"The Greatest of These Is Love" 1 Corinthians 13 Rev. Min J. Chung (Sunday Worship, September 12, 1999) "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-s eeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will ceas e; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a ch ild, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three r emain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Co 13. NIV I. Introduction A. What is my problem? Why do I feel empty at times? Why do I feel lonely? Why do I feel displeasure, guilt, anger, depression, all these things? Emotions indicate whats important to us. They indicate how we perceive ourselves. The Bible says we hav e these emotions because of sin. The Bible uses different language, different words for that. 1 Peter 1:14 uses the phrase evil desire. "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires." Because we have those evil desires, we have problems. We can ask: Why do I fall into temptation? James 1:14 agrees with Peter. "But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed." 1 Peter 1 says that the reason we arent holy is because of evil d esires within.

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"The Greatest of These Is Love"

1 Corinthians 13

Rev. Min J. Chung

(Sunday Worship, September 12, 1999)


"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-s eeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will ceas e; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a ch ild, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three r emain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Co 13. NIV


I. IntroductionA. What is my problem? Why do I feel empty at times? Why do I feel

lonely? Why do I feel displeasure, guilt, anger, depression, all these things? Emotions indicate whats important to us. They indicate how we perceive ourselves. The Bible says we hav e these emotions because of sin. The Bible uses different language, different words for that. 1 Peter 1:14 uses the phrase evil desire. "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires." Because we have those evil desires, we have problems. We can ask: Why do I fall into temptation? James 1:14 agrees with Peter. "But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed." 1 Peter 1 says that the reason we arent holy is because of evil d esires within. James says the reason we constantly fall into temptation is because of evil desires within.

B. When I think about evil desires, I used to think of one thing. Now I think of two things. I used to think that evil desires are shown in my sinful deeds. When I hate someone or lust or steal money, when I do bad things, its because I lo ve that sin inside. Theres something about it that I love; theres that evil desire within. But as I look into Scripture carefully, theres another side of evil desires. There are evil desires hidden in good deeds. Even when I do good thi ngs, right things, theres an evil desire within thats selfish. The reason I do this or that is because I get something out of it. Last week we talked about Martha. She was doing good things. Cooking is good. As Martha was cooking, doing a good thing, s he was angry, worried and distracted, why? Because she was serving herself. She was doing good things, but the intention in her heart

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was evil; it was selfish. Even though externally she was serving Jesus, internally she was serving herself. Even when we do good things, there are evil desires within.

C. One of the most helpful things I learned in seminary is that all of our lives well have double motives. Its discouraging to the people who think they are good. Its encouraging to the people who think theyre bad. Of course we want to love God and Jesus, but theres another desire thats gonna linger, that wont be gone until we see Jesus face to face. It will slowly diminish because of the powerful word and Spirit of Jesus Christ, but there will always be that evil desire within. I love myself a nd am selfish. That leads to all kinds of selfish motives and desires even in the good things I do. Even as Im preaching, I have double motives. I want you to get fed, yes. Theres a good motive. But I also dont want to look stupid. Theres that e vil motive for myself. Thatll linger until we see Jesus face to face. We need to have that as a background as we get into this chapter.

D. The Corinthian church was incredible. Corinth was a major cosmopolitan city, a seaport, a major trade center. There were a lot of money transactions and trading going on. It was very sinful; you can imagine all the kinds of sins that were going on a t that time. Paul established the Corinthian church on his second missionary journey and there was an incredible manifestation of the Holy Spirit€healing, gift of prophecy, raising of the dead, tongues€which was great. When sin abounds, grace abounds. An incredible manifestation of the Holy Spirit took place and signs that were more visible were seen. Some people needed that. But there were problems. Even though it was an incredible church in terms of the manifestation of the Spirit, internally, there w as a lot of bickering, fights, and pride. People who had the gifts thought they were better than others without them. People with titles looked down on others and there was fighting. So as Paul talks about gifts, he says, "Oh, you think you can do s omething?" Then he says, "If you dont have this simple thing called love, its useless. Even if you give your body as a burning torch and a sacrifice, if you dont have this crazy little thing called love, those things are nothing." He t alks about incredible acts€speaking in tongues, prophesying, giving to the poor, giving your body as a burning sacrifice. How can you doubt what theyre doing? But Paul says that even if you do those things, if you dont have the simple word love in your heart, its nothing. Its important for us to know, because we can do a lot of good things in our lives, but if you dont have love, its useless.

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E. I was meditating on this chapter and it convicted me. A lot of times the Bible comes and its painful. Its good pain. When you exercise, its painful. Your muscles break, but you get stronger. My heart breaks many times and it gets stronger becaus e of the Word of God. We want to reach out with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ this year. Thats our goal this year. We want to smell like love so that when people come in to our church, theyll smell love. I dont know what love smells like, but tha ts our goal. Next week Ill emphasize the characteristics of love. Itll be fascinating. I wish I could preach about it this week, but I gotta get through this first. There are five thoughts that helped me so much as I realize Im such an unloving per son. Well ask five fundamental questions to ask to get some lessons on love.

II. BodyA. What Does It Mean to Have Love?

1. Look at verses 1-3. If you do not have love, its useless. "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all myster ies and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames (youre a martyr), but have not love, I gain nothing." This i s important information. We need to know clearly what it means to have this crazy little thing called love.

2. In order to understand something, sometimes its helpful to understand what it is not. Many commentators say this chapter is addressing people who are exercising their gifts in a wrong manner. Some people that say because Paul said, "Now Ill s how you the most excellent way," hes saying that the way to exercise gifts is with love. So, as you exercise your gifts, do it with love. Lovingly speak the gift of tongues. How do you do that? Prophecy lovingly. Whatever that means . How can you lovingly give to the poor? Slowly? I dont think its thinking about the way to exercise gifts. Others say love is the greatest gift. Paul talks about other gifts like tongues and prophecy, and now hes talking about the gift of love. I dont think hes talking about it as a gift. Of course its given by God, but I dont think thats his main point. Other people say that Paul is talking about thecharacter of a person. So when he says, "Have love," hes sayin g, "Have good character." It definitely consists of that, but its too shallow. Its not just about having the character of love. When you serve or exercise lovingly, spiritual gifts comes, I dont think its that. I dont think its just

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about having good character. All those things might be included, but its not just that.

3. Having love means having the heart motive of love. Its talking about having the intention of love. So were talking about the reason were doing everything, the underlying basis and motive. I think thats what it means. Paul is asking, &quo t;Why are you doing it?" Why are you serving? Why are you prophesying and speaking in tongues? Why are you folding those chairs? Why are you leading Bible study? Why are you sitting there? Why are you singing? Why? What is the goal of your heart? You might not think about it in your mind, but what is your goal? What is the basis and reason of all you do? What is the bottom, the foundation of all your behavior? The motive and bottom and source of all our behavior has to be love. Thats what has t o be in our heart, our motive, our intention. Paul is saying that in whatever you do, make sure the motive, intention, foundation, source, and bottom is love. So this chapter is not talking about the way of exercising gifts, but the why of exe rcising gifts. Why are you serving? Why? Not the method, but the reason.

4. Let me ask you, why are you serving? Why do you come to church? Why do you study? Why do you join church ministries? Why do you cook meals? Isnt that what Jesus said to Martha? "Martha, only one thing is needed. Mary is sitting there for m e." Jesus was saying to Martha, "You have all these negative emotions when you serve. It shows that youre serving yourself." If you serve with the right motives, there will be thankfulness and joy. In whatever you do, serve, study, bl ank, if you have negative emotions, youre probably serving yourself. Your desire is something other than to glorify God. Continue to do all that, sacrifice and all, but you must have the motive and intention of love. When we say, "Sing with all your heart," what are we saying? Were saying, "Sing with the heart, passion and motive to glorify God." Dont sing heartlessly. God wants your heart.

5. This is sometimes what happens when you share in small group. Your turn is coming and youre thinking, "What am I going to say?" Youre not listening to what anyone else is saying. Then your turn comes and you say it. The next people sha re and youre still not listening to anyone; youre thinking, "Did I say something stupid?" And if you did OK, you sit there smugly and happy. Youre just like me!

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6. There are many people that do outward things right, but their intentions and motives are wrong. We are blind when we examine our hearts and we dont think this is a big deal, because we dont take heart sin seriously. This is because we have so many behavioral sins, like hatred€things that are externally manifested. But the Bible considers yourheart sin the major sin. There are many examples in Scripture. The Pharisees had incredible external behavior. They fasted twice a week , tithed, knew the Bible left and right (the Old Testament of course), went to church. But their heart motive was evil, so God looked at them and said they were evil. When you look at the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15, the younger son had behavio ral sin. He came back in repentance. The older son had good behavior. He was working fine all his life until he sees the younger son and jealousy and selfishness comes out. "Ive been doing all these things." I, I, I, I€he had pride and selfi shness. He had no love for his brother€"When this son of yours (he doesnt even call him his brother) comes, you kill the fattened calf for him." All his life he was going good things, but he had evil desires within. What does it mean to have love? Its about motive, intention, purpose, bottom. God is most angry and upset about heart sin. Think about how He treats the prostitutes. He loves them and cares for them. Then think about how He treats the Pharisees. "You sons of vipers!&qu ot; Jesus says that to the Pharisees who were externally good but internally sinful. Thats what this chapter is about.

B. What Does Love Look Like?1. Its the same thing as when we say we want to smell like love.

What we are asking is this: What does a person who has right intentions and motives, purpose, and desire in his heart look like? What does a person who has the dominating motive o f loving God look like when he is in the action of serving? What does a person whos filled with love, who loves God and people and his intentions and motives are right, look like? Thats what were asking. Thats what verses 4-7 are saying. " Love is patient." A loving person is patient when he serves. "Love is kind." A loving person who prophecies is kind. "Love does not envy." A loving person who heals is not envious. "Love is not proud. " A loving person who preaches is not proud. "Love" A loving person who sings is not rude nor self-seeking. "Love" A loving person who helps you is not easily angered. On and on.

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2. What does love look like? Do I have the right motive and heart? When you serve, ask, "Am I kind?" Martha was angry. But it says that love is not easily angered. She wasnt loving. The older son was angry when the younger son came. He did nt have love, although he did have self-love. What does love look like? Verses 4-7 talk about the characteristics of a person filled with love in action. Its a picture and a portrait. Ill talk about verses 4-7 next week. This is the picture of a per son who is driven by the intentions and motive of love. When hes in action he will look like this outside and feel like this inside as well.

3. So you can ask yourself the following questions when you serve. (This is really helpful) Lets take preaching as an example. Im always preaching so lets talk about it. Am I really preaching for Gods glory right now? Were so blind to ourselv es. Thats why we cant see. But I can easily check this. The external test: Do people see patience, kindness, envy, boasting, rude, self-seeking in me? The internal test: If something goes wrong when I preach, how do I respond? Lets sa y 600 people fall asleep during my sermon. Do I go home and feel empty? I would rather people say, "Youre on, Pastor Min. Youre in the zone." How do I feel when people fall asleep and wake up and the benediction is over? How do I feel even if everything goes wrong? If I faithfully preached, I wouldnt feel empty. Am I really doing blank for the glory of God in my heart? Whether studying, doing church service, or whatever, take the external and internal tests. You can take those tests thr ough verses 4-7. What does love look like? Read verses 4-7.

C. What Does it Mean When Our Service Is Nothing Without Love?1. What does it mean that our serving, folding chairs, preaching is

nothing without love? The end of verse 2 says, "I am nothing." The end of verse 3 says, "I gain nothing." What does it mean? I think this is important because we might think that were doing it for the glory of God, but its nothing. Its important information. Is it nothing in terms of theresult of ministry or the reward of ministry? Is it the result? If I dont love, will people not listen , not get fed, not grow? Or is it the reward? When I see Him face to face, depending on the result, I will receive a reward? Is it the result in this world, or the reward in the next world? Lets think about both.

2. Result? Are there results when my motive is selfish? I think there is, because Im like that all the time. In this world, many evil people are successful. Theyre full of evil intent but theyre

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successful. Many godly people are less success ful than less godly people. Jeremiah was a very godly person but God said, "Go out and preach, but there wont be any result. Nobodys gonna listen to you, but preach anyway." But then theres a person like Jonah who didnt have really have th e right motive. He went and preached halfheartedly, "Repent." And then the whole city repents and there was an incredible revival in the superpower of that time, Nineveh. The point is that God never loses. Hell always be glorified. Hel l accomplish His will with or without us. He can use ravens, Jonahs, donkeys, anything in this world. Its not necessarily talking about the result. But be careful; if we dont have the right motive or heart, often there is a lack of effectiveness and p ower, because God does it for my humility development. You gotta learn to be humble, so God teaches you. Its the grace of God that He doesnt use me when I have the wrong motive. Of course, thats not a principle because even if you have a bad mo tive, God can use you.

3. Its talking about the reward. Look at verse 3. "If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." Paul uses the wordgain. So it is talking about the reward from God. Its a scary thing. God may use you mightily, incredibly, because Hes not going to lose. He may give you gifts and you can use them. You can exercise them and have incredible results in this world. But when you see Him face to face, He might say, "I never knew you." Matthew 7 says that. You can preach and do all kinds of things and many people may come to Jesus Christ through you, but when you get to heaven, God may say that you did nothing, because it was all for yourself. When we get to heaven only if you have the right motive, heart, intention, and purpose, whether you have external results in this world or not, only then will God say, "You are my good and faithful servant." Dont you want that? I dont know about y ou, but thats what I want. Thats what Im trying to live for. If I get His reward, thats all I care about. When you dont have love, right intentions and motives there is no reward, no affirmation, no approval from the One whose approval counts. It brings shivers down my spine because I can have all kinds of results in my ministry, but do I really love God? Am I really serving God? Thats important to me. What motive, intention, heart do I have? Its important because thats what counts after all is said and done.

D. What Does Love Measure in a Person?

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1. Lets say you see a person who has all these characteristics in verses 4-7. When you look at verses 8-13 it basically talks about the permanence of love. Perfection comes. Youll see Jesus face to face. As time goes by, everything falls off. Wh atever is important will last, and love will last. Other things are like a child. If you have other things, its good, but as you grow and mature and get older, other things will vanish, but love will remains. That love will continue to grow until you see Jesus face to face. So what does love measure in a person? The maturity of a person. The more and more you are loving, the more you are mature. The more and more love is the intention of your heart, the more you are mature. What will the characte ristics of the adult be? The fullness of love in Jesus Christ. Well see Him face to face. Even in this world, the love you see in a persons intention and heart shows the maturity of a person. The measure of maturity is not greatness of ability. We so metimes think that. If a person is good at something, we think that they are mature. Respectability does not come from how good you are at something. Neither is it the amount of benevolent activities. Maturity is not greatness of ability nor amount of be nevolent activities. Maturity is measured by love.

2. There are two aspects, both the inward motive as well as the external expression. To tell whether someone is mature, ask: Is that person really doing things out of love? Does that person love God? Its a combination of that and ex ternal expression (verses 4-7). Do you see that? Patience, kindness, not envying, etc. Internal motive and external expression. Its impossible to say whether someone is mature or not. We can speculate, but only God can tell. Its about both things. L ove is characterized by inward motive and external action.  If you just have the inward motive of love without external expression, you are immature, a child. If you have just external expression, youre a Pharisee. So if you have one or the other , youre either an immature child or a Pharisee. You gotta have both. That shows maturity. A mature person is love-driven inside as well as love-showing outside. Are you mature? What does love measure? Maturity.

E. How Do I Love?1. This is the practical question. "Now you got me, Pastor Min. Im

stabbed. Im knocked down on the floor. Get me up. Tell me how do I love?" Verse 12 is helpful. "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part;

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then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." When we see Jesus face to face itll be in the fullness of the maturity of love. Seeing Jesus is the key. The more we see Jesus everyday, the more we will love . An important question is: Is this chapter talking about love for God or love for people? If we answer that, itll also answer how I can be a more loving person. Is this chapter about love for God or love for people? Its important. We ll, there is no love without God. Any genuine love is from God. God is love. When He speaks His holy word, its sprinkled with love. God is love and there is no love without God. Any love is a reflection of God. Its from God. If the love of G od comes to us and we become love then it doesnt matter what the object is. Were gonna love whether its God or people. Our intentions and motives become love. Our character and expression become love.

2. What about Matthew 22:37-40? "Love God and love your neighbor as yourself." So love here is a command. How can I obey it? A command implies that I am able to do something. If I were to say to you, "Stand up," youd stand up. I wouldnt command you to do something if it was impossible for you to do it. That verse assumes we can love God and people. How can I love? When God commands us to love Him, how can I do that? Im so selfish. How can I love? Its like this. Jesu s commands a blind person, "See." How can the blind see? Hes blind! Lord, is that a command? Lets say this lame person is sitting on the floor. Jesus says, "Rise." "Jesus, Ive been lame all my life." But when Jesus commands that lame man to rise, power goes out with the command. Then what happens? When the lame person take those words with faith, power goes into his legs and he has the strength to rise. When God says, "Love the Lord your God and y our neighbor as yourself," and we say, "Lord, help me, empower me, enable me," power comes. Thats why we need to pray that our hearts have faith. Then lame hearts will be able to rise with love. Well be able to love God and people. Rise and walk! Live it out! Try! When the command comes, and there is faith, empowerment also comes. Lets go out as we trust in that word and pray, "Lord, help me," and fight against your heart to love your roommate. Keep obeying and liv ing it out. Sometimes youll fail but keep trying and going on.

3. CS Lewis says this as he talks about living it out. "Do not waste your time bothering whether you love your neighbor. Act as if you do. As soon as we do this, we find one of the greatest secrets.

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When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you ll presently come to love him. If you injure someone you dislike, youll find yourself disliking him even more. If you do him a good turn, youll find yourself disliking him less." As you try to keep doing things, even though inside you dont love, keep trying and the Lord will help you. Make sure your intention is not to pretend but to progress in it. Keep progressing. Dont also think, "Im not loving, so until my motive is right, Im not going to do anything. Keep doing things outside. Ke ep trying. God will help you within. Its a fight all our lives.

4. A counselor tells the story about a woman who came to him and said, "I hate my husband. I want to divorce him. I want to get away. I want to hurt him as much as hes hurt me." The counselor said this, "Go home and act as if you really l ove your husband. Tell him how much he means to you. Praise him for every decent trait. Go out of your way to be as kind, considerate and generous as possible. Spare no effort to effort to please him, to enjoy him. Make him believe you love him. Then af ter youve convinced him of your undying love and that you cant live without him, drop the bomb. Tell him youre getting a divorce. That will really hurt him." She walked off, eyes sparkling, smiling, with a vengeful heart. She followed his instruct ions with enthusiasm. She came back two months later. The counselor asked, "Are you ready to go through with the divorce?" "Divorce? Never! I discovered that I really do love him." Her actions changed her feelings. Motions resulted in emotions. The ability to love is established not by fervent promise as often repeated deeds. (of George Crane by J. Allan Peterson) Go to the Lord and keep going. Youll be able to do it.

5. The mission agency, O. C. International, puts out this story to recruit missionaries. "Love is a costly thing" by Dick Hillis. "She was lying on the ground. In her arms she held a tiny baby girl. As I put a cooked sweet potato in her ou tstretched hand, I wondered if she would live until morning. Her strength was almost gone but her tired eyes acknowledged my gift. A sweet potato would help so little, but it was all I had. Taking a bite, she chewed it carefully. Then placing her mouth over the babys mouth, she forced the soft, warm food into the tiny throat. Even though the mother was starving, she used the entire potato to keep her baby alive. Exhausted from her effort, she dropped her head on the ground and closed her eyes. In a fe w moments the baby was asleep. I

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later learned that during the night, the mothers heart stopped but the little girl survived. Love is a costly thing. God in His love for us (and for a lost world) "spared not His own Son" to tell the world of H is love. Love is costly, but we must tell the world at any cost. Such love is costly. It costs parents and sons and daughters. It costs the missionary life itself. In his love for Christ the missionary must often give up all to make the Savior known. I f you will let your love for Christ cost you something, the great advance will be made together. Remember, love is a costly thing. Do you love enough?" If we have such love, people will walk into CFC and smell love.

6. CFC has to smell like love. Internally, in our hearts, loving God, loving people. That motive and intention that drives everything you do must be one of love. Then you need to manifest it externally in the expression and character of our lives. As I was thinking about this message, I had two reasons for hope. Sometimes I get discouraged in ministry. I feel so selfish. I want the approval and respect of people and different things for myself. How in the world will these guys change and transform th is world?

a. My hope comes from our empowering God. God can empower us, even though I cant see it at times. I believe not in my sight but in the power of the Holy Spirit. I need to hope in the Word as I look at myself and my deficiencies. As I read His Wo rd and see you through it, I have hope.

b. My second hope is this. Sometimes when I look at the old hearts of our church, older sons and Pharisees, Im thinking can we really love? Is it really gonna work? Is there anybody that loves God? I see a glimpse of it in the younger hearts. E ven though some of you might not be mature or have titles, even though your character is immature, youre growing up from high school students to adults in the world and I see some genuine hearts that love God. Even though I dont see the character of love visibly, there is love inside. You have genuine love for God and I have hope. Ill keep ministering so that youll be men and women of God who manifest His love and conquer this world for His glory.

III. ConclusionA. When I think about this. Its just one phrase that I preached€love is

patient€that destroys the worlds concept of love. The world says that

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love is a feeling. "As long as I feel like kissing her, I love her. When I dont feel like kissing her anymore, Ill divorce her." Thats the worlds concept of love. The Bible says that love is patient. Its not a feeling. Love is even if you dont feel like it, you want to love God and serve Him. Theres true love for the Lord inside. You are drive n by that. In everything you do, you try and are driven by that. My question is, "Do you love God?" As you examine your behavior, your emotions and all the things you do, do they indicate that you love God? Are there signs of genuine love for G od in your heart? Do you love God? Is that what drives everything you do? We need to continue to pray that our selfish love will diminish in the presence of the glory, passion, and love of our God. That should drive everything we do. Then more and mor e well overcome, grow and mature to be loving people, who are patient, kind, do not envy or boast, are not rude, proud, easily angered, or keep record of wrongs. Were gonna be more and more mature and love people so that when people come in theyll sme ll love. Theyll see love. Theyll feel love. If you have genuine passion for God, itll manifest in your "Howre you doing? Are you OK? Can I pray for you? Do you have any prayer requests?" Theres power ordained in your loving manifestation . Then when you see Jesus face to face, Hell say, "Youre my good and faithful servant." If you dont have that love, your genuine motive is yourself. You want to be accepted, approved of, to be liked by people. When you see Jesus face to face , Hell say, "Who are you? I never knew you." My sincere prayer as I examine myself and all of you, is that we be people of God. May our genuine motive be to love God. May we manifest Him in our lives to be approved by God on the Judgment Day. Lets pray that God would empower us with love so our lives would manifest Him.

B. Love is a costly thing. Many of us mistakenly think that the love of Jesus is free. Its free for the receiver, but so costly for the Giver. It cost God his beloved Son for us to receive amazing grace, the amazing, expensive, priceless gift of love. Love is a costly thing. Hes given us His love. As we examine ourselves today, we realize that what we want to do is live for ourselves. We want the respect, approval and love of people. We lust after the cheap substitutes of this world, rather t han the approval of God. God says, "Come to Me." We need to go to the foot of the cross. Lord, change my heart. Do some surgery in my heart. I do not like this lingering sin, this evil desire within. May the Word of God come in. May the double -edged sword, the surgeons knife pierce my heart so that there will be the over-domineering motive and desire to love You. The Lord can do that, and will do that for those hearts that want to love God and His people. Come on, lame hearts, listen to t he command of God and

Page 13: cfchome.org€¦  · Web viewIt will slowly diminish because of the powerful word and Spirit of Jesus Christ, but there will always be that evil desire within. I love myself a nd

eat the word with faith and may there be empowerment in your hearts to love! Check your hearts and your motives. Why are you living? Why are you doing the things you do? Uncover it and think about it. Go to the Lord in deeper repentance so He will fill your hearts with love for Him and Him alone.

Suggested Closing Song:

The Heart of Worship