WE RESPOND TO GOD A Time for Reflection Chalmers’ Life and Mission The Offering of Our Gifts “Grateful Heart” Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son. (Repeat) And now let the weak say “I am strong”, let the poor say “I am rich”, Because of what the Lord has done for us. (Repeat) Give thanks. Give thanks. Give Thankswords and music by Henry Smith ©l978 Integritys Hosanna Music Used by permission CCLI License #2709884 (The church school children and leaders return.) Offering Prayer, Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer based on Colossians 3:16 God of story and song, we bring our gifts before you with gratitude in our hearts, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to you as we praise and serve you with our voices and our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord... Praise: Thou whose almighty word 291 Commissioning and Benediction Choral Amen Musical Postlude This symbol is used to invite people to stand. All songs and responses will be projected on the screens. WE APPROACH GOD Musical Prelude A time to be still and know the presence of God Silent Prayer Call to Worship Psalm 95:1-2 One: O come, let us sing to the Lord All: and shout to the rock of our salvation! One: Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving All: singing joyful songs of praise. Praise: Come, let us sing to the Lord our song 412 Prayers of Adoration and Confession Declaration of Pardon The Peace May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. And also with you. (The church school children and leaders depart.) WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORD Behold Our God Narrators: Heather Reid & May Lee-Jarvis Hallelujah with You are Good Choir Come Thou Fount Choir Celebrate the Lord of Love Choir Behold the Throne Choir The Love of Christ Jim Harrett / Choir Indescribable Choir Refiners’ Fire with Holy Spirit, Rain Down Lizz Thibodeau, Jackie Nathaniel, Jason McRonald / Choir Still Choir Blessed Be Your Name Benda Webster / Choir Behold Our God Lynn Ball & Todd Webster / Choir

WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORDA Time for Reflection ... The Offering of Our Gifts “Grateful Heart” Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because

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Page 1: WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORDA Time for Reflection ... The Offering of Our Gifts “Grateful Heart” Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because


A Time for Reflection

Chalmers’ Life and Mission

The Offering of Our Gifts “Grateful Heart”

Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One,

Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son. (Repeat)

And now let the weak say “I am strong”, let the poor say “I am rich”,

Because of what the Lord has done for us. (Repeat)

Give thanks. Give thanks. “Give Thanks” words and music by Henry Smith

©l978 Integrity’s Hosanna Music Used by permission CCLI License #2709884

(The church school children and leaders return.)

Offering Prayer, Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer based on Colossians 3:16

God of story and song, we bring our gifts before you with gratitude in our

hearts, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to you as we praise and

serve you with our voices and our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord...

Praise: Thou whose almighty word 291

Commissioning and Benediction

Choral Amen

Musical Postlude

This symbol is used to invite people to stand. All songs and responses will be projected on the screens.


Musical Prelude A time to be still and know the presence of God

Silent Prayer

Call to Worship Psalm 95:1-2

One: O come, let us sing to the Lord All: and shout to the rock of our salvation!

One: Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving All: singing joyful songs of praise.

Praise: Come, let us sing to the Lord our song 412

Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Declaration of Pardon

The Peace May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. And also with you.

(The church school children and leaders depart.)


Behold Our God Narrators: Heather Reid & May Lee-Jarvis

Hallelujah with You are Good Choir

Come Thou Fount Choir

Celebrate the Lord of Love Choir

Behold the Throne Choir

The Love of Christ Jim Harrett / Choir

Indescribable Choir

Refiners’ Fire with Holy Spirit, Rain Down Lizz Thibodeau, Jackie Nathaniel,

Jason McRonald / Choir

Still Choir

Blessed Be Your Name Benda Webster / Choir

Behold Our God Lynn Ball & Todd Webster / Choir

Page 2: WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORDA Time for Reflection ... The Offering of Our Gifts “Grateful Heart” Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because

Chalmers Presbyterian Church

Worship Celebration

Reachout Sings

June 10th, 2018—10:00 am

Chalmers’ Ministry Team:


Clerk of Session

Music Director

Office Administrator



All the People of Chalmers

Tom Hunter

Beth Hickey

Lizz Thibodeau

Brad Dobbie

Rev. John Bannerman

342 Pond Mills Road 519-681-7242 www.chalmerslondon.com


We welcome you to worship at Chalmers. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer to Chalmers we

reach out to you with hospitality and friendship in Jesus’ name. Please take a moment to fill in a

guest card—available in the pew holder or from the welcome table. Completed cards may be

placed in the offering plate, in the box on the welcome table, or given to Rev. John.

Please note that some fellow worshippers are sensitive to perfumes. We ask that you consider keeping Chalmers scent-free. Thank you.

AT A GLANCE: June 10 - 17

Sunday Worship - Reachout sings - 10am Library Open – 11:15am Soup’er Sunday - 11:15am Junior Choir - 11:30am Stephen Ministry - 7pm

Monday Ukes of London - 7pm Worship Committee - 7pm Outreach Committee - 7pm

Tuesday Seniors’ Fitness - 1pm Care & Share - 1pm

Wednesday Knitting Circle - 1:30pm Reachout at Ashwood - 7pm

Thursday Choir Rehearsal - 6:30pm

Friday Seniors’ Fitness - 9am Seniors’ Euchre - 1pm

Sunday Hymn Sing - 9:45am Worship - 10am Library Open – 11:15am Church Picnic - 11:15am Reachout at Parkwood - 2pm Meadowpark Worship - 3:30pm

UPCOMING DATES: June 17: Church Picnic June 24: Strawberry Social

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 9-12 Friday: 12-4

TODAY’S HOSTS: Brian & Pat MacKay Debbie Scott & Winter Hales Keith & Phyllis Johnston

NEXT SUNDAY’S HOSTS: Wanda MacKay & Barb Jessop Marilyn & Dave McFadden Tom & Jane Vannus

COFFEE FELLOWSHIP SERVERS: June 10: Soup’er Sunday June 17: Church Picnic June 24: Strawberry Social July 1: Gail & Don Leitch

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS: June 10: Dan Duffin & Hailee June 17: Patricia Matesic & Kirstyn No nursery volunteers for summer

OFFERING COUNTERS: June 10: Brian & Pat June 17: Doris & Yvonne June 24: Patricia & Paul July 1: Brenda & Todd

Page 3: WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORDA Time for Reflection ... The Offering of Our Gifts “Grateful Heart” Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because

Please PRAY

For God’s peace and comfort for Brenda Bakelaar as she grieves the passing of her mother Shirley. Shirley was a long-time professing member of Chalmers.

For Tom Hunter as he recovers at home from surgery. May he feel God’s peace and strength surrounding him.

For Wendy Lefler who is receiving care at home, and for her husband George.

For God’s blessing for Ross Cole, Doris Doskas, Maureen Gaskin, Linda McPherson, Margaret Middaugh, Eileen Reid and Daisy Herbert.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you very much to all my Chalmers “family” and friends for their cards, emails and condolences following the recent passing of my mother, Shirley. Thank you also to those who provided the delicious luncheon for the reception. Your support, in all your many ways,

is much appreciated. Brenda Bakelaar ~~~~~~~~~~~~

We will be holding a Soup’er Sunday today after worship to raise funds for PAN. Presbyterians Aiding Nicaraguans (PAN) is sending a medical mission team to Nicaragua & El Salvador in November, led by Loraine Warnock and including Audrey Baldwin, Liz Gough, Chris, Kristine & Grace Hardy, and Mary MacDonald.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chalmers’ 2018 Vacation Bible Camp

needs volunteers! Can you help? This is a wonderful opportunity to teach children about God’s love whether you help directly with the kids or in the background, we have important roles for everyone. Please sign up in the narthex or speak to Lizz Thibodeau or Rev. John if you have questions. The camp will run 9am-noon Monday, July 9th to Friday, July 13th.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hymn sing 9:45 am on Sundays, June 17th & 24th. Come early for the opportunity to sing favourite hymns suggested by the congregation.

June 10: World Environment Day (June 5) Presbyterian World Service & Development is committed to environmental stewardship and creation care. Deforestation caused by human activity or climate change affects the lives and livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty. In Haiti, widespread deforestation has eroded crop-producing soil and led to increased flooding and landslides, sustaining cycles of hunger and poverty. PWS&D is supporting partners at Canadian Foodgrains Bank to replant forest areas and improve food security by equipping farmers to plant tree nurseries, protect soil and store seeds. A healthy, vibrant creation is vital for the well-being of families throughout our global village, as they harvest food, earn livelihoods and embrace futures of hope. PWS&D encourages environmental stewardship


Speaking of Stewardship

They asked only one thing, that we remember the poor, which was actually what I was eager to do. Galatians 2:10


Annual Chalmers’ Church Picnic. Come join in on Sunday, June 17th for a picnic lunch and fun games for all ages. Bring enough sandwiches for your family PLUS some extra to share with others. Drinks and Watermelon provided. Join us on the East Lawn right after the service for this time of food, fellowship and fun!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canada Youth 2018 & Next Track:

New this year at CY - Next Track is a brand new track specially designed for congregational leadership. The Next Track runs Thursday, July 5th (beginning with lunch) to Saturday, July 7 (ending at 4:30pm) and will join the CY2018 for worship and recreation each evening. The registration fee of $265 includes housing and meals. If you are interested in participating, please speak to Rev. John.


Deadline – by Randy Alcorn Ollie Chandler series #1 Doc, Jake and Finney have been best friends since they were kids. Now as grown men they are still best friends and spend a lot of time together, with their families at barbecues and just together as they watch their favourite football games. A car accident takes the lives of two of the friends, and leaves Jake, a journalist, to try to uncover what he suspects is not really an accident at all. Ollie Chandler is a police detective who is put in charge of the case and he and Jake work together to really find out the truth behind the accident and the two resulting deaths. Quote: Deadline is a dramatic and vivid novel of substance, filled with hope and perspective for every reader who longs to feel purpose in life. (All 3 books are long books, but I found them so interesting that it was no chore to keep turning those pages). Christine Hunter, Librarian

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out the Mission Matters display table in the church foyer. Our Mission Committee has gathered several items related to our various mission partners and have displayed them for your consideration.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for your support for my Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart fundraising campaign! With your help, I was able to pass my $500 fundraising goal, which gave me a motivational boost for the 10km run! It was a great morning, with over 20,000 participants and millions of dollars raised to help Canadians prevent heart disease and stroke, enable faster and better emergency medical treatment, and enhance support for survivors, families and caregivers. Thank you! Dawn Bannerman



Please continue to watch the bulletin for future fundraising events for the Raise the Roof project. Did You Know - The weekly offering envelope has a line item “Please consider an additional gift to the Roof Fund”. RTR FINANCIALS $100,800 – Funds as of May 28 605 – Funds received June 3 $101,405 – TOTAL funds received to date The fundraising team - Janet Bruce, Yvonne Daniel, Bob Finlay, Pat MacKay and Brenda Webster

~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need a replacement name tag, or if you do not have a name tag, please sign your name on the list on the name tag table and we will make sure you have one.



Thank you for supporting the pop can venture. This venture supports our Youth Ministry. There is a Rubbermaid bin in the narthex for the pop cans.