Design Document for: Aurora All work Copyright ©2012 Nicholas Heinrichs Version 1.0

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All work Copyright ©2012 Nicholas Heinrichs

Version 1.0

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Table of ContentsTitle Page: 1Table of Contents: 2Game Overview: 3Game Basics: 3Quick Feature list: 3Tech Overview: 4Camera details: 4The Game World: 4World Background: 5Game Locale Details: 6

Single player: 6Multiplayer: 7

Characters: 8Playable Characters: 8NPC’s: 9Enemies: 9

Single Player Story/Mission synopsis: 10Objects: 12Game Systems: 13

Controls: 13Health System: 13Movement system: 13Stamina System: 14Item System: 15Item Drop System: 15Revive System: 15Armor System: 16Weapon System: 18Secondary Equipment System: 20Leveling System and skill Pool: 22

Unique Single Player Systems and Concepts: 26Unique Multiplayer systems and concepts: 26UI and Elements: 33Comments: 37

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Game Overview:

Aurora is a science fiction multiplayer third person shooter for the PC and consoles. As such, it is intended to be developed using Epic’s Unreal Engine.

Game basics:

Aurora takes place in the year 2195 on the planet Aurora, orbiting the star 51 Pegasi which is 50.9 light years from earth. The star 51 Pegasi is very similar to the sun and Aurora has an environment very much like Earth’s. Therefore, landscape features like mountains and hills, as well as environmental effects such as snow or rain will be possible.

Aurora will see the player controlling a single character while within a party of four characters. The player will have the ability to switch between control of the characters at any time, similar to the Dragon Age series. The game is played from a classic third person shooter view, unlike most modern third person titles that opt for more of an “over the shoulder” view.

The single player game will see a player taking the role of Saul Ferguson and his freighter crew as they are lured to Aurora and discover its mysteries and play a key role in its future.

The main focus of the multiplayer game is competitive online objective oriented team-based gameplay with up to 32 players competing simultaneously in a single game, while the gameplay itself being similar to the “Conquest” game type of the modern battlefield series, or the “Warfare” game type in the Unreal series. The gameplay in Aurora will also feature gameplay that incorporates tech trees and base building elements from standard real time strategy games.

Players will also have many choices when it comes to character progression, by using a leveling system akin to current popular online shooters such as Call of Duty or Battlefield. Player characters grow in various ways, but unlike any modern shooter the game will have a unique upgrade system known as the “skill pool.”

Quick feature list:-Team based third person shooter combat-Ability to control multiple characters at the press of a button-Fully customizable characters-Replayable missions-Engrossing science fiction story-Objective-oriented team based multiplayer third person shooter combat-Fully customizable characters

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-Various maps with diverse objectives-Up to 32 players in combat-Two to Four teams fighting on a map at a time-Unique leveling and rewards system-Support for PC, and consoles

Tech Overview:Aurora will be created using Epic’s Unreal Engine and therefore the lighting, physics, rendering and other associated features of the game will be derived from that engine.

Camera details:The camera in Aurora will use the “classic” third person shooter camera view with the targeting reticule centered in the screen with the player character directly below it. This is in contrast to most modern third person shooters which use the “over the shoulder” third person perspective.

When the player uses the zoom feature while not equipped with a scope on their weapon, the camera moves into a close up “over the shoulder” perspective to maximize their view down range.

When the player uses the zoom feature while they are equipped with a scope on their weapon, the camera moves to a “scoped” view, representative of what a person would see looking through the scope on a rifle.

The Game World:

Aurora is the 4th planet in the 51 Pegasi system, 50.9 light years from earth. It has an Aphelion of 219,422,301 km, a Perihelion of 187.984,491 km, an orbital period of 721.28 earth days, a rotational period of 12 hours, a surface area of 188,822,998 km^2, a mass of 2.7776 x 10 kg, and an axial tilt of 2°. The atmospheric composition is 76.81% Nitrogen, 22.09% Oxygen 0.084% carbon dioxide, and ~1% various trace gases.Aurora has the largest magnetosphere of any known object in the universe. This allows for the planetary auroras to cover the entire planet, and overlap at the equator, giving rise to the name of the planet itself “Aurora” During times of heightened solar activity, it is possible for the auroras to sometimes be seen during the day.

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The extremely large magnetosphere on Aurora is thought to play a part in the powerful electromagnetic storms that sweep across the planet’s troposphere.The surface of Aurora is amazingly earth-like, with the first known alien animal and plant life discovered off Earth. Most geological features present on earth have a corresponding environment on Aurora. However, due to the small axial tilt on Aurora, seasons on the planet are minimal if noticeable at all.

World Background: Timeline - 2028: A third World War erupts and within 3 weeks 5 billion people are dead. The planet is devastated.2041: Factions of survivors join together in South America creating the first major government since the war, calling itself the Federation of Allied States.2048: The F.A.S. begins campaign to bring central and eventually North America under its control.2059: The F.A.S. takes complete control of the Americas. Small governments in Africa and Australia quickly align themselves with the F.A.S.2068: After almost a decade of fighting with various factions across Europe and Asia the Federation of Allied States annexes all allied territory and establishes a presence throughout Europe and Asia.2083: All major resistance to the Federation has been eliminated. The F.A.S. unites the populace under a single world government.2085: A new constitution is drafted. And the government restructures and renames itself the Federation of Humanity. The majority of resources are shifted towards solutions to restoring the world.2088: The first artificially created wormhole is created in a laboratory.2099: The first off world human colony is established on the moon.2105: Second off world colony established within the asteroid belt.2110: Off world mining from the moon and asteroid belt prove highly successful. This paves the way for mankind to launch several ventures throughout the Solar System.2111: Several breakthroughs in wormhole technology allow for plans for construction of the first massive "Gateway" to begin on the massive construct that would generate a wormhole in space and allow transport to another point in space instantaneously.2125: Construction of "Gateway 01" is completed with successful trials, linking Sol and Alpha Centauri. Construction of a gateway network begins.2178: the First Gateway to 51 Pegasi opens. Explorers land on planet designated "Aurora". It proves to be amazingly Earth-like in topography, climate, and atmosphere. It also proved to be the first planet discovered with alien plant life. 2184: The first colonists arrive on Aurora. The colonists discover a substance known commonly as "blue snow", humanities first known room temperature superconductor. Operations to mine it begin in earnest.

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2187: Alien animal life first appears on Aurora and begins disrupting new mining operations. Efforts are made by the Federation and many corporate interests to protect mining operations.2191: Alien animal life increases in diversity and activity. Their increased hostilities grind nearly all mining efforts to a halt.2191-2095: Efforts are redoubled to protect corporate and Federation interests on Aurora. Mercenaries flock to Aurora to make a quick buck on the hostile planet, while not only fighting off the hostile alien life, but competing with each other for valuable mining locations.2195: Present day

Game Locale Details:Single Player-The U.F.S. Decatur is a Daedalus Class Carrier ship within the United Fleet Services and is the location where the single player story begins and with its initial location in orbit around the planet Bellerophon. It is commanded by Admiral Jonathan Galad. Only viewable in cut scenes.

The Decatur:

The I.T.S. Scimitar is a Shivan Class Independent Transport Ship commanded by Saul Ferguson and crewed by Llewellyn Troy, Montgomery Didier, Walter Jones and Kevin Hill. Only viewable in cut scenes.

The Scimitar:

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Kortisa is a large city on Aurora and where the majority of the gameplay takes place. It is a futuristic take on modern large cities, however the buildings and terrain are severely damaged and destroyed, and the inhabitants have either mostly fled or been killed leaving it a desolate area.


The Auroran Caverns are a large underground tunnel network carved by the alien life forms of Aurora. They are large enough to send several small vehicles through.

Multiplayer area locations-Abandoned Processing facilitySuspension Bridge over CanyonAbandoned PipelineFrozen PlateauSubwayDestroyed Urban CenterMountain CanyonExcavation PitRail LinesCity CenterDesert Wasteland

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Ocean Refinery

Outdoor environmental weather effects are dependent upon the location on the planet of Aurora and offer analogues to their Earth environments. A distinct feature however is that the sky in outdoor environments is marked with intermittent lighting and glows of brilliant light similar to those seen in the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis.


Playable Characters-Saul Ferguson: Age: 34Height: 6’2”Weight: 187 lbs.Appearance: Saul has dark brown eyes and long brown hair with an average build and a long scar on his left cheek. Saul is the Captain of the transport freighter Scimitar. He purchased the ship outright from a scrapyard after serving four years in the Federation Infantry.

Llewellyn Troy:Age: 33Height: 6’6”Weight: 232 lbs.Appearance: Llewellyn is a large imposing man with bright blue eyes and blonde hair he wears in a tight cut.Llewellyn is the second in command aboard the Scimitar and Saul’s best friend. They have worked together for several years, starting from the time they spent in the Federation Infantry together.Montgomery Didier:Age: 28Height: 6’Weight: 166 lbs.Appearance: Montgomery has a slight build with dark skin, deep set brown eyes and a shaved head.Montgomery is also a veteran of the Federation military, having served six years with a Special Forces unit as a scout sniper, he is the only member of the crew to have previously been on Aurora.

Walter Jones:Age: 30Height 5’10”Weight: 159 lbs.Appearance: Walter has a slight build, green eyes, short curly hair and a large bushy beard.

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Walter was a crew member on another cargo transport, ferrying cargo from planet to planet in the Vega star system before being hired by Saul to work aboard the Scimitar.

Multiplayer Character Male:The look and equipment of the multiplayer male character are determined by the player

Multiplayer Character Female:The look and equipment of the multiplayer female character are determined by the player

Non playable characters-

Kevin Hill:The pilot of the Scimitar, he is young but competent in his skills. He performs his duties for the crew without reservation

Admiral Jonathan Galad:Commander of the Decatur, He is a stern older man with an air of pompousness about him. While coming to the aid of his son, he makes it clear that he would sacrifice others for himself or his son.

Captain Thomas Galad: The son of Admiral Jonathan Galad, and the commander of the Federation forces leading the evacuation of Aurora. He, unlike his father will do anything in his power to protect the people in his charge.

Allied soldiers:Federation Soldiers that remain are fighting off the aliens on Aurora. They can come to the aid of the player if possible.

Jason Tulliver:CEO of Giddeon-Keller industries. He is arrogant and brash, despite being in a situation that requires him to be rescued.


Lurker - Small quadruped alien creature with large armored spikes on its forelegs. Deals low melee damage and has low health. It will charge to attack when encountered and never relents.

Wasp - Large winged alien creature that has a tail equipped with a large stinger. Deals moderate melee damage and has very low health. When encountered it performs dive bomb attacks.

Charger - Large rhinoceros-like alien that with several horns on its head. Deals heavy melee damage and has high health. Charges quickly when encountered

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Hypox - Human sized bipedal alien creature with mottled gray skin. Its body is semi-bilateral as one of its arms is significantly larger than the other. This enlarged arm has several pores from which it can fire a barrage of bone-like projections to wound, disable, or kill enemies.

Hypox Prime - a larger and more durable version of the Hypox. The prime has a significantly larger arm than its smaller cousin. The weight of the arm is so significant that it must drag it along the ground, slowing its movement speed dramatically. However, the bone projections it fires are coated with a explosive mixture of chemicals that detonate upon impact with a surface at high speed.

Crazed civilians - A small contingency of civilians armed with military grade weapons. They are hostile towards anything that moves other than those in their group. When encountered they take cover and fire indiscriminately.

Megalowurm - A massive worm-like creature that measures roughly 150 feet long and 25 feet in diameter. It has massive clawed protrusions on its face which it can use to dig through the earth and create massive underground caverns.

Aurora Avatar - The Avatar of the Aurora AI, which only presents itself as a projection in Saul’s mind. She appears to be a beautiful woman with long blonde hair.

Single Player Story/Mission Synopsis:

Commander Saul Ferguson a guest aboard the United Fleet Services star ship Decatur attending a dedication ceremony for the 200th anniversary of the discovery of the planet Bellerophon in the 51 Pegasi star system. As his ancestor was one of the discoverers of the first known exoplanet he had been invited to attend. During the dedication ceremony a distress signal is relayed to Admiral Jonathan Galad, the commander of the Decatur. The ceremony is disrupted as the Decatur is recalled to investigate the distress signal.

Saul Ferguson’s ship, The Independent Transport Services star ship Scimitar is docked with the Decatur and accompanies it on it its flight to the nearby planet Aurora. The entire planet is encompassed by a powerful electromagnetic storm, blocking out all but the most powerful radio signal to and from the surface. However, the crew of the Scimitar picks up a faint signal from the CEO of Giddeon-Keller Industries, a major technology conglomerate. The call offers a reward for safe evacuation from Aurora. A reward the Saul and his crew are eager to receive.

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A shuttle from the Scimitar is sent down with Saul and three of his crew who attempt the rescue operation, and mission 1 Begins.

Mission 1 - This is the tutorial mission. The crew of the Scimitar make their way down through the building and into the Giddeon-Keller corporate offices to rescue CEO Jason Tulliver. All the while navigating hazards and fighting off alien creatures.As they Rescue Jason, an earthquake destabilizes the structure and they have no time to return to the shuttle. The building collapses just as they escape, taking their shuttle with it.

Mission 2- The crew of the Scimitar with Jason Tulliver in tow begin searching for a radio transmitter that will be powerful enough to broadcast a transmission back to the Scimitar through the interference of the electromagnetic storm. While navigating through the streets the team must fight their way through swarms of hostile alien creatures before winding up at the front entrance to a large research facility with what looks to be an appropriate radio transmitter.

Mission 3- The crew locks Tulliver in a closet for his own safety while they explore the building. They must fight off various aliens as well as hostile civilians who survived in the building. Upon reaching the transmitter they find the controls are destroyed and cannot get it to work. The crew finds Tulliver dead a few feet from the closet. Resigning themselves to not receiving their reward, the crew abandons the research facility and searches for another transmitter.

Mission 4- The crew makes its way to the nearest Starport, again fighting through the streets against alien creatures. Arriving at the Starport the crew finds Federation soldiers fighting off aliens inside the building, with the forces being commanded by Thomas Galad, son of Admiral Jonathan Galad. After assisting in repelling the aliens, the crew uses the functional transmitter and contacts the Scimitar to come down and rescue them. After sending the signal, an earthquake shakes the building and a Megalowurm attacks. The Crew with assistance from the soldiers attempt to fend off the Megalowurm, but to no avail. Only when the Scimitar arrives with a host of Federation vessels and fire upon the Megalowurm and it is defeated. However, the combined firepower of the ships destabilizes the building, with part of it collapsing atop Saul.

Mission 5- Saul wakes up next to the Megalowurms corpse inside a vast underground cavern. Noting that he has a concussion and that a cave-in from the damaged building above is preventing him from climbing out, Saul attempts to make his way alone through the caverns to an exit. He must fight his way through

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scattered groups of aliens in his escape. Eventually, Saul makes his way to a vast chamber filled with strange devices of alien origin. He identifies one of the devices as something that is creating some of the nearby aliens. Upon destroying it, Saul is impaled by another alien device and is rendered unconscious.Upon waking Saul finds himself on a beach, conversing with a strange woman. He eventually learns that the woman he is speaking to is an avatar of the planet. Aurora is actually a massive planetary AI, and his presence in the chamber activated her from a “sleep mode” And that she has deciphered and decoded all of Saul’s thoughts and memories and is able to communicate directly into his mind via the device that impaled him, which is why he is seeing himself on a tropical beach.

Mission 6- The final mission has the rest of the crew escorted by Thomas Galad personally searching through the caverns Saul had just navigated through. They must fight off numerous swarms of aliens in their search for him. When they reach the final chamber they see that Saul is dead and impaled on the device. The caverns begin to shake and the crew must evacuate before it collapses on them. Fighting their way out they reach the Scimitar and leave the planet, while witnessing the surface of the planet change dramatically as several large metallic spires break through the surface and rise into the sky. The planet itself generates a powerful electromagnetic shockwave that sends the Scimitar drifting away from it. At that point Aurora creates a wormhole and the entire planet drifts through, vanishing completely.

Objects:There are a number of objects in the game world that have a unique feel and purpose.

Recharge station- Recharges the health and ammunition of a player when interacted with.Mounted machine gun turret- Turret with two heavy machine guns attached.Mounted rocket turret- Turret with a rocket launcher attached.Mounted Plasma caster- Fires fast moving balls of super-heated plasma.Capture point console- Each console can take on a different look and feel depending on either the map or the type of capture point it is connected to.Reactor- Most capture points have a reactor connected to them that can be destroyed through sustained weapons fire to permanently disable a capture point.

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Game Systems:

Controls - The controls in Aurora are standard fare for most modern shooters with some flight alterations to account for the ability to switch between characters. The game will also allow for completely customizable controls for players not familiar or not comfortable with the default controls.

Reload – Square (Playstation), X (Xbox), R (PC)Jump – X (Playstation), A (Xbox), Space bar (PC)Crouch – Circle, B, CProne – Hold crouch for .42 secondsInteract – Triangle, Y, TabZoom In - Directional Pad Up, mouse wheel upZoom out – Directional pad down, mouse wheel downVoice chat (Multiplayer only) – Directional pad LeftMap (Multiplayer only)– Directional pad rightSwitch Character Left(Single player only) - Directional pad leftSwitch Character Right (Single player only) - Directional pad rightSwitch to character PC(Single player only) - 1,2,3,4Fire - R1, Right trigger, LMBGrenade – L1, Left trigger, RMBSwitch to/use secondary – R2, Right Bumper, QUse item - L2, Left bumper, FMelee – R3, ctrlSprint – L3, caps lockPlayer menu – Select, Back, ~Game menu – Start, ESCMove – Left Stick, WASD (Shift + WASD to walk)Look – Right stick, Mouse movementDodge – Sprint + crouch

Health system -Each player will start off with 100 base hit points. The base total can be modified with various character equipment and upgrades. A player’s health cannot be regenerated automatically. Items, equipment, or interaction with special recharge stations is necessary to regenerate the player’s health.Each character will also have three hit zones (head, body, back). When damaged in the head hit zone the player will receive 125% damage, 100% damage in the body,

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and 150% damage in the back, but only for melee attacks. Otherwise it remains 100%.

Movement system - Players can move in various ways throughout the game, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Listed are the basic movement types:

Walking - This movement represents the player standing upright and moving at a slower pace and can be achieved by not fully tilting the analog stick or by holding shift and using the WASD movement keys on the PC. Walking does not set off motion sensors at the range that running or sprinting will and is 20% slower than running.

Running - This is the most common movement mode for player and can be achieved by fully tilting the analog stick in any direction or using the WASD keys on PC. Sets off motion sensors at a moderate distance.

Sprinting - A faster mode of running that increases movement speed by 40%, but drains stamina with use. Sets off motion sensors at a greater distance than running

Jumping - Allows the player to clear small obstacles or gaps. Drains stamina with usage and the player cannot fire their weapon while jumping.

Crouching - This allows the player to crouch their character down, and hide behind obstacles are to duck under low hanging obstacles. While crouched movement speed is reduced by 40%. Crouching increases the player’s weapon accuracy by 5%. Sets off motion sensors but only at a very close range.

Prone - This allows the player to minimize their profile and hide behind obstacles.While prone movement speed is reduced by 85%. Being in the prone position increases the player’s weapon accuracy by 10%. Does not set off motion sensors.

Dodge - A player can dodge to quickly and efficiently move out around the battlefield. When a player is dodging they move several feet in the direction they were moving. To dodge, a player must use both the sprint button and crouch button in conjunction. While dodging, a player cannot fire their weapon. Dodging drains stamina, and a player cannot dodge again for .35 seconds after performing another dodge.

Stamina system - Each character will have 100 base stamina points. Stamina is used when running, jumping, or dodging. A player’s base stamina can be increased with various equipment and player upgrades. Stamina will regenerate at 8 stamina per second if it is decreased below the player’s base amount and no stamina draining actions have been performed by the player for 1.6 seconds. A player’s stamina usage increases as they perform actions while equipped heavier armor. The usage increase depends on the weight of the armor.

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The base stamina usage for stamina draining actions is as follows:Jumping- 11 staminaSprinting- 3 stamina every .5 secondsDodge- 15 Stamina

Item system -Aurora has an inventive item system that allows the player to equip any amount of any type of item as long as they have the room for it. The three item types within the game (ammunition clip, grenade, and health pack) will each take up one inventory slot. A player’s inventory slots are based on the type of armor they are using. The heavier the armor, the more inventory spaces a player has. For example, if a player has 5 inventory spaces to use, he can equip 3 magazine clips, 1 grenade, and one health pack, or any combination thereof.

Each inventory item has special functions:

Ammunition Clip - Ammunition in the game is based upon how many rounds each individual weapon can hold. Each extra clip increases the level of reserve ammunition by 1x the number of rounds a weapon can hold. For example. If a weapon holds thirty rounds, carrying 1 extra clip will give the player a total of 60 rounds to fire, while carrying 2 extra clips will give the player a total of 90 rounds to fire. The in game heads up display will display current rounds in the magazine and total rounds available as current/total (30/90 in the case of the latter example). If a clip of ammunition is picked up, the player’s ammunition is refilled equal to 1x the number of rounds a weapon can hold. A player’s maximum ammunition can never exceed the total amount of ammunition their loadout allows.

Grenade - Grenades are explosive devices that can be tossed for varying effects.Players can change the effects of each grenade based upon their skill loadout. When a grenade is used, it is removed from the inventory and an empty space is left.

Health Pack - Health packs regenerate 100 points of health over a 4 second period. They cannot regenerate more health than the base health of the player. When a health pack is used it is removed from the inventory and an empty space is left.

Item drop system - In multiplayer, whenever an enemy is defeated they have a 10% chance to drop an inventory item, regardless if they had the particular inventory item on them at the time. The item can be a grenade, health pack, or ammunition clip. A player cannot pick up an item if their inventory/ammunition is full, or their base loadout did not include the dropped item. Each dropped item only lasts 8 seconds before disappearing. For a player to pick up an item they have to be standing over the item and hold the interact key for 1.2 seconds. In single player, items are dropped at a set rate from specific enemies as the campaign allows.

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Revive system -Whenever a player’s health reaches zero or below, they enter the “down” state. While in the downed state the player cannot move or fire their weapon, but have a chance to be revived by a teammate without needing to respawn. A player in the down state can only survive for a base period 6 seconds before force respawning. A player can at any time choose to cancel their down state and “bleed out” to respawn. An enemy player can also force a player to bleed out by dealing 15 points of damage to them. In the downed state, a player’s armor provides no protection and 100% damage is always dealt. To revive a downed teammate a player must have a health pack and must use the interact key on a player for 3 seconds to revive them. At this point the revived player regains full control of their character and instantly regains 75 health. The player who revived the down player loses their health pack from their inventory. A downed player can also be revived by being targeted with an allies biotic rejuvenator for 4.5 uninterrupted seconds and does not require the player use a health pack.

Armor system-In multiplayer, a player can choose to wear one of five armor sets. Armor in Aurora is based on weight. Lighter armors allow a player to move faster and use less stamina, while heavier armors allow a player to absorb more damage and carry more items. Following are the armors from lightest to heaviest:

Super Light – 5 item carry capacity, 0 damage reduction, no movement speed reduction. No stamina usage increase.

Light Armor – 6 item carrying capacity, 8% damage reduction, movement speed reduced 12%. Stamina use increased by 30%.

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Medium armor – 7 item carrying capacity, 16% damage reduction, movement speed reduced 24%. Stamina use increased by 60%.

Heavy armor – 8 item carrying capacity, 22% damage reduction, movement speed reduced 36%. Stamina use increased by 90%.

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Super heavy – 9 item carrying capacity, 30% damage reduction, movement speed reduced 48%. Stamina use increased by 120%.

Weapon system-In multiplayer, the player has a choice of 8 different weapons to choose from. Each weapon has their own strengths, weaknesses and allow for varied styles of play. All weapons with exception of the rocket launcher are hitscan weapons with a cone of

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fire that can be reduced by either crouching or going prone and has a damage drop off range consisting of three levels. Between the first and second level damage dealt by the weapons is 100%. Between the second and third level damage dealt by the weapon is 75%. After the third level damage dealt is reduced to 35%. Some weapons also have a max range where they deal no damage. Following is a list of the weapons and their attributes:

Pistol: 1 handed, moderate accuracy, semi-auto fire rate, 16 starting ammo, 15 damage per round. Weapon range 1: 60’, 2: 120’ 3: 220’. Recoil arc 3.1°. Reload .9 seconds

SMG: 1 handed, low accuracy, 4.45 Rounds per second, 26 starting ammo, 11 damage per round. Weapon range 1: 50’, 2: 1200’ 3: 180’. Recoil arc 2.15°. Reload 1.2 seconds

Shotgun: 2 handed. semi-auto fire rate with .25 second delay between each round. low accuracy. 9 starting ammo, 9x9 damage per round Weapon range 1: 25’, 2: 50’ 3: 75 Max: 100’’. Recoil arc 5.25°. Reload .3 seconds per shell

Assault Rifle: 2 handed, moderate accuracy, 3.85 rounds per second, 30 starting ammo, 14 damage per round Weapon range 1: 100’, 2: 180’ 3: 300’. Recoil arc 4.33°. Reload 1.4 seconds

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Sniper Rifle: 2 handed. Good accuracy when not zoomed, great accuracy when zoomed, semi-auto fire rate with .66 second delay between each round, 6 starting ammo, 80 damage per round. Weapon range 1: 300’, 2: 500’. Recoil arc 8.5°. Reload 2.8 seconds

Heavy Machine Gun: 2 handed, moderate accuracy, 3.55 Rounds per second, Movement speed halved while firing. 50 starting ammo, 17 damage per round. Weapon range 1: 200’, 2: 400’. Recoil arc 6.5°. Reload 4.35 seconds

Rocket Launcher: 2 handed, great accuracy, Must be immobile to fire, semi-auto with a 1.5 second delay between rounds, 2 starting ammo. Fires in a linear manner and is not hit scan. 100 damage per rocket and point of impact. Up to 55 splash damage radiating over a 1.5’ area. Deals 200% extra damage to vehicles. Recoil arc 8°. Reload 4 seconds

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Battle Rifle: 2 handed. Good accuracy. Semi-Auto rate of fire. 25 starting ammo, 16 damage per round. Weapon range 1: 135’, 2: 250’ 3: 420’. Recoil arc 4.35°. Reload 1.41 seconds

Melee- Short range attack with the butt of a weapon that deals 80 damage.

Secondary Equipment system-In multiplayer, players can equip a variety of secondary items, from side arms to jetpacks. However, only one secondary item can be equipped at a time, and some secondary items can only be used in a limited manner. Secondary items can greatly enhance a characters performance on the battlefield and create unique variations in gameplay. Following is a list of secondary equipment items and their properties:

Extra 1 handed Weapon- Can be used as a sidearm if the primary weapon is 2 handed. If the primary weapon is a 1 handed weapon they weapons will be dual wielded with reduced accuracy and reload times for each weapon. When dual wielding the damage from the second weapon is reduced by 50%. Dual wielded weapons fire simultaneously rather than consecutively.

Jump Jet- Allows the player to perform a jet assisted high speed vertical or horizontal jump. 90 second cool down. For a vertical oriented jump the player must be jumping. Otherwise it is a horizontal oriented jump.

Dash Boots – Increases jump height and distance while reducing all fall damage by 50%, also increases the players speed by 3%, and by 6% while sprinting.

Detonation Pack – Dead mans triggered backpack filled with explosives that detonates 5 seconds after a player dies. Deals 120 damage in a 2’ radius.

Backpack – increases item carrying capacity by 6

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Dermal Regeneration Unit – When activated slows the players movement speed by 60%. Heals 1 hit point for every 1.25 seconds when the item is in use. Usage button must be held for continuous activation.

Adrenal Stimulant – Temporarily increases movement speed by 15%, firing rate by 25%, and reload speed by 50%. Lasts for 7 seconds. 60 second cool down.

Stealth Suit – Makes the wearer invisible for a short time. Disables all radar tracking of the user when the user is using a form of movement that is not sprinting. Lasts 11 seconds. Becomes disabled when the player takes damage, fires their weapon, or uses a melee attack. 120 second cool down.

Cardiovascular Booster – Reduces the base stamina drain of all stamina draining actions of...Jumping from 11 to 7 staminaSprinting from 3 stamina every .5 seconds to 1.5 stamina every .5 secondsDodge from 15 Stamina to 11 staminaAnd increases the base stamina recharge rate to 13 stamina per second.

Enhanced Endoskeleton – Increases max hit points by 60

Shield – Shield that covers a player’s back and prevents them from taking damage until the shield is destroyed. Reduces movement speed by 10%. 80 hit points per shield. If destroyed, can be repaired at a recharge station or by dying.

Radar Pack – Displays all enemy movement within 15’on the radar of the equipped player and their allies.

Biotic Rejuvenator – Gun that fires a regenerating substance that can regenerate the health of teammates it targets. Has a range of 16’ and can be fired only for a duration of 10 seconds before needing to recharge. When targeted to a teammate it heals 4 hit points every .35 seconds. Can also be used to revive downed teammates.

Biotic Grid - Deploys a small device with 40 hit points that regenerates the health of all allies within 8’ lasts until destroyed or another Biotic Grid is placed. 300 second cooldown. Heals for 1 hit point every .35 seconds.

Deployable Turret - Places an automated turret on the ground that has 50 hit points. Lasts until destroyed or another turret is placed. 300 second cooldown.. Fires a SMG in 3 second bursts before needing 3 seconds to cooldown. Can track targets within line of sight within 20’. Scrambler Unit - Scrambles the radar of all nearby enemies and prevents detection from radar for the equipped player.

Leveling system and the skill pool-

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In Aurora the player will be able to level up through gameplay. In multiplayer it will be based on the player’s accumulated score in their matches played, while in single player the player is awarded levels based on completion of a mission.The “skill pool” system is associated with leveling in that all of the games available skills are thrown into a “pool” where the player has access to them all, but may not have enough points to purchase them.A player at level one begins with only 10 out of a maximum 100 points to spend for each pool (Character, Weapon, and Armor). Each level earned awards the player 3 additional points with which they can use to modify their character. The player can earn up to 30 levels, at which point they will have the maximum of 100 points to spend. Players can spend points in one the three pools without affecting points in another pool, as the points from one pool do not affect the points in another.Many skills have multiple levels and can be purchased repeatedly, while some skills can only be purchased once.Some skills are also weapon dependent and are not available for all players.

Following are the pools and their associated skills and costs:

Character skills:

Nimble Hands – Reduces weapon reload speed by 5%. Cost: 10Multiple levels: Yes

Steady Hands – Reduces cone of fire by 10%Cost: 25Multiple levels: Yes

Fitness – Increases maximum stamina by 1Cost: 1Multiple levels: Yes

Regenerator – Continuously regenerates 1 health every 5 seconds.Cost: 50Multiple levels: No

Endurance – Increases maximum hit points by 1Cost: 2Multiple levels: Yes

Flanker – Deal 25% more damage to players when hitting them in the backCost: 25Multiple levels: No

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Assassin – Headshots deal 25% more damageCost: 35Multiple levels: No

Tender foot – Movement other than sprinting does not set off motion trackers, and mines are not triggered by your proximity. Cost: 50Multiple levels: No

Hacker - Reduces the time it takes to activate a capture point by 35%Cost: 15Multiple levels: No

Heavy handed – increases melee damage from 80 to 100Cost: 25Multiple levels: No

Weapon tamer - Reduces weapon recoil by 15%Cost: 20Multiple levels: Yes

Stubborn - Increases the time that you can remain down before bleeding out by 1 secondCost: 5Multiple levels: Yes

Medic - Reduces the time it takes to revive a downed ally to 1. 5 secondsCost: 30Multiple levels: No

Avenger- Allows the player to continue firing their weapon while in the downed stateCost: 75Multiple levels: No

Weapon Upgrades:

Extended clip – Increases maximum clip capacity. The amount increased depends on the weapon. Cost: 5Multiple levels: YesRound amount increased per weapon/level:Pistol: 2SMG: 3Shotgun: 1

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Assault Rifle: 3Sniper Rifle: 1Heavy Machine gun: 5Rocket Launcher: 1Battle Rifle: 3

Extended barrel – Increases the range a bullet can travel before damage drops off by 20’ on each range levelCost: 20Multiple levels: Yes

Extra barrel – Attaches an extra barrel to the weapon (shotgun only). The damage of each shotgun pellet is reduced to 6 from 9 and two rounds are expended upon firing.Cost: 100Multiple levels: No

Bayonet – Increases melee rangeCost: 30Multiple levels: No

Scope – 3x zoom, 6x zoom and 9x zoom If multiple scope levels are purchased, a single scope can perform each level of zoom purchased.Cost: 20, 25, 30Multiple levels: 1-3

Target marking rounds – marks the target for 20 seconds, allowing them to be seen on the radar of all teammates for the durationCost: 35Multiple levels: No

Penetrator rounds – Bullets will travel through players and shieldsCost: 30Multiple levels: Yes

Smooth Chamber Cycler - Increases rate of fire of weapons by 10% (SMG, Assault Rifle, and Heavy machine gun only)Cost: 30Multiple levels: No

Armor piercing rounds – Increases damage to vehicles by 15%Cost: 35Multiple levels: No

Heat seekers - Rockets automatically target and fly to nearby active vehicles. (Rocket launcher only)Cost: 50

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Multiple levels: No

Auto Reloader – Reduces reload time by 10%. (Pistol and SMG only)Cost: 15Multiple levels: No

High powered Rifle – Increases the damage of the sniper rifle from 80 to 100Cost: 95Multiple levels: No

Silencer – Reduces sound from weapon, prevents radar detection when firing (Not for rocket launcher)Cost: 35Multiple levels: No

Foregrip - Reduces weapon recoil by 15%Cost: 35Multiple levels: No

Armor Upgrades-

Reinforced Plating - Reduces all damage by 1%Cost: 25Multiple levels: Yes

Extra Pockets - Increases item carrying capacity by 1Cost: 50Multiple levels: Yes

Nano-weight lining - Increases movement speed by 1%Cost: 25Multiple levels: Yes

Concussion Grenade Upgrade - Increases damage grenades do to vehicles by 20%Cost: 50Multiple levels: No

Thermal Detonator Upgrade- Changes the standard fragmentation grenade to a grenade that sets fire to the area where it exploded for 7 seconds in a 5’ radius. Any character that enters the fire is damaged.Cost: 50Multiple levels: No

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Proximity Mine Upgrade- Turns grenades into a deployable proximity mine. Instead of being thrown, the mines are placed. Only one mine can be deployed at a time. Level 2 allows for 2 mines to be placed at once.Cost: 50Multiple levels: Yes

Unique Single Player Systems and Concepts:

Character Switch system- Allows the player to swap between any of the four characters at any time

Mission Upgrades- Allows the player to upgrade their weapons, skills, and armor between missions. Completing one mission gives the equivalent of 5 levels in mutliplayer, or an award of 15 upgrade points.

Mission select- After completing a mission the player can replay the mission to search for Easter Eggs or play it with different character load outs. When selecting a level for mission select the player is given access to the Mission Upgrades menu.

Unique Multiplayer Systems and Concepts:

Multiplayer gameplay overview- Multiplayer gameplay is focused on objective oriented team play. Each team starts with a home base from which they launch assaults on various points across the map control to outmaneuver and destroy their enemies. Players use spoils of their victories to upgrade, modify and personalize their characters for even more destruction.

Capture, Control, Earn, Build, Destroy- In multiplayer, the gameplay revolves around a team’s ability to capture various capture points around the map, control and defend them, raise the resources to upgrade those control points, and defeat their enemy. Each of these systems is intrinsically linked to one another.

Capture points-Capture points are areas on the map that can be captured or destroyed by any one team. They are the key to controlling a map and winning a match. When a team takes control of a capture point, any member on that team can spawn in its general vicinity as long as they control it. To take control of a capture point a player must activate a console that is located within or nearby each individual capture points. To activate the console a player must continuously hold the action button on the

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console. Neutral capture points can be captured by holding the button for 8 seconds. After being captured, each capture point can also have their level upgraded. Each level a capture point has increases the time it takes to be captured by 4 seconds. Each capture point (with exception of the mine) also has a reactor in or nearby it, which can be destroyed. Destroying a reactor permanently disables that capture point, ensuring no one can ever take it. When a team owns a capture point while the reactor is destroyed, that team takes a financial loss as well as losing their spawn point. Each capture point can be upgraded a maximum of 4 times.Following is a list of capture points and their functions:

Blue snow mine: Gradually increases money by awarding 1 credit every 4 seconds. No upgrades. Cannot be destroyed.

RADAR station: Passively shows enemy movement near the tower. Each upgrade increases the range in which it scans. The RADAR station also has the scanner sweep function. Scanner Sweeps reveals enemy movement across a small area at any point on the map and costs 20 credits. Lasts 120 seconds, with an additional 20 seconds added to the duration for each upgrade to the radar station. 6 minute cool down

Barracks: Creates AI NPC’s who fight for the owner: Each upgrade increases NPC amount and skill. Each Spawn wave costs 10 credits. 90 second cool down. At level 1 the barracks spawns 2 NPC's. One additional NPC is spawned for each level the barracks has gained.

Vehicle Bay: Spawns vehicles for the team who owns it. Each upgrade increases the number of vehicles available and which vehicles spawn. At level 1 the vehicle bay only has 2 slots available for vehicles, and gains an additional slot every level. A slot is occupied until the vehicle is destroyed.

Bunker: Awards 45 credits the first time it is captured by each team and creates a spawn point. If recaptured, does not award credits. Destruction does not reduce team’s money

Artillery Battery: Used to call artillery strikes. Each upgrade increases the range from the tower a strike can be made. Each Strike costs 20 credits. 8 minute cool down.

Guard Station: Tower with automated defensive systems.

Money System-Money is earned in various ways in Aurora. Money is required to upgrade capture points, spawn, and use special abilities. Managing it and earning it is vital to success.Each team starts initially with 75 credits, and gains 1 credit every 4 seconds. Teams also gain 1 credit for each enemy infantry unit that is killed and 5 credits for each enemy vehicle destroyed. When a blue snow mine is captured income is increased

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by 1 credit every 4 seconds. Any other point that is captured gives the team 45 credits. Only neutral points or a point in which an enemy has upgraded gives these 45 credits. If any of the capture points are destroyed while in a team’s possession, that team loses 45 credits, and an additional 20 credits for every level upgraded. If a team’s credits are reduced to below 0 for 120 consecutive seconds, they lose the game. Each team goes into "Financial Emergency" when at or below 0 credits. The team can no longer spend credits until they reach 35 credits and end the emergency. Destroying the reactor of an enemy home base earns the destroying team 150 credits and an automatic loss for the team whose reactor is destroyed. A team will also lose 1 credit for each team member that respawns.Only Commanders can spend these credits, with the exception of the credits used for spawning and vehicle purchases.

Command System- In multiplayer, one player from each team is assigned to be the commander. The commander takes on a special role within the game in that they are the only ones capable of spending the credits a team earns, and have special abilities that they can use to lead their team to victory. To be selected as a commander, a toggle will be available in-game to allow players to be selected. The toggle becomes available only after a short "commander tutorial" mission.Players who win a match as a commander can go up in ranks with multiple wins.Commander abilities:

Demoralize - Increases enemy respawn wave timer from 15 to 25 seconds for the next 120 seconds (15 Credits)

Rally - Decrease the commanders team respawn wave timer from 15 to 8 seconds for the next 120 seconds (15 credits)

Set Waypoints – A commander can set 1-5 waypoints on a map at any given time. The waypoints can highlight an open area, capture point, or active vehicle. When a waypoint is highlighting an open area or capture point, the area within 10’ of the area gives double xp. When highlighting a vehicle, the destruction of the vehicle gives double xp.

Purchase upgrades for capture points

Capture point ability use

Radar jamming- Jams the radar of all enemy units for 90 seconds. (10 credits) 6 minute cool down.

Troop Armor boost- Reduces the damage all allied infantry units take by 5% for the next 120 seconds (20 credits) 8 minute cool down

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Troop Weapon boost- Increases the damage all allied infantry units deal by 5% for the next 120 seconds (20 Credits) 8 minute cool down

Field the Mechanics- Regenerates 2% health a second for every team vehicle for the next 120 seconds (20 credits) 8 minute cool down

Field the Medics- Regenerates 2% health a second for all team infantry units for the next 120 seconds (20 credits) 8 minute cool down

Commanders are selected with a weighted dice roll when a game begins if multiple players opt for the role of commander. The formula is as follows for selecting the commander:Commander rolling: 1d8+ character level, +5 for active microphone, +points for command levelThe command level is based on the number of wins a player has as commander.Following is a list of command levels, the number of wins needed to achieve the level, and the number of points added to the weighted roll:Cadet: Starting Rank. +0Ensign: one win as commander. +2Specialist: two wins as commander. +3Adjutant: five wins as commander. +4Corporal: 10 wins as commander. +5Sergeant: 25 wins as commander. +6Major Sergeant: 45 wins as commander. +7Master Sergeant: 75 wins as commander. +8Vice Lieutenant: 115 wins as commander. +9First Lieutenant: 170 wins as commander. +10Marshal: 230 wins as commander. +11Commander: 300 wins as commander +12Captain: 380 wins as commander. +13Lieutenant Admiral:470 wins as commander. +14Vice Admiral:570 wins as commander . +15Grand Admiral: 800 wins as commander. +20

If at any time a commander leaves a game, or is demoted from his commander position by his teammates, the weighted roll takes place again among the remaining players. If no player is selected as a commander for thirty seconds, players on the team will be given the option to become commander even if they did not opt for the commander role upon entering the game.

Vehicles-Vehicles in Aurora play a major part in whether a team can win or lose in Aurora. Vehicles are manned and can have anywhere between one and five passengers/operators. Vehicles can only be purchased after the Vehicle Bay capture point is owned by a team. Each vehicle has an associated credit cost and associated

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cost within the vehicle bay slots. At level 1, each bay has 2 vehicle slots. With each level upgraded another vehicle bay slot opens up, allowing for more powerful vehicles to be purchased. Following is a list of vehicles in Aurora:

Motorcycle: No weapons, high speed. Driver and passenger, passenger can fire from rear seat. 400 Hp. 3 credits to spawn 1. Available at Vehicle Bay level 1. Requires 1 available Vehicle bay Slot

Humvee: Lightly armored, open cockpit. Driver, passenger, gunner. Heavy machine gun mounted on rear for gunner position. Passenger can fire out of cockpit 1000 HP. 6 credits to spawn 1. Available at Vehicle Bay level 1. Requires 2 available Vehicle bay Slots

Armored Humvee: Fully enclosed. Driver, passenger and gunner. Heavy machine gun mounted on rear for gunner position. Trade-off for heavier armor is passenger cannot fire out. 1400 HP. 8 Credits to spawn 1. Available at Vehicle Bay level 2. Requires 3 available Vehicle bay Slots

Armored Personnel Carrier: Driver, 3 gunners, 4 passengers. Fully enclosed and heavily armored. 2 side mounted and one top mounted gun for gunners, 4 passengers can fit inside. 1750 hp. 12 credits to spawn one. Available at Vehicle Bay level 3. Requires 4 available Vehicle bay Slots

Walking tank: 1 driver, 4 gunners. Large top mounted cannon and missile launcher system. Driver has access to forward mounted heavy machine gun. Gunners have 2 side machine guns and 1 rear mounted machine gun. Functions as a mobile spawn point. 5000 HP. 20 credits to spawn 1. Available at Vehicle Bay level 4. Requires 5 available Vehicle bay Slots

Load out System- Each player starts with 3 load out slots which they can manipulate in any way based on their level. Players can take extra tours to increase their load out slots to a maximum of 6. During loadout customization, players can alter their characters gender, facial appearance, weapon appearance, and armor appearance. Facial customization will allow for various skin tones, eye colors, hair styles, and other varied adornments. Weapon and armor customization will each have a base of 5 separate looks based on weapon and armor type i.e. If a player has selected the assault rifle and medium armor, they can choose from 5 separate styles for their medium armor, and 5 separate styles for their assault rifle. The looks are purely aesthetic and do not affect the game mechanically in any way. Players will also have the option to permanently hide their character’s helmet so their face is always visible.

Point System -

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While in single player, the player levels up after a mission is completed (5 levels per completed mission, 6 missions total), in the multiplayer aspect of Aurora, players level up based on points they accrue during gameplay based on actions they perform. The points are accumulated and awarded per completion of the map.The following lists the methods for how to receive points in multiplayer:In Game:3 points for a killing an enemy.1 point for assisting in an enemy kill (must deal at least 15% damage)10 points for capturing a capture point3 points for assisting in capturing a point4 points for killing an enemy in the process of capturing a point2 points for assisting in killing an enemy capturing a point10 points for destroying most vehicles3 points for assisting in destroying most vehicles (must deal at least 10% damage)20 points for destroying a walking tank.5 points for assisting in destroying a walking tank (must deal at least 5% damage)1 point for every 20 friendly hit points healed1 point for reviving an ally1 point for every 45 seconds a player stays within a capture point without leaving10 points for destroying an enemy capture point3 points for assisting in destroying an enemy capture pointPost-game:50 points for a win10 points for a loss

Players gain a level in multiplayer for every 1000 points they receive up to level 30.In multiplayer, upon reaching level 30, the player is given the option to take an “Extra tour”. Extra tour mode resets a players level back to 1, and they receive an extra load out slot and a 10% experience bonus. This experience bonus is not cumulative between extra tours, therefore the bonus will only ever reach as high as 10%.

Title system- in multiplayer, players can earn various titles for performing certain actions during a match. At the end of a match they will be displayed on the end of round scoreboard for all to see.Titles:Eagle Eye: Most head shot killsSharpshooter: Highest enemy hit percentageLead Farmer: Most Damage dealt to enemy playersMaster Hacker: Most point capturesSherman's Soldier: capture points destroyedMVP: Most pointsBait: Most DeathsMechanophobe: Most Vehicle killsSlayer: Most killsJuggernaut: Longest Kill streak

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The Doctor: Most friendly damage healedThe Camper: Most time spent without movingSidekick: Most kill or capture assistsTraitor: Most friendly killsPenny Pincher: Commander who spent the least amount of money spentGreedy: Commander who spent the most amount of money spentCommander: Spent the entire game as commander of a team

Friendly fire system- In multiplayer, friendly fire is always turned on, however the damage a teammate will do to another teammate is reduced to 50%, while members of the same clan do even less damage, having it reduced to 35%. This is to encourage players to be cautious while firing with multiple allies nearby.

Bounty System- A bounty system will be in place to discourage players from intentionally killing their teammates. The bounty system places a bounty on the head of players who are the most egregious team killers. Bounty marker icons are placed over the head of players with bounties, and next to their name on the scoreboard. These icons are available to any allied team member currently in game with them. When killed by an enemy player, the player with the bounty on them gives a bonus experience and monetary reward to that player and their team.Bounties are put on the player with:The top 10 players with the most allied kills for the hour (+1 credit +3 points)The top 5 players with the most allied kills for the day (+3 credits +5 points)The top 3 players with the most allied kills for the week (+5 credits + 8 points)The player with the most allied kills for the month. (+8 credits +10 points)

Win/Loss System-Winning conditions:All other enemy teams have lost due to home base reactor destruction or going over budgetAll other players on the enemy team(s) have leftHaving the team with the most credits earned + spent + total in game points earned after the 25 minute timer is up

Losing Conditions:Going over budget by having the team drop to 0 credits or below for 120 Having the reactor in the home base destroyedHaving a lower amount of credits earned + spent + total in game points earned than an opposing team after the 25 minute timer is upLeaving a current match in progress

Game Modes- The multiplayer gameplay will be based around three game types where 16, 24, or 32 players compete in a single game. The game types include a "Head-to-Head" mode, with gameplay being two teams of 8 players facing off. "Triple Threat" mode will consist of three teams of 8 players, and finally the "Total

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War" mode consisting of four teams of 8 fighting. Each of these three game types will have maps designed to support each of the game types. When entering a random game, players are assigned to a team with their own color and unique symbol. The color and symbol each represent an in game faction. The factions and their colors are as follows:Giddeon-Keller Industries: RedJackal Mercenary Company: BlueHalcyon Dynamics: GreenTiessen Conglomerate: Yellow

Multiplayer will also feature a Clan Ladder that allows up to eight members of a clan to fight any other clan in a one-on-one battle on any of the maps regardless of whether they were for the triple threat or total war game mode. Clan ranking will go by seasons, with the leading clan being the one with the most wins by the end of the season. Within clan matches there are two divisions: The ranked and the unranked division: The ranked division is automatically entered into at the beginning of the week. After three clan matches are played for the week the matches no longer count toward the ranked division and the clan is moved into the unranked division. In the unranked division the clan can still queue for clan matches but any wins will not count towards the total for the season and they can only play other clans that are within the unranked division.

UI and Elements:

Aurora features a number of UI elements for players to interact with and understand their game world.During gameplay, the player will have access to several UI and HUD elements.

Heads-Up Display Layout:

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1. Grenade Indicator- Indicates the remaining Grenades the player has in their inventory

2. Health Pack Indicator- Indicates the remaining Health Packs the player has in their inventory

3. Secondary item display- Displays the secondary item the character currently has equipped

4. Displays the remaining cool down/ammo of the secondary item.5. Displays the currently equipped weapon6. Displays the current ammo in clip and total ammo count of equipped weapon7. Health bar- Indicator bar showing the amount of health a player has relative

to their maximum8. Dynamic Player Indicator- Actively displays your character with their armor

and in what position they are in (Standing/Crouched/Prone)9. Stamina bar- Indicator bar showing the amount of stamina a player has

relative to their maximum10. Radar- Actively displays the location of nearby allies and enemies who have

performed actions that can be picked up on the radar11. Death Indicator – Displays the total number of deaths you have(multiplayer

only)12. Kill Indicator- Displays the total number of kills you have(multiplayer only)13. Team Money indicator – Displays the total amount of money the team has

available. Only visible to the team commander14. Total point count – The total points the player has earned in the round15. Target reticle- Increases and decreases in size based on stance16. Ground plane – The ground plane on which the character moves and is

viewedMenu System-

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Single player menu-In the single player campaign the player will have access to a variety of options from the pause menu. These options include saving the game, loading a previously saved game, exiting to the main menu, or accessing the options menu.Between missions, players in the single player campaign will also have access to a loadout screen that will allow them to modify the equipment of each character.

Multiplayer menu- Upon entering into multiplayer, players are lead to the multiplayer lobby.

Multiplayer Lobby:

From this point, the player can perform several actions.


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The matchmaking selection allows the player to select from any of the three game types, or to be randomly placed within any of the three. From the matchmaking menu the player can also form a group with other players, and sign up to be commander.

Clan Options-The clan options menu allows the player to Create, join, or leave a clan. If designated as a clan leader, the player can also invite other players to join the clan, or kick current clan members from the clan. The clan leader can also change the clans default colors, banner, and can modify the clan’s default chat room to provide moderators and allow it to be open to the public. If grouped with 8 other clan members, the leader of the group can join the clan ladder from this menu.

Armory-Here the player can edit any of their character load outs. The load outs include character look, colors, armor type, weapon type, secondary item type, and character, weapon, and armor upgrades. From this menu players can also view their statistics

Community-The community tab allows the player to view leaderboards and find the latest community news

Chat- the chat menu lets players browse and join public channels, as well as their respective chat channels. Players can also create or join private chat channels.

Options- the options menu gives players the full game menu options (controls, video, audio, etc.)

Exit- Sends players back to the main menu

While in an active chat channel the chat window, player list, chat room name and input window become active.

During a multiplayer game session the player will have access to a player menu that lets them see the current score of each team and player, and give the player options to leave the game, kick a teammate, or demote a commander.

Upon dying players are brought to the map menu. Within the map the areas controlled by each team are displayed, as well as the team’s current money total, current point total, the time remaining on the respawn wave timer and for commanders opens the mobile command menu so that they may interact with objects via the map screen.

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