(1) These are the Messages for the people in these days! Carrium: 163 "No Certain Dwelling Place: 2 years-204 Days!" The 11th Month of The 39th Year After My Baptism! 12-02-2018 1st Day of the week, which is called Sunday Daniel-David's 318th Day! Carrium 163

  · Web viewFor he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi (the preachers in

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Page 1:   · Web viewFor he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi (the preachers in


These are the Messages for the people in these days!

Carrium: 163"No Certain Dwelling Place: 2 years-204 Days!"

The 11th Month of The 39th Year After My Baptism!12-02-2018

1st Day of the week, which is called SundayDaniel-David's 318th Day!

Carrium 163http://www.carrium.com

Page 2:   · Web viewFor he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi (the preachers in


By Xmeah ShaEla'ReEl

“Life Began For Me On 01-06-1979, The Day of My Baptism!”

“The House of God Is Built Up With Living Stones!”“Concerning CD Messages!”

CD Messages are recordings of these Messages from the LORD onto CD's! Thus saith the LORD, Pray that every CD Message, that you

see mentioned in these Reports, will come unto you! Amen! The Lord Said, “He That Reads; Let Him Also Understand!”

Xmeah ShaEla'ReEl: The Lord's Messenger!

Behold, this Word is set for the fall and rising again of many who are called Christians; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (yes, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. Many are found to be believing that they already know the Lord! Thus saith the Lord, in Ezekiel

7:10: "Behold the day, behold, it is come: the morning is gone forth; the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded." The Lord will judge your thoughts according to His Sayings, to show you if you are in

line with Him! Amen!And now, say, "Judge me, O Lord!" 1st Corinthians 11:31: "For if we

would judge ourselves, we should not be judged."

Fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-3: "Behold, I have sent My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple! Even the messenger of the Covenant, Whom Jesus Christ is, Whom you say you delight in!

Behold, My messenger has come, saith the LORD of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he

appears? For he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the

sons of Levi (the preachers in these days), and purge them as gold

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and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness." Amen!

Jesus Christ is the Covenant, which God gave to man! He is the Word of God! He is the True Ways of God! If you shall walk

according to the Laws of the Covenant, you will be saved! If you will not, you will be destroyed! I am His messenger! I have come in the

Spirit, and in the Power of Elijah! I am come for Judgment! This is the refining of the Church according to the Word of the Lord! The Lord has sent me, and I will be rejected by many in this land! And,

in so doing, they will have rejected the Lord! Amen!Thus Saith The Lord God, "Peace Be Unto You! This Is The Word Of


"This Is A Report From God!"1st Peter 4:17: "For the time is come that judgment must begin at

the house of God (with those who are called Christians): and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" This Judgment starts with those who are called preachers,

first! Amen!Thus saith the Lord, "Pray the following prayer, saying, Hear my

prayer, O God! O Heavenly Father, I ask that You would cause me to pray every prayer, that is mentioned in this Report, with all

sincerity! I ask that You would cause me to pay attention to all of this Report! Let me not be drawn away from this Report by any wicked means, I pray to You! I long to see Your Power, and Your

Might ruling in my ability to stay focused! Search me; and, expose every wicked way about me! Teach me to pray; and, cause me to pay attention to everything that You say by this Report; and, I ask that You would cause me to be aware of when You are speaking to

me, and about me! And, I ask that my heart would be opened up to understanding; and, cause me to understand the things that are

reported herein! Amen!"

Did God do that for you? Were you able to keep your attention focused? If not, pray again the second time! If, after praying a

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second time, you were not able to keep focused; remember how the Lord went back to pray the same prayer a third time. Believe that

you need this! Amen!And now: Thus saith the Lord, If you have believed; and, did what I have commanded you to do; I have heard you; and, will perform all

that I gave unto you to ask of Me! Amen!

"God Must Instruct You In All Of Your Doing!"Let nothing be done that He has not commanded you to do. Wait on the Lord for the instructions! The Word will prosper when it is sent

where the Lord has instructed it to be sent! This means being moved by the Spirit in doing that which is done! Too much work is

going out into places where the Lord has not instructed it to be sent. Where has the Lord prepared; and, whom has He prepared? We

don't just decide to send the Word to any particular person; but, we do as the Spirit instructs us to do. Timing is of the utmost

importance. Many times decisions are made about sending the Word to friends and relatives: but, this is not where the Lord is instructing

the Word to be sent! Have faith in God: He will reach everyone in the time in which He has appointed for them to be reached! If you try to reach them before the time for them to be reached; you will not accomplish anything! You are taking a risk of pushing them further away from God when you do things in the flesh! You also become endanger of being destroyed by God for turning people

away from Him by working in the flesh. He is not pleased with those who do not show faith in Him! There is a time for everyone; and,

right now, you need to give your attention to working in God's Timing! Amen!

Be patient; and, trust in God! Be like Jesus, Who said, "I do only those things, which the Father instructs me to do!" The Spirit goes

with the Word when the Word is sent to where the Lord has instructed the Word to be sent! This is even like ourselves going to

places, trying to do something, where the Lord has not sent us! If He is not with us; then nothing can be accomplished! The Word and the

Spirit must go together. Many have the Word, but not the Spirit! Everything must be done as He authorizes it to be done. He is

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making all of the decisions; and, the timing must be right! The Spirit must be present with the Word to do the work, before any work can

be accomplished. And, He will not go any place just because we decided to go there; and, neither will He be with anything that we

decide to send to someone. Therefore, be concerned about working effectively, and precisely! Amen!

My Lord, I am depending on You: for You are Faithful! Let me not be found depending on others for what I need! Send help, O Lord: for

You are Faithful Help! Amen!

At the reading of this Reports, either the spirit of Josiah, or the spirit of Jehoiakim will be revealed in you! The accounts and actions of

these two men can be found in 2nd Chronicles 34:14-28 and Jeremiah 36:20-32. Amen!

02-13-1999(Saturday: The 7th Day of The Week!)

O Lord Michael, the Arch Angel of the Lord: fight against all of our enemies; for troubles are risen up against us! Deliver us from all of

this evil, I pray to You! Amen!Blessed are You, O my Lord! Thank You for giving me to

acknowledge the Angel of the Lord, Whom You have assigned to fight against the evil! You hast taken the battle away from us; and,

have given it into the Hands of Those who are more capable of defeating the evil: both man and spirits! Thank You for establishing

our goings; and, for ordering our steps; step by step! Deliver us from fears that are brought on by our thoughts going into the future to think about what it will be like; and, deliver us from anxiousness;

and, cause Your Peace to abide in us; and, cause us to abide in Your Peace, I pray to You! Strengthen our focus so that we will focus only

on seeking Your Kingdom, and Your Righteousness! Let all of our desires be stayed right there where they belong, as You have

commanded! When You command something to stay put; it will stay put! Command it, O Lord; and, it shall be even as You have

commanded! Amen!

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Thank You for bringing us into another day! Let the Lord's Day appear unto us in this day! Your Paths are filled with all goodness. Cause us to follow in Your Paths! You are the Light; and, You are

called the Day of God! Let us walk in the Day that is the Light; and, not be found walking in darkness! Lead us in the paths of Righteousness for Your Name's sake, I pray to You! Amen!

This is the Day that You have made: give us gladness and rejoicing in it, I pray to You! Give us songs of praises to sing unto You; and, Strengthen us to follow You in the tunes which You give us to sing by. I ask that You would clear up these conditions that hinder our voices from being lifted up as You have commanded them to be. Teach us to follow You; and, deliver us from trying to follow the patterns of songs that are already recorded! Fight against those spirits and people who contend with You for control over us: and deliver us from their power and influence, I pray to You! Let our

minds know the peace of hearing from You. You make the changes in these existing songs, to make them to be acceptable to You. But, let us sing with the Spirit, and by the Spirit! Cause us to know the

Power that exists in the praises! Cause us to understand what we be saying, so that we can sing with the understanding, also! Amen!

Teach us to pray; and, cause us to hear better! Increase us in faith, and in ability to respond quickly to everything that You command us

to do. Let us not get in one another's way: for You coordinate everything precisely. All of our time is in Your Hands! Amen!

Give us this day our daily bread! I ask that You would give me the writings of those things, which You gave us to speak to one another about yesterday, so that these Reports can go out in written form,

also! The Word from 2nd Timothy 4:5, said for us to make full use of our ministry! You have given me to write, also. Let the Words of the

Lord come back again, I pray to You! Amen!Truly, O Lord, I am not satisfied with my reading ability! I ask that You would increase in me the ability to read, so that I can record these Reports into the computer with more skills, and be more

convincing, as if to be speaking! You gave me to pay attention to that as I be listening to the playback of the recordings!

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O Lord, arise; and, satisfy me right early. O Lord God Holy Ghost, be You magnified; and, be You exalted, I pray to You! Amen!

O Lord God our Creator, what must we do now, for You to be able to work more freely through us to do creations? I look at the art work;

and, I know it can be better! Send forth the Spirit that creates magnificent works, I pray to You. We must become perfect vessels for You to work through. There must not be any resistance found in us! Our desires must be perfect! What do I need to do so that this

can be done, my Lord? I long to see how God Works perfectly through a man; and, I desire to be that man, even as the Lord Jesus

Christ was the Vessel fitted for Your use. I long to know His Mind Set! I long to know His Joy and His Peace! Our Father, bring it to

pass quickly, I pray to You! Amen!

O Lord Gabriel, give us the Reports! Give us skills; and, cause us to understand in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Give me perfect skills in typing these Reports, I pray to You! Yes, my Lord: I ask for

better skills in taking down dictations from You! Amen!O Lord God of my Peace, cause our Peace to be stayed; and, You be

exalted in our midst, I pray to You! Let Mizpah be enacted, and cause it to stand always! Amen!

"Making The Field Ready!"People have a desire to do good; and, they are seen giving to

charity organizations all over the land. But, we have a responsibility of doing good in such a way that God can receive glory from our good deeds! Who can best represent Jesus: you or some charity

organization? Who can give to people without involving them in a lot of "Red Tape?" Who can make giving to be very simple? "When you

see your brother or sister in need; you open your bowels of compassion, and give them such as they have need of." You must

be able to see a need for yourself; and, you must be willing to be the vessel through whom the good is done! You are the representative of Jesus Christ! You are being fashioned in the Likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, to know those who belong to Him; and, to meet the

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needs of those of the Household of Faith! You don't need someone else to do this for you! Do it yourself! Consider how He showed us an example of being able to see and know the needs! Isn't this a quality that all of us is supposed to gain: for we have learned that

this is the Way that He showed? He came forth to show us the examples of God ruling in a man, and what ability that man is

supposed to display. Would you not want to know what God knows? He knows those that are His; and, He also show us who to give to,

because we became yielded to His Spirit! If you allow yourself to be the vessel through whom God can work; He can be Glorified: but, a charity organization will not give praise, nor credit to God, because

the people that run these organizations are not full of the Holy Ghost! But, they give glory to themselves! Have you ever heard the United Way speaking praises to the Name of Jesus; or, is it their own name being lifted up? Do they not say they use the money to help researchers find cures for diseases; and, they pay for treatments in clinics and hospitals? Does not God have the cure for every ailment already; and, is He not the Healer of all of our diseases? Why do you

have to research to find something that is already available? The people are not being steered towards the Ways which God has established, by the organizations. So, by giving money to these

organizations, you be helping them to turn the eyes of the people away from God, and away from the way He has chosen to heal us.

Do not use an ungodly system to do a duty for you, which you should be doing. Besides having the material things, which someone needs, you can also give the Words of counsel from the Lord to gain

a soul! But, the organizations don't preach faith in God through Jesus Christ, the Way! When you do the giving; you know it has gotten to the individual whom you intended to have it; and, you know that the exact amount you intended the person to receive,

was received! If you come to an individual as a Christian, and do a good deed for that person; that person will praise God for the good

deed which was done for him. You are the Light that shall shine; and, you make your profession about what faith you follow; and,

when the good is done, it is credited to God, and to your faith! Seek to know who to do the good to; and, God will guide you in every way

to give Glory to Him! Amen!

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"Blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Matthew 5:3) Blessed are those who have no strength, nor ability, nor help of their own, because they depend

on the Spirit of God for all their help! I am always in need of help from God! I need His help in everything: therefore, I am blessed!


"Waiting For The Power To Come!"I met a man by a fountain in Portland, Oregon many years ago. He appeared to be a homeless man to me. I was singing a song when I got off the bus. I walked over to this man, and began to sing to him! He looked at me, and said, "I'm a little down on my luck; could you spare some change!" I was a homeless man, also! I gave him what I had, and said to him, "There is One that cares for all of us!" I wanted to bless this man: but, all I had to bless him with was a song and a few coins! I gave this to him gladly. He took my ink pen out of my shirt pocket; and, began to draw on my left forearm. He drew a

cloud, with rays of sunshine coming down through the clouds! Then, he drew a dove descending out of the clouds! Then, he drew a

peace sign, and a heart! Then, he said to me, "Remain in that way!" The way he said it, stuck with me! I was in awe of this as I walked

away! I went forth to bless; and, I got blessed! I realized I had encountered an Angel of the Lord! (Hebrews 13) "Let brotherly

love continue; and, be kind to strangers, because you could be encountering an Angel of the Lord in the appearance of a

homeless man!" Amen!My Lord, let those Words be performed upon me; and, cause me to

remain in that way, I pray to You! Amen!I remember how the Angel of the Lord told me to remain in Love,

Joy, Peace, and Singing! O Lord, have I been able to remain in these conditions? Amen!

When the Lord gives us to remain in a place, or in a situation until that which He promised has come; He is looking to see who is still in the place where He told them to remain! The Lord said to abide in a

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certain way until Power from on High comes unto you: but, He has always seen you moving out of that way before the Power arrived!


Be You my Anchor, O Lord; and, I shall not be moved! Amen!

My Lord, I ask that this being moved not be found with me anymore! Speak the Word upon me to cause me to remain in that which You

have spoken, I pray to You! Amen!

I saw how He was telling wives to remain in subjection to their husbands; and, then Power would come to bring forth people! But, I

saw wives leaving the subjective state, and entering into a domineering and manipulative state. The Lord had to see the man

and the woman remaining faithfully in just one thing! All of the disciples that went to Jerusalem were in agreement about what

must be done. They were to wait there; and, that is what the Lord was looking for. How many times are you going to let yourselves be

robbed of Power? The Power of 10,000 was needed to obtain something; but, pride came in to cause someone to step out of place! Remaining at Jerusalem, means to remain in a way, or a

place that the Lord has commanded to remain in. How long can you wait, before returning to your old ways? God has seen people not being able to abide in a way for a long time! Suppose you take Job

as an example of abiding in a condition until healing came from God. He did not rise up to seek his deliverance in another way! Remember how the Lord told His disciples to go abide at Galilee

until He returned! Did not Peter rise up to go fishing; and, the others said they were going, too! Impatience sets in; and, you are not able to remain in that situation until you receive the Promise which the Lord Promised! Having seen in yourself, the inability to stay put; now, the Lord is saying that you need to ask for Power to remain where He has told you to remain, until the Promise comes! God

wants to bless the two of you together! For some reason you are always pulled away from the spot, or spiritual condition that will

cause the Power not to come. If the Lord had not commanded the Apostles to go wait at Jerusalem; they would not have been able to

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wait. But, the Lord spoke the Word upon them; and, kept them in place by an Angel. He anchored them in place so that they would

not leave to go do something else. This time, they were able to wait patiently for the Lord's Promise to come! Amen!

My Lord, speak the Word upon us to cause us to remain in the way in which You have commanded; and, cause us to wait for the Power

to come, I pray to You! Amen!

Are prayers important? Yes! Has God caused this Report to come unto you because He heard you asking for His Word? Has He seen

your works as being good as He did with Cornelius, in Acts 10? Consider the way God has chosen to answer your prayers, to tell you what you need to do. He has heard you! And, now will you do what

He will tell you to do? This is what the Spirit of the Lord told Cornelius! Your prayers and desires for good works do come up

before God: but, there is something very important that you need to do! Remember how Peter was about to reject something sent to him

from God; and, was about to declare something as being unclean that God sent! Don't make the same mistake! The Lord is tired of

people calling unclean, those things which He sent. The Anger of the Lord is not being realized by the people! They always see Him as

smiling, and being pleased! How can He be smiling, when He is not seeing His Ways being walked in? When He strikes suddenly, there

will be no mistake about how He feels about what He is seeing going on continually before His Face! Amen!

GOD has given us the best for our help! But, unless you do everything that He commands you to do, you shall in no wise enter into His Kingdom! It is up to you whether you want His salvation, or not! You, and you alone must make that decision! It is written in

Ephesians 4:11-16, saying, “And the LORD Jesus Christ gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,

pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints; for the work of the ministry; and, for the edifying of the body of Christ, until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of GOD, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the

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fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ, from Whom the whole body, fitly

joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part,

makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” Keep your fellowship with the Body, because you become like those whom

you associate with! If you associate yourself with those who are weak; you will be weak! God will give you the desires of your heart; and, those who forsake the assembling of themselves with the Body,

are showing God that they desire weakness! Amen!

You are a joint, if you shall obey Him! Righteousness shall flow through you continuously like a river! This portion of this Report is concerning your obedience to do all that the LORD is commanding

you to do, to prove to you whether you believe that this Report came from the LORD, or not! If you believe it came from the LORD, you will obey and do all that you are told to do in the Report! It is written in John 8:31-32, saying, “Then said Jesus to those Jews,

which believed on Him, If you continue in My Word, then are you My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall

make you free.” A true Christian is a true Jew! Amen!

Thus saith the LORD GOD, “Remember these Words, which the LORD spoke, saying, Behold, I will cause the Word from Heaven to come out to you like rain; and the people shall go out and gather a

certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in My law, or not.” Amen!

Thus saith the LORD Jesus Christ unto those who have believed, “Pray unto the Father, in My Name, asking that you might receive all

of the other chapters of these Reports, which you do not have! If you pray, sincerely, desiring to receive, you will receive your Daily Bread on a daily basis, because there are many Reports put into

circulation! I, the LORD, will cause the people to release Them; and,

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will cause Them to come unto you! Believe in the Power of GOD! Amen!”

“Prayer of Faith!”This is the Prayer that is given for all of you to pray, saying, “O

Heavenly Father, I ask in the Name of my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, that You would cause me to pray this prayer with all

sincerity! I ask that You would cause all of the other chapters of these Reports, that I do not have, to come unto me! I ask this in

faith, believing that this Report was authorized to come unto me by the LORD Jesus Christ! My LORD, cause the flowing to begin: and, let

me be included in this flowing of the Word of GOD! Because I remember that I will be held accountable for the blood of those who

perish because of my negligence, I will be faithful to sound this trumpet! Amen!”

“The LORD Will Not Answer A Liar, Nor A Deceiver!Yes, He Does Know If You Have Believed!”

Thus Saith The LORD, “Now, Obey The Word of GOD!”(This Is The Way The Word of GOD Will Spread!)

It is written, in Psalm 68:11, saying, “GOD gave the Word; and, great was the company of those that published it!” Amen!

Let that great company appear, O LORD!

“This Is The Gift of God!”Your instructions are written in Ecclesiastes 11:1-3, saying, “Cast your bread upon the waters: for you shall find it after many days.

Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for you don't know what evil shall be upon the earth. If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree falls toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it shall be.”

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Now, Vow a vow unto the Lord, and keep it, saying, “I will exercise myself in faith! I will do with this Report as it is commanded in Ecclesiastes 11:1-3, because I am given to realize that this is a

Commandment from the Word of GOD. I will pay attention to my obedience to do what the Word has said! The Word of the LORD is

commanding me to “Disperse what I have received among the people: and, after many days, I will find it again!” Someone is going to be converted; and, I will receive this Word back from a stranger! I will hear others speaking that which I have sent out. My obedience is necessary for my salvation! I know this for sure, that, this is an order being given to me from the LORD Jesus Christ! My bread is that which I have received! Because I have been helped by this

Report, I will show my love, compassion, and caring for others by giving a portion to seven, and also to eight, that others might be

helped, also! I will make seven copies of this Report, and give them out! Then, I will do it a second time: but, this time, I will make eight copies, and give them out. I must keep this Original Copy for myself,

because this is my Master Copy! I will now start to compile the complete Collection of Carriums! I will give a portion to seven, and

also to eight: and, that will be a total of 15. And, because of my obedience to do what He commanded me to do, the Spirit will speak

with me, telling me when to give out more copies! I will keep this Word flowing continually! I shall become as a cloud that is full of

rain, which when it is full, it empties out itself upon the earth! I shall empty out what I have in me, unto the people! May the LORD my

GOD, help me to keep my words! Amen!

“This Is The Gift of Helps!”Thus saith the Lord, "I have commanded all of you to feed My sheep;

and, also said, Whatsoever you have heard in secret, shall be shouted from the housetop! You may say you are not able to make

the copies of these Reports as you have been commanded to do: but, I, the Lord, said in Isaiah 1:19-20, that if you would show a

willingness; and then, if you would be obedient; you shall eat the good of the Land! Are you willing to do this? Ask of Me to give you

to be willing; and then, ask that you would be given Power to be able to do this. All things must be done out of a willing, and a ready

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mind! That is important for you to have, first! Ask; and, you shall be given! Remember the "widow's mite" which I spoke about in

Luke 21:1-4. Make sure you give out this one Report, until I have made you able to give out more! I do know your heart; and, I do

know if you have the zeal to bare much fruit, and labor more abundantly! Pray for that zeal to be given to you! Be faithful in the few things: and, I will put you in charge of much! I will also give you to remember the Judgment of that one servant that buried the one

talent, which he was given! (Matthew 25:18-30) Amen!"What are you expecting to receive by doing this? The LORD said in Luke 17:7-10, saying, “But, which of you, having a servant plowing

or feeding cattle, will say unto him, by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat? And will not rather say

unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird yourself, and serve Me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward you shall eat and drink? Does He thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I say not! So, likewise you, when you shall have done all those things, which are commanded you, say,

We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” Amen!

The LORD gave Elijah a sign, signaling the start of an abundance of rain! When the rain comes down, it is gathered in a reservoir; and, then it is issued out from the place where it is gathered. The rain is the Understanding, which is intended for the people of these latter days! This is the latter rain, which the LORD spoke about through

the Prophets of old. Amen!

“This Word Will Pass From You To Others, Creating A Flowing Like A River!”

As it was shown to Ezekiel, in the 47th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel, the waters issued out from a certain place, and flowed

outward, going to every person. It is written, saying, “Afterward, He brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters

issued out from under the threshold of the house, eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came

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down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar. Then, He brought me northward out of the way of the

gate, and led me outside about the way, unto the utter gate, by the way that looks eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side. And, when the Man, that had the line in His hand, went

forth eastward, He measured a thousand cubits, and He brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. Again He

measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again He measured a thousand, and

brought me through; the waters were to the loins. Afterward, He measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters had risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over. And He said unto me, Son of man, have you seen this?

Then He brought me, and caused me to return to the brink of the river. Now when I had returned, behold, at the bank of the river

were very many trees on the one side and on the other. Then, said He unto me, This Word is issued out to those whose focus is pulled hard towards that which is evil, and will also go down unto those who are in a desolate condition! It shall flow into the people who are as numerous as the amount of water of the sea, which have

within themselves that which will not satisfy man for his life, even as the sea water will not! But, when this Word shall reach them; these

people shall be delivered from under the power of the darkness. This will be the Jubilee; and, it will be as turning the sea water into

fresh water, which is made drinkable. And it shall come to pass, that everything that lives, which responds to the Word, whithersoever

the Word shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of people as the fish, which the fishermen will catch in

their nets, because these waters shall come their way, because they shall be healed! And, everything shall live whither the river comes.

And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon the banks from one end, even unto the other end! They shall have a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their

kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. But, the miry places thereof and the marshes, which are the people who choose

to remain filthy, shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt, and shall become as the salted waters of the sea. And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees

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for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months,

because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. These are the trees of Righteousness, the preachers whom the LORD will cause to come up! These are the plantings of the LORD your GOD.

These are planted by the rivers of water!

Thus saith the LORD GOD, This shall be the boundary, whereby you shall inherit the Promise, according to the dispersing of the land, which was given to the twelve tribes of Israel! You shall remain

within the boundaries of the Laws of GOD. This is the heart of man! Your whole heart shall be filled with Righteousness, as the example of the Promise land, which I gave unto Israel of old. Those who are given to be the Keepers shall have two portions. And, you shall also inherit it, one as well as another: concerning that which I lifted up Mine hand to give It unto your fathers: and this Promise shall fall unto you for inheritance. These are the Laws and Promises of the

LORD Jesus Christ.” Amen!Thus saith the LORD, “Because of these Reports, the trees, which are the people, will fall either to the north (Everlasting Light), or to

the south (Everlasting Torment)! Something good, or something bad is going to happen in your house, depending on what you do with

this Report.” Amen!Each of you, who have received this Report, shall ask the LORD,

saying, “O LORD, Who is worthy to receive this Report?” And then, ask Him to give you the 15 people to whom you might give a copy of

this Report!You know people in your area, and in other areas! You have email addresses! Make sure you are showing a concern about the well-being of others! Learn to desire to share, and start sharing with

others! Make known to others where they can find these Messages! Amen!

Now, you say, I ask of You, O LORD, Who is worthy to receive this Report? I ask that You would give me the 15 people who will be

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faithful in distributing these Reports! You do know all of those who are Yours! I am looking unto You from Whom my help comes! I need

Your Help, O LORD! Amen!That is the Lord's Message! Blessed are You, O Lord God! Thank

You for this Message! You are Mighty in Power; and, Mighty is the Power of the Word! Amen!

“My LORD, Who Has Believed Our Report?”Do You Believe That This Is A Report From The LORD?

Answer: Yes or No!“This Is A True Report!”

“Having No Certain Dwelling Place Is The True Work of Evangelism!”

“We Go About The Country Bringing The Word of Understanding To The People To Unify Such As Are In The Light In The True Faith!”

Psalm 121:1; “I am lifting up my eyes unto You, O Lord, from where my Help comes.”

This is what the Lord is saying to you, "If you bring all of the Tithes to those whom I have chosen and sent, that they might be provided for; and prove Me now in this Way, saith the LORD of hosts; and see

if I will not open for you the Windows of Heaven, and pour out a Blessing to you, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And, I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her

fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of Hosts."

And now, you rise up early in the morning, and go forth in the Spirit of the Lord: and, as you go forth, you stand, and say, "Hear me, O

you children of the Lord, and you who abide by His Laws, "Believe in the LORD your God, so shall you be established; believe His

anointed preachers, so shall you prosper." Amen!

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Cell phone: 409-880-5060Cell phone: 409-998-0968Web Site: http://www.7th-xmeah.comWeb Site: http://www.1st-felicia.com Email: [email protected] Reports: http://www.el-fuego-de-dios.com/Spanish Reports are translations of these Reports by Ruben Cruz.

For Video Messages, go to:http://www.3rd-felicia.com/

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