7 Parade COMMUNITY NEWS DURHAM CAN News A CANdid Conversation with Durham CAN’s Theo Luebke Neighbor and fellow Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods) member Kristin Bradley-Bull catches up with Theo Luebke about his pas- sion for WHH and Durham CAN. Neighborhood where you were born? Watts-Hillandale in 1979. Treasured Watts-Hillandale childhood memory? Fishing golf balls out of Ellerbe Creek and selling them to golfers passing by. This was in the ‘80s before the creek had been cleaned up so who knows what else was in there! Favorite CAN experience? The wildly successful school board candidates’ forum in 2006 with over 80 people from all parts of the city repre- senting different organizations and backgrounds in one room. It was phenomenal. The candidates were blown away. They said it was the most energetic, dynamic, diverse crowd they had seen at any of the forums. And they were impressed by our discipline, organization, diversity, and involvement of young people. Why are you dedicating your precious time to CAN, and why should other Watts-Hillandalers consider doing the same? CAN is one of the most successful community organizing groups in Durham -- if not the state of North Carolina. In CAN, you build relationships and friendships that are life changing and that change our city. It’s exciting, and we get things done that truly improve the lives of people in Durham. Like what? Living wages, less lead in the environment, more responsive government, more health care access, safer housing and neighborhoods, and a school system administration that listens. There are people who talk about these issues in Durham and people who can and do get things done. Being involved is so inspiring, and it is essential that this neighborhood be part of CAN and part of creating a bet- ter Durham. For more information on CAN, please contact neighbor Shanon Schuster (416-1585; [email protected] u.edu ) or go to http://durhamcan.org . Congratulations to all the Graduating Kids In The ‘Hood! Diana Ciompi, Riverside High School —will attend UNC- Greensboro Christina Ghezzo, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School (boarding school in Georgia) —will attend: Georgia Tech Carrie Gilbert, Riverside —will attend UNC-Asheville Iris Gottlieb, Riverside —will attend Eckerd College Noah Lavine, NCSSM —will attend Haverford College Paul Mayer, Riverside —will attend Villanova University Jonathan Pattishall, Jordan High —will attend UNC-Chapel Hill Max Rose, NCSSM, —will attend UNC-Chapel Hill Molly Sandick, Durham School of the Arts —will attend UC Berkeley Adam Shiflett, Riverside —will attend Appalachian State Justine Williams, George Washington University with a BA in anthropology and photography —will be an intern with Food and Water Watch, a DC non-profit that does research and public infor- mation regarding ....food and water! Kriddie Whittmore, Riverside —will attend Guilford College July 4 58th Annual WHHNA Fourth Of July Parade! 10 A.M. — Meet At Oval Park July 17 Neighborhood Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. at the home of Tom Miller, 1110 Virginia Avenue Aug 1 DEADLINE for September Issue of PARADE, contact Editor Karen Stark: k spc i@juno .c om Aug 21 Neighborhood Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. at the home of Sherri Rosenthal, 2205 Wilson Street Sept 18 Neighborhood Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. at the home of Gus Beck, 2128 Sunset All meetings are held the evening of the third Tuesday of the month. If you need a ride, please call one of the board members and s/he will be glad to pick you up and take you home. Calendar of Events ============= ============= 2 Parade Have you recently moved to the neigh- borhood? Are you moving away? We would love to hear from you. Contact annef air chi ld@nc .r r .c om to be featured in the next Comings and Goings. Ginny Shares 50 Year WHHN History B Y K AREN M C P HAUL (Editor’s Note: The centennial anniversary of the Watts Hospital- Hillandale neighborhood is coming up in 2008. Leading up to then, the next issues of PARADE will feature the stories and histo- ries of longtime residents.) If you had lived in the neighborhood for almost 60 years, you might think you would have seen a world of changes go by. But think again. According to Virginia (“Ginny”) Jordan, who moved to Englewood Avenue in 1950, the more things have changed, the more they have stayed the same in Watts Hospital-Hillandale. Ginny says that in the 1950s, much like today, the neighborhood was “a mix of working class and professional people.” She can easily recall the names and professions of her neighbors through the years: doctors, professors, and owners and employees of local businesses. Some built their homes and were the original occupants, but like today, many others bought, sold, and rented, coming and going as jobs changed and families grew. Ginny knows the names of the children who grew up in nearby houses and can tell you where many of them are today and what they are doing. She keeps in touch with them through Christmas cards and e-mail. Ginny’s personal history follows the course of our state’s postwar rural to urban shift. She grew up on a small farm in eastern North Carolina and moved to Durham in the late 1940s, along with her older sister Polly, whose job at Fort Bragg had ended with the close of World War II. Ginny and Polly found administrative jobs at Duke, and were soon joined by their mother and younger sister Muriel, who enrolled as a resident student at the Watts School of Nursing at Watts Hospital. The family purchased the house on Englewood in March 1950. It has been home to Ginny ever since—and a favorite gathering spot for an extended family of nieces, nephews and cousins. One change Ginny has noticed over the years has to do with neighborhood transportation options. Local histories tell us that in the early1900s, trolleys rolled up and down Club Boulevard (then “E” Street). By 1950, Ginny says, “the neighborhood had excellent bus service” with buses stopping every 15 minutes at the corner of Rosehill and Englewood, just two doors down from her house. It was not uncommon to live without a car or with just one car per family (which explains our small driveways!) and to rely on city bus service to get to work, grocery shop and run other errands. Ginny recalls the days when “you knew all your neighbors,” those days before central air-conditioning, when residents spent more time on front porches talking with one another. But even with her front porch now enclosed to make an extra bedroom, Ginny is still interacting with her neigh- bors, and still getting to know the youngsters around her. She recently befriended her next-door neighbor, Yumi, taking the 10-year-old and her mom out for a Japanese dinner. Maybe what hasn’t changed through all these years isn’t so much the neighborhood, but Ginny herself—and the presence of many great neighbors like her among us. Comings & Goings Anne Beatty and Adam Graham-Squire bought 1428 Pennsylvania Avenue in July of last year. Adam is in the math graduate program at UNC- CH and Anne is in grad school at Duke-- finishing up this summer with her MAT. She will be teach- ing English at Northern High School in the fall. They live with a dog, two cats, and two house- mates-- a full house! Seth Vidal and Eunice Chang moved away from 2007 Woodrow st. in the middle of April and relo- cated to Carrboro. Dave Love and Wendy Legerton bought Jean Savage's old house at 2116 Englewood last sum- mer. They had been renting for a good while in the Trinity Heights neighborhood and decided it was time to buy. Dave is doing a post doc at UNC's School of Public Health and Wendy is a grad stu- dent at NC State in Architecture. Dave says he's interested in starting some kick-ball games in the park (that is if he has time with his new yard work responsibilities as a homeowner) so shoot him an email If interested! d lo v e@emai l.unc .edu After several months of hard work Laura Bowen and Kurt Pivko will be moving into 1508 Oakland ave.(Carolyn Swanson's old house). Laura and Kurt came here from Kingsport, Tennessee where Laura was doing her residency in family medi- cine. They say they loved the area and were lucky to find work here. Laura works at Triangle Family Practice and Kurt is using his artistic skills to ren- ovate their home. Kurt just received his degree in art. He specializes in metalsmithing and wood turning. A B

WEDDINGS AT ST. ALBAN’S · Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been

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Page 1: WEDDINGS AT ST. ALBAN’S · Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been

A Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas

305 North 30th Street Waco, Texas 76710

Tel. 254-752-1773 Fax 254-752-7843 www.stalbanswaco.org



Page 2: WEDDINGS AT ST. ALBAN’S · Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been


Rev. May 26, 2020

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Marriage: A Union of Heart, Body, and Mind On behalf of the clergy, vestry, members, and staff of St. Alban’s, I congratulate you on your engagement to be married! The staff and members of the Church look forward to supporting you as you take this important step. Your wedding will be a highlight of your life together and we wish to assist you not only in making sure that the ceremony is a reflection of true Christian joy but also in establishing a firm foundation on which you can live life together after your wedding day. These guidelines will answer many questions you might have concerning your wedding. However, before we move on to a discussion of pre-marital counseling and other important elements in wedding preparation and planning, take a moment to reflect on marriage itself. A wedding ceremony takes place on just one day, while a marriage is meant to last a lifetime. The marriage ceremony itself also helps us to understand what a Christian marriage is intended to be. God invented marriage. It is a lifelong covenant between the husband and wife—and God. This union of heart, body, and mind between two people is the part of the human experience that most closely connects us to the life-giving relationship that exists among the Persons of the Triune God. Marriage is also an experience of deep joy. Remember that God instituted marriage in Genesis 2, before the Fall in Genesis 3. That means marriage was part of God’s original good creation. By getting married, you get to taste part of that. As sinful human beings, however, marriage will be challenging. Thankfully, through the grace of God, the forgiveness we have in Jesus Christ, and the ongoing power of the Holy Spirit in you, God has given you the “fuel in the tank” for your lifetime together. I encourage you to turn to page 423 of the Book of Common Prayer (the source for all worship services in the Episcopal Church) to familiarize yourself with the words of the marriage ceremony. If you are receiving these instructions in the mail, a photocopy of the service should be enclosed. The Prayer Book is also available on-line (Go to www.bcponline.org and click on “Pastoral Offices,” then look for the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage). My first request of couples is to read through the service as a couple and to discuss its meaning. The words at the exchange of the vows and the exchange of rings merit particular attention. You will be in my prayers as you prepare to enter into the bond and covenant of marriage. Yours, in Christ,

The Rev. Aaron M. G. Zimmerman Rector

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Practical Considerations The following guidelines have been prepared to answer many basic questions concerning weddings at St. Alban’s. Some are merely procedural while others reflect the canonical requirements of the Episcopal Church. As you plan your wedding ceremony, please bear in mind that a wedding places considerable demands upon this parish, its staff, and its volunteer laypersons. We have developed these guidelines so that all involved may be treated fairly. Who May be Married at St. Alban’s: It is the general policy of this parish that only active and current members may be married here. This policy recognizes two facts: First, St. Alban’s is not merely a beautiful building; it is a community of Christians seeking to follow Christ and help others to do the same. Second, Christian marriage is something done in the context of a Church community—not merely a ceremony to “get done.” If you do not have a church home and are thinking about getting married we would love to talk with you and welcome you to join St. Alban’s. We recommend that you come and take part in Sunday worship and in the life of this community for several months to determine if this is where you would like to live out your faith following your wedding. Our clergy or our Connections Coordinator, Rebekah Stille, would be happy to talk with you about membership. Please call the church office at (254) 752-1773 or contact us at [email protected]. Holy Baptism: In order to be married in the Episcopal Church, at least one of the parties must be a baptized Christian. The Episcopal Church recognizes all baptisms which have been done with water and in the name of the Holy Trinity (The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit). The Declaration of Intention: The purpose of Christian marriage is stated in the “Declaration of Intention” from the canons of the Episcopal Church. This Declaration states “we do solemnly declare that we hold marriage to be a lifelong union of husband and wife as it is set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. We believe that the union of husband and wife, in heart, body, and mind, is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity; and when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the Lord. And we do engage ourselves, so far as in us lies, to make our utmost effort to establish this relationship and to seek God’s help thereto.” Both parties must affirm and sign this statement, no less than thirty days prior to the wedding. The canons of the Episcopal Church state that “It shall be within the discretion of any Minister of this Church to decline to solemnize any marriage.” Such action may be taken if the priest thinks that the couple does not intend to build a Christian marriage. For this reason, counseling sessions must be completed and the Celebrant should have given consent to perform the ceremony prior to any invitations being mailed.

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Timing and Deadlines: If you are considering a wedding at St. Alban’s, please contact the church as soon as possible. We ask that you do not schedule reception and rehearsal dinner venues until you have confirmed the date with the church. Please contact the church at least 4 months before your proposed wedding date. St. Alban’s requires a four (4) counseling sessions with a priest. These sessions must be completed at least twelve weeks prior to the wedding. St. Alban’s does not conduct weddings during the following times:

• The season of Advent (the four weeks prior to Christmas) • The month of December (including Christmas and New Years’ Eve) • The Season of Lent (roughly the 50 days before Easter) • Holy Week (the week before Easter) and the weekend of Easter

Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been proven to be of great assistance to couples. Generally premarital counseling involves four sessions. There may be more sessions should the couple desire them or the counselor require them. In addition to discussing the purpose of Christian marriage and the role of faith in a couple’s relationship, these sessions will help clarify what you expect from one another and give you the opportunity to express feelings, values and opinions. Areas of strength in the relationship will be identified and discussed. Also, the sessions will focus on issues identified as growth areas. Each session generally takes about 60 minutes and occurs during church office hours, M-F, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Marriage of Divorced Persons: The Episcopal Church does allow remarriage of divorced persons, but strict guidelines must be followed. This process takes time and divorced persons contemplating marriage must take this into account in making their plans. The counseling should be undertaken first and then a date for the wedding should be set. It is necessary that the Bishop give consent to the remarriage and diocesan guidelines state that no date for marriage should be firmly set and none announced until consent has been received from the Bishop. The priest who will solemnize your marriage will write the Bishop and will inform you of the Bishop’s decision. The letter to the Bishop must be mailed at least thirty days prior to the proposed date of the wedding. For obvious reasons, it is better to write the Bishop much sooner than thirty days prior to the proposed wedding date. In order to do this you must begin the premarital counseling process in a timely fashion. You should bring your copy of the final divorce decree to the first counseling session, along with a copy for the Church’s files. In addition to the premarital counseling process described above, the canons require that adequate continuing concern be shown for the previous spouse(s) and any children. Diocesan guidelines state that it is reasonable that at least one calendar year has elapsed since the date(s) of the final decree/s and the

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submission of the Petition. Exceptions are possible, but only if a minimum of 18 months’ uninterrupted separation has occurred. If any other minister of the Episcopal Church has declined to solemnize the proposed marriage this must be made known to the priest of this parish who is considering your marriage. It is required that the minister who is contemplating your marriage consult with the one who declined to solemnize it. In the case where either party has had a second divorce the application for the Bishop’s consent shall not be made (a) unless one year has passed since the final divorce decree, (b) unless both parties to the proposed marriage have sought and received professional marriage counseling, and (c) until the counselor has reported to the minister the belief that the two persons asking for permission to marry are, in the opinion of the counselor, adequately prepared for a lifelong union. This professional counseling shall be in addition to the counseling described above and performed by a priest of this parish (or someone appointed by a priest of this parish). In the Diocese of Texas, clergy are not permitted to solemnize a marriage in which one or both of the parties has had three or more divorces. Blessing of a Civil Marriage: For couples who have already had a civil marriage (by an officer of the state, such as a Justice of the Peace) but who would like their marriage blessed, the Book of Common Prayer offers a service called “The Blessing of a Civil Marriage.” If you would like to discuss this option, please contact the Rector. The Marriage License: Texas law requires that you obtain a marriage license from McLennan County clerk’s office or any other county clerk’s office in the State of Texas. This license may be delivered to the Church one week prior to the wedding, but no later than at the rehearsal. Costs: St. Alban’s Episcopal Church does not profit from weddings. However, fees are required to help offset expenses. The clergy do not charge or require a fee, although a thank-offering (or honorarium) is customarily given to the Officiant. This is traditionally offered by the groom on behalf of the couple. When an offering is made it may be given directly to the priest. The amount is a matter of the couple’s discretion. Please see the current listing of fees on the bottom of the wedding day questionnaire. If any of the fees present a legitimate hardship, please speak to the Officiant so that other arrangements can be discussed.

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Planning for the Ceremony and the Reception After the counseling is finished the wedding ceremony itself may be planned. Typically, time is set aside to discuss this at the last counseling session. To avoid a stressful schedule during the month leading up to your wedding it is best that counseling be completed eight weeks prior to the ceremony. As noted, counseling should be completed prior to the mailing of invitations. By Canon, the Celebrant is not able to give consent to perform the ceremony until the counseling is complete. Basic Questions: Here are some basic questions to help you make choices about a number of aspects of the ceremony.

1. Which lessons would you like to use (refer to the Book of Common Prayer for suggested readings or to Appendix A)? At least one reading must be selected, but we encourage couples to choose three: an Old Testament lesson, a New Testament Lesson, and a Gospel reading. You may also choose a psalm. If your service includes Holy Communion, a Gospel reading must be included.

2. The St. Alban’s clergyperson who officiates your wedding will offer a brief homily. If you would like to ask a different minister to preach, please discuss with the Rector.

3. Will the service include Holy Communion? This is not required. 4. Do you want hymns or only instrumental music? (Secular music is not permitted.)

Couples will meet with the organist to assist in selection of music; 5. Who you would like to read the scripture lessons? (It is recommended that you

choose people to read, rather than the Celebrant.) 6. If there is Communion, who you would like to serve as an acolyte? 7. Who would you like to serve as chalice bearers if there is Communion? Music: After the completion of pre-marital counseling, the couple is to set an appointment with the St. Alban’s Director of Music to discuss music for the service. You will need to meet at least four to eight weeks prior to the wedding, so please take this into account when you are scheduling counseling sessions. Music at a wedding follows the standards for music in the public worship of the Episcopal Church. Final approval of the music rests with the Rector (or with the Officiant of the service as approved by the Rector) following consultation with the Director of Music. Other instrumentalists and soloists may be used, provided our organist agrees and assists in the planning. All instrumentalists and soloists must be approved by our organist/choirmaster. There is an additional fee if other musicians are used for the service and will be accompanied by our organist/choirmaster. (Please see the fee schedule in Appendix B.) It is expected that the current organist of this parish will provide music for all services, including weddings. Final approval of the music rests with the Rector following consultation with the Church’s organist. The organist at St. Alban’s functions as the liaison with outside musicians and a list of the music for the

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service should be submitted for approval to the Church through our organist/choirmaster. Altar Guild: The Altar Guild will prepare the church for all weddings. The Altar Guild is informed of all weddings by the Wedding Coordinator, and advised of the duties they will need to perform. Wedding Coordinator: St. Alban’s has a designated wedding coordinator team to assist the couple with making arrangements. This is a volunteer or team of volunteers and not a wedding consultant (which is a person hired by the couple to facilitate the wedding arrangements. If you hire a wedding consultant, please be sure to inform the Officiant. The Officiant will also be happy to confer with the consultant prior to the wedding and the rehearsal to answer any questions.). The volunteer wedding coordinator will be on the church premises during the rehearsal and during the wedding day preparations to assist you. A word about Visiting Clergy, Flowers, Candles, Photographs, etc. An Episcopal wedding is a service of public worship and follows the liturgy of the church. The marriage services authorized by the Episcopal Church are straightforward, and the details of the ceremony are arranged to reflect those qualities. All weddings in this parish will be conducted by the Rector (or other priest on staff) or by someone approved by the Rector. The rehearsal will be conducted by the priest who will solemnize your marriage. The designated Church volunteer mentioned above will serve as wedding coordinator. Ministers of other parishes and/or different denominations may participate and assist when requested by the couple and when invited by the Rector. Please do not extend an invitation to another minister without first consulting the Rector. Fresh flowers will be placed either in a single central vase or in two vases on the right and left sides of the altar. Fresh flowers may also be affixed to pews to designate reserved seating. These are ordered by the bridal couple and delivered to the church. No other flowers are used in the Church, except those bouquets carried by the actual bridal party. Flowers on the altar are given as a gift to the Glory of God in His Church, and will remain on the altar following the wedding ceremony. No artificial flowers or greenery may be used. Flowers for the bride, ushers, etc., are your responsibility and are not handled by the Altar Guild. The only candles necessary are the candelabras on the altar, the Paschal Candle, and the Eucharistic candles (the two large candles on the altar). No photographs, with or without a flash, are allowed prior to or during the ceremony by members of the congregation. A photographer may be stationed in the balcony and take photographs during the ceremony, provided no flash is used. Usually photographs

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are taken after the service and it is suggested that the couple have a list drawn up of each picture that needs to be taken so that the session may be expedited. A video camera, without lights, may be stationed in the balcony to capture the ceremony. Wedding Day Form to be sent to arrange for opening of building and use of facilities: Please send the form to the Parish Administrator, Hilary Gardner, at [email protected]. She will meet with the bride to go over arrangements for building use, organist, the services of our sexton, and other services. Dressing Rooms: The bride and her attendants may use Higgins Chapel for a dressing room. Higgins Chapel contains a bathroom, hanging rack, and a full-length mirror. The groom and his attendants may use the Library. Please do not leave valuables unattended in these rooms. Security: Please note that we do not provide security to direct parking or to keep an eye on belongings during the wedding. All valuables should be removed from the building and locked in the trunk of your car before the ceremony begins. Receptions at the Church: We encourage the use of our facilities for the reception, provided it does not conflict with other parish functions. An extra fee does apply. Alcohol Policy

• No alcoholic refreshments are to be consumed by members of the bridal party prior to the wedding anywhere on church property.

• Beer and wine may be served in the Parish Hall for a reception. Hard liquor may not be served per the policy of the Diocese of Texas.

• Those under 21 years of age may not be served, and there must be clear signage indicating that those under 21 will not be served.

• Per Diocese of Texas policy, non-alcoholic beverage options of sufficient quality and quantity must be provided.

Exceptions to any of these policies for wedding receptions must conform to the parish guidelines. The alcohol policies are non-negotiable. Please speak with the Officiant of your wedding if you have any questions about this. Rice, which is hazardous to the birds if ingested, may not be used. While our sexton will be engaged to clean up, groomsmen and bridesmaids should pick up after themselves. Food and all trash should be disposed of properly.

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Programs: St. Alban’s will be glad to provide a program for the service. We only ask that you do the proof reading. All materials for the program (such as names of family members and members of the bridal party) should be sent to the wedding coordinator no later than three weeks before the service. Please see the attached sample bulletin (Appendix C) for a guide to format. Suggested Timeline:

• 12 to 9 months from desired wedding date: contact the church office; the Rector will contact you to set a date for ceremony and for premarital counseling. Where there is a divorce, more time may be necessary at this phase.

• 6 to 9 months prior to the ceremony: counseling undertaken. • 3 months prior to ceremony: counseling should be completed; obtain marriage

license; plan ceremony with Celebrant and wedding coordinator, and then meet with Director of Music.

• 1 month prior to ceremony: file finalized plans for ceremony with Church. Return all forms to Wedding Coordinator - Attn: Hilary Gardner (she will make a copy of appendix B for the Altar Guild) and send all fees to the church office.

Contact Information: St. Alban’s Parish Administrator: Hilary Gardner (254) 752-1773 or [email protected] Hilary will put you in contact with the Rector. This should be your first call. Hilary will also go over the fees, policies and coordinate the building use, organist, sexton and carillonneur, if desired.

Rector: The Rev. Aaron M. G. Zimmerman [email protected] Assistant Rector: The Rev. Neal Scott McGowan [email protected] A member of the clergy will answer your initial questions and set up pre-marital counseling. Director of Music: Mr. Eugene Lavery [email protected] Please schedule a meeting with the Director of Music to discuss music for the service. Only sacred music may be used for weddings in the church; all musical selections must be approved by the Rector in consultation with the Director of Music.

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Appendix A: Suggested readings From the Book of Common Prayer, p. 426 The Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 1:26-28 (Male and female he created them) Genesis 2:4-9, 15-24 (A man cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh) Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 8:6-7 (Many waters cannot quench love) Tobit 8:5b-8 (New English Bible) (That she and I may grow old together) Between the Readings, a Psalm, hymn, or anthem may be sung or said. Appropriate Psalms are 67, 127, and 128. The Epistle: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (Love is patient and kind) Ephesians 3:14-19 (The Father from whom every family is named) Ephesians 5:1-2, 21-33 (Walk in love, as Christ loved us) Colossians 3:12-17 (Love which binds everything together in harmony) 1 John 4:7-16 (Let us love one another for love is of God) If there is to be a Communion, a passage from the Gospel always concludes the Readings. The Gospel: Matthew 5:1-10 (The Beatitudes) Matthew 5:13-16 (You are the light . . . Let your light so shine) Matthew 7:21, 24-29 (Like a wise man who built his house upon the rock) Mark 10:6-9, 13-16 (They are no longer two but one) John 15:9-12 (Love one another as I have loved you)

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Appendix B: Wedding Information Form To be completed with the Parish Administrator Wedding of (please use full names) bride _________________________________ and

groom ____________________________________

Date of Ceremony:___________________________________ Time:___________

Date of Rehearsal:___________________________________ Time:___________

Bride contact info: phone: ___________________ email:______________________

Groom contact info: phone: ___________________ email:______________________

Bride’s Address: ___________________________________________________________

Groom’s Address: ___________________________________________________________

Parents of Bride:_____________________________________________________

Parents of Groom:____________________________________________________

Preferred Officiant (we will try to honor your choice, but will be determined based on

availability): ___________________________________________________________



Wedding Consultant: _________________________________________________

Communion: (yes or no) ______ If yes - number to prepare:__________________

Crucifer: (yes or no)_________ If yes - name:______________________________


No flash photography is allowed in the church. Photos (with no flash or sound) may be taken from the balcony, the narthex (lobby), or from the rear of the nave (not past the 5th pew from the back). A flash may be used in the Narthex or dressing areas. Please remind your guests no photos may be taken during the service.

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Rehearsal: Most rehearsals are held at 5 p.m. the evening before the wedding. All parties are expected to attend including the Wedding Consultant if one has been hired. Candles lit?: (yes or no) ______

Altar Flowers: One or two vases only, to be ordered by wedding party and delivered to the church. Pew markers may include flowers. NO ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Flowers on the altar must remain in the church. Only live flowers can be used in the church. Flowers must remain on the altar for the church service on the following Sunday. One or two arrangements maybe used. An arrangement may not go above the cross over the back altar. There is a brass oblong container to hold a 33-inch arrangement (11 x 6 in. on the inside, 5.5 in. tall). Two arrangements may also be used. St. Alban’s has brass footed vases that hold arrangements about 31 inches tall. They use a liner base about 14.5 inches around and 4.5 inches tall. (All of St. Alban’s brass vases require liners.) Flowers may also be placed in the Narthex and may be removed by the wedding party after the service. Personal vases may be used for this arrangement. What time will the florist deliver flowers?_________________________________

Number of Pews needed marked off each side: (fit up to 8, 6 comfortably) ________

The Church will be unlocked two hours before the ceremony. If this is does not fit with your plans, please speak with the wedding coordinator to see if other arrangements can be made. Is two hours adequate? yes___ no___

Bride and/or bridesmaids dressing here? (yes or no)_______ How many?________

(Bridal party to dress in Higgins Parlor.)

Groom and/or groomsmen dressing here (yes or no)_______ How many?________

(Groom and groomsmen to dress in the Library unless reception to be held there. If so, an alternative will be provided.) Would you like the Church to prepare and print your bulletin? (yes or no)__________If yes, please see attached form. Do you plan to have a reception in the Parish Hall? (yes or no) _____

Page 15: WEDDINGS AT ST. ALBAN’S · Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been


If so, how many guests? ________

If so, who is your caterer? (Name, contact person, phone)________________________

What time does the Parish Hall need to be open for decorating? _____________.

Will you want to display images, graphics, or video on the screens in the Parish Hall?

(yes or no)_________

If using the Parish Hall for your reception, will you be serving alcohol at the reception?

(yes or no) ____________

St. Alban’s Alcohol Policy: When alcohol is served, it must be monitored and those showing signs of intoxication should not be served. Only beer and/or wine may be served. Hard liquor is not permitted. Attractive non-alcoholic beverages must be provided with equal prominence and accessibility. Whenever alcohol is served, a certified server is required at each location where alcohol is served. If minors are present, the alcohol must be served at a separate station that is monitored at all times to prevent underage drinking. Whenever alcohol is served, food must be present as well. Please sign below to acknowledge you have received, read, understand, and agree to abide by our alcohol policy: Signature__________________________________________________ The Clergy or Sexton will arrive on the day of the service to give access to the bridal parties, florist, etc. The Altar Guild will set up for Communion and be sure the church is ready. If photos are to be taken in the sanctuary before the service, the Altar Guild will see the candles are lit. Before the service begins, all of the belongings of the wedding party must be removed from the dressing areas. Please designate someone to oversee this task. Once the service begins, the doors to the dressing room will be locked. Fees must be paid before the event is officially scheduled and placed on the church calendar. Church: No Fee

Page 16: WEDDINGS AT ST. ALBAN’S · Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been


Organist: $300 (Optional) Soloist: $250 (Optional) Sexton: $100 if only using church; $200 if using church and Parish Hall. Parish Hall Damage Deposit: $500 for Parish Hall; $750 for Parish Hall and Kitchen (This fee only applies if using Parish Hall) Higgins Chapel and Library Damage Deposit: $100 (Optional) Carillonneur: $100 (optional) Any additional soloists or instrumentalists must be contracted directed with the musician and paid directly to the musician. A list of soloists approved by St. Alban’s, with their contact information and fees, can be provided. The wedding party is responsible for contacting and contracting these musicians.

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Appendix C: Bulletin Information Form



Old Testament Lesson: _______________________________________________

Gradual Hymn: ______________________________________________________

New Testament (Epistle) Lesson_________________________________________


The Gospel Lesson:___________________________________________________

Homilist (typically the officiant) __________________________________________



Hymn during altar preparation: __________________________________________

Communion Hymn:___________________________________________________

Would you like the altar flowers to be given in memory of any family?



Would you like Reception directions to be included on the back?




Page 18: WEDDINGS AT ST. ALBAN’S · Premarital Counseling: Counseling by the priest who will solemnize the marriage (or by someone approved by that priest) is required by canon and has been


Would you like the couple’s address listed on the back?




Maid of Honor ___________________________________________________________

Matron of Honor _________________________________________________________

Flower girl _______________________________________________________________

Bridesmaids _____________________________________________________________




Best Man ________________________________________________________________

Ring Bearer ______________________________________________________________

Groomsmen _____________________________________________________________




Ushers __________________________________________________________________




Soloist __________________________________________________________________