WEB 2.0 AND SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS – PART I Have You Ever Thought of Being a Digital Disciple? Saturday, October 20, 2012– Diocesan Pastoral Center Sponsored by Office for Women Religious Diocese of San Diego

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Have You Ever Thought of Being a Digital Disciple?

Saturday, October 20, 2012– Diocesan Pastoral Center

Sponsored by Office for Women Religious

Diocese of San Diego

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Web 1.0 was Commerce

Web 2.0 is People

- Ross Mayfield

Web 2.0 seems to be like Pink Floyd

lyrics: It can mean different things to different people, depending upon your state of mind.

- Kevin Maney

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• The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International in 2004

• The phrase "Web 2.0" hints at an improved form of the World Wide Web

• Emphasizing tools and platforms that enable the user to Tag, Blog, Comment, Modify, Augment, Rank, etc.

• The more explicit synonym of "Participatory Web"

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Principles of Web 2.0

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No Products but Services

“There are no products, only solutions”

• Not what customer wants but why they want

• A problem solving approach

• Simple Solutions

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• Every individual is unique

• Some people want to be different

• Allow him to choose instead of forcing him to use

what you have made

• Make her feel at home


– My yahoo, Google Homepage, myspace

– Firefox extensions

e.g. (This slide is better for reading online)

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Focus on the “Long Tail”

• Reach out to the entire web

• To the edges and not just to the centre, to

the long tail and not just the head

• Leverage customer-self service

e.g. Google, StumbleUpon, orkut

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Harnessing Collective Intelligence

Network effects from user contribution are the key to market dominance in Web 2.0 era

The Wisdom of crowds – Users add value

– Amazon, ebay - User reviews, similar items, most


– Wikipedia – content can be added/edited by any web user,

– Flickr – tagging images

– Cloudmark – Spam emails

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Harnessing Collective Intelligence..

Some systems,designed to encourage participation

– Pay for people to do it – ‘gimme five’

– Get volunteers to perform the same task

• Inspired by the open source community

– Mutual benefits e.g. P2P sharing

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Harnessing Collective Intelligence

• But only a small percentage of users will go to the trouble of adding value to your applications via explicit means.

• Therefore web 2.0 companies set inclusive defaults for aggregating user data and building value as side effect of ordinary use of the application.

• It requires radical experiment in trust

“with enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow” - Eric Raymond

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Benefits of Web 2.0 Recruitment: Due to the cutting-edge underlying technologies and

usability-focused interfaces (the ‘cool’ factor)

Organizations adopting Web 2.0 tend to attract sophisticated, high-caliber technical candidates.

Reduced cost: Not only are Web 2.0 offerings low-cost, but the same

techniques can also be applied to existing (non-Web 2.0) products and services, lowering costs.

For example, wikis can enable your users to build documentation and knowledge base systems, with relatively little investment from yourself.

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Loyalty The open, participatory Web 2.0 environment

encourages user contribution, enhancing participant loyalty and lifespan.

Marketing/PR. By taking advantage of the aforementioned benefits,

marketing and PR teams can implement low-cost, wide-coverage, viral strategies.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Web 2.0 delivery mechanisms - such as Blogs and RSS -

significantly enhance search engine exposure through their distributed nature

Benefits of Web 2.0

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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0

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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0



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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0



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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0

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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0

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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0

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The Comparison

Web 1.0 Web 2.0

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/taxonomy http://techessence.info/tagging

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We are dealing Today









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does your



look like?

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One goal is to help expand our

understanding of communications

technology by exploring ideas

outside of the dominant worldview

and assist you in waking up from

what can be called “The Trance State," an unconscious but profound detachment from inner and outer reality.

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Brain Freeze

Brain freeze is your brain with all of

the new technology … kind of like

what happens when you eat ice

cream too fast. It is delicious, but

causes a brief headache.

Peace, love and blessings in

cyberspace, - Pam Emery

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Summing Up

• Participatory Culture

• Users add value

• Specialized Database

• Perpetual Beta

• Networking a value

• Marketing and PR are changing

• Communication is changing

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Satyajeet Singh Web 2.0 Presentation

([email protected])