The Citizen’s Proposal A Voters Guide To Helping The Government Make The Right Choices

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The Citizen’s Proposal

A Voters Guide To Helping The Government

Make The Right Choices

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The Citizen’s Proposal

Copyright 2013 © George Elgin

This entire Document is a free Public Service Announcement in PDF format and may be freely distributed as an email attachment anywhere within the continental United states, Alaska and Hawii.

It must not be misconstrued as an attempt to threaten or incite, but merely to offer assistance to the Legislative branch of our government, and as an encouragement to our Citizens to create a much larger voter base in our country.

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This proposal is dedicated to the many millions of voters nationwide, who will work their fingers to the bone and pray to God, to make this effort a success. I am reasonably sure that "Special Interests" will work just as hard to suppress it!

They Have All The Money!

* * * * But each of us has the VOTE!

Maybe God will be on our side . . .

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My name is George Elgin. . . I’m 78 years old, an 8th generation American, and the author of this proposal, I tell you the following, only to establish my bonafides.

The first George Elgin, my direct ancestor, landed in Charles County, Maryland in 1690's and purchased 50 acres of land, started raising tobacco, and in 1708, married a native American girl named Elizabeth Adams. They prospered, and soon moved across the Potomac to Louden County, Virginia, where they purchased a much larger acreage raised lots of tobacco, and produced 7 children.

Three of their sons served as officers in the Revolutionary War. One a Captain. The second a Lieutenant, and the youngest, an Ensign in the Continental Navy.

I am very proud of my family, and very proud of my heritage.

…. But I don't like what "Professional Politics" and open, arrogant greed are doing to my country.

While I make no claim to a formal background in politics or government, I have spent several years pursuing an in-depth study of our Constitution, which has brought about the ideas presented in these pages.

I'm sure most you have all been over this before, but let me do a quick, simplified review of the structure of our country's government, before we go on. It's only a couple of pages . . . Please bear with me!

The Framers of the Constitution realized that they needed to

devise an efficient form of government for this new nation, that could operate from a central point and did not depend on instant communication between the colony /states and the center of government.

The choices were a Democracy or a Republic.

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Remember now! We had no telephones or telegraphs, no two-way radios, no cars ,busses, trains or airplanes, and no cell-phones or computers, like we take for granted now.

The Direct Democracy was quickly ruled out because it would call for the direct administration by the populace of the country, and the larger the country grew, the problems of quick response to normal, operational situations for a growing government would become overwhelming. Everyone would actually have to travel to a central location to vote, every time some little thing came up that had to be decided!

The choice had to be a Representative Republic.With the Representative Republic, each state would elect a certain number of representatives,( the number being based on the size of the states population), to live at the center of government and represent his state’s people and cast their vote for them, on all matters of government, that effected the people, the states, and the country!When the Second Continental Congress, operating under the Articles Of Confederation, assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, George Washington, one of the Virginia delegates, was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, and he embarked upon a war that was to last six grueling years. After the war, at the 2nd Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. When the new Constitution was ratified, The Electoral College unanimously elected George Washington as President.

The Framers(The gentlemen that actually drafted the Constitution), decided the government should consist of three bodies:

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1.a President - Elected by a direct vote of all the people, for a four year term, and since George Washington resigned after his second term, the 8-year limit was adopted as the proper maxium time for a President to serve.

2.a Legislature -The Senate made up of 2 Senators from each state and elected by the state's legislature and later, changed to direct election by the people of each state, for a period of 6 years.

The framers, believed that in electing senators, state legislatures would cement their ties with the national government, which would increase the chances for ratifying the Constitution. They also expected that senators elected by state legislatures would be able to concentrate on the business at hand without pressure from the populace. This didn't work well at all, and the ensuing graft, greed, intimidation and bribery caused incredible problems in the state legislatures and is believed to be the major cause of the Civil War between the states.

2.b The House of Representatives, often called “The People’s House”, has members elected once every two years by the voters in the political districts of their state. James Madison, the most forceful and active of the Framers, argued the importance of, "The need for legislators to have a relationship close enough to the people to understand their local circumstances, and that such representatives social class be low enough to sympathize with the feelings of the mass of the people, and that their power be diluted enough to limit their abuse of the public trust and interest.”

Read the last paragraph again , and tell me truthfully, that the "People's House" has accorded us the treatment envisioned by the Framer’s of our Constitution!

It is obvious by their behavior, that a great many of the House Members and the Senate, feel that their appointed stations, place them well above the "Great Unwashed

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Masses" that they rule!

3.0 The Judicial Branch.It is headed by Nine Judges that make up the Supreme Court. The final law of the land. That doesn't mean that you can't protest their decisions. But it does mean that you haven’t a snowball’s chance in Hell of changing their minds.

The only issue that I have with their decisions in the recent past is their claim that any huge multi-billion dollar entity, may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising,(as free speech) in support of a candidate for government office, but they can only contribute a relatively small amount directly to the candidate themselves We, of course can also contribute a small amount directly to the candidate, just like the special interest, but for most of us, that's all we can afford!

This, I feel is a mockery of the right of "free speech " guaranteed to us in the First Amendment.

3.b The rest of the judicial branch is made up of many federal courts scattered throughout the states. They handle the smaller cases that don't make it to the Supreme Court.

James Madison and his peers were naive in their judgment of the character of the men, and now women, elected to serve in the Houses. While they recognized that the opportunities for abuse of power and personal gain would be present, they could not even begin to dream of the temptations that would exist 300 years in the future. We are but mortal men. Born of Man and Woman, and subject to the moral weaknesses that tempt us all.

The House and the Senate are both ruled by the vast amount of money spent to influence our vote, to elect the candidates that will support legislation the “money interests” demand.

One of the most effective ways the “special interests”

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have found to control the people, is to label us either "Democrat" or "Republican", and bombard us with continuous political advertising, full of blatant, unsubstantiated lies about the "other side," in an attempt to suppress the huge heritage we have in common, and to amplify the small differences we willingly live with each day. We will always have differences. We are Individuals. But if we can learn to better apply the gentle art of compromise, we can greatly improve our quality of life and assist the Legislature in making the decisions to benefit us all.

It really amazes me that many people will not take the time to learn the truths, about the political lies that greatly effect their lives! The enactment of “The Freedom of Information Act” has made it possible to learn things that the “other side” really doesn’t want us to know! Many times truth is stranger than fiction.

I have heard many times, people say, “OH, WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO TO VOTE, IT DOESN’T CHANGE ANYTHING?

DON’T YOU BELIEVE IT! That’s what this proposal is all about!

Now! We’re going to talk about the “Citizen’s Proposal” and the four things you have to do to make it work. The first thing you have to do is very difficult! You have to forget about thinking that you are a Democrat or Republican. It’s really not important, and neither word will do a single thing to improve your golf score, make your car run better, get you a raise, or make your kids love you any more. If you need to belong to something, just say you belong to the “Citizen’s Group”.

The second thing that you have to do is not that difficult, but

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very important. Do not ever again listen too, or watch another Political ad about either party, running for a House or Senate seat, in a coming election. In the 2012 election cycle, Special Interest Groups spent around 3.8 BILLION dollars on Political ads, on TV, Radio , Newspapers, Telephones, every possible form of media, to get us to vote for the candidates who would do them the most good if elected or re-elected. The ads are proven to be very effective if you watch or listen, and many are written by people highly skilled in the arts of manipulative language, such as APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS or NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMING. Don’t watch them or listen to see if you can tell what they’re doing. That’s exactly what they want you to do! If one comes on, just go get a beer or play with the kids or switch channels. REALLY! . . . I MEAN REALLY!

The Third, and most difficult thing that you must do! For your own sanity and those around you, try not to dwell on those things in your life that you cannot do anything about! Abortion, Guns, Free speech, Freedom of other religions, Gay marriage, and a few other things that are, or soon will be, Case Law or Common Law, meaning, things already decided in a Court of Law. Try to be forgiving and tolerant in recognizing the rights of others, and you’ll probably find them more tolerantin judging you. Pay attention to your Bible!

Now lets talk about more pleasant things!

What we the people who support the Citizen’s Proposal offer to the House and Senate, is totally within the letter of Constitutional Law, and well within the capabilities of this country's current computer technology with more than adequate security!

But first I have to tell you about the proposal it’s self!

The Constitution states that; "Only the elected Representatives and Senators are allowed to vote in their

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respective "Houses" We, the people, feel that many, many times, the votes they cast in our name do not reflect the best interest of the people who elected them!

I am sorry if the following explanation sounds over-simplified and repetitive, but I was trying to make it understandable to someone with limited computer skills, or an older person like myself!

We want The House of Representatives to establish a system of computerized communication, with NEW OFFICES, which they will open, close to your home, in each Representatives district of the House, and state of the Senate. Each of the NEW OFFICES will have new computers, so that a Resolution or Bill, that the House and Senate are about to vote upon can be sent (uploaded) to the NEW OFFICE from Washington DC, where it will be stored on the NEW OFFICE’s computers. Once you(the voter) have visited the NEW OFFICE and identified yourself with your state’s voter ID card (if there is one), you will be assigned a secure and simple log-in code, so that you can view the Bill or Resolution that they, the Representatives are about to vote upon, on YOUR home or office computers, and simply, 'SUGGEST', to your Representatives, on your computer, how you would like to see them vote. YES or NO! A running tally of the YES and NO suggestions will be stored and displayed on the NEW OFFICE computers and the Representatives computer in Washington.

To the Representatives and Senators

We are very interested in anything introduced on the House or Senate floor especially financial items and other things such as those mentioned in Article 1, Section 7, The Origination Clause of the Constitution. Tax reform is another interesting topic, along with TOTALLY open government.

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Each of you should be responsible for the tally of the suggestion count in your district or state. I would think that you might want to pay really close attention to the constituents wishes in casting your votes. Even on a very close count of suggestions. A majority wins.

We suggest that the Senate get rid of that awkward 60/40 vote split on everything, and Do NOT allow filibusters or any other form of vote blockage. We see it as childish playacting, and you should consider it beneath your dignity as Senators. We don’t really care about tradition or if you even “like” each other or not! Quit playing games!

We can live with it! So should you!

Alright, here is the sharp point of the Proposal.

To The People – The new members of The Citizens Group.I told you a few pages ago that there were four things that you had to do to make the Citizen’s Proposal work.

Well here comes Number Four. There will be people in the Legislature that will be

opposed to the idea of the Citizen’s Proposal, even though it could only help them.

This is an all or nothing Proposition,as far as building us a computer voter response system goes, it will need the full House and Senate’s approval.But we won’t have that, until we convince them we are serious . . . with our VOTES!If The entire house opposes the Citizen’s Proposal,

and you have a Representative in your district or a

Senator in your state, that has opponents, We suggest

that you Vote for the opponents, in every 2-year

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election cycle, (2014 & 2016 & 2018 etc.), or until the

incumbent is replaced, and encourage all other voters

to do the same!

If you however, as an individual Incumbent, would like

to support the Proposal when it comes to a vote, in the

future. Go to our website at(coming soon) and sign in to

the indicated list and we will do our best to support

your re-election!

If the Entire House and Senate supports

The Citizen’s Proposal.

We suggest that you vote for the

incumbent!It is quite possible, that if you follow our voting

suggestions, a complete shift might occur in the entire political balance of The Chambers. Then perhaps we can help them with our SUGGESTIONS.

We need to be be notified of the Legislature’s Acceptance or Rejection of the Citizen’s Proposal within 30 days of receipt of a copy of

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this document.* * * * *

If accepted, the entire system needs to be fully installed and operational by January 15th. 2014. There is much work to be done.

* * * * *For The Legislature and the New Citizen’s Group

At this point in time!May we suggest this course of action?

1. You should remain in your office as our elected representative, and perform all the functions thereof, collect your paychecks meet with your visiting constituents, attend your committee meetings, take your fact finding trips, meet the flow of lobbyists that will press you for commitments, but we would like to remind you to think carefully before you promise anything! You are free to tell them that, under new constraints placed upon you by the people of your state, you are temporally unable to make a decision at this time. We encourage you to discuss with your peers, the situation that you all share.

2. You must continue to pass legislation to keep the country on track and running smoothly and extend the necessary spending to keep us from falling over any fiscal cliffs.

You will need to appropriate funding to install this system for remote viewing and response as the changes will need to be

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made all across the country.

There will need to be a NEW OFFICE in each representative's district in their home state, and many more than one, if the district is large. The office need not be a showplace as some district offices are. The office can be located in a lightly populated area with good access for all voter population in the district. once the voter has visited, shown their voter registration for state elections in your district, and been assigned the secure computer access codes for their online voter log-in, it is doubtful that the voter may need to return again soon.

The office needs to have a very secure front door, opening on a small waiting area with 4 to 6 chairs for waiting registrants, and separated from the work area for the employees by a wide, sturdy counter and a 2' vertical sturdy glass separator with 2 openings, to provide a comfort zone for the two employees from the registrants.

The work area will be equipped with two, large metal desks with good office chairs, two computers, two telephones, a copier, a printer, two, high capacity back-up hard drives, possibly a server, a fireproof office safe with capacity to hold both back-up hard drives., one or two lockable file cabinets and one large metal cabinet for office supplies and a high capacity back-up power supply for each computer.

There should be a large, comfortable bathroom for the two employees.

The building should have adequate heating and air conditioning, overhead sprinklers and a burglar alarm system tied to a local company for 24 hour security.

The two employees to man the new offices will be selected from local voters in each district, by a local volunteer group of constituents that are experienced in these matters. and will be paid by US GOVERNMENT funding (arranged by each representative), at a rate commensurate with their abilities and position.

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For The People

In joining us, and helping to make this proposal come true, you have a chance to make your vote actually mean something! Instead of being just a digital checkmark,

quickly forgotten. . . . . and then erased!


It will soon be necessary to start organizing Core Citizen’s Groups in every Congressional District, in every state, and start recruiting new members to this cause. I think that most voters will be delighted with the idea of offering suggestions to help in reshaping our government!

I will soon have a website, that I hope will serve as a template for a Core Group site in every House and Senate members state and district.