l OneSchool Unit Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8) Duration: 8 Weeks Year Level: Year 6 Applicable Learning Areas/Subjects: English Unit Plan Short stories In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the ways authors use text structure, language features and strategies to create humorous effects. Students complete a comprehension task about a particular short story and other short stories they have read. They write a short story about a character that faces a conflict. Students also reflect on the writing process when making and explaining editorial choices. For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the: Year level plan Teacher lesson overview Supporting learning resource - Assessment alignment planner Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills: Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685- 85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 1 of 50

pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

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Page 1: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

l OneSchoolUnit Plan

Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)Duration: 8 Weeks

Year Level: Year 6

Applicable LearningAreas/Subjects: English

Unit Plan

Short storiesIn this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the ways authors use text structure, language features and strategies to create humorous effects. Students complete a comprehension task about a particular short story and other short stories they have read. They write a short story about a character that faces a conflict. Students also reflect on the writing process when making and explaining editorial choices.

For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the:

Year level plan Teacher lesson overview Supporting learning resource - Assessment alignment planner

Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills:

Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685-85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 1 of 39

Page 2: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Assessment Task Summary Type Learning Areas Status Date

Reading comprehension: Short stories (Yr 06)Students analyse and compare text structures and language features authors use to influence readers.

Monitoring English Unscheduled

Writing a short story (Yr 06)Students write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.

Written English Unscheduled

Document Table of Contents

Curriculum Australian Curriculum Considerations

Teaching SequenceTeaching Sequence Summary

Introduction to short stories/ Short story 1

Short story 1 Reading comprehension Short story 2 Short story 3 Author’s style Creation of a short story

Resources Attachments Plan Resource Bank

Assessment Monitoring - Reading comprehension:

Short stories (Yr 06) Written - Writing a short story (Yr 06)

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 2 of 39

Page 3: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Australian Curriculum

English - Year 6

Year 6 Achievement Standard

Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)By the end of Year 6, students understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects. They analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by different authors to represent ideas, characters and events.

Students compare and analyse information in different and complex texts, explaining literal and implied meaning. They select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it. They listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas.

Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)Students understand how language features and language patterns can be used for emphasis. They show how specific details can be used to support a point of view. They explain how their choices of language features and images are used.

Students create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, using a variety of strategies for effect. They demonstrate an understanding of grammar, and make considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing. They use accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity and make and explain editorial choices based on criteria.

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Page 4: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Content Descriptions

Language Literature Literacy

Text structure and organisation

Understand how authors often innovate on text structures and play with language features to achieve particular aesthetic, humorous and persuasive purposes and effects (ACELA1518)

Understand that cohesive links can be made in texts by omitting or replacing words (ACELA1520)

Understand the uses of commas to separate clauses (ACELA1521)

Expressing and developing ideas

Investigate how complex sentences can be used in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas (ACELA1522)

Understand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases (ACELA1523)

Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion (ACELA1525)

Phonics and word knowledge

Understand how to use knowledge of known words, word origins including some Latin and Greek roots, base words, prefixes, suffixes, letter patterns and spelling generalisations to spell new words including technical words (ACELA1526)

Understand how to use phonic knowledge and accumulated understandings about blending, letter-sound relationships, common and uncommon letter patterns and phonic generalisations to read and write increasingly complex words (ACELA1830)

Literature and context

Make connections between students’ own experiences and those of characters and events represented in texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1613)

Responding to literature

Analyse and evaluate similarities and differences in texts on similar topics, themes or plots (ACELT1614)

Identify and explain how choices in language, for example modality, emphasis, repetition and metaphor, influence personal response to different texts (ACELT1615)

Examining literature

Identify, describe, and discuss similarities and differences between texts, including those by the same author or illustrator, and evaluate characteristics that define an author’s individual style (ACELT1616)

Creating literature

Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways (ACELT1618)

Experiment with text structures and language features and their effects in creating literary texts, for example, using imagery, sentence variation, metaphor and word choice (ACELT1800)

Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Analyse how text structures and language features work together to meet the purpose of a text (ACELY1711)

Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts (ACELY1713)

Analyse strategies authors use to influence readers (ACELY1801)

Creating texts

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1714)

Re-read and edit students’ own and others’ work using agreed criteria and explaining editing choices (ACELY1715)

Develop a handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and varies according to audience and purpose (ACELY1716)

Use a range of software, including word processing programs, learning new functions as required to create texts (ACELY1717)

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Page 5: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks


Prior and future curriculumRelevant prior curriculumStudents require prior experience with:

understanding how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality understanding the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause understanding how noun groups/phrases and adjective groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person, place, thing or idea understanding the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning, and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts creating literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced creating literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas and stylistic features of selected authors planning, drafting and publishing imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to

purpose and audience re-reading and editing student’s own and others’ work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features using a range of software including word processing programs with fluency to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements

Curriculum working towardsThe teaching and learning in this unit work towards the following:

Understand and explain how the text structures and language features of texts become more complex in informative and persuasive texts and identify underlying structures such as taxonomies, cause and effect, and extended metaphors (ACELA1531)

Recognise and understand that subordinate clauses embedded within noun groups/phrases are a common feature of written sentence structures and increase the density of information (ACELA1534)

Understand how modality is achieved through discriminating choices in modal verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns (ACELA1536) Investigate vocabulary typical of extended and more academic texts and the role of abstract nouns, classification, description and generalisation in building specialised knowledge

through language (ACELA1537) Create literary texts that adapt stylistic features encountered in other texts, for example, narrative viewpoint, structure of stanzas, contrast and juxtaposition (ACELT1625) Experiment with text structures and language features and their effects in creating literary texts, for example, using rhythm, sound effects, monologue, layout, navigation and colour

(ACELT1805) Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual, and audio features to convey information and

ideas (ACELY1725) Edit for meaning by removing repetition, refining ideas, reordering sentences and adding or substituting words for impact (ACELY1726) Use a range of software, including word processing programs, to confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts (ACELY1728)

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Page 6: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

General capabilitiesThis unit provides opportunities for students to engage in the following general capabilities.Literacy

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Text knowledge Grammar knowledge Word knowledge Visual knowledge

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability Creating with ICT Managing and operating ICT

Critical and creative thinking Inquiring - identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Reflecting on thinking and processes Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures

Personal and social capability Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness

Intercultural understanding Recognising culture and developing respect Interacting and empathising with others

For further information, refer to General capabilities in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area specific advice.

Cross-curriculum prioritiesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culturesStudents will develop a knowledge, deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ history and culture and build an awareness that their histories are part of a shared history belonging to all Australians.The embedding of Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures into the curriculum can be a challenging task. For further information, including pedagogical approaches, refer to C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx.Assessing student learningAssessment name: Writing a short storyAssessment description: Students write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.In this unit, assessment of student learning aligns to the following components of the achievement standard.Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)

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Page 7: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

By the end of Year 6, students understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects. They analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by different authors to represent ideas, characters and events.Students compare and analyse information in different and complex texts, explaining literal and implied meaning. They select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it. They listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas.Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)Students understand how language features and language patterns can be used for emphasis. They show how specific details can be used to support a point of view. They explain how their choices of language features and images are used.Students create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, using a variety of strategies for effect. They demonstrate an understanding of grammar, and make considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in their writing. They use accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity and make and explain editorial choices based on criteria.Monitoring student learningStudent learning should be monitored throughout the teaching and learning process to determine student progress and learning needs.Each lesson provides opportunities to gather evidence about how students are progressing and what they need to learn next.Specific monitoring opportunities in this unit may include observations, consultations and samples of student work, for example:

comprehending narrative texts and recording information about the text structure, language features, purpose and audience of short story texts making comparisons between narrative texts, specifically language features, text structure, point of view and mood making meaning from vocabulary choices and identifying the way evaluative language expresses shades of meaning in literary texts proofreading own and others' work, as well as making and explaining editorial choices analysing the comparisons between narrative texts using specific metalanguage analysing how humour in different texts is used to entertain an audience writing complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions adapting aspects of familiar texts to create a short story elaborating and extending ideas using complex sentences when creating literary texts experimenting with text structures and language features when creating literary texts including sentence variation and word choice participating in informal class discussions about how to adapt authors' use of plot structure, language features, nouns, noun groups, verbs and adverb groups.

Monitoring taskMonitoring name: Reading comprehensionMonitoring description: Students analyse and compare text structures and language features authors use to influence readers.FeedbackFeedback may relate to reading and writing. In this unit this may include:

identifying text structures, language features and strategies used by authors for humorous effect identifying words and word groups that expand and sharpen ideas about characterisation, conflict and plot in short stories evaluating how authors' language choices and strategies influence readers understanding how text structures and language features work together to entertain readers of short stories. using complex sentences to elaborate, extend and explain ideas using vocabulary for effect, including verbs and adverb groups/phrases and evaluative language adapting aspects of familiar texts, and experimenting with sentences and word choice creating a short story using text structures and language features, editing their own writing and explaining editing choices.

Teaching Sequence

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Page 8: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Curriculum Plan Topics

Duration Topic

4 Lessons Introduction to short stories/Short story 1 Lesson 1: Comparing short stories to novels Lessons 2-3: Investigating plot structure Lesson 4: Investigating plot structure

5 Lessons Short story 1 Lesson 5: Exploring theme and point of view in short stories Lessons 6-7: Identifying language choices for characterisation Lesson 8: Comprehending setting Lesson 9: Comprehending and comparing humour in short stories

3 Lessons Reading comprehension Lesson 10: Preparing for monitoring task Lessons 11-12: Completing the monitoring task

5 Lessons Short story 2 Lesson 13: Reading and comprehending Lesson 14: Investigating plot structure Lesson 15: Examining cohesion Lesson 16: Investigating sentence structure Lesson 17: Experimenting with language features

5 Lessons Short story 3 Lesson 18: Reading and comprehending Lesson 19: Investigating plot structure Lesson 20: Examining cohesion Lesson 21: Investigating sentence structure Lesson 22: Experimenting with language features

2 Lessons Author’s style Lesson 23: Examining author’s style Lesson 24: Adapting a short story

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Page 9: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

8 Lessons Creation of a short story Lesson 25: Planning a short story 1 Lesson 26: Planning a short story 2 Lesson 27: Planning language choices Lessons 28-29: Drafting the short story Lesson 30: Editing the short story Lesson 31: Publishing the short story Lesson 32: Reflecting on editing choices

32 Lessons Total Unit

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Page 10: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Introduction to short stories/Short story 1 Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will identify the features of short stories and read a short story to investigate plot structure.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 1

Comparing short stories to novels

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand the structures and features that define a short story. Understand how authors use text structures and language

features for effect.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify the similarities and differences of structural and language features of short stories and novels?

Identify the elements and context of a short story? Compose a personal response that makes connections with a

short story?Example learning sequence

Compare the short story to the novel Examine a short story Respond to the short story

SpellingDiagnostic assessment.

Resources Sheet - Connected Sheet - Connected elements checklist Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Supporting learning resource - Short story elements Supporting learning resource - Introduction to the unit: Short stories Sheet - Short stories and novels: Venn diagram Sheet - Character trait word list Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/aaf7fd7b-b7dc-44f5-ad39-2987e0aca149/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 2-3

Investigating plot structure

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to identify and compare the plot structure of a short story.

Develop knowledge of text structures and language features that work together in short stories.

Resources Sheet - Connected Sheet - Story text: The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho Sheet - Plot diagram: Connected Sheet - Plot diagram: The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho Supporting learning resource - Short story elements

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Page 11: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Introduction to short stories/Short story 1 Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will identify the features of short stories and read a short story to investigate plot structure.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and compare plot structure in two short stories? Explain how language features contribute to plot?

Example learning sequence Define literary terms that describe short story structure Compare plot structure for two short stories Identify how plot works with language features to achieve

purposeSpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Helpful information Website - Plot diagram (ReadWriteThink)

http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/plot-diagram/ Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 4

Investigating plot structure

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to examine strategies authors use in a short story to achieve humorous effects.

Understand how text structure and language features work together to build narrative.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain the text structures, language features and strategies used by authors to achieve humorous effects in a short story?

Example learning sequence Revise literary terms that describe plot structure in short stories Read a humorous short story Identify plot in a humorous short story Respond to the plot in a humorous short story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Mission impossible Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give Peas a Chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 1-13. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia)

Sheet - Terms Sheet - Definitions Sheet - Mission impossible plot profile Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Website - Plot diagram (ReadWriteThink)

http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/plot-diagram/ Website - Mission impossible (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/give-

peas-a-chance-chapter-1.htm Website - Morris Gleitzman: Biography (Morris Gleitzman)

http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/biographies.htm Sheet - The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson


Audio - The Loaded Dog read by Jack Thompson https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/84f579a9-3bb6-4ea9-8767-349c1868254f/0/

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 11 of 39

Page 12: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Introduction to short stories/Short story 1 Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will identify the features of short stories and read a short story to investigate plot structure.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence ResourcesThe%20Loaded%20Dog_mp3.mp3 Lawson, Henry, ‘The loaded dog’ read by Jack Thompson. Used with permission of Fine Poets.

Sheet - The Loaded Dog plot profile https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/b22d184a-4373-4749-a66b-4e130c555b81/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SH_TheLoadedDogPlotProfile.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 12 of 39

Page 13: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 1 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will read one humorous short story to investigate the author's use of text structure, language features and strategies to achieve humorous effects.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 5

Exploring theme and point of view in short stories

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to identify the strategies authors use in a short story to achieve humorous effects.

Understand how text structure and language features work together to build narrative.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain the theme and narrative point of view in a humorous short story?

Example learning sequence Identify strategies that achieve humour in a short story Define theme and narrative point of view in short stories Identify theme in a humorous short story Identify narrative point of view in a humorous short story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Mission impossible Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give Peas a Chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 1-13. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia)

Sheet - Story themes Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Website - Plot diagram (ReadWriteThink)

http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/plot-diagram/ Website - Mission impossible (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/give-

peas-a-chance-chapter-1.htm Sheet - The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson


Audio - The Loaded Dog read by Jack Thompson https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/84f579a9-3bb6-4ea9-8767-349c1868254f/0/The%20Loaded%20Dog_mp3.mp3 Lawson, Henry, ‘The loaded dog’ read by Jack Thompson. Used with permission of Fine Poets.

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 6-7

Identifying language choices for characterisation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how characterisation and language features work together to build a short narrative and how these influence readers.

Evidence of learning

Resources Sheet - Mission impossible Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give Peas a Chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 1-13. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia)

Sheet - Character trait word list Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 13 of 39

Page 14: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 1 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will read one humorous short story to investigate the author's use of text structure, language features and strategies to achieve humorous effects.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Can the student: Identify specific words, word groups and strategies the author

uses to influence the reader about characters?Example learning sequence

Review the main character in a humorous short story Review the other characters in the humorous short story Respond to the characterisation in the humorous short story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.


Helpful information Website - Mission impossible (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/give-

peas-a-chance-chapter-1.htm Sheet - The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson


Audio - The Loaded Dog read by Jack Thompson https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/84f579a9-3bb6-4ea9-8767-349c1868254f/0/The%20Loaded%20Dog_mp3.mp3 Lawson, Henry, ‘The loaded dog’ read by Jack Thompson. Used with permission of Fine Poets.

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/0d96d0f2-cafb-4444-b469-1c1b072d73b8/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SLR_ShortStories.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 8

Comprehending setting

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how text structure and language features work together to build a narrative.

Understand that authors influence readers by using text structures and language features.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify specific words, word groups and strategies that the author uses to influence the reader about setting and mood?

Example learning sequence Review the setting in a humorous short story

Resources Sheet - Mission impossible Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give Peas a Chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 1-13. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia)

Sheet - Match the setting to the event Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Website - Mission impossible (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/give-

peas-a-chance-chapter-1.htm Sheet - The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson


Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 14 of 39

Page 15: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 1 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will read one humorous short story to investigate the author's use of text structure, language features and strategies to achieve humorous effects.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Identify strategies that build setting and create humour Respond to the setting in the humorous short story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Eng_Y06_U1_SH_TheLoadedDog.docx Audio - The Loaded Dog read by Jack Thompson

https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/84f579a9-3bb6-4ea9-8767-349c1868254f/0/The%20Loaded%20Dog_mp3.mp3 Lawson, Henry, ‘The loaded dog’ read by Jack Thompson. Used with permission of Fine Poets.

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 9

Comprehending and comparing humour in short stories

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to write a short response about narrative elements.

Understand how to write complex sentences about text structure, language features or strategies that develop plot and characterisation.Evidence of learning

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Review ideas about narrative elements in a short story? Explain how text structure, language features or strategies

develop plot and characterisation? Identify how the author achieves a humorous effect?

Example learning sequence Prepare ideas about narrative elements in a humorous short

story Write about the language features or strategies for plot and

characterisation Respond to the humour in two short stories Compare text structures and language features that create a

humorous effectSpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Mission impossible Sheet - Comparison and contrast words Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give Peas a Chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 1-13. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia)

Supporting learning resource - Short story elements Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Website - Mission impossible (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/give-

peas-a-chance-chapter-1.htm Sheet - The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson


Audio - The Loaded Dog read by Jack Thompson https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/84f579a9-3bb6-4ea9-8767-349c1868254f/0/The%20Loaded%20Dog_mp3.mp3 Lawson, Henry, ‘The loaded dog’ read by Jack Thompson. Used with permission of Fine Poets.

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 15 of 39

Page 16: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will complete a guided reading of a new humorous short story and complete a comprehension task about a particular short story and other short stories they have read.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 10

Preparing for monitoring task

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to apply text-processing strategies to read and comprehend a short story.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Read and comprehend a short story? Give a personal response to a short story?

Example learning sequence Understand the monitoring task Read and comprehend a short story in a guided reading setting

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Good Dog Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give peas a chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 199-129. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia).

Sheet - Guided reading practice Monitoring task - Reading comprehension Monitoring task - Reading comprehension: Model response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 11-12

Completing the monitoring task

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how text structures, language features and strategies work together in short stories to influence readers.

Understand how to evaluate similarities and differences in short stories, using evidence to support responses.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects?

Analyse and explain how language features and vocabulary are used by authors to represent ideas, characters and events?

Compare and analyse information in different texts, explaining literal and implied meaning?

Select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it?

Example learning sequence Understand monitoring task

Resources Sheet - Good Dog Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give peas a chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books,

Camberwell, Victoria, pp 199-129. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia).

Monitoring task - Reading comprehension Monitoring task - Reading comprehension: Model response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 16 of 39

Page 17: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will complete a guided reading of a new humorous short story and complete a comprehension task about a particular short story and other short stories they have read.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Re-read the short story for the monitoring task Complete the reading comprehension monitoring task Share and discuss reading comprehension answers

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 17 of 39

Page 18: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 2 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse familiar short stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 13

Reading and comprehending

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how text structures and language features work together in a short story.

Understand how authors adapt or combine aspects of short stories in innovative ways.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Apply text-processing strategies to read and comprehend a short story?

Adapt aspects of a familiar short story to create an idea for a different short story?

Example learning sequence Understand the assessment task Read and comprehend a short story Understand adapting

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Assessment task - Writing a short story Sheet - Reading and comprehending a short story Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Reading and comprehending a short story ‘Gladys’

(Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_ReadCompShortStoryGladys_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AnalysingShortStoryGladys_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - Question-answer relationships https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/8bbeb3ad-62cf-49f5-9dbc-74dc18ada588/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SH_QuestionAnsRelation.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 14

Investigating plot structure

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how narrative text structures engage the reader. Understand how to adapt aspects of familiar short stories.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Create a plot profile for a short story that adapts aspects of a

Resources Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Sheet - Analysing a short story Sheet - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Gladys’ Sheet - Classifying opening sentences Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 18 of 39

Page 19: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 2 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse familiar short stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resourcesfamiliar short story?

Explain how the adapted plot profile works to entertain the reader?

Example learning sequence Identify the plot and conflict of a short story Identify how plot structure achieves purpose in a short story Adapt the plot structure in a short story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers)


Supporting learning resource - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Gladys’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AdaptPlotStructGladys_Ans.docx

Website - Plot diagram (ReadWriteThink) http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/plot-diagram/

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 15

Examining cohesion

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand use of cohesive devices in short stories.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain the effect of cohesive devices in a short story?

Adapt the use of cohesive devices in a familiar short story?Example learning sequence

Review understanding of cohesive devices Examine cohesion in a short story Adapt the use of cohesive devices

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers)


Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx


Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 19 of 39

Page 20: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 2 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse familiar short stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Lesson plan

Lesson 16

Investigating sentence structure

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how complex sentences can be used in short stories in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain how sentence structures contribute to the increased tension of a story in predicting how the text will unfold?

Adapt a short story by varying sentence structures and using complex sentences?

Example learning sequence Review structure of complex sentences Examine complex sentences in the short story Adapt the short story Respond to the adapted text

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers)


Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 20 of 39

Page 21: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 2 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse familiar short stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 17

Experimenting with language features

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how authors use specific language features to enhance aesthetic purposes and effects of the short story.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain how evaluative language, figurative language and verb and adverb groups/phrases work to entertain the reader?

Example learning sequence Review understanding of effective short stories Examine language features in a short story Adapt the short story Respond to the adapted text

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers)


Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 21 of 39

Page 22: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 3 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse another short story by the same author, identifying text structures and language features and become familiar with the author's style.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 18

Reading and comprehending

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how text structures and language features work together in a short story.

Understand how authors adapt or combine aspects of short stories in innovative ways.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Apply text-processing strategies to read and comprehend a short story?

Adapt aspects of a familiar short story to create an idea for a different short story?

Example learning sequence Read and comprehend a short story Understand adapting

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125) Sheet - Reading and comprehending a short story Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Reading and comprehending a short story ‘Council

Wombat’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_ReadCompShortStoryWombat_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Council Wombat’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AnalysingShortStoryWombat_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - Question-answer relationships https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/8bbeb3ad-62cf-49f5-9dbc-74dc18ada588/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SH_QuestionAnsRelation.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 19

Investigating plot structure

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how narrative text structures engage the reader. Understand how to adapt aspects of familiar short stories.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Create a plot profile for a short story that adapts aspects of a familiar short story?

Resources Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125) Sheet - Analysing a short story Sheet - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Council Wombat’ Sheet - Classifying opening sentences Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 22 of 39

Page 23: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 3 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse another short story by the same author, identifying text structures and language features and become familiar with the author's style.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Explain how the adapted plot profile works to entertain the

reader?Example learning sequence

Revise plot, conflict and theme in short stories Identify plot and conflict of a short story Identify how plot structure achieves purpose Adapt the plot structure in a short story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Council Wombat’ (Answers)


Supporting learning resource - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Council Wombat‘ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AdaptPlotStructCouncilWombat_Ans.docx

Website - Plot diagram (ReadWriteThink) http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/plot-diagram/

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 20

Examining cohesion

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand use of cohesive devices in short stories.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain the effect of cohesive devices in a short story?

Adapt the use of cohesive devices in a familiar short story?Example learning sequence

Review understanding of cohesive devices Examine cohesion in a short story Adapt the use of cohesive devices

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125) Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 21 Lesson objectives Resources

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 23 of 39

Page 24: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 3 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse another short story by the same author, identifying text structures and language features and become familiar with the author's style.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Investigating sentence structure

Students will: Understand how complex sentences can be used in short

stories in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain how sentence structures contribute to the increased tension of a story in predicting how the text will unfold?

Adapt a short story by varying sentence structures and using complex sentences?

Example learning sequence Review structure of complex sentences Examine complex sentences in a short story Adapt the short story Respond to the adapted text

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns, HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125)

Sheet - Analysing a short story Sheet - Self-editing checklist: Adapted paragraph Sheet - Peer-editing checklist: Adapted paragraph Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Council Wombat’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AnalysingShortStoryWombat_Ans.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 22

Experimenting with language features

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how authors use specific language features to enhance aesthetic purposes and effects of the short story.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain how evaluative language, figurative language and verb and adverb groups/phrases work to entertain the reader?

Example learning sequence Review understanding of effective short stories Examine language features in a short story Adapt the short story

Resources Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125) Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Council Wombat’ (Answers)


Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 24 of 39

Page 25: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Short story 3 Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse another short story by the same author, identifying text structures and language features and become familiar with the author's style.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Respond to the adapted text

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 25 of 39

Page 26: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Author’s style Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse short stories by the same author, identifying the author's stylistic features.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 23

Examining author’s style

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to identify and adapt characteristics that define an author's individual style.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and describe similarities and differences between texts by the same author?

Adapt aspects of a familiar author's style to create a personal style?

Example learning sequence Identify author's style in short stories Adapt aspects of author's style

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns,

HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125) Sheet - Comparing and adapting aspects of author’s style Sheet - Analysing a short story Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Comparing and adapting aspects of author’s style

(Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_ComparingAdaptAuthorStyle_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 24

Adapting a short story

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to adapt aspects of a short story. Understand how to explain editing choices.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and describe ways to adapt aspects of a short story? Explain how the adaptations will entertain the reader?

Example learning sequence Read and comprehend a short story Adapt a short story

Resources Sheet - Draft short story Sheet - Peer-editing checklist Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 26 of 39

Page 27: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Author’s style Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore and analyse short stories by the same author, identifying the author's stylistic features.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Explain editing choices

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 27 of 39

Page 28: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Creation of a short story Topic Duration 8 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will create an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict. They also explain the editorial choices they make in their writing.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 25

Planning a short story 1

Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story - Sample response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 26

Planning a short story 2

Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story - Sample response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 27 Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 28 of 39

Page 29: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Creation of a short story Topic Duration 8 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will create an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict. They also explain the editorial choices they make in their writing.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Planning language choices

who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story - Sample response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 28-29

Drafting the short story

Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 30

Editing the short story

Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Sheet - Editing checklist Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


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Page 30: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Creation of a short story Topic Duration 8 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will create an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict. They also explain the editorial choices they make in their writing.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resourcesstandards A-E

Conduct the assessmentSpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 31

Publishing the short story

Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 32

Reflecting on editing choices

Assessment purposeTo write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.Example learning sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

SpellingConduct a unit post-test.

Resources Assessment task - Writing a short story Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response Spelling - Spelling unit post-test Year 6 Unit 1: Lesson 32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


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Page 31: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Creation of a short story Topic Duration 8 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will create an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict. They also explain the editorial choices they make in their writing.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 32: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Resources* Attachments are available in the relevant Unit Plan Section directory in the downloaded zip file.

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sequence - Introduction to short stories

Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP01.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP02_03.docx

Sequence - Short story 1 Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP04.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP05.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP06_07.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP08.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP09.docx

Sequence - Reading comprehension Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP10.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP11_12.docx

Sequence - Short story 2 Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP13.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP14.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP15.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP16.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP17.docx

Sequence - Short story 3 Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP18.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP19.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP20.docx

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Page 33: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP21.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP22.docx

Sequence - Author’s style Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP23.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP24.docx

Sequence - Creation of a short story Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP25.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP26.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP27.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP28_29.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP30.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP31.docx Lesson plan - Eng_Y06_U1_LP32.docx

Sequence Audio - The Loaded Dog read by Jack Thompson https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/84f579a9-3bb6-4ea9-8767-349c1868254f/0/The%20Loaded%20Dog_mp3.mp3 Lawson, Henry, ‘The loaded dog’ read by Jack Thompson. Used with permission of Fine Poets.

Monitoring task - Reading comprehension

Monitoring task - Reading comprehension: Model response

Sheet - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Council Wombat’ Sheet - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Gladys’ Sheet - Analysing a short story Sheet - Character trait word list

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Page 34: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Classifying opening sentences Sheet - Comparing and adapting aspects of author’s style Sheet - Comparison and contrast words Sheet - Connected Sheet - Connected elements checklist Sheet - Council Wombat in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns, HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 119-125) Sheet - Definitions Sheet - Draft short story Sheet - Editing checklist Sheet - Gladys in French, J 1997, Dancing with Ben Hall and other yarns, HarperCollins Australia, Sydney (pp 97-105) Sheet - Good Dog Sheet - Guided reading practice Sheet - Match the setting to the event Sheet - Mission impossible Sheet - Mission impossible plot profile Sheet - Peer-editing checklist Sheet - Peer-editing checklist: Adapted paragraph Sheet - Plot diagram: Connected

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 34 of 39

Page 35: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Plot diagram: The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho Sheet - Reading and comprehending a short story Sheet - Self-editing checklist: Adapted paragraph Sheet - Short stories and novels: Venn diagram Sheet - Story text: The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho Sheet - Story themes Sheet - Terms Sheet - The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6c5af911-152b-46b5-b66e-0f68dbc8aed6/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SH_TheLoadedDog.docx

Sheet - The Loaded Dog plot profile https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/b22d184a-4373-4749-a66b-4e130c555b81/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SH_TheLoadedDogPlotProfile.docx

Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 1-16 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Spelling - Spelling overview Year 6 Unit 1: Lessons 17-32 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Spelling - Spelling unit post-test Year 6 Unit 1: Lesson 32 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/aaf7fd7b-b7dc-44f5-ad39-2987e0aca149/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Council Wombat‘ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AdaptPlotStructCouncilWombat_Ans.docxSupporting learning resource - Adapting the plot structure of ‘Gladys’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AdaptPlotStructGladys_Ans.docxSupporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Council Wombat’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AnalysingShortStoryWombat_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - Analysing a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_AnalysingShortStoryGladys_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 35 of 39

Page 36: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspxSupporting learning resource - Comparing and adapting aspects of author’s style (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_ComparingAdaptAuthorStyle_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Supporting learning resource - Introduction to the unit: Short stories Supporting learning resource - Question-answer relationships https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/8bbeb3ad-62cf-49f5-9dbc-74dc18ada588/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SH_QuestionAnsRelation.docx

Supporting learning resource - Reading and comprehending a short story ‘Gladys’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_ReadCompShortStoryGladys_Ans.docxSupporting learning resource - Reading and comprehending a short story ‘Council Wombat’ (Answers) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/cc0eabe5-0717-4e65-b21c-7c152b271edb/0/Eng_Y06_U2_SLR_ReadCompShortStoryWombat_Ans.docx

Supporting learning resource - Short story elements Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Short stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/0d96d0f2-cafb-4444-b469-1c1b072d73b8/0/Eng_Y06_U1_SLR_ShortStories.docx

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give Peas a Chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books, Camberwell, Victoria, pp 1-13. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia)Text - Gleitzman, M 2007, Give peas a chance and other funny stories, Puffin Books, Camberwell, Victoria, pp 199-129. Reproduced with permission by Penguin Group (Australia).

Website - Mission impossible (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/give-peas-a-chance-chapter-1.htm

Website - Morris Gleitzman: Biography (Morris Gleitzman) http://www.morrisgleitzman.com/biographies.htm

Website - Plot diagram (ReadWriteThink) http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/plot-diagram/

Assessment Planner - Reading Monitoring task - Eng_Y06_U1_MT_MR_ReadCompShortStories.docx

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 36 of 39

Page 37: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

comprehension: Short stories Monitoring task - Eng_Y06_U1_MT_ReadCompShortStories.docx Assessment Planner - Writing a short story

Assessment task - Eng_Y06_U1_AT_MR_ShortStory.docx Assessment task - Eng_Y06_U1_AT_PlanForTask.docx Assessment task - Eng_Y06_U1_AT_PlanForTask_Sample.docx Assessment task - Eng_Y06_U1_AT_ShortStory.docx

Assessment Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story

Assessment task - Plan for task: Writing a short story - Sample response

Assessment task - Writing a short story

Assessment task - Writing a short story: Model response

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Page 38: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks


Assessment Task - Marking guide

AssessmentTask Name

Writing a short story (Yr 06)Type Written


Description Students write an imaginative and entertaining short story about a character who faces a conflict and explain editorial choices.

Learning Area English

Creating texts (Productive) Knowledge and understanding

Uses language features and language patterns for emphasis.Creates a detailed text elaborating on key ideas for a purpose and audience.

Demonstrates an understanding of grammar and makes considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in writing.Uses accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity.Makes and explains editorial choices.

A ◄Creates a short story that adapts or combines aspects of other short stories (e.g. innovative text structures, sentence variation, metaphor) to achieve aesthetic purposes and effects.

◄Experiments with vocabulary choices, including evaluative and figurative language, to express shades of meaning and feeling.Uses complex sentences in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas.

B ◄Experiments with narrative elements to engage the audience.Selects language to create imagery to convey setting, characters and events.

◄ Expands and sharpens ideas through careful choices of verbs and adverb groups.

C ◄Uses language features and language patterns for emphasis.Creates a detailed text elaborating on key ideas for a purpose and audience.

Demonstrates an understanding of grammar and makes considered vocabulary choices to enhance cohesion and structure in writing.Uses accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity.Makes and explains editorial choices.

D ◄ Creates a short story. ◄ Writes descriptions.

E ◄ Writes a sequence of events that features a character. ◄ Selects words.

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Page 39: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Short stories. In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - English Year 6 (V8)

Year: 6Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Acknowledgement, Disclaimer and Copyright

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities are extracts from the Australian Curriculum.

These are subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 and are owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) [2014].

Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular,

ACARA does not endorse or verify that:

The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; All the content descriptions for that year and subject have been used; and The author's material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject.

You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au. This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Copyright in this publication and the content therein is owned by the State of Queensland (acting through the Department of Education and Training) (‘the Department’) or, in the case of some materials, by third parties (‘Third Party Content’).

Apart from any use expressly permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced, published, adapted, communicated, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of the Department.

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