THE WASHIXGTOft TIMES WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 1U08 y iTii Paris Wedding- Is Solemnized- At Ontario- A pretty wedding took place last oven inr at the Ontario when Miss Marls Jsabelle Paris daughter of Mrs Emer elU Paris become uife of John C Fro ke The ceremony vas solemnized in ho apartments the brides mother tho Rev James Morton of historic Christ Church Alexandria officiating aantitles of palms and white roses fanned the decorations throughout the apartments and the bridal party stood A of palms studded with tot flowers in the drawingroom Miss jrf tcicn Hood a lifelong friend of the briie played the Lohengrin wedding for the entrance of the bridal party pnrl a program of appropriate selections throughout tho ceremony James P Farto brother of the bride eorted his sister and gave her in mar- riage Her bridal gown wee of Duch cShd lace en train in prlncesee over ivory silk Her veil of tulle 3 arranged with a coronet of orange blossoms and the bridal bouquet was a ahovver of Bride and lilies of the vslly Miss Lucy Morton Brooke slater of tiio bridegroom acted as maid of honor aped the brides only attendant Her wn was of pale pink net over pink satin and she carried a bouquet ot ITritesmald roses James Barrett Carter of Virginia served as best man for Mr Brooke After the a reception was lipId and later in the Mr antI Sirs Brooke left Washington for a Northern bridal trip Mrs Brooke a modish tailored costume of Copen hagen hue cloth with a hat of burnt trW trimmed with blue wings and fe l ae Ipoii their return Mr and Mrs Brooke will reside in Washington v hero Mr Brooke Is the senior partner of the law firm of Carter Some of the outoftown guests pres- ent were Mr and Mrs James Ambler Brjoke parents of the bridegroom 1 Miss Ella Brooke Miss Lucy Morton Brooke Mrs Edward carter Brooke all of Virginia Mrs Charles Franklin Btirs r of Herkimer N Y and Mr and Mrs James Morton of Alexandria Jusserands Entertain Last evening the French Ambassador and Mme Jusaerand entertained at din- ner TimsA Jn the party were the British AmKiH ador and Mm Bryce the Turk Mi minister the Chine minister Mr Jistki and Mrs Brewer Senator and Mrs Foraker General and Mrs Sharpe Mr and Mrs Gordon Cummings Mr anl Mrs Hennen Jennings Mrs Letter Slater Miss Tuckerman CApt the 2U n rable Horace Hood naval attache cr the British embassy Prof Wiley MijT Fournier military attache of the lrench embassy and the Naval At tache and Mme de Blanpre apt and Mrs Warren Beach were at dinner last evening in honor f senator ciu Pont There music tiToughout the dinner as Is their cus- tom and a musicale followed Mrs Clarkes Luncheon Mrs Randolph Clarke a party In her apartment In ti Connecticut yesterday abella Howard wife of the f the British embassy will ilnirton for England the lat April Mr Howard will ac- er to New York and will i England later in the sum on C Joubert the minister left Washington- Hot Springs Ark where he stay several weeks- ce and Mrs iHarlan have as s the Rev George M Wrong f history In Toronto Unlver Mrs Wrong Prof Wrong- n several works on English high order son Bingley of Maine is the ler daughter Mrs James C Mr home 23f arles W Russell and Miss wife and daughter of Aa torney General Russell will an urope in June The Cuban Minister and Mme Que eada will not be able to entertain for several weeks on account of the illness of their son Gonzak Quessda who is 111 with the whooping cough Congressional Ladies Meet A meeting of the ladles of the Con- gressional Circle Interested in forming- a club was held this morning in the new office building of the House of Representatives The constitution was considered and important business transacted Mrs George Law of York has returned to her Mbme Washington where she has been the guest for a few days of Senator and Mrs Elkins Mrs C Mustin formerly Miss Torinne Montague who spent the win er sister Mrs George Bar alttmore will leave for San shortly to join her husband Mustin who la with the fleet call Wedding Mrs Arthur Lucas announce tg of their daughter Miss Lucas to Oliver G Duffln in ty Md Wednesday March auls Roman Catholic Church- Dr Byrnes officiated PatteeCo NrS OUTERWEAR 1331 G STREET NORTHWEST ington D C wig is April amond BargainP- ure white and flawless d i a m ond of great brilliancy Regular 65 value HARRIS CO Diamond Importers Cor 7th and D Sts N W iiOKG WAX SHTG COSZTASTT 1209 G Street IT W Importer and dealers in all kinds of Chinese and Japanese Art Good Silks Linens and EmlToHTed Silks for ladles summer and th the before made roses ceremony A 10 was neon New th e Birthstone for 5000 J l1i wear lower mu- sk ef- fect roarI- ng Mrs sty I eater fined a 1 wino ell 1 Special for winter ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > + Benefit Tableaux at the Belasco Arouse Interest of Societu Folk PARTICIPANTS IN THE BENEFIT I f 1- 0L JI Photo copyright MM by HarrisEwlng MRS BOURSE COCKRAN Wife of Representative Cochran The tableaux for the benefit of the Washington Diet Kitchen and the Red Cross Day Camp arranged by Mits- Gwynne and Miss BoardnMtn for tomor- row and Friday afternoon at the Be lasco are attracting considerable at- tention In society circles II D Millet the wellknown artist is posing the characters and lending some of the costumes for the tableaux the subjects of vhlch have been chosen from famous paintings Among those participating will Baroness Moncheur wife of the Belgian envoy Mrs Bourke Csckran wife of Representative Cockran Miss Ide sis- ter of Mrs Cockran Miss Katherine Jennings Miss Schenck the Misses May Miss Newbold Miss Oliver Hugh Legare Frank Crowninshield and Franklin Ellis A unique feature of the entertainment will be the bevy of young girls garbed- as Red Cross nurses who will sell pro- grams which are to be artistic little conceits The list of these Includes Miss Xabuco daughter of the Brazilian ambassador Miss May Adams of Miss Wetmore Miss Luvering Miss Randolph Miss Grace Miss Juliette Williams Miss Mary Scott Miss Lillian Chew Miss Eleanor Ridge ly MIss Eleanor Parker Miss Henri etta Fitch Miss Esther Denny and Miss Alice Warder Mrs QuaKrough wife of Capt E C Qualtrough will leave to morrow for Old Point where see will spend the week end Baron Speck von Sternburg the Ger man Ambassador and Baroness von Sternburg postponed their departure for a brief stayin New York to entertain several of their distinguished country men en tour of the United States now in Washington for a few days Yesterday there was a luncheon at the embassy In their honor Those at the table were Count and Countess Carrmer Lieutenant Colonel Hanstein and Mr Steinbrlngr the visitors and in vitod to meet them were the Naval At tacho and Mme Hebbinghaus Miss I I I be I I ton Bal- timore Comfort ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BARONESS MONCHEUR Wife of the Minister From Belgium Langham Count Hatzfeldt and Herr von The Naval Attache and Mme Hebbtog haua entertained at dinner in the even ing in compliment to the visitors The other guests were the Naval Attach of the AustroHungarian Embassy and Baroness Preuschen von red wt L4eb ensteln Miss Oliver and H rr von Schu bert Senor Don Arturo L Flallo secretary of the Dominican legation given up his apartments Is now at the Burlington- Mrs George Gray of Delaware wilt be the guest of Mrs Hawkins wife of General Hawkins at Soldiers Home during the Easter season Commander and Mrs Albert Cleaves will have Commander and Mrs Albert L Key f Washington guests for a few days at the torpedo station at Newport Mrs John B Henderson entertained- at dinner last evening i her home Boundary Castle on Florida avenue and Sixteenth street Misses Lambert Entertain- The Misses Lambert were hosts at bridge yesterday afternoon hi their home on Massachusetts avenue A number of additional tea Mr and Mrs LT Mann were the dinner hosts of last evening Gentlewomens League Sale The Gentlewomens League will hold its annul spring sale of shirt waists neckwear childrens clothes fancy and S ubert came fa later for has as tb guests ¬ ¬ 1S62 Established 46 years 1308 An Exclusive Ladies Cloak Suit and Furnishing House Presenting the Most Exclusive Fashions for Spring 1908 In this presentation of the most distinctive and authorita tive fashions in Womens Outergarments it has been our aim to include only such as would reflect credit on the long established reputation of this house for garments of class and quality Your attention is directed to tbe exceptional variety of styles displayed in highclass Tailored Suits Jackets Walking Skirts Silk Waists Lingerie Waists and Silk Petticoats- A showing which we believe is unrivaled by the display of any in Washington 5 Fine Gloves Neckwear Corsets Hosiery Parasols Belts Leather t Goods etc WAI H AlcKNEW CO 933 PA AVE i j i i io H M H- rt I l Jl9 em I t I Special Exhibit I i of Womens Apparel I- t i I i- I i i i f i We also ask your inspection o our latest novelties in t 0i i i- t Ht II J I I fll Jj 4 4Q l G a Y s e I ta + + + + + + ++ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + MISS ELIZABETH OLIVER Daughter of Secretary Oliver useful articles preserves Jellies cakes candles biacui also old relic old sil ver and laced today and tomorrow from It a m to t p m in St Johns Parish Sixteenth street H streets Tea will served after i oclock The Gentlewomens is for of needy dispose of their and old family heirlooms and relies Mrs Jack was hostess infor- mally at tea yesterday afternoon The home of Col and Mrs Richard r a pretty reception last evening in honor of George Washington University Palms and cut foriied the decorations throughout the lower floor of the house A orchestra behind a bower palms furnished music during the evening Diskmaa Bevan Wedding A wedding of interest to Washington took place at noon today at Arlington- near Baltimore when Miss Annie K Bevan sisterinlaw of United States Senator Isador Raynor became the wife of Addison T IMshman of Spokane Wash The ceremony took place In the home of brides brother Jv4e Jtichard A Bevan Capt Cameron McR Winslow U S commanding the battleship New Hampshire stationed at Newport has rented the Newport estate of Dr Clem ent Mrs who was formerly Miss Havernneyer will close atlnuJ Page Eleven Always Something New Merry Widow line of Belt Buckles Belts Veil Pins Pins and Beauty j Sets merit the special attention- of the public Come in and ex amine our goods and prices SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Merry Widow Leather Belt jfc Merry Widow Buckles beautifully ished Ste Merry Widow Beauty Pins set or X 7e Merry Widow Charms latest cruyoiogySfe Merry Widow Leather Fobs tea LUCJ03 HIGH ART JEWELRY 1307 F Street N W Where Your Dollars Cocnt Most St NW 39c SOc Childrens 33o Best plain or checked Gingham Rompers sizes 1 to 6 years 23c DoubeBed Sized Bed Spreads 390 Watch for Thursdays Ad Best Elgin Butter 26c b Only about ten thousand Ihs left Get in while It lasts The Sanitary Grocery Co 3222 llth st n v 3d H sts n w 3301 H st nc TOO st se 409 7th st sw HS6 7th st nTir 600 B st s e 15th P sts nvr- lft ria ave nw Telephone Connections I Hail between and I be I I I I Henry was the of the or art nd arehltecturt or striA I velaM Winslow I I Our I I u B S I Rompers I i BEHRENDS- ii The i f R Regel1t F 50 T Shoe 943 Penna Ave t I L League the- o assisting gentlewomen i scene department C Ian v t Collard t fin EH 722724 Seventh is i ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ << + + + ± m Found by the Palais Royal representatives last week on Broadway New York The opportunity came just after the retail merchants were ling dollars bought to such an advantage that the claim of finding 8000 is not an do we sneakingly pocket the said eight shall be distributed among our patrons as these i Thousands of Newest Waists Some worth Some worth 741 Some worth MA Lot 1 comprises Lawn Waists of colored stripes with pleated front Laundered Linen Col- lars and Cuffs with bias fold of colored material Lot 2 includes White Linene Shirt Waists tailor made with breast pocket and laundered detachable collar and cuffs Lot 3 comprises Cross barred Muslin Waists and India Linen Waists with pleated fronts and laundered collars and cuffs Lot 4 includes no less than fortythree different styles of Lingerie Waists combining beauty of designs and the exquisite needlework only associated with the most expensive garments You know the usual 96c Waists See these and learn of the years best bargain at this price Some Were Made to Sell at Best hats made to order tomorrow at nearly onehalf the usual prices because of the milli nery chiefs late vast purchase in New York and because the store remnants are to be quoted at greatly reduced prices For instance of various lots of S15O untrimmed straw hats at 75c for choice Braids at loc instead of 19c yard tic instead of 25c for flowers 9c for 25c jeweled hatpins Now for the newly acquired goods P LA IS ROYAL I Found 80000 I aU supplied with Sprin stocks and our with jing thousandsthey I 1 98c 4098 198 1598 0 98 c 150 lffl 200 r ff J r fIt l 225 JS Second Best Suit Hats 350 Ji d tJ fJl or C 5 i 4 1 representatives i w N 1 I IU i1III1t- Q 0- j I F d i r r i y- t 4 t s eiig YII1i s- tt lr t tr Y z t 1 i t- y t r 99S a vt- 1 r S r 11 LW T jtt k t White L98 last ¬ 150 to 198 to 500 Values At 150 Instead of 173 and LK are the wanted large Sailors in black and colors At 1 to 56 in stead of L50 to 66d are the new leghorns for ladles misses knit chil dren At 400 instead of 608 are best of large Chip Sailors in scarce greens grays blues browns and black New Hats 4 S3 ¬ ¬ lie to 500 Values Tbounads of bunches new Flow or these at 390 instead of 5M imported this year At 5vc TSc and At lie to 3Sc are Flowers better than usual at 19c to Soc All lately from New York New Flowers 3501- 9c to Of per lunch are the finest 1 are iSc to Flowers newonly spedmee nasal to 775 S350 to 900 Values Ostrich Feather Plumes The best evidence of the bargains lately are the reduced prices found necessary for the Plumes prcriousty here Any Plumes marked M9 can be claimed for 775 all marked to be all at 5M are to be 425 all marked 338 are to be 288 New Feathers 298 M- are se- cured 3646 89c for These L50 Gmerits J 69c for Usual 100 Garments Broken tots and are you win recogD1 e the regular L and 158 know that they are IMsIIt at tic and See tables full Oft first northeast conMr Bear elevator t A Lisner Hours P M I some tossed and Palais tumbled bargain of dice Poor r 9 1- c a or THE PALMS ROYAL I 8LMto6 i

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1908-04-01 [p 4]. · 2017. 12. 26. · bower palms furnished music during the evening Diskmaa Bevan Wedding A wedding of interest to Washington

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    Is Solemnized-

    At Ontario-A pretty wedding took place last oven

    inr at the Ontario when Miss MarlsJsabelle Paris daughter of Mrs EmerelU Paris become uife of John CFro ke The ceremony vas solemnizedin ho apartments the brides mothertho Rev James Morton of historicChrist Church Alexandria officiating

    aantitles of palms and white rosesfanned the decorations throughout theapartments and the bridal party stood

    A of palms studded withtot flowers in the drawingroom Missjrf tcicn Hood a lifelong friend of the

    briie played the Lohengrin weddingfor the entrance of the bridal party

    pnrl a program of appropriate selectionsthroughout tho ceremony

    James P Farto brother of the brideeorted his sister and gave her in mar-riage Her bridal gown wee of DuchcShd lace en train in prlncesee

    over ivory silk Her veil of tulle3 arranged with a coronet of orange

    blossoms and the bridal bouquet was aahovver of Bride and lilies of thevslly

    Miss Lucy Morton Brooke slater oftiio bridegroom acted as maid of honoraped the brides only attendant Her

    wn was of pale pink net over pinksatin and she carried a bouquet otITritesmald roses

    James Barrett Carter of Virginiaserved as best man for Mr Brooke

    After the a reception waslipId and later in the Mr antISirs Brooke left Washington for aNorthern bridal trip Mrs Brooke

    a modish tailored costume of Copenhagen hue cloth with a hat of burnttrW trimmed with blue wings and fel ae Ipoii their return Mr and MrsBrooke will reside in Washingtonv hero Mr Brooke Is the senior partnerof the law firm of Carter

    Some of the outoftown guests pres-ent were Mr and Mrs James AmblerBrjoke parents of the bridegroom1 Miss Ella Brooke Miss Lucy Morton

    Brooke Mrs Edward carter Brookeall of Virginia Mrs Charles FranklinBtirs r of Herkimer N Y and Mrand Mrs James Morton of Alexandria

    Jusserands EntertainLast evening the French Ambassador

    and Mme Jusaerand entertained at din-ner

    TimsA Jn the party were the BritishAmKiH ador and Mm Bryce the TurkMi minister the Chine minister MrJistki and Mrs Brewer Senator andMrs Foraker General and Mrs SharpeMr and Mrs Gordon Cummings Mranl Mrs Hennen Jennings Mrs Letter

    Slater Miss Tuckerman CApt the2U n rable Horace Hood naval attachecr the British embassy Prof WileyMijT Fournier military attache of thelrench embassy and the Naval Attache and Mme de Blanpre

    apt and Mrs Warren Beach wereat dinner last evening in honor

    f senator ciu Pont There musictiToughout the dinner as Is their cus-tom and a musicale followed

    Mrs Clarkes LuncheonMrs Randolph Clarke a

    party In her apartment Inti Connecticut yesterday

    abella Howard wife of thef the British embassy will

    ilnirton for England the latApril Mr Howard will ac-er to New York and will

    i England later in the sum

    on C Joubert theminister left Washington-

    Hot Springs Ark where hestay several weeks-

    ce and Mrs iHarlan have ass the Rev George M Wrongf history In Toronto UnlverMrs Wrong Prof Wrong-

    n several works on Englishhigh order

    son Bingley of Maine is theler daughter Mrs James CMr home 23f

    arles W Russell and Misswife and daughter of Aa

    torney General Russell willan urope in June

    The Cuban Minister and Mme Queeada will not be able to entertain forseveral weeks on account of the illnessof their son Gonzak Quessda who is111 with the whooping cough

    Congressional Ladies MeetA meeting of the ladles of the Con-

    gressional Circle Interested in forming-a club was held this morning in thenew office building of the House ofRepresentatives The constitution wasconsidered and important businesstransacted

    Mrs George Law of York hasreturned to her Mbme Washingtonwhere she has been the guest for a fewdays of Senator and Mrs Elkins

    Mrs C Mustin formerly MissTorinne Montague who spent the win

    er sister Mrs George Baralttmore will leave for Sanshortly to join her husband

    Mustin who la with thefleet

    call WeddingMrs Arthur Lucas announcetg of their daughter MissLucas to Oliver G Duffln inty Md Wednesday Marchauls Roman Catholic Church-Dr Byrnes officiated



    ington D C

    wig is April

    amond BargainP-ure white and

    flawless d i a m ondof great brilliancyRegular 65 value

    HARRIS CODiamond Importers

    Cor 7th and D Sts N W


    Importer and dealers in all kinds of Chineseand Japanese Art Good Silks Linens andEmlToHTed Silks for ladles summer and












    th e Birthstone for












    eater fineda

    1 wino
















    Benefit Tableaux at the BelascoArouse Interest of Societu Folk



    f 1-

    0L JI

    Photo copyright MM by HarrisEwlng


    Wife of Representative Cochran

    The tableaux for the benefit of theWashington Diet Kitchen and the RedCross Day Camp arranged by Mits-Gwynne and Miss BoardnMtn for tomor-row and Friday afternoon at the Belasco are attracting considerable at-tention In society circles

    II D Millet the wellknown artistis posing the characters and lendingsome of the costumes for the tableauxthe subjects of vhlch have been chosenfrom famous paintings

    Among those participating willBaroness Moncheur wife of the Belgianenvoy Mrs Bourke Csckran wife ofRepresentative Cockran Miss Ide sis-ter of Mrs Cockran Miss KatherineJennings Miss Schenck the MissesMay Miss Newbold Miss Oliver HughLegare Frank Crowninshield andFranklin Ellis

    A unique feature of the entertainmentwill be the bevy of young girls garbed-as Red Cross nurses who will sell pro-grams which are to be artistic littleconceits The list of these IncludesMiss Xabuco daughter of the Brazilianambassador Miss May Adams of

    Miss Wetmore Miss LuveringMiss Randolph Miss Grace MissJuliette Williams Miss Mary ScottMiss Lillian Chew Miss Eleanor Ridgely MIss Eleanor Parker Miss Henrietta Fitch Miss Esther Denny andMiss Alice Warder

    Mrs QuaKrough wife of Capt E CQualtrough will leave tomorrow for Old Point wheresee will spend the week end

    Baron Speck von Sternburg the German Ambassador and Baroness vonSternburg postponed their departure fora brief stayin New York to entertainseveral of their distinguished countrymen en tour of the United States nowin Washington for a few days

    Yesterday there was a luncheon atthe embassy In their honor Those atthe table were Count and CountessCarrmer Lieutenant Colonel Hansteinand Mr Steinbrlngr the visitors and invitod to meet them were the Naval Attacho and Mme Hebbinghaus Miss





















    Wife of the Minister From Belgium

    Langham Count Hatzfeldt and Herrvon

    The Naval Attache and Mme Hebbtoghaua entertained at dinner in the evening in compliment to the visitors Theother guests were the Naval Attach ofthe AustroHungarian Embassy andBaroness Preuschen von red wt L4ebensteln Miss Oliver and H rr von Schubert

    Senor Don Arturo L Flallo secretaryof the Dominican legation givenup his apartmentsIs now at the Burlington-

    Mrs George Gray of Delaware wiltbe the guest of Mrs Hawkins wife ofGeneral Hawkins at Soldiers Homeduring the Easter season

    Commander and Mrs Albert Cleaveswill have Commander and Mrs AlbertL Key f Washington guestsfor a few days at the torpedo stationat Newport

    Mrs John B Henderson entertained-at dinner last evening i her homeBoundary Castle on Florida avenueand Sixteenth street

    Misses Lambert Entertain-The Misses Lambert were hosts at

    bridge yesterday afternoon hi their homeon Massachusetts avenue A numberof additionaltea

    Mr and Mrs L T Mann werethe dinner hosts of last evening

    Gentlewomens League SaleThe Gentlewomens League will hold

    its annul spring sale of shirt waistsneckwear childrens clothes fancy and

    S ubert

    came fa later for


    as tb




    1S62 Established 46 years 1308An Exclusive Ladies Cloak Suit and Furnishing House

    Presenting the Most ExclusiveFashions for Spring 1908In this presentation of the most distinctive and authorita

    tive fashions in Womens Outergarments it has been our aim toinclude only such as would reflect credit on the longestablished reputation of this house for garments of class andquality Your attention is directed to tbe exceptional variety ofstyles displayed in highclass

    Tailored Suits Jackets Walking Skirts SilkWaists Lingerie Waists and Silk Petticoats-

    A showing which we believe is unrivaled by the display of anyin Washington 5

    Fine Gloves Neckwear Corsets Hosiery Parasols Belts Leathert Goods etcWAI H AlcKNEW CO

    933 PA AVE

    i j i i io H M H-rtI

    l Jl9 em ItI

    Special Exhibit Ii of Womens Apparel I-tiI i-I i



    iWe also ask your inspection o our latest novelties in t


    i i-

    t Ht II J I I fll Jj


    4Q l G






    + + + + + + ++++++++





    + +

    + +







    MISS ELIZABETH OLIVERDaughter of Secretary Oliver

    useful articles preserves Jellies cakescandles biacui also old relic old silver and laced today and tomorrowfrom It a m to t p m in St JohnsParish Sixteenth streetH streets Tea will servedafter i oclock

    The Gentlewomens is forof needy

    dispose of their and oldfamily heirlooms and reliesMrs Jack was hostess infor-mally at tea yesterday afternoonThe home of Col and Mrs Richardr a pretty

    reception last evening in honor ofGeorge Washington University Palmsand cut foriied the decorationsthroughout the lower floor of the houseA orchestra behind abower palms furnished music duringthe evening

    Diskmaa Bevan WeddingA wedding of interest to Washington

    took place at noon today at Arlington-near Baltimore when Miss Annie KBevan sisterinlaw of United StatesSenator Isador Raynor became the wifeof Addison T IMshman of SpokaneWash

    The ceremony took place In the homeof brides brother Jv4e JtichardA Bevan

    Capt Cameron McR Winslow U Scommanding the battleship New

    Hampshire stationed at Newport hasrented the Newport estate of Dr Clement Mrs who wasformerly Miss Havernneyer will close

    atlnuJ Page ElevenAlways Something New


    line of BeltBuckles BeltsVeil PinsPins and Beauty jSets merit thespecial attention-of the publicCome in and examine our goodsand prices

    SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEKMerry Widow Leather Belt jfcMerry Widow Buckles beautifully

    ished SteMerry Widow Beauty Pins set or X 7eMerry Widow Charms latest cruyoiogySfeMerry Widow Leather Fobs tea

    LUCJ03 HIGH ART JEWELRY1307 F Street N W

    Where Your Dollars Cocnt Most

    St NW

    39c SOc Childrens 33oBest plain or checked Gingham

    Rompers sizes 1 to 6 years 23cDoubeBed Sized Bed Spreads 390

    Watch for Thursdays Ad

    Best Elgin Butter26c b

    Only about ten thousand Ihs leftGet in while It lasts

    The Sanitary Grocery Co3222 llth st n v 3d H sts n w3301 H st nc TOO st se409 7th st sw HS6 7th st nTir600 B st s e 15th P sts nvr-

    lft ria ave nwTelephone Connections


    Hail betweenand I be





    Henry was the ofthe

    or art nd arehltecturt or



    velaM WinslowI






    B S IRompers




    if R Regel1t F50

    TShoe943 Penna Ave t



    League the-o

    assisting gentlewomen










    EH722724 Seventh






