WANTED AN ACCOUNTING, Jacob Levy Accused of Keeping His Sister's Money and Jewelry. Another Action Growing Out of tbe Collapse of tbe Building on Fifth Street. An action was begun yesterday in the ! Superior Court that is one of several grow- j ing out of the accident on Fifth street and j Mint avenue, where a four-story building | collapsed several months ago. The parties in the last suit are J. D. Sullivan, attorney for the Public Administrator, and Jacob Levy, a tailor, at 284 Stevenson street, in which the former seeks to obtain $1300 from tne latter. Levy is the brother of Mrs. Ernestine Silverstein, the aged woman who was pass- ing along Mint avenue when the building went down. She was killed beneath the ruins. In her pocket was a bankbook Knowing nearly $1000 on deposit in the German BanK, the money and book stand- ing in tbe names of Mrs. Ernestine Silver- btein and Jacob Levy. The Coroner handed the book over to Levy, who soon after drew out $911 70. The estate of the deceased passed into the bands of the Public Administrator, who at. once made an inventory of the property owned by the old woman. Be- sides the bank account it was found that there was a quantity of clothing, a dia- mond ring, a plain gold ring,another with a pearl setting and a watch, all of which I had been in the hands of Levy, who to all accounts still holds the property. The heirs of tbe estate are Mrs. Silver- stein's son and daughter, L. Silverstein and Mrs. Hannah Silverstein Rice, who j live in Sacramento.. From the daughter i the Public Administrator learned that all ! of tbe money appearing in the bankbook j mentioned was obtained from beneliciary i societies, of which Mrs. Silverstein s bus- j oand was a member. Mrs. Silverstein's reason for having the name of her brother Levy on the book was because she was in very poor health and he could draw money for her whenever she wanted any. The old woman's children desired to obtain their mother's property, but the uncle iailed to hand the same over to them. About that time the children caused | Carroll Cook to begin a suit against the j contractors and owners of the collapsed ' building to recover $50,000 damages for j their mother's death. The attorney has never been able to serve the papers upon the defendants. Attorney Cook called the attention of Probate Judge Coffey, who : caused Levy to be brought before him and | explain why he took his sister's money out of the bank and failed to account for the same. Levy said ti.at he spent the I money for luneral expenses. This ex- i plana'tion is evidently not satisfactory to I the children or to Public Administrator Freese, who now seeks to recover, not only the money but the other property, the total value of which is placed at $1300. The children propose to contest the action I of the uncle to the bitter end. THE PRESBYTERY CLOSES. Rev. G. D. B. Stewart Is Elected Moderator for the Com- ing Term. Seminary Student H. F. Marshall's Case Goes Over to tbe De- cemb.T Meeting. Rev. G. D, B. Stewart, the new moder- ator of the San Francisco Presbytery, called the synod to order iv the Olivet Presbyterian Church at th<j Potrero yester- day morning at 9 o'clock. After the de- votional exercises the members took up the routine business of the synod, which occupied their attention till the noon hour, when they partook of a bountiful lunch provided by the ladies of Olivet Church in the assembly-room. In the afternoon session the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the committee of home mis- sions be further instructed that, in accordance with the action of August 4, the corner lot in Richmond district be disposed of to pur- chasers and with the proceeds a lot be ob- tained for the establishmei. tof a Presbyterian church in Holly Park district, and if there is any money over to put it into a suitable building for the same purpose on that lot. In the report of delinquencies in the as- sessment to the synod the Chinese church was marked short $5 50 and Olivet Church $15. On motion this indebtedness was conceled. Lebanon Presbyterian Church "was reported to be delinquent $19 30. The chairman of the finance committee was directed to request the pastor, Rev. Donaid Ro3S, to report the reason of the de- linquency. Moderator Stewart vacated the chair and read the report of the committee on educa- tion. It dealt largely with matters per- taining to the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and recommended that the Christian Endeavor Society of the church e-tablish several scholarships and other- wise turn its endeavors more toward that institution of learning. The report also recommended for adoption a resolution forbidding students in their first and mid- dle years to preach, and that feeble churches be supplied from the class of senior students. The mention of the seminary brought np the name of a student that everybody was thinking of but as yet no one had ut- tered. Finally Mr. Thompson arose and asked if H. F. Marshall was connected with the institution and receiving aid therefrom, and if it was the intention of the synod to drop his name from the roll of membership. Dr. Minton of the seminary stated that Marshall was still a student, but was not receiving any aid whatever of a financial nature. This particular question got away from the debaters, and that of forbidding the lower classes to preach was taken up. Mr. Thompson brought the subject back for consideration, but upon motion it went over till the December meeting. It was learned from one of the ministers present that the presbytery is unequivo- cally not in favor of keeping Marshall on the rolis of the seminary. No charges will be brought against him at present. The presbytery adjourned to meet Octo- ber 16 at Calvary Presbyterian Church corner of Geary and Powell streets. MRS. MARTIN'S GOWNS. The I,»dy of th« Will Case to Make Her Debut. Mrs. John F. Martiu is at last about to make her long-talked-of theatrical debut. She has decided to appear in an emotional drama, "Madame de Fontanges," adapted from the French by Thomas Taylor, and she has made up a company of her own in New York under the management of F. W. Bon son. Just to try her wings Mrs. Martin is go- ing out for a week with her company in New York State . She says that the dreßses she has purchased are something gorgeous to behold. "In the first act," says Mrs. Martin, "I appear as I enter in a most gorgeous white moire and satin striped. It is made in the style of the first empire. The three seams up tbe front are corded With gold—a Jong empire train of plain White satin; the waist has a simple pearl h«nd holding the dress by the shoulders. The entim front and train are trimmed with velvet flowers made to represent the natural wildflowers of California. I refer to the esehscholtzia. I carry California colors in every costume. Tbe second and third acts I wear a white point lace robe over eschscholtzia-colored silt; the under flounce is trimmed daintily with flowers made to resemble tha California violets. "Oh, but my dress in the last act is the most gorgeous piece of coloring I have ever seen. Itis in the most intense shade of eschschoiizia, almost an orange. The close-fitting Drincess under-dross is of the same shade of velvet as the court train and is trimmed with magnificent ousse- menterie in amber and jet. The "lone, sweeping court train is a most rnagnih- cent brocade i stripe in escbscholizio and black stripe, alternated with the plain esehscholtzia stripe of satin. The color is so vividthat I never tire of looking at it. "My wrap which I wear in the second net is a confection of chamois-colored cloth made in empire style, with an im- mense revere of a very magnificent bro- caded velvet in mauve and gold and white." Mrs. Martinsays however successful she and her gowns are she willonly be out for awe k this time. When she returns to New Yortc she intends to get a new play and new dresses. Her great desire is to mafce a success in the East and then bring a company to San Francisco. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. H Lowden, San Jose A B Easterbrook, Cuba R Keatings, Cal J R Price, Sacramento Q Bayless, Cal A Allou A w, Vallejo J M Krower, Red Bluff J B floyt. Birds Landing M VPierce, Sacramento W L Talbot, Sacramento C A Bone. Oakland Mrs E G Chamberlain, \VLl J odrick,Waddlngtn Eureka Mrs Podrlck.Wnddingtn MmJ X Allird. Blue Lake * L Coombs, Napa JJ campt* 1, Gait G R Georgeson, Kureka A Neilson, Sacramento I BDudley, San Diego W H Buckley, Martinet Miss Buckley, Martinez N M King, .-Sacramento CJ King. Sacramento DE Chapman, San Jose B S Chase, Santa Crui R D Hatch, Novoto James Tonley, Vailejo G R Stewart, Crown Ldg C EByrnsout, Woodland J R Dennan, Ely station W E Bunker, Newman J W Stormer, Colusa W B KUis <fe w, colusa J B Good wood,. Modesta E H Vance, Kureka FCanls, Carrulton J DC Day, 1 1 t R Labe , lx>a vngeles J A Blessingame.Fresno Mrs N B McWhirter. cal Mstone, San Rernardino H E Plumiuer, Lathrop T L Carothers. L'klah Miss Plnido, Sun Jose G Paclieoo, lunacio v S McKenzle. Napa W X Geibor, Sacramento E L Berkevich, Colusa J McNeil, odtsto JJ Hebbrou, Monterey Dr J HGlass, Paso Robles LICK HOUSE. J M Fulweller, Auburn Mrs M May, San Jose X C Rust. Jackson R i^owe, Ban Jose Dr E 8 O'i rien, Merced A LBryan. N X R Gracey, Merced MClay Jr. Rai road Flat H W Allen. Saa JO3e c E fSlmons, Los Gatos D P Simons, Los Gatos Mrs SJi Buck, Kureka L H Hatfield. Hacto W McKlnlay, Nevada J C Bull Jr. Arcata C W Wilson. Cal J H Woodoridge.sonora 8 Korn, Chicago J M Williams, Newmau J J Smith, Stockton E W Ehmanu, Cal G B Noble, Fresno F Moncure, Bakersfield <i A.b-r'sorut'.v, Chicago Mrs H E Price, Chicago H A Clark, Snnta Cruz '1 seaworth, Santa Cruz Mrs G Willis, Santa Crut Miss P Willis.SantaCruz R FBlake, Stockton G Hass, Sacto NP Koch. Cal NEW WESTERN HOTEL. J R Mooney, New York Mr Frarer <fe w, San Jose O J Bowman. Decatur Miss HBerg, .N V Miss A Berg, N V W Echo s, Sc Paul J G Taylor, Seattle J J Downey, Los Angeles C W Anasmllh. cortland J Jones. Chautauqua J E Little, Wtiatcom HFSiuart, Victoria 1> Evans, Los Angeles T Bweet, Los Angeles c I'hi! Ps, San Jose G F Dumop, Seattle H X Adams, Seattle C H Arnold, N V R H White, N V J F Walker. Launton C P Chase, Bristoi EE Potter, Bristol J J Jones, Oakland \V If Scott. Chicago W TJohnson, Chicago G HJonnso:i, Chicago M R i umminKS..^prngfld J E l'urdee, Eureca C W Anasmuh, Courtd R Laws Ad, Westminstr HHoiohan, Westminstr PALACE HOTEL. S J Dake. Santa Cruz S W Stryker, Pa J W Lan don <fe w.Waah HA Averill, Lompoc W F Parker, Loa Ang J Cross, Los Anseles C R Dives, Los Angeles S Goldimtlh, I'hicago H E Alvord.Wasnington P F Ting. t. blna C J Titus, Sacramento PJK wnl. China C DLane, Angels Dr Livingston, San Jose Mrs C J Titus, Sacto Miss A Games. San Jose Mrs H O'Keefe.San Jose Col HEaton A wf, F.ng W Q Purdy, Chicago Miss 8 E Purdy, < hfcago Miss X F Purdy,Chicago Miss B a Purdy, Chicago J Abel A wf, Chicago F H McCullough <fc wife, Miss A Lunger, Chicago Los uatos BALDWIN HOTKJU F F Geottouisn, Salinas A V Pearson, NV H J Wendt, Chicago F A Lyon <S w, Sacto H A Parker & w,< aklnd Mrs H B short, Oakland J Barren. Stocktou H Wilson, Alaska J Smith. NY W J f-cb.osser, Louisville B X Parmelee. N V W BValentiue<£w,S Jose UR >.omion, Oakland MrsMMcNamara&w Cgo M F Cochraue, S Rafael t: .-. Haffcl finder, Ph. la C Bnrns, Vallejo HBMorton, Vailejo In the Louvre at Paris there is an inter- esting old vase of Etruscan manufacture, whose age is computed at about 2500 years. It is interesting as bearing a group of children in relief who are engaged in blow- ing soap bubbles from pipes. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call- -710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES-530 Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 o'clock. 339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 713 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. BW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. ] Ifi Ninth *treft. oppn until 9:30 o'clock. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1896. 12 NOTICE OF MEETINGS. > MISSIONLODGE NO. 169 FA A. m m*& M., called meeting this (Wednes- *\ day) evening at 7 o'clock; third degree, "^ jf By order of the W. M. rVN C. D. BUNKER. Secretary. WZZS* CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139. F. m l~^ and A. Called meeting THIS WEDNESDAY at- 7:30 P. _. SiCODddeX V gree. By order of the W. M. />rN . - ' H. FORTRIEUE. Bf^S= GENERAL RELIEF COM- **&mlttee, I. O. O. F.—A beneiit^d^g^. will be riven this committee on --SJ&J3KSSF TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and " s w7ii««"* THURSDAY, September 29. 30 and October 1. at the Columbia Theater. Tickets can be obtained at room 3, Odd Fellows' building, and 1043 Mar- ket st. Our tickets are not for sale at theater. OF MEETING—THE REGULAR Ib*^ annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nevada Bank of San Francisco will be held at Its banking office, 301 Montgomery st., fan i ran- clsco, Cal., on WEDNESDAY the fourteenth (14th) day of October. 1896, at the hour of three (3) o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve during the en uing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. D. B. DAVIDSON, Secretary. San Francisco, Sept SO, 1896. . SPECIAL NOTICES. BAD TENANTS KJECTED^FOR^iT *-**' collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy su. room 6. Tel. 6580. tt^sp BAD TENANTS EJECTED, $3. COOK. m-*r Law and Collection Office, 1023 Market su »^S» GAS FIXTURES MADE TO OKDKR; I^-^ cheapest place In the city. H. HDF- SCHM I I>T. 6-': . Golden "ate aye. SITUATIONS \>ANTEI>-KEMA_.E. p ERMAN. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 306 MA- vT son St.. furnishes best help of all nationalities. ITUATION AS NURSE BY MIDDLE-AGED widow of physician: won Id travel with invalid; best of references; competent to. take charge; capable housekeeper and seamstress: no triflers Call or address 224 Turk st. BY ELDERLY AMERICAN WOMAN AND strong young m»n us cook and helper or dish- washer In country hotel or mining camp: best reference: lare to be paid if remote. F. 8., Lester House. Eighth and Clay sts., Oak'aDd. OUNG GERMAN WOMAN WOULD LIKE X a i lace to do housework of any kind or as housekeeper-. iul!yexperienced. Call or address 290 Shipley st. (In rear), nr. Sixth. -.\u25a0 MEAT, RESPKOiABLE GERMAN GIRL XI wishes position : for general housework in small family. Please call 322 Shotwell sU, bet. seventeenth and l Igbteenth. pOMPKTENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS \J situation to do houseworic; good cook and laundress; city or country; good references. Ad- dress L. A., box 146, Call Office. SITUATION WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE C. woman to do general housework: good house- keeper: many years' references. Call or address 360 Precita aye. "EXPERIENCED GERMAN LADY wishes XJ situation in widower's family as housekeeper- is an excellent cook and seamstress. Apply 207 Montgomery aye. \u25a0pOMPETE.NT. WOMAN DESIRES LIGHT \J housework; city or country: references; Home more un object than high wages. Call, 2 days 753 Howard st. XTEAT, COMPETENT WOMAN, WHO IS " A •-> good cook and laundress, wants situation la an American family. Please call or address 136 Sixth si. REFINED GERMAiN WIDOW, COMPETENT thoroughly reliable, desires a position to do housekeeping or anything of trust; city references. Address H. H., box 92, Call Office. RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL TO DO SEC~- ondor general housework, or take care of children: country preferred. Call for 2 any a, 28 Eighth st., room A. \u25a0vo, *o yoUNG LADY WHO UNDERSTANDS X music wishes to be engaged to play ford»ncing at evenings at home. Address E. A., box 138, Call. QWEDISH GIRLWANTS SITUATION TO DO _ SITUATIONS WANTED-CoiUl^nned. POSITION AS WORKING HOUSEKEEPER X by young widow wltn little girl ; - or will do general housework in small family. Address 340 Capp st. ' \u25a0 . - SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS O waitress or to do chamberwork; good refer- ences. Address A. F., box 61, Call Office. situation wanted by a first-class 0 housekeeper and cook. Address MRS. A. E. C, flat 5, 114 -McAllister st. TEADY S>VED SH GIRL WISHES MTUA- tion to do general housework in American family. 511 Folsom si. MART, ATTRACTIVE LADY WISHES work In bakery or as lunch waitress. .Address S., box 63, Call office. \u25a0\u25a0 . /URL WISHED SITUATION TODO SECOND *X work in a private family. Please call at 181« Sacramento a;. SWEDISH WISHES A POSITION TO do general nonsework in a small family. 31b Clara St. - pOMPKTENT, TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN v/ desires work by the day. 645Vs Stevenson st. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK: 5 YEARS' REF- erence; city. 929 Pine sU \u25a0 IjMRST-Ci.ASS~GERMAN COOK WISHES A si.uation in hotel, restaurant or boarding-house. 79 Jessie su, oft Mission. , r OUNG WOMAN WISHES PLACE FOR X light housework; good home. Address Mrs. K. 3284 Twenty-fourth st. WANTED— SITUATIONBY YOUNG WOMAN to do general housework; wages $15 to $17. Apply 411 Polk su, neitr Golden Gate aye. ' A' OUNG LADYWISHES SITUATION IN HO- X tel as cook; city or country. Please call at room 6, 711 Folsom st. pOMPETENT WOMAN WISHES WORK BY \J the day, washing, ironing or housecleanlng. Call or address 257 Minna, downstairs. / p ERMAN GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO VJ do general housework; good references. Ap- ply162 Clinton Park. _^ / IRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO GEN- V ' eral housework In small family. Call 406 3 McAllister st. "y WOMAN WOULD LIKE a few en- X gagements to do sewing or housework from 10 to 4. address L. C.. 2618 Mission SU p OOD SEAMSTRESS WISHES POSITION TO VJ do sewing and rhamberwork; good, steady place preferred. 340 Capp St. pOLORED WOMAN, MI KDLE-AGED, WANTS \J situation to do light housework; is good plain cook. Address T., box 116, CalL .• .; I > EFINED YOUNG LADY GRADUATE it would like position as governess or companion to lady or invalid; coo 1 musician; home more an object than wages. Apply or address room 32, Fulton House, cor. Fulton and Larkiu sis. W A NTII )— BY A YOUNG GIKL, WAITING; '' city or country. Call at 1559V 3 Market st. \\r ANTED—SITUATION BY ENGLISH GIRL; »* second work or chambermaid: private tamilv; good references. Address S. LEMON, 1309 Gough si., city. pERMAN GIRLDESIRES SITUATION FOR VJ hov e and room work or educating a baby. 4075 Nineteenth st. posTnoN AS WORKING housekeeper 1 wanted by refined young lady. Call or address 4081/2 ''rove st. R 1 LIABLE WOMAN WISHES LIGHT XV housework by the day or as child's nurse. Ad- dress 315 sutler st. ' YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION AS X secretary, correspond nt or general office work; 7 years' steady experience. Reliable, box 132, Call Office. ; A MERIC4.N GIRL WISHES SITUATIONTO A assist in housework and care of children. Call 967 Mission st. /"COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS \J situation as chambermaid, or would like to learn waitingin restaurant. Call or address 1147 Harrison su, bet. Seventh and Eighth. p ERMAN WIDOW WISHES A POSITION AS VT working housekeeper. 948 Harrison su, ba- tween Fifth and Sixth. OVERMAN GIRL WISHES POSITION FOR VT chamberwork or housekeeping. Address A. G., box 46, Call t m. .. OUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE SITUATION to do general bouse work; no postals. Call at 205 Fourteenth St.. near Howard. \u25a0yOUNG GIRL,LATELY FROM THE EAST. X wishes a situation to do second work and sew- ing. Call or address 1234 Mission st. SWEDISH GIRL WISHES WORK BY THE day; washing, ironingor houeecleaning. Please call or address -6* Minna st. ELIABLE WAITRESS WISHES A SITUA- tion in hotel or restaurant. Address S. S.. box 21', this office. \\ IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES A sITUA- UJ- tion as housekeeper. Address W. R., box 94, Call. \iIDDLK-AUED GERMAN WOMAN WITH i'l a child wishes situation as wording house- keeper; city or country. 16 Taylor st. "TMRST-CLA-S COOK WISHES A SITUATION Xln an American family. Please call 61/* Clementina su, bet. First au4 Second. HI DOW, 33 YEARS OF AGE. EXPERI- " enced housekeeper, wishes situation in wid- woer's family; city preferred; references. Call 925 Howard st. YOUNG GEiIMAX GIRL wishes situa- X tlon as second girl; capable and industrious. 492 Eighth su DRESSMAKER To GO OUT SEWING BY the day or lake work borne. Apply 418 Grove. "yoUNO WIDOW, RECENTLY FROM MAS- X sachusetts, desires position as housekeeper. 1007 Marke st. ' ASTERN LADYWOULD LIKE ANY KIND XJ of work by the day. Room 17, second floor, 144 Fifthst. ' ITUATI ON WANTED BY A NEAT YOUNG O Sweedlsh housework girl;$12 to $15 up. Miss ALLEN. 323 Suiter sl. _^^ V MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AND DAUGH- ter, in country hotel or mining camp, as cook and waitress. M. L. IS., Lester House, cor. Eighth and Clay at*., Oakland. INCHED .tit HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR. Market: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 60 tos6 per week; convenient and respectable; Jree bus ana baggage to and from the terry. SITUATIONS WANTED— MALE. HUNTER A CO., CHfi?ESE~ANI) JAPaT XX nese employment office. 17 Webb su. below Kearny, nr. Cal.; tel. main 231. YOUNG, ragr AMKEE—CHINESE AND JAPANESE EM- \u25a0ployment office. 611^ Bush nr. Grant ave'. (MUNKsE AND JAPANESE RKLIABLS V^ help; tel. Main 1997. BRA DLKYACO..640 Clay. GHINESK AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT \y office: beat help 414 O'Farrell; tel. K. 424 APANESE AND CHINESE EMPLOYMENT; best help. 814b Sotter SU: tel. Grant 'Mi. APANESE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, R. 73, SU Ann's bldg., 6 Eddysu: tel. Main 6234. WAN D— POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN, aged 22, of good family ani schooling; speaks both English and German fluently anri can fur- nish best of references, and bonds If desired. Ad- dresa B. D.. box 125, Call office. TJOHEMIAN, GERMAN AND ENGLISH X> iking, young man would like to make him- self useful during the evening hours as clerk or bookkeeper for the exchange of board and room. Address .*!.. box 84. this office. pARPENTER, MIDDLE-AGED DANE, \J wishes situation as ranch carpenter or for property-owner: understands running steam boiler and pomp. C. M., 416 Broadway, city. SH ATI ON WANTED BY A PRACTICAL O greenhouse flower and vegetable gardener; can take care of horses and cows. Address Gardener, box Ull,Call Office. , ' ; L XI'ERIENCKD COOK WANTS SITUATION X> In hotel or restaurant in city: -short distance Incountry: can do pastry. Address Cook, box 67, Call ffice. JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEAN KB WANTS TO wash windows; sweep corns, etc.; day or hour. Address GEORGE, 1210*4 Larkln st. . yoU.^O GKRMAN WISHES A POSITION AT X any kind of wont: has horse and wagon. Ad- dresa A , box 14, Call Office. 'ANTED—AI WAITER WISHES A PLACE In an oyster and chop house, or porter in a sa- loon; can cook aid carve; Is quick, polite and re- liable. Address P. M., box 62, Call Office. WANTED— BY SOBER AND RELIABLE " roan, position In private family or charge of a ranch. A. X, station D. . ast Oakland. pKRMAN BO* WISHES ANY KIND OF XX work: experienced driver. Address Boy, 314 Eighth su OOD COOK DESI.. STEADY PLACE; T wages moderate. Address F., box 7, Call. "IERMAN,26 YEARS OF AUK,OF GOOD AP- VT pearance. willing to do allkinds of work, would like to get a position. Address G. I!., box 99, Call. VOUNG GERMAN, AGED 20, WISHES TO X learn the bakery and 'confectionery business; i-mall wages. Address CHARLEY FALKE, Den- ver House, Third st. pOI'PLE WANT SITUATIONS IN A GOLD- \J miningcamp; wife as cook; man understands carpenter-work. Address J. T., 417 TurKst. RCHAKDIBT WANTSPOSITION A> SUPER- Intendent, foreman or bookkeeper;* 15 years' practical California experience; fruit, vines, stock and general farming; drying, packing and ship- ping: Al references. Address Ranch, 3121,4 Ful- ton sU . . OY, 15 YEARS OLD, WISHES TO LEARN A trade: wages no object. Address 829 Ste- venson su " HONEST, ENERGETIC GENTLEMAN wants position as a watchman: experience over 7 years: salary no object; able to furnish se- curiiy. Address A. T., box 94, Call Office. JAPANESE BOY WANTS a situation where be can attend day school. Address T. W., 22 Prospect place. : W r INCHKS.IV.iI HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR . '». Market—Electric flights In every room- 200 rooms; 25c to $160 per night; $160 to $8 per week: free bos and baggage 10 and from tin' ferry. \\r a"nted— situation AS. ranch car- penter by a sober, illustrious man Ad- dress S. 3., box 92. this office. YOUNG MAN(2«), HIi.H-SCHOOL KDUCA -I lion, wants strictly seuentary position. Ad- dress H. s., box 99, Call. SITUATIONS WANTED-Continned. \ r OUNG MAN, FIRST-C^A^S~BARKEEPErT X- wants a position: living at home; wages $20 , per month; best reference. Address D. T., 2903 Pine st, WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR '" Market— Electrlo lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: free bns and batrL-ace to and from the ferry. FEMALE HELP WANTED. \\T ANI'J-D—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- " work, $25; girl for upstairs work »nd sew- ing, $20: girl for chamberwork and waiting, small board log-house, $20. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Ge_ry su ' 3v AITRESSES FOR COUNTRY. $20; DAN- Ish cook, small hotel, $25. C R.HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. pEHMAN COOK AND LAUNDRESS, SAME VT house. $30 and $25: Angels Camp. $15: 3 cooks, American families, $25; 4 German cooks. $25 and $30; call early. MISS CULLEN, 833 Gutter st. "VTEAT YOUNG GIRL TO MAKE HERSELF J-> generally useful; no cooking; $12. MISS CUL- LEN, 323 Sutterst. V URSE FOR AN INSTITUTION, $25; WAIT- ' resj and chambermaid, country, $20: French nursery governess, $25 t0.530; maid and seam- stress, $20, sleep home; 20 good housework gins, city and country. $15, $20 and $26. Apply MISS CULLEN, 323 Suiter st. __ T> EFINED CATHOLICNURSEGIRL, REFER- XVence, 412. Apply MISS CULLEN, 323 Sut- ter street. EFINED GERMAN SECOND GIRL; GOOD plate, $-'Q. MISS CULLEN. 323 Suiter s- ' A MERICAN, GERMAN OR SWEDISH SEC- xi. ond girl, short distance, $25. fare paid ; refer- ence. MISS COLLEN, 323 Sutter .. COOK, $25 AND ROOM: COOK, $8 A WEEK; / waitress, $15: woman to wash napkins, tow- , els, etc., $15, room, board, etc girl for chamber work and wait some, $15 and room, country; chambermaid and wait some, city, $20 and room; . girl 10 assist in children's hi me; head waitress: housegirl, Van Ness aye., $20; houwgirl, Steiuer st , $20: girl, Sutter su. $20; girl, Washington St., $20; girl, Kill more St., $20; girl. Broadway, $20; French nurseglrl, $15: girl, Eddy s., $20; girl, Gre*n St.. $16; girls for Vallejo, HanLeandro, Hay- wards, Cei'tervilie, Deco:o, etc.: 17 girls,$15; 10 girls$20; 13 young girls, $8, $10 and $12 per month, assist, etc.; 6 small girls. MARTIN'S, 743 Market st. FIRST-CLASS GEKMAN J-KCOSD GIRL AND i X 1 seamstress. MARTIN'S,749 Market su 4() WOMEN AND FOR OUR NUMER- ttv ous situations, call early: laundr ss, plain hotel, city, $2u; Danish cook, $25: ooardlng-bouse , and hotel cooks, $25 and $20; housework girls and ranch cooks, Orovllle, Wheailand, San Mateo, Conrtlatid and other places, $25 and $20. MUR- RAY & READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay st. \ OUNG WANTING GOOD HOME, TO A act as companion, etc.: small wages: noofflce fee. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. j \\ r ANTID-TWii PROTE-TANT SECOND I »» girls, $-'0; cook, German style, $25; 2 German ! I nurses. $JO: cook, small boarding-house, $26: ' chambermaid assist waiting, $20, and a large number of girls for cooking and housework. J. F, CROSETT A CO., 316 Suiter su XVT AN . 1D—GERMAN HOUSEWORK, $25; »" American cook, $30: German cook, $36; French nursery governess, $25: nurse, Institution, $J6; French chambermaid, $.a LEONANDRE, 215 stocxionat. OOD COOK FOR A SMALL AMERICAN » family,*25: German houseglrl, 2 in family. $20; German housekeeper, $10; a number of young girls 10 assist, $10 to $16; good cook for Oakland, $30. MRS. G. NORTON, 315 Smter. |"i IRL FOR SECOND WORK. *25; 2 COOKS, VJ $30; cook, 3 in family, $.6; trirl for house- work, 4 in family, »25: waitress, $20; 10 girls for housework and assist, $12 to $25. MRS. HIRD, 721 Ellis st. ; .. HOTEL LAUNDRESS, $20: COOK FOR FEW men, country. $15, and housework girls. R. T. WARD A CO.. 608 and 610 Clay s.. p IRLSOF ALL NATIONALITIES TO FILL VJ various positions. Ger. Em pi., 306 Mason at. IV' 1 ANTED— MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN »T barb r trade; only 8 weeks required: tools given and catalogue sent. S. F. Barber School, 1615 Howard .-.;. p IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; SCAN- VJ dinavian preferred. Apply 1202 Dolores su. cor. Twenty-fifth. \\f ANTED— GIRLFOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK »' and assist withchildren; wages small. 118% i Langtoa st. p IR~LOR MIDDLE-AGEDLADYFOR LIGHT VJ housework and assist with children. 1433 Valencia st. \\: ANTED WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK, washing and child; wages $12. 2833 Wash- ington st. A PPRENTICE WANTKD ON COATS; PAID A while learning. 118 McAllister su WANTED-A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN- '' eral housework. 226 Devisadero st. GIRL FOR UP&TAIHts WORK AND WAIT- f ingon table bet. 9 and 12 at 2932 Jackson at. I \u25a0yoUNu aiKL to assist; LIGHT house- I X keeping; sleep home. . 29 Chattanooga st. QSRONGGIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: GERMAN O preferred. 1808 Larkln st. GERMAN GIRL FOR HOUBE- work; $12. Call at 246 Oak au from 10 to 12. 1, IR^T-CLASS TAILORESS ON CUSTOM X. coats. 997 Market st., room 11. "YOUNG GIRL FOX HOLSKWORK: SMALL X family. 810 Montgomery St. CIOMPETENI GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSK- / work. Apply3319 Clay st. A COMPOSITOR& 2506 POST STREET; " three weeks' work. V OUNG APPRENTICE ON CUSTOM COATS. X 527 Natoma si. \u25a0 \- STRONG YOUNG GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; wages $10. S. G., box 1, Call. GE R.MAN Oil AMERICAN GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework : care of children. 211 i.arkln. GOOD FINISHER, ALSO BUTTONHoLE- I maker and apprentice girls. 106 Battery su \u25a0 GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK AND ASSIST ! VJ children, $20. 1207 Gough st. SARAH FALLS (NUR-E) WANTED AT 1052 Folsom st. ; something to her luteresU . "VEAI GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING AND \u25a0Li housework, $15; references. 1633 Geary. \u25a0 ADY PARTNER rooming-hou.«« busi- J ness; equal capital. C. WALTON, 339 Hayes. \\! ANTED—HOUSEKEEPER; WIDOW PRE- »» ferrtd. MR. SHOCK, 1323^ Natoma st. \\r ANTED A COOK; MIDDLE - AGED ' IT woman preferred. Apply at 306 Mock ton su I \\T OMANUNDER 26: LIGHTHOUSEWORK; \ »» $8 per month; llnfamily. Ed w., box 15, Call. 1 pIRL wanted to do general house- VJ work and attend baby. Call 211 Capp st. VOUXGGIHL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; X wages $8. Apply179 Noe si., near Fifteenth. FLYNVS DRESS-CUTTING SCHOOL: BEST X: on the coast. 14 McAllister St., room 66. MEW SKIRT PATTERNS; JUST IN- 25c. _i McDOWELL Dressmaking School, 636 Mar- ket st. AIR-DKESSING: MANICURING LESSONS given MISS DOYLE. 212 Powell sU, 105 9th. HAIR DRESSING, 260 AND S6c: MOP.NINU and eve classes; 10 legions,?! 60. 1248 Mission. VI OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECT ABLK; »i Winchester House, 44 Third «t.. near Market: :cOO rooms: 26c to $1 60 per night; $1 60 to $3 r,«-r week: iree 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. MALE HELP WANTED. ECONDMCOok]^ REST : A^IVANTrS6b : ' VEGE~ table cook., restaurant, $45; 2 pot- washers' restaurant, $26: 3 luuch and dinner waiters, $20: j neat young man to carry off dishes, restaurant, ! city. $15; 3 waiters, hotels, city, $26. C. R. HANSEN A CO, 110 Geary st. "I A LABORERS NEAR CITY, $1 50 TO $1 75 XV a day: blacksmith, country shop. $1 60 11 day and found; blacksmith, country, $2 a day- 3 Scandinavian or German milkers, $16. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary at. ;,-\u25a0•,, v' ANTED-6 MKITtoCHOP*WOOD AT $"l 50 I " per cord, cood timber and all winter's Job, tools and provisions - advanced, cabin on the ground: butter-maker, first-class dairy, $xo and board; 3 farmhands, $.0; milkers, laborer.-), cooks, wul era and dishwashers. W. D. EWER A CO 628 Clay st. ' : ' \u25a0 \\; ANTED— WAITER FOR NICE COF- fee saloon, $7 per week. W. D.EWER ACO. I 626 Clay su .... 1, AKER, COUNTRY SHOP. $40 AND hOUND; 1 ' cook and wife for a country hotel kitchen, $66; 3 cooks, $30, $40. $60; 3 dishwashers, $15 and $20; tailor: 10 drillers: 6 hammermen; carpenter; 6 farmers, $20; 4 <niners on shares. MURRAY A READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634 and 636 Clay st. ' . WANTED— COATMAKKRS FOX COUNTRY. $16 week; stout youn« German to work j about brewery, $20 and found: cook and chore- \ man, small ranch. $16; restaurant cooks, waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 828 Sacramento st. \u25a0••• '.. ' »> WAITERS FOR BOARDING-HOUSE; MAN j for chores, etc., in restaurant; man and wife to work in small restaurant; cook, $30 and room; woodchoppers; restaurant butcher: porter for a barbershop: kitchen helper, $25 and room; dish- ; washer, $15 and room. MARTIN'S. 749 Market. | tmICINO FOREMAN FOR ORCHARD, | $26 to $30; plowband, $15; dairyman. $.'0: < coachman and gardener, $30; man to dry firs by ' contract; waiter.*,$20 and «3l). R. T. WARD 4 CO., 608 and 610 C lay st. \u25a0 :,'. ... OUNG BOY, DRUGSTORE. 15 TO 18 YEARS" Xs3 50 a week. Apply MISS CULLEN. 323 Putter su "\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0• \- •\u25a0'\u25a0•" \\r ANTED— A STEADY. MAN FOR A PER- manent position: must be satisfied with $75 per month an i have $160 cash: no previous expe- rlence required. \u25a0 Apply 873^ Market su, room 1. t) FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED GENTS' furntihlug goods salesmen wanted to-day : per- sons holding certificates in U. .S. Industrial Agency I am eligible. Room 16>, Crocker bui ding, v , UTCHER AS PARTNER, , WHO THOR- ' \u25a0 oti'.'hiv understands, and take charge of shop; ! $200 capital required ; \u25a0\u25a0-: fir»t-clas« flxtnres anil I location. Address B. B.; box 106, Call Office. , : ARTERRAND BOY WANTED TO LEARN ' tailoring. 987 Market a:., room 11. HELP WANTED-ContlMned. pLERK IN A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY AND \J liquor business: must be of good address: state age and where .previously employed. . P., box 67, Call Office. . . \u25a0 -,-.. v;v .' ANTED AN HONEST. EXPERIENCED clerk for the grocery . business: hours, 7 a.v. to 9 p. m. ; plenty of work; references. C , box 122, Call Office. . _ \\T ANTED— LABORERS FOR . CONCRETE »» work to work In country: 3 weeks' work. Call at O'Farrell and Powell at 7:30; new building. pARPENTKR WANTED; STEADY BUSI- V. ness; living-rooms; $300 required. W., box 15, Call. . \\r, ANTED—IMMEDIATELY; ORGANIZERS fora fraternal beneficiary society ; good pay. Call 1111 Jefferson St., Oakland, at 6 P. m. 'ANTED—YOUNG BOY TO LEARN CIGAR j trade. 621 Sansome su •\u25a0; \u0084V RKSSER AND FINISHER ON COATS. Call 21 Harriet st. SHOEMAKERS WANTED ON REPAIRING and new work. 202 Fifth st. \ OUNG GERMAN BARKEEPER KORCOUN- X try. Q.-CAR HUCKS, 14 i, ason St., 8 to 9 a. if. ANTED— TINSMITH: AL PLUM- ber. Apply POWER APIKE, 49 Sacramento. STEADY BARBER WANTED. ONE FOR Saturday and Sunday. 1317 Stockton. J^OOTBLACK WANTED-1715 MARKET. \.i; ANTED-FIRST-CLASS BOAT-BUILDERS. " 718 Third st. GEORGE W. KNEASS. Cj» Q A FOR 10 DAYS; EASY TIMELY 10c <g?OV/. seller: no capital. 424 Sansome, room 4. »v ANTED— YOUNG MAN WHO CAN ROUT and block cuts: steady job to a competent party. Address, stating wages. 8,, box 9, Call. CUTY SALESMAN FOB SOMETHING NEW. ) Apply bet. 8 and 10. B. W. PRINDLE, 401 Market st. . \u25a0 : . . SAILORS WANTKD AT LANE'S, 604 DAVIS St., Mariner's Home. " ANTED SKAMAX AT THOMPSON'S California House, 103 Clark st. . ANTED— FOR THE UNITED STATES Marine Corps, U. S. navy, able-bodied, un- married men between the ages of 21 and 30 years; Dot less than 5 feet 6 Inches inheight; of good character and temperate habits; able to read, write and speak English properly; only citizens of the United States or persons who have legally de- clared their.intentions to become citizens will be accepted; this Important branch of the naval service offers special inducements; giving oppor- tunities to visit all parts of the world on board our Dew cruisers. For further information apply at the Becrnl.lng Office. 20 Ellis au, San Francisco. CaL AKBERS— FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SKO. I > P. C. Barbers' Assn. S. FUCHs. 325 Grant aye. JOURNEYMEN BARBKKS' EMPLOYMENT O secretary, H. BERNARD. 102 seventh st. ARBKRS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- X> ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL. 667 Clay. 'J-CHAIR SHOP; DOING GOOD BUSINESS; 0 central; owner retiring from business. This office. ."\u25a0-. I»ARBER-SUOP FOR SALE; CHEAP RENT; IJ living-rooms; good location; 15c shop. Apply 1127 Mission St., cigar-stand. SHAVING PAIILOK; REASONABLE; Al location. Apply Call Office, 36 Eddy st. djj A PANTS TO ORDER; LATKST STYLES. «IP WERTHMAN Pants Co.. 22 3 Geary st. BK.SI INCITY- -SING 1 E ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night. $1. $1 25. $1 60 per week. Pacific house. Commercial and LeidesdorS sts. WANTED—ANIDEA; WHO CANTHINKOF " some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN A CO., Dept. L, Patent Attor- neys. Washlnzton. D. a. for their $1800 prise offer and list of 200 Inventions wanted. 3 VTEW WALDU HOUSE, 7U5 MISSION BET. Xi 3d and 4th— Single inrnlsbed rooms, night 16c to £oc;week $1 to $2 60; read in groom strictest atten- tion to morning calls; clean: quiet: open all night. ANTED—SO MEN FOR SINGLE ROOMS; $1 week, 25c night. 321 Ellis st; Rosed ale. >-N'S HALF-SOLING, 60c.: LADIES, 40c; done while you wait. 638 Market, opp. Palace Hotel; branch 767 Market, opp. Will A Flnck's.S.F- -OOM.-> 160 'lv 76c PER NIUUT: 60c TO »1 60 per week. Oriental. 225 Drumm st. ARGKST STOCK OF SECOND-HAND SHOES on hand: shoes to order, $3 60; hand-sewed shoes, $5. 726y g Howard st.. bet. Third and fourth ' INCUE»TERHOL>K 44THIRDST..NEAK Market; 200 rooms. 25 cents a night; leading- room: free bus and baggage to and from the ferry- rpßY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room: 25c a night: $1 a week. 1 IN DELL HoU.-E, SIXTH AND HOWARD \u25a01 - bis.; single lurnished rms week. 16c ni«h:. S.-REiiOV_.D FROM 609 CLAY TO 643 . Cay; bottle wine or beer with hot lunch. 6c ANTED—HINOLK KUUMS, 15c A DAY: $1 *-««k; rooms for two. 25c a day, $1 6ila week; reading-room: daily papers. «6 Clay st. \\r ANTED,'! COLLECT WAGES DUE LABOR " trs&cierlcs. KNOX Collection Agcy. 110 Sutler ANTED—-ABORERS AND MECHANICS to know that Ed RolKin. Keno I House proprie- tor, (till runs Denver Kouse, 217 Third su: 160 large rooms: 25c per nigh;-. $1 to $3 per ween. ll|A_E?« TO TAKE LODUINU AT lOC, 15c 1 \'\J and 20c a nisht. Including, uj-eo roll*. lit*Washington si., near Kearny. v \u25a0 \\r ANTED, YOUR SHOES— WE REPAIR •' shoes up to 12 o'clock every night: those work- ingthrough the day can have their shoes repaired at nigit while you wait: ladles' soling, 35c; men's soling, 60c: flue shoes made to order rom $2 up: we have a lot of shoes, been damaged by water, at less than one-fourth their value, from 25c up to $2 SO. 662 Mission a:., bet. First and Second. - _______________ AGENTS WANTED. DON'T BE BROKE, SELL SAPONIUM: «3 day to men and women. 630 Mkt, rear office. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE at . EUHAUS ACO.'S, tailors, 115 Kearny st. EEDS' POPULAR WATER FILTER; $1 50 O will start you. BRICK A CO., 719 Market st. A GENTS -PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS -TV of General Nelson A. Miles." commander-ln- chief of the United States army, and the greatest of Indian fighters: the most remarkable book of the century: apply at once for choice of territory. i. PERSON, Manager Subscription Department, THE WHITAKER & RAY CO.. 723 Market sU HOUSES WANTED. WE WANT .OME CHOICE COTTAGES, houses and flats immediately to fill the de- mands "f our clients settling for the winter. A. J. RICH A CO.. Real Estate Agen a. 112 Montgomery ROOMS wanted. ~~~ r^NTLElTA^DK^TßE^^^Ll^inKSri^^ VJ" ed room In Spanish family; reference given. Address S. s.. box 50. Call Office. PROPERTY WANTED. ~~~ ANTED-TO RENT A~l*M^LiriPLAcT »» suitable and ready for the poultry business. Address R.. box 105. Call office. WANTED-BIISCELLANEOUS. \\r ANTED—MEDIUM--izE~SECOND^AND «' safe. Address, giving full particulars, H. J., box 19, call office. OLD GOLD ANDS LVER BOUGHT: JEWEL- ry, watches repaired. MIND, 1133Jfe Mission. SELL YOUR BOOKS, CLOTHING AND JEW- elry m A. KLEIN. 109 Sixth St.; send postal. * EDUCATIONAL. IP RENO H,SPA N ISH^T^I^oTdk^FILIPPE^S Academy of Languat;es,32o Post st;estab'd 1871 VI ME. MELVILLESNYDr R, 715 POST ST.; i.« v cat music, piano, elocution, practical Shake- spearean and general dramatic actlug a specialty; vocal class's Monday. 8 p. M.; $1. EaLD'.s BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST Bookkeeping, business practice, short- hand, typing, telegraphy, modern languages, Eng- lish branches, electrical engineering, etc.; 20 teachers: 15,000 graduates; catalogue. AYRES', THE LEADING COLLEGE, 326 Montgomery St.; individual - instruction in shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, telegraphy, etc.; life scholarship $50. low rates per week and ma STIKHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS 0 college. 23 Market st ; expenses leu and scholarship better than elsewhere; day and night. ELASCO 1 .-. LYCKUM SCHOOL OF ACTING- -1 Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 and 12. 1. a O. F. block; 7th and Mkt CCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING ME." U thanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture- assay: estab. '64. VANPER NAILLES. 723Mkt ISS BOLTE'S -CHuOL, 2297 SACRAMENTO St.: board; Eng., French, Ger.. piano: $30 mo. ALMA K. HYi-.R, PIANO. MANDOLIN BAN- S*. jo. 405 Geary, Rm. 17: thorough instruction OOKKPNW, WiIITNG. ARITHMICGRAJIR \u25a0XJ day&nl-ht;nocl»<ges; $5 month. 84 5 Mission ROk\ LOUIS MERKI: VIOLIN, MANDOLIN" guitar, cornet, reasonable. - 225 Geary ,nr. PowlL LADY FROM LONDON AND PARIS TEACH-" es plano,alnglng,French:s3 mo. R.14. IOO'J Polk MR. AMRS. KOLAM.ER, TEACHERS MAN dolln. guitar, banjo. 9H.% Market %x.. opp. M ason \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.•• : HORSES. : ; —————— 4. HORSES FOR LE "fOKBOa RD? fFINE T: sadale-horse: cheap. 164 Golden Gate aye. ; RE AT BARGAIN; MIST BE SOLD ON AC- count of death; 2 good hordes, harness and i^4^k" B^ear g W^^' UOa;Ch ' ftp - lD^' re HE t EMPORIUM SALES YARDS, 220 VA. J. eucia su. is the place to go If yon want to buy. sell or exchange horses, buggies, wagons or harn- ess: auction sales every Saturday at 11 o'clock. CA HEAD DRIVING AiND WOKKHORSKS- OU weight 1000 to 1700 lbs. 863 Howard sf.' 150 US**m KW V ° SJSCOKU HAND HAK- X-tty ness, all kinds; wagons, cnggles, surrnya, rockaways, carts; must be sold. v: 11-28 Mission i* I; AKGE YOUNG DRAFTHORBES; HALTER J J broken: cheap; Hyde ranch. 630 Commercial. KfW| S>J-.l' NKU A.M» ftCO.N L-Ha.mj U.itf. y u " ness: all kinds: buggy.wacon, carts, surrey <fcrockawav; 40 cheap horses. 15th and Valencia. 4() UOKSKS^i-oK'SAtE; ALSO . WAGONS." 2v_ bogjles, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horja JJarket, 327 Bix-h st. auction sales every Wedua*- Hay. bULJLIVAN& boYLE, Auctioneers. \u25a0___\u25a0__ BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _^^^_ ©Torin GROCERY AND BAR: or will tiplOUU. take partner: elegant paying place; this Is a money-making business. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. - ' ••' : \u25a0-:'-.' '\u25a0\u25a0 - STATIONERY AND HAIR STORE: FINE locality; cheap rent and 4 fine living-rooms In connection: see this place, it will Interest you. T. LUBE-SKI. 7 City llali aye. <ru - -i\ BAKERY BAKING2 BARRELS OF »J)OuU. flour per day; established 20 years; fine horse and wagou, and a snap for the money; see it. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall aye. ' Q A LOON; C .RNER; ESTABLISH ED 16~ D years: No. llocalit-.- ; opposite carhouse: low rent; long lease; fine livingapartments: fsuitable for a r roadhouse or hotel ; this is a money-making place. T. LUBELSKI, 7 City Hall avenue. <_"7nn-ONB OF THE FINEST RESTAU- •3S I \)\J. rant* 111 city: good location; doing business of $40 per day, established 26 years: has always made money, stand full Investigation; reason for sailing, owner moving intoown prop- erty: and any one wanting a business of this kind will find on investigation all that is claimed for i:: this is a rare chance. T. LUBELSKI. 7 city Hall ay. <_. 1 r H RESTAURANT IN A THRIVING tjp I t)U. neighborhood: doing good business; opposite steamer landing: rent only $15; bigbar- gain; must be sold at once. STENBERG CO., 632 Market aU _______ <Si'J^(\f\ SALOON, MARKET ST.; BEST «JpOc>UU. fitted up place on the coast: 2 cash registers, safe, eta ; larse stock of best quality on hand; low rent; business will speak for itself; more than value in sight; owner made fortune and is retiring. sTEXBERG CO., 6*2 Market sU lOHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR- nltures, restaurants, saloon fixtures and grocery stocks. STENBEBO CO.. 632 Market st. dT>O-.rv RESTAURANT; NEAR LARGE <tS)_.iJv/. carnonse where 800 \u25a0 men are em- ployed; rent $15; clearing $75 monthly; best bar- gain ever offered. STEN BERG CO., 662 Market. TTOTELTOLEASE FOR A TERM OF YjSARS; XX new 6-story and basement b ick building, containing 98 rooms; also ground floor and well- lighted basement; centrally located, naif block north of Market st., and one block from Baldwin Hotel and Emporium building: newly furnished throughout: , furniture for sale on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to S. BIL- VERBEKG. 320 Sansome sU. room 39. IfOR SALE—ONE OF THE OLDEST ESTAB- -T llshed liquor-saloons in the city, together with a good stock of liquors and glassware; bar fixtures infine order; has a fine day and night trade; situ- ated 'In the very heart of the city, and day and night travel: two floors nicely furnished rooms at- tached; sickness the only reason for selling. Ad- dress for particulars M. M.. pox 100. Call Office. £••_),!A FOX SALE A VARIETY AND tJ)«JUV/. candy-store with fixtures, etc.; recently opened; near school; new house; comfortable living-rooms, baib, large yard: rent very moder* ate; a rare opportunity for man and wife. Apply at 1369 Halght st. , near Masonic aye , between 10 and 11 a. M. or 3 and 4 p. it. ' WANT A BUSINESS MAN WITH SMALL capital not to exceed $500 to take charge and manage manufacturing business while I travel; grand opportunity; will clear $150 a month. 21 Third st. room 5. ALF INTEREST INGROCERY BUSINESS near the city; old stand good stock and trade: old age and sickness cause of sale: bargain; no brokers; cash price $11 00. Particulars of D. W. PHILBRICK,2548 a Folsom st. . ARIETY-STORE; FINEST LOCATION IN V Hay wards; good trade; will aell for $800 or invoice; other business cause of selling; call and Investigate. F. HOOSON, Hay wards; or apply at Call Office. CjO/\fK COFFEE AND LUNCH PARLORS; tJpOVHJ. clears $40 weekly over all expenses: best barg»tn In the city; don't fail to see it; trial given. SKIFF. 921 Market. . mo BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE A BUSI- X ness of any kind see STRAND A CO., 45 Third. "L^OKBARGAINS IN SALOONS, GROCERIES J and bars see GITS STUAND. 45 Third st. 1I AQ SUTTER, COR. P(jLK. OVER WAKE- XttOlee's drugstore— Newly papered and fur- nished suite; suitable for doctor's office; $20; other nice rooms. RANCH BAKERY: 5 NICE LIVING- rooms; yard with chickens; laundry office do- inggood business; very cheap. 709 Point Lobos avenue. CtQPinn BEST -PAYING BUSINESS IN- *iPOU\J\J. vestment In San Francisco; station- ery, notions, etc.; established 1889; most be sold. Address P.. box 35, Call Office. ;.- -y. KADQUARTfc-RS FOR POULTRY ranches and business chances of all kinds, E. , HILL, Heal Estate and Business Agent, 997 Mar- ket St., cor. Sixth. - : - CjOPLA 8ALOON UP TO DATE; DOING fiP^OXJ. fine business; In best locality; rent cheap: disagreement of partners; bargain. 640 Howard st. QO?: A STATIONERY. NOTIONS, CIGARS, «JpO«Jl/. etc.; will sell by inventory; connected withleading hotel ; Market st. MEALY, -3 Kearny. CO; AVERAGE .WEEKLY NET INCOME «JDOc> $250 invested -.Raft- -.conservative :freepros- pectus of proofs. F. DALY, 1293 Broadway, N. Y. AN OLU-ESTABLISHED CORNER LIQUOR \u25a0t \. store and bar; near City wall: account of other business. Call at 103 Powell at. HIL-ERT BROS. -V R AN RESTAURANT, STA- tionery and notion store: low rent: 3 living- rooms; will sell at sacrifice: sickness. Apply Call. <fcK'\n GROCERY AND BAR; LIVING- tIpUOKJ. rooms clearing $90 monthly; must sell; rent $.0. McLEOD HATJE, 615 Market st. A T AN HOUR'S NOTICE A. 1 OWAN BUYS -\u25a0"\ stores: negotiates mortgages on merchandise fells on commission. Room 15,26 Montgomery. AKERY FOR SALE AT REASONABLE price; good corner location; good outside and store trade; .well osabiisted. Apply Call Office. ©OrvA, SALOON; ON WATER FRONT; ES. «Jp«Jc»V/. tablisbed for 20 years: a bargain; slck- ness cause of sale. Call at 1623 Sanchez st. P. QUINN, 63 CHRONICLE BUILDING,' sells rune es, 1 stores, business properties, col- lects rents and writes Insurance. W ELL- PAYING LUNCH AND COFFEE house: large yard: 50 chickens; $900; owner must retire. 1 145 Tenth st. C CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; LONG ES- I tablisbed: best reasons for selling; must sell. Apply Call Office. ~ 1, OR SALE—GOOD SALOON. DOING GOOD 1 business; owner going East; $250. Apply 285 Third su . . * KWSPAPER ROUTK IN INTERIOR CITY, close to San Francisco. For particulars apply this office. AUN DRY ROUTE. ST. NICHOLAS liAUN- dry, 17th st., nr. Folsom; call bet. 9 and 10 a. m. DESTAURANT; MUST SELL THIS WEEK; XX no reasonable offer refused 6 Golden Gate aye. pORNEtt GROCERY AND BAR; NO OPPI> \J sition: no agents. Inquire Call Office. 1 AIRYAND PRODUCE-STORE; 4 LIVING^ 1 rooms: call at once. 1008 Hyde st. 1/RUITSTORE; ON ACCOUN 1OF SICKNESS. X 1 6 Sanchez st. TT'OftSALE—CHEAP; GROCERY. FRUIT AND -1' vegetable business. J. MONROE box 19. Call. SHOEsHOP FOR.SAL.% CHEAP; FINE _.O^ cation. Apply 939 Howard st. piIGARS AND STATIONARY; RENT $10. \J 221014 Mission si., near Eighteenth. AN WHO HAS $25 CAPITAL WANTED AS partner by lady. 223 Post at., room 2. ALO'iN; LONG LEASE: LOW RENT. IF plyat Union Brewery. Eighteenth and Florida. WANT ACOFFEE SALOON o STATE LOCA- tiou and particulars. I. R., box 93, Call. ERCHANDISE STOCKS AND FIXTURE I>X bought by J. C. MUTHER, 632 Market, rm. 3. ALOON TO LET. 829 HOWARD ST., BET Fourth and Fifth. oute for sale across the bay. in- quire at 'all Office. LOST. T OST— A PASSBO6k"wIT_ THE HIBERNIA XJ Savings and Loan Society of San t ranclsco. In the ame of ANDREW MARTIN, No. 167,072. The finder will please return to bank. "ICINITY SILVER AYE. AND SAN BBUNO t road, Sep. ember 27, brown water spaniel- name Brownie. Re war lat 1016 Union st. PACKAGE WITH RELIGIOUS ARTICLES^ X Return to 31 Latayette St., rear, near Eleventh- reward. MONDAY. SILVER PURSE CONTAINING money. B. turn 7 Sansome st. ; reward. TOLEN—GOLDEN GATE BICYCLE. NO. 446. I 24-inch frame, 1895 model; $10 reward forre- covery. JOSEPH HOLLE,Twen;lethanfl Folsom. T ADY'S GOLD WATCH, JEWELED CASE XJ Suitable reward by returning to ROBERT L.' TOPLITZACO.. 645 Market st. T OH NEAR CLIKFHOUSE, POCKKTBOOK with sura of money. Return 3792 Seventeenth St., near Sanchez: reward. . "1 OST—PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBEKNIA -I Havings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of DAVIDWILSON, No. 119.369. The finder will p ease return to bank. OST—PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of THOMAS B. LYNCH, No. 207,116 The finder willplease return 10 bank. . OST—NKWFOt'NDLAN D AND ST. BER- * nard dog; bla -k witn white breast and foot; one ear cut; reward. R. KEARNEY, 13 Pacific. 1 OST—ON FERRY OAKLAND,SKTpTkMBKR X> 25, lady's ' alligator purse containing keys, small amount of com and unset stone. Finder please return to Call Office. ' .CHEAPEST AND BEST INAMERICA— I V WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the I United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- ' *ac free :_-;_ ' _: '- ~i'OCND. ,„-:\u25a0„„,,„,,„„„„„_. .' I^^OU^r^^R^Y^O^N^^O^roW^E^RTcALL 815% Ellis si. *"'; FKOFESSIONAJL CARDS. , ~" OHN E. i.ICHARDS, LAWOFFICES. ROOMS O 26 and : 27, Crocker building; . telephone Mala 76, Ban Francisco, Cal. . ... . ; JOHN K. AITKKN ANDMA L. ASHKR. O aicys a. law, rma 515. 51 6. 5 h fioor.Parrott r>id^. ~~~~~~~~~ XO. LEASE. ,;. - L - t^OR~^KNTToiT ,^ LEA.->K— l.o- VARA~LOt"seT > X: cor. Polk and .Jackson sts.: rent $50 per mont— \u25a0 Address J. b.. i- bansonw su, S. _•. [ LOpGING-HOrBES FOR SALE. I OFFER FOR SALE^^ THls'daY— -——^-— FOR CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS—- THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS 27-room house. $700 i 2- room house $500 10-room house. 150 \ 24 rooms, corner.. 750 55 rooms, cor.. 3,000 14 rooms onSutter 700 11 rs., must sell 200 66 rooms,bestclty.3,soo 16 rooms, new. 1,250 31-room louse .1,100 27 rooms, new. 3,000 ; 10 rooms, corner.. 8,000 200 rooms,hotel.slo,ooo 11 rooms, only .. 75 85 rooms. " 2,500; 10 rooms. Jones st. 300 —I SELL ANl> EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE— AND BUSINESS PLACES OF ALL KINDS— H. C Di-.CKER. 1020 Market at., opp. Fifth. ROOM HOUSE HI FINE LOCATION —— . -ROOMS ALL KENTKj) : . \u25a0 PBICE ONJ-Y S-'O . Apply to H. C. DECKER, 1020 Market st. /ff'-KO»JI HOUSE; OWNER SICK AND MUST rt\J leave city. DECKER. 1020 Market St. ROOMS; RENT $100; FINK LOCATION. VX Apply H. C. DECKKrt. 1020 Market St. JO- ROOM HOTEL, CLEARING $LOO PER v month. DECKER, 1020 Market st. CORNER HOUSE; 32 ROOMS: NICELY FUR- I nlshed. DECKER, 1020 Market su C PECI AL-^25 ROOMS; ~. SUNNY CORNER tO home; full all the time; this 13 the best in- vestment In San Francisco. For prompt, reliable service buyers and sellers may call on _ KS. A. M. ELK lAS.906 Market at., rooms 11and 12. I 7 Rl oils O.\ POWELL ST., NEAftGEAKY., J a bargain; 10 rooms on Geary, near Taylor, nice home and income besides. A. M. ELKINS, 90t> Market st.. rooms 11 and 12. 1 00 LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE; PRICKS X \J\J from $100 to $5000. See STRAND &CO., 46 Third st. ODGINO - HOUSE, 9 ROOMS; RENT $20;" water free; good location. B. 8., box 119, Call Office. BURNISHED HOUSES: 12 TO 130 ROOMS; I I $300 to 810,000. PHELPBA"-o. t 9171T-r-i-. <J__nn 8 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS: 1 <TJ)1l/U. block from Baldwin Hotel. Apply Call. <SiA?\(\ 20 XlOMS: FULL! RENT $35- I «g)^:OU. snap. See sKIFF, 921 Market st. -ÜBNITUKE FOR SAXIE^ o~"inT'>"Ew~^?cmE"n^^ are Init: four floors, running from Mission to Minna St., in all 3Ya acres of floor space, are packed with household goods of all kinds, parlor bedroom and kitchen outfits of all kinds and in endless variety; if yon are thinking of purchasing anything needed in a home, from a pairofolan- kets to a completely furnished house, pay us a visit; it costs you nothing: our numbers are 1017 1019, 1021 and 1023 Mission St., above Sixth, j NOON AN. T L J. NEUMANN'S, 117 SIXTHST., FOR lowest prices on household goods, new or good as new; cash or time: open evenings. LAT— B ELKGANT NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; $300: bargain. 967 a Howard st. A(\l\ CARPETS: CHAMBER SETS. $uT rlUv/ stoves, $5: parlor eels, $20: folding-beds. $10: bar outfits. T D. McC'RTHY. 764 Mission. CARPET CLEANING. * A~~^FA^U'E~ >^AißP^^LiEAl?rNG^Coir^o3 --.Sutter, tel. Main 394. S. S. FERGUSON.mangr. E. MITCHELL. CARPET-CLEANING CO.. 240 14th st. ; cleaning 3c a yard. Tel.Mia. 74. ONES <fc CO.. MAIN OFFICE 25 AJJD _7 Eighth st. : tel. Jessie 1061. C A YARD AT GREAT WESTERN CABPK.T Cleaning Works. 11 Eighth st. pAitPET CLEANING, 3&: LAYING. Be. : RUGI \J samples free; tel. Jessie 944. Btratton. 19 Bth au HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPA ULDIN Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works. 353- &7 Tehama st. ; teL So. 40. OONKLIN'S CARPET -EATING WOKK_ Hi \J Golden Gate aye.: telephone east 126. pITYSTEAM CARPETCLKANING.RENOVA- VJ Ung. an Bth. STEVENS, mgr. TeL boat a 250. ARPETS CLEANED AND RENOVATBQ \J like new. FERGUSON A CO. 23 Tenth: I*. font li So. (> >• «( \u25a0 KI\TI »< : I .<•(-> inirrp^on. I'UKNITUKE WANTED. ' IF YOU W A nT GOOD PRICES FOR FURNi- i lere and merchandise see BURP, 211 Larkin. ASH PAID FOR ENTIRE HOUSES OR smaller lots of furniture, carpets, : etc. J. BOWCHER, 222 Stockton; send postal. BUCKINGHAM FURNITURE CO. PAYS highest price for furniture, carpets, etc. ; send postal. 866 Mission st. . INDIANA AUCTIONCO., SUCCESSORS TO M. J. SIMMONS' Anc. Co.. 1057 Market, pays rash bicycles. ~ e^o^Jd^hand^3a^7alin^T^r^a^f7srd7 $30: Barnes, «55; Ben Her, Ladles'. *50; Fow. ler, $55: Ladies' Fowler '-96," a bargain; also others. DAVIS BROS., 23 Geary st. IGH-GRADE 2D-HAND WHEKLS $25 UP; sundries below cost. 216 McAllister. rfiRY F.Nh. '96 BICYCLE FOR $20. DAVID N. HAWLEV. 318 Market st. PARK cycler y— new wheels to _it:' best accommodations. Terminus Geary, Ho Alllster and Powell St. car lines. tOli SALE— HISCELLiANEOUS. ASK FOR THE $20 SOLITAIRE DIA. RING, -— worth $40. Uncle Harris, 15 Grant aye. JUNE YOUNG FRESH MULE CuW: THIRD caif. Apply at the Red House, 5900 Mission Bt.. cor. Sickles avc, Ocean View. •\TACHT-SLOOP: 26 FEET LONG: KKIFF: X cushions and sidelights new. 1310 Pacific Ir>Oß SALE—BUFF & Bt RGER TRANSIT: J nearly new. EDWARD, 530 California st. . XJEW ELMWOOD RANGES ARE THE BEST." KM W. a RAY MFG.CO., 1 2 California st. BARS, SHOWCASES, COUNTERS, SHELV Ing, etc., bought and sold. 1063 mission, nr. 7th. CIOFFEE M.ILL, SCALES, LETTER PRESS, Ks stand desk, money till, aafa, cheap. 102 Clay. UY YOUR BABY CARRIAGES AMD BAT- X' tan furniture at the factory and save retailer's profit; get our prices. Cal. Rattan Co., 61 First su. near Mission. S" PLENDID REMINGTON TYPF.WRITKR. $45 : others from $20 up. REVALK, 409 C&L IjOILERS,ENGL>ES.2D-HANDMACHINERY" XJ waterplpea. Mclntoah &Wolpman. 137 Bealel pOUNTKKa SHELVING. SHOWCASES V^bars bought A sold. 1121^ Markt.bet 7th A ALL BABY CARRIAGES AND CHAIRS AT **- cost; hood tops, $5,50 up; repairing; opea evenings. S. if.Baby Carriage Mfg. Co.. 442 Sixth. 9 HORSEPOWER GAS OR GASOLINE EN- glne: good as new; $'<*). Apply215 Bay st. ! UILDINGS BOUGHT; LUMBER, SASH_»" tioorg. mantels, etc. f->r sale. 1166 Mission. SEWING MACHINES. ~" ALL KINDS BOUGHT, BOLD, EXCHANGED. rented, repaired: lowest rates. -JOS Fourth St. MUSICAL INSTKUMENTsI DECKKR BROS . GRAND, LIKR NEW FOB sale cheap. BTATHAMA CO., 106 McAllister. AN ELEGANT HABDMAN PIANO SACRIT Heed by a private party obliged to dispose of It. Room 12, Flood building. 809 Market st/^ 4-STORY BUILDING. CORNER Kearny and Butter st?., full of pianos: these. Instruments are for sale on monthly payments of $3, $4. $6. $6, $7. $8. $9, $10, $12, $15: $20 and $25 per month : the best of every grade from lowest pr ces to Stein way Baby, Parlor and Concert Grands: why pay rent when belter pianos can be bought from us for about same payments ? every piano guaranteed; tine wood-seat stool and draped cover included; co charge for dray age: pianos kept in order by best concert tuners. SHERMAN, CLaY «_ CO., cor. Kearny and Suttwr sts.. also Oakland, Cal., Portland, Or., Seattle, Wash.; Stein. way representatives for tne Pacific Coast. . - 1 BUY PIANOS ANDORGANS IN CAKLOAD X lots and for cash, and being in mv own build- ing, withdo rent 10 pay, I can offer any one desir- ingan instrument better for less money than any other music house in San Francisco: investi- gate and be convinced. HARRY sCOTT, 628 Hayes st- \u25a0 A CTUaLLY THE BEST BARGAINS IXPI-" -TV anos; see our list lor this week: pianos on Si 4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $15, $20 monthly pav- menia; fine stool and cover witheach; delivered ! free anywhere in th* city and kept tuned by ex pert concert tuners. The F. W. SPENCER CO ( salesrooms 9SS Market su, opp. Mason, > IMMKNSE STUCK OF .NEW AND HEc" ond-nand pianos from leading makers- no- body can offer better terms and prices; remember ours is the oldest and largest music-bouse west \u0084f Chicago: call or write. KOHLKR A CHaSF <>v* O'Farrell St.. San Francisco. \u25a0 ~* ABil " 8 |. ARGAIN;PIANO FOR $76, $100, $175 jcorvi 1 - and $260. at MAUVAIs'. 76* Market su KTIRING FROM BUSINESS— PI ANOS ATA At sacrifice to promptly close out stock; Knabe CO., n 324 a p d o B t U st h * GmS - A - U BASC^T4 ft 1 KLKLKIJ walnut upright Rll ton make plane, BRCENN'i^ 228 Post VIAONIFICENT STKINWAY UPRIOht a tst M Schubert : lltUe used .sacrifice. 1C!19 Van Nes« pOOD UPKIOHT « HEAP A „- IT HCHMlTZ.ieaicAlli.tw^xt Hi^nia'sVu^ Vy \u25a0 Ii. B.aDGEK ,SOL-. AUKNT KOit Uai,k7 YV .* Davis and Francis b^ oaj^ «A LLhl :orrenu PENJ. lUKIaz 1™ iJo^S" s^-b_afa-A^_g_CTKF a g.s.sSSsgg ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. " «ended^U.^Ho^»°g^,J>ee^, tt^ \ OAK F. FLOOD. L A W v"l»u »i - xN bulldln,: consultatC^.

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1896-09-30/ed-1/seq-1… · WANTED AN ACCOUNTING, Jacob Levy Accused of Keeping His Sister's Money and Jewelry

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1896-09-30/ed-1/seq-1… · WANTED AN ACCOUNTING, Jacob Levy Accused of Keeping His Sister's Money and Jewelry

WANTED AN ACCOUNTING,Jacob Levy Accused of Keeping

His Sister's Money andJewelry.

Another Action Growing Out of tbeCollapse of tbe Building on

Fifth Street.

An action was begun yesterday in the !Superior Court that is one of several grow- jing out of the accident on Fifth street and jMint avenue, where a four-story building |collapsed several months ago. The partiesin the last suit are J. D. Sullivan, attorney

for the Public Administrator, andJacob Levy, a tailor, at 284 Stevensonstreet, in which the former seeks to obtain$1300 from tne latter.

Levy is the brother of Mrs. ErnestineSilverstein, theaged woman who was pass-ing along Mintavenue when the buildingwent down. She was killed beneath theruins. In her pocket was a bankbookKnowing nearly $1000 on deposit in theGerman BanK, the money and book stand-ing in tbe names of Mrs. Ernestine Silver-btein and Jacob Levy. The Coronerhanded the book over to Levy, who soonafter drew out $911 70.

The estate of the deceased passed intothe bands of the Public Administrator,who at. once made an inventory of theproperty owned by the old woman. Be-sides the bank account it was found thatthere was a quantity of clothing, a dia-mond ring, a plain gold ring,another witha pearl setting and a watch, all of whichIhad been in the hands of Levy, who toall accounts still holds the property.

The heirs of tbe estate are Mrs. Silver-stein's son and daughter, L. Silversteinand Mrs. Hannah Silverstein Rice, who jlive in Sacramento.. From the daughter ithe Public Administrator learned that all !of tbe money appearing in the bankbook jmentioned was obtained from beneliciary isocieties, of which Mrs. Silverstein s bus- joand was a member. Mrs. Silverstein'sreason for having the name of her brotherLevy on the book was because she was invery poor health and he could draw moneyfor her whenever she wanted any. Theold woman's children desired to obtaintheir mother's property, but the uncleiailed to hand the same over to them.

About that time the children caused |Carroll Cook to begin a suit against the jcontractors and owners of the collapsed

'building to recover $50,000 damages for jtheir mother's death. The attorney hasnever been able to serve the papers uponthe defendants. Attorney Cook called theattention of Probate Judge Coffey, who :caused Levy to be brought before him and |explain why he took his sister's moneyout of the bank and failed to account forthe same. Levy said ti.at he spent the Imoney for luneral expenses. This ex- iplana'tion is evidently not satisfactory to Ithe children or to Public AdministratorFreese, who now seeks to recover, not onlythe money but the other property, thetotal value of which is placed at $1300.The children propose to contest the action Iof the uncle to the bitter end.

THE PRESBYTERY CLOSES.Rev. G. D. B. Stewart Is Elected

Moderator for the Com-ing Term.

Seminary Student H. F. Marshall'sCase Goes Over to tbe De-

cemb.T Meeting.

Rev. G. D, B. Stewart, the new moder-ator of the San Francisco Presbytery,called the synod to order iv the Olivet•Presbyterian Church at th<jPotrero yester-day morning at 9 o'clock. After the de-votional exercises the members took upthe routine business of the synod, whichoccupied their attention till the noonhour, when they partook of a bountifullunch provided by the ladies of OlivetChurch in the assembly-room.

In the afternoon session the followingresolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the committee of home mis-sions be further instructed that, in accordancewith the action of August 4, the corner lot inRichmond district be disposed of to pur-chasers and with the proceeds a lot be ob-tained for the establishmei. tof a Presbyterianchurch in HollyPark district, and if there isany money over to put it into a suitablebuildingfor the same purpose on that lot.

In the report of delinquencies in the as-sessment to the synod the Chinese churchwas marked short $5 50 and Olivet Church$15. On motion this indebtedness wasconceled. Lebanon Presbyterian Church

"was reported to be delinquent $19 30. Thechairman of the finance committee wasdirected to request the pastor, Rev. DonaidRo3S, to report the reason of the de-linquency.

Moderator Stewart vacated the chair andread the report of the committee on educa-tion. It dealt largely with matters per-taining to the Presbyterian TheologicalSeminary, and recommended that theChristian Endeavor Society ofthe churche-tablish several scholarships and other-wise turn its endeavors more toward thatinstitution of learning. The report alsorecommended for adoption a resolutionforbidding students in their first and mid-dle years to preach, and that feeblechurches be supplied from the class ofsenior students.

The mention of the seminary brought npthe name of a student that everybodywas thinking of but as yet no one had ut-tered. Finally Mr. Thompson arose andasked if H. F. Marshall was connectedwith the institution and receiving aidtherefrom, and if it was the intention ofthe synod to drop his name from the rollof membership.

Dr. Minton of the seminary stated thatMarshall was still a student, but was notreceiving any aid whatever of a financialnature.

This particular question got away fromthe debaters, and that of forbidding thelower classes to preach was taken up. Mr.Thompson brought the subject back forconsideration, but upon motion it wentover till the December meeting.Itwas learned from one of the ministers

present that the presbytery is unequivo-cally not in favor of keeping Marshall onthe rolis of the seminary. No chargeswill be brought against him at present.

The presbytery adjourned to meet Octo-ber 16 at Calvary Presbyterian Churchcorner of Geary and Powell streets.

MRS. MARTIN'S GOWNS.The I,»dy of th« Will Case to Make

Her Debut.Mrs. John F. Martiu is at last about to

make her long-talked-of theatrical debut.She has decided to appear inan emotionaldrama, "Madame de Fontanges," adaptedfrom the French by Thomas Taylor, andshe has made up a company of her ownin New York under the management of F.W. Bon son.

Just to try her wings Mrs. Martin is go-ing out for a week with her company inNew York State . She says that the dreßsesshe has purchased are something gorgeousto behold. "In the first act," says Mrs.Martin, "Iappear as Ienter in a mostgorgeous white moire and satin striped.Itis made in the style of the first empire.The three seams up tbe front are cordedWith gold—a Jong empire train of plainWhite satin; the waist has a simple pearlh«nd holding the dress by the shoulders.The entim front and train are trimmed

with velvet flowers made to represent thenatural wildflowers of California. Ireferto the esehscholtzia. Icarry Californiacolors inevery costume. Tbe second andthird acts Iwear a white point lace robeover eschscholtzia-colored silt; the underflounce is trimmed daintily with flowersmade to resemble tha California violets.

"Oh, but my dress in the last act is themost gorgeous piece of coloring Ihaveever seen. Itis in the most intense shadeof eschschoiizia, almost an orange. Theclose-fitting Drincess under-dross is of thesame shade of velvet as the court trainand is trimmed with magnificent ousse-menterie in amber and jet. The "lone,sweeping court train is a most rnagnih-cent brocade istripe in escbscholizio andblack stripe, alternated with the plainesehscholtzia stripe of satin. The color isso vividthat Inever tire of looking at it.

"My wrap which Iwear in the secondnet is a confection of chamois-coloredcloth made in empire style, with an im-mense revere of a very magnificent bro-caded velvet in mauve and gold andwhite."

Mrs. Martinsays however successful sheand her gowns are she willonly be out forawe k this time. When she returns toNew Yortc she intends to get a new playand new dresses. Her great desire is tomafce a success in the East and then bringa company to San Francisco.


GRAND HOTEL.H Lowden, San Jose A B Easterbrook, CubaR Keatings, Cal J R Price, SacramentoQ Bayless, Cal A Allou A w, VallejoJ M Krower, Red Bluff JB floyt. Birds LandingM VPierce, Sacramento W L Talbot, SacramentoC A Bone. Oakland Mrs E G Chamberlain,\VLlJodrick,Waddlngtn EurekaMrs Podrlck.Wnddingtn MmJX Allird.BlueLake*LCoombs, Napa JJ campt* 1, GaitG R Georgeson, Kureka A Neilson, SacramentoIBDudley, San Diego W H Buckley, MartinetMiss Buckley, Martinez NM King, .-SacramentoCJ King. Sacramento DE Chapman, San JoseB S Chase, Santa Crui R DHatch, NovotoJames Tonley, Vailejo G R Stewart, Crown LdgC EByrnsout, Woodland J R Dennan, ElystationW E Bunker, Newman J W Stormer, ColusaW B KUis <fe w, colusa JB Good wood,.ModestaE HVance, Kureka FCanls, CarrultonJ DC Day, 11 tR Labe , lx>a vngelesJ A Blessingame.Fresno MrsN B McWhirter. calMstone, San Rernardino H E Plumiuer, LathropT L Carothers. L'klah Miss Plnido, Sun JoseG Paclieoo, lunacio v S McKenzle. NapaW X Geibor, Sacramento ELBerkevich, ColusaJ McNeil, odtsto J J Hebbrou, MontereyDrJ HGlass, Paso Robles

LICK HOUSE.J MFulweller, Auburn Mrs M May, San JoseX C Rust. Jackson R i^owe, Ban JoseDr E 8 O'i rien, Merced A LBryan. N XR Gracey, Merced MClay Jr. Rai road FlatH W Allen. Saa JO3e c E fSlmons, Los GatosDP Simons, Los Gatos Mrs SJi Buck, KurekaLHHatfield. Hacto W McKlnlay,NevadaJ C Bull Jr. Arcata C W Wilson. CalJ H Woodoridge.sonora 8 Korn, ChicagoJ M Williams, Newmau JJ Smith, StocktonE W Ehmanu, Cal G B Noble, FresnoF Moncure, Bakersfield <i A.b-r'sorut'.v, ChicagoMrs HE Price, Chicago HA Clark, Snnta Cruz'1 seaworth, Santa Cruz Mrs G Willis,Santa CrutMiss P Willis.SantaCruz RFBlake, StocktonG Hass, Sacto NP Koch. Cal

NEW WESTERN HOTEL.J R Mooney, New York MrFrarer <fe w, San JoseO J Bowman. Decatur Miss HBerg, .N VMiss A Berg, NV W Echo s, Sc PaulJ G Taylor, Seattle J J Downey, Los AngelesC W Anasmllh. cortland J Jones. ChautauquaJ E Little, Wtiatcom HFSiuart, Victoria1> Evans, Los Angeles TBweet, Los Angelesc I'hi! Ps, San Jose GF Dumop, SeattleH X Adams, Seattle C HArnold, N VR H White, N V J F Walker. LauntonC P Chase, Bristoi E E Potter, BristolJ J Jones, Oakland \VIfScott. ChicagoW TJohnson, Chicago G HJonnso:i, ChicagoM R iumminKS..^prngfld J E l'urdee, EurecaC W Anasmuh, Courtd R Laws Ad, WestminstrHHoiohan, Westminstr

PALACE HOTEL.S JDake. Santa Cruz S W Stryker, PaJ WLan don <fe w.Waah HA Averill,LompocW F Parker, Loa Ang J Cross, Los AnselesC R Dives, Los Angeles S Goldimtlh, I'hicagoHEAlvord.Wasnington PF Ting. t. blnaC J Titus, Sacramento PJK wnl. ChinaC DLane, Angels Dr Livingston, San JoseMrs C J Titus, Sacto Miss A Games. San JoseMrs HO'Keefe.San Jose Col HEaton A wf, F.ngW Q Purdy, Chicago Miss 8 EPurdy, < hfcagoMiss X FPurdy,Chicago Miss B a Purdy, ChicagoJ Abel A wf,Chicago F H McCullough <fc wife,Miss A Lunger, Chicago Los uatos

BALDWIN HOTKJUF F Geottouisn, Salinas A V Pearson, NVH J Wendt, Chicago FA Lyon <S w,SactoHA Parker & w,< aklnd Mrs H B short, OaklandJ Barren. Stocktou H Wilson, AlaskaJ Smith. NY W J f-cb.osser, LouisvilleB X Parmelee. NV W BValentiue<£w,S JoseU R >.omion, Oakland MrsMMcNamara&w CgoMF Cochraue, S Rafael t: .-. Haffclfinder,Ph. laC Bnrns, Vallejo HBMorton, Vailejo

In the Louvre at Paris there is an inter-esting old vase of Etruscan manufacture,whose age iscomputed at about 2500 years.Itis interesting as bearing a group ofchildren inrelief who are engaged inblow-ing soap bubbles from pipes.


BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call--710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock everynightin the year.

BRANCH OFFICES-530 Montgomery street,corner Clay; open until9:30 o'clock.

339 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock.713 Larkin street, open until9:30 o'clock.BW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open

until 9o'clock.2518 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock.]IfiNinth *treft.oppn until9:30 o'clock.



m*& M.,called meeting this (Wednes- *\day) evening at 7 o'clock; third degree, "^jfBy order of the W. M. rVN

C. D. BUNKER. Secretary.WZZS* CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139. F. ml~^ and A. Called meeting THISWEDNESDAY at- 7:30 P. _. SiCODddeX Vgree. By order of the W. M. />rN. - '

H.FORTRIEUE.Bf^S= GENERAL RELIEF COM-**&mlttee, I. O. O. F.—A beneiit^d^g^.will be riven this committee on --SJ&J3KSSFTUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and

"sw7ii««"*THURSDAY, September 29. 30 and October 1.at the Columbia Theater. Tickets can be obtainedat room 3, Odd Fellows' building, and 1043 Mar-ket st. Our tickets are not for sale at theater.

OFMEETING—THE REGULARIb*^ annual meeting of the stockholders of theNevada Bank of San Francisco will be held at Itsbanking office, 301 Montgomery st., fan iran-clsco, Cal., on WEDNESDAY the fourteenth(14th) day of October. 1896, at the hour of three(3) o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing aboard of directors to serve during the en uingyear, and for the transaction of such other businessas may come before the meeting.

D. B.DAVIDSON, Secretary.San Francisco, Sept SO, 1896. .

SPECIAL NOTICES.BAD TENANTS KJECTED^FOR^iT*-**'collections made, city or country. PacificCollection Co., 415 Montgy su. room 6. Tel. 6580.

tt^sp BAD TENANTS EJECTED, $3. COOK.m-*r Law and Collection Office, 1023 Market su»^S» GAS FIXTURES MADE TO OKDKR;I^-^ cheapest place In the city. • H. HDF-SCHMII>T.6-':. Golden "ate aye.


pERMAN. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 306 MA-vT son St.. furnishes best help of all nationalities.

ITUATIONAS NURSE BYMIDDLE-AGEDwidowof physician: wonId travel withinvalid;

best of references; competent to. take charge;capable housekeeper and seamstress: no triflersCallor address 224 Turk st.

BY ELDERLY AMERICAN WOMAN ANDstrong young m»n us cook and helper or dish-washer In country hotel or mining camp: bestreference: lare to be paid if remote. F. 8., LesterHouse. Eighthand Clay sts., Oak'aDd.

OUNG GERMAN WOMAN WOULD LIKEX a ilace to do housework of any kind or ashousekeeper-. iul!yexperienced. Call or address290Shipley st. (Inrear), nr. Sixth. -.\u25a0

MEAT, RESPKOiABLE GERMAN GIRLXI wishes position :for general housework insmall family. Please call 322 Shotwell sU, bet.seventeenth and lIgbteenth.

pOMPKTENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS\J situation to do houseworic; good cook andlaundress; cityor country; good references. Ad-dress L. A.,box 146, Call Office.SITUATION WANTED BY ARESPECTABLEC. woman todo general housework: good house-keeper: many years' references. Call or address360 Precita aye.

"EXPERIENCED GERMAN LADY wishesXJ situation in widower's family as housekeeper-is an excellent cook and seamstress. Apply 207Montgomery aye.

\u25a0pOMPETE.NT. WOMAN DESIRES LIGHT\J housework; city orcountry: references; Homemore un object than high wages. Call,2 days 753Howard st.


A•-> good cook and laundress, wants situation laan American family. Please call or address 136Sixth si.

REFINED GERMAiN WIDOW, COMPETENTthoroughly reliable, desires a position to dohousekeeping or anything of trust; city references.Address H. H.,box 92, Call Office.

RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL TO DO SEC~-ondor general housework, or take care of

children: country preferred. Call for 2 anya, 28Eighth st., room A.\u25a0vo, *o

yoUNG LADY WHO UNDERSTANDSX music wishes to be engaged to play ford»ncingat evenings at home. Address E. A.,box 138, Call.QWEDISH GIRLWANTS SITUATION TO DO

_ SITUATIONS WANTED-CoiUl^nned.POSITION AS WORKING HOUSEKEEPERX by young widow wltn little girl;

-or will do

general housework in small family. Address 340Capp st.

'\u25a0 . - •

SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASSO waitress or to do chamberwork; good refer-ences. Address A.F., box 61, Call Office.situation wanted by a first-class0 housekeeper and cook. Address MRS. A.E.C, flat 5, 114 -McAllister st.

TEADY S>VED SH GIRL WISHES MTUA-tion to do general housework in American

family. 511 Folsom si.MART, ATTRACTIVE LADY WISHES

work In bakery or as lunch waitress. .AddressS., box 63, Call office. \u25a0\u25a0 ./URL WISHED SITUATION TODO SECOND*X work ina private family. Please call at 181«Sacramento a;.

SWEDISH WISHES A POSITION TOdo general nonsework ina small family. 31b

Clara St. -pOMPKTENT, TRUSTWORTHY WOMANv/ desires workby the day. 645Vs Stevenson st.

GIRL FOR SECOND WORK: 5 YEARS' REF-erence; city. 929 Pine sU \u25a0

IjMRST-Ci.ASS~GERMAN COOK WISHES Asi.uation in hotel, restaurant or boarding-house.

79 Jessie su, oft Mission. ,r OUNG WOMAN WISHES PLACE FOR

X light housework; good home. Address Mrs.K.3284 Twenty-fourth st.

WANTED—SITUATIONBY YOUNG WOMANto do general housework; wages $15 to $17.

Apply 411 Polk su, neitr Golden Gate aye. '

A'OUNG LADYWISHES SITUATIONINHO-X tel as cook; city or country. Please call at

room 6, 711 Folsom st.

pOMPETENT WOMAN WISHES WORK BY\J the day, washing, ironing or housecleanlng.Call or address 257 Minna,downstairs. /

p ERMAN GIRL WISHES A SITUATIONTOVJ do general housework; good references. Ap-ply162 Clinton Park.


/ IRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO GEN-V' eral housework In small family. Call 406 3McAllister st."y WOMAN WOULD LIKEa few en-X gagements todo sewing or housework from 10

to 4. address L.C..2618 Mission SU

pOOD SEAMSTRESS WISHES POSITION TOVJ do sewing and rhamberwork; good, steadyplace preferred. 340 Capp St.

pOLORED WOMAN,MIKDLE-AGED, WANTS\J situation to do light housework; is good plaincook. Address T., box 116, CalL .• .;

I>EFINED YOUNG LADY GRADUATEitwould like position as governess or companionto lady or invalid; coo 1musician; home more anobject than wages. Apply or address room 32,Fulton House, cor. Fulton and Larkiu sis.

W A NTII)—BY A YOUNG GIKL, WAITING;''city or country. Call at 1559V3 Market st.

\\r ANTED—SITUATIONBYENGLISHGIRL;»* second work or chambermaid: private tamilv;

good references. Address S. LEMON, 1309 Goughsi., city.

pERMAN GIRLDESIRES SITUATIONFORVJ hov e and room work or educating a baby.4075 Nineteenth st.

posTnoN AS WORKING housekeeper1 wanted by refined young lady. Call or address4081/2 ''rove st.

R1 LIABLE WOMAN WISHES LIGHTXV housework by the day or as child's nurse. Ad-dress 315 sutler st.


YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION ASX secretary, correspond nt or general officework; 7 years' steady experience. Reliable, box132, CallOffice. ;

A MERIC4.N GIRL WISHES SITUATIONTOAassist in housework and care of children.Call 967 Mission st.

/"COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS\J situation as chambermaid, or would like to

learn waitinginrestaurant. Call or address 1147Harrison su, bet. Seventh and Eighth.pERMAN WIDOW WISHES A POSITION ASVT working housekeeper. 948 Harrison su, ba-tween Fifth and Sixth.

OVERMAN GIRL WISHES POSITION FORVT chamberwork or housekeeping. Address A.G., box 46, Call t m...

OUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE SITUATIONtodo general bouse work; no postals. Call at

205 Fourteenth St.. near Howard.\u25a0yOUNG GIRL,LATELY FROM THE EAST.X wishes a situation to do second work and sew-

ing. Callor address 1234 Mission st.

SWEDISH GIRL WISHES WORK BY THEday; washing, ironingor houeecleaning. Pleasecallor address -6* Minna st.

ELIABLEWAITRESS WISHES A SITUA-tion inhotel or restaurant. Address S. S.. box

21', this office.

\\ IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES A sITUA-UJ- tion as housekeeper. Address W. R., box94, Call.\iIDDLK-AUED GERMAN WOMAN WITHi'la child wishes situation as wording house-keeper; cityor country. 16 Taylor st.

"TMRST-CLA-SCOOK WISHES A SITUATIONXln an American family. Please call 61/*Clementina su, bet. First au4 Second.

HIDOW, 33 YEARS OF AGE. EXPERI-"enced housekeeper, wishes situation in wid-woer's family; city preferred; references. Call

925 Howard st.

YOUNG GEiIMAX GIRL wishes situa-X tlonas second girl; capable and industrious.492 Eighth su

DRESSMAKER To GO OUT SEWING BYthe day or lake work borne. Apply418 Grove.

"yoUNO WIDOW, RECENTLY FROM MAS-X sachusetts, desires position as housekeeper.1007 Marke st.


ASTERN LADYWOULD LIKEANY KINDXJ of work by the day. Room 17, second floor,144 Fifthst.


O Sweedlsh housework girl;$12 to $15 up. MissALLEN.323 Suiter sl.


V MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AND DAUGH-ter, incountry hotel or mining camp, as cook

and waitress. M. L. IS., Lester House, cor. Eighthand Clay at*., Oakland.

INCHED.titHOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR.Market: 200 rooms: 25c to $160 per night:

$160 tos6 per week; convenient and respectable;Jree bus ana baggage to and from the terry.


HUNTER A CO., CHfi?ESE~ANI) JAPaTXX nese employment office. 17 Webb su. belowKearny, nr. Cal.; tel. main 231. YOUNG,ragr

AMKEE—CHINESE AND JAPANESE EM-\u25a0ployment office. 611^ Bush nr. Grant ave'.


GHINESK AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT\y office: beat help 414 O'Farrell; tel. K. 424

APANESE AND CHINESE EMPLOYMENT;best help. 814b Sotter SU: tel. Grant 'Mi.APANESE INTELLIGENCEAGENCY,R. 73,SU Ann's bldg.,6Eddysu: tel. Main6234.

WAN D—POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN,aged 22, of good family ani schooling; speaks

both English and German fluentlyanri can fur-nish best of references, and bonds If desired. Ad-dresa B. D.. box 125, Call office.TJOHEMIAN, GERMAN AND ENGLISHX> iking,young man would like to make him-self useful during the evening hours as clerk orbookkeeper for the exchange of board and room.Address .*!.. box 84. this office.pARPENTER, MIDDLE-AGED DANE,\J wishes situation as ranch carpenter or forproperty-owner: understands running steam boilerand pomp. C. M.,416 Broadway, city.

SH ATION WANTED BY A PRACTICALO greenhouse flower and vegetable gardener; cantake care of horses and cows. Address Gardener,box Ull,Call Office. , ';L XI'ERIENCKD COOK WANTS SITUATIONX> Inhotel or restaurant in city: -short distanceIncountry: can do pastry. Address Cook, box 67,Call ffice.

JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEAN KB WANTS TOwash windows; sweep corns, etc.; day orhour.

Address GEORGE, 1210*4 Larkln st. .yoU.^O GKRMAN WISHES A POSITION ATX any kind of wont: has horse and wagon. Ad-dresa A,box 14, Call Office.

'ANTED—AI WAITER WISHES A PLACEInan oyster and chop house, or porter ina sa-loon;can cook aid carve; Is quick, politeand re-

liable. Address P. M., box 62, Call Office.

WANTED—BY SOBER AND RELIABLE"roan, position Inprivate family or charge of aranch. A. X,station D. . ast Oakland.pKRMAN BO* WISHES ANY KIND OFXX work:experienced driver. Address Boy, 314Eighth su

OOD COOK DESI.. STEADY PLACE;T wages moderate. Address F., box 7, Call."IERMAN,26 YEARS OF AUK,OF GOOD AP-

VT pearance. willingto do allkinds of work,wouldlike to get a position. Address G. I!.,box 99, Call.VOUNG GERMAN, AGED 20, WISHES TOX learn the bakery and 'confectionery business;i-mall wages. Address CHARLEY FALKE,Den-ver House, Third st.

pOI'PLE WANT SITUATIONS IN A GOLD-\J miningcamp; wifeas cook; man understandscarpenter-work. Address J. T., 417 TurKst.

RCHAKDIBT WANTSPOSITION A>SUPER-Intendent, foreman or bookkeeper;* 15 years'practical California experience; fruit, vines, stockand general farming; drying, packing and ship-ping: Alreferences. Address Ranch, 3121,4 Ful-ton sU. .

OY, 15 YEARS OLD, WISHES TO LEARN Atrade: wages no object. Address 829 Ste-

venson su "

HONEST, ENERGETIC GENTLEMANwants position as a watchman: experienceover 7 years: salary no object; able to furnish se-curiiy. Address A. T., box 94, Call Office.

JAPANESE BOY WANTS a situationwhere be can attend day school. Address T.W., 22 Prospect place. :

Wr INCHKS.IV.iI HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR. '». Market—Electric flights In every room- 200rooms; 25c to $160 per night; $160 to $8 perweek: free bos and baggage 10 and from tin' ferry.

\\r a"nted— situation AS. ranch car-'» penter by a sober, illustrious man Ad-

dress S. 3., box 92. this office. •

YOUNG MAN(2«), HIi.H-SCHOOL KDUCA-I lion,wants strictly seuentary position. Ad-dress H.s., box 99, Call.


\rOUNG MAN,FIRST-C^A^S~BARKEEPErTX-wants a position: living at home; wages $20 ,per month; best reference. Address D. T., 2903Pine st,

WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR'"Market— Electrlo lights in every room: 200rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 50 to $6 per

week: free bns and batrL-ace to and from the ferry.


\\T ANI'J-D—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-" work, $25; girlfor upstairs work »nd sew-ing, $20: girl for chamberwork and waiting,smallboard log-house, $20. C. R.HANSEN A CO., 110Ge_ry su '

3v AITRESSES FOR COUNTRY. $20; DAN-Ish cook, small hotel, $25. C R.HANSEN ACO., 110 Geary st.

pEHMAN COOK AND LAUNDRESS, SAMEVThouse. $30 and $25: Angels Camp. $15: 3cooks, American families, $25; 4 German cooks.$25 and $30; call early. MISS CULLEN, 833Gutter st.

"VTEAT YOUNG GIRL TO MAKE HERSELFJ-> generally useful; no cooking; $12. MISS CUL-LEN,323 Sutterst.VURSE FOR AN INSTITUTION,$25; WAIT-—'

resj and chambermaid, country, $20: Frenchnursery governess, $25 t0.530; maid and seam-stress, $20, sleep home; 20 good housework gins,cityand country. $15, $20 and $26. ApplyMISSCULLEN,323 Suiter st. __T>EFINED CATHOLICNURSEGIRL,REFER-XVence, 412. Apply MISS CULLEN, 323 Sut-ter street.


xi.ond girl, short distance, $25. fare paid;refer-ence. MISS COLLEN, 323 Sutter . .COOK, $25 ANDROOM: COOK, $8 A WEEK;

/ waitress, $15: woman to wash napkins, tow-, els, etc., $15, room, board, etc girl forchamberwork and wait some, $15 and room, country;chambermaid and wait some, city, $20 and room;. girl10 assist in children's hime; head waitress:housegirl, Van Ness aye., $20; houwgirl, Steiuerst ,$20: girl,Sutter su. $20; girl, Washington St.,$20; girl,Killmore St., $20; girl.Broadway, $20;French nurseglrl, $15: girl, Eddy s., $20; girl,Gre*nSt.. $16; girls for Vallejo, HanLeandro, Hay-wards, Cei'tervilie, Deco:o, etc.: 17 girls,$15; 10girls$20; 13 young girls, $8, $10 and $12 permonth, assist, etc.; 6 small girls. MARTIN'S,743 Market st.


4() WOMEN AND FOR OUR NUMER-ttv ous situations, call early: laundr ss, plainhotel, city,$2u; Danish cook, $25: ooardlng-bouse, and hotel cooks, $25 and $20; housework girls and

ranch cooks, Orovllle, Wheailand, San Mateo,Conrtlatid and other places, $25 and $20. MUR-RAY & READY,Leading Employment Agents,634 and 636 Clay st.\ OUNG WANTING GOOD HOME, TOA act as companion, etc.: small wages: noofflce

fee. MURRAY A READY,634 and 636 Clay st.j \\rANTID-TWii PROTE-TANT SECOND I»» girls, $-'0; cook, German style, $25; 2 German !Inurses. $JO: cook, small boarding-house, $26:'

chambermaid assist waiting, $20, and a largenumber of girls forcooking and housework. J. F,CROSETT A CO., 316 Suiter suXVTAN.1D—GERMAN HOUSEWORK, $25;»" American cook, $30: German cook, $36;

French nursery governess, $25: nurse, Institution,$J6; French chambermaid, $.a LEONANDRE,

• 215 stocxionat.

OOD COOK FOR A SMALL AMERICAN» family,*25: German houseglrl, 2 in family.

$20; German housekeeper, $10; a number ofyoung girls 10 assist, $10 to $16; good cook forOakland, $30. MRS. G. NORTON, 315 Smter.

|"iIRL FOR SECOND WORK. *25; 2 COOKS,VJ $30; cook, 3 in family, $.6; trirl for house-work, 4in family,»25: waitress, $20; 10 girls forhousework and assist, $12 to $25. MRS. HIRD,721 Ellis st. ; ..HOTEL LAUNDRESS, $20: COOK FOR FEW

men, country. $15, and housework girls. R.T. WARD ACO.. 608 and 610 Clay s..p IRLSOF ALLNATIONALITIES TO FILLVJ various positions. Ger. Em pi., 306 Mason at.


»T barb r trade; only 8 weeks required: toolsgiven and catalogue sent. S. F. Barber School,1615 Howard .-.;.

p IRLFOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; SCAN-VJ dinavian preferred. Apply 1202 Dolores su.cor. Twenty-fifth.

\\fANTED—GIRLFOR LIGHTHOUSEWORK»' and assist withchildren; wages small. 118% iLangtoa st.

pIR~LOR MIDDLE-AGEDLADYFOR LIGHTVJ housework and assist with children. 1433Valencia st.


WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK,'» washing and child; wages $12. 2833 Wash-ington st.

A PPRENTICE WANTKD ON COATS; PAIDA while learning. 118 McAllister suWANTED-A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN-'' eral housework. 226 Devisadero st.

GIRL FOR UP&TAIHts WORK AND WAIT-f ingon table bet. 9and 12 at 2932 Jackson at.

I \u25a0yoUNu aiKL to assist; LIGHT house-I X keeping; sleep home. .29 Chattanooga st.


GERMAN GIRL FOR HOUBE-work; $12. Call at 246 Oak au from 10 to 12.

1, IR^T-CLASS TAILORESS ON CUSTOMX. coats. 997 Market st., room 11.

"YOUNG GIRL FOX HOLSKWORK: SMALLX family. 810 Montgomery St.


A COMPOSITOR& 2506 POST STREET;"three weeks' work.


STRONG YOUNG GIRL TO DO GENERALhousework; wages $10. S. G., box 1, Call.

GE R.MAN Oil AMERICAN GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework : care ofchildren. 211 i.arkln.

GOOD FINISHER, ALSO BUTTONHoLE-Imaker and apprentice girls. 106 Battery su \u25a0

GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK AND ASSIST !VJ children, $20. 1207 Gough st.

SARAH FALLS (NUR-E) WANTED AT 1052Folsom st.;something toher luteresU • . •

"VEAI GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING AND\u25a0Li housework, $15; references. 1633 Geary. \u25a0

ADY PARTNER rooming-hou.«« busi-J ness; equal capital. C. WALTON, 339 Hayes.

\\!ANTED—HOUSEKEEPER; WIDOW PRE-»» ferrtd. MR.SHOCK, 1323^ Natoma st.




IT woman preferred. Apply at 306 Mockton su I\\TOMANUNDER 26: LIGHTHOUSEWORK; \»» $8 per month; llnfamily. Edw., box 15, Call. 1

pIRLwanted to do general house-VJ work and attend baby. Call 211 Capp st.VOUXGGIHL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK;X wages $8. Apply179 Noe si., near Fifteenth.

FLYNVS DRESS-CUTTING SCHOOL: BESTX: on the coast. 14 McAllister St., room 66.MEW SKIRT PATTERNS; JUST IN- 25c._i McDOWELL Dressmaking School, 636 Mar-

ket st.


HAIRDRESSING, 260 AND S6c: MOP.NINUand eve classes; 10 legions,?! 60. 1248 Mission.

VIOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECT ABLK;»i Winchester House, 44 Third «t.. near Market:

:cOO rooms: 26c to $1 60 per night; $1 60 to $3r,«-r week: iree 'bus and baggage to and from ferry.

MALE HELP WANTED.ECONDMCOok]^ REST:A^IVANTrS6b:'VEGE~table cook., restaurant, $45; 2 pot- washers'

restaurant, $26: 3 luuch and dinner waiters, $20: jneat young man to carry off dishes, restaurant, !city. $15; 3 waiters, hotels, city, $26. C. R.HANSEN A CO, 110 Geary st."I A LABORERS NEAR CITY,$1 50 TO$1 75XVa day: blacksmith, country shop. $1 60 11 dayand found; blacksmith, country, $2 a day- 3Scandinavian or German milkers, $16. C. R.HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary at. ;,-\u25a0•,,v'ANTED-6 MKITtoCHOP*WOOD AT $"l 50I"

per cord, cood timber and all winter's Job,tools and provisions

-advanced, cabin on the

ground: butter-maker, first-class dairy, $xo andboard; 3 farmhands, $.0; milkers, laborer.-), cooks,wul era and dishwashers. W. D. EWER A CO628 Clay st.

' : '\u25a0

\\;ANTED— WAITER FOR NICE COF-'» fee saloon, $7 per week. W. D.EWER ACO.I626 Clay su ....1, AKER,COUNTRY SHOP. $40 ANDhOUND;1' cook and wife fora country hotel kitchen, $66;3 cooks, $30, $40. $60; 3 dishwashers, $15 and$20; tailor: 10 drillers: 6hammermen; carpenter;6 farmers, $20; 4 <niners on shares. MURRAYA READY, Leading Employment Agents, 634and 636 Clay st.

' .WANTED—COATMAKKRS FOX COUNTRY.$16 week; stout youn« German to work jabout brewery, $20 and found: cook and chore- \man, small ranch. $16; restaurant cooks, waitersand others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 828Sacramento st. \u25a0••• '.. • '

»> WAITERS FOR BOARDING-HOUSE; MAN j—forchores, etc., inrestaurant; man and wife to

work in small restaurant; cook, $30 and room;woodchoppers; restaurant butcher: porter for abarbershop: kitchen helper, $25 and room; dish- ;washer, $15 and room. MARTIN'S.749 Market. |

tmICINO FOREMAN FOR ORCHARD, |$26 to$30; plowband, $15; dairyman. $.'0: <

coachman and gardener, $30; man todry firs by'

contract; waiter.*,$20 and «3l). R. T. WARD 4CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. \u25a0 :,'. ...OUNG BOY, DRUGSTORE. 15 TO 18 YEARS"

Xs3 50 a week. Apply MISS CULLEN. 323Putter su "\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0• \- •\u25a0'\u25a0•"\\r ANTED—A STEADY. MAN FOR A PER-'» manent position: must be satisfied with $75per month anihave $160 cash: no previous expe-

rlence required. \u25a0 Apply 873^ Market su, room 1.t) FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED GENTS'—

furntihluggoods salesmen wanted to-day:per-sons holdingcertificates in U..S. Industrial Agency Iam eligible. Room 16>, Crocker bui ding,v, UTCHER AS PARTNER, ,WHO •THOR-'

\u25a0 oti'.'hiv understands, and take charge of shop; !$200 capital required ;\u25a0\u25a0-: fir»t-clas« flxtnres anil Ilocation. Address B. B.; box 106, Call Office.,:


tailoring. 987 Market a:., room 11.


pLERK INA FIRST-CLASS GROCERY AND\J liquorbusiness: must be ofgood address: stateage and where .previously employed. . P., box 67,Call Office. . . \u25a0 -,-.. v;v


AN HONEST. EXPERIENCEDclerk for the grocery .business: hours, 7a.v.

to 9p. m.;plentyof work;references. C ,box 122,Call Office. . _\\T ANTED— LABORERS FOR .CONCRETE»» work to work Incountry: 3 weeks' work. Callat O'Farrell and Powell at 7:30; new building.

pARPENTKR WANTED; STEADY BUSI-V. ness; living-rooms; $300 required. W., box15, Call. .\\r,ANTED—IMMEDIATELY;ORGANIZERS*» fora fraternal beneficiary society ;good pay.

Call 1111 Jefferson St., Oakland, at 6 P.m.'ANTED—YOUNG BOY TO LEARN CIGAR j

trade. 621 Sansome su •\u25a0; \u0084VRKSSER AND FINISHER ON COATS.Call 21Harriet st.

SHOEMAKERS WANTED ON REPAIRINGand new work. 202 Fifth st.

\OUNG GERMAN BARKEEPER KORCOUN-X try. Q.-CAR HUCKS, 14 i,ason St.,8 to 9a. if.


STEADY BARBER WANTED. ONE FORSaturday and Sunday. 1317 Stockton.


\.i; ANTED-FIRST-CLASS BOAT-BUILDERS." 718 Third st. GEORGE W. KNEASS.Cj» QA FOR 10 DAYS; EASY TIMELY 10c<g?OV/. seller: no capital. 424 Sansome, room 4.»v ANTED—YOUNG MAN WHO CAN ROUT

and block cuts: steady job to a competentparty. Address, stating wages. 8,, box 9, Call.

CUTY SALESMAN FOB SOMETHING NEW.) Apply bet. 8 and 10. B. W. PRINDLE, 401Market st. . \u25a0 :. .SAILORS WANTKD AT LANE'S, 604 DAVISSt., Mariner's Home."


SKAMAX AT THOMPSON'SCalifornia House, 103 Clark st. .ANTED—FOR THE UNITED STATESMarine Corps, U. S. navy, able-bodied, un-

married men between the ages of 21and 30 years;Dot less than 5 feet 6 Inches inheight; of goodcharacter and temperate habits; able to read,write and speak English properly; only citizens ofthe United States or persons whohave legally de-clared their.intentions to become citizens willbeaccepted; this Important branch of the navalservice offers special inducements; giving oppor-tunities to visitallparts of the world on board ourDew cruisers. For further information applyat theBecrnl.lng Office. 20 Ellis au, San Francisco. CaL

AKBERS—FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SKO.I> P. C. Barbers' Assn. S. FUCHs. 325 Grant aye.


ARBKRS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY-X> ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL. 667 Clay.'J-CHAIR SHOP; DOING GOOD BUSINESS;0 central; owner retiring from business. Thisoffice. ."\u25a0-.I»ARBER-SUOP FOR SALE; CHEAP RENT;IJ living-rooms; good location; 15c shop. Apply1127 Mission St., cigar-stand.

SHAVING PAIILOK; REASONABLE; Allocation. Apply CallOffice, 36 Eddy st.


BK.SI INCITY--SING1E ROOMS. 15, 20 AND25 cents per night. $1. $125. $160 per week.

Pacific house. Commercial and LeidesdorS sts.WANTED—ANIDEA;WHO CANTHINKOF"

some simple thing to patent? Protect yourIdeas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHNWEDDERBURN ACO., Dept. L, Patent Attor-neys. Washlnzton. D. a. for their $1800 priseoffer and list of 200 Inventions wanted. 3VTEW WALDU HOUSE, 7U5 MISSION BET.Xi3d and 4th— Single inrnlsbed rooms, night16c to£oc;week $1 to$2 60;read ingroom strictest atten-tion tomorning calls; clean: quiet: open all night.

ANTED—SO MEN FOR SINGLE ROOMS;$1 week, 25c night. 321 Ellis st; Rosed ale.

>-N'S HALF-SOLING, 60c.: LADIES, 40c;done while you wait. 638 Market, opp. PalaceHotel;branch 767 Market, opp. WillA Flnck's.S.F-

-OOM.-> 160 'lv76c PER NIUUT:60c TO»160per week. Oriental. 225 Drumm st.ARGKST STOCK OF SECOND-HAND SHOESon hand: shoes to order, $3 60; hand-sewedshoes, $5. 726yg Howard st.. bet. Third and fourth'INCUE»TERHOL>K 44THIRDST..NEAKMarket; 200 rooms. 25 cents a night; leading-

room: free bus and baggage to and from the ferry-rpßY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE-X low Sixth, fora room: 25c a night: $1 a week.1 INDELL HoU.-E, SIXTH AND HOWARD


bis.; single lurnished rms week. 16c ni«h:.S.-REiiOV_.D FROM 609 CLAY TO 643. Cay; bottle wine or beer with hot lunch. 6c

ANTED—HINOLK KUUMS, 15c A DAY:$1*-««k; rooms for two. 25c a day, $16ila week;reading-room: daily papers. «6 Clay st.

\\r ANTED,'! COLLECT WAGES DUELABOR"trs&cierlcs. KNOX Collection Agcy. 110 Sutler

ANTED—-ABORERS AND MECHANICStoknow that Ed RolKin. Keno IHouse proprie-

tor, (tillruns Denver Kouse, 217 Third su: 160large rooms: 25c per nigh;-. $1 to $3 per ween.ll|A_E?« TO TAKE LODUINU AT lOC, 15c1\'\J and 20c a nisht. Including,uj-eo roll*.lit*Washington si., near Kearny. v


\\r ANTED, YOUR SHOES— WE REPAIR•' shoes up to 12 o'clock every night: those work-ingthrough the day can have their shoes repairedat nigitwhile you wait: ladles' soling, 35c; men'ssoling, 60c: flue shoes made to order rom $2 up:wehave a lot of shoes, been damaged by water, atless than one-fourth their value, from 25c up to$2 SO. 662 Mission a:., bet. First and Second.—- _______________


DON'T BE BROKE, SELL SAPONIUM: «3day to men and women. 630 Mkt,rear office.


EEDS' POPULAR WATER FILTER; $1 50O willstart you. BRICK A CO., 719 Market st.A GENTS


-TVof General Nelson A. Miles." commander-ln-chief of the United States army,and the greatestof Indian fighters: the most remarkable book ofthe century: apply at once forchoice of territory.i.PERSON, Manager Subscription Department,THE WHITAKER & RAY CO.. 723 Market sU


WE WANT .OME CHOICE COTTAGES,'» houses and flats immediately to fill the de-

mands "four clients settling for the winter. A.J.RICHACO.. Real Estate Agen a.112 Montgomery

ROOMS wanted.~~~

r^NTLElTA^DK^TßE^^^Ll^inKSri^^VJ" ed room InSpanish family; reference given.Address S. s.. box 50.Call Office.


ANTED-TO RENT A~l*M^LiriPLAcT»» suitable and ready for the poultry business.

Address R.. box 105. Call office.


\\r ANTED—MEDIUM--izE~SECOND^AND«' safe. Address, giving full particulars, H.J.,

box 19, call office.

OLDGOLD ANDS LVER BOUGHT: JEWEL-ry,watches repaired. MIND,1133Jfe Mission.

SELL YOUR BOOKS, CLOTHING AND JEW-elry m A. KLEIN.109 Sixth St.; send postal.*


IPRENO H,SPA NISH^T^I^oTdk^FILIPPE^SAcademy ofLanguat;es,32o Post st;estab'd 1871

VIME. MELVILLESNYDr R, 715 POST ST.;i.« v cat music, piano, elocution, practical Shake-spearean and general dramatic actlug a specialty;vocal class's Monday. 8 p. M.;$1.

EaLD'.s BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST—Bookkeeping, business practice, short-hand, typing, telegraphy, modern languages, Eng-

lish branches, electrical engineering, etc.; 20teachers: 15,000 graduates; catalogue.

AYRES', THE LEADING COLLEGE, 326Montgomery St.; individual -instruction inshorthand, typing, bookkeeping, telegraphy, etc.;lifescholarship $50. low rates per week and ma

STIKHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS0 college. 23 Market st ; expenses leu andscholarship better than elsewhere; day and night.ELASCO1.-. LYCKUMSCHOOL OF ACTING--1 Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsedon stage. R. 5 and 12. 1. a O. F. block;7th and Mkt

CCHOOL ELECTRICAL,CIVIL,MINING ME."U thanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture-assay: estab. '64. VANPER NAILLES.723Mkt

ISS BOLTE'S -CHuOL, 2297 SACRAMENTOSt.: board; Eng., French, Ger.. piano: $30 mo.

ALMAK. HYi-.R, PIANO.MANDOLINBAN-S*. jo. 405 Geary, Rm. 17: thorough instructionOOKKPNW, WiIITNG.ARITHMICGRAJIR\u25a0XJ day&nl-ht;nocl»<ges; $5 month. 845 MissionROk\ LOUISMERKI:VIOLIN,MANDOLIN"guitar, cornet, reasonable. -225 Geary ,nr.PowlL

LADY FROM LONDON ANDPARIS TEACH-"es plano,alnglng,French:s3 mo.R.14. IOO'J Polk

MR. AMRS. KOLAM.ER,TEACHERS MANdolln. guitar, banjo. 9H.% Market %x.. opp. Mason

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.•• : HORSES. :;——————

4. HORSES FOR LE"fOKBOaRD?fFINET: sadale-horse: cheap. 164 Golden Gate aye. ;RE AT BARGAIN;MIST BE SOLD ON AC-count of death; 2 good hordes, harness andi^4^k"B^ear gW^^'UOa;Ch'ftp- lD^'reHE

tEMPORIUM SALES YARDS, 220 VA.J. eucia su. is the place to goIfyon want to buy.sell or exchange horses, buggies, wagons or harn-ess: auction sales every Saturday at 11 o'clock.

CA HEAD DRIVING AiNDWOKKHORSKS-OU weight 1000 to 1700 lbs. 863 Howard sf.'150 US**mKW V

°SJSCOKU HANDHAK-X-tty ness, all kinds; wagons, cnggles, surrnya,rockaways, carts; must be sold. v:11-28 Mission i*

I;AKGE YOUNG DRAFTHORBES; HALTERJJ broken: cheap; Hyde ranch. 630 Commercial.KfW| S>J-.l' NKU A.M» ftCO.N L-Ha.mj U.itf.yu"ness: allkinds: buggy.wacon, carts, surrey<fcrockawav; 40 cheap horses. 15th and Valencia.4() UOKSKS^i-oK'SAtE; ALSO . WAGONS."2v_ bogjles, carts, harness; Grand Arcade HorjaJJarket, 327 Bix-h st. auction sales every Wedua*-Hay. bULJLIVAN&boYLE, Auctioneers.

\u25a0___\u25a0__ BUSINESS CHANCES. _ _^^^_©Torin GROCERY AND BAR: or willtiplOUU. take partner: elegant paying place;this Isa money-making business. T. LUBELSKI,7City Hallaye. - ' ••': \u25a0-:'-.' '\u25a0\u25a0 -

STATIONERY AND HAIR STORE: FINElocality; cheap rent and 4 fine living-roomsIn

connection: see this place, it will Interest you.T. LUBE-SKI.7City llaliaye.


»J)OuU. flour per day; established 20 years;fine horse and wagou, and a snap for the money;see it. T. LUBELSKI,7 City Hall aye. '

Q ALOON; C.RNER; ESTABLISHED 16~Dyears: No. llocalit-.-;opposite carhouse: lowrent; longlease; fine livingapartments: fsuitablefora r roadhouse or hotel;this isa money-makingplace. T. LUBELSKI,7 CityHall avenue.<_"7nn-ONB OF THE FINEST RESTAU-•3SI\)\J. rant* 111 city: good location; doingbusiness of $40 per day, established 26 years: hasalways made money, stand full Investigation;

reason for sailing, owner moving intoown prop-erty: and any one wanting a business of this kindwillfindon investigation all that is claimed for i::

this isa rare chance. T.LUBELSKI.7city Hallay.

<_. 1rH RESTAURANT IN A THRIVINGtjpIt)U. neighborhood: doing good business;opposite steamer landing: rent only $15; bigbar-gain; must be sold at once. STENBERG CO.,

632 Market aU_______

<Si'J^(\f\ SALOON, MARKET ST.; BEST«JpOc>UU. fitted up place on the coast: 2 cashregisters, safe, eta ;larse stock of best quality onhand; low rent; business will speak for itself;

more than value in sight; owner made fortuneand is retiring. sTEXBERG CO., 6*2 Market sU

lOHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR-nltures, restaurants, saloon fixtures and grocery

stocks. STENBEBO CO.. 632 Market st.

dT>O-.rv RESTAURANT; NEAR LARGE<tS)_.iJv/. carnonse where 800 \u25a0 men are em-ployed; rent $15; clearing $75 monthly; best bar-gain ever offered. STEN BERG CO., 662 Market.TTOTELTOLEASE FOR ATERM OF YjSARS;XX new 6-story and basement b ick building,containing 98 rooms; also ground floor and well-lighted basement; centrally located, naif blocknorth of Market st., and one block from BaldwinHotel and Emporium building:newlyfurnishedthroughout: ,furniture for sale on reasonableterms. For further particulars apply to S. BIL-VERBEKG. 320 Sansome sU. room 39.

IfOR SALE—ONE OF THE OLDEST ESTAB--T llshed liquor-saloons in the city, together witha good stock of liquors and glassware; bar fixturesinfine order; has a fine day and night trade; situ-ated 'In the very heart of the city,and day andnight travel: two floors nicely furnished rooms at-tached; sickness the only reason for selling. Ad-dress forparticulars M.M.. pox 100. Call Office.£••_),!A FOX SALE


tJ)«JUV/. candy-store withfixtures, etc.; recentlyopened; near school; new house; comfortableliving-rooms, baib, large yard: rent very moder*ate; a rare opportunity for man and wife. Applyat 1369 Halght st. ,near Masonic aye ,between 10and 11 a. M. or 3and 4 p. it.


WANT A BUSINESS MAN WITH SMALLcapital not to exceed $500 to take charge and

manage manufacturing business while Itravel;grand opportunity; willclear $150 a month. 21V»Third st. room 5.

ALFINTEREST INGROCERY BUSINESSnear the city; oldstand good stock and trade:

old age and sickness cause of sale: bargain; nobrokers; cash price $1100. Particulars of D. W.PHILBRICK,2548aFolsom st. .

ARIETY-STORE; FINEST LOCATIONINV Haywards; good trade; will aell for$800 or

invoice; other business cause of selling; call andInvestigate. F. HOOSON, Hay wards; or applyat Call Office.CjO/\fK COFFEE AND LUNCH PARLORS;tJpOVHJ. clears $40 weekly over all expenses:best barg»tn In the city;don't fail to see it; trialgiven. SKIFF. 921 Market. .mo BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE A BUSI-X ness of any kind see STRAND ACO., 45 Third."L^OKBARGAINS IN SALOONS, GROCERIESJ and bars see GITS STUAND. 45 Third st.

1IAQ SUTTER, COR. P(jLK. OVER WAKE--» XttOlee's drugstore— Newly papered and fur-nished suite; suitable for doctor's office; $20;other nice rooms.

RANCH BAKERY: 5 NICE LIVING-rooms; yard with chickens; laundry office do-inggood business; very cheap. 709 Point Lobosavenue.

CtQPinn BEST -PAYING BUSINESS IN-*iPOU\J\J. vestment In San Francisco; station-ery, notions, etc.; established 1889; most be sold.Address P.. box 35, Call Office. ;.- -y.

KADQUARTfc-RS FOR POULTRYranches and business chances of all kinds, E.,HILL,Heal Estate and Business Agent, 997 Mar-

ket St., cor. Sixth.-:- •

CjOPLA 8ALOON UP TO DATE; DOINGfiP^OXJ. fine business; In best locality; rentcheap: disagreement of partners; bargain. 640Howard st.

QO?: A STATIONERY. NOTIONS, CIGARS,«JpO«Jl/. etc.; will sell by inventory; connectedwithleading hotel;Market st. MEALY,-3 Kearny.CO; AVERAGE .WEEKLY NET INCOME«JDOc> $250 invested -.Raft- -.conservative :freepros-pectus of proofs. F. DALY,1293 Broadway, N.Y.

AN OLU-ESTABLISHED CORNER LIQUOR\u25a0t\.store and bar; near City wall:account of otherbusiness. Call at 103 Powell at. HIL-ERTBROS.-V RAN RESTAURANT, STA-

tionery and notion store: low rent: 3 living-rooms; willsell at sacrifice: sickness. Apply Call.<fcK'\n GROCERY AND BAR; LIVING-tIpUOKJ. rooms clearing $90 monthly; mustsell; rent $.0. McLEOD HATJE, 615 Market st.

A T AN HOUR'S NOTICE A. 1OWAN BUYS-\u25a0"\ stores: negotiates mortgages on merchandisefells on commission. Room 15,26 Montgomery.

AKERY FOR SALE AT REASONABLEprice; good corner location; good outside andstore trade; .wellosabiisted. Apply Call Office.©OrvA, SALOON; ON WATER FRONT; ES.«Jp«Jc»V/. tablisbed for 20 years: a bargain; slck-ness cause of sale. Call at 1623 Sanchez st.

P. QUINN, 63 CHRONICLE BUILDING,'• sells rune es, 1stores, business properties, col-lects rents and writes Insurance.

WELL-PAYING LUNCH AND COFFEE'» house: large yard: 50 chickens; $900; ownermust retire. 1145 Tenth st.

CCORNER GROCERY AND BAR; LONG ES-Itablisbed: best reasons forselling; must sell.Apply Call Office.~

1, OR SALE—GOOD SALOON. DOING GOOD1 business; owner goingEast; $250. Apply 285Third su . . *

KWSPAPER ROUTK IN INTERIOR CITY,close to San Francisco. For particulars apply

this office.AUNDRY ROUTE. ST. NICHOLAS liAUN-dry,17th st., nr. Folsom; callbet. 9and 10 a. m.

DESTAURANT; MUST SELL THIS WEEK;XXno reasonable offer refused 6Golden Gate aye.

pORNEtt GROCERY AND BAR; NO OPPI>\J sition: no agents. Inquire Call Office.1 AIRYAND PRODUCE-STORE; 4 LIVING^1 rooms: call at once. 1008 Hyde st.1/RUITSTORE; ON ACCOUN 1OF SICKNESS.X16Sanchez st.

TT'OftSALE—CHEAP;GROCERY. FRUITAND-1' vegetable business. J. MONROE box 19. Call.

SHOEsHOP FOR.SAL.% CHEAP; FINE _.O^cation. Apply 939 Howard st.

piIGARS AND STATIONARY; RENT $10.\J 221014 Mission si., near Eighteenth.

ANWHO HAS $25 CAPITALWANTED ASpartner by lady. 223 Post at., room 2.ALO'iN; LONG LEASE: LOW RENT. IFplyat Union Brewery. Eighteenth and Florida.WANT ACOFFEE SALOON o STATE LOCA-tiou and particulars. I.R., box 93, Call.ERCHANDISE STOCKS AND FIXTUREI>X bought by J. C. MUTHER, 632 Market, rm. 3.

ALOON TO LET. 829 HOWARD ST., BETFourth and Fifth.oute for sale across the bay. in-quire at 'all Office. •


T OST—A PASSBO6k"wIT_ THEHIBERNIAXJ Savings and Loan Society of San tranclsco.In the • ame of ANDREW MARTIN,No. 167,072.The finder willplease return to bank.

"ICINITYSILVER AYE.AND SAN BBUNOt road, Sep.ember 27, brown water spaniel-

name Brownie. Re war lat 1016 Union st.

PACKAGE WITH RELIGIOUS ARTICLES^X Return to 31Latayette St., rear, near Eleventh-reward.

MONDAY. SILVER PURSE CONTAININGmoney. B. turn 7 Sansome st. ;reward.TOLEN—GOLDEN GATE BICYCLE. NO. 446.I24-inch frame, 1895 model; $10 reward forre-covery. JOSEPH HOLLE,Twen;lethanfl Folsom.

T ADY'S GOLD WATCH, JEWELED CASEXJ Suitable reward by returning to ROBERT L.'TOPLITZACO.. 645 Market st.

T OH NEARCLIKFHOUSE, POCKKTBOOKwith sura of money. Return 3792 Seventeenth

St., near Sanchez: reward. ."1 OST—PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBEKNIA-I Havings and Loan Society of San Francisco, inthe name of DAVIDWILSON, No. 119.369. Thefinder willp ease return to bank.

OST—PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIASavings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in

the name of THOMAS B.LYNCH,No. 207,116The finder willplease return 10 bank.

.OST—NKWFOt'NDLAN D AND ST. BER-* nard dog; bla -k witn white breast and foot;one ear cut; reward. R.KEARNEY, 13 Pacific.1 OST—ON FERRY OAKLAND,SKTpTkMBKRX> 25, lady's 'alligator purse containing keys,small amount of com and unset stone. Finderplease return to Call Office. '

.CHEAPEST ANDBEST INAMERICA— IV WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address in the IUnited States or Canada one year for$150, post-

'*ac free

:_-;_'_: '- ~i'OCND. ,„-:\u25a0„„,,„,,„„„„„_..'

I^^OU^r^^R^Y^O^N^^O^roW^E^RTcALL•815% Ellis si. *"';


OHN E. i.ICHARDS,LAWOFFICES. ROOMSO 26 and :27, Crocker building;. telephone Mala76, Ban Francisco, Cal. .... . ;

JOHN K.AITKKNANDMA L. ASHKR.O aicys a. law, rma 515. 516. 5 h fioor.Parrott r>id^.~~~~~~~~~

XO. LEASE. ,;.-L

-t^OR~^KNTToiT,^ LEA.->K—l.o-VARA~LOt"seT>

X:cor. Polk and .Jackson sts.: rent $50 permont— \u25a0 Address J. b.. i- bansonw su, S. _•. [



THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS27-room house. $700 i2-room house $50010-room house. 150 \• 24 rooms, corner.. 75055 rooms, cor.. 3,000 14 rooms onSutter 70011rs., must sell 200 66 rooms,bestclty.3,soo16 rooms, new. 1,250 • 31-room louse .1,10027 rooms, new. 3,000 ; 10 rooms, corner.. 8,000

200 rooms,hotel.slo,ooo 11 rooms, only .. 7585 rooms. " 2,500; 10 rooms. Jones st. 300




\u25a0 PBICE ONJ-Y S-'O .Apply to H.C. DECKER, 1020 Market st.

/ff'-KO»JIHOUSE; OWNER SICK ANDMUSTrt\J leave city. DECKER. 1020 Market St.ROOMS; RENT $100; FINK LOCATION.VX Apply H.C. DECKKrt.1020 Market St.

JO- ROOM HOTEL, CLEARING $LOO PERv month. DECKER, 1020 Market st.

CORNER HOUSE; 32 ROOMS: NICELYFUR-Inlshed. DECKER, 1020 Market suCPECIAL-^25 ROOMS;~. SUNNY CORNERtO home; fullall the time; this 13 the best in-vestment In San Francisco. For prompt, reliableservice buyers and sellers may callon

_KS. A.M.ELK lAS.906 Market at., rooms 11and 12.


•a bargain; 10 rooms on Geary, near Taylor,•nice home and income besides. A.M. ELKINS,

90t> Market st.. rooms 11 and 12.

100 LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE;PRICKSX\J\J from $100 to $5000. See STRAND &CO.,46 Third st.


HOUSE, 9 ROOMS; RENT $20;"water free; good location. B. 8., box 119,

Call Office.

BURNISHED HOUSES: 12 TO 130 ROOMS;II$300 to 810,000. PHELPBA"-o. t 9171T-r-i-.<J__nn 8 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS: 1<TJ)1l/U. block from Baldwin Hotel. ApplyCall.<SiA?\(\ 20 XlOMS: FULL! RENT $35-

I«g)^:OU. snap. See sKIFF, 921 Market st.

-ÜBNITUKE FOR SAXIE^o~"inT'>"Ew~^?cmE"n^^are Init: four floors, running from Mission toMinna St., in all 3Ya acres of floor space, arepacked withhousehold goods of all kinds, parlorbedroom and kitchen outfits of all kinds and inendless variety; ifyon are thinkingof purchasinganything needed ina home, from a pairofolan-kets to a completely furnished house, pay us avisit; it costs you nothing: our numbers are 10171019, 1021 and 1023 Mission St., above Sixth, jNOONAN. •

T L J.NEUMANN'S,117 SIXTHST., FORlowest prices on household goods, new orgood as new; cash or time: open evenings.

LAT—B ELKGANT NEWLY FURNISHEDrooms; $300: bargain. 967aHoward st.

A(\l\CARPETS: CHAMBER SETS. $uTrlUv/ stoves, $5: parlor eels, $20: folding-beds.$10: bar outfits. T D. McC'RTHY. 764 Mission.


A~~^FA^U'E~>^AißP^^LiEAl?rNG^Coir^o3--.Sutter, tel. Main 394. S. S. FERGUSON.mangr.E. MITCHELL.CARPET-CLEANING CO..• 240 14th st.;cleaning 3c a yard. Tel.Mia. 74.

ONES <fc CO.. MAIN OFFICE 25 AJJD _7Eighth st.:tel. Jessie 1061.

CA YARDAT GREAT WESTERN CABPK.TCleaning Works. 11 Eighth st.

pAitPETCLEANING,3&: LAYING.Be.:RUGI\J samples free; tel. Jessie 944. Btratton. 19 Bth au

HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITHpoor work send to SPA ULDIN Pioneer Car-pet Beating Works. 353-&7 Tehama st.;teL So. 40.

OONKLIN'S CARPET -EATINGWOKK_ Hi\J Golden Gate aye.: telephone east 126.pITYSTEAMCARPETCLKANING.RENOVA-VJ Ung. an Bth. STEVENS, mgr. TeL boata 250.

ARPETS CLEANED AND RENOVATBQ\J likenew. FERGUSON A CO. 23 Tenth: I*.font liSo. (> >• «( \u25a0KI\TI»<:I.<•(-> inirrp^on.


IFYOU W A nT GOOD PRICES FOR FURNi-ilere and merchandise see BURP, 211 Larkin.

ASH PAID FOR ENTIRE HOUSES ORsmaller lots of furniture, carpets, :etc. J.BOWCHER, 222 Stockton; send postal.

BUCKINGHAM FURNITURE CO. PAYShighest price for furniture, carpets, etc. ;sendpostal. 866 Mission st. .INDIANAAUCTIONCO., SUCCESSORS TO M.J. SIMMONS' Anc. Co.. 1057 Market, pays rash


e^o^Jd^hand^3a^7alin^T^r^a^f7srd7$30: Barnes, «55; Ben Her, Ladles'. *50; Fow.ler, $55: Ladies' Fowler '-96," a bargain; alsoothers. DAVIS BROS., 23 Geary st.

IGH-GRADE 2D-HAND WHEKLS $25 UP;sundries below cost. 216 McAllister.

rfiRYF.Nh. '96 BICYCLEFOR $20. DAVIDN. HAWLEV. 318 Market st.

PARK cycler y—new wheels to _it:'best accommodations. Terminus Geary, Ho

Alllster and Powell St. car lines.


ASK FOR THE $20 SOLITAIRE DIA.RING,-—worth $40. Uncle Harris, 15 Grant aye.

JUNE YOUNG FRESH MULE CuW: THIRDcaif. Apply at the Red House, 5900 Mission

Bt..cor. Sickles avc, Ocean View.

•\TACHT-SLOOP: 26 FEET LONG: KKIFF:X cushions and sidelights new. 1310 Pacific

Ir>Oß SALE—BUFF & Bt RGER TRANSIT:J nearly new. EDWARD, 530 California st. .XJEW ELMWOOD RANGES ARE THE BEST."KM W. a RAYMFG.CO., 12 California st.

BARS, SHOWCASES, COUNTERS, SHELVIng,etc., bought and sold. 1063 mission, nr. 7th.CIOFFEE M.ILL,SCALES, LETTER PRESS,Ks stand desk, money till, aafa, cheap. 102 Clay.

UY YOUR BABY CARRIAGES AMDBAT-X' tan furniture at the factory and save retailer'sprofit; get our prices. Cal. Rattan Co., 61First su.near Mission.

S" PLENDID REMINGTON TYPF.WRITKR.$45:others from $20 up. REVALK,409 C&LIjOILERS,ENGL>ES.2D-HANDMACHINERY"XJ waterplpea. Mclntoah &Wolpman. 137 BealelpOUNTKKa SHELVING. SHOWCASESV^bars boughtA sold. 1121^ Markt.bet 7th AALLBABY CARRIAGES AND CHAIRS AT**-cost; hood tops, $5,50 up; repairing; opea

evenings. S. if.Baby Carriage Mfg.Co.. 442 Sixth.9 HORSEPOWER GAS OR GASOLINE EN-

glne: good as new; $'<*). Apply215 Bay st.! UILDINGS BOUGHT; LUMBER, SASH_»"

tioorg. mantels, etc. f->r sale. 1166 Mission.


ALLKINDSBOUGHT, BOLD,EXCHANGED.rented, repaired: lowest rates. -JOS Fourth St.

MUSICAL INSTKUMENTsIDECKKR BROS.GRAND, LIKRNEW FOBsale cheap. BTATHAMACO.,106 McAllister.AN ELEGANT HABDMANPIANO SACRITHeed by a private party obliged to dispose ofIt. Room 12, Flood building.809 Market st/^

4-STORY BUILDING. CORNER O»Kearny and Butter st?., full of pianos: these.Instruments are for sale on monthly payments of$3, $4. $6. $6, $7. $8. $9, $10, $12, $15: $20 and$25 per month : the best of every grade from lowestpr ces to Stein way Baby, Parlor and ConcertGrands: why pay rent when belter pianos can bebought from us for about same payments ? everypiano guaranteed; tine wood-seat stool and drapedcover included; co charge for drayage: pianoskept inorder bybest concert tuners. SHERMAN,CLaY «_ CO., cor. Kearny and Suttwr sts.. alsoOakland, Cal., Portland, Or., Seattle, Wash.; Stein.way representatives for tne Pacific Coast. .-1 BUY PIANOS ANDORGANS INCAKLOADX lots and forcash, and being in mv own build-ing,withdo rent 10 pay, Ican offer any one desir-ingan instrument better for less money thanany other music house in San Francisco: investi-gate and be convinced. HARRY sCOTT, 628Hayes st- \u25a0

A CTUaLLY THE BEST BARGAINS IXPI-"-TV anos; see our list lor this week: pianos on Si4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $15, $20 monthly pav-menia; fine stool and cover witheach; delivered! free anywhere in th* city and kept tuned byexpert concert tuners. The F. W. SPENCER CO

( salesrooms 9SS Market su, opp. Mason,> IMMKNSE STUCK OF .NEW AND HEc"ond-nand pianos from leading makers- no-body can offer better terms and prices; rememberours is the oldest and largest music-bouse west \u0084fChicago: call or write. KOHLKR A CHaSF <>v*

O'Farrell St.. San Francisco. \u25a0

~*ABil" 8

|. ARGAIN;PIANO FOR $76, $100, $175 jcorvi1-

and $260. at MAUVAIs'.76* Market suKTIRINGFROM BUSINESS— PIANOS ATAAt sacrifice topromptly close outstock; Knabe



h*GmS -A


ft1 KLKLKIJwalnut upright Rllton make plane, BRCENN'i^ 228 PostVIAONIFICENTSTKINWAYUPRIOht a tstMSchubert :lltUeused .sacrifice. 1C!19 Van Nes«pOOD UPKIOHT « HEAP

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„-ITHCHMlTZ.ieaicAlli.tw^xtHi^nia'sVu^Vy \u25a0 Ii.B.aDGEK ,SOL-. AUKNT KOit Uai,k7YV .*Davis and Francis b^oaj^ «ALLhl

:orrenu PENJ. lUKIaz1™ iJo^S"

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«ended^U.^Ho^»°g^,J>ee^, tt^\OAK F. FLOOD. LAW v"l»u »i—-

xN bulldln,: consultatC^.