THE EA MfNG TIMES WASHINGTON MONDAY JTM 22 1901 6 L wi Tlw Busy Corner Smith Building LEAST MONEY White Goods Department II I liThe s KANN SONS COm THE BEST OF EYERYTIIIXG FOIL C ALWAYS T1th 40 pieces of Striped Madras representing 6 different styles regular ISc value special today per yard Superior fine sheer quality of Imported India Lin on full yard wide which sold for P 25c per yard today I O- Pine Sheer Persian Lawns 32 inches wide sold for 21 c pet yard to ftA eo eo eo U 1 toP U 2 C day White Goods Department first floor Section B Busy Corner Building Laces and Embroideries I I 25 pieces of assorted patterns- of fine Lace Allovers IS inches wide instead of 40c and aOe pr yard we offer them today for Special value in fine Norman- dy Valenciennes and Point e Paris Insert ings with a full range of patterns Sc to 12 c kind per yd Exceptional values in French Val Edging and Inserting patterns more or less to select from 35c to 50c value special- ly priced for today f per dozen yards 5a 3s 500 yards of plain and cluster Tucking has been sold for 50c per yard until this lot is gone we shall offer them at I 6j V h J C O 25c P ¬ A special Bargain lot of fine Swiss and Nainsook Insertings- a large collection of choice openwork and neat patterns ISc and 20c val ue special per yd 1 2 J 1 lot of fine narrow Cambric mind Swiss Edging made with wide margin Gic 3 and Sc value per A birgaih lot of the finest quality Nainsook and Swiss also wide showy Cambric Em broideries former prices rang ing from ISc to 35c per yard special This department is located section D first floor Busy Cor- ner Biiiiding Ii 1 yd 4 C I 1 to- day ¬ ¬ ¬ S KANN SONS COc I Eighth and Market Space IN THE BASEBALL WORLD American League Chicago 9 Philadelphia 4 Baltimore 10 S Baltimore 7 Milwaukee 5 Boston 4 I etrUit 2 National L suej Chicago 5 New York 2 St Louis 15 Cincinnati 2 Todays Games American Leasne- EaluinSrfest Milwaukee S 5SlBhlngton at Clevetaa- i Philadelphia at Chicago v Boston Jt Detroit t National League Bosta it Philadelphia Chicago at St Louis How tlie Claim Stand ASIEHICAX LEAGUE Won Chicago 4S ri 4 Baltimore 38 Detroit M 41 Washington 31 Philadelphia 38 Cleveland 38 Milwaukee t- ffXnSSSAit LEAGUE Won Lost PCt Pittsburg 44 Philadelphia 4 St Louis 42 Brooklyn New Ysrk 33 Boston J Cincinnati 32 43S Chicago 29 51 363 The Senators went to Canton yesterday and defeated the amateur team which en- deavors to uphOld the dignity of the Presidents town an the diamond the score being S to 8 Manager Manning had hopes that he might make find the Canton team but has concluded tlt none of them come up to the require- ments of fast company This afternoon the Statesmen will get up against the real thing again and as they claim to have put the double cross on their Cleveland hoodoo they will try to take another fall out of the Spiders IJostoii Defeat Detroit The Beaneaters defeated the Tigers at Dftroit yesterday a fumble by Rarrrtt and a wild pitch by T ag r allowing L YRterJnys GnntCI C 1 Lost PCt j S 5i6 M s7 33 4S4 3J AZ 3S3 5130 38 M jI S JiU 35 48i a in BOE 27 l 4 5b L 32 562 tt2 i 455 41 > < > ¬ ¬ < Special value in 47 inchwide English Batiste extra fine sheer quality regular value 40c per yard specially priced For today V 100 pieces of Sheer White In dia Linon these goods are nice for lining as well as dresses regular Sc value to- day 11 Extra valne iH line Sheer All linen Lawn 34 inches wide worth 50c Pet jiird today 5 C 5 c- r 3 6 C 4 I I I ¬ ton to score all their runs which gave the visitors a close victory The RILE Boston 3 OO 6 0 0 1 0 1 9 0 Detroit 00 03 0 03 8 2 Batteries Winters and Shreck Teaser Chicago1 Bernhard almost at will in the game yesterday in the Windy City with the yVthletieg and won an easy Tbo score RILE Chicago T9 S2 x 9 14 4 Philadelphia 1 04 6 5 Batteries Callahan and Sugden Bern hard and Powers The Orlolc The Milwaukee fans saw the home team go down to defeat twice before the Orioles yesterday Baltimore ontlucking the Brewers in a batting bee in the first contest and winning the second by rea- son of the poor support accorded Hkwley The scores Firsr saTsTe RILE Baltimore 8 1 2 4 fr 8 1 2 1 12 1 Milwaukee 1 0 t 1 2v 2 0 6 G 13 3 Batteries Xops and Bresnahan Reidy and Connor Second game RILE Baltimore 0 8 52S8Q 0 7 3ft 1 Milwaukee 0 5 11 6 Batteries McGinnity and Bresnahan Hawley and Maloney LONDON July 22 Reginald Hart Pennsylvania Ems Ward the coach and Mr Fuller left London yesterday for Southampton to embark on the steam ship for home SUES INJURY Action Ilronalit the Metro- politan Itnllxxay Conjjmny Thomas Montgomery today filed suit against the Metropolitan Railroad to recover J500 claimed as dam- ages for personal Injuries- It is alleged by Montgomery that on June 19 last he was a passenger aboard one of the ears of the defendant and while attempting to alight from it was thrown to the ground with great violence As a result of the accident he declares that his left hip was injured and also his left knee vas sprained and stiffened P J plaintiff ore I 6 and Bue- TClllcnJo in Front too 0 1 0 2 4 0 1 Two I 6 O 9 8 0 1 I cnn Ynnin manager o2 the oI the Uniyersity ot Vaterl nf1 FOR PERSONAL Against Com- pany I Ryan is named as counsel for the 0 e Iiiilndelpiiia vic- tory 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 Win 8 2 Crew Returning crew ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ECZEJIA TETTER PSORIASIS SALT RHETM ACNE and a great many other of like ciiaiacter are classed as skin diseases when they could just as properly be called blood diseases for they undoubtedly originate in the blood Cancer Catarrh Scrofula Rheumatism Contagious Poison etc the only real difference being in the intensity and nature the The more serious diseases Cancer Catarrh etc are caused by some specific poison or virus which is either inherited or in other ways gets into the blood attacks certain vital organs or appears in the form of terrible sores and ulcers while the milder and less dangerous diseases are caused by blood humors or an over acid condition- of that fluid These acid poisons as they ooze out through the pores of the skin be hot drv and feverish swollen and fissured Skin diseases whether they appear t nimnlfMS as sores blotches or Sl in Diseilses I diseases ison cause great irritation with intense itching and burning The ezupton may be of a kind with discharge of thick gummy fluid or the skin may ercessive I can cheerfully and most sincerely endorse specific as a cure for Eczema the moat irritating and annoying disease I think that flesh is heir to I was troubled with it for tvrentyfive years and tried many remedies with no good effect After using your medicine You can give this statement any publicity you may as it is voluntarily made more for than myself Very respectfully WIlt CAMP3ELI 313 Wet Central Wichita Kana your a short time I think I am entirely relieved desirer notorietyfor become more deeply rooted and intractable the longer neglected the skin in time a thick hard rough and unsightly appearance You can hide the for a time with cosmetics and washes lotions soaps and powders may relieve j temporarily the itching and j but eventually the pores of the skin become so I I I I clogged up by this treatment that the poisonous matter cannot out of the system and settles on the lungs heart or some other vital organ and endangers life purify and up the polluted blood is the right treatment for skin diseases this purpose no other is so deservedly asS S is a antidote for blood humors and when taken the circulation gently but thoroughly eliminates nil impurities and the blood in a healthy state The skin cant remain in an irritated diseased condition when nourished with rich new blood S S S is the only guaranteed purely vegetable remedy and safest and best skin beautifier Write our you have any or skin disease and they will cheerfully advise you without charge THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA 1M VIGOR VITAtll Mormon Bishops Pills ve ttea ra esc i ita tneir cures the worst OR ME aau potency u- a tooO nnd StimoUlcs the brain and none ccoten ftf a bez 6 fat by mail imt Ht5 A writttn giunutee to rtue- yrefiiaded with 6 Circulm free bishop Remedy Co San Francisco Cal y ut vAUD STEVENS XInth sGeet PcnnEylvanla Avenue Thrift is a Goad Revenue Greet Saving Results from Clsanliness and I S- It t 5il of CUrel Lost Manhood Lost Power s Insomnia Pans Eyll rea SnUn Emissions ama Sack v iiendachcuntltrcas to MQ rtf L O f or COn8tIP lon p 58 Of s fhllr Stops H t- C5 C Jlf J Is isles Address r and n S A P 0 L I 0 the GA- gs I eva 55 te la4m- k p asd eon 5cti- C1fJAC diiputi cxaso cr ozancmokag I r- nt4lP potency a p eemn ecpncar a cure ax Cud ri 1azaea are o Prices for Today and Tuesday at iiorerips at both wholesale and retail in loss than ease lots at priies cxctMdiiiplv to box prices Careful at- tention given to filling orders for grocery stores and hotels Goods delivered free to all parts of the city and to all railroad and steamboat companies Today Sugarcured California Hams 9Kc b York Cut Shoulders ib Sugarcured Hams 3 c Ib 12 boxes of Good Fresh Pack Oil Sardines for 4Sc 12 boxes of Good Potted Ham and Tongue for i 4Sc 12 boxes of Sardines in mustard or tomato fur j 4S- cPillsburyg Best Flour by the barrel for 510 Best Flour in sacks 33c 65c 130 Barrels of Best Family Flour guaranteed satisfactory 395 Ballards Celebrated Obelisk Flour sacks fouj33c7 65c 130 Good Fresh Ginger Snaps for 3K Ib the largest size potatoes lit they are guaranteed to be nice fresh stock from the near farms and lare enough to be entirely satisfactory ISc per peck The very large potatoes roc peek 3 Ibs of Good Fresh Cream Crackers for 25c Best Cream Cheese Special price 14c Ib Bottles Lemonette makes 20 glasses lemonade for 10c 10 lbs Best Fresh Loose Rolled Oats for 25c Best Fresh Packed Canned Lobster for 25c Brooms for 14c log Head Brand lInked Beans for Sc Good Fresh Roasted Coffee for 12c lb Nice Bright New Prunes good size for 3i Ib TodayBest Fresh Eggs I3c doz Good Fresh Cornstarch in 1pound packages for 7c Today Fresh Elgin Butter 2c Ib tf fikii9Vi as 20C b ifzm Larg Cookin lOc lb Seeded Raisins in pkgs 12c Yellow for soup 5c lb Lentils for soup lOc lb Yellow Granulated Corn Meal 3c lb Imported Sardines with key openers 0c Bottles of Maple Sirup TOe and 25c Cans of Veil Loan i2c Cans of Armours Potted Turkey lOc Saint Charles Cream 12c can Cans of Barataria Shrimps loc S Today Large Fat Mackerel 3c Ib The good 2hoop Wooden Water Buckets loc The Celebrated Granose Flakes and Biscuits 15c The Largegrain Xew Japan Rice for Gic Ib Today 12 Bxs Globe Parlor Matches lOc The large bottle O K Root Beer Extract makes 5 gallons the drink Our price 5c Flake and Pearl Tapioca 3 lbs 2oc Hires Root Beer Exfract IRe Heinles Root Beer lOc Co- coa Shells 5 Ibs for 24e Market Baskets 5c 2 pkgs Lever ings Coffee for 25e Pet Cream large cans lOc Small cans Cream Gc Jlillers Chocolate 18c Tar Toilet Soap oc Big assortment Campbells and Andersons Concentrated Soups Orders by postal card or telephone will receive prompt atten tion Scrub Brushes 4c The iKst Family Flour In 12pound sacks for 2Sc The 24pound sacks JOHNSTONS 729 7th Sl l JACOB BOOL Proprietor i W O o tOO I i ii near i TodayNew 9c i TodaySmall i I i Pillsburys i t TODAY npEGK POTATOES age I Not i an- y enmade eo eo i i t- I r- I Butter i isins t t i new i i i TodayGood i 4rl 01 J Go 1101 19 t- G Q 0 A AAAA o 66 JOHNSTONS string ia Splits 0 a rz 4 4444 4 ¬ < ¬ ¬ = > + + + + WITHOUT DATE OR SIGNATTTRS A Document Pnriiorilns i Bea Will A document purporting to be the will of Alberta Stewart was offered today for probate in the office of the Register of Wills The testatrix who was between fifteen and sixteen years of age died in this city on July island by her will pro posed to dispose of her real and personal estate The document is not dated and it Is not signed by the testatrix although her name appears In the body of the pa per of writing There is no doubt how- ever that the handwriting is that of Miss Stewart The text of the document is as follows This is to certify that I jCAlberta Ste wart at my death beiueathall my earth ly belongings both real anil personal to my uncle Albert Stewart my aunt An- na Belle Stewart and my cousin Frank Stewart and none other my uncle should die without will his share is to go to my aunt SmT hould my aunt die without having madfep will her portion is go to my uticre KtSfl should they both die without wills both shares are to go to Frank r Should Frank die his share Is to be equally divided between his parents It is stated that the testatrix left con- siderable personal property and real near Metropolis View valued at 60009 The document was offered for probate by Amanda Gregory through FultOn Lewis her counsel PTBEIEN PLAN EXCURSIONS Outings to UK Given l y Them Next Month The Washington firemen are actively engaged In making their arrangements for wo excursions to River View next Month the proceeds of which are to be devoted- to the Firemens Relief Association effort is being made to make the events notable ones The work has been divided among various committees and Is progressing satisfactorily Two outings were decided upon as it was learned that so many tickets had sold as to make it Impossible for the crowds who expressed their Intention of takIng part In the excursion to be mmodated on one day The dates of August 23 and 30 have been selected The rogramme has not been arranged yet the local flrcmon promise to secure some of the best talent in the city for amusement of their guests The Relief Association has steadily In strength since Its recent by Chief Engineer Button every fireman In the department is a merber It is hoped thatthe excursions about to undertaken will place the organization in a more solid financial foundation The firemen report that an unusually large number of tickets has already been sold Indicating that Washingtonians are very much interested In the local department additional sums of money have been given the Relief Association y Citizens whose property has bctn by the department Interfered With a Policeman Thomas hogan was fined 5 by Judge in the Police Court today for being dieor Italy It was that he interfered with policeman who to arrest another man The other man got away and Hogan was taught T VVVV I Filed Prolnrtc I I I a J to V t Ev- ery been but the grown reor- ganization Al- most be Some sav- ed Kim- ball for es- tate Two ac- c re- cently charged ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MONDAY JtLY 2 Weather Indications Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday continued warn winds mostly light southerly TEMPEHATCHE Temperature at 9 a i8i Temperature at i Temperature at 2 p TIlE SUN AD MOON Sun rose ijSI AM J Sun seta 720 PJI Moos Moon s 1043 PM TIDE TABLE Low tide l AiL and 755 PM High tide l IJ JUil and 1222 PM STREET LIGHTING Lamps lit today v 75S PM Lamps out tomorrow AOl A1L AMUSEMENTS Chases New Grand Hoyts A Milk Vliite Flag afternoon and evening IN AND ABOUT THE CITY Tonniernttirc The temperature at Afflecks registered S3 at a m degrees at noon aj a 93 dc- res at 2p m today Pollccl olclnj5 Booker William of 1313 Cedar Street north west is still a fugitive from the police by whom he is wanted for having slashed Ida wife Annie Booker with a knife last night Mrs Bookers injurit according to tile physicians at the Freedmans Hospital are IIi Release VVns DrIer Elias Hammond fifty years old was released from the workhouse about 6 oclock Saturday evening and today lie was returned to that in stitution to serve fifteen days A policeman said in the Police Court that Hammond was in conversation with another man on Seventh Street Saturday night and that lie chocked lady iKtsers by his use of profanity Jail niul Workhouse Sentence Edward Kilgore colored pleaded guilty in the Police Court today to being disorderly and ttru eases of assault lie was Sued 40 in the aggre- gate and in default will serve ninety days in jail and thirty days a the workh u r TIle all from a row in iliow Tie Alley Mamie West colored woman ratified that KilRorc beat her cruelly Mary tarttr an- other colored woman swore that Kilgore stm k- lier Injured While nt Play Andrew Madison colored eight years of age of 718 Smiths Row northwest while playing in the circle at First and G Streets northwest about SSO oclock last night fell and slightly in- jured himself about the head lie was taken home by friends Killed a Supposed Mad flog At the request of the owner E C Green c Central Avenue Bennins Policeman McTaggart shot and killed a dog Eupfxed to be sued about S30 oclock this rooming The Health Office was wtiaed and took charge of the body f the animal for examination Marr n e Si nn l lUrriagc licenses issued today to IJosrard W Cinl r and hattie Sampson both of V Charles J Wemlicirocr and Bertye Xamler ilarvey TiJtbs ad Maggie Withers John Corns and Caroline E GaiiX James Ellis and Sarah L Morton James Coppingcr and Ida Sevier BY TEST kISS PIIO VEX BEST Groves Tasteless Chill Toni Evmm hl1trJ 100L u S IioOIl eo rises I 6 de- grees S IiI superflci Gets charges resulted a ie s floitn I own fir Boo it Issued ware Lynch- burg ± ¬ ¬ ¬ < > 1 cLfQuft n7Antrr 8A 4suIdPowsfer- 1vec TPH WJI- 1ttW 2 POWDER i VALUES AT MITE PRICES Summer dullness is absent about this store A ceaseless of business activity pervades the entire place Always looking after the wants of our customers weve placed on Stile today extraor- dinary items of merit which will prove of interest to you Ask For Credit The Service Is Free cc- e I i I- I I l- t l t4 S I S S C I 4 4 5 CC C 4 S S b t I I t CC C SS II S 541444 C C I C t e I MIGHTY hum + + + massive oak Bedroom Suite Heavy Bed handsomely large swelled front oak Dressing Case with large beveled edge f g fj f mirror CD J5 J This finely finished cob- bler seat Rocker in flue oak or mahogany finish 9C Only 1u every purchaser of goods to the amount of J3Q Mattings and Rugs Clearing our entire Mat ting in the best Jap and Chinese Weaves at Be lOc 12c 15c 18c and 2Oc a yard Worth Double i 0- I carv- ed Reduc- ed i to- t i i i I t out I I oi t 1l 3 ii ii i jj 4 1r L t 4 t ¬ ¬ + + > + A handsome large 5 piece Parlor Suite ma hogany finished frame tufted back silk da C31 50 mask 0 finished Oak Parlor Table 1 Cnly To every or goods to the amount of So Refrigerators The very best makes to be closed out irrespective of cost A saving of fully 33 13 per cent guaranteed j j fine carved covering Reducedto 1 This nicely f I 14 purchaser to you t tI Highly polished case best t broom action Carpet Sweeper t- 9C Only 1 To every purchaser ot goods to the t amount ot 15 A mahogany finish damask covered CbOIY j To every purchaser of goods to the t value ot 10 I 1 Carriages I Go Carts All prices whats left be I sold our Rat 5 9 5 tan Reclining Go Cart f r t m I C 17 Baby sjyles lowest en- tire niust ee + = ct Pettit 415 417 7th St J Mayer t I e t c s i C 4 I C C SS S1 44 444OG 4 44 4 44 = + + ++ ++ + + + 43000 Miners on strike is enough to make oar have your order at once and avoid any further advance 702 11th St N W 6th and K Sts N W IStS and D Sit S W We at 12 on Saturdays during July and August t SideboardsT- he finest and best valje in the city handsomely carved finished fl 4 yale rer J15 value Cash erireiit Walker Burks I 10131015 7th St N Washington Paris Among the interesting exhibits fine display o Rorick Air Truaies of all kinds supporters and various appliances for men women and children from 1221 F St N AV which took the high- est award over all competitors American and foreign The Air Cushion Truss Company leads the world Two weeks trial Two years guarantee Catalogue i id Espeys Window Screens- It used to cost 1 for screenh r one win- dow II K w an y u a window screen fAr 14c about T for 1 JOHN B ESPEY 1O1O Pa Ave Shoes All the newest and roost attractive styles in mens ghoti Blacks tans pat- ent leather Equal to any 250 O13 Pennsylvania Avenue DRPIERCES MEDICAL FOR THE eaOODSIVERLU PiGS Dhnnn I 7ZA 18 quart bottles rt theWssh Jngton Brewcg C s famous Golden Hop Beer icr 1 De livered In unlettered wacona The Record The following lrjth fr fortyeifrht 1cmrs wore reported at the IleSlth Department op to noon today Samuel Bastes 75 years William Henry Cobrecht 72 years Mary Good 70 years John Robinson 69 years Anthony Fox 69 years George L lYohlfarth 60 years Ilcnry Thomas GO years Patrick Shceraa 57 years Francis Galligher 41 years Alice S Minor 33 years Ida llutchiiwon 37 VCSBB George Malone 36 years Hattie Scott years lIaised Dent 3 years Keol 35 Alexander Enin- wniiams 31 years John Watson SO years Emma Keister 25 years Charles Elliott 17 years Joseph Chants 17 years Cynthia Robinson 12 years Mildred Fraser 1 year Charlie Clint 9 inontiifi Clarence Thornton 9 months Raymond Howard Proctor 7 months Eva Margurie Shears 7 John Edward Flater 7 months Joseph D Williams 7 months Blanche Norris 6 months Francis Fender 5 months Edna iay Keys 4 months Ennis 4 months William 3 months lace Paingerfteld S months Winnifrc C Smith 1 month Jesse Colen I month Annie Catherine Stockham I month infant of Jennie Wells 22 days Hellen Howard 20 days Oscar Owens 15 lays Donald Huber 13 hours infant of Emily Dorstt 1 hour go higher That ill the situation at present Let WL Ja 1 t 8 8 t t t i iI t 1 v I- t e at tit late Paris E was a Roriek consultation free F St S w t egen GOLDEN DISCOVERY for Beer 36 lEery yeses Lena months Masts lalla way prices ZE93 close sa e as e its niece C 4 4 6 I C C C ew 4os CC C p iton Cushion- 12i4 sell I Beat <> ¬ ¬ > + + + + + + Speciaiisi- 50ai2thSl 21 YEARS the Cure of Chronic Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women Means Everything to You If You Suffer from Catarrh Obesity BiensiaUca ComUpalior TJiroat Lang Brain Eeirt Blood aiid Skis uenteir- arfcocele sad Hyfiroce- lteotlos frcca taints Bo palaft by Hrt is or I cored far life by aia aetbod CHAiSES LffS fSOSpT CURE EUARASilED- KKncHiES rURHiSK2 GCKSULTATIDH FB Private Waiting Room for LasHes OfnCH HOURS 10 to 1 3 to S S riays W to I- Vn l InRton Leading Specialist On Kidney i5 1der Blood Skin and Private diseases Syphilis any stcce cured for life Bctu sexes Consultation free fur- nished Hours 3 to 12 and 2 to 5 Also on Tues Thura and Sat eve 7 to 8 Closed Sundays F ST TV TT OR McKEEflAN 516 12TH ST K TV ONLY SPECiALIST IX DISEASES OF MEN Longest established largest experience beat equipment Oonsalution free Office hours 1- 0am to 5 pm Wed and Sat to S pm Sundays closed LADIES NEEDIN6 ADVICE AND TREATMENT Consult M RENNER PRIVATE SANITARIUM to treat complaints and irrcjrulATitlea Home for cases before jnd during confinement Trained nurse and expert physician in attendance at our sanitarium Offie hours from 10 a m to 6 p m City Office 402 tb t nw Rooms 101102 Phone east 766 H K FULTONS Loan Office 314 Ninth Street N W Itcney Loaned on Watches Diamonds Jewelry Etc OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT Business strictlj confidentiaL So connection with any other Loan Office in the city THEOMe- dium and Card Reader Washingtons most fa nx us clairvoyant and palmist Consult her on business love and fatally affairs reunites the separated removes spells causes speedy mar nages and gives luck Open daily German spoken tIc and tOe 9S9 II st nw miSS REDUCED REDUCED rita Readings to LADIES 25c GENTS tOe PROF CLAYOl- dest established Clairvoyant tells your business lovr aStirs family about lawsuits di- ve r j il anything you wish to know brings separatr tpgrtinr causes speedy marriages re- moves troubles bait luck spells or mys- terious fetUngs 10 to 10 daily 4S9 II st sw net to itiictzre- PrtTcau SURE YOURSELF for nnnatnrjj irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes and not astrin- gent or poisonous or sent in plain wrapper by tapirs prepaid for or 3 275 Circular sent on re i at Disorderly But Not Vagrants Katharine Turner and Hattie Williams were in the Poliit Court tyday charged with being dis- orderly and also with vagrancy They are residents- of Factory Hill A policeman swore that were boisterous and begging money on II street northwest with which they bought beer They both denied tlt allegation TK Turner woman declared she worked for a living and that she never begged for a in her life Judge Kimbal dM not teem to takejnuch stock in the- y tli women but fined each for disorderly con- duct They went th yorkhouse for fifteen days PERSONALS R Be i Glut red Nitrout suaJ Vrne Syphilis nfl stagea Sts4 EE- i lEATHERMAN l I I ml Imo MRS comfortS I Ii rijr E I I I j I family I mJ they penny vagrancy charge dism I the ease against G flr succeasf FaCtiCeir Stir Gaiocrhaa Strictare wlthOt isatruaeur mod and Debility Lou Prima ana Cicora BRa Medici Got fl I- CURE8t Big C In tss 1 OlLtraak ConisgIoc Fable Ca THEEVISSCHEIIICALCO r nsctsssno Sold by Bruggists- U S a l 5 and o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ PERSONALS Specialist Gor 12ih and F Sis Oldest In age longest located Regular graduate two schools Authorized by tlie District Government To treat all diseases of the NoseThroatand Lungs Heart Nerves Brain Blood Skin Stomach Kidneys and Bladder Night Losses Sexual Weakness and all Special Diseases of either sex Stricture Varlcocele and Hydrocele cured without cutting or op ra- tion No pain No loss of time A prompt and permanent cure guaranteed Syphilis cured life without mercury or potash No exposure Private Diseases Quickly Cured CHARGES LOW MfcDCiNES FURNISHED Dally Office Ho Sunday 12 10 to 1 and 3 to ft FREE CONSULTATION Specialist 13th and 6 OfTi ff successful prac ee in the 1 S treatment ol throat catarrh brain smt nervou diseases all forms of nervous and general deilitT all ab normal conditions and diseases of the stomach bowels chronic appendicitis liver spleen kid- ney bladder enlarged prostate uterine troubles etc netiralpia chronic headache constipation sndiResnon heart disease Tertige paralysis and all rundown conditions of the physical system including special diseases men women and children Consultation and trial treatment free Eclectic remedies fur- nished Hours S to U Closed Sundays 317 6th St OLDEST GERM AS SPECIALIST Skin Blood Dis- eases Cancer Rheumatism Piles Stricture c Private diseases and Vitality of both sexes in old sad socalled incurable esses cured Urine examined Daily from 10 to 6 Tues and Satur till S p m- CIAIRVOYAST AND PALMIST 1221 NEW AVENlE X W He tells your name object of visit and thin r you wish to your future and every- thing revealed 9 to 9 flatly and S TSday Ladies Si pentlenien 2x u WORKINGMEN should know times are very toll and a little mosey will CTJ i long wars if they will call here We are rrlways of clothe slightly at prices itWn the reach of every poor man The Valued JUSTHS OLD STAND et T T- M D BrRNrTTT Fortune Teller a business tore family arfairs removes spells causes happy marriages gives good hours 9 a m p ro 6IS G st ni e223- ORIOIKAL GYPSV PALMIST Rennwed to 119 K st nw 10 cents past present future reunite sarate l Lucky charms Spells removed r213 pptr Osrea itSst CIS for proof ot cores Ve solicit tile roost cbrtirmts- cnsoa iiaro cored the worst cages in 15 to 3S days Capltal4fi OOQ I03t book FREE 2o branch ofcM COOK REMEDY CO 1651 Masonic Chicago Ill Bicyclist Found Unconscious Benjamin Jenkins colored fortysix years age of 1013 Twentyfirst Street northwest was found in an unconscious condition on Twenty seventh Street between N Street and Dwntar ton Avenue about IO oclock last night by Po- licemen Borlingaroc and Walsh He was to Georgetown University Hospital where he quickly revived and it was that his condition was not serious The injuries were received in failing from a bicycle which be was riding at the time aun I Q j I any stooge for fli a e s I II gtl U I ElectrolWledi r rheumatism at DRClARRA I W X OAYS for ExamiIutil Diagnosis and I Treatment in ant I ERVING YORK any I bec- ause we are Seatclam sails I I luck I Sore Pi1pu at on tore in Mitit Wrlr I I Tem lc of th aid I I Dr tOte cal Parors lung MILLO1 mow the inset sdfliUg tailoraide used SliD enomit IKiriBLaL1i- U V Thai Sat Utat the Ea r IUir re- moved ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ CASTOR A FerlfifsRlsaadC drea ears tho Signature of I B KInd Ynn Have Alllays Bought E 9- te

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1901-07-22 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1901-07-22/ed-1/seq-6.… · THE EAMfNG TIMES WASHINGTON MONDAY JTM 22 1901

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1901-07-22 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1901-07-22/ed-1/seq-6.… · THE EAMfNG TIMES WASHINGTON MONDAY JTM 22 1901




Tlw Busy Corner Smith Building


White Goods Department

III liThe



40 pieces of Striped Madrasrepresenting 6 different stylesregular ISc valuespecial today peryard

Superior fine sheer quality ofImported India Lin on full yardwide which sold for P25c per yard today I O-

Pine Sheer Persian Lawns32 inches wide sold for 21 cpet yard to

ftAeo eo eo U 1



2 CdayWhite Goods Department first floor Section B Busy Corner Building

Laces and EmbroideriesI I

25 pieces of assorted patterns-of fine Lace Allovers IS incheswide instead of 40c and aOe pryard we offer themtoday for

Special value in fine Norman-dy Valenciennes and Point eParis Insert ings with a fullrange of patterns Scto 12 c kind per yd

Exceptional values in FrenchVal Edging and Insertingpatterns more or less to selectfrom 35c to 50c value special-ly priced for today fper dozen yards 5a 3s

500 yards of plain and clusterTucking has been sold for 50cper yard until this lot is gonewe shall offer themat








A special Bargain lot of fineSwiss and Nainsook Insertings-

a large collection of choiceopenwork and neat patternsISc and 20c value special per yd 1 2 J

1 lot of fine narrow Cambricmind Swiss Edging made withwide margin Gic 3and Sc value per

A birgaih lot of the finestquality Nainsook and Swissalso wide showy Cambric Embroideries former prices ranging from ISc to 35c peryard special

This department is locatedsection D first floor Busy Cor-ner Biiiiding



yd 4










Eighth and Market Space


American LeagueChicago 9 Philadelphia 4

Baltimore 10 SBaltimore 7 Milwaukee 5

Boston 4 I etrUit 2National L suej

Chicago 5 New York 2St Louis 15 Cincinnati 2

Todays GamesAmerican Leasne-

EaluinSrfest MilwaukeeS 5SlBhlngton at Clevetaa-

i Philadelphia at Chicagov Boston Jt Detroitt National League

Bosta it PhiladelphiaChicago at St Louis

How tlie Claim StandASIEHICAX LEAGUE

WonChicago 4S

ri 4Baltimore 38Detroit M 41Washington 31Philadelphia 38Cleveland 38Milwaukee t-


Pittsburg 44Philadelphia 4St Louis 42BrooklynNew Ysrk 33Boston J

Cincinnati 32 43S

Chicago 29 51 363

The Senators went to Canton yesterdayand defeated the amateur team which en-

deavors to uphOld the dignity of thePresidents town an the diamond thescore being S to 8 Manager Manning hadhopes that he might make findthe Canton team but has concluded tltnone of them come up to the require-ments of fast company

This afternoon the Statesmen will get upagainst the real thing again and as theyclaim to have put the double cross ontheir Cleveland hoodoo they will try totake another fall out of the Spiders

IJostoii Defeat DetroitThe Beaneaters defeated the Tigers at

Dftroit yesterday a fumble by Rarrrttand a wild pitch by T ag r allowing


YRterJnys GnntCI



Lost PCtj

S 5i6M s733 4S43J AZ




35 48i

a in


27 l


5bL 32 562


i 45541







Special value in 47 inchwideEnglish Batiste extra fine sheerquality regular value 40c peryard specially pricedFor today V

100 pieces of Sheer White India Linon these goods are nicefor lining as well as dressesregular Sc value to-

day 11Extra valne iH line Sheer All

linen Lawn 34 inches wideworth 50c Pet jiirdtoday

5 C

5 c-r

36 C






ton to score all their runs which gavethe visitors a close victory The

RILEBoston 3 OO 6 0 0 1 0 1 9 0Detroit 00 03 0 03 8 2

Batteries Winters and Shreck Teaser

Chicago1 Bernhard almost at willin the game yesterday in the Windy Citywith the yVthletieg and won an easy

Tbo scoreRILE

Chicago T9 S 2 x 9 14 4Philadelphia 1 04 6 5

Batteries Callahan and Sugden Bernhard and Powers

The OrlolcThe Milwaukee fans saw the home

team go down to defeat twice before theOrioles yesterday Baltimore ontluckingthe Brewers in a batting bee in the firstcontest and winning the second by rea-son of the poor support accorded HkwleyThe scores

Firsr saTsTe RILEBaltimore 8 1 2 4 fr 8 1 2 1 12 1Milwaukee 1 0 t 1 2v 2 0 6 G 13 3

Batteries Xops and Bresnahan Reidyand Connor

Second game RILEBaltimore 0 8 52S8Q 0 7 3ft 1Milwaukee 0 5 11 6

Batteries McGinnity and BresnahanHawley and Maloney

LONDON July 22 Reginald Hart

Pennsylvania Ems Ward the coach andMr Fuller left London yesterday forSouthampton to embark on the steamship for home


Action Ilronalit the Metro-politan Itnllxxay Conjjmny

Thomas Montgomery today filed suitagainst the Metropolitan Railroad

to recover J500 claimed as dam-ages for personal Injuries-

It is alleged by Montgomery that onJune 19 last he was a passenger aboardone of the ears of the defendant andwhile attempting to alight from it wasthrown to the ground with great violenceAs a result of the accident he declaresthat his left hip was injured and also hisleft knee vas sprained and stiffened

P Jplaintiff



and Bue-

TClllcnJo in Fronttoo

0 1 02 4 0 1



6 O 9 8 0 1

I cnn Ynninmanager o2 the oI the Uniyersity ot

Vaterl nf1





Ryan is named as counsel for the




0 0 2 40 0 0




Crew Returning








ECZEJIA TETTER PSORIASIS SALT RHETM ACNE and a great many otherof like ciiaiacter are classed as skin diseases when they could just as

properly be called blood diseases for they undoubtedly originate in the bloodCancer Catarrh Scrofula Rheumatism Contagious Poison etc the onlyreal difference being in the intensity and nature the The more seriousdiseases Cancer Catarrh etc are caused by some specific poison or virus whichis either inherited or in other ways gets into the blood attacks certain vitalorgans or appears in the form of terrible sores and ulcers while the milder andless dangerous diseases are caused by blood humors or an over acid condition-

of that fluid These acid poisons as they ooze out through the pores of the skin

be hot drv and feverish swollen and fissured Skin diseases whether they appeart nimnlfMSas sores blotches or

Slin DiseilsesI



cause great irritation with intense itching and burning The ezupton may be ofa kind with discharge of thick gummy fluid or the skin mayercessive

I can cheerfully and most sincerely endorsespecific as a cure for Eczema the moat

irritating and annoying disease I think thatflesh is heir to I was troubled with it fortvrentyfive years and tried many remedieswith no good effect After using your medicine

You can give this statement any publicity youmay as it is voluntarily made more for

than myselfVery respectfully

WIlt CAMP3ELI313 Wet Central Wichita Kana


a short time I think I am entirely relieved

desirer notorietyfor

become more deeply rootedand intractable the longerneglected the skin in time

a thick hard roughand unsightly appearanceYou can hide thefor a time with cosmeticsand washes lotions soapsand powders may relieve j

temporarily the itching and j

but eventually thepores of the skin become so





clogged up by this treatment that the poisonous mattercannot out of the system and settles on the lungs heart or some other vitalorgan and endangers life

purify and up the polluted blood is the right treatment for skindiseases this purpose no other is so deservedly as S S

is a antidote for blood humors and when taken the circulationgently but thoroughly eliminates nil impurities and the blood in a healthy

state The skin cant remain in an irritated diseased condition whennourished with rich new blood S S S is the only guaranteed purely vegetableremedy and safest and best skin beautifier Write our you haveany or skin disease and they will cheerfully advise you without charge


1M VIGOR VITAtllMormon Bishops Pills ve ttea ra esc

i ita tneir cures the worst


aau potency u-a tooO nnd

StimoUlcs the brain and none ccoten ftf a bez 6 fat by mail imt Ht5 A writttn giunutee to rtue-yrefiiaded with 6 Circulm free bishop Remedy Co San Francisco Cal

y ut vAUD STEVENS XInth sGeet PcnnEylvanla Avenue

Thrift is a Goad Revenue Greet

Saving Results from Clsanliness and





of CUrel Lost ManhoodLost Power s Insomnia PansEyll rea SnUn Emissions ama Sack v

iiendachcuntltrcas to MQ rtf L O for COn8tIP lon p 58 Of s fhllr Stops H t-

C5 C Jlf J Is

isles Addressr and

n SAP0L I 0




I eva 55 te la4m-k p asd eon 5cti-

C1fJAC diiputi cxaso cr ozancmokag I r-nt4lP potency

a p eemnecpncar a cure ax Cud ri 1azaeaare o

Prices for Today and Tuesday at

iiorerips at both wholesale and retail in loss thanease lots at priies cxctMdiiiplv to box prices Careful at-

tention given to filling orders for grocery stores and hotelsGoods delivered free to all parts of the city and to all railroadand steamboat companies

Today Sugarcured California Hams 9Kc b

York Cut Shoulders ib

Sugarcured Hams 3 c Ib

12 boxes of Good Fresh Pack Oil Sardines for 4Sc

12 boxes of Good Potted Ham and Tongue for i 4Sc12 boxes of Sardines in mustard or tomato fur j 4S-cPillsburyg Best Flour by the barrel for 510

Best Flour in sacks 33c 65c 130Barrels of Best Family Flour guaranteed satisfactory 395Ballards Celebrated Obelisk Flour sacks fouj33c7 65c 130Good Fresh Ginger Snaps for 3K Ib

the largest size potatoes lit they are guaranteed to be nice freshstock from the near farms and lare enough to be entirely satisfactoryISc per peck The very large potatoes roc peek

3 Ibs of Good Fresh Cream Crackers for 25cBest Cream Cheese Special price 14c Ib

Bottles Lemonette makes 20 glasses lemonade for 10c10 lbs Best Fresh Loose Rolled Oats for 25c

Best Fresh Packed Canned Lobster for 25cBrooms for 14c

log Head Brand lInked Beans for Sc

Good Fresh Roasted Coffee for 12c lbNice Bright New Prunes good size for 3i Ib

TodayBest Fresh Eggs I3c dozGood Fresh Cornstarch in 1pound packages for 7c

Today Fresh Elgin Butter 2c Ibtf fikii9Vi as 20C bifzm

Larg Cookin lOc lb Seeded Raisins in pkgs12c Yellow for soup 5c lb Lentils for soup lOc

lb Yellow Granulated Corn Meal 3c lb Imported Sardineswith key openers 0c Bottles of Maple Sirup TOe and 25cCans of Veil Loan i2c Cans of Armours Potted TurkeylOc Saint Charles Cream 12c can Cans of BaratariaShrimps loc S

Today Large Fat Mackerel 3c Ib

The good 2hoop Wooden Water Buckets locThe Celebrated Granose Flakes and Biscuits 15cThe Largegrain Xew Japan Rice for Gic Ib

Today 12 Bxs Globe Parlor Matches lOc

The large bottle O K Root Beer Extract makes 5 gallonsthe drink Our price 5c Flake and Pearl Tapioca 3 lbs 2ocHires Root Beer Exfract IRe Heinles Root Beer lOc Co-

coa Shells 5 Ibs for 24e Market Baskets 5c 2 pkgs Leverings Coffee for 25e Pet Cream large cans lOc Small cansCream Gc Jlillers Chocolate 18c Tar Toilet Soap oc Bigassortment Campbells and Andersons Concentrated SoupsOrders by postal card or telephone will receive prompt attention

Scrub Brushes 4cThe iKst Family Flour In 12pound sacks for 2Sc The 24pound sacks

JOHNSTONS 729 7th Sl lJACOB BOOL Proprietor

i W

O o tOO I



iTodayNew 9c i

TodaySmall i I







yenmade eo eo

ii t-

I r-

I Butter iisins


i new i

i i


i 4rl 01 J Go 1101 19 t-


Q 0A AAAA o 66






a rz

4 4444 4












A Document Pnriiorilns i Bea Will

A document purporting to be the will ofAlberta Stewart was offered today forprobate in the office of the Register ofWills The testatrix who was betweenfifteen and sixteen years of age died inthis city on July island by her will proposed to dispose of her real and personalestate The document is not dated and itIs not signed by the testatrix althoughher name appears In the body of the paper of writing There is no doubt how-

ever that the handwriting is that of Miss

Stewart The text of the document is asfollows

This is to certify that I jCAlberta Stewart at my death beiueathall my earthly belongings both real anil personal tomy uncle Albert Stewart my aunt An-

na Belle Stewart and my cousin FrankStewart and none other my uncleshould die without will hisshare is to go to my aunt SmT hould myaunt die without having madfep will herportion is go to my uticre KtSfl shouldthey both die without wills both sharesare to go to Frank r

Should Frank die his share Is to beequally divided between his parents

It is stated that the testatrix left con-

siderable personal property and realnear Metropolis View valued at

60009The document was offered for probate

by Amanda Gregory through FultOnLewis her counsel


Outings to UK Given l y ThemNext Month

The Washington firemen are activelyengaged In making their arrangements forwo excursions to River View next Month

the proceeds of which are to be devoted-to the Firemens Relief Association

effort is being made to make theevents notable ones The work has beendivided among various committees and Isprogressing satisfactorily

Two outings were decided upon as itwas learned that so many tickets had

sold as to make it Impossible for thecrowds who expressed their Intention oftakIng part In the excursion to bemmodated on one day The dates of

August 23 and 30 have been selected Therogramme has not been arranged yet

the local flrcmon promise to securesome of the best talent in the city for

amusement of their guestsThe Relief Association has steadily

In strength since Its recentby Chief Engineer Button

every fireman In the department is amerber

It is hoped thatthe excursions about toundertaken will place the organization

in a more solid financial foundation Thefiremen report that an unusually largenumber of tickets has already been soldIndicating that Washingtonians are verymuch interested In the local department

additional sums of money havebeen given the Relief Association

y Citizens whose property has bctnby the department

Interfered With a PolicemanThomas hogan was fined 5 by Judge

in the Police Court today for being dieorItaly It was that he interfered with

policeman who to arrest another manThe other man got away and Hogan was taught



Filed Prolnrtc












grown reor-ganization Al-























Weather IndicationsPartly cloudy tonight and Tuesday continued

warn winds mostly light southerly

TEMPEHATCHETemperature at 9 a i8iTemperature at iTemperature at 2 p

TIlE SUN AD MOONSun rose ijSI AM J Sun seta 720 PJIMoos Moon s 1043 PM

TIDE TABLELow tide l AiL and 755 PMHigh tide l IJ JUil and 1222 PM

STREET LIGHTINGLamps lit today v 75S PMLamps out tomorrow AOl A1L

AMUSEMENTSChases New Grand Hoyts A Milk Vliite

Flag afternoon and evening


TonniernttircThe temperature at Afflecks registered S3

at a m degrees at noon aj a 93 dc-

res at 2 p m today

Pollccl olclnj5 BookerWilliam of 1313 Cedar Street north

west is still a fugitive from the police bywhom he is wanted for having slashed Ida wifeAnnie Booker with a knife last night MrsBookers injurit according to tile physicians atthe Freedmans Hospital are

IIi Release VVns DrIerElias Hammond fifty years old was released

from the workhouse about 6 oclock Saturdayevening and today lie was returned to that institution to serve fifteen days A policemansaid in the Police Court that Hammond was inconversation with another man on Seventh StreetSaturday night and that lie chocked lady iKtsersby his use of profanity

Jail niul Workhouse SentenceEdward Kilgore colored pleaded guilty in the

Police Court today to being disorderly and ttrueases of assault lie was Sued 40 in the aggre-gate and in default will serve ninety days injail and thirty days a the workh u r TIle

all from a row in iliow TieAlley Mamie West colored woman ratifiedthat KilRorc beat her cruelly Mary tarttr an-other colored woman swore that Kilgore stm k-


Injured While nt PlayAndrew Madison colored eight years of age

of 718 Smiths Row northwest while playing inthe circle at First and G Streets northwest aboutSSO oclock last night fell and slightly in-

jured himself about the head lie was takenhome by friends

Killed a Supposed Mad flogAt the request of the owner E C Green c

Central Avenue Bennins Policeman McTaggartshot and killed a dog Eupfxed to be sued aboutS30 oclock this rooming The Health Officewas wtiaed and took charge of the body f theanimal for examination

Marr n e Si nn llUrriagc licenses issued today to IJosrard

W Cinl r and hattie Sampson both ofV Charles J Wemlicirocr and Bertye

Xamler ilarvey TiJtbs ad Maggie Withers JohnCorns and Caroline E GaiiX James Ellis andSarah L Morton James Coppingcr and IdaSevier

BY TEST kISS PIIO VEX BESTGroves Tasteless Chill Toni

Evmm hl1trJ100L

u SIioOIl eo

rises I


de-grees S IiI



charges resulteda



floitn I own













cLfQuft n7Antrr 8A 4suIdPowsfer-

1vec TPH WJI-1ttW 2 POWDER


VALUES AT MITE PRICESSummer dullness is absent about this store A ceaseless of business activity pervades the

entire place Always looking after the wants of our customers weve placed on Stile today extraor-

dinary items of merit which will prove of interest to you

Ask For Credit The Service Is Free

cc-e I i I-




t4 S I S S C I 4 4 5 C C C 4 S S b t I I t C C C S S I I S 541444 C C I C t e I


+ + +

massive oak Bedroom SuiteHeavy Bed handsomely

large swelled front oakDressing Case with largebeveled edge f g fj fmirror CD J5 J

This finelyfinished cob-

bler seatRocker influe oak or


9C Only

1u every purchaser of goods to theamount of J3Q

Mattings and RugsClearing our entire Mat

ting in the best Jap andChinese Weaves at Be lOc 12c15c 18c and 2Oc a yardWorth Double













I oi


1l3 ii

ii i jj41r










A handsome large 5 pieceParlor Suite mahogany finished frame tuftedback silk da C31 50mask


finished Oak

Parlor Table

1 Cnly

To every or goods to theamount of So

RefrigeratorsThe very best makes to be

closed out irrespective of costA saving of fully 33 13 percent guaranteed j

jfine carved



This nicely




to you



Highly polished case best tbroom action Carpet Sweeper t-

9C Only 1

To every purchaser ot goods to the tamount ot 15

A mahoganyfinish damaskcovered

CbOIY jTo every purchaser of goods to the tvalue ot 10 I

1Carriages I

Go CartsAll prices

whats left be


sold our Rat 5 95tan Reclining GoCart fr




C 17


sjyles lowest en-tire niust




ct Pettit 415 417 7th StJ Mayert I e t cs i C 4 I C C S S S 1 44 444OG 4 44 4 44


++ ++ + + + + +

43000Miners on strike is enough to make oar

have your order at once and avoid any furtheradvance

702 11th St N W6th and K Sts N W IStS and D Sit S W

We at 12 on Saturdays during July andAugust

t SideboardsT-he finest and

best valje in thecity handsomelycarved finished

fl 4 yalerer J15 value Casherireiit

Walker BurksI 10131015 7th St N

Washington ParisAmong the interesting exhibits

fine display o Rorick AirTruaies of all kinds supportersand various appliances for menwomen and children from 1221F St N AV which took the high-est award over all competitorsAmerican and foreign TheAir Cushion Truss Company leadsthe world Two weeks trial Twoyears guarantee Catalogue i id

Espeys Window Screens-It used to cost 1 for screenh r one win-

dow II K w an y u a windowscreen fAr 14c about T for 1



All the newest and roostattractive styles in mensghoti Blacks tans pat-ent leather Equal to any

250O13 Pennsylvania Avenue



Dhnnn I 7ZA 18 quart bottles rt theWsshJngton Brewcg C s famousGolden Hop Beer icr 1 De

livered In unlettered wacona

The RecordThe following lrjth fr fortyeifrht 1cmrs wore

reported at the IleSlth Department op to noontoday Samuel Bastes 75 years William HenryCobrecht 72 years Mary Good 70 years JohnRobinson 69 years Anthony Fox 69 yearsGeorge L lYohlfarth 60 years Ilcnry ThomasGO years Patrick Shceraa 57 years FrancisGalligher 41 years Alice S Minor 33 yearsIda llutchiiwon 37 VCSBB George Malone 36years Hattie Scott years lIaised Dent3 years Keol 35 Alexander Enin-wniiams 31 years John Watson SO years EmmaKeister 25 years Charles Elliott 17 yearsJoseph Chants 17 years Cynthia Robinson12 years Mildred Fraser 1 year Charlie Clint9 inontiifi Clarence Thornton 9 months RaymondHoward Proctor 7 months Eva Margurie Shears7 John Edward Flater 7 months JosephD Williams 7 months Blanche Norris 6

months Francis Fender 5 months Edna iay

Keys 4 months Ennis 4 months William3 months lace Paingerfteld S months

Winnifrc C Smith 1 month Jesse Colen Imonth Annie Catherine Stockham I monthinfant of Jennie Wells 22 days Hellen Howard20 days Oscar Owens 15 lays Donald Huber13 hours infant of Emily Dorstt 1 hour

go higher That ill the situation at present Let



t8 8




v I-

t e

at tit late Paris E was a


consultation free F St Sw



for Beer

36lEery yeses




lalla way




sa e a s e

its niece

C 44 6 I C C C ew 4os C C C p











+ +


+ +


21 YEARSthe Cure of Chronic Nervousand Special Diseases of Menand Women

Means Everything to You If You Sufferfrom Catarrh Obesity BiensiaUca ComUpaliorTJiroat Lang Brain Eeirt Blood aiid Skis uenteir-

arfcocele sad Hyfiroce-lteotlos frcca taints Bo palaft

by Hrt is or I

cored far life by aia aetbodCHAiSES LffS fSOSpT CURE EUARASilED-


Private Waiting Room for LasHesOfnCH HOURS 10 to 1 3 to S S riays W to I-

Vn l InRton Leading SpecialistOn Kidney i5 1der Blood Skin and Privatediseases Syphilis any stcce cured for lifeBctu sexes Consultation free fur-nished Hours 3 to 12 and 2 to 5 Also onTues Thura and Sat eve 7 to 8 ClosedSundays



ONLY SPECiALIST IX DISEASES OF MENLongest established largest experience beatequipment Oonsalution free Office hours 1-0am to 5 pm Wed and Sat to S pm Sundaysclosed




complaints and irrcjrulATitlea Homefor cases before jnd during confinement Trainednurse and expert physician in attendance at oursanitarium Offie hours from 10 a m to 6 p mCity Office 402 tb t nw Rooms 101102

Phone east 766

H K FULTONSLoan Office

314 Ninth Street N WItcney Loaned on Watches Diamonds Jewelry


Business strictlj confidentiaL So connectionwith any other Loan Office in the city


dium and Card Reader Washingtons most fanx us clairvoyant and palmist Consult her onbusiness love and fatally affairs reunites theseparated removes spells causes speedy marnages and gives luck Open daily Germanspoken tIc and tOe 9S9 II st nw miSS

REDUCED REDUCEDrita Readings to


PROF CLAYOl-dest established Clairvoyant tells your businesslovr aStirs family about lawsuits di-

ve r j il anything you wish to know bringsseparatr tpgrtinr causes speedy marriages re-

moves troubles bait luck spells or mys-terious fetUngs 10 to 10 daily 4S9 II st sw

net to itiictzre-PrtTcau

SURE YOURSELFfor nnnatnrjj

irritations or ulcerationsof mucous membranes

and not astrin-gent or poisonous

or sent in plain wrapperby tapirs prepaid for

or 3 275Circular sent on re i at

Disorderly But Not VagrantsKatharine Turner and Hattie Williams were in

the Poliit Court tyday charged with being dis-

orderly and also with vagrancy They are residents-

of Factory Hill A policeman swore thatwere boisterous and begging money on II streetnorthwest with which they bought beer They

both denied tlt allegation TK Turner womandeclared she worked for a living and that shenever begged for a in her life JudgeKimbal dM not teem to takejnuch stock in the-


tli women but fined each for disorderly con-

duct They went th yorkhouse for fifteen



R Bei


Nitrout suaJVrne Syphilis nfl stagea Sts4






ml Imo



rijr E







I mJ



vagrancy charge dism I the ease against




Gaiocrhaa StrictarewlthOt

isatruaeur modand Debility Lou

Prima ana Cicora






CURE8t Big C

In tss 1OlLtraak


r nsctsssno Sold by Bruggists-U S a











Gor 12ih

and F Sis

Oldest In age longest located

Regular graduate two schools

Authorized by tlie District Government

To treat all diseases of the NoseThroatandLungs Heart Nerves Brain Blood SkinStomach Kidneys and Bladder Night LossesSexual Weakness and all Special Diseasesof either sex Stricture Varlcocele andHydrocele cured without cutting or op ra-

tion No pain No loss oftime A promptand permanent cure guaranteed Syphilis

cured life without mercuryor potash No exposurePrivate Diseases Quickly Cured


Dally Office HoSunday 12

10 to 1 and 3 to ft



13th and 6

OfTi ff successful prac ee in the1 S treatment ol

throat catarrh brain smt nervou diseases allforms of nervous and general deilitT all abnormal conditions and diseases of the stomachbowels chronic appendicitis liver spleen kid-ney bladder enlarged prostate uterine troublesetc netiralpia chronic headacheconstipation sndiResnon heart disease Tertigeparalysis and all rundown conditions of thephysical system including special diseasesmen women and children Consultation andtrial treatment free Eclectic remedies fur-nished Hours S to U Closed Sundays


Skin Blood Dis-eases Cancer Rheumatism Piles Stricture c

Private diseases and Vitality of both sexes inold sad socalled incurable esses cured Urineexamined Daily from 10 to 6 Tues and Saturtill S p m-


He tells your name object of visit andthin r you wish to your future and every-thing revealed 9 to 9 flatly and S TSday LadiesSi pentlenien 2x uWORKINGMEN should know times are verytoll and a little mosey will CTJ i long wars ifthey will call here We are rrlways

of clothe slightly at prices itWn thereach of every poor man The Valued JUSTHSOLD STAND et T T-

M D BrRNrTTT Fortune Teller abusiness tore family arfairs removes spellscauses happy marriages gives good hours9 a m p ro 6IS G st ni e223-

ORIOIKAL GYPSV PALMIST Rennwed to 119 Kst nw 10 cents past present future reunitesarate l Lucky charms Spells removed


pptr Osrea itSst CIS

for proof ot cores Ve solicit tile roost cbrtirmts-cnsoa iiaro cored the worst cages in 15 to 3S daysCapltal4fi OOQ I03t book FREE 2o branch ofcMCOOK REMEDY CO1651 Masonic Chicago Ill

Bicyclist Found UnconsciousBenjamin Jenkins colored fortysix years

age of 1013 Twentyfirst Street northwest wasfound in an unconscious condition on Twentyseventh Street between N Street and Dwntarton Avenue about IO oclock last night by Po-

licemen Borlingaroc and Walsh He wasto Georgetown University Hospital

where he quickly revived and it was thathis condition was not serious The injurieswere received in failing from a bicycle whichbe was riding at the time

aunI Q



any stooge for

fli a e s I

IIgtl U







X OAYS for ExamiIutil Diagnosis and

ITreatment in ant





bec-ause we are Seatclam sails





Sore Pi1puat on tore in Mitit WrlrI


Tem lc






cal Parorslung




insetsdfliUg tailoraide



IKiriBLaL1i-U V Thai Sat

Utat the Ea r IUir











CASTOR A FerlfifsRlsaadC drea ears thoSignature



KInd Ynn Have Alllays Bought


