to night with mind-boggling realities can give the impression of a lifeless boredomthe keenest perception of reality and a consequent wonder require purity of mind and heart Dubay, Thomas. The Evidential Power of Beauty. Ignatius Press, 1999.
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  • Take time to OBSERVE Ask questions THINK before googling TALK with others about your wonders Let your wonders lead to new wonders
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  • The gaze of science thus benefits from faith: faith encourages the scientist to remain constantly open to reality in all its inexhaustible richness. Faith awakens the critical sense by preventing research from being satisfied with its own formulae and helps it to realize that nature is always greater By stimulating wonder before the profound mystery of creation, faith broadens the horizons of reason to shed greater light on the world which discloses itself to scientific investigation. Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei: Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis
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  • S CIENCE AND W ONDER The purpose of science is not to cure us of our sense of mystery and wonder, but to constantly reinvent and reinvigorate it. Sapolsky, Robert. The Trouble with Testosterone. Retrieved from www.brainpickings.org
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  • S CIENCE AND W ONDER A true scientist will begin with wonder, progress to a solution, and begin again with wonder only to experience just how deep the mystery is. Knowledge of the created world will never leave us satisfied, but it will always draw us to deeper awe. The more we know, the more we realize how much we do not know. This is the happy fate of the scientista state of continuous wonder, of ever-deepening awe, of worship of the Creator.