Pathways | Volume 41 Number 17 | 1 Wednesday 30 th October, 2019 From the Principal I’ve recently spoken with our students about the notion of resilience. Life being as it is, is never always smooth sailing. We endure the ebb and flow of the tides and the waves that pitch high and low depending on the ‘conditions’. Being resilient enough to navigate such life conditions will only hold young people in good stead in the long run. Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from life challenges. It results in individuals having the skills to steer the shi p in a different direction if the waters are treacherous. Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching kids to fail and then recover is easier when they are 10 than when they are 30. So if we don’t teach them about resilience when they are younger we are not really helping them.” Michael Grose is one of Australia’s foremost experts in relation to childhood development. He suggest that the keys to building resilient children lies in the following: Spirit Temperament and in born characteristics count! Self-esteem Telflon kids against rejection Skills The big 4 independence, problem solving, social skills and optimism Support The power of ONE resilient adult in children’s lives is huge Stuff Kids experiences of every day ‘upsets’ help them deal with major challenges that inevitably happen For more information check out Michael Grose’s website – www.parentingideas.com.au. Year 6 Canberra Trip Last week our Year 6 students travelled to Canberra for their annual excursion. The reports I have had from Mr Bakker and Mrs Bester suggest that the children were fantastic and had a terrific time! Highlights vary according to different children; however, it seems a common highlight was visiting Questacon Science and Technology Centre. WELL DONE YEAR 6! Thank you for representing our school and community so admirably. FAITH FORMATION Have you ever felt as if you have too many things to do and not enough time to do them? Sometimes it may seem that way that there are just too many demands on our time and we just can’t meet them all. Time is a gift from God. 24 hours in every day. How we use our time and where we put our priorities is our response to this gift. God gives us enough time for what’s important but often we use our time to focus on less important things, frivolously wasting this precious gift. Often we are focused on earthly things such as having fun and doing what feels good, having the latest gadgets, getting Volume 41 Number 17 Email: [email protected]

Wednesday 30th October, 2019 From the Principal...Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching

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Page 1: Wednesday 30th October, 2019 From the Principal...Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching

Pathways | Volume 41 Number 17 | 1

Wednesday 30th October, 2019

From the Principal I’ve recently spoken with our students about the notion of resilience. Life being as it is, is never always smooth sailing. We endure the ebb and flow of the tides and the waves that pitch high and low depending on the ‘conditions’. Being resilient enough to navigate such life conditions will only hold young people in good stead in the long run. Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from life challenges. It results in individuals having the skills to steer the ship in a different direction if the waters are treacherous. Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching kids to fail and then recover is easier when they are 10 than when they are 30. So if we don’t teach them about resilience when they are younger we are not really helping them.” Michael Grose is one of Australia’s foremost experts in relation to childhood development. He suggest that the keys to building resilient children lies in the following:

Spirit Temperament and in born characteristics count!

Self-esteem Telflon kids against rejection

Skills The big 4 – independence, problem solving, social skills and optimism

Support The power of ONE resilient adult in children’s lives is huge

Stuff Kids experiences of every day ‘upsets’ help them deal with major challenges that inevitably happen

For more information check out Michael Grose’s website – www.parentingideas.com.au.

Year 6 Canberra Trip

Last week our Year 6 students travelled to Canberra for their annual excursion. The reports I have had from Mr

Bakker and Mrs Bester suggest that the children were fantastic and had a terrific time! Highlights vary according to

different children; however, it seems a common highlight was visiting Questacon Science and Technology Centre.

WELL DONE YEAR 6! Thank you for representing our school and community so admirably.


Have you ever felt as if you have too many things to do and not enough time to do them? Sometimes it may seem that way – that there are just too many demands on our time and we just can’t meet them all. Time is a gift from God. 24 hours in every day. How we use our time and where we put our priorities is our response to this gift. God gives us enough time for what’s important but often we use our time to focus on less important things, frivolously wasting this precious gift. Often we are focused on earthly things such as having fun and doing what feels good, having the latest gadgets, getting

Volume 41 Number 17 Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Wednesday 30th October, 2019 From the Principal...Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching

Pathways | Volume 41 Number 17 | 2

lots of money, rather than focusing on things of lasting eternal value. These things in themselves aren’t wrong, but can become so important to us that they overshadow what is of lasting value. The book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible states “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.” And in the New Testament God’s people are urged to “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5: 5, 16 This month is “Random Acts of Kindness” month in schools throughout the Bundaberg region. Let’s take the opportunity to show kindness, because there is always time to be kind even if it’s as simple as giving a smile or a kind word!! Thank you for working in partnership with us.

Grace and peace

Mr Chris Mallett


Pastor’s “Blessings to Give” May God’s love

make you brave and strong.

Trust in Him to help and defend you. Amen.

Remember you are welcome in the Father's presence;

You have been given access through the Son;

You are invited by the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Wayne George

St John’s Lutheran Church

Curriculum Connections


As the end of the school year draws near many of our students are getting tired which means, at times, we do not

show as much resilience as we normally would. There are a few ways we can assist our children to get through to

the holidays and maintain their usually high levels of engagement and resilience at both home and school.

1. Keep up the routine at home before and after school – children love routine and thrive when they know

what to expect.

2. Maintain a suitable bedtime for the age of your child – we all cope better when we are well rested.

3. Get your children moving – even a small amount of physical activity each day after school is proven to

have great benefits for keeping us well balanced and motivated in all areas of life.

4. Be kind to one another – understand that everyone is getting tired, even your children. Try and remain

calm and supportive whilst maintaining expectations.

5. Be prepared – try and be organized ahead of time for upcoming events. You may like to write a list of

things you need to make or purchase so you can arrange a time to pick these up well in advance of the


Above all, stay positive and keep your eye on just how much everyone has achieved this year. We have all had a

great year and now is the time to stay strong and stay focused to finish off the year just as well as we started.

Jocelyn Bakker

Director of Learning and Teaching

Page 3: Wednesday 30th October, 2019 From the Principal...Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching

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Student Awards

Congratulations to this fortnight’s award recipients

Prep Jonathan Wriede, Charlotte Hood, Harper Wilkinson, Mia Pearce

Prep/Year 1 Nikith Tarigopula, Lakirah Green, Brieanna Forman-Ikstrums, Chloe Park

Year 1 Hayden Banks, Harrison Costar, Aadhya Shoree, Harry Uhlmann

Year 2 Madison Barrett, Riley Douglas, Charlie McDonald, Jacob Bonney

Year 3 Nikayla Smith, Flynn McMillan, Reegan Jones, Isabella Pohlman, Lilly Warburton

Year 4 Halo Love, Ethan Embrey, Ashleigh Plumridge, Sebella Marano, Edward Rayner, Elloise


Year 5 Abby Stevens, Jayden Dugdell, Mia Smith, Levi Faint, Jordan Kadel, Jenna Knott, Alyssa Smith

Year 6 Sebastian Dexter, Jaryn Gallwey

Music Matthew Heaton, Lincoln Kay, Samuel MacDonald, Mia Smith, Archer Kewley, Rebecca


Around the Grounds – General Notices

Uniform Shop – Opening House

Tuesday 8.15am – 9.00am

Thursday 2.30pm – 3.15pm

If you are unable to come at the above times, please remember that you can send in orders/payments via the class

basket. Just write a short note and send it in an envelope clearly marked ‘Uniform Shop’.

Year 6 Canberra Adventures

On Sunday 13 October, at 8:00am, the bus was boarded by 38 nervous and excited

students along with the adults that would support them through the upcoming 6 day

excursion. After a short wait we boarded our plane bound for Sydney. Following a mostly

smooth flight, ending with a turbulent landing we were ready for the final leg to Canberra.

Upon arrival, rooms were organised, dinner was shared and tired students and adults made

their way to bed to energise for a busy week ahead.

Over the coming days the students visited sites such as Old and New Parliament House, Royal Australian Mint,

Australian War Memorial, Geoscience Centre, Electoral Education Centre, National Museum and Australian Institute

of Sport. The students also enjoyed our night time activities at Iplay, Telstra Tower and the National Dinosaur


This year’s trip was another massive success with students and adults enjoying memorable experiences together as

well as gaining a deeper understanding of a range of concepts.

We would personally like to thank Mr McNamara, Mr Smits, Mrs Mallett and Mrs McKeown for their assistance during

the Canberra excursion. We also need to make mention of the exceptional conduct of all students who travelled. A

number of people made comment to commend the behaviour and attitudes of our St John’s students. WELL DONE!!!!

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National

Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist parents in meeting the cost of the excursion the

Australian Government is contributing funding of $100 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate

(PACER) program toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution will be paid directly to the school upon

Page 4: Wednesday 30th October, 2019 From the Principal...Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching

Pathways | Volume 41 Number 17 | 4

completion of the excursion. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program. We

hope that the excursion was a rewarding experience for all students.

Mr Aaron Bakker & Mrs Elizabeth Bester

Year 6 Teachers


Sprouts is on again this afternoon from 3.15pm – 5.00pm. Students in Years 1-6 from St John’s and

other schools are welcome to attend. Support with afternoon tea is always welcome! Registration Forms

are available from the Church Office. For more information, please contact Tania on 0488 114 468 or

Sandy on 4152 5900.

Parent Fee Accounts

Thank you to those parents who have already paid their school fees for Term 4.

Just a friendly reminder that there are only five weeks left of this term to finalise

your account. If you have any issues or queries please contact Ann on 4132 6888

or [email protected].

Volunteers’ Morning Tea

The staff and students of St John’s would like to say thank you for volunteering your time to help us with the great

variety of programs in our school. If you have volunteered your time to assist us with any of our school programs,

classroom helpers, Friday afternoon interschool sport, etc - you are invited to share in a special morning tea.

Please join us:

When Friday 15 November

Where Under the Mango Tree (after Chapel)

Time 9:30am – 10:30am

RSVP By Wednesday 13 November

Phone 4132 6888

Email [email protected]

St John’s Lutheran Primary School Swimming Carnival Prep – Year 6

Day: Friday 22 November

Time: Junior Carnival 9am – 12.30pm 5 – 8 year olds

Senior Carnival 9am – 2.00pm 9 – 12+ year olds

Venue: Norville Swimming Pool

Please ensure that your children are at school by 8.30am as the buses will depart St John’s at 8.40am sharp.

A separate letter with more information and request for volunteers will be sent home shortly.

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Annual Election Meeting Update

On Wednesday 23rd October we held our Annual Election Meeting. A new executive

committee was elected. I am pleased to announce the new executive committee as follows:

President: Allison Stallan

Secretary: Cassie Heading

Finance Officer: Bernadette Latimer

Executive Members: Lee-Anne Zahn, Heidi Stevens, Danielle Wooldridge and Jennie Walden

I would like to take this time to sincerely thank Tamara Carroll, Cassie Von Blanckensee and Gillian Croft for their

service on the 2018/19 executive committee. Your support, commitment, decision making, discussions and time on

the committee has been invaluable and much appreciated.

On behalf of the executive committee we are looking forward to another year of service on the P&F. Please if you

have any questions or ideas you would like to share with the P&F or would like to become a general member, do not

hesitate to call or email either myself or Cassie.

Allison Stallan Cassie Heading

0401 729 690 0466 640 547

[email protected] [email protected]

Looking forward to another great year, thanking you all for your ongoing support.

Allison Stallan – P&F President

Filling Fast - Prep Enrolments for 2020

Do you have a child who is due to start Prep in 2020?

Is there someone you know who has a child due to start?

Enrolments are filling fast

Contact the office to arrange an appointment and tour of the


Summer Camps 2019

The LYQ (Lutheran Youth of Queensland) are very experienced at organising camps

for children and young people. During the summer 2 camps particularly are held for

children at the Luther Heights Campsite at Coolum Beach.

1. JUNIOR EXPLODE (Sunday 8th Dec – Friday 13th December) this camp is for students in Grades 3-6 and

includes body boarding or surfing, Blast Aqua Park, team challenges, flying fox and high adventure activities.

2. JUNIOR BLAST (Sunday 15th – Friday 20th December) this camp is for students in Grades 3-6 and includes

body boarding, surfing or wakeboarding, Blast Aqua Park, team challenges, flying fox and high adventure


These camps offer time to relax & chill out, surf, sand & sun at Coolum, while making new friends and trying your

hand at new skills and crafts. For further information see the School Admin Office for a copy of the flyer.

Page 6: Wednesday 30th October, 2019 From the Principal...Amanda Ripley, author of new book, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got That Way’ writes, “The trick is that teaching

Pathways | Volume 41 Number 17 | 6

Important Dates for Term 4, 2019


28 Twilight Concert


3 Year 6 Graduation Dinner

4 Year 6 Graduation Service

6 Last Day of Term 4, Closing Service with Semester & Special Awards

The Pathways Newsletter is now available

on our school website

Go to www.stjohnsbundaberg.qld.edu.au

Click on News & Events - Newsletter

and follow the link to the newsletter

Issue 17, 30th October, 2019

or go to our Facebook Page and you will find the link there

Phone 4132 6888

Two Weeks at a Glance

Date Activity Venue Details

Wed 30 Oct 2020 Prep Parent Information

Evening Library

5.30pm – 7.00pm

(2020 Prep enrolled students)

Fri 1 Nov Prep 2020 Transition Morning Prep classroom 9.00am – 10.00am

Fri 15 Nov Prep 2020 Transition Morning Prep classroom 9.00am – 10.00am

Fri 15 Nov Volunteers’ Morning Tea Under the Mango

Tree 9.30am – 10.30am

Fri 22 Nov Swimming Carnival

(whole school event) Norville Pool Separate letter to be sent home soon

Sun 24 Nov Community & School Family

Sunday Service St John’s Church Commences at 10.00am

Thur 28 Nov Twilight Concert School Hall More details to follow

Bundaberg Lutheran Parish

Parish Pastor: Pastor Wayne George

Phone: 4152 5900 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnsbundy.org.au

St John’s

30 George Street

Service Times

8.30am & 10am


Larson Street

Service Time



Tirroan Rd, Gin Gin

Service Time




1st/3rd Sunday of the




Dr May’s Road
