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PART - A1. The acceleration in a body is due to

a) balanced force b) un-balanced force c) electro static force d) none of these

2. The physical quantity which is equal to rate of change of momentum is a) displacement b) acceleration c) force d) impulse

3. The momentum of a massive object at rest is a) very large b) very small c) zero d) infinity

Momentum = mass x velocity

Velocity = 0 for an object at rest .'.Momentum = 0

4. The weight of 50 kg person at the surface of earth is a) 50 N b) 35 N c) 380 N d) 490 N

w = mg = 50 x 9.8 = 490 N

5. The freezing of biotechnology products like vaccines require freezing systems a) Helium b) Nitrogen c) Ammonia d) Chlorine

6. Force is a a) scalar quantity b) vector quantity c) fundamental quantity d) none of these

7. SI unit of force is a) joule b) calorie c) newton or kg ms - 2 d) henry

8. Newton's first law of motion is also known as a) the law of conservation of massc) the law of inertia

b) the law of gravitationd) the law of conservation of momentum

9. Momentum is a a) scalar quantity b) vector quantity c) fundamental quantity d) none of these

10. SI unit of momentum isa) kg ms - 1 b) N c) kg ms - 2 d) kg ms

11. Acceleration is inversely proportional to the of the objecta) mass b) volume c) height d) none of these

12. The value of G (Universal gravitation constant) is a) 6.673 x 10-11 N m 2 k g 2 b) 9.8 m s - 2 c) 6.673 x 10 11 N m 2 kg-2 d ) 8 . 9 m s - 2

13. Unit of weight is a) kilogram b) newton c) c) Kg m-3 d) kg m

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14. Unit of mass is a) kilogram b) newton c) Kg m-3 d) kg m

15. was the first to make a systematic study of the motion of a body under the gravity of the gravity. a) Newton b) Kelvin c) Galileo d) Faraday

16. The value of g at sea-levela) 8.8 ms-2 b) 8.9 ms-2 c) 6.8 ms-2 d) 9.8 ms-2

17. Mass of earth is a) 5.98 x 1024 kg b) 5.98 x 1023 kg c) 6 x 1023 kg d) 59800 kg

18. Momentum was introduced by a) Galileo b) Newton c) Kelvin d) Avogadro

19. The inertia of an object is measured by its a) mass b) volume c) shape d) none

20. Massive objects offer inertiaa) larger b) smaller c) zero d) none of these

21. Moment of the force =a) F x d b) F + d c ) F / d d ) d / F

22. The unit of moment of the force is a) N / m b) N m c ) N m _ I d ) N

23. The rate of change of velocity is a) momentum b) speed c) acceleration d) force

24. Which of the following is not a space station?a) Almaz and Salyut series b) Sky lab c) Mir d) Chandrayaan

25. The last military-use space station was a) Salyut 5 b) Sky lab c) Mir d) Salyut 7

26. The People's Republic of China is expected to launch its space station named a) Tiangong 1 b) Mir 5 c) Salute 8 d) none of these

27. The word cryogenics means a) the production of freezing coldc) the production of iron

b) the production of hot objectsd) the production of carbon

28. A person who studies elements under extremely cold temperature is called a a) mendeleev b) alchemist c) cryogencist d) none of these

29. Cryogenics use the scale of temperature.a) Celsius b) Kelvin c) Fahrenheit d) none of these

30. The cryogen which is used for specially chilling and freezing application is a) Liquid nitrogen b) Liquid hydrogen c) Liquid oxygen d) Liquid ammonia

31. Cryogenic liquids are held in special containers calleda) Dewar flasks b) barometer c) parchment bag d) none of these

32. The commercial cryogenic processing industry was founded in 1966 by a) Ed Busch b) Flemming c) Christopher d) Galileo

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1. _________ is required to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a Body. A: Unbalanced force2. Force is a ___________ quantity. A: Vector1. The unit of force is _______________ A: Newton or Kgm-2

2. Forces acting on an object which do not change the state of rest or of uniform motion of it are called__________A: Balanced force

3. Force which acts on an objects and changes its state are__________A: Unbalanced force.

4. Force which arises between two surfaces in contact is ___________A: Friction

5. Law of Inertia is also known as ____________A: Newton’s first law of motion.

6. The tendency of undisturbed objects to stay at rest or to keep moving with the same velocity is called___________ A: Inertia

7. Inertia of body depends mainly upon its ................. A :Mass8. The product of mass and velocity of an object is ___________ A: momentum9. The expression for momentum is ....... A: p = mv10. Momentum is a product of ........... and ........... A : mass and velocity11. Momentum is a __________ quantity. A: vector12. The SI Unit of momentum is _____________ A: kgms-1

13. The turning effect is known as .......... A: moment of a force .14. The Unit of Moment of force is ___________ A: Newton. metre15. Two equal and opposite forces constitute a .......... ( couple )16. The value of universal gravitational constant is __ A :6.673 x 10 -11

17. The Unit of universal gravitational constant is _____ A: Nm2kg2

18. The unit of mass is _____ A: Kilogram19. The unit of weight is _______ A: newton20. The value of g at sea level and at a latitude of ________ is given by

A : g=9.8ms-2

21. India’s first unmanned Iunar probe is ___________ A: Chandrayaan22. Chandrayan –I was Iaunched in space in the year___________A: 200823. From which place chandrayan –I was Iaunched in space. A: Sriharikota24. How many days chandrayan operated in space? A: 312 25. The fact that once moon was completely molten was confirmed by

___________ A: moon mineralogy mapper

26. The weak solar flares were detected by __________

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27. The landing site of IIS space craft Appollo -15, Apollo -11 on the moon was mapped by _________ A: Terrain mapping camera

28. Terrain mapping camera provides high resolution spectral data on_____ A : Mineralogy of moon

29. Images of the peaks and craters of moon was acquired by ____A : Terrain Mapping Camera.

30. The cryogenic fuel used in rocket is ________A: liquid Hydrogen31. The cryogenic fuel used in magnetic Resonance imaging is _______A: Liquid

helium32. An artificial structure designed (for human live and work in) for research

purposes in outer space (for a period time) is________A : Space station33. The last military-used space station was _____34. The monolithic space stations are _______ and ...........( Salyut and skylab )35. The name of the space station, china was expected to launch in 2011 is

____ 36. The force of momentum lies in the _______37. The amount of force that produces an acceleration of 1 ms-2 in an object

Of 1kg mass is _________ 1N38. Mass is measured using _______A : Physical balance39. ______ is measured using spring balance. A : Weight40. The gravitational pull of moon is________ that of earth.41. A parachute falling under gravity is slowed down by _________42. The mass of earth is ______43. The radius of earth is _______________44. Chandrayan I and Chandrayan II space mission project director

is_________45. The inner organs of human body is scanned using _________A : MRI46. In magnetic resonance imaging, the temperature of the coil is reduced

upto__________A : 4K47. __________ are sprayed on the underground cables to keep them cool

And reduce their resistance during power transmission in big cities.A : Liquified gases

50. Cryogenic liquids are held in special containers called ...........( Dewar flasks )51. Which one is not a power station : Almaz and Salyut series . Sky lab , Mir , chandrayaan.53. If the distance between two bodies is doubled, the force of attraction between them will become ......... ( one fourth )

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54. At the centre of the earth, the weight of the body will be ........( zero )55. What is the momentum of an object of mass M and velocity V. ( MV)56. Acceleration is inversely proportional to ........ of the body. ( mass )57. ......... was the first to study the motion of a body under the gravity of the earth. (Galileo ).58. ......... is the gravitational force acting on a body. ( weight )59.Anticlockwise moment is taken as ......... and clockwise moment is taken as ....... ( positive , negative )60. Newton’s first law is also called ......... ( law of inertia )

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Electrical quantity S.I UnitElectric charge coulombElectric current amperePotential difference VoltResistance ohmElectric power wattElectric energy watt hour


16. E l ect r i ci t y and En e rgy

C H OOS E: 1. The potential difference required to pass a current 0.2 A in a wire of resistance 20 ohm is

(100 V, 4 V, 0.01 V, 40 V)Ans: 4 VAccording to Ohm's law, I = V/R Therefore, V = I R = 0.2 x 20 = 4 V

2. Two electric bulbs have resistances in the ratio 1 : 2. If they are joined in series, the energy consumed in these are in the ratio (1 : 2, 2 : 1, 4 : 1, 1 : 1)Ans: 1 : 2

3. Kilowatt-hour is the unit of _ (potential difference, electric power, electric energy, charge)Ans: electric energy

4. surface absorbs more heat than any other surface under identical conditions. (White, rough, black, yellow)

Ans: black

5. The atomic number of natural radioactive element is (greater than 82, less than 82, not defined, atleast 92)Ans: greater than 82

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6. S.I Unit of electric charge is _ a) ampere b) coulomb c) volt d) ohm

7. The commercial unit of electric energy is kilowatt hour (kWh). This is known as a) unit b) faraday c) coulomb d) none of these

8. 1 kWh or 1 unit is equal to watt second or Joulea) 6.3 x 106 b) 6.0232 x 10 6 c) 3.6 x 10 6 d) 4.2 x 106

9. The charge contained in 6 x 10 electrons is equivalent to a) 1 ampere b) 1 voltc) 1 coulomb d) 1 ohm

10. Metals conduct electricity due to the flow of a) electrons b) protons c) neutrons d) ions

11. is an instrument which is used to measure current in a circuit a) voltmeter b) capacitor c) barometer d) ammeter

12. is an instrument which is used to measure potential difference a) voltmeter b) capacitor c) barometer d) ammeter

13. 1 joule / 1 coulomb = a) 1 volt b) 1 ampere c) 1 ohm d) 1 Faraday

14. 1volt / 1 ampere = a) 1 watt b) 1 coulomb c) 1 ohm d) 1 Faraday

15. 1volt x 1 ampere = a) 1 watt b) 1 coulomb c) 1 ohm d) 1 Faraday

16. Fuse used in electric circuits is based on the application of a) Joules law of heating b) Ohm's law c) Faraday's law d) all of these

17. In our country, the potential difference between the wires in domestic electric circuits is a) 120 V b) 220 V c) 240 V d) 100 V

18. For geysers and air coolers the circuit of 15A current is used and for bulbs and fans the circuit of current is used

a) 5A b) 10A c) 15A d) 220A

19. 1 kilowatt is equal to a) 10 watt b) 100 watt c) 1000 watt d) 10000 watt

20. Complete the table


Negative(cathode) Electrolyte e.m.f

Voltaic Copper Zinc Dil. Sulphuric acid 1.08V

Leclanche Carbon rod Zinc rodimmonium chloride


Lead-acid accumulator Lead dioxide Lead Dil. Sulphuric acid 2.2V

21. Fossil fuels are sources of energya) renewable b) non-renewable c) non-conventional d) none of these

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Conventional sources of energy • Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum)• Thermal power plant• Hydro power plants• Bio-mass• Wind energy

Non-conventional sources of energy • Solar energy• Nuclear energy

Renewable sources of energy • Hydro power plants• Wind energy

Non-renewable sources of energy • Fossil fuels (coal, petroleum)• Nuclear energy

Energy from seas • Tidal energy• Wave energy• Ocean thermal energy

20. The fuel gas obtained from cow-dung is a) Indane b) LPG c) Gobar gas d) CO2

21. Which of the following heavy atoms produce nuclear energy during nuclear fission?a) uranium b) plutonium c) thorium d) all of these

22. Nuclear fission occurs when heavy atoms (U, Pu, Th) are bombarded with low-energy a) protons b) electrons c) neutrons d) X-rays

23. The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by a) Henri Becquerel b) Otto Hahn c) Marie Curie d) Pierre Curie

24. Henri Becquerel found that a photographic plate wrapped in a black paper was affected by certain penetrating radiations emitted by a) sodium salt b) uranium salt c) calcium salt d) all of these

25. showed that the radiations from the uranium salt were capable of ionizing a gas.a) Rutherford b) Marie Curie c) Otto Hahn d) Pierre Curie

26. Madam Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie discovered the highly radioactive elements a) thorium and curium b) radium and polonium c) radon and argon d) none of these

27. Heavy elements having atomic number greater than 82 are called a) Noble elements b) halogens c) radioactive elements d) chalcogens

28. The radioactivity is unaffected by a) temperature b) pressure c) electric and magnetic fields d) all the above

29. Nuclear fission was discovered by a) Henri Becquerel b) Otto Hahn & Strassman c) Marie Curie d) Pierre Curie

30. Nuclear fission is accompanied by the release of a) X-rays b) electrons c) neutrons d) protons

31. Fission of an atom of U235 releases million volts of energy a) 100 b) 200 c) 1 d) 10

32. Nuclear fusion can be carried out only at a extremely high temperature of the order ofa) 107 K b) 103 K c) 104 K d) 10 K

33. The nuclear fusion reactions are known asa) combustion reactions b) decomposition reactions c) thermo nuclear reactions d) thermo chemical reactions

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34. The radiation exposure is measured by the unit calleda) roentgen b) electron volt c) ampere d) coulomb

35. The quantity of radiation which produces 1.6 x 10 pairs of ion in 1 gram of air is a) one curie b) one ampere c) one roentgen d) one Faraday

36. Safe limit of receiving the radiation is about _milli roentgen per week. a) 520 b) 1000 c) 250 d) 100

37. Radioactive materials are kept in thick-walled container a) iron b) lead c) copper d) steel

38. is based on the gravitational pull of the moon on the spinning earth.a) Wave energy b) Ocean thermal energy c) Tidal energy d) Wind energy

39. In Ocean thermal energy plants, the vapors of is used to run the turbine of generator a) waterb) ethanol c) ammonia d) benzene

40. built the first batterya) Daniel b) Ampere c) Volta d) Faraday

41. Inventor of the first dynamoa) Michael Faraday b) Volta c) Daniel d) Ampere

Michael Faraday Inventor of the first dynamoVolta Built the first batteryOtto Hahn & Strassman Discovered nuclear fission

RutherfordShowed that the radiations fromuranium salts can ionize a gas

Henri Becquerel Discovered radioactivityMarie Curie & Pierre Curie Discovered radium & Polonium

13.Electrical quantity S.I UnitElectric charge wattElectric current watt hourElectric power coulombElectric energy ampereAns:

Electrical quantity S.I UnitElectric charge coulombElectric current ampereElectric power wattElectric energy watt hour

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14.Coal & Petroleum Bio-massHydro power Nuclear energyUranium Renewable source of energyCow -dung Fossil fuels


Coal & Petroleum Fossil fuelsHydro power Renewable source of energyUranium Nuclear energyCow -dung Bio-mass

15.Red wire Neutral wire (negative)Black wire Earth wireGreen wire Live wire (positive)Ans:

Red wire Live wire (positive)Black wire Neutral wire (negative)Green wire Earth wire

16.Nuclear reactivity State of the reactorZero Sub criticalPositive Exactly criticalNegative Super criticalAns:

Nuclear reactivity State of the reactor

Zero Exactly criticalPositive Super criticalNegative Sub critical

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1. The magnification produced by a mirror is 1/3, then the type of mirror is(concave, convex, plane)Ans: convex

2. An electric current through a metallic conductor produces around it. (heat, light, magnetic field, mechanical force)

Ans: magnetic field

3. The field of view is maximum for (plane mirror, concave mirror, convex mirror)Ans: convex mirror

4. An object is placed 25 cm from a convex lens whose focal length is 10 cm. The image distance is(50 cm, 16.66 cm, 6.66 cm, 10 cm)Ans: 16.66 cm

5. The pattern of magnetic field lines due to a straight current carrying conductor isa) elliptical b) straight lines c) concentric circles d) none of these

6. is used for making armaturea) soft iron b) steel c) aluminium d) copper

7. For spherical mirrors of small apertures the radius of curvature and focal length are related as a) R = 2f b) R = f / 2 c) R = 4 f d) none of these

8. The bottom of a tank or a pond containing water appears to be raised. This is due to a) reflection b) refraction c) dispersion d) none of these

9. Light travels the fastest in vacuum with the highest speed of a) 3 x 108 m s-1 b) 3 x 1010 m s-1 c) 3 x 103 m s-1 d) 3 x 106 m s-1

10. 1 dioptre is the power of a lens whose focal length is a) 1 cm b) 1 meter c) 10 cm d) 10 m

11. In human eye image is formed on a light sensitive screen called a) cornea b) retina c) iris d) none of these

12. Light enters the eye through the thin membrane called a) cornea b) retina c) iris d) none of these

13. forms the transparent bulge on the front surface of the eye balla) cornea b) retina c) iris d) none of these

14. The human eye ball is approximately spherical in shape with a diameter of about a) 3.2 cm b) 2.3 cm c) 4.3 cm d) 1.2 cm

15. provides the finer adjustment of focal length required to focus objects at different distances on the retina. a) iris b) cornea c) crystalline lens d) retina

16. _is a dark muscular diaphragm that controls the pupil. a) Retina b) Cornea c) Iris d) none of these

17. regulates and controls the amount of light entering the eye.a) pupil b) retina c) lens d) iris

Fill up the blanks:

1. is known for the study of electromagnetismAns: Oersted

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2. suggested that the magnet must also exert an equal and opposite force on the current carrying conductor. Ans: Ampere

3. discovered that an electro motive force is produced in a circuit whenever the magnetic flux linked with a coil changes.Ans: Faraday

4 made an important breakthrough by discovering how a magnet can be used to generate electric currents. Ans: Faraday

5. To get a direct current (DC), a ring type commutator must be used.Ans: split

6. Refraction of light is due to change in the of light as it enters from one transparent medium to another.Ans: speed

7. In electric motor acts as a commutator. ((split ring / slip ring)Ans: split ring

8. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is employed in(Electric motor / Electric generator)Ans: Electric generator

9. Magnetic field is a quantity (scalar / vector)

Ans: vector

10. a) mirrors are used as rear-view mirrors in vehicles.(Convex / Concave)Ans: Convex

b) Speed of light in glass. (increases / reduces)Ans: reduces

11. The twinkling of stars is an effect of (reflection / atmospheric refraction)Ans: atmospheric refraction

12. Wavering or flickering of objects when seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above a fire is an effect of (reflection / atmospheric refraction)Ans: atmospheric refraction

13. mirror always forms virtual and diminished image (Convex / Concave)Ans: Convex

14. lens always forms virtual and diminished image (Convex / Concave)Ans: Concave

15. Rainbow is caused due toAns: dispersion

(reflection / dispersion)

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1. Near point of normal human eye is 25 cm2. The size of the eye ball is 2.3 cm3. Hyperbolic mirrors are used in Hubble telescope

4. Rainbow is caused due to dispersion of light5. Split rings are used in DC motor6 Concave lens is used to correct Myopia7. Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric refraction

8. The region surrounding the magnet, in which the force of the magnet can be detected, is said to have a magnetic field.9 The lines along which the iron fillings align themselves represent magnetic lines of force.10. Magnetic field is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.11. Inside the magnet, the direction of field lines is from its south pole to its north pole.12. The magnetic field lines are closed curves.13. No two field-lines are found to cross each other.14. The direction of magnetic field produced by the electric current depends upon the direction of flow of current.15. The magnitude of the magnetic field produced at a given point increases as the current through the wire, increases.16. The magnetic field produced by the given current in the conductor decreases as the distance from it increases.17 The displacement of the rod is largest when the direction of current is at right angles to the direction of magnetic field.

18. An electric motor is a rotating device that converts electrical energy in to mechanical energy.19. In electric motors and generators the split ring acts as a commutator.20. The commercial motors use (i) an electromagnet in place of permanent magnet;21. In an electric generator, mechanical energy is used to rotate a conductor in a magnetic field to produce electricity22. A current which changes direction after equal intervals of time, is called an alternating current (AC).23. An important advantage of AC over DC is that electric power can be transmitted over long distances without much loss of energy.

24. A spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is curved inwards is called a concave mirror.

25. A spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is curved outwards is called a convex mirror. 26. When a thick glass slab is placed over some printed matter, the letters appear raised when viewed through the glass slab is due to refraction 27. A lemon kept in water in a glass tumbler appears to be bigger than its actual size, when viewed from the sides is due to refraction 28. The diameter of the reflecting surface of spherical mirror is called its aperture. 29. Light propagates with different speeds in different media. 30. The velocity of light in vacuum is 3 x 108 m/s.

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31. The central point of a lens is called its optical centre. 32. The effective diameter of the circular outline of a spherical lens is called its aperture.33. The distance of the principal focus from the optical centre of a lens is called its focal length. 34. The power of a lens is defined as the reciprocal of its focal length. 35. The SI unit of power of a lens is ‘dioptre’. It is denoted by the letter D. 36. The power of a convex lens is positive and that of a concave lens is negative. 37. The angle between its lateral faces of the prism is called the angle of the prism. 38. The acronym VIBGYOR will help you to remember the sequence of colours. 39. The band of the coloured component of a light beam is called its spectrum 40. The splitting of light into its component colours is called dispersion. 41. The red light bends the least while the violet the most. 42. The human eye is like a camera. 43. Lens system forms an image on a light sensitive screen called the retina. 44. Light enters the eye through the thin membrane called the cornea. 45. The eye ball is approximately spherical in shape with a diameter of about 2.3cm. 46. The crystalline lens merely provides the finer adjustment of focal length 47. Iris is a dark muscular diaphragm that controls the pupil. 48. The pupil regulates and controls the amount of light entering the eye. 49. The eye lens forms an inverted real image of the object on the retina. 50. Presbyopia arises due to the gradual weakening of the ciliary muscles
