I chose the name Bolt Fusion Energy because I could then focus my design on a lightning bolt image. I decided to make my target audience as teenagers who like music and going to different festivals and concerts. I made it interesting for the audience as they can use the navigation bar easily to get to where they want to go and also use the search bar to find a search quicker and easier. Events are also available to see, for example you can watch videos and also enter competitions that will interest the target audience and make them stay on the page.

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I chose the name Bolt Fusion Energy because I could then focus my design on a lightning bolt image.I decided to make my target audience as teenagers who like music and going to different festivals and concerts.I made it interesting for the audience as they can use the navigation bar easily to get to where they want to go and also use the search bar to find a search quicker and easier. Events are also available to see, for example you can watch videos and also enter competitions that will interest the target audience and make them stay on the page.

This design I chose a target audience for more of the male population that enjoy things like fire and music and huge events and others.This page would interest the audience to make them come back where I added about each day there are prizes to be won which may make them more likely to either tell their friends or just keep checking in each day for them to be in with the chance to win the ‘fired fury goodies’ each day which are up for grabs.The navigation bar is easy to use and easy to find as its at the top of the page and has useful and interesting pages to go to and look at for example the Competitions and the Events which would appeal the target audience,.

This website design is for both the male and female audience of teenagers as it appeals to them both as there are competitions which the prizes would appeal to both male and female. Also there’s interesting searches which can navigate to different pages through the navigation bar which is useful to understand. Also links to YouTube are available to keep up to date with music for example one direction fan may stay on the site and/or tell their friends about the site as their friends may also be interested in one direction which with them on the site may interest them in the uproar energy.