Warm-up for 2-1 When Cortez reached the New World he burned his ships to motivate his men. Do you think that was a smart move by Cortez? Why or why not?

Warm-up for 2-1 When Cortez reached the New World he ... · Warm-up for 2-1 When Cortez ... to the Americas and determined that they were not part of Asia. ... Chapter 2 Section 1

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Warm-up for 2-1

When Cortez reached the New World he burned his ships to motivate his men. Do you think that was a smart move by Cortez? Why or why not?

-Hernando Cortez- lead explorers known as conquistadors(conquerors) in 1519

- conquered Aztec empire in 1521 w/ mainly disease

- Aztec capital Tenochtitlan was rebuilt and called Mexico City

- colony called New Spain


-Spanish settlers known as peninsulares (mostly men)

-Mestizo- marriages between peninsulares and natives

-Spanish dev. forced labor system of natives called encomienda (later abolished in favor of African slaves)

Further Conquests

Spanish move north looking for gold and resources to claim

Juan Ponce de Leon- 1st

European in Florida (1513)

Easter Sunday- Spanish call pascua florida (feast of flowers)- named La Florida

Legendary search for the Fountain of Youth

St. Augustine- Spanish outpost, oldest European founded city

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado- led expeditions into the SW U.S. in 1540

failed to find gold

New Mexico- name for Spain’s northern holdings Spanish attempted to instill religion and culture upon


Pope`- Pueblo religious leader that in 1680 revolted and kicked Spanish out for short a time ( ~15 years)

America is named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci who made several voyages to the Americas and determined that they were not part of Asia.

In 1588 the Spanish Armada was defeated by the British, which dealt a crippling blow to the Spanish and opened the way for the rest of Europe to venture to the Americas.

Warm-up for 2-2

What are some qualities that you think make an effective leader?

English colonies funded by joint-stock companies- investors pooled $ together

Sir Walter Raleigh had claimed and named territory Virginia (Elizabeth I)

Jamestown - 1607

2nd settlement, named after King James I (1st-Roanoke)

settlers dealt w/ contaminated water, hunger, lazy colonists, & natives

John Smith- seized control “he that will not work shall not eat”

Powhatan- local tribe that fought w/ English

Jamestown Flourishes (2)

1. tobacco “brown gold” becomes highly profitable

2. headright system- could pay way to Virginia & receive 50 acres of land

indentured servants- limited term of servitude (4-7 yrs) in exchange for passage

decline in indentured servants population w/ increase in wealth spurred colonists to begin importing slaves in larger #’s

colonists desire for more lands leads to warfare

unlike Spanish, English law forbid intermarriage

one marriage- Pocahontas to John Rolfe brought temporary peace

turmoil forces James I to make Jamestown a Royal Colony- under direct rule of the king (1624)

Economic Differences Split Virginia (1660s & 1670s)

poor settlers of the western frontier resented being taxed &governed without their consent

House of Burgesses-1st representative body in colonial America (only male landowners could vote)

Tax $ went to wealthy plantation owners on the E shores

no $ spent on forts for protection of poor settlers (Governor refused aid during bloody battle between frontier settlers

and Indians)

Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)

Nathaniel Bacon- “planter” wealthy Englishmen

raised an army to fight Native Americans on the frontier

declared illegal, Bacon marched on Jamestown

rebels angry- lack of representation

*exposed the power of colony’s former indentured servants

Warm-up for 2-3

Video warm-up

If you were going to create an ideal community, what would it be like?


church members who wanted to eliminate all traces of Roman Catholic ritual and traditions in the Church of England.

Pilgrims or separatists fled England

fled to escape persecution

signed Mayflower Compact

Plymouth Colony founded in 1620- 2nd

permanent English colony in NA

John Winthrop- English Puritan, 1st governor of Massachusetts

est. Massachusetts Bay Colony (1630)

port town of Boston became their capital

stockholders & male church members given right to vote

settlers usually came w/ families (lived extraordinarily long lives)

Dissent in the Community Roger Williams (2 controversial views)1. declared English settlers had no right to claim land unless they

purchased it from Native Americans 2. declared govt. officials (Puritans) had no right punishing settlers

for their religious beliefs

(opposed Quakerism, laws criminalized drunkenness, swearing, & idleness) Puritans are not religiously tolerant** fled Mass. and set up new colony (Providence)

Ann Hutchinson

believed worshipers needed neither the church nor its ministers to interpret the Bible

banished, moved to New Netherland (New York)

mother of 15, she & her family were massacred by NA’s

Disputes w/ the Natives (for every acre a colonial farmer needed to support life, a Native American needed twenty

for hunting, fishing, agriculture)

1. 1st conflict- Pequot War- 1637-colonists set fire to camp and massacred almost (~600) everyone that tried to escape

2. 2nd conflict- King Philip’s War- 1675 named after Wampanoag chief Metacom- English called King Phillip tribes united, but defeated (Metacom’s head was displayed in Plymouth for 20 years) (1/10 of the Colonial men of military age in NE were killed) Native American power in SE New England was gone forever

Warm-up for 2-4

Venn Diagram

Alternative: Have you ever known anyone who believed so strongly in something that he or she defied family or society to pursue his or her beliefs? What might be some pros and cons of such defiance?

New Netherland

(1621) Dutch colony of present-day NY, NJ, & DE

capital New Amsterdam (New York City)

generally friendly relations w/ Indians, traded fur

became a wedge between England’s N & S colonies

English took over w/o a shot fired (1664)

Duke of York became the new proprietor- owner of NYC

(gave portion of land to friends who named it New Jersey)

Quakers Protestant sect w/

radical beliefs held services w/o

ministers anyone could speak at

“meetings” dressed plainly opposed war &

refused service in military

often harassed by Anglicans & Puritans

William Penn (1644- 1718)

was given a charter for Pennsylvania (1681)

sought equality, cooperation, & religious freedom (*fundamental values of a new American nation)

(every adult male given 50 acres & had the right to vote)

helped plan Philadelphia & termed “City of Brotherly Love”

William Penn- letter to Lenni Lenape“Now I would have you well observe, that I am very sensible of the unkindness and injustice that hath been too much exercised towards you by the people of these parts of the world, who sought to make great advantages by you, … sometimes to the shedding of blood, … but I am not such a man, as is well known in my own country; I have great love and regard towards you, and I desire to win and gain your love and friendship, by a kind, just, and peaceable life.” (50 years of peace followed w/o any major conflicts) known for accepting & living peacefully w/ Indians Penn recruited immigrants from W Europe to est. colony never profited as a proprietor and died in poverty