Spiritual Growth Cycle Chart- Explained/Expounded The scripture does not contain God’s Word; the scripture IS God’s Word- 2Peter 1:20-21. Every detail of God’s Word matters- Psalm 139:2, Matthew 5:18, 2Timothy 3:16-17. The Word of God is not for everyone but rather The Word of God is only for people who are “of God of Covenant” or “in Christ in Testament”- Hebrews 3:4-6. The scripture is written specifically to these people and for these people; not to or for all individuals. Just as a car owner may say that a car is a car; there are many makes and models of the most common sedan automobile. The specific car manufacturer makes specific manuals that are made to go with each specific make and model of car. The car manual is intended as a resource for the owner of that specific make and model vehicle. An owner of a Ford sedan cannot use a Chevrolet sedan manual to fix or repair his car. Although there would be beneficial general language in the manual that is common to all vehicles, there is also ‘specific’ language in each manual that is intended to apply only for that make and model. This is also true of God’s Word as it has general benefits for any individual in principle although it is written and applied only to specific individuals- 1

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Spiritual Growth Cycle Chart- Explained/Expounded

The scripture does not contain God’s Word; the scripture IS God’s Word- 2Peter 1:20-21. Every detail of God’s Word matters- Psalm 139:2, Matthew 5:18, 2Timothy 3:16-17. The Word of God is not for everyone but rather The Word of God is only for people who are “of God of Covenant” or “in Christ in Testament”- Hebrews 3:4-6. The scripture is written specifically to these people and for these people; not to or for all individuals. Just as a car owner may say that a car is a car; there are many makes and models of the most common sedan automobile. The specific car manufacturer makes specific manuals that are made to go with each specific make and model of car. The car manual is intended as a resource for the owner of that specific make and model vehicle. An owner of a Ford sedan cannot use a Chevrolet sedan manual to fix or repair his car. Although there would be beneficial general language in the manual that is common to all vehicles, there is also ‘specific’ language in each manual that is intended to apply only for that make and model. This is also true of God’s Word as it has general benefits for any individual in principle although it is written and applied only to specific individuals- Hebrews 4:12-13. The Word of God written in the Old Semitic Hebrew and Koine Greek are very expressive in the details of their word meanings. These 2 languages are the most expressive languages ever known to man. There are over 2,700 Old Semitic Hebrews words that have no translation to Koine Greek and over 2,500 in Koine Greek that have no translation to the English language. Therefore, the original language needs to be studied for its expressive details that are keys to discover the meaning of the scriptural truth that lies beyond the English translations of The Bible.

Many people in Christianity disagree with the notion that studying from the original languages The Bible was written is required to know what God says. They have been taught and reinforced every Sunday to believe a general message of “Salvation, Love, and Good Will toward man” with some bible


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stories thrown in for color commentary. The Seminaries and Theologians of Christianity have made general statements of fact that have overlooked the truth of the details in scripture. The 2 most egregious examples of misinterpretation are the viewpoints of what is called the Synoptic Gospels (The Gospel of John is excluded because it focused on the Deity of Jesus and did not chronicle the consecutive events of His Ministry) and the Parables. Modern Christianity (1900-present) will tell you that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke record the same event just with different perspectives. There are events that are recorded in all 3 Synoptic Gospels differently to show this truth of varying emphasis of the same events: The Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:1-13, Luke 9:27-36), The Crucifixion (Matthew 27:11-66, Mark 15:1-47, Luke 23:1-56), and The Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-26, Luke 24:1-53). However, just because the scriptures represent unity of these events with various viewpoints does not mean that every event recorded in scripture is to be likewise considered the same way. Each event must be understood on its own merit of things, time, and place that are involved in each account to determine if the event is the same or different. Many believe the purging of The Temple happened once or twice. However, The Scripture reveals that Yeshua/Jesus purged the temple at 3 different times: Matthew 21:9-17 and Luke 19:37-48 happened on Palm Sunday. Mark 11:7-19 happened on “the next day” Monday. John 2:11-21 happened at the beginning of His Ministry over 3 years earlier. Many people also see the feeding of the 5,000 and the 4,000 as the same event when they are 2 different events. The 5,000 feeding in Matthew 14:13-23, Mark 6:32-46, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15 was in Bethsaida region with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. While the feeding of the 4,000 in Matthew 16:9-12 & Mark 8:4-21 was in the Decapolis region (80 miles south) with 7 loaves and a few fishes. Modern Christianity will also tell you that the Parables are stories to convey a “general idea” that goes along with the teaching of Yeshua/Jesus. They ignore the details of The Sower and The Seed parables; that the seed, the enemy, and the fruit are all differently listed Matthew 13:1-8,18-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:1-15. They see it as one


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story with one general theme and the specifics are incidental. They discount the veracity that every word our Lord speaks has purpose and meaning with cause and effect- Matthew 4:4,5:18. This offense of ignoring the details of The Sacred Scriptures have caused much truth to be lost and misinterpreted under the error of the majority of men that prefer to generalize while The Lord is The God of Detail- Psalm 56:8,147:4, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Isaiah 40:26, Matthew 10:30,12:36, Luke 12:7. This enlightenment to understand the language details of the Bible matter as it leads to seeing the various stages of the spiritual growth cycle. We will explore the ones who know of God, from those who don’t, and the various stages of those who are given faith to believe in Yeshua/Jesus as God The Son, and those who continue to believe according to their measure of grace and faith given to them by God.

The people of kosmos/world are those who are not of God of Covenant. These people are the ones who do not believe in The God of The Bible. They are all the souls that are spiritually dead and if they stay in this spiritual state they will be brought before Yeshua/Jesus Messiah/Christ to confess Him as Yahveh/Lord and then be slaughtered in Jehoshaphat- Isaiah 65:11-12, Zechariah 14:4, Philippians 2:9-11, Revelation 14:17-20. The Lord ‘inhales’ takes back from these men the breath of life that was ‘exhaled’ given into mankind that made us a living soul/living energy- Genesis 2:7, Ecclesiastes 3:18-22.

The people of The Kosmos/World are the people of God of Covenant and are those whom God loves so much- John 3:16, Romans 9:15-23. They are the people who were the focal point and priority to God when He came to Earth as The Son of God- Matthew 1:21,10:5-7, John 1:11. The Lord made a Covenant with the Jews to bless them and separate them as His people- Genesis 12:1-3, Exodus 11:7. Whosoever/of God of Covenant people will believe/continue to believe will not perish/be punished as disobedient of God but will have aionian life/blessed life for the 1,000 reign of Messiah.

There are specific Old Semitic Hebrew words and Koine Greek words that are used to describe the growing phases of a person formed in the womb


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unto adulthood. These words are paralleled with scripture to express the spiritual growth cycle of one in Christ in Testament. There is order in The House of God that distinguishes us on the basis of our measure of grace and faith given to us- Romans 12:3, Ephesians 4:7, 1Corinthians 12:11-12,15:23, 2Timothy 2:20-21.

Brefos/Yanek- is used to describe a baby in the womb or a newborn in the first few months- Isaiah 11:8, Luke 1:51,2:12. This spiritual state refers to someone who knows God in the most generic sense as El/Elah/Elohah being saved from Jehoshaphat as they are prothesis/predetermined to be of God of Covenant being ‘given’ a belief in The God of The Bible- Deuteronomy 7:6-12, Matthew 3:9. These people are of The Kosmos/World as the article ‘the’ is used to emphasize in the Koine Greek as it stresses that they are people of Covenant among all peoples. They have a gnostos/knowledge awareness of God as Ishmael had- Genesis 21:1-20, Acts 9:42. Although a Brefos has belief in God they behave as Children of Diabolos and Enemies of God- John 8:44 & Romans 5:10. This early stage of spiritual growth is parallel to one needing gala/milk- 1Corinthians 3:2-3. Their spiritual value is commensurate to the monetary value of a Lepta/one-eighth of .01- Luke 21:1-4. This person lives in spiritual poverty of the flesh aware of what is right in God’s eyes; they behave as are under a Law unto themselves- Romans 2:14-15,3:20, Galatians 2:16.

Nepious/Gamul- is used to describe a crawling infant- Isaiah 28:9, 1Corinthians 13:11. This spiritual stage of growth speaks to one who knows God as Elohim/Creator moving from an awareness/gnostos knowledge of God to a place of inquiring/gnostos knowledge of God as Hagar and the Egyptians did in Genesis 21:14-19, Exodus 12:38,49, Romans 1:18-21. As a type of the Jewish traditions this would be expressed thru the circumcision of the flesh to submit to The Law as a means to serve The Lord as mentioned in Genesis 17:20-27. These people, like the Brefos are of The


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Kosmos/World- of God of Covenant- Genesis 17:9-14, Galatians 5:3. They having a measure of belief but do not progress in faith to believe in Yeshua/Jesus as The Messiah/Christ. They are as Children of the Bondwoman and Enemies of The Cross- Galatians 4:22-25, Philippians 3:18-19, 2Timothy 3:8-9. They focus on belief thru works of obedience to The Law and are ‘The Lost’ in scripture that do not know that the purpose of The Law was to lead us to Yeshua/Jesus as Savior- Proverbs 14:12,16:25, Luke 15:1-32, Romans 3:19-22, Galatians 3:19-24. This stage of spiritual growth is parallel to one gaining additional knowledge of The Law as increased nutrients, but they do not realize they are still partaking of galaktos/milk- Hebrews 5:13. The proselyte Gentile in belief at this spiritual stage has a spiritual value commensurate with the monetary value of a Farthing/one-fourth of .01- Mark 12:42. The Jew circumcised are The Lord’s chosen people so they have a higher imputed value (Genesis 12:1-3, Matthew 21:15-16) at this spiritual stage their spiritual value is commensurate to the monetary value of an Assarii/.01- Matthew 10:29.

***The Brefos are sown the spora/seed of the Sporos/The Word of The God but it is not taken in the soil as it fell by the road and was trampled on (devalued) and the birds of heaven devoured it as The Enemy/Diabolos took it from them- Luke 8:5,12. The Nepious are sown the Sporos/The Word of The God but it fell upon The Rock- Luke 8:6,13. As they are unable to blepo/see Yeshua/Jesus as The Lord God/The Rock- Psalms 62:2, 1Peter 2:7-8. They are a type of Egypt in The Scriptures in Salvation #1 being saved from ignorance and polytheism that would have led to Jehoshaphat to now belief in The One True God- Genesis 41:39-46,47:1-10, Exodus 1:8, 1Timothy 2:3-4. They are both ‘Sleepers’ who believe not The Truth, that is they reject that Yeshua/Jesus is The Messiah/Christ- 1Thessalonians 5:7, 2Thessalonians 2:12. Jehovah’s Witnesses would fit into being a Brefos or Nepious of God of Covenant and some of the Catholics also fit here.


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Mikros/Taph- is used to describe an infant who is in the beginnings of their walking phase- Esther 3:13, Matthew 18:10. This spiritual stage of growth describes one whom The Lord makes known Himself as The One who sets us apart as our Yahveh Mekkoddishkem/The Sanctifier and requires us to act justly honoring Him as Yahveh Tsidkenu/The Righteous One. They have been introduced to Christ as Savior given the ginoskos/knowledge to be able to blepo/see The Lord Jesus Christ as God the Son as The Door to enter in our Common Salvation/Salvation #2- John10:1-10,14:7, Acts 9:1-5, Jude 3. Thru faith, they apply the blood of Yeshua/Jesus as The Paschal Lamb- Matthew 8:8-10, John 20:29-31, Acts 4:12, 16:30-31, Ephesians 2:8-9. They are now in Christ in Testament having been begotten/adopted by God as a new katisis/creation- 2Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15, Ephesians 2:13-22. This stage of growth is seen in Sarai to Sarah who struggled with Sanctification as a type of the Children of The Flesh- Genesis 17:15-16,18:9-15, Proverbs 4:13-14,26:10-11, Romans 7:15-25, 1Thessalonians 4:1-7. Thru continual exomologeo/Confession agreeing with God they apply The Word of God- Psalm 119:11, Romans 10:9-13, Hebrews 4:12-13. They have been given Dikaiosis/Justification #1 by faith and are called to live by faith- Romans 1:17,3:28, Galatians 3:11, 1John 1:9. These have been agorazo/purchased by His Blood and made arnia/lambs in The Soma/Body of Christ- John 21:15, 1Corinthians 6:20,7:23,12:12-14, 2Peter 2:1. The spiritual food at this stage are the psichion/crumbs of artos/bread- Mark 7:27-28. Few scriptures are known and/or believed in this early phase in Christ, as they have been sown the Sporos/The Word of The God but it fell in the midst of the thorns- Luke 8:7,14. The spiritual value at this point is 16 times what it was previously to represent the egeiro/raising of two groups in Christ out ahead- 1Corinthians 15:13-14. The Mia/#1 Resurrection is of those blessed to be on Earth and The Protos/#2 Resurrection is of those who will Inherit Earth or Enter The Heavens- Daniel 12:2, Matthew 27:52, John 6:44, 1Corinthians 15:19-23,35-43, Revelation 20:5. The number 16 (8 x 2) signifies a dual Resurrection/New Life (8=Resurrection/New Life) since they have been introduced to Yeshua/Jesus The Resurrection and The Life who


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makes their spiritual value commensurate to the monetary value of a Denarius/.16- Matthew 20:2.

Padion/Naar- is used to describe a toddler age 2 to 12 years old- Proverbs 1:4, Matthew 2:9,16-21, Mark 5:39-42. This spiritual stage of growth describes one who begins to knows The Lord as Yahveh Shalom/The God of Peace and they spend more time in The Word getting to ginoskos/know Christ and have been given the Palengenesia/New Birth into Christ- Mark 10:13-15, Titus 3:4-5. Repentance begins to take hold as they are convicted to Metamelomai/Repent turn from sin- Matthew 21:28-32,27:3. Then they begin to Metanoia/Repent turn to God- Matthew 3:8, Luke 5:32, Acts 2:38,3:19,8:22,17:30,20:21, Romans 2:4-5, 2Peter 3:9. They are as Children of God who make peace with God- Romans 5:1. The Lord reconciles them unto Himself by breathing in them new life thru His Word, as He did with Abram unto Abraham; the “h” has an exhaling sound in the Old Semitic Hebrew language- Genesis 17:3-8. At this stage a person is now reconciled into Christ making peace with their past and embracing God’s Will for their life- 2Corinthians 5:18-20. At this point Baptism/Immersion takes place to represent the death to sinful life and a decision to walk in new life as one who has been sanctified/set apart by God and is now ready for the next step to be in His service- Exodus 29:1-9, Luke 18:16-17, Romans 6:1-4. They have been sown the Sporos/The Word of The God and fell upon the rock and ‘spring up’ theoreo/gazing at The Son- Luke 8:6, John 4:19. They pursue Christ and hear Him thru ongoing obedience they begin to dig deep to oikodomeo/build upon The Rock/Yeshua/Jesus to secure a foundation to stand against the High Tides/Temptations and the Floods Beating Against/Persecutions- Luke 6:47-49. They speak the Gospel/Good News of The Lord Jesus (2Thessalonians 1:8) thru repentance and the Gospel/Good News of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1, Romans 1:9,15:19, 1Corinthians 9:12, 2Corinthians 2:12,9:13,10:14, Galatians 1:17, Philippians 1:27, 1Thessalonians 3:2) thru ongoing sanctification and reconciliation. They


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begin to show early signs The Spirit is working in them as producing olives, just as the olive oil was used to keep lit the Menorah to constantly represent God’s presence. Olive oil was also used to ordain and consecrate the priests, prophets, and kings. They desire more of the same spiritual food as the Mikros at this stage having the psichion/crumbs of artos/bread- Mark 7:27-28. Their spiritual value at this stage is the same as the Mikros as it is commensurate to the monetary value of the Denarius/.16- Matthew 20:2.

Teknon/Yeled- is used as a general description of a child of any age as we generalize our usage of the word ‘child’ both literally and figuratively. However, the word is specifically denoting a child between the age of 13 to 19 years old- Isaiah 9:6, 1Corinthians 7:14, Ephesians 6:1, 1John 3:10,5:21. This spiritual stage of growth describes one who knows The Lord as their Yahveh Raah/The Shepherd and has been anakainosis/renovated thru time spent in The Word of God to metamorphoo/transform the mind- Romans 12:1-2, Titus 3:4-6. They are brethren changed by The Love of God in Christ as a type of Esau- Genesis 33:1-10, Hebrews 11:20, 1John 4:16. These are Children of an Earthly Promise and probata/sheep of Christ who walk with Christ- Genesis 27:38-40, John 3:16, Galatians 5:25, 1John 3:10. They are in Dikaiosis/Justification #2 having justified their faith by their works in bearing the fruit of The Spirit- Habakkuk 2:4, Matthew 3:8, Romans 2:13,5:1, Galatians 3:11, Ephesians 2:10, James 2:14-18,24. They are made metachoi/partakers of Christ as they eido/see/behold God in the gnosis/full knowledge in Christ- Luke 7:22, John 1:18,14:21-22, Romans 8:16,15:14. They were sown the Sporos/The Word of The God into the agathos/good ground of their heart- Luke 8:8,15. At this stage of growth, The Spirit of Christ begins to produce fruit in their lives- John 15:1-5, Galatians 2:20,5:22. They are being changed from the agathos/good (internal disposition) of their spiritual walk of accountability with joy and are spreading the Gospel/Good News of Peace- Mark 10:23-26, Ephesians 6:15. Desiring Bible study and Scripture memorization are traits at this phase as their spiritual


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food is sitometrion/mix of artos/bread and broma/solid sustenance- Psalm 119:11,97,105, Luke 12:42. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the Didrachma/.30- Matthew 17:24.

Naniskos/Bachur- is used to describe a young adult from the age of 20 to 30 years old- Isaiah 31:9, Luke 7:12-14. At this point one is Kletoi/Called unto an Earthly Inheritance with Christ- Romans 8:28, 1Corinthians 1:1-2,6:9-11. At this spiritual growth phase one becomes a disciple knowing The Lord as Yahveh Shammah/Omnipresent Faithful & True and Yahveh Rapha/The Healer- Luke 14:26-27, 2Timothy 2:21-22. They walk with Christ maturing in The Word of God with gnosis/knowledge as the spiritual meanings of The Scriptures are gnorizo/made known to them- John 17:25-26, 1Corinthians 1:18, James 2:22-25. They are a type of Isaac who submitted to his Father willing to die to self and be yielded to The Spirit- Genesis 22:7-9. They are in Dikaiosis/Justification #3 as Children of Obedience growing with Christ they are being prepared to be teachers of The Word of God- Hebrews 6:1-3, 1Peter 1:14-16. They testify of God’s Goodness in The Fruit of The Spirit in the Gospel/Good News of Agathos/Good Things- Romans 10:15. The spiritual food at this point is the klasma/portion/piece of artos/bread or broma/solid sustenance that is evidenced in the foundational bible study tools acquired (Concordance, Word Study, Bible Dictionary) to ascertain the truth from The Word of God. These being now called to be a mathitis/disciple (student of The Lord) are chrematizo/conducting self/styled as Christians under their duty to represent Christ as His ambassadors of Truth- Acts 11:26. They also received The Sporos/The Word of The God into their agathos/good ground of their heart. They produced additional fruit but are short of the 100fruit as the only fruit yield acceptable in the growing maturity in The Word of The God. They are the anti-type of the Levites who were from the age of 25 to 30 performing the work of service unto The Lord as an apprentice to their Priestly Father to become a Priest unto The Lord-


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Numbers 4:3,23,30,35,39,43,47,8:24-26. These young adults are sponges in learning all they can from the Pastors and Teachers of The Word of The God. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the Stater/.60- Matthew 17:27.

Aner/Zaqen- is used to describe an aged man from age 30 to 50 years old- Genesis 19:4, Luke 23:50. These are the anti-types of the priests in the Old Testament who served from Age 30 and retired at Age 50- Numbers 8:24-26. They have come to know The Lord as El Shaddai/The Lord God Almighty the big breasted compassionate God who has prepared them to feed and tend His probata/sheep and arnia/little lambs. These are the Teachers of The Sporos/The Word of The God having received this seed in the agathos/good ground and held it down deep in an agathos/good heart and exhibited a kalos/good (external actions) heart with patient endurance to produce the 100fold fruit. These are the Fathers and Paidagogos/Guardians of The Sporos/The Word of The God who have overcome their enemy Diabolos/The Tempter and continue preaching and expounding all The Gospels/Good News received thus far in their growth- Luke 8:11-12, 1Corinthians 4:15, Galatians 3:24-25. They have a working knowledge of Exegeses, Typology, Prophecy, and Dispensational Truth- Luke 17:7-10, John 5:46-47, 1Corinthians 10:1-12, 2Timothy 2:15,3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12, James 3:1. They are Sons of The Resurrection having been counted worthy to obtain The Age That and the in the future The Resurrection ex nekron/out of dead ones raised to The Heavens having produced the maximum 100fold fruit of The Sporos- Luke 8:8-11,15,20:34-36. They are Holy Brethren metachoi/partakers being saved by His Life in Salvation #3 from the loss of reward into The Inheritance of The Earthly Kingdom- Luke 10:25-37,18:18-26, Romans 5:10, Hebrews 3:1. They are lutrosis/redeemed having experienced Dikaiosis/Justification #4- Luke 1:68,2:38, Hebrews 9:12. These are types of Isaac and Rebekah who epiginoskos/fully know comprehend the trust and obedience in The Word of The God- Genesis 24:67,25:20-21,


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2Corinthians 13:5. The Crown of Honor is given to these heirs of the earth as the reward of partaking in the meros/portion/part of The Protos/Resurrection #2 to rule and reign with Christ on the earth- Hebrews 2:7-9, Revelation 1:6,20:4-6,21,22:12. The spiritual food at this stage are the full servings of The Sporos/The Word of The God that is represented as broma/solid sustenance and artos/bread- John 6:35,48-51, Luke 3:11,9:13, 1Corinthians 3:2,10:1-3. The spiritual value is tremendously increased to reflect The Inheritance in The Earthly Kingdom, which is far greater than the blessing of just Entering The Earthly Kingdom. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the Mina/$16.00- Luke 19:12-27.

***The completion of this phase #1 of growth represents the maximum benefit available to the 12 tribes of Israel which was to inherit The Promised Land- Numbers 18:24, Deuteronomy 10:9,18:1-2. The “Dust of the Earth” are as the ‘Gleanings in the field’ of the future “Earthy Ones”- Genesis 13:15-17,28:13-14, 1Corinthians 15:36-38,47-50. The “Sand of the Seashore” are as the ‘Barley’ of the future heirs of the Earth- Genesis 22:17, 1Corinthians 15:39-40. The Levites alone were called to The Heavenly Inheritance among the 12 tribes. As The “Stars of The Heavens” are as the ‘Wheat & Fine Wheat’ of the future heirs of the Heavenly Jerusalem-Genesis 15:5, 1Corinthians 15:41. Phase #1 of spiritual growth is what the majority (about 80%) of modern Christianity has the opportunity to experience. Those within the masses (about 80% of the 80%) are living in the Mikros and Padion stage of their spiritual growth limited by their exposure to The Truth as prophesied in principal by God- Hosea 4:6-9. Only a few (about 20%) go on into the Teknon, Naniskos, and Aner growth stages. The result is a skewed view of the goal The Lord has set for us to strive to be complete in His eyes as a never-ending pursuit not an arrival- Matthew 5:48, James 1:4-5. The modern teaching of Christianity today has taken phase #1 of our spiritual growth and made it into the ultimate accomplishment to be


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a Mikros or Padion. The majority emphasize phrases like “Share the Gospel”, “Further God’s Kingdom”, “The Cross of Christ”, “Unity of The Spirit”, “Show Grace”, etc. The modern Christianity teachings have taken the 3.5 years of The Lord’s teachings and generalized it down to a message of salvation by grace thru faith with no desire to examine the details of scripture. They embrace a general message of Love and Good Will toward men, which is good and necessary but devalues and disrespects the ‘comprehensive’ teachings of Yeshua/Jesus- Matthew 5:18, Luke 24:27, John 5:46-47. The details are where we learn of The Lord and grow to desire Him more and by this we are changed from within to ‘know’ who we are and how to live in humility trusting and obeying Him. The reality is that phase #1 is likened unto a High School graduation and in order for us to draw closer to The Lord we must move on as likened unto enrolling in College to continue our learning but at a higher level of education. Phase #2 demands accountability with a commitment to discipline and sacrifice to the maximum of what The Lord allows- Hebrews 6:3. Just as college is not for everybody, nor is phase #2 of spiritual growth for all in Christ. No matter who we are in Christ, one must submit to Christ trusting and obeying Him in the measure of grace and faith given, only then will good result in The Day of Judgment. However, we cannot stay stagnate in our spiritual walk as we are called to continual growth- James 1:22. The Lord called disciples to follow Him and among them He called out Peter, James, and John to witness His Transfiguration- Matthew 10:1-14,17:1-13, Mark 9:1-13, Luke 9:28-36,10:1-11. This is an example of The Lord revealing Himself to a few differently than to the masses- John 2:23-25. The call unto increased spiritual growth is granted by God and not by the will of Man- Proverbs 3:5-7, Daniel 4:35, Romans 9:11,20-21. Phase #2 of the spiritual growth cycle like going to college puts one at the bottom again to work/strive their way up another ladder of additional stages of growth. The next stage is the hardest because one has to relearn what was taught for years and is now in a state of confusion of how and why can this be? - Matthew 7:13-14, 2Timothy 2:19-21, Hebrews 3:12-19,4:1-11,10:26-39, 1Peter 4:17-18.


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Brefos/Yanek- is used to describe likened unto a baby in the womb or a newborn in the first few months in this next phase of spiritual growth- Isaiah 11:8, 1Peter 2:1-3. These are those eklego/elected by Christ to be sown The Sperma/The Secret of The Kingdom of The God but it fell by the road, the birds devoured it, and Satan/Satanas took away their Sporos/The Word of The God (dianoia/intellectual understanding) of what they had already been sown as an Aner in phase #1- Mark 4:3-4,10-15, Luke 6:13-14,10:42,14:7, John 6:70. They were made aware of the teachings of The Kingdom Truths as a type of Cain, The Sadducees, and The Elders- Genesis 4:5-15, Matthew 21:23-32,22:23-32. They behave as Children of a Curse when not shown favor by God (Genesis 4:5-6), and as Enemies of Righteousness they oppose the work necessary to continue in study to know the deeper truths of Scripture- Jeremiah 48:10, Acts 13:10, Galatians 3:10, 2Peter 2:14, 1John 3:10. They are expected to desire the Logikos Adolos Gala Milk as newborns- 1Peter 2:2. They are intended to trust in the basic truth that there is more to The Scriptures than what they have been taught thru the mainstream Christian teachers. They possess gnostos/awareness knowledge of the hidden seed within the seed of Scripture but they reject the truth as a type of the leaven that has fermented throughout modern Christianity. They reject anything that is not taught in the mainstream Christian teachings- Matthew 13:33, 2Timothy 3:1,7,13, 2Peter 2:1. They feel somewhat overwhelmed, confused, and threatened by the new teaching of how to understand The Scriptures. Their spiritual value at this point is commensurate to no additional monetary value because the intrinsic value of The Scripture has been spurned with no desire to go beyond their level of knowledge base and/or the willingness to learn- Acts 8:13-24, 2Timothy 3:8. They are the drunkards who receive not The Love of The Truth- 1Thessalonians 5:7, 2Thessalonians 2:10. Their works are as Hay that are consumed like the chaff as those who are not brought into The Storehouse as they did not go on in belief to Enter The Heavens- Matthew 3:11-12, Luke 12:24, 1Corinthians 3:11-15, Hebrews 3:18-19,10:39.


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Nepious/Gamul- is used to describe likened unto a crawling infant in this next phase of spiritual growth - Isaiah 28:9, 1Corinthians 3:1-2, Galatians 4:1-2. These are those who are sown The Sperma Seed /The Secret of The Kingdom of The God and it fell by the road, the birds devoured it and Satan/Satanas took away their Sporos dianoia/intellectual understanding that had already been sown. Those who do not go on but rather transgress and rebel will suffer the consequences in Gehenna- Matthew 10:28, Jude 11-13. They in like manner discard the exegeses of The Secrets of The Kingdom of The God. They were made aware of the teachings of The Kingdom Truths as types of Lot, Scribes, and the Pharisees who were obstinate in their own walk of righteousness- Genesis 13:1-11, Matthew 5:20,7:13-14, 2Peter 2:6-9. They are the Sons of Disobedience as citizens who hate Him because He is presented as The Absolute Ruler who does how He pleases as He is Yahveh/The Lord & Adonai/Master- 1Samuel 2:6-9, Daniel 4:35, Luke 19:14,27, John 6:65-66, Romans 9:20-21, Ephesians 2:2, Hebrews 10:26-31,12:6-7. They have a gnostos/inquiring knowledge of The Kingdom Truths but they choose to desire the gala/milk of what is comfortable and familiar to their manmade/fleshy current belief system- Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21-24, Ephesians 4:14-15. Their spiritual value at this point is commensurate to also no additional monetary value because the intrinsic value of The Scripture has been spurned with no desire to go beyond their level of knowledge base and/or the willingness to learn new things and unlearn old things that are not akribesteron/precisely accurate- Matthew 9:17,23:13-26, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:36-39, Acts 18:24-26. As the Brefos, these are also drunkards who receive not The Love of The Truth- 1Thessalonians 5:7, 2Thessalonians 2:10. Their works are as Hay that are consumed like the chaff as those who are not brought into The Storehouse as they did not go on in belief to Enter The Heavens- Matthew 3:11-12, Luke 12:24, 1Corinthians 3:11-15, Hebrews 3:18-19,10-39, 2Peter 2:20-22.

Mikros/Taph- is used to describe likened unto an infant who is in the beginnings of their walking phase in this next stage of spiritual growth- Esther 3:13, Matthew 10:42,18:5-6,10,14, Acts 10:1-4,30-31,44-45,11:14-


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17, 1John 4:7. These have been given the gift of being begotten/born from above by Christ in The Mysteries and are now of the katisis/creation- John 3:3-13, Romans 8:19,11:29-32,16:25-27. These are ‘some’ of those guests who do not belong in the Ariston/Day #7 Early Wedding Feast gathered from the public roads the agathos/good (Padion) and the poneros/bad (Mikros) that are given a wedding garment that they do not have in order to be able to attend the Ariston/Day #7 Early Marriage Feast- Matthew 22:9-10. They have been sown The Sperma/The Secret of The Kingdom of The God and it fell upon the rocky ground not having much soil (very limited comprehension) of mysteries and when the trials and persecutions arose The Word caused them to stumble- Mark 4:5-6,16-17. They know God as Yahveh Jireh/The Lord Will Provide and are the Beloved ones with the ginoskos/introductory knowledge who theoreo/gaze into the Truth within Truth- Matthew 27:55, Luke 19:15,20-26, James 2:5. They are Children of The Freewoman who learn of The Earthly Inheritance into a Heavenly Election in experiencing Salvation #4- Luke 13:23-24, 1Corinthians 15:1-2, Galatians 4:23-26. Those who do not move on in faith their works are consumed but they are saved, though as thru fire. These are those who are exagorazo/purchased out of those already in the Soma/Body of Christ to be placed into the Heavenly Sussoma/Joint-Body of Christ- 1Corinthians 3:15, Galatians 3:13,4:5, Ephesians 3:6. They suffer and are comforted by The Fear of The Lord in Dikaiosis/Justification #5. Their spiritual food is the psichion crumbs of The Master’s Table, which are the key foundational pieces of seeing that the little details in Scripture make a big difference in what it means- Matthew 15:26-27. The truth given however is put away by ‘some’ in a napkin/sweat cloth as an Unjust Steward who has likened unto building on Straw- Luke 16:1-15,19:20, 1Corinthians 3:11-15, 2Peter 1:8-9. This is a type of Abraham & Keturah who gave gifts to these sons but sent them away from Isaac as the Earthy Ones the Spelt/lesser wheat from Heaven who will become the dishonored and disinherited ones unto an earthen vessel of clay- Hebrews 6:4-12,12:25-29. However, Isaac received all his father Abraham had- Genesis 25:1-6. This speaks to Isaac starting his


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journey growing in The Sperma/The Secret of The Kingdom of The God when he dug his first well with strife at the Well of Esek- Genesis 26:19-20. The Mina that was sown when one was an Aner in Sporos has been made to come alive cutting thru Spirit, Soul, and Body- Hebrews 4:12. This speaks to the Silver of the Mina as the intrinsic value/The Hidden Truth with Truth, but it was hidden by ‘some’ and no additional monetary value was imputed, but to others The Kingdom of The Heavens is The Hidden Treasure in the field- Matthew 13:44.

Padion/Naar- is used to describe likened unto a toddler age 2 to age 12 years old in this next stage of spiritual growth- Proverbs 1:4, Matthew 18:1-4,19:13-14, 1Corinthians 14:20. These are those sown The Sperma/The Secret of The Kingdom of The God and it fell into thorns as they have longings and pantings for the ‘Cares of The Current World’ that if they do not move on in growth they will become overwhelmed with The Word- Mark 4:7,18-19. The doctrine of the inheritance being separate from salvation is a struggle at this point to reconcile. Their previous mainstream belief is more accepted in the Christian world view to just live out this life for Christ and we will all gain the same heavenly reward. The pressure to stand for what the Bible teaches in the face of the majority is a process of reconciling oneself to The Word- Acts 17:11, 2Timothy 3:15. They should have already okodomeo/built their Heavenly home to stand against the Rains/Trials, the Floods/Persecutions, the Winds Beating Against/The Spirit Conforming us to The Thelo Will of God- Matthew 7:24-27, 1Peter 2:4-5. They speak of being blessed unto The Earth and in The Heavens in the Gospel/Good News of The Grace of God- Acts 20:24. They also speak of The Inheritance of The Heavens with Christ is now being offered to the Gentiles in the Gospel/Good News of The Uncircumcision- Galatians 2:7. They are kletoi/called unto “The Glorious Invitation” to become Children of Light having reconciled to God’s Sovereignty- Ephesians 5:8-13, Philippians 4:11-13, 1Thessalonians 2:12. They have gained a gnosis/full knowledge of being


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trained to be able to eido/see/behold and appreciate the details of Scripture as type of Jacob & Leah- Genesis 29:16-27, Psalms 147:4-5, Matthew 10:30, Acts 18:23-28,20:24-27,32,26:18. Their spiritual food is gathering more of the psichion crumbs from The Master’s Table- Matthew 15:16-27. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the one mina that was sown to the deuteros/slave #3 and now has grown from knowing its intrinsic value of silver. The one silver mina/$16.00 had now grown with application from a subservient grateful heart of being sown the 1st portion of the Sperma #1 ‘The Hope of Glory’, Colossians 1:27, and now they have poieo/produced 5 silver minas/$80.00 by adding more detailed doctrinal understanding of Inheritance and Salvation- Luke 19:13,15,18-19. The Padion like the Mikros are a part of the Church of Smyrna/Myrhh now and into Day #7 as those who have to ‘Fear Not and Be Faithful’ to overcome and avoid being injured/losing rewards out of The Second Death/portion in The Lake of Fire- Hebrews 6:7-8, Jude 22-23, Revelation 2:11,21:8.

Teknon/Yeled- is used as a general description at this spiritual stage likened unto a child of any age as we generalize our usage of the word ‘child’ both literally and figuratively. However, the word is specifically denoting a child between the age of 13 to 19 years old- Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 3:9, Romans 8:17, 1John 2:28-29,3:1-3. This is where the scriptures continue to come alive being gnorizo/made known with more details of The Inheritance among the saints with the Great Recompense and Loss for believers as one becomes Anagenao/Born Again unto “Kingdom Truth”- 1Peter 1:3-5,23, 2Peter 1:12. As Children of The Heavenly Promise changed by The Love of Christ they have a gnosis/full knowledge that is growing thru becoming the disciples/students of Sperma Seed as koinonoi/suffering partakers of Christ- Matthew 11:1,22:14-16, John 17:17-26, Romans 9:7-9, 2Corinthians 1:3-7, Galatians 4:28. At this stage of their growth they have strived to enter in thru the narrow thura/door/opening that leads to the next calling, and now


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they must continue to strive to enter in thru the narrow pule/gate/entrance likened unto Isaac having to continue to strive digging the Well of Sitnah- Genesis 26:21, Matthew 7:13-14, Luke 13:23-24. God becomes known to them as Yahveh Nissi/The Lord My Banner who makes a way when there is no way and Yahveh Elohim/ The Lord God who is to be feared and revered. Those who have built up wisely have been apokatallasso/fully reconciled to The 1st portion of the Sperma #1 in the Salvation #5 from Gehenna death to The Glorious Invitation experiencing Dikiaosis/Justification #6- Ephesians 2:16, Colossians 1:20-21. They preach the Gospel/Good News of The Kingdom that The Messiah will reign 1,00 years as King of Kings- Matthew 4:23,9:35,24:14. They also speak of the Gospel/Good News of The Salvation they possess as The Secret of The Kingdom of The God into a pledge of Glory- Ephesians 1:13. As a Good Slave of the Sperma #1 their works are as Wood and are ‘some’ of the other agathos/good guests who have exhibited kalos/good works and are also invited to the Ariston/Day #7 Early Wedding Feast- Matthew 22:1-10, 1Corinthians 3:11-15. Staying faithful continuing on in the faith given them puts them in position to obtain the Crown of Rejoicing and the Crown of Righteousness- 1Thessalonians 2:19, 2Timothy 4:7-8. Their spiritual food is the sitometrion/mix of broma/sustenance & trophe/meat which is an introduction to grow and be watchful in the doctrinal truths of the double inheritance mixed in with more depth on recompense- Mark 13:36-37, Luke 12:42-43, John 4:32-34. The one silver mina/$16.00 that was given to the protos/slave #2 was diligently applied with a subservient grateful heart of continually seeking The Lord to poieo/produce 10 silver minas/$160.00 of additional doctrine of the 1st portion of Sperma #1 and then thru daily application they have prosergazomai/gained thru labor 10 gold minas/$160.00 - Luke 19:13,15-17. The Teknon are part of the Church of Pergamos/Mixed Marriage now and into Day #7. Their challenge is to not get comfortable with what they have learned. Some have ‘Retained My Name and Did Not Deny My Faith’ while others get caught up in the ‘Cares of The Current World’ and the ‘Seduction of the Wealth’ likened unto the thorns that choke the Word and it becomes


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unfruitful; being filled with ignorance, arrogance, and a compromised lifestyle. The call to ‘Metanoeo/Reform’ is made to turn away from the teachings of Balaam (false presumptions) and the Nicolaitans (stumbling blocks). The danger is real but not known until Day #7 that they could lose their Crown(s) that they are positioned to receive- 1Corinthians 9:24-27, 2Timothy 2:1-7, 2Peter 3:9, Revelation 3:11,16:15.

***The Ariston/Day #7 Early Wedding Feast is comprised of Agathos/Good guests Padion and Teknon and Poneros/Bad guests Mikros that are as Spelt/lesser Wheat who are types of the lowest order of the Levitical Priests, the Merarite Priesthood- Numbers 3:36-37,4:29-33,7:7-8. All three of these groups of believers who are in the Churches of Smyrna/Myrhh and Pergamos/Mixed Marriage will go thru the entire 7 Year Tribulation Period out ahead, as these are the only Churches where Yeshua/Jesus does not say ‘I Know Thy Works’- Mark 13:34-36, Luke 12:35-36, Revelation 2:8-17. Some in this group will grow up in the second half of The Tribulation with spiritual doctrine and application to comprise the porters/watchmen faithful 144,00 Sunmetachoi- 1Chronicles 9:21, Matthew 9:36-38, Mark 13:34, John 4:35-38,10:3, Ephesians 3:6,5:6-8, 1Thessalonians 4:17, Revelation 14:1-5.

Naniskos/Bachur- is used to describe likened unto a young adult from the age of 20 to 30 years old- Isaiah 31:9, Matthew 19:16-25. At this stage one is Exkletoi/Called-Out to Teliosis/Initial Maturity being sown the 2nd Portion of Sperma #1 ‘The Wealth of The Glory’- Matthew 22:14, Luke 1:45, Acts 20:9-12, Colossians 1:26-27, Hebrews 7:11, 1John 2:13. The seed is sown in kalos/externally good ground and it bears fruit as it grows higher and taller from embracing ardently The Word- Mark 4:8,20. They are the Beloved Brethren who now given understanding of the Parables with epiginoskos/fully know comprehend that the Kingdom Truths speak to a Double Inheritance of The Heavens and The Earth- Matthew 13:10-17, 1Corinthians 15:58, James 1:16. These are Sons of Day and Sons of The


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Kingdom that bear the 30 fruit of Sperma #1 and are now changed as Jacob to Israel becoming part of the katisma/creation- Genesis 32:24-30, Matthew 13:38, 1Thessalonians 5:5, James 1:17-18. God is known to them as El Olam/The Everlasting God Who is Incomprehensible as He easily broadens their dianoia/intellectual understanding with the Dual Inheritance and various Salvations as Isaac digging, without strife, the Well of Rehoboth- Genesis 26:22, Ephesians 4:17-19. The challenge here now that they are in Dikiaosis/Justification #7 they have to be amemptos/externally blameless as a grateful debtor who is indebted to a duty to empathize/pity others less fortunate in spiritual truth compared to what The Lord has given them. One must stay compassionate with a discerning spirit and humble heart to reconcile the spiritual deficiencies of others while not presuming upon The Lord thru continually preparing yourself- Matthew 18:23-25,25:1-13, Philippians 2:15, 1Thessalonians 5:23. Corporately they are emprosthen/seen as spotless before Yeshus/Jesus and Man as those who are sunkoinonoi/partakers with suffering as part of The Church- Romans 11:17, 1Corinthians 9:23, Philippians 1:7,3:13-14, Revelation 1:9,3:5,4:6,19:10. They have been saved by The Hope in Salvation #6 from ‘The cares of this world into The Church’ as the exkletoi/called out ones from those who were kletoi/called to The Heavens- Romans 8:24, Philippians 2:12, Hebrews 9:28. Their spiritual food at this point is klasma/portions of trophe/meat which is the detailed understandings of the Parables to each ones measure of grace and faith respective to his dunamis/capacity/ability- Matthew 14:20,15:37,25:14-30, Romans 12:3, Ephesians 4:7, Hebrews 6:3. The spiritual value has increased significantly as they are called to be ‘part’ of the Bridal Maidens as a type of the order of Levitical Priests in the Gershonite Priesthood- Numbers 3:23,4:24-26,7:7-8. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the silver talent/$96.00. The obligation is to gather an extra measure of oil in a luchnos/lamp so that the light of truth can stay lit and help them continue to grow into Day #7. These Teliosis Naniskos lack the internal character gnosis/fully knowing The Lord is a Severe/Harsh Master as Yahveh


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Sabaoth/The Lord of Hosts who is The God of Wrath and Vengeance- Matthew 25:15,24-30. This faulty character is sown now and reaped in Day #7 as seen in the Churches of Ephesus/Desired One and Pergamos/Mixed Marriage- Proverbs 3:7,26:12, Galatians 6:3,7-10, Hebrews 6:11-12. Those Teliosis Naniskos in Pergamos are charged the same as the Teknon to not get comfortable with what has been learned but to continue on and be counted as one who ‘Retained My Name and Did Not Deny My Faith’ so they can be overcomers. Those in Ephesus took Christ for granted and now must ‘Remember and Metanoeo/Reform’ or they will be removed from their place of The Light/The Menorah in the heavens at the end of Day #7 and never to be allowed entrance again- Matthew 8:12,22:13,25:30, Revelation 22:11-14. The Teliosis Naniskos that are on the Earth during the start of the 7 Year Peace Treaty will endure the first half of the Tribulation and will be raptured out in Wave #3 right after The Tritos Seal/# 4 is broken and the Lawless One is revealed on The Black Horse as the Anti-Christ then rises up as The Beast .

***While ‘some’ behaving as Foolish Virgin Bridal Maidens remain in the initial maturity others move on into Teliotis/Latter Maturity- Matthew 5:48, Colossians 3:14, Hebrews 6:1, James 1:3-4. They make their Calling and Election sure as they are vigilant/watchful as The Lord’s Day comes as a thief- 1Thessalonians 5:1-7, 2Peter 1:10. These Wise Virgin Bridal Maidens are as Sons of Light and Sons of The Bridal Chamber who bear the 60 fruit of the 2nd portion of Sperma #1 from kalos/good ground having continued on embracing ardently The Word- Matthew 9:15, Mark 4:8,20, John 12:36, 1Thessalonians 5:5. They have continued on in epiginoskos/fully know comprehend possess a suniemi/comprehensive understanding of The Parables- Matthew 13:13,16:12,17:12-13, Romans 12:2, 2Corinthians 10:5, Colossians 3:2. As a type of Benjamin the Teliotis Naniskos represent the extra measure of grace (5 times more) of doctrinal blessings and the double portion of fruit bearing of the 2nd portion of Sperma #1 from 30 to 60- Genesis 43:34, 2Kings 2:9. Their challenge entering The Heavens in Day #7 is to remain anepileptos/internally blameless in showing boulomai/internal disposition of compassion in humility of heart and not lose the Crown of The


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Beloved Brethren that they are positioned to receive- Philippians 4:1, 1Timothy 3:2,5:1-7,6:14. Their spiritual food is Trophe/meat and psichion crumbs of Stereotrophe that speaks to the full Sperma #1 and a little introduction into the 1st portion of Sperma #2- Hebrews 5:12-14. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the 2 silver talents/$1,920 that have kerdaino/gained/profited 2 more silver talents/$1,920 of additional doctrine about The Entrance in The Heavens in Day #7 and The Inheritance in The Heavens in Day #8. At this point one is counted as a Slave Good & Faithful with the extra measure of oil to now thru application keep the luchnos/lamp burning in Day #7 and will at that time kerdaino/gain/profit 2 gold talents/$1,920 making him a Faithful Slave & Wise into Day #8- 1Chronicles 22:14,29:3-4, Matthew 24:45,25:1-13,21-23. These Teliotis Naniskos speak of the Gospel/Good News of The God as the Invitation to The Wedding Feasts- Romans 1:1,15:16, 2Corinthians 11:7, 1Thessalonians 2:2,8-9, 1Peter 4:17. Some are in the Church of Ephesus/Desired One and are charged by Yeshua/Jesus to ‘Remember and Metanoeo/Reform’ because they relaxed their protos/love #2 Yeshua/Jesus The Living Word with the other Teliosis Naniskos this represented their need to put their lampadas/torch light in order- Matthew 25:7. Their lack of staying vigilant and motivated was due to the lack of exposure to the additional doctrines of The Marriage Feasts and The New Jerusalem. The other Teliotis Naniskos are with the Aner/Faithful Ones in the Church of Thyatira/Continual Sacrifice growing from the additional truths sown to them of the 2nd portion of Sperma #1 with a little introduction to the 1st portion of Sperma #2. Yeshua/Jesus says ‘Behold and Hold Fast’, and ‘I Know Thy Love’ but they are charged for allowing Jezebel/ ’Depths of Satan Known’ to continue distorting God’s Word. The 1st and 2nd portions of Sperma #1 doctrines and applications are both being twisted knowingly and/or unknowingly to further a personal agenda rather than staying true to the sound exegesis/inductive study of Scripture to be changed by The Written Word/Scripture and The Living Word/Yeshua/Jesus- 2Timothy 4:1-5, 2Peter 2:1-3, Jude 17-21. Those Teliotis Naniskos on the


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Earth when the 7 Year Peace Treaty begins will be raptured out in Wave #2 during the first half of The Tribulation Period after The Son of Destruction is revealed on The Red Horse after Deuteros Seal/#3 but before the appearance of the Beast in Tritos Seal/# 4.

Aner/Ish- is used to describe likened unto a matured man Age 50 and up- Genesis 2:23, Ephesians 4:13, James 1:12. These are the Faithful Ones to The Sporos/The Word of The God producing 100fold fruit, The Sperma #1/The Secret of The Kingdom of The God producing the 100 fruit yield, and now really bear fruit and yields the 30 fruits of 1st portion of Sperma #2/The Word of The Kingdom- Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20. Their works are as Costly Stones being Sons of The Most High who have overcome their enemy Satanas/The Deceiver- Proverbs 3:13-16,16:16, Isaiah 61:10, Mark 4:11,15, Luke 6:35, 1Corinthians 3:11-15, Revelation 19:7-9. As a type of Joseph they epistamai/fixed certainty of understanding application of all The Mysteries possessing epignosis/fully experiential knowledge- Genesis 40:1-23,41:25-46, Matthew 24:45, Luke12:42-44, Acts 10:28,15:7,20:17-18,22:19, Philippians 1:9-10, Colossians 1:9-10,3:10, 1Timothy 6:4, James 4:14. They are the Oikonomos/Overseers and Epitropos/Stewards who have continued to dig deep being fruitful in The Scriptures as likened unto the Well of Beersheba they found hidden truths in the Musterion/Mysteries/Secrets- Genesis 26:23-25,32, Matthew 20:8, Romans 11:25,16:25, 1Corinthians 2:6-8,4:1-5,15:51, Ephesians 1:3-9,3:8-9,5:32,6:19, Colossians 1:24-27,2:1-2,4:3, 1Timothy 3:1, Titus 1:7, 1Peter 4:10, Revelation 10:5-7. They are types of the Levitical Priests in the order the Kohathite Priesthood- Numbers 3:29,4:4-12,7:7-9. They speak of the Gospel/Good News of The Glory of The Blessed God as they present the whole counsel of God’s Word unpolluted- 1Timothy 1:11. They also speak of the Gospel/Good News of The Glory of Christ that He will fulfill His Kingship office in Day #7/Day of The Lord and then hand over The Kingdom to God The Father in Day #8/Day of God- 1Corinthians 15:24-28, 2Corinthians 4:4, 2Peter 3:10-13. As Faithful Ones


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they know God as El Elyon/The Most High God exalted in Glory and they are known by all as The Bride to be in Day #7 who are awaiting the consummation/union meta/with The Bridegroom in Day #8. As The Firstfruit of The Katisma/Creation they will experience this S alvation #7/So Great Salvation and Dikiaosis/Justification #8 from disinheritance from the Heavens into The Precious Faith Promise as the Church of Philadelphia/Brotherly Love when they Enter the Heavens- Hebrews 2:3, James1:18, 2Peter 1:1-4, Revelation 3:7-12. The focus and drive is to be anegkletos/externally irreproachable and aspilos/externally spotless in character now prior to their Entrance into the Heavens in Day #7- 1Corinthians 1:8, 1Timothy 6:14, James 1:27, 2Peter 3:14. Their spiritual food at this stage of growth is Sterotrophe/Strong Meat of the Full Sperma #1 and the 1st portion of Sperma #2 with a gumnazo/exercised/trained level of diakrisis/discernment/ability to distinguish details- Hebrews 5:12-14. Their spiritual value at this stage of growth is commensurate to the monetary value of the 5 silver talents/$4,800 that have thru striving kerdaino/gained/profited 5 more silver talents/$4,800 from the additional doctrine about the 7 Churches, The Marriage Feasts, and The New Jerusalem. At this point one is counted as a Slave Good & Faithful who thru application of instructing others in Day #7 kerdaino/gained/profited 5 gold talents/$4,800 and is proclaimed a Faithful Steward & Wise at the end of Day #7. During Day #7 when The Sperma #2 is sown there are more silver talents given out likened unto the silver talents given out for the 2nd portion of The Sperma #1. These silver talents of 1, 2, and 5 denominations are used to determine that the Faithful Ones start Day #7 with 16 silver talents which is representative of their 10 silver talents they kerdaino/gained/profited from the Sperma #1, the additional 5 silver talents projected to be given to them for Sperma #2, and the 1 additional silver talent that was taken from the metanoia/unrepentant moros/foolish virgin who became a poneros/wicked influencer and a okneros/slothful/lazy servant- Matthew 25:26,28.


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The ultimate goal is to pass The Bridal Inspection of God The Father ‘shoveling sifting process’ at the End of Day #7 being anegkletos/externally irreproachable, amomos/internally spotless, and amometos/internally blameless- Matthew 3:12, Ephesians 5:27, Philippians 2:15, 1Timothy 3:10, Titus 1:6-7, 2Peter 3:14, Revelation 14:1-5. Then one is pronounced as Faithful Steward & Wise, an Approved Workman, as Fine Wheat, and experiences Salvation #8 in Dikiaosis/Justification #9 being apolutrosis/fully redeemed unto The Salvation of The Soul receiving The Unfading Crown of Glory and The Crown of Life- Luke 12:42,21:28, Romans 3:24,8:23, 1Corinthians 9:27, Ephesians 1:7,14,4:30, 2Timothy 2:10,15, Hebrews 9:15, James 1:12, 1Peter 1:9-12,5:4. At this point the Age-Lasting Gospel/Good News will be declared throughout The Heavens and Earth that it is now The Throne of God and of The Lamb- Revelation 14:6,22:1-5.

CONCLUSIONAs with anything that is different and not understood people will find a label for it to placate themselves and not be challenged beyond the comforts of the mainstream belief system- Jeremiah 27-30. Those who desire to grow in The Written Word and The Living Word will experience stages of growth as before mentioned. Once one is reconciled as a Padion to the 1 st portion of The Sperma #1 Seed they will be labeled and ridiculed as those who pursue the High Calling of God in Christ Yeshua/Jesus. They will be regarded as a theatron/spectacle, moros/fools, perikatharma/purgations/worthless, peripsema/refuse/scum- 1Corinthians 4:9-14, Philippians 3:14. Those within Christianity will think us to be mania/insane/mad because we spend time with The Lord in The Scriptures- Acts 26:22-25. However, we are in His Hands as a congregation who meet regularly to worship The Lord in Spirit and in Truth as He has made us a Church/Called-Out Ones in name but a bible study group in functionality- Psalms 1:1-6,2:11-12,5:4-5,8:3,19:7,34:8-16,37:4,18,46:10,78:56-64,81:11-16,111:10,112:1,119:97-106,128:1,139:5-6,23-24, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 16:27, John 4:23-24, Acts 18:23-26,19:8-10.