Working Paper Research Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence from a small open economy by Philip Du Caju, François Rycx and Ilan Tojerow April 2011 No 214

Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence

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Page 1: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence

Working Paper Research

Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence from a small open economy

by Philip Du Caju, François Rycx and Ilan Tojerow

April 2011 No 214

Page 2: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


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Page 3: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence



In the last few decades, international trade has expanded not only between industrialised countries,

but also between high- and low-wage countries. This important change has raised questions on

how international trade affects the labour market. In this spirit, this paper aims to investigate the

impact of international trade on wage dispersion in a small open economy. It is one of the few to: i)

use detailed matched employer-employee data to compute industry wage premia and

disaggregated industry level panel data to examine the impact of changes in exports and imports on

changes in wage differentials, ii) analyse the impact of imports according to the country of origin.

Looking at the export side, we find a positive effect of exports on the industry wage premium. The

findings also show that import penetration from low-income countries has a significant and negative

impact on inter-industry wage differentials, while imports from high-income countries seem to have

a more ambiguous impact on the wage structure. The results suggest that trade with low-income

and high-income countries has different effects on inter-industry wage differentials.

Key Words: wage structure, inter-industry wage differentials, international trade, matched employer-

employee data.

JEL Classification: F16, J31.

Corresponding author: Philip Du Caju, National Bank of Belgium, Research Department, [email protected].

François Rycx, Free University of Brussels, DULBEA, NBB and IZA-Bonn, [email protected]

Ilan Tojerow, Free University of Brussels, DULBEA, NBB and IZA-Bonn, [email protected]. This paper is part of the research programme conducted in the context of the Wage Dynamics Network (WDN). Philip Du Caju is economist at the National Bank of Belgium. François Rycx is Associate Professor of Economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium. He is affiliated to the Centre Emile Bernheim (CEB) and the Department of Applied Economics (DULBEA) of ULB and a research fellow of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany. Ilan Tojerow is FNRS researcher. He is affiliated to DULBEA (ULB) and IZA. Some of the work for this paper was conducted while Ilan Tojerow was visiting the Center of Labor Economics at UC Berkeley. This paper is produced as part of the Wage Dynamics Network (WDN) coordinated by the European Central Bank (ECB). Financial support from the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Orley Ashenfelter, Massimillinao Bratti, Raffaello Bronzini, David Card, Gustavo Gonzaga and Yves Zenou

for very helpful discussions and comments. We also would like to thank Statistics Belgium for giving access to the data. Opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the institutes the authors are affiliated with. Any remaining errors are those of the authors. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bank of Belgium or any other institution to which the author is affiliated.

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1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1

2. Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: What Do We Know? ......................................................... 4

2.1 Inter-industry Wage Differentials and International Trade: How Does it Work? ...................... 6

3. Data and Methodology ................................................................................................................ 8

3.1 Data .......................................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 11

4. Empirical Results ...................................................................................................................... 13

4.1 Inter-industry Wage Differentials ............................................................................................ 13

4.2 Inter-industry Wage Differentials and International Trade ..................................................... 15

4.3. Inter-industry Wage Differentials and International Trade: Does the Country of Origin Matter?................................................................................................................................................ 18

5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 19

References ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Figure, Tables & Appendix ............................................................................................................... 29

National Bank of Belgium - Working papers series .......................................................................... 39

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1. Introduction

In the last decades, international trade has increased between industrialised countries and

between high- and low-wage countries. As an example, the trade-to-GDP ratio in OECD

countries increased from 13% in 1970 to more than 28% in 2007. In the EU27, the trade

openness ratio was 40% in 2007, while it was above 50% for small countries (OECD, 2009).

Globalisation is also reflected in the increased dispersion of geographical partners of OECD


These important changes have raised questions on how international trade affects the labour

market. Hence, a vast literature scrutinizes trade mechanisms to better understand both labour

demand and wage structure changes (Slaughter, 1999). The impact of globalisation on labour-

market outcomes is tackled through different trade and labour market models (e.g. Heckscher-

Ohlin trade or specific-factor models). Moreover, a wide range of aspects and potential

outcomes of globalisation is considered i.e. impact of changes in trade protection, import

penetration or export shares on employment, wage inequalities or the return to workers’

characteristics, such as education (e.g. Freeman, 1995; Kugler and Verhoogen, 2009; Melitz,

2003 Verhoogen, 2008; Wood, A., 1994).

In the case of developed countries, an important part of the literature concentrates on the role

of imports from low-wage countries to explain the increasing pressure on unskilled labour

markets (Freeman, 1995). Particular attention is devoted to the effects of trade on low-skilled

employment and on the evolution of the skilled/unskilled wage ratio. Studies on the wage

consequences of international trade generally examine the latter’s impact on the return to

workers’ characteristics (Pavcnik et al., 2004). However, a growing number of papers focus

on the sectoral affiliation of the workers to analyse trade effects on wages (Hoekman and

Winters, 2005). In this case, the wage differential attributed to the workers’ industry

affiliation is examined to understand the effects of globalisation on earnings. Given that the

existence of sectoral effects on workers’ wages is a stylised fact in the economic literature

(Krueger and Summers, 1988; Vainiomäki et al., 1995; Hartog et al., 2000; Du Caju et al.,

2010), some authors argue that studies that do not take into account the industry affiliation

may neglect an important channel through which trade affects wages (Pavcnik et al., 2004).

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Trade effects on inter-industry wage differentials can pass through several channels. First,

strong import growth or trade liberalisation reforms may involve pro-competitive effects in

the product market that may influence industry rents and therefore the industry wage structure

(Kramarz, 2008). Secondly, trade changes may have an impact on industry- or firm-level

productivity, thereby changing industry-relative wages (Martins and Opromolla, 2009).

Thirdly, growth in the import penetration level may be considered as a shock to labour

demand that affects the industry wage structure in the presence of imperfect labour mobility

across sectors (Dutta, 2007).

Regarding the export side, Schank et al. (2007) suggest that high-export sectors offer high

wages as the result of relatively favourable foreign demand shocks. They also state that the

wage premium in exporting sectors is compatible with the turnover version of the efficiency

wage theory. For, Lundin and Yun (2009) exporting industries pay higher wages since exports

increase profits and stimulate expansion.

From a monetary policy perspective, inter-industry wage differentials are of interest in the

sense that they point to relative wage rigidity, which in turn can influence wage adjustment to

shocks and so the effect of monetary policy measures. Although the implications of

international trade for wage reactions to shocks are more relevant than those for wage levels

or differentials, the latter can help to understand wage changes in general.

The empirical literature regarding the impact of trade openness on industry wage premia is

still relatively scarce (Gaston and Trefer, 1994; Borjas and Ramey, 1995; Jean and Nicoletti,

2002; Lundin and Yun, 2009). However, the results are quite compelling. For example, Grey

(1993) and Katz et al. (1989) show for Canada and the US, respectively, that workers in

import-intensive industries have lower wage premia, while workers in export-intensive

industries receive higher wage premia. Using US data, Borjas and Ramey (1995) report a

negative impact of import penetration on wages of low-skilled workers in concentrated

industries. For Norway, Salvanes et al. (1998) find a positive relationship between the degree

of openness and wage premia. Lundin and Yun (2009) examined the situation in the Swedish

manufacturing sector. Their results indicate that industries that face intensive import

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competition from low wage countries have lower wage premia. In contrast, export intensities

are not found to have a significant impact on workers’ wages.1

In this paper, we investigate the impact of international trade on wage premia in a small open

economy, i.e. Belgium. More precisely, our objective is to examine the following questions:

1. Do workers in export-intensive sectors earn higher wages?

2. Do workers in import-intensive sectors earn lower wages?

3. Does the country of origin of imports matter? Are the size of wage differentials in import-

intensive sectors different when imports are principally coming from low-income

countries or middle- to high-income countries?

Our paper significantly contributes to the existing literature as it is one of the few to: i) use

detailed matched employer-employee data to compute industry wage premia and

disaggregated industry level panel data to examine the impact of changes in international

trade on changes in wage differentials, ii) simultaneously analyse both imports and exports,

and iii) examine the impact of imports according to the country of origin. Moreover, it is the

first to investigate the impact of trade on industry wage differentials in Belgium.

To address these questions, we rely on detailed matched employer-employee data (SES-SBS)

covering all years from 1999 to 2006. This data contains detailed information on firm

characteristics and on individual workers. SES-SBS is merged with data on international trade

(at the NACE three-digit level) coming from the NBB International Trade dataset.

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: In the next section a review of the

literature on the magnitude and sources of inter-industry wage differentials is presented.

Section 3 describes the data and the methodology. Section 4 examines the size, dispersion and

stability of inter-industry wage differentials in the Belgian private sector over the period

1 Another strand of the literature investigates how trade reforms affect inter-industry wage differentials primarily in developing countries (Robertson, 2000; Feliciano, 2001; Hasan and Chen, 2003; Pavcnik et al., 2004; Goldberg and Pavcnik, 2005; Dutta, 2007). For example, Dutta (2007) examines the link between tariff reduction and industry wage premia in India. He finds that high-tariff industries offer higher wage premia. A similar result is found for Colombia by Goldberg and Pavcnik (2005), when industry fixed effects are included in the analysis. Jean and Nicoletti (2002) also report a positive impact of tariffs on wages using panel data for 12 OECD countries. In contrast, Pavcnik et al. (2004) obtain no significant effect between changes in trade policy and changes in industry wage premia in Brazil.

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1999-2006. The contribution of international trade to observed inter-industry wage

differentials is analysed in section 5. The last section concludes.

2. Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: What Do We Know?

Questions on the impact of trade on the industry wage premium fit into a larger empirical

debate reopened in the late eighties about the causes of wage inequalities. Several papers

emphasised that pay differentials existed in the U.S. between workers with the same

observable individual characteristics and working conditions but employed in different sectors

(Dickens and Katz, 1987; Krueger and Summers, 1988; Katz and Summers, 1989). In recent

years, comparable results have been obtained for a large number of countries (Araï et al.,

1996; Hartog et al., 1997, 2000; Lucifora, 1993; Vainiomäki and Laaksonen, 1995). In

parallel, it has been shown that the structure of inter-industry wage differentials is quite

consistent and strongly correlated between countries, but that its scale varies considerably

between industrialised countries (Barth and Zweimüller, 1992; Edin and Zetterberg, 1992;

Helwege, 1992; Zanchi, 1992; Kahn, 1998; Teulings and Hartog, 1998; Björklund et al.,

2007; Gannon et al., 2007; Du Caju et al., 2010).

Overall, these different results suggest that individual wages are not solely determined by

personal productive characteristics and task descriptions, but also by employer features. They

might nevertheless also derive from the fact that the unobserved qualities of the labour force

are not randomly distributed across industries. Gibbons and Katz (1992) test this hypothesis

and find for the U.S. that the magnitude of the industry wage differentials is almost

undiminished when estimating wage equations in first differences rather than in levels. Their

findings thus indicate that the workers’ sectoral affiliation does matter. The unobserved

quality explanation has also been tested for Portugal by Martins (2004a) and for eight

European countries by Du Caju et al. (2010). These results also suggest that non-competitive

forces may play an important role in the wage determination process. In contrast, findings of

Goux and Maurin (1999) and Abowd et al. (1999) show that individual fixed effects explain a

large fraction of the estimated inter-industry wage differentials in France. A similar result has

been found for the UK (Benito, 2000; Carruth et al., 2004), the US (Björklund et al., 2007)

and Scandinavian countries (Björklund et al., 2007).

All in all, there is no consensus regarding the exact scale of the industry wage premium.

Moreover, while studies on industry wage premia offer some evidence against the perfectly

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competitive model, they hardly allow one to discriminate between alternative models

supporting the existence of an effect of employer characteristics on wages (Krueger and

Summers, 1988; Lindbeck and Snower, 1990; Thaler, 1989; Walsh, 1999; Benito, 2000).

Prima facie, wage disparities observed between sectors support the efficiency wage theory.

Indeed, this theory shows that if the incentive conditions for effort vary between sectors, then

two workers with identical productive characteristics and working conditions are likely to

earn different wages. For instance, according to the effort version of the efficiency wage

theory, large companies would find it in their interest to offer relatively higher wages to their

employees because they face higher costs to monitor effort.

However, this theory does not explain why the scale of inter-industry wage differentials varies

between countries and appears to be more compressed in corporatist countries. The motives

for companies to pay efficiency wages, i.e. wages above the competitive level, actually appear

to be similar among industrialised countries. Therefore, some authors (e.g. Teulings and

Hartog, 1998) believe that the explanation put forward by Holmlund and Zetterberg (1991),

based upon the rent sharing theory, is more compelling.

Holmlund and Zetterberg (1991) showed that the influence of sectoral conditions (variations

in prices and productivity) on wages is strong in the U.S., moderate in Germany and low in

the Scandinavian countries. The elasticity between the sectoral environment and wages thus

appears to be more pronounced in non-corporatist countries. Put differently, the determination

of wages would depend more on the general macro-economic conditions in corporatist

countries. This may be due to the fact that explicit or implicit coordination of wage bargaining

in corporatist countries restricts workers’ insider power, or, in other words, their ability to

obtain a portion of the sectoral rents. It is also argued that the policy of ‘wage solidarity’

pursued by unions in most corporatist countries reinforces this phenomenon (Vainiomäki and

Laaksonen, 1995). In sum, this strand of the literature suggests that rent sharing is partly

responsible for observed sectoral wage premia and for their apparently higher dispersion in

non-corporatist countries.

Additional evidence on the existence and magnitude of rent sharing is provided by studies that

directly estimate the elasticity between wages and profits (or value-added) with firm-level or

matched worker-firm data (Araï, 2003; Blanchflower et al., 1996; Christophides and Oswald,

1992; Fakhfakh and FitzRoy, 2004; Goos and Konings, 2001; Hildreth and Oswald, 1997;

Margolis and Salvanes, 2001; Martins 2004b; Rycx and Tojerow, 2004; Van Reenen, 1996).

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Findings from this literature show that profitable firms pay higher wages even after detailed

personal and firm characteristics are controlled for.

In the case of Belgium, Du Caju et al. (2010) have shown how rent sharing contributes to the

explanation of inter-industry wage differentials. In their paper, the rent sharing phenomenon

accounts for a significant fraction of the inter-industry wage differentials. They find that the

magnitude, dispersion and significance of inter-industry wage differentials decrease sharply

when controlling for profits.

2.1. Inter-industry Wage Differentials and International Trade: How Does it Work?

Interestingly, several papers finding a positive elasticity of salaries to firms’ quasi-rents

overcome endogeneity problems by instrumenting profits with shocks to foreign competition

(Abowd and Lemieux, 1993; Abowd and Allain, 1996). They indeed consider foreign

competition as exogenously modifying rents and, hence, collective-bargaining conditions and

rent sharing.

Hence, an imperfectly competitive labor model like rent sharing provides channels through

which international trade may affect inter-industry wage differentials (Pavcnik et al., 2004).

Borjas and Ramey (1995) show, for example, that wages are sensitive to net imports in an

open economy version of Abowd and Lemieux’s rent sharing model in which market

structures vary across sectors. Also noteworthy is that according to Abowd and Kramarz

(1999) imports at the firm level have negative effects on wages in France.2

Because trade induces more competition it may impact on rents that workers are extracting

and reduce sectoral wage premia. As a result, industries with more foreign competition pay

lower wages on average. This effect differs from the potential impact of an increase in

competition on returns to skills. Even if more competition at the sectoral level leads to higher

returns to skill, wages for both high-skilled and low-skilled workers may be lower as a result

of the drop in rents. This implies that the overall effect on wages may be ambiguous and

hence raise an empirical question (Guadalupe, 2007).

2 However, it should be noted that more competitive arguments can also be put forward. Lawrence (2000), for instance, argues that trade may change the wage structure through its impact on technology and TFP. Moreover, Lovely & Richardson (1998) emphasize that trade can influence the return to skills and therefore also the wage structure.

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Kramarz (2008) put forward that imports can affect not only overall profits, but also the result

of the wage bargaining between workers and employers. For example, importers may pay

more to their workers to neutralize hold-up opportunities when they purchase imported

intermediate inputs in advance (Martins and Opromolla, 2009). On the other hand, imports of

finished goods may have a negative impact on wages by decreasing workers’ outside

opportunities and hence their bargaining position. Several papers have focused on the impact

of deregulation on wages and found signi cant effects (Rose, 1987; Hirsch, 1993; Card,

1996). In the presence of rent-sharing and trade unions, an increase in product market

competition may lead to wage compression through the weakening of union bargaining power

and a decrease in rents (Guadalupe, 2007).

In other words, international trade increases the substitutability of employees (Rodrik, 1997).

Using a production function approach as Hall (1988) and Crépon et al. (2007), Abraham et al.

(2009) try to focus simultaneously on imperfections in product and labor markets. They find

that imports decrease both markups and union bargaining power. They also show that import

competition from low-income countries has a stronger negative impact on union bargaining

power in the Belgian manufacturing sector. Bernard et al. (2006) reach similar results for the


Finally, Cuñat and Guadalupe (2009) focus on the effects of imports competition on US

executive pay. They find that increases in import competition tend to make pay more sensitive

to performance.

Overall, it seems that the rent-sharing model can explain both wage differentials across

sectors and how foreign competition leads to lower wages. Hence, the empirical section

herein focuses on the role of international trade in determining the structure of observed inter-

industry wage differentials through rent-sharing mechanisms.3 In this framework, imports

increase product-market competition in import-oriented industries and, hence, decrease rents

3 The Belgian labor market is characterized by a relatively high trade union density, a large collective bargaining coverage rate, industry bargaining (essentially) and a national minimum wage. Given these features, we believe that non-competitive mechanisms have a strong potential in explaining the impact of international trade on the wage structure. This intuition is also supported by the fact that Goos and Konings (2001) and Rycx and Tojerow (2004) provide empirical evidence for the existence of rent-sharing in the Belgian private sector and that Du Caju et al. (2010) show that this rent-sharing phenomenon accounts for a significant part of inter-industry wage differentials.

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and wages that follow. Furthermore, this negative effect will be stronger the lower the prices

are of import goods, which is the case for imports from low-income countries.4

A similar result could be explained with the specific-factor model. However, this model is

more restrictive. It assumes that workers are immobile in the short- and medium- run and that

skills are industry-specific. These are two assumptions that are not necessary to explain the

impact of trade on sectoral wage premia within the rent sharing model.5

Regarding the export side, Lundin and Yun (2009) suggest that exports increase profits and

stimulate expansion. In the short run, this situation brings firms to compete more for the same

workforce and as a result, wages increase across the whole industry. Martins and Opromolla

(2009) refer to hold-up opportunities for employees working in the case of export firms

having to make export-related investments. Moreover, in a rent sharing framework, the fact

that exporters are more productive translates into higher wages (De Locker, 2007; Martins

and Opromolla, 2010; Van Biesebrock, 2005).

Schank et al. (2007) propose another argument to explain why exporting industries pay higher

wages. They suggest that high-export sectors offer high wages as the result of relatively

favorable foreign demand shocks. They also put forward that the wage premium in exporting

sectors is compatible with the turnover version of the efficiency wage theory. The point is that

high-export industries succeed thanks to their product quality advantage and the associated

highly qualified workforce. Since this kind of workforce is relatively rare and involves higher

turnover costs, it is argued that firms in these sectors offer wages above the market level to

secure their competitive advantage in the global market.

3. Data and Methodology

3.1. Data

The present study is based upon the SES-SBS, the Belgian linked employer-employee dataset

and the NBB International Trade dataset. While the former contains detailed information on 4 Dutta (2007) and Martins and Opromolla (2009) put forward another mechanism that can take place in a labor market with non-competitive features. In this case, rent sharing follows the impact of trade changes on industry- or firm- level productivity, thereby changing industry-relative wages. This explanation concerns precisely more imports of inputs than overall imports of any kind of goods. Access to higher-quality or cheaper intermediate inputs results in higher profits and, hence, in higher wages. 5 In the case of the standard Hecksher-Ohlin-Samuelson model, inter-industry wage differentials are difficult to explain since factors are mobile and their prices equalize across industries.

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both workers and firms, the latter gathers import and export flows by industry and country of


Our linked employer-employee data (SES-SBS) is obtained through the combining of the

Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), and the Structure of Business Survey (SBS) for all years

from 1999 to 2006.6

SES-SBS covers Belgian establishments employing at least ten workers and with economic

activities within sections C to K of the NACE Rev. 1 classification. The survey contains a

wealth of information, provided by establishments’ management, both on firms (e.g. sector of

activity, size of the establishment, and level of wage bargaining) and individual workers (e.g.

education, age, seniority, number of working hours paid, gender, occupation, gross hourly

wages, annual bonuses).7 Gross hourly wages – excluding bonuses8 – are calculated by

dividing total gross earnings (including earnings for overtime hours and premiums for shift

work, night work and/or weekend work) in the reference period (October) by the

corresponding number of total paid hours (including paid overtime hours). Gross hourly

wages – including bonuses – are obtained by adding to the gross hourly wages (excluding

bonuses) the annual bonuses divided by: i) the number of months to which the bonuses

correspond and ii) the total number of paid hours in the reference period, respectively.

After the exclusion of individuals for whom one of the variables used entailed an incorrect or

missing observation, the final samples contain between 94,476 (in 1999) and 105,596 (in

2006) individuals.9

Data on international trade (at the NACE three-digit level) are coming from the NBB

International Trade dataset. They include data on exports and imports by industry and trading

origin. Information on domestic competition (i.e. the Herfindahl index), to be included as a

6 Due to its cross-sectional nature, workers cannot be followed across time within or between firms. 7 The SES is conducted on the basis of a two-stage random sampling approach of enterprises or local units (first stage) and employees (second stage). The establishments, randomly chosen from the population, report data on a random sample of their workforce. The SES is thus a stratified sample. The stratification criteria refer to the region where the local unit is located (NUTS categories), the principal economic activity (NACE groups) and the size of the local unit (this size is determined by data collected from the Social Security Organisation). Sampling percentages of local units depend positively on the size of the unit. Within a local unit, the number of workers to be considered also depends on size, but negatively. Because of this sampling strategy, weights have to be used to extrapolate employees and local units in the sample to the entire stratum. For more details see Demunter (2000). 8 Annual bonuses include irregular payments which do not occur during each pay period, such as pay for holidays, 13th month or profit-sharing. 9 Descriptive statistics relative to the merged SES-SBS samples are reported in Appendix 1.

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control variables in the regressions (see below), is extracted from the Structure of Business


Table 1 presents domestic competition, import and export exposure, over time. While exports

are measured by the ratio of export to total turnover, imports are expressed by the ratio of

import to consumption i.e. output and imports minus exports.10 Import penetration is

measured overall and by country groups. These groups are based on the World Bank

Analytical Classification presented in World Development Indicators (GNI per capita in US$

Atlas method: gross national income divided by mid-year population). Countries are classified

according to 2000 GNI per capita. The groups are: low income (L), $755 or less; lower

middle income (LM), $756 to $2995; upper middle income (UM), $2996 to $9265; and high

income (H), $9265 or more. The Herfindahl index corresponds to the sum of squared market

shares at the three-digit sector level.

[Insert Table 1 about here]

As shown in Table 1, the export ratio varies between 0.327 in 1999 and 0.331 in 2006. Rather

stable over time, it shows the importance of exports for Belgian firms. For imports, we

observe that Belgian firms are highly exposed to competition from abroad. Around 40 percent

of consumption comes from abroad. While most of the imports are coming from high income

countries, the share from middle and low income countries has increased over time.

[Insert Figure 1 about here]

Figure 1 shows means, top 15 and bottom 15 of gross hourly wages for Nace 3-digit

industries for the years 1999 and 2006. We note that on average, the gross hourly wage

including bonuses has been increasing from 14.5 EUR in 1999 to 17.2 EUR in 2006. Figure 1

reveals in addition that mean gross hourly wages fluctuate considerably across sectors. In

1999, the best paying industry is the manufacture of refined petroleum products (Nace 232).

10 Total turnover and output are extracted from the firms’ annual accounts.

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The average worker there earns around 24.6 EUR per hour (26.4 EUR per hour in 2006). This

sector is followed by Real estate activities with own property (Nace 701), Manufacture of

basic chemicals (Nace 241), Research and experimental development on natural sciences and

engineering (Nace 731) and Other computer related activities (Nace 726).

The Bars sector is at the very bottom of the wage scale. The average worker’s hourly wage

here is 7.8 EUR (11.5 EUR per hour in 2006), approximately 200 percent less than that of the

average worker in the best paying industry.11 At the bottom of the scale, we likewise find

Restaurants (Nace 553), Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation

(Nace 552), Industrial cleaning (Nace 747) and Canteens and catering (Nace 555).

Where do these substantial gross wage differentials come from? Can they solely be accounted

for by sectoral heterogeneity in workers’ productive characteristics, working conditions and

specific features of the employers in each firm? Or do they also derive from changes in

international trade? These questions, among others, are analysed in the remainder of this


3.2. Methodology

To measure the effects of trade on the industry wage structure, we adopt a two-step estimation


First, we estimate industry wage differentials at the NACE three-digit level for every year

from 1999 to 2006. The methodology adopted to estimate inter-industry wage differentials

and their dispersion is consistent with that of Krueger and Summers (1988). However, the

standard errors of these differentials have been corrected according to Haisken-DeNew and

Schmidt (1997). This strategy rests upon the estimation, for all the years from 1999 to 2006,

of the following semi-logarithmic wage equation:

ijjkijij ZXwln (1)

11 To a lesser extent, the 25% percentile and 75% percentile (12.2 EUR & 16.2 EUR respectively) also confirm the existence of gross wage differentials across sectors.

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with wij the gross hourly wage (including bonuses) of worker i in firm j; Xij the individual

characteristics of worker i in firm j (a dummy for sex, 6 dummies for the highest completed

level of education, 8 dummies for the age of the worker, 3 dummies for the number of years

of tenure, 2 dummies for the type of employment contract, a dummy indicating if the worker

is part-time, a variable showing whether the individual received a bonus for shift, night and/or

weekend work, a dummy for paid overtime and 22 occupational dummies); k the sector

effect (dummy variables relating to individuals’ sectoral affiliation, nomenclature available at

the NACE three-digit level); Zj the characteristics of firm j (7 dummies for the size of the

establishment, a dummy for the type of financial and economic control and a dummy for the

level of collective wage bargaining).

Next, industry wage differentials estimated at the NACE three-digit level for the years 1999

to 2006 are pooled together and used as a dependent variable in a regression aiming to

examine the impact of international trade on wage premia. More precisely, following Lundin

and Yun (2009), we regress industry wage differentials on import penetrations and export

ratios, controlling for domestic competition (Herfindahl index). Since the dependent variable

in this stage is the estimate from equation (1), it is weighted using the inverse of the standard

errors of the industry wage premium. The point is that we want to give more weight to

industry wage premia that are more precisely estimated (i.e. with least variance). The model is

therefore estimated with weighted least squares (WLS) and specified as follows:

IWDkt = imImportk,t + exExportk,t + hHIndexk,t + DYt + vkt (2)

where Importkt and Exportkt are import penetrations and export ratios, respectively, at the

three digit level. HIndexk,t is a proxy for domestic competition (i.e. the Herfindahl index).

Finally, DYt is a vector of year dummies. Sensitivity tests are also performed to examine

whether the impact of imports on industry wage premia depends on the country of origin.

The most straightforward approach to estimating equation (2) is to run pooled OLS with year

fixed effects. This approach might however lead to biased and inconsistent estimates due to a

simultaneity problem between wages and export and/or import flows. Indeed, technical

changes or adverse shocks to labor costs could bring reverse causation and, hence, biased and

inconsistent estimates (Feliciano, 2001; Bertrand, 2004). In this case, the OLS-estimate of

Page 17: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


import penetration is upward biased and the estimate for export orientation is downward


To account for this issue, we applied two-stage least squares (2SLS), using lagged variables

as instruments for contemporaneous export ratio and import penetration. We believe that our

instrumenting strategy is of potential interest since we expect lagged variables to be

uncorrelated (or at least less correlated) with the error term and highly correlated with the

endogenous variable (i.e. contemporaneous export ratio and import penetration).12 However,

caution is required given that import and export ratios are relatively persistent over time.

Besides endogeneity problems, running pooled OLS does not allow us to take into account

industry fixed unobserved heterogeneity. For this reason, we are also estimating our model in

a more complete specification with a set of industry dummies that allows to focus on the

within-industry variations of wage premiums over time. Although fixed-effect estimators

control for the unobserved sectoral heterogeneity, they might suffer, like OLS estimates, from

potential endogeneity problems. Hence, the last specification is based on Generalized Method

of Moments (GMM) estimators. This instrumental variables approach not only allows to

control for endogeneity of all the time-varying trade variables, but also for a left-hand-side

variable that depends on its own past realization (Arellano and Bond, 1991; Blundell and

Bond, 1998). Implying the assumption of no serial correlation, it exploits the moment

restriction around the error term to increase the number of instruments.

4. Empirical Results

4.1. Inter-industry Wage Differentials

Inter-industry wage differentials are estimated on the basis of equation (1) using as a

dependent variable the (log of) individual gross hourly wages including annual bonuses.13

Table 2 reports best- and worst- paying industries at the Nace three-digit level over the period

1999-2006.14 These are shown as deviations from the employment-weighted mean. As a

summary statistic, we present the employment-weighted and adjusted standard deviation of

12 Other instruments used in the literature to control for the endogeneity include exchange rate variations, past technological innovations and sales (Bertrand, 2004; Revenga, 1992). 13 Results from the wage regressions are reported in Appendix 2. 14 The complete set of results, i.e. the 139 inter-industry wage differentials by year at the NACE three-digit level, are available upon request.

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the inter-industry wage differentials. Results show, for all the years from 1999 to 2006, the

existence of wage differentials between workers employed in different sectors, even after

controlling for a large number of individual and establishment characteristics. Between 74

and 83 percent of these differentials are statistically significant at the 10 percent level.

[Insert Table 2 about here]

The best-paying industry over the period 1999-2006 is, ceteris paribus, Manufacture of

refined petroleum products (232). Depending on the period under investigation, the average

worker earns there between 0.252 log points in 2003 and 0.341 log points in 2001 more than

the average worker in the whole economy. At the top of the conditional wage distribution, we

also find the Manufacture of basic chemicals (241), Manufacture of other chemical products

(246), Other financial intermediation (652) and Real estate activities with own property (701).

At the bottom of the scale, we find, amongst others, Manufacture of other wearing apparel

and accessories (182), Manufacture of jewelry and related articles (362), Hotels (551),

Camping sites (552), Restaurants (553), Bars (554) and Canteens and catering (555).15

Results in Table 2 also show that the dispersion of inter-industry wage differentials, measured

by the weighted adjusted standard deviation (WASD) of inter-industry wage premia, varies

between 0.075 in 2006 and 0.109 in 2005.

[Insert Table 3 about here]

Table 3 shows how the hierarchy of sectors in terms of wages is correlated over time.

Correlation coefficients between the wage differentials estimated for all years from 1999 to

2006 vary between approximately 0.75 and 0.89 percent. These correlations suggest that the

estimated wage differentials between industrial sectors do not derive from transitory

differences in demand or supply across industries.16 Hence, the next section focuses on how

15 See Du Caju et al. (2010) for detailed analysis of inter-industry wage differentials in Belgium. 16 Yet, it could be argued that the unobserved quality of the labour force is not randomly distributed across sectors. In other words, high-paying industries might simply be those in which the non-observed quality of the labour force is the highest. To examine this issue, we applied Martins’ (2004a) methodology to all the waves of

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inter-industry wage differentials may be related to international trade and domestic product

market competition.

4.2. Inter-industry Wage Differentials and International Trade

In this section, we present evidence on how, ceteris paribus, sectoral wage premia change in

industries facing increases in export ratio or/and import penetration. We first discuss results

for wage premia and trade intensity from the different models described in the methodology

section (OLS, 2SLS, FE & SYS-GMM). In order to test more precisely how import

penetration affects the sectoral wage structure, we focus in the second part of this section on

the differential impact of changes in import competition from high- versus low-income

countries, controlling for export ratio and domestic market competition. These different

specifications are estimated with the more complete model i.e. Generalized Method of


Table 4 shows the effect of international trade on the wage premium. In a first stage, we

estimate this equation by ordinary least squares (OLS) with year-fixed effects and standard

errors that are robust to heteroscedasticity and serial autocorrelation. Our benchmark

regression clearly supports the hypothesis that inter-industry wage differentials are

significantly related to trade flows. First, we find that the coefficient on total import

penetration is negative and significant. This result is consistent with previous work (Revenga,

1992; Bertrand, 2004; Cunat and Guadalupe, 2009). Looking at the export side, we find a

positive effect of exports on the industry wage structure. This result is compatible with the

hypothesis that the increase in profits generated by achieving a competitive position in export

markets does generate higher wages. These findings put in perspective contrasting results

obtained by Lundin and Yun (2009) for Sweden. Our results, nevertheless, are in line with

Schank et al. (2007) who list correlation between exports and wages in 22 countries.

Overall, results for both exports and imports seem (to some extend) in line with Budd and

Slaughter’s (2004) previous finding that profits are shared across borders. Moreover, these

results are particularly interesting since they are amongst the few to include both dimensions

of international trade, i.e. export and imports flows (Martins and Opromolla, 2009). the SES-SBS from 1999 to 2006. Empirical results (available on request) suggest that the contribution of unobserved ability to inter-industry wage differentials in Belgium is limited and hence that other explanations deserve to be investigated.

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[Insert Table 4 about here]

Although these results seem accurate, they should be interpreted with caution. Indeed, OLS

estimates reported in Table 4 might be biased and inconsistent due to a simultaneity problem

between industry wage premium and current export ratio and/or import penetration. We,

therefore, estimate equation (2) by two-stage least squares (2SLS). We use the lagged values

of variables as instruments. Results of our 2SLS regressions are presented in column 2 of

Table 4. We still find a significant impact of trade on industry wage differentials.17 A

comparison of columns 1 and 2 in Table 4 seems to validate the relevance of the

instrumentation strategy. While the impact of the export ratio increases from 0.129 to 0.137,

indicating that our previous estimate was downward biased, the negative influence of import

penetration changes from -0.115 to -0.131, revealing that the OLS result was upward biased.

Overall, 2SLS results seem to deal with the endogeneity problem and, hence, support the

causality effects from trade flows on industry wage differentials.

Both OLS and 2SLS may still suffer from the omission of industry fixed effects. Fixed-effect

estimators precisely deal with time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity across industries (such

as production technology or other omitted characteristics at the industry level). They are

presented in column 3 of Table 4. The inclusion of fixed effects has a clear influence on the

magnitude of the impact of export ratio and import penetration. Both coefficients drop

sharply, but are still significant and have the expected sign. In other words, when we rely

solely on within-industry variation, import penetration still has a negative impact on sectoral

wage premia. The export ratio still has a positive impact.18

In addition to the OLS, 2SLS and FE results, Table 4 also presents (static and dynamic)

GMM-SYS estimates. According to Bond (2002, p.156), "Adopting a dynamic specification

is sometimes useful for identifying the parameters of interest, even when the dynamics

themselves are not the principal focus of attention." 17 Note that: a) all coefficients in the first-stage regressions are jointly significant at the 1 percent level, b) regression coefficients associated to our main instruments (i.e. lagged export and import ratios) are highly significant and equal to 0.976 and 0.836 respectively, c) the R² of the first-stage regressions stands at 0.97. 18 Results for imports could be interpreted as low bound estimates of their effects on wages. Wage differentials over time could also reflect changes in the firm structure across sector. In each other words, changes in wages could also results from bottom-tail firms leaving the market and hence complicating the comparability of wage differentials over time.”

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Overall, this specification allows us to control for potential endogeneity problems, sectoral

unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity and time effects (Blundell and Bond, 1998). The

dynamic version of the GMM-SYS estimator also controls for the potential state dependence

in the dependent variable. The GMM-SYS specification combines an equation in first

differences with an equation in level. Moreover, variables in the differenced equation are

instrumented by their lagged levels and variables in the level equation are instrumented by

their lagged differences. One year lagged inter-industry wage differentials are also included

among the regressors in the dynamic version of the GMM-SYS model. Two types of tests are

used to assess the model and the validity of the GMM-estimates: the Arellano-Bond second

order autocorrelation tests for the first-differenced residuals and the Hansen test for the

validity of the over-identifying restrictions of the GMM. As shown in column 4 of Table 4,

the coefficients for the dynamic model are significant and of the expected sign. Hansen’s J-

statistic is not statistically significant suggesting that the instruments are valid, but the

autocorrelation tests reject the null of no second order autocorrelation. This casts some doubt

on the dynamic results. However, as explained by Bond (2002), when the model is over-

identified and T > 3, the validity of the assumption that there is no serial correlation can be

tested using the GMM test of over-identifying restrictions.

Finally, we extend our model to control for internal market competition by including a

variable that measures domestic market concentration by industry and year (Herfindahl

index). If the industry wage differential hypothesis is accurate, the more concentrated sectors

should pay higher wages (Guadalupe, 2007). Yet, this prediction does not seem to be valid for

sectors that are exposed to international competition in a small open economy like Belgium.

Indeed, the regression coefficient associated to the Herfindahl index is never statistically

significant (see columns 6 and 8). This result is not surprising as it simply highlights that the

Herfindahl index is not an important determinant of wage setting in sectors that are facing

strong competition from abroad. Be that as it may, findings still support the conclusions that

high export exposure is correlated with higher industry wage differentials, while imports have

a negative impact on them.

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4.3. Inter-industry Wage Differentials and International Trade: Does the Country of

Origin Matter?

In this section, we test the robustness of our results with alternative specifications. We divide

imports into categories by country to assess the differentials effects of imports from different

origins on industry wage differentials. This allows us to test more accurately the rent-sharing

hypotheses presented above. Indeed, results consistent with the mechanisms outlined in

section 2 should show that sectors that face higher import competition from low-income

countries have lower wage premia. This occurs through the downward pressure of the lower

prices of import goods on firm domestic revenue and, hence, on their profits. The lower

profits lead to lower wages in the presence of rent sharing.

Countries are classified according to 2000 GNI per capita. The groups are: low income (L),

$755 or less; lower middle income (LM), $756 to $2995; upper middle income (UM), $2996

to $9265; and high income (H), $9265 or more.19 Two different specifications are tested: one

with two categories (H and all the others) and another one with all four categories. The GMM

dynamic model is applied to the different alternative specifications.

[Insert Table 5 about here]

Table 5 presents the results of this exercise. Columns 1-2 analyze the model with two groups

of countries and columns 3 and 4 the one with four categories. In both cases, Hansen J-

statistics for over-identifying restrictions are passed suggesting that the GMM estimates are

likely to be reliable. Both specifications also reveal that coefficients for the lagged dependent

variables are large and statistically significant. This suggests that the dynamic of the models is

important. Finally, as in Table 4, domestic market concentration seems to have no significant


In this new frame, export effects seem to decrease as imports are disaggregated by country of

origin. This result supports previous findings (Lundin and Yun, 2009; Martins and

Opromolla, 2009). Looking at the import side, as expected, the impact of imports on the wage

structure varies according to the country of origin. Imports from high-income countries do not 19 These groups are based on the World Bank Analytical Classification presented in World Development Indicators (GNI per capita in US$ Atlas method: gross national income divided by mid-year population).

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seem to have any impact on the sectoral wage premium. Lundin and Yun (2009) find similar

results. They suggest that imports from high-income countries reflect a competition

principally based on quality rather than price. Our results also show that there is a clear price

effect for imports from low-income countries. The effect is stronger the lower the income

level. Our results are therefore robust whether or not we control for the country of origin of

the imports.

5. Conclusion

In the last decades, international trade has increased between industrialised countries and

between high- and low-wage countries. This important change has raised questions on how

international trade affects the labour market. In this spirit, this paper investigates the impact of

international trade on wage dispersion in a small open economy. The paper is one of the few

to: i) use detailed matched employer-employee data to compute industry wage premia and

disaggregated industry level panel data to examine the impact of changes in international

trade on changes in wage differentials, ii) examine the impact of imports according to the

country of origin.

Results are very stable across specifications (OLS, 2SLS, FE & GMM-SYS). They

systematically show that high export exposure is correlated with higher industry wage

differentials, while imports have a negative impact on them.

Moreover, results obtained by GMM indicate that import penetration from low–income

countries has a significant and negative impact on the inter-industry wage differentials, while

imports from high-income countries seem to have a more ambiguous impact on the wage

structure. Findings thus suggest that trade with low-income and high-income countries may

have different effects on the inter-industry wage differentials.

Results presented in this paper can be easily compared with those of Lundin and Yun (2009).

The latter examined the impact of international trade variables on inter-industry wage

differentials in the Swedish manufacturing sector over the period 1996-2000. Their estimates

suggest, in line with the present paper, that industries facing intensive import competition

from low-wage countries have lower wage premiums. In contrast, they find no significant

effect of export intensities on industry wage differentials. Yet, their study differs from present

one in several ways. Firstly, they do not control for unobserved time-invariant industry

specific effects. Secondly, they use one-year lagged international trade variables to address

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the potential endogeneity issue. However, the accurateness of this approach can be discussed

as trade variables are relatively persistent over time and no over-identification test could be

performed given the use of a single instrument. Finally, the potential state dependence of

inter-industry wage differentials is not taken into account in their study. These

methodological differences (with respect to the present paper) may contribute to explain why

results are not exactly the same in both studies. In another closely related paper, Abraham et

al. (2009) analyze how increased economic integration has affected labor and product

markets. Their results, based on a panel of Belgian manufacturing firms, show that important

competition (particularly from low wage countries) has a negative effect on both markups and

union bargaining power. Along the lines of the present paper, they thus suggest that increased

import penetration is associated with a moderation of wage claims in unionized countries.

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Gross Hourly Wages, Nace 3-Digit level, Top 15 & Bottom 15 (Mean, 1999-2006)

Source: SES-SBS.

26.4 EUR24.4 EUR

17.2 EUR14.5 EUR

11.5 EUR7.8 EUR

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Manufacture of refined petroleum products (232)Real estate activities with own property (701)

Manufacture of basic chemicals (241)Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (731)

Other computer related activities (726)Legal and auditing activities; tax consultancy; opinion polling; consultancy; holdings (741)

Manufacture of television and radio transmitters (322)Wholesale on a fee or contract basis (511)

Processing of nuclear fuel (233)Manufacture of other chemical products (246)

Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security (660)Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical product (244)

Hardware consultancy (721)Software consultancy and supply (722)

Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation (671)Top 15


Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories (182)Manufacture of furniture (361)

Preparation and spinning of textile fibres (171)Sawmilling and planing of wood, impregnation of wood (201)

Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery (203)Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel (174)

Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores (522)Manufacture of jewellery and related articles (362)

Hotels (551)Canteens and catering (555)

Industrial cleaning (747)Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation (552)

Restaurants (553)Bars (554)Bottom 15

Gross Hourly Wages for Nace 3-Digit Industries (Top 15 & Bottom 15, 1999)

Gross Hourly Wages for Nace 3-Digit Industries (2006)

Page 34: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


TABLE 1 Industry Characteristics: Trade Exposure# and Herfindahl Index+

Variables / Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Export Ratio: a 0.327

(0.275) 0.335

(0.326) 0.340

(0.336) 0.339

(0.394) 0.330

(0.382) 0.333

(0.389) 0.330

(0.397) 0.331

(0.425) Import Penetration: b

All countries 0.414

(921) 0.379

(0.420) 0.388

(0.426) 0.402

(0.583) 0.376

(0.531) 0.378

(0.544) 0.384

(0.622) 0.384

(0.646) High income countries (H) 0.375

(0.873) 0.335

(0.372) 0.338

(0.361) 0.346

(0.471) 0.325

(0.447) 0.324

(0.441) 0.324

(0.494) 0.320

(0.525) Middle & low income countries (UM, LM, L)

0.042 (0.086)

0.047 (0.085)

0.053 (0.101)

0.059 (0.158)

0.054 (0.115)

0.057 (0.126)

0.063 (0.153)

0.067 (0.149)

Upper-middle income countries (UM)

0.021 (0.043)

0.022 (0.036)

0.025 (0.041)

0.027 (0.054)

0.026 (0.046)

0.027 (0.054)

0.028 (0.062)

0.030 (0.062)

Low-middle income countries (LM)

0.015 (0.039)

0.018 (0.046)

0.021 (0.059)

0.026 (0.099)

0.022 (0.66)

0.023 (0.063)

0.028 (0.084)

0.029 (0.078)

Low income countries (L) 0.006 (0.018)

0.007 (0.020)

0.007 (0.019)

0.007 (0.019)

0.006 (0.017)

0.007 (0.019)

0.007 (0.018)

0.008 (0.020)

Herfindahl Index: c 0.137 (0.145)

0.135 (0.136)

0.133 (0.128)

0.132 (0.127)

0.140 (0.142)

0.137 (0.131)

0.139 (0.134)

0.148 (0.153)

Source:# NBB International trade dataset, +Structure of Business Survey. Note: Standard deviation in parentheses. a Ratio of export to total turnover. b Ratio of import to consumption i.e. output plus imports minus exports. c Sum of squared market share at the three-digit sector level. Country groups are based on the World Bank Analytical Classification presented in World Development Indicators (GNI per capita in US$ Atlas method: gross national income divided by midyear population). Countries are classified according to 2000 GNI per capita. The groups are: low income (L), $755 or less; lower middle income (LM), $756 to $2995; upper middle income (UM), $2996 to $9265; and high income (H), $9265 or more.

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TABLE 2 Inter-industry wage differentials, 1999-2006: Top & Bottom of the Wage Scale Industry (Nace 3-digit) / Data set: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Top of the wage scale: Quarrying of sand and clay (142) 0.116** 0.078** 0.143** 0.104** 0.145** 0.113** 0.088** 0.064** Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats (154)

0.124** 0.050* 0.113** 0.102** 0.088** 0.092** 0.135** 0.104**

Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products (156) 0.098** 0.113** 0.066** 0.108** 0.084** 0.075** 0.085** 0.123** Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard (211) 0.088** 0.101** 0.094** 0.132** 0.134** 0.130** 0.147** 0.108** Printing and service activities related to printing (222) 0.082** 0.081** 0.091** 0.129** 0.107** 0.079** 0.120** 0.055** Manufacture of refined petroleum products (232) 0.328** 0.327** 0.341** 0.277** 0.252** 0.284** 0.288** 0.265** Processing of nuclear fuel (233) 0.096** 0.091** 0.073** 0.071** 0.036° 0.129** 0.138** 0.129** Manufacture of basic chemicals (241) 0.179** 0.188** 0.212** 0.176** 0.198** 0.185** 0.236** 0.183** Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical product (244) 0.076** 0.068** 0.117** 0.090** 0.121** 0.119** 0.147** 0.099** Manufacture of other chemical products (246) 0.199** 0.246** 0.218** 0.153** 0.167** 0.209** 0.174** 0.155** Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals (274) 0.124** 0.080** 0.138** 0.078** 0.083** 0.111** 0.073** 0.059** Manufacture of insulated wire and cable (313) 0.097** 0.128** 0.035** 0.020 0.082** 0.054** 0.087** 0.067** Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphy (322) 0.152** 0.133** 0.132** 0.153** 0.094** 0.081** 0.111** 0.132** Wholesale on a fee or contract basis (511) 0.157** 0.135** 0.115** 0.110** 0.158** 0.156** 0.116** 0.064** Other financial intermediation (652) 0.097** 0.199** 0.136** 0.106** 0.137** 0.098** 0.173** 0.057** 660 0.056** 0.075** 0.082** 0.090** 0.085** 0.108** 0.129** 0.119** Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding (671) 0.103** 0.105** 0.140** 0.120** 0.228** 0.058** 0.178** 0.069** Real estate activities with own property (701) 0.187** 0.166** 0.243** 0.217** 0.218** 0.212** 0.21** 0.143** Other computer related activities (726) 0.058° 0.170** 0.107** 0.016 0.167** 0.128** 0.190** 0.057*

Bottom of the wage scale: Finishing of textiles (173) -0.102** -0.129** -0.125** -0.086** -0.110** -0.096** -0.052* -0.091** Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel (174) -0.138** -0.123** -0.125** -0.107** -0.199** -0.121** -0.142** -0.139** Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories (182) -0.155** -0.174** -0.16** -0.143** -0.199** -0.120** -0.096** -0.110** Sawmilling and planing of wood, impregnation of wood (201) -0.099** -0.146** -0.109** -0.132** -0.126** -0.121** -0.148** -0.107** Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery (203) -0.126** -0.073** -0.083** -0.105** -0.116** -0.092** -0.161** -0.060** Manufacture of furniture (361) -0.150** -0.124** -0.13** -0.111** -0.144** -0.128** -0.117** -0.131** Manufacture of jewellery and related articles (362) -0.222** -0.095** -0.208** -0.233** -0.177** -0.24** -0.237*** -0.199** Recycling of non-metal waste and scrap (372) -0.084** -0.034 -0.073** -0.042** -0.146** -0.074** -0.018 -0.137** Retail sale in non-specialised stores (521) -0.051** -0.060** -0.048** -0.065** -0.039** -0.138** -0.090** -0.022** Other retail sale of new goods in specialised store (524) -0.055** -0.098** -0.041** -0.078** -0.102** -0.165** -0.129** -0.104** Retail sale not in stores (526) -0.197** -0.078** -0.089** -0.125** -0.116** -0.198** -0.092** -0.128** Hotels (551) -0.208** -0.184** -0.201** -0.224** -0.184** -0.183** -0.265** -0.153**

Page 36: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


Camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation (552) -0.220** -0.251** -0.197** -0.168** -0.205** -0.193** -0.194** -0.192** Restaurants (553) -0.208** -0.206** -0.185** -0.228** -0.177** -0.199** -0.249** -0.139** Bars (554) -0.269** -0.244** -0.246** -0.241** -0.239** -0.180** -0.094** -0.104** Canteens and catering (555) -0.220** -0.189** -0.187** -0.148** -0.184** -0.211** -0.209** -0.136** Scheduled air transport (621) 0.0637** -0.155** 0.0048 -0.003 0.097** 0.083** 0.019 -0.045* Post and courier activities (641) -0.076** -0.205** -0.237** -0.226** -0.150** -0.145** -0.213** -0.067** Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c. (714) -0.080* -0.068** -0.089** -0.139** -0.085** -0.127** -0.208** -0.170** Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and computing machinery (725) -0.135** -0.094** -0.096** -0.076** -0.132** -0.114** -0.020 -0.180** Advertising (744) -0.014 -0.070** -0.165** -0.071** 0.008 0.007 -0.015 -0.060** Labour recruitment and provision of personnel (745) -0.118** -0.094** -0.200** 0.068** 0.002 0.050** -0.001 0.012 Investigation and security activities (746) -0.193** -0.086** -0.146** -0.045** -0.144** -0.118** -0.136** -0.260** Industrial cleaning (747) -0.050** -0.060** -0.106** -0.064** -0.087** -0.065** -0.196** -0.034** Per cent significant industry wage differentials at the 10% level

79.1 (110/139)

78.4 (109/139)

74.8 (104139)

79.9 (111 /139)

77.0 (107/139)

83.5 (116/139)

79.9 (111/139)

80.6 (112/139)

Weighted adjusted standard deviation (WASD) 0.084 0.089 0.102 0.081 0.086 0.096 0.109 0.075

Number of industries 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 Notes: Top 10 and bottom 10 for all the years. Standard errors of the industry wage differentials are computed according to Haisken-DeNew and Schmidt (1997). All the inter-industry wage differentials at the Nace three-digit level are available upon request. **/*/°: significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent level, respectively.

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TABLE 3 Pearson / Spearman Correlation Coefficients Between Inter-Industry Wage

Differentials, NACE three-digit (n=139) (SES-SBS data) Period: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

2000 0.85** / 0.81**

2001 0.88** / 0.84**

0.89** / 0.84**

2002 0.85** / 0.77**

0.85** / 0.80**

0.88** / 0.84**

2003 0.87** / 0.82**

0.85** / 0.80**

0.88** / 0.84**

0.89** / 0.84**

2004 0.87** / 0.82**

0.83** / 0.77**

0.84** / 0.78**

0.88** / 0.82**

0.85** / 0.79**

2005 0.79** / 0.75**

0.82** / 0.78**

0.85** / 0.80**

0.87** / 0.82**

0.86** / 0.81**

0.86** / 0.81**

2006 0.81** / 0.75**

0.77** / 0.75**

0.81** / 0.76**

0.81** / 0.79**

0.80** / 0.74**

0.85** / 0.81**

0.84**/ 0.83**

Notes: Computation based on the inter-industry wage differentials estimated at the Nace 3 digit level. n stands for the number of sectors. **/*/°: coefficient significant at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent, respectively.

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TABLE 4 International Trade and Inter-Industry Wage Premiums

(Dependent Variable: adjusted industry wage premium, robust s.e.)

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 OLS 2SLS FE GMM-SYS (static) GMM-SYS (dynamic)

Iwd t-1

0.356** (0.067)

0.346** (0.070)

Export ratio 0.129** (0.016)

0.137** (0.019)

0.069** (0.018)

0.071* (0.032)

0.085* (0.042)

0.076* (0.038)

0.078* (0.038)

Import penetration -0.115** (0.013)

-0.131** (0.019)

-0.044** (0.004)

-0.096** (0.017)

-0.093** (0.020)

-0.058** (0.016)

-0.060** (0.016)

Herfindahl Index -0.065

(0.114) 0.045 (0.070)

Year dummies yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) yes (7 y.) yes (7 y.) Adjusted R2 0.098 0.097 0.090 AR(2) (p-value) 0.555 0.414 0.033 0.036 Hansen test (p-value) 0.332 0.324 0.115 0.092 Number of Observations 984 984 984 984 984 861 861

Notes: Inter-industry wage differentials are estimated on the basis of equation (1). The inverse of adjusted and weighted variances of the inter-industry wage differentials are used as weight. Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. The instruments used in the 2SLS regressions (besides the exogenous variables in equation (1)) are lagged value of variables. **/*/°: coefficient significant at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent, respectively.

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TABLE 5 International Trade and Inter-Industry Wage Premiums

(GMM-SYS (dynamic), Dependent Variable: adjusted industry wage premium, robust s.e.)

1 2 3 4

Iwd t-1 0.353**

(0.068) 0.351** (0.072)

0.440** (0.073)

0.421** (0.083)

Export ratio 0.0.063** (0.017)

0.063** (0.017)

0.044° (0.023)

0.041 (0.026)

Import Penetration

All countries

High income countries (H) -0.029 (0.019)

-0.029 (0.019)

-0.017 (0.021)

-0.012 (0.025)

Middle & low income countries (UM, LM, L) -0.097* (0.041)

-0.097* (0.042)

Upper-middle income countries (UM)

0.001 (0.111)

-0.020 (0.116)

Low-middle income countries (LM)

-0.108° (0.066)

-0.118° 0.068

Low income countries (L)

-0.361* (0.182)

-0.286° (0.163)

Herfindahl Index

0.011 (0.056) 0.067

(0.057) Year dummies yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) yes (8 y.) AR(2) (p-value) 0.034 0.036 0.017 0.026 Hansen test (p-value) 0.229 0.213 0.373 0.257

Number of Observations 861 861 861 861 Notes: Inter-industry wage differentials are estimated on the basis of equation (1). Robust standard errors are reported in brackets. **/*/°: coefficient significant at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent, respectively.

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APPENDIX 1 Means (standard deviations) of selected variables, 1999-2006 (SES-SBS data)

Variables / Year: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Gross hourly wage : (in EUR) includes overtime paid,

premiums for shift work, night work and/or weekend work and bonuses (i.e. irregular payments that do not occur during each pay period, i.e. pay for holiday, 13th month, profits sharing, etc.).

14.5 (6.5)

14.7 (6.7)

14.8 (6.8)

15.2 (6.6)

15.3 (6.4)

16.5 (7.1)

17.0 (7.4)

17.2 (7.0)

Education: Primary or no degree 11.2 9.2 8.5 8.0 7.3 7.5 7.7 9.3 Lower secondary 27.9 28.6 29.3 28.2 27.1 26.8 20.9 20.0 Technical/Artistic/Prof. upper secondary 20.2 20.4 20.7 19.3 19.7 22.6 27.1 25.0 General upper secondary 16.2 17.7 16.0 19.2 19.0 16.4 16.8 19.0 Higher non-university short type 15.6 15.1 16.9 15.6 17.0 16.7 17.3 15.3 University and non-university education, long type 8.4 8.5 8.2 9.0 9.4 9.4 9.8 10.7 Post graduate or PhD 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6

Age of the worker: 20-24 years 8.8 9.4 9.7 8.7 7.9 7.6 7.7 7.6 25-29 years 16.2 15.8 15.6 14.8 14.9 13.9 14.3 13.1 30-34 years 17.8 17.1 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.4 15.7 14.2 35-39 years 16.7 17.1 16.7 17.2 16.9 16.6 16.5 16.0 40-44 years 14.1 14.1 14.3 15.0 14.9 15.4 15.6 16.2 45-49 years 12.4 12.2 12.0 12.3 12.7 13.3 13.2 13.7 50-54 years 9.4 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.9 10.6 10.5 11.3 55-59 years 3.8 3.9 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.2 5.4 6.5 60 years or more 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.5

Seniority in the company: 0-1 year 24.0 26.6 27.5 23.1 20.4 20.0 18.3 22.7 2-4 years 18.8 19.9 21.3 24.7 25.3 23.5 21.0 17.7 5-9 years 18.5 16.0 14.7 16.1 17.8 19.6 23.4 21.3 10 years or more 38.7 37.5 36.5 36.1 36.5 36.8 37.4 38.4

Female (yes) 30.0 30.4 33.2 31.7 33.3 31.4 32.7 30.8 Paid overtime (yes) 4.2 3.5 2.5 2.2 3.2 4.3 5.4 5.2 Part time (yes) 9.1 8.8 9.5 10.3 10.0 10.4 11.9 10.8 Bonuses for shift, night and/or weekend work (yes) 15.6 14.9 14.2 14.7 15.1 14.3 15.0 15.7 Type of employment contract:

Permanent 95.2 94.6 94.5 96.2 95.5 95.7 95.2 94.9 Fixed-term 3.7 4.3 4.7 3.1 3.7 3.6 4.2 4.4 Other 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.7

Private firm (yes): >50 per cent privately owned firm 96.4 97.1 95.5 96.1 94.3 93.9 95.7 97.9 Size of the establishment:

1-4 employees 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 5-9 employees 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.7 4.4 3.5 3.7 3.0 10-19 employees 10.6 10.9 10.2 12.0 10.1 10.3 10.2 10.1 20-49 employees 20.4 20.8 19.3 20.7 18.2 21.1 19.5 18.3 50-99 employees 12.6 12.2 12.1 12.1 11.6 12.7 11.9 12.4 100-199 employees 12.9 12.9 13.7 14.3 12.8 12.8 13.7 13.4 200-499 employees 15.0 16.7 16.1 16.1 17.0 17.0 17.1 17.8 500 employees or more 24.6 22.8 25.4 21.0 22.9 21.3 22.2 24.0

Firm-level collective agreement (yes): collective wage agreement at the firm level for blue- and/or white collars workers

28.5 28.9 26.9 27.9 28.7 30.1 30.5 29.9

Number of observations 97,476 101,551 102,687 100,586 96,724 93,326 94,423 105,596 Notes: The descriptive statistics refer to the weighted sample. Descriptive statistics relative to the occupation and the sectoral affiliation of the workers are available upon request.

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APPENDIX 2 Log wage equation, OLS, 1999-2006 (SES-SBS data)

Variables: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Intercept 2.406**

(0.015) 2.359** (0.022)

2.372** (0.017)

2.292** (0.016)

2.219** (0.016)

2.407** (0.019)

2.454** (0.019)

2.496** (0.017)

Individual characteristics: a Education:

Primary or no degree Reference category Lower secondary -0.010**

(0.003) 0.036** (0.003)

0.026** (0.003)

0.015** (0.004)

0.012** (0.004)

0.019** (0.004)

0.011** (0.004)

-0.003 (0.004)

Technical/Artistic/Prof. upper secondary 0.023** (0.004)

0.077** (0.004)

0.073** (0.004)

0.048** (0.004)

0.058** (0.004)

0.068** (0.004)

0.044** (0.004)

0.033** (0.004)

General upper secondary 0.038** (0.004)

0.079** (0.004)

0.067** (0.004)

0.051** (0.004)

0.059** (0.004)

0.080** (0.004)

0.051** (0.004)

0.041** (0.005)

Higher non-university short type 0.093** (0.005)

0.153** (0.005)

0.124** (0.005)

0.113** (0.005)

0.113** (0.005)

0.147** (0.005)

0.125** (0.005)

0.106** (0.005)

University and non-university education, long type

0.218** (0.006)

0.254** (0.007)

0.268** (0.006)

0.226** (0.006)

0.236** (0.007)

0.264** (0.007)

0.246** (0.006)

0.213** (0.006)

Post graduate or PhD 0.331** (0.018)

0.386** (0.017)

0.391** (0.020)

0.298** (0.018)

0.327** (0.020)

0.317** (0.018)

0.295** (0.018)

0.295** (0.015)

Age of the worker: 20-24 years Reference category 25-29 years 0.039**

(0.004) 0.039** (0.004)

0.044** (0.004)

0.035** (0.004)

0.014* (0.004)

0.029** (0.004)

0.010* (0.005)

0.025** (0.005)

30-34 years 0.098** (0.004)

0.104** (0.004)

0.114** (0.004)

0.104** (0.004)

0.092** (0.004)

0.108** (0.004)

0.081** (0.005)

0.098** (0.005)

35-39 years 0.140** (0.004)

0.140** (0.004)

0.156** (0.004)

0.144** (0.004)

0.135** (0.004)

0.144** (0.004)

0.128** (0.005)

0.142** (0.005)

40-44 years 0.154** (0.004)

0.166** (0.004)

0.171** (0.004)

0.168** (0.004)

0.160** (0.004)

0.168** (0.004)

0.150** (0.005)

0.156** (0.005)

45-49 years 0.182** (0.004)

0.183** (0.004)

0.191** (0.004)

0.179** (0.004)

0.176** (0.005)

0.187** (0.005)

0.164** (0.005)

0.177** (0.005)

50-54 years 0.208** (0.005)

0.214** (0.005)

0.216** (0.005)

0.200** (0.005)

0.196** (0.005)

0.207** (0.005)

0.184** (0.006)

0.183** (0.005)

55-59 years 0.234** (0.007)

0.241** (0.006)

0.232** (0.006)

0.219** (0.006)

0.213** (0.007)

0.222** (0.007)

0.206** (0.007)

0.209** (0.006)

60 years or more 0.237** (0.014)

0.209** (0.013)

0.191** (0.014)

0.204** (0.012)

0.186** (0.011)

0.205** (0.010)

0.187** (0.012)

0.187** (0.011)

Seniority in the company: 0-1 year Reference category 2-4 years 0.069**

(0.003) 0.066** (0.003)

0.062** (0.003)

0.058** (0.003)

0.050** (0.003)

0.038** (0.003)

0.034** (0.003)

0.055** (0.003)

5-9 years 0.091** (0.003)

0.088** (0.003)

0.084** (0.003)

0.090** (0.003)

0.089** (0.003)

0.066** (0.003)

0.065** (0.003)

0.078** (0.003)

10 years or more 0.131** (0.003)

0.128** (0.003)

0.127** (0.003)

0.134** (0.003)

0.126** (0.003)

0.118** (0.003)

0.110** (0.004)

0.123** (0.003)

Female (yes) -0.118** (0.003)

-0.112** (0.003)

-0.113** (0.003)

-0.115** (0.002)

-0.115** (0.003)

-0.117** (0.003)

-0.102** (0.003)

-0.118** (0.002)

Paid overtime (yes) 0.021** (0.004)

0.009* (0.004)

0.019** (0.005)

0.009° (0.005)

0.019** (0.004)

0.016** (0.005)

0.008* (0.004)

0.015** (0.004)

Part time (yes) -0.038** (0.004)

-0.029** (0.004)

-0.023** (0.004)

-0.027** (0.004)

-0.018 (0.004)

-0.026 (0.004)

0.016** (0.004)

-0.025** (0.004)

Bonuses for shift, night and/or weekend work (yes)

0.047** (0.003)

0.044** (0.003)

0.053** (0.003)

0.041** (0.003)

0.051** (0.003)

0.059** (0.003)

0.041** (0.003)

0.065** (0.003)

Type of employment contract: Permanent Reference category

Page 42: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


Fixed-term -0.092** (0.005)

-0.064** (0.005)

-0.060** (0.005)

-0.071** (0.008)

-0.079** (0.006)

-0.091** (0.005)

-0.050** (0.007)

-0.102** (0.005)

Other -0.044** (0.008)

-0.079** (0.008)

-0.058** (0.009)

-0.038** (0.009)

-0.008 (0.009)

-0.112** (0.012)

0.009 (0.015)

-0.059** (0.010)

Occupation (n=23): Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Firm characteristics: b Private firm (yes): >50 per cent privately owned firm

0.005 (0.008)

0.016° (0.010)

0.029** (0.007)

0.085** (0.007)

0.097** (0.006)

0.079** (0.007)

0.063** (0.008)

-0.008 (0.007)

Size of the establishment: 1-4 employees Reference category 5-9 employees 0.029**

(0.011) -0.018 (0.018)

-0.025° (0.014)

0.041** (0.012)

0.044** (0.012)

0.017 (0.016)

-0.021 (0.014)

0.014 (0.014)

10-19 employees 0.016° (0.010)

-0.028° (0.017)

-0.034** (0.012)

0.039** (0.011)

0.054** (0.011)

-0.001 (0.015)

-0.016 (0.013)

0.019 (0.013)

20-49 employees 0.040** (0.010)

0.000 (0.017)

-0.007 (0.012)

0.060** (0.011)

0.094** (0.011)

0.026° (0.015)

0.015 (0.013)

0.041** (0.013)

50-99 employees 0.071** (0.010)

0.024 (0.017)

0.024* (0.013)

0.090** (0.011)

0.108** (0.020)

0.048** (0.015)

0.043** (0.013)

0.058** (0.013)

100-199 employees 0.091** (0.010)

0.041* (0.017)

0.029* (0.012)

0.108** (0.012)

0.134** (0.011)

0.076** (0.016)

0.069** (0.013)

0.076** (0.013)

200-499 employees 0.108** (0.010)

0.062** (0.017)

0.054** (0.012)

0.137** (0.011)

0.154** (0.011)

0.095** (0.015)

0.086** (0.013)

0.108** (0.013)

500-1500 employees 0.136** (0.010)

0.092** (0.017)

0.061** (0.013)

0.169** (0.012)

0.197** (0.012)

0.120** (0.016)

0.130** (0.014)

0.145** (0.013)

Firm-level collective agreement (yes): collective wage agreement at the firm level for blue- and/or white collars workers

0.033** (0.002)

0.044** (0.003)

0.041** (0.003)

0.045** (0.003)

0.043** (0.002)

0.054** (0.003)

0.039** (0.003)

0.030** (0.002)

Industry effects (Nace 3-digit, n=142) c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

R² 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.64 0.62 0.65 0.61 0.58

F-test 557.8** 541.9** 554.2** 526.0** 508.4** 539.5** 466.4** 441.2**

Number of observations 97,476 101,551 102,687 100,586 96,724 93,326 94,423 105,596 Notes : The dependent variable is the individual gross hourly wage, including bonuses (ln). White (1980) heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors are reported between brackets. a Dummy for sex; 6 dummies for education; 8 dummies for age; 3 dummies for tenure; 2 dummies for the type of employment contract; a dummy indicating if the worker is part-time; a variable showing whether the individual received a bonus for shift work, night work and/or weekend work; a dummy for paid overtime; and 22 occupational dummies. b 7 dummies for the size of the establishment (i.e. number of workers); a dummy for the establishment’s financial and economic control; and a dummy for the level of collective wage bargaining. c NACE three-digit industry classification; **/*/°: significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent, respectively.

Page 43: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


NATIONAL BANK OF BELGIUM - WORKING PAPERS SERIES 1. "Model-based inflation forecasts and monetary policy rules", by M. Dombrecht and R. Wouters, Research

Series, February 2000. 2. "The use of robust estimators as measures of core inflation", by L. Aucremanne, Research Series,

February 2000. 3. "Performances économiques des Etats-Unis dans les années nonante", by A. Nyssens, P. Butzen and

P. Bisciari, Document Series, March 2000. 4. "A model with explicit expectations for Belgium", by P. Jeanfils, Research Series, March 2000. 5. "Growth in an open economy: Some recent developments", by S. Turnovsky, Research Series, May

2000. 6. "Knowledge, technology and economic growth: An OECD perspective", by I. Visco, A. Bassanini and

S. Scarpetta, Research Series, May 2000. 7. "Fiscal policy and growth in the context of European integration", by P. Masson, Research Series, May

2000. 8. "Economic growth and the labour market: Europe's challenge", by C. Wyplosz, Research Series, May

2000. 9. "The role of the exchange rate in economic growth: A euro-zone perspective", by R. MacDonald,

Research Series, May 2000. 10. "Monetary union and economic growth", by J. Vickers, Research Series, May 2000. 11. "Politique monétaire et prix des actifs: le cas des États-Unis", by Q. Wibaut, Document Series, August

2000. 12. "The Belgian industrial confidence indicator: Leading indicator of economic activity in the euro area?", by

J.-J. Vanhaelen, L. Dresse and J. De Mulder, Document Series, November 2000. 13. "Le financement des entreprises par capital-risque", by C. Rigo, Document Series, February 2001. 14. "La nouvelle économie" by P. Bisciari, Document Series, March 2001. 15. "De kostprijs van bankkredieten", by A. Bruggeman and R. Wouters, Document Series, April 2001. 16. "A guided tour of the world of rational expectations models and optimal policies", by Ph. Jeanfils,

Research Series, May 2001. 17. "Attractive prices and euro - Rounding effects on inflation", by L. Aucremanne and D. Cornille,

Documents Series, November 2001. 18. "The interest rate and credit channels in Belgium: An investigation with micro-level firm data", by

P. Butzen, C. Fuss and Ph. Vermeulen, Research series, December 2001. 19. "Openness, imperfect exchange rate pass-through and monetary policy", by F. Smets and R. Wouters,

Research series, March 2002. 20. "Inflation, relative prices and nominal rigidities", by L. Aucremanne, G. Brys, M. Hubert, P. J. Rousseeuw

and A. Struyf, Research series, April 2002. 21. "Lifting the burden: Fundamental tax reform and economic growth", by D. Jorgenson, Research series,

May 2002. 22. "What do we know about investment under uncertainty?", by L. Trigeorgis, Research series, May 2002. 23. "Investment, uncertainty and irreversibility: Evidence from Belgian accounting data" by D. Cassimon,

P.-J. Engelen, H. Meersman and M. Van Wouwe, Research series, May 2002. 24. "The impact of uncertainty on investment plans", by P. Butzen, C. Fuss and Ph. Vermeulen, Research

series, May 2002. 25. "Investment, protection, ownership, and the cost of capital", by Ch. P. Himmelberg, R. G. Hubbard and

I. Love, Research series, May 2002. 26. "Finance, uncertainty and investment: Assessing the gains and losses of a generalised non-linear

structural approach using Belgian panel data", by M. Gérard and F. Verschueren, Research series, May 2002.

27. "Capital structure, firm liquidity and growth", by R. Anderson, Research series, May 2002. 28. "Structural modelling of investment and financial constraints: Where do we stand?", by J.-B. Chatelain,

Research series, May 2002. 29. "Financing and investment interdependencies in unquoted Belgian companies: The role of venture

capital", by S. Manigart, K. Baeyens, I. Verschueren, Research series, May 2002. 30. "Development path and capital structure of Belgian biotechnology firms", by V. Bastin, A. Corhay,

G. Hübner and P.-A. Michel, Research series, May 2002. 31. "Governance as a source of managerial discipline", by J. Franks, Research series, May 2002. 32. "Financing constraints, fixed capital and R&D investment decisions of Belgian firms", by M. Cincera,

Research series, May 2002.

Page 44: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


33. "Investment, R&D and liquidity constraints: A corporate governance approach to the Belgian evidence", by P. Van Cayseele, Research series, May 2002.

34. "On the origins of the Franco-German EMU controversies", by I. Maes, Research series, July 2002. 35. "An estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of the euro area", by F. Smets and

R. Wouters, Research series, October 2002. 36. "The labour market and fiscal impact of labour tax reductions: The case of reduction of employers' social

security contributions under a wage norm regime with automatic price indexing of wages", by K. Burggraeve and Ph. Du Caju, Research series, March 2003.

37. "Scope of asymmetries in the euro area", by S. Ide and Ph. Moës, Document series, March 2003. 38. "De autonijverheid in België: Het belang van het toeleveringsnetwerk rond de assemblage van

personenauto's", by F. Coppens and G. van Gastel, Document series, June 2003. 39. "La consommation privée en Belgique", by B. Eugène, Ph. Jeanfils and B. Robert, Document series,

June 2003. 40. "The process of European monetary integration: A comparison of the Belgian and Italian approaches", by

I. Maes and L. Quaglia, Research series, August 2003. 41. "Stock market valuation in the United States", by P. Bisciari, A. Durré and A. Nyssens, Document series,

November 2003. 42. "Modeling the term structure of interest rates: Where do we stand?", by K. Maes, Research series,

February 2004. 43. "Interbank exposures: An ampirical examination of system risk in the Belgian banking system", by

H. Degryse and G. Nguyen, Research series, March 2004. 44. "How frequently do prices change? Evidence based on the micro data underlying the Belgian CPI", by

L. Aucremanne and E. Dhyne, Research series, April 2004. 45. "Firms' investment decisions in response to demand and price uncertainty", by C. Fuss and

Ph. Vermeulen, Research series, April 2004. 46. "SMEs and bank lending relationships: The impact of mergers", by H. Degryse, N. Masschelein and

J. Mitchell, Research series, May 2004. 47. "The determinants of pass-through of market conditions to bank retail interest rates in Belgium", by

F. De Graeve, O. De Jonghe and R. Vander Vennet, Research series, May 2004. 48. "Sectoral vs. country diversification benefits and downside risk", by M. Emiris, Research series,

May 2004. 49. "How does liquidity react to stress periods in a limit order market?", by H. Beltran, A. Durré and P. Giot,

Research series, May 2004. 50. "Financial consolidation and liquidity: Prudential regulation and/or competition policy?", by

P. Van Cayseele, Research series, May 2004. 51. "Basel II and operational risk: Implications for risk measurement and management in the financial

sector", by A. Chapelle, Y. Crama, G. Hübner and J.-P. Peters, Research series, May 2004. 52. "The efficiency and stability of banks and markets", by F. Allen, Research series, May 2004. 53. "Does financial liberalization spur growth?", by G. Bekaert, C.R. Harvey and C. Lundblad, Research

series, May 2004. 54. "Regulating financial conglomerates", by X. Freixas, G. Lóránth, A.D. Morrison and H.S. Shin, Research

series, May 2004. 55. "Liquidity and financial market stability", by M. O'Hara, Research series, May 2004. 56. "Economisch belang van de Vlaamse zeehavens: Verslag 2002", by F. Lagneaux, Document series,

June 2004. 57. "Determinants of euro term structure of credit spreads", by A. Van Landschoot, Research series, July

2004. 58. "Macroeconomic and monetary policy-making at the European Commission, from the Rome Treaties to

the Hague Summit", by I. Maes, Research series, July 2004. 59. "Liberalisation of network industries: Is electricity an exception to the rule?", by F. Coppens and D. Vivet,

Document series, September 2004. 60. "Forecasting with a Bayesian DSGE model: An application to the euro area", by F. Smets and

R. Wouters, Research series, September 2004. 61. "Comparing shocks and frictions in US and euro area business cycle: A Bayesian DSGE approach", by

F. Smets and R. Wouters, Research series, October 2004. 62. "Voting on pensions: A survey", by G. de Walque, Research series, October 2004. 63. "Asymmetric growth and inflation developments in the acceding countries: A new assessment", by S. Ide

and P. Moës, Research series, October 2004. 64. "Importance économique du Port Autonome de Liège: rapport 2002", by F. Lagneaux, Document series,

November 2004.

Page 45: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


65. "Price-setting behaviour in Belgium: What can be learned from an ad hoc survey", by L. Aucremanne and M. Druant, Research series, March 2005.

66. "Time-dependent versus state-dependent pricing: A panel data approach to the determinants of Belgian consumer price changes", by L. Aucremanne and E. Dhyne, Research series, April 2005.

67. "Indirect effects – A formal definition and degrees of dependency as an alternative to technical coefficients", by F. Coppens, Research series, May 2005.

68. "Noname – A new quarterly model for Belgium", by Ph. Jeanfils and K. Burggraeve, Research series, May 2005.

69. "Economic importance of the Flemish maritime ports: Report 2003", by F. Lagneaux, Document series, May 2005.

70. "Measuring inflation persistence: A structural time series approach", by M. Dossche and G. Everaert, Research series, June 2005.

71. "Financial intermediation theory and implications for the sources of value in structured finance markets", by J. Mitchell, Document series, July 2005.

72. "Liquidity risk in securities settlement", by J. Devriese and J. Mitchell, Research series, July 2005. 73. "An international analysis of earnings, stock prices and bond yields", by A. Durré and P. Giot, Research

series, September 2005. 74. "Price setting in the euro area: Some stylized facts from Individual Consumer Price Data", by E. Dhyne,

L. J. Álvarez, H. Le Bihan, G. Veronese, D. Dias, J. Hoffmann, N. Jonker, P. Lünnemann, F. Rumler and J. Vilmunen, Research series, September 2005.

75. "Importance économique du Port Autonome de Liège: rapport 2003", by F. Lagneaux, Document series, October 2005.

76. "The pricing behaviour of firms in the euro area: New survey evidence, by S. Fabiani, M. Druant, I. Hernando, C. Kwapil, B. Landau, C. Loupias, F. Martins, T. Mathä, R. Sabbatini, H. Stahl and A. Stokman, Research series, November 2005.

77. "Income uncertainty and aggregate consumption”, by L. Pozzi, Research series, November 2005. 78. "Crédits aux particuliers - Analyse des données de la Centrale des Crédits aux Particuliers", by

H. De Doncker, Document series, January 2006. 79. "Is there a difference between solicited and unsolicited bank ratings and, if so, why?", by P. Van Roy,

Research series, February 2006. 80. "A generalised dynamic factor model for the Belgian economy - Useful business cycle indicators and

GDP growth forecasts", by Ch. Van Nieuwenhuyze, Research series, February 2006. 81. "Réduction linéaire de cotisations patronales à la sécurité sociale et financement alternatif", by

Ph. Jeanfils, L. Van Meensel, Ph. Du Caju, Y. Saks, K. Buysse and K. Van Cauter, Document series, March 2006.

82. "The patterns and determinants of price setting in the Belgian industry", by D. Cornille and M. Dossche, Research series, May 2006.

83. "A multi-factor model for the valuation and risk management of demand deposits", by H. Dewachter, M. Lyrio and K. Maes, Research series, May 2006.

84. "The single European electricity market: A long road to convergence", by F. Coppens and D. Vivet, Document series, May 2006.

85. "Firm-specific production factors in a DSGE model with Taylor price setting", by G. de Walque, F. Smets and R. Wouters, Research series, June 2006.

86. "Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports and Liège port complex - Report 2004", by F. Lagneaux, Document series, June 2006.

87. "The response of firms' investment and financing to adverse cash flow shocks: The role of bank relationships", by C. Fuss and Ph. Vermeulen, Research series, July 2006.

88. "The term structure of interest rates in a DSGE model", by M. Emiris, Research series, July 2006. 89. "The production function approach to the Belgian output gap, estimation of a multivariate structural time

series model", by Ph. Moës, Research series, September 2006. 90. "Industry wage differentials, unobserved ability, and rent-sharing: Evidence from matched worker-firm

data, 1995-2002", by R. Plasman, F. Rycx and I. Tojerow, Research series, October 2006. 91. "The dynamics of trade and competition", by N. Chen, J. Imbs and A. Scott, Research series, October

2006. 92. "A New Keynesian model with unemployment", by O. Blanchard and J. Gali, Research series, October

2006. 93. "Price and wage setting in an integrating Europe: Firm level evidence", by F. Abraham, J. Konings and

S. Vanormelingen, Research series, October 2006. 94. "Simulation, estimation and welfare implications of monetary policies in a 3-country NOEM model", by

J. Plasmans, T. Michalak and J. Fornero, Research series, October 2006.

Page 46: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


95. "Inflation persistence and price-setting behaviour in the euro area: A summary of the Inflation Persistence Network evidence ", by F. Altissimo, M. Ehrmann and F. Smets, Research series, October 2006.

96. "How wages change: Micro evidence from the International Wage Flexibility Project", by W.T. Dickens, L. Goette, E.L. Groshen, S. Holden, J. Messina, M.E. Schweitzer, J. Turunen and M. Ward, Research series, October 2006.

97. "Nominal wage rigidities in a new Keynesian model with frictional unemployment", by V. Bodart, G. de Walque, O. Pierrard, H.R. Sneessens and R. Wouters, Research series, October 2006.

98. "Dynamics on monetary policy in a fair wage model of the business cycle", by D. De la Croix, G. de Walque and R. Wouters, Research series, October 2006.

99. "The kinked demand curve and price rigidity: Evidence from scanner data", by M. Dossche, F. Heylen and D. Van den Poel, Research series, October 2006.

100. "Lumpy price adjustments: A microeconometric analysis", by E. Dhyne, C. Fuss, H. Peseran and P. Sevestre, Research series, October 2006.

101. "Reasons for wage rigidity in Germany", by W. Franz and F. Pfeiffer, Research series, October 2006. 102. "Fiscal sustainability indicators and policy design in the face of ageing", by G. Langenus, Research

series, October 2006. 103. "Macroeconomic fluctuations and firm entry: Theory and evidence", by V. Lewis, Research series,

October 2006. 104. "Exploring the CDS-bond basis", by J. De Wit, Research series, November 2006. 105. "Sector concentration in loan portfolios and economic capital", by K. Düllmann and N. Masschelein,

Research series, November 2006. 106. "R&D in the Belgian pharmaceutical sector", by H. De Doncker, Document series, December 2006. 107. "Importance et évolution des investissements directs en Belgique", by Ch. Piette, Document series,

January 2007. 108. "Investment-specific technology shocks and labor market frictions", by R. De Bock, Research series,

February 2007. 109. "Shocks and frictions in US business cycles: A Bayesian DSGE approach", by F. Smets and R. Wouters,

Research series, February 2007. 110. "Economic impact of port activity: A disaggregate analysis. The case of Antwerp", by F. Coppens,

F. Lagneaux, H. Meersman, N. Sellekaerts, E. Van de Voorde, G. van Gastel, Th. Vanelslander, A. Verhetsel, Document series, February 2007.

111. "Price setting in the euro area: Some stylised facts from individual producer price data", by Ph. Vermeulen, D. Dias, M. Dossche, E. Gautier, I. Hernando, R. Sabbatini, H. Stahl, Research series, March 2007.

112. "Assessing the gap between observed and perceived inflation in the euro area: Is the credibility of the HICP at stake?", by L. Aucremanne, M. Collin and Th. Stragier, Research series, April 2007.

113. "The spread of Keynesian economics: A comparison of the Belgian and Italian experiences", by I. Maes, Research series, April 2007.

114. "Imports and exports at the level of the firm: Evidence from Belgium", by M. Muûls and M. Pisu, Research series, May 2007.

115. "Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports and Liège port complex - Report 2005", by F. Lagneaux, Document series, May 2007.

116. "Temporal distribution of price changes: Staggering in the large and synchronization in the small", by E. Dhyne and J. Konieczny, Research series, June 2007.

117. "Can excess liquidity signal an asset price boom?", by A. Bruggeman, Research series, August 2007. 118. "The performance of credit rating systems in the assessment of collateral used in Eurosystem monetary

policy operations", by F. Coppens, F. González and G. Winkler, Research series, September 2007. 119. "The determinants of stock and bond return comovements", by L. Baele, G. Bekaert and K. Inghelbrecht,

Research series, October 2007. 120. "Monitoring pro-cyclicality under the capital requirements directive: Preliminary concepts for developing a

framework", by N. Masschelein, Document series, October 2007. 121. "Dynamic order submission strategies with competition between a dealer market and a crossing

network", by H. Degryse, M. Van Achter and G. Wuyts, Research series, November 2007. 122. "The gas chain: Influence of its specificities on the liberalisation process", by C. Swartenbroekx,

Document series, November 2007. 123. "Failure prediction models: Performance, disagreements, and internal rating systems", by J. Mitchell and

P. Van Roy, Research series, December 2007. 124. "Downward wage rigidity for different workers and firms: An evaluation for Belgium using the IWFP

procedure", by Ph. Du Caju, C. Fuss and L. Wintr, Research series, December 2007.

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125. "Economic importance of Belgian transport logistics", by F. Lagneaux, Document series, January 2008. 126. "Some evidence on late bidding in eBay auctions", by L. Wintr, Research series, January 2008. 127. "How do firms adjust their wage bill in Belgium? A decomposition along the intensive and extensive

margins", by C. Fuss, Research series, January 2008. 128. "Exports and productivity – Comparable evidence for 14 countries", by The International Study Group on

Exports and Productivity, Research series, February 2008. 129. "Estimation of monetary policy preferences in a forward-looking model: A Bayesian approach", by

P. Ilbas, Research series, March 2008. 130. "Job creation, job destruction and firms' international trade involvement", by M. Pisu, Research series,

March 2008. 131. "Do survey indicators let us see the business cycle? A frequency decomposition", by L. Dresse and

Ch. Van Nieuwenhuyze, Research series, March 2008. 132. "Searching for additional sources of inflation persistence: The micro-price panel data approach", by

R. Raciborski, Research series, April 2008. 133. "Short-term forecasting of GDP using large monthly datasets - A pseudo real-time forecast evaluation

exercise", by K. Barhoumi, S. Benk, R. Cristadoro, A. Den Reijer, A. Jakaitiene, P. Jelonek, A. Rua, G. Rünstler, K. Ruth and Ch. Van Nieuwenhuyze, Research series, June 2008.

134. "Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels - Report 2006", by S. Vennix, Document series, June 2008.

135. "Imperfect exchange rate pass-through: The role of distribution services and variable demand elasticity", by Ph. Jeanfils, Research series, August 2008.

136. "Multivariate structural time series models with dual cycles: Implications for measurement of output gap and potential growth", by Ph. Moës, Research series, August 2008.

137. "Agency problems in structured finance - A case study of European CLOs", by J. Keller, Document series, August 2008.

138. "The efficiency frontier as a method for gauging the performance of public expenditure: A Belgian case study", by B. Eugène, Research series, September 2008.

139. "Exporters and credit constraints. A firm-level approach", by M. Muûls, Research series, September 2008.

140. "Export destinations and learning-by-exporting: Evidence from Belgium", by M. Pisu, Research series, September 2008.

141. "Monetary aggregates and liquidity in a neo-Wicksellian framework", by M. Canzoneri, R. Cumby, B. Diba and D. López-Salido, Research series, October 2008.

142 "Liquidity, inflation and asset prices in a time-varying framework for the euro area, by Ch. Baumeister, E. Durinck and G. Peersman, Research series, October 2008.

143. "The bond premium in a DSGE model with long-run real and nominal risks", by G. D. Rudebusch and E. T. Swanson, Research series, October 2008.

144. "Imperfect information, macroeconomic dynamics and the yield curve: An encompassing macro-finance model", by H. Dewachter, Research series, October 2008.

145. "Housing market spillovers: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model", by M. Iacoviello and S. Neri, Research series, October 2008.

146. "Credit frictions and optimal monetary policy", by V. Cúrdia and M. Woodford, Research series, October 2008.

147. "Central Bank misperceptions and the role of money in interest rate rules", by G. Beck and V. Wieland, Research series, October 2008.

148. "Financial (in)stability, supervision and liquidity injections: A dynamic general equilibrium approach", by G. de Walque, O. Pierrard and A. Rouabah, Research series, October 2008.

149. "Monetary policy, asset prices and macroeconomic conditions: A panel-VAR study", by K. Assenmacher-Wesche and S. Gerlach, Research series, October 2008.

150. "Risk premiums and macroeconomic dynamics in a heterogeneous agent model", by F. De Graeve, M. Dossche, M. Emiris, H. Sneessens and R. Wouters, Research series, October 2008.

151. "Financial factors in economic fluctuations", by L. J. Christiano, R. Motto and M. Rotagno, Research series, to be published.

152. "Rent-sharing under different bargaining regimes: Evidence from linked employer-employee data", by M. Rusinek and F. Rycx, Research series, December 2008.

153. "Forecast with judgment and models", by F. Monti, Research series, December 2008. 154. "Institutional features of wage bargaining in 23 European countries, the US and Japan", by Ph. Du Caju,

E. Gautier, D. Momferatou and M. Ward-Warmedinger, Research series, December 2008. 155. "Fiscal sustainability and policy implications for the euro area", by F. Balassone, J. Cunha, G. Langenus,

B. Manzke, J Pavot, D. Prammer and P. Tommasino, Research series, January 2009.

Page 48: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


156. "Understanding sectoral differences in downward real wage rigidity: Workforce composition, institutions, technology and competition", by Ph. Du Caju, C. Fuss and L. Wintr, Research series, February 2009.

157. "Sequential bargaining in a New Keynesian model with frictional unemployment and staggered wage negotiation", by G. de Walque, O. Pierrard, H. Sneessens and R. Wouters, Research series, February 2009.

158. "Economic importance of air transport and airport activities in Belgium", by F. Kupfer and F. Lagneaux, Document series, March 2009.

159. "Rigid labour compensation and flexible employment? Firm-Level evidence with regard to productivity for Belgium", by C. Fuss and L. Wintr, Research series, March 2009.

160. "The Belgian iron and steel industry in the international context", by F. Lagneaux and D. Vivet, Document series, March 2009.

161. "Trade, wages and productivity", by K. Behrens, G. Mion, Y. Murata and J. Südekum, Research series, March 2009.

162. "Labour flows in Belgium", by P. Heuse and Y. Saks, Research series, April 2009. 163. "The young Lamfalussy: An empirical and policy-oriented growth theorist", by I. Maes, Research series,

April 2009. 164. "Inflation dynamics with labour market matching: Assessing alternative specifications", by K. Christoffel,

J. Costain, G. de Walque, K. Kuester, T. Linzert, S. Millard and O. Pierrard, Research series, May 2009. 165. "Understanding inflation dynamics: Where do we stand?", by M. Dossche, Research series, June 2009. 166. "Input-output connections between sectors and optimal monetary policy", by E. Kara, Research series,

June 2009. 167. "Back to the basics in banking? A micro-analysis of banking system stability", by O. De Jonghe,

Research series, June 2009. 168. "Model misspecification, learning and the exchange rate disconnect puzzle", by V. Lewis and

A. Markiewicz, Research series, July 2009. 169. "The use of fixed-term contracts and the labour adjustment in Belgium", by E. Dhyne and B. Mahy,

Research series, July 2009. 170. "Analysis of business demography using markov chains – An application to Belgian data”, by F. Coppens

and F. Verduyn, Research series, July 2009. 171. "A global assessment of the degree of price stickiness - Results from the NBB business survey", by

E. Dhyne, Research series, July 2009. 172. "Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of

Brussels - Report 2007", by C. Mathys, Document series, July 2009. 173. "Evaluating a monetary business cycle model with unemployment for the euro area", by N. Groshenny,

Research series, July 2009. 174. "How are firms' wages and prices linked: Survey evidence in Europe", by M. Druant, S. Fabiani and

G. Kezdi, A. Lamo, F. Martins and R. Sabbatini, Research series, August 2009. 175. "Micro-data on nominal rigidity, inflation persistence and optimal monetary policy", by E. Kara, Research

series, September 2009. 176. "On the origins of the BIS macro-prudential approach to financial stability: Alexandre Lamfalussy and

financial fragility", by I. Maes, Research series, October 2009. 177. "Incentives and tranche retention in securitisation: A screening model", by I. Fender and J. Mitchell,

Research series, October 2009. 178. "Optimal monetary policy and firm entry", by V. Lewis, Research series, October 2009. 179. "Staying, dropping, or switching: The impacts of bank mergers on small firms", by H. Degryse,

N. Masschelein and J. Mitchell, Research series, October 2009. 180. "Inter-industry wage differentials: How much does rent sharing matter?", by Ph. Du Caju, F. Rycx and

I. Tojerow, Research series, October 2009. 181. "Empirical evidence on the aggregate effects of anticipated and unanticipated US tax policy shocks", by

K. Mertens and M. O. Ravn, Research series, November 2009. 182. "Downward nominal and real wage rigidity: Survey evidence from European firms", by J. Babecký,

Ph. Du Caju, T. Kosma, M. Lawless, J. Messina and T. Rõõm, Research series, November 2009. 183. "The margins of labour cost adjustment: Survey evidence from European firms", by J. Babecký,

Ph. Du Caju, T. Kosma, M. Lawless, J. Messina and T. Rõõm, Research series, November 2009. 184. "Discriminatory fees, coordination and investment in shared ATM networks" by S. Ferrari, Research

series, January 2010. 185. "Self-fulfilling liquidity dry-ups", by F. Malherbe, Research series, March 2010. 186. "The development of monetary policy in the 20th century - some reflections", by O. Issing, Research

series, April 2010.

Page 49: Wage structure effects of international trade : Evidence


187. "Getting rid of Keynes? A survey of the history of macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and beyond", by M. De Vroey, Research series, April 2010.

188. "A century of macroeconomic and monetary thought at the National Bank of Belgium", by I. Maes, Research series, April 2010.

189. "Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: What do cross-country time-varying data add to the picture?", by Ph. Du Caju, G. Kátay, A. Lamo, D. Nicolitsas and S. Poelhekke, Research series, April 2010.

190. "What determines euro area bank CDS spreads?", by J. Annaert, M. De Ceuster, P. Van Roy and C. Vespro, Research series, May 2010.

191. "The incidence of nominal and real wage rigidity: An individual-based sectoral approach", by J. Messina, Ph. Du Caju, C. F. Duarte, N. L. Hansen, M. Izquierdo, Research series, June 2010.

192. "Economic importance of the Belgian ports: Flemish maritime ports, Liège port complex and the port of Brussels - Report 2008", by C. Mathys, Document series, July 2010.

193. "Wages, labor or prices: how do firms react to shocks?", by E. Dhyne and M. Druant, Research series, July 2010.

194. "Trade with China and skill upgrading: Evidence from Belgian firm level data", by G. Mion, H. Vandenbussche, and L. Zhu, Research series, September 2010.

195. "Trade crisis? What trade crisis?", by K. Behrens, G. Corcos and G. Mion, Research series, September 2010.

196. "Trade and the global recession", by J. Eaton, S. Kortum, B. Neiman and J. Romalis, Research series, October 2010.

197. "Internationalization strategy and performance of small and medium sized enterprises", by J. Onkelinx and L. Sleuwaegen, Research series, October 2010.

198. "The internationalization process of firms: From exports to FDI?", by P. Conconi, A. Sapir and M. Zanardi, Research series, October 2010.

199. "Intermediaries in international trade: Direct versus indirect modes of export", by A. B. Bernard, M. Grazzi and C. Tomasi, Research series, October 2010.

200. "Trade in services: IT and task content", by A. Ariu and G. Mion, Research series, October 2010. 201. "The productivity and export spillovers of the internationalisation behaviour of Belgian firms", by

M. Dumont, B. Merlevede, C. Piette and G. Rayp, Research series, October 2010. 202. "Market size, competition, and the product mix of exporters", by T. Mayer, M. J. Melitz and

G. I. P. Ottaviano, Research series, October 2010. 203. "Multi-product exporters, carry-along trade and the margins of trade", by A. B. Bernard, I. Van Beveren

and H. Vandenbussche, Research series, October 2010. 204. "Can Belgian firms cope with the Chinese dragon and the Asian tigers? The export performance of multi-

product firms on foreign markets" by F. Abraham and J. Van Hove, Research series, October 2010. 205. "Immigration, offshoring and American jobs", by G. I. P. Ottaviano, G. Peri and G. C. Wright, Research

series, October 2010. 206. "The effects of internationalisation on domestic labour demand by skills: Firm-level evidence for

Belgium", by L. Cuyvers, E. Dhyne, and R. Soeng, Research series, October 2010. 207. "Labour demand adjustment: Does foreign ownership matter?", by E. Dhyne, C. Fuss and C. Mathieu,

Research series, October 2010. 208. "The Taylor principle and (in-)determinacy in a New Keynesian model with hiring frictions and skill loss",

by A. Rannenberg, Research series, November 2010. 209. "Wage and employment effects of a wage norm: The Polish transition experience" by

A. de Crombrugghe and G. de Walque, Research series, February 2011. 210. "Estimating monetary policy reaction functions: A discrete choice approach" by J. Boeckx,

Research series, February 2011. 211. "Firm entry, inflation and the monetary transmission mechanism" by V. Lewis and C. Poilly,

Research series, February 2011. 212. "The link between mobile telephony arrears and credit arrears" by H. De Doncker, Document series,

March 2011. 213. "Development of a financial health indicator based on companies' annual accounts", by D. Vivet,

Document series, April 2011. 214. "Wage structure effects of international trade: Evidence from a small open economy", by Ph. Du Caju,

F. Rycx and I. Tojerow, Research series, April 2011.