LAKE PUC1D NEWS, JFR4Y> AUGUST a, 1»24 - PAGE FIVE < WHITEFACEi P. m. Potter, Rome, N. Y. W. Ti&m mid 4m, <te- Mo,; John E. CKeefe and August 15—for. and Mm* Bosch, New Yori (By; Dse G. Forest, ; Itobert Fore^ New l^k O&n Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Potts, Chi- cago; Wm. F. Potts, Chicago; C. Donaldson. E. Donaldson, Buf- falo; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bett- man, Martin G. Bettraan Jr.,'Car- ol E. Bettman, Al^ed Bettanan 2d, Will Anna Bettman, Cincinnati. August 16—William 0. Robert- son, New York; Walter H. Ben- nett, Brooklyn; t. E. Scott. Montelair, N. J.; Mrs. Lyman Frieze, Staten Island, N. Y.; Frank Haverty, New York; W. B. Warner, New York; Mrs. Mary R. Brace. Port Washington, L. I.; J. A. Templeton, Brooklyn; Wm. M. L. Pomeroy, Buffalo; M. J. Cuffe, Buffalo; B. M. Shanley Jr., Buffalo; Alexander Cornish and wife, Miss Ivis Cornish, Phil- adelphia; Miss ;IiHian Brower, Philadelphia; Dr. end Mrs. Jos. C. Horan. New Yorjc; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graff, Irvington; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Baker,, Buffalo; Mrs. James Averill, Champlain, N. Y.; Robert F. Fulleyn John J. Pulleyn, New York. _ August 17—Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tilton, Mount Vernon, &. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Von derJUhr. New York; Miss Louisa M. Til- ton, Mt Verroon, N. Y.; Miss Helene MeJdher, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rob- ertson, Jamestown, N. Y. August 18—:Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Gruen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Dieterle and daugh- ter, Mrs. Henry Fischer, - Miss Henrietta Fisher, Carl Schneider, Cincinnati, 0. August 19—£. R. Bennett, Miss Bennett, Miss Russell, Brook- lyn; Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Jenks, Pnii'adelphiar Mr. and;Mrs. P. M. Willard, Bronxviile. N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Downey, New Rochelle, N. Y.; Mr.mnd Mrs. W. S. Harding, Watertown, Mass. August 20-r-Mrs. Theodore A. Clarke, Buffalo; Helen Wright, Eleanor C. Nelson, Miss Joseph- ine Hanck, Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hallock, Piainfield, N. J.; T. M. Me Quade and party, New York City* Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Von* derHeyden, Paterson, N. J. # STEVENS HOUSE Among the more recent arrivals at the Stevens Frank Stephens, Fay, J. T. Furlong, Colwell, New York City; Allen Scherer, John J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmidt, Mrs. John Schmidt, Buffalo; Frank Garney. G. W. O'Keefe, New York; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mull, Philadel- phia; Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Britt, New York; Dr. Carl J. HaHigan, Harold HaHigan, Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Van Niohle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. •-€. Shack, New Jersey; Mr. <and Mrs. G. Car- penfter, Peggy Carpenter, New York; Mrs. Curry, New York; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weans. Brooklyn; Wm. Hart and wife, Niewark; Alexander T. Roe, Henry Hopcke, Daniel R. Roe, Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. Ban- nes, Long Island; Mrs. J. A. iStaiith, Miss I. Hoppel, New York; John B. Neary, W. Moffitt, J. Lief, New York; Mrs. W. Hen- nenian, Miss Clair. New York; Miss W. M. Kentng, Miss Olive Yeomans, Miss Marie Mclntosh, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Call, Philadelphia; Mrs. F. Gib- bard, Washington; Chas. Hauffer, Washington; Miss Marion Pauly, Rochester; F. A. Sass and fam- ily, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Winegar, Miss Isabelle Wine- gar, Miss Jane Winegar. Detroit. tt&sr, Rochester; Mr. and* Mrs. T. C. Treseler, New York; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hawes, SC Louis; Miss Agnss McGmley, Georgia; f \ V. Wright, New York; L. oodward, Iincroft, N. Y.; R. M. $asc, Mrs. P. M. Sax and Rob- ert Sax, Philadelphia; Mrs. Thorn- m J. Ebling, Cleveland; Mrs. He- garty, Hartferd; R. A. Shana- ban M. C. Shanahan, Mass.; Mrs. T. A. taylor, Mary A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. Manacb, Salem, GRAND VIEW HOTEL, Among those at the Grand View are: Mr. and Mrs. MAX Strauss. Hamilton, O.; M. Kirscfaberg, New York; A. L. KsmJwirger, Baltimore; Mm F. Btathenthal, Mrs. S. I. Hamburger, Mrs. Ad- rienne Hirsch, Baltimore; Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. J. Williams, Miss Emma Williams, Morrisfcowa, Pa,; Sirs. B. Sehey, Josephine Stekey, New Rochelle; Mrs. M. Hartfield. New York; Masses Sadie and Ro- salie Hartfield, New York; Mrs. S. Hirschberg, New York; Dr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer, New York; Dr. F. Cbesn^r, J. A. Biterman, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Brien, Montreal; J. H. Kauf- man, Fall River; Joseph and Julie Lang, Brooklyn; A. Schwarte, SPRING RIOTOUS Certain Partie* Era Score* m C«t*in Other* at Grwd View The series of practical jokes which have been p'ayed all sum- mer*t the Grand View Hotel cul- minated Monday morning in a mock wedding in the dining room, when Carl Reiss, h^adwaiter (and victor in previous bouts with Paul Ab famous Grand View Dl G. Goldberg, Dr. M. New York; Mrs. M. Philadelphia, York. H. Freund, E. Monroe. R. Joseph, New LAKESIDE INN Recent arrivals at Lakeside Inn are: Mrs. Sam Harris, Norman Harris, Scran ton; Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Moras, Brooklyn; Mrs. D. * * ' Ithaca; Harris, B. Perry and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert , Long Beach; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall, St. Louis; S. Frank, L. Sol- omon, C. Theodore Miteur, Sturtz, H. Wolbury, New York; Belle Wallenstein, New York; H. Rosenberg, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Haher, New York; J. J. Pullman and family, Whitehall; Miss Ella Harmon, Mrs. David Morse, Nashville; Miss Mary Win- ing, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Alexander, Mrs. Louis Fischer Mils Blanche Fischer, New York City. v THE GANNON Miss Catherine Bardeen, Miss Rose Bardeen and Miss Helen Bardeen of New York City, are attoeGannon for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, who have been touring, are at the Gannon until September 3rd. Miss K. McLaughlin and Miss M. Burke of Chicago are regis- tered ai; the Gannon. Mrs, Wm. Jenkins and son, William, are at The Gannon for their iiniiual visit to Lake Placid and will remain several weeks. Miss Helen Hurley of Syracuse is at The Gannon for a month. Miss Emma Switchero, New York, is at The Gannon for an in- definite stay. Miss Aida M. Foster of New York City is also registered at The Gannon. Mr. and Mrs. James Hogan, Miss Laura Hogan, Jas. Hogan Jr., Miss Helen Hurley climbed Whitefaee Mountain Wednesday and all re- port a delightful trip. Miss Hur- ley did not think it was any won- derful feat as she hikes 10 to 15 milts daily mid has been known to make as high as 25 miles on several trips, NORTHWOODS INN Among those registered at Northwoods Inn are: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dabie, Miss Adele Dabie, Brooklyn; Mrs. Amy Edg- comb, Mrs. J. G. Berner, Morris- town, N. J.; W. H. Seymour, Miss E. Seymkrar. Miss E. R. Seymour, Hamilton, O.; Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Owens, Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Owens, Utica; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wood, Paterson, N. J.; Miss Lela Smith, Mrs. J. Hase- THE BELMONT feome recent arrivals at the Bel- mont are: Sydney W. Denzer, New York; Miss Bebecca Samuel, Montreal; Mrs. W. W. Price, Miss W. Price, Chicago; Hiss Mary A.'McMarmara, Lena G. McMarmare, Conn.; J. W. Tousley, New Eochelle; Mr. and Mrs. R. W\ Weyder and party, Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs Rheine- hart and party, Brooklyn;- Dr. and Mrs. Liven and family, New- rk; J. Levy and party, New T. Baer,, New York; Miss Gladys Tichborne, Edith Shanten, Miss Nsw York; Conover, Philadelphia. ALFORD COTTAGE The following are stoppnig at the Alford Cottage this summer: Mr. and Mrs. H. M»cFadden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steffin, Miss I* Burns, Miss Fitzgerald, MissHal- lahan, Miss Trot, Miss Hauck, Miss Boylan, Mr. King, Mr. Lind- quist, Mr. Morris, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Childers, the Misses Margaret and Elizabeth. Nolan, Miss Mul- cahy, Mr. Chrjs Nicholas, Mrs. Derrick, Mr. Counan, Mrs. Mc- Gucken, Miss Woodward, Mr. W. C. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. James Judge, the Misses Schwarz, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ford, Miss Sweeney, Mr. Frank Curran, Mr. Casey, Miss Beattie, Miss Wilk- ins, Mr. Bardin, Mr. and Mrs. Richrard Schneider, Mr. Prinzing. Mr. Henry S. Underweiser. GUESTS ENJOY PARTY The guests of the Alford Cot- tage enjoyed a very N pleasant dancing party, held in the Com- it Clb Monday evening, Over sixty people. g py munity Club August 18th. which included many Lake "Placid friends and business folk besides the guests, were present. Until eleven o'clock dancing was enjoyed and then delfcious refreshments were served. Besides the dancing many amusing games were played. A prize dance resulted in the winning of the prize by Miss Sarah Trot and Wm. Stove. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steffin received honorable mention. PINE TREE CLUB TO STAGE BENEFIT The Pine Tree Club, which has be^n under the direction of Miss Helene Doyle for the past three summers is going to present a playlet, and combine it with a sale of food and fancy articles Satur- day afternoon, August SO, at the Prime cottage, now occupied by Joseph Moore. The proceeds of the affair will go toward a most worthy cause that of the child- ren's ward of the Lake Placid General Hospital. The tickets are a small sum for the enjoy- *able program outlined- The Pine Tree members young Club girte has for ranging from about nine to twelve years and was formed principally as an athletic and summer sports club under the competent direction of Miss Helene Doyle, a Sargent School graduate. Ladies' Aid Picnic Aug. 29 The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church will give a picnic the afternoon of August 29. This will be at Mrs* Rosman's camp and cars will be waiting at corner and aim at Kennedy's hardware and all ladies who as id i chef) and Margaret Dunlap, prem- iere food perveyor, were the as- tounded subjects of the welt- season's surprise. Mr. Beiss, unsuspecting vietta, was held in conversation let the main office, while guests, kitchen force, waitresses, bell boys, cham- bermaids and all assembled in the dining room, forming hanks to the patJr the bridal pair were to tread. Miss Dunlap, as Spark Plug (the title Is left over from last year), tile bride, was charmingly arrayed in a cheese cloth wedding veil parrying a bridal bouquet of carved carrots and beets. The groom was thrust in and obliged to ran the gauntlet to the strains of Mendeisohnn's Wedding March. When they reached tfce rotunda, they were awaited by Judge Moses H. Grossman, who dwelt in seri- ous note on the vital step £b*»y were about to take. When he asked that anyone who knew of any impediment to this union should then make it known or hold his peace forever after, a flutter was caused by two young ladles claiming the groom as their "daddy", and "Sparky" being pro- claimed the loving wife of the salad chef. Hhowever, these ob- stacles were removed and the Judge proceeded to unite them in holy wedlock amid strains -from the orchestra, followed by a solo from Jimmy, the plumber. The ceremony closed with the retreat of the happy pair to Chopin's Funeral March. The groom, in a speech, admit- ted that Mr. Augsberger and Miss Dunlap had "put one over," but he insisted that he wasn't licked yet. The cast was as follows: Principals: Miss Spark Plug,i JMr. Barney Google. Maid of Honor: Sid Fischer. Best Man: Joe Beamish. Acting Minister: Judge Gross- man. Caterer: Paul Augsberger. Flower Girls: Peggy, Betty, Katherine, Margaret, Marie, Irene, Myrtle, Florence, Ella, Anne, Blanche, Eva, Cristobelle. Choir: Joe Beers, Dick Shea, Lou Seevin, George Fitzsimmons, Al Wagner, Harry Levin. Soloist: Head Plumber Jimmy Hotel Stapif Uoique busy? Well I guess! ! Grand View! Yes— ! G The hue and cry Week which * of game Placid Personals day ^ffcfc Grand View I £affiSl Mrs. Chas. Davis, who has been 111, is recovering. Miss Anna Gladd is visiting friends in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Walter Weeks has been suffering from an attack of ton- silitis. I. M. Polsky is making im- provements son his house on Mair street. Archie Collins of Glens Falls is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William LHt Mrs. George Pratt, her daugh- ;r Mrs. Merrill Smith, and Misses r era and Inice Pratt of Newman were business callers in Saranac Lake the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bull, and [rving and Donald Bull, motored Ticonderogra where Mr. Bull attended a county convention of the American Legion and visited the fort. to^have as one __ . . tfm I*. Fra*&, whose faine la polo player Is of inter- naUonf repute. He has worked mrilrhfar go organize'a polo team at Lai Placid and the games le stages each Sunday af- I shpuld be of increasing to the resfeenta of this vaudeville preformance y the Grand View Sunday ; at Hie Happy Hour Thea- • the benefit of the Lake f Hospital was a tremendous u A packed house respond- Jrasiastically to the peppy which, has been given Lon elsewhere in this 1 Monday the hotel staged & I of water sports tinder the direc on of the hostess, Dr. Mil- dred colfl i , S. Jennings. The day was at the contestants were gen- t d th t uiije sports ond the event was a SSMM s. Herbert Jacobs won the 50 tyj -d swimming cup, Mr. Bailey the 1 i incy diving cup. Canoe tilt- ing i as won by George Blun and Mr. i Lobinson. Canoe pumping by BJoses Cymberg. Egg and sjH&a race, Carl Goldmark Jr. Drj Jennings, Joseph Hamburger BAL MASQUF AT' STEVENS HOUSE Monday night occurred the Ste-d vens House annual masquerrade ball. Sunday and Monday A. W. Toms, New York costumer, exhib- ited ms costumes and from, his display were chosen many inter- esting garments for the evening's e. Four prizes were awarded: for the funniest costume, Miss Jane Caldwell of New York took the prize as "Raggedy Ann". Mr. Halligan as a Jewish doctor, was considered the best characteriza- tion. J. F. Griffin of New York got the prize for the prettiest costume, even as the hackneyed Sheik. Miss Blanche Smith of Long Island was the most unique as a red brick chimney. The prize for the best youngster's costume was received by little Miss Hall. A one-act playlet, "The Span- ish Bullfight," with M. C. Bruyon as the bullfighter proved a perfect riot. The cast included also Messrs. Peck, O'Keefe, Gary and Hailigan, all in gorgeous raiment. Little Miss Marie Louise Cur tin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Cur- tin of Syracuse, danced delight- fully, having been coached Hby Dave Bernie, who with his famous band, outdid himself that evening. Miss Cbarlott and Mr. Peterson of the Grand View danced their! inimitable way into everybody's heart The affair was in charge of r arren Johnson, former host at ie Stevens House, who is serving his internship at the Fifth Ave-i nue Hospital this year and sub-1 stituted this time for his Christ- mas vacation to come up here and liven up activities at the Stevens House. Everybody welcomed him. MONTE CARLO NETS GOOD SUM FOR BUILDING FUND The annual Monte Carlo at the Stevens House Saturday night was a wonderful success, netting $1300 to be given to the St. Agnes Church building fund. Five gentlemen and five ladies received prizes,—dancing to the strains of Dave Bernie-s band was even better than usual. trip to Europe, and is now stop- ping at Lakeside Inn. As guests of Mr. Sturtz, Henry Woiberg and A. Springer are also at the Lake- side. Messrs. Wolberz and Spring- er are taking an extended rest, having also just returned from Europe where they were busy making a movie in which they had leading parts* After recuperat- j ing, the actors will leave to con- j tinue their wiork in the movies. sisted in invited. this sale are cordially BEEFSTEAK SUPPER AT CAMP BIRCHWOOD Tuesday evening twelve young people "launched" from Brew- ster's boathouse landing to the head of Lake Placid and enjoyed beefsteak supper at Camp Birchwood. Frances Brewster, Irene Hurley^ Esther Hoonan, Helene Doyle, Teresa Winters, •" Robert Shar- m jW* Charles McCarthy, key, James Searle, and Charles Slater were those who attended. it! enjoyed a marshmallow roast n the woods around a real camp fire. The hotel orchestra added much life to party under the di ection of its famous leader nitti Mrs. Wallace McFarland of Upper Jay visited in Lake Placid last week. Martin Dwyer of Green Island is a, guest of his son, Walliam Dwyer of Newman. David Allen is m a very : condition at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alfred Randall. Miss Rose Moore of Tupper Lake was the guest of the Misses Olive and Viola Major last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osgood and Mrs. S. G. Mooney attended the pageant at Meadowmount Sunday. Miss Elsie Ben ham, who under- went an operation at the Lake Placid General Hospital, is con- valescing. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoar of Ridgewood, N. J., are guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Marshall. The Misses Huntington left for their-home in South Carolina af- ter a two weeks visit with Mrs, Hattie Slater. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stephens and family will start Sunday for Cleveland* O., where they will visit relatives. William Lamb and family mo- ,- ; - - . tored to the Meadowmount pag- *j? r ' R i inson « av ® a P 1 ^" leant Sunday. Ernest Randall sc J demonstration m the Amen- compan i e d them, can |d Cross life saving raeth- Mrs> w j Pi<!ketfc a n d s o n ! Clayton, Walter Barrett and sis Th( tennis and golf tournaments i ter Marguerite, are stopping a< are T, >W in play. Beautiful cups Mrs> Wm Dryer's are 1 >ing presented to the win-, Mr . axid Mrs . E>p> Marshall ars y the hotel. and SOn Howard, and Miss Edyth Tufcday evening many of the ^ ^ enjoyed tfce pageant Meadowmount last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coons and i o and dummer Doctor "Pep" Dui ng the week (weather per- iti) th ill b t g ( p ) there will be a stage Ft' ;) coach party to Fortune's camp. O pid iht th ill coach party to Fortunes camp. On priday night there will be a prui dancing contest and on Satur< ay night a gala ball masque. Nexi Wednesday there will be a hors; show held on the grounds f th h l A h id d C and daughter Gertrude left Thursday for Stanton where they will spend a week or ten days. Ezra Feinberg, prominent Ne York lawyer, is visiting at th« home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Feinberg of Newman Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall of St. Louis are enjoying their nine- w - - , .„ -, teenth summer in Lake Placid. Wednesday there wilt be jTney are stopping at the Lakeside of th< hotel. Any whorideare invite* to partake in the games and a e hence urged to communi- cate ' ith Dr. Jennings to make entries. All interested w-e vited o be present at the games. *$fOVIE" MEN TAKE REST *hieodore I. Sturtz of New Tork well-known in Lake Inn. James Hurley motored from Ithaca and arrived in Placid Mon- day night after spending a profit able vacation at Cornell summei school. Miss Beatrice Birnbacm New York City is spending a ion weeks' vacation with her aun and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Simoi Meyer. ' Last Friday there was a reun ANNOUNCE MISS STRAUSS 1 ENGAGEMENT AT PARfr Mr. and Mrs. Seymour A. Strauss of Breezy Point camp, an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Etthel, to Harold M. i Brummer of New York at a I masque dance given on Saturday | evening last. About seventy-five | of their young friends attended, j The engaged couple appeared in old fashioned (1870) bridal tume. ; |j;J James Hurley is home from Ithaca where he has been attend- ing summer school at Cornell. Charles W. Orr, of Essex, N. Y M candidate for Sheriff of Essex Count/, and Merritt E. Stanton, of Elizabethtown, were callers h this section recently. Watches A Specialty Henry Pedroni JEWELER 7 5 Broadway Saranac Lkke St. Regis Ho\el Building boro, Essex and Lake present. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bums left Tuesday for Newark where they will visit relatives before starting for Charlestown, Va.. where Mr Burns will teach physical training next year. Paul Green of Syracuse was town for a few days this weei visiting Dr. Day. Mr. Green is nephew of the Rev. Mr. Dyke a one time pastor of the Bapti ChuTch here. Mrs. Robert H. M. Dawbam Miss Ethel G. Dawbarn with theii guest, Miss Alice P. Williams New York, have reopened the; camp, Sunny Cove, for the remai: der of the season. m the St. Morit of Mr. and Mrs. M. La Mrs. Robert Kambe by Dr. and Mrs. , Cone of Saranac Lake motored Loon Lake for a few days; Henry Adams of Plattsborgh. conductor on the D. & H., was town over Sunday. He expects remove from Pittsburgh to Lak< Placid in the near future. He and his family formerly resided here. Mrs. Russel Taylor of Long Island, formerly Miss Frances Wilkins of Newman, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilkins. She is accompanied by her sister-in-law, Miss Jean- ette Taylor. Mr. and^Mrs. G. B. Schwarts of Theresa, N. Y.. were transien guests in town this week. Mr. Schwartz is a cousin of Mrs. Ber- tha Schwartz Wither, well known to many Lake Placid people. He finds many improvements in Lakt Placid since his visit here seven years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Roi erts and daughter Barbara of New York, also Mrs. Wm. K. Aekley and Miss Miriam Ackley of Eas Hartford, Conn., spent last weel at the Shepard-Hurlburt cam Mr. Roberts, Miss Huriburt, Mi; Aekley and Barbara Roberts en joyed a climb up Cobble during the week, the entire party havinj picnic lunch near Echo Lake the return. AUTOMOBILE RENTING SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS Reasonable Rate* Competent, Careful Drivers BEAUTIFUL LATE MODEL CARS CHARLES H. PHONE 12841 Mrs. George Hawkins and daughter Gertrude, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coons, left Thursday for their home in Delhi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lord and children of Erie, Pa., spent last week-end with Mr. Lord's mother, Mrs. Mary Evans, and his sister, Mrs. George Pratt, both of New- man. Happy Hour Program WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1924 MONDAY* AUGUST 25— " GLORIA SWANSON in "MANHANDLED." This gives Mas Swanson an entirely sew role and critics say that it is the very best work she has ever done. She is cast as a shop girT who loves a garage mechanic but does not think he can provide the things she most wants, so she keeps on at work. You will be agreeably surprised in Gloria's work in the comedy situations, especially in the subway rush, at a swell party where she is always doing the wrong things, where she imitates Chaplin and impersonates a Russian countess. While the comedy is really outstanding there is also a strong human interest story. Ian Keith, Tom Moore, Frank Morgan, Lilyan Tashraan and Arthur Hcusman are in the supporting cast. An excellent picture from every point of view. A two-part Comedy—"THE LION AND THE SOUSE." Adults, 35 cents; children, 25 cents. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26— 'THE WOMAN ON THE JURY" with Sylvia Ereamer, Frank Mayo, Mary Carr, Hobart Boswortb, Bessie Love, Lew Cody. Henry Walthall and Myrtle Stedman. "You will convict her; if you don't you are just as guiliy of crime as she is?" Tpis the men said to the one woman on the jury. What did she answer. Did she have the courage of her convictions? Did men believe her? Did she defend the woman tried for murder or what did she do. See the daring and truthful photo- play for the answer. PATHE NEWS. Adults, 35 cent.; children, 25 cent*. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2&— JACKIE COOGAN is "LITTLE ROBINSON CRUSOE." A tramp schooner, a wreck in a South Sea typhoon, cart up on a desert island—cannibals—bananas, cocoanuts, monkeys, black cats—wireless messages—the attack—the marines—the San Francisco police force—adventure, romance, characteriza- tion, comedy, and—Jackie Coogan! Ifou can*t put more than that in one motion picture play. This is Jackie's newest and said to be his best to date. Don't miss it. Tom Santsehi Gloria Grey, Will Walling. Bert Sprotte, C. H. Wilson and Noble Johnson are in the supporting cast. A CAMEO COMEDY. Adults, 35 cents; children, 25 cents. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27— Irene Rich, Alma Rubens, Lewis Stone. Norman Kerry and Coiwtapce Bennett m "CYTHEREA" ba*«d on JosepK Hergesheimer's novel. Produced by George Fitzmaurice. A picture aglow with the glamorous spirit of love and romance and the joy of sDrinsrtimei—a drama depicting the poismant pathos of unrequited love—a picture of a love grown cold and a love revivified. This picture has been given a production that is high class in every respect, with impressive sets and production details, and the effect has been heightened by pre- senting some of the scenes in natural color by means of the Technicolor process. A CAMEO COMEDY. FRIDAY. AUGUST 29— COLLEEN MOORE in "THE PERFECT FLAPPER." Thb is truly a picture dealing with the flapper. What is she and what does she really want to be. This theme is worked out with lots of hilarious comedy. Sydney Chaplin adds his bit. The rest of the cast includes Phyllis Haver, Lydia Knott Frank Mayo and Chas. WeDesley. PATHE NEWS. A4tdt«, 35 cent,; children, 25 ceils. SATURDAY, AUGUST Sfr— J^yss is SKEW: -"= s'aais i V m ? Com « d yT SEEING THINGS." Adults, 35 cents; childrea, 25 cents, COMING NEXT WEEK Cd f h n and Tuesday-Leatrice Joy in "Changing Husbands. SKK* e ^^ Btt Friday-lpola Negri in «IiI F of the Dust.* Saturday-»Empty Hands" with an all-star east. Best Glassware Values at Lowest Prices HORSESHOE WATER GLASSES BLOW WATER GLASSES CRAPE CUT WATER GLASSES COLONIAL WATER GLASSES PLAIN WATER GLASSES -. HEAVY HOTEL WATER GLASSES ROSE CUT WATER CLASSES : $ .05 each JO each ,10 each .85 per doz. .75 per doz. 1.25 per doz. 2.00 per doz. Complete Line of Att Glassware bleeds LAKE PLACID HARDWARE COMPANY me Telephones 4 3 - 4 4

W. Ti&m mid 4m, of - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86033359/1924-08-22/ed...LAKE PUC1D NEWS, JFR4Y> AUGUST a, 1»2 4 - PAGE FIVE < WHITEFACEi P. m

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Page 1: W. Ti&m mid 4m, of - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86033359/1924-08-22/ed...LAKE PUC1D NEWS, JFR4Y> AUGUST a, 1»2 4 - PAGE FIVE < WHITEFACEi P. m



P. m. Potter, Rome, N. Y.

W. Ti&m mid 4m, <te-Mo,; John E. CKeefe and

August 15—for. and Mm* Bosch,New Yori (By; Dse G. Forest,

; Itobert Fo re^ New l ^ k O&nMr. and Mrs. P. J, Potts, Chi-cago; Wm. F . Potts, Chicago;C. Donaldson. E. Donaldson, Buf-falo; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bett-man, Martin G. Bettraan Jr.,'Car-ol E. Bettman, Al^ed Bettanan 2d,Will Anna Bettman, Cincinnati.

August 16—William 0. Robert-son, New York; Walter H. Ben-nett, Brooklyn; t . E. Scott.Montelair, N. J . ; Mrs. LymanFrieze, Staten Island, N. Y.;Frank Haverty, New York; W. B.Warner, New York; Mrs. Mary R.Brace. Port Washington, L. I.;J . A. Templeton, Brooklyn; Wm.M. L. Pomeroy, Buffalo; M. J .Cuffe, Buffalo; B. M. ShanleyJr., Buffalo; Alexander Cornishand wife, Miss Ivis Cornish, Phil-adelphia; Miss ;IiHian Brower,Philadelphia; Dr. end Mrs. Jos.C. Horan. New Yorjc; Mr. andMrs. Leslie Graff, Irvington; Mr.and Mrs. D. C. Baker,, Buffalo;Mrs. James Averill, Champlain,N. Y.; Robert F . Fulleyn JohnJ. Pulleyn, New York.

_ August 17—Mr. and Mrs. W. F.Tilton, Mount Vernon, &. Y.;Mr. and Mrs. F . T. Von derJUhr.New York; Miss Louisa M. Til-ton, Mt Verroon, N. Y.; MissHelene MeJdher, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rob-ertson, Jamestown, N. Y.

August 18—:Mr. and Mrs. FredG. Gruen and daughter, Mr. andMrs. Geo. H. Dieterle and daugh-ter, Mrs. Henry Fischer, - MissHenrietta Fisher, Carl Schneider,Cincinnati, 0.

August 19—£. R. Bennett,Miss Bennett, Miss Russell, Brook-lyn; Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Jenks,Pnii'adelphiar Mr. and;Mrs. P. M.Willard, Bronxviile. N. Y.; Mr.and Mrs. L. S. Downey, NewRochelle, N. Y.; Mr.mnd Mrs. W.S. Harding, Watertown, Mass.

August 20-r-Mrs. Theodore A.Clarke, Buffalo; Helen Wright,Eleanor C. Nelson, Miss Joseph-ine Hanck, Baltimore, Md.; Mr.and Mrs. Ralph E. Hallock,Piainfield, N. J . ; T. M. MeQuade and party, New YorkCity* Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Von*derHeyden, Paterson, N. J .

# STEVENS HOUSEAmong the more recent arrivals

at the StevensFrank Stephens,Fay, J . T. Furlong,Colwell, New York City; AllenScherer, John J . Brown, Mr. andMrs. Andrew Schmidt, Mrs. JohnSchmidt, Buffalo; Frank Garney.G. W. O'Keefe, New York; Mr.and Mrs. E. L. Mull, Philadel-phia; Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Britt,New York; Dr. Carl J . HaHigan,Harold HaHigan, Jersey City;Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Van Niohle,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. •-€. Shack,New Jersey; Mr. <and Mrs. G. Car-penfter, Peggy Carpenter, NewYork; Mrs. Curry, New York;Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weans.Brooklyn; Wm. Hart and wife,Niewark; Alexander T. Roe,Henry Hopcke, Daniel R. Roe,Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. Ban-nes, Long Island; Mrs. J. A.iStaiith, Miss I. Hoppel, New York;John B. Neary, W. Moffitt, J .Lief, New York; Mrs. W. Hen-nenian, Miss Clair. New York;Miss W. M. Kentng, Miss OliveYeomans, Miss Marie Mclntosh,Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. LeeCall, Philadelphia; Mrs. F. Gib-bard, Washington; Chas. Hauffer,Washington; Miss Marion Pauly,Rochester; F. A. Sass and fam-ily, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Winegar, Miss Isabelle Wine-gar, Miss Jane Winegar. Detroit.

tt&sr, Rochester; Mr. and* Mrs.T. C. Treseler, New York; Mr.and Mrs. R. L. Hawes, SC Louis;Miss Agnss McGmley, Georgia;f \ V. Wright, New York; L.

oodward, Iincroft, N. Y.; R.M. $asc, Mrs. P . M. Sax and Rob-ert Sax, Philadelphia; Mrs. Thorn-m J . Ebling, Cleveland; Mrs. He-garty, Hartferd; R. A. Shana-ban M. C. Shanahan, Mass.; Mrs.T. A. taylor, Mary A. Taylor,Mr. and Mrs. E. Manacb, Salem,

GRAND VIEW HOTEL,Among those at the Grand View

are: Mr. and Mrs. MAX Strauss.Hamilton, O.; M. Kirscfaberg,New York; A. L. KsmJwirger,Baltimore; Mm F . Btathenthal,Mrs. S. I. Hamburger, Mrs. Ad-rienne Hirsch, Baltimore; Mr. and1

Mrs. J . J . Williams, Miss EmmaWilliams, Morrisfcowa, Pa,; Sirs.B. Sehey, Josephine Stekey, NewRochelle; Mrs. M. Hartfield.New York; Masses Sadie and Ro-salie Hartfield, New York; Mrs.S. Hirschberg, New York; Dr.and Mrs. Leo Meyer, New York;Dr. F . Cbesn^r, J . A. Biterman,Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. J. J.O'Brien, Montreal; J . H. Kauf-man, Fall River; Joseph and JulieLang, Brooklyn; A. Schwarte,


Certain Partie* E r a Score* mC«t*in Other* at Grwd ViewThe series of practical jokes

which have been p'ayed all sum-mer*t the Grand View Hotel cul-minated Monday morning in amock wedding in the dining room,when Carl Reiss, h^adwaiter (andvictor in previous bouts with PaulAb famous Grand View

D l

G. Goldberg, Dr. M.New York; Mrs. M.Philadelphia,York.

H. Freund,E. Monroe.

R. Joseph, New

LAKESIDE INNRecent arrivals at Lakeside Inn

are: Mrs. Sam Harris, NormanHarris, Scran ton; Dr. and Mrs.A. M. Moras, Brooklyn; Mrs. D.

* * ' Ithaca;Harris,

B. Perry and daughter,Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,Long Beach; Mr. and Mrs. G.Hall, St. Louis; S. Frank, L. Sol-omon, C.Theodore


H. Wolbury,New York;

Belle Wallenstein, New York; H.Rosenberg, New York; Mr. andMrs. Haher, New York; J . J .Pullman and family, Whitehall;Miss Ella Harmon, Mrs. DavidMorse, Nashville; Miss Mary Win-ing, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Alexander, Mrs. Louis FischerMils Blanche Fischer, New YorkCity. v

THE GANNONMiss Catherine Bardeen, Miss

Rose Bardeen and Miss HelenBardeen of New York City, areat toe Gannon for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, who havebeen touring, are at the Gannonuntil September 3rd.

Miss K. McLaughlin and MissM. Burke of Chicago are regis-tered ai; the Gannon.

Mrs, Wm. Jenkins and son,William, are at The Gannon fortheir iiniiual visit to Lake Placidand will remain several weeks.

Miss Helen Hurley of Syracuseis at The Gannon for a month.

Miss Emma Switchero, NewYork, is at The Gannon for an in-definite stay.

Miss Aida M. Foster of NewYork City is also registered atThe Gannon.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hogan, MissLaura Hogan, Jas. Hogan Jr., MissHelen Hurley climbed WhitefaeeMountain Wednesday and all re-port a delightful trip. Miss Hur-ley did not think it was any won-derful feat as she hikes 10 to 15milts daily mid has been knownto make as high as 25 miles onseveral trips,

NORTHWOODS INNAmong those registered at

Northwoods Inn are: Mr. andMrs. L. A. Dabie, Miss AdeleDabie, Brooklyn; Mrs. Amy Edg-comb, Mrs. J. G. Berner, Morris-town, N. J . ; W. H. Seymour,Miss E. Seymkrar. Miss E. R.Seymour, Hamilton, O.; Mr. andMrs. F . T. Owens, Dr. and Mrs.F . S. Owens, Utica; Mr. and Mrs.J . J . Wood, Paterson, N. J . ;Miss Lela Smith, Mrs. J . Hase-

THE BELMONTfeome recent arrivals at the Bel-

mont are: Sydney W. Denzer,New York; Miss Bebecca Samuel,Montreal; Mrs. W. W. Price,Miss W. Price, Chicago; HissMary A.'McMarmara, Lena G.McMarmare, Conn.; J . W.Tousley, New Eochelle; Mr. andMrs. R. W\ Weyder and party,Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs Rheine-hart and party, Brooklyn;- Dr.and Mrs. Liven and family, New-rk; J . Levy and party, New

T. Baer,, New York; Miss GladysTichborne, Edith Shanten, Miss

Nsw York;


ALFORD COTTAGEThe following are stoppnig at

the Alford Cottage this summer:Mr. and Mrs. H. M»cFadden, Mr.and Mrs. Frank Steffin, Miss I*Burns, Miss Fitzgerald, MissHal-lahan, Miss Trot, Miss Hauck,Miss Boylan, Mr. King, Mr. Lind-quist, Mr. Morris, Mr. Barber,Mrs. Childers, the Misses Margaretand Elizabeth. Nolan, Miss Mul-cahy, Mr. Chrjs Nicholas, Mrs.Derrick, Mr. Counan, Mrs. Mc-Gucken, Miss Woodward, Mr. W.C. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. JamesJudge, the Misses Schwarz, Mr.and Mrs. Edwin Ford, MissSweeney, Mr. Frank Curran, Mr.Casey, Miss Beattie, Miss Wilk-ins, Mr. Bardin, Mr. and Mrs.Richrard Schneider, Mr. Prinzing.Mr. Henry S. Underweiser.

GUESTS ENJOY PARTYThe guests of the Alford Cot-

tage enjoyed a veryN pleasantdancing party, held in the Com-

it C l b Monday evening,Over sixty people.

g pymunity ClubAugust 18th.which included many Lake "Placidfriends and business folk besidesthe guests, were present.

Until eleven o'clock dancingwas enjoyed and then delfciousrefreshments were served. Besidesthe dancing many amusing gameswere played.

A prize dance resulted in thewinning of the prize by MissSarah Trot and Wm. Stove. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Steffin receivedhonorable mention.


The Pine Tree Club, which hasbe^n under the direction of MissHelene Doyle for the past threesummers is going to present aplaylet, and combine it with a saleof food and fancy articles Satur-day afternoon, August SO, at thePrime cottage, now occupied byJoseph Moore. The proceeds ofthe affair will go toward a mostworthy cause that of the child-ren's ward of the Lake PlacidGeneral Hospital. The tickets are

a small sum for the enjoy-*able program outlined-

The Pine Treemembers young


has forranging

from about nine to twelve yearsand was formed principally as anathletic and summer sports clubunder the competent direction ofMiss Helene Doyle, a SargentSchool graduate.

Ladies' Aid Picnic Aug. 29The Ladies' Aid Society of the

M. E. Church will give a picnic theafternoon of August 29. This willbe at Mrs* Rosman's camp andcars will be waiting atcorner and aim at Kennedy'shardware and all ladies who asid i

chef) and Margaret Dunlap, prem-iere food perveyor, were the as-tounded subjects of the welt-

season's surprise.Mr. Beiss, unsuspecting vietta,

was held in conversation let themain office, while guests, kitchenforce, waitresses, bell boys, cham-bermaids and all assembled in thedining room, forming hanks to thepatJr the bridal pair were to tread.

Miss Dunlap, as Spark Plug(the title Is left over from lastyear), tile bride, was charminglyarrayed in a cheese cloth weddingveil parrying a bridal bouquet ofcarved carrots and beets. Thegroom was thrust in and obligedto ran the gauntlet to the strainsof Mendeisohnn's Wedding March.When they reached tfce rotunda,they were awaited by Judge MosesH. Grossman, who dwelt in seri-ous note on the vital step £b*»ywere about to take. When heasked that anyone who knew ofany impediment to this unionshould then make it known or holdhis peace forever after, a flutterwas caused by two young ladlesclaiming the groom as their"daddy", and "Sparky" being pro-claimed the loving wife of thesalad chef. Hhowever, these ob-stacles were removed and theJudge proceeded to unite them inholy wedlock amid strains -fromthe orchestra, followed by a solofrom Jimmy, the plumber. Theceremony closed with the retreatof the happy pair to Chopin'sFuneral March.

The groom, in a speech, admit-ted that Mr. Augsberger and MissDunlap had "put one over," buthe insisted that he wasn't lickedyet.

The cast was as follows:Principals: Miss Spark Plug,i

JMr. Barney Google.Maid of Honor: Sid Fischer.Best Man: Joe Beamish.Acting Minister: Judge Gross-

man.Caterer: Paul Augsberger.Flower Girls: Peggy, Betty,

Katherine, Margaret, Marie, Irene,Myrtle, Florence, Ella, Anne,Blanche, Eva, Cristobelle.

Choir: Joe Beers, Dick Shea,Lou Seevin, George Fitzsimmons,Al Wagner, Harry Levin.

Soloist: Head Plumber Jimmy

Hotel Stapif Uoique

busy? Well I guess!! Grand View! Yes—! GThe hue and cry

Week which *of


Placid Personals

day f̂fcfc Grand View I £affiSl

Mrs. Chas. Davis, who has been111, is recovering.

Miss Anna Gladd is visitingfriends in Pittsburgh.

Mrs. Walter Weeks has beensuffering from an attack of ton-silitis.

I . M. Polsky is making im-provements son his house on Mairstreet.

Archie Collins of Glens Falls isa guest of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamL H t

Mrs. George Pratt, her daugh-;r Mrs. Merrill Smith, and Missesrera and Inice Pratt of Newman

were business callers in SaranacLake the latter part of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Bull, and[rving and Donald Bull, motored

Ticonderogra where Mr. Bullattended a county convention ofthe American Legion and visitedthe fort.

to^have as one __ .. tfm I*. Fra*&, whose

faine l a polo player Is of inter-naUonf repute. He has workedmrilrhfar go organize'a polo teamat Lai Placid and the games

le stages each Sunday af-I shpuld be of increasing

to the resfeenta of thisvaudeville preformance

y the Grand View Sunday; at Hie Happy Hour Thea-• the benefit of the Lake

f Hospital was a tremendousu A packed house respond-Jrasiastically to the peppy

which, has been givenLon elsewhere in this

1 Monday the hotel staged &I of water sports tinder the

direc on of the hostess, Dr. Mil-dredcolfl


,S. Jennings. The day wasat the contestants were gen-

t d th tuiije sports ond the event was aSSMM s. Herbert Jacobs won the50 tyj -d swimming cup, Mr. Baileythe1 i incy diving cup. Canoe tilt-ing i as won by George Blun andMr. i Lobinson. Canoe pumpingby BJoses Cymberg. Egg andsjH&a race, Carl Goldmark Jr.Drj Jennings, Joseph Hamburger


Monday night occurred the Ste-dvens House annual masquerradeball. Sunday and Monday A. W.Toms, New York costumer, exhib-ited ms costumes and from, hisdisplay were chosen many inter-esting garments for the evening's

e.Four prizes were awarded: for

the funniest costume, Miss JaneCaldwell of New York took theprize as "Raggedy Ann". Mr.Halligan as a Jewish doctor, wasconsidered the best characteriza-tion. J. F. Griffin of New Yorkgot the prize for the prettiestcostume, even as the hackneyedSheik. Miss Blanche Smith ofLong Island was the most uniqueas a red brick chimney. The prizefor the best youngster's costumewas received by little Miss Hall.

A one-act playlet, "The Span-ish Bullfight," with M. C. Bruyonas the bullfighter proved a perfectriot. The cast included alsoMessrs. Peck, O'Keefe, Gary andHailigan, all in gorgeous raiment.

Little Miss Marie Louise Curtin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Cur-tin of Syracuse, danced delight-fully, having been coached HbyDave Bernie, who with his famousband, outdid himself that evening.

Miss Cbarlott and Mr. Petersonof the Grand View danced their!inimitable way into everybody'sheart

The affair was in charge ofrarren Johnson, former host atie Stevens House, who is serving

his internship at the Fifth Ave-inue Hospital this year and sub-1stituted this time for his Christ-mas vacation to come up here andliven up activities at the StevensHouse. Everybody welcomed him.


The annual Monte Carlo at theStevens House Saturday nightwas a wonderful success, netting$1300 to be given to the St. AgnesChurch building fund.

Five gentlemen and five ladiesreceived prizes,—dancing to thestrains of Dave Bernie-s band waseven better than usual.

trip to Europe, and is now stop-ping at Lakeside Inn. As guestsof Mr. Sturtz, Henry Woiberg andA. Springer are also at the Lake-side. Messrs. Wolberz and Spring-er are taking an extended rest,having also just returned fromEurope where they were busymaking a movie in which they hadleading parts* After recuperat- jing, the actors will leave to con- jtinue their wiork in the movies.

sisted ininvited.

this sale are cordially


Tuesday evening twelve youngpeople "launched" from Brew-ster's boathouse landing to thehead of Lake Placid and enjoyed

beefsteak supper at CampBirchwood. Frances Brewster,Irene Hurley^ Esther Hoonan,Helene Doyle, Teresa Winters,

•" Robert Shar-mjW* Charles McCarthy,key, James Searle,and Charles Slater were those whoattended.

it! enjoyed a marshmallowroast n the woods around a realcamp fire. The hotel orchestraadded much life to party underthe di ection of its famous leader


Mrs. Wallace McFarland ofUpper Jay visited in Lake Placidlast week.

Martin Dwyer of Green Islandis a, guest of his son, WalliamDwyer of Newman.

David Allen is m a very :condition at the home of hisdaughter, Mrs. Alfred Randall.

Miss Rose Moore of TupperLake was the guest of the MissesOlive and Viola Major last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osgoodand Mrs. S. G. Mooney attendedthe pageant at MeadowmountSunday.

Miss Elsie Ben ham, who under-went an operation at the LakePlacid General Hospital, is con-valescing.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoar ofRidgewood, N. J., are guests oftheir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. ElmerD. Marshall.

The Misses Huntington left fortheir-home in South Carolina af-ter a two weeks visit with Mrs,Hattie Slater.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stephensand family will start Sunday forCleveland* O., where they willvisit relatives.

William Lamb and family mo-, - ; - - . tored to the Meadowmount pag-

*j? r ' R i i n s o n «av® a P 1 ^ " leant Sunday. Ernest Randall scJ demonstration m the Amen- c o m p a n i e d them,

can | d Cross life saving raeth- Mrs> w j Pi<!ketfc a n d s o n

! Clayton, Walter Barrett and sisTh( tennis and golf tournaments i t e r Marguerite, are stopping a<

are T, >W in play. Beautiful cups M r s > W m Dryer'sare 1 >ing presented to the win-, M r . axid M r s . E> p> Marshall

ars y the hotel. a n d SOn Howard, and Miss EdythTufcday evening many of the ^ ^ enjoyed tfce pageant

Meadowmount last Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coons and

i oand dummer Doctor "Pep"

Dui ng the week (weather per-i t i ) th ill b t

g ( p) there will be a stage

F t ';)

coach party to Fortune's camp.O p i d i h t th ill

coach party to Fortunes camp.On priday night there will be

a prui dancing contest and onSatur< ay night a gala ball masque.

Nexi Wednesday there will bea hors; show held on the groundsf th h l A h id

d C anddaughter Gertrude left Thursdayfor Stanton where they willspend a week or ten days.

Ezra Feinberg, prominent NeYork lawyer, is visiting at th«home of his parents, Mr. andMrs. Isaac Feinberg of Newman

Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall of St.Louis are enjoying their nine-

w - - , .„ -, teenth summer in Lake Placid.Wednesday there wilt be j T n e y a r e stopping at the Lakeside

of th< hotel. Any who ride areinvite* to partake in the gamesand a e hence urged to communi-cate ' ith Dr. Jennings to makeentries. All interested w-evited o be present at the games.

*$fOVIE" MEN TAKE REST*hieodore I. Sturtz of New Tork

well-known in Lake

Inn.James Hurley motored from

Ithaca and arrived in Placid Mon-day night after spending a profitable vacation at Cornell summeischool.

Miss Beatrice BirnbacmNew York City is spending a ionweeks' vacation with her aunand uncle, Mr. and Mrs. SimoiMeyer.' Last Friday there was a reun



Mr. and Mrs. Seymour A.Strauss of Breezy Point camp, an-nounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Etthel, to Harold M. iBrummer of New York at a Imasque dance given on Saturday |evening last. About seventy-five |of their young friends attended, jThe engaged couple appeared inold fashioned (1870) bridaltume. ; |j;J

James Hurley is home fromIthaca where he has been attend-ing summer school at Cornell.

Charles W. Orr, of Essex, N. YMcandidate for Sheriff of EssexCount/, and Merritt E. Stanton,of Elizabethtown, were callers hthis section recently.

WatchesA Specialty

Henry PedroniJEWELER

7 5 BroadwaySaranac Lkke

St. Regis Ho\el Building

boro, Essex and Lakepresent.

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bums leftTuesday for Newark where theywill visit relatives before startingfor Charlestown, Va.. where MrBurns will teach physical trainingnext year.

Paul Green of Syracuse wastown for a few days this weeivisiting Dr. Day. Mr. Green isnephew of the Rev. Mr. Dyke aone time pastor of the BaptiChuTch here.

Mrs. Robert H. M. DawbamMiss Ethel G. Dawbarn with theiiguest, Miss Alice P. WilliamsNew York, have reopened the;camp, Sunny Cove, for the remai:der of the season.

m the St. Moritof Mr. and Mrs. M. La

Mrs. Robert Kambeby Dr. and Mrs. ,

Cone of Saranac Lake motoredLoon Lake for a few days;

Henry Adams of Plattsborgh.conductor on the D. & H., wastown over Sunday. He expectsremove from Pittsburgh to Lak<Placid in the near future. Heand his family formerly residedhere.

Mrs. Russel Taylor of LongIsland, formerly Miss FrancesWilkins of Newman, is the guestof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Wilkins. She is accompaniedby her sister-in-law, Miss Jean-ette Taylor.

Mr. and^Mrs. G. B. Schwartsof Theresa, N. Y.. were transienguests in town this week. Mr.Schwartz is a cousin of Mrs. Ber-tha Schwartz Wither, well knownto many Lake Placid people. Hefinds many improvements in LaktPlacid since his visit here sevenyears ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Roierts and daughter Barbara of NewYork, also Mrs. Wm. K. Aekleyand Miss Miriam Ackley of EasHartford, Conn., spent last weelat the Shepard-Hurlburt camMr. Roberts, Miss Huriburt, Mi;Aekley and Barbara Roberts enjoyed a climb up Cobble duringthe week, the entire party havinjpicnic lunch near Echo Lakethe return.


Reasonable Rate* Competent, Careful DriversBEAUTIFUL LATE MODEL CARS


Mrs. George Hawkins anddaughter Gertrude, who were theguests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G.Coons, left Thursday for theirhome in Delhi

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lord andchildren of Erie, Pa., spent lastweek-end with Mr. Lord's mother,Mrs. Mary Evans, and his sister,Mrs. George Pratt, both of New-man.

Happy Hour ProgramWEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1924


Swanson an entirely sew role and critics say that it isthe very best work she has ever done. She is cast as a shopgirT who loves a garage mechanic but does not think he canprovide the things she most wants, so she keeps on at work.You will be agreeably surprised in Gloria's work in the comedysituations, especially in the subway rush, at a swell partywhere she is always doing the wrong things, where she imitatesChaplin and impersonates a Russian countess. While thecomedy is really outstanding there is also a strong humaninterest story. Ian Keith, Tom Moore, Frank Morgan, LilyanTashraan and Arthur Hcusman are in the supporting cast. Anexcellent picture from every point of view.

A two-part Comedy—"THE LION AND THE SOUSE."Adults, 35 cents; children, 25 cents.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 26—'THE WOMAN ON THE JURY" with Sylvia Ereamer, Frank

Mayo, Mary Carr, Hobart Boswortb, Bessie Love, LewCody. Henry Walthall and Myrtle Stedman. "You will convicther; if you don't you are just as guiliy of crime as she is?"Tpis the men said to the one woman on the jury. What didshe answer. Did she have the courage of her convictions?Did men believe her? Did she defend the woman tried formurder or what did she do. See the daring and truthful photo-play for the answer.

PATHE NEWS.Adults, 35 cent.; children, 25 cent*.


tramp schooner, a wreck in a South Sea typhoon, cart upon a desert island—cannibals—bananas, cocoanuts, monkeys,black cats—wireless messages—the attack—the marines—theSan Francisco police force—adventure, romance, characteriza-tion, comedy, and—Jackie Coogan! Ifou can*t put more thanthat in one motion picture play. This is Jackie's newest andsaid to be his best to date. Don't miss it. Tom SantsehiGloria Grey, Will Walling. Bert Sprotte, C. H. Wilson andNoble Johnson are in the supporting cast.

A CAMEO COMEDY.Adults, 35 cents; children, 25 cents.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 27—Irene Rich, Alma Rubens, Lewis Stone. Norman Kerry and

Coiwtapce Bennett m "CYTHEREA" ba*«d on JosepKHergesheimer's novel. Produced by George Fitzmaurice. Apicture aglow with the glamorous spirit of love and romanceand the joy of sDrinsrtimei—a drama depicting the poismantpathos of unrequited love—a picture of a love grown cold anda love revivified. This picture has been given a productionthat is high class in every respect, with impressive sets andproduction details, and the effect has been heightened by pre-senting some of the scenes in natural color by means of theTechnicolor process.



is truly a picture dealing with the flapper. What is sheand what does she really want to be. This theme is workedout with lots of hilarious comedy. Sydney Chaplin adds hisbit. The rest of the cast includes Phyllis Haver, Lydia KnottFrank Mayo and Chas. WeDesley.

PATHE NEWS.A4tdt«, 35 cent,; children, 25 ceils.


J^yss is SKEW:

-"= s'aaisi V m ? C o m « d y T S E E I N G THINGS."Adults, 35 cents; childrea, 25 cents,


Tuesday-Leatrice Joy in "Changing Husbands.

SKK* e ̂ ^ Btt

Friday-lpola Negri in «IiIF of the Dust.*Saturday-»Empty Hands" with an all-star east.

Best GlasswareValues at








$ .05 each

JO each

,10 each

.85 per doz.

.75 per doz.

1.25 per doz.

2.00 per doz.

Complete Line of AttGlassware bleeds


Telephones 43-44