Wead, Run Down? Here's Joyous News; Wonderful ROOT JUICE, Will Make You Feel "Al MadeOver" in a Week-Guaranteed. Here's something worth knowing, a way to get more real joy and pleasure and comfort out of your life than you ever dreamed was possible--the joy that is bound to come to every owner of a sturdy, healthy, vigorous body. Wonderful ROOT JUICE is for people who are weak, run-down,fagged out,nerv- ous, sleepless, appetiteless and the re- markable results it brings about in such cases is the wonder of everybody who ever tries it. You never saw anything work like it in all your life. Have you lost ambition, energy and Interest in things? Do you get nervous. befuddled, rattled, cross, irritable and cranky? Do you feel tired, half sick, have headaches. get constipated, have back- 'Look At Me. Ten Days Ago I Could Hardly Drag About. ROOT JUICE Did It." aches, and weak or dizzy spells? Do you have to get up at night on account of weak kidneys, have bad dreams, indiges- tion, belch, bloat and suffer after eating? Do you have a sort of "Don't give a hang" feeling, don't want to work feeling- things look gloomy? Brace up! You don't know what you're missing. Life's not dull. One bottle of wonderful ROOT JUICE. pure, safe. guar- anteed. money-back ROOT JUICE will have you feeling like Nature has 'given you a new body and a new, bright, active. happy brain. You'll see a difference in yourself in a week, a wonderful *ffer- ence. You'll feel better, brighter, s ong- er, happier than you've felt in many a day. ROOT JUICE helps the whole body. It cleans out the blood, regulates the lazy bowels and liver, strengthens the stom- ach and- the kidneys, tones up the nerv- ous system. You'll eat like a wolf, en- 3oy what you eat an digest what you eat. And sleep? Yes, Indeed, good, nat- ural, restful. refres~ing sleep and get up In th 4norning feeling fresh and fit Come! You're doing yourself as injus- tice to go on feeling as you do. Give this wonderful body restorative a week to freshen you up. You're taking no chances this time. ROOT JUICE has got to help you, it has to satisfy you, remember that, and you can get back your money instant- if you want it. That's how good JUICE Is. All good druggists sell ROOT JUICE at a dollar a bottle and guarantee it. 4 You don't have to take a barrel of it and a wait six months for results oither. Un- a less your case is a rare exception you'11 feel wonderfully improved in a week. i- d Enemits of 'r'o:.:sec H ~t Among the enemires of the khem': ma. including fungus diseahes. protozoa. " nematodes, mites, epiders, the house centipede, parasitic insects, birds, and E fly-catching rats, Mr. H. E. Ewing of : Corvallis, Ore., describes in -Entomo- logical News a strangeparasite which attaches itself to the ventral body wall S of the fly. It belongs to the gamasid : family, and as it feeds it hangs on in S a manner nicely calculated not to " throw the fly out of balance in flying. : -The Mother's Fayorite. A cough medicine for children : - should' be harmless. It should be plesant to take It should be effetual. : Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is all of : this anid is the mother's favorite every- where. For sale by all dealers.--Ady. : In Greek fable Cerberus was th three-headed dog that watches outsIde -the entrance 'to hades. Some writers assert that he had 50) heads, but gen- 'rally he Is said to~-have three, and three snakes are twined about his neck. His cave -was on the farther side of the dark River Styx, where Charon, the ferryman of the dead, laided the shades. Cerberus is sup- posed to welcome all entering hades, -but to seize all those seeking to es- C'hamberlain's Tablets for Constigaion. For constipation, Chainberlain's Tap' lets are excellent. Easy to take, m ld and gentle in effect. Give them a trial. > ' For sale by all dealers.-Adv. - Queer Refuge 'for Hunted Stag. Pursued by hounds a stag bounded In'through the -open Frenchi windiows of the T. M. C. A.:'buildings af Ash- bouxrie House, Epsom, Enghnd, and took refuge In the larder, which meas- ures eight feet by six.- The huntsman and whips quickly came up and. secur- ing the stag with ropes,-placed It In Some stables, frema which It was re- moved shortly afterwards. d The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlails Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginaiing it has grown in favor and popularity until it has at- tained a world wie reputation. You will find nothing btter for a cough or cold. Trf it and you~ will understand why it is a favorite after a period of more than fortj .-years. It not only gives relief-it cures. For sale by all dealers.--Ad v. Use Oxygen for BI-a1ing. Experiments are being conducted in Germany'to discover the usability of liquid air and liquid oxygen as ex- plosives for mines, says the Coal Age. The liquid oxygen is mixed with alumi- numur powder and detonated, prodgeing aforce 2% times that produced by blach powder. One advantage that It possesses Is that no bad fumes are produced. Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. There is nothing more discouraging than a chronic disoroer of the stomach. It is not surprising that may suffer for years with such an ailment when a per- manent cure is within their reach and may be bad for a triflA? "About one year ago," says P. H. Beck, of Wake- lee, Mich., "I bought a package of Chamberlain's Tablets, anid since us- ing them I have felt perfectly well. I had previously used any number of dif- fe rent medicines, but none of them w ere of any lasting benefits." For sale * by all'dealers.-Adv. Proper Focusing of Binoculars. In focusing binoculars the tu'bes should be exte-ided to their limit be- fore placing to the eyes and then ad- justed, for, if extended afterward, an optical nerve strain is caused that sometimes results seriously. !Nineteen Miles a Second. without a jar, shoek or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such case of nature's movemuent. andl~ so do those who talce Dr. Kinzs New Life PilIs N~o griping, nio distress. just throusJ work that brings good heath andl fine Tires---Tires---Tires! Buy Your Tires Direct at Lowest Prices. By buying and contracting direct from the factories for tires in large quantities for spot cash, we are able to offer them at a great money saving price direct to the consumer. A saving of 35 to60 per cent. When you buy tires from us you get full value, you don't have to pay the dealer's profit, the distributor's profit, salesman's commission and other high selling and overhead expenses. We sell tires direct to consumer at jobbers prices and YOU GET BIG VALUES AND EXACTLY- WHAT YOU.PAY FOR. Shrewd auto owners compose our customers, among them are bankers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, planters and men in all lines who know values and realize the advantages of buying direct During the past dull winter automobile months we secured some excellent deals from the factories and now offer our pur- chases at the following prices: Among our tires are Diamond, Goodyear, Quaker, Nassau, Empire, Fish and others of equal quality. All Tires Guaraateed Fully. Note These Prices Carefully, TUBES. SIZE. TIRE. GREY. RED. tELINER. 28x3 . - 20 1 65 1 90 1 35 30x3 7 80 1 95 2 20 1 40 30x3+ 10 80 2 80 3 10 1 90 31x3 11 00 2 90 3 20 1 95 32x31 11 90 2 95 3 25 2 00 34x31 12 40 300 3 30 2 05 30x4 13 10 3 10 3 40 ' 2 30 31x4 13 45 3 20 3 60 2 35 32x4 13 70 3 35 3 80 2 40 33x4 14 80 3 50 3 90 245 34x4 16 80 3 60 4 00 f 2 60 35x4 17 25 3 75 4 20 2 70 36x4 17 85 390 4 25 280 34x41 18 00 480 5 10 340 35x41 18 75 4 85 5 20 3 45 36x4+ 19 45 4 90 5 30 3 60 37x41 21 50 5 10 5 40 3 70 36x5 23 00 580 6 20 400 37x5 2440 590 635 420 We can Furnish all other sizes--Non-Skid io per cent. higher. Our supply of these tires is limited, so we advise early ordering. Remember, they are new, clean, fresh, fully guaran- teed goods. All high grade goods that will give best service. TERMS, 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT if full amount accompanies order. C. O. D. upon recei* t of 10 per cent. of cost. Prompt shipment. Money retnrned if unable to fill order. Send asa trial order now. TIRE FACTORIES SALES CO., Dayton, Ohio. AIcolu Railroad Co. TIME TABLE, NO. 13. Effective May 29th, 1911. Supersedes Time Table No. 12. M Read Down. Read Up. No. 1. No. 3. No. 2. - P. M. P. M. * A. M. . Lv. 1:00 Lv. 7:50 0 Alcolu 25 Ar 7:50 " 1:05 " 7:55 2 McLeod 23 Lv.' 7:45 - " 1:10 " 8:05 5 Harby 20 " 7:40 : " 1:20 " 8:10 7 DuRant 18 7:25 1:35 8:25 12 Sardinia 13 " 7:05 , " 1:45 " 8:30 14 New Zion 11 " 6:55 " 1:55 " 8:35 , 15 Beard 10 ' 6:50 2:30 " 8:50 / 17 ' Seloc 8 ," 6:35 " 2:45 " 9:05 20 Paroda Jt 5 " 6:20 " 2:50 " 9:10 21 Hudson 4 " 6:15 " " 3:00 'Ar. 9:30 25 Olanta 0 " 6:00 No 1-daily except Saturday and Sunday. No. 2.-daily except Sunday. No. 3.-Saturday only. ***All stations except Alcola and Olanta are flag stations.for all trains. These trains run only as abova stated. All mixed trains. P. R. ALDERMAN, T. M. Alcoin, S. C. TH E RE ISAj Reason! Our Mule Pen, Buggy Repository, -Hatness and Wagon Houses are Ful.: We are today doing business with a thousand satisfied customers who were directed to us by their, fathers and grandfathers. Fourth Car Mules tol arrive next Monday. A look, and our price, and goods make you a customer-Guess the Reason. - IBuilding Material. WE.SELL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, and Siding, Moulding,s Shingles, Lathes, Metal ment, Plaster Paris, Hard WallI Plaster, Fire Brick, and Clay, Ornamental Brick, Mor- tar Colors, 'shingle Stain. Sewer And Drain Pipe. And A Full Line Of Building MateriaL Of All Kinds. Also Hay-, Graini Mixed Feceds And All Kinds Of Horse, Cow, [logI And Poultrylioods, And Remedies. Boo0li-Sliuler Luiiier & Supply Co. Successors To Booth-Harby Live Stock Co., And Cen- ta Lumber Co. - - - - Sumter, S. C TOI Where Nebraska Leads. Though Nebraska has been termed "the state without a mine," it ranks first in the production of pumice, for less than one per cent. of the total out- put of pumice' comes from other states. To Mothers-And Others. You'can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, hu- mors, as well as their accidental in. juries,-cuts, burns, bruises, etc.. with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For bolts, ulcers, old, run- ning or fever sores or piles it has no equal. 25c at all druggists-Adv. Paint. Paint is used on houses, park setees, fences and faces. It comes in colors. Red paint is used on towns by young. college men and old deacons. Fresh paint Is used by children when they have their new clothes on. Paint' is also used on sign. boards which are put up everywhere to improve the scenery. No American scenery is complete without them.-Life. Glorious lews comes frc m nr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad cases of eczema in my pg- ient~s with Electric Bitters, but also ured myself by them of the same dis- ase. I feel sure they will benefit any ase of eczema." This shows what housands have proved, that --Electric Bitters is a most effective blood purifi- er. Its an excellent remedy for ecze- na. tetter, salt rheum, stimulates'liver idneys an~d bowels, expels poisons, helps iigestion. builds up the strength. Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed y all druggists.-Adv.. ,With Some Parties.. "Pa, what does it mean when they ay a man is "the life of the party?" 'The life of a party, my boy, Is'- a an who buys while the other fellows re hanging back trying to remember whose turn It is."-Detroit Free ress. Repels Attack of Death. "Five yeatrs ago two doctors told me 'had only two years to live." This tartling statement was made by Still- an Green, Malachite,- Col. "They old me 1 would die with consumption. t was up to..me then to try the best ung medicine and I began to use Dr. Kig'r New Discovery. It was well I id, for today I am working and believe owe my life to tbis great throat and ung cure that has cheated the grave f anothei victimn." Its folly to suffer ith cougWs, colds or other throat and ung troubles now:. Take the cure hat's safest. Price 50 cents and $1.00. [rial bottle free at all druggists.--Adv News' N buying Dden parts or a poor v3nest your n Cliecause they have built thein style and fit, ax shoes bearingi unnecessary for __You don't h-av here and get them I very best styles and Children's. We cat want to see YOU them on our say-so 1 R, 1 8 RTILIZER OUR BRANDS: Bright Leaf a . 8-3-3 Carolina Perfecto 8-3-4 Special Yellow 8-4-4 Source of Potash PURE SULPHATE SSource of Ammonia Blood, Tankage, Meal Best yields- QUANTITY and QUALITY Are made with Combahee Brands " CHARLESTON Combahee Fertilizer Company SOUTH CAROLINA NORIMAN M. BLITCH, President R. WILLIAM. MOLLOY, General Manager A Car. of That Celebrated INDESTRUCTABIJE AMERICAN WIRE FENCE Now in our Warehouse. Our usual Strong Lines ' of Merchandise now more complete than ever. 4A hearty welcoine awaits you at MANNINO HARD WARE COMPANY, Bank Your Surplusa WITH THE~ Rank of Turboville, i Tiurbevilie, S. C..': Which combines capital, confidence, consistency and couridsy. The big man with the big roll and the little man with the little roll are alike welcomed. Our doors are open to borrowers and depositors alike. Our pur-. Spose is to make our bank a mutual benefit to the corn munity in general and its patrons in payrticular. We in- vite you to start a checking account with us, ofBetrSo hoes, you never see the vita or hid. shoe-that is why it is always safe L Loney in a pair of NGWEAR SHOES -reputation on honesty of quaiity, d they stand behind every pair of :he Bell Trade- Mark-m raking it you to see the hidden parts. We Have Them to search around for these shoes--come right We have selected with exceptional care, the eathers for this season in Men's, Women's and r to the foot-needs of the whole family and wearing a pair of LONGWEAR SHOES-buy L. JENKINSON laining, 5. C. S be Well she "Thedford's Black-Draught is the best 1-round medicine lever usea, writes J.A. c Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. ha "I suffered terribly with liver Mi t-oubles, and could get no relief. he bon The doctors said I had con- I I sumption. I could not work at all. Finally I tried °an THEOFORD'S I BLACK- u DRAUGHT and to my surprise, I got better, and am to-day as well as any man." Thedford's Black- Draught is a eecapIthardc, of vegetable liveI medicine, that we has been gulang irre - ri- ties of the liver, stomach and In bowels, for over 70 years. pet An package today. Insist on the genuine-Thedford's. E-70 P1 arn Noti As there has been some misunderstandi advertisemnents. I beg to call attention to 1st. The advertisement has no TRAI CASH in MONEY. 2nd. Drugs and Patent Medicines and s are not included in this advertisement, th a 3rd. Only one advertisement can be use 4Lh. At least one article at 25c. must' 5th. eg eprefer hatyu PERSONALL 6th. Ogr object is to push our SIDE LIJ We thank you for past business and eari your valued patronage. ARANT'S DRU New Ari Come to our Stables e fine lot Mules and just arrived. We are prepared t< lot of stock that has been brous many a year. Come new and mal COFFEY & 631111111111111111111111111 Daily Thought here is no life so humble that if it true and genuinely human and dient to God. it may not hope to I some of his light.--Phlips Romance in Gibbon's .ife. edward Gibbon, author of the "De to and Fall of the Roman Empire," i his engagement with the Swiss s Murchod broken of by his fa. r,- mainly on account ,. his eon's tith. On his return to England Gib- i wrote: "After a painful struggle ilded to my fate: I sighed as a 'or, but I obeyed as g son." Th, ippointment made Gibbon a sad I sour man all his life. World to Be Frozen to Death. he received religious doetrine is t our planet is to perish by are, a prominent astronbiner holds Its doom and the univere's doom a inconceivably faroff do ist. to frozen to death; "the ultimafe end Lbeolute frigidity in the blaeean nterstellar night." t Keep the Windows Open. )pen windows area wholesome In- ration. Sunshine and blue skies, dash of rain and wind, the thrill frost and sleet, the biting cold as 11 as the soothng warmth, all of ne things are vital, elemental, nata- experiences and servm to keep us a state of healthy, normal activity I alertness. Potatoes the Size of Marbles )tatoes in Greenland do not grow er than an ordinary marble. ~igby Reliable. r . " about the trictly Medicinal Preparations aDIKE LINE EXCEPTED. at one time.I be purchased. Small articles T present the advertisement. estly solicit a continuance of + G STORE. rivals. nd alook at the E of l Horses. iht to this market in re your selection. RIGBY. immmmmmmm

Wead,Joyous Down? News; TOI Daily Thoughtchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1914-03-04/ed-1/seq-3.pdfyouanewbodyandanew, bright, active. happy brain. You'll see a difference

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Wead, Run Down?Here's Joyous News;Wonderful ROOT JUICE, WillMake You Feel "Al MadeOver"

in a Week-Guaranteed.Here's something worth knowing, a

way to get more real joy and pleasureand comfort out of your life than youever dreamed was possible--the joy thatis bound to come to every owner of asturdy, healthy, vigorous body.Wonderful ROOT JUICE is for people

who are weak, run-down,fagged out,nerv-ous, sleepless, appetiteless and the re-markable results it brings about in suchcases is the wonder of everybody whoever tries it. You never saw anythingwork like it in all your life.Have you lost ambition, energy and

Interest in things? Do you get nervous.befuddled, rattled, cross, irritable andcranky? Do you feel tired, half sick, haveheadaches. get constipated, have back-

'Look At Me. Ten Days Ago I CouldHardly Drag About. ROOT

JUICE Did It."aches, and weak or dizzy spells? Do youhave to get up at night on account ofweak kidneys, have bad dreams, indiges-tion, belch, bloat and suffer after eating?Do you have a sort of "Don't give a hang"feeling, don't want to work feeling-things look gloomy?

Brace up! You don't know what you'remissing. Life's not dull. One bottle ofwonderful ROOT JUICE. pure, safe. guar-anteed. money-back ROOT JUICE willhave you feeling like Nature has 'givenyou a new body and a new, bright, active.happy brain. You'll see a difference inyourself in a week, a wonderful *ffer-ence. You'll feel better, brighter, s ong-er, happier than you've felt in many aday.ROOT JUICE helps the whole body. It

cleans out the blood, regulates the lazybowels and liver, strengthens the stom-ach and- the kidneys, tones up the nerv-ous system. You'll eat like a wolf, en-3oy what you eat an digest what youeat. And sleep? Yes, Indeed, good, nat-ural, restful. refres~ing sleep and get upIn th 4norning feeling fresh and fitCome! You're doing yourself as injus-

tice to go on feeling as you do. Givethis wonderful body restorative a week tofreshen you up. You're taking no chancesthis time. ROOT JUICE has got to helpyou, it has to satisfy you, remember that,and you can get back your money instant-

if you want it. That's how goodJUICE Is.

All good druggists sell ROOT JUICEat a dollar a bottle and guarantee it. 4You don't have to take a barrel of it and await six months for results oither. Un- aless your case is a rare exception you'11feel wonderfully improved in a week.

i- d

Enemits of 'r'o:.:secH ~tAmong the enemires of the khem': ma.including fungus diseahes. protozoa. "

nematodes, mites, epiders, the housecentipede, parasitic insects, birds, and Efly-catching rats, Mr. H. E. Ewing of :Corvallis, Ore., describes in -Entomo-logical News a strangeparasite whichattaches itself to the ventral body wall Sof the fly. It belongs to the gamasid :family, and as it feeds it hangs on in S

a manner nicely calculated not to "

throw the fly out of balance in flying. :

-The Mother's Fayorite.A cough medicine for children :

- should' be harmless. It should beplesant to take It should be effetual. :Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is all of :this anid is the mother's favorite every-where. For sale by all dealers.--Ady. :

In Greek fable Cerberus was ththree-headed dog that watches outsIde

-the entrance 'to hades. Some writersassert that he had 50) heads, but gen-'rally he Is said to~-have three, andthree snakes are twined about hisneck. His cave -was on the fartherside of the dark River Styx, whereCharon, the ferryman of the dead,laided the shades. Cerberus is sup-posed to welcome all entering hades,

-but to seize all those seeking to es-

C'hamberlain's Tablets for Constigaion.For constipation, Chainberlain's Tap'

lets are excellent. Easy to take, mldand gentle in effect. Give them a trial.

> ' For sale by all dealers.-Adv. -

Queer Refuge 'for Hunted Stag.Pursued by hounds a stag bounded

In'through the -open Frenchi windiowsof the T. M. C. A.:'buildings af Ash-bouxrie House, Epsom, Enghnd, andtook refuge In the larder, which meas-ures eight feet by six.- The huntsmanand whips quickly came up and. secur-ing the stag with ropes,-placed It InSome stables, frema which It was re-moved shortly afterwards.

d The Forty Year Test.

An article must have exceptionalmerit to survive for a period of fortyyears. Chamberlails Cough Remedywas first offered to the public in 1872.From a small beginaiing it has grownin favor and popularity until it has at-tained a world wie reputation. Youwill find nothing btter for a cough orcold. Trf it and you~will understandwhy it is a favorite after a period ofmore than fortj .-years. It not onlygives relief-it cures. For sale by alldealers.--Ad v.

Use Oxygen for BI-a1ing.Experiments are being conducted in

Germany'to discover the usability ofliquid air and liquid oxygen as ex-plosives for mines, says the Coal Age.The liquid oxygen is mixed with alumi-numur powder and detonated, prodgeingaforce 2% times that produced by

blach powder. One advantage that Itpossesses Is that no bad fumes areproduced.

Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured.There is nothing more discouraging

than a chronic disoroer of the stomach.It is not surprising that may suffer foryears with such an ailment when a per-manent cure is within their reach andmay be bad for a triflA? "About oneyear ago," says P. H. Beck, of Wake-lee, Mich., "I bought a package ofChamberlain's Tablets, anid since us-ing them I have felt perfectly well. Ihad previously used any number of dif-fe rent medicines, but none of themwere of any lasting benefits." For sale

* by all'dealers.-Adv.

Proper Focusing of Binoculars.In focusing binoculars the tu'bes

should be exte-ided to their limit be-fore placing to the eyes and then ad-justed, for, if extended afterward, anoptical nerve strain is caused thatsometimes results seriously.

!Nineteen Miles a Second.without a jar, shoek or disturbance, isthe awful speed of our earth throughspace. We wonder at such case ofnature's movemuent. andl~ so do thosewho talce Dr. Kinzs New Life PilIsN~o griping, nio distress. just throusJwork that brings good heath andl fine

Tires---Tires---Tires!Buy Your Tires Direct at Lowest Prices.

By buying and contracting direct from the factories for tiresin large quantities for spot cash, we are able to offer them at a

great money saving price direct to the consumer. A saving of 35to60 per cent.

When you buy tires from us you get full value, you don'thave to pay the dealer's profit, the distributor's profit, salesman'scommission and other high selling and overhead expenses. Wesell tires direct to consumer at jobbers prices and YOU GETBIG VALUES AND EXACTLY- WHAT YOU.PAY FOR.

Shrewd auto owners compose our customers, among them are

bankers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, planters and men in alllines who know values and realize the advantages of buying direct

During the past dull winter automobile months we securedsome excellent deals from the factories and now offer our pur-chases at the following prices:

Among our tires are Diamond, Goodyear, Quaker, Nassau,Empire, Fish and others of equal quality.

All Tires Guaraateed Fully. Note ThesePrices Carefully,



28x3 .- 20 1 65 1 90 1 35

30x3 7 80 1 95 2 20 1 4030x3+ 10 80 2 80 3 10 1 9031x3 11 00 2 90 3 20 1 9532x31 11 90 2 95 3 25 2 0034x31 12 40 300 3 30 2 0530x4 13 10 3 10 3 40 ' 2 3031x4 13 45 3 20 3 60 2 3532x4 13 70 3 35 3 80 2 4033x4 14 80 3 50 3 90 24534x4 16 80 3 60 4 00 f 2 6035x4 17 25 3 75 4 20 2 7036x4 17 85 390 4 25 28034x41 18 00 480 5 10 34035x41 18 75 4 85 5 20 3 4536x4+ 19 45 4 90 5 30 3 6037x41 21 50 5 10 5 40 3 7036x5 23 00 580 6 20 40037x5 2440 590 635 420

We can Furnish all other sizes--Non-Skid io per cent. higher.Our supply of these tires is limited, so we advise early

ordering. Remember, they are new, clean, fresh, fully guaran-teed goods. All high grade goods that will give best service.TERMS, 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT if full amount accompaniesorder. C. O. D. upon recei* t of 10 per cent. of cost. Promptshipment. Money retnrned if unable to fill order. Send asa trialorder now.


AIcolu Railroad Co.TIME TABLE, NO. 13.

Effective May 29th, 1911. Supersedes Time Table No. 12. MRead Down. Read Up.

No. 1. No. 3. No. 2. -

P. M. P. M. * A. M. .

Lv. 1:00 Lv. 7:50 0 Alcolu 25 Ar 7:50" 1:05 " 7:55 2 McLeod 23 Lv.' 7:45 -

" 1:10 " 8:05 5 Harby 20 " 7:40 :" 1:20 " 8:10 7 DuRant 18 7:25

1:35 8:25 12 Sardinia 13 " 7:05 ,

" 1:45 " 8:30 14 New Zion 11 " 6:55" 1:55 " 8:35 , 15 Beard 10 ' 6:50

2:30 " 8:50 / 17 ' Seloc 8 ," 6:35" 2:45 " 9:05 20 Paroda Jt 5 " 6:20" 2:50 " 9:10 21 Hudson 4 " 6:15 "

" 3:00 'Ar. 9:30 25 Olanta 0 " 6:00No 1-daily except Saturday and Sunday.No. 2.-daily except Sunday.No. 3.-Saturday only.

***All stations except Alcola and Olanta are flag stations.forall trains. These trains run only as abova stated. All mixed trains.

P. R. ALDERMAN, T. M.Alcoin, S. C.


Reason!Our Mule Pen, Buggy Repository,

-Hatness and Wagon Houses are Ful.:We are today doing business with

a thousand satisfied customers whowere directed to us by their, fathersand grandfathers.

Fourth Car Mulestol arrive next Monday.

A look, and our price, and goods make

you a customer-Guess the Reason. -

IBuilding Material.WE.SELL

Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, and

Siding, Moulding,s Shingles, Lathes, Metal

ment, Plaster Paris, Hard WallIPlaster, Fire Brick, and Clay,Ornamental Brick, Mor-

tar Colors, 'shingleStain. SewerAnd Drain

Pipe. And A Full Line Of Building MateriaL OfAll Kinds. Also Hay-, Graini Mixed FecedsAnd All Kinds Of Horse, Cow, [logIAnd Poultrylioods, And Remedies.

Boo0li-Sliuler Luiiier & Supply Co.Successors To

Booth-Harby Live Stock Co., And Cen-ta Lumber Co. - - - - Sumter, S. C


Where Nebraska Leads.Though Nebraska has been termed

"the state without a mine," it ranksfirst in the production of pumice, forless than one per cent. of the total out-put of pumice'comes from other states.

To Mothers-And Others.You'can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve

to cure children of eczema, rashes, hu-mors, as well as their accidental in.juries,-cuts, burns, bruises, etc.. withperfect safety. Nothing else heals so

quickly. For bolts, ulcers, old, run-

ning or fever sores or piles it has no

equal. 25c at all druggists-Adv.

Paint.Paint is used on houses, park setees,

fences and faces. It comes in colors.Red paint is used on towns by young.college men and old deacons. Freshpaint Is used by children when theyhave their new clothes on. Paint' isalso used on sign. boards which areput up everywhere to improve thescenery. No American scenery iscomplete without them.-Life.

Glorious lewscomes frcm nr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwight,Kan. He writes: "I not only havecured bad cases of eczema in my pg-ient~s with Electric Bitters, but alsoured myself by them of the same dis-ase. I feel sure they will benefit anyase of eczema." This shows whathousands have proved, that --ElectricBitters is a most effective blood purifi-er. Its an excellent remedy for ecze-na. tetter, salt rheum, stimulates'liveridneys an~d bowels, expels poisons,

helps iigestion. builds up the strength.Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteedy all druggists.-Adv..

,With Some Parties.."Pa, what does it mean when theyay a man is "the life of the party?"'The life of a party, my boy, Is'- aan who buys while the other fellowsre hanging back trying to rememberwhose turn It is."-Detroit Freeress.

Repels Attack of Death."Five yeatrs ago two doctors told me'had only two years to live." Thistartling statement was made by Still-an Green, Malachite,- Col. "They

old me 1 would die with consumption.t was up to..me then to try the bestung medicine and I began to use Dr.Kig'r New Discovery. It was well Iid, for today I am working and believeowe my life to tbis great throat andung cure that has cheated the gravef anothei victimn." Its folly to sufferith cougWs, colds or other throat andung troubles now:. Take the curehat's safest. Price 50 cents and $1.00.

[rial bottle free at all druggists.--Adv

News'N buyingDden parts

or a poorv3nest your n

Cliecause theyhave built theinstyle and fit, axshoes bearingiunnecessary for

__You don't h-avhere and get them Ivery best styles andChildren's. We catwant to see YOUthem on our say-so 1

R, 18


Bright Leaf a . 8-3-3Carolina Perfecto 8-3-4Special Yellow 8-4-4

Source of PotashPURE SULPHATE

SSource of AmmoniaBlood, Tankage, Meal

Best yields-QUANTITY and QUALITY

Are made with

Combahee Brands" CHARLESTONCombahee Fertilizer Company SOUTH CAROLINA

NORIMAN M. BLITCH, President R. WILLIAM. MOLLOY, General Manager

A Car. of That Celebrated


Now in our Warehouse.

Our usual Strong Lines' of Merchandise now

more complete thanever.

4A hearty welcoine awaitsyou at


Bank Your SurplusaWITH THE~

Rank of Turboville, iTiurbevilie, S. C..':

Which combines capital, confidence, consistency andcouridsy. The big man with the big roll and the littleman with the little roll are alike welcomed. Our doorsare open to borrowers and depositors alike. Our pur-.

Spose is to make our bank a mutual benefit to the cornmunity in general and its patrons in payrticular. We in-vite you to start a checking account with us,

ofBetrSohoes, you never see the vita or hid.

shoe-that is why it is always safe LLoney in a pair of


-reputation on honesty of quaiity,d they stand behind every pair of:heBell Trade- Mark-mraking it

you to see the hidden parts.We Have Them

tosearch around for these shoes--come rightWe have selected with exceptional care, theeathers for this season in Men's, Women's and

rtothe foot-needs of the whole family andwearing a pair of LONGWEAR SHOES-buy

L. JENKINSONlaining, 5. C. S


Well she"Thedford's Black-Draught

is the best 1-round medicinelever usea, writes J.A. c

Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. ha

"I suffered terribly with liver Mit-oubles, and could get no relief. he

bonThe doctors said I had con- I I

sumption. I could not work atall. Finally I tried °an


DRAUGHTand to my surprise, I got better,and am to-day as well as anyman." Thedford's Black-Draught is a eecapIthardc, of

vegetable liveI medicine, that we

has been gulang irre -ri-ties of the liver, stomach and Inbowels, for over 70 years. pet An

package today. Insist on thegenuine-Thedford's. E-70



NotiAs there has been some misunderstandi

advertisemnents. I beg to call attention to1st. The advertisement has no TRAI

CASH in MONEY.2nd. Drugs and Patent Medicines and s

are not included in this advertisement, tha 3rd. Only one advertisement can be use4Lh. At leastone article at25c. must'

5th.eg eprefer hatyu PERSONALL6th. Ogr object is to push our SIDE LIJWe thank you for past business and eari

your valued patronage.


New AriCome to our Stables e

fine lot

Mules andjust arrived. We are prepared t<lot of stock that has been brousmany a year. Come new and mal

COFFEY &631111111111111111111111111

Daily Thoughthere is no life so humble that if ittrue and genuinely human anddient to God. it may not hope toI some of his light.--Phlips

Romance in Gibbon's .ife.edward Gibbon, author of the "Deto and Fall of the Roman Empire,"i his engagement with the Swisss Murchod broken of by his fa.r,- mainly on account ,. his eon'stith. On his return to England Gib-i wrote: "After a painful struggleilded to my fate: I sighed as a

'or, but I obeyed as g son." Th,ippointment made Gibbon a sadI sour man all his life.

World to Be Frozen to Death.he received religious doetrine is

t our planet is to perish by are,a prominent astronbiner holdsItsdoom and the univere's doom

a inconceivably faroff doist. tofrozen to death; "the ultimafe endLbeolute frigidity in the blaeeannterstellar night." t

Keep the Windows Open.)pen windows area wholesome In-ration. Sunshine and blue skies,dash of rain and wind, the thrill

frost and sleet, the biting cold as11 as the soothng warmth, all ofne things are vital, elemental, nata-experiences and servm to keep usa state of healthy, normal activityI alertness.

Potatoes the Size of Marbles)tatoes in Greenland do not grower than an ordinary marble.


r .


about the

trictly Medicinal PreparationsaDIKE LINE EXCEPTED.at one time.I

be purchased. Small articles

T present the advertisement.

estly solicit a continuance of +


rivals.nd alook at the Eof l

Horses.iht to this market inre your selection.
