Rehabilitation H E A L T H ON A NEW LEVEL Residential Care Preventive Medical Treatments

Wagner Health & Care Rehabilitation Clinics, Medical Prevention & Day Care

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Wagner Health & Care runs medical prevention resorts, day care centers and rehabilitation clinics in Austria, Dubai and Shanghai. Different kinds of rehabilitations are offered:• Orthopaedic rehabilitation• Diabetes rehabilitation• Pulmonary rehabilitation• Neurology rehabilitation• Oncology rehabilitation• Cardiology rehabilitation

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RehabilitationH E A L T HO N A N E W L E V E LResidential Care Preventive Medical TreatmentsWith high medical, therapeutic and human quality in a harmonious environment, we wish to maintain, promote and restore the physical and mental health of our patients and residents.AirportThecompanyWagnerHealth&Careoperates in four business areas: rehabilitationpreventive medical treatmentsresidential caredaycareThecompanywasfoundedin1987byStephan Wagnerwhohasmorethan25yearsofexperi-ence in the establishment and operation of health facilities in Austria.Sascha Sajer, M.D., specialist for physical medici-ne and rehabilitation, is chief physician and medi-cal director of the group. Mr. Sajer comes from an international background with a large experience in a multicultural environment.Today, Wagner Health & Care operates 19 facili-ties all over Austria with a total of more than 2,000 beds and some 1,200 employees. Stephan Wagner, MBA MScOwner and CEO Wagner Health & Care4 5ViennaSalzburgGrazKlagenfurtHalleinPerchtoldsdorfRaxblickZell am See20 km100 km30 kmSt. Josef25 kmDaycareRehabilitation ClinicMedical Prevention ResortIntroductionSascha Sajer, M.D.Medical Director Wagner Health & CareResidential Care HomeSPECIALIST FOR PHYSICAL MEDICINEAND REHABILITATIONSUBSPECIALITY: ACUPUNCTURE, CHIROPRACTICS,SPORTS MEDICINE, MEDICAL TRAINING THERAPYScientic publications: medical strength trainingInternational back-ground, experience in a multicultural envi-ronment and health managementMain focus:Chronic pain therapyDuring yourwork as a physician, you have hada greatdealofinternational experience. Whatis importantwhendealingwith the medical problems ofpatients fromothercultures or with different mentalities?There are very great difference betweenthe cultures intheirattitudes toillnesses orhandicaps.People who are ill are less tolerant and must beaddressed cautiously. From the very start, you have to develop ambitiousbut realistic objectives togetherwith the patient and discuss these withhim. It may be necessary to use an interpreter with both medical and cultu-ral knowledge. Not only the patient, but also all therapists and physiciansmust be clearly informed of these objectives inorderto achieve the bestpossible results. You have specialised in the treatment of chronic pain. How doyou adapt your treatment to the patients individual needs?There is amajorcultural and social infuence incoping and processingchronic pain.I try to emphasise the positive attitude, with understandingand additional support from friends and family. The fundamental demandfor freedom of pain is not present everywhere in the world. In many cultu-res, pain is accepted as a normal part of life and in rehabilitation this can be an advantage.B2B CATALOGUE OF SERVI CES 54OrthopaedicsDiabetes and overweightPulmonologyOtherindications:neurology,cardio-logy, oncology, pediatric rehabilitationObesity Center:preoperative rehabi-litation, acute stay and surgery, post- operative rehabilitation, intensive carecenter1422R E H A B I L I T A T I O NPrevention of osteoporosis, reduction ofoverweight, smoking cessation, skin andvascular diseases, back pain, articular degenerative formsPREVENTIVEMEDICAL TREATMENTS36Residential care, sheltered housing, daycare, mobile nursingR E S I D E N T I A L C A R E4463032Daycare center for people with special needsD A Y C A R E50BUSI NESSAREASBusiness Areas6 7R E H A B I L I T A T I O N F O ROr t hopae di c di s or de r sW E I N C R E A S E Y O U R M O B I L I T Y !Orthopaedics8 9Optimal function of the musculoskeletal systemYou will be treated by an excellent medical and therapeutic team and will receive a tailor-made therapy concept.W E I N C R E A S E Y O U R M O B I L I T Y !T Y P I C A L I N D I C A T I O N Sfollow-uptreatmentsaftersurgery,e.g.hipand knee replacementchronic back painother rheumatic diseasesmuscular deficiency of locomotive systemO R T H O P A E D I C O B J E C T I V E Sfreedom of painbest-possible result after surgeryimprovement of joint flexibilitysafe and physiological gait patternmuscular strengthening and stabilisationimprovement of endurance performanceavoidance and prevention of care dependencyTherapy methods, treatments and state-of-the-art-equipmentare based on the most recent scientific knowledge10 11OrthopaedicsRehabilitation Clinic PerchtoldsdorfO U R C O N C E P T I S S U P P L E M E N T E D B Ycarephysiotherapy and ergotherapydietologypsychology24hmedicalassistancebydoctorsand nursesQuiet location in fabulous landscape close to ViennaThe Rehabilitation Clinic is next to the nature reserve Perchtoldsdorfer Heide. Theuniquelandscapeis perfect for hiking and wal-kinginabreath-takingat-mosphere.Last but not least, there is also the hotel service, because cuisine, spare time activities and wellness offers are as important as the medical-therapeutic assistance for a successful rehabilitation.5-star comfort rehabilitation clinic with first-class service and 24 h medical assistanceM E D I C A L S P E C I A L I S T S F R O M T H E F O U R M O S T I M P O R T A N T F I E L D S O F O R T H O P A E D I C Sinternal medicine with the additional subject of rheumatologyorthopaedicsphysical medicinetrauma surgerySPECIALIST FOR TRAUMA SURGERY AND SPORTS ME-DICINE, DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINESUBSPECIALITY: ACUPUNCTURE, CHIROPRACTICSScientificpublications:traumaandsurgery,osteopathic medicineKarin Stengg, M.D., O.D.Medical DirectorConsult for medicine for RussiaMain focus:Osteopathic medicine, Anti AgingYou are a specialist in osteopathy and anti-aging. What is thefocus of these two areas?Osteopathy considers that each of us contains the mechanism of healing. Osteopathic techniques attempt to eliminate the structural and physiolo-gical obstacles, so-called lessions or dysfunctions, and thus to providesupport for the bodys self-healing. Anti-Aging is the teaching of good aging and attempts to counteract thecauses of cellular aging by various methods, including orthomolecular me-dicine, mesotherapy, acupuncture, stress prevention, nutritional counsel-ling and sports medicine. The combination of osteopathy and anti-aging can lead to very successfulcures. Because of this rare combination, you are in great demand in othercountries. Towhatextentdoyourpatients beneftfromthis?We have continuous international contacts,particularly with the GUScountries.Togetherwith the lectures Igive and training therapists andmasseurs, this allows us to present new therapeutic concepts and approa-ches for rehabilitation. In autumn, studies in this area will be performed in cooperation with major hospitals. A wide spread of medical techniques are important to achieve the best out-come for our rehabilitation patients. It is important to explore the relatedlife circumstances surrounding the trigger for orthopedic diseases or chro-nic pain. We focus on successful outcomes for our patients, implementingproven rehab strategies and methodologies, integrating the best outcome-based solutions for our patients. 12 13OrthopaedicsPerchtoldsdorf is located directly at the gates of Vienna. By taxi, it takes only 30 minutes to reach thecitycentre,whereyoucanstroll,eatand drink or visit the historic sites.Sisi Museumin the Hofburg PalaceOld town with marvellous buildingsand history-charged cultureExperience traditional Vienna hospitalityS I G H T S E E I N GSt. Stephens CathedralSchnbrunn Palace with Royal GardensHofburg PalacePrater and Giant Ferris WheelUpper and lower Belvedere PalaceAlbertina, with the largest collection of graphic works in the worldDanube Tower, which offers a breathtaking view over ViennaMuseumofNaturalHistoryandMuseumofArt HistoryExhibition building of Viennas Secession Musikverein, home of the Vienna Philharmonic OrchestraVienna State OperaSpanish Horse Riding School Krntnerstrae, one of the most famous shopping milesAugarten Porcelain ManufactoryVienna - the imperial heart of Austria14 15R E H A B I L I T A T I O N F O R Di abetesandoverwei ght16 17WE C A R E A B O U T Y O U R I N N E R B A L A N C E !Latest regimens for diabetes and overweightWe offer you treat-mentmethodsto obtaintheknow-ledge and practical skillstochange yourbehaviour andimproveyour health.W E C A R E A B O U T Y O U R I N N E R B A L A N C E !Therapy methods, treatments and state-of-the-art-equipmentare based on the most recent scientific knowledgeDiabetes and overweightT Y P I C A L I N D I C A T I O N SType-1 or Type-2 diabetes mellitusmetabolic syndromeobesitylipid metabolic disordersM E T A B O L I C O B J E C T I V E Slong-term dietary changeweight reductionprevention of secondary diseasesoptimising of medicationreduction of insulin doseself-control of metabolic situationimprovement of personal fitnessSPECIALIST FOR INTERNAL MEDICINE AND PHARMACYSUBSPECIALITY: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLIC DISEASESScientific publications: internal medicine (66 original papers, more than 50 abstracts)Christian-Heinz Anderwald,M.D., M.pharm., MBA,Associate Professor ofInternal MedicineMedical Director Rehabilitation Clinic AgathenhofScientifc Counselor of Vienna and Salzburg Medical Universitiesand at the National Council ofResearch in PaduaMain focus:Risk recognition and treatment ofcardiometabolic diseases, diabetesmellitus and insulin resistancesyndrome, insulin therapy, thy-roid diseases, fatty liver disease, (adolescence) obesity, mathemati-cal modelingYou are both a physicianandapharmacist. Whatare the ad-vantages toyourpatients of your extensive training?The goal of medical training is to dia-gnose diseases and initiate the treat-ment.The goal of pharmaceuticaltraining is to explainthe appropriatedrugs and possibly to extend the the-rapy.Because of my dual training,I caneffectively perceive and treat themechanisms of my patients diseases.With yournumerous scientifc publications andyourinterna-tional university research, youhave made a valuable contribu-tiontoscience. Towhatextent has this beneftted society?Continuouspublishing allows me tostay up-to-date,therefore providingoptimal treatment formy patients. Thus,Icanfocus onriskassessmentfordisease preventionorattenuation, if the illness has already developed. 18 19Rehabilitation Clinic HalleinLocated on the edge of the historic salt town and close to SalzburgThanks to the excellent cuisine of our house,patients can enjoy an exquisite and healthy diet.C L I N I C F A C I L I T I E Sstate-of-the-arttreatmentandtherapy roomsmodern training and learning kitchenlarge gymnastics roomcomfortable dining roomcosy cafeDiabetes and overweightSPECIALIST FOR INTERNAL MEDICINESUBSPECIALITY: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLIC DISEASESScientific publications: diabetesGoran Tomasec, M.D.Medical DirectorMember in the Insulin-pump-Commitee of the Austrian DiabetesAssociation, co-investor in clinictrials, lecturing, member in severalassociations for internal medicineArea of expertise:Initiation of pump therapyYou are a specialist in internal medicine, with additional qua-lifcations in endocrinology and metabolic diseases. You focuson diabetes mellitus. What are the decisive factors in treatingdiabetes?Arehabilitationcentre is ideal fordiabetes treatment and forinstructingdiabetics. During his period in the centre, the patient can concentrate on his diabetes, without being distracted by his normal routine. Exercise programs during diabetes treatment reduce insulinresistanceand demonstrate the interactionbetweentherapy that reduces blood su-gar (for example, insulin) and the reduction in blood sugar caused by theexercise. This can help to avoid low levels of sugar during the normal day. Moreover,diabetes treatment includes detailed nutritional advice withpractical exercises. If the patients blood sugar is well controlled, it is lesslikely that he will develop secondary diseases. One of your special areas is the so-called insulin pump thera-py in type 1 diabetes mellitus. How does this form of therapywork and what are its advantages?With the insulin pump, rapidly acting insulin is continuously administeredthrough asubcutaneous catheter.The basal rate is programmed at shortintervals and is close to the natural rate of insulinproduction.This opti-mises the basic insulin supply. The insulin pump is also used to adminis-ter insulin to cover carbohydrates that have been consumed. With insulin pump therapy, metabolic control is more stable and the reaction is quicker to changes in insulin requirements. The patient can be fexible in what heeats and have more pleasure inhis food.With pump therapy,it is easier to manage a variable daily rhythm, for example, in jobs with travelling or shift work. Medical assistance and care by specialists around the clock20 21Thefascinatingbaroque cityattheNorthernedge oftheAlpsisaUNESCO World Heritage. The castle, the cathedral and the church towers make Salzburg apicturesque and unique metropolis.Salzburg - the city of Mozart Diabetes and overweightMozarts Birthplace and museumS I G H T S E E I N GHohensalzburg CastleMozarts Birthplace and ResidenceHellbrunn Palace and water parkGetreidegasse,Salzburgsmostfamousshopping street with its 800 shopsSalzburgCathedral,withitsmarvelousfaadeand the large domeMirabell Palace, with its fantastic palace chapel and the Mirabell gardenNeue Residenz and Salzburg GlockenspielFotos: Tourismus Salzburg22 23R E H A B I L I T A T I O N F O RP u l mo n a r y d i s e a s e sW E M A K E Y O U B R E A T H E A G A I N !Modern therapies for the improvement of the lung function With us you will learn simple breathing exercises that will help you to relieve your respiratory problems.W E M A K E Y O U B R E A T H E A G A I N !T Y P I C A L I N D I C A T I O N SCOPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)asthma bronchiale (chronic bronchitis) other pulmonary diseases with limitation of function, e.g. bronchiectasis, emphysema, cystic fibrosistreatments before and after surgeryP U L M O N O L O G I C A L O B J E C T I V E Simprovement of quality of life through respiratory exerciseimprovement of personal fitnessprevention of disablement and care dependencystop smokingweight lossTherapy methods, treatments and state-of-the-art-equipmentare based on the most recent scientific knowledgePulmonology24 25SPECIALIST FOR PULMONARY DISEASESSUBSPECIALITY:ALLERGOLOGYGabriella Rebholz, M.D.Medical Director of pulmonary diseases Rehabilitation Clinic RaxblickYou specialise in pulmonary diseases and allergies. Which cli-nical pictures do you see most often?The most frequent diseases inpulmonary rehabilitationare COPD andbronchial asthma. What are the possible therapies for these diseases?Asidefromthe newest drug therapies,pulmonary rehabilitationhas thegreatest value.This has the objective of increasing physical activity andof mastering the requirements of daily life,improving the quality of life, maintaining ability to work, as well as preventing or slowing the progressi-on of chronic pulmonary disease. All therapeutic measures are used in pul-monary rehabilitation: respiratory exercises (group and individual), inspi-ratory muscle strength and endurance training and inhalation treatment.26 27Rehabilitation Clinic RaxblickLocated in the historic health resort for nobility of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Reichenau an der RaxTheclinicoffersdiagnosticandtherapeutic possibilities to improve your health. However, it is not only the medical assistance that contribu-testoyourrehabilitationsuccess,butalsothe power of the surrounding nature. Experience a unique high-altitude training in our beautiful alpine resort area to improve your lung function and to regulate your blood pressure.Enjoy the marvellous view over the alpine landscape and breathe the fresh air of the mountains that will generate power and energy to you!T H E N E W L Y B U I L T C L I N I C M E E T S T H E H I G H E S T S T A N D A R D Scomfortable roomsrestaurantwithspectacularviewoverthe mountainstop wellness areawell-trained therapistsPulmonologySPECIALIST FOR PHYSICAL MEDICINEAND REHABILITATIONSUBSPECIALITY: RHEUMATOLOGY AND GERIATRIC MEDICINE, GENERAL PRACTITIONERScientic publications: electroneurography, thermology, rheu-matologyPeter Melnizky, M.D.Medical DirectorMain focus:Fibromyalgia, manual therapyThey say that you use a holistic approach when caring for your patient. What does this mean?When a patient is referred to rehabilitation, an individual condition is usu-ally specifed. If there are problems with the locomotor system, this mustbe regarded as acomplexfunctional systemand it is of essential impor-tance to take appropriate measures to improve the function. Many patientsalso exhibit concomitant diseases, fnd everyday activities diffcult or suffer from psychological or social problems. The sooner the patients are offeredthe right degree of professional support in these different areas, the sooner their state of health will improve. What is unusual about your clinics geographical location?The RaxblickRehabilitationClinic is located inthe Semmering area,a regionwith along history as anareaforrecuperation.There are severalestablished spas inthis region.The special climatic conditions are parti-cularly favourable forpatients with diseases of the respiratory tract.Rax and Schneeberg are among the most popular mountains near Vienna. Thewater quality in this area is also excellent; it is no accident that, since thesecond half of the 19th century most of Viennas drinking water has been taken from this region. Take a ride on the rst mountain railway worldwide, the Semmering railway, which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.The Raxalpe region is aloof from mass tourism. Here you can enjoy all kind of activities in the nature.Raxalpe - nature paradise28 29S I G H T S E E I N GHistorical Reichenau spaReichenau castleSemmering railway, oldest mountain railwayRax ropewaySchneebergPulmonology30 31R E H A B I L I T A T I O N F O RF O C U S O NaquarunnerergotherapyCardiologyF O C U S O Nstrength and endu-rance trainingschoolinghealthy foodOncologyF O C U S O Nbiofeedbackdietetic treatmentstoma medical carePediatricRehabilitationF O C U S O NinhalationergotherapyOther indicationsNeurology32 33Acute stay and surgery(Strong partnership with Karl Miller, M.D.)Preoperative rehabilitation(Rehabilitation Center Wagner Health & Care)Ob e s i t yCe nt e rB Y WA G N E R H E A LT H & C A R ET Y P E S O F P R E O P E R A T I V E R E H A B I L I T A T I O Ntreatments and goals from a medical point of view treatments and goals of psychological point of view objectives from nutrition and eating habitsmeasures and goals of physiotherapy perspectiveS U R G I C A L I N T E R V E N T I O N Sgastric balloon POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal) gastric bandinggastric sleeve resectiongastricbypass:minigastricbypass,Roux-en-Y-Gastric bypass, banded gastric bypassall revisional bariatric / metabolic procedure: e.g. failed bondingSPECIALIST FOR VISCERAL SURGERYSUBSPECIALITY: MINIMAL INVASIVE TECHNIQUES IN VISCERAL SURGERY AND BARIATRIC SURGERY,OBESITY / METABOLIC SURGERYScientific publications: published more than 80 medical ar-ticlesandproceedingsinjournalsaroundtheworldinclu-dingtheAmericanJournalofSurgery,AnnalsofSurgery, Diabetes,IntensiveCareMedicine,SurgicalEndoscopy, ObesitySurgery,JournaldeCoelio-Chirurgie,SurgicalLa-paroscopy & Endoscopy, Hepato-GastroenterologyKarl A. Miller, M.D.Head of surgical departmentHospital Hallein / SalzburgAssociate professor of surgery, faculty at the European Surgical InstituteHamburg / Germany, faculty at the Sharjah Surgical Institute (SSI) UnitedArab Emirates for bariatric surgery, president of the International Federa-tion for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) 2010-2011, congress president of IFSO 2015 in Vienna /AustriaOrganized 20 international workshops since 2003 and the world congresson obesity surgery 1999Main focus:Obesity / metabolic surgeryYour work in other countries is mainly as a teacher. How doesthis help your patients?This means that I am up-to-date. I have access to the most modern scienti-fc knowledge and current operation techniques.You have specialised in treating the metabolic syndrome. Howimportant are the connected clinical pictures at the moment?Theseare related to hypertension,type 2diabetes,breathing problems(dyspnoea), joint problems and major impairments in quality of life. Surgi-cal treatment can be successful in treating and preventing life-threateningcomplications and severe degenerative problems inpathologically obesepatients. This can improve the life expectancy and quality of life of extre-mely overweight individuals. 34 35Intensive Care CenterPostoperative rehabilitationO B J E C T I V E Sspecificnursingandmedicalknow-howtothespe-cialized area of intensive careidentifythepsychosocialsituationsandtheresulting problemsofpatients,relativesandstaffandoffer strategiescontinuous monitoring and observation of the patienthighestsafetyoftheprovisionandoperationofthe medical technologyassistance in diagnosis, therapy and resuscitationdeterminationofcaredeficitsandtheresultingcare needsplanning and evaluation of the nursing processtechnicallycorrectimplementationofnursing interventionsoffer to an introduction to the methodology and imple-mentation of nursing research (education and training)O B J E C T I V E Sfurther execution of the preoperative rehabilitation patient motivation management nutrition, diet and exercise as the main treatment fieldssubstitution of the foodchange in awareness and behavior modification at least weekly status survey with chief medical doctor psychologicalsupportthroughouttheentirepostoperative period (from 3 weeks or longer)36 37Pr event i onof ost eopor osi s,r educt i onof over wei ght ,smoki ngcessat i on, ski nandvascul ar di seases,backpai n,ar t i cul ar degener at i vef or ms Preventive Medical TreatmentsW E S T R E N G T H E N Y O U R H E A L T H ! Preventive Medical TreatmentsMeasures for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseasesW E S T R E N G T H E N Y O U R H E A L T H ! M E D I C A L O B J E C T I V E Sprevention of osteoporosis therapies for joint degeneration treatments for spine problemsreduction of overweight therapies for skin and vascular diseases smoking cessationtreatment of neurodermitis and psoriasisdetoxicationlight therapy38 39A stay in one of our health resorts willstrengthen your health and relieve your physical complaints.40 41Medical Prevention Resort St. JosefJohannAufeger, MBAManaging DirectorOut of a large number ofdifferent therapies a tailor-made therapy plan for each patient will be created.Preventive Medical TreatmentsLocated in an extremely quiet place at about 800 m above sea levelFabulous views of the Salzach valley and towards Salzburg. Only about one hour away from Zell am See.24 years of experienceGraduated Nutritionist42 43Next to the center of the historic salt town Hallein.In former days salt was called the white gold. In fact the occurrence of salt in Drrnberg near Hallein was a treasure for the region. About 2.500 years ago the Celts already used this precious gift from the mountain as wecan see by archaeological findings.Hallein / Bad Drrnberg - celts, salt & culturePreventive Medical Treatments SalzburgerLand Tourismus / Alpe Adria Radweg, HalleinS I G H T S E E I N G Saltmineandcelticvillagein Bad DrrnbergPilgrimage ChurchOld town HalleinTown parish churchSilent night museumSalzburg,thecityofMozart (read more on page 20 | 21)Zell am See, the alpine townThebeautyfulZellerLake, whichisdistinguishedbycry-stal clear water, is just 80 km away (one hour by taxi).Salzburg,thebeautyfulba- roquecity,isworthseeing. Makeanexcursiontothe famouse town and its sights. It takes you only about 25 minutes from Medical Prevention Resort St. Josef by taxi (~ 20 km).44 45Re s i de nt i al Car eRESI DENTI ALCARE,SHELTEREDHOUSI NG,DAYCARE,MOBI LENURSI NG46 47C O N C E P T S F O R H U M A N B E I N G S Our residential care homes, which are led according to the concept of household communities, are based on a secure and familiar atmosphere.Inadditiontothecareandbasicservices,numerousactivitiescontributetothe entertainment of our residents.C O N C E P T S F O R H U M A N B E I N G S Our well-trained nursing staffensures an environment based on trust, and motivates the residents to mental and physical activities.Residential Care48 49C A R E T E A M , M A D E U P O F D I F F E R E N T O C C U P A T I O N A L G R O U P S , P R O V I D E carrying on of the household provision of adequate supply of the basic needs of a human being ensuring the medical / therapeutic care by specialists including pallia-tive care being provided in close cooperation with a general practitionerThe Structural set-up of the home care is characterised by decentralized organizational units: A team is responsible for a certain number of inhabitants in a geographical area based on its demographic development.Mobile NursingThe offer of home care servicesranges from primary care to highly specialised care of seriously or chronically ill clients. O B J E C T I V E S leave the client as long as possible in familiar surroundings preserve and develop the skills of the client provide adequate care for seriously and chronically ill clientsenable a death in dignity within the family relieve hospitals50 51D A Y C A R E C E N T E R F O R P E O P L E W I T H S P E C I A L N E E D SD a y c a r e52 53W E W O R K O N T H R E E B A S I C I D E A S integration of our clients into society cooperationwiththesocietytoexpandthesocial environmentoftheclientsandtoimprovesocial skills understanding and acceptance for the diversity of lifeDAYCARECENTERFORPEOPLE WI THSPECI ALNEEDSDaycare DAYCARECENTERFORPEOPLE WI THSPECI ALNEEDSOur goal is to encourage and support people with disabilities (or special needs) in order to achieve the best possible integration into society.Well-trained specialists create a structured daily schedule, which enables the clients to acquire practical day-to-day life skills and to strengthen the ability to integrate into a group outside the family.We provide the stabilization and promotion of emotional and cognitive resources, self-awareness and initiative of the client54 55B2BCatalogueofservicesB Y WA G N E R H E A LT H & C A R EY O U R P A R T N E R56 57M A R K E T - R E S E A R C Hregional (health) market analysisrequirement analysis feasibility studiestrend studies M O N I T O R I N G O F C O N S T R U C T I O Nforthespecialised(health)sub-jects:buildingtechnology,medical and laboratory technology, ITassistance of the project manage-mentplanning of the architecturesupervision of the constructionM O N I T O R I N G O F P L A N N I N Gfor the specialised (health) subjects for the compilation of the project do-cuments for the project designB U S I N E S S S E R V I C E Soperation:coverageofallkeyservicesandcom-plete management of health care institutions management: process-, quality and facility manage-ment consultant: consultancy servicesC O N C E P T I O Nmedical consultancy functioning and business organisation planning design consultancyproject recommendationmasterplanP R E L I M I N A R Yhuman resources functioning and business or-ganization marketinginterior designB2B Catalogue of servicesY O U R P R O F E S S I O N A L P A R T N E R F O R H E A L T H A N D C A R E S O L U T I O N S58 59S T A F F T R A I N I N Gimplementationofahighstandard apprenticeship systembesteducationwiththecombina-tion of school and practicewide variety of medical fieldsopportunitiesinvariousprofessions for doctors, nurses and therapistsStaff training, education and exchange programOur expertise enables us to implement a coordinated training system to the needs of our patients, employees and customers. Our trainees are well prepared for professional life andgetatopqualifiedvocationaleducation.The European / Austrian VET system serves as a template and is known as one of the best training systems.E X C H A N G E P R O G R A Mpossibilitytoexchangestafffor practicefromyourcountryto Austria and vice versabenefitsofprofessionalEuro-pean practical training standardprogram for different medical areascultural, linguistic experiencesA D V A N C E D E D U C A T I O Nspecialeducationinourdisci-plinestoexpandtheknowledge of professioneducation for a period of month or up to years educationbasedoff-the-joband on-the-job methodadulteducationtogainnewforms ofknowledge,skills,attitudesor valuesW A G N E R H E A L T H & C A R EAustria 5020 Salzburg Sterneckstrae 33+43 662/430 35 [email protected] www.wagner-healthcare.comErrors excepted. Subject to change.Version: 10/2014