Hello fellow Marines. The heat of summer is finally with us. Many members will be vaca- tioning with family and friends over the next few weeks. We hope you enjoy your summer time and remember to plan for our annual August picnic next month. In our July business meeting we discussed upcoming events and ac- tivities for our Detachment. Hope you had a lovely fourth of Ju- ly. Michelle Stephens Commandant Some Upcoming Events During August there are two big events. The first is, Belk’s is going to have a third “Charity Day Sale”, which means we will have a fund- raiser during that time. See full de- tails on page 3 of this newsletter. It is important that as many members as can help with this event. Commandant’s Corner LEWIS G WATKINS DETACHMENT Tip of the Spear JULY 23 , 2018 VOLUME VI ISSUE 7 DETACHMENT OFFICERS Commandant Michelle Stephens (520) 249-8409 Sr. Vice-Commandant Skip Wakeman (678) 300-4272 Jr. Vice-Commandant Josh Herring (864) 710-2539 Judge Advocate Bill Thompson (678)296-6131 Past Commandant Del Williams (864) 903-2160 Paymaster David Wessinger (864) 882-5538 Adjutant Susan Barefoot (864) 643-6378 Chaplain Dean Wright (864) 247-0385 Sergeant-at-Arms Wayne Smith (864) 710-2506 Historian Josh Herring (864) 710-2539 Editor Susan Barefoot (864) 643-6378 In August each year we have our An- nual Family Picnic. This is a fun time for all our members and families. The details are on page 3. August is also the time for the yearly MCL National Convention. This year they will be voting on a major change to the National Bylaws. As MCL members we are expected to be aware of the changes and as a Detachment we are expected to advise our dele- gates to the Convention on how to vote on these issues. Our Detachment Judge Advocate Bill Thompson has some words of wisdom on this matter on page 2. Everyone is asked to read them. At the Detachment September meet- ing a matter of upmost importance will be discussed and voted on. The Detachment’s budget for Fiscal Year 2019 will be voted on. Details of the budget cannot be printed in the news- letter, so please plan to attend the September meeting when the budget will be fully discussed and voted on. Plans for the 2018 Toys for Tots cam- paign are now being developed. Please plan now to give some of your time to this project this year.

WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on

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Page 1: WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on

Hello fellow Marines.

The heat of summer is finally with

us. Many members will be vaca-

tioning with family and friends

over the next few weeks. We hope

you enjoy your summer time and

remember to plan for our annual

August picnic next month.

In our July business meeting we

discussed upcoming events and ac-

tivities for our Detachment.

Hope you had a lovely fourth of Ju-


Michelle Stephens


Some Upcoming Events

During August there are two big

events. The first is, Belk’s is going

to have a third “Charity Day Sale”,

which means we will have a fund-

raiser during that time. See full de-

tails on page 3 of this newsletter. It

is important that as many members

as can help with this event.

Commandant’s Corner



D E T A C H M E N T Tip of the Spear J U L Y 2 3 , 2 0 1 8 V O L U M E V I I S S U E 7




Michelle Stephens (520) 249-8409

Sr. Vice-Commandant

Skip Wakeman (678) 300-4272

Jr. Vice-Commandant

Josh Herring (864) 710-2539

Judge Advocate Bill Thompson (678)296-6131

Past Commandant

Del Williams (864) 903-2160


David Wessinger (864) 882-5538

Adjutant Susan Barefoot

(864) 643-6378


Dean Wright (864) 247-0385


Wayne Smith (864) 710-2506


Josh Herring (864) 710-2539


Susan Barefoot (864) 643-6378

In August each year we have our An-

nual Family Picnic. This is a fun time

for all our members and families. The

details are on page 3.

August is also the time for the yearly

MCL National Convention. This year

they will be voting on a major change

to the National Bylaws. As MCL

members we are expected to be aware

of the changes and as a Detachment

we are expected to advise our dele-

gates to the Convention on how to

vote on these issues. Our Detachment

Judge Advocate Bill Thompson has

some words of wisdom on this matter

on page 2. Everyone is asked to read


At the Detachment September meet-

ing a matter of upmost importance

will be discussed and voted on. The

Detachment’s budget for Fiscal Year

2019 will be voted on. Details of the

budget cannot be printed in the news-

letter, so please plan to attend the

September meeting when the budget

will be fully discussed and voted on.

Plans for the 2018 Toys for Tots cam-

paign are now being developed.

Please plan now to give some of your

time to this project this year.

Page 2: WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on


Detachment Family Breakfast

The Lewis G. Watkins Detachment #1131 held

its Monthly Family Breakfast on Saturday

June30, 2018 at Dienner's Kitchen in Seneca,


We had a total of 12 people come and enjoy the

fellowship and camaraderie. Some of the regu-

lar crowd were on summer vacation.

Those that were present had a great time.

Hope more of you can join us Saturday, July 28,

2018 when we will do it again.

Change to National Bylaws Detachment Judge Advocate Bill Thompson ad-vises all members that the MCL National By-laws are being rewritten and will be voted on at the National Convention in Buffalo, NY in Au-gust 2018 There is an excellent article in the Summer 2018 Issue of "Semper Fi" magazine about how to get to the National Website and read the new proposals. We need our Members to read the proposed new bylaws and let Bill know if they agree to the change or not. Detachment #1131 must advise our delegates to the National Con-vention how to vote on this matter. Bill Thompson is looking for volunteers to help

rewrite the Detachment #1131’s Bylaws and Ad-

ministrative Procedures if the Convention votes

to accept the new National Bylaw proposal.

To read the proposed new MCL National Bylaws

go to the National website at:

http://www.mclnational.org/ . Once on the

site scroll down to Marine Corps League Library

and click on the Visit Now button.

Once on the library page scroll down to BY-



VENTION, then click on National Bylaws Re-

write Final.

Tip of the Spear

Page 3: WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on

PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5

Belk's Charity Day Sale

Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four

hour sale, on a Saturday morning dedicated to

supporting local non-profit organizations. Par-

ticipating charities have the opportunity to raise

money for their organizations.

In the past Belk’s Stores have two Charity Day

sales each year. The first one in spring, usually

April, and the second prior to Christmas, usual-

ly late November. This year Belk’s is having a

third Charity Day sale. This is a “Back to

School” Charity Day Sale.

During the week prior to each Charity Day Sale,

Belk’s Charity stores allow local charities to sell

tickets to the Charity Day Sale for $5.0o. The

charity keeps the $5.00 for the ticket and the

ticket purchaser receives $5.00 off their first

purchase plus the sale day price savings.

This has been one of our best fundraising events

for the past three years. Skip Wakeman is the

coordinator for this fundraiser. The schedule of

dates and time that Detachment #1131 can sale

tickets will not be known until Monday, July

23rd. The sale of tickets will be from Saturday

August 11 until Friday August 24th.

Everyone is asked to plan your calendar during

that period to allow some time to sell tickets for

the Charity Day Sale. Each ticket sold means

$5.00 for your operating fund.

Annual Detachment Family Picnic

This years annual August Family Picnic will be

on Friday, August 24, 2018 at the Big-

gerstaff Retreat Center, 398 Biggerstaff Road,

Seneca, SC 29672. Picnic will start at 6:00 PM.

Cooks should be on site at 5:30 PM to start pre-

paring meals.

Members are encouraged to invite any Marines

they know. It is an excellent way for prospec-

tive members to get acquainted with us and

hopefully some may decide to join our Detach-


All members will be sent a letter with a copy of

the menu and a pre-addressed post card. In or-

der to get an accurate count of attendance, you

are asked to return the enclosed RSVP post card

with the appropriate answers by Friday August

17, 2018.

A copy of the menu is provided for your infor-

mation. Please notice there is a line under the

word "Provider", below you will see some mem-

ber’s name. That means that member has

agreed to provide that item for the picnic. You

are asked to pick an item you can provide for

the picnic. This will reduce the cost to the De-

tachment. Example: Sally Williams has chosen

to provide the "chili and cold slaw for the


After you receive the letter, contact Del Wil-

liams at 864-903-2160 and let him know what

items you will bring to the Picnic.

Families that have children or grandchildren

are encouraged to include them in the picnic.

We will have some games from Grand Rental

that the children, and some adults, will enjoy.

This is an excellent time to enjoy the camarade-

rie Marines are noted for. It is an excellent time

for families to enjoy each other and friends.

Hope to see each member and his/her family


Page 4: WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on

Installation of Officers

Lewis G. Watkins Detachment #1131 had a

large turnout for the Installation of Officers

meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. A total of

40 people enjoyed an excellent meal of Baked

Chicken, Honey Roasted Ham, green beans,

macaroni and cheese with rolls and Ice Tea.

After dinner the Lewis G. Watkins Auxiliary

Unit installed their newly elected officers. Na-

tional Auxiliary Vice President, Joyce Brickett

sworn in the new officers.

Left to Right: Joyce Brickett, Auxiliary Unit

President Jane Paradise, Vice President Linda

Stancil, Chaplain Doris Carver and Sally


After the installation of officers of the Auxiliary

Unit, Detachment #1131 presented the MCL

Superior Leadership Award to West Oak High

School JROTC Cadet Seth Holbrooks. The

Toys for Tots Traveling Trophy was presented

to Cadet Leon Sheriff.

Lewis G Watkins Detachment Paymaster Da-

vid Wessinger was recognized for his service

to the detachment during 2017. Senior Vice

Commandant Skip Wakemen present a Meri-

torious Commendation to David.

Don Alexander, Past Commandant of Cur-

rahee Mountain Detachment#1303, conduct-

ed the Installation of Officers. In the photo-

graph below Don is shown swearing in the

newly elected officers.

Left to Right: Paymaster David Wessinger,

Adjutant Susan Barefoot, Judge Advocate Bill

Thompson, Senior Vice-Commandant Skip

Wakeman, Junior Vice-Commandant Josh

Herring and Sergeant-at-Arms Wayne Smith

(face blocked by the flag).


Page 5: WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on

Lewis G. Watkins

Auxiliary Unit

Marine Corps


Hello Everyone,

Summer has arrived in all its glory including

some very hot, humid days. Our unit does not

meet regularly during this time due to our

various travel schedules and commitments.

However, we do touch base with all of our

members with e mails.

Our placement of flags to honor deceased Ma-

rines buried in Oconee County went well over

the Memorial Day week. Please let us know if

you know of a Marine who did not receive

flags and we will add them to our list of over

39 Marines in 18 cemeteries.

Members represented our unit at both church

events held in June. Unit representatives at-

tended the Department Convention held in

Beaufort. Charlie and I will be attending the

MCL/MCLA National Convention in August

in Buffalo, N.Y. This will be the last time I

will be representing The Southeast Division as

their National Vice President after serving

five years. I have been very honored and

proud to serve in this position but will look

forward, as always, to seeing my longtime

MCL/MCLA friends at future conferences and

conventions. Carol Mazzarra from Florida

will replace me.

Happy summer, travel safe and stay healthy.

Until next time…

Semper Fi, Joyce Brickett

Lewis G. Watkins Unit, MCLA


This Day in Marine Corps History

7 July 1941: The 1st Marine Aircraft Wing

was activated at Quantico, Virginia. Within a

year of activation, the Wing would participate

in the Marine Corps offensive at Guadalcanal.

That bitter campaign would be the first in a

series of legendary battles in which the Wing

would add luster to its reputation. The 1st-

MAW would earn five Presidential Unit Cita-

tions for gallantry in campaigns spanning

World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.

11 July 1798: President John Adams ap-

proved "An Act for Establishing and Organiz-

ing a Marine Corps", and it became law. The

following day, the President appointed Wil-

liam Ward Burrows the Major Commandant

of the new Corps. In August, Major Burrows

opened his headquarters in Philadelphia, at

that time still the capital of the new nation.

18 July 1918: The 4th Brigade of Marines

began an attack near Soissons, France, as part

of a three-division counterattack against the

Germans. In the first two days of battle, the

brigade sustained 1,972 casualties.

24 July 1944: The V Amphibious Corps,

commanded by Major General Harry

Schmidt, landed on Tinian, in the Mariana

Islands. The following morning, the 2d and

4th Marine Divisions began a shoulder-to-

shoulder southward sweep of the island. Or-

ganized enemy resistance faded within a

week, and on 1 August, MajGen Schmidt de-

clared the island secure.

28 July 1918: Brigadier General John A.

Lejeune assumed command of the 2d Divi-

sion, U.S. Army in France, and remained in

that capacity until August 1919 when the unit

was demobilized. He was the first Marine of-

ficer to hold an Army divisional command,

and following the Armistice, he led his divi-

sion in the march into Germany

PAGE 5 Volume VI Issue 4

Page 6: WATKINS LEWIS G Tip of the Spear DETACHMENT · Tip of the Spear . PAGE 3 Volume VI Issue 5 Belk's Charity Day Sale Belk’s Stores Charity Day Sale is a private, four hour sale, on

Tip of the Spear

Lewis G. Watkins Detachment #1131 Editor: Susan Barefoot P. O. Box 8025 Seneca, SC 29678

Date & Time Event/Activity Location Coordinator Requirement Uniform

Saturday, 28 July 8:00 am

Detachment Family Breakfast

Dienner’s Kitchen 305 By-Pass 123, Seneca, SC 29678

Michelle Stephens

All Members and Family


Tuesday, 7 August 9:00 am

Detachment Trustees Meeting

American Legion Hut, 575 N. Fairplay St., Seneca, SC 29678

Michelle Stephens

Board of Trustees.


Friday, 24 August 6:00 pm

Detachment Family Picnic

Biggerstaff Retreat 398 Biggerstaff Rd, Seneca, SC 29672

Michelle Stephens

All Members and Family

Casual attire.

Tuesday, 4 September 9:00 am

Detachment Trustees Meeting

American Legion Hut, 575 N. Fairplay St., Seneca, SC 29678

Michelle Stephens

Board of Trustees.


Tuesday, 18 September 6:00 pm

Detachment Busi-ness Meeting

American Legion Hut, 575 N. Fairplay St., Seneca, SC 29678

Michelle Stephens

All Members Basic

Upcoming Meeting and Events.