Seedfolks Grade Band 6-8 Reading Level 3.8

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SeedfolksGrade Band 6-8 Reading Level 3.8

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Adapted Book Usage

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Chapter One: Kim

Kim’s father died when she was a baby. He was a farmer in Vietnam. Kim wanted

to feel closer to him. She planted lima beans in the vacant lot in her

neighborhood. Kim planted beans for her father.

Kim used a spoon to dig six holes in the hard ground. She planted the beans.

Next, she covered them with soil. Last, she watered them. Kim planted beans for

her father.

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Chapter Two: Ana

Ana was an old woman. She lived in the neighborhood longer than anyone else.

There were people from many countries in the neighborhood. Ana watched

people from her window.

In the spring, Ana saw a girl burying something in the lot. It was Kim. Ana went to

see what Kim buried. There were six lima beans with roots. Ana watched people

from her window.

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Chapter Three: Wendell

Wendell lived alone. His wife and son died. He was very sad. His neighbor Ana

was worried about the plants. Ana asked Wendell to water the lima beans.

Wendell liked helping with the plants.

Wendell poured the water over the lima beans. Kim walked up behind him. She

was surprised that Wendell was helping her plants. He kept going to the vacant

lot. Wendell could not take care of his family anymore. He could take care of the

plants. Wendell liked helping with the plants.

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Chapter Four: Gonzalo

Gonzalo‘s family was from Guatemala. Gonzalo and his Uncle Juan spoke different

languages. He had to take care of his uncle, who did not speak English. Gonzalo

helped his uncle with many things. Gonzalo could learn a lot from his Uncle Juan.

Uncle Juan found the garden in the vacant lot. He put the seeds into the dirt. He

didn’t need Gonzalo’s help. Gonzalo did not know anything about planting. His

uncle knew everything. Gonzalo could learn a lot from his Uncle Juan.

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Chapter Five: Leona

Leona‘s grandmother drank goldenrod tea every day. She said it made her

healthy. She lived a long time. Leona wanted to drink the tea too. Leona wanted

to plant goldenrod in the garden.

Leona found the garden in the vacant lot. It was covered in garbage. She wanted

to have the garbage removed. She helped clean up the vacant lot. Leona wanted

to plant goldenrod in the garden.

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Chapter Six: Sam

Sam was an old man. He saw people picking up garbage in a garden. He wanted to

plant something there. He was too old to do it himself. Sam hired a teenager to

help him plant. Sam and the teenager worked together.

The teenager wanted to start a business. They agreed to grow and sell pumpkins.

Sam and the teenager worked together.

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Chapter Seven: Virgil

Virgil’s father was from Haiti. He decided to plant a huge garden in the lot. He

wanted to grow lettuce. His father said that they would sell it to restaurants.

Virgil would get a new bike with the money. Virgil wanted his father’s lettuce to


They did not know how to grow lettuce. Virgil’s father planted the lettuce at the

wrong time. It turned yellow. Virgil was upset. Virgil wanted his father’s lettuce to


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Chapter Eight: Sae Young

Sae Young and her husband were from Korea. Her husband died. She was lonely.

She did not talk to anyone. Sae Young saw people working in the garden. Sae

Young did not want to be alone anymore.

She planted hot peppers in the garden. She liked being around the people there.

She helped them get water for the garden. Sae Young did not want to be alone


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Chapter Nine: Curtis

Curtis missed his girlfriend, Lateesha. It had been five years since they were

together. Curtis knew that Lateesha loved tomatoes. The garden was across from

her apartment. Curtis planted tomatoes. Lateesha looked out her window. She

saw the tomatoes. Curtis planted tomatoes for Lateesha.

People started to steal the tomatoes at night. Curtis wanted to protect the

tomatoes. He paid someone to watch the garden at night. Curtis planted

tomatoes for Lateesha.

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Chapter Ten: Nora

Nora was a nurse. She worked for an old man named Mr. Myles. He could no

longer speak or walk on his own. He was not happy anymore. Nora pushed him

outside in his wheelchair. Mr. Myles felt happy when he saw the garden. The

garden made Mr. Myles feel happy.

Nora wanted to help Mr. Myles be a part of the garden. She bought different

kinds of seeds. Mr. Myles picked the flower seeds. Nora helped Mr. Myles plant

flowers. They met the other people in the garden. The garden made Mr. Myles

feel happy.

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Chapter Eleven: Maricela

Maricela was sixteen-years old and from Mexico. She was pregnant. She was very

worried about having a baby. She was afraid that she was too young to be a

mother. Maricela joined a program for pregnant teenagers. The program leader

found a spot in the garden for the teenagers. They needed to practice taking care

of something. Maricela was going to have a baby.

At first, Maricela did not like planting vegetables in the garden. She was very

pregnant. It hurt her to bend over. One day, Leona walked over to Maricela.

Leona helped Maricela feel better about having a baby. Maricela was going to

have a baby.

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Chapter Twelve: Amir

Amir was from India. The garden reminded him of a rug he once had. The rug had

pictures of flowers, birds, and grapes. Amir decided to grow eggplant. They were

the only purple plants in the whole garden. Amir liked meeting his neighbors in

the garden.

One day people shared their food and played music in the garden. It turned into a

festival. Amir brought his family. He spoke to a woman who had once called him a

bad name. She apologized. She was his friend now. Amir liked meeting his

neighbors in the garden.

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Chapter Thirteen: Florence

Florence was an old woman. She had lived in the neighborhood a long time.

Florence’s father called her family seedfolks because they were the first black

family living there. Florence thought that the people in the garden were seedfolks

because they were starting something new. The seedfolks started a new garden.

Florence could not plant anything because she had arthritis. She still liked to

watch the garden. It made the city look nicer. In the winter, the garden was

empty and covered with snow. Florence waited for spring to start. One day

Florence saw Kim planting lima beans. Florence was happy because the garden

would grow again. The seedfolks started a new garden.

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Seedfolks Vocabulary Definitions* This list is a vocabulary reference tool.

Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.Essential VocabularyImportant vocabulary

Farmer- a person who grows food or raises animals

Plant- to put in the ground to grow

Lima Beans- a bean that has flat edible seeds

Vacant- not used; empty

Old- having lived a long time

Neighborhood- a section lived in by people who consider themselves neighbors

Countries- Nations, territories

Burying- putting something in the ground and covering it

Roots- the underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, stores food, and holds the plant in place

Died- to have stopped living

Pour- to flow or to cause to flow in a stream

Surprised- an emotion when something happens unexpectedly

Uncle- the brother of one's father or mother

Garden- a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are grown

Seeds- something that creates a new plant

Grandmother- the mother of one's father or mother

Goldenrod- an herb with yellow flowers

Tea- a drink made by soaking leaves in hot water

Garbage- discarded or useless material; trash

Teenager- a person in his or her teens

Business- the making, buying, and selling of goods and services

Pumpkin- round orange fruit

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Lettuce- a vegetable that has crisp juicy leaves (used in salads)

Restaurant- a business place where meals or refreshments may be bought

Bike- a vehicle with two wheels behind one another, handlebars, a seat, and pedals that make it move

Money- something used to pay for goods and services

Lonely- feeling like you are by yourself

Hot Pepper- a small pepper with a spicy taste

Girlfriend- a female friend in a romantic relationship

Tomato- a large red vegetable

Steal- to take something that belongs to someone else without their permission

Nurse- a person trained to care for the sick

Wheelchair- a chair with wheels used by people who are sick, injured, or have certain disabilities

Different- not the same

Flower- part of a plant that has petals

Pregnant- having an unborn baby inside the body

Worried- feeling great concern

Program- activities in which a group of people do

Vegetables- leafy plants that are usually eaten as part of a meal

Rug- heavy fabric used as a floor covering

Eggplant- a purple egg-shaped vegetable

Festival- a celebration to honor a special occasion

Apologize- to say sorry

Seedfolks- people who start something new

Arthritis- inflammation of the joint

Spring- the season between winter and summer; the months March, April, and May

Definitions adapted from www.wordcentral.com

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Seedfolks Vocabulary and Object List* This list is a vocabulary reference tool.

Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.Vocabulary Object

Farmer HayPlant Potted PlantLima Beans Lima BeansVacant Empty ContainerOld Beard, Wrinkly Skin, Bald HeadNeighborhood Door KnockerCountries GlobeBurying Demonstrate Burying (Shovel, Dirt, Seeds)Roots Plant Roots, SticksDied CoffinPour Demonstrate pouring water with pitcherSurprised Jack in the Box/Party Horn/ConfettiUncle Family Tree/Have students bring in a picture of their uncleGarden Seeds, Flowers, Vegetables, Dirt, ShovelSeeds Seeds (Sunflower, Pumpkin)Grandmother CaneGoldenrod Plant, FlowerTea Tea Bag, PotGarbage Garbage bag, Trash CanTeenager IpodBusiness Play or real money/toy cash registerPumpkin Pumpkin (Real/Fake)Lettuce Lettuce, SpinachRestaurant Menu, Utensils, Table ClothBike Toy/Real Bike, HelmetMoney Play/Real Money (Dollars, Nickels, Pennies, Dimes, Quarters)Lonely Demonstrate with Objects (One separate from the group)Hot Pepper PepperGirlfriend RingTomato TomatoSteal Take an object awayNurse Stethoscope, ThermometerWheelchair Wheelchair, WheelsDifferent Demonstrate same v. differentFlower FlowerPregnant BellyWorried Stress BallProgram Group of PeopleVegetables Vegetables (Carrots, Peas, String Beans) Rug RugEggplant EggplantsFestival Balloons, Confetti, FlagsApologize Sign for “I’m sorry”Seedfolks Shovel, Plants, SeedsArthritis HandsSpring Flowers, Umbrella

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Seedfolk Characters

Chapter 1: Kim

Chapter 2: Ana

Chapter 3: Wendell

Chapter 4: Gonzalo

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Chapter 4: Uncle Juan

Chapter 5: Leona

Chapter 6: Sam

Chapter 7: Virgil

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Chapter 8: Sae Young

Chapter 9: Curtis

Chapter 9: Lateesha

Chapter 10: Nora

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Chapter 10: Mr. Myles

Chapter 11: Maricella

Chapter 12: Amir

Chapter 13: Florence

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Seedfolks Public Domain Vocabulary* This list is a vocabulary reference tool. Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.



Lima Beans










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Seedfolks Public Domain Vocabulary* This list is a vocabulary reference tool. Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.













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Seedfolks Public Domain Vocabulary* This list is a vocabulary reference tool. Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.




Hot Pepper Girlfriend






Flower Pregnant

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Seedfolks Public Domain Vocabulary* This list is a vocabulary reference tool. Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.











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Seedfolks Public Domain Vocabulary* This list is a vocabulary reference tool. Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.




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Seedfolks Public Domain Vocabulary* This list is a vocabulary reference tool. Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.



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Seedfolks Comprehension QuestionsGrade Band Extensions: RL 8.1 (Factual and Inferential Questions), 8.4 (See Vocab List) 8.5 (Text Structure)Chapter 1: Kim

Where is Kim’s family from? (Vietnam) What did Kim plant? (Lima beans) Why did Kim plant the seeds? (To feel closer to her father) Kim planted the seeds. What do you think will happen next?

Chapter 2: Ana

Who is Ana? (Person watching, Elderly woman, Neighbor) RL 8.6 What did Ana find in the lot? (Six lima beans with roots) What do you think Ana thought about Kim burying the seeds?

Chapter 3: Wendell

Why was Wendell sad? (His wife and son died) What did Wendell do in the garden? (Water the plants) How did the garden help Wendell? (He got to take care of something) RL 8.3

Chapter 4: Gonzalo

Where was Gonzalo’s family from? (Guatemala) Name one way Gonzalo and his Uncle were different. (Age, Farming, Language) What do you think Gonzalo learned from his uncle? (How to plant)

Chapter 5: Leona

Why did Leona’s grandmother like goldenrod tea? (It made her healthy) What does Leona do to help the garden? (Plant goldenrod, Clean up the trash) RL 8.3 Why does Leona plant seeds in the garden? (To make tea like her grandmother)

Chapter 6: Sam

Who is Sam? (Old man) RL 8.6 What did Sam plant? (Pumpkins) Why did Sam hire a teenager? (Too old to do it himself)

Chapter 7: Virgil

Where is Virgil’s family from? (Haiti) What did Virgil and his father plant? (Lettuce) What did Virgil and his father want to do with the lettuce? (Sell it to restaurants) Why did Virgil help his father? (To get a bike)

Chapter 8: Sae YoungAdapted From http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview.cgi?LPid=21754

Lesson Ideas: Ethnicity, Culture, Foreign Countries, Diversity in America, Gardens, Working together

Page 30: Web viewAdapted From  . Lesson Ideas: Ethnicity, Culture, ... What does Florence mean by the word "Seedfolks"?

Seedfolks Comprehension QuestionsGrade Band Extensions: RL 8.1 (Factual and Inferential Questions), 8.4 (See Vocab List) 8.5 (Text Structure) Where is Sae Young from? (Korea) Why was Sae Young lonely? (Her husband died) What does she plant in the garden? (Hot peppers) How does the garden help Sae Young? (She liked being around the people) RL 8.3

Chapter 9: Curtis

What did Curtis plant? (Tomatoes) Why does Curtis plant seeds? (He wanted to plant tomatoes for Lateesha) Why does Curtis hire someone to watch the garden? (People were stealing his tomatoes)

Chapter 10: Nora

Who was Mr. Myles? (Old man who couldn’t speak or walk) RL 8.6 Who was Nora? (Mr. Myles’ nurse) RL 8.6 How did Nora help Mr. Myles? (Pushed him to the garden; Helped him plant) RL 8.3 What did they plant in the garden? (Flowers) How did the garden make Mr. Myles feel? (Happy) RL 8.3

Chapter 11: Maricela

Where was Maricela from? (Mexico) What did Maricela plant in the garden? (Vegetables) Why did she plant seeds in the garden? (It was part of the program for pregnant teenagers) How Leona help Maricela? (She made Maricela feel better about having a baby) RL 8.3

Chapter 12: Amir

Where is Amir from? (India) What did Amir plant? (Eggplant) What did the garden remind Amir of? (Rug) Why did the woman apologize to Amir? (She called him a bad name)

Chapter 13: Florence

Why couldn’t Florence plant anything? (Arthritis) What does the garden remind her of? (Her grandparents starting something new) What happened to the garden in the winter? (Plants stopped growing) What does Florence mean by the word "Seedfolks"? (People in the neighborhood were the first

people to plant a garden there) Why do you think the author chose this title for the book? RL 8.2 What did the garden do for the city? (It made the city look nicer)

Adapted From http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview.cgi?LPid=21754

Lesson Ideas: Ethnicity, Culture, Foreign Countries, Diversity in America, Gardens, Working together