Dr Jeffrey Pong (MBChB, MSc, PHD, FRCS, FCOphHK, FHKAM) Chairman Hygienic, Healthy, Dynamic City Promotion Committee Wanchai District Council Wanchai Healthy City: Our Experience and Challenges

Wanchai Healthy City: Our Experience and Challenges

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Dr Jeffrey Pong



Hygienic, Healthy, Dynamic City Promotion Committee

Wanchai District Council

Wanchai Healthy City:

Our Experience and Challenges

Healthy City concept

“a healthy city is one that is continually

creating and improving those physical and

social environments and strengthening those

community resources which enable people to

mutually support each other in performing all

the functions of life and achieving their

maximum potential”

- Duhl and Hancock, 1986

Healthy City concept

• WHO suggests that an ideal healthy city should possess the

following 11 functions:

1. Provide a clean, safe and high quality living environment

2. Possess a stable and sustainable ecosystem

3. Possess a strong and cohesive community

4. Possess a community that is highly participative in policies affecting living standards

and welfare

5. Able to provide residents with basic needs

6. Residents are able to obtain different experiences and resources through numerous


7. Economic activities that are diverse, vibrant and creative

8. Able to preserve historical monuments and respect local cultures

9. Possess a prospective city plan and is a city with unique qualities

10. Provide residents with quality sanitation and health services

11. Residents are in good health conditions.

Applying healthy cities concept in

Hong Kong

• 1100 km2

• Population - 7 million

• 18 district councils

• Home affairs department and

other government departments

in close collaborations with

district councillors

• Government - district council -


Wanchai District

• Area: 976 hectares

• Population: 160,000

• Centrally located on the northern shore of Hong Kong

Island, Wanchai is known for its unique and harmonious

blend of old traditions and new developments.

• Hygiene vs Healthy vs Dynamic

Wanchai Hygienic, Healthy,

Dynamic City (HHDC)

Promotion Committee

• One of the first districts apply for memberships

under Western Pacific Healthy cities

• First established in 2003

• Committee Structure:

– Comprise of 6 district councillors on 4-year term

– Committee Meeting every 2-month interval with

government officials and supporting organizations

Aims of HHDC

Promotion Committee

• Promotion of healthy cities concepts in the community

• Improving environmental and hygienic standards and

living standards, promoting healthy lifestyles and

development of healthy communities

• Organize activities with different government or non-

government organizations

• Conjoint events with other committees in public health


• Report to Wanchai District Council on progress of


Surveys by HHDC

Promotion Committee

• Community diagnosis 2003

• Middle aged health survey 2009

• Roadside air pollution study 2010

• Mental survey 2014


Wanchai middle aged health survey

2009 目標對象為年齡介乎30-60 歲,在灣仔居住或上班上學的人士

Middle Aged working or living population of the district


• 對自己健康的平均評分為6.9 分, 較<保栢健康指標意見調查2007> 全港市民自我生理健康評分6.5略佳。

Overall health index in wanchai is 6.9 better than HK average

• 男性的生理健康評分有7.3 分,較女性的6.6 分為高

Male health index better than female

• 年紀越大,生理健康的評分越低。

Health index depreciates with age

• 分別有約九成及七成有關人士沒有吸煙或飲酒的習慣

90% nonsmoker and 70% nondrinkers in this study

• 只有兩成二的灣仔市民稱不會做運動,遠比《保栢調查》的四成多

Only 22% respondents claim they never exercise

• 平均每星期運動3 小時,當中又以50-60 歲的居民運動最多,一星期平均花上4.3小時

On average respondents exercise 3 hours / week

• 被訪者平均一星期外出用膳約5 次

On average respondents dining out 5 times / week

• 被訪者的開心指數平均為6.8 分,數字與全港市民的心理健康自我評分相約

Emotional index is 6.8 in this survey, similar to HK average.

• 大約六成市民滿意灣仔的「治安」及「交通」

Around 60% respondents are satisfied with the public security and traffic conditions

• 少於三成滿意灣仔的「環境質素」

Only less than 30% are satisfied with the environmental conditions of Wanchai

• 只有三成半滿意區內的「社會服務」而給予正面評價

Only 35% of respondents are satisfied with the social services provided

• 不足四成滿意區內的「文娛康樂設施」

Less than 40% are satisfied with the recreational and cultural facilities of the district

• 區內流動人口對各個項目的滿意程度,全部都低於居住人口

Respondents of the working population rated poorer than those who are living in the district

Areas which respondents consider

Wanchai need improvement most…

• 「空氣質素」air pollution

• 「人口密度」high population density

• 「交通擠塞」traffic congestion

• 「街道清潔」streets hygiene

• 「公園或休憩地方」park and recreation area

• 「行人路闊度」pedestrian kerbs dimensions

• 「噪音」noise pollution

• 「綠化環境」greeneries

• 「過路設施不足」facilities for crossings

政策建議 Suggestions

空氣質素 Air pollution


District council should consider more facilities with plantations and greenery

人口密度 Population density

灣仔區議會自2008 年開始提倡「公私營機構合作活化灣仔舊區」, 以便




Improvement of recreation and resting facilities, clearer distinction between commercial

areas and residental area during revitalisation of old buildings

交通擠塞 Traffic congestion




Public transportation such as bus routes should be modified in order to prevent redundancy.




Improvement of sanitation on public places, more plantations

with sound barriers, and improvement of pedestrian pavement

should be considered.



Public education on environmental preservation should be reinforced.


More resting areas with more plantations should be built.



Jogging is considered as one of favourite sports in the survey and

more jogging paths should be built within the district.

Roadside Air Pollution study

• Measurement of air pollutants in 15

roadside sites throughout the district

– Carbon monoxide

– Respirable suspended particle

Roadside Air Pollution study

• Results:

– CO level within local standard limits

– RSP level exceeds local and USEPA/WHO


Roadside Air Pollution study

• Recommendations

– Promote phase-out of high-emission vehicles

– Traffic management to reduce congestion

– Enforcement on heavy polluters

– Tree planting to alleviate pollution

Mental Health Survey 2014

• July – Sept 2014

• Survey on 800 of residents living and / or

working in Wanchai district

• Asked about their mental health via WHO 5

Questionnaires, and their satisfaction to

different aspects of Wanchai district


WHO-5 Questionnaire



• Baptist Oi Kwan Social services

• Centre for the advancement of Social

service Research

• Wanchai District Council



• 3 out of 10 people interviewed failed the passing mark of

WHO -5

• Overall 62 marks for residents in Wanchai , compared to

53 marks for working population in Wanchai


WHO-5 Score Distribution Score in residents

vs. working population


• Air pollution and noise pollution is still the

worst problems highlighted by the


• Over 20% respondents not satisfied with

Recreational and cultural facilities


Problems most wanted for improvement


• Suggest to direct more resources in working population

of the districts, middle aged population is the worst

• Aim to improve noise, air pollution, and frequency of

construction work and parking facilities

• Need to improve the qualities and amount of Cultural and

recreational facilities within the district


Some of the activities organized


Promotion Committee

Sports promotion campaign -

Mass Tai Chi Performance

Diabetes public health education

Elderly Healthcare exhibition

and Health Screening

World Health Day –

Eldery Health Talks

Health and Eye Screening in Elderly


Healthy and Joyous

Living Wanchai

• Quarterly publication

• Promoting healthy city concept in the district

• Articles on health-related issues

• Updates in health promotion activities

“Friendly Wanchai Project”

Social inclusiveness

• Equity to people of different age, gender, race,

disabilities, etc

• Promotes Equity in health

“Catering with Inclusion

and Compassion” • Wan Chai - highest abundance of restaurants

• Aim of the Scheme

– Promote social inclusiveness in catering sector

“Friendly Wanchai Project”

• Engaged restaurants in the area to

participate in the project

• promote standards in hardware (facilities)

and software (services) perspectives to

people with disabilities, ethnic minorities,

and elderly population

Participating organizations

• Promotion Committee of "Hygienic, Healthy &

Dynamic City", Wan Chai District Council

• Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth

• Sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities


• Supported by AFHC China Hong Kong Chapter

Phase 1 – Survey of Restaurants

• Surveys to approximately 100 restaurants in

the district from July to September 2014

• Survey team consists of representative from

minority groups

– Physical/hearing/visual disabilities

– Ethnic minorities

“Single blinded”Assessment

– Consists of different teams of secret

investigators doing assessment on the list of

participated restaurants

– Rated according to the list of requirement

(hardware and software)

Items for assessment in survey

• “Hardware” – Facilities

– Ramp for mobility impaired

– Food ordering form for hearing


– Multi-language menus for

ethnic minorities, etc

Items for assessment in survey • “Software” – Services

– Procedures to accommodate special needs from customers

• e.g. verbal description of food items for visually impaired

– Attitude of staff towards customers with special needs

• e.g. presence of guide dogs


• Entrance with slope

• Presence of chair rest

• Mobile chairs

• Enough aisle spaces

• Menu available

• Waiters ready to assist

hearing disabled person

• Chit for placing orders

• Menu with high contrast

• Waiters ready to assist

visually disabled person

• Guided dogs allowed

• Prepare menu in

different languages

• Pictures within menu

• Enough signage for

entrance window/ glass


• Disabled toilet up to


• services

Phase 2 - Commendation Ceremony • on 25th October 2014

• Hon Dr Ko WM from Food and Health Bureau as Guest of Honour

• Commendation of Restaurants with outstanding performance in survey in phase 1

• Total number or restaurant with commendation: 84 – 21 with Bronze awards

– 22 with Silver awards

– 11 with Gold awards

Survey report –

“Friendly Restaurants in Wan Chai”

• Booklet to introduce


Restaurants” in the

district to public

• Include information

of restaurants with


performance in survey

Expected outcomes

• Improved public awareness on social


• Incentive for catering sector on providing

inclusive environment

• Acting as role model for promotion of

social inclusiveness

Future Directions

• To continue to promote the social

inclusiveness within society in other

sectors, eg public transportation, public

facilities, other shops

• To provide platform for other districts to

conduct similar programs


Thank you