THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY MAECH 16 1903 3 1 NEW YORK POLICE WANT MM FACTS Impatient at Failure to Get Assassination Details LEARN PETROSINOS MISSION Detective Had List of 300 Xanien of Criminals or QuasiCriminal Who Could Be Deported if Evidence Were Presented Trip to Italy Made to Gather Data for This Purpose New York March police au- thorities of this city are becoming over the failure of the Palermo police Q give them any information in regard to the assassination of Leut Jo- seph Petrosino Deputy Commissioner Wood cabled to Palermo early Saturday morning for a liThe im- patient T ¬ ¬ detailed account of the crime and for such clews as the Italian police officials could furnish Ho sent another urgent cablegram Saturday afternoon and he wired for the third time In the meantime the local detective bureau under Inspector McCafferty Is cruising around like a ship without a rudder The men In the department are intensely eager to get out and avenge In a lawful way the death of their fellow detective but they are absolutely without information in regard to the crime ex- cept as the circumstances have been told In the newspapers They have suspicions that certain of the Sicilian terrorists in this city might be Able to throw light on the assassination but they are afraid to move until some clflclal information has been received from Palermo Making a Few Arrests The police today picked up eight or nine Italians In Manhattan and the Bronx for carrying concealed weapons out the efforts of the local detective bureau were directly chiefly toward an attempt to get the most notorious of the Italian criminals In this city located If the information from Palermo impli- cates any of them indirectly the New York police will bo roady to act Police Commissioner Bingham will send a man to Italy to cooperate with the Italian police department in running down Petrosinos murderers This man will be commissioned also to consummate the secret misekm that the Italian de- tective was on when he was killed No information could be obtained at police headquarters today as to whowlll under take this second mission to Italy It Is gradually becoming clear just what the purpose of Petrosinos trip to Italy was and how seriously it affected the band of Sicilian criminals in this country It is known that Petroelno carried with him a long list of Italian criminals in this country and that he was going to ask that these men be taken back under juris- diction cf the Italian authorities Dr Raphael Asutla of 36 Prince street Petrosinos family physician is authority for the statement that the Italian de- tective told him just before sailing that there were 309 names on this Hat Catalogue of Criminals Petrosino in his long term of service In the New York police department had into contact with nearly all of the most dangerous criminals that have en- tered this CMitry from Italy He them just as a librarian would catalogue a lot of books In many cases they bad coraatftted ne crimes for which they could be held in this country but Petrosino never lost a chance to increase his fund of information in regard to their records The list of 3M which he took to laly consequently represented years of effort on his part Whether that list is miss- Ing or is In possession of the Palermo police te one of the things that Commis- sioner Blaghams men hope to learn through official sources The list of ourse can be easily duplicated from the records tot Petrosino Kept in his bureau All of theae 3M Italians said Dr Assulta had been convicted of various iiines in Italy and in some cases had served teems of imprisonment there In rrost however the men had been paroled with the understanding that they were not ta leave the jurisdiction of the police authorities The paroles have been broken and they have fled to this coun- try IInn to Deport Them Dr AssulU went on to say that It was Petrosinos purpose as soon as he landed in Italy to arrange with the Italian police for the deportation of these 300 criminals Wick into that country where many of them might be punished for a violation of the parole One or the tasks which Petrosino had before him there it is be- lieved was to look up the official records of many of these men and thus complete the information which he had collected in this country- In this he was cooperating with the police department of Italy and It was supposed with the police officials at Pal- ermo Persons who heard today of this phase of the detectives mission recalled that commissioner Bingham has recently been in Washington both with the State Department and with President Taft In fact he was in Washington when Petroeino was assassinated It is Printing Service Thats Peerless The equipments of this Print Shop are strict mrdrm We ran do sour priBtfeg test and at the Ttrrst ooit Judd Detweiler Inc THE BIG PRINT SHOP 43 22 11TH ST THE COLDENSTROTH 1413 Pa aye DiY I nillc nod Gentlemen Grill Itooa Gentletueu Cafe FIr t Floor A la Carte nt All flours BnilncBi fleas Lunch 13 to 2 P M Muatr In tb Grill Room 7 to 13 P M- LA WORD TO TOURISTSY- ou can solve the dining question by toklns your meals nt VALLIS 13tli near G A Highdaw Restaurant with firstchsa white tcnice sad reasonable prices ii THE BOSTON CAFE For Ladles and Gentlemen 132 Fifteenth St nw to- night ome cases J 4 cata- logued 4 I lit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CURES ECZEMA QUICKLY New DrnjTf Poslam TSovf Obtainable in Small Quantities Since Its discovery one year ego the new drug poslam has successfully cured thousands of chronic cases of eczema and other distressing skin afflictions Hereto fore poslam has been dispensed solely for the benefit of eczema patients in large sufficient for a months treatment This was found to be an Inconvenience to many thousands who used it for minor skin troubles such as pimples black heads herpes acne scaly scalp complex- Ion blemishes itching feet piles c which require but a small quantity to cure To overcome this and In response- to urgent appeals the dispensers of pos lam have been obliged to adopt in addi tion to the regular twodollar package a special fiftycent size which In future may be found on sari at Ograms ODon nells and other leading drug stores In Washington or may be ordered direct from the Emergency Laboratories No 32 West Twentyfifth street Now York City In all eczema cases poslam stops itching with first application and proceeds to heal Immediately chronic cases being cured In two weeks In less serious skin troubles results are seen after an overnight appli- cation Samples for experimental purposes may still be had free charge by writing to the laboratories for them jars o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ believed that Commissioner Bingham was taking this matter up with the State Department while was clinch- Ing the practical end of It in Italy The Italians In this country who were thus threatened with deporta- tion and possible punishment at home would have a strong motive for making way with the lieutenant Deputy Commissioner Woods has al- ready ordered an Investigation of all Ital- ians who left this port between February 5 and 12 POE ROOSEVELT Authorities at Palermo Will Care fully Guard Former President Rome March 15 A postmortem of the body of Joseph Petrosino the New York detective who was mur- dered at Palermo Friday was made to- day in the presence of the magistrate who is investigating the crime Three bullet wounds were between the shoulders another through the neck and the third grazing the right cheek and temple The first two caused death The shots were evidently fired from be- hind the ministry of the interior The American Embassy has been as- sured that the utmost efforts will be made to arrest the murderers including the otter of a reward It is expected that the United States will offer another reward The Investigation at Palermo is being energetically pursued The arrest of sus- pects continues Among those examined is a man of the name of Palazzotto former- ly a resident of Brooklyn where he was convicted of an outrage He is alleged to have sailed on the same ship as Petro sino He pleads an alibi The police are now greatly concerned about the impending arrival of Col Roosevelt and his family It Is stated that every effort is being made to dis- suade Col Roosevelt from going into the earthquake region or elsewhere in Sicily The Mesdina district has always been P trosino NOW FEAR exam- Ination foundone ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the stronghold of the Mafia and officials hold that in view of CoL Roosevelts strenuous action against secret criminal associations his presence there will in- volve grave risk A newspaper quotes Mr Bishop consul at Palermo as saying that the United States besides requiring energetic co operation in tracking the conspirators may demand financial compensation for the death of Petrosino TAFT TO ATTEND EXERCISES Will Be Present at Cleveland Me- morial Meetlnpr In York New York March IS President Taft it was announced today will be present Thursday evening at the Cleveland exercises to be held in the great hall of the College of the City of New York St Nicholas Terrace and tttth street Among others who will be present and who will make addresses are Senator Ellhu Root Cow Charles Hughes Judge George Gray William B Hornblower Edward M Shepard and Mayor McClel lan The exercises will be under the aus- pices of the committee appointed by the mayor There will be an elaborate musical pro gramme and 35 voices will be hoard in the chorus No admission will be charg ed and the public will be admitted with out tickets WEATHER CONDITIONS U S of Agrkaihwre V7aUwr Biases WMWncton Mowfejr KflfrS p at Light MW Ml Monday in Ute Mfcwwi Md Upper MtaMpfrf talfe efcewfeere the weather ww tile G uf States the beary rates of tbe Jut few kkj bees been fottwwad by a deeM d ill twn- peratvn and frwt Orer interior aad Western per taoM of Ute emmtrr tnaperatare his rises TIle bara et r has fan OR Ute Iaciic cwst sad a dtprmfcm M derdoptag OTa that regkw A hsht d pc rio8 orcr the 3IMdle iHssisiippt will Ohio Valley sad Southern Lake recioB Tuewlar awl in Ute Middle Atlantic States IWaday night er V d ie d y The k s the New eoat wilt be- Heht wiaMe en the Middle AtlAntic CMrt Mgb- tmiabfer aUftktR to easterly oa te Smtb Atlantic caet Mt T rwWe ebiftteg to w ti crlj oa tile G lf mast Msht and rariaMe on Lake MkWgta- BAdcrate Wet to northwest Stfeaacrs departiBK Tuesday tar Ewrereaa ports will hare tit nrabte rtods sblfttejr te euteriy and pertly dandy weather to the Grand Local Temperature Midafeht 38 2a m X 4 a a S 6 a m 31 8a m X 16 a m 39 12 soon 41 2 p ra U 4 p m 6 p ra 41 8 p m W a ra 38 Maxiannn 44 minimusa 21- Retatite buatidity3 a ra 54 2 p a X S- p ra 47 Rainfall 3 p ra to S p a I a Hours of NHMhiw Per cent ef posriMe MMhing sa Temperature same date test year Maximum 4 Temperatures in Other Cities ToBweratwres In ether dUes togetber with the amount of rainfall far the twelve bows ended at S p au yesterday as fellows Rain Max Mia 8pm fall Asherflle N a 2 36 Atlanta Ga 50 30 Atlantic City X J X- DtaMrek N Dak a IS 22 T Boston 49 30 55 Buffalo X Y X 23 Chicago Ill 40 22 58 Cincinnati Ohio 4 23 38 Cheyeaae Vje 31 3 30 DftTeaport Iowa 34 20 23 OC- CDenrer Coto 43 33 Motees Iowa 26 12 SS 066- Gahestos Tex So 4t SS Most 41 28 v 48- Indiaaapoli lad 38 28 S5 Pie 56 53 52 Kansas City Me 41 22 M Rock Ark 51 JR 50 LOT Angeles Cat 50 56 Midi 2S K 22 T Memphis TenD 45 34 44 New Orleaaa La 56 40 York X Y 42 31 33 Platte 40 20 32 Omaha Xebr i 34 20 26 001 PitUburz Ilu 38 30 32 001 Portland Me 34 24 2 Portland Oreg TO 40 E3 Silt Take Utah 58 31 54 St Lottit Me 42 a 4J St Pal Mh n 26 14 24 0 fl San Francisco taI 58 46 54 SpriBcfieM 2 2S 33 TBCOOM Wash 56 55 Vfcksburg Misi 54 36 48 Tide Table tide 240 a rs awl JH2 n m Low tide 855 a zn and W 6p nu- TomorrowHish tide 330 a M and 415 p raT Low tide d a m and UiB p m Condition ot the Water Special to Ta WasaicstoR iferaW Harper Ferry W Va March 15Both rimS me- morIal Diet Mardi Ii meee ward attended hr raID or SIIOIS itt Ute winds Bask i 43 I 6 raIBImum 4t 4t 4t 38 all m 3- 1Du rack onrlUe SI M- ew orth Xebr City IlL TodayHigh dtatEHa I < Jew SIr- s sit Valley Basis 48 115 lO ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ARGUMENTS LOSE IH COOPER TRIAL v Judge Hart Will Deliver Charge to Jury Today HUNDREDS ARE DISAPPOINTED Friends of the Prisoners Look For- ward to a Verdict of Acquittal While Others Believe Mistrial Will Result Second hearing Practically Impossible Because of Publicity Nashville TeaL March argu ment In the of Col D B Cooper- R J Cooper And J D Sbarpe charged with the murder of former Senator E TV Carmack was concluded today the last speech being made by Attorney Gen- eral Jefferson M McCarn in behalf of the State When Gen McCarn finished Judge Hart stated that be expected to be prepared to charge the Jury tomor row To the minds of public this was to be a most eventful day In the trial and the court room was crowded Gen McCarn in his preliminary remarks following those he delivered in Me pan ing address on Saturday said that he had closed at that time Mr Car mack was shot in the back Make It the first shot or the last h was shot in tb back Col Cooper Aggressor Gen McCarn again referred to the range of the bullet in Mr Carmacks and said it showed that it was fired by a man not as tall as Mr Car mack and could not have been fired while a man was falling lIe contended that Cot Cooper was the aggressor through out Attorned General McCarn closed with a quotation from an address delivered by Mr Carmack while a member of the United States Senate in regard to the South and said that he believed the mem- bers of the jury would do their full duty and give the lie to the statement that rich and influential people could not be punished by juries in Tennessee Hundreds Are DisappoInted Judge Hart stating that he expected to deliver his charge some time tomorrow adjourned court much to the tg potnt ment of hundreds of spectators who ex pected to hear the charge to the Jwry to dayThe Intimate friends of Cot Cooper sad Robin Cooper are sanguine of acquittal while others who are coaeervUre are of the opinion that the jury may disagree The consensus of opinion among tboe who have closely watched the the trial is that there will be a and that a second hearing of the cue w- b almost impossible in view of the wide publicity of the evidence and the tart that so much difficulty was experienced In selection of a jury in the flrt trial tiThe case the seek pro e ot when Calls mia I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LAUDS THE TRADE UNIONS Representative W B Wilson Ad dresses Labor Convention Urges Closer Affiliation Between Bodies of VorkInfcmen for Their Mutual Benefit Urging that all trade unions a MUe aad get into closer coamiualeaxloii vwith similar organizattoa for the bfttterateat of the Industrial trades Reareeeatatlve William B Wilson of Pewwyhmate last night addressed the coaveatfea of the metal trades department of the Amerteaa Federation of Labor He sounded the keynote of the session Frank Morrison secretary of the Amer- ican Federation of Labor opened the convention at Typographical Temple yes- terday with an address of welcome He discussed briefly the phases of the ques- tion of a closer federation between the several branches of the metal workers of this country and Canada James OConnell president of the Ma- chinists Union of this city presided aDd eLated that the purpose of the coaventhm was to discuss certain amendments to the constitution Albert J Berres also of this city officiated as secretarytreasurer and submitted several resolutions to change the bylaws of the organization The meetings will be continued this morning at 9 oclock and a new roster of officers elected before adjottrameat At the afternoon meeting the delegates wiH decide upon a place for the next conven- tion Shortly after the evening meeting was convened the presiding officer called upon Representative Wilson to address the delegates- In beginning the Congressman explained that he bad been a miner and was glad to address the aseemWge as brothers I am In favor of organized labor not only because of the force it insures combat organized capital but because the humanitarian reforms instituted at its suggestion began the Representa tive There has never been a step taken in this or any other country having for its aim the benefit of humanity that did not have Its inception In the ranks of organ ized labor This is true in the case of shorter hours advanced wages and the Installation of sanitary and safety appli- ances in all manufacturing and mining the world On behalf of the Blacksmiths Interna- tional Union J VV Kline of Chicago dressed the meeting and exhorted navy yard employes present to induce the members of that craft at work in that establishment to Join the ranks of organ ized labor A B Grout representing the Metal Polishers Union voiced a similar plea It Is possible that some plan will be evolved before the close of the present convention whereby trade agreements be tween employers and employes of the various unions will be arranged Mrs Watts in to The V shfai tMi Herald Durham N C March 35 Mrs George W Watts wife of the millionaire philan- thropist and tobacco magnate today was successfully operated upon for appendi citis A special train from Raleigh brought Dr Knox and she was conveyed to the Watts Hospital built by her and presented to the city of Every chance Is in her favor Mr and Mrs Watts are Marylanders Mrs Watts before her marriage being a Miss Beall of Cumberland j Old Amontillado SherryD- irect importation from the house of Gonzales Byas Co Spain A wine of eXQuIsite flavor Per gallon 8500 Phone M 996 14th St N IV Of plantS or Hospital- S l hus- band Dur- ham TOKALON WINE CO 614 tiC adS L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TRANSPORT SUMNER SAILS Snmber of Army Officers Aboard Havana March 15 The transport Sum nor sailed for Newport News today passengers Include Mrs Barry wife of Gen Barry and her daughter a number of officers and their ffmUIes and civilian employes Negroes of Sanitago have mamorallTed President Gomez to promise to give negroes 30 per cent of the political Jobs Congress today took a recess until April 5 The House of Representatives passed a Mil providing for the appoint- ment of an army dental surgeon The Senate the cookfighting hill to a committee The term of Morua Delgado the negro president of the Senate has expired He expects to assume the management of the national lottery Vice President Zayas sailed for the United States today to place his son at school and to confer unofficially with American statesmen on the tariff PIANIST MAKES DEBUT HERE Ethel Aitfius with Glenn Hall Gives Concert at Auditorium Doth Mckc Good in Their Varlouc Numbers Mra Taft In Present Ethel Altemus pianist made her debut in Washington last evening assisted by Mr Glenn Hall the English tenor at a concert in the Masonic Auditorium before- an audience which comfortably filled the hall The artists bad the satisfaction of appearing before the first lady of the land who accompanied by Capt Archi bald Butt arrived and sat to the end of the programme showing her approval of both artists by frequent applause They gave a charming programme corn peeed of a D a M Setafeort- b MDcr J KasM a AK QtnHe SdMbort GMtttteB imr laW Ltet A toaes U GuMs sod YariatfM Ra MMi- W SMtta A mfar S- BtiMl AttMMM- to Mb TiMsNar Has EfcM 4 A Matt Stags LJt 4 Jtetker Mt u Alt Miff A lw w- te scfeenV- Hi Kfehaid HastMU at tile jUM AUemtftR made a very distinct hn- proMtkw both personally sad artfodcaJly She played with nn exquisite tone and teehniQO and gave Schumann num- bers especially welL The two composi- tion of Lesebettgky were particularly in- teresting sad Miss AHemtM played them charm Untfy- Mr Hail who makes the very most of a voice which is ROt great but is pleas- ing stags with exquisite style delightful enunciation nue finish The two old Engttek songs and Tours Mother o Mine aroused much enthusiasm and tier being repeatedly recalled he sang a retching little Scotch ith great attcce Mr Hagemajts accompaniments were both skillful and sympathetic MAN SLAIN FOR MONEY Clerk IN 3HflaIn New York March the mur- der of Isadore de Vaiaate night clerk of the Eastern Hotel M Whitebait was found beaten to death in the hail back of the oOce was deliberately piaaaed woo revealed today when it was discovered that a chamois belt captaining which he wore under Ms clothing had been removed by his slayers The theft of the Money belt was dis- covered when Mrs de Vaiaate arrived at the hotel sad looked at the body of her husband She said that on lest Saturday her husband drew tt front the bank to buy a diamond ring This mosey she said he carried around his waist ia a belt Whoa the detectives looked for Uif belt they not only dis- covered that it was missing but that there were several stab wounds in the mans beck It is now believed that the victim had told of his intended purchase and that the attack on him was planned and timed so that the plotters might work without fear or interruption and escape safely INDIANS DIE OF SCOURGE Hunters and Trnpi rji In Canadian Wild Also Fall Victims Winnipeg Manitoba March 35Seven tytwo Indians dead from a strange dis ease at Fort Chippeyan and several hun- dred iii In all four posts of the Hudson Bay Company in the Mackenzie River district is the startling news brought from the far Xorth by Angus Brabant inspector of trading posts in the Mac- kenzie River district who arrived here today There are nine other posts In the dis- trict which will not be heard from until the rivers open June and the last ad- vices from there was early in October and already the scourge had started to get in Its deadly work Hunters on the trail were suddenly stricken with It and trappers In the bush are seized with fatal results within a few hours GAMBLING BILL UPHELD Sentence of Bookmakers at New Approved by Courts New Orleans March 15 By a unan imous expression the State Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality or the Locke bill prohibiting gambling on race tracks and approved the sentence of seven months Imprisonment and J3W fine Im- posed on Robert Sheffield and Placide Frigerio who served as bookmakers in a test of the law at the City Park race track NAVAL SURGEON SUED Dr Diddle Made Defendant in Suit for Defamation of Character Annapolis Md March Clernant Biddle a surgeon In the navy who fe now visiting in Annapolis was today made defendant in a suit for J5600 dam ages for defamation of character Tha suit was instituted by Joseph Broadb lt of North Severn near Annapolis through his attorney James W Owens The declaration charges that in a conversation between Dr Biddle and Mr Broadbalt Saturday the former severely attacked the character of Mr Broadbelt and In- sulted him in an Improper manner Vice PreJllc1ent Znyaa Coming Her keep his referred Impression let elI sa GIrns HaL sea I Se SseI Tw l HIida Hall 0IInIIe0aIMI A- fa lIaJDiI u sca 0tumIIIJ GAco0IIiI or BItIIIIa or spllllelg I tbto DeW Mien the song Suns Carried In Belt by Hotel That lit lit 15Dr t J est lie yJIka Vhie- Id WSIS- e Oil Less < 0 Glenn hail lie Ahs and Lurge street- wise Or- leans ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Say Charge it and Pay Little Sums Later On The Wolf Scheinman Stock I Purchase Gives You I Clothing and Furnishings at a I Fraction of Cos- tS have the moneysaying opportunities been so great orso attractive in this selling of the stock of recently established at th street Thats why the crowds have so great and more are coming every moment 1rLnrLrLflIrLrLJ astey are Wolf Scheinman 741 1en Mens Suits and MENS SPRING AND FALL WEIGHT Suits dependably tailored and stylish Scheinraans price 12St and 15 Our sale price MENS SPRING AND FALL WEIGHT Suits high grades plenty of all sices Sold by Schemman at J17M and 52f Our 3 sale price SPRING AND FALL WEIGHT by Scheinman at 2S Our sale J priceALL MENS OVERCOATS SOLD BY Schelnman going for i ALL MENS RAIN COATS SOLD BY Scheinman at li going kt sale t- ALL MKNS TROUSERS SOLD BY ScbeinoMui at 52 going for All 300 Trousers at 150 AH 400 Trousers at 200 All 500 Trousers at 250 ALL MSNS FANCY VESTS SOLD BY at S5H and 5 i Oor s 4e price MSNS FINE WHITE FlLLDRESS Veats Sld by Schclnmaa at 2 Sale price Furnishings MENS FINS WHITK MADRAS SHIRTS extra mao but not full lines of Schetnmans price c Our price MENS FINEST PLAITEDBOSOM SHIRTS both white and colored cuffs attached coat Sold by Schetnraan at and 1 Our price Mens Otis Balbriggan Shirts and Draw- ers in the summer weight Sold by Scheinman at 750 Our sale prices OXC Hens Mediumweight Derby Ribbed Shirts and Drawers not all sizes Sold by Scheinman at 390 Our sale IQ price MENS FINE MADRAS PAJAMAS IN ALL Sold by ScaeUwaan at Our sale price- I MENS GENUINE BRIGHTON SILK GAR Sold by Seheinmaa and the world over at 2ic Sale price MENS BORDERED HEMTITCHED Handkerchiefs soft and line quality Sold by Seheinmaa at Sc Our price MENS EXTRA QUALITY LISLE SUE MENS WASHABLE MERCERIZED FOUR inhand Ties Sold by Scheiniaan at 15c Our le price down to Qvercoats fZl6 75 11 75 Suits ot the lineal aU sizes SoW 13 75 10 00 8 75 Use 100 100A- LL SOC 39 well C 55 The C 79 SLit C 14 C 2 LC 11 wnders mdi of best and C prior price 8 C fENS quality af 2SW nu and C sizes mrs e 50c webs cbeInmans e Sale i I I ¬ ROPE OF FATHERS NECKTIES Clothes to Her Lover Below Seeds to The Wiito nn Hcfak- LRetkvHte Md March KNormaa S Melville aged twentyone years and Miss May Oliver aged nineteen years both of Philadelphia were married Sat- urday afternoon by the Rev S R White Today a story leaked out of the dUll eatefes this young couple tad in becom- ing ama and wife The author of the roamttce the couple Is the arether of tile sroftM S Lggt Melville According to the brothers report Nor man asked the parents of his brideto be weeks for their consent to his marriage to their daughter Mary Permtestoa was refused thereupon the young couple determined not to abide by the dectetea They summoned- to their assistance the older brother of MeUville who suggested the trip to RockvHle Md A new obstacle beset the young lady who was being closely watched by members of her fatally Mien Oliver retired to her room Sat- urday afternoon and packed her clothes la two suit cases and by means of an Improvised rope made from a number of her fathers neckties she lowered the suit- cases from a window to her lover who was waiting below She then informed her brother she was going out for a walk The waouspecttog Brother made no protest She joined Meitvitle at the depot where they in company with the brother of the groom boarded the train for Rockville When you have lost or found anything telephone an advertisement l The Wash- ington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 cent a word Eloping Girl tsCd It to Lower Her a few ago ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ Boys and Young Mens YOUNG MENS SUITS IN SPRING AND fall weight sizes IS to 19 years Schein mans 329 Our price YOlNG MSNS SUITS PLAIN BLACK and Mixtures sizes 15 to 19 years jfk ScaelawaJts prices tip to JS YOUNG MSNS OVERCOATS 15 TO 19 years Sold fcy wp to 12 S YOUNG JCE5TS OVERCOATS 15 TO t KNEE Paats Suits S to 17 years Scheiaiaaas prteas p to SL Gist price BOYS DOUBLRBRSASTJED KNEE Pants Suits 17 years Sefcelaiaans prices up to 7 Our price BOYS EWE t Serge Suits toe 7 to IS years price Our price BOYS PINE REEFERS AND NOVELTY Overeeets to S year Sdtetoiaaas price 4 price fe BOYS WOOL KNEE BOTH WIN acT a d s e weights Sold Vy Sek i ma at BOYS FINE BLUE SERGE KNEE PANTS Mao S U by a Jl Our SOTS CORDUROY KNKE PANTS VERY smleeaMe SMd y at HM O r BOYS KNEE PANTS LN FINE BOYS BLOUSE BEST MAD ALL 3CE TS HATS SOLD BT SCHEDv derbies Mens Fine Quality Silk Fourinhands- all new effects and colorings Sold by Scheinman at soc Our sale price 1 C MENS BLACK SEAMLESS HALF HOSE MENS GENUINE PRESIDENT SUSPEX Our price Mens Very Desirable Spring Half Hose in all the newest colorings and patteras Sold by Scbeinnian at 150 Our once 2C Clothing e 5 0 J I 1 0 75 675 1 98 2 98 foe 2 49 graft p s U 98 Oar o PArS iIe The all 49 C Rice BLOOMER 89 Sold y Scbelamaa at C s 12 1 1 00 1 all sizes SoW DY Scltetaaaa gt I C salt ptice down to 28 soW by Schetamai and everywhere at C iec 7 Jg 19 yearn Ssld a up to- 2a BOYS LYC and hi oyc price allw5 moanrinis L s sad percale nfl s zas Sold b Schein man at mau at Sbd 0 both soft sbaos and I 1 l3c Our ders HALTS PURE FOOD CASE Judge Scores Attempt of Authorities to Have Label Changed Providence March ItJudge Arthur L Brown t the United States Dietrfct Court banded down today an opt is which be sharply scores an attempt by officials at Washington to preceed against a Providence awmnfectiirer of svgar Snap on the allegation f ratebrmadtog The opinion denies the motion or United States District Attorney diaries A to ills inforaMttton agateet Ute synt company which infona ti if permitted would have been by direction of the authorities at Wasiitagtoo Judge Brown te the opinIon saM The distinction between the enferceaaeat of law and the abuse of law is lost sight of in the attempt to make this obviously act a criminal misdemeanor Government analysis showed about M per cent maple and 93 per cent white sugar On this finding the government sought to stow that the bottle was mis branded Judge Brown in his opinion says that the purchaser is informed WKnrfvocally the label that he is buying a com- pound of white aDd maple sugar Rojas Is Acceptable The State Department has Indicated to Venezuela that Pedro Ezequlel Rojas is acceptable to this government as Minister of Venezuela to the United States Senor Rojas was an exile from Venezuela when Castro was ia power He has lived for a long time in New York City He is sixtyfive years of age Iliad I S- an b Wil- son ¬ THE WORLDS BEST TABLE WATER As supplied to His Most Particular Highness The American Citizen King of Connoisseurs and Prince of Good Fellows- I sorry not imported I l l SPECIAL NOTICES March ML West Maj Syhree ter Officers aaad Men of the P Hc Department Washington D c M V her non and da relatives of the late Capt Mdtbews to express to each and ercry we of you their sincere apprecIation of many words aad acts of sympathy received from you alt oa the ooeestoa oC the sorrow that has be we untimely sad tragical taking away of owr beloved The Society of Washington will MIll tta- rtptlar P Eve cvkimtioa at CanoO teatitale street northwest on TCESUAY EYES 1X6 Marcb 16 at 3 oeiodt Lectare of the Tan of the br Moaner of the 6a tte- addVsss TIR TEANGA by Row H F WWu of Fen prograan of ebacac tenrtlc Irish SconMa and raoste aebWIng and h pts o nolte harp and darmet Admission free rED FAJLTE Fine New Piano for 150 Fully guaranteed cost 300 GEO IAVREXC 915 G Tuning 5150- RIPTIKG THAT ATTRACTS Circokn booklrts card Ac Iron las Howard prra instantly rim xtteactae Origiaal ia perfect in Inn STXphical execution Cant we thaw ya Maples and subart ftsoresr Geo E Howard 714 12th St PRINTER ENGRAVES JlXD 3OOKBIXDEH 26th Series of the Home Building Association Books ecea for sAsatyOaa tit eS of the treasnrar B9T Fa aw OBO W LINKIX6 B R CSCiACGBTOX President A E TAYLOR E S WESCOTT JutES M WOODWARD Sec 800 Ktk at aw Directors W3 T GALLIHER CHAS N S NORRIS WM K REEVE L TOOT MADISON WHIPPLE- It Pays 5 Per Cent Shares 1 a month ASK ABOUT IT That I CUlt make absolutely tnttrynot Tberocjfc- olid good work at rnaonabio prices Tiassa gutters spomtinc AjKstit sad seal ret bi ERNEST GICHNER 403405 13 St Phone Mafa 43 Stomach Massage Treatment UNDER THE BLUE RAYS Latest European successful treatment for stomach trouble 813 NEW YORK AVE N W Hours II to 2 nd 5 to fc IT- o the tbews er tie the heartbreaking the k father CO EAe B Gaelic G TO PIANO BUYERS- A design at Vice Treasurer Show Me the Roof Commissioner M sire vesecated KIng Phfldel Gaelic nin new art Vice Pre4eul ½

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-03-16 [p 3].West Twentyfifth street Now York City In all eczema cases poslam stops itching with first application and proceeds to heal Immediately

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-03-16 [p 3].West Twentyfifth street Now York City In all eczema cases poslam stops itching with first application and proceeds to heal Immediately




Impatient at Failure to GetAssassination Details


Detective Had List of 300 Xanien ofCriminals or QuasiCriminal WhoCould Be Deported if EvidenceWere Presented Trip to Italy Madeto Gather Data for This Purpose

New York March police au-

thorities of this city are becomingover the failure of the Palermo

police Q give them any information inregard to the assassination of Leut Jo-

seph PetrosinoDeputy Commissioner Wood cabled to

Palermo early Saturday morning for a






detailed account of the crime and forsuch clews as the Italian police officialscould furnish Ho sent another urgentcablegram Saturday afternoon and

he wired for the third timeIn the meantime the local detective

bureau under Inspector McCafferty Iscruising around like a ship without arudder The men In the department areintensely eager to get out and avengeIn a lawful way the death of their fellowdetective but they are absolutely withoutinformation in regard to the crime ex-cept as the circumstances have been toldIn the newspapers

They have suspicions that certain of theSicilian terrorists in this city might beAble to throw light on the assassinationbut they are afraid to move until someclflclal information has been receivedfrom Palermo

Making a Few ArrestsThe police today picked up eight or

nine Italians In Manhattan and the Bronxfor carrying concealed weapons out theefforts of the local detective bureau weredirectly chiefly toward an attempt toget the most notorious of the Italiancriminals In this city located

If the information from Palermo impli-cates any of them indirectly the NewYork police will bo roady to act

Police Commissioner Bingham will senda man to Italy to cooperate with theItalian police department in runningdown Petrosinos murderers This manwill be commissioned also to consummatethe secret misekm that the Italian de-

tective was on when he was killed Noinformation could be obtained at policeheadquarters today as to whowlll undertake this second mission to Italy

It Is gradually becoming clear just whatthe purpose of Petrosinos trip to Italy wasand how seriously it affected the band ofSicilian criminals in this country It isknown that Petroelno carried with hima long list of Italian criminals in thiscountry and that he was going to askthat these men be taken back under juris-diction cf the Italian authorities DrRaphael Asutla of 36 Prince streetPetrosinos family physician is authorityfor the statement that the Italian de-tective told him just before sailing thatthere were 309 names on this Hat

Catalogue of CriminalsPetrosino in his long term of service

In the New York police department hadinto contact with nearly all of the

most dangerous criminals that have en-

tered this CMitry from Italy Hethem just as a librarian would

catalogue a lot of books In many casesthey bad coraatftted ne crimes for whichthey could be held in this country butPetrosino never lost a chance to increasehis fund of information in regard to theirrecords

The list of 3M which he took to lalyconsequently represented years of efforton his part Whether that list is miss-Ing or is In possession of the Palermopolice te one of the things that Commis-sioner Blaghams men hope to learnthrough official sources The list ofourse can be easily duplicated from therecords tot Petrosino Kept in his bureau

All of theae 3M Italians said DrAssulta had been convicted of variousiiines in Italy and in some cases had

served teems of imprisonment there Inrrost however the men had beenparoled with the understanding that theywere not ta leave the jurisdiction of thepolice authorities The paroles have beenbroken and they have fled to this coun-try

IInn to Deport ThemDr AssulU went on to say that It was

Petrosinos purpose as soon as he landedin Italy to arrange with the Italian policefor the deportation of these 300 criminalsWick into that country where many ofthem might be punished for a violationof the parole One or the tasks whichPetrosino had before him there it is be-lieved was to look up the official recordsof many of these men and thus completethe information which he had collected inthis country-

In this he was cooperating with thepolice department of Italy and It wassupposed with the police officials at Pal-ermo

Persons who heard today of this phaseof the detectives mission recalled thatcommissioner Bingham has recently beenin Washington both with theState Department and with PresidentTaft In fact he was in Washingtonwhen Petroeino was assassinated It is

Printing ServiceThats Peerless

The equipments of this Print Shop are strictmrdrm We ran do sour priBtfeg test and at theTtrrst ooit

Judd Detweiler IncTHE BIG PRINT SHOP 43 22 11TH ST


I nillc nod Gentlemen Grill ItooaGentletueu Cafe FIr t FloorA la Carte nt All floursBnilncBi fleas Lunch 13 to 2 P MMuatr In tb Grill Room 7 to 13 P M-

LA WORD TO TOURISTSY-ou can solve the dining question by

toklns your meals nt VALLIS 13tlinear G

A Highdaw Restaurant with firstchsa whitetcnice sad reasonable prices ii

THE BOSTON CAFEFor Ladles and Gentlemen

132 Fifteenth St nw






















New DrnjTf Poslam TSovf Obtainablein Small Quantities

Since Its discovery one year ego thenew drug poslam has successfully curedthousands of chronic cases of eczema andother distressing skin afflictions Heretofore poslam has been dispensed solely forthe benefit of eczema patients in large

sufficient for a months treatmentThis was found to be an Inconvenience tomany thousands who used it for minorskin troubles such as pimples blackheads herpes acne scaly scalp complex-Ion blemishes itching feet piles cwhich require but a small quantity tocure To overcome this and In response-to urgent appeals the dispensers of poslam have been obliged to adopt in addition to the regular twodollar package aspecial fiftycent size which In futuremay be found on sari at Ograms ODonnells and other leading drug stores InWashington or may be ordered directfrom the Emergency Laboratories No 32West Twentyfifth street Now York CityIn all eczema cases poslam stops itchingwith first application and proceeds to healImmediately chronic cases being cured Intwo weeks In less serious skin troublesresults are seen after an overnight appli-cation

Samples for experimental purposes maystill be had free charge by writing tothe laboratories for them








believed that Commissioner Binghamwas taking this matter up with the StateDepartment while was clinch-Ing the practical end of It in Italy

The Italians In this country whowere thus threatened with deporta-tion and possible punishment athome would have a strong motivefor making way with the lieutenant

Deputy Commissioner Woods has al-ready ordered an Investigation of all Ital-ians who left this port between February5 and 12


Authorities at Palermo Will Carefully Guard Former President

Rome March 15 A postmortemof the body of Joseph Petrosino

the New York detective who was mur-dered at Palermo Friday was made to-

day in the presence of the magistratewho is investigating the crime Threebullet wounds were betweenthe shoulders another through the neckand the third grazing the right cheekand temple The first two caused deathThe shots were evidently fired from be-hind the ministry of the interior

The American Embassy has been as-

sured that the utmost efforts will be madeto arrest the murderers including theotter of a reward It is expected that theUnited States will offer another reward

The Investigation at Palermo is beingenergetically pursued The arrest of sus-pects continues Among those examined isa man of the name of Palazzotto former-ly a resident of Brooklyn where he wasconvicted of an outrage He is alleged tohave sailed on the same ship as Petrosino He pleads an alibi

The police are now greatly concernedabout the impending arrival of ColRoosevelt and his family It Is statedthat every effort is being made to dis-suade Col Roosevelt from going into theearthquake region or elsewhere in Sicily

The Mesdina district has always been

P trosino

















the stronghold of the Mafia and officialshold that in view of CoL Rooseveltsstrenuous action against secret criminalassociations his presence there will in-

volve grave riskA newspaper quotes Mr Bishop consul

at Palermo as saying that the UnitedStates besides requiring energetic cooperation in tracking the conspiratorsmay demand financial compensation forthe death of Petrosino


Will Be Present at Cleveland Me-

morial Meetlnpr In YorkNew York March IS President Taft

it was announced today will be presentThursday evening at the Cleveland

exercises to be held in the greathall of the College of the City of NewYork St Nicholas Terrace and tttthstreet

Among others who will be present andwho will make addresses are SenatorEllhu Root Cow Charles Hughes JudgeGeorge Gray William B HornblowerEdward M Shepard and Mayor McClellan The exercises will be under the aus-pices of the committee appointed by themayor

There will be an elaborate musical programme and 35 voices will be hoard inthe chorus No admission will be charged and the public will be admitted without tickets


U S of Agrkaihwre V7aUwr BiasesWMWncton Mowfejr KflfrS p at

Light MW Ml Monday in Ute Mfcwwi Md UpperMtaMpfrf talfe efcewfeere the weather ww

tile G uf States the beary rates of tbe Jut fewkkj bees been fottwwad by a deeM d ill twn-peratvn and frwt Orer interior aad Western pertaoM of Ute emmtrr tnaperatare his rises

TIle bara et r has fan OR Ute Iaciic cwst sada dtprmfcm M derdoptag OTa that regkw A hshtd pc rio8 orcr the 3IMdle iHssisiippt will

Ohio Valley sad Southern Lake recioB Tuewlar awlin Ute Middle Atlantic States IWaday night er

V d ie d yThe k s the New eoat wilt be-

Heht wiaMe en the Middle AtlAntic CMrt Mgb-

tmiabfer aUftktR to easterly oa te Smtb Atlanticcaet Mt T rwWe ebiftteg to w ti crlj oa tileG lf mast Msht and rariaMe on Lake MkWgta-BAdcrate Wet to northwest

Stfeaacrs departiBK Tuesday tar Ewrereaa portswill hare tit nrabte rtods sblfttejr te euteriyand pertly dandy weather to the Grand

Local TemperatureMidafeht 38 2 a m X 4 a a S 6 a m 31

8 a m X 16 a m 39 12 soon 41 2 p ra U4 p m 6 p ra 41 8 p m W a ra 38Maxiannn 44 minimusa 21-

Retatite buatidity3 a ra 54 2 p a X S-

p ra 47 Rainfall 3 p ra to S p a I a Hoursof NHMhiw Per cent ef posriMe MMhing sa

Temperature same date test year Maximum 4

Temperatures in Other CitiesToBweratwres In ether dUes togetber with the

amount of rainfall far the twelve bows ended at Sp au yesterday as fellows

RainMax Mia 8pm fall

Asherflle N a 2 36Atlanta Ga 50 30Atlantic City X J X-DtaMrek N Dak a IS 22 TBoston 49 30 55Buffalo X Y X 23Chicago Ill 40 22 58Cincinnati Ohio 4 23 38Cheyeaae Vje 31 3 30DftTeaport Iowa 34 20 23 OC-CDenrer Coto 43 33

Motees Iowa 26 12 SS 066-Gahestos Tex So 4t SS

Most 41 28 v 48-

Indiaaapoli lad 38 28 S5Pie 56 53 52

Kansas City Me 41 22 MRock Ark 51 JR 50

LOT Angeles Cat 50 56Midi 2S K 22 T

Memphis TenD 45 34 44New Orleaaa La 56 40

York X Y 42 31 33Platte 40 20 32

Omaha Xebr i 34 20 26 001PitUburz Ilu 38 30 32 001Portland Me 34 24 2Portland Oreg TO 40 E3

Silt Take Utah 58 31 54St Lottit Me 42 a 4JSt Pal Mh n 26 14 24 0 flSan Francisco taI 58 46 54SpriBcfieM 2 2S 33TBCOOM Wash 56 55Vfcksburg Misi 54 36 48

Tide Tabletide 240 a rs awl JH2 n m Low

tide 855 a zn and W 6 p nu-TomorrowHish tide 330 a M and 415 p raT

Low tide d a m and UiB p m

Condition ot the WaterSpecial to Ta WasaicstoR iferaW

Harper Ferry W Va March 15Both rimS


DietMardi Ii

meee ward attended hr raID or SIIOIS itt Ute

winds Bask


43 I




4t 38



rack onrlUe



eworth Xebr























Judge Hart Will DeliverCharge to Jury Today


Friends of the Prisoners Look For-

ward to a Verdict of AcquittalWhile Others Believe Mistrial WillResult Second hearing PracticallyImpossible Because of Publicity

Nashville TeaL March argument In the of Col D B Cooper-R J Cooper And J D Sbarpe chargedwith the murder of former Senator ETV Carmack was concluded today thelast speech being made by Attorney Gen-

eral Jefferson M McCarn in behalf ofthe State When Gen McCarn finishedJudge Hart stated that be expected tobe prepared to charge the Jury tomorrow To the minds of public thiswas to be a most eventful day In thetrial and the court room was crowded

Gen McCarn in his preliminary remarksfollowing those he delivered in Me paning address on Saturday said thathe had closed at that time Mr Carmack was shot in the back Make It thefirst shot or the last h was shot in tbback

Col Cooper AggressorGen McCarn again referred to the

range of the bullet in Mr Carmacksand said it showed that it was

fired by a man not as tall as Mr Carmack and could not have been fired whilea man was falling lIe contended thatCot Cooper was the aggressor throughout

Attorned General McCarn closed with aquotation from an address delivered byMr Carmack while a member of theUnited States Senate in regard to theSouth and said that he believed the mem-bers of the jury would do their fullduty and give the lie to the statementthat rich and influential people couldnot be punished by juries in Tennessee

Hundreds Are DisappoIntedJudge Hart stating that he expected to

deliver his charge some time tomorrowadjourned court much to the tg potntment of hundreds of spectators who expected to hear the charge to the Jwry todayThe

Intimate friends of Cot Cooper sadRobin Cooper are sanguine of acquittalwhile others who are coaeervUre are ofthe opinion that the jury may disagreeThe consensus of opinion among tboewho have closely watched thethe trial is that there will be aand that a second hearing of the cue w-

b almost impossible in view of the widepublicity of the evidence and the tartthat so much difficulty was experiencedIn selection of a jury in the flrt trial




pro e ot













Representative W B Wilson Addresses Labor Convention

Urges Closer Affiliation BetweenBodies of VorkInfcmen for

Their Mutual Benefit

Urging that all trade unions a MUeaad get into closer coamiualeaxloii vwithsimilar organizattoa for the bfttterateatof the Industrial trades ReareeeatatlveWilliam B Wilson of Pewwyhmate lastnight addressed the coaveatfea of themetal trades department of the AmerteaaFederation of Labor He sounded thekeynote of the session

Frank Morrison secretary of the Amer-ican Federation of Labor opened theconvention at Typographical Temple yes-terday with an address of welcome Hediscussed briefly the phases of the ques-tion of a closer federation between theseveral branches of the metal workers ofthis country and Canada

James OConnell president of the Ma-chinists Union of this city presided aDdeLated that the purpose of the coaventhmwas to discuss certain amendments to theconstitution Albert J Berres also ofthis city officiated as secretarytreasurerand submitted several resolutions tochange the bylaws of the organization

The meetings will be continued thismorning at 9 oclock and a new roster ofofficers elected before adjottrameat Atthe afternoon meeting the delegates wiHdecide upon a place for the next conven-tion

Shortly after the evening meeting wasconvened the presiding officer calledupon Representative Wilson to addressthe delegates-

In beginning the Congressman explainedthat he bad been a miner and was gladto address the aseemWge as brothers

I am In favor of organized labor notonly because of the force it insurescombat organized capital but becausethe humanitarian reforms instituted atits suggestion began the Representative

There has never been a step taken inthis or any other country having for itsaim the benefit of humanity that did nothave Its inception In the ranks of organized labor This is true in the case ofshorter hours advanced wages and theInstallation of sanitary and safety appli-ances in all manufacturing and mining

the worldOn behalf of the Blacksmiths Interna-

tional Union J VV Kline of Chicagodressed the meeting and exhortednavy yard employes present to induce themembers of that craft at work in thatestablishment to Join the ranks of organized labor A B Grout representing theMetal Polishers Union voiced a similarplea

It Is possible that some plan will beevolved before the close of the presentconvention whereby trade agreements between employers and employes of thevarious unions will be arranged

Mrs Watts into The V shfai tMi Herald

Durham N C March 35 Mrs GeorgeW Watts wife of the millionaire philan-thropist and tobacco magnate today wassuccessfully operated upon for appendicitis A special train from Raleighbrought Dr Knox and she was conveyedto the Watts Hospital built by her

and presented to the city ofEvery chance Is in her favor Mr

and Mrs Watts are Marylanders MrsWatts before her marriage being a MissBeall of Cumberland j

Old Amontillado SherryD-

irect importation from the houseof Gonzales Byas Co Spain Awine of eXQuIsite flavor

Per gallon 8500

Phone M 996 14th St N IV


plantS or

Hospital-S l

hus-band Dur-ham



















Snmber of Army Officers Aboard

Havana March 15 The transport Sum

nor sailed for Newport News todaypassengers Include Mrs Barry wife ofGen Barry and her daughter a numberof officers and their ffmUIes and civilianemployes

Negroes of Sanitago have mamorallTed

President Gomez to promise togive negroes 30 per cent of the politicalJobs

Congress today took a recess untilApril 5 The House of Representativespassed a Mil providing for the appoint-ment of an army dental surgeon

The Senate the cookfightinghill to a committee

The term of Morua Delgado the negropresident of the Senate has expired Heexpects to assume the management of thenational lottery

Vice President Zayas sailed for theUnited States today to place his son atschool and to confer unofficially withAmerican statesmen on the tariff


Ethel Aitfius with Glenn HallGives Concert at Auditorium

Doth Mckc Good in TheirVarlouc Numbers Mra Taft

In Present

Ethel Altemus pianist made her debutin Washington last evening assisted byMr Glenn Hall the English tenor at aconcert in the Masonic Auditorium before-an audience which comfortably filled thehall The artists bad the satisfaction ofappearing before the first lady of theland who accompanied by Capt Archibald Butt arrived and sat to the end ofthe programme showing her approvalof both artists by frequent applause

They gave a charming programme cornpeeed ofa D a M Setafeort-b MDcr J KasM a AK QtnHe SdMbort

GMtttteB imr laW LtetA toaes

U GuMs sod YariatfM Ra MMi-

W SMtta A mfar S-BtiMl AttMMM-


Mb TiMsNar

Has EfcM

4 A Matt Stags LJt4 Jtetker Mtu Alt Miff

A lw w-

te scfeenV-

Hi Kfehaid HastMU at tile jUMAUemtftR made a very distinct hn-

proMtkw both personally sad artfodcaJlyShe played with nn exquisite tone andteehniQO and gave Schumann num-

bers especially welL The two composi-tion of Lesebettgky were particularly in-

teresting sad Miss AHemtM played themcharmUntfy-

Mr Hail who makes the very most ofa voice which is ROt great but is pleas-ing stags with exquisite style delightfulenunciation nue finish The two oldEngttek songs and Tours Mother oMine aroused much enthusiasm andtier being repeatedly recalled he sanga retching little Scotch ith greatattcce Mr Hagemajts accompanimentswere both skillful and sympathetic


Clerk IN 3HflaInNew York March the mur-

der of Isadore de Vaiaate night clerkof the Eastern Hotel M Whitebait

was found beaten to death in thehail back of the oOce was deliberatelypiaaaed woo revealed today when it wasdiscovered that a chamois belt captaining

which he wore under Ms clothinghad been removed by his slayers

The theft of the Money belt was dis-covered when Mrs de Vaiaate arrived atthe hotel sad looked at the body of herhusband She said that on lest Saturdayher husband drew tt front the bank tobuy a diamond ring

This mosey she said he carried aroundhis waist ia a belt Whoa the detectiveslooked for Uif belt they not only dis-covered that it was missing but thatthere were several stab wounds in themans beck

It is now believed that the victim hadtold of his intended purchase and thatthe attack on him was planned and timedso that the plotters might work withoutfear or interruption and escape safely


Hunters and Trnpi rji In CanadianWild Also Fall Victims

Winnipeg Manitoba March 35Seventytwo Indians dead from a strange disease at Fort Chippeyan and several hun-dred iii In all four posts of the HudsonBay Company in the Mackenzie Riverdistrict is the startling news broughtfrom the far Xorth by Angus Brabantinspector of trading posts in the Mac-kenzie River district who arrived heretoday

There are nine other posts In the dis-trict which will not be heard from untilthe rivers open June and the last ad-vices from there was early in Octoberand already the scourge had started toget in Its deadly work

Hunters on the trail were suddenlystricken with It and trappers In thebush are seized with fatal results withina few hours


Sentence of Bookmakers at NewApproved by Courts

New Orleans March 15 By a unanimous expression the State Supreme Courtupheld the constitutionality or the Lockebill prohibiting gambling on race tracksand approved the sentence of sevenmonths Imprisonment and J3W fine Im-posed on Robert Sheffield and PlacideFrigerio who served as bookmakers ina test of the law at the City Park racetrack


Dr Diddle Made Defendant in Suitfor Defamation of Character

Annapolis Md March ClernantBiddle a surgeon In the navy who fenow visiting in Annapolis was todaymade defendant in a suit for J5600 damages for defamation of character Thasuit was instituted by Joseph Broadb ltof North Severn near Annapolis throughhis attorney James W Owens Thedeclaration charges that in a conversationbetween Dr Biddle and Mr BroadbaltSaturday the former severely attackedthe character of Mr Broadbelt and In-sulted him in an Improper manner

Vice PreJllc1ent Znyaa Coming


keep his



letelI saGIrns HaL


Se SseI Tw lHIidaHall


fa lIaJDiI u sca 0tumIIIJ GAco0IIiI



I tbtoDeW




Suns Carried In Belt by Hotel








lie yJIka Vhie-Id


Oil Less<

0Glenn hail

























Say Charge it and Pay Little Sums Later On

The Wolf Scheinman StockI Purchase Gives You


Clothing and Furnishings at aI Fraction of Cos-

tS have the moneysaying opportunities been so great orso attractive in thisselling of the stock of recently established at th street Thats why thecrowds have so great and more are coming every moment


astey areWolf Scheinman 741


Mens Suits and

MENS SPRING AND FALL WEIGHTSuits dependably tailored and stylishScheinraans price 12St and 15 Our saleprice

MENS SPRING AND FALL WEIGHTSuits high grades plenty of all sicesSold by Schemman at J17M and 52f Our 3sale price


by Scheinman at 2S Our sale JpriceALL

MENS OVERCOATS SOLD BYSchelnmangoing for i

ALL MENS RAIN COATS SOLD BYScheinman at li going kt sale t-

ALL MKNS TROUSERS SOLD BYScbeinoMui at 52 going for

All 300 Trousers at 150AH 400 Trousers at 200All 500 Trousers at 250



MSNS FINE WHITE FlLLDRESSVeats Sld by Schclnmaa at 2 Sale price


extra mao but not full lines ofSchetnmans price c Our price

MENS FINEST PLAITEDBOSOM SHIRTSboth white and colored cuffs attached coat

Sold by Schetnraan at and 1 Ourprice

Mens Otis Balbriggan Shirts and Draw-ers in the summer weight Sold byScheinman at 750 Our sale prices OXC

Hens Mediumweight Derby RibbedShirts and Drawers not all sizes Soldby Scheinman at 390 Our sale IQprice

MENS FINE MADRAS PAJAMAS IN ALLSold by ScaeUwaan at Our sale


Sold by Seheinmaa and the world over at2ic Sale price

MENS BORDERED HEMTITCHEDHandkerchiefs soft and line quality Sold bySeheinmaa at Sc Our price


MENS WASHABLE MERCERIZED FOURinhand Ties Sold by Scheiniaan at 15c Our

le price down to

QvercoatsfZl6 75

11 75Suits ot the lineal aU sizes SoW 13 75

10 008 75





39well C

55The C

79SLit C



11wnders mdi of best and Cprior price

8 C


af 2SW nu and




e 50c webscbeInmans e Sale





Clothes to Her Lover BelowSeeds to The Wiito nn Hcfak-

LRetkvHte Md March KNormaa SMelville aged twentyone years andMiss May Oliver aged nineteen yearsboth of Philadelphia were married Sat-

urday afternoon by the Rev S R WhiteToday a story leaked out of the dUll

eatefes this young couple tad in becom-

ing ama and wife The author of theroamttce the couple Is the arether oftile sroftM S Lggt Melville

According to the brothers report Norman asked the parents of his bridetobe weeks for their consent tohis marriage to their daughter MaryPermtestoa was refused thereupon theyoung couple determined not toabide by the dectetea They summoned-to their assistance the older brother ofMeUville who suggested the trip toRockvHle Md A new obstacle beset theyoung lady who was being closelywatched by members of her fatally

Mien Oliver retired to her room Sat-urday afternoon and packed her clothesla two suit cases and by means of anImprovised rope made from a number ofher fathers neckties she lowered the suit-cases from a window to her lover whowas waiting below She then informedher brother she was going out for awalk The waouspecttog Brother madeno protest She joined Meitvitle at thedepot where they in company with thebrother of the groom boarded the trainfor Rockville

When you have lost or found anythingtelephone an advertisement l The Wash-ington Herald and bill will be sent youat 1 cent a word

Eloping Girl tsCd It to Lower Her

a few ago







Boys and Young Mens

YOUNG MENS SUITS IN SPRING ANDfall weight sizes IS to 19 years Scheinmans 329 Our price

YOlNG MSNS SUITS PLAIN BLACKand Mixtures sizes 15 to 19 years jfkScaelawaJts prices tip to JS

YOUNG MSNS OVERCOATS 15 TO 19years Sold fcy wp to 12 S


KNEEPaats Suits S to 17 years Scheiaiaaasprteas p to SL Gist priceBOYS DOUBLRBRSASTJED KNEEPants Suits 17 years Sefcelaiaansprices up to 7 Our priceBOYS EWE tSerge Suits toe 7 to IS yearsprice Our priceBOYS PINE REEFERS AND NOVELTYOvereeets to S year Sdtetoiaaasprice 4 price fe

BOYS WOOL KNEE BOTH WINacT a d s e weights Sold Vy Sek i ma at






Mens Fine Quality Silk Fourinhands-all new effects and colorings Sold byScheinman at soc Our sale price 1 C



Our price

Mens Very Desirable Spring Half Hosein all the newest colorings and patterasSold by Scbeinnian at 150 Ouronce 2C

Clothinge 50J I

1 0 75


1 98

2 98foe

2 49graft ps U

98Oar o

PArSiIe The



89Sold y Scbelamaa at Cs

12 1

1 00

1all sizes SoW DY Scltetaaaa gt I Csalt ptice down to

28soW by Schetamai and everywhere at Ciec


19 yearn Ssld a up to-2a



hi oycprice

allw5 moanrinisL

s sad percale nfl s zas Sold b Scheinman at

mau at Sbd 0 both soft sbaos andI


l3c Our



Judge Scores Attempt of Authoritiesto Have Label Changed

Providence March ItJudge Arthur LBrown t the United States DietrfctCourt banded down today an opt iswhich be sharply scores an attempt by

officials at Washington to preceed againsta Providence awmnfectiirer of svgar

Snap on the allegation f ratebrmadtog

The opinion denies the motion or UnitedStates District Attorney diaries A

to ills inforaMttton agateet Ute syntcompany which infona ti if permittedwould have been by direction of theauthorities at Wasiitagtoo

Judge Brown te the opinIon saM Thedistinction between the enferceaaeat oflaw and the abuse of law is lost sight ofin the attempt to make this obviously

act a criminal misdemeanorGovernment analysis showed about M

per cent maple and 93 per cent whitesugar On this finding the governmentsought to stow that the bottle was misbranded

Judge Brown in his opinion says thatthe purchaser is informed WKnrfvocally

the label that he is buying a com-

pound of white aDd maple sugar

Rojas Is AcceptableThe State Department has Indicated to

Venezuela that Pedro Ezequlel Rojas isacceptable to this government as Ministerof Venezuela to the United States SenorRojas was an exile from Venezuela whenCastro was ia power He has lived for along time in New York City He issixtyfive years of age










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