Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? - Acknowledgements

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  • 8/18/2019 Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? - Acknowledgements


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      "You have to put fear aside and do what you  think is right."

      --Leo Ryan on the eve of his  visit to Jonestown.

      And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall  make you free.

      --John VIII : 32 . The  unofficial motto of the Central  Intelligence Agency.

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      As the author, I am solely responsible for this work  but it might never have been published had it not been for  the generous efforts of scores of fellow researchers,  reporters, librarians and friends who gathered source  material, constructively criticized early drafts of the  manuscript and proofread my atrocious spelling. I appreciate  your help and trust that you will understand that the  omission of your names from this acknowledgement is not  intended to downgrade your valuable contributions only to  spare you the pain of any possible reprisal from those  people who would suppress the truth about the Jonestown  experiment and the assassination of Congressman Leo Ryan.

      Michael Meiers June  1988

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      The Kristallnacht or Crystal Night was the name the  Nazis gave to the evening of November 9, 1938; the fifteenth  anniversary of Adolf Hitler's first attempt to overthrow the  German government. As in years past, the Nazi Party bosses  gathered to celebrate; among them was Heinrich Himmler  Reichsfurer of the SS, who had planned an event to mark the  anniversary. Following the beer hall celebrations, Himmler's  SS set out to assault the Jewish citizenry. Before the  evening was over, 119 synagogues were set on fire, 7,500  Jewish shops were looted or destroyed, 171 Jewish homes were  burned, and 20,000 Jews were arrested and sent to newly-  constructed labor camps. According to Nazi records, 36 Jews  were murdered that evening. Through-out Germany, Himmler's  troops inflicted over 25 million marks worth of damage -- 5  million in broken glass alone, hence the name, the Crystal

      Night. In the weeks that followed, German Jews were not only  denied insurance claims, but were totally ousted from the  economy and fined one billion marks "for their abominable  crimes."

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      German Jews had suffered persecution before, but only  at the hands of roving bands of "brown shirts" who acted out  of their personal prejudices under a government that turned  a blind eye to their crimes. The Crystal Night was the first  assault to be officially sanctioned by the German  government. It was the beginning of the Holocaust. In the  six and a half years that followed, over 12 million Jews and  other_  _ s_u_b_  -_  h_ u_m_a_  n_  s_  _w_e_  r_  e exterminated in the Nazi death camps.  Combined with the casualties of World War II, the death toll  was a staggering 60 million.

      Today, outside Munich, near Dachau, the first and most

      infamous of the German Nazi death camps, there is a memorial  to those who died in the Holocaust. Inscribed on the  monument are the foreboding words of American philosopher  George Santayana, "Those who do not remember the past are  condemned to relive it."


      The White Night was the name the Reverend Jim Jones  gave to the evening of November 18, 1978 in which over 900  of his followers died in a mass suicide murder ritual in  Jonestown, Guyana; a community they had carved from the  jungles of South America. Sparked by their assassination of

      U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan, the predominantly Black American  cultists carried out the final performance of the bizarre  White Night they had rehearsed for years. Before the evening  was over, 913 former U.S. citizens were dead, most from  drinking a cyanide-laced concoction.

      For years, Jim Jones had warned his congregation that  the Nazis had infiltrated the Central Intelligence Agency  and other departments of the federal government to stage a  second holocaust; this

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      time against the Blacks and Native Americans. He claimed  their only chance of survival was under his protection in  the safe haven of Jonestown. Jones' warnings were correct,  but he neglected to tell his congregation that it was he who  was helping to perpetrate the coming ethnic war in America.

      Jonestown was a medical field test in mind control

      designed to evaluate two auspicious behavior modification  drugs on a representative cross-section of Black and Native  American citizens. The unwitting human guinea pigs were  divided into three test groups. Three hundred received small  dosages of drug A on a regular basis, three hundred received  drug B and the remaining three hundred acted as the control  group and received no drugs at all. Jim Jones then staged  the only definitive test of his control; he asked his  followers to commit suicide. Those who did so voluntarily  were considered under control, those who refused were  murdered and the results so noted in the extensive medical  records that are still missing to this day.

      Jones and several of his top aides were in the employ  of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the  experiment; making the White Night the first U.S. government  sanctioned persecution of a native minority in peacetime.  The 913 dead are important, but not as important as the yet  untold millions who will die if the results of the Jonestown  experiment are implemented in society. As the earth's  resources steadily deplete, a second holocaust becomes more  and more probable but, unlike the first, there will be no  goosestepping Nazis, swastikas, concentration camps or gas  ovens. People will just drop dead en masse or be reduced to  zombie-like slaves to serve a master race.

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      All that remains of the ultimate experiment that made  this grim future possible are photographs of the carnage and

      one in particular. Surrounded by a field of corpses, over  the simple, unadorned throne of Jim Jones hung the following  hand-painted wooden sign: "Those who do not remember the  past are condemned to repeat it."

    _   _  _  _ _ _   _ _  *_ *_ *_*_*_  *_ *_ *_*_*_  *_  *_ *_*_*_  *_  *_ *_*_*_  *_  *_ *_*_*_  *_  *_ *_*_*_  *_  *_*_*_  *_ *_  *_*_*_  *_ *_ *_*_  *_ *_ *_*_*_  *_ *_ *_*_*_  *_  *

      Some say the evil was born in Jim Jones, others say it  is inherent in the CIA, still others claim the true source  is the Nazis who infiltrated the CIA, and then there are  those few who believe it all began with some quasi-religious

      group founded in the Dark Ages. One might as well say the  evil was born with time and will die with time. In order to  detail the story within the confines of a book, this work  will explore the forty years of ethnic weaponry between the  Crystal Night and the White Night.

      Eight years have passed since the Jonestown "tragedy"  or "mass suicide" or "massacre" or "suicide murder" or "the  greatest crime of the century" - no one has really been able  to define the event. One author has suggested that it was so  unique as to be called "The Event." By now, almost all of  the first hand accounts have been published. They are  surprisingly consistent in the details of Who? What? When?

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      Where?, but the critical answers to How? and Why? are either  misinterpreted, misrepresented or, more commonly, outright  omitted. Historic events, like Jonestown, are never  understood as they occur or even within a few years after  they occur. It takes time to verify and collate the various  eyewitness accounts into a comprehensive overview and to  place that overview in

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      the course of history. To date, most reports about  Jonestown are autobiographies tainted by the author's  defense of his involvement with Jim Jones and the Peoples  Temple. Some are deliberate cover-ups, but most are just  subjective and extremely limited in scope. Assuming the  intentions of the eyewitness are honest, that he has not  been deceived or overly influenced by his emotions and has  100% recall, what he reports is reality, but an extremely

      limited reality as he has no knowledge of anything that  occurred outside his field of vision. An eyewitness to  Jonestown can no more write an accurate history of the event  than a soldier in the trenches could write a history of  World War I. Such first hand accounts do provide valuable  source material, but the definitive history will be a  conglomeration of all such accounts; a second generation  book, and that is precisely the intention herein. Although  this work reaches entirely different conclusions, it agrees  with most of what has been published on the subject of  Jonestown.

      The secret of the CIA's sponsorship of the Jonestown

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      experiment is really no secret at all. The truth lies in  most well-stocked libraries and in the records of government  agencies for any other adventurer who is willing to dedicate  six years of intensive digging to discover. The first step  in this research work was to collect everything that has  been published on the subject. Newspaper articles from both  the East and West Coast press were laboriously photocopied  from microfilm. Every book about the Peoples Temple was  acquired. Many are out of print but obtainable from book  finding services, often at ten times the cover price. All

      related movies, documentaries and video interviews were then  taped for reference. U.S.

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      government reports (including what little the CIA has  released under the Freedom of Information Act) were acquired  from the Library of Congress and added to the mass of data.

      The photo libraries of news agencies provided several  thousand photographs, and a wide variety of periodicals  provided reprints of articles on the subject. Much of the  information referred to other more obscure publications that  were purchased from a variety of sources to complete the  largest reference library on Jonestown in the world. All of  this information was then qualified with attention paid to  the author's motives and validity of his sources. Since the  Jonestown story crosses the path of many equally important  stories of the day, it was necessary to duplicate the above  research procedures for these sidestories that would become  subplots of the Jonestown history. Once all of this  information was gathered, it was collated minute by minute,

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      day by day, year by year, until the sum total of all  verified facts had been placed in chronological order. This  work is intended for those who are not willing to make such  an expensive and painstaking commitment in search of the  truth.

      Nearly everyone I have encountered in my research has  urged me not to offer this book for publication. Some say I  will be labeled a madman because the American people have  been so programmed as to automatically assume that anyone

      who speaks of the CIA is paranoid and insane. I disagree.  Americans are intelligent and sufficiently aware to know  that our national security has been entrusted in part to a  very competent agency that is real, effective, achieves  noticeable results and often defends their secret activities  by labeling their critics as crazy. I have

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      also been warned that Americans do realize the CIA does  terrible things but they do not want to know the gory  details. Again, I disagree. We have not yet been totally  brainwashed into a complacent, dream-like state. We pay  taxes to support agencies like the CIA and deserve an  accurate accounting of their activities, no matter how  disturbing those activities might be. Finally, I have been  forewarned that the CIA will try to discredit or even kill  me for exposing one of their large scale crimes against  humanity. I agree that there may be some reprisal. The truth  hurts, and even though it is not my truth, only the truth, I

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      may suffer some persecution for exposing it.

      My motives are both selfless and selfish. Personally, I  am appalled that our democracy has deteriorated to the point  where a federal agency felt compelled to conduct such a  macabre medical experiment on innocent citizens. I feel a  sincere responsibility to accurately detail the story of  Jonestown and warn of what I see as the strong possibility  of a second holocaust. Secondly, I do expect to be  compensated for my seven years of work but, if money were my

      only concern, I could profit far more by using the knowledge  I have gained, as opposed to just writing about it.

      Though I consider myself to be an excellent researcher,  I am only an average writer. This book has been written in  plain English. Those fond of high intellectual pursuits will  be stimulated and taxed to the limits of their  comprehension, not by the pretentious use of flowery  language, but by the story itself. The combined genius of  Edgar Allan Poe, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Stephen  King could not have conjured up a more bizarre, intriguing  fiction, but what sets this work apart from theirs is that_   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ t_h_i_  s_   _ s_t_o_  r_  y_  _i_s_   _ t_ r_u_e_  .
