15 Neerlandia May 12, 2013 Christian Reformed Church We’re glad you are here. WELCOME to church this morning. Pastor Cecil VanNiejenhuis will lead us in worship. You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and fellowship following the Cross Training service. Nursery Available downstairs for newborn to age 3. Interactive Centers Children age 3-5 gather for interactive centers; they are dismissed during the service. Resources available for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Listening aid devices are available from the audio technicians. Please feel free to ask them if you are experiencing difficulty. Cross Training-10:00AM Song: He Is Lord Opening Prayer Blessing of the Children Children age 3 to Grade 6 leave to Sunday School. Scripture: Lesson: Hearing the New Testament with Old Testament ears Discussion Closing Prayer Following Cross Training please join us in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments. Information to Church Supervisors Please note that there is a sign up sheet posted at the nursery. On your rounds through the church please sign off on your scheduled date. Thanks again for your willingness to serve! MORNING WORSHIP 11:15 AM Please follow the powerpoint as the order of worship proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You may stand and greet each other *We All Bow Down * Welcome *Opening Prayer *Call to Worship (Psalm 47:1 – 2 ; 93:1; Hebrews 4:14, 16, NRSV) *God’s Greeting: (Rev. 1: 4 – 5, NRSV) *Opening Song: #412: 1,2 4 Jesus Shall Reign Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon: (based on 1 John 2: 1 – 2, NRSV) Children’s Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High Children age 3-5 leave for interactive centres Scripture: I Kings 3:4-15 and 4:29-34, Matthew 6:25-7:11. Sermon: Ask Me For Anything *Hymn of Response: #419 Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Lord’s Supper Songs: Remembrance I Will Sing of My Redeemer Offering: 1. NCRC (All budgets) 2. Operation Manna Song During Offering: Crown Him (Majesty) Congregational /Ascension Day Prayer *Call to Discipleship: (Matthew 28: 19 – 20; Acts 1:11) *Parting Blessing *Doxology: #412:5 Jesus Shall Reign

We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

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Page 1: We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

15 Neerlandia May 12, 2013 Christian Reformed Church

We’re glad you are here.

WELCOME to church this morning.

Pastor Cecil VanNiejenhuis will lead us in worship.

You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and fellowship following

the Cross Training service.

Nursery Available downstairs for newborn to age 3.

Interactive Centers Children age 3-5 gather for interactive centers;

they are dismissed during the service.

Resources available for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Listening aid devices are available from

the audio technicians. Please feel free to ask them if you are experiencing difficulty.

Cross Training-10:00AM

Song: He Is Lord Opening Prayer Blessing of the Children

Children age 3 to Grade 6 leave to Sunday School.

Scripture: Lesson: Hearing the New Testament with Old Testament ears Discussion Closing Prayer

Following Cross Training please join us in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments.

Information to Church Supervisors

Please note that there is a sign up sheet

posted at the nursery. On your rounds

through the church please sign off on your

scheduled date. Thanks again for your

willingness to serve!


11:15 AM

Please follow the powerpoint as the order of worship

proceeds without announcement.

*= you may stand

Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You may stand and greet each other *We All Bow Down * Welcome *Opening Prayer *Call to Worship (Psalm 47:1 – 2 ; 93:1; Hebrews 4:14, 16, NRSV) *God’s Greeting: (Rev. 1: 4 – 5, NRSV) *Opening Song: #412: 1,2 4 Jesus Shall Reign Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon: (based on 1 John 2: 1 – 2, NRSV) Children’s Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High

Children age 3-5 leave for interactive centres Scripture: I Kings 3:4-15 and 4:29-34, Matthew 6:25-7:11. Sermon: Ask Me For Anything *Hymn of Response: #419 Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Lord’s Supper Songs: Remembrance I Will Sing of My Redeemer Offering: 1. NCRC (All budgets) 2. Operation Manna Song During Offering: Crown Him (Majesty) Congregational /Ascension Day Prayer *Call to Discipleship: (Matthew 28: 19 – 20; Acts 1:11) *Parting Blessing *Doxology: #412:5 Jesus Shall Reign

Page 2: We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

CHURCH FAMILY Birthday Greetings!

May 4 Tom Schuurman 5 Reta Strydhorst

10 Kristin Strydhorst 14 Betty Tuininga

16 Albert Strydhorst 20 Mark Nanninga

24 Frank Visser 27 Alvin Nanninga

31 Albert C. Tiemstra

A miscellaneous shower will be held in the

Fellowship Hall on May 24 at 8 pm for Robin

Thiesen bride elect of Nathan Nanninga.

Everyone is welcome. The wedding is to take

place on June 15.

Dear Friends, It's a gorgeous spring day - the

first North American one we've been part of

for many years. Beautiful! Just wanted to

drop you a short note on what's happening

with us. As you know, my work as the

Missionary-in-Residence at Calvin Sem was

for 1 year, with the chance of renewing for 1

additional year. Last month we did agree on

this extension, so we'll be here through June

of 2014 - God willing. During this coming

year we'll need to decide whether we'll return

to overseas' ministry or if our career will take

a different turn; we're not sure at this point.

We really appreciate your support during this

past transitional year, and hopefully through

our final year of encouraging missions at

Calvin. We'll send more details in a letter

next week. Thanks for all your notes of care

and encouragement.

Peace, Albert Strydhorst


Sing at Barrhead Continuing Care (KCC)

on Monday, May 13 @ 2 p.m.

Henny DeGroot, Joan Groot, Triss Nanninga,

Rose Olthuis, Reta Strydhorst, Sandra

Strydhorst, Angela Tuininga, Lindy Wiart

Sing at Shepherd's Care on Thursday,

May 16 @ 2 p.m.

Henny DeGroot, Betty Gelderman, Lula

Gelderman, Rose Olthuis, Kay Peters, Sandra

Strydhorst, Betty Tiemstra, Angela Tuininga,

Jennie Veenstra, Florence Visser

More singers are welcome to join us.


Grade 7-12

Registration forms for the

Barrhead Food Bank Challenge

(this Saturday May 18) are due

TODAY! Many churches are

participating. The Town of Barrhead is eagerly

anticipating a large turnout of youth and is

supporting the event with sponsors and

prizes. This will be an afternoon of fun,

fellowship, and community support in unity

with our greater Christian family from other

Barrhead and area churches. Complete info

and registration forms are on the Youth

Bulletin board. Questions? Call Karlen &

Evelyn Krikke 5146

Attention all youth grade 7-12!

Come out for a fun filled afternoon at the

church grounds... we will be cleaning up to

make the church look awesome!! After, you

will all be treated to hot dogs and

refreshments!! Don't miss it...we all love a

clean looking church yard, don't we!

We will be meeting at the church grounds on

Wednesday, May 15, after school from 4:00

p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you can bring a rake or

broom that would be helpful, but there will

also be some there to use. You can bring

gloves and maybe a change of clothes if you



OUR INTERIM PASTOR will be arriving the first

week of June. The Building Committee is

looking for the following items.Please call

JoAnn Nanninga (4549) or Sandra Olthuis

(5453) if you have any of these items.

These items are only "on loan" to DeWaals

and can be reclaimed later. DO NOT BRING


CONTACTING US! Night tables TV stand

bookcases dresser

Office Hours This Week

Jeannette will be away this week and Audrey

will be doing the bulletin. Emails should be

sent to the same address at

[email protected]. Audrey’s hours will

be Tuesday – Thursday from 10:00 – 3:00.

Page 3: We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

We are in need of a helper for Little Lambs

for CoffeeBreak in the coming year. Please

contact Meredith VanDijk if you would like to

reach out to young children as their moms

receive time to study the bible!

Affirmation of Officebearers

Following is a list of people who agreed to let

their name stand for council positions:

Administrative Elder (1 Needed)

Rudy Sybesma, Albert Tiemstra

Pastoral Elder (5 needed)

Murray Tuininga, Randy Strydhorst

Judy Schuring, Tom Schuurman

Rick Visser, Janice Wierenga (Gary)

Youth Elder (1 needed)

John Leonard, Troy Nanninga

Deacon (2 needed)

Alfred Tuininga, Terry DeVries

Ken Strydhorst

On May 26 the Affirmation of Officebearers

will take place following the worship service!

…Approved by Council

"Notes from the parish Nurse"

1. More on May's health topic:

Allergies. "The wind blows south, and

then turns north. Around and around it

goes, blowing in circles.: Ecclesiastes 1:6

NLT. People allergic to substances in the

environment will experience more

problems at specific times of the year,

Their symptoms will be worse during times

of high winds when offending pollens are

spread about. Late mornings or early

afternoons have higher pollen counts which

will cause more discomfort. The heavy air

from high temperatures and humidity will

trigger an asthmatic's allergies. Different

types of pollen (tree, grass, ragweed,

flowers, etc.) are prevalent at different

times of the year. For these reasons it is

important to know what specific allergens

trigger your symptoms.

2. I welcome your requests to come visit.


3. Community Blood Drive at the Barrhead

Agrena, Wednesday May 15, 4-8 p.m.

Call 1-888-236-6283 to book your


Three Circles – What Stage Are We At?

Visioning Team Update

The Visioning Team and the Search

Committee are very aware of and

appreciative of the prayers of the people for

God’s guidance for the steps of our journey as

a congregation during this time of transition

between pastors. The process is continuing.

Your participation in the Healthy Church

Survey last fall and in the two congregational

conversations earlier this year has provided

the big ideas for the revised ministry plan for

our church. The Visioning Team has been

working hard during the last several months

transforming those big ideas into realistic

simple steps that will help us become the

people we already are in Christ Jesus, people

who are growing deeper in God’s gracious

love and sharing his love with others. No new

committees were formed in the making of this

plan and it is almost ready to launch!

Report of General Council Meeting

Held May 1, 2013 President Richard Krikke called the meeting

to order and welcomed all present.

Elder Dave Tuininga led devotions by reading

Isaiah 44:9-20 and Luke 12:13-37a. He then

read a devotional “ A Deceived Heart” based

on Isaiah 44:20, from the book Near Unto

God by Abraham Kuyper. After Dave led in

opening prayer #291 was sung from the

Psalter Hymnal.

At approximately 8:20 p.m. the Visioning

team was welcomed to the meeting and

presented Council with a draft of a Revised

Ministry Plan for Neerlandia CRC. This plan

was based on the Three Circles

Congregational Meetings held earlier in the

year. Council heartily endorsed the work of

the Visioning team and encouraged them to

press on with their work.

Russ Tuininga was then welcomed to the

meeting and the committee appointed to

suggest ways to implement Councils motion

to allow children to participate at the Lord’s

Supper subject to the permission and

supervision of their parents, gave a report of

their work. The committee is at an impass

because of the decision of Synod and

subsequent amendment to Article 59 of the

Church Order which states that all baptized

members who come with age-and ability- appropriate faith in Jesus Christ, are welcome

to the Lord’s Supper …under the supervision

of the elders. The committee proposed that

Council revise its motion to more clearly

Page 4: We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

reflect what Synod is stating in Article 59a

and that council present a clear mandate for

a new and enlarged committee. After a

lengthy discussion a motion to establish a

task force committee to come to council with

different scenarios that could be

implemented in our congregation to allow

baptised children to partake of the Lord’s

Supper, was seconded and carried. The

Admin Council is asked to appoint this


A motion that the membership of Darren

Krikke be lapsed, as he has requested, was

seconded and carried. Darren is attending

the Canadian Reformed Church in Barrhead.

A motion to transfer the membership of

Wendell Spronk to Bethel CRC. in Edmonton,

as requested, was seconded and carried. A

motion that Council acquiesce to the request

of Lindsay Penner (Nanninga) to resign her

membership in the Neerlandia CRC was

seconded and carried.

A proposal from Admin Council to have a

welcome dinner for Pastor Sidney and Janet

De Waal on Sunday June 9th after the second

service was approved. Admin Council will

look after the details.

A request from Youth Committee to organize

a service project for our young people in

2014 to do work in Haiti or Honduras

received Councils endorsement.

Council was happy to learn that Bethany

Nanninga will be part of a group of students

working to help bring clean water to a small

community in Honduras.

Admin Councils proposal to hold elections for

new office bearers on May 26 and Installation

on June 23,D.V. , was approved by General


General Council was informed of an e-mail

received from Mentored Ministries that they

are unable to provide a summer Intern

student or graduating student for our

Congregation this summer.

Elder Dennis Nanninga reports that pulpit

supply is taken care of to the end of June.

General Council gives its blessing for the

Admin Council to appoint a committee to plan

for our churches Centennial Celebration in


Pastoral elders report that they are

concentrating on making visits in the

congregation. It is also reported, with joy,

that a large number of people attended the

pre-profession of faith class being taught by Elder Richard De Vries.

Deacons report that they are ministering to

the financial needs of members and the

needs in the wider community. Regular visits

will be made to those needing help.

A report is given by our Classical delegates

Dale Gelderman and John Ellens.

Information has been received by the Search

Committee from Ministerial Information

Services (part of Pastor Church Relations)

containing profiles of pastors who are

available to be called. The committee is

currently processing this information.

A motion to adjourn was seconded and

carried after which Elder Elbert Beekman led

in closing prayer.


1st Offering: NCRC Ministries (All Budgets)


Offering: May 5 Back To God Ministries May 12 Operation Manna May 19 World Missions May 26 Voice of the Martyrs

Today, the deacons will gather in the

Operation Manna offering. Your gift will

help ministries and Canadian CRC’s become

involved with their neighbours in Jesus’ name.

May each of us give as we have been blessed.

Next week our offering will be for Christian

Reformed World Missions. For nearly 125

years, CRWM has been helping Christian

Reformed churches fulfill the Great

Commission primarily through planting

churches and sending missionaries around the

world. Partnering with people, churches, and

organizations they are multiplying believers

and churches, equipping and connecting

leaders, reaching students and teachers with

a biblical worldview, and strengthening

churches and organizations. CRWM has more

than 200 missionaries serving in nearly 40

countries and, through partnerships, their

work extends to more than 50 countries.


Citizens for Public Justice welcomes all to

"Reaching for Right Relationships: CPJ at 50,"

an inspiring celebration of our 50th anniversary

being held Thurs, May 30, 8:00 pm. Key

speakers John Olthuis & Lorraine Land, former

staff with a long and diverse history of advocacy

for Aboriginal and ecological justice. Justine Vandergrift will also be performing. The event

will be held at The King's University College,

9125-50 St., Free admission see www.cpj.ca.

Page 5: We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

Rehoboth camp ministry

Our roster of campers is almost full. We do have

some Youth Week Camper spots available. If

you know of a young person with a

developmental disability between the ages of 8 -

20 who would like to come to Rehoboth Camp

the week of July 27-August 2, please contact

[email protected] for an

application and more information.

An opportunity to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, close to

home! Come on down to beautiful Camp

Rehoboth near Lacombe, AB. For one week you

can leave the busyness of life behind you and be

a special friend to a child or adult with

developmental disabilities, and show them the

love of Christ. For many of the campers who

come, it is the only Christian influence in their

lives all year. It is a week of spiritual growth for

both campers and volunteers!

With your help, we can "FLOURISH in the land."

Volunteers needed for the following positions

R & R Week: July 1 - 5

2 nurses, 1 night watch, 15 counselors

Adult Week 1: July 6 - 12

1 nurse, 15 counselors

Adult Week 2: July 13 - 19

2 nurses, 1 techie, 25 counselors

Independent Week: July 20-26

1 Bible Leader, 1 night watch, 1 techie,17


Youth Week: July 27-August 2 - 1 techie

Volunteers must be at least 14 years old to

become a counselor in training (CIT).

Application form available at website


For more information on how you can help,

please contact Linda Rosendal -

780-968-8483 or email

[email protected]

KING'S 2013 Spring Appeal

The annual spring fund raising campaign for The

King's University College is in full swing. Thank

you to everyone who has generously supported

the campaign so far. Annual spring donations

are a vital part of the university's existence. To

contribute to Spring Appeal 2013, please send

your gift using the form that was mailed to you

or donate online at www.kingsu.ca/donate.

Contact [email protected] or 780-465-

8314 with comments or questions. Thank you

for supporting Christian university education at

King's! Donations may also be put in Marjorie

Tuiningas mailbox.

The students, faculty & staff of The King's

University College would like to THANK YOU for

the generous gifts that have been received

through Neerlandia CRC in the past year. Your

support helped King's achieve its fund raising

goal of $2.6 million in the 2012-13 fiscal year.

Your investment and involvement has made

King's one of Canada's top universities. Thank

you for your prayers and support!

Emmanuel Home invites you to their Annual

General Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 16

at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity CRC.

Discuss Synod 2013 - Synod 2013 is coming!

The agenda for Synod 2013 was recently

released and The Network has re-launched its

Synod blog. This year's synod guide is Rev. Meg

Jenista. She has a head start exploring year's

agenda; blogging about the topics, themes, and

overtures that will be the focus of Synod 2013.

Go to network.crcna.org/synod to join the

discussion with other synod enthusiasts.

From Back to God Ministries International

GROUNDWORK - Joseph's Triumph: All too

often we hear, “If I’m good and obedient and

virtuous, God will reward me with blessing—

happiness, a peaceful life, and comfortable

circumstances.” But scripture tells us

something quite differently, and Joseph’s

story is an obvious example. Join the

Groundwork discussion based on Genesis 41-

50, as we look at the life of Joseph from

betrayal to slave to leader. Find a local radio

station or listen now at



CHURCH - interested in a partnership with World

Renew in Nicaragua! The community of Santa

Gertrudis has virtually no rainfall for 7 months

of the year creating a need for a community

water system. This partnership would then have

a focus on agriculture and water with the hope

of making water available to assist local

farmers. Might this be a fit for your

congregation? If so, contact Iona Buisman

[email protected]

Edmonton Native Healing Center presents

Cheryl Bear in concert. Friday May 17, 2013 at

St. Faith’s Anglican Church, 11725-93 st Edm,

doors open at 7pm. Tickets $20.00 at the door.

All proceeds will go towards sponsoring kids to

attend our KIDS CULTURE CAMP this summer

August 12-16. Cheryl is a fabulous Christian

Aboriginal Singer/song writer who has been helpful to our ministry on the road of

Reconciliation and telling the gospel story

through her stories and songs.

Page 6: We extend a warm welcome to all who are worshiping with us 12 2k13 Bulletin.pdf · proceeds without announcement. *= you may stand Gathering Songs: Singspiration Our God Saves *You

Kermit Gosnell currently faces 380 criminal

counts including 5 murder charges of killing

infants that are born alive after illegal late term

abortions. The trial, in Philadelphia Pa has

been o- going for the last 5 weeks. We need to

pray hard that God will use this case to show

the public the atrocities of these clinics. To

follow the story, go to www.LifeSiteNews.com.


AUDIO TECH May 12 Randy G May 19 ??

CHURCH SUPERVISION May 12 Barry Strydhorst Lorna Strydhorst

Karlen Krikke Evelyne Krikke May 19 Murray Tuininga Simone Tuininga

Albert Tiemstra Lori Tiemstra May 26 Seth Olthuis Jill Olthuis

Cal Bakker Sharla Bakker



May 12 Elders: Steve Nanninga,

Bert Van Niejenhuis, Bruce Wierenga May 19 Larry and Mona DeVries

May 26 Steve & Lisa DeVries Jun 2 Bruce & Diane Wierenga

INTERACTIVE CENTRES May 12 Wes Nanninga, Kim Tuininga

Dylan Moes, Kris Krikke May 19 Seth Olthuis, Mona DeVries

Taryn Strydhorst, Ryan Gelderman May 26 Bryan Strydhorst, Carla Strydhorst

Sydney Visser, Thomas Koekkoek

June 2 Murray Tuininga, Katherine Nanninga Tyler Strydhorst, Eli Nanninga


May 12 Naomi Nanninga, Riley Tiemstra May 19 Jamin Mast, Taryn Strydhorst

May 26 Nathan Tuininga, Max Vriend Jun 2 Naomi Nanninga, Holly Sybesma

MUSICIANS May 12 10:00 & 11:15 Singspiration

May 19 & 26 10:00 Brenda

11:15 Young Spirit/Brenda June 2 10:00 & 11:15 PraiSing


May 12 9:45-11:00 Jean Nanninga

Femke Koekkoek, Taryn Strydhorst 11:00-12:30 Nancy Schuurman, Laura Braucht

Thomas Koekkoek, Stefanie Leonard

May 19 9:45-11:00 Shelley VanBeek

William Slomp, Leah Mast 11:00-12:30 Hilde Slomp, Lisa DeVries

Emily Nanninga, Cassidy Holwerda May 26 9:45-11:00 Corine Poot, Stefanie DeWaal

Hannah Schuring

11:00-12:30 Miranda Strydhorst, Lindy Wiart Jenna Schuring, Nolan Tuininga

USHER May 12 Tony W May 19 Dale Gelderman

May 26 Gene Nanninga June 2 Clifford Tuininga

VISUAL TECH May 12 Carolyne A May 19 Matt N

May 26 Albert V June 2 Carolyne A


Sunday, May 12 Pastor Cecil VanNiejenhuis 10:00 Cross Training 11:15 Worship Service (Communion)

Monday, May 13 2:00 Singing at Barrhead Continuing Care

Wednesday, May 15 4:00 Youth Church Yard Cleanup 4:00 Barrhead Blood Drive 7:00 Pre Confession Class

Thursday, May 16 2:00 Singing at Shepherd’s Care Saturday, May 18 Youth Barrhead Food Bank Challenge

Sunday, May 19 Pastor Russ Graff 10:00 Cross Training 11:15 Worship Service Baptism: Felicity Grace DeVries

Upcoming Events May 22 Pre Confession Class May 24 Shower Robin Thiesen May 26 Affirmation of Officebearers June 5 Pastoral Council Meeting June 9 Welcome dinner Sidney DeWaal June 23 Installation of Office Bearers


Office Phone: 674.4232 Fax: 674.4810

Church email: [email protected]

Administrative Chair: Richard Krikke 307.2414 Pastoral Chair: Richard DeVries 674.3747

Bulletin Announcement Deadline Thursday Noon

North Door Open Tuesday-Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm