Water Brochure

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TEL. +39-02-66981651 – FAX +39-02-66984739 – e-mail: [email protected]



3300 RP

104 / A DATE

01-10-10 BY


Page 2: Water Brochure

RP 104-3300 Re.A - Water Treatment Chemicals


- Card n°100 – Water Treatment Chemicals

- Card n°101 – Chlor-Pack® & BM-MP - Chlorine on site - Card n°102 – Hydrogen chloride on site - Card n°103 – Poly Aluminium Chloride - Card n°104 – Ferric chloride - Card n°105 – Overchlor - Card n°106 – Sodium Hypochlorite - Card n°108 – Sodium Silicate 40° Be’ (Ratio 2:1) - Card n°109 – Sodium Tripoly Phosphate - Card n°110 – Hydrogen Peroxide - The Company - Complete factories

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WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS process card 100 - 1/2

CONSITO, operating from 1972 in

the field of engineering services for

the supply of processing units and

factories for chemical and manu-

facturing industries, has the capa-

bility in design, engineering, con-

struction of all the units required for

the production of water treatment




for products






Whatever the water final uses may be, the necessary water treatments are generally the following:

a) Sedimentation of suspended particles and turbidity elimination;

b) Chemical oxidation for one or more of the following purposes:

- algae elimination - decolorization - deodorization - sterilization - bleaching.

The complete line of chemicals required for water treatment is available from the chlorine chemicals complex proposed by CONSITO and represented schema-tically in the following diagram.

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WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS process card 100 2/2

Electric power, sodium chloride, calcium hydroxide, alumina and iron scraps are required to feed the system.

Sodium chloride is the feed stock to the electrolysis unit from which hydrogen, chlorine and caustic soda are obtained. Part of chlorine and hydrogen are reacted to produce hydrochloric acid which is reacted with alumina or bauxite to produce

poly alumina chloride (PAC). This product is a flocculation agent more active than aluminium sulphate. It can be produced and used in liquid form (10-20% concentration) or as powder. Part of chlorine can be reacted with iron scraps or steel pickling liquors to produce

ferric chloride which is also a flocculation agent to be used in alternative or in conjunction with PAC. It is produced and marketed as a water solution at 40% concentration. Part of chlorine reacted with calcium hydroxide (milk of lime) gives place to the production of

high test calcium hypochlorite.

This product has a chlorine equivalent content of more that 70%. It is produced with a process developed by CONSITO

and has received the trade mark of "OVERCHLOR".

Part of caustic soda can be converted to

sodium hypochlorite by reaction with chlorine. This is normally marketed as a 12% water solution to be used for water treatment, for bleaching agent in textile industry and for household products. Part of caustic soda can be reacted with silica sand to produce sodium silicate. This can be marketed as solution or powder to be used for water treatment, containers cleaning, paper production, soap and detergents formulation, detergent zeolites production. The remaining quantity of chlorine can be used as

liquid chlorine for water treatment. The hydrogen can be marketed for fats hardening, welding and other industrial uses. The remaining of caustic can be marketed for soap production or other chemical uses as a liquid solution or as flaked caustic.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39 – e-mail:[email protected]

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for production of



where required for

catalytic chlorinations

water treatment

pulp and paper,


produced also

Many and important are the reasons to produce chlorine on the site of utilization. CONSITO is well qualified to offer the right chlorine production unit. The CHLOR-PACK® proposed by CONSITO is an ELECTROLYSIS UNIT preassembled and skid mounted based on BM-MP membrane electrolyzing cells, transformer-rectifier, circulation pumps, computer for automatic control of the package unit operations for start-up, normal and emergency shut-down.

BM-MP is a Bipolar, Membrane, Modular electrolysis cell having an active area of 0,6 m2

BIPOLAR The most flexible and less expensive membrane electrolysis device. MEMBRANE


MODULAR - PACKAGE Each membrane independent in one group of 7 cells forming a modular package. Easier membrane package replacement. Minimized production loss and maintenance cost. No damage risk for adjacent membrane package during replacement.

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Cells stack arrangement The elementary membrane package is assembled, outside the cell room, where the membrane is put between the anode and cathode compartments and the package is sealed through its own bolts. The cell stack arrangement consists in a number of elementary packages arranged in a single or double stack; each individual package can be easily removed for maintenance without affecting the design and operating data.


References BM-MP cell is designed by CONSITO and proposed for small plants of chlorine production on site of utilization − The components of electrolyzing cells

proposed for CHLOR-PACK® are manufactured by qualified manufacturers with long experience in the electrolysis field.

− The electrolysis unit is designed and assembled taking advantage of a long experience in the construction of hydrogen packages for automatic production without attendance.

− The “CHLOR-PACK® is available with capacities of 1,2,3,4 up to 12 mtpd Cl2.

Chloralkali plant data (including brine treatment)

PRODUCTION Cl2 mtpd 1 to 15 NaOH.32-33%(as100%) mtpd 1.12 to 16.8Hydrogen t/tCl2 0.028 Single cell voltage V 3.5 Operation amperage kA/m2 4.0 Current efficiency % 93 Raw materials & utilities

Solar salt (NaCl 98%) t/t Cl2 1.83 HCl (32%) kg/t.Cl2 1.8 Sodium bisulphite or H2O2 (dechlorination)



NaOH (32%) (precipitation)

kg/t.Cl2 39

Na2CO3 (precipitation) kg/t.Cl2 40 Process water (caustic) m3/t.Cl2 1.03 Process water(dissolving)

m3/t.Cl2 1.73

DC power kWh/t.Cl2 2,850 Effluents Liquors, sludge kg/t.Cl2 522 Solids, sludge kg/t Cl2 131

− The package is marketed by CONSITO, an engineering company well qualified in the field of design and supply of industrial plants including:

salt treatment, brine preparation, chlorine liquefaction, sodium hypo, chlorine and caustic derivatives, such as: calcium hypo (70%) - calcium chloride (94%) - ferric chloride - hydrogen chloride – polyaluminium chloride - chlororganic chemicals-sodium sulphide- sodium sulphite-sodium bisulphite

___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39 – e-mail:[email protected]

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HYDROGEN CHLORIDE ON SITE process card 102 - 1/2

Where hydrochloric acid is required for on-site use the package proposed by CONSITO is the right solution. It is an hydrochloric acid production unit supplied preassembled and ready mounted on skid. The unit is complete of combustion furnace, falling-film absorber, piping, valves, instruments and has to be only positioned and connected with utilities and feed-stocks lines.


The starting substances for the production of gaseous HCl and thence hydrochloric acid are hydrogen, chlorine and absorption water. In the synthesis process hydrogen and chlorine at a maximum temperature of 70°C are fed into a burner from a controlled pressure source and at controlled rates. The minimum acceptable supply pressure for both gases is 200 mm water gauge. Above the burner the gases are ignited and burn to produce hydrogen chloride gas.

SYNTHESIS PACKAGE for production of

HYDROCHLORIC ACID where it is required




The hydrogen chloride gas at a tempera-ture of 2000°C to 2500°C flows from the combustion chamber into an integral isothermal falling-film absorber, where it is absorbed in water or dilute acid to form hydrochloric acid of the required strength.

The absorber is of the counter-current type. The hydrochloric acid produced with less than 1 ppm free chlorine is adjusted to the desired HCl concentration by regulating the absorption water supply rate. The product acid flows by gravity back into a tank at atmospheric pressure.

The heat generated in the synthesis process is considerable and is removed by cooling water. The residual unabsorbed gas is fed into a scrubber counter-current to the incoming flow of absorption water. The vent gas meets the requirements of the Clean Air Regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany. Still more extensive cleaning aimed at achieving extremely low HCl contents, however, can take place in a water-jet extractor or a downstream NaOH scrubber.

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HYDROGEN CHLORIDE ON SITE process card 102 - 2/2

Tab. 1 - Output/dimensions (mm)

Type Outputt/d *

d h1 h2 kg **

81-160 0.5 273 5200 1750 700

0.8 273 5200 1750 700

2.0 273 5800 1750 750

81-250 4.0 355 6300 2100 1500

81-310 8.0 438 6600 2408 2100

81-410 15.0 542 8000 3300 3400

81-510 22.0 647 9500 3800 4400

* Nominal output, based on 100% HCl gas ** Operating weight

Dimensions given in the table are not binding.

PLANT DATA Production: The production capacities indicated on Tab. 1 are available with the proposed package. Raw materials and utilities (referred to 1000 kg of HCl 33%)

Chlorine (100%) kg 320

Hydrogen (100%) kg 10

Demineralized water kg 700

Electric power kwh 10

Cooling water m3 85

Effluents: Vent gas. Operational safety: The proposed synthesis units offer a maximum of operational safety, regardless of whether manually operated or computerized and fully automatic. References: The package is marketed by CONSITO, an engineering company well qualified in the field of chlorine derivatives plants. The basic components of the package are manufactured by a company with a large qualified experience in the field.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail: [email protected]

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POLY ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE process card 103 - 1/2 1 - The product - Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) solution.

The poly aluminium chloride is a polymeric compound of aluminium hydrate variously chlorinated as indicated by the generic formula:


where x is approximately equal to 15. It is produced and marketed as solution with concentration up to 18% of Al2O3.

2 - Production method - The poly aluminium chloride production process lies in the

batch etching reaction of alumina with an acqueous solution of hydrochloric acid.

The reaction takes place in a reactor equipped with internal agitator. During reaction the reactor temperature is controlled and at end of reaction the reaction product is discharged into an holding tank. The discharged product is maintained in agitation and non reacted alumina and insolubles are separated by filtration. The clarified product is transferred into vessels where the product is taken to standard specification. To this scope water, hydrochloric acid, aluminium sulphate can be mixed into the product according to market specifications. A venting system assures the collection of vent discharges for storage tanks and safety valves. The liquid effluents, mainly acid waters, are collected into a holding tank from which they are recycled to the production plant. Using sulphuric acid instead of hydrochloric acid Aluminium sulphate solution can be produced with the same process.

3 - Quality The basic product from the plant will be according the following specifications.

Specifications Poly-aluminium aluminium Chloride( 18%) sulphate - Appearance - clear liquid liquid - Density at 20°C kg/dm3 1.35 - - Viscosity at 20°C Cst 21.6 - - Freezing point °C -20 - - PH at 20°C N° 0,8÷1,2 - - Al2O3 content % 18 8 - Al2O3/Cl ratio max 3.3÷ 3.5 -

Formulations, according to end use requirements, will be obtained by blending the basic product with other formula components.

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___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONSITO S.r.l.-Piazza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66981651 - Fax 02-66984739 e-mail: [email protected]

POLY ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE process card 103 - 2/2

4 - Consumptions - Referred to one m. ton of finished product. Feedstocks Poly-aluminium aluminium & utilities chloride (18%) sulphate (8%) - Alumina (Al2O3 - 58/62%) kg 300 ÷ 325 145 - Hydrochloric acid (31 ÷33%) kg 680 ÷ 700 - - Sulphuric acid (98%) kg - 242 - Steam (7 bar) kg 250 170 - Cooling water m3 15 16 - Electric power Kwh 35 38 - Compressed air Nm3 16 16

5 - Investment - U.S. Dollars : (quoted on request) - Required area (m. 50x50) : m2 2500 - Type of process : BATCH - Capacity – PAC 18% sol : t/yr 25.000 - Operation (24 hr/day) : 330 days/yr 6 - Use pattern

Water treatment - The poly aluminium chloride (PAC) is used for settling of solid particles present into drinkable waters and for the flocculation of civil and industrial effluents. It has also a high antibactericide effect, due to the presence of chlorine into the product formula, and can be utilized for large range of pH and with higher turbidity. Paper manufacture - The main features of PAC are its high Al2O3 content and polymeric nature, which give rise to products of hydrolysis characterized by a high molecular weight and a large number of positive electric charges able to interact with the cellulose fibres and size, optimizing the sizing phase and the retention of fibres.

7 –Basicity - Simple dilution of PAC 18% allows to obtain a PAC 10% solution showing a

basicity up to 40%. By blending some components to PAC 18% it is possible to produce PAC 9% H.B. a solution with a basicity of 64 ÷ 68% without formation of solid residues as common for other commercial processes which require a filtration. The stability to storage is very good and PH range is 2.6÷3.0. PAC 9% H.B. is recommended for treatment of potable waters whilst PAC 18% is used for waste waters of civil and industrial effluents.

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FERRIC CHLORIDE process card 104 - 1/1 1 - The product - Ferric chloride; formula is: FeCl3

formula weight= 162.2; sp. gr.= 2.80 It is produced and put on the market as a concentrated solution with a minium concentration of 40% W/W.

2 - Production - Ferric chloride is produced by direct reaction of chlorine gas with method iron in water solution, according to the following two steps:

1) Fe + Cl2 = FeCl2 Ferrous chloride 2) FeCl2 + 1/2 Cl2 = FeCl3 Ferric chloride Ferrous chloride is obtained by contact of ferric chloride with iron into a dissolution vessel and ferric chloride by contact of ferrous chloride solution with chlorine. Heat of reaction is removed by coolers installed on the recirculating solutions. Product solution is filtered before storage and can be distributed in GFRP tank cars or in plastic drums. The iron used as raw material can be iron scraps. With a particular process modification it is possible also to use as feedstock the sludge from steel pickling with hydrochloric acid. In this case a reduction of chlorine consumption it is also obtained.

3 - Consumptions- referred to 1000 kg of product (100% basis)

- Raw materials

. chlorine (100%) = kg. 680 . iron scraps (100% Fe) = kg. 380

- Utilities

. softened water = kg. 1.600 . cooling water (5°C diff.) = m3 212 . L.P. steam only for start-up . electrical power = Kwh 45

4 - Quality - Purity on dry basis = % 99 - Solution concentration (FeCl3) = % 40 5 - Investment U.S. Dollars: (quoted on request)

Basis : - capacity (40% sol.) t/day = 30 - capacity (40% sol.) t/yr = 10.000 - area (battey limits) m2 = 1.000

6 - Use patern - The most important utilization of ferric chloride is the elimination of

turbidity from waters because of its high flocculating capacity. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51 - Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail:[email protected]

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OVERCHLOR® process card 105 - 1/2 1 - The product - OVERCHLOR® is a calcium hypochlorite produced according to a

technology developed by CONSITO. Formula weight= 143; sp.gr.= 2,3; Ca(OCl)2. It is produced and put on the market as a solid, granules or tablets, with 65÷70% available chlorine.

2 - Production - The process has been designed to minimize the consumption of cau- method stic soda and is patented, as per excerpt below.

Calcium hypochlorite production process basically consists of hydrated lime reaction with gaseous chlorine, according to complete reaction:

2Ca(OH)2 + 2 Cl2 = Ca(OCl)2 + CaCl2 + 2 H2O Raw materials are hydrated lime and gaseous chlorine. An acqueous suspension of milk lime is fed to the first reactor, where the chlorination takes place. Temperature is kept constant and the reaction heat is taken away by cooling water circulation through an external jacket. The chlorine flow is controlled in order to obtain a prefixed conversion rate. The product discharged from the first reactor is centrifuged in order to separate mother waters, rich of chlorides, from the solid which mainly contains dibasic hypochlorite. The solid is, then, suspended again in water. It is introduced too a small quantity of NaOH solution. The new suspension is fed to a 2nd reactor where the final stage of chlorination takes place. The reaction is guided at low temperature by means of cooling, till the maximum conversion rate, in correspondence of maximum percentage of hypochlorite in the suspension. The product discharged from the reactor is filtered; the separated mother liquors, containing valuable percentage of hypochlorite, are recycled to the preparation tank of 1st stage chlorination. The filtered solid is washed and discharged into a re-slurry tank where water is added to prepare a pumpable slurry to be fed into a spray-dryer. The drying takes place at controlled temperature in order to avoid decomposition. The dried product is finally stored, weighed and packed.

3 - Consumptions - referred to 1000 kg of product. & by products

- Raw materials . chlorine (100%) = kg. 1.150 . hydrated lime = kg. 1.150 . caustic soda (100%) = kg. 60

- Utilities . process water = m3 3,3 . cooling water = m3 80 . compressed air = Nm3 80 . steam L.P. = kg. 700 . electrical power = Kwh 450

- Effluents . bleach liquor = kg. 3.000

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OVERCHLOR® process card 105 - 2/2

4 - Quality - Hydrated lime . Ca(OH)2 content = % min. 97 . CaCo3 = % max 1,5 . metallic oxides = % max 0,5

- Calcium hypochlorite . Ca(OCl)2 = % min. 70 . moisture = % max 15 . Ca(OH)2 = % max 5 . CaCl2 = % max 8 . CaCO3 = % max 5 . others = % max 2 . density = kg/dm3 2,3 . bulk density = kg/dm3 0,5 . appearance = white powder

- Bleach liquor (typical composition) . calcium hypo = % 5,0 . calcium chloride = % 20,0 . calcium chlorate = % 3,5 . sodium chloride = % 2,5 . water = % 69,0

- Approx density = kg/l 1,2

5 - Investment - U.S. Dollars: (quoted on request) - capacity-dry product = t/day 6 - capacity-dry product = t/yr 2.000 - area (battery limits) = m2 1.500

6 - Use patern - Algicide, bactericide, deodorant, disinfectant, fungicide; in sugar refining; oxidizing agent; bleaching agent.

7 - Patent excerpt United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number : 4,517,166 Busacca [45] Date of Patent: May 14, 1985



[75] Inventor : Giuseppe Busacca, Milan, Italy [73] Assignee: Consito SpA, Milan, Italy [21] Appl. No.: 619,753 [22] Filed: Jun. 12, 1984 [51] Int. Cl.3 C01B 11/06 [52] U.S. Cl. 423/474; 252/187.28 252/187.30 [58] Field of Search 423/474; 252/187.28 252/187.30

[57] ABSTRACT The subject of the invention is a two-stage process for the production of bleaching powder with a high active chlorine content, which comprises suspending slaked lime in the aqueous solution resulting from the second chlorination stage after the separation of the solid formed therein, passing chlorine gas into the suspension at 35°-45°C until the lime content of the suspension has been reduced to between 40% and 55% by weight of the initial content, separating the mother liquor from the solid obtained, suspending the solid in water in ratio of from 1 to 1.5 parts of water per part of solid bringing the pH of the suspension obtained to between 13 and 14 with an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, passing gaseous chlorine into the suspension at a temperature.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail: [email protected]

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SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE process card 106 - 1/1 1 - The product - Sodium hypochlorite; formula is: NaOCl. formula weight= 74,45; form: solution only.

It is produced and put on the market as a diluted solution with a concentration up to 15% NaOCl corresponding to 14,3% available chlorine.

2 - Production - Sodium hypochlorite is produced by direct reaction of chlorine gas method with caustic soda solution, according to reaction: Cl2 + 2 NaOH = NaOCl + NaCl + H2O

Chlorination reaction is performed by absorbing in a 18% max caustic soda solution the chlorine from electrolysis process or from cylinders. The absorbing operation is effected in three stages, each provided with a recycling pump. Chilled water coolers, installed on recycle solution, dissipate heat of reaction and avoid sodium chlorate formation. Fresh caustic solution, flows countercurrent to chlorine gas. Sodium hypochlorite solution is sent to storage from first vessel where the concentration of available chlorine is continuously controlled by a redox meter.

3 - Consumptions - referred to 1000 kg of product solution with 15% available chlorine

and 1.15% excess caustic. - Raw materials

. chlorine (100%) = kg. 150 . caustic soda (100%) as 18% solution = kg. 170

- Utilities

. softened water = kg. 820 . chilled water = m3 6 . electrical power = Kwh 6,5

4 - Quality - Solution concentration (NaOCl) = % 15,75

- Free caustic soda = % 1,15 - Available chlorine = % 15

5 - Investment - U.S. Dollars: (quoted on request)

- capacity (15% av.chlorine) = t/day 20 - capacity (15% av.chlorine) = t/yr 6.600 - area (battery limits) = m2 300

6 - Use patern - Sodium hypochlorite is employed as a disinfectant and deodorant in treating water supplies and sewage effluent, in swimming pools, dairies, and in the household.

It is used as a bleach in commercial and home laundries. Soda bleach solutions are prepared in various strengths up to 16.5 per cent NaOCl, but household bleach is limited to about 5.5 percent NaOCl, because less excess caustic soda is required to maintain stability.


CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail: [email protected]

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SODIUM SILICATE 40° Be’ (Ratio 2:1) process card 108 - 1/1 1 - The product - Sodium silicate; Formula is: Na2SiO3; Formula weight= 121.8; sp.gr.=1.38

It is produced with molecular ratio SiO2/Na2O=2/1 and put on the market as dried powder or as a concentrated solution and a solid content of about 37%.

2 - Method of - Sodium silicate is produced by direct reaction of siliceous sand with production sodium hydroxide and water.

Sodium silicate is obtained by mixing raw materials at first into a dissolution vessel and then into a reactor in which the reaction between siliceous sand and sodium, hydroxide occurs. Reactor is heated by satured steam and works under pressure. When the reaction time is spent the batch is transferred into a vessel and then filtered.

3 - Consumptions- referred to 1000 kg of product (100% basis)

- Raw materials . Siliceous sand = kg. 290

. Sodium hydroxide (100%) = kg. 150 . Water = kg. 650

- Utilities . Steam at 12 bar = kg. 400

. Hot water = kg 1200 . Electrical power = Kwh 40

4 - Quality Molecular ratio SiO2/Na2O=2; Na2O : 11.3%; SiO2 : 22.0%

Reaction times and solution purity depend on chemical and physical features of the sand.

5 - Investment Basis : - capacity t/d = 110; t/yr = 35000

- area (battery limits) m2 = 600÷700

Investment: (quoted on request)

6 - Use patern - Sodium silicate 40°Be’ with molecular ratio=2/1 is mostly utilized in

the fields of: metals and glass containers cleaning, soap and detergents formulation, paper production, water treatment.

Sodium silicate, with sodium aluminate, is feedstock for production of detergent zeolites with a process which can be supplied by CONSITO.


CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail:[email protected]

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SODIUM TRI POLY PHOSPHATE process card 109 - 1/2 1 - The product - STPP -Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate Formula is: Na5P3O10; Formula weight = 368

Bulk density: 0.5÷0.6 It is produced with molar ratio Na/P=5/3 and put on the market as white powder or granules.

2 - Method of - Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate is produced by direct reaction of Pho- production sphoric acid with sodium hydroxide and water. Starting from raw phosphoric acid, obtained by wet process, a

depuration with NaOH is effected in order to obtain a equimolar solution of Mono an Di sodium Phosphate (Pentasodic solution).

The depuration residues, separated as filter cakes, are marketed in the field of fertilizers.

In case the starting acid is of thermal grade the depuration is not required.

The pentasodic solution is sprayed in a spray drier unit in order to

obtain the Pentasodic dry salt. The dried salt is calcined in a rotary kiln where water is eliminated

from the molecule and the STPP salt is obtained. In alternative to spray drier and calciner a fluid bed reactor can be

used. The calcined STPP is cooled and milled, classified and packed as

standard product. Other types of products can be obtained with specific treatments in order to improve the reactivity.

The products obtained from thermal grade acid are more reactive. 3 - Consumptions- referred to 1000 kg of finished product.

Type of acid process Wet Thermal - Raw materials . Phosphoric acid, H3PO4 (as P2O5) kg. 646 588 . Caustic soda, NaOH, 42% (as 100%) kg. 650 516

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SODIUM TRI POLY PHOSPHATE process card 109 - 2/2

Type of acid process Wet Thermal - By-products . Filter cake (17% P2O5) kg. 341 - Utilities . Steam - 7 bar kg. 1.476 240 . El. Power kWh 175 100 . Fuel (10.000 Kcal/kg) kg 146 146 . Cooling water (10°C ∆t) m3 70 70 . Demiwater kg 100 100

4 - Quality The product obtained, starting from wet process acid, can reach a P2O5 content of 56÷56,5%. Using thermal process acid and methane as fuel it is possible to

obtain a P2O5 content of 57,5%. Other characteristics, such as reactivity, thermal test and whiteness,

are largely within the limits required by the market. 5 - Investment Basis : - capacity = 7 t/h = 50.000 t/yr

- area (battery limits) = 2.700 m2

Investment: - wet process acid = 55 billion LIt. - thermal process acid = 38 billion LIt.

6 - Use patern - Components for detergents = 80% - Water conditioning = 10% - Miscellaneous = 10% ______ 100 ====== ___________________________________________________________________________________________

CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail:[email protected]

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HYDROGEN PEROXIDE process card 110 - 1/2 1 - The product - Hydrogen peroxide Formula is: H2O2

Molecolar weight : 34 It is produced in aqueous solution with concentrations 35 – 70% w. Specific gravity : 1,13 – 1,29.

2 - Method of - Hydrogen peroxide is produced by cyclic hydrogenation, oxidation

and extraction by water of the 2 – Ethylanthraquinone (EAQ) as follows. EAQ is dissolved in organic solvents, such mixture called “Working Solution” (WS) flows continuously in the sections : - hydrogenation – oxidation – extraction - regeneration Hydrogenation : The EAQ dissolved in the WS is hydrogenated in presence of palladium catalyst to form 2 – Ethyl-tetra-anthraidrochinone (H4EAQ) and by-products. Oxydation : After filtration to eliminate the palladium catalyst the WS is oxidated by air to form the H4EAQ - hydroperoxide H4EAQ (OOH)2) and by-products. Extraction : The oxidated WS containing H4EAQ(00H)2 is treated with demineralized water to destroy H4EAQ(OOH)2 to obtain, in the aqueous phase the hydrogen peroxide, and in the WS the H4EAQ. The “crude” hydrogen peroxide in the aqueous phase has a concentration of 37% w. The resulting WS is divided in two streams, the first, greater comes back again to the hydrogenation to repeat the cycle above described. The second is sent to regeneration. Regeneration : Here, the second stream is treated with a regeneration catalyst, “activated alumina” to reconvert part of the by-products to H4EAQ. After this treatment the treated WS comes back to hydrogenation at repeat the cycle above described. The crude hydrogen peroxide is sent, after washing to the distillation to obtain the final product with a concentration until 70% w.

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HYDROGEN PEROXIDE process card 110 - 2/2 3 - Consumptions- referred to 1 ton (1000 kg) of product 100% w.

- EAQ 1 kg. - Solvents 5 kg. - Reconversion catalyst 8 kg. - Hydrogenation catalyst 0,05 kg - Hydrogen 720 Nmc - Demineralised water 3 mc - Cooling water 220 mc - Electrical power 700 Kwh - Steam, high and low pressure 600 kg.

4 - Investment Basis : - capacity 8.000 ÷ 50.000 t/yr

Investment : (quoted on request)

5 - Quality From the distillation is obtained hydrogen peroxide with concentrations : 35 – 70% w 6 - Uses Chemical industry : for production of peroxicompounds as sodium

perborate and sodium percarbonate, peracetic acid.

Organic chemistry : for epoxidations and hydroxilations (manufacture of plasticizers and stabilizers for plastic industry). Textile industry : for bleaching cotton, linen, bast fibers, wool, silk, polyester and polyurethane fiber. Pulp and paper industry : to bleach sulphate and sulphite cellulose, wood pulp, and wastepaper. Electronic industry : for the manufacture of semiconductors.


CONSITO S.r.l.-P.zza IV Novembre, 1-20124 Milano (Italy)-Tel. 02-66 98 16 51-Fax 02-66 98 47 39–e-mail:[email protected]

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THE COMPANY Establishment date : 1972

Name of company : CONSITO

Legal status : S.r.l. (joint-stock company)

Head office : Piazza IV Novembre, 1 20124 - Milano Italy

Telephone : 0039-2-66 98 16 51

Telefax : 0039-2-66 98 47 39

E-mail : [email protected]

Capital : € 47.000

Fiscal code : 00906250584

IVA code : 05952980158

CONSITO is a company of engineering services oriented to assist the Client to evaluate new enterprises and to put at disposal the tools and resources necessary for the realisation of industrial activities. Particularly CONSITO is structured to supply the “project management”, with professional capabilities that permit to manage also Client resources, completing it with external services at various levels and competences for an ordered and co-ordinated development of projects in all aspects.

Offered services Fields of activity • Management consulting • Integrated design • Project realisation • Credit assistance

• Agro-industry and pharmaceuticals • Wood, pulp, paper and textiles • Chemicals and plastics • Glass and building materials • Caustic-chlorine and derivatives • Various industrial projects • Environment

Page 21: Water Brochure


Pos Country Location Year Client Activity Past value

U.S.$ X 1000

Description of activity

1 Venezuela Boca de Uchire 1976 FORMIATOS DE VENEZUELA

Ethanol and derivatives 5.000 Ethanol Acetaldehyde, Acetic Acid from cane molasses.

2 Libia Tripoli 1978 GNOI Olive cake oil 15.000 Oil extraction from olive cake, oil refining and bottling Humic fertilisers from spent cake

3 Italy Avigliano (PZ) 1979 NIAV Dry laid paper 8.000 Tissues from non woven cellulose

4 Equador Guayaquil 1979 DECLOCEM Caustic-chlorine and derivatives 12.000 Water treatment chemicals from caustic-chlorine.

Sodium hypo – Calcium hypo – PAC 18% % 9% 5 Italy Atella (PZ) 1986 FIBERTEK Ceramic fibers 9.000 Ceramic fibers spinning, blankets, flakes & forming. 6 Italy Nusco (AV) 1987 DIELVE Glass dielectrics 26.000 Glass forming and electrical insulators assembling 7 Italy Taranto 1990 UV. ESS. Dried vegetables 5.000 Vegetables selection, drying and packing 8 Italy Lecce 1991 PROME SUD Metallic findings 3.000 High pressure moulding of metallic findings

9 Italy Nusco (AV) 1992 ESI SUD Lighting equipment 30.000 Plastic and aluminium moulding, assembling of lighting

equipment 10 Italy Palomonte (SA) 1992 SOTEGEA Cooked foods 30.000 Preparation, cooking, packing of pizza and foods. 11 Italy Palomonte (SA) 1992 BIOCAPRI Dairy farm 25.000 Mozzarella & buttermilk curd production & packing

12 Italy Ferrandina 1993 RICAL Aluminium recovery 24.000 Melting of secondary aluminium from aluminium scraps

13 Italy Ferrandina 1995 AGROCHIMICA Furfural 28.000 Furfural & furfurylic alcohol from olive / stone 14 Italy Ragusa 1998 IN.CA.R. Whey powder 5.000 Whey concentration and drying

15 Italy Lecce 2000 COPERSALENTO Electric Power from wastes 20.000 Steam production from burning of olive cake and El.

Power generation. 16 Italy Terni 2001 EUROPIM Caustic-chlorine 20.000 Fine chemicals via phosgene 17 Egypt Port Said 2003 T.C.I. Coagulants 6.000 PAC 18% & 9% H.B. – Ferric chloride

18 Saudi Arabia Yanbu 2006 Confidential Silicates & Silica 6.000 Sodium silicate 2.5 & 3.4 - Precipitated silica
