e 1 ‘Celebrating and sharing the love of God’ PROPER 14A (Tenth Sunday after Pentecost)) 9 th August 2020 Counters: Janny, Ruth Cleaning: Norma Flowers: ? SATURDAY 6pm, Songs: AT 10, 101, TIS 685 Arrival Team: Terri, Tina Ushers/Cleaners: Rich, Kristen & Alan Communion Assistants: Stuart, Ng, Tina Readings: Music: Galvin Audio/Visual: SUNDAY 8:30am Organ HC, Hymns: TIS 593, 138 (t. 550), H/C: 499 (t. 124); 595 (t. 592) Arrival Team: Margaret & Rainer Ushers/Cleaners: Raj & Michael, Rebecca & Steve Communion Assistants: Steve, Yos, Sean Readings: Sean H Music: Yovela Audio/Visual: Megan SUNDAY 10:20am Band HC, Songs: AT 10, What the Lord has done in me, H/C: AT 557 & 101; TIS 685 Arrival Team: Janny, Alex N Ushers/Cleaners: Ruth, Val, Mark Communion Assistants: Mark, David & Kathy Readings: Music: Jon Audio/Visual: Megan WEDNESDAY 11am Organ HC Hymns : TIS 593, 138 (t. 550), 595 (t. 592) Arrival Team: Norma, Luise Ushers/Cleaners: Leanora, Trish, Anja, Eva Communion Assistants: Maria, Hella, Janny Readings: Music: Heather Audio/Visual: Yogi Welcome to Worship! We’re so glad you have chosen to be with us today. Please relax and enjoy the music before the service starts. Quiet your heart before God. Ask him to meet with you and teach you today. We invite you to fill in the welcome form from the

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‘‘Celebrating and sharing the love of

God’ PROPER 14A (Tenth Sunday after Pentecost)) 9th August 2020

Counters: Janny, Ruth Cleaning: Norma Flowers: ?SATURDAY 6pm, Songs: AT 10, 101, TIS 685

Arrival Team: Terri, Tina Ushers/Cleaners: Rich, Kristen & Alan Communion Assistants: Stuart, Ng, Tina Readings: Music: Galvin Audio/Visual:

SUNDAY 8:30am Organ HC, Hymns: TIS 593, 138 (t. 550), H/C: 499 (t. 124); 595 (t. 592) Arrival Team: Margaret & Rainer Ushers/Cleaners: Raj & Michael, Rebecca & Steve Communion Assistants: Steve, Yos, Sean Readings: Sean H Music: Yovela Audio/Visual: Megan

SUNDAY 10:20am Band HC, Songs: AT 10, What the Lord has done in me, H/C: AT 557 & 101; TIS 685 Arrival Team: Janny, Alex N Ushers/Cleaners: Ruth, Val, Mark Communion Assistants: Mark, David & Kathy Readings: Music: Jon Audio/Visual: Megan

WEDNESDAY 11am Organ HC Hymns: TIS 593, 138 (t. 550), 595 (t. 592)Arrival Team: Norma, Luise Ushers/Cleaners: Leanora, Trish, Anja, Eva Communion Assistants: Maria, Hella, Janny Readings: Music: Heather Audio/Visual: Yogi

PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK M: Let us pray for the preaching of God’s word. [Silence for reflection]

Ever-loving God,C: send out messengers to proclaim your victory over death to the whole world, so

that people everywhere hear the good news, and receive eternal life. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

BIBLE READINGS FOR TODAY 1 Kings 19:9-18 The Lord appears to Elijah Psalm 85:8-13 Romans 10:5-15 The word of the Lord is near you Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus walks on the water


Welcome to Worship!We’re so glad you have chosen to be with us today. Please relax and enjoy the music before the service starts. Quiet your heart before God. Ask him to meet with you and teach you today. We invite you to fill in the welcome form from the pew information holder and place it in the offering bag with your offering. Please join us for coffee or tea and a friendly chat between services.

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2M: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for showing yourself as the Son of God.

Help us always to trust and worship you. C: Amen.

“Agnus Day cartoon appears with the permission of www.agnusday.org"

OFFERING PRAYERC: Lord, thank you for caring for us and providing us with all we need and much

more. Strengthen our faith as we live our everyday lives. Make us bold and confident in trusting you and serving you and other people. Amen.

PSALM 85 (NLT) L: I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful

people. But let them not return to their foolish ways.R: Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, so our land will be filled with

his glory.L: Unfailing love and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed!R: Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven. L: Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. R: Righteousness goes as a herald before him, preparing the way for his steps.

PRAYER AFTER HOLY COMMUNION C: Merciful Father, your Son Jesus Christ offered up his body and blood in sacrifice

to you so that we might die to self and live in him. Give us such close fellowship with him that in all doubts and dangers our faith may not fail. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

The Lutheran Church teaches that HOLY COMMUNION is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given with bread and wine, instituted by Christ himself for us Christians to eat and drink to strengthen us in faith and service. This sacrament is for baptised Christians who repent of their sins, believe in Jesus as their only Saviour, and intend to live as God wants them to. If you have any questions please speak to an Elder or Pastor.

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ANNOUNCEMENTSWEDNESDAY WORSHIP SERVICES During this time of transition, Pastors André & Peter will be conducting worship services at 11am on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month. This service will be repeating the weekend worship services & is for any person who would like to attend. The next service will be held Wednesday 12 August. CONGRATULATIONS to Maria Rudolph who has passed her first unit with Australian Lutheran College in the previous semester and is enrolled in two units this semester. They are both practical units which she will complete at St John's under the supervision of Pastor Peter Hage. Continued prayers for her studies are very appreciated and welcome. Maria is also excited to announce that she has won a scholarship from Australian Lutheran College that will pay for one of her units this semester. Thanks be to God!

EFTPOS MACHINE can be operated by members of Church Council if you wish to give your offering on a Sunday in this way.

PRAYER & FASTING MEETING is happening again in person on Saturday 5 September from 10am – 1pm in the Hall. All are welcome to attend (obviously no food, but you can bring a water bottle with you). If you can’t attend but would like to send in a prayer request, please send them to Kay Robinson ([email protected], 0408 926 511 or 9409 7299). Maria Rudolph will be providing the devotion that morning.

PASTOR PETER is on annual leave until 13 August. He will be back in the office on Friday 14 th.

PASTOR ANDRÉ is taking annual leave from 24 August – 8 September.

SHARON is taking annual leave from 10 – 25 September. A volunteer is needed in the office on a Thursday &/or Friday.

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A revolution! Learning to be church in a pandemic4 August 2020 by Lisa McIntosh

The coronavirus pandemic has been a terrible global tragedy in the true sense of the word, with a huge death toll. It has also swallowed up jobs and businesses and sent economic shockwaves around the world.

And there are other less-seen costs, too, resulting from the isolation that lockdowns or restrictions have caused, in the areas of mental health, domestic and family violence, addictions and relationship stress.

Even for people not personally affected by the loss of loved ones, health or livelihood, the virus has taken away things many of us have taken for granted in our comfortable lifestyles in Australia and New Zealand. Work, school, family, social activities and even church life have been affected. No restaurants, no sport, no pubs or clubs, and no church on Sunday – at least, not the type of church we were used to.

All of a sudden, congregations were forced into the digital online world, streaming, meeting, or sharing worship via various internet platforms, emailing sermons and other faith-life resources to some parishioners and physically delivering them to others.

Amid all the suffering from COVID-19 though, God has given us some precious and, in the context of the 21st century, rare gifts. He has given us the gift of more time, less busyness and distraction, and the chance to rest in him and reflect on what it really means to be the body of Christ, his church in the world. In doing so, he has challenged us to look outside ourselves and what we have been used to.

Some of the LCA/NZ’s leaders in local mission believe these gifts present an opportunity too good to miss in fulfilling the Great Commission, and that many of us are looking for something other than a return to ‘normal’.

The SA–NT District’s Assistant Bishop for Mission, Pastor Stephen Schultz, says that, pre-COVID, many of us saw worship on Sunday as the be-all and end-all, and that we would offer worship only on our terms and expect community members to simply come to us and fit in with us. He says this model is flawed.

‘Basically, you’d rock up to church and tick a box to say, “Yep, I’ve done that, I’m a good little Christian”, and away you’d go’, he says. ‘And we’ve been thinking that model of church needed to break down. But that was going to require a culture change, and a culture change takes years, maybe generations.

‘And then “bang”, along comes COVID and what normally would take years, we’ve been able to achieve in months. So from my perspective, we don’t really want to miss this opportunity and the rhetoric we’re hearing from people is that we don’t want to go back to the way things were.

‘Of course, some people have seen this as a momentary disruption. But this is not a disruption, this is a revolution. This is an opportunity for us to rethink “church”.’ Cont. Page 9

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Proper 14A) – Matthew 14:22-33Tips of Discipleship: Trust in ChristFocus Question: When have you needed to place the most trust in Christ?word of life "Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:31 (NRSV)

Read Matthew 14:22-33It has been quite a day for Jesus as described in Matthew 14. After he learns of the death of his cousin John the Baptist, Jesus heads to a deserted place only to be interrupted by the thousands who gather to follow him. Jesus responds with compassion by healing and feeding them. On that day, thousands are fed with five loaves and two fish. (See Matthew 14:1-21) Afterwards, Jesus desires to return to a time of prayer and solitude, so he sends his disciples ahead of him.

1. What role does prayer have in the daily life of Jesus?2. How might prayer and solitude help Jesus to cope with the stresses of his ministry?

It is easy to picture the disciple's boat far from shore, battered by the waves. It is a bit more difficult to imagine Jesus actually walking on the water to reach the boat. Certainly, the disciples in the boat are not expecting to see their teacher walk to them on top of the water. They are terrified, believing him to be a ghost. Describe how you imagine that night when Jesus walked on water. Some suggest Jesus only walked in the shallow part of the water and not on it.

3. How would you respond to someone who doubted Jesus actually walked on water? 4. How essential is it to believe that Jesus walked on water?

To reassure the disciples Jesus says, "Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid." (Matthew 14:27 NRSV) Those are simple enough words. Yet some scholars put emphasis on the phrase, "It is I" as the same formula used in Exodus 3:14 when God replied to Moses, "I am who I am." If that is the case, instead of reassuring the disciples, that phrase might have caused more fear because Jesus would be claiming to be God. Other scholars reject that, suggesting Jesus is identifying himself in a traditional way.

Bold Peter wants to join Jesus with his walk on water. When Jesus consents, Peter jumps on the water, walks a bit, then becomes frightened by the storm and sinks while crying, "Lord, save me." Jesus does just that - he grabs Peter and returns him to safety.

5. What possesses Peter to walk on water?6. What prevents Peter from walking further?7. What can we learn about faith from this story?

Jesus chastises Peter for doubting and not trusting in the power of Jesus to keep him safe. Take a moment to reflect on the awesome power of God to work in Jesus in such a way Jesus can walk on water, empower others to do the same, and still a storm. Take time to ponder how Jesus might work in our lives to do the impossible, use us to support others, and still the storms in our lives.

8. What is the message from this passage?9. How does this story inspire trust?

Word among us

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6I grew up in a large church with a seating capacity in the sanctuary for at least 800 people. An impressive balcony wraps around the sanctuary and helps draw your eye to the stained glass window on the west wall. In that window there is an image of a life-size Jesus standing beside a boat and on top of water. His hands are stretched out to a man with a white beard who is waist deep in the water.

As a young child, I would look at that window and wonder what that white-hair, fully-clothed man was doing in the water. As I got older, I learned the story of Peter attempting to walk on water, but losing the faith in Jesus to sustain the walk, he sinks and is rescued by Jesus.

1. Why might this story have been selected to be placed in a church window?2. What is the primary message of this story?

Poor Peter. On the one hand, his bold and confident attitude is refreshing. Or is it foolish? One minute he seems like a saint who has the ability to confess his faith in Jesus, but then he puts his foot in his mouth. He is able to jump out on the water, only to doubt with the first gust of wind. At least, he knows to turn to Jesus in his hour of need and pray, "Lord, save me."

3. How would you describe Peter?4. Can you relate to Peter? How so?

When a dripping wet Peter and Jesus get back into the boat, the winds cease. The disciples in the boat are filled with awe and worship Jesus. In one day, these disciples witness Jesus feeding of thousands, walking on water, and stilling the storm. What more might Jesus have in store?

5. What might the other disciples have said to Peter once he was back in the boat?6. Why would the other disciples not try to walk on water?

Imagine yourself in the story. In your mind, try to see the boat and water. Try to experience the fragrance of the water and feel the breeze.

7. Where do you find yourself in the story? 8. Would you be like Peter and jump out to walk on the water? Why or why not?9. If so, how long would your trust in Jesus sustain you on your walk on water?

Matthew's Gospel is the only one to record the story of Peter walking on water. It is a story which fits with Matthew's overall theme of discipleship. Peter has enough trust to walk on water, but not enough to sustain the walk. Take a moment to connect this story with your own faith journey.

10. Share a story when you were like Peter and boldly acted in faith.11. Share a time when you doubted and called upon Jesus to rescue you? 12. What do you hope you remember from this story?

Prayer Lord, we join Peter's prayer and cry, "Lord, save me." AmenDig Deeper Romans 10:5-15last word Find a time this week to “walk on water” and boldly act in faith

Daily Discipleship Written by John and Robin McCullough-BadeCopyright © 2008 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

May be reproduced for local, non-sale use provided above copyright notice is included.www.elca.org/evangelism/dailydiscipleship

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9Cont. from Page 4

Pastor Stephen says he had heard the story of a congregation which, like many, had been declining in numbers. While previously there had been between 50 and 70 people attending worship with the congregation each Sunday, since going online with worship it has made approximately 100 new non-church contacts. Pre-COVID, the congregation’s Messy Church program had been reaching a few non-member families, whereas it is now in touch with around 20.

‘It’s almost like church had been happening behind closed doors’, Pastor Stephen says. ‘It’s as though it’s been a private thing, it was for the religious people. And the attitude has been, “How do we get people into our territory, onto our turf?” And so we’ll put on amazing programs, but it’s all been on our terms still, it’s all operating mission from a position of strength.

‘Well, it’s as though God has said to us, “I’m shutting your doors, you can’t go on site, so what does it mean for you to be the church offsite? Forget your programs. Get out there. And what am I giving you to take with you? I’m giving you the good news”.

‘Well, hallelujah, praise the Lord, that’s all we need!’Pastor David Schmidt, Queensland’s ministry and mission director, says that,

after speaking with and listening to many people from across the church, there is a view that many of us have ‘developed a very narrow understanding of what word and sacrament are about’.

‘My interpretation of what I’ve been hearing is that we’ve thought it’s simply about what happens in the sermon on Sunday morning and getting holy communion’, he says. ‘But what was reinforced from a conversation I had this morning with a bunch of pastors was that the word is actually incarnational. It’s got to be out there and transforming lives.

‘One pastor said that he’s been challenged through what has happened to realise that he hasn’t done discipleship well, that discipleship is about walking alongside people.

‘And he said the other part of it is sacramental. He said the sacramental aspect of God coming to us is absolutely true and that’s what people are yearning for and missing.

‘Some people have been wanting to go back to church for no other reason than to have holy communion. But it’s important to recognise that we are sacramental when we are engaged in the world around us and to start understanding that word and sacrament is not a narrow perspective in our Lutheran world. It’s actually a broad perspective.’

Dr Tania Nelson, the LCA’s executive officer for local mission, says the restrictions and isolation of the pandemic have by necessity changed some of the ways we engage in discipleship. And, she says, recognising people’s limitations and responsibilities in the way we serve them is also important, as was reinforced by a recent conversation with an LCA/NZ church planter. Cont. Page 10

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Cont. from Page 9 ‘He said that he had been meaning to work more with his members on

discipleship but because many are young families with young children and are very busy, he has felt a certain amount of guilt about asking them to be involved’, she says. ‘Generally, we might bring people together for a pastor’s study group one evening a week, but how can young families do that? They possibly can’t – let alone single-parent families.

‘So this pastor started up a Bible study group online in the midst of COVID, and he’s reflecting that the group members probably won’t ever meet face-to-face because the online meetings have been so successful. That way you can put your children to bed and then meet, and husband and wife can take part. No-one really wants to return to a face-to-face group because this is more accessible for people. For busy people with commitments, it’s the perfect way to be discipled.’

Pastor Brett Kennett, who serves as the Victoria and Tasmania District’s pastor for congregational support, says there is a will among the pastors and leaders he supports to ‘change and adapt’ with what is happening in the world, making use of technology to enable us to reach more people, rather than to “snap back” into how things were done pre-COVID.

‘While I think we’re still in that space where some people will be wanting to snap back, I think the majority are wanting to lean into this and lean out and forward’, he says. ‘One of the regional pastors, even while being able to have a small live Bible study group, has put a big flat screen monitor at the end of the table and has combined that with Zoom so that his wife, with a little one at home, (and others) can join in the study. I asked him whether he saw this as a paradigm shift and he said, “No, but I see it as a major augmentation”.’

Pastor David says the enforced slowdown for many people has meant the chance to reflect on what is truly important in terms of home, work and church life.

‘Congregations are saying that they don’t want to be as busy as they have been, so to move to a new way of being church we need to answer the question, “How do we actually be church without having to put this massive service together every week, when we’re just running out of energy trying to do that”’, he says.

‘People who want to go to church while they’re still at home provide our congregations with opportunities. But how do we engage with those people in meaningful ways, so that we don’t just teach them to be really clever Christians, but rather to engage with their next-door neighbours over the fence? I think that’s the key area that we need to work on.’

It seems that if the pandemic has proven anything, it is that God’s light and love can shine into even the darkest, most desperate situations and bring the hope of new life – and that he never rests from building and shaping his church on earth. We just have to be open to him working in us and through us.

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11SUNDAYS Prayer fellowship before Worship (8am) in meeting room

Grace Lutheran Chinese Worship (10.30am) Hall and LoungeMON-FRI 11:30 – 1.30pm AA meet in T3MONDAYS PASTOR ANDRÉ’S Sabbath (Day of rest with God)TUESDAYS 7 – 9PM AA meets in the HallTHURSDAYS PASTOR PETER’S Sabbath (Day of rest with God)THURSDAYS 10 – 1pm ART CLASS in the Teaching RoomsMon 10 Aug 10am Bible Study in the meeting roomTues 11 Aug 6pm Church CouncilWed 12 Aug 11am Worship serviceThurs 13 Aug 10am Bible StudySun 16 Aug 2pm German worship serviceTues 18 Aug 6.30pm WinGSThurs 20 Aug 6pm Wedding rehearsalFri 21 Aug 5.30pm Confirmation ClassFri 21 Aug 7.30pm YouthSat 22 Aug 2pm Wedding of Jon Solmundson & Ashlee MarrallMon 24 Aug 10am Bible Study in the meeting roomWed 26 Aug 11am Worship serviceThurs 27 Aug 10am Bible Study


NEXT WEEK’S WORSHIP – Proper 15 16th August 2020 Bible Readings: Isaiah 56:1,6-8; Psalm 67; Romans 11:1,2a,29-32; Matthew 15:21-28

DUTY 6pm Sat HC 8:30am Band HC 10:20am Organ HC

11am Wed HC26 August

Arrival Team J Spicer M Hammerer M AltusUshers S Wilathgamuwa R Hammerer R Bodenstaff

Cleaners T Yensch J Schwinkowski, A Sellner, H Lee

M Bodenstaff, H Plange, M-L Schneider

Communion Assistant

S Morick R Lamont M Altus

Reader S HotinskiMusic M Crone S Lord M Crone H Mithen

Audio/Visual S Reid R Rohrlach M WaldhuterChurch

Cleaning (midweek)

C Scriba

Flowers ?Counters R Bodenstaff, M Waldhuter


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12PO Box 8199, Perth BC WA 6849 Email: [email protected] PH: 9227 8072www.stjohnsperth.org.au CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am – 4pm.



St John’s is a SAFE PLACE approved congregation. If you wish to report a matter of harassment or abuse related to the ministry of this congregation then please phone the SAFE PLACE COORDINATOR. It is never too late to report abuse or harassment. Our church uses the SafePlace Safety Management System as an expression of our concern for the safety of all people in our care. Our Safe Place Coordinators are: Ruth Brisbane & Sharon Reid

Chair: Armin Bartels Elders: Mark Altus, Steve Lamont, Vice-Chair: Michelle Sellner Sharon Reid, Yos Tamba. Secretary: Kathy WilsonTreasurer: John Spicer Property: Dean SolmundsonCouncil Members: Sean Hotinski, Negasa Hunduma, Solomon Megharaj, Eloise Muller, Noel Reid.

Care Ministry: Rebecca LamontChildren’s Church: Heidi Spicer, Jodie Belke Fellowship: ?Small Groups: PastorsWorship: Sharon Reid Youth: Zach Offszanka

FAMILY ROOM is available when children become restless in church - entry is at the rear of the church. The sermon & service can be heard from inside the room. CHILDREN'S CHURCH: Held during the Sunday 8:30am service (in the school term) in the Teaching rooms, from 8:45am. All are welcome. LITTLE LAMBS: For 0-3 year olds. Held in the Lounge during the sermon in the 8.30 service (during school term). A parent must stay with their child. MORNING TEA/COFFEE is available between services. ST JOHN’S CAR PARK: Parking is free Sunday mornings until 12:30pm. At all other times parking fees apply. A parking pass must be displayed on the dashboard on weekdays. The pass is available from the office. Please note that parking is available across the road at CIT car park on Sundays for services, as well as on the side of the road.