1. Multiple Choice Items Subject EVS Grade 4 CHAPTER- A River’s Tale Created by MONIKA BHANDARI Learning Outcome Students will be able describe main sources of water pollution and the main types of pollutants. Question Stem Which of the following is NOT a major source of groundwater contamination. (I) Landfills (II)Agricultural products (III)Underground storage tanks (IV)Afforestation Options A) Only I AND IV B) Only I ,III and IV C) Only III D) ONLY IV Correct Answer D) ONLY IV

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4 CHAPTER- A River’s Tale


Learning Outcome Students will be able describe main sources of water pollution and the main types of pollutants.

Question Stem Which of the following is NOT a major source of groundwater contamination.

(I) Landfills (II)Agricultural products (III)Underground storage tanks (IV)Afforestation


A)  Only I AND IV

B)  Only I ,III and IV

C)  Only III


Correct Answer D)  ONLY IV

Possible errors or misconceptions


2. True or False Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4CHAPTER- Food and Fun


Learning Outcome Students will be able to appreciate cultural diversity in food and understand the food needs of various people.

Question Stem Every gurudwara has a langar where all people are welcome to a free meal There are no rituals observed in the langar and everyone eats together. This Sikh teaching is related to equality .



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons


3.Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4CHAPTER- Changing families

Created by Monika Bhandari

Learning Outcome Students will be able to relate various changes which the family faces after marriage, transfer and arrival of baby.

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Question Stem A wedding brings two families ,the bride’s family and the groom’s family___________________.

Correct Answer Together

1 mark For writing the correct answer

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target


Possible errors or misconceptions



Subject EVS

Grade 4CHAPTER-Valley of flowers


Learning Outcome Students will be able to develop the skill of drawing labelled diagram of flower.They will be able to Identify and label basic parts of a flower.

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Question Stem Draw a diagram of flower and label any four parts.

Correct Answer

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


1 mark For drawing diagram

¼ mark For each part labeling

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered both

steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions


5. Extended response/Essay Items

Subject EVS

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Grade 4CHAPTER-Spicy riddles


Learning Outcome Students will be able Identify and compare different types of spices.

Question Stem Who am I??

I am used for cooking as well as in beauty products. I am mainly used in sweet dishes. I have medicinal properties. I help to cope up with skin diseases. I am a very good remedy for cough, cold and asthma.

I look like a nail but brown like a chocolate. I soothe in the toothache.

I am round like a pearl my color is black. I can make your food spicy.

I am red hot and spicy. I am used in powdered form to make vegetable tasty.

I look like green Zeera and useful in stomach pain.


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ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 marks for Identification

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target


Possible errors or misconceptions


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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by RAKHI JOSHI

Learning Outcome Classify the plants according to different habitats.

Question Stem Match each terrestrial plant with the place where it grows.

1. Coconut a. Desert2.Lotus b.Marshy area3.Cactus c.Aquatic4.Pine tree d.Coastal area5.Mangrove trees e.Plains6.Mango f. Hilly areas

Correct Answer 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-F, 5-B, 6-E


Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created By Laveena Hemrajani

Learning Outcome Student will be able to group/compare/categorizse animals and birds based on theirobservable features.

Question Stem Cows and buffaloes are called herbivore animals because they:

OptionsA. Eat only flesh of dead animals.B. Eat both plants and animals.C. Eat only plants and plant products.D. None of these.

Correct AnswerOption C


Subject EVS

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Grade 4

Created by Vandana Bhatia

Learning Outcome Identifies different features (beaks /teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests /shelters, etc.) of birds and animals.

Question Stem The teeth which help in tearing food are:


A. Incisors

B. Molars

C. Premolars

D. Canines

Correct Answer Canines


Subject EVS

Grade 4


Learning Outcome Identifies signs, location of objects /places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school /neighbourhood using maps, compass etc.

Question Stem Compass is an instrument that shows:


A. time

B. Direction

C. Temperature

D. Measurement

Correct Answer Direction


Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Preeti Mathur

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Learning Outcome

Suggest ways for hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and take care of

different living beings (plants, animals, and the elderly, differently abled

people), resources (food, water, and public property).

Question Stem

After eating the banana, Tanmay threw the banana peel into the

dustbin. This shows that he is careful about keeping the surroundings


Select the correct option.




Correct Answer True


Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Vineeta Pande

Learning Outcome

Identifies different features (beaks /teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests /shelters, eating habits etc.) of birds and animals.

Question Stem Define carnivores and write any one characteristic of carnivores animals.

Correct Answer Animals that eat the flesh of other animals are called carnivores.Carnivores have sharp and pointed teeth.

Scorecard2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

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response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)


Subject EVS

Grade 4


Learning Outcome Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena), estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight, time, duration) in standard /local units and verifies using simple tools /setups to establish relation between cause and effect. (e.g., evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption; for places– near / far, objects– size and growth; shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)

To understand the process of evaporation

Question Stem Wet clothes dry fast in hot summers.Select the correct option.



Correct Answer TRUE


Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Alisha Parnami

Learning Outcome Identifies different features (beaks /teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests /shelters, eating habits etc.) of birds and animals.Get to Know about The functions of teeth.

Question Stem Herbivores have strong molar teeth to grind the food.Select the correct option.



Correct Answer True

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Veena Nagpaul

Learning Outcome Identifies signs, location of objects /places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school /neighbourhood using maps, compass etc.

Question Stem What is a map? Mention its one advantage.

Correct Answer A map is a drawing of earth on a flat surface.Any one correct advantage:1) Maps can help us identify our locations.2) Maps can help us guide our directions.3) Maps can help us in reaching our destinations.4) Maps can be rolled and carried easily.

Scorecard2 marks (if 2-step question) 2 marks if answered both steps


1 mark If only definitionOrAdvantage is mentioned

0 marks If answered wrong

1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0401

Learning Outcome Identifies simple features (e.g., shape, colour, aroma, where they grow /any other) of flowers, roots and fruits in immediate surroundings.

Question Stem We make perfume from this flower. Select the correct option.

a) Tulsi

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b) Banana flower

c) Rose

d) Marigold

Correct AnswerC)

Possible errors or misconceptions Students will give answer according to their knowledge.

2. True and False items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0401

Learning outcomes

Identifies simple features (e.g., shape, colour, aroma,

where they grow /any other) of flowers, roots and fruits in

immediate surroundings.

Question stem State True or False.

a) Night queen is the flower which blooms only in day time.

Correct answers

a) False

3. Matching items /Short answers

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0401

Learning outcomes

Identifies simple features (e.g., shape, colour, aroma,

where they grow /any other) of flowers, roots and fruits in

immediate surroundings.

Question stem Match the following:

Directions Match the names of the plants given in List A with their

uses given in List B.

List A List B

1) Marigold a) Garnishing

2) Rose b) Making colour

3) Tulsi c) Perfume

4) Curry leaves d) Medicines

Correct answers

1(b), 2(c) ,3 (d) , 4 (a)

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0401

Learning Outcome Identifies simple features (e.g., shape, colour, aroma, where they grow /any other) of flowers, roots and fruits in immediate surroundings.

Question Stem Name the following:a) Two underground stems.b) Two plants which can grow by stem cutting.

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Correct Answer a) Potato, Gingerb) Rose, Money plant

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both steps.

1 mark Correctly answers one step.

0 marks ● No response

● Completely off-target response

● Incorrectly answered both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0401

Learning Outcome Identifies simple features (e.g., shape, colour, aroma, where they grow /any other) of flowers, roots and fruits in immediate surroundings.

Question Stem Draw your favourite flower and its bud and answer the following:1. Name the flower ____________2.Colour of the flower_______3.Does this flower grow in bunches? ________4. Which season is suitable for this flower? _____5. It grows on which type of plant? _______

Elements of Correct Answer

May be students will draw sunflower, rose, lotus etc.They will write colour of the flower, where they grow, season or type of the plant

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ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks

All parts carry 1 mark each

0 marks ● No response

● Completely off-target response

● Incorrectly answered all steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Children might get confused in between the parts.

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1.True or False items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0402

Learning outcomes

Identifies different features (beaks

/teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests /shelters,

etc.) of birds and animals.

Question stem StateTrue or false:-




Kookoo (koel)lays its eggs in a crow's


The dove makes its nest high up on a


The male weaver bird makes a beautiful

woven nest.

Correct answers

a) true

b) false

c) true

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2 Matching itemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0402

Learning outcomes

Identifies different features (beaks

/teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests /shelters,

etc.) of birds and animals.

Question stem Match the following animals given in

Group A with their houses given in

Group B.

Group A

i. Fish

ii. Parrot

iii. Lion

iv Frog

Group B .

a) Tree

b) Den(land)

c)Both land water


Correct answers i (d), ii(a), iii(b), iv(c)

3.Short Answer type /Fill in the blanksSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0402

Learning outcomes Identifies different features (beaks /teeth,

claws, ears, hair, nests /shelters, etc.) of

birds and animals.

Question stem a)Describe the cow’s and snake’s teeth .

ans.1 Cows:-


2.SNAKE ______________________

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Correct answer Ans i. Cow’s teeth

1.Cows have short front teeth for snipping

grass. The teeth on the sides are large and

flat for chewing the grass.

2. Snake’s teeth: -Snakes have sharp

curved teeth but they do not chew their prey.

Snakes always swallow their food.

Possible errors or misconceptions

They give different answers related to their


4. Multiple Choice itemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0402

Learning outcomes Identifies different features (beaks /teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests

/shelters, etc.) of birds and animals.

Question stem Identify the bird with webbed feet.



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Correct Answer


Possible errors or misconceptions

Children might get confused between pictures

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shalini Mathur

LO Number EV0402

Learning outcomes Identifies different features (beaks /teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests

/shelters, etc.) of birds and animals.

Question stem Draw and colour a bird which helps it to make holes in the tree

trunk and also write the name of the bird. Mention the type of beak.

Elements of Correct Answer


Pointed beak.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks

3 marks for Drawing and colouring.

1 mark each for the name of the bird and its type.

Possible errors or misconceptions

Maybe they are not able to identify the bird and might get confused

with some other bird.

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1. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Veena Nagpaul

LO Number EV0403

Learning Outcome Identifies relationships with and among family members in extended family.

Question Stem State True or False.

The likes and dislikes of family members are never similar.



Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

2. Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Veena Nagpaul

LO Number EV0403

Learning outcomes Identifies relationships with and among family members in

extended family.

Question stem Choose the correct option.

Family members have similarities between:

A. Likes

B. Voice

C. Eating Habits

D. All of the above

Correct answer All of the above

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Possible errors or misconceptions

They will select only one option.

3 Matching ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Veena Nagpaul

LO Number EV0403

Learning Outcome

Identifies relationships with and among family members in extended family.

Directions Match the activities which are done by the family members.

Question Stem Match the family members in List A with the activities in List B.

Lists List AList B



a) Doing embroidery


b) Going to office


c) Telling stories

d) Cooking food

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Correct Answer 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Veena Nagpaul

LO Number EV0403

Learning Outcome Identifies relationships with and among family members in extended family.

Question Stem A family in which many members of family live together under one roof is called a _______________.

Correct Answer i) Joint Family

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


0 marks ● No response

● Completely off-target response

● Incorrectly answered both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Veena Nagpaul

LO Number EV0403

Learning Outcome Identifies relationships with and among family members in extended family.

Question Stem Look at the picture and answer the questions given below:

i) Which type of family is shown in the picture?ii) How many members are there in this family?iii) Differentiate between Nuclear and Joint Family.

Elements of Correct Answer

i) Joint Familyii) Nine membersiii) Open ended

ScorecardScorecard for 3 marks I & ii part carries 0.5 mark each.

iii part carries 2 marks.

0 marks ● No response

● Completely off-target response

● Incorrectly answered all steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

1. Multiple Choice Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0404

Learning Outcome Understanding of nests built by different birds.

Question Stem Which bird uses its beak to stitch its nest?

Options 1. Woodpecker

2. Herons

3. Tailor bird

4. Weaver bird

Correct Answer Tailor bird

Possible errors or misconceptions

They may choose option D because weaver bird also makes a beautiful nest.

2. True or False ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0404

Learning Outcome Knowledge and understanding importance of animals on earth

Question Stem Animals that are no longer seen on Earth are called endangered animals.



Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

They may write true as they usually get confused between extinct and endangered animals.

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0 404

Learning Outcome

Recognises nests of different birds

Directions Match the following.

Question Stem Match these birds with the type of nests they build.

Lists Birds Nests

Input 1. Sparrow


      2. Tailor bird


      3. Weaver Bird


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      4. Woodpecker


Correct Answer 1. (d)   2. (c)   3. (b)   4. (a)

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0404

Learning Outcome Knowledge of different characteristics of birds

Question Stem Name any two birds that cannot fly.

Correct Answer Kiwi and ostrich

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)


1 mark Half mark for each name

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

They may write names of other birds

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5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0404

Learning Outcome Understanding of life pattern of animals AND BIRDS

Question Stem What is migration? Why do animals and birds migrate?

Elements of Correct Answer

Migration is the seasonal movement of animals and birds. They migrate to either find food or a suitable place to breed and raise their young ones.

ScorecardScorecard for 3 marks

1 mark for meaning and 2 marks for reasons

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all 

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0405

Learning Outcome Describes different skilled work (farming, construction, art /craft, etc.); their inheritance (from elders) and training (role of institutions) in daily life

Question Stem The cultivation of fruits, flowers and vegetables is called:


a) Livestock rearing

b) Horticulture

c) Orchard

d) Farming

Correct Answer b) Horticulture

Possible errors or misconceptions

They may choose option (c) as orchard is an area where fruits are grown

2. True or False ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0405

Learning Outcome Knowledge of different types of farming

Question Stem Chickens and ducks are kept in poultry farms.



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Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

They may get confused between poultry farming and dairy farming, so they can write false

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0405

Learning Outcome

Knowledge of famous  Indian musicians and their instruments

Directions Match the following.

Question Stem Match these musicians with the instruments they play or played.

Lists Musicians Instruments

Input 1. Ustad Zakir Hussain a. Santoor

2. Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma b.  Sarod

3. Ustad Amjad Ali Khan c. Flute

4. Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia d. Tabla

Correct Answer 1. (d)   2. (a)    3. (c)   4. (c)

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0405

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Learning Outcome Understanding of different types of work people do.

Question Stem The handmade decorative items are called ____________.

Correct Answer Handicrafts

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)


1 mark For correct answer

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0405

Learning Outcome Knowledge of construction and uses of dams

Question Stem How and why are dams constructed?

Elements of Correct Answer

Dams are constructed by building a strong wall across a river to block the flow of water. They are very useful as they:1. Provide water for irrigation2. Control floods3. Generate hydroelectricity

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ScorecardScorecard for 4 marks

1 mark for how they are constructed and 3 marks for their uses

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all steps

(if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0406

Learning Outcome Explains the process of producing and procuring daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from source to home. (e.g., crops from field to mandi and home, water from local source and ways of its purification at home / neighbourhood)

Question Stem What does a farmer need to grow good crops? Select the correct option.


A.Fertile soil

B. Adequate supply of water

C. Manure and fertilizers

D. All of these

Correct Answer D

Possible errors or misconceptions

They may choose option B

2. True or False ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0406

Learning Outcome

Explains the process of producing and procuring daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from source to home. (e.g., crops from field to mandi and home, water from local source and ways of its purification at home / neighbourhood)

Question Stem Sea water is suitable for drinking.

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Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

4. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0406

Learning Outcome

Explains the process of producing and procuring daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from source to home. (e.g., crops from field to mandi and home, water from local source and ways of its purification at home / neighbourhood)

Directions Match the following.

Question Stem Match names of purifying water methods given in ListA with their pictures given in ListB

Lists List A List B

Input 1. Boiling


      2.   Decantation


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      3.   Sedimentation




Correct Answer 1. (c)   2. (d)    3. (b)   4. (a)

5. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0406

Learning Outcome Explains the process of producing and procuring daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from source to home. (e.g., crops from field to mandi and home, water from local source and ways of its purification at home / neighbourhood)

Question Stem How can we keep water safe at home?

Correct Answer -By keeping the clean water covered.-By taking out water with the help of a ladle and storing it in a neat and clean place.

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

-2 marks for two points

1 mark For one correct answer

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

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response● Incorrectly answered both

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Disha Singh

LO Number EV0406

Learning Outcome Explains the process of producing and procuring daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from source to home. (e.g., crops from field to mandi and home, water from local source and ways of its purification at home / neighbourhood)

Question Stem Why should we save rainwater? Suggest ways to save water.

Elements of Correct Answer

We should save water because it is a very precious natural resource. We can save water by:- Rainwater harvesting- Not polluting natural water resources- Not wasting like closing the tap etc.- Afforestation

ScorecardScorecard for 4 marks

1 marks for first part and 3 marks for second

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all steps

(if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

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1. Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0407

Learning Outcome Differentiates between objects and activities of past and present. (e.g., transport, currency, houses, materials, tools, skills- farming, construction, etc.)

Question Stem Which one is not a modern means of transport?Select the correct option.





Correct Answer D

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may not be able to distinguish between early and modern forms of transport.

2. True or False Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0407

Learning Outcome

Differentiates between objects and activities of past and present. (e.g., transport, currency, houses, materials, tools, skills- farming, construction, etc.)

Question Stem Cars were used by people before the wheel was invented.



Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

Students may not know the ways in which people travelled before the wheel was invented.

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0407

Learning Outcome

Identify different types of transport that are used in a village, forest, hill and desert.

Directions Match the transport given in ListA with the corresponding suitable place given in ListB

Question Stem Match the following

Lists List A List B

Input 1. Ship A. Village road

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1. Bullock cart B. Hilly areas

1. Cable car C. Desert

1. Camel D. Waterways

Correct Answer1-D; 2-A; 3-B; 4-C

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0407

Learning Outcome Differentiates between objects and activities of past and present. (e.g., transport, currency, houses, materials, tools, skills- farming, construction, etc.)

Question Stem What kind of tools did early humans use for farming?

Correct Answer Early Humans began to use different types of tools which were made of bones of animals, stones etc as they were easily available.

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

1 mark For correct answer

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

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Possible errors or misconceptions

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0407

Learning Outcome

Differentiates between objects and activities of past and present. (e.g., transport, currency, houses, materials, tools, skills- farming, construction, etc.)

Question Stem Q1. (a)Complete the table by drawing the things early humans used and the things we use today.Q2. (b) Write three things that are the same between us and early humans.

Elements of Correct Answer

We still use fire to cook our food and still do farming to grow crops. We keep animals like cows, goats, chicken and sheep even today for their milk, meat and wool. Even today in some places, people use mud huts to live. We use the potters' wheel even today to make pots.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marksQ1 - 2 marks  ½ mark for each drawing.

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Q2 - 3 marks 1 for each similarity.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

Pictures may be drawn wrong.Students may not know the similarities properly.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0408

Learning Outcome Groups the animals, birds, plants, objects, waste material for observable features. (e.g., on appearance (ears, hair, beaks, teeth, texture of skin /surface), instincts (domestic /wild, fruit / vegetable / pulses / spices and their shelf life) uses (edibility, medicinal, decoration, any other, reuse), traits (smell-taste, likes, etc.)

Question Stem What kind of animals havehair and give birth to babies?

Options A. ReptilesB. MammalsC. BirdsD. Insects

Correct Answer Mammals

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may choose the wrong option if the concept of mammals is not clear.

2. True or False Items.

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0408

Learning Outcome Students will group animals according to their observable features.

Question Stem State True or False:

Amphibians can live in water and on land.

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Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0408

Learning Outcome

Students will group animals according to their observable features.

Directions Classify animals according to their physical characteristics.

Question Stem Match the animals with the group they belong.

Lists Animal groups Animal

Input 1. Amphibians A. Parrots, owls

2. Birds B.  Frogs, salamanders

3. Mammals C.  Snakes, lizards

4. Reptiles D.  Elephants, bats

Correct Answer 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-c

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0408

Learning Outcome Classify animals according to their physical characteristics.

Question Stem Label the body parts of the given animal..

Correct Answer From left bottom to right bottom - tusk, trunk, ear, body, leg.

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

½ mark for each labeling.

1 mark

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

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LO Number EV0408

Learning Outcome Classify animals according to their eating habits.

Question Stem What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? Explain with example.

Elements of Correct Answer

Herbivores- Animals that eat only plants are called Herbivores. example- Deer, cow.Carnivores- Animals that eat only other animals are called Carnivores. example- Lion, tiger.Omnivores- Animals that eat both plants and animals are called Omnivores. example-dog, fox.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks

1 each for definition and 2 for examples.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all  steps

(if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0409

Learning Outcome

Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena), estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight, time, duration) in standard /local units (kilo, gaz, pav etc.) and verifies using simple tools /setups to establish relation between cause and effect. (e.g., evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption; for places– near / far, objects– size and growth; shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)

Question Stem

Identify the process shown in the picture from the options given below.


A. Germination

B. Evaporation

C. Respiration

D. Excretion

Correct Answer Evaporation

Possible errors or misconceptions

2. True or False Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0409

Learning Outcome

Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena), estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight, time, duration) in standard /local units (kilo, gaz, pavetc.) and verifies using simple tools /setups to establish relation between cause and effect. (e.g., evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption; for places– near / far, objects– size and growth; shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)

Question Stem

State True or False.

Sundial is the standard unit for measuring time.



Correct Answer


Possible errors or reasons

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number


Learning Outcome

Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena), estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight, time, duration) in standard /local units (kilo, gaz, pavetc.) and

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verifies using simple tools /setups to establish relation between cause and effect. (e.g., evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption; for places– near / far, objects– size and growth; shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)

Directions Identify the different processes.

Question Stem

Match the process given in List A with its name in List B

Lists List A List B



A. Evaporation


B.  Condensation


C.  Evaporation


D. Melting

Correct Answer

1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-c

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0409

Learning Outcome Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena), estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight, time, duration) in standard /local units (kilo, gaz, pavetc.) and verifies using simple tools /setups to establish relation between cause

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and effect. (e.g., evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption; for places– near / far, objects– size and growth; shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)

Question Stem

Water drops seen on the lid of a hot tea pot is an example of _______.

Correct Answer Condensation

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

1 mark For correct answer

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered both

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Ashima Jain

LO Number EV0409

Learning Outcome

Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena), estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight, time, duration) in standard /local units (kilo,

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gaz, pav etc.) and verifies using simple tools /setups to establish relation between cause and effect. (e.g., evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption; for places– near / far, objects– size and growth; shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)

Question Stem How do plants grow?Write the steps for growing plants in the correct sequence.

Elements of Correct Answer

First, dig and loosen the soil. Then sow the seeds andwater them., Sprouts take water, nutrients from the soil, sunlight and oxygen to grow.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks

1 mark for correct steps.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all steps

(if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

Students might get confused between steps

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0410

Learning Outcome Records her observations/ experiences/information for objects, activities, phenomena, places visited (mela, festival, historical place) in different ways and predicts patterns in activities/phenomena.

Question Stem Observe the pictures carefully and state which festival is celebrated as the harvest festival of TamilNadu.





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Correct Answer B

Possible errors or misconceptions

If the correct meaning of harvest is not clear then they will not be able to get the right answer. Also, the harvest festivals of different states should be clear .

2. True or False ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0410

Learning Outcome

Records her observations/ experiences/information for objects, activities, phenomena, places visited (mela, festival, historical place) in different ways and predicts patterns in activities/phenomena.

Question Stem

State True or False.

Sun temple is located in Khajurao.



Correct Answer


Possible errors or reasons

True, if the location of historical places is not clear or might get confused with other sun temples.

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3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0410

Learning Outcome

Records her observations/ experiences/information for objects, activities, phenomena, places visited (mela, festival, historical place) in different ways and predicts patterns in activities/phenomena.

Directions Makar Sankranti is celebrated with different names across India.

Question Stem

Match the name of the festival in List Awith the corresponding state in List B.

Lists List A: Name of the Festival List B: State

Input 1.Shishur Saenkraat A. Punjab

2.Uttarayan B. Assam

3.Bhogali Bihu C. Kashmir

4.Maghi/Lohri D. Gujarat

Correct Answer

1- C; 2-D; 3-B; 4-A

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0410

Learning Outcome Records her observations/ experiences/information for objects,

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activities, phenomena, places visited (mela, festival, historical place) in different ways and predicts patterns in activities/phenomena.

Question Stem You visited a planetarium on the day of solar eclipse. You were given special eclipse glasses to observe the natural phenomenon. Record any of your two observations.

Correct Answer Any two point-1. Vanishing Sun2. Shadow of the moon3. Formation of diamond ring/Bailey’s bead4. Changing of light

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

1 mark for each observation

1 mark

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered both

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

If the concept of eclipse is not clear then the observation will be abrupt

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0410

Learning Outcome Records her observations/ experiences/information for objects, activities, phenomena, places visited (mela, festival, historical place) in different ways and predicts patterns in activities/phenomena.

Question Stem Identify the given historical monuments and answer the following

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questions:Q1. Name the monument and state where is it located?Q2. Who built it?Q3. Suggest three ways by which we can preserve the monument.

Elements of Correct Answer

Ans 1. Hawa Mahal. It is located in JaipurAns2. It was built by Sawai Pratap SinghAns 3. Some ways to preserve the monument are-

1. We should not scribble on the walls.2. We should not allow others to scribble on its walls.3. We should participate in its cleanliness drive.4. We should spread the awareness in the mass public for

the importance of the monument.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marksQ1 - 1markQ2- 1 markQ3- 3 marks

 1 mark (½ + ½ )1 mark1 mark for each suggestion = 3 marks

0 will be given ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all steps

(if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

Monument may be identified wrongKnowledge of the answer should be thereIf concern for the heritage is not there, then suggestive measures will not strike in the mind

 1.Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

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Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0411

Learning Outcome Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects/places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school/ neighbourhood etc.

Question Stem Your school has various sign boards for specific locations. Which sign denotes the Library?





Correct Answer b

Possible errors or misconceptions


2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

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Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0411

Learning Outcome

Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects/places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school/ neighbourhood etc.

Question Stem

You are a student of ABC Public School, Ramgardh. This area is used to play badminton.



Correct Answer false

Possible errors or reasons

This is the basketball court.

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0411

Learning Outcome

Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects/places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school/ neighbourhood etc.

Directions Match the following

Question Stem

Match the given traffic signs in List A with their meanings in List B-

Lists Traffic Signs ( ListA) Meaning ( ListB)

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a. Narrow bridge ahead


b) Railway Crossing Ahead


c) Zebra Crossing


d) Speed breaker ahead

Correct Answer

Ans: 1-d: 2-a; 3-b; 4-c

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0411

Learning Outcome

Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects/places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school/ neighbourhood etc.

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Question Stem

You are a student of Subodh Public School, Rambagh. Observe the map carefully and answer the following questions:

Q1. Name the hospital close to your school?

Q2. In which direction from your school is Sawai Mansingh Stadium?

Correct Answer Ans1. Santokba Durlabhji HospitalAns 2. North - West direction

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)Q1Q2

Ans 1- 1 markAns2- 1 mark

1 mark

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

If map reading and direction sense is not clear

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0411

Learning Outcome

Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects/places and guides for the directions w.r.t a landmark in school/ neighbourhood etc.

Question Stem

Q1. What do various symbols representon themap?

Q2. Write 2 Do’s and 2Don’t’s that you need to do on your visit .

This is a guide map of Nahargarh Zoological Park, Jaipur.

Elements of Correct Answer

Ans1.Key Features

Ans2  : Do’s  (Any 2 points)

1.       Be kind to animals

2.       Keep yourself at a safe distance from the animals

3.       Keep the premises and public utilities clean

Don’t’s (Any 2 points)

1.       Do not feed animals

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2.       Do not litter or damage public utilities

3.       Do not cross the fences and barriers

4.       Do not play audio system in the premises

5.       Do not tease animals

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks-Q 1Q 2

 Ans 1- 1 markAns 2. 2 mark for Do’s and 2 mark for Don’ts ( 2 -2 point to be answered in each)

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target response● Incorrectly answered all steps

(if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

Child will not be able to answer if he does not have concern for animals.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0412

Learning Outcome Uses the information on signboards, posters, currency ( notes/coins) , railway ticket/ time table.

Question Stem The new 500 rupees note has the signature of:

Options A. Governor of Reserve Bank of IndiaB. Prime- MinisterC.  PresidentD. Finance Minister

Correct Answer A) Governor of Reserve Bank of India

Possible errors or misconceptions

Any other option if information is not clear

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0412

Learning Outcome Uses the information on signboards, posters, currency (notes/coins) , railway ticket/ time table.

Question Stem Look at the picture and state True or False.This poster tells to conserve soil.

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Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

This poster reflects to conserve water

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0412

Learning Outcome

Uses the information on signboards, posters, currency (notes/coins), railway ticket/ time table.

Directions Match Column A with Column B

Question Stem

Rahim goes on a road trip with his family. He sees various signboards on his way. Match them correctly.

Lists Signboard (List A) Name of Symbols (List B)



a. School ahead


b) Petrol pump

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c) Hospital


d) Restaurant

Correct Answer

Ans 1-b ; 2-d ; 3-a ; 4-c

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0412

Learning Outcome Uses the information on signboards, posters, currency ( notes/coins) , railway ticket/ time table.

Question Stem Observe the signboard carefully.

Q1. What does it symbolise?Q2. How is it beneficial for the environment?

Correct Answer Ans 1 It symbolises the bicycle lane.Ans2: It will help to reduce the traffic and pollution.

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

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Ans 1 1 markAns 2 1 mark

1 mark --

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

It may be confused with the cycle store

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Abha Dosi

LO Number EV0412

Learning Outcome Uses the information on signboards, posters, currency( notes/coins), railway ticket/ time table.

Question Stem

Observe carefully the picture of a reserved railway ticket. It has a 10-digit PNR no. Answer the following questions:Q1. What does PNR stand for?Q2. Why is it called the unique number?Q3. What do the first 3 digits tell?Q4. What do the last 7 digits tell?

Elements of Correct Ans1. PNR stands for Passenger Name Record

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Answer Ans2. It is called the unique number because the complete information of the passenger is stored in it.Ans3. The first three digits tell the zoneAns 4 The Last 7 digits tell the information related to passenger, like train no., date of journey, distance etc.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks-Q1Q2Q3Q4

 1 mark2 mark1 mark1 mark

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered all

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

If the information of ticket is not known, the child will not be able to answer

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1. Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0413

Learning Outcome Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters, albums, and simple maps (of school /neighbourhood, flow diagrams, etc.) using local /waste material.

Question Stem Blue colour on the map represents-


A. Land

B. Mountains

C. Water

D. Desert

Correct Answer Water

Possible errors or misconceptions

2.True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0413

Learning Outcome Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters, albums, and simple maps (of school /neighbourhood, flow diagrams, etc.) using local /waste material.

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Question Stem

Observe the picture and state true or false.

Hospital is near the park.



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0413

Learning Outcome

Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters, albums, and simple maps (of school /neighbourhood, flow diagrams, etc.) using local /waste material.

Directions Match the sign names given in List A with signboards given in List B.

Question Stem Match the following places with their symbols.

Lists List A List B

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Input 1. Petrol pump a)

2. Hospital b)

3. Pedestrian Crossing c)

4.School d)

Correct Answer 1.d2.c3. a4.b

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

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Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0413

Learning Outcome Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters, albums, and simple maps (of school /neighbourhood, flow diagrams, etc.) using local /waste material.

Question Stem Area around our home is called --------.

Correct Answer Neighborhood

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>No

2 marks (if 2-step question)

1 mark Yes

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Usage of correct punctuation marks.

5.Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0413

Learning Outcome Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters, albums, and simple maps (of school /neighbourhood, flow diagrams, etc.) using local /waste material.

Question Stem Activity- Create a photo frame using old newspapers or

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Elements to be included Correct Answer

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 2 marks for - Presentation

2 mark for - Creativity1 mark for – using the waste material

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0414

Learning Outcome Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in, family / school / neighbourhood, e.g., on stereotypes (making choices / decision making /solving problems), discriminatory practices on caste in use of public places, water, MDM / community eating, child rights (schooling, child abuse, punishment, labour).

Question Stem Under the Child Labour Act 1986, a child is one who has not completed his :


A. 18yrs

B. 14yrs

C. 15yrs

D. 16yrs

Correct Answer 18yrs

Possible errors or misconceptions

May choose option D

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0414

Learning Outcome

Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in, family / school / neighbourhood, e.g., on stereotypes (making choices / decision making /solving problems), discriminatory practices on caste in use of public places, water, MDM / community eating, child rights (schooling, child abuse,

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punishment, labour).

Question Stem

State true or false. Child Labour is a crime.



Correct Answer


Possible errors or reasons

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number


Learning Outcome

Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in, family / school / neighbourhood, e.g., on stereotypes (making choices / decision making /solving problems), discriminatory practices on caste in use of public places, water, MDM / community eating, child rights (schooling, child abuse, punishment, labour).

Directions Match pictures in :ListA with their achievements given in ListB

Question Stem

Match the columns; -

Lists List A List B

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a.   The first Indian woman to go on space


b. The first woman President of India


c. The first woman Prime Minister of India


d. The first woman IPS officer

Correct Answer

i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

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LO Number EV0414

Learning Outcome Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in, family / school / neighbourhood, e.g., on stereotypes (making choices / decision making /solving problems), discriminatory practices on caste in use of public places, water, MDM / community eating, child rights (schooling, child abuse, punishment, labour).

Question Stem State one measure by which problem of child labour can be removed.

Correct Answer Government should provide free education and other basic amenities of life to them.

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question)

1 mark yes

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered both

steps (if q. Is 2-step)Possible errors or misconceptions

May not recognise the faces.

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items 

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by

Jharna Jain

LO Number


Learning Outcome

Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in, family / school / neighbourhood, e.g., on stereotypes (making choices / decision making /solving

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problems), discriminatory practices on caste in use of public places, water, MDM / community eating, child rights (schooling, child abuse, punishment, labour).

Question Stem

What are the causes of child labour?

Elements of Correct Answer

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0415

Learning Outcome Suggests ways for hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of different living beings (plants, animals, and the elderly, differently abled people), resources (food, water, and public property).

Question Stem Who launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan?


a) Mahatma Gandhi

b) Narendra Modi

c) Indira Gandhi

d) Manmohan Singh

Correct Answer b)

Possible errors or misconceptions

May choose a)

2.True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0415

Learning Outcome Suggests ways for hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of different living beings (plants, animals, and the elderly, differently abled people), resources (food, water, and public property).

Question Stem State True or False.

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We should respect and take care of elderly people.

Options True


Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

3.Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0415

Learning Outcome

Suggests ways for hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of different living beings (plants, animals, and the elderly, differently abled people), resources (food, water, and public property).

Directions Match the waste mention in ListA with the bin used to throw it shown in ListB.

Question Stem Match where you will throw these different types of waste.

Lists Waste (List A) Bin (List B)

Input 1. Glass




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3. Plastic


4. General waste


Correct Answer 1.b2.a3. d4.c

4.Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0415

Learning Outcome Suggests ways for hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of different living beings (plants, animals, and the elderly, differently abled people), resources (food, water, and public property).

Question Stem 1) Chipko Movement was started to save the______.

Correct Answer Trees

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>No

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

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1 mark Correctly answer 1-step

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Jharna Jain

LO Number EV0415

Learning Outcome Suggests ways for hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of different living beings (plants, animals, and the elderly, differently abled people), resources (food, water, and public property).

Question Stem What activities you should followat school for Swachh Abhiyaan?

Elements to be included Correct Answer

You should not litter around our school building.Throw any trash you see into wastebaskets.Recycle paper, glass, plastic, old books, notebooks etc.Keeping the things in order.Organise cleaning day events.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 mark for each answer (Open ended


0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

May write some other points

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1. Multiple Choice Items Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shanu Gupta

Learning Outcome Learn about the parts of a flower

Questions Choose the odd one out from the following:


1. Sepals

2. Petals

3. Pistil

4. Stem

Correct Answer Stem

Possible errors or misconceptions

A child may not choose stem as it is rhyming with stamen.

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV


Learning Outcome Learn about the types of roots.

Question Stem Banyan Tree has roots above the soil, called the prop roots.

Options True


Correct Answer True

Possible errors Child might get confused thinking that roots are always under the soil.

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

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Grade IV

Created by Shanu Gupta

Learning Outcome

Learn about the colours of different flowers.

Direction Match the given list of different flowers given in column A with its colour in column B

Question Stem Match the given lists -

Lists List A List B

Inputs 1. Sunflower a. pink

2. Gulmohar b. red

3. Jasmine c. yellow

4. Lotus d. white

Correct Answer 1.- (c) 2. (b)3.(d)4.(a)

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shanu Gupta

Learning Outcome Learn about the functions of roots.

QuestionWrite the functions of roots.

Correct 1. Roots bind the soil and support the plant to stand erect.2. They absorb water and minerals from the soil.

ScorecardIs the question in two steps - YES

2 marks If the child writes two points.

1 marks If the child writes only one point.

0 marks If the child gives the irrelevant answer.

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Possible errors or misconceptions

A child might write only one point as the answer.

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Shanu Gupta

Learning Outcomes To learn about the parts of a plant.

Question Name the juice that honeybee collects from the flower? How do they make honey from it? Write any three uses of honey.

Elements of Correct Answer

Honeybees collect nectar from the flowers.They mix it with secretions from their glands to make honey. It is deposited in the comb.Uses--As medicines, to prepare dishes, used in cosmetics

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 mark for writing the name of the juice.

1 mark for writing the way to make honey3 marks for writing three uses of honey.

0 marks If the child do not answer properly

Possible errors or misconceptions

The child may be familiar with the word only honey not glands and nectar.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Creater Pramila Sharma

Learning Outcome Student will able to know about the webbed feet birds.

Questions Which of the following birds have webbed feet?


a. Duck

b. Eagle

c. Pigeon

d. Hen

Correct Answer a ) Duck

Possible errors or misconceptions

Student may get confused between duck and hen

 2. True or False Items 

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Creator Pramila Sharma

Learning Outcome Student will know about the different beaks and its functions

Question Stem Birds have teeth within their beaks.

Options True


Correct Answer False

Possible errors or Student may get confused because they see some birds eat grains and insects.


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3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Pramila Sharma

Learning Outcome

Child will identify birds and  their beaks and will be able to differentiate birds according to their beaks

Direction List A contains names of  the birds and List B contains picture of the  birds

Question Stem Match the names in List A with its correct picture in List B.

Lists List A List B


1. Eagle


2. Flamingo


3.  Woodpecker


4. Sparrow


Correct Answer

1. c2. d3. a4. b


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4. Short-Answer response

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Pramila Sharma

Learning Outcome Student will learn about the different types of  the birds.

Question Stem Which kind of birds walk and run on the ground?

Correct Ans. Scratching birds walk and run on the ground.

ScorecardIs the question two step? No

 1 Mark  For correct answer

 0 Mark  Incorrect answer

possible errors or misconceptions

Child may get confused among the names of different types of birds and their features.

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Pramila Sharma

Learning Outcomes Student will be able to know how the birds fly and which part they use to fly.

Question What features help the birds to fly?

Elements of Correct Answer

Birds fly with the help of wings, down feathers, hollow bones, strong muscles and the shape. To change the direction down feathers present on the tail.

Scorecard for 5 marks 5 marks for 5 different features

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0 marks If not writes even one correct feature

Possible errors or misconception

When birds fly, only the wings are seen more, due to which the student may only consider the feathers as a main feature and ignore shape and hollow bones.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Students will be able to know relationship with and among family members in extended family.

Question Stem Grandmother : Grandfather :: Aunty : ?






Correct Answer Uncle

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may not be able to tell the answer by the clue given. .

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Students will be able to know relationship with and among family members in extended family.

Question Stem Your father’s mother is your “paternal grandmother.”



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

A child may get confused with the term “grandmother” either maternal or paternal grandmother.

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome

Student will be able to identify relationship with and among family members.

Directions Relationship are given in List A and the particular term used for them is given in List B

Question Stem Match list A with list B

Lists List A List B

Input 1.Your father’s father a) Maternal grandfather

2.Your mother’s brother b) Paternal grandfather

3. Your father’s brother c) Maternal Uncle

4. Your mother’s father d) Paternal Uncle

Correct Answer 1. b2. c3. d4. a

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Student will be able to identify relationship with and among family members.

Question Stem What are your uncle’s children called as? Write anyone occasion which you celebrate with them.

Correct Answer CousinsFestivals or any other relevant option.

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>Yes

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2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

1 mark Correctly answer 1-step

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

A child may not know the exact term ,i.e, cousins or may be unable to recall any occasion which they celebrate together.

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Student will be able to identify relationship with and among family members.

Question Stem How do you help your mother in household work? (any 5 ways)

Elements to be included Correct Answer

Things [ household works] that a child can do. Keeping things at their right place, organizing book shelfs and shoe racks, laying the plates on dinning table, watering the garden, Folding the clothes or any other relevant point can be considered.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 * 5= 1 mark for each point

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

The child may answer the works that an elder person can only do.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Students will be able to identify and explain the changes in a family due to birth, marriage or transfer of family member.

Question Stem After arrival of a new member in a family responsibilities of other family member changes as


<Option 1> increases

<Option 2>decreases

<Option 3>remains the same

<Option 4>cannot say

Correct Answer increases

Possible errors or misconceptions

The child may answer ‘cannot say’ if the concept is not well explained to him/her.

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Students will be able to identify and explain the changes in a family due to birth, marriage or transfer of family member.

Question Stem A family member can move to a new place because of work.



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

A child may answer false because children are not much aware of the kind of jobs .

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3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to identify and explain the changes in a family due to birth, marriage or transfer of family member.

Directions The set up of a family changes in different situations. Listed below are some situations and the term used for the same.

Question Stem Match the situations given in List A with the term used for the same in List B.

Lists List A List B

Input 1.Arrival of a baby in a family a) wedding

2. Moving to a new place for work

b) birth

3. Arrival of a bride c) death

4. Leaving for heavenly abode d) transfer

Correct Answer 1. b2. d3. a4. c

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Students will be able to identify and explain the changes in a family due to birth, marriage or transfer of family member.

Question Stem Write about your feelings when your father gets transferred to a new place.

Correct Answer When this will happen, I would feel alone at new place and it will be difficult for me to adjust there. Without my friends I will feel lonely.

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ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>Yes

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

1 mark Correctly answer 1-step

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Children don’t want to leave the place where they live and where they have friends. So they might not visualize about that situation.

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Students will be able to identify and explain the changes in a family due to birth, marriage or transfer of family member.

Question Stem How does it feel to have a new baby at home?

Elements to be included Correct Answer

Visualizing the situation content writing.It feels excited, overjoyed and happy. On the other hand, it will bring more responsibility towards family members.

ScorecardScorecard for 4 marks 3 marks for - Content

1 mark for – Sequencing the points.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

The children may not well understand the question, if they are not familiar to the situation.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Describe different skilled works farming, constructions, art, craft, role of institutions in daily life.

Question Stem The person who builds a house is called a _____________.


<Option 1> tailor

<Option 2>mason

<Option 3>doctor

<Option 4>aircraft engineer

Correct Answer Mason

Possible errors or misconceptions

The child may get confused between the options if the concept is not well explained to him/her.

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Describe different skilled works farming, constructions, art, craft, role of institutions in daily life.

Question Stem A person who works with wood is called as the carpenter.



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

A child may answer false because children are not much aware of the kind of jobs .

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome

Describe different skilled works farming, constructions, art, craft, role of institutions in daily life.

Directions List A has the names of tools and list B has the names of occupation which use them.

Question Stem Match the tools given in list A with the occupations given in List B.

Lists List A List B

Input 1.Stethoscope a) Teacher

2. Hammer b) Doctor

3. Taps and pipes c) Carpenter

4. Pen d) Plumber

Correct Answer 5. b6. c7. d8. a

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Describe different skilled works farming, constructions, art, craft, role of institutions in daily life.

Question Stem Name any two cash crops.

Correct Answer Tea, cotton or any other example

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>no

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly writes both the cash crops

1 mark Correctly writes only one cash crop.

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0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

The children may not know about cash crop and may write food crops as answer.

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade IV

Created by Arpana Mishra

Learning Outcome Describe different skilled works farming, constructions, art, craft, role of institutions in daily life.

Question Stem How do the materials reach to the construction site? List them.

Elements to be included Correct Answer

Heavy vehicles like truck, handcart, other vehicles used to carry the load.

ScorecardScorecard for 3 marks 2 marks for - Content

1 mark for – Sequencing the points.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

The children may not well understand the question, if they have not visited a construction site.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Identifying the place from where the vegetable sellers get vegetables

Question stem From where do the vegetable sellers buy vegetables?






Correct Answer Mandi

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students can find village and mandi same and might mark the wrong option

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Students will be able to understand that some food items can spoil quickly

Question Stem Grapes can spoil in a short time.

Options True


Correct Answer True

Possible errors or misconceptions Students may think as of what short time

reasons Statement says just a short time.

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3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome

Understanding the skills of different people

Direction List A contains the tools and list B contains the use

Question Stem Match the tools given in list A with their corresponding use in list B

Lists List A List B

Inputs 1. Spade a. Irrigating crops2. Hand

Sickle/harvester b. Cut hay or straw

3. Sprinkler c. Harvesting4. Hay rake d. Dig or loosen the soil

Correct Answer 1. D2. c3. a4. b

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Knowing about the different ways of keeping drinking water clean

Question StemWrite two ways by which you can keep drinking water clean.

Correct Answer Keeping the water covered, Storing in clean vessels or any other relevant answer.

ScorecardIs the question two step? Yes

2 Marks For two correct ways

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1 Mark For only one correct way

0 Mark Both ways are incorrect.

possible errors or misconceptions

Students may misinterpret it with water purification ways

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcomes Understanding the ways of water purification

Question Stem

a. What do you mean by water purification?b. Name any two ways of water purification.c. Explain how boiling helps in purifying water.d. Draw and label a diagram to show filtration.

Elements of Correct Answer

Define of Water PurificationWays-Chlorination, filtration, boilingImportance of boilingDiagram o filtration

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 mark - define

1 mark – two ways1 mark – boiling2 marks- diagram(1 mark drawing , 1 mark labelling)

0 marks Incorrect answer

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may not write all the points related to boiling

1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

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Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Identifying the means of transport used by early humans

Question stem Which of the following was used by early humans to move from one place to another?





Rafts and Bullock Carts

Correct Answer Rafts and Bullock carts

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students might do it wrong if they do not understand the meaning of rafts

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Students will be able to understand that present means of transport helped us in many ways

Question Stem Aeroplane helps in covering long distances faster than earlier means of transport.

Options True


Correct Answer True

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may first think about the earlier means of transport and may get confused.

reasons Statement says faster than earlier means

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

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Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome

Understanding the skills of different people

Direction List A contains the occupation/skill and list B contains the kind of work

Question Stem Match the occupation given in list A with their corresponding work in list B

Lists List A List B

Inputs 1. Potter a. Cloth weaving2. Carpenter b. Making clay pots3. Farmer c. Carving of wood4. Weaver d. Growing crops

Correct Answer 1. b2. c3. d4. a

4 Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Knowing about the different types of houses

Question Stem List any two advantages of a Kuchha house.

Correct Answer cost effective, needs less time to build or any other relevant point

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>Yes

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both advantages

1 mark Correctly answer one advantage.

0 marks ● No response

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● Completely off-target response

● Incorrectly answered both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

possible errors or misconceptions

Students may not be able to recall the advantages Kuchha house or get confused with pakka house.

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcomes Understanding the utility of transport

Question Stema. Write two advantages and two disadvantages of air

transport?b. Name the most common transport used in desert.

Elements of Correct Answer

Advantages --Fastest, comfortableDisadvantage-Costliest, depends on weather conditions or any other relevant pointCamel or camel cart

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 2 marks for 2 advantages

2 marks for 2 disadvantages1 mark – camel/camel cart

0 marks Incorrect answer

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may not be able to recall all the advantages or disadvantages.

1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

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Learning Outcome Identify the plants on the basis of their features

Question stem Which of the following plants have needle like leaves?


<option 1> Underwater Plants

<option 2> Conifers

<option 3> Desert plants

<option 4>Mangroves

Correct Answer Conifers

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students might do it wrong if they do not understand the meaning of conifers

2. True or False Items Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Students will be able to learn about breathing organs in different animals.

Question Stem Fish breathe through air holes present on their body called spiracles.

Options True


Correct Answer False

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may get confused by the different breathing organs present in different animals.

reasonsDifferent animals have different breathing organs so a child may face difficulty in recalling all of them.

3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

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Learning Outcome Understanding the adaptations of different animals

Direction List A contains the name of animals and list B contains the adaptations of animals

Question Stem Match the animal given in list A with their corresponding adaptation given in list B

Lists List A List B

Inputs 1. Lion a. Thick fur to protect from cold2. Fish b. Padded Feet3. Camel c. Scales4. Polar Bear d. Strong legs

Correct Answer 1. d2. c3. b4. a

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Analysing the use of plants

Question Stem Name any one medicinal plant and its use.

Correct Answer

Tulsi, neem, mint etc.

Plants are used as medicine.Any other relevant answer.

ScorecardIs this question 2 steps Yes

2 marks Answers both the steps correctly.

1 Mark For only one correct step

0 Mark If both the steps are wrong.

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possible errors or misconceptions

Students may write some wrong keywords like carbon dioxide instead of oxygen.

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcomes Identifying features of various types of plants

Question Stem

a. What is adaptation?b. Write any two differences between Desert plants and aquatic

plants. Give two examples of each

Elements of Correct Answer

Definition of adaptation Aquatic Plants-Flexible / hard stem , air pockets , waxy coatingTerrestrial plants-Fleshy leaves , deep and long roots ,Examples- aquatic--lotus, waterlily. Desert plants- cactus, babool.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1.mark—definition

2 marks—2 differences( ½ each) 1 mark –Aquatic plant examples 1 mark—Desert plant examples ( ½ each)

0 marks Incorrect answer

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may get confused in writing the features of desert plants and aquatic plants or can quote wrong examples.

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1. Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will gain the knowledge of processes involved in water cycle.

Question Stem Which two processes are involved in the process of water cycle?


(i) Evaporation

(ii) Condensation

(iii) Distillation

(iv) Both (i) and ( ii )

Correct Answer (iv) Both (i) and ( ii )

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may get confused with the names of processes and will select the wrong option.

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will be able to name the phenomenon which causes day and night on the Earth.

Question Stem Rotation of the Earth causes day and night.



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

Child may get confused with the rotation and revolution phenomenon.

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome

Child will be able to distinguish between different forms of precipitation.

Directions List A contains names of different form of precipitation and List B contains the description of each.

Question Stem Match the names of precipitation in List A with their respective description given in List B.

Lists List A List B

Input 1. Hailstones a) Dense clouds of water droplets.

2.Fog b) Frozen snow flakes.

3. Dew c) Tiny drops of water on ground and other surfaces.

4.Snow d) Balls of ice.

Correct Answer 1. (d )2. (a)3. (c )4. (b)

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will know the different methods to purify water.

Question Stem Name any two ways to remove insoluble impurities from water.

Correct Answer Sedimentation and Filtration

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>Yes

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

1 mark Correctly answer 1-step

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0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may get confused with the methods involved to remove soluble and insoluble impurities from water.

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will be able to gain the knowledge of various factors which increases the rate of evaporation.

Question Stem Enlist the factors that increase the rate of evaporation.

Elements to be included Correct Answer

1. High Temperature2. Dry wind3. Strong blowing wind4. Larger exposed surface area

ScorecardScorecard for 4 marks 1 marks for – one correct factor

1 mark for - one correct factor1 mark for - one correct factor1 mark for – one correct factor-

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target


Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may fail to recall all the four factors.

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1. Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will understand the concept of harvest festivals.

Question Stem Which of the following is a harvest festival?


Durga Puja


Raksha Bandhan


Correct Answer Bihu

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may get confused between religious and harvest festivals..

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will be understand the concept of National Festivals.

Question Stem National Festivals are celebrated all over the country.



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

Sometime child is not aware about the National Festivals and select wrong option.

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome

Child will be able to identify the various National Symbols of India.

Directions List A contains the pictures of National Symbols of India and List B contains their respective names.

Question Stem Match the column A with their respective names in column B.

Lists List A List B



a) National Animal


b) National Flower


c) National Emblem


d) National Bird

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Correct Answer 1 .b2 .c3. d4. a

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will be able to identify new year festivals of different religions.

Question Stem Name the New Year Festival of Parsis. When is it celebrated?

Correct Answer Navroz. 21 March

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>Yes

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

1 mark Correctly answer 1-step

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child might not fbe amiliar with new year festivals of different religions..

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Nidhi Shrivastava

Learning Outcome Child will be able to know about the importance of various festivals in our lives..

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Question Stem Write 5 things which you do to celebrate Diwali.

Elements to be included Correct Answer

1. Cleaning and decoration of homes.2. Lightning of lamps.3. Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha.4. Wearing new clothes.5. Greeting each other.6. Eating sweets.7. Bursting fire crackers.

Or any other relevant point can be considered.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 marks for – one correct point

1 mark for - one correct point1 mark for - one correct point1 mark for – one correct point-1 mark for – one correct point

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

responsePossible errors or misconceptions

Child may not be able to write all the 5 ways.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome Locating places using directions.

Question Stem “ Alisha is standing opposite to the position of sun in early morning “. Identify the direction in which Alisha is standing.






Correct Answer West

Possible errors or misconceptions

Misinterpret of questions , position of sun not determined first

2. True or False Items

Learning Outcome Identifies signs

Question Stem Zebra crossing is also known as pedestrian crossing.

Subject Evs

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Aggarwal

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Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

If the child don’t identity the sign or don’t know its meaning

3. Matching Items

Subject Evs

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

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4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

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Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome Identication of landmarks

Question Stem Which is the tallest mountain peak of india ?

Correct Answer K2

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>No

2 marks (if 2-step question) No

1 mark K2

0 marks ● No response

Possible errors or misconceptions

Misspelled or wrong names like highest peak of world

5. Extended response/Essay Items

Subject Evs

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome To learn about landmark near school and neighborhood.

Question Stem Define the term landmark. State two landmark that you can see in your neighborhood.

Elements to be included Correct Answer

Definition and examples

Scorecard Scorecard for 4 marks 2 marks for definition2 marks for – 2 examples

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

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● response

● Incorrectly answered bothsteps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Get confused or misunderstood or are unable to give the names of landmark.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome Identification of WORDS written in railway tickets

Question Stem Rohan father’s is waiting for the train .He has forget the train number. Which is the right way to search it ?


Seeking help

Checking PNR Status

Asking to other passengers

Go back to home

Correct Answer Checking PNR

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may not know about PNR and its full form.

2. True or False Items

Subject Evs

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome Identification of signs.Question Stem You must slow down the speed of your vehicle near railway crossing. Options True


Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons

Student may misunderstand the concept of do and donts near the railway crossing

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3. Matching Items Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome

Currency notes sign recognition

Directions List A contains information related to notes and bank and list B contains their related answers.

Question Stem Match the items present in List A with the answers given in List B.

Lists List A List B

Input 1. Pink coloured note a) 500 rs

2.Father of nation embedded on it

b)2000 rs

3. Reserve bank of India c)Governor of bank

4.Digital signature d)Bank name

Correct Answer 1.b2.a3.d4.c

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4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome To learn about different currency of different countries.

Question Stem Sita has gone for holiday in USA. She went for shopping one day. What currency she will use. Also draw the symbol of dollar.

Correct Answer Dollar

Scorecard Is the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>No

2 marks (if 2-step question) No

1 mark Naming of correct symbol

0 marks ● No response

● Wrong currency

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child may write currency of different country.

5. Extended response/Essay Items

Subject Evs

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agrawal

Learning Outcome To know about bank which governs the process of currency making

Question Stem Write the full form of RBI. Explain any 4 functions of it.

Elements to be included Correct Answer

Full form – Reserve Bank of India, functions - Issue of bank notes, banker to government, controller of credit, Manage foreign exchange or any other relevant functions.

Scorecard Scorecard for 5 marks 1 mark-full form1mark- 1 function1 mark 1-function1mark- 1 function1 mark 1-function

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0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target


● Incorrectly answered bothsteps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Student may not know about RBI and its functions or may get confused with some other bank.

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1. Multiple Choice ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agarwal

Learning Outcome To learn about different types of maps.

Question Stem ___________________ map show the location and boundaries of countries.






Correct Answer Physical

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may be not aware the different types of maps and practically havn’t filled it.

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agarwal

Learning Outcome To learn about neighbourhood

Question Stem The fire bridge puts out fire.



Correct Answer True

Possible errors or reasons May be not understand the meaning of puts out.

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agarwal

Learning Outcome

To learn about pictures of various landforms and locating on grid

Directions See the images and match

Question Stem Match the following the items of List A with their associated items in List B

Lists List A List B

Input 1. Mountains a) Flora

2. Trees b) High Hills

3. Volcanoes c) Water Transport

4. Ships d) Erupted

Correct Answer 1. b2. a3. d4. c

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agarwal

Learning Outcome To learn about collage patterns and their drawings

Question Stem Create a collage on cardinal directions. Display with arrows and name.

Correct Answer North , east, west and south

ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)


2 marks (if 2-step question) Correct identification and portrayal of directions in collage

1 mark If any two directions mentioned correctly.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students might get confused in word cardinal in reference to the directions

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Deepika Agarwal

Learning Outcome To learn about locating places through pictures

Question Stem Draw the picture of your school and locate the following places in it.A. Principal office B. Canteen C. Playground

Elements to be Picture of school and locating the aforesaid places.

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included Correct Answer

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 2 marks for School pictures

1 mark for locating principal office1 mark for locating canteen1 mark for locating playground

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Pictures drawn of other

places which are not asked.

Possible errors or misconceptions

Student may forget to locate any of the given places.

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1. Multiple Choice Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Identifying the fundamental rights given to people of India

Question stem Which of the following rights state that no one can employ children below 14 years of age?


Right to equality

Right to freedom

Right against exploitation

Right to freedom of religion

Correct Answer Right against exploitation

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students can misinterpret right to freedom as the correct answer.

2. True or False Items Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Students will be able to understand both boys and girls should be considered equal

Question Stem Government cannot differentiate between people on the basis of their gender.

Options True


Correct Answer True

Possible errors or misconceptions Less possibility of error

reasons It’s a clear statement

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3. Matching Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome

Understanding the fundamental rights

Direction List A contains the rights and list B contains meaning

Question Stem Match the fundamental rights given in list A with their corresponding meaning given in list B

Lists List A List B

Inputs 1. Right to freedom a. Free to practice any religion2. Right to

constitutional remedies

b. Free to protect and develop culture

3. Right to freedom of religion

c. Court protects our fundamental rights

4. Cultural and educational rights

d. Right to speech and expression, travel and occupation

Correct Answer 1. d2. c3. a4. b

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks Items Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcome Understanding how one can implement the fundamental rights in real scenario

Question StemList any two fundamental rights given under constitution of India.

Correct Answer Names of any two fundamental rights--Right to equality, right to freedom or any other relevant answer.

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ScorecardIs it a two step question? Yes

2 Marks Correct names of two fundamental rights

1 Mark For one correct name of fundamental right.

0 MarkBoth the names are wrong

possible errors or misconceptions Students may find it confusing as to which right they have to name.

5. Long-Answer response/Extended Response Items Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Priyanka Gupta

Learning Outcomes Identifying the problems of the society and finding the solution

Question Stem

a. Write any one inequality that you find in the society? Also write what you can do to remove that from the society?

b. Write two ways in which you can help a new student who is physically challenged.

c. Explain the fundamental right which is formulated in the favour of children.

Elements of Correct Answer

Inequality , solution , ways , right against exploitation , educational rights

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 + 1 mark—inequality & solution

2 marks—2 ways to help a physically challenged student 1 mark - Name of fundamental right for children

0 marks Incorrect answer

Possible errors or misconceptions

Students may not know the meaning of formulated

1. Multiple Choice Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Sneha Sharma

Learning Outcome Child will be able to classify the materials which can be recycled.

Question Stem Which of the following can be recycled?


Vegetable Peel



Tea leaves

Correct Answer Paper

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child might not understand the meaning of recycling and choose the wrong option.

2. True or False Items

Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Sneha Sharma

Learning Outcome Child will be able to take care of cleanliness in surroundings.

Question Stem We should litter in parks and roads.



Correct Answer False

Possible errors or reasons

Child may get confused about the meaning of a sentence and choose the wrong option.

3. Matching Items

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Subject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Sneha Sharma

Learning Outcome

Child will be able to know various resources of water .

Directions List A contains different resources of water and List B contains corresponding features of those resources

Question Stem Match the List A water resources with their respective features in List B

Lists List A List B

Input 1. Sea water a) Purest form of water

2. Rain water b) Water table

3. Underground water c) River and lake

4. Surface water d) Saline water

Correct Answer 1 .d2 .a3. b4. c

4. Short-Answer response/Fill in the blanks ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Sneha Sharma

Learning Outcome Child will be able to learn different edible parts of plants..

Question Stem Name two different parts of plants that are used as food? Give example of each.

Correct Answer Part of plant used as food are- ExamplesStem PotatoLeaves SpinachAny other relevant response should be accepted

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ScorecardIs the question 2-step? (Write: Yes/No)

<Yes / No>Yes

2 marks (if 2-step question) Correctly answers both step

1 mark0.5 mark

Correctly answer 1-stepMark should be awarded if writes only name of either plant part or examples.

0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child might not be familiar with different edible parts of plants.

5. Extended response/Essay ItemsSubject EVS

Grade 4

Created by Sneha Sharma

Learning Outcome Child will be able to understand public property and different ways to protect them.

Question Stem What is public property? Give two examples of public property.Suggest any two ways to protect public property.

Elements to be included Correct Answer

Definition of public propertyAny 2 ExamplesDifferent ways to protect public property.

ScorecardScorecard for 5 marks 1 marks for - Definition

2 mark for - Examples2 mark for – Suggested ways to protect public property

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0 marks ● No response● Completely off-target

response● Incorrectly answered

both steps (if q. Is 2-step)

Possible errors or misconceptions

Child might not be able to write the definition and not be able to suggest different ways to protect them.