Finnimore, Amelie MYP Personal Project Student Code: HPY428 School Code: 000540 Supervisor: Mr. Logan Hill Global Context: Identities and Relationships Goal: To research the correlation between mindfulness and physical performance in sport, create a podcast about mindfulness in sport, to then create a mindfulness session for adolescent sporting individuals on game day and raise awareness for the benefits of mindfulness.

€¦  · Web viewProfessional sportsmen such as Lebron James has many pre game rituals which motivates me and helps me get my team mates involved. He says he listens to music to

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Page 1: €¦  · Web viewProfessional sportsmen such as Lebron James has many pre game rituals which motivates me and helps me get my team mates involved. He says he listens to music to

Finnimore, Amelie

MYP Personal Project

Student Code: HPY428

School Code: 000540

Supervisor: Mr. Logan Hill

Global Context: Identities and Relationships

Goal: To research the correlation between mindfulness and physical performance in sport, create a podcast about mindfulness in sport, to then create a mindfulness session for adolescent sporting individuals on game day and raise awareness for the benefits of mindfulness.

Word Count: 3293

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Amelie FinnimorePersonal Project 2020

Contents Page Pages 2-3 Part A: Investigating

Pages 3-4 Part B: Planning

Pages 4-5 Part C: Critical Thinking

Pages 5-7 Part D: Reflecting

Page 8 Appendix #1

Page 9 Appendix #2

Page 10 Appendix #3 (Full Bibliography)

Pages 11-13 Appendix #4

Pages 14-16 Appendix #5

Pages 17-19 Appendix #6

Pages 20-21 Appendix #7 (FINAL Mindfulness Routine)

Page 22 Appendix #8 (40 Second Audio of FINAL Podcast)

Page 23-25 Appendix #9

Pages 26-27 Appendix #10

Page 28 Appendix #11

Page 29 Appendix #12

Page 30-39 Full Journal Entrees

Page 40-42 Academic Honesty Form


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In my personal project I looked at researching the correlation between mindfulness and physical performance in sport, in order to display this research, I created a podcast on mindfulness, and also created a mindfulness session for active playing adolescent individuals on game day. In order to achieve this goal, I have used the time-frame allocated for the Personal Project effectively. I have conducted thorough research by interviewing various sporting individuals, oversee surveys and individual research (refer to appendix #9, page 1). With the assistance of the research I was able to produce an appropriate, manageable mindfulness session. I took the initiative to carry out the session on a Year 10 PE class. This was then followed by a pre and post survey on the session.

Identities and Relationships focus on, who am I? Who are we? The global context explores identities, beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human. Mindfulness in sport focuses on an individual’s mental, personal and physical health. The mindfulness session and podcast were produced for local community sporting teams. I have been able to focus and explore various individual’s identities and build relationships with people in my local communities (west Adelaide football club) through the making and production of my personal project (refer to appendix #12).

I decided to undertake mindfulness/ meditation as it is a topic that I wanted to understand at a higher level. Through the personal project I have been able to conjoin meditation/mindfulness with sport. I have been involved with community sporting clubs since a young age and have recently enjoyed understanding what aspects of match preparation other than physical training can improve game-day performance as it is something that I often struggle with. At this point in time I do not participate in any kind of meditation before an important game. I have become interested in psychology, an MYP subject that I am currently undertaking; during the semester we investigated performance in sport in professional athletes in which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I believe that I have challenged myself throughout the project, as someone who struggles to ‘get out of their comfort zone’ I have pushed myself in numerous ways. Within the process I have reached out to players and coaches to conduct interviews; this allowed me to improve my communication skills, exercise my leadership/initiative skills and improve my efficiency to listen actively (refer to appendix #1).

My prior knowledge about this subject was sufficient. I had a basic understanding of the concepts and benefits of meditation/mindfulness. Due to this prior knowledge I was able to assume a correlation between the mediation/mindfulness and physical performance on game-day.


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Through my experiences with professional sport communities, West Adelaide Football Club and Port Adelaide Football Club, combined with my learnings in physical and health education classes provided me with this satisfactory understanding of the correlation between ‘calm & in-the-moment thinking’ and physical performance. My learning in humanities supplied me with excellent knowledge regarding analysing and collecting relevant information, analysing secondary sources and making subjective observations from these sources which further supported my own knowledge and to references this appropriately (Refer to appendix #3). I used my critical-literacy skills to analyse an intemperate this information. I obtained my research from a variety of media and sources including websites, surveys, interviews and videos (Refer to appendix #3). In addition, I understand how to locate, organise, analyse, evaluate, synthesise and ethically use information from the recorded sources (Refer to appendix #3 & #4, Page 2).

Through the investigating phase I was able to utilizes SLASA.com in order to conduct Harvard Referencing (in text referencing with a formatted bibliography) (Refer to appendix #3 Page 1,2 & 3). Through the personal project I have obtained an understanding of the impact of media, I understand now that in order to obtain accurate answers the information must be provided through multiple sources, primary and secondary (refer to appendix #3).

I have undertaken psychology as an MYP subject in 2020. In psychology we looked into emotional regulation in sport; in which psychologists have proven that maintain a positive emotional state that facilitates high performance is crucial to elite athletes (Refer to appendix #2). I investigated what emotions do to our process thinking, how anger can motivate or determinate an athlete’s physical performance (Refer to appendix #2). Together, my primary and secondary sources combined with my efficient investigating skills, I have been able to conduct an investigation surrounding meditation Mindfulness and its correlation with game-day performance to an excellent standard.


Within the personal project I have developed appropriate criteria that clearly outlines my personal goals for the product (refer to appendix #5). To complete my product at a high standard it was necessary that I consistently refer to the criteria, ideally the 7-8 band. This held me accountable to assuring I fit each specification, for example, a combination of casual chat and informative speech, to provide technique balance in my session, to research and collect appropriate data, etc. However, due to the current situation I was forced to change aspects of the criteria. Previously, I was expected to carry out my mindfulness session with a group of adolescent female AFL players. I was then going to complete a number of statistics (handballs, kicks, scoring, tackles) for 2


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games, 1 game without the mindfulness workshop and 1 with. This would have allowed me to support the correlation between the two.

In the early stages of the Personal Project I made plans that are logically sequential and efficient through a detailed time table (refer to appendix #6). The time table allowed me to track my progress. I also had the support from my supervisor, who I met with at least once a week (refer to appendix #6) My time table helped me to indicate how much work I required to do in order to stay on task through the different stages of the project. It provides sufficient evidence of supervisor meetings (refer to appendix #6, page 1). I have developed my positive thinking and strategies that developed my mental focus. I understood how to accept that not everything goes to plan, however, I was able to overcome the obstacle and bounce back, this was documented throughout my PP (refer to appendix #9, page 3). I was still able to create my mindfulness session and carry it out with a class of adolescent PE students (refer to appendix #7), in addition I created a 10-minute podcast regarding the basics of mindfulness and a short interview with a close friend (refer to appendix #8).

At the beginning of the personal project I had developed through the MYP a range of skills in planning. The vast majority of MYP subjects requires a time table for each assessment. These previous planning skills allowed me and my peers to demonstrate our skills in selecting appropriate information, setting realistic goals and organizing complex information. I have put these skills into play in the planning of my product, goal and project overall.

Within my journal entrees is a record of the progress I have made through the personal project (refer to appendix #9). Using my journal entrees, time table and criteria I was able to track my progress throughout the development of my mindfulness session and podcast. I was self-disciplined throughout the progress of the project, I often never slipped behind my personal due dates. I was consistent in my journal entrees, updating them at least once a week (refer to appendix #9, page 1).

I am usually not an organised student. Previously to the project it was a rare occasion for me to hand up an assignment on/before an expected due date. This was a terrible habit that I didn’t plan on pursuing into the personal project. Instead, at least 1 night a week I would work on an aspect of my product and project in order to stay up to date. I also was made to manage other school assignments and exam study, with this I improved my ability to multitask, manage my time effectively, work more productively and develop my self-management skills (refer to appendix #9, page 1, appendix #6 page 2). A strategy of mine was to write tasks down, this allowed me to physically see what I needed to do to stay on track with my PP.


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I have used my personalised criteria to decide how well I achieved my mindfulness program and podcast. I believe that I have completed the product with excellence. The mindfulness program I have produced included a range of meditation techniques that were performed for approximately 10 minutes (Refer to appendix #7, appendix #5 page 1). Within the process I was able to effectively collect relevant information to then apply when finding a justification to the correlation between mindfulness and game-day performance (refer to appendix #2, #4, #1). The mindfulness routine was produced using reliable information. I observed after the session that majority of students felt more motivated after the mindfulness practice, this suggests that there is an effective balance of meditation techniques included in the routine.

My overall goal was to encourage athletes to practice mindfulness and incorporate the meditation as one of their own pre-game rituals. My global context of choice explores and reflects the identities and relationships of sports people (refer to appendix #10). Through the process of this project I have had the opportunity to build new relationships. The main reason as to why I have chosen Identities and relationships as my global context is because it correlates strongly with my product as It focus on the physical and mental health of individuals (refer to appendix #11). The goal for this product was to assist the physical and mental performance of adolescent athletes. Through the process of the product It is of my intention to benefit other individuals and communities through raising the awareness of meditation/mindfulness.

With reference to my criteria I have been able to make reasonable judgments about my product’s outcome success. My criteria is clear and specific, it has allowed me to decide the success of my product through a range of aspects (refer to appendix #5).

At the beginning of the project my thinking skills were at a satisfactory standard. I was able to gather and analyse information to formulate an argument, as this was something I practiced in MYP subjects such as English through persuasive text writing. In Religion I obtained the skill to brainstorm and visualise the outcome in order to generate new ideas or possibilities. I was able to take information into my own words in order to produce a mindfulness routine and podcast. The surveys I conducted allowed me to clearly summarise information as the answers were casual and easily interpreted (refer to appendix #1).

In my research I was able to summarise information through evaluating and seeking information from a range of sources in order to ensure I had obtained reliable recourses. Through the summaries of information referred in the final product (refer to appendix #10, #4) I believe I have drawn reasonable conclusions and generalizations about the benefits that


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meditation provides to adolescent athletes. Through the project I have developed my thinking and ‘bouncing back’ skills. In the project I identified the obstacles and challenges that were overcome, this was demonstrated in my short change in product, when I made the decision late in the project to create a podcast that would challenge me (refer to appendix #9, page 1).

At the beginning of the project it was easy for me to interact with others in my age group who I was comfortable with their company. In saying this, I was excellent with emails and communications with my teachers, I have handled myself in a professional and respectful manner throughout my schooling years (refer to appendix #9, page 2). The personal project has made me take a step forward. I conducted 4 interviews with different individuals who were relevant to the topic, players and coaches of semi-professional athletes (refer to appendix #1, #9 page 2). This was a chance for me to develop my social skills, to be outgoing and ask favours from people I don’t know very well by encouraging them to contribute (refer to appendix #1). In the project I stayed organised by consistently meeting with my supervisor (refer to appendix #6). I have communicated orally with my supervisor and with a range of media such as emails for interviews (refer to appendix #9, page 1). I have expressed myself completely in all interviews I conducted, or meetings arranged (refer to appendix #9, page 2). I am also of the belief that I have used intercultural understanding in all of my communications by being organised with interview questions, meetings and following my timeline.


Within the period of the product I made few changes due to environmental circumstances. To begin with it was my goal to trial the correlation between mindfulness and meditation, to do so it was of my idea to make statistics on selected players as a part of my research. It was my plan to conduct an original mindfulness routine with a community girls football team, to conduct a pre-survey and post survey regarding their headspace, motivation and physical ambition before and after the game. I would then take statistics on selected players for a game without the meditation routine and statistics for a separate game with the exact players, I would then analyse the data and understand what impact mindfulness had on performance in sport. I was unable to carry this research out due to the timeline of the project and COVID-19 restrictions. In April/May there were no football games commencing and therefore I had to ignore this aspect of the project.

I believe that I have produced a well-informed, personal and challenging product within the project. Against my criteria it is of my opinion that the mindfulness routine and podcast met a high standard (refer to appendix #5, appendix #8). The routine that was carried out with a year 10 PE class, this ran for approximately 10 minutes of the lesson; 10 minutes is enough time for every individual to find their correct physical and mental


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space. 2 minutes’ worth of the produced podcast provides the audience with a brief understanding of mindfulness and the benefits it would provide to athletes on game day (refer to appendix #8). I collected relevant and appropriate information (refer to appendix, #1, #2, #3) that was then projected in both of my products. The mindfulness routine I produced fit the recommended timeline, the routine included both breathing exercises, visualisation and movement (refer to appendix #7. The mindfulness session and podcast both demonstrate an excellent standard of knowledge regarding basics and benefits of mindfulness for athletes (refer to appendix #11, #9). I believe the balance in both the routine and podcast encourages the viewers’ attention, this balance in conversation and practice leads to audience to become more engaged.

In saying this, there are always opportunities of improvement. Although I am of the belief that my product(s) have been produced at a satisfactory/excellent standard, I know that within the process there were steps I could have taken to ensure a better result. For example, for my product I have collected limited amounts of secondary information. Although there is a sufficient amount to support my ideas, there is room to explore a range of media from books, websites, movies or podcasts, majority of my secondary sources come from websites. Another improvement is to document the process of the project more often. There was a lack in variation within the journal entries. Most entries were documentations of meetings with my supervisor, it was unlikely that I would add anything to do with conversations or random thoughts at the beginning of the project. If I were to do this, I would have more information and possibly a better understanding and greater outcome from the project. This would have been excellent practice for the real world, being able to use real life situations into tasks (understanding and applying knowledge).

Now that I have gone through the staged of the PP I have identified that there is a deeper side to mindfulness and sport. What mindfulness practice does, is allow the mind to steady. Another factor of this is visualisation, the ability to visual your dreams and aspirations for the game/event. This focus builds an individual’s determination (refer to appendix 4, page 1), however, at the same time the athlete is calm and in-the-moment; remaining all focus on their tasks for the upcoming event. Identities and relationships takes a huge focus into the health of an individual both physically and mentally. There is no better global context to fit; whilst mindfulness improves the ability to stay in-the-moment and in complete focus, this leads to improvements physically. At the beginning of the project I had a limited understanding of my global context and its relevance to my product. However, it wasn’t until now that I can define the global context and reason why it is relevant to my product, at the beginning of the project I was yet to unpack identities and relationships as a global context (refer to appendix #9, page 3).


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As an IB learner my strengths were my communication skills. I was able to communicate through different models such as email, interview and call. I developed my skills in communication throughout the project (refer to appendix #9, page 2). I stepped out of my comfort zone in order to improve on my communication with others epically adults. I was able to adapt my language to each person (refer to appendix #1). Another strength of mine were my thinking skills. Due to environmental circumstances I was forced to consider a new product and source of primary recourses. I was able to apply my successful thinking skills when readjusting my final product, this is documented through my journal entries (refer to appendix #9, page 2).

As an IB leaner I am obliged to outline the weakness’s I experienced through the project. A weakness of mine were my self-management skills. Through the project I was slack with quality and quantity of some of my journal entries. It is routinely for me to leave work to the last minute. My lack of self-management skills showed when I only allowed myself 24 hours to finish my podcast (refer to appendix #8). This made it more challenging for me to complete the podcast to the best standard possible, I was able to finish and produce a well-balanced and engaging podcast. From my research It is evident that meditation practice’s help athletes on game day (refer to appendix #2, appendix #1).

In the process of the PP there were positive challenges. In order to complete the project, I needed to produce and follow a challenging goal. My goal to create not only a mindfulness routine and follow it through with a group of athletic adolescents but also conduct an interview and a podcast challenged my communication skills, research skills, self-management and social skills. These challenges allowed me to improve in all areas of skill, with a focus on my development in my communication and self-management skills. These were developed in my interviews and public speaking (refer to appendix #1). As an outcome of the PP I have become a better communicator, I am more knowledgeable in the area of mindfulness/meditation and I took risk through the process and stepped out of my comfort zone.

Now that I am familiar with public speaking and communicating I am able to provide/assist others with these skills. The project has made a positive impact on my future learning. I am now able to communicate confidently with not only my peers but teachers as well (refer to appendix #9, page 1). I have developed my researching skills, now I am cable of collecting relevant and appropriate secondary and primary sources (refer to appendix #3). As an IB learner these skills will help me as I continue with my schooling years.


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Survey questions: Current players (Jack Ianiello)1) Do you believe that meditation/ mindfulness is a beneficial method to practice before an

important event (whether that be sport or studies)? I strongly agree that meditation and mindfulness is a positive method to practice prior to an event. For many people including myself in school and for sport when I am feeling pressure or nervous about something, I have a few minutes of mindfulness to myself to regain my focus and prepare myself on what job I have to get done, whether it is winning a game or a school test.

2) Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so what are they?I have 5 minutes to myself prior to warmup to listen to music and zone out, I find this beneficial as I can visual what I need to do in order for us to win the game or to play the best possible game I can play. A ritual of mine is to have 10 ground balls each side and 10 kicks each side. I have to wear zinc every game we play as it is something that I did throughout the whole year. I did this because it was a way for me to be me, to stand out as an individual and be different, to put me into a mentality to go out there and dominate.

3) Do you use any kind of meditation e.g. breathing/ visualisation during or before a game? Before a game personally for me I like to visualise what I want to achieve on the field, if that’s a big tackle or a goal. It puts me in a state of mind where I have my adrenaline running high and feel as I’m ready to go out there are play at my best.

4) If you do practice breathing/ visualisation during or before a game, do you believe this helps you maintain focus and perform at a higher standard?

I believe it does help you perform at a higher standard as it gives you the confidence to play at the extra level, if you can visualise what you want to achieve it will help you maintain that focus to go out and play with that edge knowing when that time comes you are ready to perform.

5) Do you think that a 5-minute meditation/ mindfulness session could significantly change the attitude of the playing group? (create calmness, motivate them)

A mindfulness session could change the attitude of the group significantly, with players more focused on the final goal will bring the team closer together. It will allow players to know what their job on the day is and how will they be able to perform to their best.

6) What behaviours do your role models perform to get you motivated? (Speech, actions, training, hard work, discipline)

Professional sportsmen such as Lebron James has many pre game rituals which motivates me and helps me get my team mates involved. He says he listens to music to get his mind into the zone where he is focused enough to perform at his best. Also his team speeches prior to playing inspires me, what he says and how he gets his teammates involved shows why he is the greatest of all time. It displays leadership something I strive towards, but it also helps get your teammates into the zone.

7) If you have a bad game do you reflect on your performance? If so, do you outline improvements for the future?

No I don’t reflect on my game I reflect on certain moments in the game where I had let down the team or didn’t perform well, whether it was a poor kick or a moment when I should’ve done something different this is what motivates me to be better so next time when that situation comes around I will take the opportunity. I believe dwelling on a poor game can impact your mental state coming into a next game as when it comes to that moment in the next game you will shy away from that option instead of trying to take the game on.


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APPENDIX #2 Psychology summative assessment 2020 – More than a game.

Elite athletes, athletes performing at a state, city, country, college level are constantly under demand of physical and physiological performance. These demands are particularly apparent when engaged in high-profile competition. Maintaining an emotional state that facilitates high performance is critical to their success. Negative emotions can be provoked by distinct stimulus in a competition, this can cause the athlete to ‘spit the dummy’ or ‘drop their head’ (Taylor, J 2010) . For example: a tennis player who loses two double fault points is more inclined to react with anger and frustration. In some instances, his anger has the potential to motivate, however after the stimulus occurs repetitively the player may experience emotions of helplessness and disappointment which is when he would abandon hope (Taylor, J 2010) Sport phycologists teach mental skills for enhanced performance. Sports phycologists help elite and amateur athletes to cope with performance fears, improve mental skill for performance, assist athletes to mentally prepare for competition, assist athletes returning from injury, develop a pregame routine relevant to the individual and regulate the emotions of athletes (Taylor, J 2010). Through this sports phycologist help to improve confidence, focus, trust, composure, intensity in performance. In order to obtain these improvements sports phycologists will use techniques such as visualisation, blocking distractions and goal setting (About Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology n.d.). For example: an elite athlete who is in disbelief of their ability will be recommended to see a sports phycologist in order for them to grow their confidence and trust whilst building a pregame routine of visualisation that the player will use to feel optimistic about their competition. (About Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology n.d.)


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Amelie FinnimorePersonal Project Bibliography

Secondary Sources:

Cho, J., 2020. 6 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Mindfulness And Meditation. [online] Forbes. Available at: <https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeenacho/2016/07/14/10-scientifically-proven-benefits-of-mindfulness-and-meditation/#56e3164863ce> [Accessed 12 May 2020].

Helpguide.org. 2020. Benefits Of Mindfulness - Helpguide.Org. [online] Available at: <https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/benefits-of-mindfulness.htm> [Accessed 15 March 2020].

Kabat-Zinn, J., 2020. Mindfulness Definition | What Is Mindfulness. [online] Greater Good. Available at: <https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/mindfulness/definition> [Accessed 5 June 2020].

Lesyk, J., 2020. What Makes A Successful Athlete - Caines Center For Psychotherapy. [online] Caines Center for Psychotherapy. Available at: <http://cainescenter.com/the-nine-mental-skills-of-successful-athletes/> [Accessed 30 June 2020].

Mindful, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life. 2020. Getting Started With Mindfulness - Mindful. [online] Available at: <https://www.mindful.org/meditation/mindfulness-getting-started/)> [Accessed 15 March 2020].

Mowbray, D., Patterson, J., Patterson, J. and Cuckson, L., 2020. Mindfulness Exercises To Help You Sleep | Mattress Online Blog. [online] Mattress Online Blog. Available at: <https://www.mattressonline.co.uk/blog/sleep-better/mindfulness-exercises-to-help-you-sleep/> [Accessed 20 February 2020].

sane.org. 2019. Mindfulness. [online] Available at: <https://www.sane.org/information-stories/facts-and-guides/mindfulness> [Accessed 28 April 2020].

Verplanken, B. and Fisher, N., 2013. Habitual Worrying and Benefits of Mindfulness. Mindfulness, [online] 5(5), pp.566-573. Available at: <https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-of-mindfulness/> [Accessed 3 May 2020].

Primary Sources:

Ianiello, Jack. Current, Norwood Football Club, Player. (Accessed 2 June 2020)

Prowse, Zoe. 2020. Current, Sturt Football Club, player. (Accessed 10 May 2020)

Wilkey, Troy. 2020. West Adelaide Football Club, Strength and Conditioning Coach. (Accessed 14 May 2020)

Venning, Zoe. 2020. Current West Adelaide Football Club, Player. (Accessed 10 May 2020)


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- Defined: The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. - Defined (2): A mental state achieved by focusing on one’s awareness of

the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. (Australian Oxford Dictionary)

- Mindfulness is used as a meditation practice where the patient becomes aware of their surroundings and absorb themselves fully in the present without distraction.

- Mindfulness can be indemnified when the patient is aware of their senses, thoughts or emotions – All present feelings. (SANE, 2019)

- It’s being mindful that slows down the constant rush of our day-to-day lives. (Getting Started with Mindfulness - Mindful, 2020)

- The practice of mindfulness has roots to Buddhism, it uses breathing techniques in order to shift your thoughts away from usual preoccupations toward an appreciation of the moment and larger perspective of life (Getting Started with Mindfulness - Mindful, 2020)

Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn (Founder and former director of Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre) Assisted to bring practices of mindfulness and meditation into mainstream medicine and demonstrated that the practice of mindfulness can actually lead to mental and physical benefits (changes in health, attitudes and behaviours) (Benefits of Mindfulness - HelpGuide.org, 2020)

- Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn has made 3 separate claims: That mindfulness improves an individual’s wellbeing, improves an individual’s physical health and improves the mental health of an individual.

- Well Being: The practice of mindfulness is said to assist you to become fully engaged in activities and a greater capacity to deal with adverse events (Benefits of Mindfulness - HelpGuide.org, 2020). Through practicing ‘being in the moment’ users of mindfulness practice say that they are less caught up through anxiety of the future or regret of the past. They are said to be less occupied with themselves instead are more engaged with making deeper connections with those surrounding them (Benefits of Mindfulness - HelpGuide.org, 2020).

- Physical Benefits: Scientists have discovered that the exercise of mindfulness has the abilities to relive stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce forms of chronic pain, improve sleep and reduce gastrointestinal difficulties (Benefits of Mindfulness - HelpGuide.org, 2020)

- Mental Benefits: Mindfulness and meditation is now used as an important element to the treatment of various mental illnesses: depression, drug abuse, relationship conflicts, eating disorders, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (Benefits of Mindfulness - HelpGuide.org, 2020)

- There are diverse and different techniques to practice mindfulness/meditation, all have the intention of accomplishing a state of alert and focus. All activities should allow the mind to focus on the present moment without distractions of surroundings. (SANE, 2019)


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Refer to list below: ((Benefits of Mindfulness - HelpGuide.org, 2020)

From the research above a basic understanding of mindfulness is to reach a state of mind wherean individual’s body is at 100% relaxation and maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of their thoughts and the present moment. (SANE, 2019)

- Mindfulness is not necessarily practiced through ‘tree pose’ or ‘down ward dog’ but can be cultivated in our daily life (Kabat-Zinn, 2020)

- ‘Mindfulness is about living your life as if it really mattered, moment by moment by moment’ (Kabat-Zinn, 2020)

- Meditation is exploring. It’s not a fixed destination. Your head doesn’t become vacuumed free of thought, utterly undistracted. It’s a special place where each and every moment is momentous. When we meditate we venture into the workings of our minds: our sensations (air blowing on our skin or a harsh smell wafting into the room), our emotions (love this, hate that, crave this, loathe that) and thoughts (wouldn’t it be weird to see an elephant playing a trumpet) (Getting Started with Mindfulness - Mindful, 2020).

- Mindfulness meditation asks us to suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness, to ourselves and others (Getting Started with Mindfulness - Mindful, 2020).


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APPENDIX #4PAGE 3Mindfulness Routine Exemplar: (Mowbray, Patterson, Patterson and Cuckson, 2020)

Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Start from your head and consider how it is feeling. Is there any pain? Can

you feel a breeze from the window across your face? Do your eyelids feel heavy?

Confirm how it feels. Notice it. Be aware of it and then move on to the next part of your body.

Move slowly down and around your body until you have reached your toes.

When you come across a very tense area, scrunch those muscles up for a few seconds and then release them. Feel the difference between the two states.

There are 9 mental skills that produce Successful Athletes: (Lesyk, 2020)1. Choose and maintain a positive attitude.2. Maintain a high level of self-motivation.3. Set high, realistic goals.4. Deal effectively with people.5. Use positive self-talk.6. Use positive mental imagery.7. Manage anxiety effectively.8. Manage their emotions effectively.9. Maintain concentration.


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Band Level

Specification 1: Impact

Specification 2: Function/ Research Skills

Specification 3: User/ Audience

Specification 4: Environmental considerations

Specification 5: Approach

7-8 The Mindfulness program includes a variety of excellent ‘mindful’ techniques (breathing, visualization, stillness, speech) which further aid the improvement of the athlete physically and mentally, pre and post a game day simulation. The session excels for 10 minutes.

The podcast clearly justifies with excellence what relevance mindfulness/meditation has with physical performance. The podcast concludes effectively previous research to an excellent standard.

The Mindfulness program excellently demonstrates the knowledge I have obtained through my research stages. I am able to excellently determine and state any correlation that mindfulness practice has with an athletes physical and mental performance. The product has been produced based on reliable research to efficiently improve the mental and physical performance of an athlete pre and post a game day simulation.

The instructions of the mindfulness sessions are clear and easily followed, the instructions are descriptive and appropriate to context allowing the athlete to develop their ability to be ‘mindful’, whilst also improving their mental and physical performance.

The podcast is engaging to all audience types to an excellent standard. The thumbnail is appropriate to the topic and attracts an audience. The title is engaging, it encourages a bigger audience.

The mindfulness program has an excellent balance between exercises such as breathing, visualization, calm practices and is evidently enjoyed by the student. The program shows a significant change in performance, proving the correlation between mindfulness and performance.

The Podcast shows an excellent balance between casual conversation and factual information. The podcast flows from information to ‘chat’ well and is understood clearly by the audiences.

The mindfulness routine and podcast excellently encourages the students to practice mindfulness. The program effectively motivates an excellent physical performance and positive mindset for the student. The product allows the student to adapt the program in any situation, particularly before a game day.


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5-6 The Mindfulness program includes a variety of substantial ‘mindful’ techniques (breathing, visualization, stillness, speech) which further aid the improvement of the athlete physically and mentally, pre and post a game day simulation. The session meets 8-9 minutes.

The podcast clearly justifies satisfactorily what relevance mindfulness/meditation has with physical performance. The podcast concludes effectively previous research to a satisfactory standard.

The Mindfulness program substantially demonstrates the knowledge I have obtained through my research stages. I am able to substantially determine and state any correlation that mindfulness practice has with an athletes physical and mental performance. The product has been produced based on semi-reliable research to effectively improve the mental and physical performance of an athlete pre and post a game day simulation.

The instructions of the mindfulness sessions are semi-clear and substantially easy to follow, the instructions are appropriate to context allowing the athlete to develop their ability to be ‘mindful’, whilst also improving their mental and physical performance.

The podcast is engaging to all audience types to an substantial standard. The thumbnail is appropriate to the topic and attracts an audience. The title is mostly engaging, it mostly encourages a bigger audience.

The mindfulness program has a substantial balance between exercises such as breathing, visualization, calm practices and is enjoyed by the student. The program shows a change in performance, proving the correlation between mindfulness and performance.

The Podcast shows a sufficient balance between casual conversation and factual information. The podcast flows from information to ‘chat’ well and is understood clearly by the audiences.

The mindfulness routine and podcast substantially encourages the students to practice mindfulness. The program effectively motivates a good physical performance and positive mindset for the student. The product allows the student to adapt the program in most situations, particularly before a game day.

3-4 The Mindfulness program includes a small variety of adequate ‘mindful’ techniques (breathing, visualization, stillness, speech) which further aid the improvement of the athlete

The Mindfulness program adequately demonstrates the knowledge I have obtained through my research

The instructions of the mindfulness sessions are clear and easily followed to some extent, the instructions

The mindfulness program has an adequate balance between exercises such as breathing, visualization, calm

The mindfulness routine and podcast adequately encourages the students to practice mindfulness. The


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physically and mentally, pre and post a game day simulation. The session meets 7-8 minutes.

The podcast clearly justifies adequately what relevance mindfulness/meditation has with physical performance. The podcast concludes effectively previous research to an adequate standard.

stages. I am able to moderately determine and state any correlation that mindfulness practice has with an athletes physical and mental performance. The product has been produced based on reliable research to minimally improve the mental and physical performance of an athlete pre and post a game day simulation.

are moderately descriptive and appropriate to context allowing the athlete to develop their ability to be ‘mindful’, whilst also improving their mental and physical performance.

The podcast is engaging to all audience types to an adequate standard. The thumbnail is slightly appropriate to the topic and attracts an audience. The title is slightly engaging, it encourages a bigger audience.

practices and is partially enjoyed by the student. The program shows a small change in performance, supporting the correlation between mindfulness and performance.

The Podcast shows an adequate balance between casual conversation and factual information. The podcast flows from information to ‘chat’ to satisfaction and is understood clearly by the audiences.

program somewhat motivates a good physical performance and positive mindset for the student. The program allows the student to adapt the program in some situations, particularly before a game day.

1-2 The Mindfulness program includes limited variety of ‘mindful’ techniques (breathing, visualization, stillness, speech) which further aid the improvement of the athlete physically and mentally, pre and post a game day simulation. The session meets 6-7 minutes.

The podcast

The Mindfulness program demonstrates some knowledge I have obtained through my research stages. I am able to limitedly determine and state any correlation that mindfulness

The instructions of the mindfulness sessions are unclear, the instructions are too simple, often not allowing the athlete to develop their ability to be ‘mindful’, whilst also improving their mental

The mindfulness program has limited balance between exercises such as breathing, visualization, calm practices. The program shows a limited change in performance, supporting the

The mindfulness routine and podcast limitedly encourages the students to practice mindfulness. The program barely motivates a good physical performance and positive


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limitedly justifies what relevance mindfulness/meditation has with physical performance. The podcast show limited conclusion to previous research.

practice has with an athletes physical and mental performance. The product has been produced based on reliable research to efficiently improve the mental and physical performance of an athlete pre and post a game day simulation.

and physical performance.

The podcast is engaging to all audience types to a limited standard. The thumbnail is appropriate to the topic and limitedly attracts an audience. The title is limitedly engaging, it encourages a bigger audience.

correlation between mindfulness and performance.

The Podcast shows a limited balance between casual conversation and factual information. The podcast flows from information to ‘chat’ to some satisfaction and is understood clearly by the audiences.

mindset for the student. The program allows the student to adapt the program in few situations, particularly before a game day.

0 No evidence of any product.

No evidence of any product.

No evidence of any product.

No evidence of any product.

No evidence of any product.


1 Arrange meetings with supervisor for Week 2 and find a regular meeting time that works. (Tuesdays Recess)Review research over the holidays and continue to clarify goals, global context.Ensure a meeting with supervisor at least 4 times in Term 1 and 2.

2 Plan your timeline using the template on the Team and other resources.

2 Meeting With supervisor Tuesday

3 Continue investigating / planning mindfulness and the influence on physical performance.

4 Continue investigating / planning mindfulness and the influence on physical performance.

4 Meeting with supervisor Tuesday

5 Continue investigating / planning mindfulness and the influence on physical


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6 Continue investigating / planning mindfulness and the influence on physical performance.

7 Continue investigating / planning mindfulness and the influence on physical performance.

7 Meeting with supervisor Tuesday

8 Continue investigating / planning mindfulness and the influence on physical performance. .

8 Meeting with supervisor Tuesday

9 Review investigation materials for their reliability. Authority, objectivity, currency, accuracy.

10 Begin planning mindfulness session / outcome

10 Meeting with supervisor Tuesday

11 Plan mindfulness session / outcome.

Autumn Holidays

Week 1 Plan mindfulness session / outcome.

Week 2 Begin Creation process of Mindfulness session / Develop mindfulness session/ outcome.

Term 2

Week 1 Begin Creation process of Mindfulness session / Develop mindfulness session/ outcome.

Week 1 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 2 Begin Creation process of Mindfulness session / Develop mindfulness session/ outcome.

Week 2 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 3 Create / develop your product / outcome.

Week 3 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 4 Create / develop your product / outcome.



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Week 4 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 5 Meet with supervisor to show the final product / outcome and discuss the report.

Week 5 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 6 Begin report.

Week 6 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 7 Continue writing report.

Week 7 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 8 Continue writing report.

Week 8 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 9 Continue writing report.

Week 9 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 10 Finalise report draft. Email to supervisor for feedback.

Winter Holidays

Week 1 Finalise report

Week 2 Monday July 13th – last day to hand in a draft

Term 3

Week 1 Get academic honesty form signed.

Week 1 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 2 Final draft feedback due 27 Jul. Make final edits to your report / project ready for final submission date next week.

Week 2 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 3 Personal Project due 3 AUGIncluding - Report, 10 pages of process journal extracts, academic honesty form



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(signed by supervisor), product / outcome (or evidence via 5 high quality images)

Week 3 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor Teachers assess projects.

Week 4 Tuesday

Meeting with supervisor

Week 5 Teachers assess projects.

Week 6 Personal Project Internal Moderation.

Long term

Internally Moderated reports are sent to IB for External Moderation.External Moderation feedback is provided to the college in 2021 and supervisors adjust grades accordingly. Final grades provided to student


Script for Mindfulness Session (Year 10 PE Class):

I ask that you all spread out, and move into a comfortable position.

This may be sitting or lying down.

As you lay down, feel your lower back touch the ground, allow your legs to relax, let them fall to the surface.

Place your hands either comfortably on your stomach or to the sides of your body.

Feel your muscles to become jelly like, allow them to be heavy on the ground.

Completely at ease, relax your hands, relax your arms, relax your shoulders.

Focus on your breathing

As air fills your nose into your lungs (deep breath in)

And is let go through your mouth (deep breath out)

And again

Deep breath in, feel your body fill with air

Deep breathe out, take time to notice that feeling of air coming




Now as you breath


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As you focus, I want you to stay present, think about your surroundings, listen to the noises around you, the ground underneath you, the smells of the room

As you breathe out let go of all stresses from today, release any anxieties or worries through your breath. Breathing In








Now as we come to the end of this session, I want you to visualise 1 word that will help motivate you to get the best out of this PE lesson

An example of this could be STRONG,



Once you have found this word I want you to say it over and over again (in your head)





When you’re ready slowly open your eyes and sit up.

Feel papered to take on anything that comes to your direction


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Podcast Thumbnail

FINAL Podcast: Breathe, It’s only a game (1 min audio)


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Today, researching topics to completley understand that I want to continue down a path of creating a mindfulness clinic with a professional sporting team to discover if there is a spike or drop in performance. https://positivepsychology.com/ benefits-of-mindfulness/ discusses the benefits of mindfulness and is a source that I will refer to throughout the project. At the moment I have recently been brainstorming ideas and possible personal project goals/inquiries.

What makes a successful athlete? Is it all physical health? Do coaches/managers encourage mindfulness? http://cainescenter.com/the-nine-mental-skills-of-successful-athletes/


1. Mr coats addressed the year about defining our global context and identifying prior knowledge and our understanding through the MYP. Through defining our global context and justifying why we have chosen our idea will assist us in reaching a 7-8 band mark. We must justify why we choose to make the product and what we have learnt through the MYP to want us to create our product.

2. Creating a timeline to follow, using a to-do list, recording our recourses. Must record any thought, conversation, research that is relevant to the Personal Project.

3. ATL Skills (Approaches To Learning) include communication, social, research, self-management and thinking. Within every journal entry, it's important to document the ATL Skills incorporated. Later in the report, it will become easier to justify what ATL skills I have practised.

4. Research:- Must document the source- Write in your own words- Reference in your own words - Harvard Referencing

5. Mr Jarvis spoke about our-self management skills and the opportunities that are available to demonstrate self- management. He addressed how to effectively use the ATL skills and the positive consequences that take place. Using effective skills means to manage your state of mind, wait for the reward, practice strategies that reduce stress and anxiety, bouncing back when things go wrong.

6. Must create criteria that are relevant to our product. The criteria must be balanced between achievable and highly challenging.

Assessed Criteria: A (Investigating)B (Planning)C (Taking Action)

Page 7 of 10


Meeting With Mr. Hill. To be finished: Completed podcast, edit a thumbnail to screenshot, Alter the Criteria in order for it to fit the podcast I am creating, Alter the timeline to create the podcast. Next week planned to begin report writing and drafting.


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Meeting With Mr. Hill to discuss a change of product. I want to create a podcast, describe what steps I have taken within the personal Project to get to this stage, I will then interview some individuals about their perspectives on mindfulness. I am hoping to have this complete by June 10th.


MONDAY, 18 MAY 2020 I have emailed my PE teacher as I have had to change aspects of my PP due to the current situation. I am now performing the meditation in a PE class followed by a post session survey. Hi Mr Jarvis, I forgot to ask you today in the lesson, I wanted to know if there was a possibility for me to run my mindfulness session and survey for PP sometime this or next week. Sooner would be better, however, I understand that this will take 10 minutes out of your lesson time so if this is not possible please let me know ASAP. Thanks, Amelie SUNDAY, 17 MAY 2020 Troy (Strength and Conditioning coach) and Zoe Venning (Currently player at West Adelaide) have both responded with answers for the questions I produced. This will allow me to understand two perspectives on mindfulness and meditation and its correlation between performance. They will also add to the primary sources I must include through the PP.

ATL Skills: Communication

TUESDAY, 28 APRIL 2020 Defining a Clear Goal My goal for the personal project is to improve the physical performance of an athlete and improve their mental state before, during and after a game day simulation. I myself use different mindfulness strategies during a game day, long breathes to keep me focus has a positive impact on my performance in the game. The 25

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whole idea of mindfulness and its influence on an athlete spikes interest to me, hense, why I chose the topic for my personal project. In order to produce an in-depth mindfulness activity, to test this mindfulness session and create a survey with excellent quality is a challenging goal that I aim to complete.



What do you want to achieve through the project?

Through my project I hope to achieve an understanding of mindfulness. I hope to assist athletes to reach their full potential before a game and allow them to understand the importance of meditation.

What do I want others to understand though my work?

I want others to obtain an understanding of the significance meditation has in our daily life. Not only physical aspects but academic aspects, especially year 12s walking into exams, provide them with the information in order to benefit how they approach their learning.

What impact do I want my project to have?I want my project to impact the individuals performance.

How can a specific context give greater purpose to my project?

Identities and relationships: Who am I? Who are we? My goal is for us to understand ourselves and explore ways in which we are able to perform at out 'A game'. Identities and relationships explores the personal, physical and mental of humans and what it means to be human. I am exploring individuals in a team environment. I am testing their motivation, self - disaplin, attitude, well-being, mind and consciousness.

TUESDAY, 11 FEBRUARY 2020 Discussion with Mr Hill surrounding ideas on global contexts. I have roughly selected identifies and relationships as my global context since my investigation looks on an individual and their performance alone. To add to that I have begun generating ideas for inquiry questions. At the moment my question is 'How does a mindfulness exercise/activity enhance sporting performances for teenage girls?'.

MONDAY, 04 MAY 2020

Finalised a draft for the criteria of my product. At the moment I am finalising bibliographies and recourses before I hope to begin creating my product in the upcoming week.


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Due to Current restrictions, I am unable to follow through with my original plan of performing the created mindfulness routine with adolescent girls on a game-day. Currently, due to COVID-19, no football games are commencing until June 30. Instead, I have thought to take a survey with my year 10 PE class and ask them to participate in my meditation session before their body attack lesson.ATL Skills: Self Managements - Managing myself to finish one aspect of the project at a time.


Hi Guys, my name is Amelie, currently a student at Mercedes college and I’m briefly jumping on this podcast in order to discuss the basics of meditation, and mindfulness. But also, the advantages and rewards that are an outcome of these two practices. As a bit of background info, meditation has been a subject that really interests me, the diversity of it and really just the way it impacts our mental state, mental health, well-being basically how it influences our brain. For those that don’t know Mindfulness is a meditation practice, in which you maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and your surrounding environment through a gentle, soft, calming experience. Mindfulness basically, focuses on being in the moment, letting go of all stresses, removing any thoughts of future or past; remaining completely 100% still and present. The practice trains people to be more in sync with their emotions and feelings. It helps you to avoid the feeling of stress and being overwhelmed as everyone knows life can often be.

- As a bit of background this year I have decided to undergo the Personal Project. A program through the MYP in which we as year 10 students have to create a product that will somehow in any shape or form help the community. I have made the decision to look into researching the correlation between mindfulness and physical performance in sport and create awareness for mindfulness, additionally create a podcast about mindfulness, to then create a meditation session for adolescent sporting individuals on game day. Through the process I have interviewed a range of individuals. This including semi-professional athletes, coaches and my peers. From what I have gathered included in their pregame rituals have been aspects of meditation and mindfulness. There have been countless amounts of research in which psychologists and scientists have proven that mindfulness-based interventions reduce anxiety and relax the mind/body in which is beneficial to your physical performance. Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn has made 3 separate claims: That


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mindfulness improves an individual’s wellbeing, improves an individual’s physical health and improves the mental health of an individual.

- Well Being: The practice of mindfulness is said to assist you to become fully engaged in activities and a greater capacity to deal with adverse events. Through practicing ‘being in the moment’ users of mindfulness practice say that they are less caught up through anxiety of the future or regret of the past. They are said to be less occupied with themselves instead are more engaged with making deeper connections with those surrounding them.

- Physical Benefits: Scientists have discovered that the exercise of mindfulness has the abilities to relive stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce forms of chronic pain, improve sleep and reduce gastrointestinal difficulties.

Mental Benefits: Mindfulness and meditation is now used as an important element to the treatment of various mental illnesses: depression, drug abuse, relationship conflicts, eating disorders, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Majority of athletes perform at their best when there is an equal balance of relaxation and pressure.

To look into this more and provide with you one of my close friends not only perspectives on mindfulness practices but what his pre-game rituals are that help him perform at his best. I introduce to you Harry Faulkner.


1) Harry would you be able to give me some facts about you, maybe something unusual someone has never heard before.

2)3) And what sport do you play and for who?

8) Do you believe that meditation/ mindfulness is a beneficial method to practice before an important event (whether that be sport or studies)?

9) Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so what are they?

10) Do you use any kind of meditation e.g. breathing/ visualisation during or before a game?

11) If you do practice breathing/ visualisation during or before a game, do you believe this helps you maintain focus and perform at a higher standard?

12) Do you think that a 5-minute meditation/ mindfulness session could significantly change the attitude of the playing group? (create calmness, motivate them)

13) What behaviours do your role models perform to get you motivated? (Speech, actions, training, hard work, discipline)


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14) If you have a bad game do you reflect on your performance? If so, do you outline improvements for the future?

Thank Harry

Using these diverse techniques of mindfulness, we can understand how and why athletes and coaches encourage mindfulness as a pre-game and post-game ritual. Mindfulness ****Summarise what Harry Said (Key dot points)

I hope that through the personal project I will be able to develop a strong awareness in athletes and coaches for meditation and mindfulness sessions. My aspirations are to guide community clubs and elite teams to participate in meditation practices. I believe that it is an exercise that as Harry, myself and Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn agree is benefits our well-being, mental health and physical health.


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Identities and Relationships Defined.


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Interview Questions: Troy

1) How do you know when players are switched on during the warm up, are they’re obvious signs? Over a period a time you might able to tell how when each individual player is switched on during a warm up. Each player is different, some may need to stay relaxed and have a laugh and that gets the best out of them during a game but some might need to be more serious and focus and that gets them pumped up, so yes you can tell but to each players own traits.

2) Do you believe that a good warm up will reflect a good outcome for the game? Why/ Why not? I believe a good warm up will reflect a good start to the game which generally reflects a decent out come to the game, it wont be the total difference to winning or losing but if you start well it gives you a better chance at a winning outcome.

3) What are your thoughts on a 5-minute meditation/ mindfulness session before a game? This is another one that is each player to their own, some players will get benefit out of this where some players wont, it is up to each player to find what is the best pre game warm up mentally for them and how they can get the best out of themselves. Physically the coaches will get you prepared but mentally 90% is up to the player.

4) Do you believe that a 5-minute meditation/ mindfulness session will significantly change the attitude of the playing group (create calmness, motivate them)? Again same answer as above, it can have effects on some individual players.

5) What behaviours do your role models perform to get you motivated? (Speech, actions, training). I have always been a big believer that actions speak louder than words when it comes to motivating.

6) Do you believe in pre-game rituals? If so, do you think these rituals improve a player’s attitude and performance? I personally didn’t have any but I have seen some interesting ones over the years, I believe rituals just help a player mentally stay switched on and if a player has one or two then I am all for it if it gets the best out of the player.

7) What do you believe unleashes an individual’s best performance? (Diets, sleep, stretching, coaches message, music) A combination of all the above, they all play a part in getting the player to perform at their best level.

8) If a player is having a ‘bad game’ would you suggest taking deep breathes and reflection as a way for them to refocus? Yes, a few deep breathes to help calm the player down and get the breathing and body under control, then you can set new simple goals to focus the energy on.


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