We he State JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 Vol-02. Issue-39. Bhopal. Monday Page-12 Price-5/- POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15 Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Online edition availble at wethestate.com and wethestate.blogspot.in 2 Bird enthusiasts identify many species near Raipur 4 Hike grant to panchayats, urban bodies: Raman 7 Akhilesh finds himself in worst possible situation 11 Mardaani and five other Bollywood films with bad dialogue-baazi 10 Saina through to semis; Sindhu knocked out 8 Online tracking system soon under single window for investment proposals Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that women’s empowerment can be ensured through their economic and political empowerment. Madhya Pradesh will lead in this direction. He urged society to support women’s empowerment efforts. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan stated this during inauguration of women’s empowerment and protection cam- paign “Gauravi” here. The function was prsided over by Union Health Minister Dr. Harshvardhan. Noted film actor Aamir Khan was especial- ly present on the occasion. The Chief Minister said that dis- crimination against girls is the fault of mentality. Mass efforts are needed to change this. Society should launch a campaign to change mind- set towards women. Gauravi cam- paign is an important step towards this. Beti Bachao Abhiyan has been launched in Madhya Pradesh to turn girls into boon. Novel schemes like Mukhyamantri Kanyadan Yojana and Ladli Laxmi Yojana have been launched, which have been replicat- ed by other states also. Women have been given 50 percent reservation in state’s local bodies. He urged society to come forward to check domestic violence. One-stop crisis resolution centres will be opened in the state under Gauravi Abhiyan. In Madhya Pradesh, arrangements have been made to put up challan in courts after completing investigation into cases against women within 15 days. Similarly, strict sentence has also been ensured to criminals within prescribed time-limit. Dr. Harshvardhan said that Madhya Pradesh has set an example before the country by launching Gauravi Abhiyan. He said that Madhya Pradesh has launched a number of innovative schemes in health sector, which can be imple- mented in the country. He said that the Central government will extend all possible assistance to the state government. This is an important step towards strengthening women’s security. Protection of women’s hon- our is a serious issue. All depart- ments have important role in this. He said that health needs to be turned into a major mass movement. Madhya Pradesh should take initia- tive for this. He said that AIIMS Bhopal will be constructed on the pattern of AIIMS Delhi. It will be completed within time-limit. He said that in AIIMS Bhopal an entire premises is dedicated to AYUSH. All medical systems have been kept simultane- ously. Health Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra said that due non-coopera- tion of former Central government, difficulties were experienced in expanding health services to the lowest level in Madhya Pradesh. This situation will end now. Describing Gauravi Abhiyan as unique, he said that the Chief Minister’s initiative, a number of schemes have been launched in the state to protect women’s dignity and honour. He is the first Chief Minister to work in this direction. Dr. Mishra said that due to strict action in Madhya Pradesh in cases of women’s harassment, victimisa- tion and exploitation, accused have been sentenced quickly. Referring to achievements in health sector, 450 types of medicines are being provid- ed free daily to 4 lakh patients in the state. No serious complaint has come to the fore till date. State is also pioneer in extending help to serious patients. Financial assis- tance worth Rs. 100 crore is given annual to patients. Breakfast and meals are provided free to about 90 thousand indoor patients daily in the state. Women & Child Development Minister Smt. Maya Singh said that novel initiatives have been taken in Madhya Pradesh to protect women’s dignity and honour. She said that Madhya Pradesh had launched Usha Kiran Yojana soon after pas- sage of a Central Act to prevent vio- lence against women. She said that participation of non-government organisations and every section of society is needed to ensure women’s empowerment. Famous cine actor-director Aamir Khan said that a suggestion had come in his programme Satyamev Jayate to provide medical, physiological, legal and police help to victimized women at one place. This idea was supported by one crore people. Madhya Pradesh is the first to implement this concept for which the Chief Minister and his cabinet are praiseworthy. BHOPAL C MP has set an example by launching Gauravi Abhiyan: Harshvardhan Bhopal: Congress has alleged that the wife of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is also involved in the Professional Examination Board (PEB) scam. Former minister Laxmikant Sharma has been arrested in this case. The FIR names other BJP and RSS lead- ers as well as a few officials in the Chief Minister’s Office. Party’s spokesperson KK Mishra has said that the admissions of 19 people from the family of Sadhna Singh were done by fraud means. She used to pressurise the authorities for the same. BJP, on the other hand, has rubbished all the allegations saying that Mishra has made the statement without any evi- dences. Leader of Opposition in the state assembly Satyadev Katare has said that unless chief minister steps down, a fair investigation into the PEB scam was not possible. It is difficult to believe that the CM who has at his disposal an entire intelligence depart- ment could not get the wind of the mega scam that had been going on for years, Katare said. Notable, the STF has been on an arresting spree from last few days in the case. STF has arrested more than 100 people who either took admission illegally or helped in illicit admissions. Many examinations conducted by PEB have come under doubt following the scam. Congress has alleged that chief minister's relatives played a dubious role in the scam and the investigating agency in not taking proper action against the culprits. Congress leaders have questioned the action taken by STF and accused the agency of adopting lenient attitude. Congress leaders demand that accused should be booked under stringent corruption charges. Earlier, Congress had alleged that BJP leader Uma Bharti, who is union minister now, also recommended some students name, but no action has been taken against her by STF. Chouhan had a tough time last December when STF officials leaked his rival Uma Bharti’s name in the scam, before going on to give her a clean chit. This gave rise to conspiracy theories. NEWS max Cong alleges CM’s wife also involved in PEB scam

We The State - Issue 39 Vol 2

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We The State - Issue 39 Vol 2 - June 23rd to June 29th, 2014

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he StateJUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014

Vol-02. Issue-39. Bhopal. Monday Page-12 Price-5/-

POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Online edition availble at wethestate.com and wethestate.blogspot.in

2Bird enthusiastsidentify manyspecies nearRaipur

4Hike grant topanchayats,urban bodies:Raman

7Akhilesh findshimself in worstpossible situation


Mardaani andfive other

Bollywood filmswith bad


10Saina through tosemis; Sindhu

knocked out

8Online tracking

system soon undersingle window for

investment proposals

Chief Minister ShriShivraj Singh Chouhanhas said that women’sempowerment can be

ensured through their economic andpolitical empowerment. MadhyaPradesh will lead in this direction.He urged society to support women’sempowerment efforts. ChiefMinister Shri Chouhan stated this

during inauguration of women’sempowerment and protection cam-paign “Gauravi” here. The functionwas prsided over by Union HealthMinister Dr. Harshvardhan. Notedfilm actor Aamir Khan was especial-ly present on the occasion.

The Chief Minister said that dis-crimination against girls is the faultof mentality. Mass efforts are neededto change this. Society shouldlaunch a campaign to change mind-set towards women. Gauravi cam-paign is an important step towardsthis. Beti Bachao Abhiyan has beenlaunched in Madhya Pradesh toturn girls into boon.

Novel schemes likeMukhyamantri Kanyadan Yojanaand Ladli Laxmi Yojana have beenlaunched, which have been replicat-ed by other states also. Women havebeen given 50 percent reservation instate’s local bodies. He urged societyto come forward to check domesticviolence. One-stop crisis resolutioncentres will be opened in the stateunder Gauravi Abhiyan. In MadhyaPradesh, arrangements have beenmade to put up challan in courtsafter completing investigation intocases against women within 15 days.Similarly, strict sentence has also

been ensured to criminals withinprescribed time-limit.

Dr. Harshvardhan said thatMadhya Pradesh has set an examplebefore the country by launchingGauravi Abhiyan. He said thatMadhya Pradesh has launched anumber of innovative schemes inhealth sector, which can be imple-mented in the country. He said thatthe Central government will extendall possible assistance to the stategovernment. This is an importantstep towards strengthening women’ssecurity. Protection of women’s hon-our is a serious issue. All depart-ments have important role in this.He said that health needs to beturned into a major mass movement.Madhya Pradesh should take initia-tive for this.

He said that AIIMS Bhopal willbe constructed on the pattern ofAIIMS Delhi. It will be completedwithin time-limit. He said that inAIIMS Bhopal an entire premises isdedicated to AYUSH. All medicalsystems have been kept simultane-ously. Health Minister Dr. NarottamMishra said that due non-coopera-tion of former Central government,difficulties were experienced inexpanding health services to the

lowest level in Madhya Pradesh.This situation will end now.Describing Gauravi Abhiyan asunique, he said that the ChiefMinister’s initiative, a number ofschemes have been launched in thestate to protect women’s dignity andhonour. He is the first ChiefMinister to work in this direction.

Dr. Mishra said that due to strictaction in Madhya Pradesh in casesof women’s harassment, victimisa-tion and exploitation, accused havebeen sentenced quickly. Referring toachievements in health sector, 450types of medicines are being provid-ed free daily to 4 lakh patients in thestate. No serious complaint hascome to the fore till date. State isalso pioneer in extending help toserious patients. Financial assis-tance worth Rs. 100 crore is givenannual to patients. Breakfast andmeals are provided free to about 90thousand indoor patients daily inthe state.

Women & Child DevelopmentMinister Smt. Maya Singh said thatnovel initiatives have been taken inMadhya Pradesh to protect women’sdignity and honour. She said thatMadhya Pradesh had launchedUsha Kiran Yojana soon after pas-sage of a Central Act to prevent vio-lence against women. She said thatparticipation of non-governmentorganisations and every section ofsociety is needed to ensure women’sempowerment.

Famous cine actor-directorAamir Khan said that a suggestionhad come in his programmeSatyamev Jayate to provide medical,physiological, legal and police helpto victimized women at one place.This idea was supported by onecrore people. Madhya Pradesh is thefirst to implement this concept forwhich the Chief Minister and hiscabinet are praiseworthy.



MP has set an example by launchingGauravi Abhiyan: Harshvardhan

Bhopal: Congress has alleged that the wife ofChief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is also involvedin the Professional Examination Board (PEB) scam.Former minister Laxmikant Sharma has been arrestedin this case. The FIR names other BJP and RSS lead-ers as well as a few officials in the Chief Minister’sOffice. Party’s spokesperson KK Mishra has said thatthe admissions of 19 people from the family ofSadhna Singh were done by fraud means. She used topressurise the authorities for the same. BJP, on theother hand, has rubbished all the allegations sayingthat Mishra has made the statement without any evi-dences. Leader of Opposition in the state assemblySatyadev Katare has said that unless chief ministersteps down, a fair investigation into the PEB scamwas not possible. It is difficult to believe that the CMwho has at his disposal an entire intelligence depart-ment could not get the wind of the mega scam thathad been going on for years, Katare said. Notable, theSTF has been on an arresting spree from last few daysin the case. STF has arrested more than 100 peoplewho either took admission illegally or helped in illicitadmissions.

Many examinations conducted by PEB havecome under doubt following the scam. Congress hasalleged that chief minister's relatives played a dubiousrole in the scam and the investigating agency in nottaking proper action against the culprits. Congressleaders have questioned the action taken by STF andaccused the agency of adopting lenient attitude.Congress leaders demand that accused should bebooked under stringent corruption charges. Earlier,Congress had alleged that BJP leader Uma Bharti,who is union minister now, also recommended somestudents name, but no action has been taken againsther by STF. Chouhan had a tough time last Decemberwhen STF officials leaked his rival Uma Bharti’s namein the scam, before going on to give her a clean chit.This gave rise to conspiracy theories.

NEWS max

Cong alleges CM’s wife alsoinvolved in PEB scam

Bird enthusiasts identifymany species near Raipur

Three more private universitiesare in offing in Chhattisgarh wherefive are already functioning.Chhattisgarh Private UniversityRegulatory Commission secretary BRChandrakar said recently that the pro-posal for establishment of three newuniversities- ShankaracharyaUniversity at Durg, Amity University,Raipur and Jindal University atRaigarh- is under consideration.

Private universities can be set upin state under Chhattisgarh PrivateUniversity Act 2005 and it has beenabout five years since universitieshave been established under this act.Five private universities- MATSUniversity, Dr CV Raman University(CVRU), ICFAI University, ITMUniversity and Kalinga Universityare functioning at present. Throwinglight on the procedure for granting an

organisation the permission to estab-lish a university, Chandrakar saidafter the proposal is examined, it isforwarded to government for issuanceof a Letter Of Intent (LOI). State gov-ernment takes a call and issues LOIwhich contains criterions that are nec-essary for a functional university, themain ones being financial perspectiveand the suitable amount of land area.

He said in the past many suchproposals had been cancelled as theparties concerned failed to fulfill thecriterion. He further said that selec-tion of staff and vice-chancellor forthe university is done under thenorms set by University GrantsCommission (UGC). The regulatorycommission along with UGC moni-tors the universities by going on reg-ular inspections, checking the infra-structure as well as the course plan-ning, he said. Chandrakar said gov-

ernment is trying to get varsities start-ed in remote region. "Governmentdoesn't want universities just inRaipur, Durg and Bilaspur. In remoteplaces the endowment fund for a pri-vate university is just Rs 1 crore whilein urban regions it is about Rs 3crore," he said. "CVRU is the onlyprivate university set up in one of theinterior areas of the state and we wantto establish more as it would be verynoble to make education easily acces-sible in remote regions.

Hence, we are trying our levelbest to promote this," he said.Pointing out that CVRU and MATSUniversity have completed sevenyears while three other universitieshave completed five years of theirestablishment, Chandrakar said thecommission was looking into the ideaof permitting these universities to setup their off-shore campuses.


3 more private varsities in offing in Chhattisgarh


Bird enthusiasts inChhattisgarh went wild recently,with more than 15 teams, each com-prising five to six persons armedwith cameras, reaching the junglesand wetlands near Raipur to trackdifferent species.

This is the first time that birdersfrom Chhattisgarh are participatingin the national level contest in col-laboration with Delhi Bird Group toidentify winged creatures. Thisincludes both residential andmigratory birds. Data collected byenthusiasts would be verified, com-piled and forwarded to a commonplace, which would further be usedfor conservation of birds.

Septuagenarian AMK Bharos,fondly called 'birdman' ofChhattisgarh, is the most seniorornithologist, who has not only beena birdwatcher since the 70s, but hasalso contributed largely towardstheir conservation in Chhattisgarh.His major findings and discoveriesinclude brown rock chat, white bel-lied wood pecker, wryneck andmany more. "For me weekendsalways meant wandering in the

forests to discover something new,"he said. From Surat in Gujarat toSatpura range, state's Udanti wasthe missing point which was discov-ered as breeding place for thesebirds. Bombay Natural HistorySociety has Bharos's name recordedas the explorer of this species. He isalso president of the state wildlifesociety. All from his family are intobird-watching and wildlife. "Allbirds do not feed on anything thatyou serve. One comes to know even-tually about their liking after one

identifies them. I see more than 15species of birds at a time, rangingup to more than 500 on my terrace.One of our winged visitors is theIndian silver bill bird. So far atleast 209 of them have visited us,"said Veenu Bharos, who is Bharos'sbrother.

Among young birders' brigade ofChhattisgarh is Sonu Arora, a busi-nessman, who was attractedtowards wildlife since long andexclusively tracked tigers wheneverin the wild. He has identified near-

ly 350 species of birds in the lastfew years. "Then, someone told meto try observing birds. Now I havebeen birding for the last five to sixyears and have travelled to DesertNational Park in Jaisalmer follow-ing the Great Indian Bustard. Theyare just 200-250 left across theglobe and I was lucky to click four ofthem."

Arora said, "Industrial boom and

deforestation in Chhattisgarh is

adversely affecting winged crea-

tures' habitat. I urge people to plant

trees and stop killing birds." For

Mohit Sahu, his most memorable

sight was to locate the osprey in

2000 for the first time in state. "Till

the time it wasn't identified, no one

cared, but after it was spotted, I got

feedback from people about their

sighting in and around Raipur."

Saurabh Agrawal, 31, is into bird-

ing since he was 16. "I simply pick

my camera and leave for the jungle

to spend time in the wild. In 2005, I

spotted the black baza at Kaanger

Valley, which wasn't recorded ever

in state. Now I am pursuing a

career in wildlife tourism in Central



3 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)BHOPAL

Union Health Minister Dr.Harshvardhan has said that all under-con-struction works of AIIMS Bhopal will becompleted by year-end. AIIMS Bhopalwould be counted among best teachinginstitutes in country due to facilities to bemade available in it. Dr Harshvardhanwas talking to media after inspectingAIIMS here. State’s Health Minister Dr.Narottam Mishra was also present on theoccasion. Dr. Harshvardhan inspectedOPD and under-construction hospital.He interacted with patients who hadcome for pathology tests, X-ray, ENTand other tests. He also sought informa-tion about medical equipments availablein the hospital. Dr. Harshvardhan saidthat Indian system of medicines is alsobeing used along with allopathy to pro-vide better medicare to patients all overthe world these days. He inspected Dhyanand Yoga Kendra under AYUSH. He alsosought information about Panch Karmasystem of treatment. Dr. Harshvardhanalso inspected buildings of AIIMS’administrative block and Medical College.Over 200 students from all over thecountry are pursuing education here. Hediscussed teaching facilities with studentsand faculties. The Union Health Ministeralso inspected girls and boys hostels andhad meals with students at mess.

In a presentation before the UnionHealth Minister, the Director, Dr.Sandeep Kumar informed that AIIMSBhopal is spread over 154 acres. For it,works of about Rs. 518 crore have beensanctioned. So far, Rs. 400 crore havebeen spent on the building. He informedthat total cost of building and equip-ments of AIIMS Bhopal is Rs. 815 crore.Process is underway rapidly for purchaseof medical equipments. Education isbeing imparted in 2 batches. Admissionsto the third batch will be completed inAugust 2014. The meeting was informedthat 4000 posts have been sanctioned forAIIMS and recruitment is being made ata rapid pace. The Union Health Ministerwas also informed about tele-medicinefacility at AIIMS Bhopal. Union HealthSecretary Shri Lav Verma and state’sPrincipal Secretary Medical EducationShri Ajay Tirkey were was also present onthe occasion.

RIPS to be constructedin AIIMS premises

Union Health Minister Dr.Harshvardhan Bhopal visit has given amajor gift to Madhya Pradesh. During dis-cussions with Chief Minister Shri ShivrajSingh Chouhan, Dr. Harshvardhan gaveconsent to sanction of Rs. 150 crore forRegional Institute of ParamedicalSciences. Consent has been reached thatRegional Institute of Paramedical Scienceswill be constructed in the premises ofAIIMS, Bhopal. The centre will be usefulto Madhya Pradesh as well as Odisha andChhattisgarh. Centre’s services will beavailable to all three states. Public Health& Family Welfare Minister Dr. NarottamMishra and Minister of State Shri SharadJain were also present on the occasion.

News Brief

All people and families instate and their details arebeing registered on SamagraPortal. The database of fami-lies will be used for transpar-ent and easy implementationof various beneficiary-orientedschemes. For this, an intensivecampaign is underway in allurban and rural bodies to reg-ister families and their mem-bers. Gram Rozgar Sahayak’sin rural areas and ward in-charges in urban areas havebeen appointed as registrars,

who will be responsible for reg-istration, updation and dele-tion of families on Samagraportal. Directives in thisregard have been sent to allcollectors (District MissionLeaders) and CEOs of ZilaPanchayats (Deputy MissionLeaders).

Director, Madhya PradeshSamagra Social SecurityMission Shri Sanket Bhondveinformed that families not yetregistered on Samagra portalwill have to fill up form andsubmit the same to Samagra

Registrar. The necessary infor-mation to be provided in theform will include self-attestedaffidavit regarding age, resi-dence, domicile, disability,BPL, labour class. After verifi-cation of this information, an8-digit Unique SamagraFamily ID will be provided toconcerning family. Each mem-ber of the family will be pro-vided a 9-digit Union SamagraMember ID.

Registrars posted atJanpad Panchayats or urbanbodies will download details

about Panchayat-wise andward-wise registered familiesfrom population register andmaintain them in their com-puters. After publication, thislist will also be noted down inregisters. Necessary precau-tions will also be taken in caseof duplication of Samagra IDof any person. SamagraRegistrars will tally details ofregistered persons and fami-lies from population registerand delete those who havebeen registered more thanonce.


All under-constructionworks of AIIMS to be

completed by year-endBhopal

South Africa visit verysuccessful: CM Shivraj

Chief Minister Shri Chouhansaid that South Africa visit was verysuccessful. Possibilities of co-opera-tion in a number of sectors withSouth Africa have emerged. Goodwork has been done in South Africafor women’s empowerment. Womenhave 45 percent representation inParliament without any statutoryprovision. More land is availablethere in proportion to population.Very good works have been done inwildlife tourism, mining, food pro-cessing and infrastructure develop-ment sectors.

South African provinces haveshown keen interest in agriculturegrowth and provisions for women’sempowerment in Madhya Pradesh.The Chief Minister informed thatheads of South African provinceshave expressed desire to exhibitartifacts of African tribal culture instate’s Tribal Museum and partici-pate in Global Investors Summit.

Shri Chouhan said that forestparks in South Africa are beingmaintained by private sector also.Tourists are taken round in coveredvehicles. Efforts will be made toreplicate South African experimentsin Palpur-Kuno, Madhav andSatpura National Parks’ develop-ment. He informed that WorldDesign Conference will be held inSouth Africa to which MadhyaPradesh has also been invited. ChiefMinister Shri Chouhan informed

that South Africa was KarmaBhumi of Mahatma Gandhi. Fromthere, he gave weapons of non-vio-lence and satyagrah to the world.Efforts will be made to help in devel-opment of Tolstoy Farm in 4-acreland in South Africa to displayMadhya Pradesh government’s com-mitment to perpetuate MahatmaGandhi’s memories and standing bythe suffering humanity.A sum of Rs.one crore will also be provided toconcerning trust by MadhyaPradesh. He informed that memori-als to Nelson Mandela were also vis-ited who had waged world’s longeststruggle against apartheid.

The state government is consid-ering to hold a Mahapanchayat ofbidi workers in coming days. This

was informed by Labour MinisterShri Antar Singh Arya while chair-ing a meeting of cabinet sub-com-mittee for solving bidi workers prob-lems here.

finance, Commercial Taxes andPlanning Minister Shri JayantMalaiya, Panchayats & RuralDevelopment Minister Shri GopalBhargava, Minister of State forPublic Health & Family WelfareShri Sharad Jain and PrincipalSecretary Labour Shri MukteshVarshney were present on theoccasion.

Cherished dream of Vindhyaregion people to witness white tigerwill be fulfilled soon. In this regard,construction work of white tigersafari in Mukundpur zoo-cum-treat-ment centre is almost complete.About 80 percent constructionworks of white tiger safari and zoohave been completed as per guide-lines of Central Zoo Authority.Target has been set to completeworks within 15 days. Forests &Bio-diversity Minister Dr.Gaurishankar Shejwar and PublicRelations & Mineral ResourcesMinister and in-charge of Satna dis-trict Shri Rajendra Shukla inspect-ed construction work of white tigersafari in Mukundpur zoo-cum-treat-ment centre. Rewa Mayor ShriShivendra Singh was also presenton the occasion.

Campaign to register new families on Samagra portal


Bidi workers Mahapanchayatto be held

Complete construction worksof zoo within time-limit

5 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)

Madhya Pradesh tobe developed onlythrough education

Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhanhas said that Madhya Pradesh will develop onlythrough education. The Chief Minister wasaddressing a programme under “School ChalenHam Abhiyan” at Panna today. Shri Chouhansaid that public representatives, government ser-vants and voluntary organisations should cooper-ate in this campaign by rising above politicalaffiliations. Journalists are also extending coop-eration in ensuring campaign’s success. He saidthat dream of imparting education to every childwill be fulfilled with the cooperation of all.

At the convention, the Chief Minister inaugu-rated works costing Rs. 1059.75 crore and laidfoundation stones of Rs. 2958.43 crore works. Healso performed Kanya Poojan. Shri Chouhan saidthat laudable work has been done in Panna dis-trict by getting admitted to schools 178 childrenof nomadic and Pardhi tribes. Apart from freebooks and uniform, food and lodging will also beprovide free to these children.

The Chief Minister said that 86 thousandhectare area will be irrigated in Panna district inensuing years. He said that city of temples Pannawill be developed as a centre of religious tourism.The Chief Minister announced to started sciencefaculty in Ajaygarh college.

The Chief Minister said that underMukhyamantri Yuva Swarozgar Yojana, the stategovernment is providing loan guarantee. Now,upto Rs. one crore loan is given to youths underthe scheme. The government is also giving loanguarantee. The Chief Minister said that no stu-dents will now have to take rounds of tahsil toobtain caste certificate. He will be provided thecertificate in school itself. He directed to issuecaste certificates on the basis of affidavits. TheChief Minister administered oath to get admittedto school all the children capable of going toschool. He distributed 18 computers, 54 fans and50 water coolers donated by State Bank of Indiaunder School Uphar Yojana. The Chief Ministeralso felicitated motivators and girls student AartiSharma who has figured in the merit list of classXII exams. In-charge of the district and ForestMinister Dr. Gaurishankar Shejwar said thatstate has also witnessed much development dueto free distribution of medicines and making agri-culture a profitable occupation. PHE MinisterSushri Kusum Mehdele said that every childmust go to school and complete education. MLAShri Mukesh Nayak assured to extend coopera-tion in opening of nursing college in Panna.

MLAs Shri Mahendra Bagri and ShriSatanand Gautam also spoke on the occasion.Zila Panchayat President Smt. Sudama BaiPatel, District Cooperative Bank’s President ShriSanjay Nagaich, former minister Shri BrijendraPratap Singh and other public representativeswere present on the occasion.


Chief Minister Shri Shivraj SinghChouhah has said that journalismshould be positive and creative in pres-ent times. Extreme commercialisationof journalism affected impartiality. Hesaid that newspapers are guides of soci-ety and their role in this capacity willalso continue in future. Shri Chouhanwas addressing programme to mark30th anniversary of Sapre Museum heretoday.

Shri Chouhan said that curiosity toknow as to which newspaper had pre-sented which important historical eventin which words is met only inMadhavrao Sapre Museum. He saidthat establishement of the museaum isthe result of untiring efforts and fore-sightedness of its founder and journalistShri Vijaydutt Shridhar. It is his person-al achievement, which has becomestate’s heritage. He said that state gov-ernment will extend necessary coopera-tion to further enrich the museuam.Remembering journalism of Mahatma

Gandhi, Madhavrao Sapre andMakhanlal Chaturvedi, Shri Chouhansaid that peace and non-violence areweapons of journalism. Referring to hisrecent South Africa visit, the ChiefMinister said that the state governentwill provide Rs. one crore to concern-ing trust to perpetuate memories ofMahatma Gandhi there.

Former Chief Minister Shri KailashJoshi said that Madhavrao SapreMuseum has removed shortcoming ofresearch in Hindi journalism. For this,he praised Shri Vijaydutt Shridhar. Hesaid that Hindi can be moved aheadonly through self-inspiration. Themuseum will be given maximum coop-eration in this.

On the occasion, Shri AshokManoria, who is doing journalism forlast 5 decades, and noted painter-thinker and writer Shri Amritlal Vegadwere felicitated. Chhattisgarh’s ChiefMinister Dr. Raman Singh and vice-chancellor of Kushabhau ThakreUniversity of Journalism DR.Sachchidanand Joshi were also hon-

oured for perpetuating memories ofMadhavrao Sapre. Dr. Raman Singh’saward was received by his representa-tive Shri Vikram Sisodiya. Shri AshokManoria shared experience of his 5-decade journalism. Shri Amritlal Vegadsaid that journalism loves words andnot their commercial use.

On the occasion, Chief MinisterShri Chouhan released book “BharatKa Paramparagat Jal Vigyan” writtenby Shri K.G. Vyas. Shri VijayduttShridhar threw light on interesting 3-decade journey of the museum. Heinformed that the museum which start-ed in small room has now 70 lakh ref-erence materials, which are not avail-able anywhere else.

The museum has not only become acentre of pilgrimage for researchers ofHindi journalism, but also for socialscientists. It has earned fame at interna-tional level. He expressed gratitudetowards those associated with themuseum including families, institu-tions, Public Relations Department andstate government.

Commercialisation of journalism affects impartiality


One more river to be linked with Narmadato save Malwa region from turning desert


News Brief

A meeting of NarmadaControl Board chaired byChief Minister ShriShivraj Singh Chouhanhere sanctioned Rs. 2143crore Narmada-Malwa-Gambhir Link Project.The project will provideirrigation facility in 158villages in 50 thousandhectare in Indore andUjjain districts. Indore’sYashwant Sagar can alsobe filled up repeatedlythrough this project. Theproject will not need anyre-settlement and reha-bilitation. The meetingalso gave administrativesanction of Rs. 56 crore50 lakh for Dabri lift irri-gation project and Rs. 97crore 21 lakh for Siharalift irrigation scheme.

Public Works MinisterShri Sartaj Singh,Finance Minister ShriJayant Malaiya, ForestMinister Dr.Gaurishankar Shejwar,Agriculture Minister ShriGaurishankar Bisen,Energy Minister ShriRajendra Shukla,Revenue Minister Shri

Rampal Singh, Ministerof State for NarmadaValley Development ShriLal Singh Arya and ChiefSecretary Shri Anthonyde Sa were present on theoccasion.

Chouhan said thatlinking rivers of Malwaregion with Narmada isthe best option for supplyof water in the region.The Chief Minister saidthat he has met thePrime Minister and urgedhim to declare Narmada-Malwa Link Project as aNational Project.

The Chief Ministersaid that Narmada-Malwa Link Project isalso important for utilis-ing Madhya Pradesh’sshare in Narmada waterbefore year 2024.Through these projects,water will be available for

irrigation, industries anddrinking in Malwaregion.

Narmada-Malwa-Gambhir Link

ProjectThis project has been

proposed in view ofdeclining groundwaterlevel and shortage ofdrinking water in Malwaregion. Neither a damwill be constructed underthe project nor any familyre-settled. The projectwill irrigated 158 villages50 thousand hectare landin Indore and Ujjain dis-tricts. From the projectcosting Rs. 2143 crore 46lakh, 12.5 cusecs of waterwill be used for irrigation,1.5 cusecs for drinkingwater and 1 cusec waterwill be used by indus-tries. Under the project,

Narmada water will beuplifted to a height of 416metres.

Dabri irrigationproject

Under the project,water will be upliftedfrom Jobat dam. The proj-ect will irrigate 3000hectares in 8 villageseach in Alirajpur andDhar districts. The proj-ect will cost Rs. 56 crore50 lakh.

Sihada irrigationproject

The Sihada irrigationproject costing Rs. 97crore 20 lakh will irrigate5 thousand 750 hectaresin 17 villages of Khandwadistrict. Under the project,water from Indira Sagarwill be uplifted. It is note-worthy that before thisproject, Narmada-KshipraLink Project has been suc-cessfully implemented inthe state, which will makeavailable water to villagesand cities apart from irri-gation and crores of devo-tees will have the benefitof holy dip in the water oftwo holy rivers duringSimhastha.



Hike grant to panchayats, urban bodies: Raman

Industrialists have oppodsed

the hike in power tariff saying the

hike would affect the industry

which is already facing hard

times. They have decided to

protest the decision of State Power

Regulatory Commission (SPRC) to

hike power tariff by 20%. A meet-

ing of the Chhattisgarh Udyog

Mahasangh would be held shortly

after which a formal protest would

be lodged with the SPRC.

Mahasangh president Mahesh

Kakkar said the steep hike of 70

paisa per unit, from Rs 3.50 to Rs

4.20, is unjustified. He said the

commission had been partial to

the steel industry where a hike of

only 10 paisa per unit, from Rs

3.60 to Rs 3.70 for 33/11 KV had

been effected. In contrast, for

other industries including auto-

mobile, plastic and rubber packag-

ing, the increase is of 70 paisa.

Kakkar said that it would be pru-

dent for the government to mini-

mize its losses by reducing theft

and transmission leakages.

Another industrialist dubbed the

hike as biased and unjustified. He

said the industry is already in

recession and with this tariff hike

our competitiveness would suffer.

However, the Confederation of

Indian Industries (CII) has said

the hike is justified to meet esca-

lated costs of inputs. It said,

rationalization of tariff is impor-

tant to make the board's revenue

sustainable for 24X7 uninterrupt-

ed power supply. The confedera-

tion also advocated for lessening

line and transmission losses.

Anil Nacharani, president of

the Chhattisgarh Sponge Iron

Association, said though power

tariffs in state were still lower

than neighboring states, the gov-

ernment should still think of ways

and means of not burdening the

common consumer. "We are rich in

coal and mines so the people of

state should get certain advantage

for that," he said.


Govt hospitals, Environment ConservationBoard at odds over medical waste disposal

Industrialistsoppose hike in

power tariffhief minister Dr

Raman Singh has said

that in view of the

functions entrusted by the

States to panchayats and

urban bodies, the amount of

the grants given to these

should be increased from

2.5% to 5% of Central tax

revenues. He has demanded

that 1% of the revenue be

earmarked for panchayats in

Scheduled areas, in view of

their backwardness.

Chief Minister said that

Naxal problem is a disaster

in itself and, therefore, assis-

tance should be payable for

Naxal disaster from the

Central and State Calamity

Relief Funds. He also

demanded that Chhattisgarh

be given special category sta-

tus in view of its especially

backward situation.

The CM made these

demands before the 14th

Finance Commission for the

five year plan of the state

2015-16 to 2019-20. The

Commission members had

recently visited Raipur.

Chhattisagrh government

has put forth a demand for a

special grant of Rs 34,000

crores before the Finance


Dr Raman Singh, who

met the members of the

Commission at Naya Raipur

recently, demanded for giv-

ing resources as per the

development needs, in the

light of the backwardness

and on account of Naxal vio-

lence. He put forth the grant

proposals to the tune of Rs.

34,000 crore for the state,

which included a proposal for

the development of the new

capital, urban infrastruc-

ture, strengthening of pan-

chayats, skill development

and police modernisation.

Dr Singh said the share

of states in central tax rev-

enues should be increased

from 32% to 50% so that the

imbalance between the cen-

tre and the states is

removed. He also said that

revenue should be divided on

the basis of the 2011 popula-

tion rather than the 1971

population. The chief minis-

ter emphasised that per capi-

ta expenditure rather than

per capita income should be

the basis for the decentral-

ization formula as a major

share of income accruing in

the State goes outside the

State. Dr Singh also

demanded that since the for-

est cover and the Naxal prob-

lem raise the cost of develop-

ment works, the state should

get required funds.

The Chief Minister said

in view of the low debt bur-

den and the developmental

needs of the state, it should

be given freedom to borrow

more. Incidentally, while the

state had demanded Rs

20,000 crores from the 13th

Finance Commission, the

Centre had eventually sanc-

tioned funds to the tune of Rs

6,200 crores only.



Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB)

and some of the leading government hospitals in Raipur,

including AIIMS, are at loggerheads over notices issued to

them for non-compliance of rules pertaining to disposal of

medical waste. Though notices were issued to AIIMS and

Ambedkar Hospital and 16 others last month, authorities

of both these government hospitals have denied receiving

any communication from CECB even after lapse of more

than a month. CECB had issued these notices after con-

ducting an inspection of their premises.

Deputy director at AIIMS, Niresh Sharma said, "We

have not received any communication from the department

and we are also not aware if any inspection was conducted,"

said Sharma. Medical superintendent of Ambedkar hospi-

tal Dr Vivek Choudhary also denied having received any

notice from the department. On the contrary, CECB offi-

cials expressed surprise at these claims and wondered why

the authorities of these two hospitals were in a denial

mode. An official, on condition of anonymity, said,

"Something is amiss. How come only these two hospitals

have not received the notices when all others have?"

Similar notices issued to five other private hospitals have

been received and some have even responded. Those issued

notices include Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences

(CIMS), district hospitals in Korba and Dhamtari, Srashti

Medical College and Research Centre, Korba. A week later,

Five other leading private hospitals in city, including

Ramkrishna Care hospital, Balaji hospital and Balaji

Medical College, Shree Narayana hospital, Devendranagar

and MMI- Narayana Hridyalaya, were issued notices.

Medical director of Ramkrishna Care hospital, Dr

Sandeep Dave confirmed having received the notice and

claimed he had already responded. Even chairman of Shree

Narayana Hospital Dr Sunil Khemka confirmed the receipt

of CECB's communication. Sources claimed that the notices

could well be an arm-twisting tactic of government to get

them to the negotiating table for jaundice treatment at

lower rates. Health department is trying hard to persuade

private hospitals to lower their rates for treatment of jaun-

dice patients in city, which has witnessed an alarming rise

in the past month.



Modi government gets ready totackle effects of deficit monsoon

elow normal monsson will hurtIndian agriculture sector aswell as the national economyas a whole. While farmers

grapple with the debilitating conse-quences of a poor harvest and in somecases even drought, consumers across thecountry have to bear the brunt of risingprices for essential food items. Poor mon-soons may adversely affect food produc-tion and thus aggravate food inflation.The Modi administration has alreadyprepared a contingency plan for the 500districts that are expected to be mostaffected.

The Prime Minister recently met witha cluster of Union Ministers —Agriculture Minister Radha MohanSingh, Chemicals and FertilisersMinister Ananth Kumar, WaterResources Minister Uma Bharti andConsumer Affairs, Food and Public

Distribution Minister Ram Vilas Paswan— to chalk out a strategy and ensure thatit is implemented in a smooth and well-coordinated manner across States andministries when it matters most.

However, an estimated 40 per cent offoodgrains in Government godowns rotsevery year because of supply-side issues.According to the FCI, 1,94,502 metrictonnes of grain, worth crores of rupees,went bad between 2005 and 2013.Appalled by the scale of wastage, theSupreme Court in 2010 had in fact sug-gested that the UPA Government releasethe stock to the needy poor for free.

It is hoped that the Modi Governmentwill be able to resolve these issues. One ofthe most important measures theGovernment has announced is therelease of additional foodgrains to pre-vent a supply-side shortage which canpush up prices. The Food Corporation of

India has a stock of 721 lakh tonnes ofrice and wheat, which is much more thanthe 550 lakh tonnes it needs to run vari-ous schemes, primarily the public distri-bution system — the excess grain caneasily help tide over a crisis such as this.However, the key element here is not theready availability of surplus grains butthe effective distribution to the end-user.

Other steps that the Government hasproposed include a diesel subsidy forfarmers in rain-deficient districts andcrop loans at lower rates. It has alsopromised availability of seeds to meetcontingency cropping and kept aside 10per cent of the Central fund for agricul-ture promotion to meet crisis expenses.An increase in the man-days (from 100 to150-200 days) under the MahatmaGandhi National Rural EmploymentGuarantee Act in drought-affectedStates, is also on the cards.


rime MinisterNarendra Modi’sdirective that noPrivate Secretary of a

UPA Government’s Ministercan serve as Private Secretaryto a NDA Government has tobe seen in its broader context.Private Secretaries are closeadvisers to Ministers andoften read and navigate themthrough the bureaucraticmaze, the systems ofGovernment and the volumi-nous files and documents thatform part of a Minister’s workday.

It is a regrettable realitythat some Private Secretariesare completely seduced by thetrappings of power, by theopportunities thrown upthanks to their location in aroom that adjoins a ministeri-

al chamber. They develop vest-ed interests and rather thangoing back to their parentStates, they try and get anoth-er job with another Minister,staying on the PrivateSecretary track for years tocome.

Private Secretary’s job isvery important, especially asmany Ministers are relativelyinexperienced. Inevitably,Ministers come to depend a loton Private Secretaries. ManyPrivate Secretaries live up tothis trust. They functionadmirably and professionallyand at the end of a three-yeartenure go back to their parentcadre or ministry.Unfortunately, some PrivateSecretaries stop seeing theirrole as executive assistants toMinisters as merely a profes-

sional one. A section of themdons a political cloak. Theyquickly become gate-keepersto Ministers and use thisaccess for their own purposes.Though much junior in thecivil service to a secretary-level officer, the PrivateSecretary uses his proximityto the Minister to sabotage theSecretary’s initiatives andcompromise the ministry’sfunctioning. Of course, not allPrivate Secretaries do thingsin this manner. Many arestraightforward, finish theirassignment in the Minister’soffice and move on withoutany hint of wrongdoing. Thisexplains why, each time thereis a change in Government,there is hectic lobbying by acertain type of civil servant forPrivate Secretary-level posts.

Some of them meet incomingMinisters — using personalconnections, caste and com-munity networks, even recom-mendations from other politi-cians or colleagues of theMinister — and offer to workas a Private Secretary for thenew Minister. They argue theyare already experienced andschooled in the ways of theGovernment.

In the case of first-time orunsure Ministers, the tempta-tion to have a PrivateSecretary who knows the cor-ridors of power is strong. Assuch, the Private Secretaryjust stays on. Even if one pre-sumes all Private Secretariesare absolutely honest, itstands to reason that a PrivateSecretary should be replacedafter about three years.

PMinister’s private secretaries often develop vested interests

The forecast of a deficitmonsoon has given riseto concers among farm-ers, common people as

well as the government.Meteorological depart-ments have been warn-ing of an El Nino phe-

nomenon this yearwhich may lead to weak


Guilt of Going byLooks and Bias

ne’s look may be misleading. It isour illogical notions about people

that are to blame. I realised this onenight. It was the last day of a confer-ence. By the time the banquet ended itwas 11pm. It was drizzling outside andthe delegates ready to depart stoodwaiting for taxis at the TajInternational. Taxis were few and del-egates were many and so there was anair of competition among the delegatesto hail a taxi on hire. Whoever entereda taxi first succeeded in leaving early. Imet with success at long last. “HotelRosewood, near Mahalaxmi racecourse,” said I to the driver as I sankinto the rear seat.

But soon I shuddered as the figureof the robust fearsome looking manwith flowing beard and twirling mous-tache loomed before me at the wheel.All horrible stories relating to theplight of a lone passenger travelling inan unknown place at night crossed mymind. Visions of such passengers beingstrangulated and robbed of theirbelongings by fearsome looking ruffi-ans began taking shape before myeyes. To please the man and draw hissympathy so that he would spare meunharmed, I lied that I hailed from hisstate and told him how I had driftedinto difficulties ever since I came toMumbai.

He began sympathising with mynarrative, adding how in order to earna living he had come from a remote vil-lage in UP and had been staying in aslum with utmost frugality to sendmoney home. How he had been oftenreminiscing about his little son who hehad left a year back at home and had-n’t seen him since, and so on. But I wastaking his entire version as the tacticsof a cunning rogue.

The taxi stopped. “Your destinationhas come, sir,” said the man, breakingmy uneasy silence after sometime.“But sir, how would you go, it is rainingheavily?” he asked thoughtfully.

As I prepared to get out, he stoppedme and ran in the rain to fetch anumbrella from the hotel. He then ledme to the hotel holding the umbrellaabove my head all along. The umbrellawas just sufficient for a single person.He protected me from being drenched,not caring for himself getting wet.While departing, I gratefully offeredhim some money as a reward but witha modest smile on his lips he refused totake a single coin more than the fare Iowed him. I stood watching the man ashe was returning to his taxi. A feelingof guilt for suspecting a nice man tor-mented me. How we suspect people fortheir looks unreasonably—the thoughtkept repeating itself in my mind allalong.


7 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)MUST READ

amajwadi Party (SP) chief

Mulayam Singh’s son, Akhilesh

Yadav, remains unperturbed by the

attacks on his government’s competence in

handling the recent rise of criminal cases

in UP. Akhilesh, UP Chief Minister, has

till now only thrown his hands in the air

and washed them off any responsibility

that come with his position. Blaming the

media, and other political parties, Yadav

only has one question riding on his mind,

“What can I do?” Is there really nothing

that the Chief Minister can do about the

debacle that his state is facing?

The political prince, who was out to

change the tide for Uttar Pradesh, has

found himself hit by the worst possible sit-

uations. The most populous state in India,

UP, has always had a very high crime rate.

But it is the pace and ill will of these acts

which has shocked not just the country,

but has also garnered worldwide attention

for all the wrong reasons. The UP police

refuse to accept the existence of most of

these cases. Other than the bodies of vic-

tims found hanging from trees (like those

of the Badaun twin rape and murder), the

guardians of law have steered clear of any

responsibility. Yadav has largely been

clearing himself of the accusations, and

not commenting on the turn of events. He

has largely played the blame game by

accusing Mayawati of influencing the fam-

ily of the Badaun victims of refusing to

accept the state’s compensation. He has

blamed the media for overplaying what

happens in UP.

“Incidents happen in Madhya Pradesh

and Bangalore. Was it shown on national

television?,” asked Yadav. Fact remain

that he has undoubtedly failed his voters

and the people in general by not delivering

on his promises.

Uttar Pradesh not ‘Uttam’Akhilesh Yadav had coined the term

“Uttam Pradesh” for his state, promising

the people of Utaar Pradesh that he would

create the ideal state. Although he came in

with a huge mandate, during his years as

CM, Yadav has only created a state, which

has often given a free run to people with

negative records. He has often been con-

sidered as the man who refuses to see

beyond the clout of religion and caste. This

was visible in his team of police officers,

most of them from his own Yadav caste.

His love for caste-ism was the major rea-

son for last year’s Muzaffarnagar riots,

which led to the deaths of many.

A cabinet meeting chaired by ChiefMinister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhanhere took important decisions forimproving health services in urban andrural areas of the state. The cabinetdecided to increase honorarium of sub-anganwadi workers of 12 thousand 70anganwadis in the state from Rs. 1500to Rs. 2250 per month. Sanction wasalso granted to use MLA’s Fund insmooth running of rural piped waterschemes. The cabinet also sanctionedre-constitution of the committee onagricultural affairs and agriculturecabinet.

Upgradation of 20 health centresand creation of new posts

The cabinet sanctioned upgradationof 3 community health centres of 30beds each to 50-bed civil hospitals situ-ated at Lahar in Bhind district,Sabalgarh in Morena district andBareli in Raisen district. Similarly, itwas decided to upgrade 14 sub-healthcentres to 6-bed primary health centressituated at Veerpur dam and Gopalpurin Sehore district, Tejgarh in Damoh,Bhangarh in Sagar, Chharch in

Shivpuri, Dhavli in Barwani, Saletekain Balaghat, Dihiya and Bholgarh inRewa, Machhand in Bhind, Lamsaraiand Bagaiyya in Singrauli andDheemarkhera in Katni district.Besides, sanction was also granted toopen one new 6-bed primary healthcentre at village Cheetakher inNeemuch district, 2 new sub-healthcentres at village Dhabla Ghosi inShajapur and Tulsipar in Raisen dis-trict. Apart from upgradation andestablishment of all above mentioned20 health institutions, sanction wasalso granted for creation of 226 addi-tional posts for them as per prescribednorms. The cabinet also decided to shift

the civil dispensary situated on thepremises of Mental Hospital, Indore toBanganga Kund area, civil dispensary,Radio Colony, Indore to Musakheri andcivil dispensary situated in Gorakhpur,Jabalpur to Shanti Nagar, Jabalpur.

Anganwadi workers’ honorarium now

Rs. 2250The cabinet decided to increase hon-

orarium of ICDS’s Scheme’s sub-angan-wadi workers of 12 thousand 70 angan-wadis in the state from Rs. 1500 to Rs.2250 per month with effect from April 1,2014. The cabinet accorded administra-tive sanction of Rs. 55 crore 2 lakh to

group piped water scheme of ShahNagar in Panna district to be run byMadhya Pradesh Water Corporation.The scheme will be run underBundelkhand Special Package andNational Drinking Water Programme.The project will benefit 50 thousand pop-ulation of 25 villages. The cabinet alsosanctioned to use MLA’s Fund in smoothrunning of rural piped water schemesalong with public-private partnership.

Other decisionsThe cabinet constituted a committee

to increase living standard of bidi work-ers, provide them employment opportu-nities and promoting marketing. Thecabinet granted permission to re-consti-tute Madhya Pradesh Water and LandManagement Institute (WALMI).Establishment of 2 schools has beensanctioned in new institutional set-upincluding WALMI Watershed AreaManagement & Rural DevelopmentSchool and WALMI Irrigated AreaDevelopment School. The cabinet sanc-tioned one post each of district publicservice manager and office assistant forPublic Service Management depart-ment in newly constituted Agar-Malwadistrict.


Akhilesh finds himself inworst possible situation

Important decisions for improving health servicesin state; anganwadi workers’ honorarium increased


8 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)COMMERCE

Union Transport Minister NitinGadkari recently announced that e-rick-shaws will be able to ply on Delhi'sstreets without the need of a license.Gadkari addressing a rally of e-Rickshaw owners in Delhi's RamlilaMaidan said," In Delhi e rickshaw willnot be barred from plying."

Critics argue that e-rickshaws arenot registered and ply without anylicense number plate, thereby, marringtheir accountability. Lack of legallybinding documents makes it difficult toprosecute these vehicles in case of anaccident or traffic violation. It is virtu-ally impossible to fine these vehicles asthey are not registered.

E Rickshaws are not suitable forplying on major roads due to their lim-ited speed. The highly fragile andunstable e-rickshaws are vulnerable toaccidents. Another drawback posed bythese battery powered vehicles is thatthe battery used in these vehicles can-not be recycled. An e-rickshaw batteryhas a lifespan of 6-7 months. Thismeans that harmful chemical and met-

als end up in the garbage that in Indiacan be discarded anywhere- fromparks, landfills, streets etc. Also, it wasobserved that many drivers used illegalmeans to charge the battery of thesevehicles, which usually takes up to 10hours.

Urban development experts arguethat e-rickshaws are in an urgent needof regularisation or else they would endup being a menace on Delhi roads.However, drivers of e-rickshaw areagainst any regularisation as theyargue that any attempt to bring thesevehicles in the ambit of jurisprudencewill neutralise its benefits as it wouldadd on the cost of these vehicles.

In the past, Aam Aadmi Party ChiefArvind Kejriwal held talks with Lt Gov

Najeeb Jung and requested thatimpounding and penalising of e-rick-shaws in the capital be stopped.Kejriwal also wrote to Union MinisterNitin Gadkari and asked him to pass anorder to end the clampdown on e-rick-shaws. In his letter to Gadkari,Kejriwal said, “The High Court hadasked the government to form a policyfor e-rickshaws. At that time, there wasa Congress government, which passed anotification on April 24 making e-rick-shaws illegal. This is incorrect and ifyou pass a notification asking for penal-ties and impounding to stop, then thedaily income of lakhs of people will besaved.”

In a memorandum given to Jung,Kejriwal said that in its order dated 14February 2014, the Delhi High Courthad appreciated use of e-rickshaws as itis eco-friendly and it also does away thearchaic practice of man pulling a man.

Earlier, Delhi government hadcracked down on these unlicensed vehi-cles. More than 300 rickshaws wereimpounded after a Delhi High Courtorder in response to a petition filed bythe Transport Ministry.

Now, e-rickshaws will

ply on Delhi’s streets

n an audacious bid, the sandmafia in Greater Noidaopened fire on a police party

led by Superintendent of Police(Rural) and two Deputy SPsrecently. The officers accompa-nied by nearly two dozen police-men had a narrow escape as a gunbattle ensued.

Earlier, a Sub-Inspector post-ed in the region was also attackedby the mafia who tried to hit hisvehicle with a dumper.Meanwhile, police have arrestedseven people and seized ten sandladen dumper trucks and twoexcavators. This is the sixthmajor attack on the police by thebrazen mafia this year.

The policemen, in order toavoid being identified, had goneto conduct the raid in a dumperinstead of police vehicles. But, asthey neared the sand mafia, thegoons began firing indiscrimi-nately. They also hit the policevehicle with their dumpers sever-al times and tried to mow downthe SP. The police was acting on atip-off that illegal mining of sand

was going on near the YamunaRiver. A police team consistingSP (Rural) of Greater Noida,Brajesh Kumar Singh, twoDeputy SPs, namely AbhishekYadav (IPS) and Pradeep alongwith some other subordinatesreached the area in a dumpertruck. When the police team retal-iated, some of the miscreantstried to stop the police from com-ing out of their vehicle, whileover a dozen fled from the spotalong with their vehicles.

Around 40 rounds of bulletswere fired during the encounterthat lasted for nearly an hour.Police seized dumper trucks andexcavators and arrested seven ofthem from the spot and two per-sons later in this connection.Police said that more than 50 peo-ple were involved in excavationand carrying of sand illegally.More than 30 dumpers and 12Poclain machines were beingused when police reached thespot. Brajesh Kumar Singh, whohad a narrow escape in the attack,said the police took the dumper

truck instead of police vehicles toget close to the sand mafia andlull them into believing that theywere their accomplices.

However, as the police teamdrew near, the mafia grew suspi-cious and opened fire. “Initially,the members of the gang consid-ered us their associates as manyof us were in civil dress but laterthey recognised us and made des-perate attempts to kill us. At onepoint of time, they tried to lynchme and Abhishek Yadav, one ofthe two DSPs,” he said.

Locals claim the area alongthe Yamuna and Hindon rivers is

prone to illegal mining as theactivity is going on under thevery nose of the district adminis-tration and local police. As perreports, digging is taking place onthe riverbeds of Noida, Dankaur,Kasna and Jewar regions.

“The mining lobby is stillbusy raking in the moolah andlocal police allow the movementof trucks and other vehicles, for aconsideration. When the waterlevel recedes in the catchmentareas of these rivers, the miningmafia comes out in full force inthe region,” said Dushyant Nagar,a farmers’ rights activist.

s per wish of Chief MinisterShri Shivraj Singh Chouhan,single window system is being

made more convenient for investors.Now, investors will be able to applyonline for establishing new industry inMadhya Pradesh. A combined form hasbeen prepared for capital investmentproposal so that an investor does nothave to contact several departmentsunder single window system and allapplications are disposed of by a singleagency. Madhya Pradesh Trade andInvestment Facilitation Corporation(TRIFAC) is developing a web-portal.On the portal, an investors will applyonly once for all his requirements andpermissions. Investors can also findout on the portal as to which of theirpermissions are pending with whichdepartment and level.

On moving combined applicationform with project details, an investorwill have information about land avail-able with concerning department forthe project throughout the state.Information will also be available onthe portal as to from which otherdepartments an investor will have toobtain permission. Work is on to linkRevenue, urban Administration &Development, Water Resources,Energy, Labour and Housing &Environment departments with theportal.

Information technologyshould be extended upto

remotest areasInformation Technology Minister

Shri Bhupendra Singh has said thatextension of information technology toremotest areas will be the main basis ofstate’s development. It should beensured that every persons, speciallyeducated youths, in the state is trainedand becomes partner in his and state’sprogress. Shri Singh chaired 121stmeeting of Board of Directors ofMadhya Pradesh State ElectronicsDevelopment Corporation Limitedhere. Shri Bhupendra Singh said thatland allotment for units in IT parks andpromotion process should be smooth.Shri Singh said that a report should besubmitted to the Board of Directorsthat investors are using land only forinformation technology.

Online tracking systemsoon under single windowfor investment proposals


New Delhi

Sand mafia in GreaterNoida attack police partyI


Sanchi Buddhist-Indic Studies Universityfrom academic session 2014-15

9 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)

Sanchi Buddhist-IndicStudies University will statefrom academic session 2014-15with 6 certificate courses. Forthe university, 353 posts havebeen sanctioned. This wasinformed at the first meeting ofgeneral council of the universi-ty here.

Chairing the meeting,Chief Minister Shri ShivrajSingh Chouhan said that thisis a unique university. Herestudents from all over theworld will come to study vari-ous dimensions of Indic studiesand Buddhist philosophy. Hesaid that international Dharm-Dhamma Sammelan will beheld once in 2 years so thatadequate time can be utilisedfor preparations for the inter-national level event. Thirdinternational Dharm-DhammaSammelan in 2016. ChiefMinister Shri Chouhan direct-

ed to undertake recruitmentprocess, processes and proce-dures of the university withtransparency. He gave in-prin-ciple consent regarding finan-cial powers of the university.

It is noteworthy that 100acre land has been provided tothe university near Sanchi inRaisen district. On it, adminis-trative building will be con-structed as per concept of theuniversity. At present, natural

hospital premises spread over25 acres at village Warla inRaisen district will be used forthe university’s academicactivities.

The Chief Minister gave in-principle consent to universi-ty’s service recruitment rules,terms of reference for Vice-Chancellor’s post and fiscalrules apart from establishmentof 5 schools of the universityincluding Buddhist

Philosophy, Sanatan Dharma& Indic Studies, InternationalBuddhist Studies,Comparative Study ofReligions, languages,Literature and Culture.Initially, studies of Tibetan,Sinhalese and Chinese lan-guages will be started. TheChief Minister directed to con-sider a proposal for openingDhyan Kendra on the universi-ty premises. The ChiefMinister directed to adopttransparent process regardingappointments of guest facul-ties, visiting faculties and ad-hoc appointments.

Medical college to beopened in KhandwaChief Minister said that

every child should be educatedso that no one’s life is spoil.The Chief Minister stated thisat “School Chalen HamAbhiyan” and “Aao Banayen

Apna Madhya Pradesh” pro-gramme at Khandwa.Announcing to open a medicalcollege Khandwa with Centre’scooperation, he said that coop-eration of all is must for devel-opment of Madhya Pradesh.Food and Civil SuppliesMinister Kunwar Vijay Shahand MP Shri Nand KumarSingh Chouhan were presenton the occasion.

Chief Minister ShriChouhan said that education ismust for development. It opensnew doors for progress. He saidthat all of us must ensure thatno child in our vicinity remainsdepriving to going to schooland studies continuously. Wecan realise the dream of edu-cated Madhya Pradesh only bypaying attention to this. Onthe occasion, the ChiefSecretary administered pledgeto people to ensure campaign’ssuccess.



Development cannot be imaginedwithout education: CM ChouhanChief Minister Shri

Shivraj Singh Chouhan hassaid that development can-not be imagined withouteducation. Therefore, it ismy resolve that every childin the state goes to schooland completes education.Shri Chouhan stated this atthe inauguration of “SchoolChalen Ham Abhiyan” atMiddle School, Hardarecently.

Chouhan said that thegovernment is committed toensure children’s uninter-rupted education. He saidthat government is provid-ing free text-books, cycles,scholarship, meals, lodgingetc. to students. It is desiredfrom children to continuetheir education and reachthe pinnacle. Giving his ownexample, he said that whenthe son of a farmer of smallvillage Jait can become theChief Minister then anyonecan reach the pinnacle by

setting targets. The CM saidthat there will be no lack offunds for development. Theway Harda has earned famein agriculture sector in thecountry, I hope that the areawill also earn glory in theeducation sector also. Healso administered oath tocommon people to becomemotivators for children. Hesaid that youths shouldadopt self-employment. Forthis, the state governmenthas increased loan limitunder Mukhyamantri YuvaSwarozgar Yojana upto Rs.one crore. Shri Chouhan saidthat it is matter of pride forMadhya Pradesh to supplypower to state like Bihar andDelhi.

Chief Minister ShriChouhan laid foundationstones of various construc-tion works costing Rs. 42crore 72 lakh and inaugurat-ed works costing Rs. 2 crore86 lakh. Shri Chouhan alsoperformed Kanya Poojanand distributed cheques to

meritorious students andbeneficiaries of schemes.Earlier in Bhopal, Chouhanexhorted student to be readyto fly high and do extraordi-nary works. He said thatMadhya Pradesh willbecome a developed statethrough education. Heexhorted students to concen-trate on studies and moveforward in life. They shouldhave no concern aboutexpenses to be incurred oneducation since it will beborne by the state govern-ment. He administered apledge to students to sendchildren in their neighbour-hood to school and motivatethem to study.

Chouhan said that coun-try and state will moveahead only with creativeyouth power. He asked thestudents to take pledge todevelop the state and coun-try. The CM said that he willnot allow anyone to lagbehind in education due toshortage of money.

Develop BhopalMemorial Hospital asPG institute: Chouhan

Bhopal: Chief Minister ShriShivraj Singh Chouhan has saidBhopal Memorial Hospital andResearch Centre should be devel-oped as a PG institute and itsmanagement improved. Centralgovernment should cooperate inconstruction of new building ofHamidia Hospital. Chief MinisterShri Chouhan stated this during ameeting with Union HealthMinister Dr. Harshvardhan here.Dr. Harshvardhan said that theCentral government will extendevery possible cooperation in this.A proposal in this regard shouldbe sent. During discussions,Union Health Minister Dr.Harshvardhan gave his consent tosanction of Rs. 150 crore forRegional Institute of ParamedicalSciences in AIIMS Bhopal. HealthMinister Dr. Narottam Mishraand Minister of State of HealthShri Sharad Jain were also pres-ent on the occasion.

The Chief Minister said thatnumber of seats in medical col-leges in Madhya Pradesh shouldbe increased. Funds sanctioned

for Vidisha, Shahdol and Sagarmedical colleges should bereleased soon. Amendment shouldbe made in the Central govern-ment’s condition that only districthospital should be affiliated tomedical college. He said that ahospital can be constructed alongwith medical college. The Centralgovernment should extend cooper-ation in setting up cardiac centresin 4 major cities of the stateincluding Bhopal, Indore, Gwaliorand Jabalpur. Top priority is beingattached to health in the state.

Union Minister Dr.Harshvardhan said that CentralGovernment’s priority is to pro-vide better health services toevery citizen. Madhya Pradeshshould present a model before thecountry in this regard. Attentionshould be paid to preventive careby linking health with education.He said that no discriminationwill be made against any state inhealth facilities. No compromiseshould be made with quality inmedical education. Health shouldbe conducted on a mass scale.


10 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)SPORTS

he Pakistan CricketBoard (PCB) todaysaid it has signed a

binding agreement with theBCCI, in which two countrieswill play six bilateral seriesover the next eight yearsunder the new future toursprogram.

The PCB said in a state-ment from Lahore that it hadmade extraordinarily gains atthe International CricketCouncil's (ICC) annual meet-ing in Melbourne, whichincluded the agreement withIndia. "Of the three majorconcessions that PCBChairman Najam Sethi wasable to secure to Pakistan'sgreat advantage are: After NSrinivasan's election as the first ICC Chairman in a land-slide, India has officially turned the MOUs signed earlierthis year with regard to six rubbers between the twonations into binding agreements straightaway," the state-ment said.

"Four of these will be hosted by the PCB in the UAEor Pakistan with mutual consent. The six tours are nowpart of the Future Tours Programme and are to be playedfrom 2015 to 2023," it said. The PCB said another majorachievement was the ICC agreeing to grant Pakistan thefourth rank after the 'Big Three' – India, England andAustralia – in terms of the percentage of revenue to bereceived from the ICC in the next eight years from broad-

casting and other rights onICC fixtures. "The third bigrecognition is, the ICC con-firming Pakistan to get theposition of the global body'sPresident for one year witheffect from June 2015," itadded. Pakistan had under thesupervision of Zaka Ashraf(former Chairman) initiallyopposed the governancechanges and new financialmodel brought forth by India,Australia and England. Butwhen Najam Sethi replacedAshraf and representedPakistan at the last ICC meet-ing, he said Pakistan wouldconditionally support thechanges in return for conces-sions. One of which was the

MOUs signed with the Indians for the six series. Indiahas not played a full bilateral series with Pakistan since2007, although in December, 2013 Pakistan toured Indiafor a short one-day series.

Sethi said in a statement that the present situa-tion completely different from the situation whenPakistan stood utterly isolated before he (Sethi) wasappointed Chairman by the Patron, Prime MinisterNawaz Sharif in the second week of February. "ThePCB had organised itself and planned to get maxi-mum advantage for Pakistan cricket from anextremely precarious position. We have accomplishedall our objectives.

India to play six bilateral seriesagainst Pakistan from 2015 to 2023

Saina throughto semis;Sindhu

knocked out

Saina Nehwal reached the

women’s singles semifinals with a

comfortable straight-game win,

but compatriot P.V. Sindhu failed

to cross the quarterfinal hurdle in

the $7,50,000 Star Australian

Super Series, in Sydney on

Friday. While Sindhu, seeded

eighth, lost 17-21, 17-21 against

Carolina Marin of Spain, sixth-

seeded Saina got the better of

Eriko Hirose of Japan, winning

21-18, 21-9 in 47 minutes.

Saina got off to a fine start

against her Japanese opponent,

as she straight away opened up a

4-0 lead and quickly widened the

gap to 8-2. But Hirose fought her

way back to make it 10-10.

Although she always held an

upper hand and maintained a

slender lead, Hirose once again

came from behind to make it 18-

18. But the world no. 8 held on

and was quick to take the next

three points to wrap the opening

game. A dominant display in the

second game by Saina left the

Japanese girl gasping for breath.

And the only time Hirose even

came close to the shuttler from

Hyderabad was at 2-3. Saina will

face Shixian Wang in the semifi-

nals. The Indian enjoys a 4-3

record against the world no. 2 — a

two-time All England champion

— although Wang has won in

their last two encounters.


Cricketer Parvez Rasool on Thursday said the upcoming India A`stour of Australia is very important for him and would try to put in hisbest efforts to secure a place in the senior side. "The Australia tour isvery important for me. I am going to Australia with the A team and Ihope to perform well and get a place in the Indian team very soon,"Rasool said. Rasool, who recently became the first cricketer fromKashmir Valley to get the ODI cap when he played againstBangladesh, said he always believes he has to perform well whenev-er a chance comes his way. "Whenever I get a chance to play, I will putin my best and try to perform very well to represent the country inmany tournaments," he said. He said it was an overwhelming feelingto get an ODI cap and a great experience to play for the country.

Parvez Rasoolpins hopes onIndia A team'sAustralian tour

Italy's Chiellini says Suarezban for biting him excessive

Milan: Giorgio Chiellini believesLuis Suarez has been harshly pun-ished by FIFA for biting his shoulderduring their decisive World Cupmatch. Suarez was banned from allfootball activities and stadiums forfour months, suspended fromUruguay's next nine internationals,and fined.

"Now inside me there are no feel-ings of joy, revenge or anger againstSuarez for an incident, which hap-pened on the pitch and is done,"Chillieni wrote in his blog forSportlobster. "There only remains theanger and the disappointment about

the match. At the moment, my onlythought is for Luis and his family,because they will face a very difficultperiod. "I have always unequivocallyconsidered the disciplinary interven-

tions by the competent bodies, but atthe same time I believe the proposedformula is excessive.

I sincerely hope he will be allowedto stay close to his teammates duringthe games, because such a ban is real-ly alienating for a player." Uruguay'sfootball federation said it planned toappeal the ban, which leaves it with-out its star striker and leadinggoalscorer for next year's CopaAmerica, and most likely for the startof its qualifying matches for the 2018World Cup. Suarez bit Chiellini's leftshoulder during a 1-0 win againstItaly in the group stage on Tuesday.


11 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)GLAMOUR

Shraddha : Iam single! Allthese link-upsare false

he Ek Villain beauty who

is rumoured to be seeing

her Aashiqui 2 co-star

Aditya Roy Kapur rubbishes

rumours yet again.

Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy

Kapur seem to be a lot more than

‘just friends’ yet they like to stick to

the cliched status for the media.

Aditya Roy Kapur denied rumours

about dating Shraddha last year.

Though this year he was quoted

praising Shraddha’s crooning skills.

Now the demure dame has also decid-

ed to dismiss rumours about link-ups.

She has outright denied the rumours

about Aditya and her. The light-eyed

actor was about her friends in the

film industry and this is what she

had to say, “I will say Mohit Suri and

Aditya. We have become good friends

because of Aashiqui 2. And now I

have gotten to know Sid also. Varun

(Dhawan) is my childhood friend. We

have grown up together and now

finally we are doing a movie (ABCD

2) together. I call him Patvardhan or

Battuklal and he calls me Chirkut.

He considers me as his guy friend and

he tells me, ‘Yaar, tu heroine kaise

ban gayi’. He is close to me.”Well

Shraddha had more to say about

Varun Dhawan than Aditya Roy

Kapur. We just hope that the rumours

had truth in them because the

Aditya-Shraddha jodi looks absolute-

ly gorgeous!

TMardaani and five other Bollywoodfilms with bad dialogue-baazi

ook, before we get intoEk Villain, let's be clearabout this: no one

expects Bollywood to be a not-so-weird place. If you're awatcher of Bollywood, then youhave at some point found your-self trying to not inflict violenceupon yourself because the logicof the film has taken painfullysurreal turns. Like when back-ground dancers pop out likethey're mosquitoes, ready toswarm around the dancinghero or heroine. Or when ShahRukh Khan airs his armpits inthe Swiss Alps and that, forsome reason, turns a perfectlysane woman to jelly. Withinthis landscape is Ek Villain. Itdefies every nugget of common

sense and logic, but thefilm is watchable. UnlikeHumshakals, its major com-petitor, Ek Villain is trulyfunny. There is barelya plot, so I'll try mybest to be dis-creet and suc-cinct aboutthe story. EkVillain startswith one manbumping off a secondman’s girl. Second manspends the entire film tryingto take revenge from the firstman. You knew this from thetrailer, you say? Well, watch itin the theatre and you'll also getthe chance to hear Arijit Singhon Dolby. Think about it.

LReasons to date a villain like Siddharth

here arem a n ythings thatwork dif-

ferently on screenthan they do in

real life. Forinstance, inonscreen win-ters, a chiffonsari is protec-tion enougheven if you'restanding onsnow-covered

Alpine peak.Fights result in

photogenic bruisesthat don't disfigure

heroes' faces andwhen heroes talk,

it's not conversationbut dialogue-baazi.

While in Hollywood, theemphasis is to make dialogueas crisp and normal-sound-ing as possible, in Indianmainstream cinema, there'sno place for realistic chatter.

In the past, Bollywooddialogues were more poeticand lyrical than anyone'severyday speech. Today,they're more dramatic,filled with flourish, flairand menace. Sometimes,dialogue writers makeonscreen charactersimmortal with words thewriters put in theactors' mouths. Afterall, who can forget"Mere paas maa hai!"from Deewar, andGabbar Singh ask-ing, " Arri O Samba,kitne admi the?" in

Sholay? But often, in an effort to bememorable, dialogue writers coinphrases and conversations thatbecome memorable for all the wrongreasons. A recent example of dialogue-baazi gone wrong is Mardaani.Although the film is yet to release, thetrailer is out and we hear RaniMukerji's character use the mostunusual analogy to explain herself.Like at one point in the trailer wehear her character say, "Chuho kopakadna ho toh chuha banna padtahai, Kutto ko pakadna ho toh kuttaaur sher ka shikar karna ho toh sher."Now, why she is talking about theentire animal kingdom is difficult toguess from the trailer but we are hop-ing that the other dialogues from thisfilm are not equally off the mark. Andsince we are taking about awful Hindimovie dialogues here are five unfor-gettably bad dialogues fromBollywood:

1. R... RajkumarSilent ho ja ... varna main violent

ho jaonga (Shahid Kapoor)2. Rowdy Rathore

Mai jo bolta hu, wo mai karta huaur jo nahi bolta..Wo mai definitelykarta hu (Akshay Kumar)3. Singh Saheb The Great

Sardar jab dushman ko pakad letahai na toh uski hadiyan tad tadanelagti hai….Tad Tad Tad Tad Tad TadTad Tad Tad Tad Tad Tad… (SuunyDeol)4. Dabanng

Hum tum mein itne ched karenge... ki confuse ho jaoge ki saans kahanse le ... aur paadein kahan se (SalmanKhan)5. Shootout at Wadala

Police ki goli mein itna loha haiki ek baar thok di toh khoon meinkabhi iron ki kami nahi hogi (AnilKapoor)


he union home ministry has intensified itsaction against Greenpeace Internationaland Climate Works Foundation by issuing

a directive to the RBI to seek prior permissionfrom the ministry for any donation to them fromoverseas contributors.

MHA spokesperson KS Dhatwalia, citingSection 46 of The Foreign Contribution(Regulation) Act of 2010, said, ‘The ministry isbound to take strict measures if some NGOs mis-uses foreign funds, which they receive as dona-tions. There are some issues, which came to ournotice and we have sent a directive to the RBI.’

‘The government can give such directions forthe security of the nation. Therefore any fundsreceived by these NGOs will require a sanction,’he said. Sources said the move comes close on theheels of an IB report last week, submitted to the

Prime Minister’s Office and National SecurityAdviser, in which recommendations were madefor putting foreign donations to Greenpeace andClimate Works Foundation on ‘prior category’ listso that permission is taken before any moneyflows in for funding their activities. ‘We haveasked the RBI to inform all banks to this effectand also report if any government department orinstitution is receiving such funds from these twoorganisations,’ Dhatwalia said.

Meanwhile, challenging the IB reports,Greenpeace India claimed that the organisationwas not merely surviving on funds from over-seas. ‘We have enough contributors within Indiato sustain our pro-people activities,’ spokesper-son of Greenpeace Bharti Sinha said. The NGOofficials claimed they were intentionally targetedas it emerged as one of the primary voices oppos-ing coal mining and nuclear power projects inIndia. They also alleged that the leak of IBreports is a ‘concerted effort by parties with vest-ed interest to ensure elimination of any opposi-tion.’ Samit Aich, executive director, GreenpeaceIndia said, ‘It seems like government’s long termgoal to remove hurdles for pushing fast clear-ances. But discrediting Greenpeace will not savethe world from climate change. Ours is probablythe last generation that can make a difference tocurb climate change.’

12 JUNE 23 TO JUNE 29, 2014 (MP & CG)

Owned Printed and Puplished byM.M. Baig. Printed at lucky, 267, Pragati Nagar, Shahanshah garden, Bhopal (MP) and published from H.No. 101, A Sector Indrapuri BHEL, Ward No. 63, Dist. Bhopal- 462021, M.P.

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Bhutan was natural choice forModi for first visit abroad

NEW DELHI: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi has returned homefrom his 2-day Bhutan trip. The factthat the Prime Minister chose Bhutanas his first foreign destinationassumes significance since China haslately intensified efforts to woo it andestablish full- fledged diplomatic tieswith Thimphu.

The Prime Minister describedBhutan as a natural choice for his firstvisit abroad as the two countriesshared a special relationship'. Modiannounced a number of measures andconcessions including the exemption ofBhutan from any ban on export of milkpowder, wheat, edible oil, pulses andnon-basmati rice. Both countries reaf-firmed their commitment to extensivedevelopment cooperation and dis-

cussed ways to further enhance eco-nomic ties.

Modi mooted the idea of an annualhill sports festival with India's north-eastern states along with Bhutan and

Nepal. He announced doubling ofscholarships being provided toBhutanese students in India whichwill now be worth Rs 2 crore. Indiaand Bhutan reiterated their commit-

ment to achieving the 10,000 MW tar-get in hydropower cooperation and notto allow their territories to be used forinterests inimical to each other. Modiinaugurated one of India's assistanceprojects - the building of the SupremeCourt of Bhutan and laid foundationstone of the 600MW KholongchuHydro-electric project, a joint venturebetween India and Bhutan.

Modi stressed on expanding bilat-eral trade and its importance in fur-ther cementing the friendship betweenthe two sides.

India will also assist Bhutan set upa digital library which will provideaccess to Bhutanese youth to two mil-lion books and periodicals. Both sidesreaffirmed their commitment to exten-sive development cooperation and dis-cussed ways to further enhance eco-nomic ties.


Government blocks foreignfunds for Greenpeace

New Delhi

New Delhi: The Railways, which is facing a huge financial crisis isexpected to use the extra moneyfor major Railways works andbetter amenities for the passen-gers. Several important Railwaysworks have been stuck at variousstages due to paucity of funds.The 14.2 per cent hike in railfares by the Narendra Modi gov-ernment has raised considerablenumber of hackles. But more than the common man — who seems to stillhave faith in Modi's pre-election slogan 'Ache din aane wale hain' — it'sopposition parties such as the Congress, the Samajwadi Party and the CPMthat have found reason to cry wolf. Defending the hike, finance ministerArun Jaitley, who was party to railway minister Sadanand Gowda's decisionto carry forward the Manmohan Singh government's curtailed notificationto hike passenger fares and freight rates, said it was a "difficult but correctdecision", and that "railways can only survive if users pay for availing facil-ities".

Jaitley said the government had two choices: either allow the railwaysto bleed and end up totally ruined or take steps to bring it around, put itback on track. "Does India want a world-class railway or a ramshackle one,"Jaitley asked. The finance minister's attempts to inform the people that for"Ache Din.." to come, some sacrifices need to be made in the short-term,appeared not to have many takers in the Opposition. Opposition partiestook to the streets of Delhi, and in other parts of India, mocking Modi's'Ache din aane walen hain' promise. Down south, DMK chief MKarunanidhi, said in Chennai that "the BJP government's approach is notany different from that of the UPA".

In the national capital, the Congress's Delhi unit chief Arvinder SinghLovely led the protests. The police had to set up barriers to hold back theprotesters, and use water cannons to disperse them from blocking roads.For the Congress in Delhi, the fare hike couldn't have come at a moreopportune time. With elections in Delhi more or less a certainty, and likelyto take place not too far in the future, the rail fare hike issue is an emotiveone, which the party hopes to exploit. There were also reports of protestsin Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. In Varanasi, Modi's constituency, and inAllahabad, people resorted to roadblocks to hit out at the fare hike anddemand its immediate rollback.


-S. ManiEmail: [email protected]

FFaarree hhiikkee:: RRllyyss lliikkeellyy ttoouussee eexxttrraa mmoonneeyy ffoorr mmaajjoorr

wwoorrkkss,, bbeetttteerr aammeenniittiieess