Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved. | 18th Sunday 1 18 TH SUNDAY Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Presbytery Tel: 01383 625611 E-mail: [email protected] Websites: stmargaretsdunfermline.co.uk & holynameoakley.wordpress.com Pilgrimage Twitter: @St Margaretpilg1 St Margaret’s is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrew and Edinburgh, a Charity registered in Scotland SC0008540. VIRTUAL WEEK 18 St Margaret’s, Dunfermline and Church of the Holy Name, Oakley

Websites: stmargaretsdunfermline.co.uk & holynameoakley ... · Account number: 10191867 If you prefer to send a cheque please contact our treasurer Maureen Japp on 01383 725967 or

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Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| 18th Sunday



Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan

Presbytery Tel: 01383 625611

E-mail: [email protected]

Websites: stmargaretsdunfermline.co.uk

& holynameoakley.wordpress.com

Pilgrimage Twitter: @St Margaretpilg1

St Margaret’s is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrew and Edinburgh,

a Charity registered in Scotland SC0008540.


St Margaret’s, Dunfermline


Church of the Holy Name, Oakley

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Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Response for the Sunday Mass and Mass Intentions for the coming week



PSALM You open wide your hand, O Lord, you grant our




Alleluia, alleluia!

Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the


Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heavens!

Day Time Date Intention

SUNDAY 10am 2 People of the Parish

MON 10am 3 NO MASS

TUES 10am 4 Molly Stark R.I.P.

WED 10am 5 Madeline Kelly R.I.P.

THURS 10am 6 Kevin Mulligan (Anniv.)

FRIDAY 10am 7 Sarah Meek (Anniv.)

SAT 10am 8 Rebecca Lennie & Alisdair

SUNDAY 10am 9 People of the Parish

Mass Intentions

Masses are still celebrated in the Lady Chapel and livestreamed

through the parish website.

If you would like a Mass celebrated for a particular intention please get

in touch by email, phone or drop a note through the letterbox.

Please remember in your prayers those who have died recently: James

Gaffney & Anthony O’Reilly

We are now allowed to hold Requiem Masses in Church again. Please

note that the number of those who can attend is restricted to 20.

We pray for all who are sick, suffering, anxious and alone at this time.

We pray for all NHS staff and all other who deliver care and essential

services at this time.

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| Dear Friends,



There is quite a bit to digest this week. Please read carefully.

Firstly, Fr Isaac Oshoma, a priest of the Diocese of Bauchi, Nigeria, has

been appointed as assistant priest at St Margaret’s with effect from the

5th of September. There may be a slight delay in his arrival here

dependent on when the priests who are taking over the parish he is

assisting in at the moment arrive. This is good news as we gradually

inch back to some kind of normal life.

Secondly, we discussed the re-opening of our churches at a Parish

Council meeting last Tuesday. We decided that we will re-open on

Saturday 15th August. Initially, we will have Services at the weekend

only. It will be impossible to re-open St Margaret’s during the week

(except for funerals) while the building work continues.

In order to re-open safely we need more volunteers. So far we have 8

for St Margaret’s and 5 for Holy Name. I know that several people have

said that they would help. But, in these times, I really need the

completed forms in my hand before I can count you in.

We would need 3 volunteers for each Service – which means 12 for St

Margaret’s and 6 for Holy Name over a weekend. The duties will

involve welcoming people, explaining the procedures involved and

escorting them to a seat, in addition to the cleaning of the Church after

each Service. We have invested in a device called a Fogger which

means that the whole church can be disinfected by one person in

around 5 mins (it’s great and the possibilities for Holy Water sprinkling at

Easter are amazing!). The cleaning duties will not be as arduous as first

thought – though a mask and goggles (glasses would suffice) will need

to be worn.

Remember that the obligation to attend Mass remains suspended.

If you are uncertain or anxious or in a high risk category then please

stay at home.

The Livestream Sunday Mass is here to stay.

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| Dear Friends,


On arrival you will be met at the door. You will have to sanitise your

hands on entrance and exit and wear a face-covering. We have hand

sanitiser. Please bring your own face covering (we have a limited

supply). Children under 5 or those who have a reasonable excuse

need not wear them. You will be taken to a seat in the Church; it’s

highly unlikely that you will be able to sit in your seat. Please do not

move about the Church. Holy water and votive candles will not be

available. The toilets will not be available (except in emergencies).

Please avoid touching surfaces such as statues as everything that is

touched has to be sanitized and for statues this could affect their

integrity in the longterm.

Mass will be celebrated without any singing and will be shortened in

other ways. Holy Communion will be distributed after the final blessing.

Do not return to your seat after receiving Holy Communion but leave

the Church immediately. There will be a container at the door for your

offerings as you leave the Church (please only contribute if you are

able). Please avoid gathering after Mass.

The capacity of St Margaret’s is 40 people and Holy Name is 28 (this

includes volunteers). Those who live in the same household may sit

together which may increase capacity slightly. We are looking at a

booking system and will advise you of this next week. Please don’t try to

book a place until this has been figured out. We are also looking at

how we can gather contact details of those attending, which we have

been told that we must provide for Test and Protect

We would ask that you be considerate of other parishioners who may

not have had access to on-line Masses and allow them to attend the

available Masses. You don’t need to come every week either.

The weekend schedule will be as follows:


10am Mass at St Margaret’s

4.00pm Vigil Mass at Holy Name.

5.30pm Vigil Mass at St Margaret’s

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9.00am Short Service and distribution of Holy Communion at St


9.15am Short Service and distribution of Holy Communion at Holy


10am Live Stream Mass from St Margaret’s (PRIVATE: Priest in

attendance only)

11am Short Service and distribution of Holy Communion at St


This will be reviewed and revised after the arrival of Fr Isaac in


With best wishes for this coming week,

Fr Chris


Two of our seminarians, Bobby Taylor and Martin Eckersley, will be

ordained to the diaconate on Saturday.

The ceremony, to take place at St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh with

Archbishop Cushley, was previously postponed twice due to Covid-19.

Bobby, of Galashiels, and Martin, of Jedburgh, appeared in this year's

popular BBC Scotland documentary Priest School (still available on

iPlayer), where they spoke at length about their vocation. The

diaconate is their final step in the journey to priesthood.

Arcbishop Cushley is asking that we keep both men in our prayers.

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| Congratulations!



And welcome to Murdo who will be baptised in St. Margaret’s on

Sunday afternoon.


‘My Jesus, I Believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul.

Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

Although You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely

to You;

never permit me to be separated from You.’


Mass will be celebrated each day at 10a.m. via livestreaming.

The Sunday Mass will also be recorded, so if you want to listen to the

sermon again or lie even longer in bed on a Sunday morning you can.

The link for the recorded Mass will be available on the parish website

To access live Mass go to www.stmargaretsdunfermline.co.uk and click

on the link STREAM at the top right and then click on the play (‘’)

arrow. The stream can also now be accessed from


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| Children’s Liturgy


St Joseph’s in Clarkston are continuing with their telephone Mass

service. The Number to call to hear Fr Stephen’s Mass is 0141 473 4869.

Please share this number with friends and neighbours who haven’t got

internet access.


Visit https://archedinburgh.org/childrens-liturgy-at-home-get-ready-

for-sunday-9/ for some great ideas to celebrate and explain this


Also, there is a facebook page called ‘Children’s Liturgy during

lockdown’ with videos uploaded onto youtube:


In the Gospel today (Matt, 14: 13-21), we see how Jesus takes care of

all of our needs. He cured the sick and knowing that the crowds were

hungry He worked another miracle to ensure that they were all fed. He

took the little food that the disciples had – the five loaves and two fish -

and with this fed more than 5000 people!

Welcome the Gospel singing the Gospel Acclamation:

(Sing to the tune of ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It)

Alleluia, alleluia, praise the Lord, Alleluia, alleluia, praise the Lord.

As we listen to the story, let us praise him for his glory. Alleluia, alleluia,

praise the Lord.

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| Parish news roundup


Ask the children if they remember to share with others? (maybe share

toys with brothers, sisters, friends etc.) Ask how they feel when they

share and how they feel when their friends share toys, sweets etc. with

them. This week, try to remember to share with others and to take care

of and look after each other just like Jesus. PARISH NEWS ROUNDUP

Thank you to everyone who made donations during this difficult time.

We have fulfilled our promise for this year to Mary’s Meals for school

meals at Geveh Fanchee School in Liberia and we continue to raise

money for other Mary’s Meals projects. We have recently made other

donations - £300 to Haiti Help, run by three nurses from Lochgelly,

providing medical help in this desperately poor country - £300 to PEAS

which supports secondary schooling in Uganda and Zambia for

children who would not otherwise receive it - £300 to SCIAF for help in

the current emergency and £100 to EMMS to support a water

ambulance in Malawi.

We welcome further donations. One-off payments or regular standing

orders can be made to our bank account:

Account name: St Margarets One World Group Sort code: 83-33-00

Account number: 10191867

If you prefer to send a cheque please contact our treasurer Maureen

Japp on 01383 725967 or by email at [email protected]

Please also contact Maureen to gift aid donations.

If you want to join our group or learn more about it contact our chair,

David Hambley, at 01383 872739 or at [email protected] or

see our page on the parish website.

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| Parish news roundup


Ben Croucher, one of our intrepid altar servers, wanted to do a cycle

round Loch Leven as part of his Lenten Promise this year and set up a

go fund me page for donations to MND Scotland in memory of his

Grandad, Mike Aitken. Obviously with covid they were not able to do

the cycle in April but it has now taken place. Ben rode around Loch

Leven with his Dad Graham, Eilidh Cosgrove, Eilidh’s grandad John

Turner and Bryan Johnston Eilidh’s Stepdad and they have raised £460

for MND Scotland. It was a lovely day and he's feeling fair chuffed with

himself. Ben wanted the Parishioners to know what he'd been doing to

celebrate his Grandad’s life. Well done to Ben and to all his support

team too – Eilidh, Graham, John and Bryan and to Claire, Sheila, Grace

and Andrew who supported by having tea and scones at Loch Leven



The Men’s Group are continuing to hosting meetings by means of


On Sunday's at 11am there is a gathering for coffee after Mass and on

Thursday evenings starting at 7:30pm there is a social quiz evening.

These events are open to all parishioners.

To find out how to join them please email Tom Scott on

[email protected].


People have been asking how to continue to support the parish.

Please only do so if you are able to do so, do not put yourself into any

hardship. If you are able, standing order forms are available on the

parish website. If you have internet banking you can use this. The Bank

account details are The Bank details for St Margaret’s are: sort code: 80

06 55 Account 00720303. Holy Name: sort code 83 33 00 account

number 00176355.

The Archdiocese has also set up a way to donate online using your

debit or credit card. Donations can also be made electronically by

using the following secure links:

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For St Margaret’s, Dunfermline



For Holy Name, Oakley



But please, do not put yourself into any hardship.

Some people were kind enough to drop their collection envelopes

through the door. Thank you for this but please follow advice to stay at

home as much as possible (you can save them up!).


We have received payment from HMRC for the Gift Aid Claim for

2019/2020. St Margaret’s received £18,500.51 and Holy Name

£4,346.16. The claim on the loose plate collection has still to be

received. Thanks to all who participate in the Gift Aid Scheme. It is of

great benefit to the parish at no extra cost to you. If you do pay UK Tax

and do not already participate please contact me for a form.


If you aren’t receiving the weekly newsletter by email. Please send an

email to [email protected] and you will be added to

the distribution list.

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| Special Messages for this week


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| Mass Parts



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| Hymn for this Sunday



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Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Hymn for this Sunday


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Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| 6th August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord



Copyright: Ateliers et Presse de Taize

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Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| 6th August: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord



MATTHEW 17:1–9

Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John

and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was

transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his

clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly there appeared to them

Moses and Elijah, talking with him. Then Peter said to Jesus, ‘Lord, it is

good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one

for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ While he was still speaking,

suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a

voice said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen

to him!’ When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were

overcome by fear. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Get up

and do not be afraid.’ And when they looked up, they saw no one

except Jesus himself alone.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus ordered them, ‘Tell no

one about the vision until after the Son of Man has been raised from the
