Beliefs about God Evil and Sufferi The Trinity Creatio n The Afterlife Jesus Sin and Salvati on

  · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

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Page 1:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

Beliefs about God

Evil and Suffering

The Trinity


The Afterlife


Sin and Salvation

Page 2:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

Christians believe that there is only one God. The reason they believe this is:

In both the Old and New Testament it clearly shows there is only one God.

The first of the 10 commandments says it: “You shall have no God’s but me.”

Jesus said the most important commandment was to “Hear the Lord, the Lord is one.” (Mark: 12:29)

The oneness of God is taught in the Church. The fact that the universe works to one set of laws suggests it was created by 1 God.

Although Christians believe that God is one, he is experience in the world as a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Christians feel that belief in the Trinity helps them to understand different ways that God has shown his presence in the world.

God the Father helps Christians to understand his power and creativity. It shows how much God cares for the world. Like a Father cares for his children. God created the world and is still around now to help and care for his creation.

God the Son helps Christians to understand the love of God. In his life and teaching, Jesus showed God’s love by healing people and feeding people. In his death he showed how much God loves the world.

The Holy Spirit helps Christians to understand the presence of God in the world. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is the means by which God communicates with humans. Christians believe the Holy Spirit can strengthen and empower them.

Nicene Creed:

“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty…We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God…begotten not made, of one Being

with the Father…We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son, he is worshipped and glorified.”

Some Christians find the Trinity a difficult concept, but believe it because of their experience of God as the Father and as the Son and as the Holy Spirit. However, some Christian groups that do not accept the belief in the Trinity expressed in the Nicene Creed, the main ones are:

Mormons- they believe that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not one in substance but three separate beings who are united in purpose.

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the only true God. Jesus was created by God and so is God’s son, the Holy Spirit is God’s power applied to the world and so is not a person.

How is the Trinity shown in belief and worship?

Participants in Church repeat the Nicene Creed in every service of Holy Communion (Mass/Eucharist). Catholic and Orthodox Christians may make the sign of the trinity on themselves when they enter a Church. Priests start their sermons with the words, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Baptism and marriages are performed in the name of the Trinity.

Page 3:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

All Christians believe God created the world and universe. The Bible contains 3 accounts of how God created the universe.

Genesis 1: God created the whole universe in six days.

Day 1:He created heaven and earth, light and dark

Day 2:He separated the earth from the sky.

Day 3:He created dry land, plants and trees.

Day 4:He created the sun, moon and stars.

Day 5:He created fish and birds.

Day 6:He created animals and humans.

In this account Man and Woman were made at the same time and were made in the image of God. Humans were also made to have authority over the world.

“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all of the Earth.” (Genesis 1:26)

Genesis 2-3:

God created the heavens and earth.

God formed man from the dust of the Earth and breathed life into him.

God made trees grow out of the ground and formed the Garden of Eden.

God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden.

God thought Adam would be lonely, so he created birds and animals which Adam named.

The birds and animals were not suitable helpers for Adam, so God removed one of Adams ribs and created Eve.

Adam and Eve lived in innocence in the Garden until the serpent tempted them to eat the fruit.

John 1:1:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

The spirit of God was hovering over the waters according to John and God created the universe out of nothing (ex nihilo) showing that God is all powerful and is the cause of all life.

What do Christians think about the account of creation in Genesis?

Why is creation important to Christians?

It shows God’s goodness. He created a world for us to live in. God made humans in his image- suggests we are special and have a unique place in creation.

Literalists- They believe the exact account in Genesis. Every word is correct and God created the world in 6 days. They believe that Genesis 2 zooms in on day 6 to show more detail. They would argue the Big Bang and evolution are incorrect.

Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book about science. They believe that Genesis 1 is fairly factual but 1 day may be billions of years, not 24 hours.

Liberals- Believe the Bible is a book of words about God and not his actual words. The writers of the Bible were human and could have made mistakes. They believe the creation story is more of a metaphor and what is the most important is that we know God created the world. They would accept the Big Bang and evolution theories.

Page 4:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

We have been put in charge of his creation. We should look after it. Stewardship.

Incarnation is the belief that God came to Earth as Jesus.

Why is it important?

This had to happen because when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden (ate the apple, they broke a previously perfect relationship between God and Humans. God sent Jesus to the world to cancel sin and make sure that humans and God could have a relationship again.

Before the incarnation God and Humans could not have a full relationship- now they can. It shows how much God cares for Christians- he sent his only Son to show humans what God

is like and to teach them how to live. It is the basis of the Christian faith- without Jesus there is no Christianity. Christians can see what God is like. It is hard to imagine God but through Jesus they can see

what he is like.

Page 5:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

The Last Supper- The night before his crucifixion (Maundy Thursday) Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples. The meal took place in an Upper Room in Jerusalem. During the meal Jesus prophesised (predicted) that one of the disciples would betray him. He then took bread and broke it, and gave it to the disciples “This is my body given for you, do this in remembrance of me.” He then took some wine and said “Drink from it, all of you. This is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you.” Jesus also prophesised that Peter would deny knowing him 3 times. After the meal Jesus went to the Mount of Olives and Jesus went to pray alone. “take this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done.” Jesus was asking God to help him, but he knew that he had to die.

The Betrayal and Arrest- Jesus was with the disciples when Judas and the chief priests came. Jesus’ followers wanted to fight but Jesus told them to put their swords away. One of his followers chopped a soldier’s ear off, Jesus stopped the violence and healed the man’s ear. Jesus was led away and Peter denied knowing him three times, the prophecy had come true.

The trial- Jesus was taken for trial by the Jewish Council known as the Sanhedrin, they condemned him to death for blasphemy (speaking disrespectfully about God) He was then sent to Pontius Pilate and accused of treason (attempting to overthrow the government) Pilate didn’t want to kill him so put the decision to the people. He offered to release Jesus or Barabbas (a freedom fighter), the people chose to free Barabbas. Jesus had a crown of thorns put on his head and was mocked by the Roman Soldiers.

The crucifixion- Jesus was crucified on a Friday; his cross was carried half way by Simon of Cyrene. Jesus was crucified next to two robbers. The sign above him said “King of the Jews.” Bystanders mocked Jesus. As he was being crucified, Jesus said:

“Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

One of the criminals asked Jesus to save them all if he was the Christ. The other criminal said they deserved to die for what they had done. Jesus told this man “today you will be with me in paradise.” The crucifixion lasted just over three hours before Jesus died.

The resurrection- Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus’ body so he could bury it in a tomb. Early on the Sunday morning, Jesus’ women followers went to anoint the body, however he was not there. Two men appeared in gleaming clothes and told the women Jesus had risen. Jesus appeared to two disciples, he then appeared to the other disciples and showed them his hands and feet as proof (still had the marks of the crucifixion).

The ascension- According to Luke’s Gospel this happened 40 days after the resurrection. Jesus told his followers to stay in Jerusalem. He was then taken up from them into the clouds and two men in white appeared and told them that Jesus had been taken to Heaven.

Why is the death of Jesus important?

The Last Supper is the basis of Holy Communion- Jesus told them to do it. Jesus’ death brought about salvation from sin. The resurrection is the basis of Christian faith. It shows that life after death is possible. The Ascension reminds Christians that Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for them.

Page 6:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

Sin makes it hard to have a relationship with God, Christians believe that everyone is born with sin because of the acts of Adam and Eve. They also believe that Christians can commit other sins. Many

Christians believe that those who die with unforgiven sins will not be able to get to heaven.

Salvation means being saved from sin. Christians believe this is essential to be able to have a relationship with God.

How can Christians receive salvation?

Taking part in the sacraments of baptism and confirmation Going to confession (Catholics) Receiving Holy Communion Leading a good Christian life.

Why is it important to Christians?

Without salvation Christians will not get to heaven. It is the only way Christians can have eternal life. Jesus died to rid the world of sin, it was the whole purpose of his suffering. It inspires them to live a good Christian life

Page 7:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

All Christians believe that this life is not the end. They believe that God will reward the good and punish the bad. There are differing views on what will happen after death.

The Resurrection of the Body- Some Protestants believe that when people die, their soul remains in the grave until the time when God will end the world. This is known as the Last Day. Jesus will return to Earth, the dead will be raised and both the living and the dead will be given resurrection bodies. Everyone will then appear before God to be judged. The good will go to Heaven, the bad to Hell.

Immortality of the Soul- Many Christians believe that the body dies but the soul is immoral (eternal). They believe that when they die the soul leaves the body and goes to be with God. These Christians believe in a spirit world where God can experience in a much more immediate way. They still believe that if you haven’t lived a good life, you cannot go to heaven, your soul will go to Hell.

Catholic teachings on life after death- Catholics believe in a mixture of the above. They believe that perfect people (those without sin) will go straight to Heaven. However, those with sin will go to purgatory. This is a place where their sins will be purified. Other Christians do not believe in purgatory.

Heaven and Hell- All Christians believe that heaven is a perfect place in the company of God. They believe it is a place of everlasting life. Some Christians believe there is no Hell but different stages of Heaven and that all people will eventually make it to Heaven. Others think that all bad people will go to Hell.

The Final Judgement-All Christians believe that people will be judged on their actions. Some think it is when they die, others believe it is on the Final Day. The Judgement will be based on how good of a life they have led, have they helped others, feed the hungry, clothed the naked and looked after the sick? This is what Jesus talked about in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.

Why are teachings about life after death important?

It helps them to live a good life, if they know they are going to be judged, they will try to live a good life.

It shows the importance of salvation- you cannot get to heaven if you have unforgiven sins. It gives their life meaning and purpose. If they have a tough life they know that their eternal

life will be better, with God.

Page 8:   · Web view2019-02-27 · Conservatives- The Bible is the word of God, but not his actual words. The writers were inspired by God and see the Bible as a book of faith, not a book

There are two types of evil.

Natural evil- suffering which is caused by nature and has nothing to do with humans

Moral evil- suffering caused by actions done by humans.

Why is it an issue?

If God is all-loving, then why does he allow bad things to happen? If he is all-powerful, why does he not stop suffering? If he is all-knowing surely he knows how to stop suffering?

If evil/suffering happens to a Christian, they may be tempted away from God because they cannot understand why he has let it happen.

Solutions to the problem of evil and suffering

Biblical responses- Christians shouldn’t worry about the problem of evil because humans cannot understand the way God works. Think about the Book of Job, God made Job suffer by killing his children, taking away his animals and by giving him diseases. At the end of the story Job came face to face with God and realised that no one should question God’s greatness. We cannot understand God and shouldn’t try to. In other parts of the Bible suffering is a part of life. In Psalms suffering and joy go side by side.

Theoretical responses- Free will means that evil and suffering is not God’s fault. God created Adam and Eve with free will. This is free will to do good or bad. If God created people that could only do good, then he wouldn’t have created them with free will. Unfortunately, some humans abuse free will and do bad things. Some Christians also believe that suffering is part of a plan for your life and it is preparing you for the next life. Some people think that good can come out of evil.

Practical responses- Many Christians believe that they should respond to evil and suffering by helping. They should not concern themselves with why it happens but try and help. They should follow Jesus’ teachings of the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and go and help others. They could pray for those who need it, but also go out in to the world and offer physical help.