Walking on Our Knees Together ~ August 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Walking on Our Knees Together ~ August 2012


    The Magnificat? Yes, I know what youre thinking. What does this text, traditionally extolled during the

    Christmas holidays, have to do with August, with a summer prayer update? When I started writing to you it

    was this text that started resonating in my heart. Marys song proclaimed, from the depths of her soul,

    gratitude to God for all that He had done for her personally and for His people throughout history. My heart

    is full also, as I reflect upon this fact: This same God, to whom Mary sang, is actively and intimately engaged

    in and through His people in Bulgaria. My soul magnifies the Lord!

    What a privilege to live and serve in Bulgaria! We dont take for granted the very real sense of His intimateand imminent partnership with us as His purposes surface around us and become visible to us. Your prayers

    are appreciated and so essential in enabling us to understand His purposes, to step out in faith, and live in

    partnership with the Holy Spirit. What has God done? What is God doing?


    [email protected]

    And Mary said,

    My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble

    estate of his servant.For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty hasdone great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to


    He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has

    brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with

    good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.

    He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and tohis offspring forever. Luke 1: 46-55

    When the interns arrived in June, nothing really could have prepared them for the depth of experience awaiting them o

    how the Lord would work in and through them. If a single

    word could summarize our interns (American & Bulgarian)

    summer, it would be relationships. They learned something

    of what it means to live in community as Gods people,

    embracing the gospel for themselves, so that they together,

    reveal something of Gods reality to skeptical unbelievers

    that there is a God and that these

    Jesus Followers reveal that this

    God loves broken people. The

    internship, culminating with the

    week-long English Camp, resulted

    in several desiring to learn more.

    My soul magnifies the Lord!

    Goodbye dinner at Dimos home!

    Commemorative plate for interns

    http://c/Users/Dal/Documents/Walking/2011/12-2011/www.mtwbg.commailto:[email protected]://www.mtw.org/mailto:[email protected]://c/Users/Dal/Documents/Walking/2011/12-2011/www.mtwbg.com
  • 7/31/2019 Walking on Our Knees Together ~ August 2012


    Last month we asked you to pray for the ministry in a

    very specific way: For development organizationally so thatBridges of freedom

    are built from life on the streets to wholeness in Christ. The Lord is answering

    this prayer in unexpected ways. Last Friday our DofB team was on the Ring Roa

    visiting the Daughters and unexpectedly became involved in a police operation

    to clean up the streets. We were detained for an extended time as the policetried to understand who we were and why we were there. While it was a

    stressful encounter, the police were simply trying to do their jobs. From this

    encounter with the police, we have a renewed push to seek relationships within the police department and

    governmental agencies as a needed and critical plank in the Bridge of freedom here in Bulgaria. While we

    do not want to be an obstacle to the police we understand that simply cleaning up the streets does not

    change hearts. Continue to pray that the Lord will give us wisdom and open doors of communication with

    local authorities so that they will view us as allies and not obstacles.

    If you will commit to serious

    intercession on behalf of theDaughters and we who are

    trying to reach them with the

    light of the Gospel, please

    send a note to Beth:

    [email protected]

    If you dont hear back

    immediately, not to worry!

    Were putting a data base

    together and Beth is in the US

    now with Johanna!

    Click on rose to give to the Daughters!

    To partner with us through online giving please click on this MTW link:

    Partner with Dal & Beth

    For general information on giving through MTW click on this link: General Giving Info

    Or send checks payable to:

    Mission to the World ~ P.O. Box 116284 ~ Atlanta, GA 30368-6284

    **Indicate on check memo: Stanton #16836

    For almost two years you have been praying for guidance to find and

    purchase a facility to be a Community Outreach Centerserving as a

    ministry platform to our community leading to the formation of a new

    Community of Faith. After formal negotiations, our offer was accepted

    and we hope to close this month!

    Prayfor the final stages of the process to go well, for the Lord to

    continue protecting us and the funds entrusted to us and for Him toexpand the vision of impacting our community with the Gospel by

    tangibly demonstrating the love of Christ to the broken, enslaved,

    needy and forgotten.

    Closing on the purchase of the facilityfor a Community Outreach Center

    Praise for Interns extending beyond

    The Well for a number of months to

    follow-up on relationships with

    unbelievers: Ali, Ruthie and Trevin.

    And for Bulgarian interns: Emo and


    Doors for relationships with local

    police. Pray for the Daughters too

    if they are driven underground access

    to them becomes very difficult. MTW BG Team Retreat: 8/28 9/1

    Pray for David and Erin Pervis, Clara,and Josiah as they transition from

    ministry in Bulgaria to Ukraine.

    Please pray for new interns arriving

    at the end of August and the return

    of SCA teachers, Lydia and Bethany,

    also the end of August.

    Pray for Beth in the US. She is with

    Johanna to get her settled as a

    freshman at Covenant College. They

    are currently in Denver visiting Joci,

    Jordan and James! Pray for Dal too home alone again! Ugh!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://donations.mtw.org/donate/AddDesignation.aspx?No=16836http://www.mtw.org/Pages/Give_FAQ.aspxhttp://www.mtw.org/Pages/Give_FAQ.aspxhttp://www.mtw.org/http://www.mtw.org/Pages/Give_FAQ.aspxhttps://donations.mtw.org/donate/AddDesignation.aspx?No=16836mailto:[email protected]://donations.mtw.org/donate/AddDesignation.aspx?No=90789