Waste and Our World Review November 2013

Waste and Our World Review November 2013. Give 3 examples of plant waste

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Waste and Our World ReviewNovember 2013

Give 3 examples of plant waste

Give 3 examples of animal waste

Give 3 examples of decomposers

Explain how nature disposes of waste

Write the items in the correct category

apple core, cereal box, milk jug, computer, meat, paint, foil, Styrofoam, pickle jar, yarn, leaves, batteries

Sort the Recyclingyogurt container, jam jar, soup can, 2 L pop bottle, envelope, holey sock, newspaper, window pane, margarine container

List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for incineration


When you flush the toilet, where does the water go:


After this it goes to:

Describe the following steps in waste water treatment

Preliminary Primary Secondary

Where does the sludge go?

How do we waste water? How do we waste less water?

Ways we waste water Solution to wasting water

Taking long showers (10 minutes or more)

Taking shorter showers (5 minutes or less)

Describe a sanitary landfill. Make sure to include all of the parts, why they are needed, what is done every day, etc. You

may use a labelled diagram to help you, but you will still need to explain the other items.

List 3 things you can do to make a landfill last longer




Name 5 types of hazardous waste

Name 2 substances that are environmentally friendly and good for cleaning

Name the 5 R’s (they must be in the right order)

1.2. 3.4.5.

Correctly label the following WHMIS symbols

Name 3 ways you can reuse a yogurt container




Matthew wants to buy his mom a box of chocolates for Christmas, but he wants to create as little waste as possible. Instead of buying a box of chocolates that creates a lot of waste, what can he do instead?