Supplementary Science Curriculum for 1996 MST-aligned Grade 4 Elementary-Level Science Test Spring 2021 Topic 1: Plants and Scientific Vocabulary Teacher Background: “Plants” Reading: “From Seed to Plant” Reading: “Important Parts of a Plant” Student Page: “Parts of a Seed” Student Page: “Parts of a Plant” Student Page: “Parts of a Flower” Topic 2: Electricity – Circuits and Light Bulbs Teacher Background: “Electricity”

 · Web viewWhen flowering is over and seeds are mature, the seeds fall from the plant and germinate in the soil if conditions are suitable. In some cases, the seeds from the plant

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Supplementary Science Curriculum for 1996 MST-aligned Grade 4 Elementary-Level Science Test

Spring 2021

Topic 1: Plants and Scientific Vocabulary

· Teacher Background: “Plants”

· Reading: “From Seed to Plant”

· Reading: “Important Parts of a Plant”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Seed”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Plant”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Flower”

Topic 2: Electricity – Circuits and Light Bulbs

· Teacher Background: “Electricity”

· Teacher Page: “Conductivity”

· Reading: “Electrical Circuits”

· Reading: “Conductors and Non-Conductors”

· Reading: “Edison Perfects the Light Bulb”

· Student Page: “Circuit Testing”

· Student Page: “Insulators and Conductors”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Light Bulb”

Topic 1: Plants and Scientific Vocabulary

· Teacher Background: “Plants”

· Reading: “From Seed to Plant”

· Reading: “Important Parts of a Plant”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Seed”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Plant”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Flower”

Teacher Background: “Plants”

Seeds: Seeds contain a young plant in the form of an embryo and a supply of food for the developing plant (cotyledon). Most seeds are formed in flowers and most seeds have protective covers that help them withstand the effects of time, travel and weather. Some seeds are also specialized to promote dispersal to areas well away from the parent plant.

When flowering is over and seeds are mature, the seeds fall from the plant and germinate in the soil if conditions are suitable. In some cases, the seeds from the plant are adapted to be transported away from the parent plant. This adaptation helps reduce overpopulation and competition for resources and enables plants to colonize new areas.

The two main ways that seeds may be dispersed are by wind and by animals. Some plants have seeds that are dispersed by explosive pods or by water.

Some examples of Wind Dispersal include:

a) Shaking pods scatter seeds (e.g., Poppy).

b) Parachutes (e.g., Milkweed and Dandelions) have light seeds with feathery hairs. The large surface area of the parachute hairs carries the seed on air currents and can spread them over a very large area.

c) Winged fruits (e.g., Lime, Ash and Tulip) have extensions of the seed which make it spin as it falls to the ground. If a wind is blowing, it can help the seed to move away from the parent plant.

Some examples of Animal Dispersal include:

a) Hooked fruits (e.g., Burdock): The outside of the seed has tiny hooks like "Velcro" which catch in the fur or clothes of passing mammals and are later removed during cleaning.

b) Succulent fruits (e.g., Rose): Birds eat the succulent fruit and may discard the seed away from the plant. If they eat the seed, it will pass through undigested and drop with their droppings away from the parent plant.

Roots: Roots anchor the plant in the ground. Plants are held tightly in the ground so that they are not blown away by wind or washed away by rain. Roots also absorb water and minerals from the soil for the plants. Some roots are able to store food for the plant, such as potatoes.

Stems: The stem supports the leaves and connects the leaves to the roots. It transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves where food is made.

Leaves: Leaves are the part of the plant where photosynthesis (food making) takes place. Green plants are self-nourishing. They have tiny "food factories" within their leaves. With energy from the sun, water and minerals from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and with the help of chlorophyll (the green coloring matter in leaves and other parts of plants) a leaf produces "food" consisting of sugars and starches. The food then circulates throughout the plant in the sap. The food manufacturing process is called photosynthesis ("photo" means light, and "synthesis" means putting together).

Leaves have tiny openings (stomata) all over their surfaces through which plants "breathe.” During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off a waste product, oxygen. Nearly 100% of the oxygen animals and humans require is made by green plants. At night, when there is no light and photosynthesis cannot take place, plants give off carbon dioxide. (Humans continually breathe in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.)

Flower: The flower is the part of a flowering plant that takes care of reproduction. The stamen is the male, pollen-producing part of a flower. It's made up of an anther (tiny, bag-like structure) and a filament (thread-like stalk). The pistil, the female or seed-bearing part of a flower, consists of a stigma with a sticky top, an ovary (hollow structure at the base containing "eggs") and a style (slender tube).

Pollination occurs when a pollen grain is transferred from the stamen to the pistil by insects, birds, or the wind. The pollen grain swells as it absorbs water, sugar and other materials from the stigma. The pollen grain then germinates — that is, it grows a tube downward to the ovary and after reaching the ovary's "eggs," produces seeds. Fruit seeds stay in the ovary until they are ripe and ready to be scattered by the wind, animals, humans, water, or by expulsion. Some flowers have both a pollen-bearing stamen and a pistil with an ovary; these are called "perfect" flowers. "Male" flowers have only the stamen; "female" flowers have only the pistil. Sepals, which are really specialized leaves, encircle the petals of a flower and protect the flower.

Fruit: The fruit is what botanists (a person who studies plants) call the plant structure that contains the seeds, whether it is the fruit of an apple or the pod of a peanut. Seeds are remarkably adapted for dispersal. Without dispersal, seeds would fall directly under the parent plant and overcrowding would occur. As a result, most of the young plants would not be able to survive.

Phototropism: Plants tur n their leaves in the direction of a light source as a response to light. Plants themselves also grow toward the light source, usually the sun.

Other Tropisms: Plants respond to stimuli which are controlled by chemicals that occur in the plant known as auxins. Geotropism is when the roots of a plant grow downward as a response to gravity. The parts that are above the ground grow vertically up.

In addition, another response to a stimulus is illustrated when some leaves curl when there is not enough water for a plant; this is a mechanism to prevent water loss through dehydration.

Germination of Seeds: Many seeds are dispersed when they are eaten by animals. Seeds that have hard coats and are indigestible pass right through the animal's digestive tract to be deposited on the ground and start growing. Some seeds have parachute-like structures which enable them to travel in the wind.

Note: Light is NOT necessary for seeds to germinate, only for plants to grow.

If conditions are not right, seeds will not grow. Some seeds can remain dormant for hundreds of years, awaiting proper conditions. When seeds first start to germinate, they use the food stored in their seed leaves or cotyledons. In many plants the cotyledons are pushed above the ground as the shoot starts to develop. They turn green and look like ordinary leaves. The cotyledons continue to provide food for the growing plant until the shoot develops green leaves, which can make food. The seeds of most flowering plants have two cotyledons and are called dicotyledons. They have broad shaped leaves with bean seeds being an example of this type of seed. Some seeds have only a single cotyledon and are called monocotyledons, with corn being an example of this type of seed.

The young roots that begin to emerge from the seed take water and minerals from the soil. Some plants grow and produce flowers and seeds more quickly than others. Flowering plants such as marigold are called annuals. The seeds germinate and grow into plants which flower and produce more seeds all in the same year. Other plants are biennial because it takes two years for the seed to be produced and for the flower to occur in the second year. Perennials are plants that live for many years, flowering each year.

As seedlings grow larger, they must be replanted to larger pots or replanted outdoors. Stones should be placed on the bottom of the container for drainage.

Plants grow, breathe, reproduce and use food as do animals. However, unlike animals, most plants are green and can make their own food.


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Reading in the Content Area – From Seed to Plant

Most plants begin with a seed. Seeds contain a young plant in the form of an embryo and a supply of food for the developing plant, the cotyledon. Seeds also have a protective covering called a seed coat. Most seeds are formed in flowers and most seeds have protective covers that prevent them from drying out. These covers also protect them from the weather and allow them to last a very long time.

Seeds are protected within the bottom of flowers. The seeds fall from the plant and will grow in the soil if they have enough water and the soil is soft enough. In some cases, the seeds from the plant are carried away from the parent plant.

There are two main ways that seeds may be transported from the parent plant to the place where they will grow. They are by wind and by animals.

Some plants have special parts that allow them to “catch the wind” and drift off to far-off places. Have you ever seen the “winged maple seeds?” When the wind blows, the “wings” can carry the seeds over a long distance.

Other plants have “parachutes” that carry the seeds away on air currents and they can spread over a very large area.

Animals also spread seeds. Some seeds have tiny hooks like "Velcro" which get stuck in the fur or clothes of passing mammals and are later deposited at another place. Some birds eat fruit that have seeds in them. They digest the fruit, but the seeds pass through them and come out in their droppings.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Name three parts of a seed and explain the purpose of each part.




2. What are some of the ways that seeds are spread from one place to another?

3. Why do you think it is important that seeds have a way of traveling from one place to another?


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Reading in the Content Area – Important Parts of a Plant

There are four main parts of most plants: roots, stem, leaves, and flowers. Let’s look at these plant parts one at a time.

Roots: Roots anchor the plant in the ground. Plants are held tightly in the ground so that they are not blown away by wind or washed away by rain. Roots also absorb water and minerals from the soil for the plants. Some roots are able to store food for the plant, such as potatoes.

Stem: The stem connects the leaves to the roots. It transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves where food is made. The stem also provides support for the plant allowing the leaves the reach the sunlight that they need to produce food.

Leaves: Leaves are the food making factories of green plants. Leaves come in many different shapes and sizes, but their job is always the same. Leaves are made to catch light and they have tiny openings (stomata) that allow water and air to come and go. The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating that protects the leaf. Veins in the leaf carry nutrients within the leaf itself. Green plants make their own food and the leaves are where this happens. With energy from the sun, water and minerals from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and with the help of chlorophyll (the green color in leaves and other parts of plants) a leaf produces "food" consisting of sugars and starches. The food then circulates throughout the plant. The food making process is called photosynthesis ("photo" means light, and "synthesis" means putting together).

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off a waste product, oxygen. Nearly 100% of the oxygen animals (including human beings) require is made by green plants. At night, when there is no light and photosynthesis cannot take place, plants give off carbon dioxide. (Humans continually breathe in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.)

Flowers: Flowers not only look pretty but, in fact, are the most important part of the plant for making seeds. When seeds grow, they make new plants. Flowers have some basic parts. The female part is the pistil. The pistil is located in the center of the flower and it is made up of three parts: the stigma with a sticky top, a style (slender tube) and the ovary, a hollow structure at the base which contains the “eggs.”

The male parts of a flower are stamens and usually surround the pistil. The stamen is made up of two parts: the anther and the filament. The anther produces pollen and the filament is a thread-like stalk that holds up the anther.

Pollination occurs when a pollen grain is transferred from the stamen to the pistil by insects, birds, or the wind. The pollen grain swells as it absorbs water, sugar and other materials from the stigma. The pollen grain then germinates — that is, it grows a tube downward to the ovary and after reaching the ovary's "eggs," produces seeds. Fruit seeds stay in the ovary until they are ripe and ready to be scattered by the wind, animals, humans, or water.

Petals: Petals are also important parts of the flower because they help attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and bats. You can also see tiny green leaf-like parts called sepals at the base of the flower. They help to protect the developing bud.

Fruit: The fruit is the ripened ovary of a plant that contains the seeds. When the pollen combines with the eggs in the ovary, fertilization occurs. After this happens, the ovary swells and becomes either fleshy or hard to protect the development seeds. Every seed is a tiny plant, or embryo, with leaves, stems, and root parts waiting for the right things to happen to make it grow. Seeds are also protected by a coat (the seed coat) which covers the seed and can let the embryo survive some tough conditions.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Name at least four parts of a flowering plant and explain the function of each of those parts.

2. Why is pollination an important process for plant development?

3. Explain the life cycle of a flowering plant beginning with the seed.


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Parts of a Seed

Identify the parts of a seed.


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Parts of a Plant

Most plants have ROOTS, STEMS, LEAVES, and FLOWERS. Each part has a job to do in helping a plant live and grow. Label each plant part below.


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Parts of a Flower

Place the correct word from this list on the proper line showing that part of the flower.

Anther (male part)

Filament (female part)

Stamen (male part)



Stigma (female part)

Style (female part)

Pistil (female part)

Ovary (female part)


Topic 2: Electricity – Circuits and Light Bulbs

· Teacher Background: “Electricity”

· Teacher Page: “Conductivity”

· Reading: “Electrical Circuits”

· Reading: “Conductors and Non-Conductors”

· Reading: “Edison Perfects the Light Bulb”

· Student Page: “Circuit Testing”

· Student Page: “Insulators and Conductors”

· Student Page: “Parts of a Light Bulb”

Electric Circuit Background Information for Teachers

An electric circuit is a continuous loop in which electrons carrying electric energy are transferred from a source (battery) to a place where they can do work (light a bulb), and then return to the source. This path is called a closed circuit when there are no breaks and the electrons can move unrestricted. If there is a break in the path, the electrons cannot flow and the circuit is called an open circuit. See the following illustrations:

Figure 1 This is a CLOSED Circuit Figure 2 This is an OPEN Circuit

The flow of electrons in a wire is similar to the flow of water in a hose. Water flows in a hose because pressure is greater on one end. When you turn on a faucet, the water pressure is higher at that end than the other, open end. The water flows from an area of higher pressure to one of lower pressure. With electricity, the current flows from an area of greater electrical potential, one terminal in the battery, to a point of lower potential, the other terminal in the battery.

The difference in potential in a circuit that causes the current to flow is called voltage, and it is measured in units called volts. In a home the current we use is created by voltages of 120 or 240 volts. A flashlight battery or "D" cell has a voltage of 1.5 volts. (All of the following battery types are 1.5 volts: D, C, AA, AAA.) Wires in a circuit and any attached appliance offer a resistance to the flow of electrons.

The resulting current that flows through a wire can vary in strength. It can increase if more electrons flow through a wire conductor over a certain period of time. The current, or number of charges that pass a certain point in a conductor in one second, is measured in units called amperes (amps, for short).

Current electricity involves the movement of electrons from atom to atom in a conductor. The best analogy for the movement of electrons through the conductors in a circuit is a line-up of dominoes. Apply a force to the first domino by hitting it and the last one will fall over. The “push” or force (called voltage) needed for a current (electrons) to flow is provided by a chemical reaction between substances in the battery.

For safety, please note that a circuit can overheat: this is called a short circuit. In a short circuit the current flows over an unintended path that has lower resistance to the flow. An example is when two wires in a circuit touch, or when a loop from one end of a battery to the other is made without a resistance in the path. Thinner wire heats faster.

A battery is a source of electrical potential (voltage) as a result of a contained chemical reaction. This chemical reaction in the battery pushes electrons away at one terminal (negative) and pulls electrons in at the other terminal (positive). How does it do this? With the chemicals used in batteries, one chemical has the tendency to lose electrons and the other has a tendency to gain electrons. If they were mixed together so that they were in physical contact with each other, they would simply react and the electrons would transfer directly from one to the other. In this way, the chemical potential energy in their bonds would be converted into heat energy.

However, in a battery, the two chemicals are separated from each other at the two terminals. They can only react (lose or gain electrons) if the terminals are connected externally by a wire conductor to provide a pathway for the electrons as they are pushed from one (losing electrons) and pulled into the other (gaining electrons). For the loss and gain of electrons to continue, there must be a complete circuit (a closed loop of conductors). When a battery is used, chemical potential energy in chemical bonds is converted into electrical energy, as the electrons flow through the circuit. With a bulb completing the circuit, current will flow through the bulb and cause it to light.

In a dry cell battery, the button at the top is the positive terminal and this is where the electrons are pulled into the battery and gained by one of the reacting chemicals. The cylindrical zinc casing, exposed at the bottom, is the negative terminal and this is where the electrons are lost (by the zinc) and pushed out of the battery. See the cut-away diagram of a dry-cell battery, to the right.

One example of wire strippers (others are also available).

Teachers will prepare wires for use by stripping the plastic insulation off the last 1-inch or so of the wire. To do this they will use a wire stripper that is designed for this purpose without cutting the wire. Your wire strippers may have an adjusting screw (see above) used to create just the right size opening to allow only the insulation to be cut through and removed. Science 21 kits may include alligator clip wires (no wire stripping needed).


Switches are used to open and close circuits – to prevent and restore the flow of current in a circuit. Light switches in the home and classroom are often a modified form of the most common switch – the knife switch.


A pressure switch can be used to make a doorbell sound or a door open when a person steps on a special pressure sensitive mat. To model this, set up a circuit with a battery and bulb. Fold a piece of cardboard in half and wrap strips of aluminum foil around the middle of the cardboard so the foil pieces touch when pressed together. Tape the wires from the bulb and battery to the foil on the outside of each side of the cardboard’s sides. When the foil pieces touch, a circuit is made, and the bulb will light.


The tapper switch is the type of switch used to send Morse code on a telegraph. As a switch, it gives the operator much more control over the length of time the circuit is made or broken, than the pressure switch. The switch is on when two strips of copper are pressed together, returning quickly to the “off” position when not held down.

Properties of Matter: Conductivity

Start off by showing students the Energy Ball (ping pong ball with internal battery, bulb & speaker). When you touch both external contacts, the ball should light up and make noise. Have students hold hands in a whole-class circle and have one student touch one contact on the Energy Ball and a neighboring student touch the other contact so that now the entire class is involved in conducting the electricity! Ask students to predict what will happen if two students do not hold hands. Try it out! COVID-19 Note: Due to social distancing requirements, students may not hold hands with one another. What may work in place, is if the teacher can demonstrate this with her/his own family members (within their “bubble”) on video.

What do students think is the maximum number of people that can form a circle and the Energy Ball still work?

Using the circuit shown on the left, test out various objects in order to determine whether they are able to conduct electricity (electricity flows through the circuit and the bulb lights up). Materials that conduct electricity are called conductors. Materials that do not conduct electricity are called insulators.

Try these objects:

pencil, craft stick, paper clip, glue stick, marker, scissor blade, rubber band, ruler, crayon, marker, piece of metal, pipe cleaner, coin, other objects you have in your classroom

Place test object here (attach wire to either side of object)


Conductor or Insulator? (circle one)


conductor insulator

craft stick

conductor insulator

paper clip

conductor insulator

glue stick

conductor insulator


conductor insulator


conductor insulator

rubber band

conductor insulator


conductor insulator


conductor insulator

piece of metal

conductor insulator

pipe cleaner

conductor insulator


conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Reading in the Content Area – Electrical Circuits

An electric current flows when it has a path to follow and a push. The path, called a circuit, is a continuous loop through which electrons flow. The electrons need energy to flow within the circuit and a battery can be thought of as an “electron pump,” because it provides the energy to “push” the electrons through the circuit.

We use different kinds of circuits for different purposes. When electrons move from one battery terminal through a wire to light a bulb and then back to the other battery terminal, the complete path is called a closed circuit. If there is a break in the path, the electrons cannot flow and the circuit is called an open circuit. Most circuits that we use in our homes have switches. A switch lets you open and close the circuit-- like a light switch or an “on-off” switch on a computer. When you push the switch one way, the circuit is broken or open; when pushed the other way, the circuit is closed and the electrons flow freely.

The flow of electrons in a wire is similar to the flow of water in a hose. Water flows in a hose because pressure is greater on one end. When you turn on a faucet, the water pressure is higher at that end than the other open end. The water flows from an area of higher pressure to one of lower pressure. With electricity, the current flows from the battery terminal that is pushing electrons to the other terminal that is pulling the electrons. The battery provides the chemical energy to push the electrons through the circuit.

You may wonder how a battery does its job. A battery can be thought of as an “electron pump” and is a source of electrical energy. This electrical energy comes from a chemical reaction in the battery that pushes electrons out of one terminal (called the negative terminal) and pulls them into the other terminal (called the positive terminal). For electrons to keep flowing away from the negative terminal (push) and into the positive terminal (pull), the terminals must be connected by a conductor (the copper wire). If a bulb is connected in the circuit, current will flow through the bulb and cause it to light. When you put a battery into a toy or game, you are making a complete circuit. The chemical reaction in the battery will cause electrical current to flow through your toy and make it work. So, in this way, a battery converts chemical energy (from the chemicals that are contained in it) to electrical energy in the circuit.

Please think about and answer the following questions:

1. Why can we think of a battery as an “electron pump?”

2. Explain the differences between open and closed circuits.

Look at the diagram of the inside of a dry cell battery.

3. What do the two sets of chemical paste do?

4. What do you think happens on the graphite rod?


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Reading in the Content Area – Conductors and Non-Conductors

A conductor of electricity is a material that allows electricity to flow through it freely. Metals are good conductors of electricity. A non-conductor or insulator, is a material that resists the flow of electricity and does not allow the electrons to pass freely through it. Examples of good insulators include wood, glass, and plastics. That is why most wires are covered with plastic or rubber. The resistance of a material measures how difficult it is for electric current to move through it. Good insulators have high resistance while good conductors have low resistance.

Electric charges are slowed down by the way that the atoms interact in a wire. So the resistance of a wire depends on the material that it is made of. Different kinds of wire have different resistances. Copper is commonly used in electrical circuits. That is because copper is a good conductor. Iron, on the other hand, is not as good a conductor as copper. Nonconductors have such great resistance that almost no electricity can flow. Although it may not seem so at first, resistance is a very useful property.

You know that light bulbs give off heat and light. Have you ever wondered where the light and heat come from? They are not pouring into the bulb from the wires that come out of the wall. Rather, some of the electrical energy passing through the bulb is converted to heat and light. The filament is a very thin piece of wire that resists the flow of electricity within it. You can also see wires glowing if you look at the wires that heat up in an electric toaster.

It is important to use insulators when working with electrical connections. The plastic around wires and bulb holders are insulators. They stop the electrical current from passing into any metal objects that the circuit may be touching.

Please think about and answer the following questions:

1. How does resistance within a light bulb filament produce light?

2. Think of objects or appliances at home that do work for us because of electrical resistance. Can you name at least ten?

3. Why do you think it is important for the handles of power tools to be made from plastic?

4. Why is an insulator also called a non-conductor?


Science 21 Supplemental Seed & Plant Lesson

Reading in the Content Area – Edison Perfects the Light Bulb

Look in any school library and you are likely to find several biographies of Thomas Alva Edison. He was one of the world’s most famous inventors. Born in 1847, Thomas Edison lived until the age of 84 and during that time continually worked on solving problems that fascinated him. He was responsible for over 1000 different inventions, many of which made our lives much easier. His inventions included the phonograph, the movie projector, and the light bulb. He was also one of the most important people in the effort to bring electricity into homes and businesses.

Edison had a huge laboratory in New Jersey and he had many workers who tested ideas and produced products. Everyone worked hard in the laboratory. Thomas Edison had a famous saying: “Invention is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” All of his workers had to keep working at a problem to find a solution.

The invention of the light bulb was not an easy task. In a light bulb, electricity flows through a thin wire, called the filament. When the electrons flow from the wire into the filament (which is not nearly as thick as the wire) resistance builds up in the filament. This can be thought of like squashing lots of people from a large room into a narrow hallway. The filament heats up from all of the electrons pushing through it and it glows red and gives off light. The filaments that Edison first invented used to burn out very quickly; the bulbs would not last very long at all. Then, after countless hours of research and trying many different materials, Edison found the right combination of materials to make the light bulb remain lit for a long period of time. It took teamwork, continually trying new ideas, and not giving up. The new light bulb was shown to the world on New Year’s Eve in 1879. More than 3000 people showed up to view a huge string of lights from Edison’s lab to the local railroad station. The results of Edison’s research have made a huge different in how we all live today!

Please think about and answer the following questions:

1. What was the main difficulty that Edison had to overcome in his invention of the light bulb?

2. Why do you think that Thomas Edison was so successful?

3. How would you relate Edison’s famous comment, “Invention is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” to your own work in school?

4. If you were a worker in Thomas Edison’s laboratory, what do you think your job would be like? Explain.


Science 21 Supplemental Electricity Lesson

Circuit Testing

Use your materials to determine if the bulb will light in each diagram. Put an X in the upper left-hand box if the bulb lights.


Science 21 Supplemental Electricity Lesson

Insulators and Conductors

Using the circuit shown on the left, test out various objects in order to determine whether they are able to conduct electricity (electricity flows through the circuit and the bulb lights up). Materials that conduct electricity are called conductors. Materials that do not conduct electricity are called insulators.

Try these objects:

pencil, craft stick, paper clip, glue stick, marker, scissor blade, rubber band, ruler, crayon, marker, piece of metal, pipe cleaner, coin, other objects you have in your classroom


Conductor or Insulator? (circle one)


conductor insulator

craft stick

conductor insulator

paper clip

conductor insulator

glue stick

conductor insulator


conductor insulator


conductor insulator

rubber band

conductor insulator


conductor insulator


conductor insulator

piece of metal

conductor insulator

pipe cleaner

conductor insulator


conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator

conductor insulator


Science 21 Supplemental Electricity Lesson

Parts of a Light Bulb

Identify the parts of the bulb shown in the illustration below.

1. What happens to the bulb to make it light?

2. Which part of the bulb produces the light?

3. What causes this part of the bulb to produce light?

4. In the diagram on the previous page, you identified five parts of the bulb. What is the purpose of each part of a bulb?

Base contact wire

Contact wire

Electrical foot contact



Links to help prepare students for the NYS Grade 4 Science Assessment

NYSED Office of Student Assessments – Elementary Science

NYSED Grade 4 Elementary-Level Science Test - Written Test Sampler

NYSED Grade 4 (2004-2019) Past Science Tests (1996 MST Standards)

NYSED Performance Test Form A Station Diagrams

Science 21 Grade 4 Mini Review Unit

Science 21 Grade 4 Assessment Packet